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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel

PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status

City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan


Activity Title : Contemporary Art

Learning Target : I can describe various contemporary arts forms and their
practices from the regions.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino

Contemporary just means “art that has been and continues to be created during our
lifetime.” Art is something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful
or that expresses important ideas or feelings.

The word "Art" supplies various meanings, including Ability, Process, and Product.

According to Marcos (2006), the word art supplies various meanings including.
Ability – human capacity to create beauty and things.
Process – encompasses acts, (drawings, and paintings, sculpture, designing buildings
and using the camera to create.
Product – completed work or the final product.

A Diverse range of human activities an creativity visual auditory or performing
artifacts, expressing conceptual ideas or technical skills intended to appreciate for their
beauty or emotional power.

Contemporary art is an art produced at the present period in time and it includes and
develops from post modern art. It also encompasses ,any different art forms from
traditional media such as paintings and drawings to ,ore recently developed approaches
that use digital and time based media to create work that incorporate both sound and

Examples of contemporary art are paintings, prints, drawings, photography, craft



1. What is art and how do you feel about it?

2. Do you think everyone has their own skills of Art? Why?
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices:
Encircle the correct answer.
1. It encompasses acts, (drawings, and paintings, sculpture, designing buildings and
using the camera to create.
a. Ability c. Product
b. Process d. Art

2. The human capacity to create beauty and things.

a. Ability c. Product
b. Process d. Art

3. Is something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that
expresses important ideas or feelings.
a. Ability c. Product
b. Process d. Art

4. It completed work or the final product.

a. Ability c. Process
b. Product d. Contemporary Art

5. Is an art produced at the present period in time and it includes and develops from
post modern art.

a. Ability c. Process
b. Product d. Contemporary Art
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan


Activity Title : Elements of Art

Learning Target : I can describe various contemporary arts forms and their
practices from the regions.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino

Elements of Art

1. Line – most fundamental of all elements. A line can be horizontal, vertical,

diagonal, curved.
2. Shape and Form
3. Value or Tone – refers to the relative lightness or darkness in anything that is
visible.Chiaroscuro – an Italian term in an art for the contrast between light and
dark. Presents a strong emphasis on the subject.
4. Space – refers to the distance between, around, above, below, and within things.
A space occupied by a shape is called positive space.
A space around is called negative space.
5. Texture – refers to surface quality, and to the way things feel, or look as though they
might feel, if touched.


1. What Element of Art does you always use?

2. Draw the best feature of your face. Make sure to apply all the elements of art.
3. If you were an artist, which two kinds of art do you prefer? Explain your answer.

Multiple Choices:

Encircle the correct answer.

1. It refers to the relative lightness or darkness in anything that is visible.

a. Line C. value
b. Space d. Chiaroscuro

2. It refers to the distance between, around, above, below, and within things.
a. Line C. value
b. Space d. Chiaroscuro

3. It can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved.

a. Line C. value
b. Space d. Chiaroscuro
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
4. An Italian term in an art for the contrast between light and dark. Presents a strong
emphasis on the subject.
a. Line c. Chiaroscuro
b. Space d. Texture

5. It refers to surface quality, and to the way things feel, or look as though they might
feel, if touched.

a. Line c. Chiaroscuro
b. Space d. Texture
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Activity Title : Principles of Design

Learning Target : I can describe various contemporary arts forms and their
practices from the regions.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino

Principles of Design

 Balance. It is a principle of art concerned with arranging elements so no part of a

work overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part.
 Proportion. Concerned with a relationship of one part to another and of the parts
to the whole.
 Rhythm.
Kinds of rhythm:
 Regular – elements are similar in size or length.
 Flowing – signifies directional movement
 Progressive – shows a developing sequence of forms.
 Alternating rhythm - displays alternation of elements, may be applied to all kinds
of rhythm.
 Emphasis and Subordination. Emphasis makes a creation to stand out by
giving more attention to certain parts. Subordination makes other areas of the
composition less visually interesting.
 Unity and Variety. Unity called as a harmony, refers to the coherence of the
elements of a work to the whole.


Differentiate the following Principles of design:

 Unity and Variety

 Proportion
 Balance

Multiple Choices:

Encircle the correct answer.

1. It is a principle of art concerned with arranging elements so no part of a work
overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part.
a. Proportion c. Regular
b. Balance d. progressive

2. Concerned with a relationship of one part to another and of the parts to the whole.
a. Proportion c. Regular
b. Balance d. progressive
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
3. Elements are similar in size or length.
a. Proportion c. Regular
b. Balance d. progressive

4. It signifies directional movement.

a. Flowing c. Alternating rhythm
b. Balance d. progressive

5. It shows a developing sequence of forms.

a. Flowing c. Alternating rhythm
b. Balance d. progressive
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Activity Title : Composition of Art

Learning Target : I can describe various contemporary arts forms and their
practices from the regions.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino

Composition of Art

Subject Matter– The subject or topic can be any person, animal thing, or issue that is
described or depicted in an art work. It could be anything that could ignite an artist’s
imagination to create.

Two Types of Subject Matter

1. Representational or Objective Art - which can easily see identifiable figures or

 Interesting Person/s or Animal/s
 Human Activities
 Commemorative Events
 Common Objects
 Nature
 Deity
2. Non Representational Art or Non Objective Art– does not depict recognizable
objects. It has stories to tell nor descriptions to give.
 Form
 Content
 Medium
 Technique

There are Four kinds of Art

1. Visual Arts - These are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature
such as Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Print Making, Designing, Crafting, Photography,
Film Making and Architecture.

2. Literacy Arts - Relate to the written word and other activities take place in a variety
settings such as Classroom, Workshop, Magazine, and Libraries.

3. Performing Arts - Refers to forms of arts in which artist use their voices, bodies or in
animate object to convey artist expression.

4. Multidisciplinary Arts- encompasses professional artistic activities that combine different art
forms in new and unusual ways.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

1. Differentiate the 4 kinds of Art.
2. What contemporary form can give a big contribution from our various regions?

Multiple Choices:
Encircle the correct answer.
1. The subject or topic can be any person, animal thing, or issue that is described or
depicted in an art work.
a. Subject Matter c. Performing Arts
b. Object Art d. Literacy Arts

2. Relate to the written word and other activities take place in a variety settings such as
Classroom, Workshop, Magazine, and Libraries.

a. Subject Matter c. Performing Arts

b. Object Art d. Literacy Arts

3. Refers to forms of arts in which artist use their voices, bodies or in animate object to
convey artist expression.
a. Subject Matter c. Performing Arts
b. Objective Art d. Literacy Arts

4. These are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature.
a. Visual Art c. Non-Objective Arts
b. Objective Art d. Literacy Arts

5. In which can easily see identifiable figures or objects.

a. Visual Art c. Non-Objective Arts
b. Objective Art d. Literacy Arts
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Activity Title : Traditional Arts and Contemporary Arts

Learning Target : I can discusses various arts forms found in the Philippines.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

The Philippines is home to various traditional arts. These are the art that have been
handed or passed down from the master craftsmen to their apprentices.

Traditional Arts

Traditional Art is learned from family or community members and is passed along
through generations. Animism is the usual theme of traditional arts. To depict
something of the people’s gods and goddesses is the main intention, thus, resulting in
the creation of abstract symbols of animistic figures like the sun, moon, and the other
human images.

Contemporary Arts

Traditional Art is different from contemporary art. Traditional art is culture bound, while
contemporary art is not bounded by any rule or standard. It revolves around the feelings
and thoughts of the artist, and messages to his/her audience. It uses a wide variety of
materials, media, techniques, and styles.

