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Received: 9 May 2018 | Revised: 6 July 2018 | Accepted: 29 July 2018

DOI: 10.1111/ajt.15055


Value of monitoring circulating donor‐reactive memory B

cells to characterize antibody‐mediated rejection after kidney

Sergi Luque1 | Marc Lúcia1 | Edoardo Melilli2 | Carmen Lefaucheur3 | Marta Crespo4 |
3 1,5 6 1 1
Alex Loupy | David Bernal-Casas | Montse Gomà | Marta Jarque | Elena Crespo |
2 2 1,2 2
Núria Montero | Anna Manonelles | Josep M. Cruzado | Salvador Gil‐Vernet |
1,2 1,2
Josep M. Grinyó | Oriol Bestard

Experimental Nephrology
Laboratory, IDIBELL, Barcelona, Spain Antibody‐mediated rejection (ABMR) is defined by specific histopathological lesions
Kidney Transplant Unit, Nephrology and evidence of circulating donor‐specific antibodies (DSA). Although DSA are not
Department, Bellvitge University Hospital, always detectable, monitoring donor‐reactive memory B cells (mBC) could identify
Barcelona, Spain
3 patients at risk of developing ABMR. Peripheral donor‐reactive mBC using a novel
Paris Translational Research Center for
Organ Transplantation, Institut National de HLA B cell ELISpot assay, serum DSA, and numbers of different B cell subsets were
la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, UMR‐
assessed in 175 consecutive kidney transplants undergoing either for‐cause or 6‐ and
S970, Paris, France
Kidney Transplant Unit, Nephrology
24‐month surveillance biopsies for their association with main histological lesions of
Department, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, ABMR and impact on allograft outcome. In 85 incident for‐cause biopsies, high fre‐
quencies of donor‐reactive mBC were detected in all 16 (100%) acute ABMR/DSA+
Department of Genetics, Microbiology and
Statistics, Section of Statistics, University of and most chronic ABMR, with or without DSA (24/30[80%] and 21/29[72.4%], re‐
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain spectively). In a longitudinal cohort of 90 nonsensitized patients, a progressively
Pathology Department, Bellvitge University
higher expansion of donor‐reactive mBC than de novo DSA was observed at 6 and 24
Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
months (8.8% vs 7.7% and 15.5% vs 11.1%, respectively) and accurately identified
patients with ongoing subclinical ABMR (area under the curve = 0.917 and area
Oriol Bestard, Kidney Transplant Unit,
Nephrology Department, Bellvitge under the curve = 0.809, respectively). An unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis
University Hospital, Barcelona University,
revealed a strong association between donor‐reactive mBC with main fundamental
IDIBELL, Barcelona, Spain.
Email: allograft lesions associated with ABMR and conferred a significant deleterious im‐
pact on graft outcome. Monitoring donor‐reactive mBC may be useful to further
Funding information
ISCiii, Grant/Award Number: PI16/01321, characterize humoral rejection after kidney transplantation.
PI13/01263, INT15/00112, PI16/00617,
PI13, /00598 and RD16/0009/0013; KEYWORDS
European Commission; Biomarker‐Driven
Immunosuppression Minimization
alloantibody, biomarker, clinical research/practice, histocompatibility, kidney transplantation/
Consortium (BIODRIM), Grant/Award nephrology, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), monitoring: immune, pathology/
Number: FP7; Catalan Society of histopathology, rejection: antibody‐mediated (ABMR), translational research/science

Abbreviations: ABMR, antibody‐mediated rejection; ASC, antibody‐secreting cells; AUC, area under the curve; CNI, calcineurin‐inhibitor; DSA, donor‐specific antibodies; IFTA, interstitial
fibrosis and tubular atrophy; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulins; KT, kidney transplantation; mBC, memory B cells; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; PBMC, peripheral blood mononu‐
clear cells; PRA, panel‐reactive antibodies; TCMR, T cell–mediated rejection; TFH, T‐follicular helper.

Am J Transplant. 2018;1–13.

© 2018 The American Society of Transplantation | 1
and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons
2 | LUQUE et al.

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N into antibody‐secreting cells (ASC) and release high‐affinity anti‐

bodies.17-20 Furthermore, because the mBC repertoire seems to be
The better identification of circulating donor‐specific HLA antibod‐ broader than that of plasma cells, they may be present in the ab‐
ies (DSA) and the better characterization of specific histopatholog‐ sence of serum antibodies. 21,22 Indeed, emerging evidence in both
ical lesions have determined that the humoral alloimmune response experimental animal models and humans strongly suggests that
is a main cause of kidney graft loss. 1-4 posttransplant DSA predominantly derive from the generation and
For a precise diagnosis of antibody‐mediated rejection (ABMR), reactivation of donor‐reactive mBCs leading to an increased risk of
specific histological lesions within different kidney graft compart‐ acute ABMR. 23-27
ments such as acute microvascular inflammation (glomerulitis and Here, we hypothesized that the functional assessment of circu‐
peritubular capillaritis), 5,6
chronic transplant glomerulopathy, 7,8 lating donor‐reactive mBCs after kidney transplantation (KT) using
and/or C4d positivity at the peritubular capillaries9-11 should be a novel HLA‐specific B cell ELISpot assay could refine the antidonor
accompanied by the concomitant serological evidence of DSA to humoral immune response of patients displaying histological lesions
demonstrate the effector immune mechanism responsible for such compatible with ABMR, even in the absence of detectable serum
lesions. 12
Therefore, in the absence of detectable DSA despite the DSA. Further, the prospective monitoring after KT of both DSA and
presence of these histological features, the certainty of the diag‐ donor‐reactive mBC would provide new insight regarding the gener‐
nosis of ABMR is incomplete, as no histology‐independent biopsy ation of the antidonor humoral immune response.
diagnostic system has been fully validated yet. Indeed, an important
proportion of cases showing characteristic ABMR lesions assessed
at the light microscope, as well as using microarray‐derived molecu‐ 2 | M ATE R I A L A N D M E TH O DS
lar ABMR scores as a histology‐independent estimate of ABMR, do
not always show circulating anti‐HLA DSA.13-16
2.1 | Patients in the study and study design
In fact, the exclusive assessment of circulating DSA may signifi‐
cantly underestimate the magnitude of the entire humoral immune Between January 2014 and January 2016, 250 KT patients from three
response as it does not necessarily include the assessment of the different transplant programs (Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Paris
memory B cell (mBC) pool. Importantly, mBCs provide enhanced im‐ Transplant Center for Organ Transplantation, and Hospital del Mar)
munity during secondary antigen exposure and rapidly differentiate were enrolled (Figure 1). These patients were stratified in two groups: a

