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Basic Lecture

 1. Auxiliary Verb

Auxiliary Verb Modals He

Be Verb- Can- could
am, is, are, She is, was, has, had
Shall- should
was, were It
Will- would
Do Verb-
May- might
Do, does, did We
Must, Need,
Have Verb-
Dare, Used, to,
You are, were, have, had
Have,has, had
Ought to They

 2. Modal verb Gici memgq verb Gi base form e‡m|

Incorrect : Our friends might stopping to see us on their way to California.

Correct : Our friends might stop to see us on their way to California.

Incorrect : I would, if there is time, liking to make a phone call.

Correct : I would, if there is time, like to make a phone call.

 3. Have, has, had Verb V3 form ।

has +V3

 4. Use of And,or, But: And, or, but GB conjunction ¸‡jvi wVK Av‡M-c‡i Verb Gi GKB form e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: From the birth,our parents are nursing and……..(bring) up us till the adulthood.
Ex: Many great emperors in history got defeated and.........(destroy) in war.
Ex: He attended the meeting late but……..(leave) very fast.

 5. Tense 12 Tense 6 ।

Present Indefinite Sub+ V1 (s/es) + Obj

Ex: He goes to school regularly.
Past Indefinite Sub+ V2 + Obj
Ex: He went to school yesterday.
Present Continuous Sub+ am/ is/ are + V+ing + Obj
Ex: He is going to school now.
Past Continuous Sub+ was/ were + V+ing + Obj
Ex: He was going to school.
Present Perfect Sub+ have/ has + V3 + Obj
Ex: He has gone to school.
Past Perfect Sub+ had + V3 + Obj
Ex: He had gone to school.

 6. mKj preposition Gic‡i verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq| Z‡e To Gic‡i V1 e‡m|

To- cÖwZ / w`‡K From / Since- / Through - ga¨ w`‡q

Of - Gi Before - c~‡e© / Av‡M Over - Dc‡i

At - cÖwZ (wb‡`©kK) After - c‡i Upon - Dci

With - mv‡_ Without - Qvov / e¨ZxZ In - g‡a¨

For - Rb¨ Against - weiæ‡× Below - wb‡P

Into - g‡a¨ Around - Pvicv‡k By - / Øviv

About - m¤^‡Ü Across - e¨vwcqv Under - wb‡P / Aax‡b

As - ‡hgb / wn‡m‡e Within - g‡a¨ / wfZ‡i Beside- cv‡k

Between- Among – On - Dci

 Ex: I stopped thinking of............ ( do) this.
 Ex: He has succeeded in............ ( pass) in the examination.
 Ex: She didn’t know how to..........(drive) the car.
 Ex: We tried to..........(investigate) the case thoroughly.

 7. Person 3 : i. 1st Person ii. 2nd Person iii. 3rd Person Number 2 :

Singular Plural
st nd rd
1 Person 2 Person 3 Person Bird Birds
Student Students
I, You, He, She, It, Child Children
His, Her, Person People
We, Your,
Name, etc. Man Men
Our Yours Woman Women
It They

Infinitive (To+V1) Gi e¨envi

 D‡Ïk¨, cÖwZ, Ki‡Z, †h‡Z †evSv‡Z to+ V1 A_v©r Infinitive n‡e|

Ex : I have decided to join the ceremony.

Ex : I wanted to know all the advantages and disadvantages of internet.

Gerund (V+ing) Gi e¨envi

 Gerund n‡jv Verb + ing Ges GwU Noun Gi KvR K‡i|

Ex : Smoking is injurious to health.

Ex : Walking is a good exercise.
Ex : My mother spent her life teaching.

Participle (V+ing) Gi e¨envi

 Participle (Verb + ing) - sentence G Adjective Gi KvR K‡i|
Ex : A moving stone gathers no moss.
Ex : I saw a sleeping man beside our house.

 8. Identify Noun: k‡ãi †k‡l †h mKj Suffix hy³ K‡i Noun MVb Kiv nq ‡m¸‡jv wb‡P †`Iqv n‡jv :

Suffix Noun
cy Captain- Captaincy, Literate- Literacy

th Warm- Warmth Grow- Growth

ness Weak- Weakness, Happy- Happiness

er / or Keep- Keeper, Create- Creator

ee / e Refer- Referee, Employer- Employee

age Leak- Leakage, Use- Usage

Sion / tion Confuse- Confusion, Act- Action

ment Entertain- Entertainment, Amuse- Amusement

ance / ence Maintain- Maintenance Attend- Attendance

al Arrive - Arrival, Betray- Betrayal

ty Safe- Safety, Valid- Validity

ship Citizen - Citizenship, Sponsor - Sponsorship

ism Criticize- Criticism, Race - Racism

1. The word ‘tormentor’ is? [DU D-Unit, 2018-19]

A. a noun B. an adjective C. a verb D. an adverb Ans : A

2. What is the Noun form of the word ‘defer’? [DU A-Unit, 2016-17]

A. deference B. deferment C. difference D. deferrant Ans : B

3. The word ‘gravity’ is : [DU C Unit 2011-12]

A.a noun B. an adverb C. an adjective D. a verb Ans : A

4. The noun of ‘predict’ is........... [DU B Unit 2013-14]

A. predictable B. predicting C. prediction D. predicted Ans : C

 9. Identify Adjective: Noun Ges verb Gi †k‡l †h mKj Suffix hy³ K‡i adjective MVb Kiv nq :

Suffix Words
able avail – available believe – believable prevent – preventable

ic Icon – iconic Science – scientific athlete – athletic

ful Faith – faithful peace – peaceful power– powerful

al/ ar Centre – central Logic – logical people – popular

ish style – stylish Yellow- yellowish book – bookish

ent Absence –absent patience – patient innocence – innocent

ly Mad – madly slow – slowly crazy – crazily

some fear – fearsome dark – darksome doubt – doubtsome

less End – endless fear – fearless help – helpless

ous Disaster – disastrous Prosper – prosperous glory – glorious
ive Innovate – Innovative mass- massive effect – effective

1. Voters complained that governor’s was paying little attention to_______ affairs. [DU B Unit 2015-16]

A.foreign B. domestic C.professional D. intellectual Ans : B

2. Global warming may have a ______ effect on life. [DU B Unit 2008-09]

A.pollutant B. industrious C.disastrous D. destruction Ans : C

3. The president said that the ______ situation was very serious. [DU D Unit 2004-05]

A.economical B. economic C.economy D. economics Ans : B

 10. Sentence Gi g‡a¨ GKvwaK Noun / Pronoun _vK‡jI, memgq Preposition Gi c~e©eZx© Noun / Pronoun ‡K
subject a‡i †m Abyhvqx verb n‡e|

Ex : The flowers of the garden is/ are beautiful to look at.

Ex : The students of Imperial College always cut / cuts good marks in the examination.
Ex: The bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaj (j) ....was / were....kept in two graves in Taj Mahal.
Ex: The facilities at the new research library, including an excellent microfilm file, ___is/ are____
among the best in the country.

 11. Verb Past form Past Participle

Base form Past Form Participle Form

be was/were been
have had had
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
bite bit bitten
blow blew blown
break broke broken
choose chose chosen
cut cut cut
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
fall fell fallen
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
freeze froze frozen
get got got or gotten
grow grew grown
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
know knew known
put put put
ride rode ridden
run ran run
shake shook shaken
show showed shown
shrink shrank shrunk
sing sang sung

steal stole stolen
swear swore sworn
swim swam swum
tear tore torn
throw threw thrown
wear wore worn
Weave wove woven
withdraw withdrew withdrawn


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