Will Roper - Essay - Hotel On The Corner of Bitter and Sweet 1

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Will Roper

Junior Honors ELA

Mr. Smith

11 March, 2024

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Jazz Essay

Jazz music has served as a form of non-verbal communication for years, bringing

different people together to listen to melodic music. During WWII, the American government

used euphemisms to hide the camps that Japanese Amercians were taken to because of racist

views. With the use of jazz music, the author conveys the importance of non-verbal

communication as it provides a sense of belonging in Keiko and Henry’s relationship.

Throughout the story jazz appears to be an escape for Henry from the troubles he

experiences from the war. After buying the record on Keiko’s behalf, Henry thinks, “At least we

have the record, Henry thought. A remainder of a place where people didn’t seem to care what

you looked like, where you were born, or where your family was from,” (Ford 115). The jazz

record gives Henry hope, as it reminds him of the jazz club which was an isolated world in a

time when war was everywhere. Henry’s interpretation of jazz music is similar to Keiko’s with

her beliefs on equality being expressed in the book, with her surprise over scene in the Black

Elks Club. Both of them feel a sense of belonging as both have the same belief of equality

expressed through the non-verbal communication of jazz music. Similarly, the symbol of jazz

helps Henry forget about his non-communicative relationship with his parents as Henry can’t

have a full comprehensive conversation with either of his parents. Keiko, after receiving the

Oscar Holden record, says, “We still have the Record player in our building. I’ll play it anyway,

just for you. Actually just for us,” Henry thought, “That made Henry smile. Parents, what
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parents?” and Keiko replies, “You couldn’t possibly know how happy I am to have this. This is

almost like having you here with me,” (Ford 194). Henry feels happy that Keiko loves his gift

but he also forgets about the issues he has with his parents with the divide caused by

communication and belief issues. At the same time, Keiko feels safe and accepted by Henry and

wishes he was with her but understands the situation. The record given to Keiko is a way of

expressing Henry’s acceptance of her connecting back to the beliefs of equality that both feel

with both not seeing race but looking into the person. As well as the jazz record acting as an

escape for Henry, it acts as a symbol in Henry and Keiko’s relationship.

The Oscar Holden record provides a long lasting memory in Henry and Keiko’s

relationship in the book that lasts from their childhood to the present. Henry, after holding the

Oscar Holden record in Rhodes Department store, says, “I can’t believe it,” and Keiko replies, “It

just came out. I saved up to buy it. For you,” Henry responded, “For us,” (Ford 113). The jazz

record shows how important Henry means to Keiko as she saves up her money to buy it for him.

This sticks with Henry as his present self thinks about the record still when looking in the

Panama Hotel. The relationship between Henry and Keiko is built on the acceptance of their

different identities but focused on the shared love of jazz. Furthermore, the memory of the Oscar

Holden record brings them back to their childhood. The narrator, after Henry starts to play the

Oscar Holden record in Keiko’s apartment,writes, “In his heart music began to play-Sheldon’s

record. His and Keiko’s song. Complete with bumps and scratches. It was old, and hollow

sounding, imperfect. But it was enough… ‘Oai deki te…’ She paused. ‘Ureshii desu,’ Henry

said, softly,” (Ford 285). The jazz record near the end of the book brings both Henry and Keiko

back to their childhood as the damage done to the record shows the damage inflicted from the

war. This also highlights Keiko and Henry’s connection as even after growing apart they found
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their way back revolving around the jazz record. The record being damaged also shows the sense

of belonging that they both feel with each other even after years of going their separate ways, as

both forget their troubles and focus on each other. The Oscar Holden record stands as a big

symbol in the book to show the memory never forgotten between Keiko and Henry.

For the relationship between Henry and Keiko, Jazz is a gateway for them to express the

sense of belonging that they feel when they are together in war-time and post war-time. The

Oscar Holden record in both instances in the book serves as an escape and a memory for both

Henry and Keiko, invoking acceptance for each other. With the use of nonverbal communication,

people of all beliefs and backgrounds can have a voice and be together, as Jazz music serves as

an example, bringing people of all races together.

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Essay Rubric
Skill N Foundational Proficient Advanced

Thesis Establishes References the Effectively

a basic prompt makes a claim
claim Makes a claim incorporating a
about the text complex idea;
Somewhat contrast, cause
developed and effect, etc.
through the essay Developed
throughout the

Claims Makes a Previous (and) Previous (and)

statement Somewhat Considers the
that requires considers the thesis of the
evidence to thesis paper
support Effective use of

Evidence Some Includes multiple Includes a

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evidence pieces of variety of

relates to evidence/ specific,
the thesis examples that meaningful, and
clearly relate to well-chosen
the thesis and evidence that
individual claims relates to the
Includes multiple thesis
pieces of
evidence in each
body paragraph

Analysis Somewhat Explains how Explains

explains evidence well-selected
how supports topic points of
evidence sentence of comparison
supports individual among
topic paragraphs evidence and
sentence Explains how their connection
and thesis evidence to the thesis
supports the Effective use of
thesis of the close-reads
Some indication
of close-reads +
weaving quotes

MLA Format Some elements missing No errors in MLA format

or some errors in MLA

Conventions Shows Most quotes are All quotes are

evidence of correctly correctly
basic integrated integrated
proofreadin Follows essay Shows evidence
g organization of careful
Shows evidence proofreading
of proofreading

Fluency Simple use Demonstrates Strong use of of

of use of grade level vocabulary,
vocabulary vocabulary, diction,
Simple diction, sentence sentence
sentence structures structures
structures Accurate use of
text specific
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