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Factors Affecting the Legislative Competencies of Sangguniang Kabataan Members on

Program and Policy Development in Selected Barangay of General Luna, Quezon.


Legislative competencies can be defined as the skill, knowledge, qualification,

capacity or authority to make, give or enact rules and laws. Competent Legislators will result
to good laws or policies that will re-down to improved benefits for the people. (Guinid, A.
2018). In the Philippine context of government, the legislative power vested in the congress,
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Bayan, Barangay Councilors and Sangguniang
Kabataan Members. In accordance to the RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991
and RA 10742 or the Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015 one of the duties and
responsibilities of SK members is to create and implement programs to promote the general
welfare, development, and empowerment of the youth, in coordination with any national
government agency and/or any private or nongovernment institution. The Sangguniang
Kabataan provides opportunities for youth participation in formal politics; however, it has
been criticized for several issues including corruption and inefficiency in programs and
policies (Bautista, A. 2020) . Understanding the legislative competencies of SK members is
crucial to enhancing their effectiveness in promoting youth welfare and driving community
development. Despite its significant role, there is limited research focusing on the legislative
competencies of SK members, particularly in the context of policy and program development.
Several factors may influence the legislative competencies of SK members, including training
opportunities, mentorship, resources, and socio-cultural factors.

1.. How is your research title related to you, what motivated you to choose this title?

As a Public Administration student, one of the possible career that I may pursue in the near
future is to be a politician, and through this study, it's significant or it could benefit us to be
aware in terms of legislative matter. This title motivated us, as part of the youth in our
community to know how Sangguniang Kabataan Members establish programs and policy and
to be participated with this for youth empowerment.

2. What are the variable of your title and why you use them?

The independent variable in our title is the factors affecting the legislative competencies of
Sangguniang Kabataan Members while the dependent variable is the policy and program
development. We use these variables because we want to find out what are the factors
affecting the legislative competencies of Sangguniang Kabataan Members on their policy and
program development.

3. What are the sources of your data and will you be able to access them?

The sources of our data are the Sangguniang Kabataan Members in the selected Barangay of
General Luna, Quezon. Yes, we will be able to access the particular source of data.

4. What evidence supports the existence of the issue and need to conduct this study?

The Sangguniang Kabataan provides opportunities for youth participation in formal politics;
however, it has been criticized for several issues including corruption and inefficiency in
programs and policies (Bautista, A. 2020) . And, proper legislation of their program and
policy has a significant part of these, that's why the legislative body of Sangguniang
Kabataan are subject in assessing their legislative competencies. In the past years, SK faced a
lot of issues as an institution. A 2007 study by the Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG) and the UNICEF entitled, “The Impact of Youth Participation in the
Local Government Process: The Sangguniang Kabataan Experience,” stated: “The SK’s
performance for the past ten years has been generally weak. This is especially true in terms of
coming up with legislations, promoting the development of young people, submitting reports
and holding consultations with their constituents.”

5. What is the rationale of your study?

This study seeks to determine the factors affecting the legislative competencies of
Sangguniang Kabataan Members on Program and Policy Development. Legislation is a vital
component of good governance. As such, members of Legislative bodies must possess the
requisite competency to be able to perform their tasks. It's significant to understand that
legislating is not an easy task. It is a political exercise that involves too much bickering
among politicians chosen by the people and the program and policy developed by the
legislatures scrutinized during the deliberation and session of their proposal. By determining
the factors affecting the legislative competencies, this study aims to contribute to the body of
knowledge, encourage youth to participate in the local or community politics, educate the
youth on how the Sangguniang Kabataan Members exercise their duties and responsibilities
and initiate training program for the improvement of legislative competencies for SK
6. What is the significance of your study?

This study holds significant implications for the field of public administration and politics,
specifically in the context of law-making process or program and policy development. By
determining the factors affecting the legislative competencies, the findings can provide
valuable insights and enhancement of skills for Sangguniang Kabataan Members as
legislative body and for the youth in the community as the beneficiaries of program and
policy legislated by the SK members. Ultimately, the study's outcomes have the potential to
improve the quality and effeciency of program and policy for the youth empowerment.