F I G U R E 1 Flowchart of the study. Tx, transplant; Bx, biopsy; DSA, donor‐specific antibodies; mBC, Memory B cells; HUB, Bellvitge
University Hospital; PTC, Paris Transplant Center; HdM, Hospital del Mar
LUQUE et al. | 3

first cross‐sectional group of 100 incident KT undergoing for‐cause allo‐ plates were coated with a mAb against human IgG and blocked to
graft biopsies due to graft dysfunction and a second longitudinal cohort avoid unspecific interactions. Previously stimulated PBMC were
of 150 consecutive KT patients transplanted undergoing surveillance seeded to ELISpot plates and incubated to release IgG. Polyclonal
allograft biopsies at 6 and 24 months. As depicted in the flowchart of IgG‐ASC were detected with antihuman IgG conjugated with alka‐
the study, a total of 85 KT were assessed in the cross‐sectional cohort, line phosphatase (Figure S1), and HLA‐sp IgG‐ASC were detected
whereas a total of 90 KT patients were evaluated in the longitudinal using fluorescent dye labeled class I and II HLA dextramers.
group; thus, a total of 175 patients were assessed and followed for at Because of the limited number of ASC, we developed a multi‐
least 2 years after last histological assessment. color HLA‐specific B cell ELISpot assay in order to increase the
As per protocol in all centers, patients with ABMR were treated with number of HLA‐specific determinations in a single ELISpot well si‐
plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG). Circulating multaneously (Figure S2). A detailed description of the methodology
DSA and donor‐reactive mBCs were monitored at the time of biopsy used is provided as supplemental material.
assessment in the cross‐sectional cohort as well as at 6 and 24 months
after transplantation in the longitudinal cohort. Additionally, patients
2.5 | Flow cytometry analysis of main B cell
from the cross‐sectional cohort were assessed for different B and T‐cell
subsets and T‐follicular helper cells
subset phenotypes in peripheral blood at the time of biopsy.
All patients included in this project gave a written informed con‐ Different circulating B cell subset populations and T‐follicular helper
sent and the study was approved by the institutional review board at (TFH) cells were analyzed in peripheral blood using DuraClone IM B
Bellvitge University Hospital. cell Tube (Beckman Coulter Inc, Brea, CA). A detailed description of
the methodology used is provided as supplemental material.

2.2 | Alloantibody detection and characterization

2.6 | Statistical analysis
Alloantibody specificities against both class I and II HLA antigens
were done in banked serum samples and in supernatants of mBC All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Groups
cultures using single‐antigen flow beads assays on a Luminex plat‐ were compared using the χ2 test for categorical variables, the one‐
form (Lifecodes, division of Immucor, Inc, Stamford, CT). All beads way analysis of variance (ANOVA) or t test for normally distributed
showing a normalized mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) > 500 MFI data, and the nonparametric Kruskal‐Wallis or Mann‐Whitney U test
were considered positive if [MFI/(MFI lowest bead)] > 5. for nonnormally distributed variables. Bivariate correlation analyses
were done using Pearson or Spearman tests for nonparametric vari‐
ables. Binary logistic regression analyses were performed to deter‐
2.3 | Renal allograft histology
mine the independent correlation of variables that were statistically
Renal allograft biopsies used to characterize different histological significant in the univariate analyses and those potentially associ‐
phenotypes were all performed as either for cause due to clinical ated with the presence of ABMR. Kaplan‐Meier probabilities of graft
allograft dysfunction or as per protocol at 6 and 24 months after survival were plotted and compared by different histopathological
transplantation. All biopsies were blindly graded from all clinical and phenotypes and presence or absence of DSA and/or donor‐­reactive
immunological data by an experienced transplant pathologist and mBCs using log‐rank tests. Cox’s regression model was used to es‐
scored, following the last Banff classification. 28 timate hazard ratios for univariate analyses for graft survival and to
compare clinical and immunological variables. Receiver operating
characteristic curve analysis was performed to assess the predictive
2.4 | Assessment of circulating HLA‐specific
value of both DSA and donor‐reactive mBCs for the development of
memory B cell frequencies
ABMR. Analyses of graft loss were censored for patient’s death. The
two‐tailed statistical significance level used was P < .05. All statisti‐
2.4.1 | Memory B cell stimulation assay
cal analyses were performed with IBM® SPSS Statistics (version 23)
As thoroughly explained in the supplemental material, peripheral and GraphPad Prism (version 6.0; GraphPad Software, San Diego,
blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were first polyclonaly stimulated CA) and the integrated unsupervised heatmap analysis was done
in order to obtain an ASC‐like population to be subsequently chal‐ using Matlab®.
lenged against different HLA multimerized monomers in an ELISpot
3 | R E S U LT S

2.4.2 | HLA‐specific and polyclonal IgG B cell 3.1 | HLA‐specific B cell ELISpot identifies HLA‐
ELISpot assay specific mBCs in KT patients
HLA‐specific IgG B cell ELISpot assays were performed following re‐ As previously reported, 26 because mBCs do not secrete anti‐
cently described standard operating procedures. Briefly, ELISpot bodies, the HLA‐specific B cell ELISpot assay was developed to
4 | LUQUE et al.

detect circulating HLA‐sp alloreactive mBCs capable of produc‐ in negative control wells, if any, were subtracted from the result‐
ing anticlass I and II HLA antibodies after polyclonal stimulation. ing HLA‐specific spot count. Because not all ASC are capable of
In order to confirm the viability of the stimulated mBCs after producing IgG, the ratio between donor‐reactive mBC over the
a 6‐day polyclonal stimulation, total IgG‐secreting cells were total polyclonal IgG mBC in each patient was used as the most
counted in the ELISpot platform. As shown in Figure S1, all pa‐ reliable approach to characterize the proportion or enhance‐
tients of the study showed a broad range of detectable polyclonal ment of a given HLA‐specific IgG‐ASC within the global IgG‐ASC
IgG‐ASC. Further, stimulated mBCs of each patient were tested population. To further avoid unspecific HLA‐specific IgG spots, a
against medium alone and against a self HLA‐typed molecule to minimum of five spots/well, is considered as an acceptable IgG‐
rule out any unspecific mBC response. Unspecific spots detected specific mBC response.

