PoliRev - Gabriel Notes 2019 de Leon 2

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THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES - According to the Doctrine of Constitutional Supremacy, “the Constitution is the
basic and paramount law to which all other laws must conform and to which all
Constitutional Law is a very beautiful subject. To better understand the Constitution, we must persons, including the highest officials of the land must defer. No act shall be valid
appreciate the majesty of this law. If there is any law that we can indeed claim to be a living however noble its intention if it conflicts with the Constitution. The Constitution must
organism, it is the Constitution because we can see how the Constitution grows, how it ever remain supreme. All must bow to the mandate of this law. Expediency must not
develops, how it adapts, and to a certain extent, how it mutates. be allowed to sap its strength, nor greed for power debase its rectitude. Right or
wrong, the Constitution shall always prevail as long as it has not been changed by
In the hands of a dictator, the Constitution may serve as a chain that will restrict the freedom the sovereign people lest its disregard results in usurpation of the majesty of the law
of movement of its citizens; in the hands of a libertarian, however, the Constitution will give by the pretenders to illegitimate power.”
the people wings in order to help them soar high.
- The Supreme Court furthered that “under the Doctrine of Constitutional
What is a Constitution? Supremacy, if a law or contract violates any norm of the Constitution, that
law or contract, whether promulgated by the legislative or by the executive
- The most commonly used definition of a Constitution is that given by Justice branch or entered into by private persons for private purposes, is null and
Thomas Cooley. According to Justice Cooley, “The Constitution is that body of rules void and without any force and effect. Thus, since the Constitution is the
and maxims, in accordance with which the powers of sovereignty are habitually fundamental, paramount and supreme law of the nation, it is deemed
exercised.” written in every statute and contract.”

- Justice Cruz considers this definition as being too broad, as it covers both - Under this doctrine, the Constitution is supreme; the Constitution is also
written and the unwritten Constitution. Hence, he prefers the definition immutable; it can never be wrong. What gives the Constitution these
given by Justice Malcolm. characteristics?

- According to Justice Malcolm, a Constitution is “the written instrument enacted by - The answer to this question can be taken from the definition of a
the direct action of the people, by which the fundamental powers of government are Constitution given by Justice Malcom. Again, according to Justice
established, limited and defined, and by which those powers are distributed among Malcolm, “The Constitution is a written instrument enacted by the direct
the several departments for their safe and useful exercise for the benefit of the body action of the people…” This is what gives the Constitution these
politic.” characteristics since the Constitution is the act of the sovereign
themselves, unlike other governmental acts, whether it be executive,
- In the case of Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS, the Supreme Court defined the legislative, or judicial acts, these are just acts of the representatives.
Constitution as “a system of fundamental laws for the governance and
administration of a nation.” Relative to this, the case of Van Horne v. Dorrance, which is a landmark case in the US,
involved a parcel of land previously belonging to Indians, and there were two conflicting deeds
- In the case of Marcos v Manglapus, the Supreme Court said that it must be borne disposing the land in question. One deed was executed in Pennsylvania, and the other one
in mind that “The constitution, apart from being an allocation of power, is also a was executed in Connecticut. The land in dispute was located in Pennsylvania, and the
SOCIAL CONTRACT whereby the people have surrendered their sovereign powers to Constitution of Pennsylvania provides that any disposition of these types of land required the
the state for the common good.” concurrence of the State of Pennsylvania. In this case, the contract executed in Connecticut
was confirmed by the Congress of Connecticut. Thus, the main issue in this case was whether
- In the case of Ocampo v. Enriquez, which involved the internment of the remains the confirmation by the Congress of Connecticut of the contract entered into in Connecticut
of former President Marcos in the libingan ng mga bayani, the Supreme Court said validates the contract?
that “the Constitution is a product of our collective history as a people.”
- No. Here, the US Supreme Court had the occasion to discuss the meaning of a
In the case of Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS, the Supreme Court discussed the so-called Constitution. The US Supreme Court said that:

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- “It is the form of government, delineated by the mighty hand of the

people, in which certain first principles of fundamental laws are - In this regard, our very own Supreme Court in the case of Oposa v. Factoran also
established. The Constitution is certain and fixed; it contains the dealt with the same issue.
permanent will of the people, and is the supreme law of the land; it is
paramount to the power of the Legislature, and can be revoked or altered - In this case, a petition was filed by mostly minors to declare all timber
only by the authority that made it. The life-giving principle and the death- licensing agreements null and void, premising their cause of action on
doing stroke must proceed from the same hand. What are Legislatures? Sections 15 and 16 of Article II of the Constitution — the right to health
Creatures of the Constitution; they owe their existence to the Constitution: and the right to a balanced and healthful ecology.
they derive their powers from the Constitution: It is their commission; and
therefore, all their acts must be conformable to it, or else they will be void.” - The public respondent contends that the right to health and
the right to a balanced and healthful ecology, being provided
- “The Constitution is the work or the will of the people themselves in their only under Article II, are not judicially enforceable rights. The
original, sovereign, and unlimited capacity. Law is the work or the will of position of the public respondent was that if Sections 15 and 16
the Legislature in their derivative and subordinate capacity. The one is the had been intended to be judicially enforceable rights, then they
work of the Creator, and the other of the Creature. The Constitution fixes would have been indicated under Article III and not under
limits to the exercise of legislative authority, and prescribes the orbit Article II.
within which it must move. In short, gentlemen, the Constitution is the sun
of the political system, around which all Legislative, Executive and Judicial - The Supreme Court disagreed. The Supreme Court said there
bodies must revolve. Whatever may be the case in other countries, yet in are certain rights that do not need the Constitution, particularly
this there can be no doubt, that every act of the Legislature, repugnant to the right to health and the right to a balanced and healthful
the Constitution, is absolutely void.” ecology because these are NATURAL RIGHTS inherent in every
human being. Meaning to say, there are certain rights that do
- Under this definition, the Constitution is the center of gravity, not need the Constitution, particular of which are natural rights
and all governmental acts must revolve around the Constitution. which are inherent in every human being.
Any governmental act that does not conform with the
Constitution must be stricken off from the legal system. In the case of Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS, the Supreme Court enumerated three purposes of
a Constitution. These purposes are:
If the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and is immutable, can we say then that all
rights emanate from the Constitution, so much so that no right can exist without the 1. It prescribes the permanent framework of a system of government;
Constitution breathing life to it? Can we say that the Constitution is the source of all rights?
[No] 2. it assigns to the several departments their respective powers and duties; and

- In his seminal work titled “Treaties on Constitutional Limitations,” Justice Cooley 3. it establishes certain fixed principles on which the government is founded.
raised rhetorical questions. Justice Cooley explained:

- “What is a Constitution, and what are its objects? It is easier to tell what In Van Horne v. Dorrance, the US Supreme Court discussed the concept of PERMANENCE OF
it is not than what it is. It is not the beginning of a community, nor the THE CONSTITUTION.
origin of private rights; it is not the fountain of law, nor the incipient state
of government; it is not the cause, but consequence, of personal and - Under this concept, the US Supreme Court said that “The Constitution of a State is
political freedom; it grants no rights to the people, but it is the creature of stable and permanent not to be worked upon by the temper of the times, nor to rise
their power, the instrument of their convenience.” and fall with the tide of events notwithstanding the competition of opposing
interests, and the violence of contending parties, it remains firm and immovable, as
- According to Justice Cooley, the Constitution does not create any rights. a mountain amidst the strife of storms, or a rock in the ocean amidst the raging of
The rights preexist even before the Constitution was made. the waves.”

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- However, our very own Supreme Court disagreed with this. Our Supreme - In Co Kim Cham v. Valdez Tan Keh, one of the questions raised
Court said that although the Constitution should be stable, it should not in this case was what gives General MacArthur the power to
be permanent… the Constitution should not stand still. Thus, the invalidate a Constitution? What gives him the power to declare
Constitution must be able to provide for every contingency. The that all laws in the Philippines, other than those of the
Constitution must always be relevant. Commonwealth government, are null and void?

As an organized or semi-organized political community, how many Constitutions have we had - The Supreme Court explained the concept of war.
so far? According to the Supreme Court, armed forces of the
occupying state can impose its will on the occupied
- We have had 7 Constitutions so far. territory, and there is no need for a Constitution nor a
law in order to confirm this power because this is a
1. BIAK-NA-BATO CONSTITUTION: which was effective November 15, 1897 necessary consequence of war. In the same manner,
and established the first revolutionary form of government. This was the the liberating forces likewise possesses the power to
first revolutionary government in Asia. declare the acts of the occupying state as null and
void. Thus, this is the source of the power of General
2. MALOLOS CONSTITUTION: which was effective on January 21, 1899 and MacArthur to declare the 1943 Constitution as null
established the first parliamentary form of government with a unicameral and void and to reinstate the 1935 Constitution.
Congress. This was the first democratic government in Asia.
5. THE 1973 CONSTITUTION: the ratification of this Constitution was very
3. THE 1935 CONSTITUTION: which was effective on May 14, 1935. controversial because unlike the process mandated by the 1935
Constitution, the proposed 1973 Constitution was submitted to the
4. THE 1943 CONSTITUTION: which was established during the Japanese people through Citizens Assemblies (Barangay Citizens Assemblies), and
occupation. the voting was not done by secret ballot, but rather, it was done by a show
of hands.
- There was a need to promulgate a Constitution during this time
in order to make the Japanese occupation as a belligerent - In Javellana v. Executive Secretary, the Supreme Court,
occupation, because under the Convention, there were several through Chief Justice Concepcion, noted the defects of the
requisites that must be present before a military occupation can ratification of the Constitution, and one of the questions
be considered a belligerent occupation. The first requisite was decided by the Supreme Court in this case was whether the
that there must be an established civil government exercising ratification of the 1973 Constitution complied with the 1935
control and supervision over the armed hostilities; the second Constitution?
requisite is that there must be a wide-spread occupation of the
territory and that there must be serious and substantial armed - The result of the voting was that 6 of the Justices said
conflicts, the results of which must be uncertain; and lastly, the that no it did not comply with the requisites under the
third requisite is that there must be a willingness on the part of 1935 Constitution, 3 Justices said that yes it
the parties to be governed by the articles or the norms of war. substantially complied, and 1 Justice said that he did
not have any basis to form an intelligent decision. If
- After the 1943 Constitution, the 1935 Constitution was the majority of the Supreme Court declared that the
reinstated by virtue of the proclamation of General Douglas ratification did not comply with the requirements
MacArthur on October 23, 1944… because immediately after his under the 1935 Constitution, then why did the
return to the Philippines, he declared that all laws, regulations, Supreme Court sustain the constitutionality of the
and processes in the Philippines as null and void, which, in ratification?
effect, nullified the 1943 Constitution.

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- The Supreme Court sustained the the Freedom Constitution, under which it was
constitutionality of the ratification despite provided that governors have the power to appoint
the opposition of the majority of its Justices barangay officials. Prior to the signing of the
because in order to declare an act appointment papers, however, the proposed
unconstitutional, the 1935 Constitution Constitution was already submitted to the people on
requires 2/3 VOTES OF THE MEMBERS of the February 2, 1987 — the date of the plebiscite. But like
Supreme Court. During this time, the any other electoral processes, the result of the
Supreme Court was composed of 10 Justices Plebiscite was only made known on February 11, 1987
with 1 Chief Justice, which means a total of by virtue of Proclamation No. 58. The question in this
8 votes is required in order to declare the case is when did the 1987 Constitution take effect?
ratification of the 1973 Constitution as Did it take effect on the date of the plebiscite (Feb. 2),
unconstitutional. This means, the or on the date that the result of the plebiscite was
ratification of the 1973 Constitution was proclaimed by the President (Feb. 11)?
declared constitutional only by default due
to the failure of the Supreme Court to - The Supreme Court said that the 1987
obtain the necessary votes. This is reason Constitution took effect on February 2, 1987
why in the ponencia of Chief Justice – the date of the plebiscite. Why?
Concepcion, he cannot help but only raise
his personal reservations about the - This is expressly provided for
ratification of the 1973 Constitution, but in under the Constitution itself.
the end, the Supreme Court said that there Under Section 27 of Article XVIII,
should no longer be any obstacles on the the law provides “This
ratification of the 1973 Constitution by Constitution shall take effect
reason of the lack of the required votes to immediately upon its ratification
declare it unconstitutional. by a majority of the votes cast in a
plebiscite held for the purpose and
6. FREEDOM CONSTITUTION: which was effective on March 25, 1986 shall supersede all previous
following the first peaceful revolution. After the success of the Edsa Constitutions.”
Revolution 1, all laws in the Philippines, including the Constitution, were
considered null and void. During this time, there were no laws that were - Thus, it is the
effective except the words of the President. Thus, the Freedom Constitution itself that
Constitution was promulgated by Presidential Proclamation No. 3, which marks the day of its
adopted certain provisions of the 1973 Constitution, and was effective for effectivity.
a period of one year. This leads us to the next question.
- On practical grounds, the
7. THE 1987 CONSTITUTION: Supreme Court likewise ruled in
De Leon v. Esguerra that the
- When did the 1987 Constitution take effect? Constitution is obligatory and
mandatory. Thus, to depend its
- In the case of De Leon v. Esguerra, the exact date of effectivity upon the proclamation
the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution was very of the President, the President
critical. Here, the respondent governor signed the can conveniently delay the
antedated appointment papers of the respondent effectivity of the Constitution by
public officers on February 8, 1987 in accordance with refusing to issue the necessary

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proclamation. This is the reason Constitution could have very well used the term ‘natural
why in the case of De Leon v. resources,’ but also to the CULTRUAL HERITAGE of the Filipinos.”
Esguerra, the Supreme Court was
very emphatic in saying that the - In that regard, historical buildings are part of the
Constitution takes effect on the National Economy and Patrimony. Similarly,
date of the plebiscite itself. representation of ownership in buildings considered
as National/Cultural Heritage are likewise part of the
Like any other human production, the Constitution lacks perfection and perfectibility. There concept of National Economy and Patrimony.
may be an instance when a single provision of the Constitution may be interpreted in so many
ways. To address this issue, the Supreme Court laid down RULES IN INTERPRETING DOUBTFUL - Having resolved the first issue, the Supreme Court proceeded
PROVISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION. with the next issue — what is the nature of the Filipino First
Policy? Is it a self-executing or a non-self-executing provision?
- (1) The FIRST RULE, which calls for the determination of whether a constitutional First of all, what is the difference between a self-executing and
provision is self-executory or non-self-executory, is provided for by the Supreme a non-self-executing provision?
Court in the case of Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS.
- The Supreme Court explained that “a provision which
- In this case, respondent GSIS is the owner of all outstanding shares of lays down a general principle, such as those found in
stock of Manila Hotel Corporation, and Manila Hotel Corporation owns Article II of the Constitution, is usually NOT SELF-
the Manila Hotel. Respondent GSIS offered for sale up to 51% of its EXECUTING. But a provision which is complete in itself
outstanding shares of stock in Manila Hotel Corporation through public and becomes operative without the aid of
bidding. During the public bidding, two entities participated – one was supplementary or enabling legislation, or that which
petitioner Manila Prince Hotel (MPH), which is a Filipino corporation, and supplies sufficient rules by which the right it grants
the other was Renong Berhad, a Malaysian firm. Petitioner MPH offered may be enjoyed or protected is SELF-EXECUTING.”
P41.48 per share, while Renong Berhad offered P44.00 per share. Under
the rules of bidding, the highest bid shall be preferred, but subject to - The Supreme Court added, “Thus, a constitutional
compliance with certain requirements. However, before the Certificate of provision is self-executing if the nature and the extent
Sale was rewarded to Renong Berhad, petitioner MPH offered to match of the right conferred and the liability imposed are
the bid of Renong Berhad at P44.00 per share on the basis of the FILIPINO fixed by the Constitution itself, so that they can be
FIRST POLICY embodied under Paragraph 2, Section 10 of Article XII of the determined by an examination and construction of its
Constitution, which provides “In the grant of rights, privileges, and terms, and there is no language indicating that the
concessions covering the national economy and patrimony, the State shall subject is referred to the legislature for action.”
give preference to qualified Filipinos.” Despite this, respondent GSIS did
not accept petitioner MPH’s offer since, according to it, the concept of - In conclusion, the Supreme Court said, “In case of
National Economy and Patrimony does not include shares of stock, and, doubt, the Constitution should be considered self-
more importantly, respondent GSIS argued that the Filipino First Policy is executing rather than non-self-executing. Unless the
not a self-executing provision. contrary is clearly intended, the provisions of the
Constitution should be considered self-executing, as a
- As to the first issue, the Supreme Court said that the concept contrary rule would give the legislature discretion to
of National Economy and Patrimony is not limited only to determine when, or whether, they shall be effective.
forests, rivers, flora, fauna, and other natural resources, but it These provisions would be subordinated to the will of
also includes buildings. The Supreme Court emphasized that the lawmaking body, which could make them entirely
“when the Constitution speaks of National Patrimony, it refers meaningless by simply refusing to pass the needed
not only to the natural resources of the Philippines, as the implementing statute.”

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- A good example of a non-self-executing

provision is that which is found under - In the case of Francisco v. House of Representatives, the Supreme Court
Section 26 of Article II, which provides “The laid down (3) the THIRD RULE, which calls for the application of SPECIFIC
State shall guarantee equal access to TOOLS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTRUCTION, which shall only be resorted
opportunities for public service and prohibit to after applying the two rules provided for in the case of Manila Prince
political dynasties as may be defined by Hotel v. GSIS.
- In Francisco v. House of Representatives, former President
- Under this provision, the Joseph Estrada filed an impeachment complaint against former
Constitution, in no uncertain Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. and seven Associate Justices
language, expressly declares of the Supreme Court for “culpable violation of the Constitution,
political dynasties as prohibited. betrayal of the public trust and other high crimes.” The
The Constitution itself declares complaint was verified with the resolution of endorsement of
political dynasties as prohibited, three members of the House of Representatives. This was filed
but the problem is that the on June 2, 2003. The impeachment complaint was referred to
Constitution grants the Congress the House of Representatives Committee on Justice on August
the authority to define what is a 5, 2003. The Committee on Justice then conducted public
political dynasty. So, unless and hearings, and on October 13, 2003, the Committee on Justice
until the Congress enacts the ruled that the impeachment complaint was “sufficient in form.”
implementing legislation defining But several days later, on October 22, 2003, the Committee on
“political dynasty,” this Justice declared that the impeachment complaint was
constitutional mandate “…would “insufficient in substance.” On October 23, 2003, however,
remain entombed in the cold niche another impeachment complaint was filed now by members of
of the Constitution…” (excerpt the House of Representatives with a resolution of endorsement
taken from Defensor-Santiago v. of at least 1/3 of all the members of the House of
COMELEC). Representatives. So, the main issue in this case was whether the
second impeachment complaint is allowed by the Constitution,
- This is the risk sought to be in line with the provision under Paragraph 5, Section 3 of Article
avoided by the Supreme Court in XI that “No impeachment proceedings shall be INITIATED
the case of Manila Prince Hotel v. against the same official more than once within a period of one
GSIS in laying down (2) the year.”
SECOND RULE that in case of
doubt, the doubt shall be resolved - To resolve the controversy, the Supreme Court applied the
in favor the self-executing three Specific Tools of Constitutional Construction, which must
character of a constitutional only be implemented in succession.
- Tool #1, VERBA LEGIS rule.
- In case of doubt, the
provisions should be - This is only an abbreviated term, as the
considered self- complete principle is verba legis non est
executing; mandatory recedendum, which means “from the plain
rather directory; and language of the law we shall not depart.”
prospective rather than

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- Wherever possible, the words used in the particular provision and the purpose sought
Constitution must be given their ordinary to be accomplished thereby, in order to
meaning, except where technical terms are construe the whole as to make words
employed. consonant to that reason and calculated to
effect that purpose.”
- Under this tool, doubtful provisions of the
Constitution must be interpreted according - Under this rule, can the courts use
to their ordinary acceptation. secondary or extraneous materials, such as
the deliberations of the Constitutional
- The Supreme Court, citing an Commission, decisions of the Supreme
earlier case, explained that the Court, and other similar materials?
Constitution is not a lawyer’s
document; it must be interpreted - No. Under the second tool, the
according to the consciousness of courts of justice must limit their
ordinary people. judicial gaze within the four
corners of the Constitution. Thus,
- If the verba legis rule failed to elicit the the intent of the framers of the
meaning of the doubtful provision of the Constitution must be interpreted
Constitution, the courts will now use the solely according to the provisions
second tool. of the Constitution.

- Tool #2, RATIO LEGIS EST ANIMA rule. - This means that there
are certain provisions of
- When there is ambiguity, ratio legis est the Constitution which
anima. The words of the Constitution are tools of statutory
should be interpreted in accordance with construction. One
the intent of its framers. example of which is the
Preamble. The
- Citing its earlier ruling in Civil Liberties Preamble is not a formal
Union v. Executive Secretary, the Supreme part of the Constitution
Court declared “A foolproof yardstick in because it is only an
constitutional construction is the intention introduction to the
underlying the provision under 1987 Constitution. The
consideration. Thus, it has been held that Preamble does not
the Court in construing a Constitution should confer any civil or
bear in mind the object sought to be political right. The
accomplished by its adoption, and the evils, Preamble does not
if any, sought to be prevented or remedied. impose any legal
A doubtful provision will be examined in the obligation. However,
light of the history of the times, and the the Preamble tells us
condition and circumstances under which the authors of the
the Constitution was framed. The object is to Constitution, as well as
ascertain the reason which induced the their objectives, goals,
framers of the Constitution to enact the and aspiration. This

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gives us the spirit or the - The Supreme Court said that “To INITIATE, which
intent of the framers of comes from the Latin word ‘initium,’ means to begin.
the Constitution and On the other hand, PROCEEDING is a progressive
can be a useful tool in noun. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end.”
interpreting doubtful According to the Supreme Court, impeachment
provisions of the proceedings end upon the transmission of the Articles
Constitution. of Impeachment to the Senate, while the middle
portion of the impeachment proceedings include any
- Again, under the second tool, courts of activity between the initiation and the termination.
justice cannot use secondary or extraneous So, when do impeachment proceedings begin?
materials. Such materials are only available
if all three tools have been exhausted and - The Supreme Court said that impeachment
have failed in eliciting the meaning and proceedings are not initiated by the mere
intent of the doubtful provision of the filing of a verified impeachment complaint.
Constitution. Impeachment proceedings start when the
House of Representatives take initial action
- Tool #3, UT MAGIS VALEAT QUAM PEREAT rule. on the impeachment complaint. In other
words, an impeachment “…proceeding is
- Under this rule, the words of the initiated or begins when a verified complaint
Constitution should be interpreted as a is filed and referred to Committee on Justice
whole. So, if a doubtful provision of the for action.”
Constitution admits two interpretations —
one of which would nullify other provisions - To conclude, the Constitution does not
of the Constitution, and the other would prohibit the filing of multiple impeachment
give effect to all the provisions of the complaints against the same public official
Constitution — the second approach shall within a period of one year; what the
be used by the court because provisions of Constitution prohibits is the initiation of an
the Constitution shall not be taken in impeachment proceeding against the same
isolation. public official more than once within a
period of one year.
- In other words, the court must
harmonize them, if practicable, - In the later case of Gutierrez v. House of Representatives
and must lean in favor of a Committee on Justice, the Supreme Court gave a very good
construction which will render analogy on impeachment proceedings.
every word operative, rather than
one which may make the words - In this case, upon the election of President Aquino
idle and nugatory. and the Congress at that time, members of the House
of Representatives filed an impeachment complaint
- Having said that, the Supreme Court in Francisco v. House of against former Ombudsman Ma. Merceditas
Representatives defined what is meant by the term Gutierrez. But before the transmittal of the first
“INITIATE/INITIATED,” in order to determine when an impeachment complaint, another impeachment
impeachment proceeding is initiated for purposes of Paragraph complaint was filed against her. The two
5, Section 3 of Article XI of the Constitution. impeachment complaints were referred to the

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Committee on Justice at the same time. So, the issue impeachment proceeding can be
here is whether this is allowed. initiated by one or more
impeachment complaints as long
- In resolving the issue, the Supreme Court as all impeachment complaints
compared impeachment proceedings to a reach the Committee on Justice at
candle. According to the Supreme Court, an the same time.
impeachment PROCEEDING is like a candle,
while an impeachment COMPLAINT, on the
other hand, is like a matchstick. It was held ART. XVII — AMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS
that “The Court, of course, does not
downplay the importance of an Article XVII of the Constitution provides for two formal changes that can be introduced to the
impeachment complaint, for it is the Constitution — Amendment and Revision.
matchstick that kindles the candle of
impeachment proceedings. The filing of an Step #1 of the Amendment/Revision Process — PROPOSAL
impeachment complaint is like the lighting
of a matchstick. Lighting the matchstick Why is it necessary to determine the character of the change, whether it be an amendment
alone, however, cannot light up the candle, or revision, sought by the proposal?
unless the lighted matchstick reaches or
torches the candle wick. Referring the - It is necessary to determine the character of the proposed change because
complaint to the proper committee ignites different procedures apply, and Initiative by the people can only propose
the impeachment proceeding. With a amendments and not revisions.
simultaneous referral of multiple complaints
filed, more than one lighted matchsticks What is the difference between Amendment and Revision?
light the candle at the same time. What is
important is that there should only be one - In the cases of Lambino v. COMELEC and Defensor-Santiago v. COMELEC, the
candle that is kindled in a year, such that Supreme Court said that an Amendment is just a piecemeal isolated change
once the candle starts burning, subsequent intended to delete, add, or improve a provision without altering the basic principle
matchsticks can no longer rekindle the involved. Revision, on the other hand, is a complete revamp or rewriting of the
candle.” Constitution or a change of a basic principle underlying the Constitution.

- In sum, the filing of an - In Lambino v. COMELEC, there were two proposals — the first proposal
impeachment complaint does not was to shift from Presidential to Parliamentary, and the second proposal
start the impeachment was to convert the Congress from two houses into one (Bicameral to
proceeding; the impeachment Unicameral). The Congress needed to determine what was the nature of
proceeding starts upon the the two proposals. In order to determine the nature of the two proposals,
referral of the impeachment the Supreme Court applied the TWO-PART TEST of the State of California,
complaint to the Committee on from which the system of Initiative under Article XVII was copied from.
Justice. The Supreme Court said The Two-Part Test involved the application of the Quantitative Test and
that lighting a candle can be done the Qualitative Test.
in so many ways…it can be lit with
just one matchstick, or it can be lit - The (1) Quantitative Test asks whether the proposed changes
by two or more matchsticks as are so extensive in its provisions as to change directly the
long as all matchsticks reach the substantial entirety of the Constitution by the deletion or
candle at the same time. Thus, an alteration of numerous existing provisions. The court examines

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only the number of provisions affected and does not consider form of government, the Parliament
the degree of the chance. exercises both executive and legislative
powers which, in effect, abrogates the
-If the number of provisions affected by the proposal Doctrine of Separation of Powers. On the
is substantial, then the proposal is in the character of other hand, the merger of the two houses of
a revision; if it is not substantial, then it is only an Congress will also change the general
amendment. governmental structure and will modify the
principle of Checks and Balances. Thus,
- The (2) Qualitative Test inquires into the qualitative effects of qualitatively, the two proposals were
the proposed change in the Constitution. The main inquiry is considered as revisions.
whether the change will accomplish such far reaching changes
in the nature of our basic governmental plan as to amount to a - How about quantitatively? Do the two proposals
revision. Whether there is an alteration in the structure of affect a substantial number of provisions? This was an
government is a proper subject of inquiry. Thus, a change in the issue sought to be resolved by the Supreme Court
nature of the basic governmental plan includes change in its because Lambino argued that the two proposals will
fundamental framework or the fundamental powers of its only affect Articles VI and VII.
branches. A change in the nature of the basic governmental plan
also includes changes that jeopardize the traditional form of - The Supreme Court did not agree with
government and the system of check and balances. Lambino. The Supreme Court said that there
are other provisions of the Constitution that
- The courts will look into the substantive effect of the will ultimately be affected by the two
proposal regardless of the number of provisions proposals. All in all, the Supreme Court
affected. If the proposal will change the general counted a total of 105 provisions of the
governmental structure or the general governmental Constitution that would be affected by the
plan, then the proposal is in the nature of a revision. two proposals. 105 is definitely a substantial
Likewise, if the proposal will modify a principle number.
underlying the Constitution, then the proposal is also
a revision; if otherwise, then it is only an amendment. - Therefore, qualitatively and quantitatively, the two
proposals of the Lambino Group were considered as
- Now let’s apply the Two-Part Test to the two proposals in revisions.
Lambino v. COMELEC.
Under Article XVII of the Constitution, there are only two modes of proposing revisions to the
- Do the two proposals change the general Constitution, but there are three modes of proposing amendments to the Constitution.
governmental plan?
Can the Congress amend or revise the Constitution?
- Definitely. Under the Qualitative Test, the
proposals were considered as revisions - No. The Congress cannot amend or revise the Constitution. The Congress can only
since shifting from Presidential to PROPOSE amendments or revisions to the Constitution, because the process for
Parliamentary will definitely change the amendment and revision involves two steps — PROPOSAL and RATIFICATION. The
general governmental structure because Congress as an institution can only do the first one (proposal), but not the second
the three branches of government will be one (ratification). Of course, members of Congress can participate as citizens, but
converted into one. This shift will also not as an institution.
modify a general principle underlying the
Constitution because in a Parliamentary

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Under Section 1 of Article XVII, “Any amendment to, or revision of this Constitution may be - Let’s take the case of Avelino v. Cuenco in order to determine the
proposed by: (1) the Congress, upon a vote of 3/4 of all its Members; OR (2) a Constitutional difference between the phrases. In this case, there was a Senate Session.
Convention.” Prior to this Session, Sen. Tañada registered his right to deliver a privileged
speech, the subject of which was to discuss the abuses and violations of
- Take note of the use of the disjunctive word “OR.” The two modes of proposing law by then Senate President Avelino. On the day of the Session, the
amendments or revisions to the Constitution are separated by the word “OR.” Senate President and his group tried to prevent Sen. Tañada from
delivering his privileged speech by the following means: (1) Questions
- In the case of Gonzales v. COMELEC, the petitioner challenged the resolutions of were raised about the quorum; (2) when Sen. Tañada moved for the
both houses of Congress because in these resolutions, the Congress sought to dispensing of the minutes, it was overruled; (3) and the minutes of the
exercise both modes under Section 1 of Article XVII — to propose changes to the previous meeting were read slowly (almost 1 word per minute). All of
Constitution, AND at the same time, to call a Constitutional Convention. these measures were done in order to prevent Sen. Tañada from
delivering his privileged speech. During this time, there were 22 Senators
- In this case, three Resolutions were passed by both houses of Congress present, 2 were absent with Sen. Vicente Sotto in the hospital and Sen.
jointly (Resolution of Both Houses = RBH). RBH No. 1 was the proposal to Cuenco who was in the USA. When Sen. Tañada was about to deliver his
change the 1935 Constitution by increasing the composition of the House privileged speech, of the 22 Senators, 10 walked out, which means only
of Representatives from 120 to 180. RBH No. 2 was a call on the 12 remained, and the 12 continued to transact business and they declared
Constitutional Convention. RBH No. 3 was also a proposal to change the all seats vacant. The issue in this case is whether the 12 remaining
1935 Constitution by allowing the members of the Congress to run for the Senators constitute a quorum to transact business.
office of delegates without forfeiting their seats, because like the 1987
Constitution, the members of Congress under the 1935 Constitution, are - The Supreme Court said that the quorum to transact business
disqualified from holding any other office or employment in the is the MAJORITY OF THE HOUSE, as distinguished from
government. Thus, they sought to remove this disqualification. MAJORITY OF ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE. The Supreme
Court said that “majority of all the members of the House” is
- The issue here is whether the Congress can exercise the two powers different from “majority of the House.” The two terms are
under Section 1 of Article XVII at the same time? Can the Congress exercise different. One of these two terms is fixed, and one is variable.
the power to directly propose amendments or revisions, AND at the same One is bigger, and the other is smaller. So, which of the two
time call a Constitutional Convention DESPITE the disjunctive word “OR”? terms is smaller? Bigger? Variable? Fixed?

- Yes. The Supreme Court disposed with a very important - The Supreme Court said the fixed and the bigger
constitutional issue by simply saying that “The term “OR” has, number is “MAJORITY OF ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE
oftentimes, been held to mean “AND,” or vice-versa, when the HOUSE,” which means that the phrase “MAJORITY OF
spirit or context of the law warrants it.” This is how the Supreme THE HOUSE” to constitute a quorum is variable and it
Court resolved the issue. The Supreme Court said that in the is the smaller number.
absence of an express constitutional provision, “OR” means
“AND.” Therefore, the Congress can directly propose - In the case of Avelino v. Cuenco, the Supreme Court said that 12 is a
amendments or revisions to the Constitution AND at the same quorum of not 22, but of 23. Why? The Supreme Court said that in
time, call for a Constitutional Convention. determining the quorum, all the members of the House who are within
the coercive jurisdiction of the House, shall be counted. Since there was 1
What is the required vote to directly propose amendments or revisions to the Constitution? Senator absent within the Philippines and 1 Senator absent outside the
Philippines, the basis should be 23, not 24, because quorum is just
- The required vote is 3/4 OF ALL ITS MEMBERS. It must be emphasized that the “MAJORITY OF THE HOUSE,” as distinguished from “majority of all the
phrase “OF ALL ITS MEMBERS / OF ALL THE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS” is different members of the House.”

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- To better understand this, let’s distinguish Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Section 16 of of the House of Representatives voting separately, may propose amendments to this
Article VI. Constitution or call a convention for that purpose.” Can we say now that there is no
accident in the Constitution? Can we say that the absence of the phrase “voting
- Paragraph 1 of Section 16 of Article VI deals with the election of the separately” was intentional, which means that the Constitutional Commission
Senate President and the Speaker, whereas Paragraph 2 deals with intended the voting to be joint? In other words, it would mean 24 (Senators) plus
quorum. 304 (Representatives), and 3/4 of the sum. So, which means that even if the 24
Senators do not want to propose amendments to the Constitution, they can be
- Take note of the difference. To elect a Senate President and Speaker, the overruled by the number of the members of the House of Representatives. Is this
Senate needs a “MAJORITY VOTE OF ALL MEMBERS OF THE SENATE,” but the correct interpretation? [No]
to constitute a quorum, the Constitution only requires a “MAJORITY OF
EACH HOUSE.” - Another basis for pushing for a joint voting is that when the Congress proposes
amendments or revisions to the Constitution, the Congress is not acting as a
- In 2017 we only had 23 Senators, because of the appointment of Sen. Legislative Body; it is acting as a Constituent Assembly. Since the Congress is acting
Cayetano as Secretary of Department of Foreign Affairs. Supposing this as a Constituent Assembly, one vote of a Senator should also be equivalent to one
23-man Senate is about to determine quorum, what is the required vote? vote of a member of the House of Representatives, in order to support the joint
Is it 1/2 plus 1 of 23 OR 1/2 plus 1 of 24? voting. On the contrary, if the voting is separate, one vote of a member of the Senate
should not be equivalent to one vote of a member of the House of Representatives,
- To constitute a quorum, the Senate only needs 1/2 plus 1 of but rather, the vote of a member of the Senate should have a higher value than the
23, because the Constitution only requires a “majority vote of vote of a member of the House of Representatives. This is the effect of separate
each House.” But what about the election of Senate President? voting. But since they are acting as a Constituent Assembly, one vote of a member
1/2 plus 1 of 24, because the Constitution requires “majority of of the Senate should be equivalent to one vote of a members of the House of
all the members of the Senate.” Representatives.
- Can we say now that the manner of voting should be joint because the Constitution
We now go back to the 3/4 vote requirement under Section 1 of Article XVII. The 3/4 vote did not copy everything from the 1935 Constitution and because one vote of a
required in order to propose amendments or revisions to the Constitution insofar as the Senator should be equivalent to one vote of a member of the House of
Senate is concerned, which consists of 24 Senators, is a vote of 3/4 of 24. Similarly, insofar as Representatives?
the House of Representatives is concerned, which consists of 304 Representatives, is a vote
of 3/4 of 304. - The answer is no. The manner of voting should still be SEPARATE.

The problem under Section 1 of Article XVII is the manner of voting between the Senate and - Again, in interpreting doubtful provisions of the Constitution, we have
the House of Representatives. Is it joint, or is it separate? learned earlier that there are three Specific Tools of Constitutional
- There was one position that provisions of the Constitution should be interpreted
according to the light of the circumstances at the time that it was promulgated. Also, 1. VERBA LEGIS — from the language of the law, we shall not
under statutory rules of construction, if a new law was copied from an old law, but depart. Wherever possible, the words used in the Constitution
the new law did not copy everything, the presumption is that the new law is must be given their ordinary meaning except where technical
intended to be applied differently for the reason that if it was to be applied similarly, terms are employed.
the new law could have just copied everything.
2. RATIO LEGIS EST ANIMA — the words of the Constitution
- Section 1 of Article XVII of the 1987 Constitution was copied under the 1935 should be interpreted in accordance with the intent of its
Constitution, particularly Article XV. But Article XV of the 1935 Constitution was very framers.
specific because it tells how the meeting should be held and how the voting should
be conducted. Under Article XV of the 1935 Constitution, “The Congress in joint 3. UT MAGIS VALEAT QUAM PEREAT — the words of the
session assembled, by a vote of three-fourths of all the Members of the Senate and Constitution should be interpreted as a whole.

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RBH No. 2, the Congress acting as a Constituent Assembly also passed RBH No. 4,
- The first two tools cannot be applied since we cannot know the meaning which provided for the implementing details of the Constitutional Convention
of the manner of voting by just reading the Constitution. We cannot including therein the number of delegates, the qualifications for the delegates, and
determine how the Congress should vote. Nevertheless, we can apply the the manner of apportionment of congressional districts. One issue in this case was
third tool. whether the Congress, acting as a Constituent Assembly, can provide the
implementing legislation of the call of the Constitutional Convention?
- Under the third tool, ut magis valeat quam pereat, a doubtful provision
of the Constitution shall be interpreted in harmony with other provisions - The Supreme Court said yes, the Congress, acting as a Constituent
of the Constitution. Assembly can provide for the implementing legislation of the call of the
Constitutional Convention on the basis of the DOCTRINE OF NECESSARY
- Sections 1 and 3 of Art. XVII can be interpreted in two ways — IMPLICATION.
the manner of voting under these two provisions can be
interpreted either as voting jointly or as voting separately. - Under the Doctrine of Necessary Implication, the grant of an
express power carries with it ex rei necessitate, or by necessary
- If we interpret Sections 1 and 3 to mean voting jointly, will implication, all other necessary powers in order to implement
there be any other provisions of the Constitution that will be the expressed power.
rendered nugatory or ineffective?
But can the Congress, acting as a Legislative Body, provide the implementing details of the
- The answer is yes, the provision under Section 1 of Constitutional Convention?
Article VI which calls for the creation of two houses of
Congress under the Principle of Checks and Balances - The answer is also yes. The power to provide implementing details of the
will necessarily be affected if voting would be done Constitutional Convention is not exclusive to the Congress acting as a Constituent
jointly. So, which means that the Constitution Assembly. The power to provide for the implementing details is essentially
definitely intended for one house to check on the legislative in character and, therefore, it is inherent in Congress.
other house.
Then what is the difference between passing implementing legislation by Congress acting as
- If we interpret Sections 1 and 3 to mean voting separately, will a Constituent Assembly and that by acting as a Legislative Body?
it harmonize the entire Constitution?
- CONGRESS ACTING AS A CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY does not the approval of the
- The answer is yes. Therefore, this is the President; mere resolutions will do as long as it passes the 3/4 vote of all its
interpretation that should be given to Sections 1 and Members.
3 of Article XVII. It should be done by means of
approval of the President as provided for under Section 27 of Article VI of the
Can the Congress, acting as a Constituent Assembly, provide for the implementing legislation Constitution.
of the call of the Constitutional Convention?
What is the difference between Constituent Power and Legislative Power?
- The answer is yes. This question was answered by the Supreme Court in the cases
of Imbong v. Ferrer and Gonzales v. COMELEC. - Constituent Power is the power to formulate a Constitution or to propose
amendments or revisions of the Constitution, and to ratify such proposal. Legislative
- Remember in Gonzales v. COMELEC, there were three Resolutions — RBH No. 1, Power is the power to pass, repeal or amend ordinary laws or statutes, as opposed
RBH No. 2, and RBH No. 3. RBH Nos. 1 and 3 were submitted to the people for the to organic laws.
ratification but they were rejected. Thus, the only choice left for the Congress by
reason of the failed ratification was to push for a Constitutional Convention. Aside

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- Constituent Power is exercised by Congress by special constitutional conferment, - The answer is no. Section 2 of Article XVII did not give the people a power, but
by a Constitutional Convention or Commission, by the people through initiative and rather it limits the power of the people. The power to change the Constitution is
referendum, and ultimately by sovereign electorate. Legislative Power is an ordinary inherent in the people because they are the source of sovereignty itself, and the
Power of Congress and of the people, also through initiative and referendum. essence of sovereignty is the power to do anything without accountability.
Therefore, even without Section 2 of Article XVII, the people can change their
- The exercise of Constituent Power does not need the approval of the President, Constitution. Despite this, however, Section 2 of Article XVII limits the power of the
whereas the exercise of Legislative Power ordinarily requires the approval of the people to change their Constitution by ONLY PROPOSING AMENDMENTS to the
President, except when done by people through initiative and referendum. Constitution.

What is a Constitutional Convention? The essence of amendments directly proposed by the people through Initiative upon a
petition is that the entire proposal on its face is a petition of the people. Thus, two essential
- A Constitutional Convention is a body separate and distinct from the Congress elements must be present:
acting as a Constituent Assembly. Do not be mistaken that a Constitutional
Convention is also the Congress. A Constitutional Convention is a body separate and 1. The people must author and sign the entire proposal; no agent or
distinct from the Congress. Members of the Constitutional Convention are also representative can sign in their behalf; and
elected, but unlike the Congress, the term of office of the members of the
Constitutional Convention is either fixed on time or fixed on purpose. 2. As an Initiative upon a petition, the proposal must be embodied in the
- Like the Congress, a Constitutional Convention is also a collegial body, since it
consists of several delegates. What is the required vote for the Constitutional - The rationale for these requisites it that the signature requirement would be
Convention to approve a proposal? Since, before the proposal will be submitted to meaningless if the person supplying the signature has not first seen what it is that
the people for their ratification, the Constitutional Convention itself must first he is signing, and more importantly, a loose interpretation of the subscription
approve the proposal. So, supposing the Constitutional Convention consists of 100 requirement would pose a significant potential for fraud. In Lambino v. COMELEC,
delegates, what is the required vote of the 100 delegates in order for the proposal the great majority of the 6.3 million people who signed the signature sheets did not
to be deemed approved? see the full text of the proposed changes before signing; they were not apprised of
the nature and effect of the proposed amendments. Failure to comply with these
- This question was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Occena requirements was fatal to the validity of the Initiative petition.
OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION is needed to approve a proposal. In addition to the aforementioned requisites, there are constitutional requirements for a valid
exercise of Initiative to propose amendments to the Constitution, namely:
Under Section 3 of Article XVII, there are two modes of calling a Constitutional Convention:
1. The petition must be signed by at least 12% of the total number of registered
1. The Congress may, by a vote of 2/3 of all its Members, directly call for a voters, of which every legislative district must be represented by at least 3% of the
Constitutional Convention; or registered voters therein.

2. The Congress, by a majority vote of all its Members, submit to the 2. There must be an implementing legislation.
people/electorate the question of calling a Constitutional Convention.
- This is because the second paragraph of Section 2 of Article XVII expressly
Section 2 of Article XVII is a new mode of proposing changes to the Constitution. The system provides that “the Congress shall provide for the implementation of the
of Initiative to propose amendments to the Constitution was first implemented under the exercise of this right.”
1987 Constitution. Thus, can we say that Section 2 of Article XVII gives the people the power
to propose amendments to the Constitution? Do we have a sufficient enabling legislation today?

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- The answer is yes, by way of R.A. 6735, otherwise known as “The Initiative and of the Interim National Assembly to propose amendments to the
Referendum Act.” Constitution.

- While in the case of Defensor-Santiago v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court - However, the ruling of the Supreme Court in this case saying that the
categorically declared R.A. 6735 as insufficient in order to implement the power to propose amendments is an adjunct to the legislative powers of
right of Initiative to propose amendments to the Constitution, in the the Interim National Assembly should only be taken within the factual
Resolution of the Supreme Court in Lambino v. COMELEC, the Supreme circumstances of the case. This case cannot be taken as a judicial
Court noted that 10 Justices of the Supreme Court in their separate precedent under the doctrine of stare decisis because during this time,
concurring opinions voted R.A. 6735 as sufficient. While in the body of the there were only two operating departments — the Office of the President,
majority decision, the ponencia no longer tackled the sufficiency of R.A. which discharges legislative and executive powers, and the Supreme
6735 because in the majority opinion the Supreme Court said that there Court. By reason of this, the Supreme Court held that the power to
was no need to revisit the Defensor-Santiago ruling since the question can propose changes to the Constitution is definitely alien to the judicial
be resolved merely by determining the nature of the proposal — whether powers exercised by them and, thus, only one other department can
it is an amendment or revision. Therefore, since it has already declared exercise the power to propose changes to the Constitution — the Office
that it was a revision, there was no need to determine whether R.A. 6735 of the President. Again, by default, the President was only given the power
is sufficient or insufficient. Nevertheless, in the Resolution, the Supreme to propose amendments to the Constitution just because there were no
Court said 10 Justices already voted that R.A. 6735 is a sufficient law. This other departments existing at that time that could discharge such power.
means that today, a citizen of the Philippines can exercise the right of Therefore, the Supreme Court said that the exigencies of the time
Initiative to propose amendments to the Constitution under R.A. 6735. required the President to act because if the President walked away from
the responsibility of proposing changes to the Constitution, then he would
Does the President have the power to propose amendments or revisions to the Constitution? do injustice to the Filipino people. The Supreme Court explained “With the
[No] Interim National Assembly not convened and only the President and the
Supreme Court in Operation, the urge of absolute necessity renders it
- In Sanidad v. COMELEC, President Marcos proposed changes to the 1973 imperative upon the President to act as agent for and in behalf of the
Constitution. The Supreme Court sustained the authority of President Marcos to people to propose amendments to the Constitution.”
exercise the power to propose changes to the 1973 Constitution. Under the 1973
Constitution, legislative powers rest in the Interim National Assembly during a - Again, it must be emphasized that the ruling in Sanidad v. COMELEC does
period of transition. The power to propose amendments or revisions to the not establish a new and controlling doctrine. Gonzales v. COMELEC
Constitution also rests in the Regular National Assembly during a period of remains to be the controlling doctrine that the power to propose
normalcy. However, the 1973 Constitution vests in the President the power to call amendments or revisions to the Constitution is not inherent in Congress;
or convene the Interim National Assembly. In other words, if the President does not it is a constituent power that can only be exercised by Congress upon an
call for the Interim National Assembly, then they cannot discharge their power. express provision of the Constitution.

- In this case, instead of convening the Interim National Assembly, President Marcos Can the President guarantee that needed changes to the Constitution will be implemented?
exercised the legislative powers of the Interim National Assembly. Furthermore, [No]
instead of convening the Interim National Assembly, President Marcos exercised the
power of the Interim National Assembly to propose amendments to the - In the case of Province of North Cotabato v. Gov. of the RP Peace Panel on
Constitution. Ancestral Domain, under the MOA-AD, the government panel committed that
changes to the 1973 Constitution shall be implemented in order for the provisions
- The Supreme Court held that the President can do that because the of the MOA-AD to be given effect. So, does the President have the power to
power to propose amendments or revisions to the Constitution is adjunct guarantee changes to the Constitution?
to the legislative powers of the Interim National Assembly. Thus, since the
President is already discharging the legislative power of the Interim - The Supreme Court said no, the President has no power to propose
National Assembly, then with more reason he could discharge the power changes to the Constitution, and with more reason, the President does

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not have the power to guarantee that changes to the Constitution shall be Committee is only recommendatory and not binding upon the Congress.
implemented. However, the President can participate and recommend to In other words, the Congress can still adopt or reject the proposals of the
the Congress the needed changes to be implemented in the Constitution, Consultative Committee.
as long as it is still incumbent upon the Congress whether to adopt or
reject the recommendations of the President. Can proposals be judicially reviewed?

- Similarly, while the President, as a public officer, cannot exercise the - The answer depends on whether it is the substance or the manner of making the
right of Initiative since it must be exercised directly by the people, the proposal that is sought to be reviewed.
President can nevertheless likewise suggest to the people the needed
changes to the Constitution as long as the participation of the Office of - The SUBSTANCE of the proposals is not subject to judicial review since
the President shall cease upon the suggestion/recommendation, which what to propose is left to the wisdom of the Constituent Assembly.
means that the President cannot set aside a budget for the gathering of
signatures because such would then be an interference on the Initiative - However, the MANNER of making the proposal is subject to judicial
of the people on the Constitution, which was prohibited by the Supreme review. This is because a Constituent Assembly owes its existence and
Court in the case of Lambino v. COMELEC. derives all its authority and power from the Constitution. Hence, whether
or not it has acted according to the Constitution must always be a matter
What is the status of the 2018 Consultative Committee that was established by President of judicial cognizance.
Duterte in order to study and recommend the needed changes to the 1987 Constitution? Is it
constitutional or unconstitutional? Step #2 of the Amendment/Revision process — RATIFICATION

- First, does the President have the power to create committees? Second, is the How are proposed changes (1st step) to the Constitution, whether amendments or revisions,
power of the 2018 Consultative Committee to study and recommend the needed ratified?
changes to the 1987 Constitution constitutional?
- As to the first question, this issue was resolved by the Supreme Court in
the case of Biraogo v. The Philippine Truth Commission (PTC). - Under Paragraph 1, Section 4 of Article XVII, “Any amendment to, or
revision of, this Constitution under Section 1 hereof shall be valid when
- In this case, immediately upon his election, President Aquino ratified BY A MAJORITY OF THE VOTES CAST IN A PLEBISCITE which shall
issued Executive Order No. 1, which established the Philippine be held not earlier than 60 days nor later than 90 days after the approval
Truth Commission (PTC) in order to investigate violations of law of such amendment or revision.”
of the immediately preceding administration. As to the power
of the President, the Supreme Court said that the power to - Under Paragraph 2 of the same provision, “Any amendment under
create the Committee rests on the Take Care Power of the Section 2 hereof shall be valid and ratified BY A MAJORITY OF THE VOTES
President under Section 17 of Article VII of the Constitution, CAST IN A PLEBESCITE which shall be held not earlier than 60 days nor later
which provides that “He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully than 90 days after the certification by the COMELEC of the sufficiency of
executed.” Thus, the power of the President to ensure that laws the petition.”
are faithfully executed give him the authority to create fact-
finding committees and ad hoc committees to study the What is a general election?
implementation of the law, and to that we may also include the
study of the Constitution. - A general election, as distinguished from a special election, is an electoral process
whereby the people elect their representatives.
- As to the second question, the answer is yes, the power of the 2018
Consultative Committee to study and recommend the needed changes to Can the proposed changes to the Constitution be submitted to the people for their ratification
the Constitution is constitutional as long as the work of the Consultative simultaneously with a general election? [Yes]

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- In the case of Tolentino v. COMELEC, the Constitutional Convention approved

- This question was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Gonzales v. Organic Resolution No. 1 lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. Immediately upon
COMELEC. In this case, the Supreme Court said yes, the proposed changes to the the approval of Organic Resolution No. 1, the Constitutional Convention submitted
Constitution can be submitted to the people for their ratification simultaneously the Organic Resolution No. 1 to the President with the request that the President
with a general election. Why? shall submit it to the COMELEC so that it can be submitted to the people for their
ratification in the upcoming election. The question in this case is whether the
- This case was decided under the 1935 Constitution, and under Art. XV Constitutional Convention can make a piecemeal submission?
thereof, it was expressly provided that “Such amendments shall be valid
as part of this Constitution when approved by a majority of the votes cast - The Supreme Court said no, and it applied the DOCTRINE OF PROPER
at an ELECTION at which the amendment are submitted to the people for SUBMISSION.
their ratification.” On this note, the Supreme Court said that the 1935
Constitution used the word “election,” and an election can either be - Under the Doctrine of Proper Submission, all the proposed
general or special. Therefore, since the 1935 Constitution does not qualify, changes to the Constitution, whether they be amendments or
nor should we, said the Supreme Court. revisions, should be submitted all at once to the people in one
election in order to give the people a proper frame of mind in
- Now, is this doctrine still applicable under the 1987 Constitution since it making an intelligent decision. Another aspect of the Doctrine
still does not qualify despite it using the word “plebiscite” instead of the of Proper Submission is that the people should be given
word “election”? The 1987 Constitution does not use the word “election,” sufficient time to study the proposal. This doctrine is already
but rather it uses the word “plebiscite.” Plebiscite is not a general election; constitutionalized because Section 4 of Article XVII specifies the
it is definitely a special election. So, can we say now that the 1987 date for the submission to the people — “not earlier than 60
Constitution makes a distinction? days nor later than 90 days...”

- The word “plebiscite” under Article XVII should be interpreted Supposing the Constitutional Convention submits all the proposed amendments or revisions
to mean a PROCESS. It is a process whereby a question is to the Constitution to the people all at once at a plebiscite for such purpose. Can the people
submitted to the people for their approval or rejection. The choose which proposals to reject and which proposals to ratify? Can the people partially
word “plebiscite” under Section 4 of Article XVII does not refer approve or partially reject the proposals?
to a day, but rather to a process. The day of the holding of that
process should be held not earlier than 60 days but not later - It depends on the nature of the proposal. Remember, there are two kinds of formal
than 90 days after the approval of the amendment or revision changes to the Constitution — either an amendment or a revision. The difference is
proposed under Section 1 or after the certification by the that an amendment is a piecemeal isolated change, while a revision is a complete
COMELEC of the sufficiency of the petition under Section 2. overhaul of the Constitution. Thus, if the proposal is just an amendment, which is
Since it refers to a process and not to a day, there can be two just an piecemeal isolated change to the Constitution, the people can choose which
separate processes held in one day. So, in one day, there could proposals to ratify; if, on the other hand, the proposal is a revision, then the people
be a general election and a special election, which is the can only accept all or reject all proposals. There is no partial ratification with regards
plebiscite. In such a case, each registered voter will receive two to revisions, since in revisions, the rejection of one has an effect on the other
ballots — one for the selection of their representatives, and proposals.
another for the ratification of the Constitution. This is a
plebiscite held simultaneously with a general election on the Who has the power to submit the proposal to the people for ratification?
same day.
- This was answered in Tolentino v. COMELEC. Remember in this case, Organic
Can the Constitutional Convention or the Congress acting as a Constituent Assembly submit Resolution No. 1 was submitted to the President in order for him to submit it to the
to the people the proposed changes to the Constitution ahead of other proposals? Can there COMELEC, which in turn, would submit it to the people for the ratification. The
be a piecemeal submission? Supreme Court raised the question of who has the power to submit the proposal to

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the people for ratification? Is it the Constitutional Convention? Is it the President? - Justice Malcolm defines Nation as “a people bound together by common
Is it the COMELEC? attractions and repulsions into a living organism possessed of a common
pulse, a common intelligence and inspiration, and destined apparently to
- While the Supreme Court did not answer this question because during have a common history and a common fate.” Here, Justice Malcolm was
this time, time was of the essence since there was an upcoming election referring to a political entity, not to a racial or ethnic entity because in a
and the Supreme Court had to determine whether Organic Resolution No. State, the tie that binds the people to form the community is their political
1 could be submitted in that election, we should nevertheless deliberate goals. In a Nation, the tie that binds the people as a group is their common
on who has this power. ancestry and common heritage.

- Under the law, the proposal should be submitted to the people Is a State the same as a Foreign Country? [No]
in a plebiscite, which is a special election. Plebiscite, as an
electoral process, requires a budget. Now, who has the power - In the case of CIR v. Campos Rueda, the Supreme Court said that a State is different
to schedule an election? Who has the power to appropriate from a Foreign Country. A State, in order to be considered as a political entity, must
funds for an election? have all the four essential elements under the 1933 Montevideo Convention.
However, a Foreign Country can be considered as an entity even if it does not have
- Only the Congress. Therefore, since it is the Congress all the essential elements of a State.
who has the power to set the date of the plebiscite
and the power to appropriate funds for the plebiscite, - Under the 1933 Montevideo Convention, there are four essential elements of a
then the Congress necessarily has the power to state: (1) a permanent population/people; (2) a defined territory; (3) government;
submit the proposals to the people for ratification. and (4) capacity to enter into foreign relations/sovereignty.

The element of People refers to the inhabitants of the State whose number is capable for self-
What is a State? sufficiency and self-defense. They must be capable of sustaining their existence. People, as an
element of a State, must come from both sexes for perpetuity. They must be numerous
- According to Dr. James Garner, “A State is a community of persons, more or less enough to defend themselves and low enough to be governable.
numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, independent of
external control, and possessing a government to which a great body of inhabitants In the case of Sanidad v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court said that the element of People refers
render habitual obedience.” to the particular organized group of individuals in which, according to the Constitution, the
highest power exists. Therefore, insofar as the Philippines State is concerned, People refers to
- According to Dean Rosco Pound, a State is “…a politically organized sovereign the citizens of the Philippines.
community, independent of outside control, bound by the ties of nationhood, legally
supreme within its authority, functioning through its government under the rule of - If you look at Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as the Administrative
law.” Code, Chapter 2 therein is subtitled “The People,” and the definition of People under
this chapter is the same as the definition of “Citizens of the Philippines” under Article
- In the case of CIR v. Campos Rueda, the Supreme Court citing Adhémar Esmein IV of the Constitution. Therefore, the People of the Philippines comprising the
explained that a State is “the juridical personification of a nation.” Philippine State are the citizens of the Philippines.

- Is a State the same as a Nation? 2. TERRITORY

- No. A State is a political concept, while Nation is a racial or ethnic Article 1 of the 1987 Constitution defines the National Territory of the Philippines, and under
concept. this definition, there are two groups of territories belonging to the Philippines, namely: (1) the

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Philippine Archipelago; and (2) all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty - However, the Supreme Court said that the Baseline Law or treaties are not one of
or jurisdiction. the modes of losing territories. Under traditional international law, territories are
lost and, inversely, acquired, either by (1) OCCUPATION, (2) CESSION, (3)
- This means that a territory outside the Philippine Archipelago can still be PRESCRIPTION, and (4) ACCRETION. Entering into a treaty or an enactment of a
considered as part of our National Territory as long as the Philippines exercises baseline law is not one of the modes of losing or acquiring territories. The Supreme
either sovereignty or jurisdiction over such territory. Court said that UNCLOS III is only a multilateral treaty which governs the sea-use
rights of maritime zones.
Compared to 1935 Constitution, the definition of National Territory under the 1987
Constitution is very general because under the 1935 Constitution, the definition is very - According to the Supreme Court, if we do not enact a Baseline Law, it will result in
specific, with reference to specific treatises, namely: a two-pronged disaster. Firstly, we will be disqualified from enjoying the benefits
under UNCLOS III. This will result in an open invitation to all seafaring powers to
1. The Treaty of Paris; December 10, 1898 — covers cession of the PH Islands by enter our maritime zones and exploit the natural resources found in that area.
Spain to the USA. Secondly, it will weaken our pending cases involving maritime zones grounded on
2. The Treaty of Washington; November 7, 1900 — covers Cagayan, Sulu and Sibuto.
- In conclusion, the Supreme Court sustained the constitutionality of the Baseline
3. The Treaty between the Great Britain and the US 1930 — covers Turtle and Law.
Mangsee Island.
- Another argument of the petitioners in challenging the constitutionality of the
4. 1935 Constitution — covers the Batanes Group of Islands. Baseline Law is because of the term used by treaty on the waters enclosed by the
baseline, since under our Constitution, these waters are called “Internal Waters,”
5. 1973 Constitution — covers territory belonging to the PH by Historic Title. but under UNCLOS III, these waters are called “Archipelagic Waters,” thus being
subject to the right of innocent passage. However, the Supreme Court said that it
6. P.D. 1596 — covers our claim over the Kalayaan Group of Islands. does not matter what these waters are called since the obligation of the Philippines
as a member of family of nations remain the same. Therefore, no matter what, the
Does this mean that the general definition of National Territory under the 1987 Constitution Philippines is bound to observe archipelagic claims and the right of innocent
serve as an abandonment of the specific territories covered by the 1935 Constitution? passage.

- No. All other territories covered by the 1935 Constitution are deemed included in - Under UNCLOS III, there are several rights granted to the coastal states over
the general definition of National Territory under the 1987 Constitution. maritime zones. These maritime zones are measured through the use of straight
baselines connecting the outermost points of the outermost islands and drying reefs
In the case of Magallona v. Ermita, the petitioners challenged RA 9522, the Baseline Law. of the archipelago.
Under UNCLOS III, all Member States are required to enact their own Baseline Law until May
13, 2009. This was the deadline for the enactment of the Baseline Law. - The first body of water is called the Territorial Sea, which is the belt of
sea covering 12 nautical miles measured from the baseline. The State
- According to the petitioner, the Baseline Law violated the Constitution because it exercises sovereignty over the Territorial Sea. Criminal laws of the coastal
served to abdicate some parts of our national territory, particularly the territory state can be extended and applied within this belt of water.
defined under the Treaty of Paris because the Treaty of Paris delineates the
Philippine Archipelago by metes and bounds and defines the Philippine Archipelago - The Contiguous Zone is defined under UNCLOS III as 24 nautical miles
through a rectangular shaped body of water. According to the petitioner, our entry measured from the baseline. However, this is an inaccurate definition
into UNCLOS III and our enactment of our Baseline Law have abdicated some of the because the Contiguous Zone should be that area of water spanning 12
body of water previously defined under the Treaty of Paris. nautical miles from the territorial sea. In the Contiguous zone, the coastal
state exercises only jurisdiction over that area to the extent necessary to
prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitation

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laws/authority over its territorial waters or territory and to punish such All members of UNCLOS III are mandated to submit their controversies involving issues as to
infringement. Other laws, aside from the four, are not applicable within the application of UNCLOS to arbitration. There is a Mandatory Arbitration Clause under
the part of the Contiguous Zone that is 12 nautical miles from the UNCLOS III. However, the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of Arbitration is only limited.
Territorial Sea. The jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of Arbitration does not include jurisdiction on land
territorial sovereignty. So, this means that the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of
- The next maritime zone is the Exclusive Economic Zone, or otherwise Arbitration is only to determine the extent of the maritime zones. The Permanent Court of
known as the Patrimonial Sea, which refers to the 200 nautical miles Arbitration cannot determine who has sovereignty over land territory, which was very clear in
measured from the baseline. Here, we have the right to exploit living and the Resolution of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the South China Sea Dispute.
non-living creatures. The coastal state has rights over the economic
resources of the sea, seabed, and subsoil, but the right does not affect the In the arbitration, China refused to participate, although it submitted position papers through
right of navigation and overflight of other States. The provisions on the informal diplomatic channels. The non-participation of a party to a dispute, however, does
Exclusive Economic Zone are both a grant of rights to and an imposition of not stop the Permanent Court of Arbitration from ruling on the merits of the controversy. In
obligations on coastal states relative to the exploitation, management and this arbitration, the Permanent Court of Arbitration determined the arguments of China in
preservation of the resources found within the zone. contesting the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of Arbitration through the position papers,
and based on these position papers submitted through informal channels, China is contesting
- The Continental Shelf, Archipelagic or Insular Shelf for archipelagos, the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of Arbitration for two reasons: One, the issue involves
refers to (a) the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas adjacent to the Delimitation of Boundaries; second, it involves historic titles, because once a State enters
the coastal state but outside the territorial sea, to a depth of 200 meters into the UNCLOS III, a State can make a reservation of what issues they are not willing to
or, beyond that limit, to where the depth allows exploitation, and (b) the submit to the Permanent Court of Arbitration, and when China joined UNCLOS III, they
seabed and subsoil of areas adjacent to islands. reserved their historic titles. Also, the Delimitation Issues refer to overlapping boundaries. In
other words, if the 200 nautical miles of one State overlaps with the 200 nautical miles of
- The Continental Shelf is also coextensive with the Exclusive another State, the overlapping dispute is called a Delimitation Issue, and the Permanent Court
Economic Zone, except for the Extended Continental Shelf which of Arbitration has no jurisdiction over these controversies.
could be up to a maximum of 250 nautical miles.
- As to Historic Title, the Permanent Court of Arbitration said that Historic Titles only
- In the case of Magallona v. Ermita, the Supreme Court discussed the reason why refer to historic rights over bays and near shore waters. The Permanent Court of
the Baseline Law could not include the Kalayaan Group of Islands (KGI) and the Arbitration said that the South China Sea is definitely not a bay and the waters
Scarborough Shoal (Bajo de Masinloc). subject of the dispute is not a near shore water. Therefore, this controversy does
not involve historic titles and, thus, Permanent Court of Arbitration has jurisdiction
- According to the Supreme Court, citing Senator Santiago during the over the issue.
deliberations of the Baseline Law, there are limitations in the drawing of
baselines under UNCLOS III. The first limitation is that the drawing of - As to the Delimitation of Boundaries, the Permanent Court of Arbitration said that
baselines should not depart from the natural configuration of the based on the submissions of China through informal channels, it is not claiming that
archipelago; the second limitation is that the baseline should be up to 100 it has sovereignty or exercises rights over the area in dispute because of the 200
nautical miles only, with the exception of 3% of all the baselines which nautical miles that generated from its territory. Based on geographical maps, the
could only extend up to 125 nautical miles, and the ratio of water to land area in dispute is beyond the 200 nautical miles belonging to China. Therefore, it
is 9 is to 1 (9:1). Thus, according to Senator Santiago, if we will enclose the does not involve a Delimitation of Boundaries.
KGIs and Scarborough Shoal, we will violate these rules under UNCLOS III,
and our Baseline Law would not be accepted by the other Member States. The Permanent Court of Arbitration determined the merits of the submissions of the parties
In that regard, the Supreme Court sustained the constitutionality of the and determined whether the contested areas are within our 200 nautical miles. According to
Baseline Law. the Permanent Court of Arbitration, in order to determine the rights of coastal states, the
natural condition of the islands and the rocks should be determined because under UNCLOS
Arbitration of the South China Sea III, rocks can generate up to 12 nautical miles of territorial sea and islands can generate up to
200 nautical miles as long as they can support human habitation and an independent

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economic activity which are not only extractive. So, the features in order to be considered as - The Supreme Court said that based on the definition of the Government of the
entitled to either 12 or 200 nautical miles must be determined based on their original Philippine Islands, government owned and controlled corporations with original
condition. The Permanent Court of Arbitration said that most of the areas contested in the charters are not covered by the definition of “Government of the Philippine Islands.”
arbitration have already been modified, and the parties had merely relied on historical The Supreme Court said this term is only limited to Municipal Corporations, which
materials. Based on the historical materials, there were three features in the submission of refers to the local government units and the component units of the Central
the Philippines that were submerged in high tide. Since they were submerged in high tide, Government. The Supreme Court said that Municipal Corporations “do not include
they do not generate any maritime zones; they cannot generate even the minimum 12 government entities which are given a corporate personality separate and distinct
nautical miles. Since they cannot generate any maritime zones, they will belong to the coastal from the government and which are governed by the Corporation Law, such as the
state which has the right over such area if it is within 200 nautical miles from its baseline. National Coconut Corporation. Their powers, duties, and liabilities have to be
Among the features which are considered as low-tide elevation, which means they are determined in the light of that law and of their corporate charters. They do not
submerged during high tide, are the Mischief Reef, Reed Bank, and the Second Thomas Shoal. therefore come within the exemption clause prescribed in Section 16, Rule 130 of our
These three features are submerged during high tide, and these features are within 200 Rules of Court.”
nautical miles from our baseline. This is why the Permanent Court of Arbitration said that
these three features belong to the Philippine State. The other features, however, are high tide In Bacani v. NACOCO, the Supreme Court discussed the 2 Traditional Classification of the
features, which means that they are elevated during high tide and, thus, generate their own Functions of Government. The first, the Constituent Functions. The second, the Ministrant
maritime zones. This is the reason why there was no pronouncement as to who has Functions.
sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal, otherwise known as Bajo de Masinloc, since it is
considered as high-tide elevation. Again, the Permanent Court of Arbitration has no - CONSTITUENT FUNCTIONS refer to those functions which constitute the very bonds
jurisdiction to determine who has sovereignty over land territory, which can be settled of society and are, therefore, mandatory/compulsory.
through other international modes.
- MINISTRANT FUNCITONS, on the other hand, refer to those that intend to promote
3. GOVERNMENT the general welfare.

In the case of Bacani v. NACOCO, the Supreme Court defined Government as “that institution In distinguishing Constituent from Ministrant functions, the Supreme Court applied the
or aggregate of institutions by which an independent society makes and carries out those rules process of elimination in the case of Bacani v. NACOCO. The Supreme Court said that if a
of action, which are necessary to enable men to live in a social State, or which are imposed function is not one of those identified as Constituent, then they are only Ministrant. The basis
upon the society by those who possess the power or authority of prescribing them.” of the identification is the Treatise of US President Woodrow Wilson. According to US
President Wilson, there are only eight functions which are considered as Constituent
Under Section 2 of the Revised Administrative Code of 1987, “the Government of the Functions. Any other functions undertaken by the government will only be considered as
Philippine Islands is a term which refers to the corporate governmental entity through which optional or Ministrant.
the functions of the government are exercised throughout the Philippine Islands, including,
save as the contrary appears from the context, the various arms through which political The 8 Constituent Functions, according to US President Wilson, include:
authority is made effective in the Philippines, whether pertaining to the autonomous regions,
the provincial, city, municipal or barangay subdivisions or other forms of local government.” 1. The keeping of order and providing for the protection of persons and property
from violence and robbery;
- In the case of Bacani v. NACOCO, the main issue here is the status of National
Coconut Corporation, whether it can fall under the definition of the “Government 2. The fixing of the legal relations between man and wife and between parents and
of the Philippine Islands” under the old Administrative Code, because under the children;
Rules of Court then applicable, the Government of the Philippine Islands is exempt
from the payment of stenographic fees. The issue in this case is whether or not 3. The regulation of the holding, transmission, and interchange of property, and the
NACOCO is deemed to be covered by the definition of Government of the Philippine determination of its liabilities for debt or for crime;
Islands and, thus, is exempt from the payment of stenographic fees.
4. Those that define contractual rights between parties;

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5. Those that define and punish crimes;

What are the different types of government?
6. The administration of justice in civil cases;
- A government may either be UNITARY or FEDERAL depending on the concentration
7. The determination of the political duties, privileges, and relations of citizens; and of authority.

