Polycet 2016

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sakshieducation.com UAMUU ONE AMUINNMNIT] «= ee SPN 480738 A POLYCET-2016 Hall Ticket Signature of No. the Candidate] Time : 2 Hrs. Full Marks : 120 Note : Before answering the questions, read carefully the instructions given on the OMR sheet. Bho! ame Fike Swote OMR sarew SOiv6' goeds APoset ay sewed. SECTION—I : MATHEMATICS 1. The relation a-(b-¢ = (@-b)-cis a-(b-q)=(a-D)-c este Se eb EWE D aeREIa SrDS20? (1) distributive law (2) associative law (3) commutative law (4) closure law Dem Byabe0 SiPSS Gp Rebs bop Beye ox 2. The HCF of 1-2 and 0-12 is 1-2 ssbei9 0.12.9 rise 289 (1) 1-2 (2) 12 (3) 0-12 @) 120 3. The value of logy 243 = logg 243 Dam (5 Q) 6 (3) 4 “Ws 4. 0-10 110 1110 11110 -~is 0-10 110 1110 11110 --- eas (2) an integer (2) @ rational number WY Som, erdiebats Sons (@f an irrational number (4) @ natural number wide Sony Bie ogy SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 289803 SroxoSnds yutw $2/61-A/O@ [1] ( Tarn Over } sakshieducation.com 10. IEA sakshieducation.com . If x =log, 3 and y=log, 5, then log 15 in terms of x and y is X = logy 3 Bo8cin y = logs 5 wor logs 15 Set x, yoo? Q) x-y (2) xxy my (4) xey- . If AC Band BCC, then (AnB)UC= AC Bisbee BC C vost (AN AUC= a) ¢ wa @) B @) cc (xlxe NM, 3 x 2are = Suamayssen - a) 14,3 @ 3,-1 8) 2,2 @) 1,2 14, If one root of 3x? +2x +k = 0 is the reciprocal of the other, then the value of k is 3x? 42x +h= 0 Gat, LY Savetio g5S Swed D2 wood k Dom a) 3 (2) -3 @) 2 @) 6 18. If the roots of 2x? +kx +3=0 are real and equal, then the value of k is 2x? + hx +3 = 0 Gat, Votis taro Sista, TYEE vats k Doss (1) 22v6 (2) +6V2 m 24 (4) 35 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / D8yS08 furanotndss Yo» 52/61-A/@o [3] ( Tern Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 16. A ball is thrown vertically upward from the ground. The distance s in t seconds is given by s=4t? +¢-3. After how many scconds does the ball come to rest? BY RODD GAY vised PS NOS ed Geirraio Sow srw s = 41? +t-3 (t Deoys"). vd GON ERDDd 208 Miparind® Sesto? (M 2s (a¥0ts) (2) 1 8 (780%) @) 3 s (cosets) (a) $s (aeeey) 17. The product of the roots of Y2x? - 10x + 5v2 = 0 is x? - 10x + 52 = 06! sar00 exo (1) Sv2 ms GB) 205 @ 2 18. The discriminant of Vx? ~ 5x~1=2 is x? 5x —1=2 ess Sg Sbewentes Giao¥, DNC q) 2 (2) 23 ( 27 (4)45 19. If twice the age of A is added to B’s age, the sum is 45 and if twice the age of Bis added to 4’s age, the sum is 30. Then the age of B is Pots Bay A Heibtbte B Beto she 45 GicKs Kode Tous Bey B Matbiit A Seite YONG GO ene, eons Beats (1) 20 rs, @) 10 4) 30 20. 3 pens and 5 pencils together cost € 35, whereas 5 pens and 3 pencils together cost 37. The cost of a pencil is 3 DRAW BOG 5 WOH DMT Do (35 vo 5 way Bad 3 wIy’y Bayo do 137 va 25 seiyeo ee ay es (a) °3 @) &4 wr 6 21. How many two-digit numbers are divisible by 6? 68 grciul Bots wale Heages Oy? @ 12 (2) 15 3) 10 @) 17 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 20008 Semmoteds gonn $2/61-A/® [4] sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 22. If the 2nd term of an AP is 4 and the 6th term is 16, then its 11th term is BS COBGGS'D 20 Sime 4 Sedan 6H Ke 16 woos 118 Seki = 29 2) 33 (3) 34 (4) 31 23. Which term of the AP 24, 21, 18 ---is the first negative? 