 Contemporary art, can be found anywhere like schools, side streets, train or bus
stations, shopping centers or parks.
 Contemporary art is not confined in the museum.

In contemporary art, not only movements can be integrated into an artwork. Even seemingly
different art categories can be milled together to produce an integrated or combined art.

This cross-breading in the contemporary scene has resulted in a hybrid art called Integrated Art.
These art forms are interactive and multi-disciplinary in nature, that is, consisting of ideas and
practices from different branches of learning. The outcome, being the unity of separate areas of

Earlier, we have mentioned the integration of science and humanities -two disciplines –
in a building’s architecture. This is an example of integrated art.

Another example is a unique presentation of three great Filipino Artists coming from
three distinct disciplines – dance, music and song – performing under one roof at the cultural
center of the Phil. (CCP) in Manila. They are Lisa Macuja-Elizalde, Prima Ballerina; Cecil
Licad, International Classical Pianist; and Lea Salonga, International Singer and Musical
Actress. They combined together to produce a rare performance. The program was called “The
Legends and the Classics”.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan


1. Differentiate traditional and contemporary art.

2. What various art forms found in the Philippines?

Multiple Choices:
Encircle the correct answer.
1. It is the usual theme of traditional arts. To depict something of the people’s gods and
goddesses is the main intention.
a. Traditional Arts c. Animism
b. Philippines d. Contemporary Arts
2. Is home to various traditional arts.
a. Traditional Arts c. Animism
b. Philippines d. Contemporary Arts

3. Is learned from family or community members and is passed along through

a. Traditional Arts c. Animism
b. Philippines d. Contemporary Arts

4. This cross-breading in the contemporary scene has resulted in a hybrid art.

a. Traditional Arts c. Integrated Arts
b. Philippines d. Contemporary Arts

5. It is not only movements, it can be integrated into an artwork.

a. Traditional Arts c. Integrated Arts
b. Philippines d. Contemporary Arts
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan


Activity Title : Contemporary Art forms

Learning Target : I can discusses various arts forms found in the Philippines.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

There are many manifestations of integrative art in our society nowadays. You just have
to have a keen yet to recognize what in our world are samples of integrative art and what are not.

According to Perez (2016), arts are classified in distinct forms: music, dance, theatre,
visual arts, literature, film and broadcast arts, architecture, design and allied arts.

Contemporary Art forms include:

1. Choreography – is an arrangement or design for dance movements usually

accompanied by music.
2. Musical Instruments – is any tool or device that produces sounds.
3. Literary and Musical Compositions –
Literary works are written works meant to be read, sung, or delivered in a
Musical compositions are not written but notated, represented by musical
4. Visual Design – is a composition or layouts of lines, shapes, and color to
form patterns like painting and drawing.
5. Theatrical Performance – refers to the staging and execution of a
production, like drama, opera, festival, and public presentation and it goes
beyond theater.
6. Cinema - most popular of the art forms. It is similar to the theatre but the
action is seen on a flat screen


1.) What is choreography?

2.) What is musical instrument?
3.) What is visual design?
4.) Differentiate Literacy and Musical Composition
5.) Differentiate Theatrical Performance and Cinema
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
Multiple Choices:
Encircle the correct answer.
1. Is an arrangement or design for dance movements usually accompanied by music.
a. Choreography c. Musical compositions
b. Literary d. Musical Instruments

2. It works are written works meant to be read, sung, or delivered in a play.

a. Choreography c. Musical compositions
b. Literary d. Musical Instruments

3. Are not written but notated, represented by musical symbols.

a. Choreography c. Musical compositions
b. Literary d. Musical Instruments

4. Is a composition or layouts of lines, shapes, and color to form patterns like painting
and drawings.
a. Visual Design c. Musical compositions
b. choreography d. Musical Instruments

5. Is any tool or device that produces sounds.

a. Visual Design c. Musical compositions
b. choreography d. Musical Instruments
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 7

Activity Title : Art

Learning Target : I can research on various contemporary arts forms.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Definitions of Art:
 Art as a skill or mastery
 Art as a process or a product of a creative skill
 Art as a universal language:
Literature – uses colorful words, imagery, figurative language, and other literary
devices: music, dance that make use of graceful movements and
choreography.Art expresses feelings and ideas shared by all individuals
regardless of culture.
 Art as a representation of reality
 Art reflects the characteristics of a period:
Medieval Period – dominance of the church initiated the expression of spiritual
Renaissance Period – more defined and realistic rendition of the human body in
the visual arts.
Modern Period – characterizes the idealistic search for the truth and the
realization that is not attainable.
 Art shows the manner of existence of the people long ago.
1. What period the contemporary arts became more aggressive?
2. Differentiate the different the ff:
 Medieval Period
 Renaissance Period
 Modern Period
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices:
Encircle the correct answer.

1. It dominance of the church initiated the expression of spiritual truths.

a. Modern Period c. Medieval Period
b. Art d. Renaissance Period

2. It characterizes the idealistic search for the truth and the realization that is not
a. Modern Period c. Medieval Period
b. Art d. Renaissance Period

3. As a process or a product of a creative skill.

a. Modern Period c. Medieval Period
b. Art d. Renaissance Period

4. It uses colorful words, imagery, figurative language, and other literary devices.
a. Renaissance Period c. Literature
b. Art d. Modern Period

5. It more defined and realistic rendition of the human body in the visual arts.
a. Renaissance Period c. Literature
b. Art d. Modern Period
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 8

Activity Title : Philippine Art

Learning Target : I can explain Filipino artists roles and identify the
contribution to contemporary arts.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Is Philippine Art 100% authentic Filipino?

The Philippines is undeniably rich in culture and the arts. However, many
professional art critics still question the authenticity of the Filipinos of the artworks
produced by Filipinos.
In Philippine history subject, you have learned that the Philippines has been
colonized and impact by Spanish and American cultures for over 400 years which
caused many Filipinos, or even the people around the globe, to doubt our country’s
historical identity. If there is one good effect of all colonization that the Philippines have
been experienced in the past, it is that our Filipino artists have become more conscious
of their indigenous roots, trying to find ways to get away from the shadows of many
cultural influences. However, because we, Filipinos, are capable of adapting to many
changes, our artist have already learned to accept and embrace the fact that these
many influences that touched our cultural heritage are part of our national identity.
Moreover, these artist are no longer subject to western ideas, concepts, and forms.
Subject Matter that developed our sense of national identity:
o Social, economic, and political issues
o Ethnic and indigenous concerns, and current events
o Philippine folklore, mythology, and philosophical thoughts
o Landscapes, still life, genre scenes, portraits, and Philippine fiestas and land
o Superstitions and supernatural

1. Do you believe that Philippine art is 100% authentic Filipino? Explain your answer.
2. Choose two subject matters that developed our sense of national identity, then give a
scenario that is related to a 100% authentic Filipino.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices:
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. Philippines is undeniably rich in ______ and the arts.

a. culture c. indigenous
b. genre scenes d. Western
2. The Ethnic and _______ concerns, and current events
a. culture c. indigenous
b. genre scenes d. Western

3. Philippine folklore, ________, and philosophical thoughts

a. mythology c. indigenous
b. genre scenes d. Western

4. Landscapes, still life, __________, portraits, and Philippine fiestas and land marks.
a. mythology c. indigenous
b. genre scenes d. Western

5. These artist are no longer subject to ________ ideas, concepts, and forms.
a. mythology c. indigenous
b. genre scenes d. Western
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

No. 9

Activity Title : Philippine Art

Learning Target : I can explain Filipino artists roles and identify the
contribution to contemporary arts.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

