A Systematic Review of The Integration of Industry 4.0 With Quality-Related Operational Excellence Methodologies

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A systematic review of the integration of Industry

4.0 with quality-related operational excellence

Tim Komkowski, Jiju Antony, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Guilherme Luz

Tortorella & Tanawadee Pongboonchai-Empl

To cite this article: Tim Komkowski, Jiju Antony, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Guilherme Luz
Tortorella & Tanawadee Pongboonchai-Empl (2023) A systematic review of the integration of
Industry 4.0 with quality-related operational excellence methodologies, Quality Management
Journal, 30:1, 3-15, DOI: 10.1080/10686967.2022.2144783

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/10686967.2022.2144783

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Published online: 18 Jan 2023.

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2023, VOL. 30, NO. 1, 3–15

A systematic review of the integration of Industry 4.0 with quality-related

operational excellence methodologies
Tim Komkowskia, Jiju Antonyb , Jose Arturo Garza-Reyesc , Guilherme Luz Tortorellad , and
Tanawadee Pongboonchai-Empla
Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK; bIndustrial and Systems Engineering, Khalifa University,
Abu Dhabi, UAE; cCentre for Supply Chain Improvement, University of Derby, Derby, UK; Department of Management Studies,
Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, India; dDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia


This study examines the common themes for integrating Industry 4.0 with quality-related Received 13 May 2022
operational excellence methodologies to provide a comprehensive overview of “what” and Revised 9 August 2022
“how” to combine them in an initial integration process. In addition, the gaps in the present Accepted 10 August 2022
literature are aggregated, and a research plan for the future is proposed. The study is based
on a systematic review of 37 papers published in academic journals between 2015 and business process
2021. Unlike previous reviews, this study concentrates on the “what” and “how” level of management; Industry 4.0;
total quality management, Lean Six Sigma, and business process management as quality- integration; Lean Six Sigma;
related operational excellence methodologies integrated with Industry 4.0 to provide a prac- systematic literature review;
tical perspective when executing their integration and implementation. Findings indicate a total quality management;
strong technical and data-driven integration focus across the three themes. Furthermore, transformation
modes of action as moderators of success were derived as initial variables to be included in
quality-driven Industry 4.0 transitions. Identifying gaps in the present literature and defining
a research agenda centered on operational principles opens up opportunities for future
study with significant practical value.

Introduction Carvalho, and Sampaio 2022). Prior studies, however,

concentrated on the “why” and “what” levels (Chiarini
While quality management (QM) methodologies share a
recognized tradition in operations management, 2020). In contrast, research on practical integration
Industry 4.0 is considered the next era (Ghobadian and techniques is limited and begins to explain the prac-
Gallear 1997; Buer et al. 2021). As a customer-focused tical side of integrating QM with Industry 4.0, which
approach, QM focuses on improving a company’s is considered the “how” level (Antony et al. 2021;
objective and subjective quality to gain competitive Sader, Husti, and Daroczi 2021).
advantages (Aquilani et al. 2017). Industry 4.0, on the To address this gap, this study uses a systematic lit-
other hand, introduces high-tech approaches through erature review (SLR) to synthesize the existing body
several software and hardware advancements (Lu 2017). of knowledge as a foundation for this new and oper-
Only a few manufacturing organizations currently ational perspective (Tranfield, Denyer, and Smart
handle all essential components of QM, and enter- 2003). In this manner, the “what” level will be linked
prises are still stuck in operational excellence (OpEx) to the “how” level. Based on the targeted operational
transitions (Bloom et al. 2014; Correani et al. 2020). contribution, the research questions are: 1) How can
As a result, rather than managing individual transfor- businesses execute an integration of QM with
mations, the challenge is combining them (Belhadi, Industry 4.0; and 2) What skills, resources, and proc-
Touriki, and El Fezazi 2017; Buer et al. 2021). esses are necessary to do so. Therefore, this study
Publications concerning QM and Industry 4.0 integra- examines literature published in Web of Science,
tions have increased dramatically since 2016 (Dias, Scopus, and EBSCOhost from the beginning of this

CONTACT Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes j.reyes@derby.ac.uk Centre for Supply Chain Improvement, University of Derby, Derby DE22 1GB, UK
ß 2023 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed,
or built upon in any way.

