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Total Questions - 792

MCQ. Easy (170 Questions)

Q1. What is the main function of the executive branch of government?

A. Law-making

B. Policy formulation and implementation

C. Judicial proceedings

D. Electioneering

Q2. Who is a member of the bureaucratic executive?

A. A president

B. A mayor

C. A civil servant

D. A legislator

Q3. What is another name for the political executive?

A. The legislative branch

B. The bureaucracy

C. The judiciary

D. The governance team

Q4. Who is responsible for preparing the annual budget?

A. The Ministry of Education

B. The Ministry of Health

C. The Ministry of Finance

D. The Ministry of Labour

Q5. What is required before a policy can be implemented?

A. Approval by the judiciary

B. Approval by parliament

C. Funding from the private sector

D. Funding from the government

Q6. What is the final stage of the law-making process?

A. The introduction of a bill

B. The approval of a bill by parliament

C. The executive assent

D. Public consultation

Q7. What is the main function of the executive branch of government in a non-democratic


A. To provide a check on the legislature

B. To uphold the rule of law

C. To be the dominant organ of government

D. To ensure free and fair elections

Q8. Who forms the core of the government and is at the top echelon of the administration?

A. The judiciary

B. The legislature

C. The political executive

D. The civil service

Q9. What is another name for the bureaucratic executive?

A. The political executive

B. The technocrats

C. The civil service

D. The legislators

Q10. Who can overturn the President's veto in the American political system?

A. The head of state

B. The judiciary

C. A two-thirds majority vote by parliament

D. The cabinet

Q11. What is the role of the executive in maintaining law and order?

A. To enforce laws and regulations

B. To create laws and regulations

C. To interpret laws and regulations

D. To maintain a standing army

Q12. Who is responsible for granting pardons and reprieves in the political system?

A. The judiciary

B. The legislature

C. The head of state

D. The cabinet

Q13. Who is responsible for declaring war in the political system?

A. The judiciary

B. The legislature

C. The head of state

D. The cabinet

Q14. What is the role of the executive in providing social amenities?

A. To enforce laws and regulations

B. To create laws and regulations

C. To provide social services such as education and healthcare

D. To interpret laws and regulations

Q15. Who is responsible for making appointments to high national offices in the political


A. The judiciary

B. The legislature

C. The head of state

D. The cabinet

Q16. Who represents the state and its people in international meetings and visits in the

political system?

A. The judiciary

B. The legislature

C. The head of state

D. The cabinet

Q17. Who is responsible for calling a cease-fire in a time of war in the political system?

A. The judiciary

B. The legislature

C. The head of state

D. The military

Q18. Who has the power to dissolve parliament and call for fresh elections in the British

parliamentary system?

A. The judiciary

B. The legislature

C. The head of state

D. The cabinet

Q19. Who is responsible for imposing fines and convictions on errant parties in the judicial


A. The executive

B. The legislature

C. The judiciary

D. The head of state

Q20. What is the primary role of the executive in government administration?

A. To make laws

B. To implement policies and supervise government ministries, departments, and


C. To interpret laws

D. To elect members of the legislature

Q21. What is a ministry in government?

A. A small government department

B. A large government department responsible for a particular sector of national


C. A group of civil servants who implement policies

D. A sub-agency of a ministry

Q22. Who is the head of the executive in a democratic state?

A. The chief justice

B. The president

C. The speaker of the legislature

D. The prime minister

Q23. Why do countries establish foreign relations?

A. To remain isolated and self-sufficient

B. To negotiate, sign agreements, and enter into other forms of relations with

other states and international associations for the benefit of its people

C. To reduce the power of the legislature

D. To violate the constitution

Q24. What is the role of the legislature in checking the powers of the executive?

A. To approve appointments made by the executive

B. To declare unconstitutional acts of the executive null and void

C. To initiate and assent to bills and grant pardons to criminals

D. To control the media and public opinion

Q25. Which of the following is not a way the public can control the executive?

A. Boycotts

B. Strikes

C. Impeachment

D. Open demonstrations and protests

Q26. What is the role of the media in controlling the executive?

A. To promote the executive's agenda

B. To bring to light actions of the executive that do not reflect public interest

C. To pass laws to restrict the executive's power

D. To negotiate agreements with other countries

Q27. Which of the following is not an external source of control over the executive?

A. The United Nations

B. The World Bank

C. The African Union

D. The judiciary

Q28. Which of the following is a constitutional limitation on the executive?

A. The power to negotiate with other countries

B. The fear of impeachment

C. The power to control the media

D. The power to veto laws passed by the legislature

Q29. Which of the following is not a type of executive system?

A. Presidential executive system

B. Parliamentary executive system

C. Monarchical executive system

D. Hybrid executive system

Q30. In a presidential executive system, who is the head of the executive?

A. The president

B. The prime minister

C. The speaker of the legislature

D. The chief justice

Q31. In a parliamentary executive system, what happens if the legislature rejects a major

policy of the executive?

A. The executive can ignore the legislature's decision

B. The executive can dissolve the legislature and call for new elections

C. The executive can continue with the policy without the legislature's approval

D. The executive must resign

Q32. In a hybrid executive system, who is the head of the executive?

A. The president

B. The prime minister

C. The speaker of the legislature

D. The chief justice

Q33. Which of the following is not a way the executive can be controlled by the legislature?

A. The legislature can reject the executive's policy proposals

B. The legislature can approve or reject the executive's budget

C. The legislature can declare unconstitutional acts of the executive null and void

D. The legislature can grant pardons to criminals

Q34. Which of the following is not a limitation on the executive's power to negotiate with

other countries?

A. External sources of control, such as trade partners or international


B. The need for legislative approval of certain agreements

C. The fear of impeachment

D. The president's personal preferences

Q35. Which of the following is not a way the public can control the executive through public


A. Boycotts

B. Strikes

C. Open demonstrations and protests

D. Bribing government officials

Q36. Which of the following is not a role of the media in controlling the executive?

A. Educating the public about the executive's actions

B. Informing the public about the executive's actions

C. Condemning the executive's actions that do not reflect public interest

D. Censoring the executive's actions that do not reflect public interest

Q37. Which of the following is not a way the executive can be controlled by the judiciary?

A. Through the power of judicial review

B. Through the power of impeachment

C. Through the power of legislative approval

D. Through the power of declaring unconstitutional acts null and void

Q38. Which of the following is not a way the executive can be controlled by periodic


A. By the fear of losing the confidence of the electorate

B. By the fear of impeachment

C. By the need for legislative approval

D. By the need to negotiate with other countries

Q39. Which system of government has a single chief executive directly or indirectly elected

by the electorate through a popular election?

A. Parliamentary system

B. Monarchical system

C. Presidential executive system

D. Dual executive system

Q40. Which system of government is traditionally practiced in countries like Bolivia, Chile,

and Mexico?

A. Parliamentary system

B. Monarchical system

C. Presidential executive system

D. Dual executive system

Q41. What is the system of government in which there is a ceremonial head of state who may

be a monarch or a president who wields only ceremonial powers and is only a titular

head of state?

A. Parliamentary system

B. Presidential executive system

C. Dual executive system

D. Monarchical system

Q42. Which system of government has a monocephalous executive?

A. Dual executive system

B. Parliamentary system

C. Presidential executive system

D. Monarchical system

Q43. In the presidential executive system, which organ of government is completely

independent of the others in terms of personnel, functions, location, and structure?

A. Legislative

B. Executive

C. Judiciary

D. Media

Q44. In the presidential executive system, who selects his or her ministers?

A. The speaker of the parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The president

D. The vice president

Q45. In the presidential executive system, how is the president elected?

A. By the parliament

B. By the electorate

C. By the prime minister

D. By the judiciary

Q46. In the presidential executive system, how long is the president's tenure?

A. Two years

B. Three years

C. Four years

D. Five years

Q47. How can the president be removed from office in the presidential executive system?

A. By parliament

B. By the electorate

C. By the prime minister

D. By constitutional means and under extraordinary circumstances

Q48. Who is directly responsible to the people in the presidential executive system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The president

D. The vice president

Q49. Who is assisted by a vice president in the presidential executive system?

A. The speaker of the parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The president

D. The chief justice

Q50. In the presidential executive system, who shares the executive powers with the


A. The vice president

B. The prime minister

C. The speaker of the parliament

D. The judiciary

Q51. In the presidential executive system, who takes over as the president in the absence of

the president or in the event of his or her inability to perform his or her functions?

A. The speaker of the parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The vice president

D. The chief justice

Q52. In the presidential executive system, who is the head of state?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The president

D. The vice president

Q53. In the presidential executive system, who exercises the powers in accordance with the

constitution of the state?

A. The speaker of the parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The president

D. The vice president

Q54. In the presidential executive system, who is the ceremonial head of state?

A. The prime minister

B. The speaker of the parliament

C. The president

D. The vice president

Q55. In the presidential executive system, who is the real executive head of government?

A. The prime minister

B. The speaker of the parliament

C. The president

D. The vice president

Q56. In the presidential executive system, who exercises the prerogative of mercy?

A. The speaker of the parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The president

D. The vice president

Q57. In the presidential executive system, who is the head of government?

A. The speaker of the parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The president

D. The vice president

Q58. Who nominates the executive ministers in the presidential system?

A. The parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The president

D. The cabinet

Q59. Who is the supreme commander of the country's armed forces in the presidential


A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The president

D. The cabinet

Q60. Who is the head of state in the presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The president

D. The cabinet

Q61. Who determines the foreign policy direction of the country in the presidential system?

A. The parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The cabinet

D. The president

Q62. Who is vested with the power to veto a bill enacted by parliament in the presidential


A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The president

Q63. Who is the chairman of the cabinet in the presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The president

D. The cabinet

Q64. Who is the fount of honour in the presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The president

D. The cabinet

Q65. Who exercises the prerogative of mercy in the presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The president

Q66. Who can initiate policies for the sound administration of the state in the presidential


A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The president

Q67. Who receives foreign dignitaries and envoys accredited to the country in the presidential


A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The president

Q68. Who is the boss in his or her own right in the presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The president

D. The cabinet

Q69. Whose mandate does the president exercise in the presidential system?

A. The parliament

B. The prime minister

C. The cabinet

D. The electorate

Q70. Who is the supreme authority in the presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The Constitution

D. The president

Q71. Who is the ceremonial head of state in the presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The president

Q72. Who has the power to assent to bills enacted by the legislature to become laws in the

presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The president

Q73. Who can overturn the president's power of veto in the presidential system?

A. The prime minister

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The electorate

Q74. Who is the chairman of the cabinet in the parliamentary system?

A. The prime minister

B. The president

C. The parliament

D. The cabinet

Q75. Who is the supreme commander of the country's armed forces in the parliamentary


A. The prime minister

B. The president

C. The parliament

D. The cabinet

Q76. Who determines the foreign policy direction of the country in the parliamentary system?

A. The president

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The prime minister

Q77. What is the type of government in which the functions of the head of state and the head

of government are performed by two separate personalities?

A. Presidential system

B. Parliamentary system

C. Monarchical system

D. Dictatorial system

Q78. What is the name of the executive body in the parliamentary system?

A. The cabinet

B. The executive council

C. The parliament

D. The senate

Q79. Who appoints the head of government in the parliamentary system?

A. The parliament

B. The head of state

C. The prime minister

D. The electoral college

Q80. Who presides over the cabinet meetings in the parliamentary system?

A. The head of state

B. The speaker of the parliament

C. The prime minister

D. The cabinet secretary

Q81. What is the name of the head of government in the parliamentary system?

A. The president

B. The prime minister

C. The cabinet secretary

D. The speaker of parliament

Q82. What is the term for the fusion of powers in the parliamentary system?

A. Dualism

B. Bicephaly

C. Unitary government

D. Fusion of powers

Q83. What is the name of the legislative body in the parliamentary system?

A. The senate

B. The parliament

C. The executive council

D. The cabinet

Q84. What is the name of the head of state in the parliamentary system?

A. The president

B. The prime minister

C. The monarch

D. The speaker of the parliament

Q85. What is the name of the body that recommends the appointment of the head of state in

the parliamentary system?

A. The electoral college

B. The parliament

C. The cabinet

D. The constitutional council

Q86. What is the position of the Prime Minister in relation to the other ministers in the British

parliamentary system?

A. Primus inter pares

B. Subordinate to other ministers

C. A figurehead with no power

D. A member of the opposition party

Q87. How is the cabinet formed in the British parliamentary system?

A. Through a popular vote

B. By the monarch

C. Out of people's representatives in parliament

D. By the Prime Minister alone

Q88. What is the principle of collective responsibility in the parliamentary model?

A. The decision and policies of the cabinet are not binding on all members

B. The decision and policies of the cabinet are binding on all members who must

support them in public

C. The Prime Minister is not responsible for the effects or performance of their


D. The Prime Minister can act independently of the cabinet

Q89. What happens when a vote of censure is passed against the government in the

parliamentary system?

A. The government is dissolved and new elections are held

B. The government is given more time to address the concerns of parliament

C. The government is allowed to continue with its policies unchanged

D. The government is forced to resign and the opposition takes over power

Q90. What is the indeterminate term limit of the executive in the pure form of parliamentary

system as it operates in Britain?

A. The executive serves a definite period of four years

B. The executive serves a definite period of five years, but this can be extended

through a vote of no confidence

C. The executive serves a definite period of five years, but the Prime Minister can

call for fresh elections ahead of time

D. The executive serves an indefinite term subject to the approval of parliament

Q91. Who becomes the Prime Minister in the British parliamentary system?

A. The head of the minority party

B. The head of the majority party

C. The leader of the opposition party

D. The head of a coalition of parties

Q92. What is the role of ministers in the British parliamentary system?

A. To serve as advisors to the Prime Minister

B. To perform a dual role as ministers of government and members of parliament

C. To be independent of parliament and the Prime Minister

D. To represent the interests of the opposition

Q93. What is the main difference between the parliamentary system and the presidential

system of government?

A. In the parliamentary system, the cabinet is formed out of people's

representatives in parliament, while in the presidential system, the cabinet is

appointed by the President

B. In the parliamentary system, the cabinet is responsible to parliament, while in

the presidential system, the cabinet is responsible to the President

C. In the parliamentary system, the Prime Minister has limited powers, while in

the presidential system, the President has unlimited powers

D. In the parliamentary system, the government is elected for a definite period of

time, while in the presidential system, the government serves for an indeterminate


Q94. What happens if a cabinet member disagrees with his or her colleagues over a major

policy issue in the parliamentary system?

A. The cabinet member is allowed to make a public statement contradicting the

decision of the cabinet

B. The cabinet member must resign from the cabinet

C. The cabinet member is allowed to vote against the decision of the cabinet in


D. The cabinet member is held personally responsible for the policy and must

support and defend it in public

Q95. How is the Prime Minister elected in the British parliamentary system?

A. Through a popular vote

B. By the monarch

C. By the members of parliament

D. By the head of the political party with the majority of elected representatives

Q96. What is the role of the cabinet in the British parliamentary system?

A. To serve as advisors to the Prime Minister

B. To act independently of the Prime Minister and parliament

C. To make decisions and policies as a team

D. To represent the interests of the opposition

Q97. What is the significance of the principle of collective responsibility in the parliamentary


A. It allows the cabinet to make decisions and policies independently of


B. It ensures that the cabinet is accountable to parliament as a body

C. It allows the cabinet to act as a group of independent advisors to the Prime


D. It allows the cabinet to make decisions and policies based on the individual

opinions of its members

Q98. What is the role of the opposition party in the parliamentary system?

A. To support the government and its policies

B. To initiate a vote of censure against the government

C. To act as a figurehead with no power

D. To serve as advisors to the Prime Minister

Q99. What is the meaning of the term "primus inter pares" in the context of the British

parliamentary system?

A. A member of the opposition party

B. A figurehead with no power

C. First among equals

D. Subordinate to other ministers

Q100.What is the difference between a cabinet member and a regular member of parliament in

the parliamentary system?

A. Cabinet members are not members of parliament, while regular members of

parliament are not cabinet members

B. Cabinet members are at the same time parliamentarians and, therefore, perform

a dual role as ministers of government and members of parliament, while regular

members of parliament do not have this dual role

C. Cabinet members are appointed by the Prime Minister, while regular members

of parliament are elected by the people

D. Cabinet members are responsible for making decisions and policies as a team,

while regular members of parliament are not involved in this process

Q101.What is the role of the monarch in the British parliamentary system?

A. To make decisions and policies as a member of the cabinet

B. To appoint the cabinet

C. To serve as a figurehead with no power

D. To act as the head of the political party with the majority of elected


Q102.What is the meaning of the term "fusion of powers" in the context of the parliamentary


A. The separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial

branches of government

B. The co-equal status of the legislative and executive branches of government

C. The practice of the doctrine of collective responsibility in the cabinet

D. The merger of the legislative and executive branches of government

Q103.What is the consequence of policy failure in the parliamentary system?

A. The cabinet is dissolved and new elections are held

B. The Prime Minister is held personally responsible for the policy and must

support and defend it in public

C. The cabinet member who disagreed with the policy is held personally

responsible for it

D. The cabinet member who disagreed with the policy is allowed to make a public

statement contradicting the decision of the cabinet

Q104.What is the difference between a vote of censure and a vote of no confidence in the

parliamentary system?

A. A vote of censure is a formal expression of disapproval, while a vote of no

confidence is a vote to remove the government from power

B. A vote of censure is a vote to remove the government from power, while a vote

of no confidence is a formal expression of disapproval

C. A vote of censure is a vote to remove the Prime Minister from power, while a

vote of no confidence is a formal expression of disapproval

D. A vote of censure is a vote to remove the leader of the opposition party from

power, while a vote of no confidence is a formal expression of disapproval

Q105.Who was Margaret Thatcher's successor as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

A. Neville Chamberlain

B. Winston Churchill

C. John Major

D. Winston Churchill's successor

Q106.Why did Margaret Thatcher's popularity dip in 1990?

A. Following the introduction of a new tax regime

B. After a successful military campaign

C. Following a diplomatic triumph

D. After a major economic downturn

Q107.In the parliamentary system, what is the supremacy of parliament?

A. The parliament's power to create laws

B. The parliament's superiority over the executive branch

C. The parliament's authority to appoint government officials

D. The parliament's ability to control the military

Q108.Who is responsible for the introduction of policies in the parliamentary system?

A. The Prime Minister

B. The Opposition

C. The Cabinet

D. The Parliament

Q109.What is the role of the opposition in the parliamentary system?

A. To oppose government policies

B. To support government policies

C. To introduce new policies

D. To appoint government officials

Q110.Who appoints government ministers in the parliamentary system?

A. The Prime Minister

B. The Opposition

C. The Parliament

D. The Head of State

Q111.What is the power to dissolve parliament?

A. The power to create laws

B. The power to control the military

C. The power to appoint government officials

D. The power to call for fresh elections

Q112.Why does the Prime Minister recommend for the dissolution of parliament?

A. To maintain power

B. To pass new laws

C. To increase government spending

D. To hold a referendum

Q113.Who holds the executive power in the parliamentary system?

A. The Head of State

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Cabinet

D. The Opposition

Q114.What is the role of the legislature in the parliamentary system?

A. To hold the executive accountable

B. To introduce new policies

C. To appoint government officials

D. To control the military

Q115.Who is the appointed leader of the party in the parliamentary system?

A. The Cabinet

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Head of State

D. The Opposition

Q116.What is the role of the shadow cabinet in the parliamentary system?

A. To monitor the activities of the various ministries

B. To introduce new policies

C. To appoint government officials

D. To control the military

Q117.Who becomes directly responsible to parliament for its actions and inactions in the

parliamentary system?

