Rac-Narrative Report

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In our first day at the CSDW or what we call RAC, we were filled with excitement to

work with the young residents. We love kids and looked forward to making a positive
impact on their lives. However, we were taken aback by the challenging behaviors we
encountered, with some children being extremely naughty and even violent.

Despite the initial shock, we quickly realized the importance of patience and
understanding when dealing with these children. It became clear that they needed
care, love, and affection, regardless of their behavior. We learned to stay calm and
approach each situation with empathy, recognizing that the children may be struggling
with underlying issues or trauma.

Over the three weeks of our duty in the psychiatric ward, we gained valuable insights
into psychological disorders and the complexities of mental health care. We
discovered the significance of empathy, patience, and active listening in providing
effective support to individuals facing mental health challenges. Moving forward, we
carry with us a deeper understanding of the human mind and a commitment to
promoting mental well-being in our future practice.

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