24, 21, 18,.... wosGé* au SesSoo Booted Boer Somy oR? (1) 10th (@ 8th (3) 7th (4) 6th 24, Ifa=2 and d =2, then Sj5 = a=2 fda d= 2, vos Ss = (1) 220 (2) 230 We 240 (4) 245 28. The points All, 7), B(4, 2, C(-L, - 1) and D(-4, 4) are AL 7), BA, 2}, Cl-1 - 1, D(-4, 4) Dotwipe (1) collinear (2)_ vertices of @ square sibares wees byes (3) vertices of a rectangle (4) None of these By Seong fgtes pp db mp 26. If P divides the line joining A(x, 4y)and Bixp, ya) internally in the ratio m, : ma, then P is ALG, th), BUR) Ya) © Carpocra, P wowser my: my ARGS’ doko P auaTeD o (maim wn ita) o (= Siete 0h ata) mn-mz" m—m, m=mg mi —m; (3) (mixe +X, Maly +m2m a) MyXq—-MoX, MY ~ Moo . (Lomtmg * m+my m+mz "my +My 27. The distance between the points A(t, 3 and B(8, 6 is AG, 3), BIB 6) Botisspe Sos; Gro a) 5 (2) 6 et 7 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / S83i808 descassties8s otis 82/61-A/©® [5] { Turn. Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 28. The points A(l, 5, B(2, 3) and Ci-2, -1) are A(h 5), B(2, 3), C(-2, ~ 1) wie Botsipes (1) vertices of a right-angled triangle 1% vertices of an isosceles triangle conker Gros tye Beoderwe gow Ie (3) collinear (4) non-collinear baizes wdaives 29. The midpoint of A(1, 5) and Bi-2, - 1) is All, 5), BL-2, - 1) © 2% dosy m2) @@) (a) 30. Ifa line makes an angle 45° with positive x-axis, then its slope is tb bp comet 45° Strato Saxsteig®. vont & ty Gow, me ai e@ ay vin @) @o1 81. A flagpole 4 m tall casts a 6 m shadow. At the same time, a nearby building casts a shadow of 24 m. Then the height of the building is 4 Bs, tty He ay Boar Nogtos 6 ho. Sety tebe Dewotiats, od srscrsias® e688 no ex gute 24 bs Bry aio bese SEBO) cs gE Wy = @ 16 m (16) (2) 20 m (20%) (3), 24. m (242s) —4)_—«:18 m (18 bo) 32, In the figure below, PQ||BC. If AP=3, PB=4 and AQ= 800 Sexxe0d* PO|| BC Sota» AP = 3, PB= 4, AQ=4 voxd OC= , then QC= A a ein 4 3 @ 5 @ 2 «@ ¢ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 2tyS08 deranotinds oti S2/61-A/® [6] —_————__Sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 33. AABC~ ADEF and their areas are 16 cm? and 81cm? respectively. If BC = 4 cm, then BF = AABC ~ ADEF ssdeie oS Brews BEIT 16 S.2e.bs,, 81 w.te.bs, BC = 4 0.59, vows EF = (1) 5 cm (5 B08.) (2) 4 em (4 %0.2) (3) 11 cm (11 %o.bo.) (4) 9 cm (9 w.bs.) 34. In the figure below, DE||BC. If AD = x, AE = x +2, DB=x-2 and CE = x~1, then x= (G00 Sexné* DE||BC, AD = x, AE = x+2, DB= x-2, odcis CE = x-1 vost x= g A D we @ 5 @) 6 (4).7 35. The tangent PQat a point P of a circle of radius S.cm meets. line through the centre O at a point Q so that OQ = 12cm. Then the lengthvof the tangent is 5 webs. adgaem fo tyety PO iytie Pky ext. Qylogte O tet OH Srv 12 webs, costs pide Saye Jp Ke Doty Ox P Q (1) 13 cm (13 woos.) (2) VIT9 cm (VII5 webs.) ‘) 14 cm (14 wom.) (4) 11 cm (11 08s.) 36. A parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a LE MEPCIN Stotizatind’ Spite vosYFosndd od (1) trapezium (2) rhombus ©) square (4) rectangle @hase Siostotzeton seege bg wesuse SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 209503 Soxmobede yeae $2/61-A/©@ 17) ( Turn Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 37. If the radius of a circle is 4 cm and the sector angle is 30°, then the area of the sector is 4 wo.bs. Sy TyDyiro, ToyBo Feat 30° ears Ryo Presi (1) = sq. cm (780.5.) 