research stream in 2015 through 2021. This SLR dif- optimized, service-oriented, interoperable manufactur-
fers from the previous SLR in that it provides a more ing process that is linked to algorithms, big data, and
operational viewpoint that is closely related to prac- advanced technologies (Lu 2017). Cloud computing,
tice. A total of 37 articles are examined after applying cyber-physical systems (CPS), robots, additive manu-
the SLR stages and quality-related selection criteria. facturing, augmented reality, industrial internet of
The findings contribute to a comprehensive under- things, and artificial intelligence are all constituent
standing of how QM and Industry 4.0 integrations aspects of Industry 4.0, as established by an ABC cat-
may be executed. egorization of citations in scholarly publications
The rest of the article is structured as follows. First, (Pacchini et al. 2019).
the research strategy employed in this study is The scope was then transferred to inclusion and
described. Then the content of selected publications is exclusion criteria in accordance with past research.
summarized, followed by a literature review in which The previously mentioned components of QM and
outcomes are discussed and further study areas are Industry 4.0 were used as the first searching criteria.
suggested. Finally, the conclusions are provided. Four hundred twenty-two papers published in aca-
demic journals between January 2015 and July 2021
were discovered during the literature search. This
Methodology time limit is reasonable, since papers meeting the
This research aims to support academics and practi- inclusion and exclusion criteria have not previously
tioners with a foundation concerning the practical been published in the academic databases EBSCOhost,
execution of integrating QM with Industry 4.0. SLRs Scopus, and Web of Science. The inclusion and exclu-
are a proven approach to synthesize a body of know- sion criteria were used to guide the full-text review
ledge in a high qualitative and replicable way within screening procedure, which was then cross-evaluated
and outside the study field (Tranfield, Denyer, and using a text-mining classification algorithm. As a
Smart 2003; Buer, Strandhagen, and Chan 2018; result, a total of 37 articles were considered for full-
Danese, Manfe, and Romano 2018). The SLR text review.
approach used in this work is based on Tranfield, Data collection, analysis, and synthesis were com-
Denyer, and Smart (2003) and Thome, Scavarda, and pleted in the fourth stage. Classic variables such as
Scavarda (2016), as summarized in Figure 1. important study themes, technique, geography, indus-
A clear definition of objectives based on the try, and specialized variables such as integration type
research questions was established in the first phase. influenced data collection throughout the full-text
This study compiles the state-of-the-art literature that review. NVivo was used for coding, and a second
integrates QM with Industry 4.0 on the level of con- researcher double-checked the results. Based on the
stituent elements. In addition, as a unique contribu- coding, the articles were clustered according to their
tion, this SLR clarifies the body of knowledge on how origin, such as TQM. The findings were compared
integrations may be carried out by distinguishing inte- within the defined clusters based on the coding to
gration patterns and modes of action. meet the study aims.
The scope is defined in contrast to the previous
SLR, which took a higher-level approach to this issue. Literature review
This work demonstrates a desire to uncover a deeper
layer of operational integration patterns (Dias, General considerations about publications,
Carvalho, and Sampaio 2022). Previous research on authors, and journals
QM-derived metrics and best practices for quality The core themes of the literature in integrating QM
inspection, assurance, control, and more comprehen- with Industry 4.0 are presented in this subsection.
sive methodologies such as total quality management Publications have risen sharply since 2016. We expect
(TQM), which together with Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is the upward trend to continue as interest in this future-
considered one of the prevalent themes of this proof topic grows (Antony et al. 2021). Figure 2 shows
research stream, serves as an initial subset of consti- how the upward trend will be broken owing to the ter-
tuting elements for the operational perspective of this mination of article selection in July 2021.
research (Sader, Husti, and Daroczi 2021; Singh and Contributions from India, Germany, the United
Arora 2022). Because the definition of Industry 4.0 Kingdom, Brazil, and Italy, which account for 53 per-
varies depending on the scope, for this research, cent of published articles, are driving the upward trend.
Industry 4.0 is defined as an integrated, adaptive, Articles published in the United States reached a high

Figure 1. SLR process (Tranfield, Denyer, and Smart 2003; Thome, Scavarda, and Scavarda 2016).

in 2020, explaining fifth place among contributing

nations. Figure 3 lists the publications per country.
The literature on this subject is scattered. Only two
authors published more than one paper. The two
most prolific writers and their current research
emphasis are shown in Table 1.
This SLR detected publications from 22 journals,
with five journals accounting for half of all publica-
tions. TQM Journal and Business Process Management
Journal account for 15 percent of published articles
Figure 2. Publications per year. each, and Total Quality Management and Business

Figure 3. Publications per country.

Table 1. Most prolific authors.