8. Dealings of the State with foreign powers: the preservation of the State from - A government may either be PRESIDENTIAL or PARLIAMENTARY depending on who
external danger or encroachment and the advancement of its international exercises executive and legislative powers.
- A government may either be DE FACTO or DE JURE depending on the title of the
The 5 Ministrant Functions include: exercise of authority.

1. Public works; In the case of Laurel v. Misa as well as in the case of Co Kim Cham v. Valdez Tan Keh, the
Supreme Court enumerated three kinds of De Facto Government, namely:
2. Public education;
3. Public charity;
- A government which gets possession of or usurps by force or by the voice
4. Health and safety regulations; and of the majority, the rightful legal government and maintains it for itself
against the will of the latter.
5. Regulations of trade and industry.
Do we still apply the dichotomy between Constituent and Ministrant Functions?
- A government established and maintained by armed forces of the enemy
- No. In the case of Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration (PVTA) v. Court of that gets possession of a territory in the course of war.
Industrial Relations, the Supreme Court expressly abandoned the Traditional
Classification of the Functions of Government. 3. INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT

- The Supreme Court said that “The growing complexities of modern - A government established by the people who rise in insurrection against
society, however, have rendered this traditional classification of the the parent state and maintains itself against the will of the latter.
functions of government quite unrealistic, not to say obsolete. The areas
which used to be left to private enterprise and initiative and which the In the case of Co Kim Cham v. Valdez Tan Keh, the Supreme Court was called upon to
government was called upon to enter only optionally, and only because it determine what kind of government was established during the Japanese occupation.
was better equipped to administer for the public welfare than is any
private individual or group of individuals, continue to lose their well- - The Supreme Court said that the government established during the Japanese
defined boundaries and to absorbed within activities that the government occupation is a De Facto government, more specifically a De Facto Government of
must undertake in its sovereign capacity if it is to meet the increasing Paramount Force (the second type).
social challenges of the times.”
- According to the Supreme Court, there are two indications why the Japanese
- In sum, the Supreme Court said that those that were government is a Belligerent Government or a De Facto Government of Paramount
considered as optional or Ministrant before, will now be Force. One, it maintains itself with the active participation of the Japanese Military
considered as mandatory or Constituent. The State now has to administration; second, the people render obedience to the laws of the Japanese
mandatorily render services which are intended to promote the government without incurring any liability from their rightful legal government; in
general welfare of the State.

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other words, they do not violate any law by mere submission to the authority of the government, it cannot impose its own political laws. Political laws are also
Japanese government. suspended during Belligerent Occupation, with the exception of the Law on Treason,
according to the Supreme Court in the case of Laurel v. Misa.
In the case of Co Kim Cham v. Valdez Tan Keh, the Supreme Court determined the effect of
the cessation of Belligerent Occupation on the acts of the Belligerent Government, - The Law on Treason continues even during Belligerent Occupation
considering that during the period of Belligerent Occupation, the government renders because the Supreme Court said that the relationship between the rightful
governmental actions, whether it be judicial, legislative, or executive acts. legal government and its citizens during Belligerent Occupation is the
same as the relationship of a government and its citizens who are outside
- The Supreme Court said that after the cessation of Belligerent Occupation, all the its territory during a period of normalcy. According to the Supreme Court,
political laws of the Belligerent Government are automatically null and void without during the period of normalcy, once a citizen is outside their own State,
any positive act on the part of the rightful legal government. While municipal laws the State cannot impose its will on the citizen, but the citizen who is
of the Belligerent Government shall continue to be valid even after the cessation of outside the State is still subject to the Law on Treason. This means that
Belligerent Occupation. Similarly, the Supreme Court said that judicial decisions or the Law on Treason is Extra-Territorial. Similarly, even during Belligerent
decisions of the courts during Belligerent Occupation interpreting or applying Occupation while the rightful legal government does not exercise control
political laws of the Belligerent Government are ipso jure null and void upon the over the government, the Law on Treason shall continue. This means that
cessation of Belligerent Occupation, but on the other hand, judicial decisions citizens can commit treason even during Belligerent Occupation, because
interpreting or applying municipal laws of the Belligerent Government shall to suspend the Law on Treason, the Supreme Court said, would amount
continue to be valid even after the cessation of the Belligerent Occupation. to a POLITICAL SUICIDE because if the Law on Treason would be
suspended during Belligerent Occupation, then the belligerent
- In this case, the trial courts at the time refused to continue hearing pending cases government can use the citizens of the occupied territory against their
on the argument that after the Japanese occupation, all pending cases would be own government. This is the reason why the Supreme Court said that even
considered as already terminated. However, the Supreme Court disagreed and said during Belligerent Occupation, the Law on Treason shall apply.
that they have to continue. Cases involving private individuals should continue
because even after the cessation of Belligerent Occupation, the municipal laws of The rule that during Belligerent Occupation, the political laws of the occupied territory are
the Belligerent Government shall continue to be valid and effective. suspended, subject to the revival under the DOCTRINE OF JUS POSTLIMINIUM, does not
extend to the members of the Armed Forces of each side. This means that the members of
What is the difference between Political Law and Municipal Law in order to determine the the Armed Forces of the rightful legal government are still bound to obey the political laws of
effect of the cessation of Belligerent Occupation? the rightful legal government even during Belligerent Occupation.

- Political Law refers to laws that governs the relationship between the ruler and the - In the case of Ruffy v. Chief of Staff, the Supreme Court said that the Articles of
inhabitants. War, which is a political law, shall continue to be effective even during Belligerent
Occupation as between the members of the Armed Forces of each side.
- Municipal Laws, on the other hand, are laws that govern the relationship between
and among the inhabitants themselves. What is the Doctrine of JUS POSTLIMINIUM?

- Thus, Political Laws of the Belligerent Government are deemed abrogated, while - In the case of Peralta v. Director of Prisons, the Supreme Court said that under the
Municipal Laws shall continue. Doctrine of JUS POSTLIMINIUM, at the end of the occupation, when the occupant is
ousted from the territory, the political laws which had been suspended during the
What is the effect of Belligerent Occupation on the sovereignty of the occupied territory? occupation shall automatically become effective again.

- Upon Belligerent Occupation, the sovereignty of the occupied territory shall - In the same vein, according to the Supreme Court in Co Kim Cham v. Valdez Tan
remain, but the exercise of sovereignty shall be suspended in the meantime because Keh, political laws of the Belligerent Government are automatically abrogated upon
during Belligerent Occupation, the rightful legal government has no control over the the cessation of the occupation.
government. Since the rightful legal government has no control over the

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What is the Doctrine of Auto-Limitation?
What is Sovereignty?
- The Philippines adheres to the principles of International Law as a limitation to the
- According to Garner, “Sovereignty is the supreme and uncontrollable power exercise of its sovereignty. It means that any State may, by its consent, express or
inherent in a State by which that State is governed.” implied, submit to a restriction of its sovereign rights. A State then, if it chooses to,
may refrain from the exercise of what otherwise is illimitable competence. There
- In the case of Laurel v. Misa, the Supreme Court said that “Sovereignty is (1) may thus be a curtailment of what otherwise is a power plenary in character.
permanent, (2) exclusive, (3) comprehensive, (4) absolute, (5) indivisible, (6)
inalienable, and (7) imprescriptible.” [PECA III]
In the case of People v. Gozo, the accused here was charged and convicted for violating an
ordinance that requires the obtention of a permit before any structure can be built on a Section 3 of Article XVI of the 1987 Constitution expressly provides that “The State cannot be
property. According to the accused, the ordinance in question does not apply to her because sued without its consent.”
her property was within the area covered by the RP-US Military Bases Agreement. The
contention of the accused is that the during the effectivity of the RP-US Military Bases Can we say that the basis of Doctrine of State Immunity is this constitutional provision? [No]
Agreement, laws of the local and national government do not apply to that specific area.
- In the case of Air Transportation Office v. Sps. David, which involved the taking of
- The Supreme Court did not agree and said that even during the effectivity of the private property in Baguio to be used for the extension of the airport, the Supreme
Treaty, that part of the territory covered by RP-US Military Bases Agreement is still Court said that there are two bases of the Doctrine of State Immunity. The first is
part of the Philippines. Since it is part of the Philippines, it is still subject to the the Juristic or Legal Concept, and the second is the Sociological Concept of the
sovereignty of the Philippines. What is given to the US under the RP-US Military Doctrine of State Immunity.
Bases Agreement, according to the Supreme Court, is not sovereignty but the US is
only granted the Right of First Jurisdiction or Primary Jurisdiction. This means that if - In that case, the Supreme Court cited the case of Kawananakoa v.
the US government does not exercise jurisdiction over the act, then the Philippines Polyblank where Justice Holmes explained that under the (1)
may exercise jurisdiction over the activity. JURISTIC/LEGAL CONCEPT, “A sovereign is exempt from suit not because
of any formal conception or obsolete theory, but on the logical and
- The Supreme Court said that local ordinances and national laws shall remain to be practical ground that there can be no legal right as against the authority
effective and applicable even within the area covered by the RP-US Military Bases that makes the law on which the right depends.”
- This is the Juristic or Legal Concept or Legal Basis of the
Most political law writers consider the facilities of diplomatic nations, like embassies, to be Doctrine of State Immunity. Under this basis, the Doctrine of
extensions of the sending state. Is this correct? State Immunity is nothing more and nothing less than the
recognition of the sovereignty of the state.
- No. Facilities of diplomatic nations, like embassies, should not be considered as
extensions of the sending state, because such facilities remain to be within our - This doctrine is also known as “The Royal Prerogative of
territory. Dishonesty” because it grants the State the prerogative to
defeat any legitimate claim against it by simply invoking its non-
- The Supreme Court in the case of People v. Gozo, emphatically declared that “no suability.
inch of Philippine soil can be impregnated by foreign color. Every inch of Philippine
soil remains to be part of the Philippines. What is granted only to the diplomatic - The second basis of the Doctrine of State Immunity was laid down by the
nation is the right of primary jurisdiction, not sovereignty. The host state exercises Supreme Court in the case of Air Transportation Office v. Sps. David citing
sovereignty over that area, but under traditional international law, it grants Providence Washington Insurance v. Republic of the Philippines, where
authority to the sending state to exercise the right of primary jurisdiction.” the Supreme Court explained that under the (2) SOCIOLOGICAL

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CONCEPT,“A continued adherence to the doctrine of non-suability is not to a defendant, that fact alone does not necessarily make the suit as one against the
be deplored for as against the inconvenience that may be caused private State.
parties, the loss of governmental efficiency and the obstacle to the
performance of its multifarious functions in the absence of such - In Republic v. Sandoval, the Republic of the Philippines was named
fundamental principle are far greater if such a fundamental principle were defendant in the complaint, but the Supreme Court said that this is not a
abandoned and the availability of judicial remedy were not thus restricted. suit against the State since the officers acted beyond their authority and,
With the well-known propensity on the part of the people to go to court, thus, the act was not an official action, and since it was not an official
at the least provocation, the loss of time and energy needed to defend action, the liability will only be personal to the government officers
against lawsuits, in the absence of such a basic principle that constitutes involved.
such an effective obstacle, could very well be imagined.”
The Doctrine of State Immunity is not absolute. Even Section 3 of Article XVI of the
- The Supreme Court said that “Practical considerations dictate Constitution itself provides that the State can be sued WHEN IT CONSENTS. How may the State
the establishment of an immunity from suit in favor of the State. give its consent?
Otherwise, and the State is suable at the instance of every other
individual, government service may be severely obstructed and - The consent of the State can be given EXPRESSLY or IMPLIEDLY.
public safety endangered because of the number of suits that the
State has to defend against.” - Express consent to be sued can be done either by a General Law or a Special Law.

- In sum, public services could be hindered and public - In the case of Republic v. Sandoval, President Corazon Aquino joined the
safety would be endangered if the State can be sued march of the families of the victims and she created a Fact-Finding
at the instance of every citizen. Committee to investigate the incident and to determine who are liable for
the incident. In this case, the petitioners contend that the participation of
- These are the reasons why the Doctrine of State Immunity is not based on any the President in the rally and her creation of the Fact-Finding Committee
constitutional provision, but it is based on the sovereignty of the state and the is indicative of the State’s consent to be sued.
necessity to focus on the more pressing needs.
- The Supreme Court said no because consent to be sued can
In the case of Republic v. Sandoval, which involved the Mendiola Massacre wherein farmers only be given by Congress. Express consent to be sued can either
conducted a violent assembly in Mendiola that resulted in the death of 13 members of the be given by a General Law or by a Special Law, not by the
organization that conducted the assembly, The Supreme Court in this case said that there are President.
three instances when a suit can be considered as a suit against the State:
- Similarly, in the case of Republic v. Feliciano, wherein President Marcos
1. When the Republic is sued by name; issued a Presidential Decree mandating the property in question as
subject to private rights and interest, the private respondent argued that
the reservation of the property to the private rights and interest is a
2. When the suit is against an unincorporated government agency; and consent to be sued and, thus, a waiver of immunity.

- The Supreme Court said no because a waiver of immunity

3. When the suit is on its face against a government officer but the case is should be construed in strictissimi juris. It should be strictly
such that ultimate liability will belong not to the officer but to the construed against the waiver. It must be specific, it must be
government. general, and it must be unequivocal. Any doubt as to whether
there is a waiver or whether the State consents to be sued, shall
- However, the Supreme Court clarified in this case that these instances are just be strictly construed. Further, according to the Supreme Court,
prima facie presumptions, which means that even if the suit names the Republic as the order of the President is not a law, and such order cannot

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expressly waive the immunity of the State and it cannot give its COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS because the law says that “the Government of the
consent to be sued expressly. Philippine Islands hereby submits and consents to be sued upon money claims arising
from contracts, expressed or implied, which could be the basis of a cause of action
Supposing the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines entered into a contract as between private parties.” This last phrase means that the law can only be applied
with a supplier of firearms, and in the contract, there is an express provision that the to commercial transactions, but not to governmental transactions. This law only
Philippine Government hereby consents to be sued on any cause of action arising from the makes express what used to be implied. It does not give an additional cause of action
contract. Is this a valid waiver? because even without that law, when a government enters into a commercial
contract, it is deemed to have impliedly waived its immunity. Therefore, Act No.
- No, because nobody can give consent expressly except the Congress. This was the 3083 is not considered a General Law which the State expressly waives its immunity.
ruling in the case of Veterans Manpower and Protective Services (VMPS) v. CA.
According to the Supreme Court, consent to be sued cannot be a contractual - One law that is considered to be a General Law where the State gives its consent
stipulation. Consent to be sued can only be given through legislation. to be sued is the Local Government Code. Under the Local Government Code, it is
expressly provided that political subdivisions created under this Code have the
- But recently, in the case of China National Machinery and Equipment v. capacity to sue and be sued. This is a general consent.
Santamaria, former Chief Justice Serrano said that the provision in the contract
which allows arbitration (the arbitration clause in the contract) may be considered Special waiver of immunity arises when the law is specifically applied to a specific individual
as an implied waiver of immunity, and the Supreme Court said, through Chief Justice or group of individuals.
Serrano, that in the US, there is a law that makes an arbitration clause in a contract
an implied waiver of immunity and there is no reason why we cannot apply that - An example of a specific waiver of immunity is the law involved in the case of
principle in this jurisdiction. In essence, the Supreme Court is saying that an Merritt v. Government of the Philippine Islands, Act. No. 2457. Under that law, the
arbitration clause in a contract between the government and a private entity is an Congress authorized Mr. Merritt to file a case against the Government. This is an
implied waiver of immunity. But while the Supreme Court was very categorical in express waiver through a Special Law.
that case, that statement of the Supreme Court is self-defeating because there is a
reason why we cannot apply the US principle here. The reason is that we do not An Implied Waiver of Immunity arises when the government enters into a commercial
have a law similar to the US law which makes an arbitration clause an implied waiver contract. This is now called the RESTRICTIVE THEORY OF STATE IMMUNITY.
of immunity.
- Under this theory, the immunity of the sovereign shall only apply with regard to
- Despite the ruling in the case of China National Machinery and Equipment v. public acts or when the government is exercising governmental or sovereign
Santamaria, it remains that an implied waiver of immunity shall only arise: functions (acts jure imperii), but not with regard to private acts or when the
government is exercising commercial or proprietary functions (acts jure gestionis).
1. When the government enters into a commercial contract, or
The Restrictive Theory of State Immunity must be distinguished from the
2. When the government initiates litigation. CLASSICAL/ABSOLUTE THEORY, whereby a sovereign cannot, without its consent, be made a
respondent in the courts of another sovereign.
- ...and NOT when the government enters into a contract with
an arbitration clause. In the cases of US v. Ruiz, US v. Guinto, and Sanders v. Veridiano, the Supreme Court applied
the Restrictive Theory of State Immunity as to the commercial transactions entered into by
Waiver of immunity can be expressly given through a General Law. Do we have a General Law the US Government. The Supreme Court said that the operation of a barber shop and the
where the State expressly waives its immunity? operation of a restaurant are commercial transactions. Therefore, when the US Government
enters into those transactions, it has descended to the level of a private individual and, thus,
- In the cases of Merritt v. Government of the Philippine Islands and Republic v. opens itself up to actions.
Villasor, the Supreme Court always considered Act No. 3083 as a General Law where
the State gives its consent to be sued. However, this law only allows the filing of an The Doctrine of State Immunity is not only limited to the Philippine State, it also extends to
action against the State in contractual obligations; this law only applies to foreign states and their officers performing their official duties. If the application of the

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Doctrine of State Immunity as to the Philippine State is based on sovereignty, the recognition was donated to the Holy See for the purpose of constructing the official house of the Papal
of immunity of foreign states and their officers performing official functions in our courts is Nuncio in the Philippines. However, the land was occupied by illegal settlers. What petitioner
based on the recognition that all states are equal. This is based on the PRINCIPLE OF PAR IN did was to sell the land. There were two deeds of sale in this case. The respondent filed a
PAREM NON HABET IMPERIUM, or in other words, “an equal has no power over an equal.” petition to nullify the subsequent sale, but the Holy See invoked its immunity.
Since states are sovereign and equal, they cannot be subjected to the judicial processes of
another state. - Here, the Supreme Court extended the Doctrine of State Immunity to Holy See.
While the nature of the transaction can be considered as commercial because it
What is the distinction between Suability and Liability? involves a deed of sale of a real property, the Supreme Court said that the nature of
the transaction shall be determined whether the purpose of the transaction is for
- In the case of Republic v. Villasor, the Supreme Court said that Suability is different profit and done in the ordinary course of business of the foreign entity. The Supreme
from Liability. According to the Supreme Court, Suability is based on consent, Court said that the purpose of why Holy See sold the subject property is to acquire
whether expressed or implied, while Liability, on the other hand, is based on an alternative property for the construction of its official residence. Therefore, the
evidence. This means that even if the State consents to be sued, that is not an transaction involved was not done for profit, nor for commercial purposes, but
admission of liability. The claimant must still prove its claim against the State. Even rather for the discharge of its governmental functions. In that regard, the immunity
if the State consented to be sued, it can still present defenses in order to defeat the applies even if Holy See entered into a contract of sale.
claim against it.
Supposing the State waives its immunity, up to what stage of the proceedings does the
In the case of Republic v. Sandiganbayan, the issue here is whether an implied waiver of consent operate?
immunity through initiation of litigation shall only arise when the government initiates the
litigation in its commercial function. - In the case of Republic v. Villasor, the Supreme Court said that once the State
waives its immunity or consents to be sued, the consent operates at all stages of the
- In this case, PCGG initiated an action against the suspected cronies of President proceedings until the execution stage. Once the court renders a judgment, the court
Marcos. The defendants filed a motion for a mode of discovery. However, PCGG loses jurisdiction over the issue. The implementation of any writ of execution
argued that under Executive Order No. 1, the officers of the PCGG cannot be requires a separate consent of the State.
subjected to any compulsory process. In essence, PCGG invoked immunity. Was
PCGG correct? What is the reason why the satisfaction of any judgment by the trial court whenever the State
consents to be sued requires another consent?
- No. The Supreme Court said that the initiation of an action is an implied
waiver of immunity and regardless whether the government agency is - The reason is because public funds can only be used for the purpose for which it
performing government or proprietary functions, it is deemed to have was appropriated. Therefore, even if there is a successful claim against the
impliedly waived its immunity when it initiates an action. Therefore, it is government, the State needs to give its consent to the appropriation of funds. If the
open to counterclaims. government does not appropriate any funds, then the claimant cannot seek
injunctive relief or coercive writs to compel the government to enact a law.
When the government initiates an action, may all counterclaims be raised against it?
In the case of Municipality of Makati v. CA, which involved the expropriation proceedings and
- No. Only Compulsory Counterclaims. Permissive Counterclaims cannot be raised the local government unit opened a bank account, and that bank account was for the
when the government initiates an action. Permissive Counterclaims are based on satisfaction of any claims of the property owners. Municipality of Makati opened Bank
separate causes of action. What can be raised by the defendant in cases where the Account A for the payment of just compensation for the properties taken in the exercise of
government initiates litigation are counterclaims which arise from the cause of eminent domain, but Municipality of Makati also opened another bank account, Bank Account
action which is the basis of the complaint of the State. B, for the general operation of the local government unit. The problem in this case is that the
funds in Bank Account A was insufficient. The issue here is whether the claimants can attach
In the case of The Holy See v. Rosario, the petitioner here is the Holy See who exercises Bank Account B.
sovereignty over the Vatican City and is represented in the Philippines by the Papal Nuncio.
The Papal Nuncio entered into a contract of sale involving a parcel of land. This parcel of land

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- The Supreme Court said no, only Bank Account A is subject to garnishment, and
not Bank Account B since this account is for the general operation of the local In a democratic and republican State, may the good interest or the good intention of the public
government unit and, thus, not subject to garnishment. There must be an ordinance officers be enough to justify an act not expressly allowed by law?
setting aside a fund in order to satisfy the deficiency. Nevertheless, the Supreme
Court provided a remedy — successful claimants against local government units can - In the case of Villavicencio v. Lukban, the City of Manila Mayor was motivated by
resort to Mandamus in order to compel the local government unit to pass an the best of intentions. He wanted to rid the city of the vices resulting from
ordinance to set aside a budget to satisfy claims by the private individuals or entities. prostitution. He deported 170 women of ill-repute to Davao. The question is
whether the good intention of the mayor enough to justify that activity. There was
May Mandamus lie to compel the Congress to appropriate funds to satisfy successful claims no law nor ordinance allowing the mayor to cause the deportation of any person
against the National Government? within the city limits.

- No. This is in line with the Doctrine of Separation of Powers. In the case of - Citing Justice Miller, the Supreme Court said that “The law is the only
Municipality of Makati v. CA, the entity involved is a local government unit, and a supreme power in our system of government, and every man who by
local government unit is just a creation of law. Therefore, it is subject to compulsory accepting office participates in its functions is all the more strongly bound
judicial processes. However, the courts cannot impose its will on a co-equal body to submit to that supremacy, and to observe the limitations which it
like the Congress in order that the Congress may be forced to pass a law in order to imposes upon the exercise of the authority which it gives.”
satisfy claims against it.
- The Supreme Court furthered, “The Government of the Philippine Islands
What then is a remedy available to a successful claimant against the National Government if is a government of laws. The court will assist in retaining it as a
Mandamus will not lie? government of laws and not of men. No official, however high, is above
the law.”
- The remedy is not legal, but political. The remedy is to lobby to the Congress in
order for the Congress to be forced to enact a law to satisfy claims against it. It is a - In sum, good intentions are not enough to justify an act that is not
political remedy, not a legal remedy. sanctioned by a law or by an ordinance.

In determining whether a foreign state or an officer of a foreign government is entitled to In a democratic and republican State, the performance of a particular act is allowed in the
immunity, in the case of China National Machinery and Equipment v. Santamaria, the absence of law that prohibits, expressly or impliedly, the performance of such act. This is the
Supreme Court was called upon to determine who has the authority to recognize immunity of difference between the exercise of a power and the exercise of a right.
foreign states and their officers performing official functions sued in our jurisdiction. In this
case, the Solicitor General recognized the sovereign immunity of the petitioner. The issue here - In the case of Knights of Rizal (KOR) v. DMCI, which involved the Torre de Manila
is whether the Solicitor General can make that recognition. which was constructed outside the art premises. When there is an ordinance in the
City of Manila regulating the height of structures, the DMCI was able to get an
- The Supreme Court said no, the government agency which has the authority to exemption from the ordinance. The question here is whether the structure can be
issue the recognition is the Department of Foreign Affairs, not the Solicitor General, demolished because it destroys the sightline of the National Shrine of our National
because the Department of Foreign Affairs is the government agency charged with Hero.
the regulation of foreign relations with other states.
- Here, according to the Supreme Court, there is no law nor ordinance that
prohibits the construction of that building. Therefore, in the absence of
ARTICLE II — FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES any law that prohibits the act, the act is allowed. This is also the essence
or manifestation of the kind of government that we have.
Section 1 of Article II
Section 2 of Article II
Section 1 of Article II is the recognition of the kind of government established by the
Constitution. Under the Constitution, the Philippines is a DEMOCRATIC and REPUBLICAN State.

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Under Section 2, International Law can be applied or can be considered as part of our legal establish widespread and consistent practice on the part of the state; the second
system in two ways — either by INCORPORATION or by TRANSFORMATION. element, 2) the psychological element known as Opinion Jurissive Necessitates, or
opinion as to law or necessity. Implicit in the latter element, according to the
What International Law may be considered as part of our laws by incorporation? Supreme Court, is a recognition that the act involved is made obligatory because of
a rule of law requiring it.
- Only generally accepted principles of international law. This means that
international law that does not have the characteristic of a generally accepted - The second source of generally accepted principles of international law refer to
principle of international law can only be part of our legal system by a positive act General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilized Nations. These are principles
on the part of the Government through transformation. established by a process of reasoning or judicial logic, or principles which are
generally too basic in all legal systems, like the general principles of justice, equity,
- In the case of Kuroda v. Jalandoni, the international law involved here are the the principles against discrimination, and so forth. These are general principles of
Geneva and Hague Conventions punishing and prohibiting War Crimes. The law recognized by civilized nations, and these are international law that
Philippines is not a signatory to the Hague Convention and it is a late member to the automatically become part of our law through the Doctrine of Incorporation.
Geneva Convention. The question here is whether our non-membership or late
membership in these two international conventions disqualify our government from Section 4 of Article II
creating a body that would prosecute and punish war crimes.
We have already discussed Section 4 of Article II in the case of People v. Lagman and Sosa.
- The Supreme Court said no. These two conventions are
generally accepted principles of international law and as such, Section 5 of Article II
they automatically become part of our laws without any positive
act on the part of the government. Section 5 of Article II is a manifestation that indeed our Constitution has abandoned the
traditional classification of the functions of government because this section enumerates
- As distinguished from the Geneva Convention on Road Signs and Signals, as ruled three functions. 1) Maintenance of peace and order; 2) Protection of life, liberty, and property;
by the Supreme Court in the case of Agustin v. Edu, under the Geneva Convention and 3) Promotion of the general welfare. These are traditionally classified as Ministrant
Road Signs and Signals, every member state should adopt a triangular reflectorized Functions.
mechanism as an early warning device. While road safety is a generally accepted
principle of international law, that triangular reflectorized mechanism is not a Section 6 of Article II
generally accepted principle of international law. For that mechanism to be applied
in our jurisdiction, there must be a transformation; there must be a positive act on Section 6 of Article II mandates the separation between Church and State. Why? Why can we
the part of the government, and in this case, it was through the issuance of a Letter not merge these two institutions? Can we not say it is better for them to merge? Can we not
of Instruction. Hence, there was a positive act in order to localize an international say that it is better for them to join because independently they are already powerful
law. institutions, and by joining these two institutions, we will create a more powerful institution?

In the case of David v. Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET), the Supreme Court enumerated two - The separation, according to the Supreme Court in the case of Aglipay v. Ruiz, is
sources of generally accepted principles of international law. According to the Supreme Court, intended to protect the dignity and integrity of not one but both institutions.
generally accepted principles of international law include: According to the Supreme Court, history has taught us that the merger or the joining
of these two institutions will be destructive, and in our system of government, the
1. International customs as evidenced of a general practice accepted as law; system works because of the equilibrium between the power of the State and the
and rights of the individuals. If the equilibrium is disturbed, the legal system will not
work. Too much power will disturb the equilibrium. Too much rights will also disturb
2. General principles of law accepted by civilized nations. the equilibrium. There must be a balance between the power and the rights. This is
the reason why the government cannot be too powerful, and the people cannot
- The Supreme Court explained that International Customary Rules are accepted as enjoy absolute liberty as well. We have to maintain an equilibrium or a balance
binding as a result of the combination of two elements — one element is 1) to between these two opposing interests.

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conscientious objectors are exempted not because of their belief, but only
In the case of Estrada v. Escritor, the Supreme Court said that the Wall of Separation because they are not allowed by their religious organization. In that
mandated by the Constitution is not a wall of hostility. The two institutions do not treat each regard, the accommodation is only permissive.
other as enemies. Also, the separation is also not a wall of apathy and it does not mean they
do not care for each other. The Supreme Court said that there are different kinds of Walls of In the case of Estrada v. Escritor, the respondent and her partner are members of Jehovah’s
Separation between Church and State, taken from the US which this principle was copied Witness. The respondent is a court stenographer and she was cohabiting with respondent
from. According to the Supreme Court, the Wall of Separation in the US can either be under Luciano Quilapio who is not her husband and is married to another woman. While respondent
1) SEPARATIONIST or under 2) BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY. was also previously married, her husband was already dead. Under the rules of Jehovah’s
Witness, members who have a legal impediment to marry each other can cohabit as long as
1. SEPARATIONIST as a Wall of Separation could either be A) Strict Separation or B) they execute a “Declaration of Pledging Faithfulness,” and as long as the legal impediment
Strict Neutrality. exists, they can maintain that arrangement. The issue in this case is whether the extramarital
cohabitation of the respondent violates the Code of Ethical Standards of Public Officers
A) Strict Separation means that there is an absolute impregnable wall because under the Code, public officers must always live moral lives.
between the two institutions. They cannot join each other. If there is an
activity by the State, the Church cannot join and vice versa. Under the - In determining the morality of the arrangement, the Court was called upon to
Strict Separation, the roads constructed by the State cannot be used by determine which standard shall be used, should they use religious standards or
the religious organization for their religious processions. That is under the should they use secular standards. The Supreme Court said that the courts can only
Strict Separation. apply uniform standards, only legal standards because our courts are courts of law,
and therefore, they cannot apply any other standards but legal standards. Applying
B) Under the Strict Neutrality, what may be applied to one activity shall be legal standards, the arrangement between the respondent and her partner is
applied to all activities, even religious activities. Which means that if the considered as immoral because it is not allowed under our laws since it can
State taxes an activity, that tax measure shall apply even to religious constitute adultery or concubinage. But in deciding religion cases, the courts will not
activities. That is under the Strict Neutrality. stop in determining whether the act is moral or immoral. The courts must still look
whether that immoral activity may be accommodated or exempted. In this case,
2. BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY, on the other hand, is also called a WALL OF while the Supreme Court has determined the extramarital cohabitation as immoral,
ACCOMMODATION. And Benevolent Neutrality could either be a A) Mandatory the Supreme Court applied the COMPELLING STATE INTEREST TEST viewed from
Benevolent Neutrality or B) Permissive Benevolent Neutrality. Benevolent Neutrality to determine whether there is a need to accommodate the
religious arrangement. Under the Compelling State Interest Test, there are three
A) A Mandatory Benevolent Neutrality is an exemption of a religious questions that must be answered all in the affirmative, in order to allow the
practice from the coverage of mandatory law because of the observance government act to apply to a religious practice.
of the Constitutionally guaranteed observance of religious freedom. If the
basis of the exemption is because of religious freedom, there is a COMPELLING STATE INTEREST TEST
Mandatory Benevolent Neutrality. One good example of Mandatory
Benevolent Neutrality is the exemption of properties used actually, 1. Whether the Government act created a burden on the free exercise of religion.
directly, and exclusively by religious organizations for religious purposes.
This is an observance of Mandatory Benevolent Neutrality, because the - Applying this test to the arrangement between the respondent and her
exemption of these properties is founded on the recognition of religious partner, the Supreme Court said YES, the Code of Ethical Standards and the
freedom. Revised Penal Code created a burden on the religious freedom of the
respondent because under those circumstances, the respondent has to choose
B) While Permissive Benevolent Neutrality, on the other hand, is the whether to follow her religious belief or to follow the law. This means there is
accommodation of the religious practices only because of public policy. a burden on the exercise of religious freedom.
One example of Permissive Benevolent Neutrality is the R.A No. 3350,
which exempts religious conscientious objectors from joining labor 2. Whether there is a compelling state interest involved in order to justify the
organizations. So, this is a Permissive Benevolent Neutrality because infringement of religious freedom.

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- In Taruc v. De La Cruz, the petitioners here were excommunicated. They

- In the 2006 Resolution of the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court said that the were members of the Independent Church. They were excommunicated
state interest must not be a generalized one, it must be specific. The mere because they celebrated a mass officiated by a priest who is not their
statement that the laws intend to preserve the dignity and sanctity of marriage parish priest. They were expelled because the bishop already ordered
is not enough, said the Supreme Court, there must be specific governmental them not to celebrate the mass but they still continued in defiance of the
interest involved and it must be compelling enough in order to justify the order of their bishop. They went to court to question their
infringement on religious freedom. Which means that as to question number excommunication. The court said they do not have the authority.
2, NO.
- On the other hand, Fonacier v. CA, also involved the same religious
3. Whether the government has used the least restrictive means and the infringement organization, the Independent Church. In this case, the petitioner was the
on the religious freedom is no greater than what is necessary in order to achieve the former highest head bishop of the Independent Church. There was an
legitimate governmental interest. election wherein the religious organization replaced petitioner with
another leader. So, now the petitioner is being compelled to make an
- The Supreme Court said NO, because to be considered as the least intrusive accounting of all the properties of the religious organization which were
means, there must be no other way that the government can achieve its entrusted to him during his administration. The petitioner questioned the
legitimate governmental purpose other than by infringing upon the religious election of the private respondent because, according to him, the private
activity. The Supreme Court said that the preservation of the sanctity of respondent is not the duly elected leader of the religious organization, and
marriage and the preservation of the dignity of public office can be achieved in that there is another group, according to petitioner, that was elected.
ways other than interfering with the religious arrangement. That’s why he was willing to make an accounting to that group, but not to
the private respondent. The Supreme Court, in resolving the controversy,
In that regard, the two governmental actions failed the Compelling State Interest Test. looked into the Articles of Incorporation of the religious organization and
Therefore, the religious arrangement between the respondent and her partner were determined who are eligible to vote for the leaders of the religious
exempted from the coverage of mandatory law. organization. In determining who are eligible to vote, the Supreme Court
also passed upon the procedure of the excommunication, because priests
The LEMON TEST, as laid down by the US Supreme Court in the case of Lemon v. Kurtzman, is who are excommunicated can no longer vote. Therefore, in order to
used to determine the validity of a governmental regulation touching on the wall of determine who was the duly elected leaders, the Court has to determine
separation. Applying this test, a regulation is constitutional when: how members can be excommunicated and what are the internal rules of
the religious organization. The Supreme Court sustained the religious
1. It has a secular legislative purpose (Purpose Prong); organization’s authority, because the Supreme Court said that the issue
involved here are the property rights of the religious organization. In order
2. It neither advances nor inhibits religion (Effect Prong); and to determine who is entitled to administer the funds and the properties
of the religious organization, we have to determine who may be validly
3. It does not foster an excessive entanglement with religion (Entanglement Prong) elected and who may elect the leaders. These are the reasons why the
Supreme Court delved into internal issues regarding excommunication
“Clearly, not all acts done by those who are priests, bishops, ustadz, imams, or any other and regarding elections. But nonetheless, it was only in relation to a civil
religious officials make such act immune from any governmental regulation.” In the case of issue.
Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court said that even the religions/religious
officials have a separate secular existence because “…they exist within a society that is - But in the case of Taruc v. De La Cruz, the Supreme Court said that issues
regulated by law.” This means that controversies involving religion may also be adjudicated of excommunication and issues of disciplinary sanctions are outside the
by our courts of justice. jurisdiction of the courts of justice.

- Let’s take two different cases. We have Taruc v. De La Cruz on the one hand, and Section 7 of Article II
Fonacier v. CA on the other hand.

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Do Sections 7 and 8 expressly prohibit the presence of nuclear weapons in our territory? I ask In the case of Almeda v. CA, the Supreme Court explained Social Justice, as applied in Agrarian
because under the Independent Foreign Policy (Section 7) and the policy of Freedom from Law, in the following manner: “Property ownership is impressed with social function. Property
Nuclear Weapons (Section 8), the policies mention that they are “consistent with the national use must not only be for the benefit of the owner, but of society as well. The State, in the
interest.” This means that the phrase “consistent with the national interest” allows the promotion of Social Justice, may regulate the acquisition, ownership, use, enjoyment and
existence of nuclear weapons in our territory. This means that the freedom from nuclear disposition of private property, and equitably diffuse property ownership and profits.”
weapons in our territory is only dependent on that phrase, if it is “consistent with the national
interest.” If it is not in consistent with our national interest, then the presence of nuclear Taken from the concept of Labor Law, however, the Supreme Court in Ondoy v. Ignacio said
weapons is allowed in our territory. that Social Justice does not mean equality, it means PROTECTION.

Sections 9 and 10 of Article II — Social Justice - The Supreme Court held that “as between a laborer, usually poor and unlettered,
and the employer, who has resources to secure able and legal advice, the law has
There are different concepts of Social Justice depending on the law involved. reason to demand from the latter stricter compliance. Social Justice in these cases is
not equality, but protection.”
In the case of Calalang v. Williams, the Supreme Court, through Justice Laurel, said that “Social
Justice is neither communism, nor despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy, but the humanization - When it comes to Labor Law, Social Justice means that those who have less in life,
of laws and the equalization of social and economic forces by the State so that justice in its should have more in law.
rational and objectively secular conception may at least be approximated.”
Lastly, when it comes to property rights (Obligations and Contracts), Social Justice, according
- The Supreme Court said that Social Justice means “the promotion of the welfare of to the Supreme Court in the case of Salonga v. Farrales, “cannot be invoked to trample on the
the people, the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to ensure the rights of property owners who, under the Constitution and laws, are also entitled to protection.
economic stability of all the component elements of society, through the The Social Justice consecrated in our Constitution was not intended to take away rights from
maintenance of a proper economic and social equilibrium in the interrelations of the a person and give them to another who is not entitled thereto. Evidently, the plea for Social
members of the community, constitutionally, through the adoption of measures Justice cannot nullify the law on Obligations and Contracts, and is, therefore, beyond the
legally justifiable, or extra-constitutionally, through the exercise of powers power of the courts to grant.”
underlying the existence of all governments under the time-honored principle of
salus populi est suprema lex.” - In the absence of a law or contractual obligation, a property owner cannot be
compelled to sell his property to the less privileged class.
- This definition of Social Justice by the Supreme Court only means, in
short, EQUALITY. Social Justice does not mean a misplaced sympathy over These are the different concepts of Social Justice taken from the viewpoint of different laws.
a less privileged class. So, Social Justice means THE GREATEST GOOD FOR
THE GREATER NUMBER. Section 11 of Article II

- But, again, the concept of Social Justice differs depending on the law In the case of Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo, the Supreme Court was called upon
involved. to determine the constitutionality of the rule on the Writ of Amparo. This case is the first
Amparo case in our jurisdiction. The petitioner said that the right to security is a right
- Calalang v. Williams (Political Law) involved a traffic regulation, similar to our dependent on the right to liberty. According to the petitioner, there is no right to security, the
number-coding now. In this case, there is a period of time where animal-drawn right to security is only dependent on the right to liberty. The Supreme Court said no, because
vehicles were not allowed to use the major thoroughfares. According to the the right to security is part of human rights, and under Section 11 of Article II, there is a
petitioner, that regulation is “anti-poor,” because only the poor use animal-drawn guarantee of full respect for human rights. This constitutional provision is a manifestation that
vehicles. But the Supreme Court disagreed and said that social justice just means the right to security, which is considered as a human right, has a separate constitutional
equality; social Justice does not mean misplaced sympathy over a less privileged protection apart from the right to liberty.
class, but it means equality.
- In this case, the Supreme Court identified five Amparo cases as they were applied
in Mexico, where the Writ of Amparo was copied from, namely:

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- In this case, aside from abortion, the Supreme Court declared

1. AMPARO LIBERTAD, which is for the protection of personal freedom, abortifacients as unconstitutional. And according to the Supreme Court,
and this is equivalent to our writ of habeas corpus; the Congress cannot define what an abortifacient is because it is expressly
not given to this department the right to define what an abortifacient is.
2. AMPARO CONTRA LEYES, which is the judicial review of the The Supreme Court said in this case, that there are three drugs which are
constitutionality of laws; ABORTIFACIENTS:

3. AMPARO CASACION, which is the judicial review of the constitutionality 1. A drug that induces abortion;
and legality of judicial decisions;
2. One that destroys the fertilized ovum; and
4. AMPARO ADMINISTRATIVO, which is the judicial review of
administrative actions; and 3. One that prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg in the
mother’s uterus.
5. AMPARO AGRARIO, which is for the protection of peasants’ rights
derived from the agrarian reform process. - Which means that the theory of Representative Lagman, that the
constitutional protection starts from implantation, or the attachment of
- The Supreme Court ruled that all these Amparo cases have constitutional the fertilized egg to the mother’s uterus, was not accepted by the
protection. Supreme Court, because the Supreme Court said that conception means
FERTILIZATION, and not implantation.
Section 12 of Article II
- While reluctantly, the Supreme Court defined when does life start.
Does the Constitution allow absolute divorce? Is there anything in the Constitution that Although the Supreme Court said that it was not their office to determine
prohibits absolute divorce? when life begins, but for a constitutional perspective, in order to
determine whether there is a constitutional protection required, they
Absolute divorce means that the termination of the marital relationship is dependent upon have to mark when does life start.
the agreement between the spouses. That they can agree to terminate it or not, up to a certain
time. Is this allowed under our Constitution? - According to the Supreme Court, life starts when the sperm meets the
egg. According to the Supreme Court, there is a scientific proof to that
- No. Absolute divorce is not allowed by the Constitution. Specifically, Section 2 of because once the sperm meets the egg, there is an activity in that union,
Article XV provides that marriage, as an inviolable social institution is the foundation and “activity” signifies life. The Supreme Court said that the egg grows
of the family and shall be protected by the State. The constitutional declaration that rapidly, and growth indicates life. But the next question is assuming that
marriage shall be protected by the State precludes allowing the parties to decide there is life upon the meeting of the sperm and the egg, what kind of life
among themselves the existence or the termination of their marital relationship. is that?

How about abortion? Does the Constitution allow abortion? [No] - The Supreme Court said that it is a human life. Proof, according
to the Supreme Court, is that a fertilized egg has 46
- Section 12 of Article II provides that the State shall protect the life of the mother chromosomes, and 46 chromosomes are peculiar to human
and the life of the unborn. And the constitutional protection to the life of the unborn beings. According to the Supreme Court, 23 male or 23 female
starts from CONCEPTION. chromosomes joined together is 46 chromosomes, which is the
DNA footprint of a human being. The Supreme Court said there
- In the case of Imbong v. Ochoa, the term “CONCEPTION” means FERTILIZATION, is life upon the meeting of the sperm and the egg, and that is a
which refers to the moment the sperm meets the egg. According to the Supreme human life and, therefore, it needs constitutional protection.
Court, that is the beginning of the constitutional protection of the unborn.

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Supposing the mother who is pregnant has a medical condition, and the medical condition of - Our constitutional provisions pertaining to family were largely affected or
the mother makes it impossible for the doctor to save both the mother and the child. In the influenced by American principles, and recently in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges,
attempt to save the life of the mother, can the doctors deliberately kill the child? the US Supreme Court has already declared that all State Laws which prohibit same-
sex marriages as unconstitutional. This is not conclusive upon our courts; however,
- This was discussed by the Supreme Court in the case of Imbong v. Ochoa, applying we have a pending case before the Supreme Court. Definitely Obergefell v. Hodges
the DOUBLE EFFECT PRINCIPLE, which is applied in medical science but extended by is not conclusive upon our courts but is persuasive. This means that in the absence
the Supreme Court to political law through this case. of any pronouncement yet by the Supreme Court, you can cite Obergefell v. Hodges
until the Supreme Court has already rendered an opinion regarding the
- In a conflict situation between the life of the mother and the life of a constitutionality of a same-sex union.
child, the doctor is morally obliged always to try to save both lives. If,
however, it is impossible, the resulting death to one should not be - Obergefell v. Hodges is a consolidation of several cases. In order to emphasize the
deliberate. This is what is known as the DOUBLE EFFECT PRINCIPLE. importance of the petition, the US Supreme Court discussed the factual
circumstances of 3 petitioners.
- The doctors, whenever there is a medical condition that does not allow
them to save both the life of the mother and the life of the child, can - James Obergefell and John Arthur (from Ohio)
choose whose life to save, but in saving the life of the chosen one, they
cannot perform any act that will compromise the life of the other. This - One case involves James Obergefell, who is a male who has a
means that what the doctors will just do is to channel all their efforts in partner named John Arthur. They had been living together
saving the life of the chosen one. Hence, if in saving the life of the chosen exclusively for more than 10 years. In 2001, Arthur was
one resulted in the death of the other, the doctors will not be liable for diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Arthur and
homicide or infanticide. Obergefell lived in Ohio, where same sex marriage is not
allowed. Arthur wished to marry Obergefell before he dies. So,
- Under this principle, wherein intentional harm on the life of either the they went to Baltimore, Maryland, where same-sex union is
mother or the child is never justified to bring about a “good” effect. In a allowed. At that time, Arthur was so sick that he could not even
conflict situation between the life of the child and the life of the mother, go down from the plane. That’s why they had to celebrate the
the doctor is morally obliged always to try to save both lives. However, he marriage inside the plane while in the tarmac in Baltimore.
can act in favor of one (not necessarily the mother) when it is medically Several months later, Arthur died. The only wish of Obergefell
impossible to save both, provided that no direct harm is intended to the was that in the Arthur’s death certificate, he would be
other. If the above principles are observed, the loss of the child’s life or recognized as the surviving spouse, but since same sex marriage
the mother’s life is not intentional and, therefore, unavoidable. Hence, is not allowed in Ohio, that was not allowed. Obergefell was not
the doctor would not be guilty of abortion or murder. The mother is never allowed to be registered as the surviving spouse. Obergefell
pitted against the child because both their lives are equally valuable. feels that in life, there were denied that recognition, and now,
even in death, they were still being denied of that recognition.
- If, in order to save the life of the mother, the doctors have to have
conduct an operation which requires the stopping of the mother’s heart. - April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse (from Michigan)
Here, the doctors can proceed with the operation. Supposing, however,
that when the doctors stopped the heart of the mother, the child - The next case is April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse. They lived in
nevertheless died. The Supreme Court said that under the Double Effect Michigan. Both are lesbian and are nurses. In Michigan, they are
Principle, the doctors have no criminal liability on the death of the child. not allowed to jointly adopt. Only legally married couples can
It would be different if the death to the mother or the child was deliberate legally adopt. Each of them has their own respective wards. The
or intentional. the problem arises, however, if one of them is not available, the
other cannot substitute. Thus, they want permanency; they
Does the Constitution allow same-sex marriage? want to build a family where each possesses the responsibility
over the other. This is why they filed the petition.

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- The US Supreme Court in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges declared as

- Ijpe DeKoe and Thomas Kotsura (from Tennessee) unconstitutional any law that prohibits same-sex union on the basis of equal
protection. According to the Supreme Court, from the recognition of the union, it
- The other one is the petition of Ijpe DeKoe and Thomas carries with it benefits, such as social security benefits, tax deduction benefits. To
Kotsura. DeKoe is an Army Reserve. Both are gay. They were deny these benefits to persons based on sexual preference violates the Equal
married in New York. They settled in Tennessee, where same Protection Clause, because there is no difference, according to the Supreme Court,
sex marriage is not allowed. The problem is that DeKoe, because between same-sex unions and heterosexual unions. Secondly, according to the
of his position in the Army, travels alot. Their marriage comes Supreme Court, the recognition of same-sex unions does not deprive the right of
and goes when he travels across state lines. In one state, they heterosexual couples to marry. They still have that right, only that they will extend
are married, and in another, they are not and are mere such right to other groups of society who have different sexual preferences. In that
strangers. Hence, they want stability; they want continuity. This regard, the Supreme Court declared these laws as unconstitutional.
is why they want to have their union recognized.
Regarding the authority of the parents in rearing the children, take note that the Constitution
- The US Supreme Court said that there are four reasons why marriage is important. says it is the NATURAL and PRIMARY RIGHT and DUTY of the parents.
(Reasons why Justice Kennedy overturned the Baker case)
- In the case of Samahan ng mga Progresibong Kabataan (SPARK) v. Quezon City,
1. The personal choice regarding marriage is inherent in the concept of the Supreme Court interpreted the meaning of the word “duty” under Section 12 of
individual autonomy; so, if one can choose whether to undergo abortion Article II. The Supreme Court said that the inclusion of the word “duty” in rearing
or if one can choose whether to use contraceptives, then they should be the youth allows the government to interfere in the conduct of disciplining the
allowed to choose whom to marry; children because it is not only the right of the parents to rear their children, it is also
their duty. In this regard, the State can step in and determine whether the parents
2. The choice of marriage supports a two-person union unlike any other; are doing their duty to their children. This is also in line with the function of the
government as PARENS PATRIAE. Under the concept of Parens Patriae, the State, as
3. It safeguards the children and the family; and the parent of the nation, can guide the parents in disciplining and rearing their
children for civic efficiency and the development of moral character.
4. It constitutes the cornerstone or the bedrock of the community and the
nation’s order. Sections 15 and 16 of Article II

- In the prefatory statement of the Supreme Court in the case of Obergefell v. Under Sections 15 and 16, we have learned in the case of Oposa v. Factoran that these are
Hodges, the US Supreme Court, through Justice Kennedy, declared that “The constitutionally and judicially enforceable rights. The right to health and the right to a
Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain balanced and healthful ecology are self-executing and they do not need implementing
specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their legislation because they are natural and inherent rights of the individual.
identity.” This liberty should extend to certain personal choices central to personal
dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices that define individual identity and - In this case, the Supreme Court said that “While the right to a balanced and
belief. healthful ecology is to be found under the Declaration of Principles and State Policies
and not under the Bill of Rights, it does not follow that it is less important than any
- According to the US Supreme Court, the concept of marriage is one of both of the civil and political rights enumerated under the latter. Such a right belongs to
continuity and change. The concept of marriage has evolved. From the start, a different category of rights altogether for it concerns nothing less than SELF-
marriage is a pre-arranged union between two persons because their families PRESERVATION and SELF-PERPETUATION — aptly and fittingly stressed by the
agreed for them to marry. It then evolved into a system of coverture where the wife petitioners — the advancement of which may even be said to predate all
has no personality in a marriage; it is a male-dominated union. Then it evolved into governments and constitutions. As a matter of fact, these basic rights need not even
a consensual arrangement. The US Supreme Court said that marriage evolves. So, be written in the Constitution for they are assumed to exist from the inception of
our outlook on homosexuality and on same-sex union should likewise evolve. humankind. If they are now explicitly mentioned in the fundamental charter, it is
because of the well-founded fear of its framers that unless the rights to a balanced

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and healthful ecology and to health are mandated as state policies by the Sections 18 and 19 of Article II
Constitution itself, thereby highlighting their continuing importance and imposing
upon the state a solemn obligation to preserve the first and protect and advance the In the case of Tañada v. Angara, the issue here was whether the GATT and the calling for the
second, the day would not be too far when all else would be lost not only for the creation of the WTO, violates the constitutional policy on independent and self-reliant
present generation, but also for those to come — generations which stand to inherit economy. The Supreme Court said that the policy on independent and self-reliant economy is
nothing but parched earth incapable of sustaining life.” not a policy of isolation; it is not an isolationist policy. It also not a policy of mendicancy. What
the policy prohibits is the over-dependence on the basic necessities of the State. The Supreme
In the case of Laguna Lake Development Authority v. CA, the Supreme Court said that the Court said that the policy on independent and self-reliant national economy allows our
guarantee of a balanced and healthful ecology carries with it a correlative duty on the part of government to open the gates to foreign goods and services so that these foreign goods and
the government. The Supreme Court ruled that “As a constitutionally guaranteed right of services can compete with our best so that the people may also choose what products or
every person, it carries the correlative duty of non-impairment. This is but in consonance with services to avail of. The Supreme Court sustained the constitutionality of our entry into the
the declared policy of the state to ‘protect and promote the right to health of the people and GATT and the WTO. Corollary to this, the Supreme Court cited US President John F. Kennedy.
instill health consciousness among them.’ It is to be borne in mind that the Philippines is a party According to US President John F. Kennedy, “today no government can define its destiny
to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Alma Conference Declaration of 1978 alone.. the age of self-sufficient nationalism is over.. the age of interdependence is here..” This
which recognize health as a fundamental human right.” is a recognition that we cannot just isolate our country from the rest of the world, because
according to the Supreme Court in this case, we can promote our independence, we can
- In that regard, the Supreme Court sustained the authority of the LLDA to issue a promote our sovereignty even in entering bilateral or multilateral agreements.
Cease and Desist Order for the operation of Open-Pit Garbage Sites because it will
pollute the rivers. - In the words of the Supreme Court, “While the Constitution indeed mandates a
bias in favor of Filipino goods, services, labor and enterprises, at the same time, it
What is the PRINCIPLE OF STEWARDSHIP? recognizes the need for business exchange with the rest of the world on the bases of
equality and reciprocity and limits protection of Filipino enterprises only against
- Under the Principle of Stewardship, the people are the caretakers of the foreign competition and trade practices that are unfair. In other words, the
environment. Constitution did not intend to pursue an isolationist policy. It did not shut out foreign
investments, goods and services in the development of the Philippine economy.
What is the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE? While the Constitution does not encourage the unlimited entry of foreign goods,
services and investments into the country, it does not prohibit them either. In fact it
- In this jurisdiction, the Principle of Precaution appearing in the Rules of Procedure allows an exchange on the basis of equality and reciprocity, frowning only on foreign
for Environmental Cases (A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC) involves matters of evidence in cases competition that is unfair.”
where there is lack of full scientific certainty in establishing a causal link between
human activity and environmental effect. In such an event, the courts may construe Section 21 of Article II
a set of facts as warranting either judicial action or inaction with the goal of
preserving and protecting the environment. With regard to Section 21, regarding rural and agrarian reform, note that in the case of
Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines v. Secretary of Department of
- According to the Supreme Court in the case Mosqueda v. Pilipino Banana Growers Agriculture, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law was assailed on the basis of its
& Exporters Association, Inc., it is notable, therefore, that the precautionary imperfection. According to the petitioners, there is no guarantee that the Comprehensive
principle shall only be relevant if there is concurrence of three elements, namely: Agrarian Reform Law will solve the centuries-old problems regarding the distribution of
(1) uncertainty; (2) threat of environment damage; and (3) serious or irreversible agricultural lands.
harm. In situations where the threat is relatively certain, or that the causal link
between an action and environmental damage can be established, or the probability - In this case, the Supreme Court cited Greek Mythology. In the prefatory statement
of occurrence can be calculated, only preventive, not precautionary measures, may of the case, the Supreme Court recounted the story of the battle between Hercules
be taken. Neither will the precautionary principle apply if there is no indication of a and Antaeus. In that story, Antaeus was described as a terrible giant who blocked
threat of environment harm; or if the threatened harm is trivial or easily reversible. and challenged Hercules for his life on his way to Mycenae after performing his 11th
Labor. We all know that Hercules is very proud/prideful/egotistic; he is the son of

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Zeus and he is known for his strength. When he met Antaeus, he gladly accepted
Antaeus’ challenge. But to Hercules’ amazement when he unleashes his fatal blows The case of Basco v. PAGCOR involved a local ordinance. The petitioner here was challenging
and Antaeus touches the soil, he becomes stronger. Then it dawned upon Hercules the charter of PAGCOR, because PAGCOR, under its charter, cannot be subjected to local
that Antaeus was the son of Gaea, the goddess of Earth. So, what Hercules did was taxation. According to the petitioner, the exemption of PAGCOR from local taxation infringes
to fling Antaeus in mid-air and crushed him to his death. on the autonomy of local government units.

- The moral of the story is that it emphasizes the importance of land to the - The Supreme Court said that the Concept of Local Autonomy under the
farmers. In that story, Hercules represents the landowners — mighty, Constitution is only DECENTRALIZATION, and it does not make the local government
powerful, arrogant — while Antaeus represents the farmers/farmworkers units an empire within an empire, or “imperium in imperio.” The Supreme Court said
— meek, terrible, vulnerable. But as long as the farmers have a land to till, that the concept of local autonomy allows the government to delegate
nobody can defeat them, not even the mighty Hercules. As long as their administrative powers to the local government units.
feet are planted on the ground, they are invincible; nobody can defeat
them. Like Antaeus in that story, to remove the farmers from the ground, In the case of Limbona v. Mangelin, the issue here is whether the concept of autonomy in the
from the soil, which is the source of their life, they may die. This how the Autonomous Region was that of Decentralization of Power. This needed to be determined
Supreme Court emphasized the importance of land to the farmers. because there are two kinds of Decentralization; it’s either 1) DECENTRALIZATION OF
- As regards to the merits of the case, the Supreme Court said that we cannot declare
unconstitutional a law because of its imperfections. We have to determine the - There is Decentralization of Administration when the central government
constitutionality of the law based on constitutional guidelines. As regards the delegates administrative powers to the political subdivisions in order to broaden the
imperfections of the law, the Supreme Court said that yes, we agree that the law is base of government power and in the process, to make local government more
not perfect but the Supreme Court, citing Justice Holmes, said that “the law is an responsive and accountable, and ensure their fullest development as self-reliant
experiment as all life is an experiment.” Thus, the Supreme Court said that we have communities and make them more effective partners in the pursuit of national
to start from somewhere; we cannot just expect a perfect law that will just rise into economy and social progress. It relieves the national government of the burden of
existence; we have to hone and perfect our laws as we learn from our experiences. managing local affairs and enables it to concentrate on national concerns. The
In that regard, the Supreme Court declared the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform President exercises “general supervision” over them, but only to ensure that local
Law valid. affairs are administered according to law. He has no control over their acts in the
sense that he can substitute their judgments with his own.
Does the Constitution allow the distribution of lands, and in the alternative, representation of
lands, like shares of stock? - On the other hand, there is Decentralization of Power when the central
government abdicates its political power to the local government units declared to
- In the case of Hacienda Luisita, Inc. v. Presidential Agrarian Reform Council, the be autonomous, and this amounts to self-immolation. Self-immolation only means
Supreme Court sustained the option under the Old Comprehensive Agrarian Reform self-destruction. In this case, the autonomous government is free to chart its own
Law because this provision under the Old Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law was destiny and shape its future with minimum intervention from central authorities.
already amended by RA 7900. Currently we only have one mode of distribution, that
is ACTUAL DISTRIBUTION. But nonetheless, as to the constitutional basis, the - So, given the two choices, the Supreme Court said that the Concept of Autonomy
Supreme Court said that Section 4 of Article XIII expressly provides that the State under the Constitution is only Decentralization of Administration. Even the
may distribute the lands DIRECTLY or COLLECTIVELY. The Supreme Court said that Autonomous Regions are still subject to the control and supervision of the national
the use of the word “collectively” under Section 4 of Article XIII presupposes that government. In that regard, they do not enjoy full autonomy.
the government can either distribute the land directly or in common and distribute
representation over the land to which the persons have interest with. In that regard, Does the Constitution allow the Concept of Free Association between the national
the Supreme Court declared stock distribution option as valid. But as discussed government and the local government?
earlier, now only ACTUAL DISTRIBUTION is allowed under the amendatory law.
- This is the main issue in the case of Province of Cotabato v. Government of the RP
Section 25 of Article II— The Concept of Local Autonomy Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain, because in the MOA-AD, the relationship

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between the national government and the Bangsamoro Juridical Entity was world. The Supreme Court said that this is only to show that the guarantee of equal
characterized as one of “association.” access to opportunity does not mean that the government should accommodate all.

- Under international law, an ASSOCIATION is formed when two states of Section 28 of Article II
unequal power voluntarily establish durable links, and under this model
one state, called the Associate, delegates certain responsibilities to the In the case of Province of Cotabato v. Government of the RP Peace Panel on Ancestral
other state, called Principal, while maintaining its independent, Domain, the Supreme Court held that: “The people's right to information on matters of public
international personality and status. concern under Section 7, Article III of the Constitution is in splendid symmetry with the state
policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest under Section 28,
- According to the Supreme Court, FREE ASSOCIATIONS represent a middle Article II of the Constitution. The right to information guarantees the right of the people to
ground between INTEGRATION and INDEPENDENCE. In a free association, demand information, while Section 28 recognizes the duty of officialdom to give information
the associate is on its way to full independence. even if nobody demands. The complete and effective exercise of the right to information
necessitates that its complementary provision on public disclosure derive the same self-
- Is this relationship allowed between the national government and local executory nature, subject only to reasonable safeguards or limitations as may be provided by
government? law. An essential element of these twin freedoms is to keep a continuing dialogue or process
of communication between the government and the people. Corollary to these twin rights is
- The Supreme Court said no because under our unitary system the design for feedback mechanisms. The right to public consultation was envisioned to be a
of government, no political subdivision can be detached from species of these public rights.”
the national government; all political subdivisions are subjected
to the control and supervision of the national government. This In the case of Valmonte v. Belmonte, the Supreme Court held that: “The right to information
is one of the reasons why the Supreme Court declared as is an essential premise of a meaningful right to speech and expression. But this is not to say
unconstitutional the MOA-AD, because it allows a free that the right to information is merely an adjunct of and therefore restricted in application by
association between the national government and the local the exercise of the freedoms of speech and of the press. Far from it. The right to information
government units. goes hand-in-hand with the constitutional policies of full public disclosure ** and honesty in
the public service. *** It is meant to enhance the widening role of the citizenry in governmental
Section 26 of Article II decision-making as well in checking abuse in government.”

In the case of Pamatong v. COMELEC, the petitioner here was declared as a nuisance Yet, like all the constitutional guarantees, the right to information is not absolute. As stated in
candidate, because he wanted to run for the office of the President invoking the Equal Access Legaspi v. Civil Service Commission, the people's right to information is limited to "matters of
Opportunity for Public Service under Section 26 of Article II. public concern," and is further "subject to such limitations as may be provided by law."
Similarly, the State's policy of full disclosure is limited to "transactions involving public
- The Supreme Court said that the policy of equal access opportunity for public office interest," and is "subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by law."
is not a guarantee that anyone who wants to run for public office, anyone who wants
to serve for public service shall be accommodated. - Hence, before mandamus may issue, it must be clear that the information sought
is of "public interest" or "public concern,” and is not exempted by law from the
- The Supreme Court said that as proof that the policy does not intend to operation of the constitutional guarantee.
accommodate all, the Supreme Court said as previously worded, the original
wording of this provision was that “the State guarantees that it shall accommodate As observed in the case of Legaspi v. Civil Service Commission, in determining whether or not
anyone who wants to render public service,” because this original provision was a particular information is of public concern there is no rigid test which can be applied. "Public
amended upon the recommendation of former Chief Justice Davide. According to concern" like "public interest" is a term that eludes exact definition. Both terms embrace a
former Chief Justice Davide, as worded in the original provision of the Constitution, broad spectrum of subjects which the public may want to know, either because these directly
it would require the government to create as many offices as there are public affect their lives, or simply because such matters naturally arouse the interest of an ordinary
suitors, and that would make the government as the number one employer of the citizen. In the final analysis, it is for the courts to determine on a case by case basis whether
the matter at issue is of interest or importance, as it relates to or affects the public.

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the President and other administrative agencies, but the Power of Eminent Domain
Government agencies are without discretion in refusing disclosure of, or access to, can be delegated even to private entities or quasi-public corporations.
information of public concern. This is not to lose sight of the reasonable regulations which
may be imposed by said agencies in custody of public records on the manner in which the 4. In Police Power, while property can be taken, only properties which are noxious
right to information may be exercised by the public. or intended for noxious purposes can be taken, and such taking is for destruction or
condemnation, while in Taxation and Power of Eminent Domain, the property taken
While the manner of examining public records may be subject to reasonable regulation by the is wholesome and the purpose of taking is for public use or public purpose.
government agency in custody thereof, the duty to disclose the information of public concern,
and to afford access to public records cannot be discretionary on the part of said agencies. 1. POLICE POWER
Certainly, its performance cannot be made contingent upon the discretion of such agencies.
Otherwise, the enjoyment of the constitutional right may be rendered nugatory by any What is Police Power?
whimsical exercise of agency discretion. The constitutional duty, not being discretionary, its
performance may be compelled by a writ of Mandamus in a proper case. - In the case of Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI) v. Drilon,
the Supreme Court said “The concept of police power is well-established in this
jurisdiction. It has been defined as the ‘state authority to enact legislation that may
FUNDAMENTAL / INHERENT POWERS OF THE STATE interfere with PERSONAL LIBERTY or PROPERTY in order to promote the general
welfare.’ As defined, it consists of (1) an imposition of restraint upon liberty or
There are three inherent powers of the State. 1) Police Power; 2) Power of Eminent Domain; property, (2) in order to foster the common good. It is not capable of an exact
and 3) Power of Taxation. definition but has been, purposely, veiled in general terms to underscore its all-
comprehensive embrace.”
- The Supreme Court furthered, “Its scope, ever expanding to meet the
1. All these powers are inherent and, thus, they do not need any express exigencies of the times, even to anticipate the future where it could be
constitutional conferment; done, provides enough room for an efficient and flexible response to
conditions and circumstances thus assuring the greatest benefits.” It
2. They are all means by which the State interferes with property rights; covers everything from moon to tomb, and from birth to death.

3. They all presuppose equivalent compensation; and - As defined, Police Power consists of two elements:

4. They are essentially legislative. 1. It consists of an imposition of restraint upon LIBERTY or

2. The purpose is for the COMMON GOOD.
1. Police Power covers both liberty and property, while the two other inherent
powers only cover property rights. - According to Professor Freund, “Police Power is the power to promote the general
welfare by restraining or regulating the use of LIBERTY and PROPERTY.”
2. In Police Power, the just compensation is the altruistic feeling that the individual
has contributed to the common good, while in Eminent Domain, the compensation - In Ichong v. Hernandez, the Supreme Court explained that “Police Power is far-
is the full and fair equivalent of the property taken, and in Taxation, the reaching in scope, and it is almost impossible to limit its sweep. It derives its existence
compensation that the taxpayer receives from the taxes paid include the public from the very existence of the State itself, and does not need to be expressed or
services, protection, and infrastructure of the government. defined in its scope. It is said to be co-extensive with self-protection and survival, and
as such it is the most positive and active of all governmental processes, the most
3. Police Power and Taxation can only be exercised by the government, and when essential, insistent and illimitable.”
we say “government,” it could either be the Congress or by the delegated power to

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- In that regard, the Supreme Court said that there are four characteristics be classified into classes and groups, provided everyone is given the equal
of Police Power: protection of the law. The test or standard, as always, is reason. The police
power legislation must be firmly grounded on public interest and welfare,
1. It is the most positive and the most active of all governmental and a reasonable relation must exist between purposes and means. And if
processes; distinction and classification has been made, there must be a reasonable
basis for said distinction.”
2. It is the most essential;
Like we said earlier, Police Power is also subject to limitations. Police power of the State can
3. It is the most insistent; and be exercised as long as it is NOT ARBITRARY or UNREASONABLE.

4. It is illimitable, but of course like any other power, the Police In various cases, the Supreme Court have laid down two tests for a valid exercise of Police
Power of the State is subject also to some restraint. Power:

Police Power of the State is not expressly granted by the Constitution for the plain reason that 1. LAWFUL SUBJECT
it does not owe its origin from the State. Along with the Taxing Power and Power of Eminent
Domain, it is born from the very fact of statehood. Furthermore, according to Chief Justice - Lawful Subject is anything which involves the general welfare.
Marshall, to whom this statement has been credited, “The Police Power of the State is the
PLENARY POWER of the Government to govern its citizens, and it allows the government to - The interests of the public generally, as distinguished from those of a
prevent all things hurtful to the comfort, safety, and convenience of the government.” particular class, require the interference of the State.