2) 3n sq. cm (s.205.) (3) 4m sq. om (s.20.5s.) o # 3q. cm (s-d0.6o.) 38, In the figure below, which of the following are tangents to the circle? Qh, Susnd* DD syenrd SySnn? yy 4BC Q) AD 8) 4c 4) 4 BD 39. In the figure below, OP = 3cm/and OB= Sicm. Then AB= GY, Sexe? OP = » OB = § %30,53.)¢035 AB = ADL Ne? (1) 8 cm 2) 9cm 4cm (4) 10 cm 8 wo.bs. 9 wo.bs. 4 veds. 10 we.do. 40. The radius and height of a right circular cone are 6 cm and 7 cm respectively. Then the volume of the cone is Bie HAW tomy Foy, Tye Haw Io, 6 Bods, Hoda 7 Bebo. woos OV WONoATED (264 ce 2) 300 ce (3) 246 cc (H 256 cc 264 (seisebo) 300 (#Rohs) 246 (ote0bs) 256 (jorebs) SPACE’ FOR ROUGH WORK / 209368 Soumonnds goa $2/61-A/@ [8] sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 41, A metallic sphere of radius 2 cm is melted to recast into the shape of a cylinder of radius 4 cm. Then the height of the cylinder is 2 dods, ay eytiom ne Ssastis 8ORoD 4 Teo.bs, ay ABO Mo SYS Seems ND Oey w dom (wob.) 2) ‘om (wos) gem (wed) (4) 1 em (weds) 42. Three spheres of radii 6 cm, 1 cm and 8 cm are melted so the radius of the new sphere is 6 wo.ts., | Woks. 8 wo.tk, MydYSoeT To Ham Meee Shed Ly MeswM wom OO MPYSw form a single sphere. Then () lem () 9cm @) 8cm (4) 40 cm 11 webs. 9 robs, 8 ved, 10 ‘webs. 43. If sinA =cosB, then A+ B= sin A = cos Buon A+ B= () 45° (2) 60° I 90° (4) 75° 44. The value of cos 36 cos $4°~ sin 36’ sin'54°= 08 36° cos $4°-sin 36° sin 54° 2658 = aya @0 4%) 2 (4) -1 1 1 45, The value of —+—+.*__= T+cos8 1-cosd 1 1 1+¥cos6 * 1-cos® (1) 2sec? 8 (2) 2sec & (3) Zcosec? @ (4) 2cosec 8 46. The value of tan? + tan‘ 0 = tan? 6+ tan‘ 6 se = ( sec*@-sec?@ (2) sec? @-sec*@ (3) sin?@-cos?B (4) sec? #- tan?@ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 20303 Serossoiian’s sputter 82/61-A/® 19] (Turn Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 47. The value of cos45*-cos 30"-cos90"-cos60" = cos45?.cos 30°.cos90°.cos 60? Des = 3 3 3 y e) 2 0 a Qa) aa @) & (4) DB 48. If x = acosec® and y=acoté, then which of the following is true? x = acosec 8, y= acotd wasss, fod aRSE* DS 2eAKO? o) x+y? () x*yea @ xw-a 49. If sinA= sind = 2 wou cot = 25 25 24 24 1) = (2) 1 — a WF (2) ®) 3 a > 50. An observer of height 1:8m is 13-2 m away from a palm tree. The angle of elevation of the top of the tree from his eyes'is 45°. Then the height of the palm tree is 1:8 Doi Sey sy ax Sobo¥eo OF OS Dey Sood 13-2 bo, Gmvod* amy. @ Dey P owe HOheted Yost 00d 45° Gay S'ro Sayed. eons 2 Tey 2k = (1) 13-2 m (>) (2) 15 m (hs) 14m (&.) (4) 114 m(d) 51. A boy goes 5 m due west and then 5 m due north. How far is he from the starting point? 23 wont 5 Be, Sates By BAD Liye 5 bo. dist Hy BABS, vos Edt ecioeEs sorte toed Jos erst! eye? (l) 10m 42) 10V2 m () sm (4) SV2m 10 &. 