Primary authors Article count Topics
Yadav N. 2 Impact of Industry 4.0, LSS, and quality
management systems on organizational
performance; Critical success factors for LSS in
quality 4.0
Mishra S. 2 Automation’s human and process characteristics;
automation’s technological dimensions

Figure 4. Publications per journal.

Excellence accounts for 9 percent of publications. Table 2. Research methodologies.

Figure 4 lists the publications per journal. Methodology Article count
Literature review 11
Survey 8
Case study 6
Research methodologies Interviews 2
Mixed methods 1
The field of QM and Industry 4.0 integrations is based Grounded theory 1
on empirical and theoretical contributions. While the Case study, action research 1
Delphi technique 1
authors used a variety of approaches, literature Simulation 1
reviews (32 percent) are the most common, followed Action research 1
Ethnography 1
by surveys (21 percent) and case studies (18 percent).
Table 2 summarizes the applied methodologies.
A majority of qualitative studies may be predicted remarkable in comparison to conclusions drawn from
due to the current exploratory study stage. Case stud- recent developments in Industry 4.0 as a comparable
ies usually drive this stage of research. Nonetheless, emerging research stream (Edmondson and McManus
the large number of surveys and literature reviews is 2007; Nayernia, Bahemia, and Papagiannidis 2021).

Table 3. Summary of TQM and Industry 4.0 integration.

Integration theme Core content Exemplary contributions Knowledge gaps
Big data and integration Cloud, IIoT, sensors, RFID, CPS, Chiarini and Kumar (2021); D’Orazio, Concepts for incorporating new
wireless networks, and Messina, and Schiraldi (2020); techniques into current processes
automated and enhanced data Rosin et al. (2020); Pagliosa, and systems
collection and processing Tortorella, and Ferreira (2019); Involved resources and capabilities
Santos et al. (2021)
Industry 4.0 technologies Augmented reality, robotics, and Chiarini and Kumar (2020); Pagliosa,
additive manufacturing Tortorella, and Ferreira (2019)

Themes of integration – what to integrate A separate research stream reviews the incorpor-
ation of specific Industry 4.0 technologies, such as
Total quality management
TQM is a comprehensive management concept cen- robots, augmented reality, and additive manufacturing
tered on continuous improvement in all aspects of (Chiarini and Kumar 2021; Pagliosa, Tortorella, and
organizations. The seven management concepts of Ferreira 2019). Advanced robotics eliminate faults,
leadership, training, employee relations, quality data improve precision and accuracy, automate testing and
and reporting, supplier quality management, product/ inspections, and allow collaboration with operators
service design, and process management are typically (Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira 2019). In the event
addressed (Kaynak 2003). This subsection presents of a failure, additive manufacturing can assist in
prevalent integration themes to compile the present repairing damaged components or improving produc-
body of knowledge. Table 3 summarizes the essentials tion processes such as machining and welding
of this subsection. (Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira 2019). Finally, aug-
TQM is influenced heavily by Industry 4.0, mainly mented reality applications may assist with worksta-
through automated and increased data collecting and tion troubleshooting (Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira
processing, which may be boosted by cloud comput- 2019). In this case, augmented reality can be consid-
ing capabilities (D’Orazio, Messina, and Schiraldi ered a poka-yoke, especially during assembly and
2020). Industrial internet of things (IIoT) is a require- logistical tasks like picking, where employees must
ment for accurate data gathering (D’Orazio, Messina, manage crucial product qualities or undertake essen-
and Schiraldi 2020). This discovery and the import- tial quality procedures (Chiarini and Kumar 2021).
ance of IIoT for big data analytics are confirmed by In conclusion, combining data collecting and proc-
Rosin et al. (2020). Furthermore, the advantages of essing for quality control and preventive measures is a
quality monitoring through extensive records are dis- key component of TQM and Industry 4.0 integration
cussed, and automatic fault rectification or self-opti- (D’Orazio, Messina, and Schiraldi 2020). In addition,
mization becomes conceivable when a cyber-physical specialized technologies are assessed and integrated
system (CPS) is implemented (Buer, Strandhagen, and into quality management strategies (Chiarini and
Chan 2018; Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira 2019). Kumar 2021). In contrast to the widely held compre-
Higher data availability and automated real-time proc- hensive view of TQM, it may be stated that soft ele-
essing improve failure detection and lead time to ments and concepts for practical implementation are
potential root cause investigation (D’Orazio, Messina, currently scarce (Kaynak 2003). Further exploratory
and Schiraldi 2020). TQM can also be supported by research focusing on soft aspects and modes of action
use cases of failure avoidance using machine learning may improve the likelihood of successful integrations.
approaches with visual recognition systems (D’Orazio,
Messina, and Schiraldi 2020). Other writers consider Lean Six Sigma
radio frequency identification (RFID) because of its LSS originally is a systematic strategy used by
capacity for real-time data capturing, which improves improvement specialists to enhance organizational
the identification of process problems (Anosike et al. performance and accomplish strategic goals by mini-
2021). Furthermore, wireless sensor networks and mizing variance in processes (Schroeder et al. 2008).
middleware can improve data collection because of Furthermore, LSS intends to maximize shareholders’
their interconnection. Santos et al. (2021) summarize value by addressing costs, speed, quality, and cus-
these findings by stating that data collection and inte- tomer satisfaction by merging lean and Six Sigma
gration are used to monitor and regulate quality approaches (Laureani and Antony 2012; Fonseca and
(Santos et al. 2021). Chiarini and Kumar (2021) vali- Domingues 2018). While the integration of LSS with
dated these findings within multiple case studies. Industry 4.0 has not yet been fully explored, it is