Police Power of the State constitutes an IMPLIED LIMITATION to the Bill of Rights. 2. LAWFUL MEANS

- In the case of PASEI v. Drilon, the Supreme Court cited Justice Fernando, and - Lawful Means, on the other hand, requires that the means employed
Justice Fernando said that the exercise of Police Power is “rooted in the conception must have a rational connection with the objective sought to be satisfied
that men, in organizing the State and in imposing upon its government limitations and not unreasonably oppressive upon individuals.
to safeguard constitutional rights, did not intend thereby to enable an individual
citizen or group of citizens to obstruct unreasonably the enactment of such salutary - The means employed are reasonably necessary to the attainment of the
measures calculated to ensure communal peace, safety, good order, and welfare.” object sought to be accomplished and not unduly oppressive upon
On that note, the Supreme Court said that “significantly, the Bill of Rights itself does individuals.
not purport to be an absolute guaranty of individual rights and liberties. ‘Even liberty
itself, the greatest of all rights, is not an unrestricted license to act according to one’s What is a LAWFUL SUBJECT of Police Power?
will.’ It is subject to the far more overriding demands and requirements of the
greater number.” - Anything that affects public interest is a lawful subject of Police Power.

- In the case of Ichong v. Hernandez, the Supreme Court said that “The conflict - In the case of PASEI v. Drilon, the Supreme Court considered the right to travel of
between police power and the guarantees of due process and equal protection of female domestic workers as a lawful subject of Police Power.
the laws is more apparent than real. Properly related, the power and the guarantees
are supposed to coexist. The balancing is the essence, or the indispensable means - In the case of Ichong v. Hernandez, the Supreme Court ruled that a legitimate
for the attainment of legitimate aspirations of any democratic society. There can be business, which in this case was the Retail Trade, is a lawful subject of Police Power.
no absolute power, whoever exercises it, for that would be tyranny. Yet there can
neither be absolute liberty, for that would mean license for anarchy.” - In the case of Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) v. San Diego,
the Supreme Court said that the choice of a profession is a lawful subject of Police
- The Supreme Court furthered, “So the State can deprive persons of life, Power.
liberty and property, provided there is due process of law; and persons may

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- The governmental act challenged in this case is the NMAT Test, or the cases, in order to protect the interests of their clients.
Three-Flunk Rule. Under the 3-Flunk rule of the NMAT Test, any applicant And what is the result of the filing of all these cases?
or student who fails the NMAT for three times will no longer be allowed It clogs the court dockets. So, what do plumbers do?
to enter the School of Medicine. It was challenged for being restrictive and They remove the obstruction in order to maintain the
unreasonable. free flow of water. So, that is the message to that. The
Supreme Court is just saying that if you have the
- The Supreme Court emphatically declared that “The proper exercise of potential to become a problem-solver, the State must
the police power requires the concurrence of a lawful subject and lawful interfere and determine your capacity, so that we will
method. The subject of the challenged regulation is certainly within the not become a society of misfits; a society of square
ambit of the police power. It is the right and indeed the responsibility of pegs in round holes. This is the message of the
the State to insure that the medical profession is not infiltrated by Supreme Court in the case of Department of
incompetents to whom patients may unwarily entrust their lives and Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) v. San Diego.
health. The method employed by the challenged regulation is not
irrelevant to the purpose of the law nor is it arbitrary or oppressive. The Again, there are two tests for a valid exercise of Police Power: 1) Lawful Subject; and 2) Lawful
Three-Flunk Rule is intended to insulate the medical schools and ultimately Means. Is it enough for a governmental act to pass one of the two tests?
the medical profession from the intrusion of those not qualified to be
doctors. While every person is entitled to aspire to be a doctor, he does not - In Ynot v. IAC, the Supreme Court said no, both tests must concur.
have a constitutional right to be a doctor. This is true of any other calling
in which the public interest is involved; and the closer the link, the longer - In this case, the governmental act that was challenged E.O. 626-A, which
the bridge to one’s ambition. The State has the responsibility to harness its prohibited the inter-provincial transportation of carabaos and carabeef,
human resources and to see to it that they are not dissipated or, no less and the objective of this prohibition is to prevent indiscriminate
worse, not used at all. These resources must be applied in a manner that slaughtering.
will best promote the common good while also giving the individual a
sense of satisfaction. A person cannot insist on being a physician if he will - The Supreme Court said that definitely the objective is a lawful
be a menace to his patients. If one who wants to be a lawyer may prove subject, since it is within the interest of the State to preserve the
better as a plumber, he should be so advised and adviced. Of course, he decreasing number of carabaos. As for the lawful means,
may not be forced to be a plumber, but on the other hand he may not force however, the Supreme Court struck down E.O. 626-A as
his entry into the bar. By the same token, a student who has demonstrated unconstitutional because there was no rational connection
promise as a pianist cannot be shunted aside to take a course in nursing, between the object of the law, which is the prevention of the
however appropriate this career may be for others.” indiscriminate slaughtering of carabaos, and the means
employed, which is the prohibition of inter-provincial
- So, the Supreme Court in Department of Education, Culture transportation of carabaos and carabeef, because carabaos,
and Sports (DECS) v. San Diego compared a lawyer to a according to the Supreme Court, can be slaughtered with less
plumber. Do you see any relation to the comparison? Or is that difficulty in one province as in any other provinces. Thus, the
just a random comparison? prohibition of the inter-provincial transportation will not
increase the protection because carabaos can be slaughtered
- Yes, there is an underlying message to the anywhere. In that regard, the Supreme Court declared E.O. 626-
comparison. The Supreme Court did not intend to A as unconstitutional for failure to comply with the Lawful
disrespect plumbing as a profession, because both Means Test.
professions are noble. However, the Supreme Court
just wanted to deliver a message that if one has the As we have said earlier, we have three inherent powers. Do these three inherent powers live
capacity or potential to become a problem-solver, he on different planets? Do they lie on opposite poles? I ask because the traditional application
should be advised. What do lawyers do in the exercise of the three inherent powers is that they are mutually exclusive. In other words, the exercise
of their profession? They file cases, if not multiple of Police Power would be to the exclusion of the Power of Eminent Domain and Taxation. This

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was the ruling of the Supreme Court in the case of City of Baguio v. National Waterworks and
Sewerage Authority (NAWASA). Thus, do we still follow the same principle? Do we still - Implement means that the power is only used as an instrument.
observe the rule that the exercise of one inherent power would be to the exclusion of the
others? - Compliment means that it is used simultaneously together with another power.
This is in line with the statement “you complete me <3.”
- In Lutz v. Araneta, the Supreme Court ruled that it has already abandoned this
traditional principle. Thus, the three inherent powers can coexist; the three inherent The Power of Eminent Domain can be used to COMPLIMENT Police Power. The application of
powers can be used simultaneously as an implement or compliment of each other. this principle was discussed by the Supreme Court in the case of Association of Small
Landowners v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform.
- In this case, the law challenged was Commonwealth Act No. 567, which
imposed taxes on sugar production. This tax measure was being - In the case of Association of Small Landowners v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform,
challenged on the basis that it was not uniform because it only imposed what was challenged was the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL). The
the tax on sugar. CARL imposes retention limits on the owners of agricultural land, and it also requires
the distribution of lands in excess of the retention limits.
- The Supreme Court did not agree and said that the tax measure
was a valid governmental act because Commonwealth Act No. - The Supreme Court said that the powers discharged by the Congress in
567 was issued not in the exercise of Power of Taxation, implementing the CARL are powers of Police Power and the Power of
whereby the principles of uniformity, equity and the directive Eminent Domain. Insofar as the law imposes restrictions on the limits of
that it must be progressive must be observed, but the power landholdings, it is exercising Police Power because it regulates property
exercised by Congress in enacting the law was Police Power, rights. But as to the distribution of property in excess of the retention
only using the Power of Taxation as an implement or as an limits, the power exercised is the Power of Eminent Domain, and since a
instrument thereto. property is taken, there must be a corresponding just compensation. Thus,
in this case, the Power of Eminent Domain is exercised as a compliment,
When do we say that a tax measure is enacted in the exercise of Police Power using only the not an implement, to Police Power.
Power of Taxation as an implement and when do we say that a tax measure is enacted in the
exercise of Power of Taxation? We said earlier that Police Power is the power exercised by the State in regulating liberty and
property. Can Police Power be exercised to take property or to confiscate property? I ask
- The answer is it depends on the objective. because according to Justice Holmes, while the general rule is that property may be regulated
to a certain extent, if regulation goes too far it will be recognized as taking. So, does this mean
- If the objective of the tax measure is to regulate an activity or an article, that property cannot be taken in the exercise of Police Power?
the power exercised by the Congress is Police Power, only using the Power
of Taxation as an implement/instrument. - The answer is no. Properties can also be taken in the exercise of Police Power,
subject to the limitation that there are only specific types of properties which may
- If the objective of the tax measure is to raise revenue, the power involved be taken in the exercise of Police Power. In this regard, let’s take the case of City
in this case is the Power of Taxation. Government of Quezon City v. Ericta.

It is now clear that the Power of Taxation can be used as an implement or instrument to Police - In City Government of Quezon City v. Ericta, the petitioner sought to
Power. Can we also say the same with the Power of Eminent Domain? implement an ordinance, which imposes a mandatory donation to the
government of 6% of the total area of every memorial park operating in
- Take note that the Power of Eminent Domain cannot be used as an implement or Quezon City. The purpose of the imposition of this forced donation is to
instrument to Police Power, but the Power of Eminent Domain can be used as a allow the City Government to use these memorial lots for the burial of
COMPLIMENT to Police Power. pauper residents. Is this a valid exercise of Police Power?

What is the difference between an IMPLEMENT and a COMPLIMENT?

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- No. The Supreme Court said that the imposition of the 6% What is involved here is only a regulation and, therefore, there
donation amounts to a taking, but such is not a taking in Police is no requirement for a corresponding payment of just
Power because the property involved in this case is a compensation.
WHOLESOME PROPERTY. The Supreme Court said that only
properties which are NOXIOUS or intended for NOXIOUS While Police Power is inherent, it is nonetheless based on two principles. The two principles
PURPOSES can be taken in the exercise of Police Power. which are the basis of the exercise of Police Power are:
Secondly, a valid taking in Police Power is for DESTRUCTION or
CONDEMNATION. If the objective of taking is for public use, this 1. SALUS POPULI EST SUPREMA LEX
is not the exercise in Police Power, but rather, it is the exercise
in the Power of Eminent Domain. In that regard, there must be - The welfare of the individual must yield to that of the community.
a corresponding just compensation.
- The interest of the State is the supreme law.
- Let’s also take the case of Manila Memorial Park v. Secretary of DSWD.
In this case, the issue here is the constitutionality of the treatment of the 2. SIC UTERE TUO UT ALIENUM NON LAEDAS
discount granted to senior citizens because after its amendment, the 20%
discount extended to senior citizens shall only be treated as deductible - One should use his property so as to not injure other property rights.
expenses before tax. As distinguished from the prior law, the prior law
considers the discount as a tax credit, which means that under the tax The principles of Salus populi est suprema lex and sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas both call
credit regime, every centavo granted to senior citizens can be deducted for the subordination of private interests to the general welfare.
from the tax due, which means that there is peso-to-peso compensation.
Under the tax-deductible regime, however, the establishment can only 2. POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN
recover up to the extent of 32%, so which means that the 68% shall be
borne by the establishment. In this case, the petitioners are challenging The Power of Eminent Domain is sometimes referred to as the Power of Expropriation. Can
the governmental act on the basis that it is an invalid exercise of the Power we say that these two terms mean one and the same thing?
of Eminent Domain because there was a taking of private property
without the corresponding payment of just compensation. - The answer is no. Eminent Domain is different from Expropriation, and this is
apparent from Section 1 of Rule 67 of the Rules of Court.
- The Supreme Court said that the governmental act challenged
is a valid and constitutional act because there was no taking - Under Section 1 of Rule 67, it is expressly provided that “The Right of Eminent
involved. The Supreme Court said that the act only imposes Domain shall be exercised through the filing of a verified complaint…,” and this
regulation, and it does not take property because the discount verified complaint is a Complaint for Expropriation. This means the Power of
granted to the senior citizens is not yet part of the profits, and, Eminent Domain refers to the inherent power to take private property, while the
therefore, it is not yet the property of the establishment. There Power of Expropriation is the remedy that must be resorted to by the State in
is a mere expectation that it may become part of the profits, but exercising the Power of Eminent Domain. Hence, these two terms are different.
it is not yet part of the profits. The Supreme Court compared the
Senior Citizens Discount Law to another law, which is the Price The Power of Eminent Domain is oftentimes regarded as “the highest and most exact idea of
Control Law. The Price Control Law, according to the Supreme property remaining in the government,” because under the Power of Eminent Domain, all
Court, is definitely a regulatory law, because it imposes limits on private properties are reserved to the government for future use. This means that at any time
the prices of basic commodities. In essence, the Supreme Court in the future, the government can confiscate the property for public use upon payment of just
said that under the Price Control Law, the State is only compensation.
regulating the right of the establishment to make profits.
Similarly, in the case of the Senior Citizen Discount Law, the If the Police Power is based on the principles of salus populi est suprema lex and sic utere tuo
State is also regulating the right to determine how much will be ut alienum non laedas, what is the basis of the exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain? Can
taken as a profit. Thus, there is no taking of private property. we say that Section 9 of Article III of the 1987 Constitution is the source of the exercise of

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Eminent Domain? Can we also say that Section 18 of Article XII is the source of the exercise of Cemetery for the extension of a road. However, the respondent Chinese Community
Eminent Domain? was operating another property for free, and the respondent essentially said, “Don’t
take that part. We will instead give you another alternative for free.” The petitioner,
- The answer is no. The Power of Eminent Domain does not need a constitutional however, refused. The issue here is whether the question of necessity is a justiciable
provision. controversy or a political question. It was the position of the petitioner that in
expropriation proceedings, there are only two issues that are to be resolved by the
- Section 9 of Article III and Section 18 of Article XII are mere limitations on the court: first, the authority to expropriate; and second, the determination of just
exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain. compensation. According to the petitioner, once the authority to expropriate is
established, the only remaining question is the amount of just compensation.
- Section 9 of Article III applies to all properties in general, whereas section 18 of
Article XII only applies to public utilities. In other words, aside from the general - The Supreme Court did not agree. The Supreme Court said that in
limitations under Sect. 9 of Art. III, the takeover of public utilities shall require expropriation proceedings, necessity can also be a justiciable controversy
national emergency and national security. In that regard, both provisions are depending on who exercises the Power of Eminent Domain.
intended to limit the Power of Eminent Domain.
- If the Power of Eminent Domain is exercised by the Congress
In the case of City of Manila v. Chinese Community of Manila, the Supreme Court said “The directly, the question of necessity is definitely a POLITICAL
exercise of the Right of Eminent Domain is necessarily in derogation of private rights, and the QUESTION, which means the courts cannot determine whether
rule in that case is that the authority must be strictly construed. No species of property is held the exercise is proper or not.
by individuals with greater tenacity and none is guarded by the Constitution and laws more
sedulously, than the right to the freehold of inhabitants. When the legislature interferes with - If the Power of Eminent domain is exercised by a delegate
that right, the plain meaning of the law should not be enlarged by doubtful interpretations.” under a SPECIFIC DELEGATION, it remains to be a POLITICAL
QUESTION question. Specific Delegation means that when the
- Any doubt as to the exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain should be construed Congress delegates the Power of Eminent Domain to the
in strictissimi juris and shall be resolved against the exercise and in favor of the representative, the Congress determines the purpose, the
property owner. property, and the use of the property. In this case, it remains to
be a political question.
What is the source of the Power of Eminent Domain?
- However, when the exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain
- The Power of Eminent Domain originates from NECESSITY. It is the necessity which is through a representative under a GENERAL DELEGATION, the
is the basis of the exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain. question of necessity is a JUSTICIABLE CONTROVERSY.

- Again, in the case of City of Manila v. Chinese Community of Manila, the - In the case of City of Manila v. Chinese Community of Manila, since the
Supreme Court said that “The very foundation of the right to exercise charter of the City of Manila only grants the Power of Eminent Domain to
Eminent Domain is a GENUINE NECESSITY, and that necessity must be of a the City of Manila in a General Delegation, the question of necessity can
PUBLIC CHARACTER. The ascertainment of the necessity must precede, and be assumed by the expropriation courts.
not follow, the taking of the property. The general power to exercise the
Right of Eminent Domain must not be confused with the right to exercise What properties can be taken under the Power of Eminent Domain?
it in a particular case.”
Is the question of necessity of justiciable question? Is it a controversy which could be
adjudicated by the courts of justice? Can public properties be expropriated? I ask because if we read Section 1 of Rule 67, the law
provides that “If the title to any property sought to be expropriated appears to be in the
- This question was resolved in City of Manila v. Chinese Community of Manila. In Republic of the Philippines…averment to that effect shall be made in the complaint.” This rule
this case, the petitioner sought to expropriate parts of respondent’s Chinese implies that properties registered in the name of the Republic of the Philippines can be

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expropriated. So, can we say that public properties or properties registered in the name of the property, and any person who wants to buy it can do it. This is a
the Republic can be the subject of the Power of Eminent Domain? property devoted to public use, and such property remains to be a private
- Take note that the Power of Eminent Domain is to be exercised by the State as a
LAST RESORT because whenever the government needs a property for public use, According to Justice Cruz, any private property, whether it be tangible or intangible, real or
the first thing that the government will do is to negotiate with the owner. The personal, can be expropriated. Anything that will come into the dominion of man can be
government will first ask the owner if the owner is willing to sell or not. It is only expropriated, EXCEPT money and choses in action.
when the owner refuses to voluntarily yield with his property that the government
shall initiate expropriation proceedings. - Choses in Action are not yet properties; they are a mere expectancy and, thus, they
have yet to ripen into a right.
- On that note, can the government expropriate public properties?
- As for money, according to Justice Cruz, money cannot be expropriated because if
- The answer is no because if we will allow the expropriation of public allowed, it will result in the absurd situation where the government will seize/take
property or properties registered in the name of the Republic, it would money for money.
result in the absurd situation when the government needs a property but
the owner of that property refuses to yield with his property and it will - Can we say that US Dollars are money?
also lead to the situation that when the government needs a property and
the owner does not voluntarily yield with his property, the government - Yes definitely, US Dollars are money. Take note, however, that
will pay just compensation to the owner of the property, which in both possession of US Dollars by a State is different from the
cases will also be the government. possession of the local currency, because Dollar Reserve is very
necessary in measuring the financial status of a State. This
- The statement under Section 1 of Rule 67, which provides that when the title to means that even if a State has a high local currency reserve, and
the property subject of expropriation is registered in the name of the Republic of if it has a low US Dollar Reserve, then its financial status is very
the Philippines, only presupposes that there are PRIVATE INTERESTS ATTACHED TO low. So, when a State with a low US Dollar Reserve contracts a
A PUBLIC PROPERTY. loan, it will be subjected to a restrictive interest. Since US Dollars
are money, can they be expropriated?
- Let’s take for example a land belonging to the Republic of the Philippines
is subject of a lease agreement between the Republic and XYZ - The answer is yes, US Dollars can be expropriated.
Corporation. The term of the lease agreement is, let’s say for example, 10 This is allowed because it will not result to the absurd
years. So, XYZ Corp. will use the property of the government upon situation wherein the government will take an apple
payment of rental fees. During the 10-year period, however, the for an apple. Here, the government will take the apple
government needs the property for public use. Definitely, the government for a guava. Thus, the statement of Justice Cruz that
cannot just violate the contract because that is the law between the money cannot be expropriated should only be
parties. Nevertheless, the government can expropriate the contract; the interpreted to mean the “legal tender.” Thus, foreign
government can buy-out the contract. In that regard, the subject of currencies can be expropriated and even Philippine
expropriation or what is expropriated is the PRIVATE INTEREST attached Pesos which have been out of circulation can be
to the government property, not the property itself because public expropriated for its HISTORICAL VALUE, and not for its
properties cannot be expropriated. face value.

- With that said, however, PROPERTIES DEVOTED TO PUBLIC USE can be In sum, any private property can be expropriated, but not public properties.
further expropriated. Properties devoted to public use is different from
public property. Properties devoted to public use, like in the case of City How about services? Can services be expropriated?
of Manila v. Chinese Community of Manila, refers to the situation when
a property of private ownership is devoted to public use. Anyone can use

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- This question was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Republic v. beneficiaries. The Supreme Court said that this is no longer the applicable doctrine.
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT). In this case, prior to the supposed The current and controlling applicable doctrine is that any property, big or small,
exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain, there was a contract between PLDT and which is needed for public use can be expropriated through the exercise of the
the Bureau of Telecommunications for interconnection. Upon the expiration of the Power of Eminent Domain.
contract, PLDT was no longer willing to renew it. One of the questions in this case
was whether the Republic can compel PLDT to renew the contract. The Supreme In order to exercise the Power of Eminent Domain, there must be TAKING in a constitutional
Court said no, PLDT cannot be compelled to renew the contract because one of the sense. Is taking in Eminent Domain require a transfer of ownership of the property
essential elements of a contract is the voluntary consent of the parties. In other expropriated?
words, a party cannot be compelled to enter into a contract. However, can the
government expropriate the services of PLDT? - The answer is no.

- The Supreme Court said yes. Services are also private property. Since Does taking in Eminent Domain, at the very least, require the transfer of possession of the
services are private property, they can be expropriated through the property expropriated?
exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain. This is the ruling of the
Supreme Court in Republic v. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. - The answer is also no.
There is taking in Eminent Domain even if the title of the property remains with the owner.
Does that mean now that any private service can be expropriated in the exercise of the Power There is taking in Eminent Domain even if the possession of the property remains with the
of Eminent Domain? [No] owner.

- The ruling by the Supreme Court in the case of Republic v. Philippine Long Distance - In order to better understand these principles, let us take the case of People v.
Telephone Co. (PLDT) that services that can be expropriated shall only be limited to Fajardo. In this case, there was an ordinance issued by the local government unit
the services involved in that case — telecommunications — and similar services. In that required a permit for any construction to be done within a specified area. Under
other words, the services that can be expropriated are PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES. the ordinance, any construction within the area affected by the ordinance should
This may include transportation, power, and other public utility services, but not not obstruct the view of the plaza from the highway. The accused in this case,
personal services. ironically, was the Mayor when the ordinance was passed. When his property was
destroyed by a typhoon, he tried applying for a permit to use a property that was
Does size matter? adjoining the plaza for the construction of his house. The accused was no longer
Mayor at this time. Since the incumbent Mayor at the time was his political foe, of
- No, size does not matter. course he saw to it that he would make it hard for the accused to build his house in
that area. Hence, the permit was not granted. Nonetheless, the accused built his
- This is the ruling by the Supreme Court in the case of Sumulong v. Guerrero. In this house without a permit. As a result, he was prosecuted for violation of the
case, the Socialized Housing Project of the government was challenged. One of the ordinance. The incumbent Mayor argued that, in this case, there was no taking of
bases of the challenge was that the Power of Eminent Domain can only be exercised property involved, and it was only a regulation. Remember in this case, the accused
to expropriate “large tracts of land.” According to the petitioner, his property was is still the owner of the property and is still in possession of the property, but the
just a small property since it was barely one hectare in size, and there were accused cannot build anything on his property considering the fact that anything he
hundreds of hectares available in Antipolo, Cupang, and in Muntinlupa. So, the builds on his property will definitely obstruct the view of the plaza from the highway.
petitioner questioned the government why it needs to seize his small property when Was that only a regulation or was there already taking under the Power of Eminent
there were other available tracts of land. The Supreme Court said the Domain?
constitutionality of the exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain does not depend
on the size of the property expropriated. The Supreme Court held that its earlier - The Supreme Court said there is already a taking under Eminent Domain;
ruling in the case of Guido v. Rural Progress Administration has already been it is not just regulation because any restriction on the use of the property
abandoned because in that case, the ultimate test in determining a valid exercise of that deprives the owner of the beneficial use of his property amounts to
the Power of Eminent Domain was the size of the property and the number of taking in Eminent Domain.

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the fact that the contract was already terminated. Subsequently, on June 26, 1959,
- The Supreme Court emphatically declared, “A Municipal Ordinance is the government initiated expropriation proceedings. On August 10, 1959, the
unreasonable and oppressive if it operates to permanently deprive Expropriation Court issued a Writ of Possession to place the government in
appellants of the right to use their own property; it then oversteps the possession of the property expropriated.
bounds of Police Power without just compensation. We do not overlook
that the modern tendency is to regard the beautification of neighborhoods - The issue in this case was when does taking start? When does taking in Eminent
as conducive to the comfort and happiness of residents. But while property Domain start? Did it start on July 1, 1947? Or did start on June 30, 1956 when the
may be regulated in the interest of the general welfare and, in its pursuit, contract was terminated? Or did it start on June 26, 1959 when the expropriation
the State may prohibit structures offensive to sight, the State may not, proceedings were initiated? Or did it start on August 10, 1959 when the Writ of
under guise of Police Power, permanently divest owners of the beneficial Possession was issued by the court?
use of their property and practically confiscate them solely to preserve or
assure the aesthetic appearance of the community. To legally achieve that - Was there taking on July 1, 1947 under the circumstances? Let’s apply
result, the landowner should be given just compensation and an the five requisites. So, first requisite: did the government enter the private
opportunity to be heard.” property? The answer is yes. Second requisite: was the entry into the
private property for more than a momentary period only? The answer is
- The Supreme Court in the case of Republic v. Philippine Long Distance Telephone no because the contract was for a fixed term and since the contract was
Co. (PLDT) ruled that the mere imposition of burden on the property or easement for a year-to-year basis, the expectation was that after the expiration of
on the property is taking and, therefore, there must be an equivalent compensation. the contract the expropriator will no longer occupy. Hence, the second
requisite is lacking. How about the third requisite: is it under a warrant or
In the case of Republic v. Vda. De Castellvi, the Supreme Court enumerated five requisites of color of authority? The answer is yes because there is a lease agreement,
TAKING in Eminent Domain: therefore, the government has a right to stay in the property. Fourth
requisite: is it for public use? The answer is yes, it was for the use of the
1. The expropriator must enter the private property; Philippine Air Force. The last requisite: was the property owner ousted of
the beneficial use of the property? The answer is no because on July 1,
2. The entrance into the private property must be for more than a 1947, the property owner is still collecting rent and, therefore, there was
momentary period; no absolute deprivation of the use of the property.

3. The entry into the property should be under a warrant or color of legal - How about June 30, 1956 when the owner no longer wanted to extend
authority; the contract? First: did the government enter a private property? Yes,
because the government is still in possession. Second: is it for more than
4. The property must be devoted to public use or otherwise informally a momentary period only? Yes, because it is already indefinite. Third: was
appropriated or injuriously affected; and the entry under a warrant or color of authority? The answer is no because
the government is occupying the property without any title nor right.
5. The utilization of the property must be in such a way as to oust the Here, the government is an intruder insofar as the possession is
owner and deprive him of all the beneficial use of his property. concerned.

- In the case of Republic v. Vda. De Castellvi, there are several dates where the - So, in this case, when was there taking in Eminent Domain?
government and the owner were establishing taking in Eminent Domain because
the Republic first entered the property on July 1, 1947. On this date, there was a - Taking in Eminent Domain occurred UPON THE FILING OF THE
contract between the government and the owner of the property for the use of the COMPLAINT FOR EXPROPRIATION; not upon the time the Writ
property by the Philippine Air Force. This contract was for a 1-year term renewable of Possession is awarded. This means that once the government
on a year-to-year basis. Starting July 1, 1947, the government was already occupying initiates a Complaint for Expropriation there is already taking in
the property. On June 30, 1956, the owner of the property was no longer willing to Eminent Domain even if the government is not yet in placed in
renew the contract, but the government continued to stay on the property despite possession. So, this means that the taking happened upon the

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time of the filing of the Complaint and, therefore, the amount to the benefit of the public, there is compliance with the public use requirement in
of just compensation shall be determined as of the date of the Eminent Domain. The Supreme Court said that lack of housing is a social ill, and the
taking, which is the filing of the Complaint for Expropriation. Socialized Housing is intended to address this social problem. Thus, while it may be
enjoyed by the beneficiaries, there is an indirect public advantage because the State
In the cases of Philippine Press Institute (PPI) v. COMELEC and Telecommunications and is addressing a social problem.
Broadcast Attorneys of the Philippines, Inc. (TELEBAP) v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court
distinguished the character of the subject COMELEC Regulation which requires all newspaper - Similarly in the case of Manosca v. CA, which involved the taking of the birth site
publications to give COMELEC a space for it to be used by the latter for its activities. While in of the founder of Iglesia Ni Cristo for the construction of a marker, the Supreme
TELEBAP, the regulation imposes an obligation to television and broadcast media to give the Court said that even if the use of the property will be beneficial to a religious
COMELEC time to be used by the latter for its announcements of its projects. In TELEBAP, the organization, the property was taken not for its religious significance but because of
Supreme Court said that there is no requirement of just compensation, but in the case of PPI, the recognition of the contribution of Felix Manalo to the formation of the Philippine
the Supreme Court said that there must be just compensation for the use of the space in the society. In that regard, the construction of the marker on the property constitutes
newspaper. Why is there a difference? public use.

- The difference lies in the fact that insofar as the newspaper is concerned, space in The last requisite of Eminent Domain is JUST COMPENSATION. Is just compensation the fair
the newspaper is a private property because it is owned by the publisher. So, if the market value of the property?
COMELEC takes that private property there must be a corresponding payment of
just compensation. As for TELEBAP, however, the time sought by the COMELEC is - The answer is no. Just compensation is not only the fair market value of the
only pursuant to a regulation of the use of the frequencies and the air waves. The property.
frequencies and the air waves remain to be the properties of the State. Since it is
the properties of the State, the use of such properties only constitutes regulation - JUST COMPENSATION is the full and fair equivalent of the property expropriated
and does not amount to a taking. at the time of the taking, computed from the context of losses suffered by the
property owner.
The next requisite of a valid exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain is PUBLIC USE.
- This means that aside from the fair market value, there are other factors that must
Does public use in Eminent Domain require that the property expropriated be used by the be considered by the Expropriation Court in establishing just compensation. One of
public? Does the term “public use” mean it is to be used by the public? the factors that must be considered by the courts in determining just compensation
is the promptness of payment, as well as other factors which were enumerated by
- This was the traditional application of public use in Eminent Domain. Any property the Supreme Court in the case of Sumulong v. Guerrero and some of these factors
expropriated in the exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain must be available for are 1) the improvements of the property; 2) the potential capacity of the property
use by any individual without any discrimination. This is the traditional concept of for use; and 3) other factors that must be considered by the court.
public use.
The determination of just compensation is a judicial prerogative. It is to be established by the
- However, in the case of Sumulong v. Guerrero, which involved a Socialized Housing Expropriation Court with the assistance of not more than 3 Commissioners (the maximum is
Program whereby the government constructed and sold low-cost housing to 3; it can be less, but it cannot exceed 3).
qualified beneficiaries, the petitioners were challenging the constitutionality of the
expropriation because it was not done for public use considering that only the In the case of Sumulong v. Guerrero, the petitioners argue that in Eminent Domain cases, just
beneficiaries can use the property, not the public in general. compensation shall be the assessed value of the property for tax purposes applying the
Doctrine of Estoppel because according to the equitable principle of Estoppel, if a party
- The Supreme Court abandoned the traditional concept of public use and instead obtains a benefit from a statement, he cannot at a later date disown that statement. Property
applied the Expanded Concept of Public Use in Eminent Domain. According to the owners derive benefits from the low valuation of the property for tax purposes because they
Supreme Court, any advantage, direct or indirect, to the public is public use in only pay low taxes. Thus, according to the government in this case, property owners are
Eminent Domain. Thus, there is no need for the property to be used by any person already estopped from challenging the accuracy of the value of the property for tax purposes
who intends to use the property. As long as the taking of the property will redound because they have already derived benefits from the valuation.

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What is the remedy of the private owner whenever the government fails to pay just
- The Supreme Court said no, the Doctrine of Estoppel cannot be applied in compensation?
expropriation proceedings because the Doctrine of Estoppel is only an equitable
principle so it cannot be applied when there is a specific constitutional provision or - In the case of Republic v. Lim, the Supreme Court laid down the rule that if the
when there is a specific law that provides for the amount of just compensation. expropriator failed to pay just compensation within 5 years from the finality of the
Insofar as Eminent Domain is concerned, the Constitution itself provides for the Order of Expropriation, the property owner has the remedy to recover the physical
compensation which must be just. Again, just compensation is the full and fair possession of the property expropriated. This means that the expropriator only has
equivalent of the property expropriated at the time of taking. In this case, the 5 years within which to pay just compensation.
valuation of the property for tax purposes was not the actual value of the property
at the time of the taking because the valuation happened several years ago and the Can we say that the ruling of the Supreme Court in Republic v. Lim has already overturned the
valuation was fixed on generalities, not on the specific conditions of the property previous doctrine that the non-payment of just compensation does not authorize the property
subject of expropriation. owner to recover physical possession of the property expropriated? I ask because under the
old rule, the only remedy of the property owner is to demand payment with damages and
Can the Congress enact a law that in Eminent Domain cases, just compensation will be the interest. Can we say now that Republic v. Lim has already abandoned that rule and has now
sworn valuation of the property by the property owner, or the assessed value of the property set a new rule that provides that whenever the government fails to pay within 5 years, the
for tax purposes, whichever is lower? property owner is entitled to recover physical possession? [No]

- This question was raised in the case of EPZA v. Dulay. In this case, the respondents - The Republic v. Lim doctrine is only an exception to the general rule. The general
challenged the constitutionality of several Presidential Decrees issued by President rule remains to be that the non-payment of just compensation shall not entitle the
Marcos at the time he was exercising legislative powers, which provided that in property owner to recover physical possession. The rule in Republic v. Lim will only
Eminent Domain cases there are only two valuations that could be used, but just be implemented when the reasons for the promulgation of that decision are
compensation shall always be the lower value of the two valuations. present.

- The Supreme Court declared these Presidential Decrees as - Let’s take the case of Republic v. Lim. In this case, the property was
unconstitutional because they encroached on the judicial power of the expropriated for the construction of an airport for the Armed Forces.
courts to determine just compensation. The Supreme Court said that the There were several judgments issued by the Expropriation Courts and
assessed value of the property is a guide only, but it is not conclusive upon both were final. 57 years after the finality of the first Order of
the courts and, thus, it is still incumbent upon the court to establish just Expropriation, the government still refused to pay just compensation. This
compensation. impelled the Supreme Court to say that the government should return the
property because the government has long delayed the payment of just
In establishing just compensation, the Rules of Court requires that the court must appoint not compensation. The Supreme Court then said that within 5 years the
more than 3 Commissioners. Can the court dispense with the appointment of the expropriator must pay, and if the expropriator cannot pay, then the
Commissioners? property must be returned.

- As a general rule, the courts CANNOT dispense with the appointment of - Let’s say for example, the government expropriates the property of Juan
Commissioners because it is MANDATORY, EXCEPT when the expropriator and the de la Cruz, the purpose of which is to build an expressway. Supposing the
property owner have already agreed on the value of the property. If both the property of Juan de la Cruz is so big that it covers the entire stretch of the
expropriator and the property owner have agreed upon the value of the property, expressway. Supposing upon the finality of the Order of Expropriation, the
then the court may dispense with the appointment of the Commissioners. government introduces the necessary improvements to construct the
expressway. Supposing that within a period of 5 years, the construction of
Who owns the property expropriated upon the finality of the Order of Expropriation? the expressway is done, but the government failed to pay just
compensation. Does that mean the government has to return the
- The answer is it remains to be the private property of the owner. property together with its accessories, together with the highway?

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- If we will apply the ruling of the Supreme Court in Republic v.

Lim, this is the necessary consequence — the principal carries In the exercise of the Power of Taxation, the PURPOSE MUST BE PUBLIC. Take note of the
with it the accessory. The government, aside from returning the differences between the Power of Eminent Domain and the Power of Taxation. In Eminent
land, must also give the accessories and the improvements. In Domain, it is intended for public use, but in Taxation it must be for public purpose.
order to avoid this absurdity, the ruling in Republic v. Lim shall
only be implemented if within 5 years the expropriator failed to - In the case of Pascual v. Secretary of Public Works, which involves the
pay just compensation AND there is an express or implied appropriation of funds for the construction of a road inside a private subdivision to
abandonment of the public use of the property. Remember in be used by the homeowners of that subdivision, the Supreme Court said that the
Republic v. Lim, there were only 13 structures introduced on the use of the property was not for a public purpose. PUBLIC PURPOSE in taxation must
property after 57 years. The property was expropriated for the be DIRECT and EXCLUSIVE.
construction of the airport, but after 57 years there was no
airport constructed; there were only 13 structures and 8 of - So again, there is a difference between public use and public purpose. Even if the
these structures were residential. This means that the use of public funds will only benefit specific individuals, that does not mean that it
government had already abandoned the public use. This is the is no longer for public purpose. Say for example, the government appropriated
reason why the Supreme Court ordered the return of the funds for the support of elderly or PWDs. While the beneficiaries of the
property. However, if the government has fully utilized the appropriation will only be specific individuals, the program of the government is
property, the return of the property can no longer be done. In nonetheless public in character — to help the elderly and those with disabilities.
such a case, the only remedy of the property owner is to
demand the payment of just compensation together with - PUBLIC PURPOSE is strict in Taxation, it must be DIRECT and EXCLUSIVE, while
damages and interest. PUBLIC USE in Eminent Domain is expanded which includes indirect advantage.

3. POWER OF TAXATION Does the Constitution prohibit DOUBLE TAXATION? [No]

What is the principle behind the Power of Taxation? - This was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Punsalan v. Municipal
Board of Manila. In this case, there was an ordinance passed by the Municipal Board
- The principle is the LIFEBLOOD THEORY. of Manila assessing taxes on professionals who were exercising their profession in
Manila, and these professionals were already subject to income tax by the national
- Under the Lifeblood Theory, as provided by the Supreme Court in CIR v. government. The petitioner claimed there was double taxation. First, what is double
Pineda, “Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and their prompt and taxation?
certain availability is an imperious need.”
- Double Taxation, according to the Supreme Court, is the imposition of
- In the case of CIR v. Algue, Inc., the Supreme Court said that “Taxes are the same or identical tax twice by the same taxing authority within the
what we pay for civilized society. Without it, the government would be same taxing jurisdiction for the same purpose/same object within the
paralyzed for lack of the motive power to activate and operate it. Hence, same taxing period.
despite the natural reluctance to surrender part of one’s hard-earned
income, every person who is able must contribute his share in the running - In this case, there was no double taxation because one tax was imposed by the
of the government. In return, the government is expected to respond in the national government and the other by the local government. But nonetheless, the
form of tangible and intangible benefits intended to improve the lives of Supreme Court said that the Constitution does not expressly prohibit Double
people and enhance their moral and material values.” Taxation, because “the power to tax twice is as ample as the power to tax once.”
Thus, the Supreme Court said that Double Taxation is valid as long as it does not
While the Power of Eminent Domain is strictly construed against the government, the exercise violate the principles of taxation. Furthermore, the Supreme Court held that even if
of the Power of Taxation shall be liberally construed in favor of the government and against it was a double taxation, it was not in violation of the Equal Protection Clause
the taxpayer because any exemption of the exercise of the Power of Taxation shall be in because there was a substantial distinction between the petitioners and other
derogation of the exercise of this inherent power.

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professionals, as those who practice in the City of Manila could expect a more
lucrative income than those who practice in other parts of the nation. - The statement of Chief Justice Marshall that the power to tax includes the power
to destroy shall be taken from the context that the power of taxation is used as an
The PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION are laid down in Section 28 of Article VI. implement/instrument of Police Power. Under this principle, the State can exercise
the Power of Taxation to discourage undesirable activities.
- The first paragraph of Section 28 of Article VI provides that the “The rule of taxation
shall be uniform and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a progressive system of - Let’s say for example, the imposition of taxes on cigarettes and spirits.
taxation.” These may be imposed at a restrictive rate to the extent of destroying the
industry. In such a case, we can then apply the statement of Chief Justice
- In the case of Sison v. Ancheta, regarding the system of simplified income taxation, Marshall that the power to tax includes the power to destroy.
the Supreme Court said that UNIFORMITY/EQUALITY in taxation simply means that
persons or things similarly situated shall be taxed at the same rate wherever they - However, when the Power of Taxation is used for the purpose of revenue-raising,
may be found. Automobiles in Metro Manila shall be taxed at the same rate in the statement of Justice Holmes shall be the applicable principle — taxation shall be
Quezon City. That is Uniformity/Equality in taxation. While EQUITY/EQUITABLE in uniform, equitable, not arbitrary, and it should not amount to confiscation.
taxation simply means that the burden of taxation shall be imposed on those who
have the capacity to pay. Thus, the higher the income, the higher the tax. This is The interpretation of tax laws is that it must be strictly construed against the taxpayer and
Equity in taxation. liberally in favor of the government; in other words, it must be in favor of taxation and against
exemption. Aside from this construction, the Constitution also imposes stricter requirements
Does the Constitution prohibit a regressive system of taxation? [No] for the validity of laws granting tax exemptions.

- In the case of Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, the Supreme Court said that the - Under the 4th paragraph of Section 28 of Article VI, the Constitution mandates that
Congress is only mandated to evolve a progressive system of taxation. The mandate laws granting tax exemption shall not be valid unless upon the CONCURRENCE OF A
to evolve a progressive system is different from the mandate to provide such a MAJORITY OF ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE CONGRESS.
system. In other words, it is ideal that taxation shall be progressive, but the
Constitution does not prohibit the Congress from enacting tax laws which are - Is this a stricter requirement? Can we not say that all bills require the
regressive in character. majority of all the members of Congress?

In the case of Sison v. Ancheta, the Supreme Court cited two statements of renowned jurists— - The answer is no. Again, there is a difference between “all the
the statements of Chief Justice Marshall and Justice Holmes. members of Congress” and “of the Congress.”

- According to Chief Justice Marshall, “the power to tax includes the power to - Bills granting tax exemption must be approved by the
destroy.” absolute majority; 1/2 plus 1 of the total membership.

- Justice Frankfurter considers this statement to be an unfortunate - While other bills must be approved by 1/2 plus 1 of
remark, and he characterized it as a flourish of rhetoric attributable to the those present constituting the quorum.
intellectual fashion of the times allowing a free use of the absolutes.
- Supposing in the Senate, we have only 23 Senators. In order
- According to Justice Frankfurter, the famous dictum of Chief Justice Marshall was for a bill granting tax exemption to be validly passed by this
brushed away with a single stroke of Justice Holmes’ pen, “That the power to tax is composition, the required vote under the Constitution is 1/2
not the power to destroy as long as this Court sits.” plus 1 of 24, even if there are only 23.

Can we reconcile the seemingly conflicting statements of these two jurists? - However, for the passage of other bills which do not involve
tax exemptions, it can be lower than that. Supposing in a Session
- Yes, they are not mutually exclusive. there are only 13 Senators present. Thus, in order to pass a bill

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that does not grant a tax exemption, only 1/2 plus 1 of the 13 property is solely and not used for any other purpose in order to be exempt from taxation. In
Senators is required. this case, the property in question consists of two-stories. The first floor is being used by a
commercial entity, National Marketing Corp., while the second floor of the building is being
Aside from the Congress, the Constitution itself grants tax exemptions. used by the Director of the school as his living quarters with his family.

- Under Paragraph 3 of Section 28 of Article VI, “charitable institutions, churches and - The Supreme Court said that “actual, direct, and exclusive” includes INCIDENTAL
personages or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and USE, which means that as long as the use is incidental to education, religious, or
all lands, buildings, and improvements, actually, directly, and exclusively used for charitable purposes, it is covered by the exemption. Applying this, the Supreme
religious, charitable, or educational purposes shall be exempt from taxation.” Court said that the first floor is not exempt, but the second floor is exempted.
Although the second floor is only being used as residential quarters, such use is
- We have learned in Statutory Construction that when several items are separated incidental to educational purposes. In that regard, the exemption was extended.
by commas and one of the phrases in the provision is a qualifier, the interpretation
is that the qualifier shall only apply to the item immediately preceding it. So, the Is ownership of the property relevant in determining tax exemption? I ask because in the case
qualifier under Paragraph 3 of Section 28 of Article VI is the phrase ACTUALLY, of Province of Abra v. Judge Hernando, the provincial assessor assessed a property, and
DIRECTLY, and EXCLUSIVELY used. Hence, to be granted a tax exemption, it must be incidentally, the property assessed was the Roman Catholic Church. When the Roman Catholic
actually, directly, and exclusively used. The phrase immediately preceding this Church contested the assessment of its property, it presented its title and the court accepted
qualifier is “all lands, buildings, and improvements.” Can we say that the qualifier its title as justification for real property tax exemption. Did the Supreme Court agree that the
only applies to all lands, buildings, and improvements, but not to the other items mere presentation of the title will vest tax exemption?
enumerated in Paragraph 3 of Section 28 of Article VI? I ask because aside from
lands, buildings, and improvements, there are other enumerations. Can we say that - The Supreme Court said no, the ownership of the property is irrelevant in
churches, since it is enumerated, is covered by the phrase “actually, directly, and determining tax exemption. The best determination of tax exemption is not
exclusively used”? Or can we say that as long as it is a church, then it is exempted by ownership, but rather the USE OF THE PROPERTY. Even if the property is owned by
Paragraph 3 of Section 28 of Article VI? a religious, charitable, or educational institution, but it is not actually, directly, and
exclusively used (and this can be extended to incidental use) for religious, charitable,
- The answer is no. The qualifier “ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY, and EXCLUSIVELY or educational purposes, it is not exempt from taxation. Which means that even if
used” shall apply to all the items without regard to the tools of statutory the property is owned by, let’s say for example, by Juan de la Cruz, but the property
construction. is subject to a contract of lease between Juan de la Cruz and the Roman Catholic
Church and the latter is using the property for its religious activities, then the
- In interpreting doubtful provisions of the Constitution, we have to determine the property of Juan de la Cruz is exempt from taxation. It is not the ownership that
intent and the spirit of the Constitution, rather than the form. Therefore, the vests tax exemption, but rather the use. Also, Real Property Tax is attached to the
qualifying phrase “actual, direct, and exclusive” applies to all the items enumerated property, not to the owner. Since it is a tax on the property, tax exemption is also
in Paragraph 3 of Section 28 of Article VI. an exemption on the property, not on the owner. Therefore, whoever uses the
property enjoys the exemption.
Does Paragraph 3 of Section 28 of Article VI cover all forms of taxes? [No, it covers only Real
Property Tax] According to the Supreme Court in the case of Lung Center of the Philippines v. Quezon City,
“EXCLUSIVELY” is defined as possessed and enjoyed to the exclusion of others. It is
- The Supreme Court in Lladoc v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue said no, synonymous with “solely.” What is meant by “ACTUAL, DIRECT, AND EXCLUSIVE” use of the
Paragraph 3 of Section 28 of Article VI is only applicable to REAL PROPERTY TAX, not property is the DIRECT and IMMEDIATE ACTUAL application of the property itself to the
to Excise Tax nor to any other taxes. In this case, the taxable activity is a donation purposes for which it is organized. It is not the use of the income from the real property that
(Gift Tax). The Supreme Court said that the donation is not exempt from the taxation is determinative of whether the property is used for tax exempt purposes.
under Paragraph 3 of Section 28 of Article VI.
Distinction should be made between religious, charitable, educational institutions and non-
In the case of Abra Valley College v. Aquino, the issue here is the definition of the phrase stock, non-profit educational institutions under Section 4(3) of Article XIV. Insofar as religious,
“actually, directly, and exclusively.” In its ordinary parlance, the phrase presupposes that the charitable, educational institutions are concerned, non-stock non-profit educational

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institutions enjoy greater tax exemption, because non-stock non-profit educational In Ynot v. IAC, Justice Felix Frankfurter would go no further than characterizing “Due Process
institutions enjoy EXEMPTION FROM ALL TAXES AND DUTIES as long as the property is being as nothing more and nothing less than the embodiment of the sporting idea of fair play.”
used actually, directly, and exclusively for the educational purpose.
- Again, Due Process should be broad and vague in order to maintain the resiliency
of the constitutional guarantee.
Justice Enrique M. Fernando, on the other hand, characterizes Due Process as simply “the
The Bill of Rights governs the relationship between the individual and the State. Its concern is responsiveness to the supremacy of reason and obedience to the dictates of justice.”
not the relation between individuals or between the private individual and other individuals.
What the Bill of Rights does is to declare some forbidden zones in the private sphere Daniel Webster described Due Process in the US Case of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, as
inaccessible to any power holder (Sponsorship Speech of Commissioner Bernas; Record of the “the law which hears before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry and renders judgment
Constitutional Commission, Vol. 1, p. 674, July 17, 1986). only after trial.”

Justice Isagani Cruz defined Due Process as “a guaranty against any arbitrariness on the part
SECTION 1, ARTICLE III — DUE PROCESS OF LAW of the government, whether committed by the legislative, the executive, or the judiciary.”

This provision guarantees two very important fundamental rights: In Ynot v. IAC, the Supreme Court held that the essence of Due Process is distilled in the
immortal cry of Themistocles to Alcibiades: “Strike — but hear me first!”
1. The right to Due Process; and
But prior to the modern-day concept of Due Process, there was an almost equivalent concept
2. Equal Protection. under the Middle English, particularly under the 1215 Magna Carta Libertatum. In Clause 39
of the 1215 Magna Carta Libertatum, it is expressly provided that “no free man is to be
We have learned that it is part of the art of constitution making that provisions of the arrested, or imprisoned, or disseised, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any other way ruined, nor
constitution be cast in a precise and unmistakable language in order to avoid any doubts in its shall we go against him or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by
interpretation. This is the ideal. But on the part of the Due Process Clause, this rule was the law of the land.”
deliberately not followed. So, the wording of the Constitution was intentionally kept vague.
- Take note that this provision under the Magna Carta Libertatum did not mention
- As a matter of fact, the Supreme Court discussed in the case of Ynot v. IAC that “Due Process,” because Due Process was not yet conceptualized at that time. But
there was an attempt during the 1934 Constitutional Convention to specifically there was an almost similar concept under that Clause, and this was explained by
define Due Process, but delegate Jose P. Laurel forcibly argued against it, and he the US Supreme Court in the case of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, and the US
was sustained by the Convention. Supreme Court cited the statement of Daniel Webster, an alumnus of Dartmouth
College. The almost similar concept under the Magna Carta Libertatum is the
- According to delegate Laurel, the Due Process Clause is unlike the other concept of the “Law of the Land.” So according to the US Supreme Court, the “law
provisions in the Constitution laying down some immutable and of the land” means the general law; “a law that hears before it condemns, which
implacable commands for all persons and all seasons. RESILIENCY is proceeds upon inquiry and renders judgement only after trial.”
always and should always be the best virtue of Due Process. Not only does
the Constitution refuse to give a specific definition of Due Process, even - So, it is not yet equivalent to our modern day Due Process because the concept of
the Supreme Court refuses to give a specific definition because to do so, the “law of the land” only covers one aspect of the modern day Due Process — only
the Supreme Court would be creating a legal straitjacket that would the PROCEDURAL. And aside from Procedural Due Process, the modern-day Due
constrict them from the implementation of the constitutional guarantee Process guaranteed by Section 1 of Article III also includes the Substantive Aspect of
as the need arises. Having this in mind, the Constitution contended itself Due Process.
by giving a general characterization of Due Process. FLEXIBILITY/
RESILIENCY is the best virtue of Due Process. What is the effect of the violation of Due Process? When Due Process is violated, what is the

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one of these tests is violated, then there is a violation of the right to the Substantive
- The answer is it depends on what aspect of Due Process was violated. Aspect of Due Process. Since in this case, there was no Lawful Means, the Supreme
Court said that, intrinsically, E.O. 626-A is invalid, and on that score, the law itself is
- If the aspect of Due Process that is violated is only Procedural, the effect is different unconstitutional.
as compared to Substantive.
- If there is a violation of the right to the Substantive Aspect of Due Process, the law
- To better understand this, let’s take the case of Aniag v. COMELEC. In itself shall be declared unconstitutional.
this case, the petitioner is a member of the House of Representatives. And
during the election period at that time, he directed his driver to get his - However, if there is only a violation of the right to the Procedural Aspect of Due
gun from his house so that it will be delivered to the Sergeant at Arms Process, then only the step or the procedure which violated this Procedural Aspect
because it is already gun-banned. Unfortunately, however, before the will be declared as invalid, and the law itself will remain valid.
driver was able to deliver the gun to his boss, there was a checkpoint. And
during the checkpoint the gun was confiscated. The driver, Arellano, was In the case of Ynot v. IAC, the Supreme Court summarized the Concept of Due Process in the
subjected to preliminary investigation, and during the preliminary immortal cry of Themistocles to Alcibiades, “Strike — but hear me first!” The Supreme Court
investigation of Arellano, petitioner Aniag submitted an affidavit to said that the essence to the right of Procedural Due Process in Administrative Proceedings is
corroborate the statement of his driver that he was only being ordered to the right to be informed and the opportunity to a hearing.
get the gun for the delivery to the Sergeant at Arms. Initially, the public
prosecutor dismissed the case, but since it is a case involving the The minimum requirements of Due Process, according to the Supreme Court, are NOTICE and
application of Election Law, it requires the approval of the COMELEC. HEARING.
When it was transmitted to the COMELEC, the COMELEC reversed the
resolution of the public prosecutor, and aside from that, it included Is hearing, as an essential element of Due Process, a trial-type or adversarial proceeding? [No]
petitioner Aniag in the Information. An Information was filed against
petitioner Aniag and his driver Arellano. Now, petitioner Aniag is claiming - The Supreme Court in the case of Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer Corp. v. Torres
violation of the right to Due Process because he was not granted his right said that the Concept of Hearing in Administrative Proceedings is only the
to preliminary investigation. OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLAIN, either in pleadings, position papers, memoranda and
other documents. The right to be heard is not only limited to trial-type hearings. For
- The Supreme Court said that while preliminary investigation is Administrative Agencies, one of the most important powers of Administrative
statutory in its concept, it is an essential part Criminal Due Agencies is the power to promulgate rules and regulations.
Process. And this part of Criminal Due Process is a Procedural
Aspect of Due Process. Since the right of the petitioner to In promulgating rules and regulations, are Administrative Agencies required to comply with
Procedural Due Process was violated, the effect was for the the minimum requirements of notice and hearing?
invalidation of the Information, which means that the law which
is the basis of the preliminary investigation remains to be valid, - Let’s take the case of Philippine Communications Satellite Corp. (PHILCOMSAT) v.
but only the procedure which violated the Procedural Due Alcuaz. In this case, when the franchise of petitioner expired, it applied for the
Process shall be considered as invalid, as distinguished from extension. And when petitioner applied for the extension, NTC issued a directive
Substantive Due Process. upon petitioner to provisionally decrease its rates because it is earning too much.
According to NTC, petitioner is earning 12% of its capital, so NTC directed petitioner
- Substantive Due Process was violated in the case of Ynot v. IAC. We said earlier to lower its fees in order not to over-exceed its profits. NTC issued the order without
that for a valid exercise of Police Power, there must be a Lawful Subject and a Lawful notice and hearing. Did the Supreme Court sustain the order of the NTC requiring
Means. Substantive Due Process deals with the intrinsic validity of the law. In petitioner to provisionally decrease its fees without notice and hearing?
determining whether there is compliance or violation of the right to the Substantive
Aspect of Due Process, the courts will look into the substantive or the intrinsic - The Supreme Court said no, it is not valid. The Supreme Court
validity of the law. If the law is an exercise of Police Power, the Supreme Court will distinguished rule-making power of Administrative Agencies in the
determine whether it complies with the Lawful Subject and Lawful Means tests. If exercise of legislative, administrative, or executive powers on the one

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hand and quasi-judicial powers on the other. Rule-making power could

either be in the context of administrative, legislative, and executive, or In the case of Alonte v. Savellano, the Supreme Court enumerated essential requisites of
quasi-judicial. The Supreme Court said that in the rule-making power Criminal Due Process. This case involves a rape case in Laguna. When the case was being heard
discharging quasi-judicial functions, the Administrative Agencies must in Laguna, the prosecution moved for the transfer of venue because one of the accused is a
comply with the Twin Requisites of Notice and Hearing, while in local public officer. Before the motion of the prosecution was granted by the Supreme Court,
administrative, executive, and legislative, there is no need for prior notice the private offended party executed an Affidavit of Desistance. When the Affidavit of
and hearing. Desistance was filed, the Supreme Court granted the transfer of venue from Laguna to Manila.
When the case was transmitted to the RTC Manila, the Judge of RTC Manila scheduled a
What is the difference of rule-making power in the exercise of administrative, executive, hearing to determine the voluntariness and due execution of the Affidavit of Desistance.
legislative, and rule-making power in the exercise of quasi-judicial functions? During the hearing, the public prosecutor presented the private offended party, her mother,
and the public prosecutor before whom the Affidavit was signed. When the prosecution
- Several months ago, there was an order from LTFRB directed to all TNVS rested its case as to the issue of voluntariness and due execution, the Judge asked the defense
(Transportation Network Vehicle Services) to reduce their fees. And there is also an whether they desire to present evidence, and both counsels of the accused said, “no your
order for Grab to reimburse all excess collections from its clients. Supposing both honor, we will not present any evidence.” The trial court was surprised and asked if they were
orders of LTFRB were issued without notice and hearing, are both orders valid? sure that they did not want to present evidence, both counsels, who were very prominent
lawyers (one being Atty. Fortun), said yes, they will not present any evidence. The trial court
- The answer is only the first order is valid. The first order directed to all said okay but warned them that if they do not present evidence, the trial court will render
TNVS to reduce its rates is in the exercise of administrative, executive, judgment based solely on the evidence presented by the prosecution, and the defense
legislative or quasi-legislative. However, the second order of the LTFRB counsels said “yes your honor, we submit to the discretion of the court.” After that, the trial
directing Grab or Uber to reimburse its clients is in the exercise of a quasi- court promulgated a decision convicting the two accused. Now, the defense counsels claim
judicial function. that they were not given the opportunity to be heard, but the Judge said that he asked them
several times whether they intend to present any evidence and they said no. The issue in this
- The rule-making power in the exercise of a quasi-judicial function is specific and case is whether there was a violation of Due Process, particularly the right to a hearing?
the effect is immediate, while in the case of the rule-making power in the exercise
of an administrative, executive, legislative or quasi-legislative function, the order is - The answer is yes, because the right to a hearing in this case is only specific, which
general and prospective. was the right to a hearing on the voluntariness and due execution of the Affidavit of
Desistance. The waiver of the right to be heard on a specific issue is not a waiver of
- In that regard, the orders of administrative agencies which are quasi- the right to be heard on the other issues of the case. Which means that what the
judicial in character must comply with the Twin Requirements of Notice defense counsels waived is only the right to be heard on the issue of the
and Hearing, while the orders of administrative agencies in the exercise of voluntariness and due execution of the Affidavit, but as to the culpability and as to
administrative, executive, legislative or quasi-legislative functions, there the innocence of the accused, the defense still has the right to present evidence.
is no need for prior notice and hearing.
How about in administrative proceedings? What are the cardinal primary rules of Due
In the case of Alonte v. Savellano, the Supreme Court enumerated the 4 Essential Requisites Process?
of Due Process in Criminal Proceedings:
- There are 7 Cardinal Primary Rules in Administrative Proceedings, according to the
1. The court or tribunal trying the case is properly clothed with judicial power to Supreme Court in the case of Ang Tibay v. Court of Industrial Relations.
hear and determine the matter before it;
1. The right to a hearing, which includes the right of the party interested
2. Jurisdiction is lawfully acquired by it over the person of the accused; or affected to present his own case and to adduce evidence in support
3. The accused is given an opportunity to be heard; and
2. The tribunal must consider the evidence presented;
4. Judgement is rendered only upon lawful hearing.

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3. The tribunal must have something to support its decision;

3. The students must have the right to be informed of the evidence against
4. The evidence must be substantial them;

- Substantial evidence is more than a mere scintilla, but it is that 4. The students also have the right to present their own evidence; and
degree of evidence that a reasonable mind might accept as
sufficient to support a conclusion; 5. The investigating committee must consider the evidence of the
5. The tribunal must render its decision based on the evidence presented
at the trial or at least contained in the records and made known to the - Note that in the 5 requisites, the right to cross examination is not there. As long as
parties; the students are given the opportunity to explain, as long as the students are
informed of the evidence against them, and they respectively present their own
6. The tribunal must consider the case based on an independent evidence, then the right to Due Process is complied with. The Supreme Court said
consideration of the facts and of the law, and not only accept the views of that these are the procedures to be specifically applied in school administrative
the subordinate in arriving at its decision; and proceedings.

7. The administrative agency must render its decision in a way that the A FACIAL CHALLENGE (Void for Vagueness and Overbreadth) means the law on its face is
parties would know the issues involved and the reasons for the decision. invalid. The requisite of proper party is dispensed with because it can be raised by any person
because of the chilling effect of the law. A Facial Challenge only applies to free speech cases,
How about in disciplinary investigations in schools? Do we follow the same 7 cardinal primary religious freedom cases, and other cases wherein the subject involves fundamental rights.
rules? [No] Facial challenges, however, do not apply to penal laws because if penal laws may be
challenged under a Facial Challenge, the State may not be able to enforce its penal laws since
- Insofar as disciplinary investigations in schools, the requirements are different. In every time there is a law enacted, it will be challenged by one even if he is not being injured
the case of Ateneo de Manila v. Judge Capulong, the Supreme Court enumerated thereby.
the Elements of Due Process in School Disciplinary Investigation Proceedings. This
case involves a hazing related incident. Mr. William died during the initiation rites - A Facial challenge is allowed to be made to a vague statute and to one which is
of the Aquila Legis. The members of the Aquila Legis who participated during the overbroad because of the possible “CHILLING EFFECT” upon protected speech. The
initiation rites was subjected to disciplinary sanctions. During the investigation, the theory is that when statutes regulate or proscribe speech and no readily apparent
respondent students were demanding that all witnesses presented before the construction suggests itself as a vehicle for rehabilitating the statutes in a single
committee should be confronted by them. The respondent students wanted to prosecution, the transcendent value to all society of constitutionally protected
exercise their right to cross-examination, but they were denied. When the school expression is deemed to justify allowing attacks on overly broad statutes with no
promulgated its decision expelling the private respondents, they went to the RTC requirement that the person making the attack demonstrate that his own conduct
Quezon City in order to restrain the implementation of the expulsion, and they could not be regulated by a statute drawn with narrow specificity. The possible harm
succeeded. However, when the issue was brought up to the Supreme Court, the to society in permitting some unprotected speech to go unpunished is outweighed
ruling of the RTC was reversed. by the possibility that the protected speech of others may be deterred and
perceived grievances left to fester because of possible inhibitory effects of overly
- The Supreme Court said that there are only 5 Requisites for School Disciplinary broad statutes. This rationale does not apply to penal statutes. Criminal statutes
Investigation Proceedings. have, in general, terrorism effect resulting from their very existence, and, if facial
challenge is allowed for this reason alone, the State may well be prevented from
1. The students must be informed in writing of the nature and of the cause enacting laws against socially harmful conduct. In the area of criminal law, the law
of the accusation against them; cannot take chances as in the area of free speech.

2. The students should be given the opportunity to explain with the AS APPLIED CHALLENGE, on the other hand, can only be raised by a party to whom the law
assistance of counsel, if so desired; was declared unconstitutional. It considers only extant facts affecting real litigants.

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curfew ordinance was sustained. One of the reasons why the Supreme Court
- Ordinarily, a particular litigant claims that a statute is unconstitutional as applied declared as unconstitutional the Manila and the Caloocan curfew ordinances is due
to him or her; if the litigant prevails, the courts carve away the unconstitutional to the application of the Overbreadth Principle, because the curfew ordinance was
aspects of the law by invalidating its improper applications on a case to case basis. not narrowly drawn, and because in the objective of the Manila and the Caloocan
Moreover, challengers to a law are not permitted to raise the rights of third parties curfew ordinances to preserve the security and safety of the students, the
and can only assert their own interests. ordinances prohibit minors from leaving their houses during curfew hours, and
while the law enumerates certain exemptions, there are certain valid exemptions
What is the relevance of the VOID FOR VAGUENESS RULE and the OVERBREADTH DOCTRINE under the Constitution which were not included in the list. The Supreme Court said
to the right to Due Process? that even if the children were engaged in their religious freedom, they are covered
by the curfew ordinances. The law is overbreadth because it is already invading on
- In the cases of Sps. Romualdez v. COMELEC and Southern Hemisphere protected liberties. The Supreme Court said that even if the students are discharged
Engagement Network, Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism Council, the Supreme Court explained in the exercise of their religious freedom, they are covered by curfew ordinances,
the concept of Void for Vagueness as well as the Overbreadth Doctrine. The therefore, they cannot exercise their right to religious freedom during the curfew
Supreme Court said that a statute suffers from the defect of vagueness if it lacks time. Thus, the Supreme Court said that the law is too broad since it encroaches
compressible standards that men of common intelligence must necessarily guess at upon protected liberties. On that score, the Supreme Court invalidated the two
its meaning and defer as to its application. ordinances.

- In the case of Southern Hemisphere v. Anti-Terrorism Council, the Supreme Court

said that there are two reasons why laws which are VOID FOR BEING VAGUE are SECTION 1, ARTICLE III — EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS
Unlike the Due Process Clause, the courts gave the Equal Protection Clause a more specific
1. It deprives the person, particularly those targeted by it, a fair notice of meaning.
the conduct to be avoided (thus, it violates the Due Process Clause); and
Equal Protection simply means “all persons or things similarly situated shall be treated alike,
2. It gives the law enforcement officers charged with the implementation both as to the rights conferred and the liabilities imposed.”
of the law an unbridled discretion in carrying out its provisions and
thereby becomes an arbitrary flexing of government muscle. It is not always easy to determine whether it is the Due Process or the Equal Protection Clause
that shall be applied to a particular case, because the Due Process and the Equal Protection
- Laws which are void for being vague violates the Due Process Clause, and also clauses of the Constitution are potent tools in order to challenge governmental acts. However,
violates the standard for valid delegation because it becomes an unbridled as we said earlier, it is difficult at times to determine whether it is the Due Process or the Equal
discretion, because in order to be valid, delegated authority must map out the Protection Clause that should be applied.
boundaries of the authority of the delegate to prevent it from running riot or
becoming a roving commission. A law which is void for being vague violates this - In order to address this issue, the Supreme Court in the case of Biraogo v. The
Principle of Valid Delegation. Philippine Truth Commission (PTC) laid down the standard. The Supreme Court said
that arbitrariness in general can be challenged on the ground of Due Process.
- The Supreme Court in both cases also discussed the OVERBREADTH DOCTRINE. The However, when the particular act assailed partakes of unjust or illegal
Supreme Court said that the Overbreadth Doctrine decrees that a governmental discrimination, the sharper weapon to cut it down shall be the Equal Protection of
purpose to prevent or regulate an activity which is subject to State regulation may the Laws.
not be achieved by means which sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby
encroaching or invading protected areas of freedom. According to the Supreme Court in the case of People v. Vera, the Equal Protection of the
Laws is against two evils:
- In the case of SPARK v. Quezon City, which involved the curfew ordinances of
Manila, Caloocan, and Quezon City, the Supreme Court struck down as 1. It is against undue favor or class/individual legislation; and
unconstitutional the Manila and Caloocan curfew ordinances, while the Quezon City

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2. It is also against unjust discrimination or oppression/inequality. - In the case of Villegas v. Hiu Chiong Tsai Pao Ho, there was an ordinance in the
City of Manila which imposed an employment fee for all aliens who want to work.
Is there a difference between a law that discriminates and a law that only allows The fee was 50 pesos. The case was decided in the 1970s, so the fee was a
discrimination? [No; there is no difference between a law that unjustly discriminates and a substantial amount during this time. The regulation imposed a uniform employment
law that allows such discrimination; both violate the Equal Protection Clause] fee of 50 pesos for all aliens who want to work in Manila, without regard to their
condition/status...whether rich or poor...whether regularly employed or part-time
- This question was answered by the Supreme Court in People v. Vera. This case employed... The Supreme Court declared the regulation unconstitutional for failure
involves the Probation Act. Under Section 11 thereof, it is expressly provided that to recognize material differences. Thus, the uniform application of the law to
the benefits of probation shall be applied in provinces whose local legislative persons or things that are not similarly situated also violates the Equal Protection of
counsel appropriates funds for the salary of the probation officer. On its face, there the Laws because Equal Protection of the Laws only requires equality among equals.
is nothing discriminatory about that provision. On its face, there is nothing arbitrary The application of the law to persons or things that are not equal also offends the
about that provision. However, it does not escape the reality that it allows Equal Protection guaranty. Which means that the Constitution does not prohibit
discrimination by allowing a province to appropriate funds and allowing other classification or grouping of persons.
provinces not to appropriate such funds. In that regard, accused who are similarly
situated but residing in different provinces will not be treated similarly. Thus, the Classification is the grouping of persons or things which are similar in certain particulars but
Supreme Court said that there is no difference between a law that discriminates and different from others in the same particulars. In classification, the same characteristics that
a law that only allows discrimination...BOTH violate the Equal Protection of the bind the group are the same characteristics that set them apart from others.
In the case of Mosqueda v. Pilipino Banana Growers & Exporters, the Supreme Court
- To support this principle, the Supreme Court in the case of People v. Vera as well provided THREE LEVELS OF SCRUTINY that shall be resorted to by the courts in order to
as in Biraogo v. The Philippine Truth Commission (PTC) cited the ruling of the US determine the propriety of a classification in Equal Protection cases:
Supreme Court in Yick Wo v. Hopkins, a landmark case in the US. Yick Wo v. Hopkin
only involves a state law which requires that laundry businesses shall be undertaken 1. RATIONAL BASIS SCRUTINY – (also known as the Rational Relation Test or Rational
in buildings made out of bricks. There’s nothing discriminatory about that. However, Basis Test) the traditional test, which merely demands that the classification
at the time that the state law was passed, almost 90% of the laundry business were reasonably relates to the legislative purpose. This test often applies in cases
being operated by Chinese people, and most of the Chinese establishments were in involving economics or social welfare, or to any other case not involving a suspect
wooden buildings. class.