A. The Head of State

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Cabinet

D. The Opposition

Q118.Who becomes the opposition leader or the shadow prime minister in the parliamentary


A. The Head of State

B. The Prime Minister

C. The minor party leader in parliament

D. The major party leader in parliament

Q119.What is the role of the opposition party in the parliamentary system?

A. To criticize policies of the ruling party

B. To support policies of the ruling party

C. To introduce new policies

D. To control the military

Q120.What is the fear of being thrown out of office through a censure motion in the

parliamentary system?

A. The fear of losing power

B. The fear of being punished

C. The fear of being impeached

D. The fear of being removed from office

Q121.What is the strict party discipline in the parliamentary system?

A. The obligation to vote in favor of a policy

B. The obligation to resign from office

C. The obligation to criticize the government

D. The obligation to work in unison

Q122.Who is responsible for the collapse of the cabinet in the parliamentary system?

A. The Prime Minister

B. The Opposition

C. A defeat in the major policy of the government

D. A censure motion

Q123.Who is the head of cabinet in the parliamentary system?

A. The Prime Minister

B. The Head of State

C. The Opposition

D. The Speaker of the House

Q124.What is the position held by the person who leads the majority party or coalition in the

parliamentary system of government?

A. Ceremonial head of state

B. Prime Minister

C. Opposition leader

D. Speaker of the parliament

Q125.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Appointing judges

B. Dissolving parliament

C. Proposing constitutional amendments

D. Approving international treaties

Q126.What is the role of the head of state in the parliamentary system of government?

A. Leading the majority party or coalition

B. Performing ceremonial functions

C. Formulating policies for the government

D. Serving as a liaison between the government and other states

Q127.Which of the following is an advantage of the parliamentary system of government over

the presidential system?

A. Separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches

B. Fusion of powers and personnel of the legislature and cabinet

C. A single executive head with unlimited powers

D. A weak President and a strong Prime Minister

Q128.What is the effect of losing parliamentary support and confidence on the government in

the parliamentary system of government?

A. Increased power and influence for the Prime Minister

B. Reduced burden for the executive heads

C. Decreased chances of staying in power

D. Ability to veto legislation passed by parliament

Q129.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Appointing the head of state

B. Gracing important national ceremonies

C. Introducing policies in parliament

D. Exercising prerogative of mercy

Q130.What is the role of the Prime Minister in the relationship between the government and

the electorate in the parliamentary system of government?

A. Maintaining a distance from the people

B. Making occasional public appearances

C. Addressing the citizenry through the media to explain government policies

D. Ignoring the concerns and needs of the people

Q131.Which of the following is an advantage of the parliamentary system of government over

the presidential system?

A. The splitting of executive responsibilities and sharing between a ceremonial

leader and a leader of government affairs

B. Monopolizing the use of power by a single person

C. The absence of checks and balances between the executive and legislative


D. Unlimited power for the head of state

Q132.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Nominating ministers from the opposition party to form the cabinet

B. Serving as a liaison between the government and other states

C. Appointing judges to the supreme court

D. Approving international treaties without parliamentary approval

Q133.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Gracing important national ceremonies

B. Advising the head of state on bills passed by parliament which the latter has to

sign into law

C. Appointing opposition members to the cabinet

D. Exercising prerogative of mercy without consulting the cabinet

Q134.Which of the following is an advantage of the parliamentary system of government over

the presidential system?

A. Ensuring a smooth transition during a change-over period from one political

regime to another

B. Appointing family members to top national appointments

C. Granting immunity to the President and his or her family

D. Granting unlimited terms to the head of state

Q135.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Appointing members of the opposition party to key government positions

B. Formulating policies in isolation from the cabinet

C. Holding regular meetings with the ceremonial head of state to keep him or her

informed of decisions cabinet has taken on matters of public business

D. Ignoring the concerns and needs of the minority party

Q136.Which of the following is an advantage of the parliamentary system of government over

the presidential system?

A. Preventing the emergence of dictatorship and the abuse of individual liberties

B. Promoting responsible governance by keeping the government in check

C. Encouraging corruption and bribery in the government

D. Limiting the participation of citizens in the political process

Q137.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Appointing members of the opposition party to the cabinet

B. Making unilateral decisions without consulting the cabinet

C. Presiding over the meetings of the cabinet and planning policies for the sound

administration of the state

D. Ignoring the concerns and needs of the minority party

Q138.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Appointing judges to the supreme court without consulting the cabinet

B. Formulating policies in isolation from the cabinet

C. Serving as a liaison between the government and other states

D. Exercising prerogative of mercy without consulting the cabinet

Q139.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Ignoring the concerns and needs of the minority party

B. Formulating foreign policies without consulting the cabinet

C. Holding regular meetings with the ceremonial head of state to keep him or her

informed of decisions cabinet has taken on matters of public business

D. Granting unlimited power to the head of state

Q140.Which of the following is an advantage of the parliamentary system of government over

the presidential system?

A. Encouraging corruption and bribery in the government

B. Promoting a strong and independent judiciary

C. Preventing the emergence of dictatorship and the abuse of individual liberties

D. Granting unlimited powers to the head of state

Q141.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Appointing members of the opposition party to the cabinet

B. Making unilateral decisions without consulting the cabinet

C. Serving as a liaison between the government and other states

D. Ignoring the concerns and needs of the minority party

Q142.Which of the following is a function of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

of government?

A. Formulating policies in isolation from the cabinet

B. Ignoring the concerns and needs of the minority party

C. Advising the head of state on bills passed by parliament which the latter has to

sign into law

D. Granting immunity to the Prime Minister and his or her family

Q143.What type of power does the Executive 89 have in the parliamentary system?

A. The power to veto legislation

B. The power to assume political office for another party

C. The power to dissolve parliament

D. The power to declare war

Q144.In the parliamentary system, how are the tenures of the head of state and parliament


A. The tenures run concurrently

B. The tenure of the head of state is longer than that of parliament

C. The tenure of parliament is longer than that of the head of state

D. The tenure of the head of state does not run concurrently with that of


Q145.What is the role of the opposition party in the parliamentary system?

A. To support the government's policies

B. To serve as a check on the government's power

C. To propose legislation

D. To represent the interests of the minority

Q146.What is one potential problem with the parliamentary system?

A. The government may be unstable and uncertain

B. The opposition party may not have enough power

C. The head of state may veto legislation

D. The head of government may not have enough power

Q147.What is the fusion of powers between the executive and legislative arms of government

in the parliamentary system?

A. A violation of the principle of separation of powers

B. A necessary component of the parliamentary system

C. A feature of the presidential system

D. A concept that does not exist in any system of government

Q148.What is the practice of ministers doubling as parliamentarians in the parliamentary

system called?

A. The burdened minister

B. The dual mandate

C. The cabinet system

D. The majority system

Q149.What is an example of a hybrid model of government?

A. The United States

B. Ghana

C. France under the Fifth Republic

D. The United Kingdom

Q150.What is the role of the head of state in the presidential system of government?

A. To serve as the head of government

B. To propose legislation

C. To appoint the head of government

D. To be elected by the legislature

Q151.What is the role of the opposition party in the presidential system of government?

A. To serve as a check on the government's power

B. To propose legislation

C. To support the government's policies

D. To represent the interests of the minority

Q152.What is the major feature of the parliamentary system of government?

A. The fusion of powers between the executive and the legislative arms of


B. The partial separation of powers among the three branches of government

C. The single executive leader

D. The bicephalous nature of the executive

Q153.What is the fear of usage of censure motion in the parliamentary system of government?

A. It makes the government to be more responsive to the needs of the citizenry

B. It puts the government on its toes to deliver the public good

C. It creates fertile grounds for the opposition to criticize the government

D. It retards national development

Q154.What is the role of the opposition group in the parliamentary system of government?

A. To criticize the extremist actions of the government

B. To resist any attempt to visit untold hardship on the people by the government

C. To cooperate with the government in the implementation of policies

D. To propose legislation

Q155.What is the benefit of the parliamentary system of government over the presidential

system of government?

A. It promotes efficiency in governance

B. It reduces the workload of the executive heads

C. It promotes unhealthy wrangling between the ruling and opposition parties

D. It violates the theory of separation of powers

Q156.What is the downside of the parliamentary system of government?

A. Premature collapse of governments

B. Rifts between the two top leaders

C. Personality clashes between the two top executive heads

D. All of the above

Q157.What is the reason for the adoption of a hybrid model of government in France under the

Fifth Republic?

A. To overcome the highly unstable nature inherent in the cabinet system

B. To create a single executive leader

C. To promote efficiency in governance

D. To separate powers between the executive and the legislative arms of


Q158.What is the impact of personality clashes between the two top executive heads in the

parliamentary system on the state?

A. It can plunge the state into chaos

B. It can create opportunity for the military adventurists to seize political power

C. It can lead to the emergence of possible dictatorship

D. All of the above

Q159.What is the impact of the bicephalous nature of the executive in the parliamentary

system on the state?

A. It can lead to delays in the processes of decision-making and implementation

B. It can stall development projects

C. It can make the state the end loser

D. All of the above

Q160.What is the impact of the dual mandate of ministers in the parliamentary system on their

effectiveness and efficiency?

A. It can increase their workload

B. It can affect their effectiveness and efficiency

C. It can make it difficult for them to fulfill the duties of both a minister and a


D. All of the above

Q161.What is the reason for the unstable tenure of government in the parliamentary system?

A. The cabinet could be unseated prematurely through the passing of a vote of no

confidence or censure motion

B. Parliament could also be dissolved by the head of state anytime the need arises

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

Q162.Who is elected in a popularly contested election for a fixed term of seven years in the

hybrid system of France?

A. Prime Minister

B. Cabinet

C. President

D. Legislature

Q163.Who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the government in the hybrid system of


A. President

B. Cabinet

C. Prime Minister

D. Legislature

Q164.Who selects the Prime Minister in the hybrid system of France?

A. President

B. Legislature

C. Cabinet

D. Citizens

Q165.Who chairs cabinet meetings in the hybrid system of France?

A. President

B. Prime Minister

C. Legislature

D. Cabinet

Q166.Who exercises notable responsibilities including the appointment of state governors and

also the right to take over governance of the state during emergencies in India?

A. President

B. Prime Minister

C. Legislature

D. Cabinet

Q167.Who is the dominant political force in India according to the hybrid system?

A. President

B. Prime Minister

C. Legislature

D. Cabinet

Q168.Who is the head of the majority party in the lower house and appoints and dismisses

cabinet members in Germany?

A. President

B. Prime Minister

C. Chancellor

D. Legislature

Q169.Who combines two functions - ceremonial and real executive during national

emergencies in Germany?

A. President

B. Prime Minister

C. Cabinet

D. Chancellor

Q170.Who must sign a bill before it is enacted in Finland?

A. President

B. Prime Minister

C. Legislature

D. Cabinet

MCQ. Medium (155 Questions)

Q171.Which of the following staff are part of the political executive and bureaucratic


A. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers

B. Technocrats, Bureaucrats, Administrators

C. Mayors, District or Municipal Chief Executives, Ambassadors

D. Personal advisors, Assistants, Civil Servants

Q172.Which of the following are the functions of the executive?

A. Policy Formulation and Implementation

B. Preparation of Budgets

C. Legislative Function

D. Judicial Function

Q173.Which of the following are sources of revenue for governments?

A. Taxation

B. Borrowing from both domestic and external sources

C. Financial grants from international organizations

D. All of the above

Q174.Which of the following is responsible for the initiation, formulation, and implementation

of public policies?

A. The executive

B. The legislature

C. The judiciary

D. Political parties

Q175.Which of the following is a set of decisions and actions taken by a government to solve a

problem confronting the people of a state?

A. Policy

B. Law

C. Act

D. Bill

Q176.Which of the following is the final stage of the law-making process?

A. Introduction of a bill in parliament

B. Debate and approval of a bill in parliament

C. Executive assent to a bill passed by parliament

D. Referral of a bill to the President for his or her assent

Q177.Which of the following is responsible for the preparation of the national budget?

A. The executive

B. The legislature

C. The judiciary

D. The civil service

Q178.Which of the following is not a function of the executive?

A. Policy Formulation and Implementation

B. Preparation of Budgets

C. Legislative Function

D. Judicial Function

Q179.Which of the following is not a source of revenue for governments?

A. Taxation

B. Borrowing from both domestic and external sources

C. Financial grants from international organizations

D. Sale of government properties

Q180.Which of the following is not a type of policy?

A. Educational policy

B. Health policy

C. Fiscal policy

D. Military policy

Q181.Which of the following is not an instrument of the executive?

A. The President

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Cabinet

D. The Legislature

Q182.Which of the following is not a function of the bureaucratic executive?

A. Providing technical advice and support to the political executive

B. Formulating and implementing policies

C. Assisting the political executive in putting into effect their advertised policies

and programmes

D. Helping with the implementation of policies so formulated with the hope of

realizing their objectives

Q183.Which of the following is not a member of the political executive?

A. The President

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Cabinet Secretary

D. The Minister of Finance

Q184.Which of the following is not a function of the executive in a non-democratic regime?

A. Suppression of the legislature

B. Proscription of the judiciary

C. Double as the legislature

D. Introduction of educational policies

Q185.Which of the following is not a type of staff in the executive organ of government?

A. Politicians

B. Bureaucrats

C. Technocrats

D. Judges

Q186.Which of the following is not a function of the legislature?

A. Law-making

B. Budget-making

C. Oversight of the executive

D. Judicial function

Q187.Which of the following is not a source of revenue for governments in a non-democratic


A. Taxation

B. Borrowing from both domestic and external sources

C. Financial grants from international organizations

D. Seizure of private properties

Q188.Which of the following is not a type of policy in a non-democratic regime?

A. Educational policy

B. Health policy

C. Fiscal policy

D. Political party policy

Q189.Which of the following is not a function of the executive in a democratic regime?

A. Suppression of the legislature

B. Proscription of the judiciary

C. Double as the legislature

D. Respect for the rule of law

Q190.Which of the following functions are performed by the executive in maintaining law and


A. Maintaining the coercive apparatus

B. Providing social amenities

C. Appointing top officials

D. Granting pardon to convicted criminals

Q191.Which of the following are true about the judicial functions performed by the head of


A. The head of state can grant pardon to convicted criminals

B. The head of state can reduce the severity of sentences imposed on convicts

C. The head of state can grant amnesty to people who have committed offences

against the government

D. The head of state can hear cases involving people, groups, and organizations

Q192.Which of the following are true about the appointment of top officials by the head of


A. The head of state appoints people into high national offices

B. The head of state appoints the Chief Justice and other justices of the superior


C. The head of state appoints ambassadors and high commissioners who represent

the country's diplomatic missions abroad

D. The head of state appoints the head of the central bank

Q193.Which are the institutions whose activities limit the powers of the executive?

A. The judiciary and civil society organizations

B. The legislature and the media

C. External sources and the United Nations

D. The president and the cabinet

Q194.What happens to the cabinet in a parliamentary executive system if parliament rejects a

major policy?

A. The cabinet collapses, leading to fresh elections

B. The president can veto the decision

C. The cabinet remains in power, but the policy is discarded

D. The cabinet can appeal the decision to the judiciary

Q195.Which of the following controls the activities of the executive in Britain through judicial


A. The Supreme Court

B. The House of Lords

C. The High Court

D. There is no judicial review in Britain

Q196.Which factors can control the executive through financial measures?

A. International organizations and the legislature

B. The media and the public

C. External sources and civil society organizations

D. The president and chief justice

Q197.What is the limit on the executive's power to remove a chief justice from office in


A. The executive can remove a chief justice at any time

B. The executive needs parliament's approval to remove a chief justice

C. The Supreme Court can rule on the constitutionality of the removal

D. The constitution has no provisions for removing a chief justice

Q198.How do periodic elections restrict the executive?

A. Through the fear of losing the confidence of the electorate

B. By placing trade restrictions on the executive

C. By embedding constitutional limitations on the executive

D. Through impeachment and removal from office

Q199.Which of the following is a type of the executive?

A. The presidential executive system

B. The parliamentary executive system

C. The hybrid executive system

D. The ministerial executive system

Q200.Which sources control the activities of the executive through co-operation and relations?

A. States and international bodies

B. The media and civil society organizations

C. The legislature and the judiciary

D. The president and the cabinet

Q201.How does the public exert influence on executive decisions and actions?

A. Through boycotts, strikes, open demonstrations, and protests

B. By controlling the media and public opinion instruments

C. Through participation in legislative campaigns and elections

D. By appealing to the judiciary for intervention

Q202.Which constitutional provision in the United States places limitations on the executive?

A. Impeachment and removal from office

B. The power to declare unconstitutional acts null and void

C. The absence of judicial review

D. Certain injunctions in the country's Constitution

Q203.What is the primary role of the executive in supervising the activities of government

ministries, departments, and agencies?

A. To ensure they conform to the broad policies of the government

B. To make sure they allocate resources equally and fairly

C. To regulate the activities of the legislature and the judiciary

D. To engage in foreign relations and interactions

Q204.Which of the following is an example of a ministry?

A. Health

B. Agriculture

C. Education

D. Finance

Q205.How does the media control the executive in a democratic state?

A. By bringing to light actions of the executive that do not reflect public interest

B. By declaring unconstitutional acts of the executive null and void

C. By influencing public opinion through boycotts, strikes, and demonstrations

D. By reporting only positive news about the executive to maintain public support

Q206.Which types of resources impact the formation of international relations?

A. Equal allocation of resources

B. Unequal allocation of resources

C. Lack of resources

D. Unlimited availability of resources

Q207.How do trade restrictions act as a form of control over the executive?

A. By limiting the resources available for policy implementation

B. By hindering the executive's ability to enter into international agreements

C. By placing pressure on the executive to maintain positive relations with

international partners

D. By creating economic instability within the country

Q208.What are the primary activities of a ministry in a democratic state?

A. Engaging in foreign relations and interactions

B. Law-making and policy implementation

C. Managing a particular sector of the country's total administration or national life

D. Adjudicating cases and interpreting laws

Q209.Which of the following is an example of an executive appointment requiring legislative


A. The selection of a new cabinet member

B. The appointment of a judge to a lower court

C. The election of a new country representative to the United Nations

D. The nomination of a new chief justice

Q210.What types of limitations does the legislature place on the executive in a democratic


A. Approving or rejecting major policy proposals and the annual budget

B. Interfering with executive functions related to law-making, policy

implementation, and adjudication of cases

C. Placing trade restrictions and embargos on the country

D. Removing executive members from office through impeachment

Q211.How can the public exert influence over executive decisions and actions in Ghana?

A. Through legislation and participation in elections

B. Through civil society organizations and public opinion instruments like

demonstrations and strikes

C. Through media campaigns and participation in international agreements

D. Through appeals to international organizations and the United Nations

Q212.Which of the following countries do not follow the presidential executive system?

A. Bolivia

B. Britain

C. Mexico

D. Argentina

Q213.Which of the following is an outstanding feature of the presidential system of


A. Multiple executive leaders

B. Separation of powers between organs of government

C. The president being a member of parliament

D. Sharing of executive powers with other individuals

Q214.How many terms can the president serve in the presidential executive system?

A. Three

B. Two

C. One

D. Indefinitely

Q215.Which of the following is a ceremonial function of the president in the presidential

executive system?

A. Gracing important national ceremonies

B. Formation of cabinet to help formulate sound policies for the development of the


C. Appointment of judges to the highest courts

D. Leading the majority party in parliament

Q216.Which of the following is a real executive function of the president in the presidential

executive system?

