Pak301 Quiz No 1 BY SANA SHEIKH

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AR Lucky Team

PAK301 Quiz No 01 Lec(1-5)

AR Lucky Team

All VU Subjects Available Quizzes, Assignment and GDBs

When did Quaid-e-Azam officially start his political career?
1. 1902
2. 1904
3. 1906
4. 1908

Prove: 1
Quaid-e-Azam officially started his political career in 1906 when he joined the All India Muslim
Prove: 2
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah officially started his political career in 1906 when he was
elected to the Imperial Legislative Council of India as a member of the Muslim delegation. So, the
correct option is 1906.

What was/were the main goal (s) of the formation of the Muhammadan Defense Association?
1. To protect the religious rights of the Muslims
2. To protect the social rights of the Muslims
3. All of these
AR Lucky Team
4. To protect the political rights of the Muslims

Prove: 1
The main goal of the formation of the Muhammadan Defense Association was to protect the
political rights of the Muslims.
Prove: 2
The main goal of the formation of the Muhammadan Defense Association (MDA) was to protect
the political rights of the Muslims. The MDA was formed in 1911 by a group of Muslim leaders
including the Aga Khan, Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk, and Syed Muhammad Bahadur. The MDA aimed to
safeguard the political rights of the Muslims, who were a minority in British India, and to promote
their interests in the political and administrative affairs of the country.

How many Muslim leaders participated in Simla Deputation to present their demands?
1. 40
2. 30
3. 25
4. 35

Prove: 1
The Simla Deputation was comprised of 35 Muslim leaders who presented the demands of the
Muslim community to Lord Minto, the Viceroy of India, in 1906.
Prove: 2
The Simla Deputation was a group of 35 Muslim leaders who presented their demands to the
Viceroy of India, Lord Minto, in Simla on October 1, 1906. The deputation was led by Sir Aga Khan
and included other prominent Muslim leaders such as Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk, Maulana
Muhammad Ali Jauhar, and Maulana Shaukat Ali.

1. How did Islam spread in the Sub-continent?
2. Through Arab Muslim Traders
3. All of these
4. Through Muslim Conquerors
5. Through preaching of Muslim Saints

Prove: 1
Islam spread in the Sub-continent through all of the mentioned ways. Arab Muslim traders played a
significant role in spreading Islam as they established trade links with the local people. Muslim
conquerors also played their part in spreading Islam, as did the preaching of Muslim saints who
won the hearts of the people through their teachings.
AR Lucky Team
Prove: 2
Islam spread in the Indian subcontinent through various means, including the preaching of Muslim
saints, the influence of Sufism, the patronage of Muslim rulers, and the activities of Arab Muslim
traders. Muslim conquerors and rulers such as Muhammad bin Qasim, Mahmud of Ghazni, and the
Mughals also played a significant role in the spread of Islam in the region. However, it was the Sufi
saints who largely helped in spreading Islam among the masses, particularly in rural areas, through
their teachings and spiritual practices.

Which of the following political party was NOT in the favor of partition of Bengal?
1. All India Muslim League
2. Indian National Congress
3. Unionist Party
4. Awami League

Prove: 1
The Indian National Congress was not in favor of the partition of Bengal.
Prove: 2
The Indian National Congress (INC) was not in favor of the partition of Bengal. The partition of
Bengal was announced by Lord Curzon, the then Viceroy of India, in 1905, and it was widely
opposed by the Indian National Congress, which viewed it as a move to divide the Bengali-speaking
population and weaken the nationalist movement. The All India Muslim League, on the other hand,
supported the partition of Bengal as it believed that it would benefit the Muslims by giving them a
separate province with a Muslim majority. The Unionist Party and Awami League did not exist at
the time of partition of Bengal in 1905.

What was the primary goal of East India Company to visit Sub-Continent?
1. Tourism
2. Trade
3. Travel
4. War

Prove: 1
The primary goal of the East India Company to visit the Sub-Continent was trade. They were
interested in establishing trade relations with the local people and to establish their business
interests in the region.
Prove: 2
The primary goal of the East India Company to visit the Indian subcontinent was trade. The East
India Company was established in 1600 with the aim of trading with the East Indies, including the
Indian subcontinent, for spices, textiles, and other goods. Over time, the Company became
AR Lucky Team
increasingly involved in Indian politics and administration, and eventually came to control large
parts of the country. However, trade remained the primary objective of the Company throughout
its history in India.

When did British government revoke the status of the partition of Bengal?
1. 1912
2. 1910
3. 1909
4. 1911

Prove: 1
The British government revoked the status of the partition of Bengal in 1911.
Prove: 2
The British government revoked the partition of Bengal in 1911. The decision to partition Bengal in
1905 had led to widespread protests and boycotts by the Indian National Congress and other
nationalist groups, who viewed it as a move to divide the Bengali-speaking population and weaken
the nationalist movement. The British government was forced to reconsider its decision, and in
1911, Bengal was reunited and the new provinces of Bihar and Orissa were carved out of it. The
capital of British India was also moved from Calcutta to Delhi in the same year.