- That’s why the US Supreme Court in the case of Yick Wo v. Hopkins said - The legislative purpose must be legitimate.
that “although the law itself be fair on its face and impartial in its
appearance, yet if applied by public officers with an evil eye and an - The classification must be rationally related to the legislative purpose.
unequal hand so as to make discriminations between persons in similar
circumstances, material to their rights, the violation of substantial justice 2. INTERMEDIATE or HEIGHTENED REVIEW – A classification based on sex is the best-
is still within the prohibition of the Constitution.” established example of an intermediate level of review. When the classification puts
a quasi-suspect class at a disadvantage, it will be treated under this test.
- Again, even if the law is not discriminatory, but the law allows discrimination, it is Classifications based on gender or illegitimacy receives intermediate scrutiny. To
still violative of the constitutional guarantee of Equal Protection of the Laws. survive intermediate scrutiny, the law must not only further an important
government interest and be substantially related to that interest, but the
Ordinarily, the Equal Protection of the Laws is invoked when the law does not apply equally justification for the classification must be genuine and must not depend on broad
or uniformly. Can a law be challenged for being violative of the Equal Protection of the Laws generalizations.
because it applies equally? Can the courts say that the law is unconstitutional for violation of
Equal Protection of the Laws because it applies equally? [Yes; Unconstitutional for failure to - The legislative purpose must be important.
recognize material differences]
- The classification must be substantially related to the legislative purpose.

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2. It must be germane to the purposes of the law;

3. STRICT SCRUTINY REVIEW – applies when a legislative classification impermissibly
interferes with the exercise of a fundamental right or operates to the peculiar class 3. The reasonableness of the classification must not be limited to existing conditions
disadvantage of a suspect class. The Government carries the burden to prove that only; and
the classification is necessary to achieve a compelling state interest, and that it is
the least restrictive means to protect such interest. 4. The law must apply equally to all members of the same class.

- The legislative purpose must be compelling. *Let’s take the 1st and 2nd requisites.

- The classification must be necessary and narrowly tailored to achieve the What is a SUBSTANTIAL DISTINCTION that could be a basis for a reasonable classification?
legislative purpose.
- In the case of Ichong v. Hernandez, which involved The Retail Trade Law, under
The most recent case where the Supreme Court discussed these three tools is in the case of which the operation of Retail Trade is only limited to Filipino citizens and Filipino
SPARK v. Quezon City, which involved the curfew ordinances in Manila, Caloocan, and Quezon corporations... which means that foreign aliens are not allowed to engage in Retail
City. Trade. The Supreme Court sustained the classification based on citizenship, because
according to the Supreme Court, Retail Trade is an activity/industry imbued with
- The Supreme Court said that the difference among the three is that in STRICT public interest, so it is very critical to withhold this very important business from the
SCRUTINY TEST, the classification either burdens a suspect class or affects a hands of aliens. In that regard, the Supreme Court sustained the classification based
fundamental right, including those guaranteed by the Constitution. The standard on citizenship.
under this test is compelling state interest. The government bears the heavy burden
of showing that it has a compelling state interest in imposing the - However, under The Retail Trade Law, while foreigners or foreign corporations are
classification/restriction, and such is narrowly drawn. disqualified from engaging in Retail Trade, American nationals and American
corporations are allowed to engage in Retail Trade. We said earlier that the Equal
- On the other hand, the Intermediate or Heightened Review Test is applied in the Protection of the Law is against undue favor or individual/class legislation. Can we
negative. The INTERMEDIATE REVIEW TEST is applied when the classification is not not say that to the extent that the law allows Americans to engage in Retail Trade
based on the exercise of a fundamental right or it does not burden a suspect class, while disqualifying all other aliens, it offends the Equal Protection guaranty?
but requires a heightened scrutiny, particularly when the classification is based on
gender and legitimacy. The standard under this test is Heightened Scrutiny. - The Supreme Court said no because there is a material difference
between Americans and other foreigners, and because this case was
- Lastly, the RATIONAL BASIS SCRUTINY TEST is applied when the other two tests are decided under the 1935 Constitution, wherein we had a Parity Provision
not. The classification is based on a distinction and there must be a rational based on the Parity Treaty. Under the Parity Provision of the 1935
connection between the distinction and the object of the law. Constitution, American citizens and American corporations shall also have
the right to exploit and use the natural resources of the Philippines. Thus,
Does the Constitution accept all classifications? in the eyes of the 1935 Constitution, American citizens and American
corporations are like Filipino citizens. This is the difference that
- No, the Constitution only accepts REASONABLE CLASSIFICATION because the four distinguishes American citizens and American corporations from other
requisites are requisites of Reasonable Classification. aliens. In that regard, citizenship is a substantial distinction that could be
the basis of a reasonable classification.
In the case of People v. Vega, the Supreme Court enumerated the 4 requisites of REASONABLE
CLASSIFICATION: How about age? Can age be a substantial distinction that could be the basis of a reasonable
classification? [Yes]
1. The classification must rest on substantial distinctions which make for real
differences; - In the case of SPARK v. Quezon City, the Supreme Court said yes. The curfew
ordinances only apply to minors. The Supreme Court said that the classification of

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persons according to their age (minors and seniors) is based on substantial - In the case of Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI) v. Drilon,
distinctions. The Supreme Court said that minors are subject to influences and they the Supreme Court laid down a general guideline in determining the reasonableness
may be vulnerable to crimes committed during the nighttime, therefore, they are of a classification based on these factors. According to Justice Fernando, “when the
the only ones covered by the law. Age is a valid classification. classification is based on distinctions that make real differences, such as infancy, sex,
degree or level of civilization of indigenous cultural communities, and citizenship, the
Can sex be considered as a material distinction that could be the basis of a reasonable better rule it would seem is to allow their validity only if the young and the old, the
classification? The answer is yes... but how do we classify persons according to sex? Good, women, the indigenous cultural communities, and the Filipinos are singled out for
better, best? No... Male or female! Classification of persons based on gender! favorable treatment. But if the classification is intended to discriminate them based
on such classification, then it will be considered as unconstitutional.”
- In the case of Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI) v. Drilon,
the challenged governmental act was Department Order No. 1 Series of 1988 issued Remember in the case of Ichong v. Hernandez, the Supreme Court sustained the validity of
by Secretary Drilon, which imposes a provisional ban on the deployment of female the classification based on citizenship — Filipinos and foreigners.
overseas domestic workers (OFW) in some countries in the Middle East. The law
only applies to female OFWs, not to all OFWs. The Supreme Court said that In the case of International School Alliance of Educators v. Quisimbing, this is the case
classification based on gender rests on a substantial distinction, particularly so that involving professors of the International School. International School pays professors based
the purpose of the Department Order is to protect the women. on citizenship. Local/Filipino professors are paid less than Expats/Foreign professors, albeit
they are occupying the same positions and performing the same duties. While the Supreme
How about the degree or level of civilization? Is this a material distinction that could be the Court did not apply Equal Protection in striking the regulation as discriminatory… (because
basis of a reasonable classification? [Yes] Equal Protection is only available against the government, and International School is a private
school and, thus, Equal Protection does not apply to them)... the Supreme Court applied a
- This was the issue in People v. Cayat. This case involves a law that prohibits the similar concept under the Labor Code — “Equal Pay for Equal Work.” This is the same as the
possession and use of intoxicating spirits which are non-traditional to non-Christian principle of Equal Protection. In that regard, the regulation was declared as invalid.
tribes. The use of the word “non-Christian tribes” does not refer to religious
orientation, but to degree of civilization. In essence, non-Christian tribes should be - But supposing that the regulation was reversed, and it allowed for the
interpreted to mean Indigenous cultural communities. In the enactment of the law, Local/Filipino professors to be paid more than the Expats/Foreign professors. Is this
the data according to Congress showed that members of these communities who valid?
are exposed to non-traditional drinks become more violent. The Supreme Court
sustained the classification of the law based on degree or level of civilization. - The answer is yes, because now the Filipinos are being singled out for
favorable treatment, but it is not valid if it is intended to discriminate
To recap, the Supreme Court sustained the reasonable classification based on (1) citizenship, them.
(2) age, (3) gender, and on (4) degree or level of civilization.
*The 3rd requisite is that the reasonable classification MUST NOT BE LIMITED TO EXISTING
Can we now say that applying the Doctrine of Stare Decisis (the adherence to judicial CONDITIONS ONLY.
precedents), whenever a law classifies according to any of the four bases, we can apply the
rulings of the Supreme Court in previous cases that they are reasonable? [No] You have learned in your Political Law that courts can only assume jurisdiction over the
constitutionality of a particular act if all the 4 requisites of a Judicial Inquiry are present.
- The answer is no. The reasonableness of a classification shall be taken from the
context of the law and the factual circumstances involved. The Doctrine of Stare The 4 Requisites of a Judicial Inquiry are:
Decisis does not apply in determining reasonable classification. Which means that if
in a future law the Congress used age as a basis of classification, we cannot say that 1. There is an actual case or controversy;
in SPARK v. Quezon City it was already considered as reasonable... the
reasonableness of that classification shall rest on the factual circumstances of that 2. It must be raised by the proper party;
law and not on previous cases.
3. It must be raised at the earliest possible opportunity; and

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the circumstances change, then there is a violation of the Equal Protection

- It must be raised in the pleadings and not for the first time on appeal. of the Laws.

4. It must be the lis mota of the controversy. * Lastly, the 4th requisite of a Reasonable Classification is that the law MUST APPLY EQUALLY
- The determination of the constitutionality of the law is relevant to the
main issue. - In Biraogo v. The Philippine Truth Commission (PTC), E.O. No. 1 was challenged
primarily on the basis of Equal Protection of the Laws because E.O. No. 1, which
Are laws challenged on the basis of Equal Protection of the Laws required to comply with the creates the Presidential Truth Commission, is only applicable to violations of law
4 requisites of a Judicial Inquiry? [No; it is not required to comply with the requisites of a committed by the immediately preceding administration, specifically the Arroyo
Judicial Inquiry because of the 3rd requisite of a Reasonable Classification] Administration. According to the Supreme Court, this is a violation of the Equal
Protection of the Laws because the Arroyo Administration is just a member of a class
- Actual case or controversy means that there must be a direct injury or threatened — a class of all past administrations. To single out the Arroyo Administration from
injury at the very least. Actual case or controversy does not accept speculations. It the rest of the class is unduly discriminatory. In that regard, the Supreme Court
must not be based on speculation. declared E.O. No. 1 as unconstitutional.

- Let’s take the case of People v. Vera. At the time the Probation Act was challenged, - In defense of E.O. No. 1, the Solicitor General invoked the DOCTRINE OF
there was no province, even the City of Manila, that has ever appropriated funds for UNDERINCLUSIVENESS. The Doctrine of Underinclusiveness means that
the salary of a probation officer. Which means that the Probation Act does not apply when a law is insufficient, that is not a ground to declare such law
nationwide. The Probation Act does not apply to any province. Is there an actual unconstitutional. The remedy, according to the Solicitor General in cases
case or controversy? There is none because there is no resulting inequality. To say of deficient laws, is remedial legislation. So, if E.O. No. 1 does not cover all
that one province will appropriate and the others will not is highly speculative. But past administrations, this should not be a basis to declare it
did the Supreme Court assume jurisdiction? The answer is yes. unconstitutional. The proper remedy would be to enact another Executive
Order/law covering all past administrations. This is under the Doctrine of
- Also, let’s take the case of Ormoc Sugar Co., Inc. v. Treasurer of Ormoc City. This Underinclusiveness.
case involved an ordinance in the City of Ormoc that imposes a tax that only names
Ormoc Sugar Co. At the time that the ordinance was passed, it was only Ormoc Sugar - Did the Supreme Court apply the Doctrine of Underinclusiveness?
that was engaged in the production of centrifugal sugar. So, to say that in the future,
other entities may engage in the production of centrifugal sugar is highly - No, the Supreme Court did not apply it because the Doctrine
speculative. There is no actual case or controversy yet. of Underinclusiveness is applicable only to situations where the
deficiency or the insufficiency of the law was ONLY BY MERE
- The Supreme Court, however, assumed jurisdiction over these two cases because INADVERTENCE. But if the insufficiency of the law was
of the 3rd requisite of a Reasonable Classification that “it must not be limited to deliberate or intentional, the Doctrine of Underinclusiveness
existing conditions only.” will not apply. The Supreme Court noted that the failure of the
law to cover all past administrations in the case of E.O. No. 1
- The classification for the existing condition in People v. Vera at the time was not only by mere inadvertence, but rather it was intentional
the Probation Act was challenged does not result to discrimination. But if because at least 3 provisions of E.O. No. 1 specifically names the
the situations change, then there might be resulting discrimination. previous administration. In that regard, the insufficiency of the
law was deliberate, thus, the Doctrine of Underinclusiveness
- Similarly in the case of Ormoc Sugar Co., Inc. v. Treasurer of Ormoc City, does not apply.
if another entity engages in the production of centrifugal sugar, then there
is a resulting inequality. Which means that the reasonableness of the
classification at the time is only limited to the circumstances. However, if SECTION 2, ARTICLE III — SEARCHES AND SEIZURES

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This Section can be divided into two parts:

What is the nature of the Constitutional guaranty against unreasonable searches, seizures,
1. The constitutional guaranty against unreasonable searches and seizures; and and arrests? [PERSONAL RIGHT]

2. The latter part enumerates the requisites for a valid warrant. - Let’s take the case of Stonehill v. Diokno. In this case, 42 search warrants were
issued for the search and seizure of books of accounts and documents used by the
Does the Constitution prohibit all kinds of warrantless searches, seizures and arrest? corporation. The 42 search warrants can be divided into two groups...

- The answer is no. The Constitution only prohibits UNREASONABLE searches, - The 1st group refers to the searches and seizures to be effected in the
seizures and arrest. house of the petitioners, who are officers of the corporation; and

What is “unreasonable?” Can we say that searches, seizures and arrests effected without a - The 2nd group refers the searches and seizures to be effected in the
warrant are unreasonable? offices of the corporation.

- The answer is no, because searches, seizures and arrest can be effected without a - The petitioners who are officers of the corporation challenged the constitutionality
warrant and yet, reasonable... because the Rules of Court and decisions of the of ALL 42 search warrants. Did the Supreme Court sustain the contention of the
Supreme Court recognize warrantless searches, seizures and arrest. petitioners?

In the case of Alvarez v. CFI, this involves the issuance of a search warrant for the search and - The Supreme Court said no... only searches and seizures to be effected
seizure of books of accounts and documents used by the accused in his lending transactions in their houses may be challenged, because a corporation has a
charging usurious interest. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that neither the Constitution personality separate and distinct from its officers and members, and the
nor the General Order No. 58, which is an organic law at the time, defines what constitutes right against unreasonable searches and seizures is a PERSONAL RIGHT...
unreasonable searches, seizures, and arrests. It is said to have no fixed and unchangeable it can only be invoked by the party whose right was violated. Insofar as
meaning, although at times, the Court described it in a general manner. The Supreme Court the searches and seizures of the offices of the corporation, it is the
said that there could be no doubt that “all illegal searches, seizures or arrests are corporation which is the proper party, not the petitioners who are only
unreasonable... and all lawful ones are reasonable.” stockholders and officers of the corporation.

- Illegal = Unreasonable; - But can we say that since they are stockholders and officers of the
corporation, can they raise the defenses of the corporation since a
- Legal = Reasonable. corporation is just a legal fiction?

The Supreme Court in the case of Alvarez v. CIR said that in the determination of the - The answer is no... nobody can represent the corporation
reasonableness of the Search and Seizure and of an Arrest, the factors that may be considered UNLESS armed with a Board Resolution. So regardless of the
are: shareholdings of the stockholder and regardless of the position
of the officer, they cannot raise the defenses available to the
1. Purpose of the search; corporation without an express authority from the Board of
2. Object sought to be seized or the person sought to be seized;
Can the Constitutional guaranty against unreasonable searches, seizures, and arrests be
3. Existence or the absence of probable cause; invoked against any person? [No; ONLY AGAINST THE STATE]

4. Circumstances or the manner in which the seizure was made; and - Let’s take the case of People v. Marti. In this case, the accused sent parcels to his
friend in Zurich, Switzerland. When the wife of the proprietor asked about the
5. The place sought to be searched. contents of the parcels, the accused said that it just contains books and cigars to be

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sent to the friend. The ever-trusting wife believed him without question. But as a
standard operating procedure, the ever-doubtful husband Mr. Reyes inspected the There are two warrants under Section 2, Article III that can be issued by a Judge: 1) Warrant
parcel because he smelled something emanating from the parcel. When he opened of Arrest; and 2) Search Warrant. Of course, the Judge can also issue other coercive writs, like
it, the parcel contained dry leaves, and when he had it tested, it tested positive for Writ of Execution, Writ of Possession, Writ of Habeas Corpus, Writ of Habeas Data, and so
Marijuana. Thereafter, he invited the NBI to witness the opening of the other parcels forth.
belonging to the same accused. The second search also resulted in the discovery of
Marijuana. The issue in this case is whether the search conducted by Mr. Reyes of What is the implication of the specific mention of the Warrant of Arrest and Search Warrant
the parcels of the accused is covered by the Constitutional guaranty under Section under Section 2 of Article III?
2 of Article III?
- The implication is the Congress cannot withdraw these powers from the courts of
- The Supreme Court said no. The Constitutional guaranty against justice...because under Section 2 of Article VIII, the Constitution grants the authority
unreasonable searches, seizures, and arrests only applies against the on the Congress to define the jurisdictions of the various courts, but in defining the
government and against law enforcement officers, not to any other jurisdictions of the various courts, the Congress cannot withdraw the power of the
private persons, nor to any public officers who are not law enforcement courts to issue Warrants of Arrest and Search Warrants... but it can withdraw other
officers. A law enforcement officer within the context of Section 2 and powers. Which means that the Congress, in the exercise of its powers, can withdraw
Section 12 of Article III is a public officer who has a duty to arrest offenders the power to issue Writs of Execution, but it cannot withdraw the power to issue
of law and to investigate the violations of law and the commission of Warrants of Arrest and Search Warrants.
What is a Search Warrant?
- The Supreme Court in People v. Marti cited Father Bernas in his sponsorship
speech as the Chairman of the Bill of Rights. Father Bernas said that “the protection - Under Section 1 of Rule 126, a SEARCH WARRANT has been defined as “an order
of fundamental liberties is the essence of a Constitutional democracy.” Then he in writing issued in the name of the People of the Philippines, signed by a Judge and
raised a question... “...protection against who?” Then Father Bernas proceeded by directed to a peace officer, commanding him to search for personal property
saying “...protection against the State. The Bill of Rights governs the relationship described therein and bring it before the court.”
between the individual and the State. Its concern is not the relation between
individuals, between a private individual and other individuals. What the Bill of Can a Search Warrant be issued for the search and seizure of a real property, say for example
Rights does is to declare some forbidden zones of privacy in the private sphere a house?
inaccessible to any power holder.”
- The answer is no, because in a Search Warrant there are two duties of the serving
- The Supreme Court concluded by saying that in the absence of any officers. Law enforcement officers have the obligation to look for the properties
governmental interference, the Constitutional guarantees in the Bill of described in the Search Warrant AND to bring such properties before the court (so
Rights cannot be invoked against the government. Section 2 of Article III the two duties are TO LOOK and TO BRING). It would be physically impossible for
cannot be invoked against private individuals... it can only be invoked the law enforcement officers to comply with the second duty… because definitely,
against the government and officers thereof charged with the immovable properties cannot be brought before the court... that’s why under
enforcement of the law. Section 1 of Rule 126, it is specifically says “...for the search and seizure of a
PERSONAL PROPERTY described therein, and to bring it before the court...” and
- In the case of People v. Marti, while there can be no question that the first search under Sect. 3 of Rule 126, the three properties enumerated under this section are
was effected exclusively by a private individual, can we say that the second search all personal properties.
which was in the presence of the NBI makes it a search by law enforcement officer?
Under Section 3 of Rule 126, the personal properties that can be seized by virtue of a Search
- The Supreme Court said no. The mere presence of the NBI did not Warrant are:
convert the search into one effected by a law enforcement officer. The
mere look and see or observation on the part of the NBI does not make it 1. Personal properties subject of the offense;
a search or seizure by law enforcement officer.

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2. Stolen or embezzled properties and other fruits and proceeds of the offense; and
- The Supreme Court said no. Search Warrant proceedings are not criminal
3. Personal properties which are used or intended to be used as a means for the proceedings because Search Warrant proceedings are not directed against
commission of the offense. any specific person... a Search Warrant proceeding is A MODE OF
DISCOVERY. The Supreme Court compared Search Warrant proceedings
For how long is a Search Warrant valid? to John Doe proceedings... which means that ANY PERSON in custody of
the personal property is covered by these proceedings. It is not directed
- A Search Warrant is valid for a period of 10 DAYS counted FROM THE DATE OF against any specific person; the object of a Search Warrant proceeding is
ISSUANCE. It is to be counted from the date of issuance because if the Search to obtain custody over a personal property.
Warrant will be effective for 10 days counted from the receipt of the police officer
who are tasked to serve the warrant, the police officers can unduly extend the life - Since private parties can participate in Search Warrant proceedings, can we say
of the Search Warrant by simply saying that they had just received it when in fact now that Search Warrant proceedings are civil in nature?
they have actually received it at a prior date... because the only date appearing on
the Search Warrant is the date of issuance, and the date of receipt by the police - The answer is still no, because Search Warrant proceedings are not
officer does not appear therein. This is the reason why Search Warrants shall be involved in the adjudication of civil properties or civil issues. In that regard,
effective for 10 days counted from the date of issuance, regardless of the date the there are not civil proceedings. Also, they are not administrative
police officers received it. proceedings since the required quantum of evidence required in Search
Warrant proceedings is only PROBABLE CAUSE, while in administrative
For how long is a Warrant of Arrest valid? proceedings, the required quantum of evidence is Substantial Evidence.
Therefore, Search Warrant proceedings are SUI GENERIS PROCEEDINGS
- A Warrant of Arrest is VALID UNTIL SERVED. A Warrant of Arrest can be according to the Supreme Court in the case of United Laboratories
implemented even beyond the 10 day period, but under the Rules of Court, (UNILAB) v. Isip.
particularly Rule 113, there is also a duty on the part of the police officer to render
a report or to make a return of the Warrant of Arrest within 10 DAYS to be counted What are the requisites of a Valid Warrant?
of Arrest is not only valid for 10 days... the 10-day period to make a return is counted 1. It must be based upon probable cause;
from the date the police officer received the warrant. The police officer must, within
10 days from receipt, make a report on what happened during the service of the 2. Personally determined by a judge;
Warrant of Arrest.
3. After examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the
Are Search Warrant proceedings criminal in nature? [No, they are SUI GENERIS PROCEEDINGS; witnesses he may produce; and
it is not directed against any specific person; it is just a mode of discovery]
4. Particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be
- The case of United Laboratories (UNILAB) v. Isip involved the issuance of a Search seized.
Warrant for the search and seizure of fake Revicon Multivitamin products. During
the application for the warrant, UNILAB, which is a private entity, participated. What is PROBABLE CAUSE?
According to the private respondent, in Search Warrant proceedings, only the public
prosecutor or the Solicitor General can participate... because Search Warrant - Probable Cause refers to such facts and circumstances antecedent to the issuance
proceedings are criminal in nature... because Search Warrant proceedings are titled of the warrant that in themselves are sufficient to induce a reasonably cautious man
like criminal procedures... “Republic of the Philippines v. Juan de la Cruz” or “People to rely on them and to act in pursuance thereof.
of the Philippines v. Juan de la Cruz.” According to the contention of the private
respondent that it is a criminal proceeding, private entities cannot participate in - In relation to a Search Warrant, Probable Cause refers to such facts and
Search Warrant proceedings. Did the Supreme Court agree with the private circumstances which would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe

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that an offense has been committed and that the object sought is in connection with as the supporting affidavits, and if the Judge is satisfied, he may
the crime and it can be found in the place sought to be searched. issue the Warrant of Arrest; if not, he may require the
submission of other supporting affidavits, but no personal
The case of Mantaring v. Judge Roman involves the issuance by the trial court of a Search examination of the complainant is required. This case was
Warrant for the search and seizure of an unlicensed firearm. In that Search Warrant, decided in 1988.
Mantaring Jr. was named as the owner of the house, but in the Warrant of Arrest issued
thereafter, the warrant named Mantaring Sr. According to Mantaring Sr., the Warrant of - But in the case Silva v. Presiding Judge of RTC, Negros Oriental, which
Arrest was improvidently issued as he was not named in the Search Warrant. The theory of was decided in 1991, the Supreme Court said that it is not enough for the
petitioner is that a Warrant of Arrest can only name persons named in the Search Warrant. Judge to issue warrants based on examination of affidavits. According to
But the Supreme Court said no... Warrants of Arrest are based on different probabilities than the Supreme Court, the Judge must conduct searching questions and
Search Warrants. answers. Conducting searching questions and answers require that the
complainant and the witnesses shall personally appear before the Judge.
- In Warrants of Arrest, the probabilities are: 1) that a crime has been So, do we now say that the ruling in Soliven v. Makasier is already
committed, and 2) that the person suspected maybe probably guilty abandoned by the ruling in Silva v. Presiding Judge of RTC, Negros
thereof. Oriental? [No]

- In Search Warrants, the probabilities are: 1) the objects sought are in - The answer is no. The obligation of the issuing Judge depends
relation to a crime, and 2) may be found in the place sought to be on the kind of warrant involved.
- The ruling of the Supreme Court in the case of
- Since they are based on different probabilities, persons named in the Search Soliven v. Makasiar only applies to Warrants of
Warrant may be different from persons named in the Warrant of Arrest. Arrest.

Under the Constitution, the Judge must personally determine the existence of probable cause. - In Silva v. Presiding Judge of RTC, Negros Oriental,
In the determination of the existence of probable cause, is it required that the Judge must the requirement of searching questions and answers
personally examine the complainant and the witnesses? apply to Search Warrants; this is also in line with
Section 5 of Rule 126 of the Rules of Court.
- Let’s take two different cases. The case of Soliven v. Makasiar and the case of Silva
v. Presiding Judge of RTC, Negros Oriental. - Which is stricter? Issuance of Warrants of Arrest or issuance of Search Warrants?

- In Soliven v. Makasiar, this is the case involving a libel complaint filed by - Apparently it is Search Warrants, because under the rules, the Judge
President Aquino. She filed a libel complaint because of a published article cannot issue a Search Warrant unless the complainant and the witnesses
describing her as hiding underneath her bed during the 1987 coup. The personally appear before him. In Warrants of Arrest, however, the Judge
Judge issued a Warrant of Arrest. Then the petitioners asked the Judge if can issue the warrant based only on documents. Does this mean that the
he examined the President before he issued the Warrant of Arrest. The Rules of Court gives more importance to personal property than to
Judge said no, he did not interview the President anymore. The Judge said personal liberty? [No]
that he only relied on the report filed by the public prosecutor. Now
petitioners are contesting the improvidence of the issuance of the - Why is it stricter when it comes to the issuance of Search Warrants?
Warrant of Arrest because the Judge did not personally examine the
complainant. Did the Supreme Court agree? - Because in Warrants of Arrest, particularly those cases that are
covered under the rule of Preliminary Investigation, there are
- No. In issuing Warrants of Arrest, the Judge need not already antecedent proceedings prior to the issuance of the
personally examine the complainant. It is enough that the Judge Warrant of Arrest. During Preliminary Investigation, the
personally evaluated the report of the public prosecutor, as well complainant has already appeared before the public

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prosecutor, together with his witnesses... which means that it may be used for the prosecution of an offense. These are the purposes
there is no need to repeat this process... the issuing Judge may of warrants that are reserved only to Judges.
rely only on the regularity of the performance of duty of the
public prosecutor... that the complainant and the witnesses - Other warrants, however, which are not intended for prosecution may
personally appeared before the public prosecutor. be issued by other officers. To better understand this, let’s take the case
of Harvey v. Santiago.
- But when it comes to Search Warrants, there is no complaint
yet... this is the first time the complainant is being examined... - In the case of Harvey v. Santiago, 22 suspected pedophiles
being assessed. Hence, it is necessary for the issuing Judge to were arrested In Flagrante Delicto after 3 months of surveillance
personally examine the complainant through searching by the agents of the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation. At
questions and answers since there were no other public officers the time the suspected pedophiles were arrested, they were in
who had conducted similar proceedings yet. the company of naked young boys in possession of immoral
literature. They were immediately arrested upon the operation.
The warrant must be issued by a Judge. Does this mean that officers who are not Judges They were arrested on February 27, 1988. Out of the 22
cannot issue warrants anymore?... because under the 1973 Constitution, warrants can also be suspected pedophiles, 17 opted for self-deportation, 1 was
issued by responsible officers authorized by law. But this authority was no longer carried over released for lack of evidence, and another was charged with
to the 1987 Constitution. Does this mean that officers who are not Judges can no longer issue working without a permit, but not for pedophilia... so there
warrants? [No] were only 3 remaining accused. Upon their arrest on February
27, 1988, they were already immediately taken into custody...
- Let’s take two different cases... Salazar v. Achacoso and Harvey v. Santiago. they were already detained in Taguig. On March 4 of the same
year, the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation conducted
- In the case of Salazar v. Achacoso, the Supreme Court invalidated Art. deportation proceedings to determine if the 3 remaining
38 of the Labor Code, because Art. 38 authorizes the Secretary of Labor to accused violated the conditions of their visas. After the
issue Search Warrants and Warrants of Arrest for Illegal Recruitment deportation proceedings, the Bureau of Immigration issued an
cases. Order declaring the accused as undesirable aliens and that they
should be deported. On March 7 of that year, the Commissioner
- in the case of Harvey v. Santiago, however, the Supreme Court sustained of the Bureau of Immigration issued a Warrant of Arrest... which
the constitutionality of the power of the Bureau of Immigration to issue obviously shows that the Warrant of Arrest issued by the
warrants. Commissioner was not for the purpose of taking custody over
the persons of the accused... because as early as February 27,
- Why is there a difference? 1988, they were already in the custody of the law. The purpose
of the Warrant of Arrest was to execute the Order of
- The Constitution, while reserving the power to issue warrants to Judges, deportation. A warrant that could be issued by officers who are
does not absolutely remove the power to issue warrants from not Judges are valid as long as the purpose is for the execution
administrative officers. But warrants that may be rendered or issued by of a final and executory judgement.
administrative officers must be for a different purpose than warrants
exclusively reserved to Judges. - Note that the ruling of the Supreme Court in the case of Harvey v.
Santiago, which only echoed the ruling in Morano v. Vivo, applies not only
- Warrants of Arrest that may only be issued by Judges must be for the to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration but also to all
purpose of taking into custody the person in order for him to be bound to administrative officers. As long as the purpose is to execute a final order,
answer to a criminal offense; this is in line with Section 1 of Rule 113. With administrative officers may be authorized by law to issue warrants.
regard to Search Warrants, the purpose of a Search Warrant that may be
issued only by a Judge is to take custody over a personal property so that The warrants must be issued after examination under OATH OR AFFIRMATION of the
complainant and the witnesses.

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- The Test of a Sufficient Oath is when it is drawn in such a manner that the affiant
What is the difference between OATH and AFFIRMATION? may be held liable for perjury for any false statements.

The Constitution allows the alternative... it could either be under oath or under affirmation. In the case of Alvarez v. CFI, the application was made based on reliable information. The
police officer applied for a Search Warrant and he said that based on information coming from
- In an oath, can we say that the affiant or the person taking the oath has to tell the reliable persons, he believes that an offense is being committed in a specific place. So is this a
truth and the whole and nothing but the truth? Definitely... sufficient oath?

- In an affirmation, can we say the same thing? Yes, definitely... - The answer is no, because reliable information is not enough. The information
must be based on the personal knowledge of the applicant.
What is the difference between the two?
- Supposing the information was indeed reliable, is it enough that the
- The only difference is the basis of the obligation. applicant is convinced? Supposing that the source of the applicant is
unimpeachable, a person who does not tell a lie... is this sufficient?
- In the case of Alvarez v. CFI, the Supreme Court said that “in its general sense, an - The Supreme Court said no. It is not enough that the police
OATH includes any form of attestation by which a party signifies that he is bound in officer/applicant himself is convinced; it is incumbent upon the
conscience to perform an act truthfully and faithfully.” Also, it is sometimes defined police officer/applicant to convince the issuing Judge, and he
as “an outward pledge given by the person taking it that his attestation or promise can only do so under the Rules by information which are
is made under an immediate sense of his responsibility to God.” Which means that personal to him. He cannot convince the Judge through the use
in an oath, the obligation to tell the truth is premised on the belief in God. Therefore, of Hearsay Evidence.
for those who do not believe in God, in lieu of an oath, they may take an affirmation
instead, but the obligation remains the same. The last requisite of a warrant is the particularity in the description.

- To better understand the difference, let’s take Section 5 of Article VII. PARTICULARITY IN THE DESCRIPTION does not mean that the warrant should describe the
place sought to be searched and the object sought to be seized and the person sought to be
- Under Section 5 of Article VII, the Constitution lays down the arrested with such particularity that will go even to the minute detail. Particularity in the
condition before the President, Vice-President, and the Acting description only means that the warrant describes the place sought to be searched or the
President can assume office. They have to take either an oath or object sought to be seized or the person sought to be arrested in a way that the police officer
affirmation. The oath or affirmation provides “I solemnly can identify the place, the object, or the person that is the subject of the warrant. Even John
swear...” if it is an oath; if it is an affirmation, it says “I solemnly Doe Warrants are allowed as long as the warrant provides personal description, or descriptio
affirm...” Then the next few lines are the same. Then it ends with personae, that would allow the police officers to identify who is the subject of the warrant.
“So help me God” if it is an oath; if it is an affirmation, the last
sentence is omitted. Despite the differences, the obligation - Supposing that the Warrant of Arrest did not particularly describe the person
remains the same. sought to be arrested, but incidentally, the police officer to whom the service of the
Warrant of Arrest was assigned has personal information which will supplement the
- Whether it is an oath or affirmation, the affiant is required to tell the truth, the lacking description in the warrant. Can a police officer having personal knowledge
whole truth and nothing but the truth. The only difference is that an oath is supplement what is lacking in the warrant?
premised on the belief in God, while an affirmation is premised on the obligation to
law. The affiant has the obligation under the law to tell the truth, the whole truth - The answer is no. Police officers cannot use any discretion; they cannot
and nothing but the truth. use any information personal to them. The particularity in the description
must rest on the description in the warrant itself, and not on the
What is the Test of a Sufficient Oath? circumstances which are personal to the serving officers.

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In the case of People v. Del Rosario, a Search Warrant was issued for the search and seizure 2. Arrests in Hot Pursuit — when an offense has just been committed and
of shabu and other drug paraphernalia in a place particularly described in the warrant. In the he has probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge of facts or
service of the warrant, the police officers accidentally stumbled upon an unlicensed firearm circumstances that the person to be arrested has committed it.
inside a canister. So it was not included in the warrant... the warrant only specified the search
and seizure of shabu and other drug paraphernalia. They only accidentally discovered the gun. 3. Arrests of a Prisoner — when the person to be arrested is a prisoner
who has escaped from a penal establishment or place where he is serving
- The first question in this case is if the unlicensed firearm subject to confiscation final judgment or is temporarily confined while his case is pending, or has
and seizure. The second question is if the unlicensed firearm is admissible in escaped while being transferred from one confinement to another.
evidence against the owner of the house.
- Take note that Section 5 of Rule 113 may be implemented not only by law
- As to the first question, the Supreme Court said the unlicensed firearm enforcement officers. Section 5 of Rule 113 may also be implemented by private
is subject to confiscation. While it was not included in the warrant, it is an persons. When Section 5 of Rule 113 is implemented by a private person, we apply
article or item in violation of a law. Since it is in violation of a law, the the newly-concocted doctrine called “the Robin Padilla Doctrine” (*hilarity ensues)
police officers can confiscate it. However, the mere fact that it is subject — the Warrantless Arrest by a private person.
to confiscation does not necessarily mean that it is admissible in evidence.
Since it was not included in the warrant and the seizure of the unlicensed Aside from Section 5 of Rule 113, there are other provisions of the Rules of Court that allow
firearm is not one of those allowed under the Rules of Court for a Warrantless Arrests. Which means that Warrantless Arrests are not only limited to the
warrantless seizure, then it is inadmissible in evidence. provisions of Section 5 of Rule 113.

- The Supreme Court said in People v. Del Rosario that “a Search Warrant is not a - Other instances of permissible Warrantless Arrests include Section 13 of Rule 113,
sweeping authority empowering a raiding party to conduct a fishing expedition to which is titled “Arrest after escape or rescue.”
seize and confiscate any and all articles in relation to a crime.” While it is subject to
confiscation, the unlicensed firearm is inadmissible in evidence. - Under Section 13 of Rule 113, a person who is lawfully arrested who has
subsequently escaped or has been rescued may be pursued or arrested at
any time without a warrant.
- Two other instances of permissible Warrantless Arrests are those provided for
Searches, Seizures, and Arrests may still be considered reasonable even if they are effected under Section 23 of Rule 114, which is titled “Arrest of accused out on bail.”
without a warrant. This means that the reasonableness or unreasonableness of a Search,
Seizure, or Arrest does not depend upon the absence or existence of a warrant. The Rules of - Under Section 23 of Rule 114, a bondsman may effect the arrest of on
Court and the decisions of the Supreme Court recognize several instances of a warrantless accused who is out on bail in order to execute a final decision. The
Search and Seizures, and Arrests. bondsman without a Warrant of Arrest can effect the arrest of an accused
who is out on bail or he may authorize any other person to effect the
Most legal scholars and legal writers say that there are 3 permissible Warrantless Arrests, and arrest.
they point out to Section 5 of Rule 113. True enough, Section 5 of Rule 113 is titled “Arrest
without warrant; when lawful.” - The last permissible Warrantless Arrest under Section 23 of Rule 114 is
the arrest of an accused who is out on bail who attempts to leave the
- Under Section 5 of Rule 113, the three instances of permissible Warrantless Arrests Philippines without authority from the court which granted the
are: application for bail.

1. Arrests in Flagrante Delicto — when in his presence, the person to be These are the several instances when an arrest can be effected even without a warrant.
arrested has committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to
commit an offense. *Let’s discuss the IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO ARREST.

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In Flagrante Delicto arrest requires that the commission of the offense must be done in the the reason why these crimes are considered to be Continuing; the Supreme Court
presence of the person effecting the arrest... because the Rules of Court expressly states said that these crimes are directed against the Government, and the only reason
“When in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually committing, or is why they are considered as Continuing Crimes is to allow the State to effect a
attempting to commit an offense.” Warrantless Arrest so that there is no more need for the Government to wait for
another overt act that would compromise the safety and security of the
What does “in his presence” mean? Must “in his presence” require physical presence of the Government. Which means that while Rebellion, Insurrection, and Subversion are
person effecting the arrest at the scene of the crime? [No] not continuing in fact (in the sense that the elements are scattered across time),
they are still considered to be Continuing Crimes only to effect a Warrantless Arrest.
- Let’s take the case of People v. Sucro. In this case, the police officer was conducting A real continuing offense is that where the elements of the crime may be said to still
a stakeout operation. He was observing the activities of the target who was be existing even with the passage of time. An example would be Kidnapping and
incidentally a childhood friend. The police officer conducted the stakeout operation Serious Illegal Detention.
from across the street in front of the church. When he confirmed that the accused
was engaged in the sale of marijuana, the latter was apprehended In Flagrante *Let’s now discuss HOT PURSUIT ARREST.
Delicto. The Supreme Court said that “in his presence” only means that the police
officer effecting the arrest sees the commission of the offense although at a distance Hot Pursuit Arrest presupposes that the offense has just been committed. There must be
or heard the commission of the offense and proceeded to the scene of the crime certain immediacy between the commission of the offense and the actual arrest.
and effected the arrest. Which means that In Flagrante Delicto arrests can be
effected as long as the police officer or private person effecting the arrest has used Is it required that to effect a Hot Pursuit Arrest that the officer effecting the arrest must have
any of his faculties in order to observe the commission of the offense. Which means been in the presence of the commission of the offense?
that the arresting officer or private person can use his sense of smell if the
commission of the offense can be detected by the olfactory sense, or by the - The Rules of Court does not require it. The Rules only provide that a Hot Pursuit
gustatory sense which is the sense of taste. As long as the police officer or private Arrest may be effected as long as the arresting officer has probable cause, although
persons effecting the arrest has used any of his sensory perceptions, he can effect such probable cause must be based upon personal knowledge. Which means that
an In Flagrante Delicto arrest. even if the arresting officer did not see the commission of the offense, but he has
conducted an investigation in order to determine the commission of the offense,
In effecting an In Flagrante Delicto arrest, it is required that the arrest must be effected at the that is probable cause and such probable cause is derived from personal knowledge
time of the offense was committed, or when the accused is actually committing the offense, because he was the one that has conducted the investigation.
or when the accused is about to commit the offense. There must be no appreciable time
between the commission of the offense and the actual arrest. The case of Go v. CA involved the shooting incident in San Juan. Six days after the shooting
incident, the petitioner together with his two counsels went to the Police Station. The only
Can an arrest be effected as an In Flagrante Delicto arrest even if the accused is no longer purpose of the visit was to inquire and to confirm whether indeed the petitioner was the
performing the acts constitutive of the elements of the crime? subject of a manhunt operation. Petitioner was arrested immediately when he got to the San
Juan Police Station. The police effected the arrest as a Hot Pursuit Arrest. The Supreme Court
- The general rule is no. In certain instances, however, these can be effected in cases said that a crime committed 6 days ago cannot by any stretch of imagination be considered
of CONTINUING CRIMES. as one that has just been committed.

- In the case of Umil v. Ramos, the shooting incident happened a day before the Does that mean that if a crime was committed in the afternoon, a Hot Pursuit Arrest can be
arrest. When the accused was arrested, he was being treated in a hospital. So at the made in the evening?
time of his arrest, the accused was no longer committing acts constitutive of the
elements of the crime of Subversion. But the Supreme Court considered this type of - Let’s take the case of People v. Rodrigueza. In this case, the version of the arresting
offenses as a Continuing Crime. Even if the accused is no longer in the discharge of officers was that in the afternoon, they conducted a Test-Buy Operation. One police
acts which constitute the offense, they are still deemed to be committing the officer acted as a Poseur-Buyer to confirm whether the accused was indeed engaged
offense. In this case, even if the accused was only being treated at the hospital, he in an illegal activity. Once the transaction was consummated, it was confirmed that
is deemed to be still engaged in the act of Subversion. The Supreme Court explained the accused was engaged in illegal activity. What the police officer did was he

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returned to the Police Station to report the matter to his superior, and then the - Yes. Even if there is a 30-day lapse from the commission of the offense
superior formed an arresting team which eventually performed the arrest at 10 in and the actual arrest, there can still be a Hot Pursuit arrest as long as the
the evening. The illegal activity was confirmed at 5pm, then the arrest was chain of events remain connected by unbroken links.
conducted at 10pm. Is this a Hot Pursuit Arrest? [No]

- The Supreme Court doubted that truthfulness of the version given by the WARRANTLESS SEARCHES
police officers because in Buy-Bust Operations, once the illegal activity is
confirmed, a Warrantless Arrest can be effected at that precise moment. There are several instances of Warrantless Searches. Most of these Warrantless Searches are
The Supreme Court said that even assuming for the sake of argument that provided by Case Law. There are only few that are provided by the Rules of Court or by law.
the version given by the police officers was correct, the police officers can
no longer effect a Hot Pursuit Arrest, because when the police officers left Examples of Warrantless Searches and Seizures provided for by the Rules of Court would be
the scene of the crime, the chain of events was already broken. Which the “Search incident to a lawful arrest” under Rule 126, another would be “Custom searches”
means that to effect an arrest under a Hot Pursuit, the chain of events under the Tariff and Customs Code.
from the commission of the offense to the actual arrest must be
connected by unbroken links. The rest of the Warrantless Searches are from Case Law doctrines.

- In that regard, let’s take the case of People v. Gerente. In this case, a socially- In the case of Luz v. People, which involved a violation of a traffic ordinance, the accused was
conscious neighbor heard the plan of a group. There was a drinking session and the apprehended for riding a motorcycle without a helmet. He was apprehended in Naga. The
socially-conscious neighbor heard the plan. At 3’o’clock in the afternoon, the group penalty for the traffic ordinance only imposes a fine. Since he was apprehended near the
effected the plan and they killed the victim. The victim was rushed to the hospital, Police Precinct, the police officer asked if they can just prepare the ticket inside the Police
and once the police officers confirmed that the victim was dead, they went to the Precinct, to which the accused consented. While the police officer was preparing the ticket
place where the offense was committed. They gathered evidence and interviewed for the traffic violation, the officer observed that the accused was frequently looking inside
witnesses, including the socially-conscious neighbor. The neighbor pointed to the his pocket. This impelled the police officer to order the accused to take everything out of his
accused, and the accused was already sleeping at the time when the police officers pockets. Without any question and objection, the accused brought out everything from his
effected the arrest. pockets, including a tinfoil. When the police officer opened the tinfoil, he discovered Shabu.
The issue in this case is whether there was a valid Warrantless Search and Seizure. The
- The Supreme Court said that the arrest was valid... it was just a period of Supreme Court enumerated several instances of permissible Warrantless Searches and
3 hours... and the chain of events from the discovery of the crime up to Seizures.
the actual arrest was unbroken. Which means that in order to effect a
Warrantless Arrest under a Hot Pursuit Arrest, the determinative factor is In Luz v. People, the Supreme Court enumerated 7 Instances of Permissible Warrantless
the link between the commission of the offense and the actual arrest. Searches and Seizures:
Which means that the lapse of time is irrelevant. What is relevant is that
the chain of events from the commission of the offense up to the actual 1. Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest;
arrest must be unbroken.
2. Searches in Plain View;
- So just to exaggerate... Let’s say for example, police officer A witnessed B killing C.
But unfortunately, police officer A was unable to arrest B at the time the latter killed 3. Consented Searches;
C. Police officer A could no longer effect an In Flagrante Delicto arrest because B
was able to run. Supposing police officer A and B are long-distance marathon 4. Customs Searches;
runners, and the chase lasted for 30 days. On the 30th day, B gave up and police
officer A arrested B under a Hot Pursuit Arrest. Is this a valid Hot Pursuit Arrest? 5. Searches of Moving Vehicles;

6. Stop and Frisk; and

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7. Searches During Exigent and Emergency Circumstances. the Police Precinct, any resistance would be futile. The Supreme Court said that there was no
Consented Search.
*Let’s first discuss CONSENTED SEARCH.
Can we say that even if that does not constitute a Consented Search, can it be a Search
In Luz v. People, did the accused in taking out everything in his pocket without any objection Incidental to a Lawful Arrest? I ask because the accused was apprehended first for violation
consent to the search? of a traffic ordinance. [No]

- The Supreme Court said no. The Supreme Court enumerated the requisites for a A Search Incidental to a Lawful Arrest presupposes that there must be a valid arrest that
Consented Search. precedes the search.

In order for the search to be a Consented Search, there are 4 requisites that must be present: In the case of Malacat v. CA, which involved a police officer who observed a group of Muslim
children in Plaza Miranda, the police officer said the Muslim children were acting suspiciously,
1. The consent must be specific; and when the court asked him how they were acting suspiciously, the police officer said that
their eyes were moving too fast. The police officer said that while he was about to approach
2. The consent must be unequivocal; the group, the group of young Muslim boys ran away in different directions. The police officer
chased one, and the search on the person of the young boy resulted in the discovery of a hand
3. The consent must be intelligently given; and grenade. The issue in this case is whether there was a Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest.

4. The consent must be free from coercion or duress. - The Supreme Court said no. In order to effect a Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest,
there must be an arrest prior to the search. This event cannot be reversed, but only
Also, the Supreme Court said that whether consent to the search was in fact voluntary is a insofar as Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest is concerned, because other
question of fact to be determined from the totality of all the circumstances. The Supreme Warrantless Searches allow a search prior to an arrest. But insofar as a Search
Court enumerated 9 factors to be considered in determining if consent was voluntarily given: Incident to a Lawful Arrest is concerned, there must be a valid prior arrest before a
search is effected.
1. The age of the defendant;
Going back to Luz v. People, the Supreme Court said that in order to be considered as an
2. Whether the defendant was in a public or a secluded location; arrest, the law violated by the person apprehended must be punishable by imprisonment. If
the apprehension of the person is for a violation of law punishable only by a fine, then it is not
3. Whether the defendant objected to the search or just passively looked on; an arrest. The Supreme Court said that under the Rules of Court, an arrest is not required for
offenses punishable only by a fine. Therefore, in this case, when the accused was
4. The education and intelligence of the defendant; apprehended for a traffic violation, he was not arrested, he was only apprehended. The
purpose of the apprehension was for the service of a ticket, and not to deprive the person
5. The presence of coercive police procedures; apprehended of his liberty.

6. The defendant’s belief that no incriminating evidence would be found; What is the extent of a permissible Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest?

7. The nature of the police questioning; - The extent of such permissible search is the body of the person arrested, his outer
clothing, and the premises within his immediate control.
8. The environment in which the questioning took place; and
The case of Espano v. CA also involved a Buy-Bust Operation wherein the police officer acted
9. The possibly vulnerable subjective state of the person consenting. as a Poseur-Buyer. The transaction happened on the road several meters away from the house
of the accused. When the transaction was consummated, the police officer effected an arrest,
In Luz v. People, the Supreme Court said that the mere fact that the accused did not object to and the police officer searched the outer clothing of the accused, which yielded in the
the search inside the Police Precinct does not necessarily equate to consent, since he is inside discovery of 3 cellophane bags of marijuana. Thereafter, the police officers searched the

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house of the accused. The issue in this case is whether the 10 cellophane bags of marijuana can no longer be considered as illegal, the search that was effected thereafter is also
discovered in the house of the accused after he was arrested on the street outside his house a search incident to an arrest which can no longer be declared illegal?
is by a permissible Warrantless Search under a Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest.
- The Supreme Court said no. The waiver only covers the issue of the
- The Supreme Court said no. Only the items found in the possession of the accused validity of the arrest but not as to the validity of the search. In order to
at the time he was arrested are covered by a Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest, but effect a Warrantless Search as an Incident to a Lawful Arrest, it is
those items found inside his house are not covered by such search because it was incumbent upon the prosecution to establish that the arrest is one of
already beyond the permissible Warrantless Search as an Incident to a Lawful Arrest. those allowed under the Rules of Court without a warrant. Which means
that the mere waiver of the right to challenge the validity of the arrest
What now is the permissible extent of these Warrantless Searches? does not make the subsequent search as falling within a Search Incident
to a Lawful Arrest.
- Let’s take the case of People v. Musa. This case also involved a Buy-Bust Operation.
The transaction was consummated inside the house and the accused was arrested *Now we go to another permissible Warrantless Search — STOP AND FRISK / THE TERRY
in his living room. The police officer searched the kitchen which was several meters SEARCH.
away from the living room and they found a plastic bag which contained marijuana.
The issue in this case is whether the plastic bag discovered in the kitchen several This was first implemented in the US case of Terry v. Ohio. In this case, the police officer
meters away from the living room, where the arrest is effected, is covered by the involved was Detective McFadden. Detective McFadden had been with the Cleveland Police
Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest. Force for 39 years. He had been patrolling the area where he spotted Terry and his group for
35 years. This means that Detective McFadden was very much familiar with the area. He
- The Supreme Court said no. A Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest will only be valid knows the usual persons, and he knows the usual activities occurring in the area. One
up to the extent of that which is within the reach of the accused. afternoon, he spotted Terry. Since he did not know Terry, he observed them and their
activities. Terry was moving to and fro in the same direction from one end of the street to the
According to the Supreme Court in People v. Musa, the purposes of a Search Incident to a other, and whenever Terry was in front of a store, he looks at a window. This happened for
Lawful Arrest are: quite some time. After several minutes, Detective McFadden observed another person doing
the exact same thing as Terry. Then these two, Terry and his companion, conferred with a
1. To protect the person effecting the arrest; and third person, another member of the group. At that time, Detective McFadden concluded that
Terry and the other 2 persons were casing up the establishment, and he wanted to conduct
2. To prevent the accused from discarding or destroying evidence. further investigation, thus, he approached the group. When Detective McFadden introduced
himself, one of the members of the group mumbled something, which was not revealed in the
A Search Incident to a Lawful Arrest presupposes that there must be a valid arrest prior to the decision of the Supreme Court, although this was controversial because Terry was black.
search. Supposing the accused could no longer challenge the validity of his arrest, can the Detective McFadden searched Terry by patting his outer clothing, which resulted in the
search that was effected subsequent to such arrest be covered by a Search Incident to a Lawful discovery of an unlicensed revolver. He did the same thing to the other two members, which
Arrest? resulted in the discovery of another unlicensed revolver in the possession of one of the
members, Katz. The issue in this case is whether the two unlicensed firearms could be used as
- Let’s take the case of People v. Peralta. The accused in this case, who is an evidence against the accused. Was the search a permissible Warrantless Search?
employee of the Central Bank, was arrested while he was waiting for a bus. Which
means that it was not one of those permissible Warrantless Arrests. Then he was - The US Supreme Court said yes. There is a difference between arrest and “stop for
subjected to custodial investigation, and the police officers said that they found a further investigation.” There is also a distinction between an extensive search and
perforated bill inside his wallet. The demonetized perforated bills were intended to frisk of the outer clothing, the latter being called “stop and frisk.” So, arrest
be destroyed. The issue in this case is that the accused entered his plea of not guilty distinguished from a stop, and extensive search distinguished from a frisk. The US
without challenging the validity of his arrest. The Supreme Court said that the Supreme Court said that the purpose of a Stop and Frisk Search is to continue the
accused has already waived his right to challenge the validity of his arrest. The investigation without exposing the person of the police officer to danger. That is
question is what about the validity of the search? Can we say that since the arrest why it is only limited to the outer clothing of the person sought to be searched.

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In the case of Malacat v. CA, the Supreme Court said that there are 2 Objectives of a Stop and immediate control. It is the same scope and extent as that allowed in a Search
Frisk / Terry Search, which are: Incident to a Lawful Arrest.

1. For the general interest of an effective crime prevention and detection; and *We go now to SEARCHES IN PLAIN VIEW.

2. For the more pressing interest of personal safety and security. In United Laboratories (UNILAB) v. Isip, a Search Warrant was issued for the search and
seizure of counterfeit Revicon Products. The police officers served the warrant but did not find
In Stop and Frisk Searches, there is no need for probable cause. The only requisite for a Stop the counterfeit Revicon Products in the place described in the warrant, but they found instead
and Frisk is that there must be a genuine reason based on the training and experience of the Dycodrene and Inoflux Products, which are also being manufactured by the petitioner. The
police officer to believe that crime may be afoot. Even if there is no probable cause, as long issue in this case is whether the seizure of the Dycodrene and Inoflux Products, which were
as it is grounded on reasonable circumstances, the Warrantless Stop and Frisk Search may be later found to be counterfeit, may fall under Search and Seizure In Plain View.
The Supreme Court enumerated 3 Requisites for a Valid Seizure of Evidence in Plain View:
Aside from Stop and Frisk, the Supreme Court also applied another Warrantless Search, which
is STOP AND SEARCH. 1. The police officer has prior justification for an initial intrusion or otherwise
properly situated in a position from which he can view a particular order;
What is the distinction between Stop and Frisk and that of Stop and Search?
2. The police officer discovered the incriminating evidence inadvertently; and
- Stop and Search was applied by the Supreme Court in the case of Posadas v. CA.
In this case, police officers were observing the activities of a person. The police 3. Not only is the object readily apparent, but also the incriminating character of the
officer noted the suspicious conduct of this person. When the police officer object.
approached, the accused ran. The police officer chased the accused and was able to
catch him. The police officer searched his outer clothing and the courier bag that he Supposing police officers A and B love go to parties. Police officer A told B that he knows the
was carrying at that time, which resulted in the discovery of firearms and location of a party. Police officer B asks if they were invited, and police officer A says that there
ammunition inside the bag. Which means that Stop and Frisk cannot be applied here is no need because they are police officers. When they went to the house of the party, they
because Stop and Frisk is only limited to the outer clothing. But the Supreme Court knocked on the door. No one answered. The door was unlocked so they went right in.
said that no, it is not Stop and Frisk which is applicable here, but STOP AND SEARCH Immediately upon entering the door, they saw drugs everywhere. Can they effect a seizure of
which is akin to Stop and Frisk. The Supreme Court distinguished the two. evidence under the Doctrine of Plain View?

- In STOP AND FRISK, there is no need for probable cause. The standard to - The answer is no, because they do not have a right to be there; they are party
be used here is based on the training and experience of the police officer. crashers. To effect a seizure in Plain View, there must be prior justification for an
There must be genuine reason based on the training and experience of initial intrusion. Since they violated the privacy of that event/party, they cannot
the police officer to believe that crime may be afoot. effect a seizure of evidence in Plain View.

- In STOP AND SEARCH, there must be probable cause. In probable cause, Supposing the court issued a Search Warrant for the search and seizure of shabu and other
the standard is based on a reasonably discreet and prudent man. drug paraphernalia, and in the service of the warrant within the place described therein, the
police officers found an unlicensed firearm inside a drawer while they were searching for the
- Which means that with regard to the suspicious conduct, it is more obvious in Stop shabu and other drug paraphernalia. Is seizure of evidence in Plain View applicable in this
and Search because the point of view is taken from an ordinary man. If the point of case? Let’s apply the three requisites:
view is taken from a police officer, what may be obvious to a trained and seasoned
police officer may not necessarily be obvious to an ordinary man. That is the reason - Do the police officers have a right to be there? Definitely because they are serving
why in a Stop and Search, the permissible extent of the search is greater than a Stop a Search Warrant.
and Frisk; it includes the person of the accused, as well as those within his

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- Did they discover the evidence inadvertently? Definitely because they were not - The answer is no, because what must be apparent is the evidence itself,
looking for the unlicensed firearm. They were looking for shabu and other drug and not only a suggestion. In that regard, the incriminating evidence must
paraphernalia, but incidentally they found the unlicensed firearm. be apparent to the officers effecting the seizure.

- Is the incriminating character of the object apparent? Definitely because it is a In the case of United Laboratories (UNILAB) v. Isip, when the police officers entered the
prohibited article or is regulated at the very least. Which means that it is incumbent premises, they saw a transparent glass cabinet full of Dycodrene and Inoflux Products. The
upon the owner to show that it is allowed or he has a license to possess it. police officers said that they were not looking for anything, they were not conducting a search
for it, but when they entered the premises they saw the Dycodrene and Inoflux Products. Can
This is what happened in the case of People v. Del Rosario. But in this case, the Supreme Court they effect a seizure of evidence in Plain View? Let’s apply the 3 requisites provided by the
said no... the unlicensed firearm is not admissible as evidence... We cannot apply seizure of Supreme Court:
evidence in Plain View. The second requisite provided by the Supreme Court in the case of
United Laboratories (UNILAB) v. Isip should be modified to the extent that the police officers - Do the officers have a right to be there? Definitely, they are serving a Search
must have discovered the incriminating evidence inadvertently WITHOUT CONDUCTING ANY Warrant.
SEARCH. Which means that they must not be opening anything. The object which is
incriminating must be readily apparent. They must discover the evidence inadvertently but - Did they discover the evidence inadvertently without conducting a search?
without conducting any search. Assuming that that was what happened, yes definitely.

The Supreme Court in People v. Del Rosario said that “a search warrant is not a sweeping - Is there anything wrong with the display of Dycodrene and Inoflux Products? None.
authority empowering a raiding party to undertake a fishing expedition to seize and confiscate Which means that it is not incriminating by itself.
any and all kinds of evidence or articles relating to a crime.”
In order to effect a seizure of evidence in Plain View, the incriminating character of the
In the case of People v. Musa, remember the police officers arrested the accused in the living evidence must be readily apparent. The Supreme Court said that the only time the police
room. When the police officers arrested the accused in the living room, they saw a plastic bag officers discovered that they were counterfeit products is when the FDA certified that they
hanging in the kitchen. The police officers asked the accused what the plastic bag contained, were indeed counterfeit. So, when the police officers seized them, they did not know that
but the accused refused to answer. Thus, the police officers went to the kitchen and took the they were counterfeit or not. Which means that the incriminating character of the evidence
plastic bag and looked inside only to find that it contained Marijuana. Is this a seizure of was not readily apparent.
evidence in Plain View? Can we say that the police officers did not search, but they merely
saw the plastic bag in the kitchen from the living room where the arrest was made? What is the standard to be applied by the police officers in determining whether the
incriminating character of the evidence is readily apparent? What standard of evidence?
- The Supreme Court said no, because what is apparent to the police officers is just
the plastic bag hanging in the kitchen; they do not know the contents of the plastic - The Supreme Court in United Laboratories (UNILAB) v. Isip said ONLY PROBABLE
bag. To effect a seizure of evidence in Plain View, the incriminating evidence must CAUSE. As long as the police officers have probable cause to believe that the object
be apparent and not only the container thereof. The problem in this case is when that they observed is a contraband, they can effect a seizure of evidence in Plain
the Supreme Court said that there was no indication, there was nothing in the plastic View.
bag that revealed its contents, and there was no manifestation at all that it
contained incriminating evidence. Does that mean that when there are some *Now we go to CUSTOMS SEARCHES.
suggestions in the container, they can effect a seizure of evidence in Plain View?
What is the limitation of Customs Searches?
- Let’s modify the factual circumstances in the case of People v. Musa. Supposing
that the plastic bag hanging in the kitchen had a note, and that note says “Marijuana - Customs Searches can be effected even outside the Customs premises. Customs
Inside.” The container reveals its contents. Can the police officers effect a seizure of Searches, without a warrant, can be effected even inside buildings, inside
evidence in Plain View? enclosures, EXCEPT DWELLINGS... meaning, houses cannot be searched without a
warrant under Customs Searches. This is the ruling of the Supreme Court in the case
of Papa v. Mago.

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officers in this case that rights of the persons subjected to this type of law
What items may be seized without a warrant under Warrantless Customs Searches? Are all enforcement activity should be respected. The Supreme Court said that persons
objects subject to seizure under a Customs Search? subjected to this type of search cannot be required to take off their shirts, the
houses should be protected, there should be no banging of doors, no kicking of
- The answer is no, ONLY DUTIABLE GOODS may be seized. Dutiable Goods refer to walls, and of the like. The rights of the people, particularly the right to privacy, must
imported items or those items to be exported. These are the only items that are be recognized.
subject to Customs Duties.
These are the many instances of Permissible Warrantless Arrests and Warrantless Searches.
*Let’s now discuss REGULAR CHECKPOINTS.

How about Regular Checkpoints? What is the extent of permissible warrantless Checkpoints? SECTION 3 OF ARTICLE III — PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE

- ONLY VISUAL SEARCH. Meaning, the police officers may use a flashlight to see the Is there such a constitutional right to privacy? I ask because if we read Art. III from Section 1
inside or require the occupant of the vehicle to turn on the light inside the vehicle. to Section 22, there is only one provision which deals with privacy — Section 3. However, the
However, the occupant of the vehicle cannot be required to open the trunk, the extent of privacy protected by Section 3 is only limited to “communication and
compartments, or any other enclosure of the vehicle under Regular Checkpoints. correspondence” and the right to privacy is more than that. Does that mean that the right to
privacy guaranteed by the Constitution is only limited to communication and
- The more Extensive Searches During Checkpoints may only be effected when the correspondence?
police officers have probable cause to believe that the vehicle or the owner is
involved with a crime. - The Supreme Court answered this question in the case of Ople v. Torres. In this
case, the governmental act challenged was Administrative Order No. 308 — The
- But during Regular Checkpoint Operations, only visual searches are allowed. National ID System. The Supreme Court ruled that while there is no specific
constitutional provision that guarantees the right to privacy in all its aspects, Zones
How about AERIAL SATURATION DRIVES? of Privacy are created by the Constitution.

- They are valid, provided that constitutional rights are respected. - The Supreme Court in Ople v. Torres cited the case of Griswold v. Connecticut
which involved a State Law that prohibits the use of contraceptives. The US Supreme
- If we have Oplan Tohkang now, during Martial Law we had Aerial Saturation Drives. Court declared that law unconstitutional because it invades the privacy of one’s
room. There are areas which cannot be entered by the government... definitely, the
- Aerial Saturation Drives occurs when police officers of a particular community, bedroom is outside the governmental power... that area cannot be interfered upon
usually a Barangay, require all male persons to be flushed out of their residences by the courts. The US Supreme Court said the Concept of Limited Government
and gathered and assembled in an open place, usually a basketball court, and they always included the idea that governmental powers stop short at certain intrusions
will be required to take their shirts off to reveal any identifying marks. into the personal life of an individual. This is one of the distinctions between a
Limited Government and an Absolute Government. The US Supreme Court said that
- In the case of Guazon v. De Villa, the Supreme Court did not make a categorical the ultimate and pervasive control in the life of the individual of all aspects of his
declaration as to the constitutionality of this type of Warrantless Searches. The life is the hallmark of an Absolute Government. While on the other hand, the
Supreme Court, however, dismissed the petition based on technicalities because the Concept of Limited Government recognizes a private sector which belongs to the
petitioner is not one of those who were subjected to this type of search. The private individual which clearly distinguishes it from the public sector which the
Supreme Court implied that police officers can effect law enforcement activities like State can control. Which means there are zones which are beyond the power of the
Aerial Saturation Drives, because the Supreme Court said that the circumstances of government.
that time allow the President to use extraordinary force in order to ensure and
maintain peace and order. Which means that Aerial Saturation Drives are one of - In the case of Griswold v. Connecticut, the US Supreme Court said that various
those Warrantless Searches that fall under SEARCHES DURING EXIGENT OR provisions in the Constitution have penumbras formed by emanations of these
EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. The Supreme Court, however, cautioned the police guarantees that help give them life and substance. The US Supreme Court said that

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various provisions in the Bill of Rights create Zones of Privacy. The First Amendment, Decisional Privacy refers to the right to be independent in making certain important decisions.
the Third, Fourth, Fifth Amendments of the US Constitution create Zones of Privacy. Under this category of privacy, the government cannot interfere in the decision-making
process of an individual because it is covered by Decisional Privacy.
- In the same fashion, in Ople v. Torres, the Supreme Court enumerated the
provisions of the 1987 Constitution which create Zones of Privacy. The Supreme Informational Privacy, on the other hand, consists of two aspects. The two aspects of
Court said that provisions of the 1987 Constitution which create Zones of Privacy Informational Privacy are:
1. The right not to disclose personal information or information of private matters;
1. Section 1 of Article III (Due Process and Equal Protection); and

2. Section 2 of Article III (Right against Unreasonable Searches and 2. To live freely without surveillance and interference.
In the case of Ople v. Torres, the public respondent contends that there is no right to privacy
3. Section 3 of Article III (Right to Privacy of Communication and on transactions with the government, because under The National ID System, the transactions
Correspondence); of one person with one government agency can be shared with other government agencies.
According to the public respondent, there is no expectation of privacy with regards to such
4. Section 6 of Article III (Liberty of Abode and of Travel); information. The Supreme Court did not agree. The Supreme Court said that there are 2 tests
in order to determine whether there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
5. Section 8 of Article III (Right to Form Unions, Associations, or Societies);
and According to Ople v. Torres and Disini v. Secretary of Justice, the reasonableness of a person’s
expectation of privacy depends on a two-part test:
6. Section 17 of Article III (Right against Self-Incrimination).
1. SUBJECTIVE TEST — Whether by his conduct, the individual has exhibited an
What are the two Categories of Privacy? expectation of privacy; and

- In Disini v. Secretary of Justice, the Supreme Court said that the two Categories of 2. OBJECTIVE TEST — Whether this expectation is one that society recognizes as
Privacy, taken from the US Supreme Court decision in Whalen v. Roe, are: reasonable.