A. Formation of cabinet to help formulate sound policies for the development of the


B. Receiving a salary and benefits from the state

C. Being a member of parliament

D. Being a figurehead with limited powers

Q217.Which of the following is a consequence of the security of tenure enjoyed by the

president and his cabinet in the presidential executive system?

A. The president can only be removed from office prematurely through

constitutional means and under extraordinary circumstances

B. The president can be removed from office by a vote of no confidence in


C. The president can be removed from office by the vice president

D. The president can be removed from office by a simple majority vote in a


Q218.Which of the following is an advantage of weak party discipline in the presidential

executive system?

A. It allows for more diversity of opinion in parliament

B. It allows the president to be more independent and make decisions based on his

or her own judgment

C. It allows for more efficient decision-making in parliament

D. It allows for more stability in the government

Q219.Which of the following is an advantage of the direct responsibility of the president to the

electorate in the presidential executive system?

A. It allows the president to be more accountable to the people

B. It allows the president to be more independent and make decisions based on his

or her own judgment

C. It allows for more efficient decision-making in parliament

D. It allows for more stability in the government

Q220.Which of the following is the correct sequence of the presidential executive system?

A. Legislature, executive, judiciary

B. Executive, legislature, judiciary

C. Judiciary, legislature, executive

D. Judiciary, executive, legislature

Q221.In the presidential executive system, which of the following is responsible for selecting

members of the cabinet?

A. The legislature

B. The president

C. The judiciary

D. Political parties

Q222.Which of the following is a consequence of the distinct separation of powers between

the organs of government in the presidential executive system?

A. Each organ of government is able to check the powers of the other organs

B. The president is able to exercise both ceremonial and real executive powers

C. Members of parliament are able to vote according to their conscience

D. The vice president is able to take over as president in the absence of the


Q223.In the presidential executive system, which of the following is a characteristic of the

head of state?

A. A monarch or a president who wields only ceremonial powers

B. A person who is directly elected by the people to perform the dual role as head

of state and head of government

C. A person who is selected on hereditary basis

D. A person who cedes the exercise of real executive powers to a prime minister

Q224.Which of the following is not a consequence of the security of tenure enjoyed by the

legislature in the presidential executive system?

A. The legislature is able to effectively check the powers of the executive

B. The legislature is able to provide a stable life for the government

C. The legislature is able to avoid the possibility of abrupt truncation of its tenure

D. The legislature is able to pass bills without the support of the president

Q225.Which of the following is not an example of a republican state that follows the

presidential executive system?

A. Bolivia

B. Mexico

C. Chile

D. Spain

Q226.Which of the following is not an advantage of the presidential executive system over the

parliamentary system?

A. The president is able to exercise both ceremonial and real executive powers

B. The president is directly elected by the people

C. The president is able to serve a fixed term in office

D. The legislature is able to pass bills without the support of the president

Q227.Which of the following is a consequence of the weak party discipline in the presidential

executive system?

A. The president is able to exercise more power and influence

B. The legislature is able to pass bills without the support of the president

C. The legislature is able to provide a stable life for the government

D. Members of parliament are able to vote according to their conscience

Q228.Which of the following is not a real executive function of the president in the

presidential executive system?

A. Serving as a liaison between the state and other actors in the international


B. Providing the funds for the operation of the government

C. Formulating sound policies for the development of the state with the assistance

of the cabinet

D. Representing the state in international and intergovernmental organizations

Q229.Which of the following is not an example of a ceremonial function of the president in

the presidential executive system?

A. Presiding over cabinet meetings

B. Receiving the credentials of foreign ambassadors

C. Assenting to bills to become laws

D. Representing the state in international and intergovernmental organizations

Q230.Which of the following is a consequence of the direct responsibility of the president to

the electorate in the presidential executive system?

A. The president is able to make decisions based on his or her own judgment

B. The president is able to serve a fixed term in office

C. The president is able to exercise both ceremonial and real executive powers

D. The president is able to pass bills without the support of the legislature

Q231.Which of the following functions are performed by the President as part of the

ceremonial role?

A. Appointing ministers to form the cabinet

B. Initiating policies for the sound administration of the state

C. Honouring citizens for their meritorious services

D. Determining the foreign policy direction of the country

Q232.Which of the following actions can the President take under the power of veto?

A. Initiating policies for the sound administration of the state

B. Approving or disapproving bills enacted by the parliament

C. Appointing judges to the Supreme Court

D. Determining the foreign policy direction of the country

Q233.Under the presidential system, the Constitution is considered ________.

A. Supeme

B. Subordinate to the parliament

C. Subordinate to the President

D. Of equal status with the parliament

Q234.Which of the following powers are vested in the President in his or her capacity as the

head of state?

A. Appointing ministers to form the cabinet

B. Initiating policies for the sound administration of the state

C. Exercising the prerogative of mercy

D. Representing the country abroad at international meetings

Q235.Which of the following are strengths of the presidential system of government?

A. The selection of the President is dependent on the election of legislators

B. The President is more accountable and responsible to the electorate

C. The concentration of all executive powers in the hands of one leader

D. The absence of censure motion or vote of no confidence

Q236.Which of the following is a role of the President in the presidential system of


A. The President is the ceremonial head of state

B. The President is the head of government

C. The President is the chairman of the cabinet

D. The President is the supreme commander of the armed forces

Q237.According to the text, what are the two personalities that the executive power is split

into in the parliamentary system?

A. The head of state and the head of government

B. The President and the Vice President

C. The Speaker of the House and the Prime Minister

D. The Cabinet and the President

Q238.What is the system in which the functions or roles of the head of state and the head of

government are performed by two separate personalities?

A. The dual executive system

B. The presidential system

C. The monarchical system

D. The parliamentary system

Q239.What is the name of the British form of constitutional government?

A. The cabinet system

B. The presidential system

C. The parliamentary system

D. The monarchical system

Q240.Which of the following statements is correct about the parliamentary system?

A. The executive and legislative organs of government are separate

B. The executive is chosen from outside the legislature

C. The executive is responsible to the legislature for their actions and inactions

D. The executive is borne out of the judiciary

Q241.Which of the following is a feature of the parliamentary system of government?

A. The head of state and the head of government are the same person

B. The Prime Minister is appointed by the people

C. The head of government is appointed by the head of state

D. The cabinet is not responsible to the legislature

Q242.Which of the following is a feature of the parliamentary system of government?

A. The head of state is elected by the people

B. The head of government is appointed by the legislature

C. The head of state is a ceremonial figure

D. The head of government is appointed by the judiciary

Q243.Which of the following is a feature of the parliamentary system of government?

A. The head of state is the head of government

B. The cabinet is not responsible to the legislature

C. The head of government is appointed by the head of state

D. The head of state is appointed by the legislature

Q244.According to Hague and Harrop (2010), which metaphor describes the British Prime

Minister's position in the cabinet?

A. The pivot around which the entire governmental machinery revolves

B. The moon among lesser stars

C. The sun around which planets revolve

D. The captain of the ship of the state

Q245.In a parliamentary system, which of the following practices is not observed?

A. The head of the majority party becomes the Prime Minister.

B. Ministers cannot be chosen from among members of parliament.

C. The cabinet is held responsible for the effects or performance of their policies.

D. The government is formed out of the majority party in parliament.

Q246.Which of the following is not a characteristic of the parliamentary model?

A. The doctrine of collective responsibility

B. Separation of powers

C. Fusion of powers

D. The principle of parliamentary supremacy

Q247.Which of the following statements is correct about the principle of collective


A. It was established between 1832 and 1867.

B. It means that the decision and policies of the cabinet are binding on all members

who must support them in public.

C. It enables parliament to hold the government, as a body, accountable.

D. All of the above

Q248.In a parliamentary system, which of the following is not a reason for the vote of


A. The government has lost the confidence of the majority of the parliamentarians.

B. The opposition is dissatisfied with the performance of the government.

C. The government has not lost the confidence of the majority of the


D. The assembly or parliament can withdraw its support for the government,

especially if it is dissatisfied with its performance.

Q249.In a parliamentary system, the unlimited tenure of the executive is an example of which

of the following?

A. The doctrine of collective responsibility

B. The principle of parliamentary supremacy

C. The indeterminate term limit

D. The fusion of powers

Q250.According to Dickerson and Flanagan (1990), the British parliamentary system of

government is characterized by which of the following?

A. The head of the government is elected by the people directly

B. The head of the majority party becomes the Prime Minister and names his or her

cabinet from among his or her colleagues in parliament

C. The cabinet is responsible to the president

D. The government is formed out of the people's representatives in parliament

Q251.Which of the following is not a consequence of a policy failure in a parliamentary


A. The entire cabinet must resign

B. The Prime Minister will usually call for fresh elections to be conducted

C. The cabinet is held responsible for the effects or performance of their policies

D. The cabinet members can make statements that contradict each other

Q252.Which of the following is not a metaphor used to describe the British Prime Minister's

position in the cabinet?

A. The pivot around which the entire governmental machinery revolves

B. The sun around which planets revolve

C. Inter Stellas lima minores - a moon among lesser stars

D. The head of the government

Q253.Which of the following is not a reason for the government's unlimited tenure in a

parliamentary system?

A. The Prime Minister can exploit his or her prerogative to dissolve parliament and

call for fresh elections

B. The government thinks that it has a reasonable support and confidence from the

people and can thus renew its mandate

C. The government's term of office is fixed and cannot be extended in any


D. The government can call for fresh elections to be conducted ahead of time of the

expiration of its term of office

Q254.According to Bhagwan and Bhushan (2009), which of the following metaphors

describes the British Prime Minister's position in the cabinet?

A. The pivot around which the entire governmental machinery revolves

B. Inter Stellas lima minores - a moon among lesser stars

C. The sun around which planets revolve

D. The captain of the ship of the state

Q255.In a parliamentary system, which of the following is not a requirement for the ministers?

A. They must be chosen from among members of parliament

B. They must not be members of parliament

C. They must perform a dual role as ministers of government and members of


D. They must be senior members of the Prime Minister's party

Q256.According to Bradley and Pinelli (2012), which of the following is not a reason for the

vote of no confidence?

A. The government has lost the confidence of the majority of the parliamentarians

B. The opposition is dissatisfied with the performance of the government

C. The assembly or parliament can withdraw its support for the government,

especially if it is satisfied with its performance

D. The opposition party initiates a move through voting to test the popularity or

otherwise of the government

Q257.In a parliamentary system, which of the following is not a responsibility of the Prime


A. Appointing ministers of state

B. Exercising the power to reshuffle his ministerial team

C. Sacking non-performing ministers

D. Appointing members of parliament

Q258.According to Hauss (2000), which of the following metaphors describes the British

Prime Minister's position in the cabinet?

A. The pivot around which the entire governmental machinery revolves

B. Inter Stellas lima minores - a moon among lesser stars

C. The sun around which planets revolve

D. The captain of the ship of the state

Q259.In a parliamentary system, which of the following is not a characteristic of the cabinet?

A. It is formed out of the people's representatives in parliament

B. It is responsible to the president

C. It is held responsible for the effects or performance of their policies

D. It is formed out of the majority party in parliament

Q260.In a parliamentary system, which of the following is not a consequence of a policy


A. The Prime Minister will usually call for fresh elections to be conducted

B. The cabinet is held responsible for the effects or performance of their policies

C. The cabinet members can make statements that contradict each other

D. The entire cabinet must resign

Q261.According to Magstadt (2006), which of the following is a modification of the practice

of appointing ministers from parliament?

A. The government is formed out of the majority party in parliament

B. The cabinet or government is formed out of the people's representatives in


C. The majority of ministers should come from parliament

D. The cabinet is held responsible for the effects or performance of their policies

Q262.In a parliamentary system, which of the following is not a characteristic of the cabinet?

A. It is a team of the Prime Minister and his or her chosen ministers

B. It is responsible for the effects or performance of their policies

C. It is formed out of the minority party in parliament

D. It is held responsible for the effects or performance of their policies

Q263.Which of the following factors can contribute to the Prime Minister's decision to

recommend dissolution of parliament?

A. To secure greater party loyalty during policy disputes

B. When the government's confidence and support from the electorate is high

C. To make the executive hold on to power for a longer period

D. All of the above

Q264.Which of the following is/are true about the parliamentary system?

A. Parliament can make any law

B. No other body except parliament itself can overturn its decisions

C. Parliament can change man to woman, and vice versa

D. A and B

Q265.Which of the following factors can contribute to the political system fusing the executive

and the assembly?

A. A desire to create a main political platform in the country

B. A desire to split the executive into ceremonial and dignified executive and fuse

half of it with the assembly

C. A desire to turn parliament into the main political center stage in the country

D. All of the above

Q266.Which of the following is/are true about the Prime Minister's unique position in


A. The Prime Minister is a member of the legislature who represents a constituency

B. The Prime Minister is the head of cabinet

C. The Prime Minister enjoys much power, support, and influence from both

cabinet and the legislature

D. All of the above

Q267.Which of the following can contribute to the resignation or death of a Prime Minister

leading to the collapse of the government?

A. A defeat in the major policy of the government or in the censure motion

B. The collapse of cabinet and the subsequent dissolution of parliament

C. A party's inability to ensure that all its major policies gain approval in


D. All of the above

Q268.Which of the following is/are true about the opposition in the parliamentary system?

A. The opposition party regards itself as the government in-waiting

B. The opposition plays an effective role of criticizing policies of the ruling party

C. The opposition offers better alternatives to the policies of the ruling party

D. All of the above

Q269.Which of the following can be a reason for the Prime

A. When the government knows that it has the confidence and support of the


B. To make the executive hold on to power for a longer period

C. When the government realizes that there is deep division among its members in

parliament over a major policy issue

D. All of the above

Q270.Which of the following is/are true about the parliamentary system?

A. Parliament is the main political platform and the focus of power

B. The political system splits the executive into ceremonial and dignified executive

and fuses half of it with the assembly

C. Parliament is the place where politicians gain or lose reputation and where

governments rise or fall

D. All of the above

Q271.Which of the following can contribute to the strict party discipline in a parliamentary


A. The fear of being thrown out of office through a censure motion

B. The principle of collective responsibilities of cabinet

C. Members of the respective parties, both in government and in opposition,

working in unison or being united in their action

D. All of the above

Q272.Which of the following is/are true about the parliamentary system?

A. Parliament in this system technically consists of two parts, namely the cabinet or

government and the assembly

B. The house itself and its decisions are sacrosanct, and supreme over any of its

constituent parts

C. Emphasis is placed on the people's representatives in parliament

D. All of the above

Q273.Which of the following is/are true about the parliamentary system?

A. The government is directly responsible to parliament for its actions and


B. The government is indirectly responsible to the electorate

C. The people do not choose the government

D. All of the above

Q274.Which of the following can be a reason for the resignation of a Prime Minister?

A. A significant decrease in popularity following the introduction of a regressive

and unfair policy

B. Intense attack from within the Prime Minister's party

C. The inability to ensure that all the government's policies gain approval in


D. All of the above

Q275.Which of the following is/are true about the parliamentary system?

A. The system has a Prime Minister as the effective head of government

B. The Prime Minister is the elected leader of the party

C. The Prime Minister is appointed by the head of state

D. All of the above

Q276.Which of the following is/are true about the parliamentary system?

A. The cabinet is fused with the assembly

B. The cabinet is separate from the assembly

C. The cabinet is a sub-component of the assembly

D. None of the above

Q277.Which of the following is/are true about the responsibilities of the Prime Minister in the

parliamentary system?

A. The Prime Minister is directly responsible for the actions and inactions of the


B. The Prime Minister is only indirectly responsible for the actions and inactions of

the government

C. The Prime Minister is not responsible for the actions and inactions of the


D. None of the above

Q278.Which of the following is/are true about the power of the Prime Minister in the

parliamentary system?

A. The Prime Minister has the power to dissolve parliament at any time before the

expiration of the government's term

B. The Prime Minister has no power to dissolve parliament

C. The Prime Minister has the power to dissolve parliament only with the approval

of the head of state

D. None of the above

Q279.Which of the following is/are true about the parliamentary system?

A. The parliament has the ultimate authority in the state

B. The parliament's authority is subordinate to the authority of the head of state

C. The parliament is a supreme body in the state

D. None of the above

Q280.Which of the following can contribute to the resignation of a Prime Minister?

A. A decrease in popularity following the introduction of an unpopular policy

B. Intense attack from within the Prime Minister's party

C. The inability to ensure that all the government's policies gain approval in


D. All of the above

Q281.Which of the following is/are true about the parliamentary system?

A. The Prime Minister is a member of the legislature who represents a constituency

and at the same time is the head of cabinet

B. The Prime Minister has no power to dissolve parliament

C. The Prime Minister has the power to recommend or advise the head of state to

dissolve parliament at any time before the expiration of the government's term

D. None of the above

Q282.Which of the following are the responsibilities of the Prime Minister in the

parliamentary system of government?

A. Nominating ministers and forming the cabinet

B. Formulating domestic and foreign policies

C. Serving as a liaison between his/her state and other states

D. Holding regular meetings with the head of state

Q283.Which of the following are the advantages of the parliamentary system of government

over the presidential system?

A. Avoids dictatorship

B. Promotes responsible governance

C. Ceremonial role divorced from partisanship

D. Promotion of national unity

Q284.What is the bicephalous or dual nature of the executive in the parliamentary system of


A. The head of state and the Prime Minister

B. The President and the Vice President

C. The Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader

D. The Chief Justice and the Attorney General

Q285.How does the parliamentary system of government promote national unity?

A. By separating ceremonial functions from partisan activities

B. By having a single executive head

C. By having a dual executive head

D. By promoting partisan interference in ceremonial functions

Q286.What is the relationship between the Prime Minister and the legislature in the

parliamentary system of government?

A. The Prime Minister is independent of the legislature

B. The Prime Minister is a member of the legislature

C. The Prime Minister is appointed by the legislature

D. The Prime Minister is elected by the legislature

Q287.How does the parliamentary system of government ensure stable administration?

A. By having a single executive head

B. By having a dual executive head

C. By relying on the majority party in parliament

D. By having a weak party discipline

Q288.How does the parliamentary system of government reduce the burden on the executive


A. By having a single executive head

B. By having a dual executive head

C. By sharing executive responsibilities between two separate individuals

D. By overburdening the executive heads with numerous tasks

Q289.How does the parliamentary system of government ensure a smooth transition during a

change-over period from one political regime to another?

A. By having a single executive head

B. By having a dual executive head

C. By having the head of state remain in office during the change-over period

D. By having the head of state leave office during the change-over period

Q290.What is the role of the Prime Minister in leading the country's delegation to international

meetings and conferences?

A. To promote national unity

B. To formulate domestic and foreign policies

C. To negotiate and sign deals with other states and international agencies

D. To confer honours on distinguished citizens

Q291.How does the parliamentary system of government promote responsible governance?

A. By making the government accountable to parliament

B. By having a single executive head

C. By having a weak party discipline

D. By promoting unpopular policies

Q292.What is the role of the Prime Minister in formulating domestic and foreign policies?

A. To serve as a liaison between his/her state and other states

B. To nominate ministers and form the cabinet

C. To plan with the cabinet policies for the sound administration of the state

D. To hold regular meetings with the head of state

Q293.How does the parliamentary system of government prevent the emergence of

dictatorship and the abuse of individual liberties?

A. By splitting executive responsibilities and sharing power between a ceremonial

leader and a leader of government affairs

B. By having a weak party discipline

C. By having a single executive head

D. By promoting unpopular policies

Q294.What is the role of the Prime Minister in serving as a liaison between his/her state and

other states?