TA B L E 1 Baseline clinical and demographic characteristics of the patient population

Main clinical and demographic Cross‐sectional cohort (For Longitudinal cohort

variables All (n = 175) cause Bx) (n = 85) (Surveillance Bx) (n = 90) P

Gender (female, %) 68 (39) 39 (46) 29 (32) .058

Age (y, mean ± SD) 51.2 ± 13.3 49.1 ± 13.7 52.8 ± 12.8 .084
Type of KT (deceased, %) 130 (74) 73 (86) 57 (63) .001
More than 1 previous KT (yes, %) 38 (22) 26 (31) 12 (13) .027
Time on dialysis prior to KT (months) 27.5 ± 37.1 33.8 ± 45.9 22.7 ± 26.9 .081
Type of ESRD (n, %) .229
Polycystic 21 (12) 11 (12) 10 (11)
Vascular 13 (7) 3 (3) 10 (11)
Interstitial 6 (3) 2 (2) 4 (5)
Glomerular 26 (15) 14 (17) 12 (13)
Diabetes 8 (5) 2 (2) 6 (7)
Unknown 101 (58) 53 (61) 48 (53)
DGF (yes, %) 34 (19) 21 (25) 13 (15) .108
Previous AR (yes, %) 20 (11) 13 (15) 7 (8) .042
Type of AR (cellular, %) 12 (60) 7(54) 5 (71) .444
Induction IS (%)
rATG/Basiliximab (%) 63(36)/94(53) 39(46)/28(33) 24(27)/66(73) <.001
Plasmapheresis/IVIG (%) 2(1)/6(3) 2(2)/3(3) 0(0)/3(3) .083
Maintenance IS: CNI‐based (TAC/ 140(80)/24(14) 61(72)/17(20) 79(89)/7(8) .010
CsA) (%)
HLA mismatch
Class I (A + B) (mean ± SD) (range) 2.81 ± 0.8 (1‐4) 2.75 ± 0.9 (1‐4) 2.89 ± 0.8 (1‐4) .379
Class II (DR + DQ) (mean ± SD) 1.94 ± 1.1 (0‐4) 2.02 ± 1.2 (0‐4) 1.85 ± 1.2 (0‐4) .291
Pretransplant cPRA (n, %); 51(29); 10.3 ± 23.2 44(51); 19.9 ± 29.6 7(8); 2.9 ± 12.3 <.001
(mean% ± SD)
Class I (A + B) (n, %) 26 (16) 23 (26) 3 (4) .290
Class II (DR+DQ) (n, %) 27 (16) 23 (26) 4 (5) .796
Pretransplant DSA (yes, %) 15 (9) 15 (17) 0 (0) <.001
Class I (A + B) (n, %) 8 (53) 8 (53) 0 (0) .302
Class II (DR+DQ) (n, %) 9 (60) 9 (60) 0 (0) .424
Mean time of Bx assessment (mo) 36.7 ± 31.5 (4‐96) 61.5 ± 32.6 (4‐96) 25.8 ± 4.6 (21‐31) <.001

P values correspond to intergroup comparisons for X 2 and one way analysis of variance.
AR, acute rejection; IS, immunosuppression; rATG, rabbit anti‐thymocyte globulin; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; TAC,
tacrolimus; CsA, cyclosporine; cPRA, calculated panel‐reactive antibodies; DSA, Donor Specific Antibodies; Bx, Biopsy; ESRD, End‐stage renal
LUQUE et al. | 5

longitudinal cohort, patients evaluated in for‐cause biopsies showed

3.2 | Clinical, histological, and immunological
higher pretransplant sensitization, by means of both pretrans‐
characteristics of the study population
plant calculated panel‐reactive antibodies (PRA) and preformed
Main baseline clinical and demographic characteristics of the en‐ DSA, received previous transplants and T‐cell depletion as induc‐
tire study population are depicted in Table 1. As compared to the tion therapy, although the majority received a calcineurin‐inhibitor

TA B L E 2 Main clinical, histological, and immunological characteristics at the time of biopsy assessment

Longitudinal cohort
(Surveillance Bx)
Cross‐sectional cohort (n = 90)
Main clinical and demo‐ (For cause Bx)
graphic variables (n = 85) 6‐mo Bx 24‐mo Bx P