1. DECISIONAL Privacy — the independence in making certain important The factual circumstances of the case determine the reasonableness of the expectation.
decisions; and However, other factors, such as 1) CUSTOMS, 2) PHYSICAL SURROUNDINGS, and 3) PRACTICES
OF A PARTICULAR ACTIVITY may serve to create or diminish this expectation.
2. INFORMATIONAL Privacy — interest in avoiding disclosure of personal
matters and freedom from surveillance. The conditions wherein the government may compel disclosure from the people are:

- Although in the more recent case of Vivares v. St. Theresa’s College, the Supreme 1. A compelling state interest is involved;
Court extended the 2 categories and made it 3. The Supreme Court said that the
third category of Privacy is LOCATIONAL/SITUATIONAL Privacy. 2. There is a rational connection between the disclosure and the purpose of the law;
- Assessing the 2 Categories Decisional and Informational, we can say that
Locational/Situational is already embraced in Informational, because 3. The law must be narrowly drawn.
Locational/Situational only refers to the information about the location of a
particular person. In the case of Vivares v. St. Theresa’s College, the STC students, who are minors, uploaded on
their Facebook accounts pictures where they were shown to be in their undergarments. The
pictures were accessed by other schoolmates and were shown to their teacher. The teacher

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then reported the matter to the administration, which then conducted an investigation. against the Government, thus, the constitutional protection does not apply to her.
According to the petitioners, those pictures are private, and the school, the teacher, and the The Supreme Court disagreed. The Supreme Court said that “the intimacies between
administration have no right to access them. The Supreme Court said that with regard to husband and wife do not justify any one of them in breaking the drawers and
online social networking environments, privacy is no longer grounded on reasonable cabinets of the other and in ransacking them for any telltale evidence of marital
expectations. In online social networking platforms or environments, privacy is no longer infidelity.” The Supreme Court said that “a person, by contracting marriage, does
grounded on reasonable expectations, but rather on theoretical protocols, or theoretical not shed his or her integrity or his right to privacy as an individual and the
protocols better known as “wishful thinking.” The Supreme Court said there is no privacy in constitutional protection is ever available to him or to her.” In this case, the Supreme
online social networking environments. While the Supreme Court discussed there are certain Court applied the right to privacy of communication and correspondence even
levels of privacy settings... “For Me,” “Public,” “Custom,” “Friends Only,” the Supreme Court against a private individual.
said that even if these settings are provided, there is a disclaimer... Facebook says that the
privacy settings are not full-proof... which means there is no absolute privacy even for these Again, different zones of privacy are created by different constitutional provisions:
types of privacy settings. The Supreme Court said that the students have not shown any
indication that they intended those pictures to be private. As a matter of fact, anyone from - Section 2 of Article III creates a zone of privacy over one’s person, house, papers,
the school can access the pictures... which means that it can be accessed by any person. The and other effects AGAINST GOVERNMENT INTRUSION.
Supreme Court said that if the students failed to protect their privacy, how can they expect
the courts to do that for them. They must first protect their privacy before they go to court. - Section 3 of Article III creates a zone of privacy over one’s communication and
This is also the same ruling of the Supreme Court in the case of Belo v. Guevarra. correspondence AGAINST ANY PERSON, whether against the government or any
private person.
In Belo v. Guevarra, this is an administrative case for disbarment which involves Dr. Vicky Belo
and Atty. Argee Guevarra. In his Facebook account, Atty. Guevarra posted some strong There may be instances when an evidence may have the characteristic of a paper and a
statements against Dr. Vicky Belo. He called her a “Quack Doctor,” among other things. During communication. “Paper” is covered by Section 2 of Art. III, while “Communication” is covered
the proceedings, Atty. Guevarra claimed those statements are private, that they were by Section 3 of Article III. To be specific, a Letter is both a Paper and a Communication. If a
intended only for his friends. The Supreme Court said no... even if the statements are made letter is procured by a private individual without the consent of the owner, do we apply
only for friends, those friends have several different friends, who likewise have several Section 2 or Section 3? Can we say that the Letter is a Paper, and since it is a Paper, it is covered
different friends... the original audience of 100 will multiply to a million-fold. The Supreme by Section 2, which can only be violated by the government, and since it is a private individual
Court said that in order to be entitled to the right of privacy, the actor must show that he has who procured the Letter, the Letter is admissible, applying People v. Marti? On the other
exhibited an expectation of privacy, and such expectation must be reasonable. In this case, hand, can we say that Letter is also a Communication, and since it is a Communication, it is
Atty. Guevarra was suspended from practicing law for a period of 1 year. covered by Section 3, and according to the Supreme Court in Zulueta v. CA, Section 3 can also
be violated by a private person, therefore, inadmissible? So how can we reconcile this? Can
Remember that in the case of People v. Marti, the Supreme Court said that the Bill of Rights we say that only Section 2 or only Section 3 is applicable, or can we say that both are
can only be invoked against the Government. Remember the statement of Father Bernas that applicable?
“the Bill of Rights governs the relationship between the individual and the State. It is not
concerned with the relation between two private individuals. What the Bill of Rights does is to - The answer is BOTH SECTION 2 AND SECTION 3 ARE APPLICABLE. The Letter is
create forbidden zones of privacy inaccessible by any power holder.” Does that mean that the admissible and inadmissible at the same time. Could this be possible? Yes, the
entire Bill of Rights from Sections 1 to 22 are only directed against the Government and cannot admissibility or inadmissibility of that evidence depends on the purpose of such
be violated by a private individual? evidence.

- Let’s take the case of Zulueta v. CA. In this case, the wife went to her petitioner - If that Letter is offered as an OBJECT EVIDENCE, Section 2 shall apply. If
husband’s clinic, who is a doctor. She opened the drawers, and took some pictures, the only purpose is to show that there is indeed a Letter, Section 2 shall
and took some correspondences to be used in the civil action that she filed against apply, which means that it is admissible because it was a private individual
her husband. At this time, she was accompanied by the usual companion of a very who obtained that Letter.
suspicious wife — her mother. They ransacked the clinic and took the letters. The
petitioner moved to suppress the pieces of evidence procured by the wife inside the - But if that Letter is being offered as a DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE,
clinic without his consent. The wife said that the right to privacy can only be invoked meaning to say, the proponent will prove the contents of the Letter, we

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apply Section 3 because in that regard, it is a Communication. Since it was not raised as an issue in the case, the Supreme Court discussed whether R.A. 4200
procured without the consent of the owner, there is a violation of the right was violated.
to privacy. Therefore, even if the person who procured it is a private
individual, it is covered, according to the Supreme Court in the case of - The Supreme Court said no. R.A. 4200 prohibits the unauthorized
Zulueta v. CA. recording of PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS. The conversation happened
inside a Police Precinct. At the time the conversation happened, there
- This is the difference between People v. Marti and Zulueta v. CA. were other people around. Which means that the two parties did not
intend for the communication to be private. Since it was not a private
Apart from the Constitution, laws also create Zones of Privacy. communication, it is not covered by R.A. 4200.

- The Civil Code, particularly the law on Torts, makes it actionable on the act of Supposing the private communication was recorded without the knowledge of the other party
prying into the privacy of one’s neighbor. That’s an actionable tort. by one of the parties to the communication. Supposing A and B were having a private
conversation, and B recorded the private conversation, is R.A. 4200 violated? [Yes]
- The Intellectual Property Code also creates a Zone of Privacy for trade secrets.
- This is the issue in the case of Ramirez v. CA. The Supreme Court said yes, there is
- The Bank Secrecy law also creates a Zone of Privacy by making bank transactions a violation of R.A. 4200 because the law does not distinguish who may violate the
private. law.

- The recent Data Privacy Act also creates a Zone of Privacy. - Section 1 of R.A. 4200 expressly provides that “it shall be unlawful for ANY PERSON,
not being authorized by all the parties to any private communication or spoken word,
- The Anti-Wire Tapping Act (R.A. 4200) also creates a Zone of Privacy. to tap any wire or cable, or by using any other device or arrangement, to secretly
overhear, intercept, or record such communication or spoken word by using a
Supposing while we are conducting this lecture, one of the participants present recorded the detectaphone, or walkie-talkie, tape recorder, or any other devices howsoever
lecture. Does the lecturer have a cause of action under R.A. 4200? Can the lecturer say that called.”
his right to privacy was violated and this constitutes a violation under R.A. 4200? [No]
- The Supreme Court in the case of Ramirez v. CA said that the use of the word “ANY”
- This question was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Navarro v. CA. In means it applies even to the parties to the private communication or spoken word.
this case, a heated discussion between the victim and the police officer was tape
recorded by the companion of the victim. The victim and the companion are Supposing the private communication between two persons was intercepted or overheard by
reporters. Before the incident, the victim and the companion went to a strip club (a a third party through the use of an extension telephone line. Is there a violation of R.A. 4200?
place that is notorious for presenting “cultural shows”). During the show, the victim [No]
took pictures when the cultural dancers started to undress. When the bouncer
noticed that the victim was taking pictures, they were asked to leave. The victim - Let’s take the case of Gaanan v. Intermediate Appellate Court. In this case, the
refused, but they were forcibly brought outside. The victim and the companion petitioner and the private respondent were discussing an amicable settlement in a
immediately reported to the Police Precinct. When they got there, the police officers criminal case. At the time they were discussing the terms of the amicable
were doing their routine activity at night; they were in the performance of their settlement, the lawyer of the plaintiff was present. The plaintiff asked his lawyer if
duty. Once the victim and the companion got there, the police officers were doing he could go to the other line and listen to their discussion, but the other party did
their usual activity — they were drinking. When the police officers learned about not know that the lawyer was listening on the other line. When the other party
the incident, the police officers asked if “hindi nyo ba alam sino yun ari doon?” Then discovered that plaintiff’s lawyer was listening without his consent, he filed a
the owner of the club arrived at the Police Precinct during the time that the victim complaint for violation of R.A. 4200. The Supreme Court said that it did not
and the police officers were having a heated argument. Then the police officer constitute a violation of R.A. 4200, because an extension telephone line is not one
punched the victim, who fell to the pavement and died as a result of trauma to the those enumerated under the law that could be used to violate the law. The catch-
head. However, unbeknownst to all, the discussion between the victim and police all phrase “any other device howsoever called” cannot be applied in this case
officer was tape recorded by the companion without their knowledge. While it was because the extension telephone line is not similar to those mentioned. The phrase

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“any other device howsoever called” shall only be interpreted to mean that it must a violation of the Constitution, they will continue to violate it... but until the
be similar to those mentioned following the PRINCIPLE OF EJUSDEM GENERIS (of the prosecution knows that they cannot benefit from it, the violation will not stop.
same kind or nature). Since an extension telephone line is not one of those
mentioned by R.A. 4200, nor is it similar to those mentioned, it cannot be covered
SINE LIGE (if there is no law prohibiting it, then there is no crime). THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE AND PETITION

- Another question... since the overhearing of the discussion between the two Section 4 protects five very important constitutional rights:
parties in that case did not constitute a violation under R.A. 4200, can the plaintiff
present the lawyer to prove the matters that they had discussed?... because it does 1. Freedom of Speech;
not constitute a criminal act... The answer is no... because while it does not
constitute a criminal act, it constitutes a violation of Section 3 of Article III of the 2. Freedom of Expression;
Constitution, and Paragraph 2 of Section 3 of Article III provides that “any evidence
obtained in violation of this or the preceding section shall be inadmissible for any 3. Freedom of the Press;
purpose in any proceeding.” Which means that it is not required that the violation
of the privacy is a criminal act. As long as there is a violation of the right to privacy, 4. Right to Free Assembly; and
any evidence obtained in violation of the Constitution or the right to privacy is
inadmissible. 5. Right to Free Petition.

Paragraph 2 of Section 3 of Article III is known as the EXCLUSIONARY PRINCIPLE. But These rights are so important that in the case of Bayan v. Ermita, the Supreme Court said that
remember, the Exclusionary Principle deals with the Primary Evidence... because under the “the first point to mark is that the right of the people to peaceably assemble and petition for
Exclusionary Principle, the evidence obtained in violation of the Constitution will be rendered redress of grievances is, together with freedom of speech, of expression, and of the press, a
inadmissible... while any other evidence derived from that Primary Source is rendered right that enjoys primacy in the realm of constitutional protection. For these rights constitute
inadmissible under the Doctrine of FRUIT OF THE POISONOUS TREE. The Exclusionary Principle the very basis of a functional democratic policy, without which all the other rights would be
deals with the Tree, while the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree deals with the Fruit. But Section 3 meaningless and unprotected.”
of Article III says “ANY EVIDENCE obtained in violation...” which means that it is not only
limited to the Primary Evidence but also Derivative Evidence... ALL evidence, whether Primary - The Supreme Court in Bayan v. Ermita was saying that without Section 4 of Article
or Derivative Evidence, shall be inadmissible. III, all rights under Article III from Section 1 to Section 22 would be meaningless.
Without Section 4, all other sections of the Bill of Rights would become unprotected.
- Prior to the constitutionalization of the Exclusionary Doctrine, in this jurisdiction That’s how important Section 4 is.
we have applied the NON-EXCLUSIONARY DOCTRINE, under the Moncado v. People
ruling that the criminal cannot go scot-free just because the constable had If the rights guaranteed under Section 4 are so important, why are they just treated in one
blundered. Under the Non-Exclusionary Doctrine, courts will still admit evidence single very short constitutional provision? If they are so important, should they not deserve
obtained in violation of the Constitution, but shall impose criminal or administrative one provision each?
sanctions against the erring public officer. Under the Non-Exclusionary Doctrine, it
is as if the court will tell the police “I’ll admit the evidence, but next time don’t do it - This question was answered by the Supreme Court in the case Reyes v. Bagatsing.
again.” This is the application under the Non-Exclusionary Doctrine.
-In Reyes v. Bagatsing, the Supreme Court, citing Judge Rutledge, said that “it was
- But in the case of Stonehill v. Diokno, the Supreme Court has abandoned the Non- not by accident or coincidence that the rights to freedom of speech and of the press
Exclusionary Doctrine because of the statement of Judge Learned Hand. According were coupled in a single guarantee with the rights of the people peaceably to
to Judge Learned Hand, “Only in case the prosecution which itself controls the seizing assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. All these rights,
officials, knows that it cannot profit by their wrong, will that wrong be repressed.” while not identical, are INSEPARABLE.”
Which means that as long as the prosecution knows that it can profit or benefit by

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- The Supreme Court said that the rights cannot be separated; they must - The Supreme Court is not saying that these two private establishments violated
be treated together. their rights to free assembly and petition. The Supreme Court is just saying that the
imposition of the penalties was unreasonable. The Supreme Court recognized that
We have learned that in the case of People v. Marti, Section 2 of Article III can only be used these constitutional rights can only be invoked against the government.
against the government, and we have learned that in the case of Zulueta v. CA, Section 3 of
Article III can be used even against private intrusions. What about Section 4 of Article III? Is PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION (ABSOLUTE vs. QUALIFIED)
Section 4 available against private intrusion, or is Section 4 only available against the
government? In order to strengthen the right to free speech, laws, rules and regulations recognize
PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION. There are certain types of speeches which are not protected
- The answer is that it is AVAILABLE ONLY AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. by the Constitution, one of which is Libel. Libel is not a protected speech. However, in order
to further strengthen the constitutional right to free speech, particularly in criticizing
- This is provided for by the Constitution itself. In the first five words of Section 4 of government officials, the RPC and the Rules of Court insulates some defamatory remarks from
Article III, the Constitution says “No law shall be passed...” Which means that this the coverage of Libel.
constitutional guarantee is only a prohibition against the government not to enact
a law. Which means that private acts are not covered by Section 4 of Article III. According to the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Bustos, “the Doctrine of Privileged Communication
rests upon Public Policy, which looks to the free and unfettered administration of justice,
If private acts are not covered by Section 4 of Article III, then why in two cases, particularly though, as an incidental result, it may in some instances afford an immunity to the evil-
PBM Employees Association v. Philippine Blooming Mills and Malabanan v. Ramento, the disposed and malignant slanderer.”
Supreme Court discussed the primacy of this constitutional rights.
There are two kinds of Privileged Communication, it can either be Absolute or Qualified
- In PBM Employees Association v. Philippine Blooming Mills, this case involved Privileged Communication.
Philippine Blooming Mills, a factory of which all the workers participated in an
assembly against Pasig Police. All those who participated in the assembly were 1) ABSOLUTE PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION is a statement which is totally blameless,
dismissed. whether criminal, civil or administrative liability.

- In Malabanan v. Ramento, this case involved the private school Gregorio Araneta - One example of this is Section 11 of Article VI, which provides that Member of
School. The students and their leaders were suspended for one academic year Congress are given immunity of speech.
because of the assembly that they had conducted in excess of the activities
authorized by the school. - The difference between Absolute and Qualified Privileged Communication is that
even if the defamatory statement is impelled with malice or bad faith, Absolute
In both cases, the entities involved are private entities. Why did the Supreme Court apply the Privileged Communication is totally blameless, unlike the case in Qualified Privileged
constitutional guarantees under Section 4 of Article III? Again, the constitutional guarantees Communication.
under Section 4 can only be invoked against the government. The Supreme Court discussed
the importance of the right to assembly and petition in these cases only to determine the - Supposing that during her Privileged Speech, a Member of the Senate delivered a
reasonableness of the penalties. speech and said that “I’m not angry... I’m not irate... I’m homicidal... I’m suicidal...
I’m foaming at the mouth... and I’m not only that, I feel like throwing up to be living
- The Supreme Court said in PBM Employees Association v. Philippine Blooming my middle years in a country of this nature. I am nauseated... I spit on the face of
Mills that the employees were only engaged in the exercise of their constitutional Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban and his cohorts in the Supreme Court. I’m no
rights... so to punish them with dismissal is too heavy a penalty. longer interested to become a Chief Justice if I were to be surrounded by idiots. I
would rather be in another environment than in a Supreme Court of idiots.”
- Same with the case of Malabanan v. Ramento, the students were only engaged in
the exercise of their constitutional rights... so to suspend them for one year is - This was the issue in Pobre v. Defensor-Santiago. The Senator who
likewise too heavy a penalty. delivered the Privileged Speech was Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago.
Pobre v. Defensor-Santiago is a disbarment case. The Supreme Court

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cannot help but rebuke the statements of Senator Santiago. The Supreme petition with the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court dissected Sect. 4 by defining the extent
Court said that it was uncalled for especially for a member of the Bar, of this constitutional provision.
because each member of the Bar must accord the highest respect to the
highest officials of the land. However, with a lengthy discourse on legal - The first phrase interpreted by the Supreme Court is the phrase “No law...” The
ethics, the Supreme Court nevertheless concluded that she is a member question raised by the Supreme Court is what does “law” mean? Does “law” mean
of the Senate and, thus, the Court could not do anything about it. The a legislative act? The Supreme Court said no... the word “law” applies to all
Supreme Court can only remind her but she cannot be sanctioned, governmental acts... it applies to the act of the mayor in Primicias v. Fugoso... the
because the statements of Senator Santiago are Absolute Privileged resolutions of the COMELEC in Social Weather Stations (SWS) v. COMELEC... and
Communication. also to the letter of the law department of the COMELEC in Diocese of Bacolod v.
COMELEC. So, the phrase “law” under Section 4 of Article III applies to ALL
2) QUALIFIED PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION, on the other hand, are provided for by RPC and GOVERNMENTAL ACTS.
by the decisions of the Supreme Court.
- The next word interpreted by the Supreme Court in this case is the word
- In the case of Borjal v. Court of Appeals, remember this involves the editorial “expression.” In the 1987 Constitution, this is the first time the word “expression”
about a self-proclaimed EDSA hero who was going around soliciting donations. In appears in the constitutional guarantee. In the 1935 and the 1973 Constitutions, the
this case, respondent claimed that the editorial is not a Qualified Privileged constitutional guarantee is only limited to speech, press, assembly, and petition...
Communication, because it is not one of those enumerated under Article 354 of the the term “expression” was not included. The word “expression” was proposed to be
RPC. Article 354 of the RPC only enumerates two kinds of Qualified Privileged inserted in the Constitution by Commissioner Lino Brocka. According to him,
Communication, which are: “expression is more expansive than speech.” The Constitutional Commission,
through Father Bernas as the Chairman of the Committee, accepted the proposal on
1. A private communication made by one person to another in the the ground that it will expand the constitutional guarantee.
performance of any legal, moral, or social duty;
- According to the Supreme Court, “speech” is not only limited to vocal
2. A fair and true report, made in good faith, without comments or communication. Conduct is treated as a form of speech sometimes referred to as
remarks, of any judicial, legislative, or other official proceedings which are SYMBOLIC SPEECH, such that when speech and non-speech elements are combined
not of confidential nature, OR of any statement, reports, or speech in the same course of conduct, the communicative element of the conduct may be
delivered in said proceedings, OR of any other act performed by public sufficient to bring into play the right to freedom of expression. The Supreme Court
officers in the exercise of their functions. said that the right to freedom of expression, thus, applies to the entire continuum
of speech from utterances made to conduct enacted, and even to inaction itself as
- In Borjal v. Court of Appeals, the editorial is not a private communication, nor is it a symbolic manner of communication. The Supreme Court said that the Constitution
a fair and true report without comments or remarks because it is an editorial and, is now broader in scope because of the inclusion of the word “expression.”
thus, it is an opinion. However, the Supreme Court said that the enumeration of
Qualified Privileged Communication under Article 354 of the RPC is not exclusive. In the case of Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court discussed several theories
There are other statements which are Qualified Privileged Communication. The and schools of thought that strengthen the need to protect the basic right to freedom of
reason, according to the Supreme Court, is that Article 354 of the RPC is not the expression and the other rights under Section 4 of Article III.
source of Qualified Privileged Communication. The genesis of the Principle of
Qualified Privileged Communication is the Constitution itself. Which means that 6 FREE SPEECH THEORIES AND SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT (Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC):
there are other laws and other rules that may grant Qualified Privileged
Communication other than Article 354 of the RPC. 1. DELIBERATIVE DEMOCRACY — this relates to the right of the people to participate
in public affairs, including the right to criticize governmental action.
The case of Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC involved the tarpaulins quoted by Bacolod after
the passing of the R.H. Bill... “Team Buhay, Team Patay.” In this case, the legal department of - Under this theory, open, substantial and ethical dialogue on public affairs
COMELEC sent a letter to the Diocese of Bacolod ordering the dismantling of the 2 tarpaulins is a critical, and indeed defining, feature of a democratic polity. This
because they exceeded the allowable size allowed for elections propaganda. They filed a includes a collective decision making with the participation of all who will

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be affected by the decision. It is anchored on the principle that the - In this statement, free speech through criticism was likened to
cornerstone of every democracy is that sovereignty resides in the people. a scalpel. A scalpel is a surgical instrument. Surgeons use
The theory on deliberative democracy has evolved to the right of the scalpels to slice the flesh of the patient. When doctors do this,
people to make the government accountable. definitely, the patient will get hurt. Similarly, when citizens
criticize the government officials, such officials will also get hurt.
- According to the Supreme Court, speech that promotes dialogue on However, it must be noted that doctors use the scalpel for the
public affairs, or airs out grievances and political discontent, should thus purpose of not hurting the patient, but rather for the purpose
be protected and encouraged. The Supreme Court, in borrowing the of exposing the disease so that it may be cured. In a protected
words of Justice Brandeis, said “it is hazardous to discourage thought, speech through criticism, the purpose of criticism is not to hurt
hope and imagination; that fear breeds repression; that repression breeds the public officer... the purpose of criticism is to bring out the
hate; that hate menaces stable government; that the path of safety lies in social ill, with the end in view of curing it. This is the protected
the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and proposed speech... it is not a generalized condemnation of our
remedies.” government system.

- In line with this, Father Bernas said that “speech may be said to be - Is criticism, as a protected speech, applicable as well to judicial officers?
inextricably linked to freedom itself, as the right to think is the beginning Can people in the exercise of their right to free speech through criticism
of freedom, and speech must be protected from the government because say that the judges and justices of the Supreme Court are thieves? Can
speech is the beginning of thought.” This is how important speech is; if we also say that members of Congress are thieves? Yes, definitely we can
freedom starts from the right to think, the right to think starts from say that members of Congress are thieves. Under the protected speech,
speech. Speech is the basic right that creates freedom. an individual can criticize members of Congress. May criticisms applicable
to members of Congress be applied as well to the members of the
- Under the political theory of Deliberative Democracy, criticisms of Supreme Court? This was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of
government actions are a form of protected speech. But the Supreme United States v. Bustos.
Court in Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC said that to be considered as
protected speech, the criticism must be specific and constructive, and not - In United States v. Bustos, the Supreme Court said that “the
only a generalized denouncement on the entire government system. guarantees of free speech and of free press include the right to
criticize judicial conduct. The administration of the law is a
- In United States v. Bustos, this is the case which involved the Justice of matter of vital public concern. Whether the law is wisely or badly
the Peace of Pampanga (an old position which is now equivalent to our enforced is, therefore, a fit subject for proper comment. If the
MTC judges). In this case, an administrative complaint was filed against people cannot criticize a judge or a justice the same as any other
the Justice of the Peace. According to the accused, the Justice of the Peace public officer, public opinion will be effectively muzzled.
was demanding goose, chicken, or anything in value for a favorable Attempted terrorization of public opinion on the part of the
decision. However, the complaint was dismissed. When the case was judiciary would be a tyranny of the basest sort. The sword of
dismissed, the Justice of the Peace filed a criminal complaint against the Damocles in the hands of a judge does not hang suspended over
accused for Libel. The Supreme Court said that “the interest of society and the head of the individual who dares to assert his prerogative as
the maintenance of good government demands a full discussion of public a citizen and to stand up bravely before any official.” The
affairs. Complete liberty to comment on the conduct of public men is a Supreme Court said that it is not only a right but also a duty of
scalpel in the case of free speech. The sharp incision of its probe relieves every citizen to criticize their government officials, including
the abscesses of officialdom. Men in public life may suffer under a hostile judicial officers.
and an unjust accusation, but the wounds can be assuaged with the balm
of a clear conscience. A public officer must not be too thin-skinned with - However, in another case, People v. Alarcon, the Supreme Court made
reference to comments upon his official acts. Only thus can the intelligence a distinction and discussed PERMISSIBLE CRITICISMS against judicial
and dignity of the individual be exalted.” officers. In this case, the accused published an article and he was
condemning the decision of the RTC of Pampanga convicting him in a

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robbery case involving farmers. He published his article while the this time, filed a TRO for the showing of the film because
judgment of conviction was still pending before the Court of Appeals. The according to him, it violated his right to privacy since he was
Supreme Court said that there must be some distinction between depicted in the film. The Supreme Court said no... while Enrile
criticisms on terminated cases and criticisms on pending cases. was not a public officer at that time, he was still a PUBLIC
FIGURE. The Supreme Court defined who is a Public Figure.
- Insofar as TERMINATED CASES, free-for-all... whatever can be
used against any other public officers, can also be used against - According to the Supreme Court, “a PUBLIC FIGURE has been
judges and justices. defined as a person who, by his accomplishments, fame or mode
of living, or by adopting a profession or calling which gives the
- for PENDING DECISIONS, however, there must be some degree public a legitimate interest in his doings, his affairs, and his
of restraint. The Supreme Court said that newspaper character, has become a ‘public personage.’ He is, in other
publications tending to impede, obstruct, embarrass, or words, a celebrity.”
influence the courts in administering justice in pending cases
may constitute CONTEMPT, which may be summarily punished - The Supreme Court said that there are three reasons why
by the court. Insofar as terminated cases, any degree of criticism PUBLIC FIGURES enjoy lesser rights to privacy:
available to be used against any other public officers may
likewise be used against judges and justices. 1. They had sought publicity and consented to it, and
so they cannot complain when they received it;
- In People v. Alarcon, remember the case was still pending before the
Court of Appeals when the article was published. Can we say that the 2. Their personalities and their affairs had already
article was a criticism of a pending case? become public, and could no longer be regarded as
their own private business; and
- The Supreme Court said no... the criticism was against the
RTC... and insofar as the RTC is concerned, it was already a 3. The press had a privilege, under the Constitution, to
terminated case. The RTC judge can no longer be influenced by inform the public about those who have become
such criticism. Similarly, the Court of Appeals cannot take action legitimate matters of public interest.
on that, because it is not the Court of Appeals that was being
criticized, and the Court of Appeals is not the agent of the RTC. - A Pugilist is a professional boxer.
In order to be considered as finally terminated, it does not
necessarily mean that the case is already final and executory... - We have identified two groups of individuals who enjoy a lesser right to
it only requires that the decision being criticized can no longer privacy (Public Officers and Public Figures). Aside from Public Officers and
be changed by the public officer/judge/justice being criticized. Public Figures, are there any other groups of individuals who may be
subjected to public discussion and even criticism? This was discussed by
- In United States v. Bustos and People v. Alarcon, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court in the case of Borjal v. Court of Appeals.
recognized the right of the people to criticize government officers. Which
means that government officers can be the subject of public discussion - In Borjal v. Court of Appeals, petitioner Borjal is a writer and
and even ridicule... they cannot invoke their right to privacy when the he has a column in the newspaper called “Jaywalker.” In his
people talk about their activities. Aside from government officials, are editorial column, he discussed in a blind item, he said that there
there other groups of individuals who also enjoy a lesser right to privacy? is this self-proclaimed Edsa Hero who goes around soliciting
PUBLIC FIGURES. donations. Feeling alluded to the editorial, private respondent
Francisco Wenceslao filed a criminal complaint for Libel against
- In Ayer Productions v. Capulong, this case involved the film petitioner Borjal. According to private respondent Wenceslao,
“The Four Day Revolution,” wherein it depicts Edsa Revolution petitioner Borjal cannot publicly discuss his activities because he
1. Private respondent Ponce Enrile, who was a private citizen at is not a public officer... he may be a consultant of the First

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National Conference on Land Transportation, but he is not a have to pay taxes (*hilarity ensues). In order to be considered as a truth,
public officer... and he has not yet achieved that status of a it must be able to compete with other truths. This is the concept of Market
celebrity... therefore, he cannot be the subject of a public Place of Ideas.
discussion. However, the Supreme Court did not agree. Even if
a person is not a public officer nor a public figure, the people 3. SELF-EXPRESSION — this requires that free speech must be encouraged because
can nevertheless talk about his activities if he is INVOLVED IN A it involves self-expression which enhances human dignity.
PUBLIC ISSUE. So private individuals involved in a public issue
can be the subject of public discussion without violating their - In the case of PBM Employees Association v. Philippine Blooming Mills,
right to privacy. the Supreme Court compared the right to assemble and petition to the
property rights of the employer. In this case, the employer was
2. MARKET PLACE OF IDEAS — free speech should be encouraged under the concept complaining that he and the employees had agreed that those in the first
of a market place of ideas. shift should not participate in the assembly, and yet they did... thus, he
dismissed them because it interrupted the employer’s operations. The
- This theory was articulated by Justice Holmes in that “the ultimate good Supreme Court, in order to determine whose right should prevail,
desired is better reached by the free trade in ideas.” According to Justice compared the property rights of the employer and the rights of the
Holmes, “when men have realized that time has upset many fighting employees to assemble and petition. The Supreme Court said that the
faiths, they may come to believe even more than they believe the very rights under Section 4 of Article III are HUMAN RIGHTS... as such, they
foundations of their own conduct that the ultimate good desired is better enjoy primacy in the hierarchy of civil and political rights... because they
reached by free trade in ideas — that the best test of truth is the power of are not just civil rights, but also political rights essential to the man’s
the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market, and enjoyment of his life, to his happiness, and to his full and complete
that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes safely can be carried fulfillment. The Supreme Court said that while property rights may
out.” prescribe, human rights under Section 4 of Article III are
- The way it works is that the exposure to the ideas of others allows one
to consider, test, and develop their own conclusions. The Supreme Court - Another proof that Section 4 of Article III is superior to other rights is that
said in Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC that a free, open, and dynamic property rights can be regulated as long as there is a Lawful Subject and
market place of ideas is constantly shaping new ones. This promotes both Lawful Means. Rights under Section 4 can be regulated only if there is a
stability and change where recurring points may crystallize and weak ones Clear and Present Danger or if there is a Substantial Governmental
may develop. Interest under the O’Brian Test... so Lawful Subject and Lawful Means are
not enough when it comes to regulating the rights under Section 4. These
- Under the market place of ideas, it is like a UFC event where all the are the reasons why the rights under Section 4 are primary over property
opinions are thrown in the ring, and whichever emerges as the victor will rights.
become the ultimate truth... because in our system of government, there
is no ultimate truth... the truth of one should be able to compete with the 4. MARKER FOR GROUP IDENTITY — free speech should be protected as the vehicle
truth of another. Once a truth prevails, then such will be considered as the to find those who have similar and shared values and ideals, to join together and
ultimate truth. forward common goals.

- In this regard, the Supreme Court said in the case of Iglesia Ni Cristo v. 5. PROTECTION FOR INDIVIDUALS AND MINORITIES AGAINST MAJORITARIAN
Court of Appeals, which involved the show of Iglesia Ni Cristo receiving an ABUSES — free speech is supposed to protect individuals and minorities against
X-Rating by the MTCRB, that “when the luxury of time permits, the majoritarian abuses perpetrated through the framework of democratic governance.
marketplace of ideas demands that speech should be met by more speech
for it is the spark of opposite speech, the heat of colliding ideas that can - According to James Madison, there are two potentially vulnerable
fan the embers of truth.” Which means that in a democratic institution, groups: 1) the citizenry at large (majorities) who might be tyrannized or
there is no truth... the only ultimate truth is that people will die and they plundered by despotic federal officials, and 2) the minorities who may be

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oppressed by dominant factions of the electorate that capture the for them to express their dissent except through violence. This
government for their own selfish ends. is how important free speech is.

- According to the Supreme Court, free speech is not intended to protect Like any other constitutional right, the rights under Section 4 of Article III can also be
the majority, because the majority does not need any protection. Free regulated. However, as we have said in the case of PBM Employees Association v. Philippine
speech is intended for the minority views, the unpopular views, because Blooming Mills, the requirements for a valid regulation of the rights under Section 4 is
this is the opinion that needs protection. different than the requirements for a valid regulation of property rights.

- In this regard, the statement of Justice Holmes is also applicable. Not all speeches have the same degree of protection. The Supreme Court compared Political
According to Justice Holmes, “the right to free speech exists not so much Speeches and Commercial Speeches in Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC. The Supreme Court
for the thought that agrees with us, as for the thought that we detest.” said that a COMMERCIAL SPEECH is a speech that does nothing but promote commercial
transactions, while POLITICAL SPEECH is both intended and received as contribution in
- It is for this purpose that the right to free speech be protected discussing public affairs.
in order to encourage the individuals to voice their opinions.
The core of the right to free speech is Political Speech. Which means that Political Speech
6. SAFETY VALVE — In the case of Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC, expounding the enjoys greater protection than Commercial Speech.
ruling of the Supreme Court in Reyes v. Bagatsing, the Supreme Court compared
society to a dam. The Supreme Court said that society accumulates anger, - Which means that a producer of bottled water cannot claim that their product is
frustration, negative feelings, ill will against the government... if there is no safety the best water without justification... there must be some substantiation... there
valve in order that the people can vent their frustrations, there will come a point must be some research showing that their product is indeed the best. However, a
where society will no longer contain these feelings, and the only way to vent these person can say that President Duterte is the best President without any
feelings is to explode. Like a dam, if there is no safety valve to regulate the flow of substantiation... this is a Political Speech... it enjoys greater protection.
water, once the dam meets the spilling point, it will explode. Thus, free speech
should be protected in order to allow the people to vent their frustrations so that it In the case of Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC, insofar as Political Speech is concerned, the
will not result to violence. The Supreme Court said that “nonviolent manifestations Supreme Court said that the degree of permissible regulation should also be based on the
of dissent reduce the likelihood of violence.” This is also the reason why the Supreme nature of the regulation, whether it be CONTENT-BASED or CONTENT-NEUTRAL.
Court issued a warning in Reyes v. Bagatsing.
- A regulation is CONTENT-BASED when it regulates the subject of the speech or the
- In Reyes v. Bagatsing, this is the case involving the assembly and petition speaker.
in front of the US Embassy. Former Justice J.B.L. Reyes filed the petition in
order that they be allowed to conduct the assembly and petition outside - The applied test is CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TEST... the government
the US Embassy, which was allowed. The Supreme Court, through Justice bears the heavy burden to show that the speech brings about a clear and
Frankfurter, said that “it must never be forgotten that the Bill of Rights is substantive evil which the State has a right to prevent. In the absence of
the child of Enlightenment. Back of the guaranty of free speech lay faith in an evil both substantive and imminent, the State cannot regulate the
the power of an appeal to reason by all the peaceful means for gaining Political Speech.
access to the mind. It was in order to avert force and explosions due to
restrictions upon rational modes of communication that the guaranty of - In the cases of Reyes v. Bagatsing and Primicias v. Fugoso, the Supreme
free speech was given a generous scope. For if the peaceful means of Court said that the Dangerous Tendency Test is not enough. Justice
communication cannot be availed of, resort to non-peaceful means may Brandeis in Whitney v. California said that “Fear of serious injury cannot
be the only alternative.” alone justify suppression of free speech and assembly. Men feared witches
and burned women. It is the function of speech to free men from the
- The Supreme Court is saying that if the people cannot vent bondage of irrational fears.” In regulating a Political Speech, and such
their frustrations in a peaceful manner, they can go and take up regulation is Content-Based, it must pass the Clear and Present Danger
arms against the government... because there is no other way Test.

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whether it is obscene or whether it is wholesome. The Supreme Court discussed the evolution
- A regulation is CONTENT-NEUTRAL when it only regulates the incidents of the of the concept of obscenity from People v. Kottinger to Gonzalez v. Kalaw Katigbak to Miller
speech, such as the time, place, or manner of the speech. v. California.

- The applied test is only the INTERMEDIATE TEST under the O’BRIAN - In the case of People v. Kottinger, even isolated passages can be used in order to
TEST... if all the 4 requisites under the O’Brian Test are present, then the declare an act as obscene. Under the KOTTINGER TEST, a literature is obscene if it
government can regulate the Political Speech. has a corrupting tendency. If the tendency of the material is to corrupt or deprave
the minds of those who are exposed to the literature.
- HOWEVER, if the content-neutral regulation imposes stricter
requirements, imposes penalties, or otherwise burdens the rights under - In Gonzalez v. Kalaw Katigbak, the Supreme Court applied the DOMINANT THEME
Section 4, then the test to be applied is the CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TEST which provides that isolated passages alone will not be enough. The dominant
TEST, and not the Intermediate Test / O’Brian Test. theme of the literature should be the determinative factor.

The US Supreme Court in the case United States v. O’Brian provided a test that should be - In Miller v. California, the Supreme Court enumerated 3 tests or “basic guidelines”
employed in determining a valid governmental regulation of free speech. This is called the in determining the nature of the literature... whether obscene or wholesome. The
O’BRIAN TEST. three tests or “basic guidelines” are:

Following the O’BRIAN TEST, a government regulation is sufficiently justified — 1. Whether the average person, applying contemporary standards, would
find the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
1. If it is within the constitutional powers of the government;
2. Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way,
2. If it furthers an important or substantial governmental interest; sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law; and

3. If the governmental interest is unrelated to the suppression of free expression; 3. Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic,
and political, or scientific value.

4. If the incidental restriction on the alleged constitutional freedom is no greater In Pita v. Court of Appeals, the literature involved is Pinoy Playboy. The Mayor of Manila
than is essential for the furtherance of that interest. ordered the confiscation of Pinoy Playboy from news-stands and magazine-stands. The Mayor
burned the copies. The Supreme Court did not make a categorical declaration as to the nature
Not all speeches are protected. There are speeches that are not protected. The case of Social of Pinoy Playboy...why? The Supreme Court said that the determination must be based on the
Weather Stations v. COMELEC involved the prohibition of the release of the survey results... literature involved... it cannot be determined on the past issues or subsequent issues... it
15 days for national election and 7 days for local election. The Supreme Court said that there must be determined solely on the literature involved. Unfortunately, said the Supreme Court,
are several speeches which are not protected. Citing Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, the all the copies of the literature were burned... therefore, the Supreme Court said that there is
Supreme Court said that “the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or nothing to base their decision because all the copies were burned. In this case, the Supreme
‘fighting’ words, and words by their mere utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate Court only provided for the guidelines... and the Supreme Court said that in the end, obscenity
breach of the peace are unprotected speeches.” These types of speeches are not covered shall be determined by the courts applying these standards.
under Section 4 of Article III.
Let’s talk about OBSCENITY.
Assembly and Petitioner are considered as necessary consequences of a Republican
In the case of Pita v. Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court had the occasion to determine institution. They are deemed to be complimentary to the right to free speech.
what “obscenity” means. But in the end, the Supreme Court still couldn’t give a categorical
definition of “obscenity.” The Supreme Court only said that there must be guidelines that must - ASSEMBLY only means that the people have the right to meet peaceably for
be implemented by the courts in determining the characteristic of the subject literature... consultation purposes.

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- On the other hand, petitioners contend that B.P. 880 is a Content-Based

- While PETITION means that the people can apply to the government without fear Regulation. Because according to the petitioner, B.P. 880 uses the terms “lawful,”
of penalty for redress of grievances. “opinion,” “questioning,” and according to them, these terms only apply to the
opposition... those who are opposing the government. The Supreme Court said no...
In the case of Primicias v. Fugoso, the Supreme Court said that the power to regulate the use the use of the term “lawful” only means that only peaceful activities are protected
of public places does not authorize the Mayor to prohibit assemblies. The Mayor can only by the Constitution... so unlawful activities do not enjoy constitutional protection.
regulate the time, manner, and place of assemblies, but not to prohibit outright the conduct The words “opinion“ and “petitioning” refer to any subject matter and they do not
of assemblies. This was also echoed by the Supreme Court in Reyes v. Bagatsing. only cover those who are against the government. In that regard, the Supreme Court
declared B.P. 880 as a Content-Neutral Regulation.
Can students exercise their rights to Assembly and Petition?
- In this case, the Supreme Court noted that more than 20 years after the effectivity
- This is one of the issues in Malabanan v. Ramento. In Malabanan v. Ramento, the of B.P. 880, there were only two local government units that have established their
Supreme Court said that students also have the right to exercise Assembly and respective Freedom Parks... because under the law, local government units are
Petition. According to the Supreme Court, citing Justice Fortas in Tinker v. Des required to establish their respective Freedom Parks within 6 months from the
Moines Community School District, “the students do not shed their constitutional effectivity of B.P. 880. However, more than 20 years later, the Supreme Court noted
rights at the schoolhouse gate.” However, the assembly of students must not that there were only 2 local government units that have established their respective
materially disrupt classwork, and it should not involve substantial disorder or Freedom Parks.... one is Cebu in Fuente Osmena, and the other is Manila. However,
invasion on the rights of other students and the teaching staff. the Freedom Park in Manila (Sunken Park) was converted into the Intramuros Golf
Course. This impelled the Supreme Court to issue a warning to all government units
What about employees in the private sector... do they have the right to Assembly and that they have to establish their respective Freedom Parks within 30 days from the
Petition? finality of the decision in Bayan v. Ermita. Under pain that should they fail to provide
their respective Freedom Parks, all public parks within the territorial limits of the
- This was resolved by the Supreme Court in PBM Employees Association v. local government unit shall be considered as Freedom Parks wherein no permits
Philippine Blooming Mills. The Supreme Court said that “The rights of Assembly and shall be required.
Petition enjoy primacy in the realm of constitutional protection...because they are
not only civil rights but also political rights.” Relative to Free Assembly and Petition, in the case of Malabanan v. Ramento, the Supreme
Court said that the mere attendance of disorder will not make the assembly as illegal. Citing
In the case of Bayan v. Ermita, which involved the Calibrated Preemptive Response Policy, the early case of U.S. v. Apurado, the Supreme Court said that “It is rather to be expected that
President Arroyo issued a Memorandum declaring that police officers engaged in regulating more or less disorder will mark the public assembly of the people to protest against grievances
public assemblies under B.P. 880 shall use Calibrated Preemptive Response instead of the whether real or imaginary, because on such occasions feeling is always wrought to a high pitch
standard of conduct provided under B.P. 880. The Supreme Court determined the authority of excitement, and the greater the grievance and the more intense the feeling, the less perfect
of the President to change the standard of conduct of police officers during public assemblies. as a rule will be the disciplinary control of the leaders over their irresponsible followers.”
But according to public respondent, the standard of Calibrated Preemptive Response is the Therefore, disorder will not make a public assembly illegal. If the assembly is held with a
same as the one provided for under B.P. 880... the President only changed the title in order to permit, it is still valid if it is attended by disorder during the assembly.
break the wrong notion that the standard of conduct does not allow the police officers to
exercise some discretion during assemblies. But the Supreme Court said no... if the law says
that this is the standard, then the President cannot change it. According to the Supreme Court, SECTION 5, ARTICLE III — FREEDOM OF RELIGION
the standard required by B.P. 880 is the standard required by law, and the President has no
authority to modify the law. “For this reason, the so-called Calibrated Preemptive Response Section 5 of Article III guarantees two constitutional rights:
Policy has no place in our legal firmament and must be struck down as a darkness that shrouds
freedom.” In that regard, the Supreme Court invalidated the Calibrated Preemptive Response 1. The Non-Establishment of Religion; and
2. The Free Exercise of Religion

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In the case Estrada v. Escritor, respondent is a court stenographer who was administratively practices with rewards... while the Free Exercise Clause prohibits the
charged because she was living with a man who is not her husband, and both the respondent government from inhibiting religious beliefs and practices with penalties.
and the partner are married to other persons. The respondent and her partner belong to
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. Under these religious - In other words, the Supreme Court said that both constitutional
organizations, cohabitation of members who are not married is allowed as long as they guarantees intend to deny the government the power to use either carrot
execute a “Declaration of Pledging Faithfulness,” and either one or both of the parties suffer or stick to influence individual religious beliefs and practices. But these
a legal impediment for them to get married. The husband of the respondent is already dead, two constitutional guarantees are not intended to serve different
but the wife of her partner is still alive... which means that respondent and the partner cannot masters... they are intended to achieve the same objective... which is to
get married because of the legal impediment. The religious organization only allows the not influence religious beliefs and practices.
cohabitation of the parties as long as there is a legal impediment. Since the respondent is a
public officer, she was charged for having a grossly immoral life. The first question that must be answered by the courts in cases involving religion is the
definition of religion... what does religion mean?
In Estrada v. Escritor, the Supreme Court discussed the Free Exercise Clause and the Non-
Establishment Clause of the Constitution. - In Aglipay v. Ruiz, the Supreme Court said that “Religion is the profession of faith
to an active power that binds and elevates man to his creator.” Obviously, the
- The Supreme Court in its 2003 Decision said that these two constitutional definition of religion in this case is a Theistic Concept. Theistic in a sense that the
guarantees are always incomplete... they cannot coexist... it is either the Non- center of the belief to be considered a religion must be a belief in God, however he
Establishment Clause that will prevail or the Free Exercise Clause that will prevail. may be called... he may be called Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, or any other name. As
long as the centrality of the belief is the belief in a supreme being, that is a religion.
- The Supreme Court explained that under the Non-Establishment Clause,
it is a guarantee that the State should not do anything that will influence - In the case of Estrada v. Escritor, the Supreme Court went into the etymology of
religion... because under the Non-Establishment Clause, the stance of the the word “religion.” The word “religion” came from the Middle English word
government is always neutrality... they cannot do anything that will “religioun.” And it also comes from Latin word “religion” and Latin term “religio.” All
influence religion. While under the Free Exercise Clause, the government these words refer to a bond between man and God. This is the etymology of the
must ensure that the people can enjoy their right to religious profession... word “religion.” This means that etymologically, the word “religion” is indeed a
which means that the government must do anything possible within its Theistic Concept.
power in order for the citizens to enjoy religious freedom.
- But in the case of Estrada v. Escritor, the Supreme Court extended the concept of
- In the case of Estrada v. Escritor, the Supreme Court said that the Non- religion even to Non-Theistic Belief. According to the Supreme Court, a system of
Establishment Clause is an OBLIGATION OF INACTION... the government belief or philosophy may be considered as a religion if it complies with the four
should not do anything that will influence religion... while the Free requisites, citing U.S. v. Sieger.
Exercise Clause is an OBLIGATION OF ACTION... the government must
perform all things possible to ensure religious freedom of the people. So, - Let’s discuss U.S. v. Sieger. This case is different from People v. Lagman and Sosa,
this is the reason why the Supreme Court said that they CANNOT because in U.S. v. Sieger, the accused here was charged for his refusal to be drafted
COEXIST... one can only be applied, but not both. in the Vietnam War, and he invoked religious freedom. But during the conference
with the government authorities, he was asked whether he was part of any religion,
- However, in the 2006 Resolution of the Supreme Court in Estrada v. Escritor, the and he said that he was not but that he believes in the “universal goodness of man,”
Supreme Court clarified its earlier statement... the Supreme Court said that and that he believes it is against one’s conscience to take another man’s life. So the
ACTUALLY, THEY CAN COEXIST...because according to the Supreme Court, both the issue in this case is whether the beliefs of the accused can be considered as a
Non-Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause are intended to deny the religion... because the Military Service Law of the US allows Conscientious Objectors
government the power to influence religious belief. to be exempted from military service, as distinguished from our PH Military Service
Act (The National Defense Law) in the case of People v. Lagman and Sosa.
- In short, according to the Supreme Court, the Non-Establishment Clause
only prohibits the government from inhibiting religious beliefs and

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- Remember, the two accused in People v. Lagman and Sosa said that they - These are the requisites for a system of belief or philosophy to be considered as a
did not want to render military service because it is against their religion religion.
to kill... so they invoked religious freedom. The Supreme Court in these
cases said that “without violating the Constitution, a person may be Under the Non-Establishment Clause of Religion, it is strengthened by the separation of
compelled by force, if need be, against his will, against his pecuniary Church of State under Section 6 of Article II. The Wall of Separation has two concepts.
interests and even against his religious or political convictions, to take his
place in the ranks of the army of his country, and risk the chance of being In the case of Estrada v. Escritor, the Supreme Court said that the Wall of Separation can
shot down in its defense.” Meaning, regardless of personal or religious either be taken from the context of Separationist Approach or Benevolent Neutrality
convictions, ALL CITIZENS may be required to render military or civil Approach.
service. This is the rule in People v. Lagman and Sosa.
1. SEPARATIONIST APPROACH can either be Strict Separationist or Strict Neutrality.
- However, in U.S. v. Sieger, the accused was granted his motion not to be enlisted
in the military for the Vietnam War because of his religious belief. The distinction is - In a STRICT SEPARATIONIST, there is an absolute impregnable wall that
that in the U.S., the law exempts religious or Conscientious Objectors from military separates the Church and the State. Activities of the Church shall only be
service unlike the Philippines. This is also the basis of Cassius Clay, or otherwise done by the Church, and activities of the State shall only be done by the
known as Muhammad Ali, in being exempted from being drafted in the Vietnam State. Under a Strict Separation, the roads built by the government cannot
War. Remember his famous statement when he said that “No Vietcong ever called be used for religious processions... they must build their own roads.
me nigger.” This was the basis of Muhammad Ali and other celebrities in order not
to be drafted in the military service. - In a STRICT NEUTRALITY, religion cannot be used as a basis to favor or
discriminate religion. Whatever applies to a secular activity shall also be
- Going back to the requisites of a system of belief or philosophy in order to be applied to a religious activity. If employees should be required to work on
considered as a religion, according to the Supreme Court in Estrada v. Escritor, the a Saturday, this regulation should also be applied even to those employees
4 requisites are: who belong to a religious organization that are not allowed to work on a
Saturday because of religious belief.
1. There must be belief in God or some parallel belief that occupies a
central place in the believers’ life; 2. BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY APPROACH is a Wall of Accommodation. Under the
Benevolent Neutrality Wall of Separation, a religious practice can be accommodated
2. The religion must involve a moral code transcending individual belief; or exempted from the coverage of mandatory law, whether criminal, civil or
administrative. Benevolent Neutrality can either be Mandatory or Permissive.
- I.e., it cannot be purely subjective.
3. A demonstrable sincerity in belief is necessary; and exemption of religious activity based on the CONSTITUTION. One example
of this is Par. 3 of Sect. 28 of Art. VI exempting properties used for religious
- However, the court must not inquire into the truth or purposes from Real Property Tax. It is the Constitution itself that grants
reasonableness of the belief. the accommodation or exemption. This is a Mandatory Benevolent
4. There must be some associational ties.
- Although there is also a view that religious beliefs held by a exemption of religious activity based on PUBLIC POLICY. One example of
single person rather than being part of the teachings of any this is the case involving Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Worker’s Union. In
kinds of group or sect are entitled to the protection of the Free this case, the Industrial Peace Act allows the employer and the union to
Exercise Clause. agree on a Union Security Clause, either Closed Shop or Union Shop. So,
employees within a particular bargaining unit may be compelled to
become members of the union under the Union Security Clause. However,

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the law was amended under R.A. 3350, which exempts members of - The appropriate test to be used in order to determine whether the use of public
religious organizations that do not allow their members to be affiliated funds or property for activities that have some religious color may be allowed is THE
with a union... they would be exempted from the Union Security Clause. LEMON TEST, which was laid down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Lemon
In essence, while it is not based on the Constitution nor on religious v. Kurtzman.
freedom, it is based only on public policy. This is a Permissive Benevolent
Neutrality. THE LEMON TEST (Lemon v. Kurtzman; The test to be used to determine whether the use of
public funds or property for activities that have some religious color may be allowed)
What kind of Wall of Separation is mandated by the Constitution? Is it a Wall of Separationist
or a Wall of Benevolent Neutrality? 1. It has a secular legislative purpose (Purpose Prong);

- It is a WALL OF BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY. 2. It neither advances nor inhibits religion (Effect Prong); and

Under the Constitution, particularly under Sect. 29 of Art. VI, public funds or property cannot 3. It does not foster an excessive entanglement with religion (Entanglement Prong).
be used for religious purposes. Does that mean that any use of public funds or property for an
activity that has some religious color is prohibited by the Constitution? As long as the Lemon Test is satisfied, the use of public funds or property for activities that
have some religious color is constitutionally permissible.
Let’s take the two cases of Aglipay v. Ruiz and Garces v. Estenzo.
With regards to Section 5, please take note of the case of Austria v. NLRC. In Austria v. NLRC,
- In Aglipay v. Ruiz, this case involved the commemorative stamps of the 33rd concerning the dismissal of petitioner, a minister of the 7th Day Adventist, for
International Eucharistic Congress which was held in the Philippines. misappropriation of denominational funds, willful breach of trust, serious misconduct and
gross and habitual neglect of duties, wherein the Supreme Court had occasion to define an
- In Garces v. Estenzo, the local government unit of Valencia, Ormoc City purchased ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIR as “one that concerns doctrine, creed or form of worship of the church,
a wooden image of a patron saint, San Vicente Ferrer, to be used in the celebration or the adoption and enforcement within a religious association of needful laws and regulations
of the town’s annual fiesta, because San Vicente Ferrer is the patron saint of that for the government of the membership, and the power of excluding from such associations
local government unit. those deemed unworthy of membership.”

- In both cases, the Supreme Court sustained the use of public funds or property. - Based on this definition, an ecclesiastical affair involves the relationship between
the church and its members and relates to matters of faith, religious doctrines,
- In Garces v. Estenzo, the Supreme Court said that the funds were not public worship and governance of the congregation.
because they were collected from solicitations from private persons. But
nonetheless, the funds were collected by public officers using official time, - Examples of these affairs in which the State cannot meddle are proceedings for
therefore, they partake the nature of public funds. But even if they were to be excommunication, ordination of religious ministers, administration of sacraments,
considered as public funds, the Supreme Court still sustained the use of the funds and other activities to which is attached religious significance.
for the purchase of the wooden image. The Supreme Court noted, “the barrio fiesta
is a socio-religious affair. Its celebration is an ingrained tradition in rural - In Austria v. NLRC, what is involved is the relationship of the church as an employer
communities. The fiesta relieves the monotony and drudgery of the lives of the and the minister as an employee. It is purely secular and has no relation whatsoever
masses.” with the practice of faith, worship or doctrine of the church.

- In Aglipay v. Ruiz, the appropriation of funds for the release of the commemorative In the case of Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court said that “not all acts done
stamps was sustained because, according to the Supreme Court, not all use of public by those who are priests, bishops ustadz, imams, or any other religious make such act immune
funds for activities that has some religious color is prohibited by the Constitution. It from any secular regulation. The religious also have a secular existence. They exist within a
may be allowed as long as there is some secular legislative purpose involved in the society that is regulated by law.” Which means that there are acts done by the religious which
activity. may fall under governmental regulation. Similarly, there may be acts done by religious

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organizations which are secular in character. Hence, not all acts of religious organizations are the Church. So, the members of INC filed a Libel complaint against Brother Eli
religious or ecclesiastical. Soriano. According to Brother Eli Soriano, the courts cannot interfere because the
issue was between Ang Dating Daan and INC, and that when the issue is between
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM two religious organizations, the courts cannot interfere. But the Supreme Court said
no. The issue involved here is a violation of law, not who has a better doctrine. In
In Iglesia Ni Cristo v. Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court said that there are two aspects of that regard, the Supreme Court said that when the exercise of religion destroys, the
Religious Freedom. The two aspects of Religious Freedom are: Court cannot stand still; it must interfere.

1. The Freedom to Believe; and In the case of Estrada v. Escritor, going back to the main issue, the Supreme Court determined
whether the arrangement between respondent and her partner was morally permissible. The
2. The Freedom to Act on One’s Belief. first question sought to be resolved by the Supreme Court is what standard is to be applied in
determining the morality of the arrangement... because the arrangement is sanctioned by the
The Supreme Court distinguished these two aspects of Freedom of Religion. The Supreme religious organization. Do the courts apply religious morality or secular morality?
Court said that the first aspect is absolute, while the second aspect is subject to regulation.
- The Supreme Court said the standard to be applied is SECULAR MORALITY, not
- Remember in Iglesia Ni Cristo v. Court of Appeals, the shows of INC received an X religious, because courts are courts of law... so since courts are courts of law, they
rating by the MTRCB. According to INC, MTRCB has no authority to screen and can apply no standard other than LAW. Which means that in applying legal
review its television shows because they were issued in the exercise of religious standards, the arrangement between respondent and her partner is secularly
freedom. In essence, INC is saying that once a religious organization invokes immoral. Since the Supreme Court has resolved the character of the arrangement,
religious freedom, they will already be outside the regulatory powers of the can it be exempted from the coverage of the Administrative Code, or the Code of
government. But the Supreme Court said no. The Supreme Court, citing Justice Ethical Standards of Public Officers, or the RPC for adultery and concubinage?
Frankfurter, said that “The constitutional provisions on religious freedom terminated
disabilities, it did not create new privileges. It gave religious liberty, not civil - The Supreme Court applied the COMPELLING STATE INTEREST TEST
immunity. Its essence is freedom from conformity to religious dogma, not freedom viewed from BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY in determining whether a
from conformity to law because of religious dogma.” Which means that once a religious practice can be accommodated or exempted from the coverage
religious activity violates a law, the State can interfere. of mandatory law. Under the Compelling State Interest Test, there 3
questions that must be answered in the affirmative in order for the
- The Supreme Court said that the “Freedom of religion has been accorded a governmental regulation involved may be applied to the religious activity.
preferred status by the framers of our fundamental laws, past and present. We have If one question is answered in the negative, then the governmental
affirmed this preferred status well aware that it is designed to protect the broadest regulation cannot be applied to the religious activity and is, thus,
possible liberty of conscience, to allow each man to believe as his conscience directs, exempted.
to profess his beliefs, and to live as he believes he ought to live, consistent with the
liberty of others and with the common good.” - In Estrada v. Escritor, the governmental regulations sought to be applied
are the provisions of the RPC punishing adultery and concubinage, the
- Furthermore, the Supreme Court ruled that “the exercise of religious freedom can Administrative Code requiring officers to live moral lives, and the Code of
be regulated by the State when it will bring about the clear and present danger of Ethical Standards of Public Officers requiring public officers to maintain
some substantive evil which the State is duty bound to prevent, i.e., serious the ethical standards in public service. These are the 3 regulations sought
detriment to the more overriding interest of public health, public morals, or public to be implemented or applied to the extra-marital cohabitation of the
welfare. A laissez faire policy on the exercise of religion can be seductive to the liberal respondent and her partner. Let’s now go with the three questions.
mind but history counsels the Court against its blind adoption as religion is and
continues to be a volatile area of concern in country today.” THE COMPELLING STATE INTEREST TEST

- There is a case involving Ang Dating Daan and INC. In the television show of Ang 1. Whether the Government act created a burden on the free exercise of religion.
Dating Daan, Brother Eli Soriano said that members of INC were being killed inside

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- Applying this test to the arrangement between the respondent and her - The case of Ebralinag v. Division Superintendent of Cebu also
partner, the Supreme Court said YES, the Code of Ethical Standards, the involves the same religious organization of Jehovah’s Witness.
Administrative Code, and the Revised Penal Code created a burden on the In this case, students who belong to the Jehovah’s Witness were
religious freedom of the respondent. Because under those circumstances, expelled because they refused to sing the National Anthem, and
the respondent has to choose whether to follow her religious belief or to they refused to salute the Philippine Flag because it is against
follow the law. This means there is a burden on the exercise of religious their religion. In Jehovah’s Witness, members cannot sing the
freedom. The respondent’s free exercise of religion is burdened by the 3 National Anthem, they cannot recite the Patriotic Oath, and
governmental acts. they cannot salute the Philippine Flag. Thus, the students were
expelled because there was a provision in the old Administrative
2. Whether there is a compelling state interest involved in order to justify the Code requiring mandatory singing of the National Anthem, the
infringement on religious freedom. recitation of the Patriotic Oath, and the salute to the Philippine
Flag. The Supreme Court said that the objective of the old
- In the 2006 Resolution of the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court said Administrative Code in requiring mandatory singing of the
that the state interest must not be a generalized one, it must be specific. National Anthem, the recitation of the Patriotic Oath, and the
The mere statement that the laws intend to preserve the dignity and salute to the Philippine Flag was to inculcate in the children the
sanctity of marriage is not enough, said the Supreme Court, there must be love of country, the love of heroes, and patriotism. The Supreme
specific governmental interest involved and it must be compelling enough Court asked that if that is the objective of the law, is that the
in order to justify the infringement on religious freedom. Which means only way to achieve that purpose? The Supreme Court said that
that as to question number 2, NO. there are other less intrusive means, like teaching them in class.
The Supreme Court said that since they are other less intrusive
- In this case, the Supreme Court said that the Solicitor General failed to means, the requirement of mandatory singing and the recitation
establish a sufficiently compelling state interest in order to justify the is not the least intrusive means.
infringement on the religious freedom because, according to the Supreme
Court, a generalized statement of principles is not enough; it must be a - Applying the ruling in Ebralinag v. Division Superintendent of Cebu to
specific interest established by the government to show that there is a Estrada v. Escritor, is the application of the Administrative Code, the Code
need to regulate the activity. of Ethical Standards of Public Officers, and the RPC the only way to achieve
the legitimate purpose of the government to preserve the sanctity of
3. Whether the government has used the least intrusive means and the infringement marriage and the dignity of public office, or is there any other way? There
on the religious freedom is no greater than what is necessary in order to achieve the is another way, definitely. Therefore, it is not the least intrusive means. To
legitimate governmental interest. be considered as the least intrusive means, again, the interference on the
religious activity is the only way to achieve the legitimate governmental
- The Supreme Court said NO, because to be considered as the least purpose.
intrusive means, there must be no other way that the government can
achieve its legitimate governmental purpose other than by infringing upon - In that regard, the Supreme Court exempted the religious activity of the
the religious activity. The Supreme Court said that the preservation of the respondent from the coverage of the RPC, the Administrative Code, and
sanctity of marriage and the preservation of the dignity of public office the Code of Ethical Standards of Public Officers.
can be achieved in ways other than interfering with the religious
arrangement. What would be the test to be applied in order that the religious freedom can by regulated by
the State?
- To be considered as the least intrusive means, the governmental action
is the only way to achieve its purpose. In order to understand this standard - The Clear and Present Danger Test and the Compelling State Interest Test can be
better, let’s take the case of Ebralinag v. Division Superintendent of Cebu. applied simultaneously.

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- In the cases of Iglesia ni Cristo v. Court of Appeals and American Bible Society v. - This means that aside from a lawful order of the court, the liberty of abode can
City of Manila, the Supreme Court applied the Clear and Present Danger Test also be limited by law. It can be limited by law and by lawful order of the court.
because apart from religious freedom, there were other constitutional rights
involved... in these cases, religious freedom was invoked in conjunction with other In the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission, the Members of the Constitutional
constitutional rights like freedom of speech, expression, and of the press. Commission specifically split the Liberty of Abode and the Right to Travel in order to prevent
the practice of Hamletting.
- In Estrada v. Escritor, this case involved the pure and exclusive use of religious
freedom. Only the Compelling State Interest Test was applied. What is Hamletting?

Can the government prevent the distribution of religious articles? - HAMLETTING is the isolation of a particular community from the rest of the country
so that the insurgents can be flushed out.
- No. In the case of American Bible Society v. City of Manila, the Supreme Court said
that imposing a tax on religious activities violates the constitutional guarantee of - It is a law enforcement activity whereby the PNP and the AFP cordon off an entire
religious freedom. The Supreme Court ruled that the power to tax an exercise of territory in pursuit of criminals and, by such act, the innocent people in the
privilege is the power to control or suppress the enjoyment of that right. The right community will be deprived of basic necessities to force the latter to give up the
becomes meaningless, useless, and at times burdensome if the government criminal hiding among them.
imposes a tax on the enjoyment of the right.
- The Members of the Constitutional Commission said that if they will retain the
- In American Bible Society v. City of Manila, the Supreme Court recognized the previous wording of the 1973 Constitution, then the practice of Hamletting by
RIGHT TO PROSELYTIZE as part of religious freedom, and invalidated the application President Marcos can still be continued. This is the reason why they separated the
of a City Ordinance imposing license fees on the sale of merchandise to the sale of Liberty of Abode from the Right to Travel.
religious tracts.
In the case of Marcos v. Manglapus, petitioner filed a petition to be allowed to return to the
- Proselytize refers to the conversion or attempt to convert someone from Philippines. The Supreme Court said that there are only two activities covered by the Right to
one religion, belief, or opinion to another. It is to advocate or promote a Travel.
belief or course of action.
The Right to Travel only covers:
- In Iglesia ni Cristo v. Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court said that the
constitutional guarantee of free exercise of religious profession and worship carries 1. The right to leave the Philippines and go to another country; and
with it the right to disseminate religious information, and any restraint of such right
can be justified only on the ground that there is a Clear and Present Danger of an 2. The right to travel anywhere within the Philippines (freedom of movement within
evil which the State has the right to prevent. the Philippines).

The Right to Return to the Philippines from a Foreign Country is NOT included in the Right to

Under the first sentence of Section 6, the liberty of abode shall not be impaired, except upon However, in the case of Marcos v. Manglapus, the Supreme Court said that while the right to
the lawful order of the court. Does this mean that the only valid restriction of the liberty of return to one’s country is not included in the Right to Travel, it is covered by international
abode is by lawful order of the court? Is there any other valid regulation of the liberty of conventions, particularly Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article
abode? Yes there is. 12 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. These international conventions are
- The Constitution specifically says that “The liberty of abode and of changing the Doctrine of Incorporation, they are deemed part of our legal system. Thus, whether it is the
same WITHIN THE LIMITS PRESCRIBED BY LAW...” Right to Travel or the Right to Return to One’s Country, nonetheless it is protected by the

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Defect of Vagueness. But as to the constitutionality of the order, the Supreme Court
Nevertheless, the Supreme Court said that although, yes, it is a constitutionally guaranteed said that the Secretary of the DOJ does not have the authority under the
right, and yes, the Right to Return to One’s Country is a generally accepted principle of Administrative Code or any other law to issue orders restricting the Right to Travel.
international law, but the LEVEL OF PROTECTION IS DIFFERENT. Since the Secretary of the DOJ has no authority to restrict the Right to Travel, the
Secretary of the DOJ has no authority to issue a WLO or a HDO.
- The Right to Travel can only be impaired in the interest of national security, public
safety, or public health, as may be provided by law. Under the 1973 Constitution, the Liberty of Abode and the Right to Travel are treated in one
sentence. Under the 1973 Constitution, “The Liberty of Abode and of Travel shall not be
- The Right to Return to One’s Country can be regulated as along as the regulation impaired, except upon lawful order of the court, or when necessary in the interest of national
is not arbitrary and is based on legal grounds. security, public safety, or public health.” Under the 1973 Constitution, administrative agencies
can validly restrict the Right to Travel.
- Which means that the level of protection and the level of regulation is different as
between the two rights... because had the Supreme Court considered the Right to In Manotoc v. Court of Appeals, this case was decided under the 1973 Constitution. In this
Return to One’s Country as part of the Right to Travel, the order of President Aquino case, the Order was issued by the court as a condition of the Right to Bail. Petitioner was not
in that case would have been unconstitutional... same as in Genuino v. Delima... allowed to leave the Philippines because it was a condition to his right to bail that he shall
because in order to validly restrict the Right to Travel, there must be a law allowing make himself available whenever required by the court. Petitioner challenged the order of the
the administrative officer to restrict the Right to Travel in the interest of national court as it restricted his Right to Travel. The Supreme Court said that this is inherent in the
security, public safety, or public health. power of the courts of justice to enforce its will upon parties to a controversy because judicial
acts are territorial in character. To allow the accused to leave the Philippines without the
- Remember in the case of Marcos v. Manglapus, the petitioner, former President authority of the court that granted the bail would be to allow the accused to be outside the
Marcos and his family, were only prevented from returning to the Philippines jurisdiction of the court and, therefore, he would no longer be bound to comply with the
because of an order of President Aquino. That is not the “law” contemplated by lawful orders of the court because of the territoriality of judicial processes.
Section 6 of Article III. The “law” contemplated under Section 6 is a legislative act...
there must be a legislative act authorizing the President to do that, if it were an In Silverio v. Court of Appeals, the petitioner argued that while courts can restrict the Right
activity covered by the Right to Travel. Since the activity is not included in the Right to Travel under the 1987 Constitution, courts can only do so in the interest of national security,
to Travel, the order of President Aquino is valid because it is not arbitrary... because public safety, or public health. According to the petitioner, courts cannot restrict the Right to
the Supreme Court showed that at that time, there were still risks from the Marcos’ Travel for any other reasons. The Supreme Court said no... the power of the courts to restrict
loyalists and that the Philippines was still in a vulnerable state. Hence, the Supreme the Right to Travel as a condition of the Right to Bail did not change either under the 1973
Court said that definitely, the order of President Aquino preventing them from Constitution or under the 1935 Constitution or under the 1987 Constitution. This is an
returning to the Philippines is not arbitrary, and that is a valid restriction or INHERENT LIMITATION on the Right to Travel.
regulation of the Right to Return to One’s Country, but not the Right to Travel.
- Section 6 of Article III of the 1987 Constitution should by no means be construed
- In Genuino v. Delima, this is the case involving the Hold Departure Order (HDO), as delimiting the inherent power of the courts to use all means necessary to carry
the Allow-Departure Order (ADO), and Watchlist Order (WLO) issued by the their orders into effect in criminal cases pending before them. When by law,
Secretary of Justice through DOJ Circular No. 41. Ironically, DOJ Circular No. 41 was jurisdiction is conferred on a court or judicial officer, all auxiliary writs, process, and
promulgated during the administration of President Arroyo through Secretary Agra. other means necessary to carry it into effect may be employed by such court or
This is also the same regulation used by the then Secretary Delima to prevent judicial officer.
President Arroyo from leaving the Philippines because she wanted to go to
Singapore, Japan, France, and Germany in order to seek medical attention. The In the case of Leave Division, Office of Administrative Services-Office of the Court
Secretary of the DOJ issued a WLO, which is the same as an HDO because a WLO Administrator v. Heusdens, the respondent is a court stenographer and she applied for an
also prevents the person subject thereto from leaving the Philippines without authority to travel outside the Philippines, but without waiting for the approval of her
clearance from the Secretary of the DOJ. This is one of the reasons why DOJ Circular application, she left for her planned vacation. When she arrived, she was subjected to
No. 41 was declared as unconstitutional because of the vagueness... there is no administrative sanctions. While it was not raised as an issue, the Supreme Court discussed its
difference between a WLO, a HDO, and an ADO... and, therefore, it suffers from the authority to regulate the Right to Travel of the employees in the judiciary. There is no law that

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authorizes the Offices of the Court Administrator (OCA) to restrict the Right to Travel, and
definitely, the restriction in this case impairs the liberty of movement of officers of the - As for the characteristics of Section 28 of Article II and Section 7 of Article
judiciary... so, is it constitutional? III, the Supreme Court said that both provisions are SELF-EXECUTING
PROVISIONS. They do not need implementing legislations. The Supreme
- The Supreme Court said that the Memorandum Circular issued by the Supreme Court said that these provisions supply the rules by means of which the
Court did not violate the constitutional guarantee of the Right to Travel because it right to information may be enjoyed by guaranteeing the right and
was only an administrative restriction. It is a restriction issued by an employer to its mandating the duty to afford access to information. The phrase “...as may
employees. Under this restriction, employees can still leave but they must face the be provided by law” refers to REASONABLE LIMITATIONS / REASONABLE
consequences of their acts... because as an employer, the Supreme Court has the CONDITIONS... but not to the Policy of Full Public Disclosure and not to
duty to ensure that the activities of the courts will not be impaired by the absence the Right to Information. Which means that the Policy of Full Public
of the employees. In that regard, the Supreme Court sustained the constitutionality Disclosure and the Right to Information become operative upon the
of the Memorandum Circular as it does not impair the Right to Travel. ratification of the Constitution without need of any enabling legislation.