A. To negotiate and sign deals with other states and international agencies

B. To formulate domestic and foreign policies

C. To lead the country's delegation to international meetings and conferences

D. To serve as the link between the government and the diplomatic corps

Q295.How does the parliamentary system of government ensure a strong bond between the

legislature and the cabinet?

A. By selecting the Prime Minister and his or her cabinet from the majority party in


B. By having a weak party discipline

C. By having a single executive head

D. By promoting unpopular policies

Q296.What is the role of the Prime Minister in holding regular meetings with the head of


A. To keep the head of state informed of decisions cabinet has taken on matters of

public business

B. To advise the head of state on bills passed by parliament

C. To recommend the appointment of certain persons to take up top national


D. To dissolve parliament if necessary

Q297.How does the parliamentary system of government ensure a reduced burden on the

executive heads?

A. By having a single executive head

B. By sharing executive responsibilities between two separate individuals

C. By having a weak party discipline

D. By promoting unpopular policies

Q298.What is the role of the Prime Minister in leading his or her team to defend policies the

government proposes for the consideration of parliament?

A. To take active part in deliberations in parliament

B. To negotiate and sign deals with other states and international agencies

C. To formulate domestic and foreign policies

D. To serve as a liaison between his/her state and other states

Q299.How does the parliamentary system of government ensure a healthy relationship and

cooperation between the legislature and the cabinet?

A. By having a weak party discipline

B. By selecting the Prime Minister and his or her cabinet from the majority party in


C. By having a single executive head

D. By promoting unpopular policies

Q300.What is the role of the Prime Minister in maintaining a direct relationship with the

electorate and the nation as a whole?

A. To make a nation-wide tour and address the citizenry through the media to

explain government policies and appeal to them for their continuous support

B. To negotiate and sign deals with other states and international agencies

C. To formulate domestic and foreign policies

D. To serve as a liaison between his/her state and other states

Q301.Which of the following factors can contribute to the instability of the government's

tenure in the parliamentary system?

A. Personality clashes between two top executive heads

B. The possibility of dictatorship

C. Cabinet being unseated through a vote of no confidence or censure motion

D. Unhealthy wrangling between the ruling and opposition parties

Q302.How does the parliamentary system differ from the presidential system concerning

responsiveness to citizens' needs and the handling of the censure motion?

A. The parliamentary system is less responsive, and the censure motion is less


B. The parliamentary system is more responsive, and the censure motion is less


C. The parliamentary system is less responsive, and the censure motion is more


D. The parliamentary system is more responsive, and the censure motion is more


Q303.In the context of the parliamentary system, what are the implications of having ministers

serve as parliamentarians?

A. Increased effectiveness and efficiency

B. Decreased effectiveness and efficiency

C. Increased effectiveness with decreased efficiency

D. Decreased effectiveness with increased efficiency

Q304.Which of the following best describes the role of the opposition party in the

parliamentary system?

A. To co-operate with the ruling party on policy decisions

B. To fiercely oppose the ruling party's policies without co-operation

C. To work closely with the ruling party to share power

D. To act as a government-in-waiting, criticizing the ruling party's extremist actions

Q305.What are the negative consequences of the unhealthy wrangling between the ruling and

opposition parties in the parliamentary system?

A. Increased national development

B. Military adventurists taking advantage of the situation to topple the government

C. The opposition party supporting the ruling party

D. Enhanced efficiency in the system

Q306.Which model is the Ghanaian system an example of according to the text?

A. The ideal presidential model

B. The parliamentary model

C. The hybrid model

D. The ideal multiparty model

Q307.How does the separation of powers theory apply to the parliamentary system?

A. Each of the three arms of government is composed of different sets of personnel

who perform separate roles

B. The executive and legislative arms are fused

C. The judiciary is independent of the other branches

D. The head of state and head of government are different individuals

Q308.Under the parliamentary system, which factors contribute to promoting efficiency in


A. Reduction in the workload of the executive heads and existence of greater party


B. The absence of opposition party recognition and minority parties playing an

effective role

C. Less responsiveness and non-coordination between the executive and legislative


D. Lack of tight party discipline and a dominance of individualism over party


Q309.What are the potential drawbacks in the parliamentary system due to the fusion of

powers between the executive and legislative arms?

A. Inclusion of a single executive leader

B. Less responsiveness and non-coordination between the executive and legislative


C. The possibility of military adventurists gaining power through coups

D. Violation of the theory of separation of powers

Q310.According to the text, how does the parliamentary system address the potential for rifts

between the two top leaders?

A. By clearly outlining the roles and powers of the two leaders

B. Allowing for political parties to freely choose their own leadership

C. Limiting the time served by the leaders

D. Imposing a strict separation of powers between the two leaders

Q311.Which of the following can contribute to the problems affecting the parliamentary


A. Instability in the government's tenure caused by personality clashes and power


B. Opposition parties promoting transparency and accountability

C. The presence of a written constitution that guarantees a smooth transfer of power

D. Increased decentralization of power within the system

Q312.In the parliamentary system, which factor encourages efficient administration?

A. Limited coordination between the executive and legislative branches

B. Infrequent consultations between the head of state and head of government

C. Reduction in the workload of the executive heads and existence of greater party


D. A single executive leader with minimal involvement from the legislative branch

Q313.The parliamentary system may lead to delays in decision-making when...

A. A censure motion is passed

B. The parliament collapses due to defeat in a confidence vote

C. Consultations are required between the head of state and head of government

D. A cabinet is unseated through a vote of no confidence or censure motion

Q314.What are the benefits of the unhealthy wrangling between the ruling and opposition

parties in the parliamentary system?

A. Promotion of national development

B. Preventing military adventurists from taking advantage of political situations

C. Encouraging cooperation between the ruling and opposition parties

D. Providing opportunities for the opposition party to expose weaknesses in the


Q315.In the parliamentary system, what factors promote responsiveness in governance?

A. Limited cooperation between the executive and legislative branches

B. The existence of a single executive leader with absolute authority

C. Greater party discipline and responsiveness to citizens' needs

D. A weak opposition party without opportunities to criticize the government

Q316.In what scenarios can the parliamentary system lead to a violation of the theory of

separation of powers?

A. When decision-making power is shared between the executive and legislative


B. When there is a clear delineation of the roles and powers of the two top leaders

C. When political parties have discretion in appointing their own leaders

D. When the executive and legislative powers are fused together in a single


Q317.What can cause an unstable government tenure in the parliamentary system?

A. A rigid adherence to a strict constitution

B. A clear delineation of the roles and powers of the two top leaders

C. Political instability stemming from personality clashes and power struggles

D. Infrequent consultations between the head of state and head of government

Q318.Which factors promote stability in government tenure in the parliamentary system?

A. The presence of a single executive leader with centralized authority

B. Limited coordination between the executive and legislative branches

C. The absence of strict party discipline and individualism prevailing over party


D. The fusion of executive and legislative powers in the administration

Q319.Which of the following can adversely impact efficiency in the parliamentary system?

A. Infrequent consultations between the head of state and head of government

B. Reduction in the workload of the executive heads and existence of greater party


C. Opposition party criticism and exposure of government weaknesses

D. The presence of a clear line of accountability and strong party discipline

Q320.Who is responsible for selecting the Prime Minister in the hybrid system of France?

A. The President

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Cabinet

D. The Legislature

Q321.Which of the following roles does the President of India perform in the ceremonial

parliamentary system?

A. Appointment of state governors

B. Commander-in-chief of the armed forces

C. Dominant political force

D. Take over governance of the state during emergencies

Q322.Who is the dominant political force in the Indian parliamentary system?

A. The President

B. The Prime Minster

C. The Cabinet

D. The Legislature

Q323.In the German mixed system, who is the head of the majority party in the lower house?

A. The Chancellor

B. The President

C. The Prime Minister

D. The Cabinet

Q324.In the Finnish mixed system, who must sign a bill before it is enacted?

A. The President

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Cabinet

D. The Legislature

Q325.Who attends meetings of the Finnish parliament on major legislations?

A. The President

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Cabinet

D. The Legislature

MCQ. Hard (103 Questions)

Q326.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The executive is not responsible for policy formulation and


Statement II: The political executive are appointed through a permanent process.

Statement III: The executive is the dominant organ of government in both

democratic and non-democratic regimes.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. III only.

C. I and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q327.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The bureaucratic executive are technocrats who are politically

responsible for government actions.

Statement II: Major policies have to be approved by parliament before they are


Statement III: Civil bureaucrats are not involved in policy formulation.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. III only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q328.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The executive assent is the first stage of the law-making process.

Statement II: The executive is responsible for the administration of the state.

Statement III: The legislature and the judiciary are always suppressed or

proscribed in a democratic regime.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. II only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q329.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The executive is responsible for the construction of roads.

Statement II: The executive is responsible for the preparation of budgets.

Statement III: The executive can initiate bills for parliament in a presidential

executive system of government.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Correct.

B. I and II only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q330.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The civil bureaucrats do not assist politicians in implementing their

advertised policies and programmes.

Statement II: The bureaucratic executive do not provide technical advice and

support to the political executive.

Statement III: The executive organ of government is responsible for finding

solutions to all societal challenges.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. II and III only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q331.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: A policy is a plan of action adopted by an organization or government

to achieve a long-term or overall goal.

Statement II: Under the parliamentary executive system of government, no bill

shall become a law until it is referred to the Prime Minister for his or her assent.

Statement III: The executive is the organ of government responsible for military

coups d'etat or revolutions.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. II and III only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q332.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The executive can initiate bills for parliament in a parliamentary

executive system of government.

Statement II: The executive may sometimes double as the legislature in military


Statement III: The executive assent terminates the process of law-making.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. III only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q333.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: No society can address all societal challenges.

Statement II: Finding solutions to societal challenges is not the task of the

executive organ of government.

Statement III: The political executive are the core of government, forming the top

echelon of the administration.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. II only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q334.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The political executive are elected by the people.

Statement II: The political executive are sometimes called bureaucrats,

technocrats, administrators or civil servants.

Statement III: The bureaucratic executive are politically responsible for

government actions.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. I only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q335.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: Civil servants provide technical advice and support to politicians in

the discharge of their duties.

Statement II: The preparation of the national budget is not the function of the

Ministry of Finance or the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Statement III: Governments raise revenue from a number of sources including

taxation, borrowing from both domestic and external sources, and other means to

finance its proposed projects and programs.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. I and II only.

C. I and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q336.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Ministry of Finance or the Chancellor of the Exchequer prepares

the annual budget but does not present it to Parliament.

Statement II: The executive has no role in the law-making process.

Statement III: The executive includes a Civil Service Commission.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. All Statements are Incorrect.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q337.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The development of the state cannot be complete without the effective

performance of the roles of the executive.

Statement II: The executive is responsible for the construction of schools.

Statement III: The executive is the sole organ of government responsible for

finding solutions to societal challenges.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. II only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q338.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The President has the power to grant amnesty to people who have

committed offenses against the government.

Statement II: The Parliament can pass laws without the approval of the President.

Statement III: The head of state is accountable to parliament for the appointees

under him.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. II only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q339.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In the British parliamentary system, the assent of the monarch is

required to complete the law-making process.

Statement II: The head of state is the commander-in-chief of the country's armed


Statement III: The President can declare war against any enemy attackers.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. II only.

C. All Statements are Correct.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q340.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The head of state has the power to postpone the sentences of

convicted criminals.

Statement II: The head of state can grant reprieve and parole to people convicted

of civil offenses.

Statement III: The head of state can set convicted criminals free by exercising the

prerogative of mercy.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. I only.

C. I and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q341.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The head of state can reduce the severity of the sentences imposed on

the convicts.

Statement II: The executive is responsible for conducting fresh elections to elect a

new government.

Statement III: The executive uses the coercive apparatus to deal with law breakers

to bring about peace in the state.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. III only.

C. I and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q342.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The emergence of various forms of threats across the globe has eroded

the sovereignty of states.

Statement II: The executive is responsible for providing social amenities to

improve the standard of living of the people.

Statement III: The head of state has the power to lead the military to the battlefield.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. I and II only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q343.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The head of the executive, the President, is responsible for

establishing foreign relations and entering into agreements with other states and

international associations.

Statement II: In Ghana, the legislature has the power to declare an act of the

executive unconstitutional.

Statement III: In the presidential executive system, the legislature can force the

collapse of cabinet through the rejection of a major policy of the executive.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. II only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q344.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The media plays a role in regulating the actions of holders of political

power in any democratic state.

Statement II: The executive is responsible for bringing together related

governmental activities under the management of a ministry in Ghana.

Statement III: The Supreme Court in Ghana has the power of judicial review,

allowing it to declare unconstitutional acts of the executive null and void.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. I and III only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q345.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The public in Ghana can exert influence on executive decisions and

actions through the use of public opinion instruments.

Statement II: In the United States, the president cannot violate certain injunctions

in the country's Constitution or else he or she will not be impeached or removed

from office.

Statement III: The law-making body in Ghana has the constitutional mandate to

approve or reject appointments made by the executive before they can assume duty.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q346.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The executive is endowed with the same resources by nature, resulting

in interdependence among states.

Statement II: In the presidential executive system, the president is the chief

diplomat responsible for entering into negotiations and signing agreements with

other states and international associations.

Statement III: In the parliamentary executive system, the executive exercises

absolute power, with no controls from the other organs of government or external


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. I and II only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q347.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The public in Ghana can exert influence on executive decisions and

actions through the use of strikes and protests.

Statement II: The executive is responsible for the periodic elections held to select

members into government.

Statement III: In some non-democratic states, the judiciary is interfered with by the

executive and the legislature is non-existent.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. II and III only.

C. I and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q348.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: External sources such as states with which a state has cooperation or

relations, and international bodies can all control certain policies of the executive.

Statement II: In the hybrid system, the executive combines the features of the

presidential and cabinet or parliamentary systems.

Statement III: The executive has the power to declare an act of the legislature

unconstitutional in Ghana.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and II only.

B. III only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q349.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The executive is responsible for initiating and assenting to bills in the

democratic state.

Statement II: The president in the presidential executive system is drawn out of the

legislature, allowing no court to declare any action of both the executive and the

legislature ultra vires in Britain.

Statement III: The public in Ghana can exert influence on executive decisions and

actions through the use of open demonstrations and protests.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. I and II only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q350.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In the parliamentary executive system, a rejection of a major policy of

the executive by parliament can lead to fresh elections to put a new cabinet in


Statement II: The judiciary can control the activities of the executive through the

power of judicial review, declaring unconstitutional acts of the executive null and


Statement III: In Ghana, the Parliament has the power to approve or reject every

major policy proposal formulated by the executive, including the budget before it

can be implemented.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. All Statements are Correct.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q351.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The media in a democratic state is responsible for bringing to light

actions of the executive which do not reflect public interest for condemnation.

Statement II: In the United States, certain constitutional provisions put some

limitations on the executive, with the fear of impeachment serving as another


Statement III: The periodic elections held to select members into government put

restrictions on the executive, with the fear of losing the confidence of the electorate

and hence the votes serving as a restraint.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. All Statements are Correct.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q352.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In Ghana, the executive is responsible for bringing together related

governmental activities under the management of a ministry.

Statement II: The executive is responsible for entering into negotiations, signing

agreements, and ratifying treaties with other states and international associations in

the democratic state.

Statement III: The public in Ghana cannot exert influence on executive decisions

and actions through the use of public opinion instruments like boycotts, strikes,

open demonstrations, and protests.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. I and III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q353.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president in the presidential executive system is the chief

diplomat responsible for entering into negotiations, signing agreements, and

ratifying treaties with other states and international associations.

Statement II: In the parliamentary executive system, the legislature can force the

collapse of cabinet through the rejection of a major policy of the executive, leading

to the conduct of fresh elections to put a new cabinet in place.

Statement III: The executive is responsible for the establishment and management

of ministries, departments, and agencies in Ghana.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. I and II only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q354.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The presidential executive system is practiced in countries with a

monarch as a ceremonial head of state.

Statement II: In the presidential system, the president and the cabinet are not

selected from outside parliament.

Statement III: In the presidential system, the legislature can truncate the tenure of

the executive through a censure motion.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. I and II only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q355.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president is not directly responsible to the people in the

presidential system.

Statement II: The president shares his or her executive powers with others in the

presidential system.

Statement III: Members of parliament in the presidential system are not at liberty

to vote according to their conscience.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. III only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q356.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president enjoys a long tenure in the presidential system.

Statement II: The president can dissolve parliament in the presidential system.

Statement III: The president can be removed from office prematurely through

impeachment in the parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. II only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q357.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president is both a ceremonial head of state and a head of

government in the presidential system.

Statement II: The presidential executive system is practiced in the United States.

Statement III: The presidential system is the single executive system because of

the election of a single executive leader for the state.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. All Statements are Correct.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q358.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In the presidential system, there is a distinct separation of powers

between the organs of government.

Statement II: The president can be removed from office by the legislature in the

presidential system.

Statement III: The president selects his or her ministers from within parliament in

the presidential system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. II only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q359.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president is not directly responsible to the legislature in the

presidential system.

Statement II: The president does not share his or her executive powers with others

in the presidential system.

Statement III: The president is elected for a fixed term in the presidential system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. All Statements are Correct.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q360.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president can be removed from office by the citizenry or their

elected representatives in the presidential system.

Statement II: The president is both a ceremonial head of state and a head of

government in the parliamentary system.

Statement III: In the presidential system, the cabinet members can be members of

parliament at the same time.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. II only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q361.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The legislature can truncate the tenure of the executive through a

censure motion in the parliamentary system.

Statement II: The president is elected through a popular election in the presidential


Statement III: The president exercises both ceremonial and real executive powers

in the presidential system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. All Statements are Correct.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q362.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president enjoys a strong and effective tenure in the presidential


Statement II: The president is not directly responsible to the people in the

parliamentary system.

Statement III: The president exercises real executive powers in the parliamentary


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. III only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q363.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president shares his or her executive powers with others in the

parliamentary system.

Statement II: The president depends on party support to get his or her bills passed

in the presidential system.

Statement III: The president is elected indirectly by the legislators in the

presidential system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. I only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q364.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president is elected for life in the presidential system.

Statement II: The president is both a ceremonial head of state and a head of

government in the single executive system.

Statement III: The president is assisted by a cabinet in the presidential system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q365.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president is both a ceremonial head of state and a head of

government in the non-parliamentary system.

Statement II: The president does not enjoy security of tenure in the presidential


Statement III: The president can be removed from office prematurely through a

no-confidence motion in the presidential system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. III only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q366.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In the system described, the president is not required to get approval

to assume office.

Statement II: The president is considered primus inter pares in the system


Statement III: The president can be fired by the ministers in the system described.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. III only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q367.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In the system described, the Constitution is not supreme.

Statement II: The president is the supreme commander of the country's armed


Statement III: In the system described, the president cannot veto a bill enacted by


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. I and III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q368.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president cannot grant pardon or amnesty to convicts in the

system described.

Statement II: The president is not responsible for explaining critical issues of

interest to the people in the system described.

Statement III: The president cannot represent the country abroad at all international

meetings, conferences, summits and fora in the system described.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. I only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q369.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president is not elected by the people through a popularly

contested general election in the system described.

Statement II: The president does not perform ceremonial functions in the system


Statement III: The president can be removed from office prematurely in the system


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. III only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q370.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president serves as the head of state in the system described.

Statement II: The president serves as the head of government in the system


Statement III: The president determines the foreign policy direction of the country

in the system described.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. I and II only.

C. All Statements are Correct.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q371.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president negotiates and signs foreign treaties with other states in

the system described.