What was/were the objective (s) of Risala Asbab-i-Baghawat-i-Hind?
To create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the British government and the
To induce them to get jobs and other facilities under the new government
To remove the state of tension between the Muslims and the British Government
All of these

Prove: 1
The objective of Risala Asbab-i-Baghawat-i-Hind was to remove the state of tension between the
Muslims and the British Government. It aimed to highlight the reasons behind the Indian Rebellion
of 1857 and to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the British government
and the Muslims.
Prove: 2
The Risala Asbab-i-Baghawat-i-Hind (Pamphlet on the Causes of the Indian Revolt) was a pamphlet
written by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in 1858 after the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The main objective of
the pamphlet was to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the British
government and the Muslims, and to remove the state of tension between the two. Sir Syed
argued that the causes of the rebellion were multifaceted, and that it was not solely motivated by
AR Lucky Team
religious or cultural factors. He also urged the Muslims to adopt a conciliatory approach towards
the British government and to seek education and employment under the new regime. So, the
correct option is the first one, to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the
British government and the Muslims.

On what occasion Allama Iqbal presented his poem “Nala-i-Yatim"?
1. At the annual session of Lahore Resolution
2. At the annual session of Aligarh University
3. At the annual session of Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam
4. At the annual session of Allahabad Address

Prove: 1
Allama Iqbal presented his poem "Nala-i-Yatim" at the annual session of Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam
in Lahore in 1911.
Prove: 2
Allama Iqbal presented his poem "Nala-i-Yatim" (The Lament of the Orphan) at the annual session
of the Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam in Lahore in 1911. The poem reflects on the plight of the Indian
Muslim community and their struggle for equality and empowerment, and it became a powerful
symbol of the Muslim identity and awakening in India. Allama Iqbal went on to become a leading
voice of the All India Muslim League and played a significant role in the demand for a separate
Muslim state in India.

Who first introduced the term “Two Nation Theory”?
1. Quaid-e-Azam
2. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
3. Allama Iqbal
4. Liaquat Ali Khan

Prove: 1
The term "Two Nation Theory" was first introduced by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, who was a prominent
Muslim philosopher and politician in the late 19th century.
Prove: 2
The term "Two Nation Theory" was first introduced by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, who is considered one
of the pioneers of the Muslim nationalist movement in India. Sir Syed believed that the Hindus and
Muslims of India were two separate nations with distinct historical, cultural, and religious
identities, and that they could not live together as one nation. His ideas laid the foundation for the
demand for a separate homeland for the Muslims of India, which was eventually realized with the
creation of Pakistan in 1947. However, it was Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who
AR Lucky Team
popularized the idea of the Two Nation Theory and made it the cornerstone of the Pakistan

When Urdu-Hindi Controversy emerged in the Sub-Continent?
1. 1857
2. 1862
3. 1867
4. 1872

Prove: 1
The Urdu-Hindi Controversy emerged in the Sub-Continent in 1867.
Prove: 2
The Urdu-Hindi Controversy emerged in the late 19th century, particularly in the 1860s and 1870s.
However, its roots can be traced back to the 18th century with the emergence of Urdu as a literary
language in the Mughal court, and to the 19th century with the rise of Hindi as a language of the
Indian independence movement. So, neither 1857 nor 1862 marks the beginning of the
controversy. The controversy continued well into the 20th century, with the partition of India in
1947 having a significant impact on the development of Urdu and Hindi as separate languages.

Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in response to:
1. The Nehru Report
2. The Simon Commission
3. The Lucknow Pact
4. The Communal Award

Prove: 1
Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in response to The Nehru Report.
Prove: 2
Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in response to The Nehru Report. The Nehru Report was a
constitutional proposal prepared by a committee of the All Parties Conference chaired by Motilal
Nehru in 1928. The report proposed a dominion status for India within the British Empire, with a
parliamentary system of government and safeguards for the rights of minorities. However, the
report did not adequately address the demands of the Muslim community, which led to the
formulation of the 14 points by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1929. The 14 points
demanded, among other things, adequate representation for Muslims in the central legislature and
the creation of Muslim-majority provinces in British India.

AR Lucky Team
Which pact was regarded as the first effort of Quaid-e-Azam to promote Hindu-Muslim Unity?
1. Lucknow Pact
2. Nehru Report
3. Delhi Proposals
4. Fourteen Points

Prove: 1
The Lucknow Pact was regarded as the first effort of Quaid-e-Azam to promote Hindu-Muslim
unity. The pact was signed between the Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League
in 1916, and it aimed to unite the two major communities in the Indian subcontinent for the
attainment of self-government.
Prove: 2
The Lucknow Pact is regarded as the first effort of Quaid-e-Azam to promote Hindu-Muslim unity.
The Lucknow Pact was an agreement signed between the Indian National Congress and the All India
Muslim League in 1916. The pact was negotiated by leaders of both parties, including Muhammad
Ali Jinnah, who was a member of the Congress at the time. The pact called for greater
representation for Indians in the civil service and the legislative councils, and it also recognized the
separate electorates for Muslims. The pact was a significant milestone in the history of the Indian
independence movement, as it marked the first time that the Congress and the Muslim League had
come together to demand political reform from the British colonial government.