Table 4. Summary of LSS and I4.0 integration.

Integration theme Core content Exemplary contributions Knowledge gaps
The use of big data in LSS projects Big data, real-time data, IIoT, Antony et al. (2019); Ganjavi and Limited sample sizes in terms of
sensors, linking multiple systems, Fazlollahtabar (2021); Santos regions and firm sizes, mostly
RFID tags, or condition monitoring, et al. (2021) manufacturing; integration of LSS
new analytical capabilities, with Industry 4.0
Integration of Industry 4.0 features integration, architectures (e.g., RAMI Chiarini and Kumar (2021) Investigate when Industry 4.0 and
and DMAIC stages in LSS 4.0), modification of ERP/MES/ LSS should be integrated;
projects; Algorithms and machine SCADA systems, PDM/PLM investigate the skills that LSS
learning in LSS projects practitioners should develop
As part of a holistic management Employee adaptability (change Ganjavi and Fazlollahtabar (2021); Creating a hierarchical link between
system: LSS, Industry 4.0, and readiness), cross-functional Yadav, Shankar, and Singh (2021) new success criteria
TQM; New success factors understanding, and technological
affinity, as well as decision-
making kinds, knowledge worker
availability, and social interaction

thought to be one of the upcoming vital issues. Table 5. Allocation of Industry 4.0 elements to DMAIC
Table 4 aggregates the essentials of this subsection. (Chiarini and Kumar 2021).
In general, big data integration in LSS is one of the I4.0 elements LSS DMAIC phases
most popular measures among prevalent contributors MES/SCADA Define-Measure-Control
PDM/PLM Define-Measure-Control
(Antony et al. 2019; Yadav, Shankar, and Singh 2021). Big data collection Measure-Analyze-Improve
This is concretized by further publications, as the and analytics
AI and Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control
inclusion of extensive data, or real-time data, may be machine learning
achieved by IIoT, the use of sensors, possibly at each 3D printing, additive Improve
manufacturing stage, or by linking multiple systems Smart products and Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control
(Ganjavi and Fazlollahtabar 2021; Santos et al. 2021). customer
The substantial data collection might lead to previ- RFID Measure-Control
ously unseen quality insights or preventive process Smart sensors Measure-Control
changes. As a result, exact recording of product states Collaborative and Improve
and physical locations via RFID tags or monitoring Mobile Robots
conditions, such as vibration, pressures, and tempera- AR and Smart Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control
Human Interfaces
ture, are possible LSS analysis variables (Chiarini and
Kumar 2021; Ganjavi and Fazlollahtabar 2021).
Finally, if LSS can build on CPS, a horizontal/vertical in a more significant performance boost than single-
integration will allow even more quality-related data effect assessments (Yadav, Shankar, and Singh 2020).
to be collected. These can be shared from machines to Research derived operational aspects such as collab-
operators across different shifts, as demonstrated by oration with external agencies, participation in busi-
Ganjavi and Fazlollahtabar (2021). Furthermore, the ness excellence awards, key performance indicator
authors confirmed that big data improves LSS by (KPI)-based benchmarking, a continuous improve-
including simulation in the design of experiments to ment culture, and training of internal consultants as
reduce physical trial runs. success factors (Yadav, Shankar, and Singh 2021).
Aside from big data, LSS is a data-driven strategy Only slight overlaps occur compared to Antony et al.
that includes statistical analysis, which may be auto- (2019), who derived classical LSS success factors
mated or advanced by developing software, algo- highlighting the changing needs of Industry 4.0 inte-
rithms, and machine learning models (Chiarini and grations. However, earlier success factors remain
Kumar 2021). Traditional LSS systems may become relevant (Antony et al. 2019; Yadav, Shankar, and
overburdened due to additional process data streams. Singh 2021). Further details are provided by Bhat,
Other authors empirically verified the utility of Bhat, and Gijo (2021), who discuss the sociotechnical
machine learning models, such as decision tree algo- elements of decision-making styles, knowledge
rithms (Giannetti and Ransing 2016). Chiarini and worker availability, social interaction, and the socio-
Kumar (2021) derived an initial allocation of Industry cultural variables of employee adaptiveness, cross-
4.0 elements integrated with LSS, as shown in Table 5. functional understanding, and technological affinity.
LSS may be regarded as a management system Because both contributions to CSF are experimen-
component that includes TQM when viewed as its tally based, further research is required to reach a
whole. Quality 4.0 and Industry 4.0 integration result scholarly consensus.