Statement II: The president leads delegations to visit other countries on duty tours

or working visits in the system described.

Statement III: The president is accountable to the legislature in the system


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and II only.

B. II only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q372.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The presidential system of government is undemocratic.

Statement II: The concentration of all executive powers in the hands of the

executive president provides for a weak president.

Statement III: The secure tenure enjoyed by both the president and the legislature

provides for an unstable administration.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. I only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q373.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The executive enjoys its full life because of the presence of censure

motion or vote of no confidence under this system.

Statement II: The absence of personality conflict at the top executive level in this

system is due to the existence of two executive leaders.

Statement III: In the system described, the president is not the only person looked

up to for direction as far as the administration of the state is concerned.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. II and III only.

C. I and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q374.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The system described promotes inefficiency in the administration.

Statement II: The president is not the fount of honour in the system described.

Statement III: The president cannot exercise the prerogative of mercy in the system


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and II only.

B. I and III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q375.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president is not the supreme commander of the country's armed

forces in the system described.

Statement II: The president is not the ceremonial head of state in the system


Statement III: The president does not have the power to veto a bill enacted by

parliament in the system described.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. All Statements are Incorrect.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q376.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president cannot receive foreign dignitaries and envoys

accredited to the country in the system described.

Statement II: The president is not the appointing authority of ministers in the

system described.

Statement III: The president cannot initiate policies for the sound administration of

the state in the system described.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. II and III only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q377.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The president does not determine the foreign policy direction of the

country in the system described.

Statement II: The president does not negotiate and sign foreign treaties with other

states in the system described.

Statement III: The president is not the sole representative of the country abroad at

all international meetings, conferences, summits and fora in the system described.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. I only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q378.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The presidential executive model exclusively uses the Executive 73

by the Constitution.

Statement II: The principle of separation of powers is the greatest institutional

device to prevent abuse of power.

Statement III: The rights and liberties of individuals are not guaranteed in the

presidential executive model.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and II only.

B. III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q379.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system is also known as the dual executive system.

Statement II: The members of the executive are not at the same time members of

the legislature in the parliamentary system.

Statement III: The head of cabinet is chosen from the leading members of the

minority party or a coalition of parties in parliament in the parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. II only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q380.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The executive is not borne out of the legislature in the parliamentary


Statement II: The present institutional arrangement under Ghana's Fourth Republic

is a pure presidential system.

Statement III: Executive power is not split into two namely ceremonial and real or

dignified executive powers in the parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and II only.

B. III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q381.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The head of state exercises real or dignified executive functions in the

parliamentary system.

Statement II: The head of government is not appointed by the head of state in the

parliamentary system.

Statement III: The appointment of ministers is determined by the results of the

parliamentary elections in the parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. II and III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q382.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The size of the cabinet is fixed in the parliamentary system.

Statement II: The Prime Minister must include holders of certain ministerial

portfolios such as finance, defence, foreign affairs, interior, attorney general and

justice in appointing the cabinet in the parliamentary system.

Statement III: The present institutional arrangement under Ghana's Fourth

Republic is a pure parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. II and III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q383.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Executive in the British parliamentary system is the Prime


Statement II: The Prime Minister is not a member of parliament.

Statement III: The cabinet or government is formed out of the majority party in


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. I and II only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q384.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Prime Minister cannot be a member of the minority party in


Statement II: The cabinet or government can include members who are not


Statement III: The principle of collective responsibility is unique to the

parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. I and III only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q385.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The cabinet or government is responsible to the opposition party in


Statement II: The Prime Minister can appoint ministers from outside of parliament.

Statement III: The Prime Minister can sack non-performing parliamentarians.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. I and III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q386.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The unlimited tenure of the executive is a feature of the parliamentary


Statement II: The term limit of the executive in the parliamentary system is five


Statement III: The government can be dissolved before the end of its term.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. II and III only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q387.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The opposition party can initiate a vote of no confidence against the


Statement II: The government can remain in power even if it loses a vote of no


Statement III: The Prime Minister is the head of state in the parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and II only.

B. II and III only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q388.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Prime Minister is the most powerful person in the parliamentary


Statement II: The cabinet or government can remain in power even if it loses the

support of the majority party in parliament.

Statement III: The Prime Minister can veto the decision of the cabinet or


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. II only.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q389.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The cabinet or government is responsible for introducing policies in


Statement II: The Prime Minister is the only member of the cabinet or government

who is a parliamentarian.

Statement III: The cabinet or government can include members who are not

members of the majority party in parliament.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. I and II only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q390.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The principle of collective responsibility applies to minor policy


Statement II: The Prime Minister can ignore the opinion of the majority party in


Statement III: The government can remain in power even if most legislators are

dissatisfied with its performance.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. I and III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q391.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Prime Minister can hold a position in the judiciary.

Statement II: The cabinet or government can be dissolved through a vote of no


Statement III: The Prime Minister has the power to dissolve the parliament and call

for fresh elections.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. II and III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q392.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The term limit of the executive in the parliamentary system is

determined by the electorate.

Statement II: The government can only be formed out of one political party.

Statement III: The Prime Minister is appointed by the head of state.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. II and III only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q393.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The cabinet or government can include members who are not citizens

of the country.

Statement II: The Prime Minister is the only member of the cabinet or government

who can be a parliamentarian.

Statement III: The Prime Minister is the leader of the opposition party.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. II only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q394.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The cabinet or government can be dissolved through impeachment.

Statement II: The Prime Minister can appoint members of the opposition party to

his or her cabinet.

Statement III: The government can only be formed out of one political ideology.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. I only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q395.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: Thatcher's resignation led to the collapse of the government in 1990.

Statement II: The poll tax regime was popular among the British in 1990.

Statement III: The head of state has the power to dissolve parliament.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. I only.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q396.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The power to dissolve parliament can only be used to hold on to

power for a longer period.

Statement II: Parliament can make any law except to change man to woman.

Statement III: The government is directly responsible to the electorate.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. II and III only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q397.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: Parliament is not the main political platform in the parliamentary


Statement II: Members of the ruling party can never vote against a policy initiated

by their party leadership.

Statement III: The official opposition does not play a role in criticizing policies of

the ruling party.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. I and II only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q398.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Prime Minister is not the effective head of government in the

parliamentary system.

Statement II: In the parliamentary system, the people choose the government.

Statement III: A defeat in the major policy of the government or in the censure

motion will not lead to the collapse of cabinet.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. All Statements are Incorrect.

C. I and II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q399.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The resignation of a Prime Minister does not lead to the appointment

of a new Prime Minister.

Statement II: The poll tax regime was introduced by John Major.

Statement III: The Prime Minister cannot issue the threat of dissolution of

parliament to secure greater party loyalty.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. II and III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q400.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Executive 85 is the governing body that holds the majority of

seats in government.

Statement II: The Prime Minister nominates ministers from the opposition party to

form the cabinet.

Statement III: The Prime Minister is not responsible for planning policies with the


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. I and II only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q401.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Prime Minister is not involved in formulating foreign policies.

Statement II: The Prime Minister does not serve as a liaison between his or her

state and other states.

Statement III: The Prime Minister does not negotiate and sign deals with other

states and international agencies.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. I and III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q402.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Prime Minister does not have formal links with the head of state.

Statement II: The Prime Minister is not the leader of the ruling party or the


Statement III: The Prime Minister is not an elected representative of the people.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. I and II only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q403.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system of government allows for dictatorship.

Statement II: The parliamentary system of government does not promote

responsible governance.

Statement III: The head of state and the Prime Minister share the same

responsibilities in the parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. II only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q404.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system of government does not promote national


Statement II: The parliamentary system of government does not ensure a healthy

relationship between the legislature and cabinet.

Statement III: The parliamentary system of government does not ensure stable


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. All Statements are Incorrect.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q405.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system of government does not reduce workload

on the two executive heads.

Statement II: The parliamentary system of government does not ensure a smooth

transition during a change-over period from one political regime to another.

Statement III: The parliamentary system of government is not appropriate for

sharing executive responsibilities.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. II only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q406.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The ceremonial head of state is not a partisan leader in the

parliamentary system.

Statement II: The Prime Minister is a political leader in the parliamentary system.

Statement III: The parliamentary system of government prevents power from being

lumped into the hands of a single person.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Correct.

B. I and II only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q407.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system of government promotes national unity and

loyalty among the citizens.

Statement II: The parliamentary system of government promotes a healthy

relationship between the legislature and cabinet.

Statement III: The parliamentary system of government ensures stable


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and II only.

B. III only.

C. All Statements are Correct.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q408.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system of government reduces the workload on the

two executive heads.

Statement II: The parliamentary system of government ensures a smooth transition

during a change-over period from one political regime to another.

Statement III: The parliamentary system of government shares executive

responsibilities between two separate individuals.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. All Statements are Correct.

C. I only.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q409.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: Absolute power does not lead to abuse of freedoms of the people.

Statement II: Unpopular policies can lead to the exit of the government from


Statement III: The head of state does not perform ceremonial functions.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. III only.

C. I and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q410.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: Issues which are purely partisan are performed by the head of state.

Statement II: The fusion of powers and personnel of both the legislature and

cabinet promotes unhealthy relationship and cooperation.

Statement III: The parliamentary system of government is not appropriate for

reducing friction between the two arms of government.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. I and III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q411.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system of government does not reduce burden.

Statement II: The head of state is not the ceremonial head in the parliamentary


Statement III: The Prime Minister does not have direct relationship with the

electorate and the nation as a whole.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. I only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q412.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The Executive 89 has the power to relinquish political office to

another party.

Statement II: A power vacuum exists in the head of state position when the

parliamentary tenure does not run concurrently.

Statement III: The parliamentary system is less responsive to the needs of citizens

compared to the presidential system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. All Statements are Incorrect.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q413.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The censure motion is used to prevent the government from causing

hardship on the people.

Statement II: Defeat in a confidence vote does not result in the collapse of the

government and parliament.

Statement III: The opposition party in parliament does not play a role in good


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. II only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q414.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system does not promote efficiency in governance.

Statement II: Governments under the parliamentary system have stable tenures.

Statement III: Personality clashes between the two top leaders do not occur in

developing countries adopting the parliamentary system.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. I and II only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q415.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The fusion of powers in the parliamentary system does not violate the

theory of separation of powers.

Statement II: The parliamentary system does not have the possibility of


Statement III: The workload of cabinet members is not increased by their duty as


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. I and II only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q416.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: Delays in decision-making and implementation do not occur in the

parliamentary system.

Statement II: The hybrid model is a separate model from the presidential and

parliamentary models.

Statement III: The current practice in Ghana is a typical example of the

presidential model.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. I and II only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q417.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: France has not adopted the hybrid system of government under the

Fifth Republic.

Statement II: The hybrid model was adopted in France to overcome the highly

stable nature of the cabinet system.

Statement III: The head of state in the hybrid model must be a member of


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. I only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q418.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: Ministers in the parliamentary system are not required to be


Statement II: The fusion of powers in the parliamentary system is necessary to

maintain efficiency.

Statement III: The parliamentary system does not have the problem of premature

collapses of government.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. I and III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q419.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system allows for the opposition party to veto

government policies.

Statement II: The parliamentary system does not give recognition to minority

parties in parliament.

Statement III: The hybrid model completely separates the executive and legislative


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. All Statements are Incorrect.

B. III only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q420.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The hybrid model in Ghana allows for a single executive leader.

Statement II: The parliamentary system allows for the peaceful transition of power

without fresh elections.

Statement III: The parliamentary system allows for the head of state and head of

government to come from different parties.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. II only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q421.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system requires the head of state to have tight party


Statement II: The parliamentary system does not allow the head of state to dissolve


Statement III: The parliamentary system allows for a separation of powers with

checks and balances between different branches of government.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II only.

B. I and III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q422.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system has an independent judicial branch to

maintain balance and protect the rights of citizens.

Statement II: The parliamentary system allows for the opposition party to initiate


Statement III: The parliamentary system allows for a cabinet to be formed from

parties outside of parliament.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I only.

B. II only.

C. II and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q423.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The parliamentary system can lead to military coups due to the

instability and unpredictability of government tenures.

Statement II: The hybrid model has a single executive leader but allows for a

separation of powers between the executive and the legislative branches.

Statement III: The parliamentary system allows for more transparency and

accountability of the government to the citizens compared to the presidential


Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and II only.

B. III only.

C. All Statements are Correct.

D. All Statements are Incorrect.

Q424.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In the hybrid system of France, the President can dissolve the

legislature but retain the cabinet.

Statement II: The French Constitution clearly defines the powers of both the

President and Prime Minister.

Statement III: The President is the dominant political force in the Indian system,

while the Prime Minister performs ceremonial roles.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. I only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q425.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In Finland, the President and Prime Minister have equal

power-sharing in enacting a bill.

Statement II: The German Chancellor has the power to appoint and dismiss cabinet


Statement III: In the French hybrid system, the cabinet is responsible for the

day-to-day running of the government, while the President is elected for a term of

five years.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. II only.

C. III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q426.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: The French President becomes the commander-in-chief of the armed

forces during national emergencies.

Statement II: The French President selects the members of the cabinet.

Statement III: The Prime Minister in the French system has the power to take over

governance of the state during emergencies.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. III only.

B. I and III only.

C. All Statements are Incorrect.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q427.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: In Finland, the President attends meetings of parliament on all


Statement II: The French President is elected for a term of seven years in a

popularly contested election.

Statement III: The President in the Indian system is appointed by the legislature for

a five-year term.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. II and III only.

B. III only.

C. I and III only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

Q428.Read the following statements carefully:

Statement I: During national emergencies, the French President is the

Statement II: The President in the French system is responsible for the day-to-day

running of the government.

Statement III: In the Finnish system, both the President and Prime Minister must

sign a bill before it can become law.

Which of the above Statement(s) is/are correct:

A. I and III only.

B. III only.

C. II only.

D. All Statements are Correct.

True & False (163 Questions)

Q429.The executive is the organ of government that formulates and implements policies for

the administration of a state.



Q430.The bureaucratic executive and political executive are the same in terms of their

functions and responsibilities.



Q431.The appointment of political executive staff is often temporary and can change

frequently due to various reasons.



Q432.The executive has no dominant role in non-democratic regimes.



Q433.The executive is responsible for policy formulation and implementation, both domestic

and foreign.



Q434.Civil bureaucrats do not play a crucial role in policy formulation.



Q435.The annual budget is prepared by the Ministry of Finance or the Chancellor of the




Q436.The executive has no role in the law-making process.



Q437.The head of state is responsible for giving executive assent to bills passed by parliament.



Q438.The executive can initiate bills before parliamentary approval is given.



Q439.The executive and the legislature are separate and distinct organs of government.



Q440.The judiciary is often reorganized to suit the interest of the executive in non-democratic




Q441.The executive cannot address all societal challenges.



Q442.The legislature is responsible for the initiation, formulation, and implementation of

public policies.



Q443.The appointment of bureaucratic executive staff is permanent, and they provide

technical advice and support to the political executive.



Q444.The political executive consists of staff who assume office as a result of their success in

an election or through means such as military coup d'etat or revolution.



Q445.The executive has no role in the suppression of the legislature in non-democratic




Q446.The executive is responsible for the introduction of educational policies.



Q447.The President's veto power in the American political system can be overturned by a

two-thirds majority vote by parliament.



Q448.The assent of the monarch is not required to complete the law-making process in the

British parliamentary system.



Q449.The head of state has the power to reduce the severity of the sentences imposed on the




Q450.The executive is responsible for maintaining law and order in every state.



Q451.The head of state, who is the head of the executive, is responsible for defending the

state's territorial integrity against external aggression.



Q452.The head of state has the power to grant amnesty, which is a special power given to

people who have committed offences against the government.



Q453.The executive arm of government is responsible for providing social amenities in every




Q454.Heads of state and their appointed ministers do not perform ceremonial functions.



Q455.The head of the executive, the head of state, makes appointments of people into high

national offices.



Q456.The president can declare war against any enemy attackers by commanding the military

into action.



Q457.In the British parliamentary system, the head of state has the power to dissolve

parliament and call for fresh elections.



Q458.The executive can perform judicial functions, such as granting pardon, reprieve, and

parole to people convicted of criminal offenses.



Q459.The head of state can grant amnesty to people who have committed offenses against

other governments.



Q460.The head of state has the power to set convicted criminals free.



Q461.The executive arm of government is responsible for the overall peace and security of the




Q462.The head of state, as the head of the executive, has the power to reduce the severity of

sentences imposed on the convicts.



Q463.The judiciary has the exclusive power to grant amnesty to people who have committed

offenses against the government.



Q464.The executive arm of government has the power to grant pardon, reprieve, and parole to

people convicted of criminal offenses.



Q465.The president can declare war against any enemy attackers by commanding the military

into action without the approval of the congress.



Q466.The executive, through the ministers of state, supervises the activities of government

ministries, departments and agencies to enforce government policies.



Q467.A ministry is a small government department created to be responsible for a particular

sector of the country's total administration.



Q468.The head of the executive, the President, is the chief diplomat of his or her state and as

such, he or she enters into negotiations, signs agreements, ratifies treaties and enters into

other forms of relations with other states and international associations for the benefit of

its people.



Q469.The executive's powers are not limited in any way by the two remaining organs of

government in a democratic state.



Q470.Parliament has the constitutional mandate to approve or reject every major policy

proposal formulated by the executive, including the budget before it can be




Q471.The judiciary has the power of judicial review to declare unconstitutional acts of the

executive null and void and ultra vires in Britain.



Q472.The public, through civil society organizations, can exert influence on executive

decisions and actions via the use of public opinion instruments like boycotts, strikes,

open demonstrations and protests.



Q473.The media has no role in regulating the actions of holders of political power in any

democratic state.



Q474.States with which a state has co-operation or relations such as trade or development

partners as well as other international bodies such as the United Nations (UN), African

Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) cannot

control certain policies of the executive.



Q475.The president of the United States cannot be impeached for violating certain injunctions

in the country's Constitution.



Q476.The legislature has no power to pass a vote of no confidence to remove a minister of

state or the entire executive (that is, cabinet) from office.



Q477.The executive is not subject to any periodic elections in a democratic state.



Q478.the presidential executive system, cabinet or parliamentary system and the hybrid




Q479.In some non-democratic states, there are no legislatures, and the judiciary work is not

interfered with by the executive.



Q480.The executive can perform the three distinctive functions of government-law-making,

policy implementation and adjudication of cases in some non-democratic states.



Q481.All government activities are divided into sectors called ministries.



Q482.The executive has no influence on the appointment of ministers in a democratic state.



Q483.The executive cannot enter into financial agreements with states and international

associations for the benefit of the people.



Q484.Civil society organizations cannot exert influence on executive decisions and actions via

the use of public opinion instruments like boycotts, strikes, open demonstrations and

protests in Ghana.



Q485.The presidential executive system is a system of government where the electorate

directly or indirectly votes to elect a single chief executive to perform the roles of both

head of state and head of government.



Q486.The election for the chief executive in the presidential executive system is separate and

independent from the election of legislators.



Q487.In the presidential executive system, the elected chief executive is only a ceremonial

head of state with no real executive powers.



Q488.The ceremonial functions of the president in the presidential executive system include

gracing important national ceremonies and assenting to bills to become laws.



Q489.In the presidential executive system, the elected chief executive is required to select his

or her ministers from outside parliament.



Q490.In the presidential executive system, members of parliament can serve as ministers at the

same time.



Q491.The president in the presidential executive system can only be removed from office

through impeachment for treasonable offences or gross misconduct that brings the high

office into disrepute.



Q492.The legislature in the presidential executive system can truncate the tenure of the

executive through censure motion.