What was the name of society that formed for the protection of Urdu language?
1. Urdu Defense Society
2. United Indian Patriotic Association
3. Scientific Society
4. Muhammadan Defense Association

Prove: 1
The name of the society that was formed for the protection of Urdu language was "Urdu Defense
Prove: 2
The name of the society that was formed for the protection of Urdu language was the "Anjuman-e-
Taraqqi-e-Urdu" (Society for the Promotion of Urdu). The society was founded in 1903 by a group
of Urdu writers and intellectuals, including Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Hali, Shibli Nomani, and Maulvi
Abdul Haq. The main objective of the society was to promote and protect the Urdu language, which
was facing a decline due to the growing influence of English and Hindi. The society played an
important role in the development of Urdu language and literature, and it also published several
books and journals to promote Urdu education.

AR Lucky Team
Which one of the following personalities led the delegation of 35 Muslim leaders at the Simla
1. Sir Agha Khan
2. Ch Rehmat Ali
3. Liaquat Ali Khan
4. Mohsin ul Mulk

Prove: 1
Sir Agha Khan led the delegation of 35 Muslim leaders at the Simla Conference.
Prove: 2
Sir Agha Khan led the delegation of 35 Muslim leaders at the Simla Conference. The Simla
Conference was held in 1945 and was attended by leaders of the Indian National Congress, the All
India Muslim League, and the British government. The purpose of the conference was to discuss
the transfer of power from British rule to Indian hands. The Muslim League delegation was led by
Sir Agha Khan, who was a prominent Muslim leader and a close associate of Quaid-e-Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The conference failed to produce a settlement between the Congress and
the League, which eventually led to the partition of India in 1947.

Which of the following personality stressed on modern education for Muslims of Sub-Continent?
1. Liaquat Ali Khan
2. Ch Rehmat Ali
3. Agha Khan III
4. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Prove: 1
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan stressed on modern education for Muslims of Sub-Continent. He believed
that modern education would help Muslims to compete with other communities and progress in
various fields.
Prove: 2
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan stressed on modern education for Muslims of the subcontinent. Sir Syed
Ahmad Khan was a prominent Muslim figure in the 19th century who recognized the need for
modern education among Muslims in India. He believed that education was the key to social and
economic progress, and he established the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in Aligarh in
1875, which later became Aligarh Muslim University. Sir Syed advocated for the adoption of
modern Western education in addition to traditional Islamic education, and he believed that the
Muslims of India needed to become proficient in English to compete with the British and other
communities in the modern world.

Who was the viceroy of India during the partition of the Bengal in 1905?
AR Lucky Team
1. Lord Mountbatten
2. Lord Wavell
3. Lord Canning
4. Lord Curzon

Prove: 1
Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India during the partition of Bengal in 1905.
Prove: 2
Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India during the partition of Bengal in 1905. The partition of Bengal
was a controversial administrative action by the British government in India that divided the
province of Bengal into two parts, one with a Muslim majority and the other with a Hindu majority.
The partition was opposed by many Indian nationalists, who saw it as an attempt to divide and
weaken the nationalist movement. The partition was annulled in 1911, after significant protests
and agitation from Indian nationalists, led by figures like Rabindranath Tagore and Surendranath

When did Quaid-e-Azam present his 14 points?
1. 1929
2. 1933
3. 1931
4. 1935

Prove: 1
Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in 1929.
Prove: 2
Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in 1929. The 14 points were a set of demands put forward
by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on behalf of the All India Muslim League regarding the
constitutional status of Muslims in India. The 14 points demanded greater representation for
Muslims in the central legislature, the creation of Muslim-majority provinces, and safeguards for
the protection of Muslim rights and interests. The 14 points were a significant milestone in the
history of the Muslim League, as they marked a shift towards a more assertive and politically
focused approach to the demands of Indian Muslims.

How many Muslim leaders participated in Simla Deputation to present their demands?
1. 25
2. 30
3. 35
4. 40
AR Lucky Team
Prove: 1
The Simla Deputation was comprised of 35 Muslim leaders who presented the demands of the
Muslim community to Lord Minto, the Viceroy of India, in 1906.
Prove: 2
The Simla Deputation was a group of 35 Muslim leaders who presented their demands to the
Viceroy of India, Lord Minto, in 1906. The deputation was led by Sir Aga Khan and it represented
the All India Muslim League. The Muslim leaders demanded separate electorates for Muslims,
which would ensure that Muslims would have adequate representation in the government. The
deputation also demanded that Muslims should have a separate identity and should not be treated
as a minority within a larger Hindu-dominated political framework. The Simla Deputation was a
significant event in the history of the Muslim League, as it marked the beginning of their formal
political engagement with the British government and their demand for separate political

When Muhammadan Defense Association was established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?
1. 1892
2. 1891
3. 1893
4. 1890

Prove: 1
Muhammadan Defense Association was established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1893.
Prove: 2
The Muhammadan Defense Association was established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1893. The
association was formed with the objective of protecting the rights and interests of the Muslim
community in British India. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was a prominent Muslim reformer and intellectual
who believed in the importance of Muslim unity and advocating for their rights in the face of
changing political and social circumstances. The Muhammadan Defense Association played a
crucial role in voicing the concerns and issues faced by Muslims and actively worked towards their
upliftment and empowerment.