In the case of Valmonte v. Belmonte, the Supreme Court said that “The right to information
SECTION 7, ARTICLE III — RIGHT TO INFORMATION is an essential premise of a meaningful right to speech and expression. But this is not to say
that the right to information is merely an adjunct and therefore restricted in application by the
Did the Constitution guarantee the right to information? I ask because if you read Section 7 of exercise of the freedoms of speech and of the press. Far from it. The right of information goes
Article III, it only says “...shall be recognized.” Recognition is different from guarantee. hand-in-hand with the constitutional policies of full public disclosure and honesty in the public
Recognition only affirms a fact, but it is not a commitment to protect it. Can we say that the service. It is meant to enhance the widening role of the citizenry in governmental decision-
Constitution does not guarantee the right to information? making as well in checking abuse in government.” The Supreme Court furthered the “The
cornerstone of this republican system of government is delegation of power by the people to
- The Constitution ONLY RECOGNIZES IT. the State. In this system, governmental agencies and institutions operate within the limits of
the authority conferred by the people. Denied access to information on the inner workings of
- This issue was resolved by the Supreme Court in Legaspi v. Civil Service government, the citizenry can become prey to the whims and caprices of those to whom the
Commission (CSC). In this case, certain information were requested by the power had been delegated. The postulate of public office as a public trust, institutionalized in
petitioners from the CSC. They were requesting for the Civil Service Eligibilities of the Constitution (in Section 1, Article XI) to protect the people from abuse of governmental
some Health Officers in Cebu. CSC claimed that these are confidential information... power, would certainly be mere empty words if access to such information of public concern is
that these cannot be publicly disclosed. The CSC argued that the Right to denied, except under limitations prescribed by implementing legislation adopted pursuant to
Information, as well as the Guarantee of Full Public Disclosure, are not self- the Constitution.”
executing... because of the phrases “...as may be provided by law,” and
“...prescribed by law” in both Section 7 of Article III and Section 28 of Article II. If you - In this case, petitioners are practitioners in media. As such, they have both the
note, Section 7 of Article III ends with the phrase “...as may be provided by law,” right to gather and the obligation to check the accuracy of information they
while Section 28 of Article II begins with the phrase “Subject to reasonable disseminate. For them, the freedom of the press and of speech is not only critical,
conditions prescribed by law...” Under both provisions, the CSC was under the but vital to the exercise of their professions. The right of access to information
impression that there is a need for a legislative act in order for the policy of full ensures that these freedoms are not rendered nugatory by the government’s act of
public disclosure and the right to information becomes operative. monopolizing pertinent information. For an essential element of these freedoms is
to keep open a continuing dialogue or process of communication between the
- As to the characteristic of Section 7 of Article. III, whether it guarantees government and the people. It is in the interest of the State that the channels for
or it only recognizes, the Supreme Court said that “For every right of the free political discussion be maintained to the end that the government may perceive
people recognized as fundamental, there lies a corresponding duty on the and be responsive to the people’s will. Yet, this open dialogue can be effective only
part of those who govern to respect and protect that right.” Hence, the to the extent that the citizenry is informed and thus able to formulate its will
recognition of the right to information carries with it the duty on the part intelligently. Only when the participants in the discussion are aware of the issues
of the government to protect that right. It is the same as guarantee; it is a and have access to information relating thereto can such bear fruit.
commitment that the government will protect and respect it.

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In the case of Province of Cotabato v. The Government of the RP Peace Panel on Ancestral In Legaspi v. CSC, the Supreme Court said that before the Right to Information becomes
Domain, the Supreme Court said that “The people’s right to information on matters of public demandable and before the Policy of Full Public Disclosure becomes operative, there are two
concern under Section 7, Article III of the Constitution is in SPLENDID SYMMETRY with the state questions that must be answered by the courts:
policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest under Section 28,
Article II of the Constitution. The right to information guarantees the right of the people to 1. Whether the information or transaction is one of public interest or of public
demand information, while Section 28 recognizes the duty of officialdom to give information concern; and
even if nobody demands. The complete and effective exercise of the right to information
necessitates that its complementary provision on public disclosure derive the same self- 2. Whether there is a law prohibiting its disclosure.
executory nature, subject only to reasonable safeguards or limitations as may be provided by
law.” The Supreme Court said that PUBLIC INTEREST, like PUBLIC CONCERN, is a term that eludes
exact definition. But both terms embrace a wide spectrum of subject matter “which the public
- An essential element of these twin freedoms is to keep a continuing dialogue or may want to know either because these directly affects their lives, OR simply because such
process of communication between the government and the people. Corollary to matters naturally arouse the interest of an ordinary citizen.”
these twin rights is the design for feedback mechanisms. The right to public
consultation was envisioned to be a species of these public rights. - Take note that there must be a distinction between an information of public
interest or of public concern to a mere curiosity. There must be some legitimate
May the administrative agencies who are custodians of information imbued with public objective for the information.
interest restrict or prohibit the disclosure of the information? [No]
- While the individual can demand the right to information and invoke the guarantee
- This is the main issue in Legaspi v. Civil Service Commission (CSC). The CSC is an of full public disclosure in order to compel the President to disclose the status of his
administrative agency in charge with the information relative to the Civil Service health, even without Art. VII of the Constitution mandating that the President must
Eligibilities of certain professionals. The Supreme Court said that administrative inform the public if he’s seriously ill, the people have a right to know under the Policy
agencies do not have the power to prohibit... they only have the right or the power of Full Public Disclosure. But a citizen, just because he has an interest in the subject
to REGULATE. The power to regulate does not include the power to prohibit or matter, cannot demand under the Policy of Full Public Disclosure or the Right to
restrict. Information that he be given information regarding the sex life of the President.
While it satisfies curiosity, there is no legitimate public objective for that
The Supreme Court said that the REASONABLE REGULATIONS that may be implemented by information. Because the two standards given by the Supreme Court in Legaspi v.
the administrative agencies should only be: CSC said that it is a matter of public interest or of public concern if it affects the life
of the individual, or it arouses his interest... the second standard must be taken
1. To the extent that any damage to or the loss of the documents maintained by within the context of a legitimate public objective...and not mere curiosity.
them shall be avoided;
Supposing there is no law prohibiting the disclosure and the information is one of public
2. To the extent that the examination of the information shall not interfere with the interest or of public concern, is it now mandatory on the part of the government to disclose
performance of their other functions; and the information? In other words, are all information that are imbued with public interest or
public concern subject to disclosure if there is no law prohibiting disclosure? [No]
3. To the extent that persons who are equally entitled to the exercise of their right
may be respected. - The case of Chavez v. Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG)
involved the demand for the disclosure of the concessions between the government
- These are the three regulations that may be implemented by administrative and the Marcos family because there was a Plea Bargaining Agreement. So the
agencies that are custodians of information imbued with public interest or public petitioner wanted to know what were the concessions, but the government said
concern. that it was confidential. The Supreme Court said that while the constitutional
guarantee of the right to information requires that the information must be
disclosed if it is one of public interest or of public concern and if there is no law
prohibiting its disclosure, there are certain types of information which by their very

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nature are confidential in character. Which means that even without any law
prohibiting its disclosure, the government can validly withhold the information. The Right to Information and the Policy of Full Public Disclosure extends to GOVERNMENT
- In Chavez v. Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG), the Supreme whether they are performing governmental or proprietary functions. This is the ruling in the
Court identified four groups of information which cannot be validly disclosed, even case of Valmonte v. Belmonte.
if there is no law prohibiting its disclosure. These 4 groups are:
- In Valmonte v. Belmonte, the petitioners are media reporters. They were
1. National security matters and other information regarding intelligence; demanding from the GSIS (a GOCC) information about loan transactions, and they
were demanding a list of names of members of Batasang Pambansa (now Congress)
- The Supreme Court and common law recognize the proprietary belonging to UNIDO and PDP-Laban who were able to secure clean loans through
nature of these information. Military secrets are included, as the intercession/marginal notes of the former First Lady Imelda Marcos.
well as the correspondence with diplomatic representatives.
- The first question is whether the information of the GSIS regarding the loan
2. Trade Secrets and banking transactions; transactions covered by the Right to Information. The Supreme Court said yes... the
information of GOCC with Original Charters, even if only performing proprietary
- The Intellectual Property Code protecting trade secrets; The functions, are also considered as information of public interest or of public
Bank Secrecy Law protecting banking transactions. These concern... particularly so since the funds of GSIS are coming from contributions of
transactions are private in character. These are proprietary in government officials.
- The second question is whether the demand of the petitioner to be given a list of
3. Criminal matters; and names of members of the Congress who were able to secure clean loans a valid
demand under the Right to Information? The Supreme Court said no... that is not
- These do not refer to criminal cases. These refer to law valid. While the information was one of public interest or of public concern, the
enforcement activities. These matters relate to the Right to Information does not include the right to demand for copies, lists,
apprehension, the prosecution, and the detention of criminals summaries, or abstracts. The Right to Information is only the right to demand access
which cannot be publicly disclosed UNTIL the actual arrest, to the information, but the custodians cannot be required to provide for summaries
actual prosecution, and actual detention. Meaning, the or abstracts. The person invoking the Right to Information himself must prepare the
confidentiality of these information is only limited for a list, the summary or the abstract.
particular period.
In Province of Cotabato v. The Government of the RP Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain, the
- These matters are excluded because efforts and effective law Supreme Court ruled that it is not required that the transaction shall be fully consummated
enforcement would be seriously jeopardized by the free public so that the people can exercise their Right to Information and have access to this information.
access thereto. If the people have to wait for the consummation of the transaction, it would be too late for
them to nullify or to rescind or voice out their concern regarding the transaction.
- Such matters would include the police information regarding
rescue operations, the whereabouts of fugitives, or any leads In Re: Production of Court Records and Documents of Court Officials and Employees as
regarding covert criminal activities. Witnesses under the Subpoenas of February 10, 2012 and the Various Letters for the
Impeachment Prosecution Panel dated January 19 and 25, 2012.
4. Other confidential information.
- Relative to the documents and activities of the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court
- These include information obtained by public officers in the laid down rules in the matter of requests for the production of documents and
exercise of their official functions, the internal deliberations of attendance of court officials and employees in the impeachment trial of Chief Justice
the Supreme Court, the closed-door Cabinet meetings, the Renato Corona.
Executive Sessions of either House of Congress.

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- The Supreme Court said that insofar as the documents and the proceedings of the discourage candid opinion, then it is Deliberative Information
Supreme Court, these are the seven rules, which are confidential in character: insulated from public examination.

1. COURT ACTIONS such as the result of the raffle of cases and the actions 4. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION obtained by justices, judges, officers or
taken by the Court on each case included in the agenda on matters and employees of the judiciary in the exercise of their official functions. This is
cases pending before it. in line with R.A 6713, otherwise known as The Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees.
- In the impeachment trial of former Chief Justice Renato
Corona, the prosecution was demanding for the minutes of the - Members of the judiciary who violate this rule may be
raffle of the cases. The Supreme Court said no... that is subjected to penal or administrative sanctions.
confidential. The exception is that only the parties and their
counsel are entitled to the information... which means that the 5. RECORDS OF CASES THAT ARE STILL PENDING FOR DECISION. This is
result of the raffle of the cases can only be disclosed to the under the Rule of Subjudice.
parties and their counsel.
- Under the Rule of Subjudice, records of pending cases cannot
- The exception to the exception is that even the be publicly disclosed until they are publicly issued.
parties and their counsel are not entitled to the
information when it is in connection with (a) - When is a decision or resolution publicly or officially issued?
disciplinary cases involving judges and justices, (b) bar
matters involving lawyers, and (c) criminal cases - A decision or resolution is publicly or officially issued
where the penalty is life imprisonment or higher. when the final copy thereof is placed inside an
envelope addressed to the parties and transmitted to
2. COURT DELIBERATIONS or the deliberations of the members of Court in the Records Section Division. Once that envelope is
Session on cases and matters pending before the Court. transmitted to the Records Section Division, then that
decision or resolution is officially promulgated.
- The public cannot demand the minutes of the deliberations
because these are considered privileged and confidential. 6. THE PRINCIPLE OF COMITY OR INTERDEPARTMENTAL COURTESY.

3. COURT RECORDS which are “Predecisional” and “Deliberative” under - Under this principle, the highest officials of each department
the Deliberative Process Privilege. are exempted from the compulsory processes of the other.
Which means that the highest officials of one department
- A communication or transaction is Predecisional if it precedes cannot be compelled by compulsory writs like subpoena to
the decision to which it relates. In short, a communication is attend the internal (internal only) proceedings of the other.
Predecisional when it is made in an attempt to reach a
conclusion. Which means that the notes of the justices cannot - When it comes to the Executive Department, the only person
be disclosed because these are Predecisional communications. covered is the President and by extension, the Executive
Secretary, as held in the cases of Neri v. Senate and Senate vs.
- On the other hand, if a communication is Deliberative under Ermita. Only the President is covered by Executive Privilege, and
the Deliberative Process Privilege, it is part of the give-and-take by extension, the Executive Secretary.
of the negotiation process. The Supreme Court said that the
ultimate test in determining whether a communication is - When it comes to the Supreme Court, not only the Chief Justice
deliberative is when the disclosure of the information would is covered by this doctrine, but all the Justices of the Supreme
discourage a candid discussion among the members of the Court are covered by the Doctrine of Comity or
Supreme Court. If the disclosure of the information would Interdepartmental Courtesy. Even the Associate Justices cannot

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be compelled to attend the internal proceedings of the other performing governmental or proprietary functions, can be restricted, as
departments. distinguished with those employed in the private sector.

- How about the Congress? Are all Members of Congress (all 24 - According to the Supreme Court, the Constitution only authorizes the employees
Senators and all 280 Members of the House of Representatives) of the public sector to form unions, societies, or organizations which are not
covered by this, or only the Speaker or Senate President contrary to law. However, the Right to Association does not include the Right to
covered? The answer is ALL Members of Congress are covered Strike, which is a potent tool for employees in the private sector. The Supreme Court
by this principle because the Congress is a collegial institution said that while there is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits it, the nature of
and the right of one Member of Congress is the same as the the functions of employees in the public sector allows the government to restrict
Senate President and the Speaker. the exercise or enjoyment of the constitutional guarantee of the Right to
7. THESE PRIVILEGES belong to the Supreme Court as an institution.
Is there a constitutional basis for restricting the right of employees in the public sector to
- No Associate Justice, nor the Chief Justice, and no Judge can exercise the Right to Association? The answer is yes.
validly waive the privilege. Since the Court is higher than the
individual justices or judges, no sitting or retired justice or judge, - Under Section 8 of Article III, there is a clause “...for purposes not contrary to law...”
not even the Chief Justice, may claim exception without the This means that the law may declare a purpose that is contrary to law. The Congress
consent of the Court. can enact a law enumerating what are the specific purposes that are not allowed
under the Right to Association. Insofar as employees in the public sector, there is a
law that prohibits employees in the public sector to engage in a strike.
- At the time that the case was filed in SSS Employees Association v. Court of
The Right to Association applies to all employees, whether in the public or private sector. Can Appeals, the law mentioned in this case was Executive Order No. 180 in relation to
we also say that the Right to Association is available only to those “working,” whether in the Civil Service Memorandum Circular No. 6 Series of 1986. The question is whether
public or private sector because of the phrase “...including those employed in the public and Executive Order No. 180 a law?
private sectors...” Is the right limited only to those who are working?
- Executive Order No. 180 was issued by the President in April 1987... is
- The Supreme Court said that the constitutional guarantee is APPLICABLE TO ALL. this a law? The answer is yes, this is a law.

- The phrase “...including those employed in the public and private sectors...” only - It is a law because at that time, the President was exercising legislative
emphasizes the importance of this constitutional guarantee to those working, powers. Note that the President, under the Transitory Provisions, shall
whether in public or private service. In essence, it only says “including…without continue to exercise legislative powers until the Congress meets in
limitations.” Regular Session. The first time that the Congress (constituted under the
1987 Constitution) met for the first time for Regular Session was the
- The Right to Association can be enjoyed or exercised even by students or even Fourth Monday of July 1987. Which means July 27, 1987 is the cut-off
those who are not working. date. Before that date, the President can still exercise legislative powers.
Executive Order No. 180, like the Family Code, is an executive order issued
Is the extent of the protection the same as to the employees of the public and private sector? by the President in the exercise of her legislative powers.

In the case of SSS Employees Association v. Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court discussed - So, there is a law that prohibits employees of the public sector to engage in a Strike,
the extent of the Right to Association of employees in the public sector. and that law is E.O. No. 180.

- The Supreme Court said that the Right to Association of employees in the public What is the extent of the Right to Association?
sector, including those employed in GOCCs with Original Charters, whether

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- The Right to Association, according to the Supreme Court In Re: IBP Membership continually employed. In essence, the parties are restricting their Right to
Dues Delinquency of Atty. Marcial Edillon, includes the RIGHT TO JOIN AND NOT Association because the right to associate includes the right not to associate.
TO JOIN. Which means that a person in the exercise of his Right to Association
cannot be compelled to become a member to an organization to which he does not - So, if an employee does not want to become a member of the Union, he may be
want to belong. dismissed from employment. This is a valid contract according to the Supreme Court
in Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers’ Union.
Can we say then that the creation of the Integrated Bar violates the rights of lawyers to
become members of an organization to which they do not want to be associated with? Distinction between a STRIKE and an ASSEMBLY AND PETITION.

- In Re: IBP Membership Dues Delinquency of Atty. Marcial Edillon, the Supreme Let’s take two cases.
Court skirted the issue. The Supreme Court just said that lawyers are not being
compelled to become members of an association of which they are not yet - In PBM Employees Association v. Philippine Blooming Mills, the factory workers
members. But this is not accurate because upon passing the bar exam, a successful stopped working and walked out of the factory and engaged in a concerted action.
candidate automatically becomes a member of the Bar, but he is not yet a member The Supreme Court called the activity an Assembly and Petition.
of the Integrated Bar. Once one has become a member of the Bar, in order for such
member of the Bar to be given a Roll of Attorney’s Number, he must choose the - In SSS Employees Association v. CA, the public school teachers walked out of their
specific IBP Chapter to which he wants to be associated with. If a successful classrooms and engaged in a concerted activity. The Supreme Court called the
examinee becomes a member of the Bar, but doesn’t want to choose a specific IBP activity a Strike.
Chapter, he will not be given a Roll of Attorney’s Number. To that extent, there is
compulsion... members of the Bar must become members of the Integrated Bar... - So, what’s the difference? Because in both cases, there was work stoppage... in
otherwise, they cannot practice law. both cases, the persons involved were employees... and in both cases, they were
engaged in a concerted action. How do we determine whether a concerted action
- The Supreme Court skirted this issue by saying that lawyers are not by employees is a Strike on the one hand, and an Assembly and Petition on the
required to attend meetings, but this is irrelevant to the issue... while they other?
may not be allowed to attend meetings, they are required to become
members of the IBP. - The first standard in determining the nature of the concerted activity is the
relationship between the speaker and the one invoking the right.
- Instead of skirting the issue, the Supreme Court should have resolved the
controversy by saying that the Right to Association, like any other - In a Strike, the participants and the recipient of the grievances are
constitutional right, can be regulated. In the exercise of the RULE-MAKING employees and employers. The one raising the grievances are employees
POWER of the Supreme Court under Par. 5 of Sect. 5, Art. VIII, the and the one who is subject of these grievances is the employer.
Supreme Court can regulate the practice of law and the integrated bar. In
that regard, the basis would have been clearer that while a member of the - In an Assembly and Petition, the one raising the issue is a citizen and the
Bar is compelled to become a member of an association, even if against recipient of that grievance is the government as an institution, and not as
their will, that is a valid regulation in the exercise of the Rule-Making an employer.
Power of the Supreme Court.
- The second standard is to consider the grievances raised during the concerted
The Right to Association is a constitutional right. May it be a valid subject of contractual action. This is the most determinative factor.
stipulation? Can parties to a contract agree that the Right to Association is restricted? The
answer is yes... in contracts containing UNION SECURITY CLAUSES. - In a Strike, the grievances raised are employer-employee related issues,
like better benefits, better working conditions, and other employment
- In a Union Security Clause, the employer and the union can agree that the conditions.
employees should remain members of the Union in order to enjoy their right to be

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- In the case of SSS Employees Association v. CA, the public school teachers were
demanding better pay. The Supreme Court said that this is a Strike. But in the case 2. The period of suspension must be REASONABLE.
of PBM Employees Association v. PBM, the employees were denouncing the abuses
of Pasig Police, which means that the issues were not related to employer-employee In the case of Rutter v. Esteban, the total Moratorium or the total postponement of the legal
relationship. This is the reason why the Supreme Court said that this is an Assembly obligation under the law in question is 12 years. Is 12 years a reasonable period of suspension?
and Petition.
- The Supreme Court said no. Additionally, the Moratorium Law does not only
suspend the performance of the legal obligation, but it also suspends the other
SECTION 10, ARTICLE III — NON-IMPAIRMENT CLAUSE rights of the creditors, because during the Moratorium period, the creditors cannot
impose interest. The Supreme Court said that this is an unreasonable condition. In
When is there impairment of obligation of contracts? that regard, the Supreme Court invalidated the Moratorium Law in this case.

- In the case of Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers’ Union, the Supreme Court, Valid impairment of the constitutionally guarantee on non-impairment of contracts can be
citing Black’s Law Dictionary, said that “any statute which introduces a change in the done in the exercise of the inherent powers of the State. The exercise of Police Power,
express terms of the contract, its legal construction, its validity, its discharge, or the Eminent Domain, and the Power of Taxation can validly impair the obligation of contracts.
remedy for its enforcement, impairs the contract.”
In Ortigas & Co. Ltd. Partnership v. Feati Bank & Trust Co., this case involves a zoning
Is the extent of the change relevant? ordinance. The land in question has an annotation on its back, and the annotation says that
the land shall only be used for residential purposes. However, the purchaser of the land, the
- The Supreme Court said no. The extent of the change is not material because it is new owner, used it for commercial activities... because of the zoning ordinance which
not the degree, manner, or cause, but of the encroachment in any respect on the reclassified of the area into a commercial industrial site. The petitioner now is invoking the
obligation or dispensing with any part of its force that is material. annotation or the encumbrance because according to him, respondent violated his obligation
under the Contract of Sale. The respondent invoked the zoning ordinance, but the petitioner
- Whether small or substantial, any change in the contract impairs the contract. said that the zoning ordinance cannot be applied because it would impair the obligation of
the contract. The Supreme Court did not agree. The Supreme Court said that in every
Does the Constitution prohibit all impairments of a contract? contractual obligation, there are two implied elements. Meaning to say, whenever two parties
enter into a contract, these two elements are deemed included in their contract. The two
- The Constitution ALLOWS REASONABLE IMPAIRMENT of a contract. Which means implied elements in a contract are:
that even if there is an impairment of a contract, it would be valid if such impairment
is reasonable. 1. All existing laws are deemed included in the contract;

In the case of Rutter v. Esteban, this involves the Moratorium Law. The Supreme Court - The parties cannot stipulate anything that is in violation of the law. Even
discussed the validity of the Moratorium Laws to validly impair the obligations of contracts. if the contract does not say that all existing laws are included, they are still
impliedly included in every contractual obligation.
- MORATORIUM LAWS are postponements of the performance of an obligation
through the medium of the courts or the legislative. Which means that through 2. Every contract also includes a reservation on the part of the State to exercise the
Moratorium Laws, the performance of a legal obligation may be deferred or attributes of sovereign power as a postulate of legal order.
postponed. This is applied in cases of war and other cases of financial distress.
- Police Power, Eminent Domain, and Taxation.
In the case of Rutter v. Esteban, the Supreme Court said that there are 2 conditions in order
that Moratorium Laws may validly impair the obligation of contracts. The two conditions are: The cases in Rutter v. Esteban and Ortigas & Co. Ltd. Partnership v. Feati Bank & Trust Co.
are examples of the exercise of Police Power that may validly interfere with contractual
1. The period of suspension for the obligation of the contract must be obligations.
DEFINITE/FIXED, not indefinite; and

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Example of an exercise of Eminent Domain that may validly interfere with contractual Under Section 11 of Article III, the Constitution guarantees that all persons shall have free
obligations: access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies. It also guarantees that adequate legal assistance
shall not be denied to any person by reason of poverty.
- A entered into a Contract of Lease with B for 10 years. The government-initiated
expropriation proceedings on the land of A leased by B with payment of just Does free access to the courts mean that any person can go to court without paying anything?
compensation. Here, the parties cannot invoke the non-impairment of their [No]
contractual obligations.
- Free access to the courts is only a guarantee of availability of legal remedies, but
Example of an exercise of the Power of Taxation that may validly interfere with contractual of course, with the consequent obligation on the part of the parties to pay
obligations: reasonable fees.

- A entered into a Contract of Lease with B with the agreed payment of P5,000.00 a - In deference to the constitutional guarantee of adequate legal assistance to the
month and 10% VAT for 10 years. Congress enacted a law increasing the VAT from people without regard to their financial status, the Rules of Court, particularly
10% to 12%. Here, the parties cannot invoke the non-impairment of their Section 21 of Rule 3 and Section 19 of Rule 131, allows indigent to litigate as
contractual obligations. paupers.

Is the Non-Impairment of Contracts guarantee under Section 10 of Article III available only In the case of In Re: Query of Mr. Roger Prioreschi, he was invoking these rules in order to
against the Congress? Because the Constitution says, “No law impairing the obligation of allow Good Shepherd Foundation to be recognized as a pauper litigant. According to the
contracts shall be passed.” Can we also apply the same approach in Section 6 of Article III that petitioner, Mr. Roger Prioreschi, the Good Shepherd Foundation is a non-stock, non-profit
the “law” mentioned therein only refers to a legislative act? Can we say the same with regards corporation which caters to the needs of the fatherless, the homeless, and the poor. Thus,
to Sect. 10? [No] according to petitioner, the Good Shepherd Foundation should be allowed to litigate as a
pauper, and he is also invoking Section 11 of Article III.
- In Ganzon v. Inserto, the Supreme Court said no. The Supreme Court applied the
Non-Impairment of Obligation of Contract Clause even to judicial decisions. - The Supreme Court said that Section 11 of Article III is ONLY AVAILABLE TO
NATURAL PERSONS. The Supreme Court said that the word “poverty” under Sect. 11
- Remember in this case the trial court issued an order changing the only limits the application of this constitutional guarantee to natural persons, and
guarantee from Real Estate Mortgage to a Surety. The Supreme Court said not to juridical persons, because only natural persons can suffer the condition of
that the trial court cannot do that, because the trial court would in effect poverty. While corporations can be insolvent, that is not equivalent to poverty.
be changing the contractual obligations of the parties in violation of the Similarly, the Rules of Court, particularly Rule 3 and Rule 131, takes into
provisions of Section 10 of Article III. consideration the minimum wage and the basic necessities to determine whether
one would be deemed a pauper litigant. Definitely, corporations are not covered by
- Section 10 of Article III APPLIES TO ALL GOVERNMENTAL ACTS... to the Minimum Wage Law and they do not have basic necessities, therefore, these
judicial, legislative, and executive acts. rules do not apply to artificial beings but only to natural persons.

- This is now the implication of the ruling of the Supreme Court in Ganzon
v. Inserto because traditionally Sect. 10 was only applied against the SECTION 12, ARTICLE III — CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION
Congress and the local legislative councils. However, now Sect. 10 of Art.
III extends even to other governmental acts. Section 12 guarantees the rights of a person under custodial investigation.

What is a Custodial Investigation?

- In People v. Judge Ayson, this case started as an administrative investigation
involving a PAL tickets sales clerk in Baguio. The respondent in the administrative
case offered to reimburse the missing sales... so he wrote the management that he

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was willing to reimburse the missing funds. Nevertheless, PAL filed a criminal 1. A person is taken into custody, or is otherwise deprived of his
complaint for Estafa against respondent. Now respondent is arguing that his freedom of movement, or is invited by the law enforcement
statement saying that he will reimburse the missing funds was obtained without officers;
affording him his rights under Section 12 of Article III and, therefore, such statement
is inadmissible in evidence. Respondent is moving for the suppression of his written 2. The one who takes him into custody or deprives him of his
offer to reimburse the missing funds. freedom of movement is a law enforcement officer;

- In People v. Judge Ayson, the Supreme Court cited Miranda v. Arizona, which is 3. The law enforcement officer starts to ask questions; and
the origin of this right. The Supreme Court explained that the extent of the coverage
of Section 12 is broader than the Miranda Rights, because under Section 12, the 4. The questions are specific as to the offense which is the
Right to Counsel is mandatory either in the conduct of custodial investigation OR in subject of the investigation.
the waiver of the right. Which means that under Section 12, it is mandatory that
there is always a lawyer. However, under the Miranda Rights, as long as the person - These are the requisites in order for the proceeding to be considered as
is informed of his rights, it shall be sufficient. Thus, our constitutional guarantee is a custodial investigation.
broader than the Miranda Rights.
- In the case of People v. Bolanos, the Supreme Court said that the time the police
- The Supreme Court in the case of People v. Judge Ayson, citing Miranda v. Arizona, officers started to ask questions regarding the incident, custodial investigation has
said that CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION refers to “any questioning initiated by law begun. Therefore, the accused was entitled to all the rights under Section 12 of
enforcement officers after a person has been taken into custody or otherwise Article III.
deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way.”
What is the reason why Section 12 of Article III guarantees the rights of a person under
- The two alternative acts in order to place a person under custodial custodial investigation?
investigation are either —
- In People v. Andan, which involved a rape case, the accused was detained and
1. The person is taken into custody; or while in detention, the Mayor passed by the detention cell. When the accused saw
the Mayor, he whispered something to the Mayor. The accused said “Mayor, I have
2. The person is deprived of his freedom of action in any something to tell you...” The Mayor then asked the Chief of Police to bring the
significant way. accused from the detention cell. They then went inside the office of the Chief of
Police. While they were having their discussion, the accused suddenly confessed his
- Which means that even if the person is not taken into custody, but there is some guilt. He admitted to the Mayor that it was him who raped and killed the victim. But
restriction on his freedom of movement by law enforcement officers, there may the Mayor said “Stop! Wait! Let me go check if there are any lawyers around.” The
already be custodial investigation... but of course this should be coupled with Mayor then opened the door and asked if there were any lawyers around, but to no
another requisite of custodial investigation... because according to the Supreme avail. He then asked the Media to come inside because the accused was telling him
Court in People v. Bolanos, the suspect was taken by the police officers into custody his confession and he wanted them to record it. Thus, the Media recorded the
and he was about to be transported to the Police Precinct, but because of the discussion. Without any questioning from the Mayor, the accused spontaneously
overeagerness of the police officers while inside the mobile car, they started to ask confessed his guilt. The issue in this case is whether it was part of custodial
questions... which resulted in a confession... the accused confessed that he killed investigation.
the victim. The question in this case is whether it was part of custodial investigation.
The Supreme Court said that “custodial investigation begins when the investigation - The Supreme Court said no. It was not yet part of custodial investigation
ceases to be a general inquiry, but starts to focus on a particular person as a because the confession was only spontaneous and voluntarily given. The
suspect.” Supreme Court said that the rights under Sect. 12 of Art. III are guaranteed
to preclude the slightest use of coercion by the government, but not to
- Which means that custodial investigation begins when: prevent the accused from freely and voluntarily telling the truth.

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- Spontaneous statements made under ordinary circumstances voluntarily

are not part of custodial investigation, particularly so, when the law Can the accused waive his rights under Section 12 of Article III?
enforcement officer did not question the accused or the confession was
not elicited from questioning. - The answer is no, NOT ALL. Only the Right to Remain Silent and the Right to Counsel
may be waived.
- Constitutional procedures on custodial investigation do not apply to a
spontaneous statement not elicited through questioning by authorities, - Which means that even if the waiver is made in writing and in the presence of his
but given in an ordinary manner whereby appellant orally admitted having counsel, the accused cannot waive his Right to be Informed. It is mandatory. The
committed the crime. law enforcement officer must inform a person subjected to custodial investigation
of all his constitutional rights.
- Hence, the Supreme Court in People v. Andan admitted in evidence the
confession because it was not part of the custodial investigation. - More importantly, a person cannot waive his Right Not to be Subjected to Torture.

- In the same case of People v. Andan, the Supreme Court said that “The - Nor may a person waive his Right to the Exclusion of Evidence.
Exclusionary Rule is premised on the presumption that the defendant is thrust into
an unfamiliar atmosphere and runs through menacing police interrogation - Which means that if the accused was subjected to custodial investigation
procedures where the potentiality for compulsion, physical and psychological, is without according him his rights under custodial investigation, and during
forcefully apparent. The incommunicado character of custodial interrogation or the trial the prosecution presents the affidavit of confession obtained
investigation also obscures a later judicial determination of what really transpired.” during the custodial investigation proceedings, and even if the defense
does not object to the admission of the evidence, the court on its own
- Which means that these rights are intended to protect the accused from may still render it inadmissible.
any compulsion that may result in any incriminating statements without
full warnings of his constitutional rights. This is the objective of the rights - In the case of People v. Pinlac, which involved a robbery with homicide of a
under Section 12 of Article III. Japanese, the Supreme Court said that it is incumbent upon the prosecution to show
that all the rights under custodial investigation have been accorded. In the failure of
What are the rights of a person under Custodial Investigation? the prosecution to show that all the constitutional rights of the accused have been
accorded, the judge can suppress the evidence, or even on appeal, the justices of
- In People v. Judge Ayson, the Supreme Court enumerated 4 rights of a person the Court of Appeals and of the Supreme Court may declare the evidence presented
under custodial investigation. The Supreme Court said that the four rights under by the prosecution relative to the custodial investigation inadmissible in evidence if
custodial investigation are: the prosecution failed to show that they were validly obtained or the rights under
custodial investigation have been accorded.
1. The continuing right to remain silent and to have competent and
independent counsel preferably of his own choice; Who may conduct custodial investigation?

2. The right to be informed of his rights; - The Supreme Court and the Constitution provides that only law enforcement
officers may conduct custodial investigation.
3. The right not to be subjected to torture, force, violence, threat,
intimidation, or other means which vitiate his free will; and Who is a law enforcement officer?

- Secret detention places, solitary, incommunicado, or other - A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER is one who is charged with the duty to arrest
similar forms of detention are prohibited. criminals, and the duty to investigate violation of criminal laws.

4. The right to have evidence obtained in violation of his rights - This is the general definition of a law enforcement officer. Under this
inadmissible in evidence. definition, Philippine National Police (PNP) members are included, NBI are

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included, and according to the Supreme Court in the case of Ho Wai Pang Police Station were then required to form a Police Line-Up for identification, after
v. People of the Philippines, Bureau of Immigration agents are included, which the complainant was able to identify the accused.
and Mayors, as held in People v. Andan, are included.
- The Supreme Court said that the uncounseled identification is not yet
- May a private individual be considered as a law enforcement officer? [Yes] part of custodial investigation because it was still a GENERAL INQUIRY; the
process has not yet turned into ACCUSATORY INQUIRY. More importantly,
- In People v. Andan, it was the Media who covered the confession. Even the Supreme Court said that the police officers did not ask anything from
after the confession, the reporters continued to interview the accused, the accused since the only person that was interviewed by the police
and the accused kept confessing his guilt to the reporters. The question in officers was the complainant/victim. Therefore, the Supreme Court said
this case is whether the interview by the reporters is part of the custodial that it was not yet part of custodial investigation.
investigation. The Supreme Court said first, the reporters are not law
enforcement officers because they do not have the duty to investigate and - In contradistinction, in People v. Macam, this case involved a robbery with
to order the detention, and more importantly, the Supreme Court said homicide. The day after the robbery with homicide incident, the accused were
that there is no indication that they had acted under the control and apprehended in the factory of one of the accused. When they were arrested, they
supervision of a law enforcement officer. From this, it can be implied that were interrogated first by the security guards, and then by the police officers. They
even a private individual can be considered as a law enforcement officer refused to confess. When the police officers couldn’t obtain a confession, the police
IF that private individual acted under the control and supervision of a law officers took the accused to the hospital where one of the surviving victims was
enforcement officer. being treated. While at the hospital, the accused were required to form a Police
Line-Up together with plain-clothed police officers, during which the surviving victim
- If the reporters were instructed by the police officers to ask questions identified the accused.
and the reporters were able to secure a confession, that is part of
custodial investigation because in such case, the reporters would be - The Supreme Court said that it was already part of custodial
acting under the direction and control of law enforcement officers. investigation. The Supreme Court said it was already ACCUSATORY
because custodial investigation had already begun when the police
- What about the Auditors of Commission on Audit (COA)? Are they law officers interrogated the accused in the factory... so any Identification
enforcement officers? [No] following the commencement of custodial investigation will form part of
custodial investigation. In that regard, the uncounseled identification at
- In Navallo v. Sandiganbayan, the Supreme Court said no, because the the hospital was considered as inadmissible in evidence.
function of COA Auditors is to determine the proper use of public funds...
that is their only concern... although incidentally, they may discover a What is the effect of the violation of the rights of a person under custodial investigation? If
violation of laws... nevertheless, the main objective of COA Auditors is to the rights of a person under custodial investigation were violated, is he entitled to an
determine the proper use of public funds. In that regard, they are not acquittal? If his rights were violated, then his extrajudicial confession will be inadmissible in
considered as law enforcement officers. evidence, but is he also automatically entitled to an acquittal? The answer is no. This was
answered by the Supreme Court in Ho Wai Pang v. People.
What about Police Line-Up Procedures? Are these considered part of custodial investigation?
- In Ho Wai Pang v. People, this involved an importation of drugs. In the airport, the
- There are two streams of decisions regarding Police Line-up. Chinese accused were subjected to a routine check by the Bureau of Immigration
(BI). When the BI agent noticed that the accused were carrying identical baggages
- In Gamboa v. Cruz, the accused here was arrested the day before the Police Line- with identical contents, it impelled the agent to open one of the boxes that was
Up for Vagrancy (when there was still a law punishing for Vagrancy) because he was labeled “Chocolates,” and then the BI agent found that the chocolates were indeed
loitering around. The day after he was arrested and placed in detention, a illegal drugs. They were subjected to questioning, but they didn’t understand English
complainant walked into the Police Station and complained about a robbery as they only spoke Mandarin. The BI agent did not seek an interpreter. The question
incident. The police officers then asked the complainant if he could identify the here is whether their rights under custodial investigation were violated.
accused if he saw him again, to which the complainant said yes. The inmates of the

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- The Supreme Court said yes, their rights were violated because they - To recap, the confession during custodial investigation includes verbal
were not accorded the right to be informed. According to the Supreme communication, acts, and signatures.
Court in People v. Pinlac, “When the Constitution requires that a person
under custodial investigation to be informed of his right to remain silent - In People v. Dy, immediately after a shooting incident in Boracay, the accused went
and to counsel, it must be presumed to contemplate the transmission of a to the Police Precinct and confessed that he shot a tourist. The accused said to the
meaningful information rather than just the ceremonial and perfunctory police that the gun that he used was still inside the restaurant. The issue here is
recitation of an abstract constitutional principle.” The mere reading of whether the confession of the accused is admissible in evidence, or was it already
Sect. 12 of Art. III is not enough. The Right to be Informed carries with it part of custodial investigation? The Supreme Court said it was admissible because
the correlative obligation on the part of the law enforcement officer to the statement of the accused was PART OF THE RES GESTAE.
explain the rights under Sect. 12 of Art. III.
- What is the difference between Part of the Res Gestae and Independently Relevant
- The Supreme Court said in Ho Wai Pang v. People, the rights of the Statement?
accused under custodial investigation were violated. However, the
Supreme Court still sustained their conviction because there was enough - In Independently Relevant Statement, the admissibility of an
independent evidence to establish the guilt of the accused beyond independently relevant statement is only limited to establishing the
reasonable doubt. The testimony of the BI agent who was able to discover existence of the statement.
the illegal drugs was independent from the custodial investigation, and
since it had nothing to do with the custodial investigation, it was admitted - Part of the Res Gestae, on the other hand, admits the truthfulness of the
and was able to prove beyond reasonable doubt the guilt of the accused. statement. Res Gestae literally means “things done.” Part of the Res
Gestae means that the statement is “part of the things done.”
- Same in People v. Macam, remember earlier we said that the
uncounseled identification at the hospital was rendered inadmissible, but - In that regard, the statement of the police officer saying that the accused
the Supreme Court still sustained the conviction of the accused because told him that he shot a tourist and that the gun was still in the restaurant
there was independent evidence that established the guilt of the accused is admissible in evidence and is an exception to the Hearsay Rule. The
beyond reasonable doubt. court can admit the fact that the statement was made, and the court can
admit the truthfulness of that statement. This is Part of the Res Gestae as
- In the case of Ho Wai Pang v. People, the Supreme Court cited People v. Wong distinguished from an Independently Relevant Statement.
Chuen Ming. In People v. Wong Chuen Ming, which involved importation of illegal
drugs, the Chinese accused were also carrying identical baggages with identical - In Ho Wai Pang v. People, the Supreme Court said that violation of the rights of an
contents of Alpen Cereal boxes. The BI agent conducted an inventory and he accused under custodial investigation only excludes confessions obtained during the
required the accused to sign each box. The Supreme Court said that the only basis custodial investigation, but other independent evidence or evidence independent
of their conviction were the SIGNATURES on the boxes, and since they were not of the custodial investigation are admissible. In essence, the Supreme Court is saying
accorded their right to custodial investigation, those signatures on the boxes are only the confession, only the primary evidence is inadmissible in evidence…
inadmissible in evidence because they are part of custodial investigation. Which
means that in custodial investigation, confession is not only limited to verbal - Supposing a passenger arrives in the Philippines and he was interviewed
admission; confession in custodial investigation also includes signing the inventory. by a BI agent. He was asked if he was carrying illegal drugs, and the
passenger says yes. Because of that confession, the BI agent searched his
- REENACTMENT OF THE CRIME is also included in confession during custodial outer clothing, and he found illegal drugs inside his pocket. Can we say
investigation, as held in People v. Pinlac. While in a reenactment of the crime, the that only the confession is inadmissible, but the drugs found is admissible?
accused is not being compelled to verbally confess, he is being required to confess The answer is no... both the confession and the evidence obtained based
by an act. This is part of custodial investigation, and this is a confession during on the confession are inadmissible in evidence. This was the ruling of the
custodial investigation. Failure of the law enforcement officers to accord the Supreme Court in People v. Alicando.
accused of his rights under Sect. 12 of Art. III will render inadmissible these acts.

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- In People v. Alicando, this case involved Rape with Homicide of a child. During the Under Section 3 of R.A. 7438, “ASSISTING COUNSEL is any lawyer, except (a) those directly
investigation of the accused, the accused confessed. The police officers were also affected by the case (b), those charged with conducting preliminary investigation, or (c) those
able to obtain other evidence (the blood-stained shirt and pillow) because of the charged with the prosecution of crimes.”
confession. The question here is up to what extent may the inadmissibility apply?

- The Supreme Court said it extends to the confession and all derivative SECTION 13, ARTICLE III — RIGHT TO BAIL
evidence... any evidence obtained in violation of Section 12 of Article III,
however far removed from the primary source, shall be excluded in Under Sect. 1 of Rule 114 of the Rules of Court, “Bail is the security given for the release of a
evidence. This is the application of the FRUIT OF THE POISONOUS TREE person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance
DOCTRINE, as cemented by Justice Frankfurter in Nardone v. U.S. Which before any court as required under the conditions hereinafter specified. Bail may be given in
means that Section 12 of Article III renders inadmissible in evidence not the form of corporate surety, property bond, cash deposit, or recognizance.”
only the confession, but as well as other derivative evidence under the
Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine. Under the Rules of Court, the four forms of bail are:

Under R.A. No. 7438, the term “custodial investigation” was extended even to the practice of 1. Corporate surety;
police officers of issuing invitations to a person who is investigated of a crime to which he is a
suspect. This is intended to address the concern of individuals who were invited by the police 2. Property bond;
officers in order to shed light on an incident. This is now part of custodial investigation under
R.A. 7438. 3. Cash deposit; and

Under the Constitution, for a valid waiver of the Right to Remain Silent and Right to Counsel, 4. Recognizance.
it is required that the accused must be assisted by counsel and that the waiver must be in
writing. For a valid waiver of the Right to Remain Silent and the Right to Counsel, the All forms/kinds of bail are subject to the mandatory conditions under Sect. 2 of Rule 114.
Constitution only requires that the waiver must be in writing and signed in the presence of Under Sect. 2 of Rule 114, the mandatory conditions for the right to bail are:
counsel. R.A. 7438 provides an additional condition for the admissibility of a confession
obtained during custodial investigation. 1. The undertaking shall be effective upon approval, and unless cancelled, shall
remain in force at all stages of the case until promulgation of the judgement of the
- Under R.A. 7438, for the admissibility of the custodial investigation proceedings, RTC, irrespective of whether the case originally filed in or appealed to it;
the law requires that the custodial investigation report must be in writing. If the
custodial investigation report is not reduced into writing and signed by the accused, 2. The accused shall appear before the proper court whenever required by the court
anything that happened during the custodial investigation proceedings shall be or these Rules;
inadmissible. Second, the extrajudicial confession of the accused must also be in
writing and signed by the accused. Which means that verbal admissions or 3. The failure of the accused to appear at the trial without justification and despite
confessions during custodial investigation is inadmissible... that confession must be due notice shall be deemed a waiver of his right to be present thereat. In such case,
reduced into writing and signed by the accused in the presence of his counsel, or in the trial may proceed in absentia; and
the absence of his counsel upon a valid waiver, it must be signed in the presence of
any of the parents, of any of the older brothers or sisters, of the spouse, of the the 4. The bondsman shall surrender the accused to the court for execution of the final
Municipal Mayor, of the Municipal Judge, of the School District Supervisor, or of the judgment.
priest or Minister of the Gospel chosen by him. Which means that if the extrajudicial
confession was not signed in the presence of counsel or of any of the persons May bail be applied for and granted even if the accused is not in detention, or is it
mentioned in R.A. 7438, that extrajudicial confession is inadmissible in evidence. required that the accused must be in detention before he may be granted bail?...
These are the additional requirements for the admissibility of extrajudicial because the object of bail is to give the accused provisional liberty... So can the
confessions obtained during custodial investigations. courts say that provisional liberty presupposes that the accused is in detention?

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- The answer is no. There is no need to wait for detention. An accused may reclusion perpetua, AND 2) the evidence of guilt is strong. If one of these
post bail even if he is not yet in detention by voluntarily submitting himself two conditions is absent, then bail is a matter of right.
to the custody of law enforcement officers.
- So, let’s take out the first condition. If the accused is punished with an
- If the accused learned that there is already a Warrant of Arrest, there is offense not punishable by reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment, or
no need for him to wait for the service of the Warrant of Arrest... he may death, and it is before conviction, then bail is a matter of right, regardless
submit himself to the custody of law enforcement officers and then post of the strength of the evidence of guilt. Even if the evidence of guilt is
bail. In that regard, he may be spared from the humiliation of being strong or overwhelming, bail is still a matter of right under this scenario
arrested. before conviction by the RTC or even after conviction by the MTCs.

Ordinarily, bail is granted only to an accused who is charged with a crime. Can bail - So, let’s put back the first condition, but take out the second condition.
be imposed to a person who is not an accused or is not even a party to the If the accused is charged with an offense punishable by reclusion
proceedings? perpetua, life imprisonment, or death, but the evidence of guilt is not
strong, then bail is still a matter of right.
- The answer is yes. Under Rule 119, a bail may be required in order to
secure the attendance of a material witness. Which means that bail under - This is the third instance when bail is a matter of right (Before conviction
this rule is not a right; it is an obligation. A material witness may be by the RTC for an offense punishable by reclusion perpetua, life
compelled/required to post bail to ensure his appearance during a trial. imprisonment, or death, but the evidence is not strong).

There are two kinds of bail under Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 114. Bail could either be To recap, the instances wherein bail is a MATTER OF RIGHT are:
1. Before or after conviction by the Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal
1. Bail as a MATTER OF RIGHT; or Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court in Cities, or Municipal Circuit Trial Court
(Section 4, Rule 114);
2. Before conviction by the Regional Trial Court of an offense not
Under Section 4 of Rule 114, bail is a MATTER OF RIGHT — punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment (Section 4,
Rule 114); and
1. Before or after conviction by the Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal
Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court in Cities, or Municipal Circuit Trial Court; 3. Before conviction by the Regional Trial Court for an offense punishable
by reclusion perpetua, but the evidence is not strong (Section 13, Article
2. Before conviction by the Regional Trial Court of an offense not III of the Constitution).
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment.
Under Section 5 of Rule 114, the Rules only enumerated one instance when bail is a matter of
Aside from the two instances under Section 4 of Rule 114, is there any other instance DISCRETION. The Rules of Court provides that “Upon conviction by the Regional Trial Court of
where bail is a MATTER OF RIGHT? an offense not punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment, admission to bail
is discretionary.”
- Note that under Section 13 of Article III, the Constitution says “ALL
PERSONS” are entitled to bail. The Constitution only excludes certain - After conviction, bail is a matter of discretion, provided that the offense is not
persons charged with a crime from bail. Which means that a person is punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment.
entitled to bail UNLESS he falls under the exception. Under the exception,
there are two conditions in order to deny a person his right to bail. These Aside from Section 5 of Rule 114, is there any other instance when bail is a MATTER OF
conditions are that 1) the person is charged with an offense punishable by DISCRETION? [Yes]

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- Before conviction, bail is a matter of discretion when the accused is charged with Under Section 9 of Rule 114, the judge who issued the warrant or granted the application shall
an offense punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or death. fix a REASONABLE AMOUNT OF BAIL considering primarily, but not limited to, the following
- So it is not correct to say that there are non-bailable offenses... it is inappropriate
to say so because ALL OFFENSES ARE BAILABLE. The only reason why there are 1. Financial ability of the accused to give bail;
accused charged with some offenses who are not allowed to post bail is because of
the weight of evidence of guilt. Even offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua, life 2. Nature and circumstances of the offense;
imprisonment, or death are bailable when the evidence of guilt is not strong.
3. Penalty for the offense charged;
- Going back to bail as a matter of discretion... bail is a matter of discretion before
conviction of an offense punishable by reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment, or 4. Character and reputation of the accused;
death. The discretion of the court lies in the determination of the weight of evidence
of guilt. In determining the weight of the evidence of guilt, it is mandatory, according 5. Age and health of the accused;
to the Supreme Court in Basco v. Rapatalo, to hold a hearing. In such hearing, the
court will conduct a Summary Determination of the weight of evidence of guilt. The 6. Weight of the evidence against the accused;
discretion of the court will only be applied in determining whether the evidence of
guilt is strong or weak. 7. Probability of the accused appearing at the trial;

- If the accused is charged with an offense punishable by reclusion 8. Forfeiture of other bail;
perpetua, life imprisonment, or death, and before conviction, the court
held a hearing to determine the weight of the evidence of guilt, and after 9. The fact that the accused was a fugitive from justice when arrested; and
such hearing, the court determines that the weight of the evidence of guilt
is strong, the discretion ceases; the court has no choice but to deny the 10. Pendency of other cases where the accused is on bail.
application for bail. On the other hand, if after such hearing, the court
determines that the evidence of guilt is not strong, the discretion likewise Are applications for bail subject to the 3-Day Notice Rule? [Yes]
ceases; the court has no choice but to grant the application for bail.
- In Baylon v. Judge Sison, the trial court believed that applications for bail are
- Which means that the discretion only lies in the determination exempted from the 3-Day Notice Rule, because according to the trial court judge,
of the weight of the evidence of guilt. time is of the essence since the accused is in detention, therefore, the motion for
bail must be heard at the earliest possible opportunity. But the Supreme Court said
- In Basco v. Rapatalo, the accused was charged with an offense punishable by no.
reclusion perpetua. He was in detention. Several months later, the parents of the
victim were surprised to see the accused in their town, and they discovered that the - According to the Supreme Court, citing Basco v. Rapatalo, there are 4 obligations
judge granted bail without conducting a hearing. The Supreme Court said that of the court whenever applications for bail are filed. These four obligations are as
HEARING IS MANDATORY in order to determine the weight of the evidence of guilt, follows:
and secondly, to determine the reasonable amount of bail (Sect. 9, Rule 114). The
Supreme Court said that “discretion, when applied by a court of justice, means 1. To notify the prosecution of the hearing of the application for bail or to
discretion governed by rule, not by humor; it must not be arbitrary, vague, nor require the prosecution to submit a recommendation;
fanciful, but rather, it must be legal and regular.”
2. To conduct the summary hearing of the application for bail in order to
Whether bail is a matter of right or a matter of discretion, a hearing is mandatory in order to allow the court to exercise its reasonable and sound discretion;
determine the reasonable amount of bail.
3. To determine the weight of the evidence of guilt; and

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4. If the weight of the evidence of the guilt is not strong, then the court In determining whether bail is a matter of right or a matter of discretion, we have learned that
must discharge the accused upon approval of the bail bond; if the weight the material considerations are based on the penalty for the offense charged, and the weight
of the evidence of the guilt is strong, then the court must deny the of the evidence of guilt.
application for bail.
In determining whether bail is a matter of right or a matter of discretion, what penalty shall
- Going back to the 3-Day Notice Rule, the Supreme Court in Baylon v. Judge Sison be considered by the court? Supposing there is a difference between the penalty at the time
said that to deny the 3-Day Notice to the prosecution would be a denial as well of of the filing of the criminal information and the penalty at the time of the pendency of the
the right to prepare for the presentation of evidence to establish the weight of the application for bail, which penalty shall be considered for purposes of determining whether
evidence of guilt. This is a violation of the Right to Due Process of the prosecution. bail is a matter of right or of discretion?

- The Supreme Court said the right to a hearing, particularly in cases where - To be specific, supposing at the time the criminal information was filed, the penalty
bail is a matter of discretion, is mandatory, and the 3-Days Notice Rule is for the offense charged was reclusion perpetua. During the pendency of the
also mandatory to afford the prosecution adequate time to prepare for application for bail, the law was amended and the penalty was reduced prision
the presentation of evidence. mayor. Which penalty shall be considered for purposes of determining whether bail
is a matter of right or of discretion? Because if we will consider the penalty at the
If you are asked whether members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines are entitled to the time the criminal information was filed, then bail is only a matter of discretion... but
right to bail, what is your categorical answer? If that is only the question... are members of if we consider the penalty at the time of the application of bail, then bail is a matter
the AFP entitled to bail? of right regardless of the weight of the evidence of guilt. So which penalty shall be
- The answer is yes. Yes is the categorical answer to that question. Note that the
Constitution provides “ALL PERSONS.” - This was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of People v. Judge
Donato. This case involved Rebellion. At the time of the filing of the
- The ruling of the Supreme Court in Comendador v. De Villa should be taken only criminal information, Rebellion was punishable by reclusion perpetua to
from the context of that case. While the Supreme Court said in Comendador v. De death, but during the application for bail, the penalty was reduced to
Villa that members of the AFP do not have the right to bail, this has reference to prision mayor. The Supreme Court said that it is the penalty at the time of
General Court Marshall Proceedings. Which means that if the question is if members the application of bail that shall be the basis in determining whether bail
of the AFP are entitled to bail, the answer is yes... with the only exception is when is a matter of right or a matter of discretion. Which means that in this case,
they are charged before a Court Marshall Proceeding. the Supreme Court granted the bail regardless of the weight of the
evidence of guilt because the penalty at the time of the application for bail
- The Supreme Court in Comendador v. De Villa explained the peculiar is the determinative factor.
character of the Military. The Supreme Court said that the members of the
Military are more entitled to speedy disposition of cases because they are - Can we now say that when you are asked during the Bar Examination
not entitled to the right to bail. For example, the case involving Senator that the penalty at the time of the application for bail is the determinative
Trillanes, insofar as the Coup d’état charges before the RTC, he’s entitled factor, do you agree or not? The answer is “I do NOT agree.” But why?
to bail; but insofar as the proceedings before the General Court Marshall, That statement is only taken from the context of People v. Judge Donato
he’s not entitled to bail. So, the same act may be the basis of a General when the law lowered the penalty... because supposing the circumstances
Court Marshall Proceeding or a proceeding under the Revised Penal Code. are reversed... supposing that at the time of the filing of the criminal
However, if the proceedings are under the Revised Penal Code, then he is information, the penalty was prision mayor, but at the time of the
entitled to bail, but if the proceedings are before the General Court pendency of the application for bail, the law was amended increasing the
Marshall, then he cannot post bail because General Court Marshall penalty... so can we still say that the penalty at the time of the application
Proceedings are not criminal proceedings. for bail should be the basis? No, not anymore because that becomes EX

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- The correct categorical answer to the question is that it is Court said that these are not criminal proceedings because in Extradition
ALWAYS THE LOWER PENALTY that shall be considered. Proceedings, the penalty for the offense charged and the weight of the
Whether it is the penalty at the time of the filing of the criminal evidence of guilt are not relevant. There are only two issues in Extradition
information or the penalty during the pendency of the Proceedings which are (a) whether the application for extradition
application for bail, it is always the lower penalty that shall complied with the Extradition Treaty, and (b) whether the accused is
govern in determining the nature of the application for bail. extraditable. These are the only two issues that must be resolved by the
Extradition Courts, and not the innocence or guilt of the accused, nor the
May Section 13 of Article III be applied in non-criminal proceedings, such as deportation, penalty of the offense charged, nor the weight of the evidence of guilt,
quarantine, and extradition proceedings? [No] and so on.

- The answer is no. Section 13 of Article III is ONLY EXCLUSIVE TO CRIMINAL - Another proof that Extradition Proceedings are not criminal proceedings
PROCEEDINGS, but the Right to Bail can be granted not under Section 13 of Article is that the required quantum of evidence in criminal cases to convict the
III, but under Section 1 of Article III, the Right to Due Process. The Right to Bail under accused is Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt. In Extradition Proceedings,
Section 13 of Article III is only exclusive to criminal proceedings.... because the extradition may be granted using the standard of Prima Facie Evidence.
provision requires a “penalty for the offense charged...”and the “weight of evidence The standard of evidence that must be applied by the Extradition Court in
of guilt” is also relevant... and in non-criminal proceedings, these are not relevant. granting the application for extradition is only Prima Facie Evidence.

In the cases of U.S. v. Puruganan and Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative - The Clear and Convincing Evidence is the standard to be used
Region v. Hon. Olalia, the Supreme Court discussed the nature of Extradition Proceedings. in determining whether the extraditee is entitled to bail and in
Extradition is definitely not a criminal proceeding. The Supreme Court enumerated the FIVE granting the application for bail. But when it comes to the
POSTULATES OF EXTRADITION PROCEEDINGS, which are: determination by the court of whether the application for
extradition should be granted, the only standard to be used is
1. Extradition is a major instrument for the suppression of crimes; Prima Facie evidence, because Extradition Proceedings are only
summary in nature. So, Prima Facie Evidence is to be used by
- With the advent of easy and convenient international travel, the the Extradition Court in determining whether the requesting
Supreme Court said the way that a State deals with criminal actions has State is entitled to the extradition.
evolved into States entering into Extradition Treaties so that criminals
who may flee from the jurisdiction of the local courts may be returned to - Another proof that Extradition Proceedings are not criminal proceeding
the Requesting State in order that justice may be administered. The is that decisions in criminal cases become executory upon its finality. Once
Supreme Court said that extradition is now a major instrument for the a decision becomes final in criminal cases, it becomes executory. In
suppression of crimes. Extradition Proceedings, however, final decisions are not executory UNTIL
the President decides... which means that even if the decision has become
2. The requesting State must accord due process to the accused; final, the decision is not executory until the President approves it. This is
again a further proof that Extradition is not a criminal proceeding because
- In entering into Extradition Treaties, a State must review the procedures Extradition, according to the Supreme Court, is part of the Executive
of the other State. When the State is convinced that due process is Powers of the President in establishing foreign relations.
observed, that is the only time when the State will sign the Extradition
Treaty. The ratification of the Extradition Treaty presupposes that both 4. Compliance shall be in good faith; and
parties trust the legal system of the other.
5. There is underlying risk of flight.
3. The proceedings are sui generis;
- The Supreme Court said that the only reason why the Requesting State
- Extradition Proceedings are not criminal proceedings even if they use the filed an application for extradition is because the supposed extraditee has
mechanisms of criminal cases, such as arrest and detention. The Supreme fled the jurisdiction of the Requesting State.

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these five instances, bail will be neither a matter of right, nor a matter of discretion,
We had learned earlier that there are only two instances when Bail is a Matter of Discretion. and the court must deny the application of bail or cancel bail if already granted.
- Under Section 5 of Rule 114, if the penalty imposed by the RTC is imprisonment
1. Upon conviction by the Regional Trial Court of an offense not punishable by death, exceeding six (6) years, the accused shall be DENIED BAIL, or his BAIL SHALL BE
reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment (Section 5, Rule 114); and CANCELLED upon a showing by the prosecution, with notice to the accused, of the
following or other similar circumstances:
2. Before conviction, when the accused is charged with an offense punishable by
death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment. The discretion of the court lies in 1. That he is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual delinquent, or has
the determination of the weight of evidence of guilt. committed the crime aggravated by the circumstance of reiteration;

- Note: The prosecution cannot adduce evidence for the denial of bail 2. That he has previously escaped from legal confinement, evaded
when it is a matter of right. When the grant of bail is discretionary, sentence, or violated the conditions of his bail without valid justification;
however, the prosecution may show proof to deny the bail.
3. That he committed the offense while under probation, parole, or
The Supreme Court further expanded the instances when Bail is a Matter of Discretion in the conditional pardon;
case of Enrile v. Sandiganbayan.
4. That the circumstances of his case indicate the probability of flight if
- In this case, note that the petitioner was charged with an offense punishable by released on bail; or
reclusion perpetua and the evidence of guilt is strong. Ordinarily, bail is neither a
right nor a matter of discretion, but the Supreme Court granted the application for 5. That there is undue risk that he may commit another crime during the
bail because of the health condition of the petitioner. The Supreme Court said that pendency of the appeal.
regardless of the stage of the proceedings, and regardless of the weight of the
evidence of guilt, Bail is a Matter of Discretion when the continued detention of the In determining whether bail is a matter of right or a matter of discretion, are attendant
accused will pose a risk on his health. Thus, the Supreme Court granted the circumstances (aggravating/mitigating) relevant?
application for bail in this case on humanitarian considerations. Which means that
this is another instance when Bail is a Matter of Discretion. - In Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, the petitioner contends that although the penalty for
the offense charged is reclusion perpetua, he is nevertheless entitled to 2 attendant
- Applying Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, when the accused is charged with an offense, mitigating circumstances, which were voluntary surrender and that he is above 70
regardless of the penalty, the weight of the evidence of guilt, and the stage of the years old. According to the petitioner, the maximum imposable penalty in light of
proceedings, bail shall nevertheless be a matter of discretion for HUMANITARIAN the attendant mitigating circumstances is one degree lower than reclusion
CONSIDERATIONS. perpetua, thus, the imposable penalty is reclusion temporal. So according to the
petitioner, bail is a matter of right. The Supreme Court said no... the attendant
- This is now the implication of this case; it gives the courts of justice aggravating or mitigating circumstances are not relevant in the determination of the
authority and discretion in determining when bail may be granted as a application for bail. The determinative factor is the penalty prescribed by law, and
matter of discretion. not the penalty imposed by the trial court.

Under Section 5 of Rule 114, the Supreme Court enumerated conditions when bail is not a - Supposing the accused is charged with an offense punishable by reclusion
matter of right nor a matter of discretion after conviction by the Regional Trial Court. perpetua. During the summary hearing, the prosecution established that the
evidence of guilt is strong, but during the trial, the accused was only convicted of an
- Note under Section 5 of Rule 114, as a general rule, upon conviction of an offense offense punishable by reclusion temporal. Just to be specific, supposing the offense
not punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment, admission to bail charged is Murder... and during the application for bail, the prosecution was able to
is discretionary... EXCEPT any of the five instances provided under Sect. 5. Under establish a strong evidence of guilt.... during trial, the accused was denied bail... but
after the trial, the court only convicted the accused for the crime of Homicide which

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prescribes the penalty of reclusion temporal... can the appellate court grant an Element #1
application for bail? Yes, because it is now a matter of discretion. How do courts acquire jurisdiction over the subject matter of the controversy?

- Would this not violate the Constitution?... because the Constitution only - Courts acquire jurisdiction over the subject matter of the controversy BY LAW. It is
says “Before conviction...” In the given scenario, the application for bail the law or the Constitution which vests jurisdiction on the various courts. So B.P.
was granted by the appellate court after conviction by the trial court... The 129 and the Rules of Court establish the jurisdiction of various courts.
answer is no. This rule further expands the constitutional guarantee. What
violates the Constitution is a rule that restricts the right to bail... but Element #2
expanding the right to bail to other circumstances, which are not expressly How about jurisdiction over the person of the accused? How is it lawfully acquired?
provided for by the Constitution, does not violate the Constitution. But of
course, a rule cannot expand the right to the extent that it will violate the - There are two instances when the courts acquire jurisdiction over the person of
Constitution. the accused. These two instances are: (1) by arrest; and (2) by voluntary surrender.

What is the difference between Criminal Due Process under Section 14 and Due Process in
SECTION 14, ARTICLE III — RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED general under Section 1?

The rights under Section 14 of Article III are collectively called “The Rights of the Accused.” - Criminal Due Process applies only in criminal proceedings. Due Process in general
Can we say that all the rights under Section 14 of Article III are indeed available only to the applies to all proceedings, whether it be judicial, quasi-judicial, administrative, and
accused? other proceedings. The right to Due Process in general is available to all persons and
parties, but the right to Criminal Due Process is only available to an accused. Only
- The answer is no. There is one right under Sect. 14 of Art. III that does not belong an accused can invoke Section 14. Due Process in general covers both Substantial
to the accused, which is the last one — Trial in Absentia. and Procedural Due Process, while Criminal Due Process only covers Procedural Due
Process. So, these are the differences between Criminal Due Process and Due
- Trial in Absentia is a right of the prosecution to continue with the Process in general.
proceedings even in the absence of the accused. Which means that Trial
in Absentia is an exception of the right to be heard by himself and counsel. Aside from the four requisites of Criminal Due Process enumerated by the Supreme Court in
But all the rest, besides Trial in Absentia, are rights of the accused. Alonte v. Savellano, is there any constitutional objection to the inordinate delay in the
conduct of criminal proceedings?
The first right of the accused under Section 14 is the Right to Criminal Due Process. In the case
of Alonte v. Savellano, remember this is the rape case in Laguna, the Supreme Court - In Tatad v. Sandiganbayan, the petitioner was only charged with non-filing of
enumerated the Four Mandatory Elements of Criminal Due Process, which are: Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth (SALN), but the Preliminary
Investigation lasted for more than 3 years. What is the effect of the inordinate delay
1. The court or tribunal trying the case is properly clothed with judicial power to in the conduct of the Preliminary Investigation?
hear and determine the matter before it;
- The Supreme Court said that this violates the Criminal Due Process of the
- In other words, the court or tribunal must have jurisdiction over the accused. This is the practice called “Parking Fee.” “Parking” means that
subject matter of the controversy. the case will not be acted upon for a very long period of time so that after
a sufficient lapse of time, the Office of the Ombudsman can file a petition
2. Jurisdiction is lawfully acquired by it over the person of the accused; to dismiss, and a petition to dismiss based on inordinate delay is final. This
is the “Parking” practice of the Office of the Ombudsman, and there is a
3. That the accused is given notice and an opportunity to be heard; and “fee” per month or per year.