Table 6. Summary of BPM and Industry 4.0 integration.

Integration theme Core content Exemplary contributions Knowledge gaps
BPM as an integration moderator Process modeling, ERP, and MES Xu, Xu, and Li (2018); Pagliosa, Integrating diverse models into a
integration Tortorella, and Ferreira (2019); unified framework for vertical and
Rey et al. (2021); Santos horizontal process integration
et al. (2021)
Process automation and Workflow management software, van der Aalst, Bichler, and Heinzl
workflow management automation software (Celonis, (2018); Xu, Xu, and Li (2018);
UIpath), ERP connectivity, and Mishra, Sree Devi, and Badri
standardized/flexible procedures Narayanan (2019a); Mishra, Sree
Devi, and Badri
Narayanan (2019b)
Process mining and optimization Data gathering, simulation Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira Concepts of operationalization
(2019); Tran, Ruppert, and
Abonyi (2021)
Agile BPM Processes that are adaptable for Sehlin, Truedsson, and Cronemyr Methods for adaptive process
rapid and continual development (2019); Baiyere, Salmela, and modeling, infrastructure
Tapanainen (2020) flexibility, actor capabilities, and

Finally, Ganjavi and Fazlollahtabar (2021) provide study of co-working robots being integrated physically
insights on operationalization routines. Problems in and digitally through a BPM suite. The virtual integra-
processes should be instantly alerted to responsible tion comprises a manufacturing execution system
operators, who should then begin root cause problem- (MES), a navigation system, and sensor-based oper-
solving based on recent information and data. ator identification (Rey et al. 2021). Further authors
Furthermore, the authors concluded that rules must support the importance of BPM in Industry 4.0 inte-
be carefully constructed according to the range of grations such as CPS and the inclusion of other
freedom for independent judgements in autonomous Industry 4.0 aspects like e-kanbans, real-time data col-
machines and preventive models. lection, and advanced HMI (Sanders, Elangeswaran, and
In conclusion, the field of LSS and Industry 4.0 inte- Wulfsberg 2016; Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira 2019).
gration research is based on experimentally validated The authors conclude that thorough business processes
findings, and industry-related applications highlight the constitute a necessary basis (Sanders, Elangeswaran, and
value of combining LSS and Industry 4.0. Operational Wulfsberg 2016; Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira 2019).
modalities and sociotechnical and sociocultural factors Aside from integration, Xu, Xu, and Li (2018) iden-
also provide insight into merging LSS with Industry tified workflow management as a prominent subject
4.0. Furthermore, governance mechanisms were men- for process monitoring, control, and optimization.
tioned as being essential but remain vague. Based on a cross-industry study, Mishra, Sree Devi,
and Badri Narayanan (2019a) identified robotic pro-
Business Process Management cess automation (RPA) as a prominent integration
Business process management (BPM) helps businesses topic. RPA automates process executions based on
analyze and improve their processes, which are consti- earlier simplification, standardization, and reengineer-
tuted of dynamically coordinated activities or tasks ing efforts (van der Aalst, Bichler, and Heinzl 2018).
performed in a sequential order to deliver value The study proposes that RPA may be used for proc-
(Trkman 2010). The essentials of this subsection are esses that are likely to stay constant and require pro-
aggregated in Table 6. cess modifications to be made without considerable
Xu, Xu, and Li (2018) compiled a basis for inte- coding capabilities (Mishra, Sree Devi, and Badri
grating BPM and Industry 4.0 based on an SLR. The Narayanan 2019a). Additional issues such as cultural
authors consider BPM a vital feature of Industry 4.0 and behavioral change require expenditures in creat-
since it allows for the orchestration of processes in ing digital capabilities. Early deployment should focus
end-to-end integration. The authors argue that this is on procedures where people operate like robots
required for future Industry 4.0 aspects such as artifi- (Mishra, Sree Devi, and Badri Narayanan 2019b). For
cial intelligence, machine learning, or cloud comput- example, successful applications examine the use of
ing. Fischer et al. (2020) verified the use of BPM to RPA in master data management (Radke, Dang, and
establish digital transformation foundations and capa- Tan 2020).
bilities, such as modeled processes or employee aware- In contrast to RPA, which addresses rigid process
ness. Furthermore, Rey et al. (2021) illustrated the use modeling for automation, Baiyere, Salmela, and
of BPM and the notation of BPMN V2 in one case Tapanainen (2020) used ethnography to derive so-