Allograft function at the time of biopsy

eGFR (mL/min) 32.4 ± 19.3 52.1 ± 17.4 51.2 ± 16.8 <.001
sCreat (µmol/L) 233.7 ± 166.9 132.1 ± 39.4 131.4 ± 59.1 <.001
Proteinuria g/day 2.17 ± 2.47 0.27 ± 0.66 0.34 ± 0.66 <.001
Anti‐HLA Ab at the time of biopsy
Class I (A + B) (yes, %) 44 (52) 6 (6) 7 (8) <.001
Class II (DR + DQ) (yes, %) 55 (65) 10 (11) 15 (16) <.001
DSA at the time of biopsy
Class I (A + B) (yes, %) 32 (37) 2 (2) 2 (2) <.001
Class II (DR + DQ) (yes, %) 23 (27) 4 (4) 6 (6) <.001
DSA MFI at the time of 3330 ± 5350 466 ± 1878 1197 ± 3802 <.001
biopsy (mean ± SD) (range) (0‐20953) (0‐13607) (0‐18127)
Histological lesions in renal compartments:
Acute lesions(mean ± SD;
Interstitial inflammation (ai) 0.85 ± 0.9 (0‐3) 0.54 ± 0.8 (0‐3) 0.51 ± 0.7 (0‐3) .011
Tubulitis (at) 0.59 ± 0.8 (0‐3) 0.37 ± 0.8 (0‐3) 0.36 ± 0.7 (0‐3) .062
Glomerulitis (ag) 1.38 ± 1.0 (0‐3) 0.20 ± 0.5 (0‐2) 0.41 ± 0.8 (0‐3) <.001
Peritubular capillaritis (ptc) 1.18 ± 0.9 (0‐3) 0.14 ± 0.4 (0‐2) 0.35 ± 0.7 (0‐3) <.001
MIV (ptc+ag/2) 1.20 ± 0.9 (0‐3) 0.21 ± 0.4 (0‐1) 0.37 ± 0.7 (0‐3) <.001
C4d+ 0.93 ± 1.2 (0‐3) 0.12 ± 0.5 (0‐3) 0.22 ± 0.7 (0‐3) <.001
Endothelialitis (av) 0.18 ± 0.6 (0‐3) 0.02 ± 0.1 (0‐1) 0.05 ± 0.3 (0‐2) .094
Chronic lesions(mean ± SD; range)
Transplant glomerulopathy 1.11 ± 0.9 (0‐3) 0.02 ± 0.1 (0‐1) 0.12 ± 0.5 (0‐3) <.001
Interstitial fibrosis (ci) 1.41 ± 0.8 (0‐3) 0.42 ± 0.5 (0‐2) 0.48 ± 0.6 (0‐2) <.001
Tubular atrophy (ct) 1.38 ± 0.8 (0‐3) 0.54 ± 0.5 (0‐1) 0.52 ± 0.5 (0‐2) <.001
Chronic Endothelialitis (cv) 0.70 ± 0.9 (0‐3) 0.10 ± 0.3 (0‐1) 0.10 ± 0.3 (0‐2) <.001
Banff phenotypes (n, %)
aABMR/DSA+/cABMR/ 16(19)/30(35) 2(2)/0(0) 5(5)/0(0) <.001
ABMR/DSA− 29 (34) 3 (3.5) 7 (8)
TCMR/DSA− 0 (0) 5 (6) 4 (4)
IFTA/DSA− 10 (12) 5 (6) 14 (15)
STA/DSA− 0 (0) 75 (82) 60 (66)

P values correspond to intergroup comparisons for X2 and one way analysis of variance. Statistical significant differences were observed between for
cause and both time points of Surveillance biopsy groups.
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; sCreat, serum creatinine; DSA, Donor Specific Antibodies.
6 | LUQUE et al.

longitudinal cohort that were all assessed at 6 and 24 months after

At the time of biopsy assessment (Table 2), patients from the cross‐
sectional cohort showed significantly worse kidney allograft function
and higher levels of anti‐HLA antibodies and DSA than the longitudi‐
nal cohort. As per purposes of the study, patients of the cross‐sec‐
tional cohort had significantly higher acute and chronic fundamental
Banff score allograft lesions than patients evaluated at 6‐ and 24‐
month surveillance biopsies. Main histopathological phenotypes
within the cross‐sectional cohort were ABMR (75/85, 88%) either on
its acute (aABMR) or chronic (cABMR) forms, with or without detect‐
able DSA in sera (46/85[54%] ABMR/DSA+ and 29/85[34%] ABMR/
DSA−). Also, 10/85(12%) of patients showed unspecific interstitial fi‐
brosis and tubular atrophy without inflammation and DSA (interstitial
fibrosis and tubular atrophy [IFTA]/DSA−). Conversely, whereas most
patients in the longitudinal cohort showed a preserved, stable (STA)
allograft histology both at 6‐ and 24‐month surveillance biopsies (75
[83.5%] and 60 [67%], respectively), 5 (5.5%) patients displayed his‐
tological lesions compatible with ABMR, 5 T cell‐mediated rejection
(TCMR; 5.5%), and 5 IFTA (5.5%) at 6 months, whereas 12 (13.5%)
showed ABMR, 4 (4%) TCMR, and 14 (15.5%) IFTA at 24 months.

3.3 | Patients with ABMR in for‐cause allograft

biopsies show high frequencies of circulating donor‐
reactive mBCs
As shown in Figure 2A, high donor‐reactive mBC frequencies against
class I and class II donor‐HLA mismatch antigens were observed in all
aABMR/DSA+, being significantly higher than those detected among
cABMR/DSA+ and cABMR/DSA− patients (0.38 ± 0.20; 0.25 ± 0.28;
0.18 ± 0.21 donor‐reactive mBCs, respectively, P = .036 and
P = .003, respectively). Most IFTA/DSA‐ patients (8/10, 80%) did not
F I G U R E 2 Presence of donor‐reactive mBC frequencies show donor‐reactive mBC frequencies. As shown in Figure 2B, all 16
between different histological phenotypes in cross‐sectional cohort. (100%) aABMR/DSA+ patients and most cABMR/DSA+ (24/30;80%)
(A) Donor‐reactive mBC frequencies between different histological
displayed detectable donor‐reactive mBCs. Interestingly, 21/29
phenotypes in for‐cause biopsies. Donor‐reactive mBC frequencies in
aABMR/DSA+, cABMR/DSA+, cABMR/DSA‐, and IFTA/DSA− were: (72.4%) cABMR/DSA− showed donor‐reactive mBCs despite no evi‐
0.38 ± 0.20; 0.25 ± 0.28; 0.18 ± 0.21, and 0.08 ± 0.08, respectively. dence of serum DSA, whereas only 2/10 (20%) IFTA/DSA− patients
Groups were compared using the one‐way analysis of variance did display donor‐reactive mBCs. Of note, although all antidonor
(ANOVA). (B) Percentage of patients with detectable donor‐reactive mBC specificities fitted with the same donor mismatch antigen of
mBC in peripheral blood in different clinical phenotypes. Percentage
the respective DSA found in serum, some patients showed addi‐
of patients with detectable donor‐reactive mBC in peripheral blood
tional donor‐reactive mBCs against other donor‐mismatch antigens
were 16/16(100%); 24/30(80%); 21/29(72.4%), and 2/10(20%), (Figure 2C). The number of DSA and donor‐reactive mBC positivities
respectively. (C) Percentage of patients showing more than one per patient is illustrated in Figure S3.
donor‐antigen specificity according to DSA or donor‐reactive mBC.
The percentage of patients showing more than one antidonor antigen
mismatch positivity was higher when evaluating donor‐reactive 3.4 | Numbers of different circulating B cells and
mBC as compared to circulating DSA; 9/46(19.5%) patients with DSA T‐follicular helper cells do not differ between distinct
showed more than one antidonor positivity, whereas 27/63(42.8%) histological phenotypes
patients with detectable donor‐reactive mBC displayed more than
one detectable mBC donor‐antigen specificities (P < .001) Numbers and percentages of different B and T‐cell subsets at dif‐
ferent activation stages were also evaluated in patients undergo‐
(CNI)‐based immunosuppressive regimen. Mean time of biopsy as‐ ing for‐cause biopsies as well as in a group of STA/DSA− patients
sessment from transplant surgery in the cross‐sectional group was of the longitudinal cohort at the time of 24‐month protocol biop‐
longer (mean 61.5 ± 32.6 months, range 4‐96 months) than the sies. As illustrated in Figure S4, neither numbers nor percentages of
LUQUE et al. | 7