According to Perez, 2016 one way of preserving and promoting the arts in the various
regions of the Philippines is by practicing it as often as possible. Contemporary art
practices are expressed in different ways, by an individual or by a collaboration of
several artist. Perhaps one collaborative art that is very common to every region is the
Below are some festivals that represent our Philippine arts.
1. Ati- Atihan Festival
3rd weekend of January/Kalibo, Aklan
2. Sinulog Festival
3rd weekend of January/Cebu City
3. Dinagyang Festival
4th weekend of January/Iloilo City
4. Pinagbengga Festival
February/Baguio City
5. Moriones Festiv
Holy week/Boac, Gasan, and Mogpog, Marinduque
6. Aliwan Fiesta
Last weekend of April/Pasay City, Manila
7. Pahiyas Festival
15th of May/Lucban, Quezon
8. Pintados Festival
29th of June/Tacloban City
9. Kadayawan Festival
3rd week of August/Davao City
10. Masskara Festival
19th of October/Bacolod City

Moreover, Perez (2016) also states that rituals are found in ordinary, everyday
life. Even personal daily routines undergo a process of a ritual, like the ritual of
preparing for school, washing the hands, combing the hair, etc. The family has social
rituals for greetings such as the beso for friends and pagmamano, a respectful greeting
of children to the elders.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

1. What is the importance of festivals and rituals in the Philippines? Explain your
2. What festive dance you have watched already?

Multiple choices:
Encircle the answer.
1. Pinagbennga Festival is celebrated in what place?
a. Baguio City c. Masskara Festival
b. Pasay city d. Sinulog Festival

2. What is the famous festival in Cebu?

a. Baguio City c. Masskara Festival
b. Pasay city d. Sinulog Festival

3. Aliwan Fiesta is celebrated in what place?

a. Baguio City c. Masskara Festival
b. Pasay city d. Sinulog Festival

4. What is the famous festival in Bacolod?

a. Baguio City c. Sinulog Festival
b. Masskara Festival d. Pintados

5. What is the famous festival in Tacloban?

a. Baguio City c. Sinulog Festival
b. Masskara Festival d. Pintados
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

No. 10
Activity Title : Pop Art
Learning Target : I can explain Filipino artists roles and identify the
contribution to contemporary arts.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Pop art is a short for popular art. It refers to works of art that are generally recognized,
consumed and enjoy by the majority of the Filipino or so called “masang Pilipino.”
In literature, one of the most notable people nowadays is Bob Ong, a contemporary
Filipino author known for using controversial writing techniques to create humorous and
reflective depictions of human Philippine life. Ong was able to write and publish his best
selling books such as ABNKKBSNPLAKO?!,BakitBaliktadMagbasangLibroamgmga
Pilipino?, Mcarthur, etc.

Art forms of pop art culture are:

 Philippine Popular Literature – most notable people now a days is Bob Ong
 Philippine Popular Music – pinoy pop in the live band scene, millennium
 Philippine Popular Dance – in the field of dancing, Filipinos ranked up and
holds the title for being the best.
 Philippine Popular Movie – indie films that are being produced nowadays than
main stream movies.
 Philippine pop culture is easily recognized. Pinoy pop culture is an urban
phenomenon. Often imitative, it is a fusion of folk, ethnic, foreign, and the masa.
Most of all is about the Pinoys.

1. In your own words, explain your idea of popular art.
2. What art works are still popular in the country?

Multiple Choices:
1. It refers to works of art that are generally recognized, consumed and enjoy by the
majority of the Filipino or so called “Masang Pilipino.”
a. Pop art c. Philippine pop culture
b. Philippine Popular Music d. Philippine Popular Dance

2. Pinoy pop in the live band scene, millennium 2010’s.

a. Pop art c. Philippine pop culture
b. Philippine Popular Music d. Philippine Popular Dance
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

3. Philippine Popular Movie – indie films that are being produced nowadays than main
stream movies.
a. Pop art c. Philippine pop music
b. Philippine Popular movie d. Philippine Popular Dance

4. Philippine Popular Dance – in the field of dancing, Filipinos ranked up and holds the
title for being the best.
a. Philippine Popular dance c. Philippine pop music
b. Philippine Popular movie d. Philippine Popular culture

5. it is a fusion of folk, ethnic, foreign, and the masa. Most of all is about the Pinoys.
a. Philippine Popular dance c. Philippine pop music
b. Philippine Popular movie d. Philippine Popular culture
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

No. 11
Activity Title : Modern Philippine Literature
Learning Target : I can explain Filipino artists roles and identify the
contribution to contemporary arts.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

The 10 Best Books in Modern Philippine Literature and author

1. ABNKKBSNPLAko? by Bob Ong – the title of the book is read phonetically as “Aba
nakakabasa na plala ako?!” which can be translated as “Wow I can read now?!”
Published in 2001.
2. Para kay B by Ricky Lee- is a romantic comedy which tells stories about five
different women, but only one out of five them gets a happy ending.
3. Dekada ’70 by Lualhati Bautista- tells the story of a woman’s struggles and heart-
breaking experiences during the difficult years in Philippine history known as the martial
Law era.
4. Illustrado by Miguel Syjuco- The story begins when authorities find the lifeless
body of fictional author Crispin Salvador floating off the Hudson River.
5. Ligo na U, Lapit na Me by Eros Atalia- they’re friends with benefits. The book
teachers its readers that there are a lot of questions, and whether you know the answer
or not, it doesn’t guarantee a happy ending.
6. 100 Tula Para kay Stella by Jason Paul Laxamana – Fidel really shy around
people, while Stella is a tough rocker chick full of confidence.
7. 14 by Manix Abrera- just by looking at the book’s cover one instantly gets the
impression that this book has a dark, mysterious, sad story.
8. The Last Time I saw Mother by Arlene J. Chai – In Arlene J. Chai’s novel,
protagonist Caridad discovers that her real mother isn’t the woman she grew up with.
9. Smaller and Smaller Circles by F.H. Batacan- he won the Carlos Palanca Grand
Prize for the English Novel in 1999 for his book. This is the first Filipino crime detective
story ser in the Philippines.
10. Stupid is Forever by Mirriam Defensor-Santiago- she might have lost the
presidential election last 2016, but she won the hearts of many for her wit and sense of
humor. Published in 2014, the ‘Iron lady Asia’ of proves that only a politician like her can
spontaneously make people laugh.


1. What book from the list of modern literature you are familiar with?

2. Why it is called the modern literature?

3. Differentiate the modern literature to the old literature.

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices:
Encircle the correct answer.
1.Who is the author of ABNKKBSNPLAko?
a. 100 tula para kay stella c. Bob Ong
b. Dekada ’70 d. Mirriam Defensor- Santiago

2. It tells the story of a woman’s struggles and heart-breaking experiences during the
difficult years in Philippine history known as the martial Law era.
a. 100 tula para kay stella c. Bob Ong
b. Dekada ’70 d. Mirriam Defensor- Santiago

3. Who is the author of 100 Tula Para kay Stella?

a. Stupid is Forever c. Bob Ong
b. Jason Paul Laxamana d. Mirriam Defensor- Santiago

4. She might have lost the presidential election last 2016, but she won the hearts of
many for her wit and sense of humor.
a. Stupid is Forever c. Bob Ong
b. Jason Paul Laxamana d. Mirriam Defensor- Santiago

5. Who is the author of Stupid is Forever?

a. Stupid is Forever c. Bob Ong
b. Jason Paul Laxamana d. Mirriam Defensor- Santiago
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

No. 12
Activity Title :
Learning Target : I can explain Filipino artist roles and identify the
contribution to contemporary arts.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Filipino Artist’s today, especially the younger ones are diff. breed from their
predecessor. They no longer cling to western ideas but develop their own system of
belief forms and style and by adopting the rich heritage of Philippine Folklore, Customs
and Traditions

Fernando Amorsolo – Romanticized life reminding Filipinos of tranquil rural landscaped.