When did Jinnah resign from the Indian National Congress?
1. 1920
2. 1908
3. 1916
4. 1912

Prove: 1
AR Lucky Team
Jinnah resigned from the Indian National Congress in 1920 due to his differences with the Congress
leadership on various political issues.
Prove: 2
Mohammad Ali Jinnah resigned from the Indian National Congress in 1920. This was in response to
the Congress's decision to support the non-cooperation movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi,
which Jinnah believed to be damaging to Hindu-Muslim unity and against the interests of Muslims
in India. Jinnah went on to become a prominent leader of the All India Muslim League and played a
key role in the movement for the creation of Pakistan.

How many attacks were launched by Mahmud Ghaznavi in the Sub-continent?
1. 15
2. 13
3. 17
4. 11

Prove: 1
Mahmud Ghaznavi launched a total of 17 attacks on the Sub-continent between 1000 and 1027 AD.
Prove: 2
Mahmud Ghaznavi, the ruler of the Ghaznavid Empire, launched a total of 17 attacks on the Indian
subcontinent between 1000 and 1027 CE. He is known for his plundering expeditions and
conquests in the region, particularly in the northwestern parts of the Indian subcontinent. His raids
on the temples of Somnath in Gujarat are particularly well-known and have been the subject of
much debate and discussion.

Who was formally elected as the first President of All India Muslim League in 1908?
1. Sir Agha Khan
2. Mohsin ul Mulk
3. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
4. Hakim Ajmal Khan

Prove: 1
Sir Agha Khan was formally elected as the first President of All India Muslim League in 1908.
Prove: 2
The first President of the All India Muslim League was Sir Aga Khan III, who was formally elected to
the post in 1908 at the League's founding session in Dhaka, East Bengal (now Bangladesh). Sir Aga
Khan III was a prominent Muslim leader and social reformer who played an important role in the
development of the Muslim community in India, and he remained the President of the All India
Muslim League for several decades, until his retirement in 1957.
AR Lucky Team

What was the name of the first school established by Sir Syed Ahmad in Muradabad?
Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental School
Aligarh Institute Gazette
Victoria School
Gulshan School

Prove: 1
The name of the first school established by Sir Syed Ahmad in Muradabad was the Mohammedan
Anglo-Oriental School, which later became the famous Aligarh Muslim University.
Prove: 2
The name of the first school established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the "Madrasatul Uloom
Musalmanan-e-Hind" (School of Higher Education for Indian Muslims) which was founded in
Muradabad in 1859. Later on, in 1875, the school was shifted to Aligarh and was renamed as the
"Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College" (MAO College), which is now known as the Aligarh Muslim
University (AMU). The MAO College was one of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's most significant
contributions towards the education and empowerment of Muslims in India.

Which one of the following personalities led the delegation of 35 Muslim leaders at the Simla
1. Sir Agha Khan
2. Mohsin ul Mulk
3. Liaquat Ali Khan
4. Ch Rehmat Ali

Prove: 1
Sir Agha Khan led the delegation of 35 Muslim leaders at the Simla Conference.
Prove: 2
The Simla Conference was held in 1945 and the delegation of 35 Muslim leaders was led by Sir
Agha Khan III. The conference was an important event in the lead-up to the creation of Pakistan, as
it provided an opportunity for the Muslim League to present its demands for a separate Muslim
homeland to the British government and the Indian National Congress. The failure of the
conference to produce a satisfactory outcome for the Muslim League led to a hardening of
positions on both sides and further increased tensions between Hindus and Muslims in India.

Which leader brought Muslim League and Congress to the table before Lucknow Pact?
AR Lucky Team
1. Mahatma Gandhi
2. Allama Iqbal
3. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Prove: 1
The leader who brought the Muslim League and Congress to the table before the Lucknow Pact was
Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Prove: 2
The leader who brought the Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League to the table
before the Lucknow Pact was Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Jinnah played an instrumental role in the
negotiations that led to the pact, which was signed in 1916. The pact was a landmark agreement
between the Congress and the Muslim League, and it represented a significant step towards Hindu-
Muslim unity in India. The pact provided for the representation of Muslims in the legislative
councils and the executive councils at the central and provincial levels, and it paved the way for
greater cooperation between the two communities in the struggle for Indian independence.

Ideology is a set of:
1. Beliefs
2. All of these
3. Values
4. Ideals of a group and a nation

Prove: 1
Ideology is a set of all of the mentioned options, including beliefs, values, and ideals of a group and
a nation. It is a comprehensive set of principles and ideas that form the basis of a political or
economic system.
Prove: 2
Ideology generally refers to a set of beliefs, values, and ideals that form the basis of a particular
political, social, or economic system. It can include a wide range of ideas, from broad principles to
specific policies, and it often reflects the interests and goals of a particular group or nation.
Therefore, the correct answer is "All of these".

In which city Urdu-Hindi Controversy started?
1. Uttar Pradesh
2. Kolkata
3. Banaras
4. Dhaka
AR Lucky Team
Prove: 1
The Urdu-Hindi Controversy started in Banaras (now Varanasi), a city in the northern Indian state of
Uttar Pradesh.
Prove: 2
The Urdu-Hindi Controversy started in the city of Banaras (also known as Varanasi) in the early 20th
century. The controversy centered around the issue of whether Hindi written in the Perso-Arabic
script, which was known as Urdu-Hindi or Hindustani, should be considered a separate language
from Urdu or not. This was an important linguistic and cultural debate in the context of the Indian
independence movement, as it had implications for the identity and status of both Hindus and
Muslims in India.