4. Judgement is rendered only upon lawful hearing. - In Tatad v. Sandiganbayan, the public respondent contended that
assuming for the sake of argument that there is a violation of the right to

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Criminal Due Process, the delay in the conduct of the Preliminary secret meeting in Malacañang. The Supreme Court said that when the Presiding
Investigation does not justify the dismissal of the criminal complaint, Justice of the Sandiganbayan and the Tanodbayan attended that meeting, “all
because according to the public respondent, absence of Preliminary semblance of impartiality were already lost.” Which means that at that time, the
Investigation is not a ground for the dismissal of the criminal complaint... case was already predetermined.
which means that the mere delay will not justify the dismissal of the
criminal complaint. But the Supreme Court disagreed. The Supreme Court - The Supreme Court said that “Verily, it can be said that any avowal or independent
said that DELAY IS WORSE THAN ABSENCE OF PRELIMINARY action or resistance to presidential pressure became illusory from the very moment
INVESTIGATION, because absence of Preliminary Investigation can easily they stepped inside Malacañang Palace on January 10, 1985.” The Supreme Court
be corrected by holding a Preliminary Investigation, just like in the case of said that it “cannot permit such a sham trial and verdict and travesty of justice to
Aniag v. COMELEC where there was no Preliminary Investigation, so the stand unrectified. The courts of the land under its aegis are courts of law and justice
only recourse was to conduct a Preliminary Investigation. But the and equity. They would have no reason to exist if they were allowed to be used as
Supreme Court said that insofar as delay in the Preliminary Investigation, mere tools of injustice, deception and duplicity to subvert and suppress the truth,
the defect is incurable... it can no longer be corrected... because, instead of repositories of judicial power whose judges are sworn and committed to
according the Supreme Court, up to date, man has not yet invented a render impartial justice to all alike who seek the enforcement or protection of a right
machine to turn back time. Once delay is present, it can no longer be or the prevention or redress of a wrong, without fear or favor and removed from the
corrected, and to further conduct Preliminary Investigation would be to pressures of politics and prejudice.”
further aggravate the condition of the respondent. The Supreme Court
said that delay in the conduct of Preliminary Investigation is worse than - The Supreme Court said that once the associate justices are placed under the
an absence of Preliminary Investigation. direction of the President, then the decision of the court becomes based on the
predetermination of the President. This violates the Criminal Due Process of the
What is the wisdom behind the dismissal of criminal complaints due to inordinate delay in the accused.
conduct of Preliminary Investigation?
What are the rights of the accused under Section 14 of Article III?
- The legal principle behind this is the often-quoted principle: “Justice delayed is
justice denied.” 1. Criminal Due Process;

- Once the dispensation of justice is inordinately delayed, the right to justice of the 2. Presumption of Innocence;
party has already been denied or at the very least, he has already suffered a violation
of his right to justice. 3. Right to be Heard by Himself and Counsel;

According to the Supreme Court in Tatad v. Sandiganbayan, inordinate delay in the conduct 4. Right to be Informed of the Nature and Cause of Accusation;
of Preliminary Investigation violates the right to Criminal Due Process and it may be a ground
for the dismissal with finality of the criminal complaint. 5. Right to Speedy, Impartial, and Public Trial;

In Galman v. Sandiganbayan, this is the case involving the proceedings relative to the 6. Right of Confrontation;
assassination of Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, Jr. This is one of the few instances when
the Supreme Court reversed a judgment of acquittal... because as we will discuss later in Sect. 7. Compulsory Processes; and
21 of Art. III, a judgment of acquittal is final. But in this case, the Supreme Court reversed a
judgment of acquittal because, according to the Supreme Court, it was a mistrial or the “non- 8. Trial in Absentia.
trial of the century.”
- The accused in this case were members of the AFP, but the jurisdiction was given
to the Sandiganbayan. During the proceedings, the Presiding Justice of the
Sandiganbayan, as well as the Special Prosecutor, the Tanodbayan, were called to a

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- Why does the Constitution play favorites? Why doesn’t the Constitution just of Conspiracy. According to the 2 accused who were convicted, in a
remain neutral? Why is there such a thing as Presumption of Innocence? Why is the Conspiracy, “the act of one, is the act of all,” because there was a
Constitution siding with the accused? concerted effort to affect the crime. The theory of the 2 accused is if in a
Conspiracy, “the guilt of one, is the guilt of all,” then it should also follow
- The Constitution establishes a Presumption of Innocence because all the that the innocence of one, is also the innocence of all. They argued that
prosecutorial arms of the government are being mobilized to establish the since 3 of the accused were declared innocent, their innocence should
guilt of the accused. In order to level the playing field against the entire also be extended to them. The Supreme Court said no. The Supreme Court
governmental machinery, the Constitution at the very least gave the said that although the act/guilt of one is the act/guilt of all and the
accused the Presumption of Innocence. Conspiracy must be shown by proof beyond reasonable doubt,
nevertheless once the Conspiracy is shown by proof beyond reasonable
- Is the right to the Presumption of Innocence available to all persons? doubt, only those who participated in the Conspiracy can be convicted.
Those who did not participate in the Conspiracy definitely cannot be held
- The answer is no. It is only available to NATURAL PERSONS. accountable for the criminal acts done.

- In the case of Feeder International Line v. Court of Appeals, the - The Supreme Court said that “By reasonable doubt is not
Supreme Court denied the right to presumption of innocence to a meant that of which possibility may arise, but it is that doubt
corporation. According to the Supreme Court, this is a right exclusive only engendered by an investigation of the whole proof and an
to natural persons. inability, after such investigation, to let the mind rest easy upon
the certainty of guilt. Absolute certainty of guilt is not demanded
- Is the Presumption of Innocence a conclusive presumption? by the law to convict of any criminal charge but moral certainty
is required, and this certainty is required as to every proposition
- The answer is no. It is only a DISPUTABLE PRESUMPTION. of proof requisite to constitute the offense. We feel that it is
better to acquit a man upon the ground of reasonable doubt,
- What is the degree of evidence necessary to overcome a disputable presumption? even though he may in reality be guilty, than to confine in the
penitentiary for the rest of his natural life a person who may be
- The standard of Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt. innocent.”

- Does Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt require absolute certainty? - In Criminal Cases, you have learned that “to doubt is to acquit.” Do you agree that
to doubt is to acquit?
- The answer is no. Under Section 2 of Rule 133, “MORAL CERTAINTY only
is required, or that degree of proof which produces conviction in an - The answer is no. There is a kind of doubt that is not inconsistent with
unprejudiced mind.” conviction. Which means that there are certain doubts that can coexist
with conviction. These are UNREASONABLE DOUBTS. Because the Rules
- Under Section 2 of Rule 133, “In a criminal case, the accused is entitled only require Proof Beyond “Reasonable Doubt.” If doubt is unreasonable,
to an acquittal, unless his guilt is shown beyond reasonable doubt. Proof then it can sustain a conviction. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that
Beyond Reasonable Doubt does not mean such a degree of proof as, “to doubt is to acquit.” It only means that if there is reasonable doubt,
excluding possibility of error, produces absolute certainty. Moral certainty then you must acquit; but if there is a doubt that is unreasonable, then a
only is required, or that degree of proof which produces conviction in an conviction may be had.
unprejudiced mind.”
- In the case of Dumlao v. COMELEC, the law challenged is a law that disqualifies
- In People v. Dramayo, this is the case involving Murder and there were persons convicted of acts of disloyalty from running for local elective office, and
7 accused. But of the 7 accused, 3 were acquitted, 2 were discharged as under the law, there is a presumption that persons charged of acts of disloyalty are
State Witnesses, and 2 were convicted. The criminal information charged Prima Facie deemed guilty of such acts. Which means that persons convicted of acts
all the accused with the crime of Murder aggravated by the circumstance of disloyalty are disqualified, and persons merely charged for acts of disloyalty are

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deemed Prima Facie guilty and, therefore, are likewise disqualified. The issue in this and also persons who, after having been charged, avoid the jurisdiction in
case is whether it is allowed to establish guilt, and primarily, is it allowed to treat order to avoid prosecution.” In essence, in Marquez v. COMELEC, the
persons who are already convicted, and persons merely charged of a crime Supreme Court wants to treat persons who are already convicted and
similarly... can the law treat them similarly? [No] persons who are merely charged similarly, and make them fugitives from
justice which, therefore, makes them disqualified from running for any
- The answer is no. The Supreme Court said that ACCUSATION IS NOT local elective office.
SYNONYMOUS WITH GUILT. Mere accusation should not be a basis to
treat a person charged in the same manner as those who are already - How do we then reconcile the rulings in Dumlao v. COMELEC and in Marquez v.
convicted. To place a person who is merely accused of a crime in the same COMELEC?
manner or in the same level as a person who is already convicted violates
the Presumption of Innocence. - In Dumlao v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court said that courts cannot treat
persons who are already convicted and persons who are merely charged
- But does this mean that laws that establish a presumption of guilt are similarly.
unconstitutional? Particularly the law on Malversation. Under the law on
Malversation, if an accountable officer failed to fully account for the funds - But in the case of Marquez v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court said that to
and property entrusted to him, then there is a presumption of confine “fugitives from justice” to only those who have already been
Malversation, which is a Presumption of Guilt. Is this unconstitutional? convicted would be unduly circumscriptive. The definition of “fugitives
Another example, the flight of an accused establishes a Presumption of from justice” should also extend to persons who are merely charged who
Guilt. Is this unconstitutional? Instead of establishing a Presumption of flee to avoid prosecution. In essence, the Supreme Court wants to treat
Innocence, these laws establish a Presumption of Guilt. persons who are already convicted and persons who are merely charged
- The answer is no. The Supreme Court said that there may be
laws that may establish a Presumption of Guilt, as long as (1) the - So how do we reconcile these two seemingly conflicting rulings of the
presumption is based on human experience, and (2) there is a Supreme Court?
rational connection between the facts established and the facts
ultimately presumed therefrom. As long as these two conditions - In Dumalao v. COMELEC, the disqualification arises by the
are present, then laws that establish a Presumption of Guilt is mere filing of a criminal complaint. Upon the mere filing of a
valid and constitutional. criminal complaint for acts of disloyalty, the persons charged
are already disqualified.
- In Dumalao v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court said that to treat persons who are
merely charged with an offense the same as persons who are already convicted - In Marquez v. COMELEC, the mere filing of a criminal
violates the Presumption of Innocence. complaint does not make the accused a fugitive from justice.
The disqualification arises from the act of flight by the accused.
- In Marquez v. COMELEC, the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Local Which means that the act of flight is the factor that makes the
Government Code (LGC) were being challenged. Under R.A. 7160 or the LGC, accused a fugitive from justice, and not by the mere accusation.
fugitives from justice are disqualified to run for local elective office, and the The accusation coupled with the act of flight is what makes an
Implementing Rules and Regulations of the LGC defined who are “FUGITIVES FROM accused a fugitive from justice.
JUSTICE.” And under the Implementing Rules and Regulations, “a fugitive from
justice is a person who, after conviction, flees the jurisdiction in order to avoid or - In the case of Corpus v. People, the Supreme Court discussed the concept of the
evade punishment.” Is this a valid definition of a fugitive from justice? EQUIPOISE RULE. The Supreme Court said that “if the evidence of the prosecution is
evenly balanced with the evidence of the defense, the Equipoise Rule shall be applied
- The Supreme Court said no, that definition is unduly circumscriptive. in order to tilt the scales of justice in favor of innocence.”
Fugitives from justice must be defined and interpreted to mean “a person
who, after conviction, flees the jurisdiction in order to avoid punishment,

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- By that definition, it implies that the Equipoise Rule can only be applied of the accused by 50%, then we apply the Equipoise Rule in
when the evidence of the prosecution and the evidence of the accused is order to make that specific evidence as evidence establishing
50-50... so if the evidence of guilt for the prosecution is 50% and the the innocence of the accused. This is the proper application of
evidence of the defense is also 50%, then the Equipoise Rule will lean in the Equipoise Rule.
favor of the accused.
- Supposing the evidence of the prosecution establishing the guilt of the
accused is not 99%, and the evidence of innocence of the defense is 1% The right to be assisted by counsel is MANDATORY. This is the ruling of the Supreme Court in
reasonable doubt... the Equipoise Rule does not apply right? ...because People v. Holgado.
the evidence for both sides are not equally balanced... so does that mean
that the court should convict the accused? - In People v. Holgado, the accused, during the arraignment, appeared without
counsel. The court asked the accused if he had a counsel or if he wanted to plead
- The answer is no. As long as there is a reasonable doubt, even guilty... this was the only question asked by the court, to which the accused said that
without the Equipoise Rule, the scales of justice will always tilt he did not have a counsel and that he was pleading guilty. The issue here is whether
in favor of the innocence of the accused because, in such a case, there was a valid waiver of the right to counsel?
the prosecution failed to overcome the Presumption of
Innocence of the accused by proof beyond reasonable doubt. - The Supreme Court said no. In arraignment, the court has four
obligations (this is before the amendment of the Criminal Procedure). The
- What is the relevance then of the Equipoise Rule when even if the Supreme Court said that based on the old rules on Criminal Procedure, if
evidence for both sides are not equally balanced, as long as there is a an accused appears at arraignment without counsel, the court has 4
reasonable doubt, the scales of justice shall always be tilted in favor of obligations, which are:
1. To inform the defendant that it is his right to have an attorney
- The Equipoise Rule is an analytical tool in order to assess the before being arraigned;
probative value of a specific evidence. During trial, both parties
present evidence, and after the presentation of all the evidence, 2. After giving such information, the court must ask him if he
the court will assess each evidence. It does not necessarily desires the aid of an attorney;
follow that the evidence presented by the prosecution
establishes the guilt of the accused, and it does not necessarily 3. If he so desires and is unable to employ an attorney, the court
follow that the evidence presented by the defense establishes must assign a counsel de officio to assist him; and
the innocence of the accused. The court must make an
independent assessment of each evidence. 4. If the accused decides to procure a counsel de parte (an
attorney of his own), the court must grant him a reasonable
- Supposing that there was a total of two pieces of evidence time therefor.
presented by the parties. After assessing the first piece of
evidence, the court holds that it establishes the guilt of the - Based on these four obligations of the court, as enumerated by the
accused by 80%... thus, there is a 20% leaning in favor of Supreme Court in People v. Holgado, the appointment of the counsel de
innocence. The court considers the first piece of evidence as officio and the grant of reasonable time to procure the services of a
evidence establishing the guilt of the accused. After assessing counsel de parte depends on the desire of the accused. If, however, the
the second piece of evidence, the court holds that it establishes accused desires the services of a counsel but he cannot afford such
the guilt of the accused by 50%... thus, it also establishes the services, then he must be given a counsel de officio... so this implies that
innocence of the accused by 50%. Now we apply the Equipoise if the accused does not desire to be represented by a counsel, the court is
Rule. The Equipoise Rule says that if that specific evidence dispensed with the obligation to appoint a counsel de officio and the
establishes the guilt of the accused by 50% and the innocence

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obligation to give him reasonable time... because he does not want to be - Supposing the Minutes of the trial did not reflect that the court complied with the
represented by a counsel. This is the implication of the old rules. four-fold obligations... let’s compare this situation to Senator Trillanes... there is
nothing on record to show that he filed an application for amnesty. Supposing that
- Which is why, under the new rules on Criminal Procedure, there is a Minutes of the proceeding during the amnesty application, but the
APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL DE OFFICIO IS MANDATORY... EXCEPT only Minutes did not state that Senator Trillanes submitted his application. This is similar
for two circumstances. The only 2 circumstances when the court can to People v. Agbayani.
dispense with the appointment of a counsel de officio are:
- In People v. Agbayani, the Minutes of the trial did not reflect that the
1. When it appears before the court that the accused can court informed the accused of his right to counsel, and that it had asked
sufficiently defend himself; the accused if he wanted to be represented by a counsel de parte or a
counsel de officio. There was nothing on record that the court complied
- Under Section 1(c) of Rule 115, “Upon motion, the with its four-fold obligations.
accused may be allowed to defend himself in person
when it sufficiently appears to the court that he can - The Supreme Court in People v. Agbayani said that not everything needs
properly protect his rights without the assistance of to be indicated in the record.... we can rely on the Presumption of
counsel.” Regularity in the Performance of Official Duties. The Supreme Court said
that it is incumbent upon the accused to show that he was not accorded
- Which means that there may be instances when an his rights during arraignment. In the absence of an affirmative showing to
accused may waive his right to counsel, but the court the contrary, the court must be presumed in matters of this kind to have
must assess that he has the capacity to defend complied with the provisions of law prescribing the procedure to be
himself. followed in the trial before it. In other words, unless the contrary appears
in the record, or that it is positively proved that the trial court failed to
2. When the accused desires to be represented by a counsel de inform the accused of his right to counsel, it will be presumed that the
parte. accused was informed by the court of such right. The Supreme Court,
citing U.S. v. Labial, said that “Much must be left to intendment and
- If it does not fall under any of the two circumstances when the court can presumption, for it is often less difficult to do things correctly than to
dispense with the appointment of a counsel de officio, then the court has describe them correctly.”
no choice but to make such appointment.
Is the choice by the accused of counsel during trial preferred? I ask because the term
- In People v. Holgado, the Supreme Court said that “One of the great “preferably of his own choice” does not appear in Section 14, Article III, but rather it appears
principles of justice guaranteed by our Constitution is that no person shall in Section 12, Article III (Custodial Investigation). Is the choice of counsel by the accused during
be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law, and trial preferred over that of the court?
all accused shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel. In
criminal cases, there can be no fair hearing unless the accused be given an - The answer is yes. It is preferred but it is not exclusive.
opportunity to be heard by counsel. The right to be heard would be of little
avail if it does not include the right to be heard by counsel. Even the most - The case of Amion v. Judge Chiongson involved an administrative case against the
intelligent or educated man may have no skill in the science of the law, respondent judge. During the criminal proceedings of the petitioner, the petitioner
particularly in the rules of procedure, and, without counsel, he may be successively moved for resetting because either his counsel was not prepared, or he
convicted not because he is guilty but because he does not know how to changed his counsel. The petitioner kept moving for a reset until such time that the
establish his innocence.” court said enough is enough. The court said that if petitioner still did not have a
counsel then it would appoint him a counsel de officio, but the petitioner replied
- This is why the Supreme Court said that as a general rule, the that he wanted to procure his own lawyer and that he does not want to be
right to counsel during arraignment is mandatory. represented by a counsel de officio. Nevertheless, the court said that it will appoint
a counsel de officio for him for purposes of the Direct Examination, and that if the

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petitioner still wanted to procure his own counsel, then present him during the next
hearing and he may conduct the Cross-Examination. This is the reason why 2. Designation given to the offense by the statute;
petitioner filed an administrative case against the respondent judge. According to
the petitioner, his preference is exclusive... once he said that he wanted to be 3. Statements of acts or omissions;
represented by his own counsel, then the court has no business in appointing him a
counsel de officio. However, the Supreme Court did not agree. 4. Name of the offended party;

- The Supreme Court said that the right to choose one’s counsel does not exclude all 5. Approximate time and date of the commission of the crime; and
other counsels who may be competent and independent to represent the accused
during trial. The right to choose one’s counsel cannot be exercised to the extent that 6. Place of the commission of the crime.
it becomes arbitrary and to the extent that it will violate the rights of the other
parties to due process. - These are the minimum allegations. If one of these allegations is absent, then there
is a violation of the right to be informed.
- In People v. Quitlong, the charge of conspiracy must be stated or alleged in the
What are the three reasons why the accused during criminal proceedings have the right to be criminal information in order to inform the accused that he was not only being held
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him? accountable for his own acts, but also for the acts of the other co-accused. In that
regard, in the failure of the criminal information to allege conspiracy, the court
- These three reasons were enumerated by the Supreme Court in People v. cannot allow or admit any evidence establishing this element. Thus, the Supreme
Quitlong. In this case, the accused was charged with Murder. The criminal Court disallowed the presentation of evidence by the prosecution to prove
information did not state that they acted in concert with one another. In short, there conspiracy, because it will violate the right of the accused to be informed.
was no allegation of conspiracy. But during the trial, the prosecution presented
evidence to show that the accused acted in conspiracy with one another. The issue What is the relevance of arraignment to the right to be informed?
in this case is whether the right of the accused to be informed was violated. The
Supreme Court, citing U.S. v. Karlsen, said that there are 3 reasons why an accused - The Supreme Court said that it is an essential element in order to accord the
in a criminal case is entitled to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation accused of his right to be informed, because during arraignment, this is the first time
against him. These three reasons are: that the accused will be informed why the prosecutorial arms of the government
are being mobilized to convict him. Even if the criminal information is vaguely
1. To furnish the accused with such a description of the charge against him worded, the Supreme Court said that at least he is informed, and more particularly,
as will enable him to make his defense; this is the reason why the right to be assisted by counsel is mandatory during
arraignment because the counsel can explain to the accused the allegations in the
2. To avail himself of his conviction or acquittal for protection against a criminal information/complaint before he makes his plea. According to the Supreme
further prosecution for the same cause; and Court in Borja v. Mendoza, the arraignment is not a useless formality, but rather
“arraignment is an indispensable requirement in any criminal prosecution...
3. To inform the court of the facts alleged, so that it may decide whether procedural due process demands no less.”
they are sufficient in law to support a conviction, if one should be had.
Ordinarily in criminal cases with deference to the right to be informed, the accused can only
- In a criminal information, the Supreme Court said that there are minimum be convicted of the offense charged proven during the trial. Which means that the accused
allegations in order to comply with the constitutional guarantee that the accused is cannot be convicted of an offense charged which is not proved during the trial. Similarly, the
accorded of his right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation accused cannot be convicted of an offense proven but which is not charged. The accused can
against him. The Supreme Court said in People v. Quitlong that in order to comply only be convicted of the offense charged and proven during the trial... this is the general rule.
with this constitutional mandate, a criminal information must contain the following: Is there any exception?

1. Name of the accused;

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- The answer is yes. Under Section 4 of Rule 120, “When there is variance between assessment that must be done... assess first whether the two offenses includes or is
the offense charged in the complaint or information and that proved, and the offense included in the other... and once it is established that one offense includes or is
as charged is included in or necessarily includes the offense proved, the accused shall included in the other, then conviction will always be on the lesser offense... so
be convicted of the offense proved which is included in the offense charged, OR of whether it is the offense charged or the offense proved, it is always the lesser
the offense charged which is included in the offense proved.” offense.

When does the offense charged included in the offense proved, and when does the offense - In this regard, in the case of Pecho v. People, the accused was only charged of
charged include the offense proved? violation of Section 3(e) of R.A. 3019, which is the Anti-Graft and Corruption
Practices Law... a special law that does not punish the attempted or frustrated
- Under Section 5 of Rule 120, “An offense charged necessarily includes the offense stages of execution. The Supreme Court sustained the conviction of the accused for
proved when some of the essential elements or ingredients of the former, as alleged the crime of Estafa for the falsification of official documents, because according to
in the complaint or information, constitute the latter. And an offense charged is the Supreme Court, Estafa is included in Sect. 3(e) of R.A. 3019. Since it is included,
necessarily included in the offense proved, when the essential ingredients of the then the accused can be convicted of Estafa even it was not charged in the criminal
former constitute or form part of those constituting the latter.” complaint, because it is included in the offense charged.

- An offense charged necessarily includes the offense proved when some Supposing the variance is not between the offense charged and the offense proved, but rather
of the essential elements or ingredients of the offense charged constitute between the title of the offense and the recital of the acts or omissions in the body of the
all the essential elements of the offense proved. criminal information/complaint. Supposing the title of the offense charged is Violation of
Section 1(g) of R.A. 3019, but the recital of the acts or omissions in the body of the
- Example: the offense charged is Murder, and the offense information/complaint provides for the crime of Bribery. If the court convicts the accused of
proven is Homicide. The offense of Murder includes the offense Bribery, can the accused claim violation of his right to be informed?
of Homicide. Which means that in such cases, the accused shall
be convicted only of Homicide because it is the offense proven - This was resolved by the Supreme Court in the case of Soriano v. Sandiganbayan.
and included in the offense charged. In this case, the charge was violation of Section 3(b) of R.A. 3019. The principal issue
in this petition to review a decision of the Sandiganbayan is whether or not the
- On the other hand, an offense charged is included in the offense proved Preliminary Investigation of a criminal complaint conducted by a Fiscal is a “contract
when all the essential elements of the offense charged constitutes or or transaction” so as to bring it within the ambit of Section 3(b) of R.A. 3019. The
forms part of the essential elements of the offense proved. Supreme Court said that definitely Preliminary Investigation cannot be considered
as a transaction, but the actual recital of the acts constituting the offense in the
- Example: the offense charged is Theft, and the offense proved body of the complaint does not make out a violation of R.A. 3019, but rather a
is Robbery. The accused can be convicted of the offense charged violation of the RPC for Bribery. Which means that if there is a variance between the
which is included in the offense proved. Which means that in title and the body of the criminal information/complaint, then the body of the
such cases, the accused shall be convicted only of Theft because information/complaint would prevail without violating the right of the accused to
it is the offense charged and all of its essential elements be informed of the cause and accusation against him. In other words, the description
constitutes or forms part of the essential elements of Robbery, in the complaint or information controls over the designation of the offense.
which is the offense proved.
- In summary, when there is a variance between the offense charged and the offense
proved, and the offense charged includes or is included in the offense proved, the In the case of People v. Tee, the Supreme Court, citing Andres v. Cadac, explained that “a
accused shall ALWAYS BE CONVICTED OF THE LESSER OFFENSE. It is always the lesser speedy trial means a trial conducted according to the law of criminal procedure and the rules
offense. But the primary consideration/determination is to assess first if one is and regulations, free from vexatious, capricious, and oppressive delays.”
included in the other. If one is not included in the other, say for example the offense
charged is Murder and the offense proved is Rape, the accused shall be acquitted, In People v. Tee, the accused is charged with the illegal possession and selling of Marijuana.
because the offense of Rape is not included in the offense of Murder. This is the first The material witness for the prosecution who was in the custody of the NBI failed to appear

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for 20 successive hearing dates, which resulted in the cancellation of trials for a period of 2 material witness. Which means that the right of the accused to speedy trial was not
months. The issue in this case is whether there is a violation of the right of the accused to a violated at the instance of the prosecution. In that regard, the court continued with
speedy trial. The prosecution moved for the issuance of a Warrant of Arrest of the material the prosecution.
witness and 2 Warrants of Arrest were issued by the court, but still the NBI did not present
the material witness despite the issuance of the 2 Warrants of Arrest. The prosecution then In criminal proceedings, there are specific stages, such as preliminary investigation, the filing
moved for the NBI agent to be cited for contempt, which the court ordered. After 20 of the criminal complaint/information, issuance of Warrant of Arrest, arraignment, pre-trial,
successive hearing dates, the material witness finally appeared before the court. Under the trial, promulgation of judgment, and appeal. As the term implies, can we say that the right to
factual circumstances, is there a violation of the right to speedy trial? [No] speedy trial only applies during the Trial Proper? Can we say that the right to speedy trial
cannot be applied to the other stages of the proceedings? [No; it only applies during the trial
- The Supreme Court said that “The concept of speedy trail is necessarily relative. A stage and the proceedings anterior to the trial]
determination as to whether the right has been violated involves the weighing of
several factors such as the (1) length of the delay, (2) the reasons for the delay, (3) - This was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Flores v. People. In this
the conduct of the prosecution and the accused, and (4) the efforts exerted by the case, the trial court rendered a decision. On appeal, the appellate court remanded
defendant to assert his right, as well as (5) the prejudice and damage caused to the the case to the court of origin due to some factual insufficiencies. For a long period
accused.” of time, from the referral by the appellate court of the case to the court of origin,
there was no movement. The issue here is whether the delay by the Court of Appeals
- These are the factors that must be considered by the court in and the delay upon the referral to the court of origin are part of the constitutional
determining whether there is a violation of the right to speedy trial. guarantee of the right to speedy trial. The Supreme Court said no. The right to
speedy trial only applies during the trial stage and the proceedings anterior to the
- The Speedy Trial Act of 1998 provides that the trial period for criminal cases in trial. Which means that proceedings after the trial are no longer covered by the right
general shall be one hundred eighty (180) days. However, in determining the right to speedy trial. The proceedings after the trial are covered by a different
of an accused to speedy trial, courts should do more than a mathematical constitutional guarantee under Section 16 of Article III, but not under Section 14 of
computation of the number of postponements of the scheduled hearings of the Article III. The Supreme Court said that in determining whether there is a violation
case. The right to a speedy trial is deemed violated only when: of the right to speedy trial, the delay in the appellate proceedings is irrelevant; what
is relevant is when the case is remanded to the trial court and there was no
1. When the proceedings are attended by vexatious, capricious, and movement for a long period of time, then it would be part of the right to speedy
oppressive delays; trial.

2. When unjustified postponements are asked for and are secured; or - Again, the right to speedy trial applies only to the Trial Proper and all proceedings
before/anterior thereto.
3. When without cause or justifiable motive, a long period of time is
allowed to elapse without the party having his case tried. - Why does the right to speedy trial apply with regards to the proceedings before
the trial?
- But what is wrong with this enumeration? The problem with these instances is that
they are too general. These 3 circumstances can only constitute a violation of the - The Supreme Court in Flores v. People said that if the proceedings
right to speedy trial when the DELAY IS CAUSED BY THE PROSECUTION. When the anterior to the trail are delayed, necessarily the trial itself is likewise
delay is caused by the accused, definitely there is no violation of the right to speedy delayed because the court cannot proceed with the trial without
trial under Section 14 of Article III. In order to constitute a violation of the right to completing the procedures prior to the trial. Thus, if the proceedings prior
speedy trial, the proceedings are attended by any of the 3 circumstances caused by to the trial are delayed, then the trial itself is delayed.
the prosecution.
Dismissal of the case for violation of the right to speedy trial is a final decision.
- The Supreme Court in People v. Tee said that there was no violation of the right to
speedy trial because the delay was not attributable to the prosecution. In this case, What is the remedy for violation of the right to speedy trial?
the prosecution exhausted all means in order to procure the attendance of the

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- In Conde v. Rivera, the Supreme Court laid down the alternative remedies for the - The dismissal based on the violation of the right to speedy trial
violation of the right to speedy trial, which are: is likewise considered as an acquittal since, according to the
Supreme Court, the only reason why the prosecution will delay
1. Writ of Habeas Corpus, if the accused is detained; or the presentation of evidence is because they do not have any
evidence at all. Since they have no evidence, then dismissal of
- The continued detention of an accused upon the violation of the case due to violation of the right to speedy trial is also based
his right to speedy trial constitutes illegal detention. on the merits... only by presumption.

2. File a Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition, Mandamus to compel the RIGHT TO IMPARTIAL TRIAL
dismissal of the criminal complaint/information.
In criminal cases, the accused is entitled to no less than the cold neutrality of an impartial
- The case of Conde v. Rivera involved a municipal midwife in Lucena, Tayabas, who judge.
has been forced to respond to no less than five Informations for various crimes and
misdemeanors, has appeared with her witnesses and counsel at hearings no less In the case of Mateo, Jr. v. Villaluz, the trial judge hearing the case administered the oath of
than on eight different occasions only to see the cause postponed, has twice been a witness. There was a witness for the prosecution, and the witness subscribed his oath before
required to come to the Supreme Court for protection, and now, after the passage the presiding trial judge. During the trial, the witness recanted his testimony. According to the
of more than one year from the time when the first information was filed, seems as witness, he was only forced to sign the affidavit. The issue in this case is what is the effect of
far away from a definite resolution of her troubles as she was originally charged. the recantation on the authority of the judge to continue to hear the case, because under the
The accused here was from the province, and she and her witnesses had to go all Rules of Court, there are only several instances when trial court judges are required to
the way to the trial court just to attend court hearings, only to find out that they inhibit... one is the relationship of the trial court judge with one of the parties... second is
have been cancelled. previous participation... third is pecuniary interest. In the case of Mateo, Jr. v. Villaluz, the
factual circumstances of the case are not one of those instances enumerated by the Rules of
- In Conde v. Rivera, the Supreme Court said that the accused was “compelled to Court when the judge is required to inhibit.
dance attendance in court.” What does this phrase mean? The Supreme Court was
referring to the dance routine of “Cha Cha,” because she was going back to and fro - The Supreme Court, citing Justice Dizon, held “It has been said, in fact, that due
the court and the province. The Supreme Court said that she should not be made to process of law requires a hearing before an impartial and disinterested tribunal, and
dance attendance in court, and that the accused from her humble position is that every litigant is entitled to nothing less than the cold neutrality of an impartial
entitled to the right of speedy trial. The inordinate delay caused by the prosecution judge.” The Supreme Court said that an impartial judge “at all times manifest depth
in conducting the trial is a violation of the right to speedy trial, and is a ground to a commitment and concern to the cause of justice according to legal norms, a cerebral
final dismissal of the case. man who deliberately holds in check the tug and pull of purely personal preferences
and prejudices which he shares with the rest of his fellow mortals.” This is how the
- Why is the dismissal of the case due to the violation of the right to speedy trial a Supreme Court defined an impartial judge, as distinguished from a jury.
final decision, and why is it compared to a dismissal due to Demurrer to Evidence?
- The Supreme Court said that judges should refrain from notarizing documents,
- In Demurrer to Evidence (Section 23, Rule 119), the Demurrer to because when the witness testified that he was forced to sign the document, that
Evidence is granted upon the resting of the presentation of evidence by makes the attestation of the judge false. Notarization does not validate the
the prosecution, and if the evidence is not sufficient to establish the guilt allegations, but rather it only signifies that the document was signed by the person
of the accused beyond reasonable doubt, then the case must be whose name is indicated therein... that it was voluntarily signed... this is the
dismissed. The dismissal of the case due to Demurrer to Evidence is an relevance of notarization. When the witness said that he was forced to sign that
acquittal because it is based on the merits of the case. Why is the dismissal document, this means that there were only two possibilities... either the judge is
based on the violation of the right to speedy trial likewise considered as lying, or he exerted coercion. In either case, the judge should inhibit himself
an acquittal? because, as the Supreme Court said, a judge has both the duty to render a just
decision, and the duty of rendering it in such a manner as to be free from any

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People v. Teehankee, which holds that “In this age, when a gentleman of high social
- “A judge should not only be impartial, but also appear to be impartial.” Even if the standing, intelligence and probity, swears that testimony given under solemn oath
judge renders a decision strictly based on the merits of the case, but one of the will outweigh, with him, street talk and newspaper reports based upon mere
litigants frequently visits and socializes with the judge, the other party might harbor hearsay, he is worth as hundred jurymen who will swear to their own ignorance and
a suspicion that the reason why the judge rendered the decision is because he was stupidity, and justice would be far safer in his hands than in theirs. Why could not
close with the winning litigant. The Supreme Court cautioned that judges should the jury law be so altered as to give men of brains and honesty an equal chance with
remove any and all semblance of partiality. fools and miscreants?” So according to Mark Twain, it is very dangerous to place the
liberty and property of an individual in the hands of persons who do not know the
Let’s now differentiate a judge in our judicial system and a jury. In People v. Teehankee, this law.
was the case involving Claudio Teehankee, the son of Chief Justice Teehankee... so it was a
very controversial case back then in the 90s. During the trial, no less than President Corazon - This is the difference between a jury system and our legal judicial system. In our
Aquino visited the victim, Maureen Hultman, at the hospital. There were several protests legal system, judges are learned in the science of the law. Therefore, even if there
against the accused. According to the accused, the pervasive publicity of his trial was is a pervasive publicity, that does not necessarily mean prejudicial publicity, nor
prejudicial... so he was invoking the Doctrine of Prejudicial Publicity. does it necessarily mean that the judge is no longer impartial. The Supreme Court
applied a standard of evidence in determining whether the pervasive publicity
- The Doctrine of Prejudicial Publicity is relevant to the right to an impartial trial, constitutes prejudicial publicity... or in short, when there is a violation to the right
because in a prejudicial publicity, it presupposes that the judge is influenced in of impartial trial... the Supreme Court applied the TOTALITY OF CIRCUMSTANCES
rendering his decision because of the pervasive publicity. TEST.

- The Supreme Court in this case said that “pervasive publicity is not per se - Under the Totality of Circumstances Test, the person invoking the right
prejudicial to the right of an accused to a fair trial. The mere fact that the to an impartial trial must show the actual prejudice... the person invoking
trial of appellant was given a day-to-day, gavel-to-gavel coverage does the right must show by direct evidence that the judge was indeed
not by itself prove that the publicity so permeated the mind of the trial influenced by the publicity.
judge and impaired his impartiality. For one, it is impossible to seal the
minds of members of the bench from pre-trial and other off-court publicity RIGHT TO PUBLIC TRIAL
of sensational criminal cases. The state of the art of our communication
system brings news as they happen straight to our breakfast tables and In addition to the right to speedy and impartial trial, trial must also be public.
right to our bedrooms. These news form part of our everyday menu of the
facts and fictions of life. For another, our idea of a fair and impartial judge In the case of Garcia v. Domingo, the Supreme Court said that the objective of public trial is
is not that of a hermit who is out of touch with the world. We have not “to offset any danger of conducting it in an illegal and unjust manner.” The purpose of this
installed the jury system whose members are overly protected from guarantee is to serve “as a safeguard against any attempt to employ our courts as instruments
publicity lest they lose their impartiality. Our judges are learned in the law of persecution. The knowledge that every criminal trial is subject to contemporaneous review
and trained to disregard off-court evidence and on-camera performances in the form of public opinion is an effective restraint on possible abuse of judicial power.” The
of parties to a litigation. Their mere exposure to publications and publicity right to public trial is a guard against arbitrariness.
stunts does not per se fatally infect their impartiality.”
In Garcia v. Domingo, during this time, proceedings for motions were conducted on
- The Supreme Court compared a judge to a jury. Unlike a jury, judges are learned in Saturdays... Saturdays were motion days. There was only one case on the calendar, and during
the science of law... unlike a jury, judges can filter what passes as evidence and what the hearing of the motion, the judge asked the parties if they can conduct the proceedings in
only constitutes as hearsay... in that regard, judges are not required to be isolated... his chamber because it was very hot and his chamber was air conditioned, to which the parties
unlike jurists. The Supreme Court said that the idea of an impartial judge is not like acceded. The issue here is does this situation not violate the right to a public trial of the
that of a hermit who is detached from the realities of the world. It is impossible, accused.
according to the Supreme Court, to seal the minds of the judges... they are exposed
to influences, but we can rest assured that they know what an admissible evidence - The Supreme Court said that trial is public when anyone who wants to observe
is and what is hearsay. The Supreme Court cited the protestation of Mark Twain in how the judge conducts his proceedings in the courtroom can do so without any

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qualification; there is to be no bar on the attendance, and the fact that he is not - Then now comes the Ampatuan case... the Supreme Court said
related to any of the parties will not be a basis to disqualify such person to attend that regulation should be implemented, not restriction. There
the proceedings. The Supreme Court said that trial is public when the friends, the should be a balance between the interest of the accused to have
council, and the family members of the parties can attend the proceedings. But of an impartial trial and the right of the public to information. So
course, the Supreme Court recognized the reality that courtrooms can only initially, the Supreme Court allowed live TV and radio coverage
accommodate so much... that the number of persons who may be accommodated of the proceeding under strict regulations... the recording or the
will be limited only to the capacity of the courtroom. publication must be from start to finish without any
annotations. Once a network started, it must finish the airing.
- The Supreme Court said that the mere fact that the proceedings were held inside Initially, the Supreme Court allowed the live TV and Radio
the judge’s chamber did not mean that it was already a private proceeding, because coverage of the Ampatuan proceedings. But in the Resolution of
there was no one barred or prevented from attending the proceedings, only that the Motion for Reconsideration, the Supreme Court modified its
the chambers could only accommodate a limited number of people. In that regard, Decision. Instead of live TV and Radio coverage, the Supreme
the Supreme Court said it is still a public trial. Court only allowed live streaming of the proceedings inside the
premises... meaning, only those within the premises can see the
Is public trial the same as publicized trial? proceedings inside the courtroom, and not those within the
comfort of their own living rooms. The Supreme Court
- In the cases of In re: Request for Live Radio and TV Coverage of the Trial in the considered the special factual circumstances of the case. The
Sandiganbayan of the Plunder Cases against Former President Joseph Estrada and ruling in the Ampatuan case is only a Pro Hac Vice decision...
In re: Petition for Radio and Television Coverage of the Multiple Murder Cases meaning, it cannot be applied as a judicial precedent for future
Against Maguindanao Governor Zaldy Ampatuan, et al., the Supreme Court cases. The Supreme Court said that the factual circumstances of
discussed the validity of audio-visual recording of court proceedings. the proceedings impels the Court to allow a live video streaming
because there were 57 victims, 197 accused, and both sides
- Particularly In re: Petition for Radio and Television Coverage of the have listed 200 witnesses each, plus their families and the rest
Multiple Murder Cases Against Maguindanao Governor Zaldy of the public... thus, no courtroom can accommodate all these
Ampatuan, et al., the Supreme Court discussed the evolution of the people. This is the reason why the Supreme Court allowed a live
position of the Court in audio-visual recordings from Aquino to Estrada video streaming in order to accommodate persons who may
and then to Ampatuan. want to observe the proceedings.

- Aquino involves the Libel case in Soliven v. Makasiar... here, The right to public trial is a right that belongs to the accused, and as we said earlier, Section
there was also a request for audio-visual recording of the trial 14 of Article III can only be invoked by an accused. Supposing the accused wants to have a
proceedings in the Libel criminal case of President Aquino vs. private trial. Supposing the accused wants to waive his right to a public trial, can there be a
Soliven, et al... but it was denied because the Supreme Court private trial instead? Can the prosecution object? Can the prosecution demand a public trial?
said that there was outright prohibition of recording. The basis
of this ruling, according to the Supreme Court, is that court - The answer is no. While the right to a public trial is a right of the accused, the
proceedings are not for entertainment, so therefore, there prosecution also has a right to a public trial not under Section 14, but under Section
should not be any recording at all. Thus, there was an absolute 1 of Article III. This is because the right to public trial is a guard against arbitrariness.
ban of audio-visual recording in the Aquino case. The prosecution also has a right against arbitrariness, only that they do not have a
right under Section 14, but they have a right under Section 1. This is also the reason
- But then the Supreme Court said that there was a glimmer of why bail in Extradition and other Non-Criminal Proceedings may be granted not
hope in the Estrada case. The Supreme Court allowed audio- under Section 14, but rather under Section 1 of Article III.
visual recordings for documentation purposes... not for live
airing, but only for documentation purposes. RIGHT OF CONFRONTATION

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In the case of U.S. v. Javier, this is an old case but it is still relevant today. This is case involves - But is there an exception to the general rule that the testimony of a witness given
anti-cattle rustling. The accused was apprehended by police officer Presca. Upon the arrest of in one case cannot be admitted in evidence in other cases without presenting again
the accused, police officer Presca executed an affidavit narrating how the arrest was effected. the witness to the witness stand?
But unfortunately, police officer Presca died prior to his presentation as a witness. The issue
is whether the affidavit executed by sergeant Presca prior to his death may be admitted in - Yes. The exception is under Section 1(f) of Rule 115. Under Section 1(f)
evidence. of Rule 115, if there are several cases between the same parties and the
same subject matter, and the witness is presented by a party in one case,
- The Supreme Court said no, because one of the constitutional rights of the accused the testimony of that witness in one case can be admitted in evidence in
is the right to confront any witness that may presented against him. The other cases, provided that the parties are the same and that the person
Constitution disallows ex parte affidavits. There are two reasons why right to was able to exercise his right to cross-examination in the first case.
confrontation is essential... the Supreme Court said that the right to confrontation
is necessary because: - Supposing A filed two cases against B... the two cases arose
from the issuance of a check which, when presented for
1. Cross-examination is necessary; and payment, was dishonored by the drawee bank... and the
issuance of the check was for a consideration of goods and
- Which means that the Constitution accords the accused his services... A (the payee) filed a criminal complaint for violation
right to confrontation to accord him his right to cross- of BP 22 and Estafa against B. Supposing in the BP 22 case, A
examination. presented the Bank Manager C in order to prove that the owner
of the check is B and that the bank account of B was already
2. In order to allow the judge to observe the deportment of the witness closed when the check was issued. Bank Manager C was
during the presentation of the witness. presented in the BP 22 case... and in the BP 22 case, B cross-
examined Bank Manager C. In the Estafa case, the testimony of
- The judge may determine whether the witness is lying or telling Bank Manager C in BP 22 case may be admitted in evidence in
the truth, and this can only be done during the presentation of the Estafa Case even without presenting Bank Manager C again
the witness. IF, even despite the exercise of due diligence, he can no longer
be located or is already outside the country, he is already dead,
In our legal system, an accused can only be hailed to court by persons who can meet them or is otherwise unable to testify. Which means that the fact of
face to face. The Supreme Court in Talino v. Sandiganbayan said that “No accusation is the ownership of the bank account testified to by Bank Manager
permitted to be made against his back or in his absence nor is any derogatory information C in the BP 22 case can be admitted in evidence in the Estafa
accepted if it is made anonymously, as in poison pen letters sent by persons who cannot stand case even if C was not able to be presented in that case. This is
by their libels and must shroud their spite in secrecy.” Under the Constitution, the accused the application of Section 1(f) of Rule 115 of the Rules of Court.
must be able to confront the witnesses.
Supposing that there is a case involving several co-accused. Say for example, there is a Murder
case and there are several co-accused. All the accused demanded separate trials, which the There are two compulsory processes allowed under the Rules of Court, which are:
trial court granted. May the testimony of a witness in the trial of accused #1 be admitted in
evidence in the cases of accused #2 and #3 even without presenting again the person as 1. Subpoena Duces Tecum; and
witness in their respective trials? [No]
2. Subpoena Ad Testificandum.
- This is the issue in Talino v. Sandiganbayan. The Supreme Court said no. All the
accused in these cases should be given the opportunity to exercise their right to Under Section 1 of Rule 21, a “Subpoena is a process directed to a person requiring him to
confrontation. So, the testimony of one witness in case #1 is not admissible in cases attend and to testify at the hearing or the trial of an action, or at any investigation conducted
#2 and #3 unless the witness is again presented in their respective cases. by competent authority, or for the taking of his deposition. It may also require him to bring

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with him any books, documents, or other things under his control, in which case it is called a gravamen of BP 22 is only the issuance of a
subpoena duces tecum.” worthless check, then the records sought to
be presented do not have any bearing at all
- Subpoena is a Latin term which literally means “under the pain of penalty.” to the guilt or innocence of the accused. This
is the reason why the Supreme Court
The term Subpoena Duces Tecum is incomplete, because the complete process is Subpoena concluded that the only reason why the
Duces Tecum Et Ad Testificandum. There can be no Subpoena to be issued nor any compulsory accused wanted to procure the records of
process which will only require the production of documents. The production of documents the complainant corporation is to fish for
requires the obligation on the part of the custodian to testify... which means that in a evidence that he can use against the
Subpoena Duces Tecum, the custodian must likewise be presented in court to testify regarding complainant corporation. The Supreme
the authenticity and identification of the documents sought to be presented. This is why a Court disallowed the issuance of the
Subpoena Duces Tecum cannot be issued without a corresponding Ad Testificandum. On the subpoena.
other hand, a Subpoena Ad Testificandum can be issued independently of a Subpoena Duces
Tecum. 2. Such books and documents must be reasonably and particularly
described by the parties to be readily identified (TEST OF DEFINITENESS).
In the case of Roco v. Contreras, the Supreme Court enumerated two tests that must be
applied by the courts in determining the propriety of the issuance of a subpoena. - This is in order that the custodian of these documents may
know or may identify the things that he has to bring to court.
- In this case, this only involves a BP 22 case. During the trial, the accused moved for
the issuance of a Subpoena Duces Tecum and Ad Testificandum for the production TRIAL IN ABSENTIA
of the ledgers and books of accounts of the complainant corporation. The Supreme
Court said that in order to determine whether the request is appropriate, the Test We said earlier that trial in absentia is not a right of the accused. This is certainly so because
of Relevancy and Definiteness must be complied with. Before a subpoena may be it is the waiver of the accused to be present during the trial. Trial in absentia can only be done
issued, the court must first be satisfied that the following requisites are present: when the accused has already been arraigned. After arraignment, if the accused failed to
appear during trial to which he was notified, and his failure to appear is unjustifiable, then
1. The books, documents, or other things requested must appear prima there will be a trial in absentia.
facie relevant to the issue subject of the controversy (TEST OF
RELEVANCY); and The three elements of trial in absentia are:

- How do we determine whether a document or the object 1. Accused has been validly arraigned;
sought to be produced by the subpoena is relevant?
2. Accused has been duly notified of the dates of hearing; and
- The Supreme Court said that an evidence is relevant
when it can establish either the guilt or innocence of 3. The failure to appear thereat is unjustifiable.
the accused.
What is the effect of a trial in absentia? As we said earlier there are multiple stages of a
- If the evidence or object sought to be procured criminal proceeding — there is a preliminary investigation, the filing of a criminal
cannot establish or is not necessary to establish either information/complaint, the issuance of a Warrant of Arrest, arraignment, pre-trial, trial
the guilt or innocence of the accused, then such is not proper, and appeal. Can we say that as the term implies, trial in absentia only applies during
a relevant evidence or object. trial? Which means that trial shall only proceed in the absence of the accused, but the other
stages of the proceedings will be deferred?
- In the case of Roco v. Contreras, the
Supreme Court said that since the - This is the issue in the case of People v. Mapalao. This case involves Murder, and
proceedings only involved BP 22, and the the victim here was suspected of being a witch. After the arraignment and during

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the trial, the accused escaped. The judge allowed trial in absentia to proceed. But - An accused who is tried in absentia has waived his right to be present, as well as
after the conclusion of the trial, the judge refused to promulgate the decision. The his right to be represented by counsel, and in the same manner, he waives his right
judge said that he could not promulgate the decision because decisions can only be to cross-examine the witnesses of the prosecution, his right to present evidence,
promulgated in the presence of the accused. The judge said that there are three and his right to appeal. These are the rights waived by the accused when he has
instances when the presence of the accused is mandatory. waived his right to be present during the trial.

- The presence of the accused is mandatory in the following instances: - The case of People v. Valeriano involves a Robbery case in Benguet. During the
trial, one of the accused committed suicide and the other co-accused escaped from
1. During arraignment and plea; detention. The Supreme Court ruled in this case that a judgment of conviction
rendered after the accused is tried in absentia cannot be appealed by the accused
2. During trial for identification, unless the accused has already stipulated UNTIL he is again arrested, or he voluntarily surrenders within the reglementary
on his identity during the pre-trial and that he is the one who will be period for perfecting an appeal. In this case, the accused was not arrested again, nor
identified by the witnesses as the accused in the criminal case; and did he voluntarily surrender within the reglementary period, thus, the accused could
no longer appeal.
3. During promulgation of sentence, unless for a light offense.
- An accused who has been tried in absentia loses his legal standing and,
- According to the judge, since the accused was not present, he will not promulgate therefore, he cannot appeal the decision of the trial court.
any judgement. But the Supreme Court said no. The Supreme Court said that if the
accused has been tried in absentia, the court can render and promulgate a decision
even in his absence. Trial in absentia presupposes that the accused has waived his SECTION 15, ARTICLE III — SUSPENSION OF THE PRIVILEGE OF THE WRIT OF
right to be present during trial, and if such waiver continues up to the promulgation HABEAS CORPUS
of judgment, then the waiver also applies during the promulgation of judgment.
Does the Constitution allow the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus?
- How may a judge promulgate a judgment in the absence of the accused? I ask
because in criminal cases, promulgation of judgment means that the judge will read - No, the Constitution does not allow the suspension of the writ; the Constitution
the decision in the presence of the accused. So, how can the judge promulgate a only allows the suspension of the privilege of the writ. There is a difference between
judgment in the absence of the accused? the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus and the writ of habeas corpus itself.

- The Supreme Court pointed out in People v. Mapalao that the court will What does habeas corpus mean?
record the judgment in the criminal court docket, and then send a copy of
the judgment to the last known address of the accused or his counsel. In - The term “habeas corpus” literally means “have the body.” This is the reason why
that regard, the judgment is already promulgated. in a writ of habeas corpus, the person who is in custody of the prisoner would be
required to produce the body of the prisoner at the given time and place with an
Aside from the right to be present during the trial, what are the other rights waived by the explanation of the time and the cause of arrest or detention, and to further explain
accused in trial in absentia? I ask because if the accused fails to appear at the trial despite due whatever the court may require of him. This is a writ of habeas corpus.
notice and without justification, the accused is deemed to have waived his right to be present
during the trial. So, may an accused who is tried in absentia still exercise his right to be What is the difference between a writ of habeas corpus and the privilege of the writ of habeas
represented by counsel? Can the accused say that what is only waived in trial in absentia is his corpus?
right to be present, but his right to be represented by counsel still continues?
- A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS is a high prerogative writ, the objective of which is to
- The answer is no. The right to counsel is derived from the right of the accused, and inquire into the legality of the arrest or the detention. This is the only object of the
if the accused has no right to be present during the trial, then he cannot be writ of habeas corpus — to inquire whether the detention or arrest of a person is
represented by any person even by his counsel. legal.

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- The PRIVILEGE OF THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS, on the other hand, is an order of The factual circumstances of these cases are the same. In these cases, President Duterte
the court to release the person who is unduly or illegally detained. This is the reason issued a proclamation placing the entire Mindanao under martial law and suspending the
why what can only be suspended is the privilege of securing the liberty of a person privilege of the right of habeas corpus therein.
who is illegally detained when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is
suspended, but the writ itself is not. Even when the privilege of the writ of habeas - Regarding the requirement of conformity by the Congress, the Supreme Court
corpus is suspended, a petition for a writ of habeas corpus may still be filed, only discussed in the cases of Lagman v. Medialdea and Lagman v. Pimentel that the
that when the return of the petition for a writ of habeas corpus shows that the proclamation of martial law and the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
petitioner whose liberty is being sought is being detained for rebellion or offenses corpus by the President do not need the confirmation by the Congress. The Supreme
inherent in or directly connected with invasion, then the court will defer or dismiss Court said that while the 1987 Constitution sought to restrict the authority of the
the petition since the suspension is applicable in these offenses. President in exercising his authority to declare martial law and to suspend the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, the Supreme Court noted that the members
What are the bases for a valid suspension of the privilege? of the Constitutional Commission sought to balance the interest of the people
during these extraordinary circumstances and the authority of the President in
- Section 15 of Article III and Section 18 of Article VII explicitly provide that the order to restore peace and order. The Supreme Court said under the 1987
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus can only be suspended in cases of invasion or Constitution, the President can no longer suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
rebellion when the public safety requires it. corpus or proclaim martial law when there is no actual invasion or no actual
rebellion because, unlike the 1973 Constitution, imminent threat of invasion or
- Do not be mistaken that there are three grounds for a valid suspension a privilege imminent threat of rebellion is not enough. Under the 1987 Constitution, the
of the writ of habeas corpus. Do not say that the valid bases for the suspension are Constitution requires actual invasion, actual rebellion and that public safety requires
invasion, rebellion, or when public safety requires it. The phrase “…when public it. The Supreme Court said that in the deliberations of the Constitutional
safety requires it” qualifies both invasion and rebellion. Commission, it was made explicit that the initial proclamation of martial law and
suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is an exclusive prerogative
- To be specific, the two grounds for a valid suspension for the writ of habeas corpus of the President. Of course it can be challenged, but it does not require conformity
are (1) in cases of invasion when public safety requires it, and (2) in cases of rebellion of any of the departments, whether the Congress or the Supreme Court, for its
when public safety requires it. Both grounds must be qualified by the phrase when implementation because once the President suspends the privilege of the writ of
public safety requires it. habeas corpus or proclaims martial law, it is effective without any approval on the
part of the Congress. The approval of the Congress is only required when the initial
Who has the authority the suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus? proclamation of the President of martial law or the suspension of the privilege of
the writ of habeas corpus is sought to be extended.
- The authority to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is one of the
military powers of the President under Section 18 of Article VII. Thus, it is the - We said earlier that the maximum period for which the President can suspend the
President who has the power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or declare a state martial law is 60 days, and
this initial proclamation does not require the conformity of the Congress.
- For how long can the President suspend it?
- Supposing the President suspends the privilege of the writ of habeas
- He can only suspend it for a period not exceeding 60 days. corpus because of invasion and public safety requires it, and he suspends
it only for 30 days. Supposing that on the 30th day, the President still thinks
Take note that any discussion on the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus there is a need to keep the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
also applies to martial law because the grounds and the obligation of the President are the suspended. Can the President extend the suspension another 30 days to
same. exhaust the maximum 60-day period allowed by the Constitution? Can the
President say that since he is given the authority to suspend it for a period
Let’s discuss the cases of Lagman v. Medialdea together with Lagman v. Pimentel, and Padilla not exceeding 60 days, and that since he only used the first half, he does
v. Congress. These are the three most recent cases dealing with the proclamation of martial not need the approval of the Congress to suspend it for the remaining half
law and the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in the whole Mindanao.

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because the suspension would still be within the maximum period law or the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus if it intends to revoke
provided by the Constitution? the suspension or the proclamation, but not when it does not intend to
revoke the proclamation or suspension.
- No. Once the President suspends the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus even for a period less than the maximum 60-day - In the cases of Lagman v. Medialdea and Lagman v. Pimentel, Padilla v.
period, any further extension of such period requires the Congress, immediately upon the issuance of the proclamation of martial
consent of the Congress. law, both houses of Congress independently issued a Resolution
manifesting their support of the decision of the President to proclaim
- In the case of Padilla v. Congress the issue here is the obligation of the Congress martial law and to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. The
to meet in session upon the proclamation of martial law or the suspension of the Supreme Court said that the since Congress already manifested their
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus because under the second paragraph of intention not to revoke the suspension then there is no need to meet.
Section 18 of Article VII it is expressly provided “The Congress, if not in session, shall,
within twenty-four hours following such proclamation or suspension, convene in - The Supreme Court in the case of Lagman v. Medialdea laid down the standard of
accordance with its rules without need of a call.”. According to the petitioner, this evidence that must be applied by the President in determining whether to proclaim
constitutional provision mandates that upon the proclamation of martial law or martial law or to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
upon the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, the Congress shall
hold a session to determine the factual basis of the suspension or proclamation. - Take note that while the powers granted to the President under Section
Was the petitioner correct? 18 of Article VII are presented in such a way that it starts from the most
benign to the least benign, the Supreme Court held that there is nothing
- No. The Supreme Court said that the term “convene” is different from in the Constitution that requires the President to respect the order in the
holding a session. The term “convene” under Paragraph 2, Section 18 of exercise of his military powers, and that he does not need to start from
Article VII only applies when the Congress is in recess. If the Congress is in the calling out power and then up to martial law. The Supreme Court said
recess, upon the proclamation of martial law or the suspension of the that he has the choice to determine whether to proclaim martial law even
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, the Congress is required to convene without suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or even
but it not required to hold a session. What is only required is that it shall without exercising his calling out power. The Supreme Court said that the
convene. This is in line with the obligation of the President to submit the President cannot be restricted in the exercise of his military powers. He
report within 48 hours, so that when the President submits the report can exercise any of his military powers based on his discretion, and not in
within 48 hours from the suspension or the proclamation of martial law, succession.
the Congress can receive it. If the Congress is not in session, the
transmittal cannot be accepted by the Congress since it is in recess and, - The Supreme Court said that in determining whether there is invasion or
hence, the need for Paragraph 2, Section 18 of Article VII. rebellion and public safety requires it, the standard to be applied by the
president should only PROBABLE CAUSE. This is the standard to be applied
- Another issue in Padilla v. Congress is the requirement to meet in session in cases by the President to determine whether there is invasion or rebellion, and
when the Congress does not intend to revoke the proclamation of martial law or the whether public safety requires it.
suspension of the privilege because according to the Constitution, “The Congress,
voting jointly, by a vote of at least a majority of all its Members in regular or special - In reviewing the sufficiency of the factual basis of the suspension of the
session, may revoke such proclamation or suspension, which revocation shall not be privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or the proclamation of martial law,
set aside by the President.” The position of the petitioner is that even if the Congress the Supreme Court said that the only authority of the courts of justice,
does not intend to revoke the proclamation or suspension, the Congress must still particularly the Supreme Court, is to determine the sufficiency of the
hold session to determine the factual basis of the suspension of the privilege of factual basis as presented by the President. The Supreme Court cannot
habeas corpus or the proclamation of martial law. determine the accuracy or veracity of the statements. In Lagman v.
Medialdea, the petitioners were saying that the statements of the
- The Supreme Court did not agree. The Congress is only required to meet President in the “Whereas Clauses” as well as in the Report to the
in session to determine the factual basis for the proclamation of martial Congress were based on false statements. The Supreme Court said that

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we cannot determine the accuracy; we are only here to determine the confirms the existence of rebellion and invasion, and that public safety requires the
sufficiency, and not the accuracy. So, even if the statements are wrong, suspension of the privilege and the proclamation of martial law. Can the Supreme
the Supreme Court must determine the sufficiency based on those Court Revoke that determination? Supposing the President submits the Report to
statements because the authority of the Supreme Court in determining Congress and the Congress confirms and says that based on the report of the
the sufficiency the factual basis of proclamation of martial law or President, we in the Senate and the House of Representative confirm the existence
suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall only be based of rebellion; we in the Senate and in the House of Representative confirm that there
on the factual circumstances at the time of the proclamation and is a need to suspend the privilege and proclaim martial law. Can the Supreme Court
suspension and those before it. Events happening after the proclamation revoke the proclamation or revoke that confirmation made by two coordinate
and events happening after the suspension are no longer within the bodies?
competence of the courts of justice to consider in determining the
sufficiency of the factual basis of the proclamation or the suspension. - Yes. Under Paragraph 3, Section 18 of Article VII, “The Supreme Court
Which means that even if the statements of the President in the may review, in an appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen, the
proclamation prove to be false later on because of the confirmation, that sufficiency of the factual basis of the proclamation of martial law or the
is no longer relevant insofar as the power of the Supreme Court to suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or the extension
determine the sufficiency of the factual basis. thereof, and must promulgate its decision thereon within thirty days from
its filing”
- In the case of Lagman v. Pimentel the issue here is the authority of the President
to seek extension because according to petitioner Lagman, the President can only - Under Paragraph 3, Section 18 of Article VII, the Supreme Court can
ask for one extension. Remember in 2017, the proclamation of martial law expired review the sufficiency of the factual basis, not only of the President in
in July and it was extended by the Congress from July to December 2017, and then proclaiming or suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, but
again from January to December 2018. According to petitioner Lagman, the as well as the factual basis as confirmed by the Congress in extending or
extension can only be made once. Was his contention correct? not revoking it. Thus, the Supreme Court can overrule the confirmation
made by the Congress.
- The Supreme Court said no. The Constitution does not prohibit
extensions. There is nothing in the Constitution that says that the - But can the Congress overrule the finding of the Supreme Court? Supposing the
President can only seek one extension. The only requirement for an President submits a report to the Congress and then Congress confirms the
extension is that rebellion or invasion must persist, and public safety existence of rebellion/invasion and that public safety requires it. However, when a
requires it. As long as these two conditions are present, the President can question was filed with the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court determined that
ask for successive extensions. there was no rebellion/invasion, and that public safety does not require it. Hence,
the Supreme Court said that martial law and the suspension of the privilege should
- Another point raised by petitioner Lagman was that since the President be lifted. Can the Congress overturn that?
is only allowed 60 days for an initial proclamation of martial law or
suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, extension of the - Yes. Congress can overturn it on the basis of facts subsequent to that
suspension or proclamation should only be for the same period. According declaration by the Supreme Court. This is the ruling in the case of Lagman
to him, an extension of 1 year would be too much since what is provided v. Pimentel. The Supreme Court said that definitely the Supreme Court
by the Constitution is only a period not exceeding 60 days. can overrule the confirmation of the sufficiency of the factual basis as
determined by the Congress. But, again, take note that the authority of
- The Supreme Court said no. The Constitution is very clear. The the Supreme Court in determining the sufficiency the factual basis of
Constitution says “…extend such proclamation or suspension for proclamation of martial law or suspension of the privilege of the writ of
a period to be determined by the Congress.” Thus, the period of habeas corpus shall only be based on the factual circumstances at the time
extension is within the discretion of Congress. of the proclamation and suspension and those before it. Which means,
there may be supervening events after that that can support a finding of
- Supposing the Congress did not revoke the suspension of the privilege of the writ invasion or rebellion and the requirement of public safety which is within
of habeas corpus or the proclamation of martial law and instead, the Congress the power of the Congress. Therefore, even if the Supreme Court

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determined that there is no invasion and public safety does not require it, 1. AMPARO LIBERTAD, which is for the protection of personal freedom,
this determination is only valid up to the time the proclamation was made, and this is equivalent to our writ of habeas corpus;
but supervening events can be used by Congress to overrule the decision
of the Supreme Court. 2. AMPARO CONTRA LEYES, which is the judicial review of the
constitutionality of laws;
- In the case of Lagman v. Medialdea the Supreme Court discussed the nature of the
power of the Supreme Court in reviewing the sufficiency of the factual basis of the 3. AMPARO CASACION, which is the judicial review of the constitutionality
proclamation of martial law, suspension of the privilege, and any extension thereof. and legality of judicial decisions;
In this case, the position of the Solicitor General was that the petition to be filed
before the Supreme Court must be in accordance with Rule 65 of the Rules of Court 4. AMPARO ADMINISTRATIVO, which is the judicial review of
considering the Constitution only says “…in an appropriate proceeding file…” Was administrative actions; and
the Solicitor General correct?
5. AMPARO AGRARIO, which is for the protection of peasants’ rights
- The Supreme Court said no, the Constitution itself provides for the derived from the agrarian reform process.
process. The Supreme Court said that jurisdiction and remedies are
provided for either by law, by the Rules of Court, or by the Constitution. - Supposing the President suspended the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. Can
So, that provision, particularly Paragraph 3, Section 18 of Article VII, a person who claims to be illegally detained be released through amparo? Can the
provides for its own specific remedy; the Constitution says “in an petitioners say that what is suspended is only the privilege of the writ of habeas
appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen,” and any petition questioning corpus, and the Constitution does not authorize the President to suspend the writ
the sufficiency of the factual basis of the proclamation of martial law, or of amparo. Can a person who is illegally detained be released through amparo
of the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, or of any during the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus?
extension thereof can be filed by any citizen, while under Rule 65, the
petition can only be filed by a “proper party,” and a proper party under - No. The term “writ of habeas corpus” under Section 15 of Article III, as
the Rules of Court is any person who has suffered or is in danger of well as Section 18 of Article VII, refers to a remedy regardless of what it
suffering a prejudice. Under the Constitution, however, even if the citizen may be called. It does not refer to writ of habeas corpus under Rule 102.
has not suffered any prejudice, he can file a petition questioning the The term “writ of habeas corpus” under the Constitution applies to any
sufficiency of the factual basis of the proclamation of martial law, or the remedy whose object is to relieve the person of his illegal detention
suspension of the privilege, or any extension thereof. because if we will say that writ of habeas corpus under the Constitution
only refers to Rule 102, then the Supreme Court can easily defeat the
We now go to the other points on habeas corpus. power of the President to suspend the privilege by simply renaming it. Like
in the case of writ of amparo, the Supreme Court can just issue another
The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus seeks to relieve a person illegally detained of the rule making it available for a person illegally detained to be released
detention and to secure his liberty. Under the Constitution the President can only suspend the although not calling it a writ of habeas corpus. So, that is a risk that is not
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, together with the other military powers. We have contemplated under Section 15 of Article III. Therefore, in order to give
learned in various cases, particularly in Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo, that aside Section 15 of Article III and Section 18 of Article VII substance and spirit,
from the writ of habeas corpus, there are other remedies under the Rules of Court whose we have to consider the writ of habeas corpus as any remedy whose
object is to secure the liberty of a person who is illegally detained. Specifically, we have the objective is to secure the liberty of a person who is illegally detained.
What is the effect of the filing of a petition for bail in a pending petition for a writ of habeas
- In the case of Secretary of National Defense v. Manalo, the Supreme court corpus?
enumerated five types of amparo cases. The five amparo cases according to the
Supreme Court, as it was in Mexico from which the writ of amparo was copied from, - This was ruled in Jackson v. Macalino. Here, the petitioner was facing deportation
include: cases. During the deportation proceedings he questioned the legality of his
detention. He filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus and subsequently he also

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filed for a petition for bail. The issue here is the effect of the application for bail to Supposing 100 suspected rebels were arrested for rebellion during the suspension of the
the pending petition for a writ of habeas corpus. privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. Immediately upon their arrest, the Secretary of National
Defense or his representative filed criminal charges for rebellion against these 100 suspected
- The Supreme Court said the application for bail is a recognition of the rebels with the public prosecutor for preliminary investigation. Can the Department of
validity of the arrest or detention. Since it has the effect of recognizing the National Defense continue the detention of these suspected rebels even beyond 3 days?
validity of the arrest or detention, the petition for a writ of habeas corpus
becomes functus officio and, thus, it should be dismissed. - The answer is no, because the Constitution requires “judicially charged,” which
means that the mere filing of a criminal complaint before the public prosecutor will
Section 13 of Article III of the Constitution expressly provides that “The right to bail shall not not toll the running of the 3-day period. The Constitution requires that the charge
be impaired even when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended.” must be filed before the court. Therefore, if the charge is only filed before the
Secretary of Justice or his authorized representative, then the persons arrested or
Does that mean that when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended, persons detained must be released after 3 days if no charge has been filed before a court
arrested or detained for rebellion or offenses inherent in or directly connected with invasion within such period of time.
can be released on bail because the Constitution says that the right to bail shall not be
impaired even when the privilege of habeas corpus is suspended? Let’s assume for the sake
of argument that rebellion or offenses inherent in or directly connected with invasion is SECTION 16, ARTICLE III — RIGHT TO SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF CASES
punishable by reclusion temporal and lower. Does that mean that a person who is arrested for
rebellion during the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus can post bail The application of Section 16 is similar to Section 14—speedy trial. The differences between
because of this provision? the two are the following:

- No. If we will subscribe to the position that even persons detained for crimes 1. Speedy trial (Section 14) only applies to an accused; while speedy disposition of
covered by the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus can post bail, cases (Section 16) applies to all parties, whether they be an accused, defendant,
it will result in a situation when those who are involved in rebellion can post bail and petitioner, or a respondent.
then upon filing bail, they can resume their criminal activities towards overturning
the government. 2. Speedy trail (Section 14) only applies to criminal cases; while speedy disposition
of cases (Section 16) applies to all proceedings.
- The provision of Section 13 of Article III is a general rule. As a general rule, the right
to bail shall not be impaired even when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is 3. Speedy trail (Section 14) only applies during the trial and the proceedings leading
suspended, but there is an exception to that general rule. The exception to the up to the trial; while speedy disposition of cases applies to all stages of the
general rule is that when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended, proceedings even upon appeal.
the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus also denies the right to
bail for those who are charged with cases under the suspension. 4. If the right of the accused to speedy trial (Section 14) was violated, the remedy is
the dismissal of the complaint, and such dismissal is final; If the right to speedy
- If the suspension is on the basis of rebellion because public safety disposition of cases (Section 16) was violated, the remedy is not the dismissal of the
requires it, then persons charged with rebellion cannot post bail as an case but rather, the remedy is to hasten the proceedings and imposing the
exception to the general rule. corresponding administrative sanctions to the judge who delayed the proceedings.

