SURVER - Elementary (Group 2)

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Submitted to
Faculty of Education Department
Jamiatu Muslim Mindanao
Darussalam, Matampay, Marawi City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
EDUC 107 (Teacher and the School Curriculum)
3rd Trimester AY 2023-2024

Submitted by
Jehanie M. Abdulmalik
Rahimah H.S Amal
Isnaira L. Bato
Jamalia P. Jamal
Hania P. Maute
Junaifa M. Pacasum
Moumin C. Mohamadali

May 18, 2024

Part I. The Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The Respondents of this survey are Elementary Teachers from 2 Private Schools in Marawi City.

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the School of the Respondents

School Frequency Percentage

LIPCFI 5 33.3

JMM 10 66.7

Total 15 100.0

The Table 1 Presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents’

school, the data reveals that 5 or 33.3% of the respondents were from LIPCFI (Lanao Islamic

Paramedical College Foundation Inc.), and 10 or 66.7% were from JMM (Jamiatu Muslim

Mindanao). It implies that most of the respondents are from JMM.

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Grade Level Assignment of the Respondents

Grade Level Assignment Frequency Percentage

Kindergarten 3 20.0

1-3 7 46.7

4-6 5 33.3

Total 15 100.0%
The Table 2 Presents the frequency and Percentage distribution of respondent’s grade

level assignment. The data reveal that 3 or 20.0% of the respondents were teachers in

Kindergarten, 7 or 46.7% were teachers in Grades 1-3 and 5 or 33.3% were teachers in Grades 4-

6. The result shows that majority are teachers in Grades 1-3.

Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Number of Years of Teaching of the


No. of Years of Teaching Frequency Percentage

1-4 Years 6 40.0

5-8 Years 4 26.7

9-12 Years 5 33.3

Total 15 100.0%

The Table 3 presents of frequency and percentage distribution of respondent’s number of

years of teaching. The data reveal that 6 or 40.0% of the respondents have been teaching between

1-4 years, 4 or 26.7% have been teaching between 5-8 years, 5 or 33.3% have been teaching

between 9-12 years. The result shows that majority of the respondents are new teachers.

Table 4

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Degree of the Respondents

Degree Frequency Percentage

BEED 15 100.0
Total 15 100.0%

The Table 4 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of respondent’s Degree

graduated. The data reveal that 15 or 100.0% of the respondents are graduate of BEED or

Bachelor of Elementary Education.

Table 5

Mean and Standard Deviation of Respondent’s Response

Curriculum Self-Assessment Response

Yes No
1. Mastering of Subject Matter 15 0
2. Implementation of Teaching Plan 15 0
3. Monitoring and Assessment of Students’ Learning 15 0
4. Modification of Activity suited for the learners 15 0
5. Leading the new implementation of new curriculum 15 0
in the school
6. Writing of instructional materials based on the 15 0
recommended curriculum
7. Looking for ways to improve teaching and learning 15 0
in the classroom
8. Participation in community activities 15 0
9. Disregard of the learners’ needs and focusing on the 2 13
lesson only
10. Teaching the plan for the students’ to learn 15 0

Table 5 presents the response of the teachers in their self-assessment in the use of

curriculum. It shows that

1. All or 100.0% of the teachers master the subject matter they have to teach.

2. All or 100.0% of the teachers implement what they have planned for their teaching.

3. All or 100.0% of the teachers monitor and assess the learning of their students.
4. All or 100.0% of the teachers modify their activity to suit their learners.

5. All or 100.0% of the teachers lead in the implementation of a new curriculum in their


6. All or 100.0% of the teachers write instructional materials based on the recommended


7. All or 100.0% of the teachers look for ways to improve the teaching and learning in their


8. All or 100.0% of the teachers participate in community activities.

9. 2 or 13.3% of the teachers disregard the needs of their learners and focus only in their


10. 13 or 86.7% of the teachers regard the needs of their learners and does not focus only in

their lesson.

11. All or 100.0% of the teachers teach their plan for their students to learn.

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