F I G U R E 4 Presence of DSA or donor‐reactive mBC in

F I G U R E 3 Evolution of histological allograft lesions and anti‐ longitudinal cohort patients. (A) Presence of DSA or donor‐reactive
donor humoral immunity between 6 and 24 months after kidney mBC at 6‐month protocol biopsies. At 6‐month surveillance biopsies
transplantation. (A) Progression of histological allograft lesions DSA were detected in 4/5 (80%) ABMR, 0/5 (0%) TCMR, 0/5 (0%)
between 6 and 24 months after kidney transplantation. At 6 months, IFTA, and 3/75 (4%) STA patients, whereas donor‐reactive mBC
75/90 (83.5%) showed an STA allograft, 5/90 (5.5% ABMR, 5/90 frequencies were observed in 5/5 (100%) ABMR, 1/5 (20%) TCMR,
(5.5%) TCMR, and 5/90 (5.5%) IFTA allograft, whereas at 24‐ months, 0/5 (0%) IFTA, and 2/75 (2.6%) STA patients. (B) Presence of DSA
60/90 (67%) displayed an STA graft, 12/90(13%) ABMR, 4/90 (4.5%) or donor‐reactive mBC at 24‐month protocol biopsies. At 24‐month
TCMR, and 14/90(15.5%). (B) Progression of antidonor humoral surveillance biopsies, DSA were detected in 8/12 (66.6%) ABMR,
immunity between 6 and 24 months after kidney transplantation. 0/4 (0%) TCMR, 0/6 (0%) IFTA, and 2/60 (3.3%) STA patients,
Whereas 7/90 (7.7%) developed de novo DSA and 8/90(9%) whereas donor‐reactive mBC frequencies were observed in 10/12
donor‐reactive mBC at 6 months, 10/90 (11%) showed DSA and (83.3%) ABMR, 0/4 (0%) TCMR, 2/14 (14.2%) IFTA, and 2/60 (3.3%)
14/90(15.5%) donor‐reactive mBC 2 years after transplantation STA patients. (C) Progression of antidonor humoral biomarkers
in patients undergoing ABMR at 24‐month surveillance biopsies.
The assessment of donor‐reactive mBC prior to or at the time of
different B cell subtypes such as naive (CD19+CD27−IgD+), transi‐ 24‐month surveillance biopsies predicted 10/12 (83.3%) biopsy‐
tional (CD19+IgM+CD27−CD24+CD38+), unswitched memory (CD19 proven subclinical ABMR at 24‐month, whereas DSA predicted 8/12
+ (66.6%), of the biopsy‐proven subclinical ABMR at 24‐month
CD27+CD38−IgD−IgM+), switched memory (CD19+CD27+CD38−IgD

IgM−), plasmablast (CD19+CD27++CD38++IgD−IgM−), and TFH cells
(CD3+CD4+CXCR5+) were found to be different between the differ‐ ABMR, 1 TCMR, and 6 a STA graft at 6 months. All four patients with
ent histological phenotypes. TCMR at 24 months had the same lesions at 6 months. All five IFTA
patients at 6 months displayed the same lesions at 24 months and
the additional nine had a STA graft at 6 months. Whereas 7/90 (7.7%)
3.5 | Progression of antidonor humoral immunity and
developed de novo DSA and 8/90 (8.8%) donor‐reactive mBCs at 6
allograft lesions between 6 and 24 months after KT
months, 10/90 (11.1%) showed DSA, and 14/90 (15.5%) donor‐reac‐
Ninety nonsensitized KT were prospectively assessed for histologi‐ tive mBCs 2 years after transplantation (Figure 3B).
cal changes and development of de novo DSA and donor‐reactive
mBC at the time of 6‐ and 24‐month surveillance biopsies. As de‐
3.6 | Donor‐reactive mBC associates with
picted in Figure 3A, whereas at 6‐month 75/90 (73.5%) patients
fundamental histological lesions of ABMR in stable
displayed a STA allograft, 5/90 (5.5%) ABMR, 5/90 (5.5%) TCMR,
KT patients
and 5/90 (5.5%) IFTA lesions, at 24 months, 60/90 (67%) remained
with a STA graft, 12/90 (13%) showed ABMR, 4/90 (4.5%) TCMR, We next analyzed the association between de novo DSA and donor‐
and 14/90 (15.5%) IFTA. Out of the 12 ABMR at 24 months, 5 had reactive mBCs in relation to the histological lesions found at 6‐ and
8 | LUQUE et al.