Q493.In the presidential executive system, members of parliament are required to vote

according to their conscience and do not usually toe party lines when it comes to voting

on important national issues.



Q494.In the presidential executive system, the executive president is directly responsible to the

people on whose mandate he or she assumes the high office.



Q495.In the presidential executive system, the elected chief executive shares his or her

executive powers with other persons.



Q496.In the presidential executive system, the president is nominated as a running mate during

the electioneering campaign period.



Q497.The president and vice president in the presidential executive system are jointly elected

into office by the electorate.



Q498.In the presidential executive system, the vice president is the president's subordinate and

can be dismissed on a whim.



Q499.The presidential executive system is distinguished by the single or monocephalous

nature of the executive and the election of a single executive leader for the state.



Q500.In the presidential executive system, the president serves at the pleasure of the




Q501.In the presidential executive system, the legislature has the power to dissolve the




Q502.In the presidential executive system, the president is directly responsible to the

legislature and indirectly responsible to the people.



Q503.In the presidential executive system, executive power is shared between the president

and other persons.



Q504.The president in a presidential system is not required to seek approval before assuming




Q505.The president and ministers are equals in a presidential system.



Q506.The Constitution is not supreme in a presidential system.



Q507.The president cannot veto a bill enacted by parliament.



Q508.The president is the head of the armed forces in a presidential system.



Q509.The president is not accountable to the people in a presidential system.



Q510.The presidential system is more democratic than the parliamentary system due to

political accountability.



Q511.The president cannot be removed from office prematurely in a presidential system.



Q512.The executive enjoys full life due to the absence of censure motion or vote of no

confidence in a presidential system.



Q513.The president has a conducive atmosphere to rule due to the absence of personality

conflict at the top executive level in a presidential system.



Q514.Efficiency in the administration is promoted in a presidential system due to the

specialization of functions among the organs.



Q515.The principle of separation of powers inherent in the presidential executive model

guarantees the rights and liberties of individuals.



Q516.The presidential executive model allows for the impeachment of a non-performing

president before the end of his or her tenure.



Q517.The parliamentary system is also known as the dual executive system.



Q518.In the parliamentary system, the head of state and head of government are performed by

two separate personalities.



Q519.In the parliamentary system, the head of state exercises real or dignified executive




Q520.The head of government or the prime minister is appointed by the head of state in the

parliamentary system.



Q521.The Prime Minister is not allowed to choose his or her own cabinet in the parliamentary




Q522.The head of state has the power to appoint the Prime Minister in the parliamentary




Q523.The parliamentary system allows for the head of state to be an elected leader in a

republican state.



Q524.The head of state in the parliamentary system exercises more power than the Prime




Q525.The presidential executive model allows for the impeachment of a non-performing

president before the end of his or her tenure.



Q526.In the parliamentary system, the Prime Minister is elected by the people.



Q527.The cabinet in the parliamentary system is formed by the Prime Minister from his or her

colleagues in parliament.



Q528.The principle of collective responsibility means that the decision and policies of the

cabinet are not binding on all members who must support them in public.



Q529.The government in the parliamentary system can be dissolved by the Prime Minister at

any time.



Q530.Ministers in the parliamentary system are not required to be members of parliament.



Q531.The Prime Minister is the pivot around which the entire governmental machinery




Q532.In the parliamentary system, the government is responsible to the assembly or




Q533.The government in the parliamentary system can serve for an unlimited period of time.



Q534.The cabinet must resign and fresh elections are conducted when there is a policy failure.



Q535.The Prime Minister can choose cabinet members from outside parliament.



Q536.The parliamentary system is based on the separation of powers.



Q537.Thatcher's popularity dipped in 1990 due to the introduction of the poll tax regime.



Q538.Thatcher resigned as Prime Minister and as the leader of the Conservative Party due to

her dipping popularity.



Q539.The resignation or death of a Prime Minister always leads to the collapse of the




Q540.The Prime Minister does not have the power to recommend or advise the head of state to

dissolve parliament.



Q541.The power of the Prime Minister to recommend for the dissolution of parliament is used

only as a threat to secure greater party loyalty.



Q542.The legislature in the parliamentary system does not have the authority to hold the

cabinet accountable through the vote of confidence.



Q543.The Prime Minister is not a member of the legislature who represents a constituency and

is the head of cabinet.



Q544.In the parliamentary system, the people choose the government and the Prime Minister

is elected by the people.



Q545.The government in the parliamentary system is not directly responsible to the parliament

for its actions and inactions.



Q546.The political system in the parliamentary regime does not fuse the executive and the




Q547.Strict party discipline in the parliamentary system is due to the fear of being thrown out

of office through a censure motion.



Q548.Members of parliament in the parliamentary system are free to vote against their party's




Q549.The opposition leader is not appointed to monitor the activities of the various ministries.



Q550.The shadow cabinet plays an effective role of criticizing policies of the ruling party.



Q551.The opposition party does not regard itself as the government in-waiting.



Q552.The Prime Minister in the parliamentary system is not the elected leader of the party.



Q553.In the parliamentary system, parliament can make any law and no other body can

overturn its decisions.



Q554.The government in the parliamentary system functions as a committee of parliament and

is not responsible to the electorate.



Q555.The parliament in the parliamentary system is not the main political platform and the

focus of power.



Q556.The Executive 85 that commands the majority seats in government is the head of state.



Q557.The Prime Minister is responsible for nominating ministers to form the cabinet, but does

not preside over it.



Q558.Domestic policies include agriculture, domestic trade, health, education, and internal




Q559.The Prime Minister serves as a liaison between his or her state and international

organizations like the UN and ECOWAS.



Q560.The Prime Minister has no formal links with the head of state.



Q561.The Prime Minister is not a member of parliament.



Q562.The parliamentary system of government is more prone to dictatorship than the

presidential system.



Q563.In the parliamentary system, the government depends on the support and confidence of

parliament to stay in power.



Q564.The head of state performs both ceremonial and partisan functions in the parliamentary




Q565.The parliamentary system promotes national unity and loyalty among citizens by

separating partisan activities from ceremonial ones.



Q566.The parliamentary system ensures a smooth transition and avoids administrative

interregnum or hiatus during a change-over period from one political regime to another.



Q567.The parliamentary system is the most appropriate system for sharing executive

responsibilities as it reduces work load on the two executive heads.



Q568.The Prime Minister is chosen by the head of state in the parliamentary system.



Q569.The majority party in parliament can refuse to co-operate with the executive in pushing

through major policies in the parliamentary system.



Q570.The head of state is the leader of the ruling party or the coalition in the parliamentary




Q571.The parliamentary system ensures stable administration by reducing friction between the

two arms of government.



Q572.The head of state is the one whom the people look up to for direction in the

parliamentary system.



Q573.The parliamentary system of government grants the Executive power to another party to

assume political office.



Q574.The head of state's tenure runs concurrently with that of parliament in a parliamentary




Q575.The fear of censure motion encourages the government to be more responsive to the

needs of the citizenry in the parliamentary system.



Q576.In a parliamentary system, the government does not collapse if defeated in a confidence




Q577.The opposition party does not play a role in the parliamentary system.



Q578.The parliamentary system does not promote efficiency in governance.



Q579.Rifts between the two top leaders can lead to the collapse of the government in the

parliamentary system.



Q580.The parliamentary system complies with the principle of separation of powers.



Q581.The parliamentary system can lead to the emergence of a dictatorship.



Q582.In the parliamentary system, ministers are not simultaneously parliamentarians.



Q583.In the hybrid system of France, the President wields more power than the Prime Minister

and cabinet.



Q584.The French Constitution clearly defines the powers of the President and the Prime




Q585.The President of India is elected by the legislature for a five-year term.



Q586.In India, the Prime Minister is a ceremonial figurehead.



Q587.In Germany, the Chancellor can appoint and dismiss cabinet members, as well as

become the commander-in-chief during national emergencies.



Q588.In Austria and Ireland, the head of government performs both ceremonial and real

executive functions.



Q589.The President of Finland has limited powers compared to the Prime Minister.



Q590.The French hybrid system is an example of a presidential type of government.



Q591.The President of India has limited powers compared to the Prime Minister.



Descriptive (117 Questions)

Q592.What is the meaning of the executive in the context of a government?

Ans: The executive is the organ of government responsible for the formulation and

implementation of policies for the administration of a state. It is made up of various

institutions and individuals, such as the president, vice president, prime minister,

ministers of state, and the civil service.

Q593.What are the two distinctions of the executive?

Ans: The two distinctions of the executive are the political executive and the bureaucratic


Q594.What is the political executive?

Ans: The political executive refers to the staff within the executive organ of government who

assume office as a result of their success in an election or through other means such as a

military coup d'etat or revolution. They are at the core of government and are politically

responsible for government actions.

Q595.What is the bureaucratic executive?

Ans: The bureaucratic executive refers to the categories of staff in the executive organ whose

appointment is relatively permanent. They provide technical advice and support to the

political executive and are sometimes called bureaucrats, technocrats, administrators, or

civil servants.

Q596.What is the role of the executive in policy formulation and implementation?

Ans: The executive is responsible for the initiation, formulation, and implementation of

public policies, both domestic and foreign, for the general administration of the state.

The civil bureaucrats play a crucial role in policy formulation by assisting politicians in

putting into effect their advertised policies and programs.

Q597.What is the role of the executive in the preparation of budgets?

Ans: The executive is responsible for the preparation of the national budget, which includes

the proposal for raising revenue and their projected spending. The budget must be

presented to parliament before it can be put into effect.

Q598.What is the legislative function of the executive?

Ans: The executive plays a vital role in the law-making process by initiating most bills before

parliamentary approval is given and by providing the final stage of the law-making

process through executive assent, where the head of state has to give his or her approval

to bills passed by parliament before they can become laws.

Q599.What is the relationship between the executive and the legislature in the law-making


Ans: The law-making process requires inputs of the executive both at the introductory and the

termination stages. The executive plays a vital role to complement the effort of the

legislature in the law-making process.

Q600.How does the executive dominate in a non-democratic regime?

Ans: In a non-democratic regime, the executive is the dominant organ of government as the

other organs of government, namely the legislature and judiciary, are either suppressed

or proscribed altogether. The executive often doubles as the legislature and reorganizes

the judiciary to suit its interests.

Q601.What are the sources of revenue for the executive?

Ans: Governments raise revenue from various sources, including taxation, borrowing from

both domestic and external sources, and other means to finance their proposed projects

and programs.

Q602.What is the role of the civil bureaucrats in policy formulation?

Ans: The civil bureaucrats play a crucial role in policy formulation by assisting politicians in

putting into effect their advertised policies and programs. They offer technical advice

and support to the political executive.

Q603.What is the role of parliament in policy implementation?

Ans: Major policies have to be approved by parliament before they are implemented. This

ensures that the policies have the backing of the legislative arm of government, making

their implementation more effective.

Q604.What is the power of the president to reject a bill passed by the legislature called?

Ans: The power of the president to reject a bill passed by the legislature is called the veto.

Q605.What is the process of overturning the president's veto?

Ans: The president's veto can be overturned by a two-thirds majority vote by parliament for

that action to be secured.

Q606.What is the role of the monarch in the British parliamentary system regarding the

law-making process?

Ans: In the British parliamentary system, the assent of the monarch to bills passed by the

legislature is required to complete the law-making process.

Q607.What is the judicial power of the head of state in relation to convicted criminals?

Ans: The head of state, who is the head of the executive, has the judicial power to grant

pardon, reprieve, and parole to people convicted of various criminal offenses by the


Q608.What is the meaning of pardon in the context of criminal law?

Ans: A pardon is a release from the penalty of a criminal offense, which involves serving a

jail sentence.

Q609.What is the meaning of reprieve in the context of criminal law?

Ans: A reprieve is a postponement of punishment, while parole is the release of a person

serving a jail sentence before the end of their court-determined term due to good


Q610.What is the function of the executive regarding law and order?

Ans: The executive is responsible for maintaining law and order to ensure peace in society.

The executive uses the coercive apparatus, such as the police, prisons, and immigration

services, as well as the courts to deal with criminals and other lawbreakers.

Q611.What is the responsibility of the executive regarding national defense and security?

Ans: The executive is responsible for protecting the territorial integrity of the state against

external aggression and ensuring the security of the people. The executive uses the

military as the country's defense force to counter any external or internal aggression.

Q612.What is the role of the head of state regarding the military?

Ans: The head of state is the commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces and has the

final word in planning how to fight a war should one occur in the state.

Q613.What is the responsibility of the executive regarding the provision of social amenities?

Ans: The executive is responsible for providing or ensuring the existence of good roads, rail

networks, sea and airports, education, health care, and other social services to improve

the standard of living of the people.

Q614.What are the ceremonial functions of the head of state and appointed ministers?

Ans: The ceremonial functions of the head of state and appointed ministers include

representing the state and its people in international meetings and visits, receiving

important dignitaries from abroad, granting honors to deserving citizens for meritorious

services, and performing other national historic days with their presence.

Q615.Who is responsible for making appointments of people into high national offices?

Ans: The head of the executive, the head of state, makes appointments of people into high

national offices such as prime minister, ministers of state, ambassadors, the Chief Justice

and other justices of the superior courts, ambassadors and high commissioners who

represent the country's diplomatic missions abroad.

Q616.What is the role of the executive in the supervision of government ministries,

departments, and agencies?

Ans: The executive, with the help of ministers of state, supervises the activities of government

ministries, departments, and agencies to ensure that they conform to the broad policies

of the government. This division of government activities into sectors called ministries

aims to bring together related governmental activities under the management of a


Q617.What is the role of the President in establishing foreign relations, and how does this

process take place?

Ans: The President, as the head of the executive, is the chief diplomat of the state. They enter

into negotiations, sign agreements, ratify treaties, and establish other forms of relations

with other states and international associations for the benefit of the people. These

agreements can be signed on behalf of the people by the head of state, ministers of state,

or the country's representatives abroad.

Q618.What are some limitations on the powers of the executive, and how do they occur?

Ans: Limitations on the powers of the executive include parliamentary or legislative controls,

judicial control, public opinion, media control, external controls, constitutional

limitations, and periodic elections. These controls ensure that the executive's power

remains within certain boundaries and is not misused.

Q619.How can parliamentary or legislative controls limit the powers of the executive?

Ans: Parliamentary or legislative controls limit the powers of the executive by approving or

rejecting major policy proposals from the executive, such as budgets, financial

agreements, and appointments. In the parliamentary executive system, rejection of a

major policy can lead to the collapse of the cabinet, triggering fresh elections to form a

new government.

Q620.How does the judiciary control the activities of the executive, and what role does judicial

review play in this process?

Ans: The judiciary controls the activities of the executive through the power of judicial

review, where it can declare unconstitutional acts of the executive null and void. This is

particularly applicable to the Supreme Court, as demonstrated in Ghana, when it ruled

that President Limann had no constitutional power to remove Chief Justice Apaloo from


Q621.How can public opinion influences the executive's decisions and actions, and what are

some examples of this influence?

Ans: Public opinion can influence executive decisions and actions through the use of public

opinion instruments, such as boycotts, strikes, open demonstrations, and protests. For

instance, in Ghana, the NDC government suspended the implementation of the Value

Added Tax (VAT) system due to public demonstrations against the tax in 1995.

Q622.How does the media act as a control mechanism on the executive in a democratic state?

Ans: The media, often referred to as the fourth estate of the political realm, regulates the

actions of holders of political power in a democratic state by educating, informing, and

entertaining the public. Media coverage brings to light executive actions that do not

reflect public interest, prompting condemnation through editorials, documentaries, news

bulletins, and phone-in programs.

Q623.How can external sources, such as trade partners, development partners, and

international bodies, control the executive's policies?

Ans: External sources can control the executive's policies through co-operations and

agreements, such as trade or development partnerships and relationships with

international bodies like the United Nations, African Union, or ECOWAS. These

organizations can impact certain executive policies through their interactions and

agreements with the state.

Q624.What constitutional limitations exist in the United States to control the executive's


Ans: In the United States, specific constitutional provisions prevent the president from

violating certain injunctions, or risk impeachment or removal from office. This fear of

impeachment serves as another limitation on the powers of the executive.

Q625.How do periodic elections impose restrictions on the executive and influence its


Ans: Periodic elections held to select members into government impose restrictions on the

executive through the fear of losing the confidence of the electorate and the subsequent

loss of votes. This fear of losing support acts as a motivator to ensure the executive's

behavior and actions align with public interest.

Q626.Describe the three visible types of the executive.

Ans: The three visible types of the executive are the presidential executive system, cabinet or

parliamentary system, and the hybrid system. These systems function differently and

distribute executive powers and responsibilities differently.

Q627.What is the role of the ministers in supervising the activities of government ministries,

departments, and agencies?

Ans: Ministers of state assist the executive in supervising the activities of government

ministries, departments, and agencies to ensure that they conform to the broad policies

of the government. Each ministry is headed by a minister whose responsibility is to

supervise the activities of the ministry and its sub-agencies. This hierarchical structure

enables efficient management and coordination of government activities.

Q628.What is the presidential executive system and how does it differ from the parliamentary

system in terms of the head of state and government?

Ans: The presidential executive system is a system of government in which the electorate

directly or indirectly vote to elect a single chief executive of the country through a

popular election. This chief executive serves as both the ceremonial head of state and

head of government. The presidential election is separate and independent of the election

held for the legislators. This system is in contrast to the parliamentary system in which

the head of state may be a monarch or a president who wields only ceremonial powers,

and the real executive powers are exercised by a prime minister who is the leader of the

majority party in parliament.

Q629.Which countries, in addition to the United States, have adopted the presidential system

of government?

Ans: Other republican states such as Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, Botswana, Namibia,

South Africa, Argentina, and Benin have also adopted the presidential system of


Q630.What are the key features of the presidential system of government?

Ans: The presidential system of government is characterized by the single or monocephalous

nature of the executive, where the elected individual serves as both the head of state and

the head of government. This system also features a distinct separation of powers

between the organs of government, a secure tenure for the president and the legislature,

weak party discipline, and direct responsibility of the executive to the electorate.

Q631.How is the president elected in the presidential system of government?

Ans: The president is elected by the electorate for a fixed term, usually four years, and is

chosen by the entire population of the country. He or she can be eligible for re-election

for a second term, but not more.

Q632.What is the significance of the single or monocephalous nature of the executive in the

presidential system of government?

Ans: The unified nature of the executive functions in the presidential system makes the

president more influential and his or her position prestigious. The president exercises

both ceremonial and real executive powers.

Q633.How does the separation of powers work in the presidential system of government?

Ans: In the presidential system of government, there is a distinct separation of powers

between the organs of government, namely the legislature, executive, and judiciary in

terms of personnel, functions, location, and structure. This means each of the three

organs is completely independent of one another, and the president selects his or her

ministers from outside parliament.

Q634.What is the significance of the security of tenure in the presidential system of


Ans: The security of tenure in the presidential system of government provides not only for a

strong and effective executive but also a stable life of the legislature. The legislature is

debarred from truncating the tenure of the executive through censure motion, and the

president is constitutionally constrained from dissolving parliament until it has duly

completed its term.

Q635.How does party discipline work in the presidential system of government?

Ans: Party discipline in the presidential system is usually weak, and members of parliament

are at liberty to vote according to their conscience and do not usually toe party lines

when it comes to voting on important national issues.

Q636.Who is directly responsible to the people in the presidential system of government?

Ans: The executive president is directly responsible to the people on whose mandate he or she

assumes the high office.

Q637.How is executive power vested in the presidential system of government?