10¥2 be. Sb. 50/2 d. SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK./ cto feraotinds go> $2/61-A/©® { 10] sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 52, Rama and Reshma are playing a chess game. If the probability of Rama winning is 0'52, then the probability of winning chess game by Reshma is ois totes Gy 38 ew UES. oH BS wed TES SoeMS 0.52, eosd 34 3 ess" US somes Mm 138 2) 062 8) 0-48 (4) 162 53. A number x is chosen at random from the numbers -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The probability that x <1 is ~4, -8, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ets Home Sood x ety Magis cD Dyson ITM, & op, x <1 WILY Ke Nom mt @) o win 4 1 + ay 2 9 ols 54. From the letters of the word ‘MOTHER’, a letter is selected. The'probability that the letter is a vowel is MOTHER’ oi stincd'y £8 expints aaa ion OSD © UIESY LS OBD EIDAR fe BITE 1 5 yn + 2 2 Og (2) ein ome @ 55. The probability of getting a total of 13 when two dice are thrown at the same time is otis Daveris nIDO DVS TWD aso Bako ‘13’ eivwt soos 5 3 oz 0 a Z @ 3 56. The median of 5, 6, 9, 10, 8, 4, 3, 7, 11 is 5, 6,9, 10,8, 4, 3, 7, Lessa a) 8 (7 0 9 VAI 6 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / So808 oosenees gem 2/61-4/06 (11) (Tum Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 87. The mode of 5, X, 6, 7, X, 3, * is 9. Then the value of x is 2 23 5, 4, 6, 7, 2, 3, Xo wiersies 9 eons x Det 2 ag a 3 45 @) 2 (4) 18 58. Find the mean of the marks of the students from the given table GeO YE ed Eoytye EPtO Ihe Sab : [ Marks obtained (x,)] 10 | 20 | 25 |] 30 | Boas stoyen (x1) No. of students (f;) | 2 | 3 | 2 1 Deyege 8095 Ui) a) 20 (2) 25 tof 15 (4 10 59. The median of the grouped data can be calculated using the formula webipts Pracgxgioe Gat, Soyyikin Male BAG cn, oe (g f @ h @) b+ xh |" \¢ ( 60. The median of 5, 3, 10, 7, 2, 9, 11, 2 is 5, 3, 10, 7, 2, 9, 11, 2 © Sopgitn «6 Qs 7 2 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / S8808 Zaresotiodss Yotes $2/61-A/0@ [12] sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com SECTION—II : PHYSICS 61. A person is not feeling hot or cold with surroundings. Then he is in the state of LS ag SOIT mod BRyEd Eo DyEHS EDBTGD DBI wom o1 QOS cE ()) thermal equilibnum (2) high temperature Apo BO Aaa ARS OS (3) low temperature (@ both high and low temperatures typ caw 3E Seah Holes BAS CNS 62. x g of water is heated from y’C to z°C. The quantity of heat required in calories is xc rene SB y °C Kood 2 °C we $8 Seiwden, od ately dxgies Btbost a (2) @) +(2) xe-0 (4) xe 63, During phase change of a substance Soin Giod, pomren eorowgets (1) temperature remains constant (2) temperature increases RG Were ders0d BERR WeaKsBo0D (@, temperature decreases (4)_ temperature may increase or decrease cag orge02 GRID wort Ear ORS 64, When parallel rays are incident ona concave mirror, at what point do they meet after reflection? rps Cepia 90D Wyoeie EL POBLEM Steed, NOMYKON BUNS OF OI,C YootbtboN? W) Centre‘of curvature (2) Focus spodote Hy Pose (3) Pole (Infinity oso 5g e200 acest 65, Which of the following relations is correct in general for spherical mirrors with object distance u, image distance v and focal length f? Sy Rome uy, Boles Emi, v, myStte f sth More Byrne Kxeed! Puno Se dod sthweroét ba sbqssa2 iat a) -4-4.1 a) () fue 4) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 26808 Zmunctinds gomw S2/61-A/oo [13] (Tam Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 66. An object is placed between pole and focus of a concave mirror. The nature of the image is RY Bip QUT Etyro hoy, Sipe ile HOain The Hots hots, GODeE oestoo (1). real, inverted and diminished (2) real, inverted and same size Der GEDentin, So ote, SS Soy yD PE Bodewtss, fo dota, SHE Sots (3) virtual, erect and enlarged WM virtual, erect and diminished Dom, Geen, TMG, SAR By WIE Boy SOHN, DIT, BRD Sy TD 67. If epeed of light in medium 1 is v, and in medium 2 is v2, then the refractive index of second medium with respect to first medium is nad camsied wothiio 1 Oa Gadl carsted! med Bro Up wont LAS! ciotito sem Zolf camiNe omg, ngs roente =4 % 4 % 1) mg = (4 n= (3) nay = 4 mas ma=7 21 @ many N2 68. The main principle behind woking of optical fibres is ead pub D sag Srgo egtem $2 SBon7 (1) total internal reflection (Q dispersion eisrqoSy SoM Fone) @) refraction (4) reflection agora aon 69. The formula for refractive index (n) of a prism having angle of prism A and angle of minimum deviation D is Sensie A setae uti obgS Ses D UNS oF Syste Boom SEES HOE fn) DORE sin( 4-2) sin( 4) sin(422) 0) n=—s2 ops st) a nw BS inf 4). sinf 42) vin( 422) sin( 4) 2) ay 2 2 ‘10. What happens to refractive index of a medium when wavelength of incident light ray ‘increases? 0 BseIBY zo WOAS cimsto SES Konto Ds:iyHod? (1) Decreases (2) Increases (3) Becomes zero A) Becomes infinity wypans peiotod Soy wid ete eiysood 71. The midpoint of a thin lens is called Bernd Sate Gioy, soRheeyae Tore? (1) focus (2) optic centre a) 8 fogs (@ centre of curvature (4) principal centre ye Sou Be option SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / d8y508 Seronotinds goto 82/61-A/0® (14) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 72, The distance between two focal points of a thin lens having focal length f is f BAN PBto SDN Wow? Keto Dost, Betis aMeio Hayy owe wf a £ @ ar 4 infinity wboio 73, Read the following two statements related to a lens and pick the correct answer : MOMS Nonahed Us Gah Betis Heyes HOD SCAT MingTAA, Detised : (a) Any ray passing along the principal axis is undeviated BREE Dens Hearted D meals Does Dose. (b) A ray passing parallel to the principal axis converges at the focus or appears to diverge from the focus. OPER srw Barrios ogkime aH 3G fofsOoteoon dr TH sod odscomntaees. (2) Only (aj is true (2) Only (b) is true (a) sro Dex (b) sso et (3) Both (a) and (b) are false 7) Both (a) and (b) are true (a) Ss0etbo (b) Deter Biss (aySo0aie (b) Bats Dee 74, An object is placed between the centre of curvature and focus on the principal axis of a convex lens as shown in the figure below. The image is formed Bets GY DPMP LT HAY HoyTS gato Gas Ggwye bas ugEr dopo soa THe soy AetsdsO, cP (SOLentin dnyts Dope” convex lens object espns toss ee 9 Q°nR A A (1) beyond C2 (2) beyond CG, Cy & we Gece — () atq (at infinity Gy ex0b coosne! 78. The least distance of distinct vision of normal human eye is about POR BIDYI Sood Day, HA qyyrSs Gr00 2087 Q) 25 em @ 50cm (3) Som (4) infinity 25 ve. bo, 50 eo. Bo. 5 ee. ba wae SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 287898 Seroxoandn goby $2/61-A/oo [15] ( Turn Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 76, The innermost colour in the rainbow is FOETIIAGD coos DUP > OS (1) red green (3) violet (4) yellow ceaty 298% er aay 77. Which of the following statements is correct? 