What was/were the ultimate aim(s) of the emergence of All India Muslim League?
1. To provide a platform for the Muslims of South Asia
2. To promote loyalty to the British
3. All of these
4. To advance the political rights and interests of the Muslims of India

Prove: 1
The ultimate aim of the emergence of the All India Muslim League was to advance the political
rights and interests of the Muslims of India. The formation of the Muslim League provided a
platform for the Muslims of South Asia to work towards achieving their political goals, which were
not being addressed by the mainstream Indian National Congress. While the Muslim League did
support the idea of loyalty to the British initially, its ultimate aim was to secure the rights and
interests of the Muslims of India.
Prove: 2
The ultimate aim of the emergence of the All India Muslim League was to advance the political
rights and interests of the Muslims of India. The Muslim League was founded in 1906 with the
objective of promoting Muslim political representation and protecting Muslim interests in the face
of growing Hindu political dominance in India. The League played a key role in the movement for
the creation of Pakistan, and it ultimately succeeded in achieving its goal of establishing a separate
homeland for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. While providing a platform for the Muslims of
South Asia and promoting loyalty to the British were also important objectives of the Muslim
League at various times in its history, its ultimate aim was to advance the political rights and
interests of the Muslims of India.

Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?
1. Lal Bahadur Shastri
2. Jawaharlal Nehru
3. Allan Octavian Hume
4. Mahatma Gandhi
AR Lucky Team

Prove: 1
Allan Octavian Hume was the founder of the Indian National Congress.
Prove: 2
The founder of the Indian National Congress (INC) was Allan Octavian Hume, a retired British civil
servant who was sympathetic to the cause of Indian self-rule. Hume founded the Indian National
Congress in December 1885, with the aim of creating a platform for Indians to voice their political
demands and work towards greater representation in government. The first session of the INC was
held in Bombay (now Mumbai) in December 1885, and was attended by 72 delegates from across
India. The first president of the INC was Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee.

Which of the following element was the basis of the establishment of Pakistan?
1. Two Nation Theory
2. Urdu-Hindi Controversy
3. Objectives Resolution 1949
4. None of these

Prove: 1
The basis of the establishment of Pakistan was the Two Nation Theory which argued that Hindus
and Muslims are two separate nations with distinct religious, social, and cultural identities, and
therefore cannot live together in a single country.
Prove: 2
The basis of the establishment of Pakistan was the Two Nation Theory, which was proposed by the
Muslim League leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The theory held that Hindus and Muslims were two
separate nations with distinct religious, cultural, and historical identities, and therefore could not
live together as a single nation under a unified government. The Muslim League demanded a
separate homeland for Indian Muslims, which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan in 1947.
The Urdu-Hindi controversy and the Objectives Resolution of 1949 were important events in the
history of Pakistan, but they were not the basis for its establishment.

When Muslim League formally set up its branch in London?
1. 1910
2. 1912
3. 1906
4. 1908

Prove: 1
The All India Muslim League formally set up its branch in London in 1908.
AR Lucky Team
Prove: 2
The Muslim League formally set up its branch in London in 1908. The branch was established by a
group of Muslim students who were studying in England at the time, and was aimed at promoting
the interests of Indian Muslims in the British political system. The London branch of the Muslim
League played an important role in advocating for Muslim political rights and lobbying the British
government for greater representation for Muslims in the Indian political system. The branch also
served as a platform for Indian Muslim students in England to network and organize political

Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in response to:
1. The Nehru Report
2. The Lucknow Pact
3. The Communal Award
4. The Simon Commission

Prove: 1
Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in response to the Nehru Report. The Nehru Report was a
proposal by the Indian National Congress to the British government for constitutional reforms in
Prove: 2
Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in response to the Nehru Report. The Nehru Report was a
constitutional proposal drafted by a committee headed by Indian National Congress leader Motilal
Nehru in 1928. The report proposed a dominion status for India within the British Empire, with a
federal system of government and extensive political and civil rights for all Indians. However, the
report did not adequately address the concerns of Indian Muslims, who felt that their interests
would be marginalized in a predominantly Hindu-dominated political system. In response, Quaid-e-
Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah presented the 14 points in 1929, which outlined the demands of the
Muslim League for greater political representation and autonomy for Muslims within India.

Who was formally elected as the first President of All India Muslim League in 1908?
1. Sir Agha Khan
2. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
3. Hakim Ajmal Khan
4. Mohsin ul Mulk

Prove: 1
The first president of the All India Muslim League was Sir Aga Khan, who was formally elected to
the position in 1908.
Prove: 2
AR Lucky Team
The first President of the All India Muslim League was Sir Aga Khan III. He was formally elected as
the president of the Muslim League in 1906 at its annual session in Dhaka. Sir Aga Khan III was a
prominent Muslim leader and a respected figure in India at the time, and played an important role
in organizing and mobilizing Indian Muslims for political action. He remained the president of the
Muslim League until 1913, and was later re-elected as its president several times in the following

Which leader brought Muslim League and Congress to the table before Lucknow Pact?
1. Mahatma Gandhi
2. Jawaharlal Nehru
3. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
4. Allama Iqbal

Prove: 1
The leader who brought the Muslim League and Congress to the table before the Lucknow Pact was
Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Prove: 2
The leader who brought the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress to the table before
the Lucknow Pact was Muhammad Ali Jinnah. In 1916, Jinnah brokered a meeting between the two
organizations, which had previously been at odds over issues related to Indian nationalism and
communal representation. The meeting, which took place in Lucknow, resulted in the signing of the
Lucknow Pact, a historic agreement between the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress.
The pact called for greater representation for Indians in the British government and for the
creation of separate electorates for Muslims and Hindus. The Lucknow Pact is considered a key
moment in the history of the Indian independence movement and a milestone in the struggle for
Indian self-rule.