7. What are the ethical considerations of your study?

We were able to implement the following ethical considerations namely: Inform consent,
confidentiality and privacy, and research integrity

8. How is the research method and design relevant to your study?

This study employs the descriptive research design, to describe the factors affecting the
legislative competencies and quantitative method to measure the legislative competencies of
Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) members.

9. What instrument will you be using to your study and how its relevant ?

This study will be using researchers made survey questionnaire that will undergo to a
validation process.

10. What is the research gap of your study?

Based on the related literatures and studies we have noticed that these articles focused merely
in assessing the legislative competencies of legislators, with that being said there's a research
gap when it comes with the factors affecting the legislative competencies of legislators and
the challenges that they encountered in policy and program development. Also, there's no
previous or existing study about the legislative competencies in the chosen locale of this
study. This study is anchored on the McClelland’s Theory of Competencies at Work (1973)
David McClelland believed that competencies, which encompass a combination of
knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics, were critical for effective
performance in the workplace. In relation to this study, competencies is pivotal in program
and policy development of Sangguniang Kabataan Members, exploring the factors affecting
the legislative competencies policymakers and stakeholders can devise strategies to
strengthen the capacity of SK members, thereby fostering more responsive and inclusive
governance. Policy Analysis Competency Theory (Carol Weiss ) Legislative competencies
involve the ability to critically analyze policies, assess their impact, and develop evidence-
based solutions to address societal issues.

The Impact of Honorarium System to the Level of Performance of Sangguniang Kabataan in

Selected Barangay of General Luna, Quezon.

Honorarium is a form of compensation or reward paid over and above the regular pay
in recognition of gratuitous services rendered by government personnel. Attractive Salaries or
pays also a Valuable tool and play an important role to increase employee’s performance and
also increase the productivity of an organization (Azar & Shafighi, 2013). In the Philippines
the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK), a youth council, is tasked with promoting Filipino youth
welfare and development. To fulfill their duties effectively, SK officials receive honoraria,
financial incentives meant to compensate them for their service. Section 4 of RA No. 11768
An act strengthening the Sangguniang Kabataan Youth Participation states that The [SK]
members, including the [SK] treasurer and secretary, shall receive a monthly honorarium,
chargeable against the [SK] funds, in addition to any other compensation provided by this
Act and shali be granted at the end of every regular monthly [SK] meeting. This research
investigates the influence of the honorarium system on the performance level of SK officials
in selected barangays of General Luna, Quezon. Understanding how honoraria impact
performance can be valuable for policymakers. An effective SK can significantly influence
youth programs and initiatives at the barangay level.

1.How is your research title related to you, what motivated you to choose this title?

As a Public Administration student, this title is relevant for me because as a future employee
it's valuable to enlighten how salary or wages could affect the performance of an employee or
individual at work. Through this study, I can establish the relationship of compensation to the
value of effort and job performance.

2. What are the variable of your title and why you use them?
The independent variable in our title is the honorarium System while the dependent variable
is the level of performance of Sangguniang Kabataan . We use these variables because we
want to find out the impact of honorarium system to the level of performance of Sangguniang
Kabataan and to establish the relationship between honorarium and level of performance.

3. What are the sources of your data and will you be able to access them?

The sources of our data are the Sangguniang Kabataan in the selected Barangay of General
Luna, Quezon. Yes, we will be able to access the particular source of data.

4. What evidence supports the existence of the issue and need to conduct this study?

This study is supported by the Equity Theory of John Stacey Adams, where employees
compare their input and outcomes (compensation) with those of others. Perceived inequity
can lead to reduced performance. Since the duties and responsibilities of SK is not easy as we
think, there are some issues wherein they have been comparing the value of efforts and hard
work to the compensation they are expecting to receive. That's why this study aims to explore
if there's an impact or relationship between honorarium and level of performance.