1s God aeSwest bo soasO” & A person with hypermetropia can see nearby objects clearly. Sgtpts to 88, SIS MSRyots NOM Sotaote. (2) A person with myopia can see nearby objects clearly. BRA Mio Og, GW DigQed SOM GATOR, (3) A person with hypermetropia cannot see distant objects clearly. Exh To Bg, Gry Sayyer sor aad, (4) A person with myopia can see distant objects clearly. BPAY Mo OY, GA So SOT meet, 3 Which of the following changes takes place when you walk out of bright sunshine into a poorly lit room? Sood AY Ted wood Sud HOES SEredwpte,, Nous! DORA Fortin wtororio? (1) The pupil becomes larger (2) The lens becomes thicker Bis Sa DEOM Eats Bow Yation Socessoris (3) The ciliary muscle relaxes, (The pupil becomes smaller ‘79. The phenomenon due to which white light splits into component colours is called BRO TO! Cowoasm DARIN, .. woes, (1) refraction of light (2) scattering of light red Sdgsssas 90d Sofsessas (AL dispersion of li (4) reflection of light 08 Tise0 od SoMsEiSe 80. If the potential difference in a circuit is 240 V and the resistance is 60 Q, then the current flowing through the circuit is bd Keaved* 240 V DayaES Boxe, 60 O atom wight, Soctoe Iboar gwlmowy doy 1) 3004 2) 1804 (3) 0254 (4) 4A SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / d8yS08 demososeds gos $2/61-A/@® [16] sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 81. If 5, 10 9 and 15 Q are connected in series, then the resultant resistance R = 50, 100,15 Q ets Ged Semntc St 308 néfge R= (1) 302 2) 259 (rsa (4) 159 82. The graph between potential difference (V) and clectric current (/) in a circuit for ohmic conductor is t Dey Sociood! Ebsas Sorpeus Soneed DAzELs Buo/(V) obases 225 geure (I) & wy; OHO Deere oisv0? (1) parabola (2) circle (J straight line (4) curved line Soedio oso stp Sep 83. Which of the following is used to prevent damages due to overloading to the household circuit? goi6' ES6S'E ses 9 wcoucns 4 ged ante! dao weUEw? () Switch Fuse (3) Resistance (4) AlvoPthese af we aig 84. Three resistors of resistances 3 Q, 4 Q and 6 Q are connected in parallel. The combination is connected to a battery of 8 V. The current in the circuit is 3.0, 4 O'ssdces 6 Q noire: SONS tants Defgtineetio MEABOM SINS. Be ets BV ayshd ws & Hoaisie’d StaS Gotne 205? ay 4a Q) 3A WH 6A (4) 8A 4 wotowd 3 aeons 6 wonctsé 8B senate 85. Read the following statementyand indicate which law states that : “There is no aceumulation of electric charges at any junction in an electric circuit.” otiggys spies BOD 8 D Dantaiew Boonie meget : heigyS BeusoBS 9 nays sy Snr eee Div sOue oO eUTy.” (1) Kirchhotfs junction law (2) Kirchhoff's loop law 28 pS eof dass 269 oS rowan (3) Ohm’s law 4) Coulomb's law 48> nawasse soered aawasie 86. The magnetic force experienced by a charge q moving with a velocity v perpendicular to the magnetic field Bis Ee eae F B Bu 2) F=quB 3) Fee 4) p= 22 i @) qui @) = (4) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 283598 dimomodeds yom $2/61-A/@® (17) ( Tarn Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 