Table 7. Modes of action in integrating QM with Industry 4.0.

Cluster Core content
Implementation strategies Problem-solving methodologies (e.g., PDCA, DMAIC), Industry 4.0 implementation on a point-by-point basis,
pilot-based approaches
Barriers Financial constraints, a lack of management support, a lack of awareness, hesitant behavior, digitalization or
automation of wasteful activities, technological complexity introduced to shopfloor processes, lack of
resources and competencies, time, data quality, digital knowledge and skills, governance structures
Success factors Behavioral and cultural change, leadership support, interfunctional team development, training activities,
employee involvement and empowerment, process changes without advanced coding skills, balance between
process modeling and flexibility, efficient and reliable data warehouse systems, data gathering and storage
resources, computational power, resource availability, management competence
Capabilities Organization: Organizational structures of ambidexterity, adaptability, and agility, innovation/continuous
improvement culture, data-driven decision-making, increased communication from and to workers, supportive
learning environment and leadership style, employee awareness
Resources: Automatic data gathering and analysis, process modeling and notations (e.g., BPMN) vs light
touch processes, infrastructural flexibility, profound business processes, network integration, interoperability,
orchestrate ability, retrofit-ability of machines, preparation/availability of digitally experienced managers,
workforce transformation (development vs recruiting), cross-functional team composition, processes for
balancing exploitation and exploration
Capabilities: Coding/software development, data-based and complex problem solving, data science, algorithm
operationalization, data/process mining, digitalization/IT, simulation, BPM-related skills, data protection and IT
security, production technologies, modern interfaces, routines for integrating, reconfiguring external and
internal competencies and resources, readiness of technologies, processes, and people

called light touch processes, infrastructural flexibility, Sj€

odin et al. (2018) identified company culture, digit-
and the need for attentive rather than procedural alization capabilities, and the capacity to include
actors as development routes in light of Industry 4.0 external talents as integration moderators. In contrast,
integration. Contrary predictions for the future of other authors emphasize cross-functional interaction
BPM include repurposing resources to boost adapt- and re-learning paths for personnel (van der Aalst,
ability, considerable experimentation, and ambidexter- Bichler, and Heinzl 2018; Radke, Dang, and Tan
ity (Baiyere, Salmela, and Tapanainen 2020). As a 2020). Finally, strong change management and gov-
result, the balance between process modeling and ernance are critical factors (Mishra, Sree Devi, and
flexibility has to be explored further. Badri Narayanan 2019a; Mishra, Sree Devi, and Badri
In addition to RPA, process mining may be derived Narayanan 2019b; Radke, Dang, and Tan 2020).
as an integration subject (Tran, Ruppert, and Abonyi In brief, the role of BPM in Industry 4.0 integra-
2021). Process mining examines as-is process flow tions presents a contrarian viewpoint, with classic and
using data, for example, acquired from MES, and less flexible BPM techniques being slowly developed or
potentially enhanced process monitoring (Tran, novel ways based on aware actors and so-called light
Ruppert, and Abonyi 2021). The authors indicate that touch processes being introduced (van der Aalst,
data gathering based on process mining or querying is Bichler, and Heinzl 2018; Baiyere, Salmela, and
one of the advantages of integration (Sanders, Tapanainen 2020). A conclusion on these two seem-
Elangeswaran, and Wulfsberg 2016; Polyvyanyy et al. ingly opposing techniques will take further investiga-
2017; Tortorella et al. 2020). The quality of information tion and may depend on a company’s circumstances.
is determined by the rate of integration and the trans- Furthermore, implementation methods and required
parency of process executions (Polyvyanyy et al. 2017). skillsets were obtained, allowing the potential for future
This subject may be expanded to include big data ana- research to derive more thorough perspectives aimed
lytics and process simulation methodologies (Queiroz at operationalizing or generalizing best practices.
et al. 2020; Pagliosa, Tortorella, and Ferreira 2019).
Concerning requirements for integration, the
Modes of action – how to integrate
authors derived characteristics for engaging resources
like IT skills, particularly data science (Queiroz et al. Research is beginning to uncover how businesses
2020). Resources must be adapted, necessitating modify their processes and routines to integrate QM
recruiting BPM-related skills, such as organizational with Industry 4.0 (Buer et al. 2021; Collis and
and process understanding, IT security and data pro- Anand 2021).
tection, IT expertise, production technologies, modern Based on the articles covered by this SLR, four
interfaces, and problem-solving (Kazancoglu and clusters were identified through inductive coding with
Ozkan-Ozen 2018). Rather than particular skillsets, relevance to how integrations can be executed:

