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ACTIVITY: Read the quotation below:

“Teaching is not about filling up the pail; it is about

lighting the fire”

-Williams Butler Yeats Treats

What concepts/ideas/images came to your mind when you read “Teaching is not about
filling up the pail”?


What concepts/ideas/images came to your mind when you read “Teaching is about
lighting a fire”?


ANALYSIS: What do you think the quotation meant? What two kinds of teaching are
being referred to?

1. Think of a topic related to our field of specialization.
2. Indicate how can you apply constructivism for your students to construct their
own understanding of the topic. The first one is partially done for you.

Constructivist Implications What will I do to teach the topic

Have few key ideas I will emphasize the following key ideas:

Give varied examples

Provide lots of opportunities for quality

Have lots of hands-on activities

Relate your topic to real life situations

Do not depend on the explanation

method all the time

1. Explain the role of constructivism in facilitating learning.
2. Describe the strategies to promote knowledge construction.
3. Describe the strategies to facilitate concept learning.
5-minute non-stop writing
From the module Constructivism: Knowledge Construction/ Concept Learning, I


ACTIVITY: Discuss this:

Will a skilled typist find it difficult to use the computer keyboard when s/he encodes?

Let your teacher/a classmate, whose cellphone features differ from yours, use of
your cellphone. Was s/he able to use your cellphone without your help. Or did s/he
need help?

A thesis writer once remarked: “Buti na lang, we were required to do action research
in the under graduate. It helps me a lot in my thesis”

ANALYSIS: Find out:

1. Why the skilled typist didn’t find any difficult in using the computer keyboard.
2. Why your teacher/classmate couldn’t use a cellphone different from his/her
classmate without assistance?
3. Why the thesis writer found thesis writing much easier because of the action
research s/he went through.
4. How your understanding of a true and happy life was made concrete by the used
of the analogy of the dead sea and the sea of the galilee.

1.Choose a topic related to you field of specialization.
2.Extend the table below by thinking of specific learning that would apply the
principle of transfer.

Involve students in learning situations

and tasks that are similar as possible to
the situations where they would apply
the tasks.

Remember to provide opportunities for

learners to link new material to what
they learned in the past.

To ensure transfer, teach a few topics in

depth rather than many topics in a
shallow manner.

Illustrate new concepts and principles

with a variety of examples. Plan
activities that allow your learners to
practice their newly learner.

Relate a topic in one subjects or

disciplines. Relate it also to real life

Zero in principles related to each topic

together with strategies based on those

Encourage students to take

responsibility for their own learning to
reflect on what they need.
1. In your own words explain how transfer of learning occurs.
2. Identify the factors that affect transfer of learning.
3. Apply principles of transfer in facilitating transfer of learning .

5-minute non-stop writing

From the module on Transfer of Learning, I realized that

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