When did Jinnah resign from the Indian National Congress?
1. 1912
2. 1908
3. 1920
4. 1916

Prove: 1
Jinnah resigned from the Indian National Congress in 1920 due to his differences with the party's
leadership over their attitude towards the Muslim minority.
Prove: 2
Muhammad Ali Jinnah resigned from the Indian National Congress in 1920. Jinnah had joined the
Congress in 1906 and was initially a strong supporter of Indian nationalism and Hindu-Muslim
AR Lucky Team
unity. However, he became disillusioned with the Congress leadership over their treatment of
Muslim issues and their failure to address the concerns of Indian Muslims. In 1920, Jinnah resigned
from the Congress and devoted himself to the Muslim League, which he had joined in 1913. Jinnah
went on to become the leader of the Muslim League and played a key role in the struggle for the
creation of Pakistan.

Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?
Select the correct option
1. Jawaharlal Nehru
2. Mahatma Gandhi
3. Lal Bahadur Shastri
4. Allan Octavian Hume

Prove: 1
Allan Octavian Hume was the founder of the Indian National Congress.
Prove: 2
The correct answer is: Allan Octavian Hume.

Allan Octavian Hume founded the Indian National Congress in 1885. Some key facts about him:

• Allan Octavian Hume was a British civil servant, ornithologist and political reformer.

• He served in the British Indian Civil Service and worked to introduce reforms for the betterment
of India.

• He played an important role in the formation of the Indian National Congress, which later became
the premier political organization of India under the leadership of great leaders like Mahatma
Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Lal Bahadur Shastri.

• Hume organized the first session of the Indian National Congress in Bombay in December 1885.
He served as the General Secretary of the Congress in its first two sessions.

• He chose 'National Congress' in the name to represent people of all provinces of India, different
castes and religions. The objective was to form a platform where all Indians could join together to
voice their demands before the British Government.
AR Lucky Team
• Though Hume founded the Indian National Congress, eventually great leaders like Mahatma
Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Lal Bahadur Shastri led the Indian freedom movement under its
banner and turned it into a mass movement for India's independence from the British.

Hope this helps explain! Let me know if you have any other questions.

What was the primary goal of East India Company to visit Sub-Continent?
Select the correct option
1. Trade
2. Travel
3. War
4. Tourism

Prove: 1
The primary goal of the East India Company to visit the Sub-Continent was trade. They established
trading posts and started trading in various commodities such as textiles, spices, and tea.
Prove: 2
Lucky Here, the primary goal of East India Company to visit Sub-Continent was -


Some key facts:

• The East India Company was granted a royal charter in 1600 by Queen Elizabeth I of England to
trade in goods like silk, spice with India and neighboring countries.

• The East India Company's main business was trade. They established trade centers and forts in
India to facilitate trade in goods like tea, silk, saltpeter and opium.

• The East India Company gradually expanded its influence from trade centers to ruling large areas
in India with the help of its own private army. But their primary motive for coming to India was
trade, not war, travel or tourism.

• East India Company officials also visited India mainly to oversee and expand trade operations ,
negotiate trade agreements and resolve trade disputes. Though travel and exploration were side
AR Lucky Team
• Trade presented huge business opportunities for the East India Company to acquire valuable
goods in India at cheap rates and sell them at huge profits in Europe. This was their main motive for
establishing a presence in the Indian subcontinent.

So in summary, the primary goal of the East India Company in visiting and expanding their
operations in India was TRADE - to profit from the lucrative business opportunities in buying and
selling goods from India at huge margins. Other activities like traveling, ruling territories, etc.
emerged later as means to facilitate and protect their trade interests.

When did British government revoke the status of the partition of Bengal?
Select the correct option
1. 1911
2. 1909
3. 1912
4. 1910

Prove: 1
The British government revoked the status of the partition of Bengal in 1911.
Prove: 2
The correct option is: 1911

Some key details:

• The British government partitioned the Bengal province into two parts in 1905 - (a) Muslim-
majority Eastern Bengal and Assam and (b) Hindu-majority Bengal.

• The partition of Bengal was strongly opposed by the Indian population. It triggered widespread
protests and agitations led by the Swadeshi movement and Indian National Congress.

• Facing immense opposition, the British government decided to revoke the partition of Bengal.

• Lord Minto's government passed the Indian Councils Act in 1909, which included provisions for
revoking the partition of Bengal.