Carlos “Botong” Francisco – Drew and painted genre painting inspired by the life of his town,
Angono Rizal.

Nick Joaquin – A Manilenio novelist, playwright journalist, historian and essayist is a good
example of writing the “Mayday Eve”. His name was Quijano de Manila.

Lisa MacujaElizalde–the country’s first prima ballerina is the first soloist to join Kirou Ballet, a
famous Russian ballet company.

Lea Salonga – She is a former member of Repetory Philippines. She was one of several hundred
Asian aspirants to be chosen for the role of Kim in the 1989 musical “Miss Saigon in London”.

El Gamma Penumbra – A shadow playgroup of young locals from Tanawan, Batangas. The
group won 1st place in the last television production of Asians Got Talent in Singapore on May

CharicePempengco– Who became famous when Ellen Degeneres discovered her in youtube a
few years ago. After a short stint in the United States, she was returned and is now a popular
recording artist.


1. Whose Filipino artist/s you admire because of his/her contributions for the art?
2. What is the major effect of having a Filipino artist who is famous around the world?
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. He drew and painted genre painting inspired by the life of his town, Angono Rizal.
a. Fernando Amorsolo c. Nick Joaquin
b. Carlos “Botong” Francisco d. Lea Salonga

2. He romanticized life reminding Filipinos of tranquil rural landscaped.

a. Fernando Amorsolo c. Nick Joaquin
b. Carlos “Botong” Francisco d. Lea Salonga

3. A Manilenio novelist, playwright journalist, historian and essayist is a good example

of writing the “Mayday Eve”.
a. Fernando Amorsolo c. Nick Joaquin
b. Carlos “Botong” Francisco d. Lea Salonga

4. She is a former member of Repetory Philippines.

a. Charice Pempengco c. Fernando Amorsolo
b. Carlos “Botong” Francisco d. Lea Salonga

5. Who became famous when Ellen Degeneres discovered her in youtube a few years
ago. After a short stint in the United States, she was returned and is now a popular
recording artist.
a. Charice Pempengco c. Fernando Amorsolo
b. Carlos “Botong” Francisco d. Lea Salonga
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

No. 13
Activity Title : Principle of Design
Learning Target : I can evaluate contemporary arts based on the elements
and principles.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal
Describing Contemporary Art

To be able to appreciate artworks that are in the contemporary style, you need to learn
how to describe contemporary art by discussing its subject matter, medium, form and

The following Questions that consider before you can fully appreciate art.

 In discussing subject matter:

1. What is the min figure in the artwork?
2. How is it placed within the artistic frame?
3. How do the other figures in the art work relate to the main figure?
4. What are the material or objects used by the artist?
5. Do this materials bring out the intended effect of the artist?
6. If the artist chose another material, do you think the same effect will be
 Considering Elements and Principles:
1. What are the dominant elements in the artworks?
2. How are these used in the artwork?
3. How are line, shape, or volume used within the artistic frame?
4. Are there any variations among the repeated elements?
5. How does the art form appeal to the visual sense?


1. Observe and analize the picture.

2. Identify the subject matter and its form
3. Choose one Element and Principle that you like the most and why?
4. Identify the medium used and the technique of the artist.

Multiple Choices:

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. If the artist chose another material, do you think the same effect will be ______?
a. dominant c. achieved
b. figures d. elements

2. What are the ______ elements in the artworks?

a. dominant c. achieved
b. figures d. Elements
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

3. Are there any variations among the repeated ______?

a. dominant c. achieved
b. figures d. elements

4. How do the other _______ in the art work relate to the main figure?
a. dominant c. effects
b. figures d. achieved

5. If the artist chose another material, do you think the same ______ will be
a. dominant c. effects
b. figures d. achieved

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 14
Activity Title : Criteria for the different contemporary art forms
Learning Target : I can criteria for the different contemporary arts forms
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Description Rate
The learners manifest clear understanding of their 5 4 3 2 1
assigned task through organized performance.

The learners show active cooperation during rehearsal /s

and actual performance.

The learners were able to improvise and utilize their

respective props and costumes.

The presentation has moral lesson that install to the heart

and mind of audience/s.



Group no. /Title:

Assessed by: __________________________

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
1. Why is it important to have criteria in the performance/s of a learner?

2. Why is it important to manifest clear understanding of the assigned task through

organized performance?

Multiple Choice:
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. The learners _____clear understanding of their assigned task through organized


a. manifest c. cooperation

b. five d. heart

2. The presentation has moral lesson that install to the _____ and mind of audience/s.

a. improvise c. manifest

b. five d. heart

3. The learners show active ________ during rehearsal /s and actual performance.

a. improvise c. cooperation

b. five d. heart

4. The learners were able to ______ and utilize their respective props and costumes.

a. arts c. improvise

b. five d. heart

5. The higher number rating in the criteria of the contemporary arts is _____.

a. arts c. improvise

b. five d. heart
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 15
Activity Title : Philippine Folk Dance
Learning Target : I can compare forms of arts from the different regions.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Contemporary Dance

Is a genre of dance performance that developed during the mid-twentieth century and has
since growth to become one of the dominant genres for formally trained dancers throughout the
world, with particularly strong popularity in the US and Europe. Although originally informed
by and borrowing from classical, modern and jazz styles. It has since to incorporate elements
from many styles of dance.

Dance techniques and movement philosophies employed in contemporary dance may

include contemporary ballet, dance improvisation, interpretative dance, and lyrical dance.
Modern dance styles from United States such as Graham technique, Humphrey Weid Man
technique and Horton technique. Modern dance of Europe Barteneiff Fundamentals and the
dance technique of Isadora Dunoan.

Historically, the majority of Philippine dances derived from popular European dances during the
time of Spanish Regime. The Filipinos are known for dances such as PandangosaIlaw, Binasuan,
The Carinosa and the Folk dance Tinikling. Every district in the Philippine island has its own
established folk dance that is interpreted and used at Festivals, local shows and other special

Binasuan- originated in Pangasinan Province “meaning with the use of drinking glasses”
this vibrant dance basically show off balancing skills of the performers. Glasses filled with rice
wine are placed on the head and on each hand carefully maneuvered with graceful movements.
This dance is common in weddings, fiestas and special occasions.

Rigodon- originated from Spain, this dance is commonly performed at formal affairs like
inaugural ball where prominent member of the government participate and enjoy.

Pandangosailaw- the word pandango comes from the Spanish dance “fandango”
characterized with lively steps and clapping while following a varying ¾ beat. Pandango requires
excellent balancing skill to maintain the stability of three tingoy or oil lamps, placed on the head
and or the back of each hand. This famous dance of grace and balance originated from lubang
island Mindoro.

Sublian- the term “subli” is from two tagalong words “subsub” meaning falling on head
and “bali” which means broken. Hence, the dancers appear to be lame and crooked throughout
the dance; this version is originally a ritual dance of the natives of Bauan, Batangas, which is
shown during fiestas as a ceremonial worship dance to the town icon. The Holy Cross.

Kuratsa- commonly performed during festivals in Bohol and other Visayan towns, this
dance portrays a young playful couple attempt to get each other’s attention. It is performed in a
moderate waltz style.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
Itik-itik- according to history of this dance, a young woman named “kanang” (short for
Cayetana) happened to be the best performers in the province of Surigao del Norte. At one
baptismal reception she was asked to dance the sibay, and began improvising her steps in the
middle of her performance imitating the movements of an “itik” a duck as it walks with an apply

steps and splashes water on its back while attracting its walk. Because of its unusual steps
and fascinating interpretation the audience began imitating her.