A 24‐month surveillance biopsies. As illustrated in Figure S5, patients

with DSA and donor‐reactive mBC showed significantly higher mi‐
crovascular inflammation scores (ag, ptc, and miv) and transplant
glomerulopathy (cg) than patients without DSA or donor‐reactive
mBCs. Presence of donor‐reactive mBC was also significantly associ‐
ated with higher chronic scores at the interstitium (ci) and tubuli (ct),
whereas patients with DSA showed significantly higher C4d stain‐
ing at the ptc. Notably, ai and at lesions were not associated with
either DSA or donor‐reactive mBC. No association was observed in
tacrolimus trough levels at all times of assessment between patients
developing donor‐reactive mBC and/or DSA and patients that did
not (data not shown).

3.7 | Donor‐reactive mBC progressively expands

over time and predicts subsequent ABMR
The progression of both DSA and donor‐reactive mBC over time in re‐
lation with graft lesions in 6‐ and 24‐month surveillance biopsies was
next investigated. As illustrated in Figure 4A, at 6 months, all 5 (100%)
ABMR patients displayed donor‐reactive mBC and 4/5 (80%) were
DSA+. Also, 3/75 (4%) and 2/75 (2.6%) STA patients showed DSA and
donor‐reactive mBC, respectively. Conversely, only 1/5 (20%) patient
with TCMR showed donor‐reactive mBC but none displayed DSA. All
IFTA patients were DSA and donor‐reactive mBC negatives. At 24
months (Figure 4B), whereas 10/12 (83%) and 8/12 (66.6%) patients
with ABMR displayed donor‐reactive mBC and DSA, respectively,
2/60 (3%) STA patients did also show DSA and donor‐reactive mBC.
Also, two IFTA patients displayed donor‐reactive mBC but no DSA
F I G U R E 5 Discrimination capacity of circulating DSA and and none of TCMR patients displayed DSA or donor‐reactive mBC.
donor‐reactive mBC for histological lesions compatible of ABMR. Importantly, although out of the eight patients who had detectable
(A) Receiver operating characteristic curves of DSA (MFI) and donor‐reactive mBC at 6 months, seven showed subclinical ABMR at
donor‐reactive mBC (frequencies) predicting ABMR. Receiver 24‐month surveillance biopsies, three out of the five additional pa‐
Operating Characteristic curves were plotted for the highest mean
tients with ABMR at 24 months had developed donor‐reactive mBC
fluorescence intensity (MFI) DSA in each patient (gray) and for
the highest frequency of donor‐reactive mBC (red) (AUC = 0.809 between 6 and 24 months. Thus, the presence of donor‐reactive mBC
95%CI 0.7042‐0.876, P < .001 for DSA [MFI] and AUC = 0.917 95% predicted 10/12 (83.3%) of the ­biopsy‐proven subclinical ABMR at
CI 0.879‐0.956, P < .001 for donor‐reactive mBC frequencies). (B) 24‐month, whereas DSA predicted 8/12 (66.6%) of the biopsy‐proven
Unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis of main histological subclinical ABMR at 24‐month (Figure 4C). Figure S6 summarizes the
lesions in all kidney compartments, diagnosis of ABMR and DSA and
association between de novo DSA and donor‐reactive mBC with the
donor‐reactive mBC. Segregation of allograft rejection phenotypes
advent of 6‐ and 24‐month subclinical ABMR.
according to circulating DSA and donor‐reactive mBC. Variables
considered in this analysis were all histologic lesions at all kidney
allograft compartments (glomerulitis [ag], peritubular capillaritis
[ptc], microvascular inflammation [miv], endarteritis [av], interstitial
3.8 | Donor‐reactive mBC independently
inflammation [ai], tubulitis [at], C4d complement fraction deposition predicts ABMR
in ptc, transplant glomerulopathy [cg], interstitial fibrosis [ci], and
We merged all patients of the study and assessed the predictive
tubular atrophy [ct]) and presence or absence of DSA and donor‐
reactive mBC. Data are on the basis of 175 kidney allograft biopsies capacity of DSA and donor‐reactive mBC for identifying ABMR. As
performed either for cause or for protocol. Each histological lesion shown in Figure 5A, Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analyses
found in each compartment in an individual patient is colored showed high AUC for both mean fluorescence intensity (MFI)‐DSA
according to the threshold for each parameter (zero to three, with and donor‐reactive mBC frequencies predicting ABMR (AUC = 0.809
higher score translating more severe injury). Cluster ABMR was
95%CI 0.7042‐0.876, P < .001 for MFI‐DSA and AUC = 0.917 95%CI
enriched with patients with a kidney graft histology highly suggestive
0.879‐0.956, P < .001 for donor‐reactive mBC frequencies). Whereas
of ABMR, and cluster No‐ABMR was enriched with patients without
such histological lesions. Immediately below these gray color clusters, DSA showed high specificity (97.1%) and positive predictive value
blue/green/red/white color bars indicate the combination of DSA and (PPV) (92.1%) but lower sensitivity (63.1%) and negative predictive
donor‐specific mBC frequencies as depicted in the legend value (NPV) (83.1%), donor‐reactive mBC displayed higher sensitivity
LUQUE et al. | 9

TA B L E 3 Predictive values of DSA and

Biomarkers predicting
donor‐reactive mBC identifying ABMR
ABMR Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)

Donor‐reactive mBC 82.6 94.7 89.4 91.1

DSA (MFI) 63.1 97.1 92.1 83.1

PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; MFI, mean fluorescent intensity.