5. What is the rationale of your study?

This study seeks to determine the impact of honorarium system to the level of performance of
Sangguniang Kabataan and establish the relationship between honorarium and level of
performance. Honorariums are crucial for Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) as they recognize
their contributions and efforts. They provide motivation and acknowledgment for their
service, helping to attract dedicated individuals to serve their communities. Additionally,
honorariums can alleviate financial burdens, allowing to focus more on their responsibilities
without worrying about their livelihoods. This can ultimately lead to better performance and
more effective governance within the SK.By determining the impact of honorarium system to
the level of performance of Sangguniang Kabataan and establishing relationship between
honorarium and level of performance this study aims to contribute to the body of knowledge,
encourage youth to participate in the local or community politics, educate the youth on how
the honorarium affects the performance of SK and lead to evidence-based policy
recommendations for enhancing the honorarium system.

6. What is the significance of your study?

This study holds significant implications for the field of public administration and politics,
specifically in the context of organization management and execution of duties and
responsibilities. By determining the impact of honorarium system to the level of performance
of Sangguniang Kabataan and establishing relationship between honorarium and level of
performance the findings can provide valuable insights and improvement of honorarium
system that would boost the performance of Sangguniang Kabataan. Ultimately, the study's
outcomes have the potential to enhance and motivate the Sangguniang Kabataan that would
lead to a quality and efficient program and policy for the youth empowerment.

7. What are the ethical considerations of your study?

We were able to implement the following ethical considerations namely: Inform consent,
confidentiality and privacy, and research integrity.

8. How is the research method and design relevant to your study?

This study employs the descriptive research design, to describe the impact of honorarium
system to the level of performance and quantitative method to measure the level of
performance and correlation to establish a relationship between honorarium and level of

9. What instrument will you be using to your study and how its relevant ?

This study will be using researchers made survey questionnaire that will undergo to a
validation process.

10. What is the research gap of your study?

Based on the related literatures and studies we have noticed that these articles focused merely
to the factors affecting the performance of Sangguniang Kabataan , with that being said
there's a research gap when it comes with the honorarium system and how this influence the
performance of Sangguniang Kabataan and what is the relationship of honorarium to the
level of performance . Also, there's no previous or existing study about this area in the chosen
locale of this study. This study is anchored on these theories: Expectancy Theory(Victor
Vroom ) Individuals are motivated to exert effort when they expect that their effort will result
in desired outcomes, such as higher compensation or rewards. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
(Abraham Maslow ) Once basic needs like compensation are met, individuals are motivated
by higher-level needs, such as self-esteem and self-actualization. Social Exchange
Theory(George Homans ) Individuals weigh the potential benefits and costs of their actions,
viewing compensation as the benefits for their work.

The Impact of Parents' Political Views to the Voting Preferences of First-time Voters in
Selected Barangay of General Luna, Quezon During the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang
Kabataan Election.

Election can be defined as a democratic procedure through which one or more

persons are chosen to hold or assume a political office. In the Philippine context, the right to
suffrage as stated to the 1987 constitution is an valuable contribution in selecting the leaders
who will govern the country. According to Republic Act No. 7160, also known as the Local
Government Code of 1991. Specifically, Section 387 of this law mandates the regular
conduct of Barangay elections every three years on the second Monday of May. Furthermore,
Section 423 of the same law provides for the organization and election of the Sangguniang
Kabataan, including its officials, also held simultaneously with the Barangay elections. The
first-time voters who can cast their votes are age 15 as a young adult, there are some factors
that could affect their voting preferences like family or parents political views among election
candidates. Parents play a highly important role in influencing first-time voters to participate
in the barangay and sangguniang kabataan elections. According to Eleanor Maccoby, who
showed that political-party affiliation and candidate endorsements of first-time voters closely
paralleled those of their parents (Maccoby et al., 1954) it's only suggests that the main source
of political information for first-time voters is their family, which encourages political
discussions and influences their choice of local leader candidate .This study aims to delve
deeper into this aspect by establishing the correlation between parents' political affiliations
and the voting preferences of first-time voters and exploring the impact of parents' political
views to the voting preferences of first-time voters in selected barangays of General Luna,
Quezon during the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Election.