Ans: Executive power is vested in the president only in the presidential system of

government. The president, however, is assisted by a vice president whom he or she

nominates as a running mate during the electioneering campaign period.

Q638.How does the vice president function in the presidential system of government?

Ans: The vice president assists the president in the discharge of his or her constitutionally

mandated duties. In the absence of the president or in the event of his or her inability to

perform his or her functions due to ill health or any other means, the vice president takes

over as the president.

Q639.What is the distinction between the American model of the presidential system of

government and other variants currently in practice in many countries?

Ans: The American model of the presidential system of government is distinguished from

other variants currently in practice in many countries by the salient features of the single

executive system, the monocephalous nature of the executive, and the distinct separation

of powers between the organs of government. Additionally, in the American model, the

president is directly elected by the people and exercises both ceremonial and real

executive powers. The president also selects his or her ministers from outside

parliament, and the security of tenure is provided for the executive and the legislature.

Q640.What is the Executive 69 Subordination of Ministers to the President system, and how

does it differ from the parliamentary system?

Ans: The Executive 69 Subordination of Ministers to the President system is a form of

government where the president is the boss of his or her subordinates, the ministers,

whose nominations must be approved by the president before they can assume office. In

contrast, the parliamentary system views the prime minister as primus inter pares, or first

among equals. In the presidential system, the president is responsible for hiring and

firing ministers, and both the president and the ministers are subordinate to the

Constitution, which is the supreme source of power. In contrast, in the parliamentary

system, parliament, which consists of the cabinet and the assembly, is regarded as


Q641.What are the powers and functions of the executive president in the ideal presidential


Ans: The executive president is a person who has been elected by the people to occupy the

high office of the land. In the ideal presidential system, the executive president performs

a dual role as the ceremonial head of state and head of government. The ceremonial

functions include gracing important national ceremonies with his or her presence, acting

as the fount of honor, exercising the prerogative of mercy, being the supreme

commander of the country's armed forces, assenting to bills enacted by the legislature,

and receiving foreign dignitaries. The real executive functions include appointing

ministers to form the cabinet, initiating policies for the sound administration of the state,

determining the foreign policy direction of the country, negotiating and signing foreign

treaties, representing the country abroad, and explaining critical issues of interest to the


Q642.What are the ceremonial functions of the executive president in the presidential system?

Ans: The ceremonial functions of the executive president in the presidential system include

gracing important national ceremonies with his or her presence, acting as the fount of

honor, exercising the prerogative of mercy, being the supreme commander of the

country's armed forces, assenting to bills enacted by the legislature, and receiving

foreign dignitaries.

Q643.What is the role of the executive president as the fount of honor in the presidential


Ans: As the fount of honor, the executive president has the power to honor citizens for their

meritorious services to the state. The honor can also be extended to foreigners who have

distinguished themselves in various fields of endeavor.

Q644.What is the prerogative of mercy, and how is it exercised by the executive president in

the presidential system?

Ans: The prerogative of mercy is a power exercised by the executive president to reprieve or

grant pardon to commute the sentences handed down to convicts by courts of law.

General amnesty can also be granted to citizens who have fled into exile for various


Q645.What is the role of the executive president as the supreme commander of the country's

armed forces in the presidential system?

Ans: As the supreme commander or commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces, the

executive president can order them to action in defence of the state in times of external


Q646.What are the real executive functions of the executive president in the presidential


Ans: The real executive functions of the executive president in the presidential system include

appointing ministers to form the cabinet, initiating policies for the sound administration

of the state, determining the foreign policy direction of the country, negotiating and

signing foreign treaties, representing the country abroad, and explaining critical issues of

interest to the people.

Q647.How does the executive president determine the foreign policy direction of the country

in the presidential system?

Ans: As the head of government, the executive president determines the foreign policy

direction of the country in consultation with the cabinet. He or she also negotiates and

signs foreign treaties with other states and international organizations on behalf of the


Q648.What is the role of the executive president in representing the country abroad in the

presidential system?

Ans: As the head of government, the executive president represents the country abroad at all

international meetings, conferences, summits, and fora. He or she also leads delegations

to visit other countries on duty tours or working visits.

Q649.What is the system of government that exclusively belongs to the executive branch

according to the Constitution?

Ans: The system of government that exclusively belongs to the executive branch according to

the Constitution is called the presidential executive model.

Q650.What is the principle that is inherent in the presidential executive model and serves as

the greatest institutional device to prevent abuse of power by any branch of government?

Ans: The principle of separation of powers is inherent in the presidential executive model and

serves as the greatest institutional device to prevent abuse of power by any branch of


Q651.How do the rights and liberties of individuals get guaranteed in the presidential

executive model?

Ans: The rights and liberties of individuals get guaranteed in the presidential executive model

due to the strict adherence to the principle of separation of powers.

Q652.What is the problem associated with the fixed tenure of the executive in the presidential

executive model?

Ans: The problem associated with the fixed tenure of the executive in the presidential

executive model is that even when the government has become most unpopular or

insensitive to the plight of the people, there is no means of effecting a change of

government. The people only have to wait impatiently and helplessly until the expiration

of the tenure.

Q653.What are the dictatorial tendencies that can be promoted by the presidential executive


Ans: The dictatorial tendencies that can be promoted by the presidential executive model

include the concentration of all executive powers in the hands of a single leader, coupled

with difficulties associated with impeachment processes. This can lead to a

non-performing president pushing through harsh and unpopular policies with apparent


Q654.What is the impact of weak party discipline in the parliamentary system on the

president's efforts to achieve set goals?

Ans: The weak party discipline in the parliamentary system can frustrate the president's

efforts at achieving his or her set goals, as members of parliament, including those from

his party, can vote against some of his policies.

Q655.What is the parliamentary system of government also known as?

Ans: The parliamentary system of government is also known as the dual executive system.

Q656.What is the fusion of powers in the parliamentary system of government?

Ans: The fusion of powers in the parliamentary system of government refers to the close

relationship between the executive (that is the cabinet) and legislative organ of


Q657.Who is the head of cabinet in the parliamentary system of government?

Ans: The head of cabinet in the parliamentary system of government is the Prime Minister.

Q658.Who is the ceremonial head of state's post occupied by in the parliamentary system of


Ans: The ceremonial head of state's post is occupied by the Prime Minister in the

parliamentary system of government.

Q659.Who exercises nominal or ceremonial functions in the parliamentary system of


Ans: The nominal or ceremonial functions in the parliamentary system of government are

exercised by the head of state.

Q660.Who is responsible for appointing the cabinet in the parliamentary system of


Ans: The Prime Minister is responsible for appointing the cabinet in the parliamentary system

of government, which is a small working committee of most senior ministers who take

major policy decisions with the Prime Minister.

Q661.What is the unique position of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system of


Ans: The Prime Minister holds a distinctive and unique position in the parliamentary system

of government. Despite being a parliamentarian like any other minister, the Prime

Minister's role is of utmost importance, earning him the title of "primus inter pares,"

meaning "first among equals" (Dickerson & Flanagan, 1990; Hague & Harrop, 2010;

Johari, 2005; Hauss, 2000). The Prime Minister is often compared to a sun, a captain, or

a pivot, highlighting their central role in the government.

Q662.How is the cabinet formed in the British parliamentary system?

Ans: In the British parliamentary system, the cabinet is formed from the representatives in

parliament. After an election, the political party with the majority of elected

representatives is given the recognition to form the government. The head of the

majority party becomes the Prime Minister and selects their cabinet members from their

party colleagues in parliament (Dickerson & Flanagan, 1990).

Q663.What are the implications of ministers in a parliamentary model being chosen from

among members of parliament?

Ans: In the parliamentary model, ministers being chosen from among members of parliament

results in a fusion of powers between parliament and the cabinet. Since ministers are

also parliamentarians, they perform a dual role as government ministers and legislative

members. This system of drawing ministers from parliament is known as the

parliamentary system (Bradley & Pinei, 2012).

Q664.What is the principle of collective responsibility in the parliamentary system?

Ans: The principle of collective responsibility is a defining characteristic of the parliamentary

model. It refers to the practice where the cabinet's decisions and policies are binding on

all members, who must support them in public. Ministers work as a team, sharing praise

for successful policies and bearing the consequences of policy failures collectively.

When the government faces major policy lapses, the entire cabinet must resign

(Bhagwan & Bhushan, 2009).

Q665.What is the significance of the vote of no confidence or censure motion in the

parliamentary system?

Ans: The vote of no confidence or censure motion is a striking feature of the parliamentary

system. If the parliament is dissatisfied with the government's performance, the

opposition party can initiate a voting motion to test the government's popularity. If most

legislators are dissatisfied, it results in a vote of censure, forcing the government to

resign or call for fresh elections (Hauss, 2000; Johari, 2005).

Q666.How does the parliamentary system determine the term limit of the executive?

Ans: In the pure form of the parliamentary system, such as in Britain, the executive's term is

theoretically a definite period of five years. However, the term can be extended

indefinitely through the Prime Minister's powers to dissolve parliament and call for fresh

elections. The Prime Minister may do this to secure a renewed mandate if they gauge

strong public support (Bradley & Pinelli, 2012).

Q667.What is the historical context of the principle of collective responsibility in the

parliamentary system?

Ans: The principle of collective responsibility in the parliamentary system was established

between 1832 and 1867. During this period, ten governments' administrations were

terminated prematurely as they failed to sustain the House of Commons' support. The

regular definition of collective responsibility as a doctrine enjoining all ministers to

resign en-bloc if the government lost the confidence of the House was established by the

1860s (Woodhouse, 1994).

Q668.What is the significance of the resignation of a Prime Minister in the parliamentary

system and how does it affect the government?

Ans: The resignation or death of a Prime Minister does not necessarily lead to the collapse of

the government. Instead, it provides an opportunity for the ruling party to replace the

Prime Minister with someone who they believe can continue to effectively lead the

government. This can be seen in the cases of the resignations of Prime Minister Thatcher

in 1990 and Prime Minister Chamberlain in 1940, which did not result in the collapse of

the government. Instead, they were succeeded by John Major and Winston Churchill,


Q669.What is the power of the Prime Minister to recommend for the dissolution of


Ans: The Prime Minister, as the head of government, has the power to recommend or advise

the head of state to dissolve parliament at any time before the expiration of the

government's term and call for fresh elections. This power can be used for two reasons.

First, it can be used as a means to make the executive hold on to power for a longer

period than what the electorate will initially give it. Secondly, it can be used as a threat

to secure greater party loyalty, especially when the party in power realizes that there is

deep division among its members in parliament over a major policy issue which can

threaten its tenure.

Q670.What is the role of parliament in the parliamentary system and why is it considered


Ans: In the parliamentary system, parliament is considered the supreme body in the state due

to its power to make any law and no other body except parliament itself can overturn its

decisions on the grounds that they are unconstitutional. Parliament is also the main

political platform and the focus of power, where politicians gain or lose reputation and

where governments rise or fall. It technically consists of two parts, the cabinet or

government and the assembly, with emphasis placed on the people's representatives in


Q671.What is the relationship between the Prime Minister and the legislature in the

parliamentary system?

Ans: The Prime Minister in the parliamentary system occupies a very important position in

the government, serving as a member of the legislature who represents a constituency

and at the same time is the head of cabinet. This unique position gives the Prime

Minister much power, support, and influence from both the cabinet and the legislature.

Q672.What is the responsibility of the government to parliament in the parliamentary system?

Ans: In the parliamentary system, the government is directly responsible to parliament for its

actions and inactions and only indirectly responsible to the electorate. The government

functions as a committee of parliament and can be held accountable through the vote of


Q673.What is the impact of the fusion of the executive and the assembly in the parliamentary

system on parliament as a political platform?

Ans: In the parliamentary system, the fusion of the executive and the assembly turns

parliament into the main political center stage in the country, where politicians gain or

lose reputation and where governments rise or fall. Members of parliament tend to vote

enbloc either in support or against a policy due to the fear of being thrown out of office

through a censure motion.

Q674.Why does strict party discipline exist in the parliamentary system, and what are its


Ans: Strict party discipline exists in the parliamentary system to ensure the majority party in

parliament forms the government and the minority party or parties form the official

opposition. This discipline is necessary as a defeat in the major policy of the government

or in the censure motion will lead to the collapse of cabinet and the subsequent

dissolution of parliament. The consequences of strict party discipline are that members

of parliament are often united in their support for the policies of the government and that

a parliamentarian who does not support his or her party's position risks being purged

from the party.

Q675.Who forms the shadow cabinet and what is its role in holding the government

accountable in the parliamentary system?

Ans: The opposition leader may appoint shadow cabinet ministers to monitor the activities of

the various ministries. The shadow Prime Minister, together with the shadow ministers,

forms the shadow cabinet. The role of the opposition is crucial in this system of

government because it plays an effective role of criticizing policies of the ruling party

which it thinks are not in the best interest of the people and offers better alternatives to


Q676.How does the concept of collective responsibility impact the government's

decision-making process in the parliamentary system?

Ans: The principle of collective responsibility of cabinet and strong party discipline, coupled

with the fear of being thrown out of office through a censure motion, means that the

government always ensures that all its major policies gain approval in parliament. This

ensures that the government can function effectively and efficiently, with all members of

the government working towards a common goal.

Q677.Why does the opposition in the parliamentary system play a crucial role, and what are its


Ans: The opposition in the parliamentary system plays a crucial role by criticizing policies of

the ruling party which it thinks are not in the best interest of the people and offers better

alternatives to them. It also regards itself as the government in-waiting and that should

the government or the ruling party fall, it is most probable that it will form the next

government. The opposition is responsible for playing an active role in the parliamentary

system, with its leader, the opposition leader, serving as the shadow prime minister.

Q678.How does the system of appointment of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary system

differ from that in a presidential system?

Ans: In the parliamentary system, the Prime Minister is appointed by the head of state and

after the appointment, the former in turn appoints his or her ministers from parliament.

In contrast, in a presidential system, the head of state and the head of government are

separate, with the latter elected through a popular vote.

Q679.What is the significance of the position of the Prime Minister in the parliamentary


Ans: The Prime Minister is the effective head of government in the parliamentary system,

serving as the elected leader of the party. This position comes with much power,

influence, and support from both cabinet and the legislature. The Prime Minister is

responsible for leading the government, making important decisions, and ensuring the

stability of the government.

Q680.What is the role of the Executive 85 in government, and what is its relationship with the

majority seats in government?

Ans: The Executive 85 is a political institution that commands the majority seats in

government and is responsible for leading the government. As the leader of the

government, the Prime Minister is responsible for nominating ministers from his or her

party or coalition to form the cabinet, and for planning and formulating both domestic

and foreign policies with them.

Q681.What are the functions of the Prime Minister in relation to the cabinet and the

administration of the state?

Ans: The Prime Minister is responsible for nominating ministers to form the cabinet, and for

presiding over and planning policies with them for the sound administration of the state.

The cabinet, under the leadership of the Prime Minister, formulates both domestic and

foreign policies to achieve goals set by the state.

Q682.What are some of the domestic policies that are formulated by the Prime Minister and

the cabinet?

Ans: Some of the domestic policies that are formulated by the Prime Minister and the cabinet

include those on agriculture, domestic trade, health, education, and internal security.

Q683.What is the role of the Prime Minister in relation to foreign policy and international


Ans: The Prime Minister serves as a liaison between the state and other states, leading the

country's delegation to important international meetings and conferences such as the

United Nations (UN), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and

the African Union (AU) summits. The Prime Minister is also responsible for negotiating

and signing deals with other states and international agencies on issues such as trade,

defence, education, and other forms of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Q684.What is the relationship between the Prime Minister and the head of state, and what are

the formal links between the two?

Ans: The Prime Minister has formal links with the head of state and is responsible for holding

regular meetings with the ceremonial head of state to keep him or her informed of

decisions made by the cabinet on matters of public business. The Prime Minister may

also advise the head of state on bills passed by parliament, the appointment of certain

individuals to top national appointments, and the exercise of the prerogative of mercy.

Additionally, the Prime Minister has the prerogative to advise the head of state to

dissolve parliament if necessary.

Q685.What is the role of the Prime Minister as the leader of the ruling party or coalition, and

what are his or her responsibilities in this capacity?

Ans: The Prime Minister is the leader of the ruling party or coalition and is responsible for

leading his or her team to defend the government's policies in parliament. As an elected

representative of the people, the Prime Minister also takes an active part in deliberations

in parliament and is the one whom the people look up to for direction. The Prime

Minister also has a direct relationship with the electorate and the nation as a whole, and

is responsible for explaining government policies and appealing to the people for their


Q686.What are some of the advantages of the parliamentary system of government over the

presidential system?

Ans: The parliamentary system of government has a number of advantages over the

presidential system, including the avoidance of dictatorship and the abuse of individual

liberties through the division of power between a ceremonial leader and a leader of

government affairs. This division of power also promotes responsible governance by

preventing the monopolization of power and the use of unpopular policies that can lead

to the government's exit from power.

Q687.How does the parliamentary system promote responsible governance and prevent the

abuse of power?

Ans: The parliamentary system promotes responsible governance by making the government's

stay in power dependent on the support and confidence of parliament. If this support and

confidence is lost, the opposition element can call for a confidence vote to test the

government's popularity. This encourages governments to be careful about the policies

they introduce, as unpopular policies can lead to their exit from power.

Q688.How does the bicephalous or dual nature of the executive in the parliamentary system

promote national unity and loyalty among citizens?

Ans: The separation of ceremonial functions from partisan functions in the parliamentary

system helps to promote national unity and loyalty among citizens. Ceremonial

functions, such as the conferment of honors on distinguished citizens and the gracing of

important national ceremonies, are performed by the head of state, while partisan

functions are left to the Prime Minister, who is a political leader. This allows the people

to assess whether the government is pursuing their interests without the interference of

partisan politics.

Q689.How does the parliamentary system promote a healthy relationship and cooperation

between the legislature and the cabinet?

Ans: The parliamentary system promotes a healthy relationship and cooperation between the

legislature and the cabinet by selecting the Prime Minister and his or her cabinet from

the majority party in parliament. This fusion of powers and personnel between the two

organs of government strengthens the bond between them and provides for smooth

administration of the state.

Q690.How does the parliamentary system ensure continuity in governance and avoid

administrative interregnum or hiatus during a change-over period from one political

regime to another?

Ans: The parliamentary system ensures continuity in governance by keeping the head of state

in office during change-over periods from one political regime to another. This helps to

avoid administrative interregnum or hiatus and ensures a smooth transition.

Q691.How does the parliamentary system reduce friction between the two arms of government

and promote stable administration?

Ans: The parliamentary system reduces friction between the two arms of government by

relying on the majority party in parliament and strong party discipline. This helps to

ensure stable administration and reduces the likelihood of the governing party losing a

motion in parliament. The parliamentary system also reduces the work load on the two

executive heads by sharing executive responsibilities between two separate individuals,

which allows for more effective governance.

Q692.What powers does the Executive 89 have in relation to allowing another party to assume

political office?

Ans: According to the text, the Executive 89 has the power to allow another party to assume

political office without creating a power vacuum.

Q693.How does the parliamentary system of government differ from the presidential system in

terms of responsiveness to the needs of the citizenry?

Ans: The parliamentary system is more responsive to the needs of the citizenry than the

presidential system due to the fear of the usage of censure motion, which puts the

government on its toes to deliver the public good.

Q694.What is the role of the opposition party or minority parties in parliament in the

parliamentary system of government?

Ans: In the parliamentary system of government, the opposition party or minority parties in

parliament play an effective role as the government-in-waiting, criticizing the extremist

actions of the government and avoiding acts that will create fertile grounds for criticism

by the opposition.