Tinikling- tinikling is considered the national folk dance with a pair of dancers hopping
between two bamboo poles held just above the ground and struck together in time to music.
Originated from Leyte province, this dance is in fact a mimic over trees, grass stems or over
bamboo traps set by farmers. Dancers perform this dance with remarkable grace and spaced
jumping between bamboo poles.

Maglalatik- originally performed in Binan, Laguna as a mock war dance that

demonstrates a fight between the Moros and the Christians over the prized latik or coconut meat
during the Spanish rule, this dance is also shown to pay tribute to the town patron saint.



Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. From the Spanish dance “fandango” characterized with lively steps and clapping
while following a varying ¾ beat.
a. Kuratsa c. Rigodon
b. Maglalatik d. Pandango sa ilaw

2. It is performed in a moderate waltz style.

a. Kuratsa c. Rigodon
b. Maglalatik d. Pandango sa ilaw

3. Is commonly performed at formal affairs like inaugural ball where prominent member
of the government participate and enjoy.
a. Kuratsa c. Rigodon
b. Pandango sa ilaw d. Tinikling

4. It originally performed in Binan, Laguna as a mock war dance that demonstrates a

fight between the Moros and the Christians over the prized latik or coconut meat during
the Spanish rule.
a. Kuratsa c. Rigodon
b. Maglalatik d. Pandango sa ilaw

5. Is considered the national folk dance with a pair of dancers hopping between two
bamboo poles held just above the ground and struck together in time to music.
a. Kuratsa c. Rigodon
b. Pandango sa ilaw d. Tinikling
No. 16
Activity Title : Popular Folk Dancers
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
Learning Target : I can compare forms of arts from the different regions.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Francisca Reyes Aquino is acknowledge as the Folk Dance Pioneer. She began her
research on folk dances in 1920’s making trips to remote barrios in central and Northern
Luzon. Her research on the unrecorded forms of local celebration, ritual and sports
resulted into a 1926 thesis titled “Philippine Folk Dances and Games”and arranged
specifically for used by teachers and play ground instructors in public and private
schools. Her books includes Philippine National Dances (1946) , Gymnastics for girls
(1947) , Fundamental Dance Steps and Music (1948), Foreign Folk Dances (1949) ,
Dances for all Occasions (1950), Play ground Demonstrations (1951) and Philippines
Folk Dances.
Leonor Oroso Gaquingco is recognized as “Mother of Philippine Theater Dance” and
“Dean of Filipino Performing Arts Critics” She us a pioneer Filipino Choreographer in
Balletic Folkloric and Asian Styles, produced for over 50 years highly originally, first-of-
a-kind choreographer and mostly to her own storylines. She was the Honorary Chair of
the Association of Ballet Academics of the Philippines and was founding member of the
Philippine Ballet Theater.

Lucrecia Reyes Urtula is a choreographer, dance educator and researcher . She spent
almost four decades in the discovery and study of Philippine folk and ethnic dances.
Over a period of 30 years, she had choreographed suites of mountain dances, Spanish
influenced dances. Muslim pageants and festivals, regional variations and dances of the
country side for the Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company of which she was the dance
director. Among the widely acclaimed dances she had stage the following: singkil, a
bayanihan signature number based on miranao epic poem : Vinta a dance honoring
Filipino sailing prowess :Tagabili a tale of tribal conflict : Pagdiwata a four day harvest
condensed into six minute breath taking spectacle.

1. Why is it important to learn Philippine folk dance?
2. Differentiate the famous folk dancers?
 Lucrecia Reyes Urtula
 Leonor Oroso Gaquingco
 Francisca Reyes Aquino

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Is a choreographer, dance educator and researcher.
a. Lucrecia Reyes Urtula c. Leonor Oroso Gaquingco
b. Francisca Reyes Aquino d. None of the above
2. Is recognized as “Mother of Philippine Theater Dance”.
a. Lucrecia Reyes Urtula c. Leonor Oroso Gaquingco
b. Francisca Reyes Aquino d. None of the above

3. Is acknowledge as the Folk Dance Pioneer.

a. Lucrecia Reyes Urtula c. Leonor Oroso Gaquingco
b. Francisca Reyes Aquino d. None of the above

4. She us a pioneer Filipino Choreographer in

Balletic Folkloric and Asian Styles, produced for over 50 years highly originally.
a. Lucrecia Reyes Urtula c. Leonor Oroso Gaquingco
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
b. Francisca Reyes Aquino d. None of the above

5. She spent almost four decades in the discovery and study of Philippine folk and
ethnic dances.
a. Lucrecia Reyes Urtula c. Leonor Oroso Gaquingco
b. Francisca Reyes Aquino d. None of the above

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 17
Activity Title : National Artist Part 1
Learning Target : : I can relate the significant of arts of arts forms from the
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal
What is a National Artist?

National Artist is a Filipino citizen who has been given the rank and title of
National Artist in recognition of his or her significant contributions to the development of
Philippine arts and letters.
The rank and title of National Artist is conferred by means of a Presidential
Proclamation. It recognizes excellence in the fields of music, dance, theater, visual arts,
literature, film and broadcast arts, and architecture or allied arts.

The Insignia of the National Artist

The Grand Collar has eight pointed conventionalized sunburst which is silver gilt
Medallion that has divided into three equal portions:
Red - Katotohanan (the true)
White – Kabutihan (the good)
Blue – Kagandahan (the beautiful)
were in this stands for the CCP’s motto, as coined by then first lady Mrs. Imelda
Romualdez Marcos, the CCP’s founder.

A member of the Order of National Artists are granted the following honors and
1. The rank and the title of National Artists, as proclaimed by the President of the
2. The insignia of a National Artist and a citation;

3. A lifetime emolument and material and physical benefits comparable in value to

those received by the highest officers of the land such as:


1. What is a National Artist?

2. What are the significances of being a national artist?

Multiple Choices:
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
Encircle the correct answer.
1. Is a Filipino citizen who has been given the rank and title of National Artist in
recognition of his or her significant contributions.
a. red c. white
b. blue d. National artist
2. What color represents katotohanan?
a. red c. white
b. blue d. National artist
3. What color represents kagandahan?
a. red c. white
b. blue d. National artist
4. What color represents Kabutihan?
a. red c. white
b. blue d. Mrs. Imelda Romualdez Marcos
5. Who is the cofounder of CCP?
a. red c. white
b. blue d. Mrs. Imelda Romualdez Marcos

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 18
Activity Title : National Artist Part 2
Learning Target : : I can relate the significant of arts of arts forms from the
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

A cash award of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (100,000.00) net of taxes, for living
A cash award of Seventy Five Thousand Pesos (75,000.00) net of taxes, for
posthumous awardees, payable to legal heir/s;
A monthly life pension, medical and hospitalization benefits;
life insurance coverage for Awardees who are still insurable;
A state funeral and burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani;
A place of honor, in line with protocular precedence, at national state functions, and
recognition at cultural events.

The Roster of National Artists

Awardee Date of Award Category
1. Fernando Amorsolo 1972 Painting
2. Guillermo E. Tolentino 1973 Sculpture
3. Jose Garcia Villa 1973 Literature
4. Carlos P. Romulo 1982 Literature
5. Honorata “Atang” dela Rama 1987 Theater and Music
6. Leandro V. Locsin 1990 Architecture
7. Hernando R. Ocampo 1991 Visual Arts
8. Levi Celerio 1997 Music and Lit.
9. Jose Maceda 1997 Music
10. Carlos Quirino 1997 Historical Lit.