What happens when the privilege of the right to the writ of habeas corpus is suspended? Similar to speedy trial under Section 14, there is a violation of the right to speedy disposition
of cases when the proceedings are tended with VEXATIOUS, CAPRICIOUS, and OPPRESSIVE
- Under Section 18 of Article VII of the Constitution, “During the suspension of the delays.
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, any person thus arrested or detained shall be
judicially charged within three days, otherwise, he shall be released.”

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Take note that there is no constitutional right to self-incrimination. The constitutional - In sum, the kernel of the constitutional guarantee is against
guarantee under Section 17 of Article III refers to the right AGAINST self-incrimination. TESTIMONIAL COMPULSION.

The right against self-incrimination is of common law origin. It originates from the common - In Villaflor v. Summers, the accused here was charged with adultery, and she was
law principle of NEMO TENETUR SEIPSUM ACCUSARE, which translates to “no man shall be being compelled by the court to undergo pregnancy examination against her will.
bound to accuse himself.” She was cited in contempt for her refusal to undergo medical examination. When
the case reached the Supreme Court, the order of the trial court in citing the accused
- The common law principle of nemo tenetur seipsum accusare was applied in the was sustained, citing the ruling in US v. Tan Teng that the guarantee is against
early days in England and it was considered as a revolt against the Thumbscrew and testimonial compulsion.
Rack torture methods. The Thumbscrew and Rack were inquisitorial methods used
during the time of Stuarts in order to extract forced confessions from the accused. -In the more recent case of People v. Gallarde, a petition was filed questioning the
A Thumbscrew is a mechanical device where the fingers and toes of the person decision of the respondent judge in excluding certain evidence, particularly the
being investigated are placed between two metal objects, which will be tightened picture of the accused taken during custodial investigation.
to force out a confession or answer. A Rack is also an inquisitorial method whereby
the extremities of the person being investigated are tied to a rope, and the end of - The Supreme Court overruled the decision of the respondent judge and
each rope will usually be tied to cattle. As the questions are being propounded and admitted in evidence the picture because, according to the Supreme
the investigator did not obtain the desired answer, the ropes will be tightened, and Court, PURELY MECHANICAL ACTS are not covered by the constitutional
the cattle will be forced to move in opposite directions thereby pulling the guarantee against self-incrimination.
extremities of the accused.
- According to the Supreme Court, “The constitutional right of
According to the Supreme Court in the case of Chavez v. CA, the constitutional proscription an accused against self-incrimination proscribes the use of
against self-incrimination “…was established on broad grounds of PUBLIC POLICY and physical or moral compulsion to extort communications from the
HUMANITY; of policy because it would place the witness against the strongest temptation to accused and not the inclusion of his body in evidence when it
commit perjury, and of humanity because it would be to extort a confession of truth by a kind may be material. Purely mechanical acts are not included in the
of duress every species and degree of which the law abhors.” prohibition as the accused does not thereby speak his guilt,
hence the assistance and guiding hand of counsel is not required.
What is the extent of this constitutionally guaranteed right against self-incrimination? The essence of the right against self-incrimination is testimonial
compulsion, that is, the giving of evidence against himself
- Let’s take the case of US v. Tan Teng. This was a rape case where the victim was a through a testimonial act.
7-year-old child. Several days after the incident, the sister of the victim discovered
that the victim was suffering from gonorrhea, a sexual-transmissible disease. During - The Supreme Court furthered, “Hence, it has been
investigation, the accused was required to remove his garments, and the police held that a woman charged with adultery may be
officers noted a substance emitting from the genitals of the accused. The police compelled to submit to physical examination to
officers took the substance from the genitals of the accused and it tested positive determine her pregnancy (Villaflor v. Summers); and
for gonorrhea. The issue here is the admissibility of the examination on the an accused may be compelled to submit to physical
substance taken from the body of the accused. examination and to have a substance taken from his
body for medical determination as to whether he was
- The Supreme Court, citing Justice Holmes in his decision in Holt v. US, suffering from gonorrhea which was contracted by his
said “But the prohibition of compelling a man in a criminal court to be a victim (US v. Tan Teng). To expel morphine from his
witness against himself, is a prohibition of the use of physical or moral mouth (US v. Ong Siu Hong); to have the outline of his
compulsion, to extort communications from him, not an exclusion of his foot traced to determine its identity with bloody
body as evidence, when it may be material.” footprints; and to be photographed or measured, or
his garments or shoes removed or replaced, or to move
his body to enable the foregoing things to be done.”

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can call to the witness stand any person, including the accused. According to the
- How about writing? Is writing covered by the constitutional guarantee against self- trial judge, the accused can invoke the right against self-incrimination only when an
incrimination? incriminating question is asked.

- In Beltran v. Samson, during preliminary investigation, the public - The Supreme Court disagreed and said that the constitutional protection
prosecutor required the respondent to transcribe certain dictations for against self-incrimination differs depending on the person invoking the
purposes of comparison with the documents subject of the offense of right. When the person invoking the right against self-incrimination is the
falsification. accused himself, he may refuse to take the witness stand altogether. But
when the person invoking the right is an ordinary witness, he cannot
- The Supreme Court applied the constitutional guarantee refuse to take the witness stand and he may only invoke the right when
against self-incrimination even to writings because “…writing is an incriminating question is asked. What is the reason for this distinction?
something more than moving the body, or the hands, or the
fingers; writing is not a purely mechanical act, because it - The Supreme Court said that the only reason why the
requires the application of intelligence and attention…” prosecution will call the accused to the witness stand as a
witness for the prosecution is to incriminate himself. If this is the
- While the Supreme Court said in the case of US v. Tan Teng only purpose of the prosecution in calling the accused to the
that the kernel of the constitutional guarantee is only witness stand, then there is no need to wait for an incriminating
testimonial compulsion, in Beltran v. Samson the Supreme question before the accused may invoke his right against self-
Court noted that this constitutional guarantee also extends to incrimination.
documents, chattels, and any other object that may produce
incriminating evidence against the accused. This means that an Is the right against self-incrimination only available during trial?
accused in a case for adultery cannot be compelled to produce
love letters between the accused and her illicit paramour. This - In the case of Beltran v. Samson, the proceeding involved here was preliminary
is covered by the constitutional guarantee. investigation. The Supreme Court extended the constitutional guarantee even to
the period of time covering the preliminary investigation because it would be absurd
- In the 1917 case of US v. Ong Siu Hong, the Supreme Court sustained the act of a if the constitutional guarantee could only be implemented during the trial
police officer in extracting morphine from the mouth of the accused. The Supreme considering that the public prosecutor can compel the suspect, who may
Court said that the act involved is a purely mechanical act, but in subsequent cases, subsequently become an accused during the trial proper, to produce incriminating
the Supreme Court considered this as “too close to the rack and screw.” The rule evidence during the preliminary investigation.
observed now is that there should be certain limitations on the authority of the law
enforcement officers in extracting evidence from the accused; it should not be too The right against self-incrimination is not exclusive only to criminal proceedings.
invasive. While an accused may be subjected to medical and physical examinations,
like in the case of Villaflor v. Summers, and may even be required to submit blood - In Pascual v. Board of Medical Examiners, which involved a case of medical
samples, an accused however cannot be required to submit a sperm sample because malpractice, the petitioner was being compelled to testify against himself and
it would be too invasive; it would be too close to the rack and screw. according to the respondent, the constitutional guarantee against self-incrimination
does not apply in administrative investigations.
Does the constitutional protection apply regardless of the person invoking the constitutional
right? - The Supreme Court disagreed and said the right to self-incrimination also
applies to civil and administrative cases which are PENAL IN CHARACTER.
- In Chavez v. CA, what is involved here is an Estafa case and the accused were very
notorious in during the 1960s. The accused were members of a gang known as the - So, since the case involved here is medical malpractice, which could
“Big Four.” One of the accused was surprised during the hearing for the presentation result in the revocation of the license of the doctor, then the right against
of evidence for the prosecution when he was called as the star witness for the self-incrimination is available.
prosecution. The accused objected and according to the trial judge, the prosecution

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It is in the interest of the State to prosecute and to punish violations of law. It is also in the
interest of the accused to maintain confidential any facts known to him since, as according to Involuntary Servitude has been defined as the condition of enforced or compulsory service of
Justice Marshall, while a defendant’s knowledge of the facts “remains concealed within his one to another no matter under what form such servitude may be disguised.
bosom, he is safe; but draw it from thence, and he is exposed” — to conviction. Is there a
mechanism in order to breach the conflicting interest of the State to prosecute and punish - It is the condition where one is compelled by force, coercion, or imprisonment, and
violations of law and, at the same time, to sustain the constitutional guarantee against self- against his will, to labor for another, whether he is paid or not.
Take note that in order to constitute involuntary servitude under this definition, there must
- This was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Mapa, Jr. v. be compulsion. But under the Expanded Anti-Human Trafficking Act, the concept of
Sandiganbayan. The moderating mechanism that may be applied by the State in involuntary servitude has been extended and also includes within the constitutional coverage
order to achieve its goals of prosecuting and punishing violations of law and, at the the use of any other device or scheme. In effect, even if there is no physical compulsion, but
same time, to protect the constitutionally guaranteed right against self- the person who is being required to perform forced labor is being enticed to perform the labor
incrimination is to provide IMMUNITY STATUTES. By giving the accused immunity, against his will because of a mistaken belief that he has the obligation, or there is a threat of
he may be compelled to produce incriminating evidence. physical or bodily harm will befall upon him, then the right against involuntary servitude shall
be applicable.
- Incriminating statutes may either be of two types, namely:
Like any other constitutional right, the right against involuntary servitude is subject to certain
1. TRANSACTIONAL IMMUNITY limitations, namely:

- Here, the accused can no longer be prosecuted for 1. SERVICE IN DEFENSE OF THE STATE.
any offense related to the testimony.
- Under Section 4 of Article II of the Constitution, which provides “The
- Transactional immunity is broader in the scope of its Government may call upon the people to defend the State and, in the
protection. By its grant, a witness can no longer be fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions provided
prosecuted for any offense whatsoever arising out of by law, to render personal, military, or civil service.”
the act or transaction.
- In People v. Lagman and Sosa, the accused were asking to be exempted
2. USE-AND-DERIVATIVE-USE IMMUNITY from the mandatory military service that was being required by
Commonwealth Act No. 1, otherwise known as the National Defense Act.
- Here, the accused can still be prosecuted as long as Aside from religious freedom, the accused were invoking their right
his testimony cannot be used as evidence against against involuntary servitude.
himself. This means that an accused who is granted
use-and-derivative-use immunity can still be - The Supreme Court overruled the objections of the accused in
convicted as long as the prosecution can produce both cases because, according to the Supreme Court, as
independent evidence sufficient to establish his guilt between the interests of the individuals to be required to serve
beyond reasonable doubt. against their will, the interest of the State to maintain its
existence is primordial. The continued existence of the State is
- By the grant of use-and-derivative-use immunity, a essential in order to protect the Constitution, upon which the
witness is only assured that his or her particular constitutional guarantee against involuntary servitude is
testimony and evidence derived from it will not be ground. If the State no longer existed, then all the rights under
used against him or her in a subsequent prosecution. the Constitution will be extinguished. Therefore, it is essential
that the existence of the State be maintained in order for the
constitutional guaranteed rights to be exercised and protected.

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2. CONCEPT OF POSSE COMITATUS. - The Supreme Court did not agree. According to the Supreme Court, official duties
mandated by law are exempted from the coverage of the right against involuntary
- The concept of posse comitatus is an order allowing law enforcement servitude. Therefore, public officer may be compelled to perform their duties even
officers to summon able-bodied men to aid them in the pursuit of against their will.

- This concept is applicable under our laws, particularly Section 10, Rule SECTION 19, ARTICLE III — PROHIBITED PUNISHMENT
113 of the Rules of Court, which provides “An officer making a lawful
arrest may orally summon as many persons as he deems necessary to The Constitution enumerates four prohibited punishments, namely:
assist him in effecting the arrest. Every person so summoned by an officer
shall assist him in effecting the arrest when he can render such assistance 1. Excessive fines;
without detriment to himself.”
2. Cruel punishment;
3. Degrading punishment; and
- Under the concept of patria potestas, parents may compel their children to
perform work as a disciplinary measure. A child who is being required to perform 4. Inhuman punishment.
household chores cannot invoke his or her right against involuntary servitude
because under the concept of patria Potestas, the State recognizes the authority of It is not necessary for a punishment to have all these characteristics. Cruel punishment is a
the parents in imposing discipline on their children. prohibited punishment independent from degrading or inhuman punishment.

4. NAVAL ENLISTMENT. What constitutes cruelty as a prohibited punishment?

- Due to the nature of this undertaking, persons who enlist in naval marines may be - In the case of People v. Estoista, which involved the possession of an unlicensed
required to complete their voyage. Unlike in land-based undertakings, there is no firearm, the accused was the child of the owner of the gun. While hunting for wild
alternative manpower. Also, mutiny in the high seas is prohibited. As a result, those chickens, the accused accidently shot one of his servants. The accused was then
who have enlisted in naval marine may be required to work even against their will. charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm. Under the law applicable at that
time, possession of an unlicensed firearm was punishable with imprisonment for
5. RETURN TO WORK ORDER. five to ten years. The trial court, however, in considering the factual circumstances
of the case did not impose even the minimum penalty because, according to the
- Under the Labor Code, once the Secretary of Justice assumes jurisdiction over a trial judge, even 5 years imprisonment is too much, and as such, it would constitute
labor dispute, all striking employees may be compelled to return to work and all a cruel punishment. The trial court judge imposed only 1 year of imprisonment as
locking-out employers may be compelled to allow the return of the employees. This penalty.
is a valid exception to the right against involuntary servitude.
- Upon appeal, the Supreme Court overruled the decision of the trial
In the case of In the Matter of Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus of Segifredo Aclaracion, judge. The Supreme Court said that cruelty in punishment refers to the
Aclaracion was a former court stenographer who resigned and transferred to another cruelty inherent in the imposition of the penalty, and not the unnecessary
government agency. However, there were pending cases whose transcript of stenographic suffering cause by the penalty. The Supreme Court, however, did not
notes were yet to be transcribed by Aclaracion. As such, Aclaracion was being compelled to delve on whether the long period of imprisonment may constitute cruel
complete the transcriptions. Aclaracion objected on the ground that he was no longer a court punishment. The Supreme Court said that “Small transgressors for which
stenographer and, thus, he cannot be compelled against his will to complete the the heavy net was not spread are like small fishes, bound to be caught,
transcriptions. and it is to meet such a situation as this that courts are advised to make a
recommendation to the Chief Executive for clemency or reduction of the
penalty.” In other words, in cases where the judge feels that the

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imposition of the minimum penalty is too harsh, the judge, under the administration of drugs into the intravenous veins. According to the petitioner, any penalty
Revised Penal Code, is still required to impose the minimum penalty that inflicts pain is cruel and since it is cruel, it is prohibited by the Constitution.
provided for by law, with the recommendation for the exercise of
executive clemency in order to lower the penalty. - The Supreme Court said that in the strictest sense, all penalties inflict pain, whether
physical, psychological or moral. Pain is inherent in every penalty. So, if pain makes
We have learned when we were discussing Section 14 of Article III that when an accused is the penalty cruel, then all penalties are unconstitutional. But the Supreme Court
tried and is convicted in absentia, the accused cannot appeal in absentia because an accused said that cruelty in punishment, particularly in the imposition of the death penalty,
who is tried in absentia loses his legal standing. In such a case, the accused can only appeal involves torture or lingering death. According to the Supreme Court, the imposition
the judgment of conviction if within the reglementary period for perfecting an appeal, he is of the death penalty by lethal injection is not torture, nor a lingering death. As such,
either arrested or voluntarily surrenders. Is there an exception to this rule? it is not a cruel punishment.

- Yes, the exception is provided by the Supreme Court in the case of People v. Under the 1973 Constitution, aside from cruel punishment, the Constitution prohibits unusual
Esparas. In this case, at the time when death penalty was still imposable, the punishment. The term “unusual punishment” is no longer included under the 1987
accused was sentenced to suffer the penalty of death, but he was tried in absentia. Constitution. What is the effect of the non-inclusion of unusual punishment in the list of
The issue here was whether the death penalty imposed by the trial court shall prohibited punishments?
become final and executory due to the failure of the accused to be arrested or to
have voluntarily surrendered during the reglementary period to appeal. - The term unusual refers to something that is not ordinary; it is novel; it is new.

- The Supreme Court said no. When it comes to death penalty, it can only - In Eschagaray v. Secretary of Justice, the Supreme Court said that the non-
attain finality once the Supreme Court sustains the imposition of the inclusion of unusual punishment from the list of prohibited punishments allows the
death penalty. According to the Supreme Court, what is at stake in the State to experiment in penology. Now, Congress can enact a law providing for an
imposition of the death penalty is the extinguishment of life. Therefore, it unusual and new punishment as long as it is not a cruel, degrading, or inhuman
is incumbent upon the Supreme Court to ensure that all impositions of the punishment.
death penalty shall be error-free.

- In sum, all death penalties imposed by the trial courts are SECTION 20, ARTICLE III — NON-IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT
subject to the automatic review of the Supreme Court
regardless whether the accused jumped bail or does not intend Like the constitutional guarantee against self-incrimination, the guarantee against
to appeal. imprisonment for debt is also based on a common law principle, and it is intended to prohibit
certain acts which were prevalent during the early days, particularly the issuance of an order
Is the death penalty prohibited under the 1987 Constitution? I ask because under Section 19, called “Writ of Capias Ad Satisfaciendum.”
Article III of the 1987 Constitution, it is expressly provided that “Neither shall death penalty
be imposed…” Does this mean that the death penalty is one of the prohibited punishments - Under the writ of capias ad satisfaciendum, the creditor may compel the taking of
under Section 19? the body of the debtor until he fully pays his civil obligation. In order to prevent this
inhuman practice of taking custody over the person of the debtor in satisfaction of
- No. The death penalty is still a valid penalty but only for specific a civil obligation, the Constitution expressly guarantees non-imprisonment for debt.
crimes. This means that for offenses that are considered as
heinous crimes, the death penalty is a valid penalty. Inversely, What does the term “debt” mean under the Constitution?
the death penalty can be considered as a prohibited punishment
only if it is imposed for non-heinous crimes. - Debt only refers to financial obligations arising from contracts. With that said,
financial obligations arising from other sources, such as law, delict, or quasi-delict,
In the case of Eschagaray v. Secretary of Justice, the petitioner was challenging the imposition are not covered against the constitutional guarantee against imprisonment for debt.
of death penalty by lethal injection because such method would entail pain due to the
- Let’s view B.P. Blg. 22 from this lens.

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honored because of the fact that he failed

- In the case of Lozano v. Martinez, the petitioner challenged to pay within 5 days from notice of
the constitutionality of B.P. Blg. 22 because it imposes the dishonor.
punishment of imprisonment for failure of the drawer to pay the
face value of the check. According to the petitioner, once the - In the first example, even though that at
drawer fails to pay the face value of the check, he may face the time A issued the check he knew that it
criminal punishment and, as such, B.P. Blg. 22 is a “Bad Debts would be dishonored does not make him
Law” since what is punished is the non-payment of an criminal liable because he was able to pay
obligation. Under the law, once a check is dishonored, the payee the face value of the check within 5 days
has the obligation to notify the drawer, and criminal liability only from the notice of dishonor.
arises when the drawer fails to pay within 5 days from the notice
of dishonor. Does this mean that what is punished by law is the - Does this now make B.P. Blg. 22
non-payment of the face value of the check within 5 days from unconstitutional since, apparently, criminal
notice of dishonor? Let’s take two examples. liability only arises upon failure of the
drawer to pay within 5 days from notice of
- Supposing A issued a check payable to the order of dishonor?
B. At the time that A issued the check, he knew that
the check would be dishonored because he drew it - No. Again, what is prohibited by
from a closed account. Under the law, criminal liability the Constitution is the
shall only accrue when the drawer fails to pay within imprisonment for the failure to
5 days from the notice of dishonor. In this case, A is fulfill a financial obligation arising
not yet criminally liable. B has to first notify A that the from a contract. The requirement
check bounced, and A must subsequently fail to pay under B.P. Blg. 22 to pay within 5
within 5 days from receipt of such notice in order form days from notice of dishonor is
criminal liability to attach. A has 5 days within the not an obligation arising ex
receipt of the notice of dishonor to pay in order to contractu (“from a contract”); it is
avoid criminal liability. If A pays, then there is no an obligation arising from the law
criminal liability. So, criminal liability only attaches if A itself. Therefore, since it is a legal
fails to pay. obligation provided for by law,
non-compliance with the
- Supposing A issued a check payable to the order of obligation of paying within the 5-
B. At the time A issued the check, he knew that the day period will result in
check would be paid because he had sufficient funds imprisonment.
in the bank. Unfortunately, however, when B
presented the check for payment, it was dishonored - This is similar to the
for insufficient funds. B then issued a notice of legal obligation of a
dishonor to A, but the latter was still unable to husband to give
produce the amount necessary to pay the face value financial support to his
of the check. A failed to pay within the 5-day period. wife and children
Here, is A criminally liable? because this is a
provision expressly
- Yes, A in the second example is still liable provided by law, and
even though, at the time he issued the failure to comply with
check, he thought that the check would be this obligation will

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result in criminal was filed after 9 moths from discovery of the criminal activity. As a result, the case
liability and was dismissed because of prescription. This prompted the public prosecutor to file
imprisonment. a second criminal complaint for violation of the Revised Penal Code for the same
To repeat, the constitutional guarantee of non-imprisonment for debts only applies to
financial obligations arising ex contractu. - The Supreme Court said the second complaint is no longer allowed
because double jeopardy of punishment for the same act has already set
in. Since the criminal act being sought to be punished falls under a law and
SECTION 21, ARTICLE III — DOUBLE JEOPARDY an ordinance, the second type of double jeopardy applies.

Under Section 21, Article III of the Constitution, it is expressly provided that “No person shall How do we determine the existence of the identity of acts in order to constitute double
be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished by a law and jeopardy of punishment for the same act?
an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to another prosecution
for the same act.” - Double jeopardy of punishment for the same act requires IDENTITY OF ACTS.

There are two types of double jeopardy under the Constitution, namely: - The Supreme Court in the case of People v. Relova set the guideline by
determining the location of the act or series of acts so that if the act or
1. Double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense; acts are impelled in one or single criminal design, then the acts are
2. Double jeopardy of punishment for the same act.
- The Supreme Court stressed that “The question of identity of the acts
In the case of People v. Relova, the Supreme Court distinguished these two types of double which are claimed to have generated liability both under a municipal
jeopardy and explained why there is a need to provide for the second type of double jeopardy. ordinance and a national statute must be addressed, in the first instance,
by examining the location of such acts in time and space. When the acts of
- The first sentence of Section 21 of Article III is the traditional type of double the accused as set out in the two informations are so related to each other
jeopardy — double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense. The second in time and space as to be reasonably regarded as having taken place on
sentence of the same provision is the second type of double jeopardy — double the same occasion and where those acts have been moved by one and the
jeopardy of punishment for the same act. The second type only applies when the act same, or a continuing, intent or voluntary design or negligence, such acts
is punishable by a law and an ordinance. Why is there a need to provide for the may be appropriately characterized as an integral whole capable of giving
second type of double jeopardy? Is the traditional type of double jeopardy of rise to penal liability simultaneously under different legal enactments (a
punishment for the same offense insufficient? municipal ordinance and a national statute).

- The Supreme Court said that double jeopardy of punishment for the - In sum, if the acts give rise to a violation of law and violation of an
same offense only applies when the two offenses are either the same or ordinance, then the conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute
are identical, and there can be no identity of offenses if one is punished by as a bar to another prosecution for the same act.
the national government through and the other by the local government
through an ordinance. This is the reason why there is a need to provide - Double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense, on the other hand, requires
for the second type of double jeopardy. IDENTITY OF OFFENSES.

- The case of People v. Relova involved the crime theft for stealing electricity. The - In the case of Melo v. People, the Supreme Court applied a test in order
owner of an Ice Plant and Cold Storage utilized a contraption that lowered the to determine whether there was identity of offenses. This is the so-called
reading of electric energy consumption. Upon discovery of this scheme, a criminal “SAME-EVIDENCE TEST.”
complaint for violation of an ordinance. Under the ordinance, however, the offense
shall prescribe after two months from discovery of the crime. The criminal complaint

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- Under the Same-Evidence Test, there is identity between the - No. There are only three requisites of double jeopardy of punishment for the same
two offenses when the evidence to support a conviction for one offense, and these three requisites were laid down by the Supreme Court in the case
offense would be sufficient to warrant a conviction for the of People v. Tampal.
- In People v. Tampal, the Supreme Court said that the requisites for
- However, the Supreme Court said that the Same-Evidence Test double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense are:
was inaccurate because double jeopardy of punishment for the
same offense does not require similarity of offenses, but rather, 1. A first jeopardy must have attached prior to the second;
what is required by the Constitution is identity of offenses. In
other words, there can be an identity of offenses even if the 2. The first jeopardy must have been validly terminated; and
evidence to support the conviction in one offense is not the
same as the evidence needed to support the conviction in the 3. A second jeopardy must be for the same offense as that in the
other offense as long as one is an attempt or frustration of the first (or an attempt or frustration thereof, or when it necessarily
other, or when it necessarily includes or is necessarily included includes or is necessarily included in the former charge).
in the former charge or complaint.
The four requisites that we first enumerated only refer to LEGAL JEOPARDY, or otherwise
- In the words of the Supreme Court, “This so-called known as the First Jeopardy. There is a First Jeopardy when there is a (1) valid complaint or
‘Same-Evidence Test’ which was found to be vague information (2) filed before a competent court, and (3) the accused has been arraigned, and
and deficient, was restated by the Rules of Court in a (4) he has been acquitted, convicted, or the case against him was dismissed or otherwise
clearer and more accurate form. Under said Rules, terminated without his express consent. If these four requisites are present, then there is
there is identity between two offenses not only when Legal Jeopardy/First Jeopardy. There can only be double jeopardy when the prosecution
the second offense is exactly the same as the first, but appeals the acquittal or files another cased based on an identical offense.
also when the second offense is an attempt to commit
the first or a frustration thereof, or when it necessarily Let’s discuss the four requisites of Legal/First Jeopardy.
includes or is necessarily included in the offense
charged in the first information.” - Supposing the public prosecutor filed a criminal information for adultery against
A. After trial, A was acquitted. Considering that under the Revised Penal Code,
What are the requisites of double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense? Mostly, the concubinage, adultery, and other private offenses can only be instituted by the
Supreme Court enumerates four requisites for double jeopardy [these refer to LEGAL private offended spouse, can the private offended spouse file a second criminal
JEOPARDY only], namely: complaint in his or her own behalf after the acquittal of the accused in the first case?

1. There must be a valid complaint or information; - Yes, because there was no valid criminal complaint or information in the
first case. The accused was not placed in jeopardy of being convicted in
2. It must be filed before a competent court; the first case because in private offenses, the charge can only be initiated
by the private offended spouse.
3. The accused has been arraigned or pleaded to the charge; and
- Supposing the public prosecutor filed a criminal information for homicide against
4. The accused was acquitted, or convicted, or the case against him was dismissed A in Manila. After trial, it was established that the victim was not killed in Manila,
or otherwise terminated without his express consent. but rather, he was killed in Quezon City. As a result, the complaint was dismissed
against the will and objection of the A. Can the public prosecutor file a second
Are these the requisites for double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense? criminal information now in Quezon City?

- Yes, because the Manila court was not a court of competent jurisdiction.
Again, the accused was not placed in jeopardy of being convicted in the

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first case because the Manila court was not a competent court since it had application of the sister doctrines of waiver and
no jurisdiction over the subject matter of the offense. estoppel precludes the accused from invoking his right
against double jeopardy.
- Supposing during arraignment, the accused plead guilty to the charge. According
to the Rules of Court, upon a plea of guilty, the court may allow the accused to - In the own words of the Supreme Court,
present evidence to establish mitigating circumstances. Instead of presenting “The application of the sister doctrines of
mitigating circumstances, however, the accused presented evidence to prove the waiver and estoppel requires two sine qua
exculpatory circumstance of self-defense. Based on the evidence presented by the non conditions: first, the dismissal must be
accused, the court acquitted the accused. Can the prosecution appeal the judgment sought or induced by the defendant
of acquittal? personally or through his counsel; and
second, such dismissal must not be on the
- This was the factual circumstances of People v. Balisacan. In this case, merits and must not necessarily amount to
after pleading guilty to the charge, the accused presented exculpatory an acquittal.”
evidence, and he was acquitted on the basis thereof. The Supreme Court,
however, reversed the judgment of acquittal. This is one of the very few - In sum, when the dismissal of the case was made at
cases wherein the Supreme Court reversed a judgment of acquittal the instance of or with the express consent of the
because ordinarily, judgments of acquittal are final decisions. accused, it is an express waiver of the accused’s right
against double jeopardy.
- Another case wherein the Supreme Court reversed the judgment of
acquittal was Galman v. Sandiganbayan. In this case, the Supreme Court - Ordinarily, the double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense
said that the acquittal of the accused will not bar the filing of an appeal of presupposes that the accused is charged for two identical offenses after
the judgment of acquittal because there was no Legal/First Jeopardy that he has been convicted, acquitted, or the case against him was dismissed
attached since there was no valid plea. Since there was no valid plea, the or otherwise terminated without his express consent. Can there be double
accused was never placed in Legal/First Jeopardy. jeopardy of punishment for the same offense even if the accused is only
charged with one offense?
- The last requisite of Legal/First Jeopardy is that the accused has been acquitted,
convicted, or the case against him was dismissed or otherwise terminated without - Yes, during an appeal of the judgment of acquittal.
his express consent.
- In the case of Philippine Savings Bank v. Bermoy, the Supreme
- As to dismissal of the case without the express consent of the accused, Court said that “The right against double jeopardy can be
why does dismissal with the express consent of the accused not set in invoked if (a) the accused is charged with the same offense in
motion double jeopardy? two separate pending cases, or (b) the accused is prosecuted
anew for the same offense after he had been convicted or
- This was answered by the Supreme Court in People v. Obsania. acquitted of such offense, or (c) the prosecution appeals from a
In this case, a criminal complaint for acts of lasciviousness was judgement in the same case. The last is based on Section 1, Rule
filed against the accused. The accused moved for the dismissal 122 of the Rules of Court which provides that ‘any party may
of the complaint because, according to him, the facts in the appeal from a final judgment or order, except if the accused
complaint were not sufficient to constitute the elements of the would be placed thereby in double jeopardy.”
crime charged. The complaint was then dismissed. Aggrieved,
the prosecution appealed the judgment of dismissal. Upon - When the prosecution appeals from the judgement
appeal, the accused invoked his right against double jeopardy. of the trial court, double jeopardy arises even if there
is only one offense. The Supreme Court said there is
- The Supreme Court said that the dismissal was made double jeopardy of punishment for the same offense
at the instance of the accused and, as such, the

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because of the Principle of the Right of Repose, or - The Supreme Court said yes,
otherwise known as the Finality-of-Acquittal Rule. because a Motion for
Reconsideration also opens the
- The Supreme Court said that “The decision of acquittal. Hence, since
fundamental philosophy highlighting the it has the effect of revisiting again
finality of an acquittal by the trial court cuts the judgment of acquittal, it will
deep into the humanity of the laws and in a violate the Finality-of-Acquittal
jealous watchfulness over the rights of the Rule. Therefore, the Supreme
citizen, when brought in unequal contest Court denied the Motion for
with the State.” The Supreme Court Reconsideration because of the
furthered, “the underlying idea, that one constitutional guarantee against
that is deeply ingrained in at least the Anglo- double jeopardy.
American system of jurisprudence, is that
the State with all its resources and power Supposing an administrative charge is filed against a judge for rendering an unjust judgment.
should not be allowed to make repeated After hearing, the Supreme Court dismissed the complaint for lack of evidence. Upon the
attempts to convict the individual for an dismissal of the administrative charge, the complainant filed a criminal complaint before the
alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to Office of the Ombudsman. Is there double jeopardy?
embarrassment, expense and ordeal and
compelling him to live in a continuing state - This is the factual circumstances in Icasiano v. Sandiganbayan. The Supreme Court
of anxiety and insecurity, as well as said that double jeopardy requires that the two offenses must be criminal in nature.
enhancing the possibility that even though Since the first case was administrative in nature, double jeopardy does not attach.
innocent, he may be found guilty.” The dismissal of the administrative complaint does not set in motion double
jeopardy even if the criminal complaint is based on the same act or omission
- In other words, if there would be no limit constituting the administrative complaint.
to the attempts to convict the accused,
there will come a time when the accused Supposing the complainant filed a criminal complaint against the judge before the Office of
will just give up and surrender due to the Ombudsman. After preliminary investigation, the Office of the Ombudsman dismissed the
frustration, and he may be convicted not criminal complaint for lack of evidence. After dismissal, the complainant filed a second
because he is guilty, but because he is tired criminal complaint against the same judge based on the same act or omission. Is there double
of trying to defend himself. jeopardy?

- Does the Finality-of-Acquittal Rule also prohibit the - No, double jeopardy does not attach in preliminary investigations. In order to
filing of a Motion for Reconsideration? constitute double jeopardy, there must be a Legal/First Jeopardy and two of the
requisites of a Legal/First Jeopardy is that the accused must have first been
- This is the issue in Lejano v. People. In this arraigned and the accused was acquitted, convicted, or the case against him was
case, the conviction of the accused by the dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express consent. During preliminary
RTC was sustained by the CA. Upon appeal, investigation, the accused will not be arraigned. In that regard, double jeopardy will
the Supreme Court reversed the judgment not attach in preliminary investigations.
of conviction and acquitted the accused.
The People, through the prosecution, filed a Supposing a criminal complaint for homicide was filed against A for killing B. A is arraigned
Motion for Reconsideration. Is a Motion for and trial ensued. During the trial, the prosecutor filed a complaint for murder against A for
Reconsideration covered by the right killing B. Is there double jeopardy?
against double jeopardy?

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- No. This was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of People v. Pineda. The
Supreme Court said that the “mere filing of two informations charging the same - Example: A law passed in 2000 designating the crime of homicide
offense is not an appropriate basis for the invocation of double jeopardy since the through reckless imprudence as murder, effective 1990.
first jeopardy has not yet set in by a previous conviction, acquittal or termination of
the case without the consent of the accused.” 3. Every law that changes punishment, and inflicts a greater punishment than the
law annexed to the crime when committed;
- But in the case of Philippine Savings Bank v. Bermoy, the Supreme Court said that
there are three instances when double jeopardy may be invoked, and the first of - Example: A law passed in 2000 increasing the penalty for libel from
these three circumstance is when “…the accused is charged with the same offense prision correccional to prision mayor, effective 1990.
in two separate pending cases…” So, how do we reconcile this statement of the
Supreme Court in the case of Philippine Savings Bank v. Bermoy to the ruling of the 4. Every law that alters the legal rules of evidence, and receives less or different
Supreme Court in the case of People v. Pineda? testimony than the law required at the time of the commission of the offense, in
order to convict the offender;
- The statement of the Supreme Court in Philippine Savings Bank v.
Bermoy to the effect that double jeopardy applies when “…the accused is - Example: A law passed in 2000 requiring for conviction mere
charged with the same offense in two separate pending cases…” is only an preponderance of evidence instead of proof beyond reasonable doubt,
obiter dictum. effective 1990.

- It was only an obiter dictum because the main issue in 5. Every law which, assuming to regulate civil rights and remedies only, in effect
Philippine Savings Bank v. Bermoy is the appeal of the imposes a penalty or the deprivation of a right for something which when done was
demurrer to evidence, while in the case of People v. Pineda, the lawful;
main issue is whether the filing of multiple complaints against
the same accused based on the same act or omission for - Example: A law passed in 2000 depriving professionals of the right to
identical offenses constitutes double jeopardy. The Supreme practice for failure or refusal to vote, effective 1990.
Court in the latter case said no, it does not constitute double
jeopardy because double jeopardy requires Legal/First 6. Every law which deprives persons accused of a crime of some lawful protection to
Jeopardy, and in order to constitute Legal/First Jeopardy, there which they have become entitled, such as the protection of a former conviction or
must be a previous conviction, acquittal, or the case was acquittal, or of a proclamation of amnesty.
dismissed or terminated without the consent of the accused.
- Example: A law passed in 2000 lengthening the period for prescription of
blackmail from 5 to 10 years, effective 1990.
Take note that in the case of Salvador v. Mapa, the Supreme Court included “proclamation of
In the case of Salvador v. Mapa, the Supreme Court enumerated six kinds of Ex Post Facto amnesty,” and any law that would result in a revocation of this would constitute an Ex Post
Laws, namely: Facto Law.

1. Every law that makes criminal an act done before the passage of the law and What are the three characteristics of an Ex Post Facto Law?
which was innocent when done, and punishes such an act;
1. It refers to criminal matters;
- Example: A law passed in 2000 raising the age of seduction from 18 to 25
years, effective 1990. 2. It is retroactive in application; and

2. Every law that aggravates a crime, or makes it greater than it was when 3. It works to the prejudice of the accused.

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Supposing there is a case between the government and a private individual. The rules, at the
time of the pendency of the case, required that in the event the government would seek What is the difference between an Ex Post Facto Law and a Bill of Attainder? Are Ex Post Facto
provisional remedies, such as preliminary attachment or injunction, a bond must be filed. Laws Bill of Attainders? Or are Bill of Attainders Ex Post Facto?
Supposing that during the pendency of the case, the rules were changed to the effect that the
government was exempted from the filing of the bond. May this new rule apply to the pending - All Bill of Attainders are Ex Post Facto, but not all Ex Post Facto Laws are Bill of
case without violating the constitutional prohibition against Ex Post Facto Laws? Attainders.

- Yes, the new rule may apply to the pending case because it is only remedial in - In order to be considered as a Bill of Attainder, the law must be criminal
character. in nature, it must be retroactive in its application, it must be prejudicial to
the accused, and it must dispense with the judicial determination of guilt.
- In the case of Concepcion v. Garcia, the Supreme Court said that Ex Post Facto So, if the Ex Post Facto Law makes the person liable without any judicial
Laws do not apply to the Rules of Court. proceedings, then it is also a Bill of Attainder.

- Here, the Supreme Court said, “It has long been settled that the phrase - The term “Bill of Attainder” is usually applied to laws which are criminal in
‘Ex Post Facto Laws’ is not applicable to civil laws, but to penal and criminal character, retroactive in application, prejudicial to the accused, dispenses with the
which punish a party for acts antecedently done which were not requirement of judicial proceedings, and the penalty is death. This is traditionally
punishable at all, or not punishable to the extent or in the manner the concept of a Bill of Attainder. If the penalty, however, is less than death, the
prescribed. In short, Ex Post Facto Laws relate to penal and criminal term applied is “Bill of Pains and Penalties.” This is the origin of Bill of Attainder.
proceedings, which impose punishment or forfeitures, and not to civil
proceedings, which affect private rights retrospectively.” - Under the Constitution, however, Bills of Attainder is a legislative act that inflicts
punishment without trial, its essence being the substitution of legislative fiat for a
Supposing that at the time of the commission of the criminal act, the penalty for the offense judicial determination of guilt. It is only when a statute applies either to named
charged was 5 years imprisonment. However, before the filing of the criminal complaint, the individuals or to easily ascertainable members of a group in such a way as to inflict
law was amended to the effect that the penalty was increased to 10 years imprisonment. Is punishment on them without a judicial trial that it becomes a Bill of Attainder.
the amendatory law an Ex Post Facto Law?

- No, the amendatory law is not an Ex Post Facto Law because it is not retroactive in ARTICLE IV — CITIZENSHIP
its application.
In the case of David v. Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET), the Supreme Court, through Justice
- An Ex Post Facto Law is a law the explicitly or expressly provides that it shall apply Leonen, noted that “Citizenship is a legal device denoting political affiliation. It is the ‘right to
to cases committed or cases pending before the effectivity of that law. have rights.’ It is one’s personal and… permanent membership in a political community… The
core of citizenship is the capacity to enjoy political rights, that is, the right to participate in
- Therefore, the mere fact that the law increases the penalty does not government principally through the right to vote, the right to hold public office, and the right
make it an Ex Post Facto Law in the absence of an express provision that to petition the government for redress of grievance.”
it shall be applied retroactively.
Under the Constitution, particularly Section 1 of Article IV, there are four classes of citizens,
In the case of People v. Hon. Donato, during the pendency of the continuing offense of namely:
rebellion, the penalty was reduced to prision mayor pursuant to a law. However, at the time
of the filing of the criminal information, the penalty was restored to the penalty of reclusion 1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this
perpetua to death. Is the law that reduced the penalty to prision mayor applicable in this case? Constitution;

- The Supreme Court said yes because it is favorable to the accused, and the new 2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;
law that restored the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death for the crime of
rebellion is prejudicial to the accused.

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3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and The first group Filipino citizens under Section 1 of Article IV refers to those who are citizens of
the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the 1987 Constitution. This group refers to
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law. persons who are considered as citizens of the Philippines under the 1935 and 1973
Is the enumeration under Section of Article IV of the Constitution exclusive?
- Prior to the 1935 Constitution, citizenship could be acquired in two ways.
- No, there are groups of individuals who are considered as Filipino citizens even if According to the Supreme Court in the case of Bengzon III v. House of
they do not fall under any of the classes under Section 1 of Article IV. These are Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET), citizenship can be acquired either (1) by
FOUNDLINGS. naturalization, or (2) by birth.

In the cases of Poe-Llamanzares v. COMELEC and David v. Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET), - Marriage, as a third mode of acquiring citizenship, is a derivative
the Supreme Court discussed the status of foundlings. The Supreme Court said that naturalization. Thus, it is covered by the mode of naturalization.
foundlings, under international law, are required to be given citizenship. Under traditional
international law, foundlings are citizens of the State where they are found. The Supreme - Birth, as a mode of acquiring citizenship, could either be by virtue of (2a)
Court considered this rule as a generally accepted principle of international law. Since we have jus sanguinis, or (2b) jus soli.
adopted the generally accepted principles of international law, pursuant to the Doctrine of
Incorporation as provided under Section 2 of Article II, the rule that foundlings are citizens of - Jus sanguinis is the acquisition of citizenship by birth on the
the State where they are found is now part of our legal system. basis of blood relationship between the parents and the child.

- With that said, however, the conferment of the status of Filipino citizenship on - Jus soli is the acquisition of citizenship by birth on the basis of
foundlings is only provisional. In other words, the status of Filipino citizenship of place of birth.
Foundlings is only prima facie; it is disputable. This means that if there is evidence
to show that none of the parents of the child found in the Philippines is a Filipino - Under the 1987 Constitution, we apply the jus sanguinis principle. Has
citizen, then the presumption may be destroyed by such evidence. there been a period when we also applied the jus soli principle?

- Supposing the child of unknown parents is found in the Philippines, and - Yes, there was a brief period in our history where the principle
the child has blue eyes, blonde hair, and a pale complexion. Does the child of jus soli was also applicable.
enjoy the presumption?
- In the case of David v. Senate Electoral Tribunal
- Yes, the child still enjoys the presumption. According to the (SET), the Supreme Court discussed the history of
Supreme Court in the case of David v. Senate Electoral Tribunal Filipino citizenship. According to the Supreme Court,
(SET), Filipino “…citizenship is not about human thoroughbred.” during the Spanish colonial rule, “…the native
There may be Caucasians who are citizens of the Philippines. In inhabitants of the Philippine Islands were identified
order to attack the citizenship of the foundling, it must be not as citizens but as ‘Spanish subjects,’” or as
shown that none of the parents is a Filipino citizen. The physical “indios.” The Supreme Court said that the first time
features of the child are not enough. Caucasians or black the term “citizens of the Philippines” was used was on
individuals may be Filipino citizens, and these citizens can July 1, 1902 under the Philippine Bill of 1902. Under
transmit their Filipino citizenship to their children. the Treaty of Paris, signed by the US and Spain on
December 10, 1898, all inhabitants of the Philippine
- Thus, the child in the given example still enjoys the Islands who continued to reside therein and who were
presumption. It is incumbent upon those who assail Spanish subjects upon the effectivity of the Treaty of
the citizenship of the child to show that none of the Paris, and who did not elect the option to continue to
parents of the child is a Filipino citizen. be Spanish subjects, shall be considered as citizens of

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the place where they reside. So, even the Treaty of subjects are also considered as Filipino citizens based on the
Paris did not consider the inhabitants of the Philippine principle of jus soli. The Supreme Court justified that since under
Islands as “citizens of the Philippines.” Again, it was that period of time, we were under American protection, then
only in 1902 that the inhabitants of the Philippine we use the principle applied in the US, which is the principle of
Islands were considered as “citizens of the jus soli. In that regard, there was a brief period of time when the
Philippines.” Under the Philippine Bill of 1902, there is jus soli principle was applied in this jurisdiction.
a cut-off date — April 11, 1899. What is the
significance of the date April 11, 1899? - How about the 1935 Constitution? Does the 1935 Constitution apply the
principle of jus soli?
- The Treaty of Paris was signed on
December 10, 1898, but unlike ordinary - Yes, to a limited extent, the 1935 Constitution applied the
contracts, treatise become effective upon principle of jus soli. If you look at Article IV of the 1935
the exchange of the instrument of Constitution, there are five groups of Filipino citizens, and the
ratification. The instrument of ratification second group provides: “Those born in the Philippine Islands of
between US and Spain was exchanged on foreign parents who, before the adoption of this Constitution,
April 11, 1899. Therefore, this is the had been elected to public office in the Philippine Islands.” This
effectivity date of the Treaty of Paris. The means that children of foreign parents who are born in the
Treaty of Paris did not take effect on Philippines are Filipino citizens, with the condition that before
December 10, 1898; it took effect on April the adoption of the Constitution, they have been elected to
11, 1899. Under the Treaty of Paris, Spanish public office. This provision under the 1935 Constitution was
subjects had one year from the effectivity of called the CARAM DOCTRINE/PRINCIPLE.
the treaty to choose whether to continue
being Spanish subjects or to become a - Why was it called the Caram Doctrine/Principle?
citizen of the place where they reside. This
means that from April 11, 1899, the people - If you take a look at the list of the delegates
had until April 11, 1900 to choose whether of the Constitutional Convention, you will
to remain as Spanish subject or to become a see a delegate named Fermin Caram. Dr.
citizen of the place where they reside. Fermin Caram was the representative of
Iloilo, and he was born to Syrian parents. His
- There was a debate on the status of children who were not Spanish parents migrated to the Philippines in order
subjects but were born on April 11, 1899 up to July 1, 1902, because these to avoid political persecution. He was born
children were not covered by the Treaty of Paris, nor where they covered in Iloilo and was elected as a delegate to the
by the Philippine Bill of 1902 since, according to the latter law, to be Constitutional Convention. The provision
considered as a “citizen of the Philippines,” the child must be a Spanish under Article IV of the 1935 Constitution
subject as of April 11, 1899 and he has resided in the Philippines, or he was intended to accommodate Dr. Caram.
must be a child of a such person that has complied with the Why?
aforementioned qualifications. Children born from persons who are not - This was done in order to avoid
Spanish subjects on April 11, 1899 up to July 1, 1902 are not included in the anomaly that a delegate of the
the description. Constitutional Convention, whose
task was to write the Constitution,
- In the case of David v. Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET), the was not of Filipino origin. This was
Supreme Court said that the principle of jus soli is applicable to done in order to correct this
this group of individuals. So, children born in the Philippines on anomaly and so that the draft of
April 11, 1899 up to July 1, 1902 to parents who are not Spanish the 1935 Constitution would be,

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in effect, done by only Filipino there are only two kinds of Filipino citizens, namely: (1) a
citizens. Of course, the provision natural-born citizen; or (2) a naturalized citizen. This means that
also extends to others who are if a child is not a naturalized citizen, then he is a natural-born
similarly situated as Dr. Caram. citizen and vice-versa because there are only two kinds of
Filipino citizens.
- Therefore, the jus soli principle applies under the 1935 Constitution,
albeit only to a certain extent. Under the 1973 Constitution, however, - So, under the 1973 Constitution, this group of children are considered as
there can be no doubt that the jus soli principle is no longer applicable. naturalized citizen, but under the 1987 Constitution, they are considered
as natural-born citizens.
As regard to foundlings, their recognition as Filipino citizens is based on the presumption that
one of their parents is a Filipino citizen. Once that presumption is destroyed, however, a Are all children born during the 1935 Constitution to Filipino mothers required to elect
foundling can no longer be considered as a Filipino citizen. Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority? [No]

We now go to the third group of citizens under Section 1 of Article IV. To be considered as a - This was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Republic v. Chu Y. Lim. In
Filipino citizen under the third group, (1) the child must be born before January 17, 1973, (2) this case, the respondent was born to a Filipino mother and a Chinese father out of
the mother of the child must be a Filipino citizen, and (3) the child must elect Filipino wedlock during the 1935 Constitution, which gave her the status of an illegitimate
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. These are the three conditions. child. The Supreme Court said that the requirement under Commonwealth Act. No.
625 to elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority only applies to
- What is the relevance of January 17, 1973? legitimate children. Illegitimate children born of Filipino mothers are natural-born
Filipino citizens without having the need to elect Philippine citizenship upon
- This is the effectivity of the 1973 Constitution. This means that the third reaching the age of majority. The Supreme Court said that illegitimate children
group under Section 1 of Article IV refers to children born under the 1935 follow the citizenship of their mother. This is in line with traditional international
Constitution because under the 1973 Constitution, a child born to a law because of the presumption that the mother of the illegitimate child shall have
Filipino mother is a natural-born citizen without having to perform any act full parental authority over the child and shall provide the support of the child. This
to acquire such citizenship. is why the illegitimate child shall follow the citizenship of the mother.

- In the case of Tecson v. COMELEC, which involved Fernando Poe Jr. (FPJ), the - Having this in mind, does this mean that a child born during the 1935 Constitution
Supreme Court discussed the evolution of the provision regarding children born to (or before January 17, 1973) to a Filipino father and an American mother out of
Filipino mothers under the third group. The Supreme Court discussed the wedlock is considered as an American citizen? Do we follow the ruling of the
differences between children born to Filipino mothers under the 1935, 1973, and Supreme Court in Republic v. Chu Y. Lim that such a child follows the citizenship of
the 1987 Constitutions. the mother?

- According to the Supreme Court, children born to Filipino mothers under - These are the factual circumstances of the case Tecson v. COMELEC. The
the 1935 Constitution only have an inchoate right or an expectancy that person involved in this case is FPJ. FPJ was born out of wedlock during the
they may become a Filipino citizen upon reaching the age of majority. 1935 Constitution to an American mother and the father was presumed
Under the 1973 Constitution, the Constitution confers citizenship to these to be a Filipino citizen. The Supreme Court said that here, the traditional
group of children without need to perform any act. Lastly, the 1987 international law that the illegitimate child shall follow the citizenship of
Constitution did not only consider the children under the third group as the mother because this law will only be applied if it will accommodate
Filipino citizens, but even considered them as natural-born citizens the child to become a Filipino citizen. This rule shows the character of
because under the 1973 Constitution, the status of the children born to citizenship laws in the Philippines. Filipino citizenship is accommodating;
Filipino mothers is only naturalized citizens. it will extend general principles of international law in order to make a
child to become a Filipino citizen, but not to deprive the child the privilege
- This is in line with the ruling of the Supreme Court in Bengzon to become a Filipino citizen. So, in the case of Tecson v. COMELEC, the
III v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET) that Supreme Court said that under the Constitution, children born to Filipino

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fathers are Filipino citizens without any qualification, whether they be - Let’s take the cases of Co v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET)
legitimate or illegitimate. In that regard, the express provision of the and In re: Application for Admission to the Bar of Vicente Ching. The respondent
Constitution shall apply rather than the general accepted principles of in the Co case and the petitioner in the Ching case were born under the 1935
international law. Constitution. They were both born to Filipino mothers and Chinese fathers. Both of
them were CPAs, were elected in a local election, and they both participated during
Under Commonwealth Act No. 625, there are certain requisites for a valid election of Filipino the election.
citizenship. According to Section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 625, upon reaching the age of
majority, children born before January 17, 1973 (during the 1935 Constitution) to Filipino - In the Co case the Supreme Court said that those acts were constitutive
mothers must express their intention to elect Filipino citizenship “…in a statement to be signed of a formal election, but in the Ching case, the Supreme Court said that
and sworn to by the party concerned before any officer authorized to administer oaths, and those acts were not enough. Why is there a difference between the two
shall be filed with the nearest civil registry. The said party shall accompany the aforesaid rulings?
statement with the oath of allegiance to the Constitution and the Government of the
Philippines.” - In the Co case, respondent’s father was naturalized when he
still 9 years old. This means that applying derivative
- When should children born before January 17, 1973 to Filipino mother elect naturalization under Section 15 of Commonwealth Act No. 473,
Philippine citizenship? respondent was considered as a citizen of the Philippines when
he was still a minor. Applying its ruling in the earlier case of In
- The 1935 Constitution provides Philippine citizenship must be elected re: Florencio Mallare, the Supreme Court said INFORMAL
upon reaching the age of majority. What does the phrase “upon reaching ELECTION applies to those who are already citizens of the
the age of majority” mean? Philippines at the time of the obligation to elect Philippine
citizenship arises. This now begs the question as to why is there
- While we have already lowered the age of majority from 21 to even a need to elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the
18, the Supreme Court nevertheless applies the age of majority age of majority if there are already Philippine citizens at such
under the 1935 Constitution. In the cases of Co v. House of time?
Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET) and In re:
Application for Admission to the Bar of Vicente Ching, the - The answer is that they must still elect Philippine
Supreme Court said that the obligation to elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority in order
citizenship shall start upon reaching the age of 21. But the to make them natural-born citizens. This means that if
question is until when? I ask because the Constitution, in respondent did not perform positive acts towards
essence, just says that Philippine citizenship should be elected informal election of Philippine citizenship, then at
upon reaching the age of majority. Upon reaching the age of 21, most he would only be considered as a naturalized
when is the deadline to elect Philippine citizenship? citizen. However, since he has actually participated in
activities which are reserved only to Filipinos — which
- The Supreme Court, in the case In re: Application for included entering into a profession reserved for
Admission to the Bar of Vicente Ching, said that it Filipinos, running for local public office, and voting in
must be exercised within a reasonable time upon the election — the Supreme Court said that these acts
reaching the age of 21. The phrase “within a are no less than binding than the formal election
reasonable time” has been explained to mean within under Commonwealth Act No. 625.
a period of 3 years upon attaining the age of 21.
- In the Ching case, on the other hand, the petitioner
Commonwealth Act No. 625 requires a formal election. Can there be an informal election of was not a citizen of the Philippines when he was still a
Philippine citizenship? minor. The Supreme Court said that the participation
by petitioner of activities reserved only to Filipinos
were not enough in order of him to be considered to

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have elected Philippine citizenship. In sum, insofar as

children who are not yet citizens of the Philippines at Under Section 3 of Article IV of the 1987 Constitution, “Philippine citizenship may be lost or
the time they reach the age of 21, they have to comply reacquired in the manner provided by law.”
with the requirements of Commonwealth Act No. 625.
Commonwealth Act No. 63 enumerates the modes of losing Philippine citizenship. Under this
- In the case of In re: Application for law, one of the modes of losing Philippine citizenship has already been abrogated with the
Admission to the Bar of Vicente Ching, the advent of Section 4 of Article IV of the 1987 Constitution.
petitioner complied with the requirements
of Commonwealth Act No. 625 when he was - Under Section 4 of Article IV of the Constitution, Filipino women who marry aliens
already 35 years old, or 14 years after shall retain their Philippine citizenship, unlike under Commonwealth Act No. 63, this
attaining the age of 21. The Supreme Court was one of the modes of losing Philippine citizenship.
said that by any stretch of interpretation, 14
years cannot be considered as reasonable One of the modes of losing Philippine citizenship under Commonwealth Act No. 63 is by
time. Thus, the Supreme Court said that it naturalization in a foreign country. With the advent of R.A. No. 9225, can we say that this
was too late for petitioner to elect mode of losing Philippine citizenship has already been invalidated? Can we say that
Philippine citizenship, and that he can only Commonwealth Act No. 63 has been repealed to the extent that naturalization in a foreign
be a Filipino citizen through naturalization. country is no longer a mode of losing Philippine citizenship?

- In the case of Cabiling Ma v. Fernandez, the petitioners were born under the 1935 - No. The provision under Commonwealth Act No. 63 that Philippine citizenship is
Constitution to a Taiwanese father and a Filipino mother. Upon reaching the age of lost by naturalization in a foreign country is still applicable to naturalized Filipino
21, the petitioners executed a written statement of election of Filipino citizenship citizens who subsequently are naturalized in a foreign country because R.A. No.
under oath, and they subscribed to an oath of allegiance to support and defend the 9225 only applies to natural-born Filipino citizens. Therefore, naturalized Filipino
Constitution of the Philippines. Unfortunately, however, they failed to register the citizens cannot avail of the benefits under R.A. No. 9225.
written statement and their oath of allegiance to the nearest civil registry until 30
years from the time they attained the age of 21. They only registered the written Under R.A. No. 9225, natural-born Filipino citizens who are naturalized in a foreign country
statement and their oath of allegiance when they were already 50 years old. The can either reacquire or retain their Philippine citizenship upon subscribing to an oath of
issue here is whether the petitioners could still be allowed to complete the allegiance to support and defend the Constitution, laws and the Government of the
requirements provided under Commonwealth Act No. 625? Philippines. Take note of the two operative facts under R.A. No. 9225 — reacquire and retain.

- The Supreme Court said yes, they can still complete the requirements - “Reacquire” presupposes that one lost it and got it back, while “retain”
under Commonwealth Act No. 625 because the determinative fact of presupposes that the person never lost it at all.
electing Philippine citizenship is not registration. Registration only means
to record or to annotate. The only purpose of registration is to give notice - When do we apply the term “reacquisition”? When do we apply “retention”?
to the whole world. The Supreme Court said that there are other acts that
that would constitute the equivalent of registration, such as participation - We apply the term “reacquisition” for natural-born Filipino citizens who
in activities reserved only to Filipinos, or introducing themselves as were naturalized in a foreign country BEFORE the effectivity of R.A. No.
Filipino citizens. These acts would also be considered as giving notice to 9225, or September 17, 2003.
the whole world. Therefore, the Supreme Court allowed the petitioners to
complete the requirements under Commonwealth Act No. 625 even after - We apply the term “retention” for natural-born Filipino citizens who
30 years because they had performed activities which gave notice to the were naturalized in a foreign country AFTER the effectivity of R.A. No.
world of their intention of electing Philippine citizenship. If, on the other 9225, or September 17, 2003.
hand, they did not perform activities that gave notice to the world of their
intention to elect Philippine citizenship, then they would not have been R.A. No. 9225 is a repatriation law. In the case of Altajeros v. COMELEC, the Supreme Court
allowed to complete the requirements under Commonwealth Act No. 625. said that a repatriation law is curative in character and retroactive in application. Under R.A.

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No. 9225, in order for a natural-born Filipino citizen to reacquire or retain his Philippine
citizenship after being naturalized in a foreign country, he must subscribe to an oath of - In the case of Maquiling v. COMELEC, the respondent is a
allegiance to support and defend the Constitution, laws, and the Government of the natural-born Filipino citizen. He was naturalized in the US. After
Philippines. the effectivity of R.A. No. 9225, he reacquired his Philippine
citizenship. After the reacquisition of his Philippine citizenship,
- Supposing A is a natural-born Filipino citizen. After the effectivity of R.A. No. 9225, he executed an affidavit of renunciation of his American
let’s say for example on January 1, 2005, A was naturalized in the US. A can retain citizenship so that he may run for public office because under
his Philippine citizenship by subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support and R.A. No. 9225, those who would like to hold for public office,
defend the Constitution, laws, and the Government of the Philippines. Supposing A either by election or appointment, would need to renounce
only subscribed to an oath of allegiance on December 2, 2005. What is the status of through an affidavit of express renunciation their foreign
A during the period spanning January 1, 2005 to December 1, 2005? Is he only an citizenship. However, after renouncing his American citizenship,
American citizen, or is he a dual citizen? respondent nevertheless used his US passport. The issue here
was whether the use of his US passport resulted in his loss of
- He is a dual-citizen. Again, R.A. No. 9225 is a (1) repatriation law; it is (2) Philippine citizenship.
curative in character; and it is (3) retroactive in its application.
- No. The Supreme Court said that the use of a foreign
- In this example, A is not deemed to have ever lost his Philippine passport is not one of the grounds of losing Philippine
citizenship. He is deemed to have retained it even if he was naturalized in citizenship. The only effect of respondent’s use of his
the US. The act of subscribing to an oath of allegiance retroacts to the day US passport is that he has then withdrawn his affidavit
that he was naturalized in the US. In that regard, A was a dual citizen the of express renunciation of his American citizenship.
entire time from January 1, 2005. This means that when he used his US Passport, he
then reverted back to his status as a dual citizen. In
Another mode of losing Philippine citizenship is by express renunciation of Philippine that regard, he can no longer run for public office
citizenship. unless and until he executes an affidavit of express
- In the case of Yu v. Defensor-Santiago, the Supreme Court said, “EXPRESS
RENUNCIATION was held to mean a renunciation that is made known distinctly and Under Commonwealth Act No. 63, Philippine citizenship can be reacquired in three modes,
explicitly and not left to inference or implication.” namely: (1) by naturalization; (2) by direct act of Congress; and (3) by repatriation.

- Here, the petitioner was a former Portuguese citizen who was - As for the mode of acquiring citizenship by direct act of Congress, this is where the
naturalized in the Philippines. After he was naturalized in the Philippines, Congress enacts a law conferring Philippine citizenship to a specific individual or to
he renewed his Portuguese passport, used it and introduced himself in his identified groups of individuals, such as the conferment of Philippine citizenship to
travel documents as a Portuguese national. The Supreme Court Andray Blatche. This is naturalization through a direct act of Congress.
considered the totality of petitioner’s acts as an express renunciation of
his Philippine citizenship. The Supreme Court said that the totality of the - In the 1989 case of Frivaldo v. COMELEC, after being naturalized in the
acts was “…grossly inconsistent with his maintenance of Philippine US, Frivaldo returned to the Philippines when former President Marcos
citizenship.” In that regard, petitioner was deemed to have expressly was ousted. Upon returning to the Philippines, he resumed his activities
renounced his Philippine citizenship. as a Filipino citizen, and he ran for public office. According to him, this
resulted in him reacquiring his Philippine citizenship.
- In sum, the acquisition of a foreign passport is equivalent to renunciation
of Philippine citizenship. - However, the Supreme Court disagreed. The Supreme Court
said that in order to reacquire Philippine citizenship that was
- Does this mean that the use of a foreign passport would result in the already lost, the applicant must comply with any of the three
express renunciation of Philippine citizenship? modes of reacquiring Philippine citizenship under

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Commonwealth Act No. 63, either by naturalization, by direct act, loyalty to two or more states. While dual citizenship is involuntary, dual
act of Congress, or by repatriation. Therefore, the mere fact that allegiance is the result of an individual’s volition.”
he resumed his activities as a Filipino citizen does not result in
him reacquiring his lost Philippine citizenship. Does Dual Allegiance mean Dual Citizenship?

- In this case, the Supreme Court emphatically expressed, “This - In the case of Mercado v. Manzano, the issue here is the provision under Section
country of ours, for all its difficulties and limitations, is like a 40(d) of R.A. No. 7160 that disqualifies dual citizens from running for any local
jealous and possessive mother. Once rejected, it is not quick to elective office.
welcome back with eager arms its prodigal if repentant children.
The returning renegade must show, by an express and - According to the Supreme Court, to the extent that the provision under
unequivocal act, the renewal of his loyalty and love.” R.A. No. 7160 disqualifies dual citizens, Section 40(d) is unconstitutional
because what is prohibited by the Constitution is dual allegiance, and not
- In sum, the mere participation in activities reserved to Filipino dual citizenship.
citizens does not automatically confer him the lost Philippine
citizenship; he must reacquire it either by naturalization, direct - Dual citizenship occurs, according to the Supreme Court, in cases of
act of Congress, or by repatriation. conflict of laws. The Supreme Court enumerated three instances when
dual citizenship may result due to conflict of laws. The Supreme Court said
- In the case of Labo v. COMELEC, the petitioner here is a natural-born Filipino that considering the citizenship clause (Article IV) of our Constitution, it is
citizen. He married an Australian citizen. Under the laws of Australia, petitioner was possible for the following classes of citizens of the Philippines to possess
considered as an Australian citizen by reason of his marriage. However, their dual citizenship:
marriage was subsequently declared null and void for being bigamous. The theory
of the petitioner was that since he lost his Philippine citizenship by marrying an 1. Those born of Filipino fathers and/or mothers in foreign
Australian national, the declaration of nullity of his marriage would have the effect countries which follow the principle of jus soli;
of him not having lost his Philippine citizenship at all.
2. Those born in the Philippines of Filipino mothers and alien
- The Supreme Court did not agree. The Supreme Court said that once you fathers if by the laws of their fathers’ country such children are
are considered as a citizen of another country and you subsequently lose citizens of that country; and
such citizenship does not mean that you will automatically reacquire your
lost Philippine citizenship. 3. Those who marry aliens if by the laws of the latter’s country
the former are considered citizens, unless by their act or
- The Supreme Court held that “Philippine citizenship is not a cheap omission they are deemed to have renounced Philippine
commodity that can be easily recovered after its renunciation. It may be citizenship.
restored only after the returning renegade makes a formal act of re-
dedication to the country he has abjured and he solemnly affirms once - These are the three instances when dual citizenship result because of the
again his total and exclusive loyalty to the Republic of the Philippines. This conflict of laws. Dual citizenship arising from these conflicts of laws is
may not be accomplished by election to public office.” involuntary. Due to the conflict of laws, a person can acquire citizenship
of two states.
Under Section 5 of Article IV of the 1987 Constitution, “Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical
to the national interest and shall be dealt with by law.” Remember, under R.A. No. 9225, natural-born Filipino citizens who are naturalized in a foreign
country can retain their Philippine citizenship by subscribing to an oath of allegiance to
What does Dual Allegiance mean? support and defend the Constitution, laws and the Government of the Philippines. However,
all naturalization laws around the world conclude by taking an oath of allegiance. This means
- In Mercado v. Manzano, the Supreme Court explained that Dual Allegiance that if a Filipino citizen is naturalized in the US, the naturalization in the US shall conclude by
“…refers to the situation in which a person simultaneously owes, by some positive taking an oath of allegiance to the US. But the naturalized citizen in the US can nevertheless

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retain his Philippine citizenship by subscribing to an oath of allegiance to the Philippines. Is

this not dual allegiance? I ask because here, the person has an oath of allegiance to the US
and to the Philippines. Can we say that this is scenario that is prohibited by the Constitution?

- The answer is no because once a person subscribes an oath of allegiance to the

Philippines, it erases all previous allegiances, regardless of the effect of that
allegiance to the other states. Even if the other states do not consider the oath of
allegiance to the Philippines as a renunciation of allegiance to that foreign country,
our laws consider that as a renunciation. So, in the eyes of our laws, there is only
one allegiance, which is the allegiance to our Constitution and laws.

Supposing the citizenship of a candidate to an elective office is being challenged for not being
a Filipino citizen, and the protester submitted evidence in the form of a US passport to show
that the candidate is an American citizen. Does this categorically show that the candidate is
not a Filipino citizen?

- This was answered by the Supreme Court in the case of Aznar v. COMELEC. Here,
respondent Osmeña was being challenged as not being a Filipino citizen. The
petitioner presented respondent Osmeña’s US passport to show that he was not a
Filipino citizen. The Supreme Court said that evidence only shows that he is an
American citizen, and it does not disprove that he is a Filipino citizen. By analogy,
the Supreme Court said, if a person has two brothers — one named Mario and the
other, Jose — proving that he has a brother named Mario does not prove that he
does not have a brother named Jose, and vice-versa. Similarly, if a student is
enrolled in University X and in University Y, proving that he is enrolled in University
X does not necessarily mean that he is not enrolled in University Y.

- Going back to the case of Aznar v. COMELEC, the presentation of respondent

Osmeña’s US passport only means that he is an American citizen, but it does not
mean that he is not a Filipino citizen.

- According to the Supreme Court, in order to show that respondent Osmeña is not
a Filipino citizen, the petitioner must show that none of his parents is a Filipino
citizen, or that he lost his Philippine citizenship under any of the modes of losing
Philippine citizenship as provided by Commonwealth Act No. 63. In that regard, the
Supreme Court sustained the citizenship of respondent Osmeña.


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