• However, the actual revocation did not happen until 1911. The 1911 Imperial Legislative Council
passed a resolution reversing the partition of Bengal.
AR Lucky Team
• On 12 December 1911, the British government officially announced the reunification of Bengal,
making it a unified province under a governor.

So in summary, the British government revoked the status of the partition of Bengal in 1911 after
facing massive opposition from the Indians for two years since the partition was announced in

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Which political party Quaid-e-Azam joined at the start?
Select the correct option
1. Awami League
2. Indian National Congress
3. None of these
4. All India Muslim League

Prove: 1
Quaid-e-Azam joined the All India Muslim League at the start of his political career.
Prove: 2
The correct option is: Indian National Congress

Some key details:

• Quaid-e-Azam , Muhammad Ali Jinnah, started his political career by joining the Indian National

• In 1905, at the age of 20, Jinnah joined the Congress party after being inspired by Dadabhai
Naoroji, a prominent Congress leader at the time.

• Jinnah worked with the Congress party for around two decades and played an active role in the
early Indian independence movement.

• However, over time, growing differences emerged between Jinnah and the Congress leadership,
particularly with Gandhi.

• By the late 1920s and early 1930s, Jinnah became disillusioned with the Congress' dominance by
Hindus and its refusal to accept separate electorates for Muslims.
AR Lucky Team

• This led Jinnah to leave the Congress in 1920 and later join the All India Muslim League in 1913,
which he went on to transform into a strong political party advocating for the interests of Indian

So in summary, at the start of his political career, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined the
Indian National Congress in 1905 , not the Awami League or All India Muslim League. He only later
left Congress and joined the Muslim League due to disagreements over accommodating Muslim
political rights within a united independent India.

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other history questions about Quaid-e-
Azam or the Indian independence movement.

When did Jinnah resign from the Indian National Congress?
Select the correct option
1. 1912
2. 1908
3. 1920
4. 1916

Prove: 1
Jinnah resigned from the Indian National Congress in 1920 due to his differences with the party's
leadership over their attitude towards the Muslim community.
Prove: 2
The correct option is: 1920

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah resigned from the Indian National Congress in 1920. Some
key details:

• Jinnah initially joined the Congress in 1905 and worked with the party for around two decades.

• However, over time, Jinnah became disillusioned with the Congress' dominance by Hindus and
refusal to accept separate electorates for Muslims.

• A key turning point came in 1916 when the Congress refused to support the Muslims' demand for
separate electorates under the Minto-Morley Reforms.
AR Lucky Team
• Jinnah continued engaging with the Congress for a few more years but differences widened,
particularly over the issue of Hindu-Muslim unity.

• In 1919, Jinnah proposed the "Fourteen Points" to protect Muslim political rights within a self-
governing India. But the Congress rejected most of the points.

• This led to an irreparable break between Jinnah and the Congress leadership, particularly Gandhi.

• In March 1920 at the Nagpur session of the Congress, Jinnah finally resigned from the party and
his official membership ended.

So the correct option is 1920, when Jinnah formally resigned from the Indian National Congress due
to his disagreements with the party's stance on accommodating Muslim political interests.

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about Quaid-e-Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah or the events leading to his split with the Congress party. I'll be happy to
provide more context and details.

In which city Urdu-Hindi Controversy started?
Select the correct option
1. Kolkata
2. Banaras
3. Uttar Pradesh
4. Dhaka

Prove: 1
The Urdu-Hindi Controversy started in Banaras (present-day Varanasi) in 1867.
Prove: 2
The correct option is: Banaras

The Urdu-Hindi Controversy started in Banaras or Varanasi. Some key facts:

• The controversy began in 1867 when Sir George Campbell, the Lieutenant Governor of the North
Western Provinces (which included present-day Uttar Pradesh), decided to make Urdu the sole
official language of the province.
AR Lucky Team
• This led to protests from Hindus who wanted Hindi, not Urdu written in the Devanagari script, to
be made the official language.

• The controversy first surfaced in Banaras (Varanasi) where Hindus organized protests against the
decision to impose Urdu. They argued that Hindi, not Urdu, was their native language and should
be recognized.

• In 1881, the Banaras Hindu University was established with the aim of promoting Hindi language,
literature and culture. This further fueled the divide between Urdu and Hindi supporters.

• The controversy eventually spread to other parts of North India, especially Uttar Pradesh. But it
originated and first emerged prominently in the city of Banaras (Varanasi) in 1867.

• The dispute eventually ended in 1901 when Hindustani, a mixture of both Urdu and Hindi, was
adopted as the official language of the United Provinces (of which Uttar Pradesh was a part).

So in summary, the option 'Banaras' is correct as the Urdu-Hindi Controversy first started in the city
of Banaras (Varanasi) in 1867 over making Urdu or Hindi the official language of the region.

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in response to:
Select the correct option
1. The Nehru Report
2. The Communal Award
3. The Lucknow Pact
4. The Simon Commission

Prove: 1
Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points in response to The Nehru Report.
Prove: 2
The correct option is: The Nehru Report

Some key details:

• In 1928, Motilal Nehru headed an Indian delegation that presented the Nehru Report to the
Simon Commission.
AR Lucky Team

• The Nehru Report outlined Congress' demands for self-government and a constitution for India
but did not adequately address Muslim political demands.