1. Choose at least 3 National Artists you know?
2. Give at least 2 famous art works they created.

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. In what year Carlos P. Romulo awarded as a National Artist?
a. Painting c. 1997
b. 1982 d. Visual Arts

2. What kind of art work Fernando Amorsolo is using? Painting

a. Painting c. 1997
b. 1982 d. Visual Arts

3. In what year Levi Celerio awarded as a National Artist? 1997

a. Painting c. 1997
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
b. 1982 d. Visual Arts

4. In what year Carlos Quirino awarded as a National Artist? 1997

a. Painting c. 1997
b. 1982 d. Visual Arts

5. What kind of art work Hernando R. Ocampo is using? Visual Arts.

a. Painting c. 1997
b. 1982 d. Visual Arts

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 19
Activity Title : National Artist Center
Learning Target : I can relate the promotes of arts forms from the region..
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

National Center for Culture and the Arts

NCCA – National Commission for Culture and the Arts, is the overall policy
making body, coordinating and grants giving agency for the preservation,
development and promotion of Philippine arts and culture.

 Six Cultural Agencies works that implements cultural program and

maximize resources:
1. NEFCA – National Endowment Fund for Culture and the Arts
2. National Historical Commission of the Philippines
3. National Museum
4. National Library of the Philippines
5. National Archives of the Philippines
6. Commission on the Filipino Language

1. Why is it important to have a National Center for Culture and Arts?
2. What cultural place can promote the arts from the region?

Multiple Choices:
Choose the correct word to complete Cultural Agencies.
1. National Museum
a. Historical c. Museum
b. Philippines d. Library

2. National Historical Commission of the Philippines.

a. Historical c. Museum
b. Philippines d. Library

3. National Archives of the Philippines

a. Historical c. Museum
b. Philippines d. Library

4. National Library of the Philippines

a. Filipino c. Museum
b. Museum d. Library
5. Commission on the Filipino Language.
a. Filipino c. Museum
b. Museum d. Library

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 20
Activity Title : Films
Learning Target : I can research on techniques and performance practices
applied to contemporary arts.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

likulang Pilipino) was started in the year 1897. It was held in Salon de Pertierra in
Manila on January 1, 1897. On the ff. year, local scenes were shot on film for the 1 st
time by a Spaniard, Antonio Ramos, using the Lumiere Cinematography. The first
movie made and shown in the country was “DalagangBukid” (country maiden) by the
Filipino Filmmaker Jose Nepomuceno. He was the “Father of Philippine Cinema”, his
work marked the start of Cinema as an art form in the Philippines.

The 1st cinema theater in the Phil. Is located at Los Baños, Laguna. It is the Maria
Makiling Theater. The main distributors of this theater are Star Cinema (27.100), VIP
(17%) and Disney (16.1000). Movies are still considered as one of the popular forms of
entertainment among the Filipino People

Different Film Genres

1.ACTION FILM - a film genre in which the protagonist are thrust into a series of events
that typically include violence, extended fighting, physical feats and frontic chases.

2.WAR FILMS - a fil genre concerned with warfare, typically about air or land battles,
with combat scenes central to the drama.

3.COMEDY - a film genre consisting of jokes and satirical sketches,intended to make an

audience laugh.

4.ROMANTIC FILM - are love stories recorded in visual media for broadcast in the
theaters and on Tv that focus on passion and emotion.

5.ROM-COMS - abbreviation for Romantic-Comedy, a film on television programme

about love that is intended you to make laugh.

6.ADVENTURE FILMS - a film genre which typically use their action scenes to display
and explore. The movies usually has supernatural powers to exposed by the main

7.MUSICAL - a film genre in which songs by the characters are interwaven into tje
narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing.

8.DRAMAS - a fil genre is an exciting, emotional or unexpected series of events or set

of circumstances portray by the characters including conflicts.

9.PERIOD FILMS - a film genre in which stories are based upon historical events and
famous people.

10. REAL LIFE - inspired by the events in a vague statement it can mean that one
character is based on a real person and a true story which they takes place as a movie.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
11.HORROR - a film that seeks to elicit fear for entertainment purposes.

Activity : Make a short review about your favorite local films. (3 paragraphs)


1.) What is Cinema?

2.) What Film Genre is best for you?
3.) In your own understanding, what do you think is the contribution of Cinema in the
Contemporary Arts in our country?

Multiple Choices:

Encircle the correct answer:

1. It concerned with warfare, typically about air or land battles, with combat scenes
central to the drama.
a. Romantic Film c. Comedy
b. War Films d. Dramas

2. Love stories recorded in visual media for broadcast in the theaters and on Tv that
focus on passion and emotion.
a. Romantic Film c. Comedy
b. War Films d. Dramas

3. A film genre consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience
a. Romantic Film c. Comedy
b. War Films d. Dramas

4. In which songs by the characters are interwaven into tje narrative, sometimes
accompanied by dancing.
a. Musical c. Romantic Film
b. War Films d. Dramas

5. Is an exciting, emotional or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances

portray by the characters including conflicts.
a. Musical c. Romantic Film
b. War Films d. Dramas

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 21
Activity Title : Films of Genre
Learning Target : I can research on techniques and performance practices
applied to contemporary arts.
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

1.ALTA CINEMA - it is located at EDSA, Quezon City, Metro Manila. It is one of the old
colones theater, which closed down its theater operations. It was originated last 1996.

2.BACLARAN CINEMA - (Cine de Manila, Filipinas) - located at Baclaran, Paranaque Manila.

This cinema shows Rated R Movies and Indie Films.

3.CENTRO CINEMAS - it is owned by Ayala's. It is located inside Ayala Malls in Cagayan De

Oro. It is one if the famous movie theater in CDO because it shows Indie Films, Local Films and
International Movies.

4. DILSON THEATER - located at Recto Avenue, Quiapo, Manila. It was built during 1970.
The theater shows old, indie and Rated-R movies.

5.HOLLYWOOD THEATER - this theater located at Recto Avenue, Sta. Cruz Manila. It was
the same as the Dilsontheater offers.

6.SUPREME THEATER - located at San Pablo, Laguna. It is now closed and have been for
atleast a couple of years. Although it still retains the original structures, it's now been converted
into an ''Ukay-Ukay'' or a second hand clothing store.

7.KIA THEATER - the new frontier theater, known as the KIA THEATER between 2015 and
2018 is a multipurpose events halls in the Araneta City in Cubao, Quezon City.

8.SM CINEMAS - the famous movie theater in the Philippines nowadays it is located inside the
Sm Supermalls and owned by the successful business man Henry Sy. They offer latest movies
from local and international.

Activity :

1. In your own perspective, does movie theater in the Philippines have its own development?
Explain your answers.
2. Differentiate movie theaters in the Philippines.

