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ORTIZ, Madellene Jane C.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Activity: Interview

1. How would you describe good/effective communication?

Interviewee 1: Ms. Mikhaela Regillias (A grade 8 student, perspective)

I can describe good and effective communication when there's understanding and effective
connection between two people.

Interviewee 2: Ms. Karen Cate Magabo (A young adult perspective)

For me, I can say that a conversation is a good or an effective one if there is an understanding
and clarity between the receiver and the receiver of the message. And also, feedback can also be
seen through that conversation. However, feedback doesn’t necessarily mean that you can say
your thought verbally or you can say it to other words. But feedback can also be seen in actions,
facial expressions and gestures.

Interviewee 3: Ms. Renee Rose Roxas (An adult perspective)

So, for me, I describe good or effective communication in five words. First is complete, where
we give complete details that are true and reliable to our leaders. Second is efficient, wherein we
deliver our information in simple yet cohesive manner. And next is purpose-driven. Of course,
we have to have purpose in everything we say. And third one is to have respect, to communicate
with respect and empathy to our listeners. And lastly, is to ensure that our message is being
understood. That's why recap or confirming if they have understood the message is very
important for effective communication.
2. Has the development of the social media/internet caused a change in the way we
communicate (quality, quantity, style, etc.)? Why or why not?

Interviewee 1: Ms. Mikhaela Regillias (A grade 8 student, perspective)

Yes, social media or internet caused change in the way we communicate because it provides us
more information and makes it quicker to communicate.

Interviewee 2: Ms. Karen Cate Magabo (A young adult perspective)

For me, social media and internet caused a change when it comes to communication, especially
nowadays. Because sometimes we prefer to convey our thoughts, feelings and ideas through
social media platforms rather than saying it verbally or saying it personally. And also, for me, it
kind of affects the quality of the conversation. Like for instance, when we send a message, we
tend to misunderstand the whole context based on how we read it. Since we just send a message
through messenger or Viber, so it can cause miscommunication. And for me, the way we
communicate does really change because as the society progresses, also the way of
communication and the tools that we use also changes.

Interviewee 3: Ms. Renee Rose Roxas (An adult perspective)

I'm not generalizing but I think yes, it affected the effective communication in a negative way.
Why? Because as mentioned with my definition of effective communication, I think the empathy
is no longer there. Especially with social media that people just post through their emotion
without thinking of others. And then also I think due to the wide range or coverage of the
internet, I think there are many information that are no longer true or reliable. So, we have been
seeing many fake news, fake information which can really affect the effective communication
among our listeners.
So, I think, those are the, my major points. I believe that the internet and the social media has
many advantages if only our users would know its purpose and how to use it in a good way.

Interviewee 1: Ms. Mikhaela Regillias (A grade 8 student, perspective)

Interviewee 2: Ms. Karen Cate Magabo (A young adult perspective)

Interviewee 3: Ms. Renee Rose Roxas (An adult perspective)

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