TA B L E 4 Univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression analysis of main clinical, demographic variables predicting ABMR

Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis

Variables predicting ABMR OR CI 95% P value OR CI 95% P value

Recipient age (at 0.983 0.960‐1.006 .153

Recipient gender (female) 2.125 1.141‐3.959 .018 1.277 0.344‐4.744 .715
Induction therapy (rATG) 2.453 1.270‐4.738 .008 0.521 0.112‐2.430 .406
Previous transplants 3.106 1.537‐6.279 .002 0.318 0.056‐1.807 .196
Previous AR (yes) 6.109 1.940‐19.239 .002 6.739 0.846‐53.699 .072
HLA mismatch 1.125 0.915‐1.385 .264
HLA mismatch harbored in 2.556 1.006‐6.496 .049 2.907 09195‐9.200 .069
previous Tx
Pre‐TX DSA (POS) 18.400 6.795‐49.825 <.001 19.697 2.770‐140.085 .003
DSA at time of biopsy (POS) 123.250 16.402‐926.167 <.001 37.681 2.847‐498.642 .006
Donor‐reactive mBC at time 60.646 22.521‐163.310 <.001 47.157 10.048‐221.311 <.001
of biopsy (POS)

P values are shown for binary logistic regression. Statistically significant values are represented in bold characters.
rATG, rabbit antithymocyte globulin; AR, acute rejection; Tx, transplants; cPRA, calculated panel‐reactive antibodies; POS, positive; DSA, donor‐spe‐
cific antibodies; mBC, memory B cells.

(82.6%) and NPV (91.1%) although lower specificity (94.7%) and PPV As illustrated in Figure 7A, patients with ABMR and IFTA lesions
(89.4%) for characterizing ABMR (Table 3). showed significantly lower survival rates than STA and TCMR patients
Using integrated unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis (Log‐rank P < .001) (HR = 31.848, 95% CI 4.372‐231.998, P = .001
(Figure 5B), we confirmed that high histological score parameters as‐ for ABMR; HR = 14.901, 95% CI 1.792‐123.907, P = .012 for IFTA;
sociated with ABMR such as ag, ptc, miv, cg, and c4d could identify HR = 0.702, 95% CI 0.096‐5.100, P = .726 for TCMR, and HR = 0.025,
patients with DSA and in a greater proportion, patients with donor‐ 95%CI 0.002‐0.309, P = .004 for STA, respectively). When the impact
reactive mBC. on graft survival was analyzed according to DSA and donor‐reactive
The multivariate binary logistic regression analysis taking into mBC, patients with donor‐reactive mBC, regardless of the presence of
account well‐known clinical, demographic, and immunological DSA, showed the highest allograft failure rates (Log‐rank, P < .001) (HR
characteristics associated with ABMR, revealed that together with = 8.162, 95% CI 3.699‐18.010, P < .001 for DSA+/mBC+; HR = 5.750,
preformed and posttransplant DSA, donor‐reactive mBC were inde‐ 95% CI 2.296‐14.402, P < .001for DSA−/mBC+; HR = 0.745, 95%
pendent predictors of ABMR (Table 4). CI 0.180‐3.081, P = .684 for DSA+/mBC−; HR = 0.127, 95% CI
0.054‐0.299, P < .001 for DSA−/mBC−) (Figure 7B).

3.9 | Donor‐reactive mBC confer a strong

deleterious effect on kidney allograft outcome
4 | D I S CU S S I O N
Finally, we analyzed the impact of donor‐reactive mBC and DSA on
kidney graft function and survival. As shown in Figure 6A, presence In this study, we aimed at evaluating the value of tracking donor‐re‐
of mBC, regardless of DSA, was associated with worse graft function active mBC circulating in peripheral blood after KT to characterize
at 6, 12, and 24 months as compared to other groups. When only pa‐ histopathological lesions associated with ABMR and also, investigate
tients of the longitudinal cohort were assessed, patients with donor‐ the kinetics of appearance of donor‐reactive mBC as compared to
reactive mBC did also display the worse graft function progression serum DSA and their impact on kidney graft outcome, in order to
as compared to all the other groups (Figure 6B). gain further insight on the pathophysiology of humoral transplant
10 | LUQUE et al.

F I G U R E 6 Impact of donor‐reactive mBC and DSA on kidney graft function progression. (A) Graft function progression (serum creatinine)
over time according to the presence or absence of DSA and/or donor‐reactive mBC after last biomarker assessment in all patients of the
study. Serum creatinine (mmol/L) progression after 6 months of last biomarker determination was (135.9 ± 45.4; 113.4 ± 31.0; 183.4 ± 66.5;
243.1 ± 187.8, for DSA−/mBC−, DSA+/mBC−, DSA−/mBC+, and DSA+/mBC+, respectively, P < .001), after 12‐ months (154.2 ± 78.8;
122.1 ± 56.7; 215.7 ± 107.1; 184.6 ± 101.9, for DSA−/mBC−, DSA+/mBC−, DSA−/mBC+, and DSA+/mBC+, respectively, P = .017) and
24 months after (147.9 ± 64.8; 106.3 ± 25.7; 208.6 ± 104.6; 193.1 ± 98.7, for DSA−/mBC−, DSA+/mBC−, DSA−/mBC+, and DSA+/mBC+,
respectively, P = .012). (B) Graft function progression over time after 24‐month protocol biopsy according to DSA or donor‐reactive mBC
in the longitudinal cohort. Serum creatinine (mmol/L) after 6 months was (127.9 ± 39.7; 100.6 ± 11.9; 157.4 ± 37.4; 181.7 ± 102.3, for
DSA−/mBC−, DSA+/mBC−, DSA−/mBC+, and DSA+/mBC+, respectively, P = .019), after 12 months (141.5 ± 50.5; 98.3 ± 11.1; 163.5 ± 37.9;
210.3 ± 155.9, for DSA−/mBC−, DSA+/mBC−, DSA−/mBC+, and DSA+/mBC+, respectively, P = .052) and after 24 months (133.5 ± 41.2;
109.0 ± 29.7; 182.2 ± 108.7; 172.3 ± 53.9, for DSA−/mBC−, DSA+/mBC−, DSA−/mBC+, and DSA+/mBC+, respectively, P = .109)

