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 Alan Denham 2011 email: alan_Denham@talk21.


Local Mer Pass Greenwich __ __ h __ __ m Ships Clock __ __ : __ __

Long Arc to time Correction __ __ h __ __ m Zone (+/-) __ __ = __ __ : __ __ UT

(+ W long / - E long)
UT of Mer Pass __ __ h __ __ m Greenwich Date________________

Meridian Passage Pro - Forma UT Declination

Hours __ __ N / S __ __º __ __’ . __ d +/- __

Date: ___________________________
Minutes __ __ __ __’ . __
Declination __ __º __ __‘ . __
Latitude __ __º __ __ . __ N / S

Longitude __ __ __º __ __ . __ W / E

Sextant Angle __ __ º __ __ . __ 90º 00'. 0

Index error (On(-)/Off(+)) __ . __ True (Ho) Sextant Angle __ __º __ __ ‘. __

__ __ º __ __ . __ Zenith Distance (ZD) __ __º __ __ ‘. __ =

Height of Eye __ . __m __ . __ +/- Declination __ __º __ __ ‘. __ (see Rules below)

Apparent Altitude __ __ º __ __ . __ Latitude __ __º __ __’. __ N /S

Altitude Correction __ __ . __
Latitude GREATER than Declination (SAME Name) LAT = ZD + Declination
True (Ho)
Latitude LESS than Declination (SAME Name) LAT = Declination – ZD
Sextant Angle __ __ º __ __ . __
Latitude CONTRARY name to Declination LAT = ZD - Declination

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