and applicable solutions. First, since 2016, the number

of articles published on integrating QM with Industry
4.0 has risen substantially, with 34 articles included in
this SLR and two-thirds of publications published dur-
ing 2020 and 2021. These figures demonstrate the ris-
ing importance for academics and business people.
Second, the results of this SLR establish a relation-
ship between integration themes (what) and modes of
Figure 5. Integration process.
action (how). This operational perspective is a unique
implementation strategies, barriers, success factors, contribution with more practical value since it enables
and capabilities. Table 7 aggregates these findings. actual change, which cannot be accomplished without
The derived modes of action synthesize implemen- addressing the how level. It also responds to recent
tation strategies, success factors, and resources and research requests by pooling the operational integra-
capabilities. In terms of implementation models, there tion level knowledge base (Chiarini 2020; Dias,
is no consensus in the literature, and most models rep- Carvalho, and Sampaio 2022). Previous research estab-
resent the authors’ first perspective, as expressed by lished different perspectives, for example, by relating
themselves (Sony 2020). By contrasting these initial excellence models of EFQM 2020 or QM models of
models, an iterative procedure can be derived at the ISO 9001:2015 to Industry 4.0 integrations. In com-
most basic level of academic agreement. As a result, mon seems the knowledge gap of practical guidelines
businesses grow from novice to intermediate to to inform an execution, especially in the face of
advanced integration levels with increasing technological requirements of specific organizations (Fonseca,
complexity (Chiarini 2020; Chiarini and Kumar 2021). Amaral, and Oliveira 2021; Murthy, Sangwan, and
Further exploratory research is required to derive con- Narahari 2021; Fonseca et al. 2022). Future research
crete implementation pathways, such as the sand cone could build on practical perspectives, as outlined in
model for lean management (Bortolotti et al. 2015). this article by combining with research on excellence
Furthermore, the most agreed finding concerning models or QM norms to offer a more holistic
resources and competencies seems to be a lack of man- approach from strategic to operational levels.
agerial and staff digital knowledge (Gfrerer et al. 2021). Additionally, soft elements and operational integra-
This follows a natural logic, since businesses have been tion strategies, in particular, are underrepresented in
involved in quality-driven transitions for decades, and it the reflection of the holistic concept of TQM (Kaynak
might be related to the critical discovery that Industry 2003; Sader, Husti, and Daroczi 2021). Furthermore,
4.0 limits people’s participation due to its technological the considered Industry 4.0’s aspects demonstrate a
complexity. However, pathways to overcome this inte- tendency toward advanced technology applications
gration barrier will require further inquiry and research- and an underrepresentation of enterprise architectures
derived foundational factors to be elaborated on. or horizontal/vertical integration (Frank, Dalenogare,
Dynamic capabilities (DC) theory broadly intends and Ayala 2019; Yli-Ojanper€a et al. 2019). This dis-
to explain sustainable organizational development covery is essential due to its significant role in
(Collis and Anand 2021). If contrasted with the con- Industry 4.0 transformations (Liao and Wang 2021).
cept of DC, the findings can be transferred to an inte- Third, while academic research has covered much
gration process. Fundamentally, the derived success ground in explaining the what of integrating QM with
factors and capabilities may be understood as gear Industry 4.0, contributions at the how-level remain
wheels of implementation strategies, allowing to navi- few. The benefits of data-driven techniques, such as big
gate around barriers in an iterative way (Teece 2018). data analysis, algorithms, or simulation, are frequently
Figure 5 summarizes this basic understanding as a mentioned, but how to realize them remains vague. As
foundation for further explication in future research. a result, this SLR provides a new and more practical
perspective by explicating clusters for paths of concur-
rent integrations. However, the contribution must be
Discussion and future research
elaborated to derive weighted and sequential paths.
This SLR aims to provide a practical perspective by Finally, while each subsection highlighted know-
synthesizing the "what" and "how" of integrating QM ledge gaps for the integration subjects, the key know-
with Industry 4.0 to enrich the literature base with ledge gaps discovered by this SLR from an operational
specific references for practitioners seeking practical viewpoint are summarized in Table 8.