1.How is your research title related to you, what motivated you to choose this title?

As a Public Administration student, this title is relevant for me because as a first-time voters
last Barangay and SK election I want to enlighten my confusion about this Filipino practices
and culture. Also, understanding the voting preferences of an individual during election is
crucial, that's why it's challenge to me as well as opportunity on how would I influence other
voters to exercise their rights.

2. What are the variable of your title and why you use them?

The independent variable in our title is the parents political views while the dependent
variable is the voting preferences of first-time voters. We use these variables because we
want to find out the impact of parents' political views to the voting preferences of first-time
voters and to establish the relationship between parents political views and voting
preferences .

3. What are the sources of your data and will you be able to access them?

The sources of our data are the first-time voters in the selected Barangay of General Luna,
Quezon. Yes, we will be able to access the particular source of data.

4. What evidence supports the existence of the issue and need to conduct this study?

Family is the foundation of every individual in the society. A children can obtain from their
family in particular with their parents including the political beliefs that would affect their
voting preferences.Regarding politics, parents also influence their children, particularly the
first-time voters, on which candidate they must vote (Kinder, 2006). Youth's political
interests may vary in a short period of time but, with their voter preferences influenced by
their parents and several factors, they may have their own decisions on who to vote (Russo &
Stattin, 2016). As stated to the related studies, it's clearly shown that the parents political
affiliation has an influence to the voting preferences of first-time voters and their own choice
and rights could interfere.

5. What is the rationale of your study?

This study seeks to determine the impact of parents' political views to the voting preferences
of first-time voters and establish the relationship between parents political views and voting
preferences of first-time voters. studying the impact of parents' political views on the voting
preferences of first-time voters is crucial for understanding how familial influences shape
political attitudes and behaviors. Additionally, such research can provide insights into the
dynamics of local politics.By determining the impact of parents' political views to the voting
preferences of first-time voters and establishing relationship between parents political views
and voting preferences of first-time voters this study aims to contribute to the body of
knowledge, initiating more effective political engagement, and a deeper understanding of
democratic processes at the local level.

6. What is the significance of your study?

This study holds significant implications for the field of public administration and politics,
specifically in the context of rights to suffrage and participation in the local politics . By
determining the impact of parents' political views to the voting preferences of first-time
voters and establishing relationship between parents political views and voting preferences of
first-time voters the findings can provide valuable insights and empower young voters in
making informed decisions independent of familial influence. Also, this study can shape the
decision making skills of first-time voters and motivate to participate in local politics.

7. What are the ethical considerations of your study?

We were able to implement the following ethical considerations namely: Inform consent,
confidentiality and privacy, and research integrity

8. How is the research method and design relevant to your study?

This study employs the descriptive research design, to describe the impact of parents'
political views to the voting preferences of first-time voters and quantitative and correlation
method to establish a relationship between parents political views to the voting preferences of
first-time voters.

9. What instrument will you be using to your study and how its relevant ?

This study will be using researchers made survey questionnaire that will undergo to a
validation process.

10. What is the research gap of your study?

Based on the related literatures and studies we have noticed that most studies often examine
factors such as age, education, and socio-economic status without delving deep into the
familial and social influences, like parental political views, that may shape voting choices
among younger voters. Therefore, there's a gap in studying the influence of parents' political
views specifically on first-time voters. Also, there's no previous or existing study about this
area in the chosen locale of this study. This study is anchored on these theories: Socialization
Theory (Sigmund Freud) suggests that families serve as primary agents of socialization,
transmitting societal norms, values, and ideologies to children as they grow and develop. In
this way, parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's political identities by exposing
them to political discussions, activities, and values from a young age. Social Learning
Theory, proposed by psychologist Albert Bandura. According to this theory, children learn
through observing and imitating the behavior of others, particularly significant individuals in
their lives, such as parents.

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