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Corruption poses a significant challenge to progress and development in African countries,

polarizing societies and undermining transparency in government institutions. Zambia, like
many other African nations, faces this polarizing issue of corruption. Embezzlement of public
funds, bribery, and nepotism all erode democratic values, lead to misappropriation of funds,
and perpetuate poverty. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the extent of this problem and
explore potential solutions that can help bring about transformation.
The issue of corruption in Zambia is quite severe, despite the efforts of established anti-
corruption institutions such as the Anti-Corruption Commission. Political corruption remains
the most prevalent form of corruption in Zambia, as public officials misuse their positions to
exploit the citizens. According to the 2022 Cabinet report on corruption, the police
department was rated as the most corrupt government institution at 54%. The report found
that bribery was rampant in traffic-related services and employment opportunities in
government jobs. Additionally, the procurement sector is plagued by corruption due to the
manipulation of tender specifications and bidding information. This issue has caused a
divide in the population, with some benefiting from the current system and others
advocating for a more just system.

There are two groups of people in Zambia with differing opinions on corruption. Some
individuals benefit from the current state of affairs and want to maintain the existing power
structure. They enjoy additional financial gain through bribes and easy access to
opportunities and services. These individuals resist any changes to the power structure
because it could lead to them losing their financial privileges and access to opportunities for
themselves and their families. On the other hand, some people are against corruption and
want to eliminate it entirely.
Some people advocate for anti-corruption, transparency, accountability, and the rule of law
in the government structure. These individuals have made it their mission to identify the
negative impacts of corruption on the larger population. In Zambia, various organizations
such as the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Transparency International Zambia (TIZ),
Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), and Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) have been
tasked with exposing corrupt practices, implementing policies against corruption, and
ensuring that everyone is held accountable under the law. However, these organizations
face a lot of resistance in their implementation, especially from corrupt government officers
who have entrenched interests and benefit from corruption.
The problem of corruption affects everyone in the country. It undermines the integrity and
confidence in the government system and is often the result of incompetence and
sluggishness among government personnel. These factors contribute significantly to low
economic growth and investment. At its worst, corruption changes the narrative of hard
work and encourages laziness. In the end, the rich tend to get richer at the expense of the
majority of people who do not engage in any corrupt activities.
To address the differences in opinions, we need to work together to tackle the root cause
and promote a culture of integrity and transparency in Zambia. One effective way to achieve
this is by strengthening the legal laws against corruption so that punitive action can be taken
against everyone including government officials holding higher positions. This will set an
example for the whole country and make it clear that corruption will not be tolerated.
Additionally, it's important to closely monitor politically exposed individuals, as they can
often create or exploit vulnerabilities for corruption in various sectors of the economy. By
taking these steps, we can promote accountability and reduce corruption in Zambia.
It is important to create favorable working conditions for civil servants and government
employees. This can be achieved by employing more staff members and increasing
resources such as funding. By doing so, it will help to reduce the occurrence of bribes and
other corrupt practices. Additionally, public officials should disclose their assets to ensure
that they are legally acquired, especially when a new government comes into power. Assets
need to be periodically verified and declared to promote transparency and clear auditing
within the government structure.
It is important to establish a legal framework that ensures public access to information and
publishes guidelines for the effective investigation and prosecution of corruption. This will
help to ensure that everyone in the country is well-informed about the risks, offenses, and
possible sentences if found guilty. Additionally, there is a need to establish a strategy, and
legal and institutional framework to facilitate the proper management of confiscated items
to prevent any misuse or waste of resources.
In conclusion, it is crucial that we collectively commit to upholding democratic principles,
promoting transparency and accountability, and working towards a common goal of a just
and corruption-free country.

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