Table 8. Future research opportunities.

Focus Gap/limitation Future research opportunities
What Primarily higher-level concepts and less Expand research status and further explore the
reflecting process and routine adaptations, integration of QM and Industry 4.0 on the
limited sample sizes, manufacturing focus, not level of its constituting elements; Including
all constituting elements (e.g., TQM) soft aspects
reflected yet
How Lack of generalization, only vague frameworks/ Explore integration pathways, expand modes of
operational concepts for executing an action, involved resources, processes, and
integration capabilities in concrete frameworks

Conclusions and limitations Because of the apparent knowledge gaps, the

authors plan to contribute through a mixed-methods
This SLR examines the existing body of knowledge on
study focusing on how manufacturing companies may
integrating QM with Industry 4.0. As a result, a rela-
execute concurrent integrations.
tionship is formed between what aspects organizations
should integrate and how integrations may be carried
out. According to the findings, integrations do not Disclosure statement
currently cover the fundamental components of QM No potential conflict of interest was reported by
and Industry 4.0. For example, the present literature the authors.
base does not adequately capture the importance of
enterprise architectures as constituent aspects of
About the Authors
Industry 4.0. Significant operational gaps have been
observed with respect to how organizations may Tim Komkowski is an experienced professional in opera-
tions management and a doctoral candidate at the
implement QM and Industry 4.0 integrations. Initial
Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University. With
contributions assess the importance of resources, more than 10 years of experience, he is currently serving as
skills, and implementation models, but complete head of industrial engineering, digitalization and transform-
assessments of enabling procedures, routines, and ation in the German manufacturing industry. He builds on
advantageous implementation sequences require more experiences in product development, production prepar-
ation, world-class manufacturing, and consulting.
explication and evaluation.
Komkowski holds diploma in industrial engineering and
This research contributes to theory by presenting a business administration, and is certified as LSS Black Belt,
holistic view of QM and Industry 4.0 integrations. IPMA Level B, and Scrum Master.
Second, by explicating resources, capabilities, and
Jiju Antony is recognized worldwide as a leader in Lean Six
other characteristics of how integrations may be car- Sigma methodology for achieving and sustaining process
ried out, it is a starting point for future investigations. excellence. He is currently serving as a professor of indus-
Qualitative research might address this using a theor- trial and systems engineering at Khalifa University in Abu
etical lens such as DC. In terms of a practical contri- Dhabi, UAE. He is an ASQ Fellow and is a Certified Lean
Six Sigma Master Black Belt who has trained more than
bution, this research offers a new perspective of a red
1200 people as Lean Six Sigma Yellow, Green and Black
thread that spans from what organizations can do to Belts from over 20 countries representing over 170 organi-
how they can do it. Based on the aggregated modes of zations in the last 10 years. Antony has coached and men-
action, practitioners can integrate these aspects within tored several Lean Six Sigma projects from various
their integration processes and increase the likelihood companies in the UK ranging from manufacturing, service
to public sector organizations. He has authored more than
of success.
500 journal, conference, and white papers and 12 textbooks.
This research has significant limitations. First,
due to the search criteria and databases employed, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes is a professor of operations man-
agement and head of the Center for Supply Chain
potentially valuable studies might be not consid-
Improvement at the University of Derby, UK. He is actively
ered. Second, only English literature published in involved in industrial projects where he combines his know-
high ranking and practitioner journals was taken ledge, expertise, and industrial experience in operations
into account. Furthermore, because this SLR management to help organizations achieve excellence in
focused on integrating QM and Industry 4.0, only their internal functions and supply chains. He has also led
scholarly works that explored both paradigms were and managed international research projects funded by the
British Academy, British Council, European Commission
evaluated, and transferrable ideas from research and Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology
focusing on either QM or Industry 4.0 (CONACYT). As a leading academic, he has published
were excluded. more than 200 articles in leading scientific journals,

international conferences, and seven books. Garza-Reyes is management. European Journal of Information Systems 29
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