Q695.What are the important factors inherent in the parliamentary system of government that

promote efficiency in governance?

Ans: The important factors inherent in the parliamentary system of government that promote

efficiency in governance include responsiveness in governance, reduction in the

workload of the executive heads, existence of greater party discipline, and due

recognition given to minority parties in parliament.

Q696.What are the problems associated with the parliamentary system of government?

Ans: The parliamentary system of government is not free from problems, which include

premature collapse of governments due to rifts between the two top leaders, lack of

cooperation from both organs, personality clashes between the two top executive heads,

unstable tenure, unhealthy rivalry between the ruling and opposition parties, violation of

the principle of separation of powers, and the possibility of dictatorship.

Q697.What is the hybrid model of government, and how is it practiced in Ghana?

Ans: The hybrid model of government is a blend of some of the salient features of the

presidential and parliamentary systems of government. In Ghana, this model is practiced

by drawing the majority of ministers from parliament with some selected from outside

the House.

Q698.How does the parliamentary system of government violate the theory of separation of


Ans: The parliamentary system of government violates the theory of separation of powers by

fusing the powers between the executive and the legislative arms of government, which

stipulates that each of the three arms of government should be composed by different

sets of personnel who perform separate roles.

Q699.What are the consequences of the fusion of the executive and legislative powers in the

parliamentary system of government?

Ans: The fusion of the executive and legislative powers in the parliamentary system of

government can produce leaders who wield enormous powers, leading to the emergence

of possible dictatorship as far as the premier is concerned.

Q700.What is the impact of the practice of ministers doubling as parliamentarians in the

parliamentary system of government?

Ans: The practice of ministers doubling as parliamentarians in the parliamentary system of

government increases their workload, affecting their effectiveness and efficiency since

their time, energy, human effort, and enthusiasm are divided between the two jobs.

Q701.What are the consequences of delays in decision-making and implementation in the

parliamentary system of government?

Ans: Delays in decision-making and implementation in the parliamentary system of

government can result in stalled development projects, with the state being the end loser.

Q702.How does the hybrid model of government in France combine elements of the

presidential and parliamentary systems of government?

Ans: The hybrid model of government in France combines some elements of both the

presidential and parliamentary systems of government, which overcomes the highly

unstable nature inherent in the cabinet system used under the Fourth Republic of France.

Q703.What are the disadvantages of the sea-saw politics between the ruling and opposition

parties in the parliamentary system of government?

Ans: The sea-saw politics between the ruling and opposition parties in the parliamentary

system of government can lead to unhealthy wrangling, fierce opposition to policies for

the mere sake of opposition, and the absence of cooperation between the parties. This

situation can provide an opportunity for military adventurists to topple the government,

which does not help national development.

Q704.What is the hybrid system of government in France and how does the President and

Prime Minister function in this system?

Ans: The hybrid system of government in France refers to the unique power-sharing

arrangement between the President and the Prime Minister. The President is elected for a

fixed term of seven years in a popularly contested election and is responsible for

selecting the Prime Minister. The President also chairs cabinet meetings and has the

power to dissolve the legislature while retaining the cabinet. The French Constitution,

however, does not clearly define the powers of both the President and Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister, along with the cabinet, is responsible for the day-to-day running of

the government.

Q705.How is the hybrid system of government in India different from France, and what are the

roles and responsibilities of the President and Prime Minister in India?

Ans: In India, the President is elected by the legislature for a five-year term and exercises

notable responsibilities such as appointing state governors and taking over governance

of the state during emergencies. However, the Prime Minister is the dominant political

force in the system, while the President performs ceremonial roles. This hybrid system

in India is different from France, where both the President and Prime Minister share

power in a more balanced manner.

Q706.How does the power-sharing arrangement work between the President and the cabinet in

Finland, and what are the roles and responsibilities of the President and Prime Minister

in this system?

Ans: In Finland, power is shared between the President and the cabinet in a more balanced

manner. Both the President and the Prime Minister must sign a bill before it is enacted.

The President attends meetings of parliament on major legislations. This hybrid system

in Finland is different from the one in Germany and Austria, where the head of the

majority party in the lower house appoints and dismisses cabinet members, and

combines ceremonial and real executive functions during national emergencies.

Q707.How does the German system of government differ from the Finnish system in terms of

power-sharing between the President and the cabinet, and what are the roles and

responsibilities of the Chancellor and the President in Germany?

Ans: In Germany, the Chancellor, who is the head of the majority party in the lower house,

has the power to appoint and dismiss cabinet members. During national emergencies, the

Chancellor becomes the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, thereby combining

two functions - ceremonial and real executive. This system is different from the Finnish

system, where power is shared more equally between the President and the Prime


Q708.How does the French Constitution define the powers of the President and Prime

Minister, and what are the implications of this for the functioning of the government in


Ans: The French Constitution does not clearly define the powers of the President and Prime

Minister, which creates a unique hybrid system of government in France. This means

that there is a power-shing arrangement between the two, with the President responsible

for selecting the Prime Minister, chairing cabinet meetings, and dissolving the

legislature, while the Prime Minister and the cabinet are responsible for the day-to-day

running of the government. This creates a system that deviates from both the pure

presidential type and the strict parliamentary model.

Fillups (84 Questions)

Q709.The executive is the organ of government responsible for the formulation and _______

of policies for the administration of a state

A. Evaluation

B. Implementation

C. Promotion

D. Legislation

Q710.The political executive refers to the staff within the executive organ of government who

assume office as a result of their success in an _______

A. Examination

B. Election

C. Auction

D. Appointment

Q711.The executive is the dominant organ of government, especially in a _______ regime

A. Democratic

B. Monarchical

C. Non-democratic

D. Constitutional

Q712.The bureaucratic executive refers to the categories of staff in the executive organ whose

appointment is _______

A. Temporary

B. Permanent

C. Part-time

D. Full-time

Q713.The executive performs numerous functions, including the sitting of a _______

A. Market

B. School

C. Church

D. Hospital

Q714.The preparation of the annual budget is the function of the Ministry of _______ under

the executive

A. Defense

B. Finance

C. Foreign affairs

D. Interior

Q715.The executive assent is necessary for bills passed by _______ to become laws

A. The cabinet

B. The president

C. Parliament

D. The judiciary

Q716.In the parliamentary system, the head of state has the judicial power to grant a pardon,

which is a release from the penalty of a criminal _______ for serving a jail sentence

A. Parole

B. Reprieve

C. Amnesty

D. Pardon

Q717.The executive organ uses the coercive apparatus namely, the police, the prisons and

immigration services as well as the courts to deal with _______ and other law breakers

to bring about peace in the state

A. Criminals

B. Citizens

C. Tourists

D. Immigrants

Q718.In August 1988, for example, the AI-Quaeda organization bombed the American

embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killing hundreds of people including _______


A. 12

B. 300

C. 500

D. 1000

Q719.The head of state protects the territorial integrity of the state against any such external

aggression by commanding the _______ into action in the attempt to counter any

aggression either from within or outside the state

A. Police

B. Military

C. Immigration services

D. Courts

Q720.Good roads, rail networks, sea and airports facilitate movement of goods and services

and promote _______ and commerce

A. Development

B. Trade

C. Industry

D. Agriculture

Q721.To ensure effective administration of the state, government activities are divided into

sectors called ________

A. Departments

B. Agencies

C. Ministries

D. Organizations

Q722.The head of the executive, the President, is the chief diplomat of his or her state and as

such, he or she enters into negotiations, signs agreements, ratifies _______ and enters

into other forms of relations with other states and international associations for the

benefit of its people

A. Treaties

B. Conventions

C. Protocols

D. Agreements

Q723.The law-making body is one of the institutions whose activities limit the powers of the

executive, it has the constitutional mandate to approve or reject every major policy

proposal formulated by the executive, including the _______ before it can be


A. Budget

B. Agenda

C. Program

D. Strategy

Q724.In the parliamentary executive system, a rejection of a major policy of the executive by

parliament can lead to the collapse of ________, thus paving the way for fresh elections

to be conducted to put a new cabinet in place

A. Cabinet

B. Parliament

C. Legislature

D. Government

Q725.The judiciary can also control the activities of the executive through the power of


A. Impeachment

B. Judicial review

C. Nullification

D. Overruling

Q726.The public through civil society organizations can exert influence on executive decisions

and actions via the use of _______ instruments like boycotts, strikes, open

demonstrations and protests

A. Public pressure

B. Public engagement

C. Public participation

D. Public opinion

Q727.The media, touted as the fourth estate of the political realm, through its traditional roles

of educating, informing and entertaining the public, regulates the actions of holders of

political power in any democratic state. It brings to light actions of the executive which

do not reflect public ________, for condemnation through its editorials, documentaries,

news bulletins and phone-in programs, among others

A. Interest

B. Values

C. Beliefs

D. Goals

Q728.Certain constitutional provisions also put some limitations on the executive. In the

United States, for instance, there are certain injunctions in the country's Constitution

which the president cannot violate else he or she will be impeached or removed from

office. The fear of _______ thus serves as another limitation on the powers of the


A. Impeachment

B. Inquiry

C. Inspection

D. Investigation

Q729.The periodic elections held to select members into government also impose restrictions

on the executive. The fear of losing the confidence of the _______ and hence the votes

puts restraints on the executive

A. Citizens

B. Voters

C. Electors

D. Public

Q730.In the presidential system, the president is elected by the people for a _______ term

A. One-year

B. Two-year

C. Four-year

D. Five-year

Q731.The president is the _______ commander of the country's armed forces

A. Political

B. Religious

C. Supreme

D. Military

Q732.The president can veto a bill enacted by parliament either in _______

A. Part

B. Full

C. Half

D. None

Q733.In the presidential system, the president is not a hereditary ruler or _______

A. Governor

B. Monarch

C. Minister

D. Citizen

Q734.As the head of state, the president has to assent to bills enacted by the legislature to

become _______

A. Laws

B. Acts

C. Proposals

D. Regulations

Q735.The president is directly responsible and accountable to the _______

A. Parliament

B. Judiciary

C. People

D. Bureaucracy

Q736.The president can nominate and fire the cabinet ministers, who are responsible to the


A. Prime Minister

B. Chief Justice

C. Speaker of the House

D. President

Q737.In the presidential system, the Constitution is the supreme source of power, and any act

by any institution that runs counter to the constitutional provision is rendered _______

A. Null

B. Void

C. Illegal

D. Ineffective

Q738.The president is the supreme commander or the _______ of the country's armed forces

A. Prime minister

B. Vice president

C. General

D. Commander-in-chief

Q739.The principle of separation of powers is the greatest institutional device to prevent abuse

of power by any branch of government in the _______ executive model

A. Parliamentary

B. Presidential

C. Monarchical

D. Dictatorial

Q740.In the presidential executive model, the rights and liberties of the individuals are

_______ guaranteed

A. Occasionally

B. Uncertainly

C. Conditionally

D. Explicitly

Q741.The problem of fixed tenure in the presidential executive model implies that there is no

means of effecting a change of government when the government has become most

unpopular, and people have to wait impatiently and helplessly until _______

A. The next election

B. The expiration of the tenure

C. A recall

D. Impeachment

Q742.The concentration of all executive powers in the hands of a single leader in the

presidential executive model, coupled with difficulties associated with impeachment

processes can promote _______ tendencies

A. Inclusive

B. Democratic

C. Dictatorial

D. Transparent

Q743.The weak party discipline in the parliamentary system can frustrate the _______ efforts

at achieving his or her set goals

A. Prime Minister's

B. King's

C. Queen's

D. Head of State's

Q744.Under the parliamentary system, the head of state may be a _______

A. Monarch

B. President

C. Minister

D. Citizen

Q745.The head of state in the parliamentary system exercises _______ functions

A. Real

B. Serious

C. Nominal

D. Serious and nominal

Q746.In the parliamentary system, the Prime Minister is appointed by the _______

A. Speaker

B. Minister

C. Head of State

D. Leader of the Opposition

Q747.Under the parliamentary system, the Prime Minister appoints his _______ to form the


A. Friends

B. Advisors

C. Ministers

D. Relatives

Q748.The head of the majority party in parliament becomes the _______ in the British

parliamentary system of government

A. Prime Minister

B. Cabinet Member

C. Opposition Leader

D. Speaker of the House

Q749.In the parliamentary system, _______ can only be chosen from among members of


A. Cabinets

B. Ambassadors

C. Judges

D. Ministers

Q750.The _______ is the decision and policies of the cabinet that are binding on all members

in the parliamentary model

A. Principle of Separation of Powers

B. Principle of Collective Responsibility

C. Principle of Individual Responsibility

D. Principle of Checks and Balances

Q751.The process of forming government in the parliamentary system occurs through the


A. Coalition of Parties

B. Vote of Confidence

C. Vote of Censure

D. Fusion of Powers

Q752.The parliamentary system allows for the executive to have an _______ term limit

A. Fixed

B. Limited

C. Indeterminate

D. Unlimited

Q753.In the parliamentary system, a vote of no confidence, otherwise known as the _______,

can be initiated by the opposition

A. Vote of Censure

B. Motion of Censure

C. Vote of Confidence

D. Vote of Indeterminate Term

Q754.The principle of collective or common responsibility of the cabinet to _______ was

established between 1832 and 1867

A. The House of Lords

B. The House of Commons

C. The Monarchy

D. The People's Representatives

Q755.The resignation or death of a Prime Minister does not necessarily lead to the _______ of

the government

A. Collapse

B. Expiration

C. Dissolution

D. Termination

Q756.The power of the Prime Minister to recommend for the dissolution of parliament may be

used to _______ the executive hold on to power for a longer period

A. Secure

B. Extend

C. Maintain

D. Strengthen

Q757.The Prime Minister occupies a very important position in the government, being a

_______ of the legislature who represents a constituency and at the same time is the

head of cabinet

A. Member

B. Representative

C. Officer

D. Official

Q758.In the pure parliamentary system, parliament is supreme and can do everything except to

_______ man to woman, and vice versa

A. Change

B. Transform

C. Convert

D. Alter

Q759.In the parliamentary system, the government is directly responsible to _______ for its

actions and inactions

A. The head of state

B. The electorate

C. Parliament

D. The public

Q760.The political system in the parliamentary regime fuses the executive into ceremonial and

dignified executive and fuses _______ of it with the assembly

A. Part

B. Component

C. Section

D. Half

Q761.In the parliamentary system, there is _______ party discipline, and members of the

respective parties, both in government and in opposition, work in unison

A. Strict

B. Severe

C. Rigorous

D. Stringent

Q762.The official opposition in parliament is crucial because it plays an effective role of

_______ policies of the ruling party that it thinks are not in the best interest of the


A. Criticizing

B. Condemning

C. Blaming

D. Scolding

Q763.The Prime Minister is the _______ head of government in the parliamentary system

A. Nominal

B. Actual

C. Real

D. Effective

Q764.The Executive 85 that commands the majority seats in government is known as the

_______ in a parliamentary system of government

A. Speaker

B. Prime Minister

C. President

D. Monarch

Q765.In a parliamentary system of government, the Prime Minister presides over the _______

A. Opposition

B. Judiciary

C. Cabinet

D. Bureaucracy

Q766.The Prime Minister is the leader of the _______ ruling party or coalition in a

parliamentary system of government

A. Opposition

B. Minority

C. Majority

D. Independent

Q767.The Prime Minister is responsible for _______ policies, including those on agriculture,

domestic trade, health, and education

A. Defence

B. Foreign

C. Domestic

D. Fiscal

Q768.The Prime Minister often serves as a _______ between their state and other states

A. Mediator

B. Arbitrator

C. Liaison

D. Spokesperson

Q769.In a parliamentary system of government, the Prime Minister has formal links with the


A. Opposition leader

B. Speaker of the House

C. Head of state

D. Chief Justice

Q770.The Prime Minister is responsible for advising the head of state on bills passed by


A. The Cabinet

B. The Supreme Court

C. Parliament

D. The Electoral Commission

Q771.The Prime Minister has the prerogative to advise the head of state to _______ parliament

should it become necessary

A. Impeach

B. Increase

C. Prorogue

D. Dissolve

Q772.The parliamentary system of government helps prevent the emergence of _______ and

abuse of individual liberties

A. Transparency

B. Federalism

C. Dictatorship

D. Secularism

Q773.The parliamentary system promotes _______ governance by making governments

accountable to parliament

A. Responsible

B. Federal

C. Democratic

D. Secular

Q774.In a parliamentary system of government, the _______ and the executive are closely


A. Judiciary

B. Bureaucracy

C. Legislature

D. Press

Q775.The parliamentary system helps to maintain _______ between the legislature and the


A. Competition

B. Distance

C. Cooperation

D. Tension

Q776.The parliamentary system reduces workload on the executive heads by _______

executive responsibilities between two separate individuals

A. Overloading

B. Sharing

C. Centralizing

D. Decentralizing

Q777.In a parliamentary system, the head of state remains in office during change-over

periods, ensuring a _______ transition and avoiding administrative interregnum

A. Rushed

B. Violent

C. Smooth

D. Political

Q778.In a parliamentary system, the government is more _______ to the needs of the citizenry

compared to a presidential system

A. Autonomous

B. Independent

C. Responsive

D. Detached

Q779.In a parliamentary system, ministers often serve as _______ in addition to their role as

cabinet members

A. Judges

B. Mayors

C. Parliamentarians

D. Ambassadors

Q780.In a parliamentary system, the fusion of powers between the executive and the

legislative arms of government violates the _______ of powers

A. Principle

B. Concept

C. Theory

D. Idea

Q781.In a parliamentary system, unhealthy wrangling between the ruling and opposition

parties can sometimes provide an opportunity for _______ adventurists to seize political


A. Civilians

B. Religious

C. Military

D. Diplomatic

Q782.In a parliamentary system, the tenure of government may be unstable and uncertain due

to premature unseating through the passing of a _______ motion

A. No-confidence

B. Censure

C. Thank-you

D. Recall

Q783.In a parliamentary system, the _______ between the two top executive heads can plunge

the state into chaos

A. Agreement

B. Cooperation

C. Disagreement

D. Accord

Q784.In a parliamentary system, the opposition party plays an important role as the _______

A. Minority party

B. Government-in-waiting

C. Watchdog

D. Opposition-in-waiting

Q785.In a parliamentary system, the system may lead to delays in decision-making due to the

_______ nature of the executive

A. Anarchic

B. Unitary

C. Bicephalous

D. Tripartite

Q786.In a mixed or hybrid system, the executive leader is single, but certain key features, such

as drawing 73% of ministers from parliament, deny it the ideal presidential model, as

practiced under the American Constitution. This is the case in _______

A. Ghana

B. Brazil

C. France

D. South Africa

Q787.In the hybrid system of France, the President is elected in a _______ election for a fixed

term of seven years

A. Indirect

B. Direct

C. Appointed

D. Uncontested

Q788.After his or her election, the President of France selects his or her _______

A. Parliament

B. Prime Minister

C. Cabinet

D. Legislature

Q789.In the Indian hybrid system, the President exercises notable responsibilities including the

appointment of state _______ and taking over governance during emergencies

A. Legislators

B. Ministers

C. Governors

D. Prime Ministers

Q790.In the Indian system, while the _______ is the dominant political force, the President

performs ceremonial roles

A. Prime Minister

B. President

C. Legislature

D. Cabinet

Q791.In the German mixed system, the Chancellor becomes the _______ of the armed forces

during national emergencies

A. Head

B. President

C. Commander-in-chief

D. Prime Minister

Q792.In Finland, the President and the Prime Minister must both sign a bill before it is


A. Debated

B. Revised

C. Enacted

D. Reviewed


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