Multiple Choices:
Encircle the correct answer:
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
1. It is located at Baclaran, Paranaque Manila. This cinema shows Rated R Movies and
Indie Films.

a. baclaran cinema c. Supreme theater

b. dilson theatre d. Kia Theater

2. is located at Recto Avenue, Quiapo, Manila. It was built during 1970. The theater
shows old, indie and Rated-R movies.
a. baclaran cinema c. Supreme theater
b. dilson theatre d. Kia Theater

3.It is located at San Pablo, Laguna. It is now closed and have been for atleast a couple
of years. Although it still retains the original structures, it's now been converted into an
''Ukay-Ukay'' or a second hand clothing store.
a. baclaran cinema c. Supreme theater
b. dilson theatre d. Kia Theater

4.KIA THEATER - the new frontier theater, known as the KIA THEATER between 2015
and 2018 is a multipurpose events halls in the Araneta City in Cubao, Quezon City.
a. baclaran cinema c. Supreme theater
b. SM Cinema d. Kia Theater

5.SM CINEMAS - the famous movie theater in the Philippines nowadays it is located
inside the Sm Supermalls and owned by the successful business man Henry Sy. They
offer latest movies from local and international.
a. baclaran cinema c. Supreme theater
b. SM Cinema d. Kia Theater

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 22
Activity Title : Local Materials in the Philippines
Learning Target : I can discuss local materials used in creating art
References : Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Local Materials in the Philippines

Materials Products
Abaca belongs to Banana family. Slippers, ropes, twine, hammock, frame,
Its fiber has a natural luster with colors display jar, jars, Chelsea chair
ranging from pure white to ivory and dark
Bakbak is the outermost covering or leaf Mat, bangkuay bin, boxes, bin, display, jar,
sheath of the abaca stalk. It is a flat thick Cecilla dining table, and arm chair.
durable sheath as twine or blaided. The
strong brown fiber used to make furniture.
Bamboo is used a raw material in creating Kubing, bungkaka, tongatong, angklung,
many products. It is used in construction, pateteg, gabbang.
textile, musical, instruments, weapons,
and many more.
Buntal is a cylindrically shaped fibers. The Bags, shoes, desk, accessories like pen
supple ivory white strands are quite holder, picture frames, file trays, wallets,
durable,pliable, and have good dyeing place mats, braide, lampshades windows,
qualities. blinds.
Buri is exacted from the matured leaves of Hats, bags, baskets, memorabilia, boxes,
the buri palm. The fiber is durable and perfume tray, & other woven products.
resistant to moisture.
Coir is the fibrous material surrounding the Indoor or outdoor fiber carpets, wall
fruit of the coconut tree. covering, doormat, trellises, and geo
Nito is a plant belong to the fern family Bags, bread tray, lampshade and
that grows abundantly in the hinterlands of decorative jar.
Pandan is a tropical plant, It is processed Baskets, hats, picture frames and bags.
and transformed into splints that are being
used as raw materials.
Raffia is a fiber extracted from unopened Hats, placemats, folder, shoes, slippers,
but leaf in 3 stages. It is loom woven into boxes,
fabrics or used as wall covering, Portfolio, and ladies bags, placemats,
upholstery material, folding doors and circular boxes, documents boxes.
window hangings.
Rattan is belongs to the palm family. Baskets, picture frames, furniture and
There are different types of rattan palms, other novelity items, Zoya lounge chair,
such as high or low climbers, single Valencia queen size bed, rest divan.
stemmed or clustered rattan species.
Tikiw is a large, erect, and aquatic or Baskets, hampers withy lids, bags, rugs,
marshy herb plant. It is found in Central carpets, placemats, jar, and other
Luzon to Mindanano. It abounds in fresh decorative items.
water swaps, amd in newly opened rice
land at low altitudes.
Tikog belongs to sea grasses. It is a Bags, decorative mats, hampers,
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
native reed plant used as a raw material newspaper racks, tablet mat, waste bin,
for mat weaving. towe candle holder, wall decor.

1. What local materials use in creating art?

2. What local material is still using for export until today? and why?

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It belongs to sea grasses. It is a native reed plant used as a raw material for mat
a. Bakbak c. Tikog
b. Raffia d. Pandan

2. Is the outermost covering or leaf sheath of the abaca stalk. It is a flat thick durable
sheath as twine or blaided.
a. Bakbak c. Tikog
b. Raffia d. Pandan
3. Is a fiber extracted from unopened but leaf in 3 stages.
a. Bakbak c. Tikog
b. Raffia d. Pandan
4. Is a tropical plant, It is processed and transformed into splints that are being used as
raw materials.
a. Bakbak c. Raffia
b. Bamboo d. Pandan

5. Is used a raw material in creating many products.

a. Bakbak c. Raffia
b. Bamboo d. Pandan
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 23
Activity Title : Techniques in Contemporary Arts
Learning Target : I can discuss local materials used in creating art
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

 Mixed media is a term used to describe artworks composed from a combination of

different media or material. A work on canvas that combines paint, ink, and collage could
properly be called a “mixed media” work.
 New media art is a 21’st century catchall term used to define all that is related to the
internet and the interplay between technology, images and sound.

Improvisation – in theater is the playing of dramatic scenes without written dialogue & with minimal or
no predetermined dramatic activity formed. In its purest characters are created collaboratively by the
players as the improvisation unfolds in present time, without use of an already prepared, written script.

Forms of improvisation

1. Shortform- short scenes constructed from predetermined game.

2. Longform – scenes related by story or character.

Creative Drama

 It is an improvisional, non-exhibitional, process centered form of drama in which participants

are guided by a leader to imagine, enact and reflect upon human experiences.
 This process allows students to actively explore that is facilitated by a leader and may involve a
variety of improvisational activities.
 These activities are not scripted or memorized, and they allow students to synthesize various
educational concepts into a personally meaningful form.

Improvisation Games

1. Spontaneous Response Games

2. Spontaneous Movement
3. Creative Movement
4. Interactive Storytelling

1. What is Creative Drama?
2. Write a story about a creative short drama story.
3. Write the lesson of the story you will be creating.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It short scenes constructed from predetermined game.

a. Short form c. Improvisation
b. Creative Drama d. Longform

2. This process allows students to actively explore that is facilitated by a leader and may
involve a variety of improvisational activities.
a. Short form c. Improvisation
b. Creative Drama d. Longform

3. Is the playing of dramatic scenes without written dialogue & with minimal or no
predetermined dramatic activity formed.
a. Short form c. Improvisation
b. Creative Drama d. Longform

4. A scenes related by story or character.

a. Short form c. Improvisation
b. Creative Drama d. Longform

5. It is not scripted or memorized, and they allow students to synthesize various

educational concepts into a personally meaningful form.
a. Short form c. Improvisation
b. Creative Drama d. Longform
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 24
Activity Title : Art of Critique
Learning Target : I can critique available materials & appropriate techniques
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Critique –is about critical thinking.

There are two facets to critique:

1. Giving Critique

-Giving critique with the wrong intent is selfish.

-Giving critique with the right intent is selfless.
Tips for giving critique:
 Use a filter - gather initial thoughts and reactions. Revisit them in the right context.
 Don’t Assume- find out the reason behind thinking, constraints or other variables.
 Don’t invite yourself- Get in touch and ask to chat about the design.
 Lead with questions- Show an interest in their process.
 Talk about strengths- critique isn’t just about the things that aren’t working.

2. Receiving Critique

- Receiving Critique with the right intent takes humility and a bit of restraint.

Tips for receiving critique:

 Remember the purpose- critique is about understanding and improvement, not
 Listen and think before you talk back.- Do you understand what the critics are saying?
 Participate – analyze your purposed solution with everyone else.
 Set the right foundation- use knowledge and prior agreements to get everyone on the
same page.


1. What Critique is more useful in using materials and appropriate techniques?

2. Have you experienced critique to other people with regards to your artworks?
3. What do you feel if you receive negative feedback to your work?

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It gather initial thoughts and reactions. Revisit them in the right context.

a. receiving critique c. critique

b. use a filter d. participate

2. _________ with the right intent takes humility and a bit of restraint.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
a. receiving critique c. critique

b. use a filter d. participate

3. Is about critical thinking.

a. receiving critique c. critique

b. use a filter d. participate

4. _________ with the wrong intent is selfish.

a. receiving critique c. giving critique

b. critique d. participate

5. Analyze your purposed solution with everyone else.

a. receiving critique c. giving critique

b. critique d. participate

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 25
Activity Title : History of Drawing
Learning Target : I can explicate the use of materials and application of
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

History of Drawing is as old as the history of human kind. People drew pictures even
before they learned how to write.
Drawing- is innate, natural and organic. Drawing communicates thoughts, ideas, time,
depth, space, figures and movements.