• In response to the Nehru Report, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah formulated his seminal
"Fourteen Points" in 1929 to protect Muslim interests within a self-governing India.

• The 14 points included demands such as:

- Separate electorates for minorities for 15 years and if needed, in perpetuity

- Weightage in representation of Muslim majority areas
- Safeguards for Muslim personal law
- A strong central government with substantial powers

• Jinnah presented the 14 points as a counter to the Congress' position outlined in the Nehru
Report, which he felt did not sufficiently protect Muslim political rights.

• However, the Congress and other parties rejected most of Jinnah's 14 points, further alienating
the Muslim League and Jinnah.

So in summary, Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah formulated and presented his famous "Fourteen Points" in
direct response to the demands made by the Indian National Congress in the Nehru Report
submitted to the Simon Commission. The 14 points aimed to secure political safeguards for
Muslims within a self-governing India as envisioned by the Congress.

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

What was the primary agenda of the formation of United Indian Patriotic Association?
Select the correct option
1. To end the enmity among Muslims and British
2. To facilitate modern education among Muslims
3. To counter the propaganda of Congress
4. All of these

Prove: 1
AR Lucky Team
The primary agenda of the formation of the United Indian Patriotic Association was to counter the
propaganda of the Indian National Congress and to promote loyalty to the British Crown among
Prove: 2
The primary agenda of the formation of United Indian Patriotic Association was -

To counter the propaganda of Congress

Some key details:

- The United Indian Patriotic Association was formed under the leadership of loyalist Muslims in
1906 to counter the Indian National Congress.

- The association's main agenda was to oppose the goal of swaraj (self-rule) and the Quit India
movement advocated by the Congress.

- The association aimed to propagate the British viewpoint and counter what it saw as the
extremist and separatist views of the Congress.

- The association supported the policy of British parliamentary reforms and dominion status for
India under continued British rule. It opposed the demand for complete independence.

- The association recruited prominent Muslims to speak against Congress' extremist views and
propaganda. It aimed to convince Muslims that their political and social interests were safer under
British rule.

- While the association supported some modern education and social reforms among Muslims, its
primary focus was countering the nationalist Congress party and its demand for swaraj from the
British. Facilitating Muslim education and ending enmity with the British were not its primary

So in summary, the primary agenda of forming the United Indian Patriotic Association was to
counter the Indian National Congress party and its nationalist propaganda and goal of self-rule. The
option 'To counter the propaganda of Congress' is correct. Promoting Muslim education and
reducing enmity with the British were not the association's central objectives.

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

AR Lucky Team
What was the name of society that formed for the protection of Urdu language?
Select the correct option
1. United Indian Patriotic Association
2. Muhammadan Defense Association
3. Urdu Defense Society
4. Scientific Society

Prove: 1
The name of the society that was formed for the protection of Urdu language was "Urdu Defense
Prove: 2
The correct option is: Urdu Defense Society

The Urdu Defense Society was formed to protect and promote the Urdu language. Some key
• The Urdu-Hindi Controversy erupted in the 1860s over whether Urdu or Hindi should be the
official language of the United Provinces (modern Uttar Pradesh).

• Hindus wanted Hindi in Devanagari script to be the official language while Muslims supported
Urdu written in Persian script.

• In 1867, the British colonial government declared Urdu as the official language of the United
Provinces, sparking protests from Hindus.

• In response, Muslims formed the Urdu Defense Society to oppose any imposition of Hindi and
protect the status of Urdu.

• The society appealed to the British authorities to uphold Urdu as the official language and
organized protests against any official promotion of Hindi.

• The society's main objective was to defend the Urdu language from what it saw as an attempt by
Hindus to undermine its status in northern India.

• The society continued its activities for several decades to counter Hindu groups promoting Hindi
during the Urdu-Hindi controversy.
AR Lucky Team
So in summary, the option 'Urdu Defense Society' is correct as it is the name of the organization
that was formed by Muslims to protect the status of the Urdu language during the controversy over
official languages in the United Provinces.

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

When Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College converted into the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)?
Select the correct option
1. 1919
2. 1921
3. 1920
4. 1918

Prove: 1
Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College was converted into the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in
Prove: 2
The correct option is: 1920

The Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College was converted into the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
in 1920. Some key details:

• The Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental (MAO) College was established in 1877 by Sir Syed Ahmed
Khan in Aligarh, United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh).

• The MAO College aimed to provide modern education to Indian Muslims and bridge the
educational gap between Hindus and Muslims.

• Over the decades, the MAO College grew in stature and influence, becoming a prominent
institution for Muslims in North India.

• In 1920, the college was elevated to the status of a Central University by filling a legislative bill
passed by the Imperial Legislative Council.

• The MAO College was formally converted into the Aligarh Muslim University on 17 December
1920 during a special convocation ceremony.
AR Lucky Team
• Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's dream of a modern university for Indian Muslims finally materialized with
the establishment of the Aligarh Muslim University in 1920.

• AMU has since grown into one of the largest Indian universities with a diverse student body and
lively intellectual atmosphere.

So in summary, the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College was converted into the Aligarh Muslim
University in the year 1920, making option 'C' the correct answer.

Hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about the history of
AMU or Muslim education in India during the British period.
AR Lucky Team

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