87, In electric motors a,b Brerbos* {1) electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy RS WB, GMOS Br STELLA (2) mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy IOGE ¥Y, DtayS wr Loeitwod (9) electrical energy is converted into light energy BB ,5 4g, wos VErw Lotstecd: mechanical energy is converted into light energy BrODY Wf, Bed Wm Smvowood 88. A current-carrying circular coil has n turns, The magnetic field produced in the entire coil is Dex ilnoteteiy oF Spee dinioyshD thy Spy n eons Raho Snags! Dah eabdysts ABw (+ times as large as that produced by a single tun n ah Britny Bess DA Bond 1 Day cioiwedd n (2) same as that produced by a single tum AS Siting Bets NYS Gomes suoetine (3) n times as large as that) produced by/a single tum at Srticg wets DYE Foes n Tey doesed (4) zero amy Ge) 89. The SI unit of resistivity is SPT SI Garme 207 ohm (2) ohm-m (3) volt (4) ampere £5. EB o-haod oe eet 90. A conductor of 1 m length is moving with a speed of 10 m/s in the direction perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field of induction 0-8 T. The induced e.m.f. between the ends of the conductor is = 1 baste Seay fro PE SN 10 Leo/w Sed 08 T wand co ef Joes vot Hy ou conor REND. THY OI Stve Koy, GLY Deeg VEY Hoo 282 Q) 10V Q 1v @) 2Vv ev SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / D8ySn8 Feressotues iors $2/61-A/®9 [18] sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com SECTION—III : CHEMISTRY 91, The chemical formula of limestone is Soygran Baw, ores Sobor ( CalOH)> (2) Caco, (3) cao (4) Ca(NO3)y 92. What is the colour of the gas evolved by heating lead nitrate? BE pgibio $4 Stasryes Boxed meamsty orb9 (1) Brown. (2) Pink ( (4) Black Bests Bors 0S gers gh Bers 93. The weight of one mole of table salt is 1528 e2p oy () 355g Q) 5858 (23 8 (@) 408 355 @. 58-5 ae 23 @. 40m. 94. Which of the following is an example of photochemical reaction? med Goss Gees domnter gl 2AgBr > 2Ag+ Bro (2) Zn+2HCl > ZnCl +H (3) 2H,0-> 2H +02 (4) CaCO3 + Ca0+CO. 95. Which of the following solutions gives yellow colour with methyl orange indicator? Ba Bod D Erde DIPS edodiey wipys’s srw? (1) Nao ‘€) c3coon (3) Hel (4) HyS04 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 383528 Srowctindss Yet $2/61-A/o [19] ({ Turn Over } sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 96. Which of the following compounds is used in glass, paper and soap industry? Te, Bho, Sane SOO ESOrNGo? () Washing soda (by Baking soda abel do Bak or (8) Calcium hydroxide (4) Plaster of Paris nYcio 2EBE M6 eS BOS 97. The formula of sodium zincate is Betwo BolT (1) 2NaZnO (AF NayZnO2 (3) NaznO, (4) Nazno 98. Which of the following bases is used in antacids? wend Sots SScimted gto? (1) Ca(OH}. (2) NaOH ‘Nor MgiOH), (4) NH,OH 99. Which of the following elements belongs to d-block? Bs Bed PIE AEH Bot eaPOt0? wa (2) Cr 3) Sr (4) Ar 100, ‘No two electrons in an atom have the same set of four quantum numbers.” This rule was stated by “28 SUBMIS D dott Dome oF NERD Tey meas Demy WOhceGyy.” - Asa Bds0 ae (1) Pauli @) Aufbau @) Hund (4) Bohr 2b er bok 5 SPACE. FOR ROUGH WORK /° D808 Seroxotndss Yorn $2/61-A/@@ [20 } sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 101. Quantum theory was proposed by “mypuo lnqgotio” Ho GOI Te (1) Sommerfeld (2) Niels Bohr « Max Planck (4) Landé Mobs 28 SE S98, ok ood, 102. Which of the following groups of elements has ns” electronic configuration? ns? dog Soyse He Sareoe.. (1) Alkali metals bates carth metals Be Estes BS Sige Chios (3) Halogens (4) Chaleogens BG eSeo Peete 103. The general electronic configuration of noble gases is BEMiNge (4, 98 ONtuipe) Deer deES Daye Q) rst (2) ns? wf np’ (4) ns?np> 104. The longest period in the modern periodic table is he, suet ood ty beak hn Q) 6th (3) Sth (4) 4th 108. Which among the following clements has the highest electronegativity? CBHI RIMES DOs Io Gareso yc QF Er 1 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 283508 dixawotindss Yesiss $2/61-A/@@ (21) ( Turn Over } sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 106. Law of octaves was proposed by OF Dainty BodBODS amy (1) Débereiner (2) Newlands eeBOE wayook ‘WW Niels Bohr (4) Mendeleeff 95 soot 107. lonic compounds are soluble in aires soe S sets, (1) kerosene (2) benzene SOR Boks (@) water 4) ether me 56 108. The number of covalent bonds in methane is S385 erasy6t ro saomrnbae wore Sony ay. (2) 2 @) 3 ho4 109, Which of the following elements forms a unipositive ion? Desow 6S wane tnwtio Sarove (QQ) Mg (2) Al 3) Ca ww Na 110. Which of the following anions has Ne electronic configuration? 1 od wtvinbost Ne augS smyse B00 (1) er #) 07 @) P= (4) Bro SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / dayan8 Seroxcdede gone S2/61-A/®® [ 22 ] sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 111. The bond angle in BeCl, molecule is BeCly oewiy eto voystere (1) 109°28" (2) 120° 180 (4) 104°31' 112. The chemical formula of rust is aay Gay, POS Fe 0 -nH,0 (2) Feo (3) Fes (4) Fe,0s 113. The reducing agent in thermite process is ys Haws yosoroes y a) cu Q) Mg Wa (4) He 114. The metal extracted from galena is FOP Moe, saytrors Sire Hg (2) Pb 3) Mg (4) Zn 115. Which of the following molecules undergoes sp hybridization? Ss dod snd*D eeay sp NarBitiene Sotstio? () CHy Fann 8) Cay (4) CoH, SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 28808 SeroxoSnds gotn $2/61-A/o® 123 ] (Turn Over ) sakshieducation.com sakshieducation.com 116. Which of the following is not an electrical conductor? Ba Bod TUE Dtoennso HDB (1) Nanotube ‘Graphene (3) Diamond (4) Graphite ae ergo ws deo wpe 117. Who among the following disproved Vitalism theory? Ge oO TOE O80 webiy,ter Bow iB gato Sigs imboxedka? AL Berzelius (2) Linus Pauling (3) Aufbau (4) Wohler Beas’ BAB Deak ae foE 118. The sweet odour substance formed by the reaction of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid is wots, DOYE,EE UtRE Ue; Ses DEE Sak,9 SS No Soyo UA esier (2) amine (3) ether (4) aldehyde 33 § ways ogee 119, The general formula of alkynes is BF Say, Sete Deke (YH CH enya @Q) CaHan-2 (3) CaHan @) CrHon-1 120. The functional group in Ketone is ASSES dod phoaw startre id Yezo (2) —coou @) —oH (4) —coor SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 3808 Seroxodmdi gunn $2/61-A/oo [ 24 ] AAL6T(P}—125000 sakshieducation.com

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