Drawing as a form of communication

- It is believed that drawing was used as a specialized form of communication
before the invert of the written language. Demonstrated by the production
of cave and rock paintings created by Homo sapiens around 30,000
years ago.
- These drawings, known as pictograms, depicted objects and abstract
List of Drawing in the Arts
 Ancient Egyptians 3,000 BC –decorated walls of their temples and tombs
with scenes of daily life. Texts written in papyrus (an early form of paper).
 Ancient Greeks 1,000 BC- it is the ability to graceful figures and decorative
 Middle Ages (Europe) 400-1400 AD – the main purpose of drawing was to
produce art mainly to glorify God and to teach religion.
Illuminated Manuscripts- painting and drawing merged illustration of
Bibles and prayer book.
 Renaissance – in a period of artistic flourish about drawing, exhibing realistic
representational qualities.

1. What material/s and the application of technique/s is/are more effective?
2. What is Illuminated Manuscript?
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the ability to graceful figures and decorative lines.
a. Ancient Greeks c. Ancient Egyptians
b. Drawing d. Middle Age

2. The main purpose of drawing was to produce art mainly to glorify God and to teach
a. Ancient Greeks c. Ancient Egyptians
b. Drawing d. Middle Age

3. Is innate, natural and organic. Drawing communicates thoughts, ideas, time, depth,
space, figures and movements.
a. Ancient Greeks c. Ancient Egyptians
b. Drawing d. Middle Age

4. It decorated walls of their temples and tombs with scenes of daily life.
a. Ancient Greeks c. Ancient Egyptians
b. Renaissance d. Middle Age

5. In a period of artistic flourish about drawing, exhibing realistic representational

a. Ancient Greeks c. Ancient Egyptians
b. Renaissance d. Middle Age
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan
No. 26
Activity Title : Drawing
Learning Target : I can apply artistic skills of techniques in the process of
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

Can be either be:
 Receptive- attempt to capture the physical appearance of something before us.
 Projective- drawing something that exists only in our minds, either as a memory of
something we have seen or a vision of something we imagine.

Purpose of Drawing

A drawing can function in 3 ways:

1. As a notation, sketch, or record of something seen, remembered or imagined.

2. As a study or preparation for another, usually larger and more complex work.
3. An end in itself, a complete work of art

Drawing Evolution

1. Automatic Drawing – is a method of art making in which the artist suppresses

conscious control over the making process, allowing the unconscious mind to have
great sway. This is allowed to move “randomly” across the paper.

Andre Masson- He is the pioneer of automatic drawing.

2. Comics – sequential art form based on drawing.

3. Printed comics- represent the culmination of a development that includes ancient

Egyptian murals, medieval tapestries, and some print series created on the 1730s.

4. Abstract Comics- allows viewer to invent their own narratives.

Janusz Jaworski- he is using the abstract comic. He filled each frame of his comic with
nonrepresentational brushstrokes, and drew doodles instead of statements in the
speech bubbles.

5. Print Making- the art process of producing etched plates or objects .

Prints can be from etchings, engraving or wood block prints.

1. Define drawing.
2. What drawing style applies in the process of creation?
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Automatic Drawing – is a method of art making in which the artist suppresses

conscious control over the making process.
a. Comics c. projective
b. Print Making d. Automatic Drawing

2. Projective- drawing something that exists only in our minds, either as a memory of
something we have seen or a vision of something we imagine.
a. Comics c. projective
b. Print Making d. Automatic Drawing

3. Comics – sequential art form based on drawing.

a. Comics c. projective
b. Print Making d. Automatic Drawing

4. Print Making- the art process of producing etched plates or objects .

Prints can be from etchings, engraving or wood block prints.
a. Automatic Drawing c. projective
b. Print Making d. Printed comics

5. Printed comics- represent the culmination of a development that includes ancient

Egyptian murals, medieval tapestries, and some print series created on the 1730s.
a. Automatic Drawing c. projective
b. Print Making d. Printed comics
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

No. 27
Activity Title : Charcteristics of Contemporary Arts
Learning Target : I can incorporate contemporary characteristic to one’s
creation with attention to detail.
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal

The most prominent feature of contemporary art is the fact that it has no distinct feature
or a single characteristic. It is defined by the artist’s ability to innovate and bring out a
modern masterpiece.

Characteristics of Arts
1. Innovative in Art- contemporary artists has been the pioneers in introducing new forms of
art to the world. Different art forms have been combined or newer ideas employed to bring out
newer types of arts.
Collage Art - is an example of innovation that proved to be a great example of modern
contemporary art.
2. Using New Materials- it was employed to bring about modern art was the employment of
different objects, materials that looked useless to the common man but were brought to great
use pieces of newspapers as a backdrop to their canvass.
3. Use of Color- it was used as means to bring reality to paintings know. and art pieces.
However, modern artists experimented with colors and used it conventionally to make new
textures and themes.
4. Newer Techniques- is not only about playing and experimenting with colors and objects,
rather it has also given birth to newer techniques that form the basis for contemporary arts.


1. What incorporate contemporary characteristics of Art?

2. Give at least two innovative arts you know.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Is not only about playing and experimenting with colors and objects, rather it has also given
birth to newer techniques that form the basis for contemporary arts.
a. College Art c. Innovative in Arts
b. Newer Techniques d. using new materials

2. Is an example of innovation that proved to be a great example of modern contemporary art.

a. College Art c. Innovative in Arts
b. Newer Techniques d. using new materials

3. It contemporary artists has been the pioneers in introducing new forms of art to the world.
a. College Art c. Innovative in Arts
b. Newer Techniques d. using new materials

4. it was employed to bring about modern art was the employment of different objects.
a. College Art c. Newer Techniques
b. Use of Color d. using new materials

5. It was used as means to bring reality to paintings know and art pieces.
a. College Art c. Newer Techniques
b. Use of Color d. using new materials
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

No. 28
Activity Title : Digitalization of Arts
Learning Target : I can create the intended final product using appropriate
materials for the best possible output.
(Author, Title, Pages) : Flaudette May Datuin, Roberto Paulino
Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, LouiseMarcelino
Jayson L. Dedal
Digitalization of Art

Digital technology is the new medium that allows those with creative thinking to
animate their ideas, regardless of their ability to physical build something, and has
solved many challenges to the artists from previous decades.

Digital art uses technology as an essential part of a creative and presentation

process. Cartoon shows on television are manifestations of digital art.


According to Cerbo et al, 2010, photography literally means “drawing with light.”
As defined technically, it is the art and science of creating still or moving pictures by
recording light into a sensitive medium, such as a photographic film in traditional
camera or an electronic sensor in today’s digital cameras.

Make your own digital art using a cellphone.

 Self portrait
 Chosen Quotes with the creator’s name


1. What final product you want to develop using Digital Arts?

2. What is the contribution of digital photography in our society?
3. Using cellphone’s application and available designs, print it out in a short bond paper.
Do not forget to sign your artwork on the lower right-hand corner of the photograph.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte,Bulacan

Multiple Choices: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. _______ literally means “drawing with light.”

a. Digital arts c. photography
b. Digital technology d. none of the above

2. Is the new medium that allows those with creative thinking to animate their ideas.
a. Digital arts c. photography
b. Digital technology d. none of the above

3. The uses technology as an essential part of a creative and presentation process.

a. Digital arts c. photography
b. Digital technology d. none of the above

4. The ability to physical build something, and has solved many challenges to the
artists from previous decades.
a. Digital arts c. photography
b. Digital technology d. none of the above

5. The cartoon shows on television are manifestations of digital art.

a. Digital arts c. photography
b. Digital technology d. none of the above

Thank You!!!!

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