rejection. In a first group of incident patients undergoing for‐cause mBC circulating in peripheral blood, even in the absence of detect‐
biopsy, we demonstrate that although KT developing ABMR lesions able DSA. Interestingly, at the time of biopsy assessment, patients
with DSA also show circulating donor‐reactive mBC, the majority with acute ABMR showed significantly higher donor‐reactive mBC
of patients (72.4%) with such lesions but undetectable serum DSA responses than those displaying chronic ABMR lesions, suggesting
(cABMR/DSA−) do also display high frequencies of circulating donor‐ a stronger alloimmune response driven by circulating alloreactive
reactive mBC thus, suggesting that these lesions may likely be driven mBC, which may not be sufficiently controlled by conventional
by a similar antidonor HLA B cell effector immune mechanism, al‐ chronic immunosuppression. These higher donor‐reactive mBC fre‐
though we cannot exclude other roles of circulating mBC spreading quencies may also suggest an already preformed sensitization sta‐
out the alloimmune response. Further, the prospective evaluation of tus in early acute ABMR patients; in fact, pretransplant DSA within
both DSA and donor‐reactive mBC after transplantation, revealed the acute ABMR was higher than among the late ABMR group thus,
a progressive expansion of donor‐reactive mBC that discriminated reinforcing this hypothesis. Circulating donor‐reactive mBC also
KT with ongoing subclinical ABMR and importantly, those at higher identified transplant patients with subclinical ABMR in surveillance
risk of subsequently developing such lesions over time. Of note, the biopsies. Notably, an unsupervised analysis of fundamental graft
presence of circulating donor‐reactive mBC conferred a significant lesions taking into account the presence of donor‐reactive mBC or
deleterious impact on KT outcome. DSA, revealed a strong association between the two biomarkers
As recently reported in experimental transplantation23,29 and and microvascular inflammation (miv), glomerulitis, and peritubular
in humans, 26 KT developing acute ABMR short after transplant capillaritis as well as transplant glomerulopathy (cg), highlighting
surgery might show high frequencies of preformed donor‐reactive their direct contribution to the development of the same lesions
LUQUE et al. | 11

F I G U R E 7 Kaplan‐Meier graft survival after biopsy assessment

according to Banff histological lesions and presence or absence of
DSA and/or donor‐reactive mBC. (A) Kaplan‐Meier graft survival after
biopsy assessment according to different Banff histological lesions.
Patients with ABMR and IFTA showed significantly lower survival
rates than STA and TCMR patients (Log‐rank P < .001) (HR = 31.848,
95%CI 4.372‐231.998, P = .001 for ABMR; HR = 14.901, 95% CI
1.792‐123.907, P = .012 for IFTA; HR = 0.702, 95% CI 0.096‐5.100,
P = .726 for TCMR, and HR = 0.025, 95%CI 0.002‐0.309, P = .004
for STA, respectively). (B) Kaplan‐Meier graft survival after biopsy
assessment according to the presence or absence of DSA and/or
donor‐reactive mBC. According to the combination of biomarkers,
patients with donor‐reactive mBC, regardless of the presence of DSA,
showed significantly worse allograft survival than all the other groups
(Log‐rank, P < .001) (HR = 8.162, 95% CI 3.699‐18.010, P < .001
for DSA+/mBC+; HR = 5.750, 95% CI 2.296‐14.402, P < .001 for
DSA−/mBC+; HR = 0.745, 95% CI 0.180‐3.081, P = .684 for DSA+/
mBC−; HR = 0.127, 95% CI 0.054‐0.299, P < .001 for DSA−/mBC−,

The predictive value of both MFI‐DSA and donor‐reactive mBC

frequencies for the detection of ABMR revealed that both biomark‐
ers can discriminate the presence of ongoing ABMR lesions with
high accuracy (AUC > 0.85). When main clinical, demographic, and
immunological variables were analyzed together in a multivariate bi‐
nary logistic regression for the prediction of ABMR, the presence of
donor‐reactive mBC was an additional independent variable predict‐
ing ABMR. Notably, although the presence of DSA has a high spec‐
ificity and PPV identifying ABMR, circulating donor‐reactive mBC
showed higher sensitivity and NPV, thus illustrating their potentially
important role to rule out the risk of ABMR. Further, patients with
donor‐reactive mBC were at particularly higher risk of both worse
graft function progression and poorer graft survival thus, highlight‐
ing that ABMR driven by circulating mBC seems to present a more
severe clinical course, most likely due to an earlier occurrence of
graft damage.
Interestingly, the higher antidonor immune specificities when
measuring donor‐reactive mBC as compared to circulating DSA,
illustrate a broader B cell repertoire of mBC than serum DSA.
Importantly, the exclusive evaluation of different circulating B cell
subset numbers at different maturation stages as well as TFH cells
associated to ABMR. Interestingly, patients with donor‐reactive using flow cytometry, was not able to discriminate between differ‐
mBC did more likely show higher IFTA scores in 24‐month surveil‐ ent histological lesions. This is most likely due to the lack of antigen‐
lance biopsies, a finding in line with recent reports suggesting a di‐ specific functional insight provided by circulating cell phenotypes
rect contribution of humoral immunity on premature development as compared to assessing donor‐reactive mBC. Importantly, a novel
of allograft fibrosis. 30 achievement in this study has been the development of a new mul‐
A main new finding in our work relies on the kinetics of the ticolor HLA‐specific B cell ELISpot assay, which allows the detec‐
antidonor humoral immune activation after KT through the assess‐ tion of multiple donor‐reactive mBC specificities within the same
ment of the global antidonor immune repertoire by means of either ELISpot well. This technical improvement significantly increases the
DSA or donor‐reactive mBC. Here, we confirm on the one hand, efficiency of the assay as it enables testing for distinct HLA antigens
previous data showing that among non‐sensitized individuals the with less numbers of polyclonal activated mBC.
yearly rates of de novo DSA formation ranges between 5%‐7%31,32 This study has some limitations. We did not measure non‐HLA
and on the other, that donor‐reactive mBC may appear in periph‐ antibodies, which could have eventually lead to similar histolog‐
eral blood at early stages, progressively leading to smoldering but ical ABMR lesions in the absence of DSA. 33 However, the clear
constant allograft damage, even prior to DSA detection in a number detection of donor‐reactive mBC specifically in patients with
of patients. graft injury and not in patients with preserved grafts, significantly
12 | LUQUE et al.

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How to cite this article: Luque S, Lúcia M, Melilli E, et al.
28. Haas M, Sis B, Racusen LC, et al. Banff 2013 meeting report: in‐ Value of monitoring circulating donor‐reactive memory B
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