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Lab #12:

Frequency Discriminator
 FM Demodulation using Frequency Discriminator.
A slope detector and envelop detector together form a frequency discriminator used
for FM demodulation, Slope detectors output produces a hybrid signal, whose
amplitude varies with respect to message signal. So we use an envelope detector to
extract the message signal out of it. A frequency discriminator converts a received
FM signal into a voltage (amplitude) that is an estimate of the instantaneous
frequency of its input without using a local oscillator and, consequently, in a non-
coherent manner. Typically, the conversion is performed in analog discriminators
by applying the FM signal to a band pass filter with a relatively wide bandwidth
and a centre frequency that is shifted somewhat from the FM carrier frequency so
that the instantaneous frequency of the input signal falls in a band on one side of
the filter’s amplitude peak where the response is monotonically increasing or
decreasing. When the instantaneous frequency changes slowly relative to the
timeconstants of the filter, its output is approximately an FM signal with the same
instantaneous frequency but with an envelope that varies according to the
amplitude response of the filter at the instantaneous frequency. This approximation
is called quasi-static analysis. The amplitude variations are then detected with an
envelope detector like the ones used for AM demodulation.In a more advanced
discriminator, the input FM signal s(t) is applied to a second band pass filter with a
centre frequency of f1 = fc + ∆ so the instantaneous frequency of s(t) varies to the
left of f1 and the amplitude variations of the filter output are in the opposite
direction of those of the first filter. The envelope of the output of the first filter is
subtracted from that of the second filter to get the discriminator output. If the
amplitude responses have the same shapes relative to their centre frequencies and
are symmetric about their centre frequencies, the discriminator output will be zero
when the input frequency is at the carrier frequency, positive when it is above, and
negative when below. The filters can be designed to result in a discriminator output
that is almost linearly related to the deviation of the input frequency from the
carrier frequency over an adequately wide range.
Write Matlab code for demodulation of wideband FM signal using Phase locked
loop according to the block diagram shown in figure 2. Left most block is of
Hilbert transform which works on chunk of data (length = 8 or 16 or 32 etc.). You
can use MATLAB Hilbert transform command. All other block work on sample by
sample basis.( hint: use two loops, increment of outer loop will be equal to length
of chunk used by Hilbert transform while inner loop(for all remaining operations)
will be increment by one) demodulated signal is shown by S10(nT). It is
discretized implementation of Frequency discriminator.

The experiment reinforced the theoretical understanding of FM demodulation,
highlighting the importance of precise tuning and the impact of various factors
such as noise and signal strength on demodulation quality. Overall, this lab
provided a comprehensive understanding of FM demodulation using a frequency
discriminator, equipping us with the knowledge to apply these concepts in real-
world communication systems and furthering our appreciation of the intricacies
involved in signal processing and modulation techniques.
Signal to Noise ratio(SNR)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is a fundamental concept in the field of
communications and signal processing, representing the ratio of the power of a
signal to the power of background noise. It is a critical parameter that affects the
performance and reliability of communication systems, determining the clarity and
quality of the transmitted information. A higher SNR indicates a cleaner, more
distinct signal, while a lower SNR suggests that the signal is more obscured by
noise, potentially leading to errors in signal interpretation and data loss.
In this lab, we will delve into the concept of SNR, exploring its significance in
various communication scenarios and its impact on system performance. Through
a series of experiments, we will measure SNR in different contexts, analyze how
noise affects signal transmission, and evaluate methods to improve SNR. This
hands-on approach will not only solidify our theoretical understanding but also
provide practical skills in assessing and enhancing the quality of communication
Understanding SNR is crucial for designing efficient communication systems, as it
directly influences key aspects such as data rate, error rates, and overall system
robustness. By the end of this lab, we aim to have a thorough grasp of how SNR is
measured, the factors that influence it, and strategies to mitigate the adverse effects
of noise, thereby ensuring more reliable and efficient communication.

Matlab Code#
subplot 211
subplot 212
plot (t,y);

The practical insights gained from this lab reinforce the importance of SNR in
designing and optimizing communication systems. By understanding and
managing SNR, we can improve data rates, reduce error rates, and ensure more
robust and efficient transmission of information.
Overall, this lab provided valuable hands-on experience in measuring and
analyzing SNR, equipping us with the knowledge and skills necessary to address
noise-related challenges in real-world communication systems.

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