Point 2-1: Worksheet

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Bricks 중학 Grammar !

Chapter 02 명사와 관사 Worksheet

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Point 2-1 셀 수 있는 명사

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1 Ellen broke (a pencil / pencil).
2 A student starts reading (a book / book).
3 Hellen wants to be (a doctor / doctor).
4 The boy has a lot of (toy / toys).
5 She has (a great deal / lots) of clothes.
6 (Much / Many) trees were needed to build this house.
7 The teacher found a (few / little) errors.
8 There are (much / many) stars in the sky.
9 Mom gave me some (pencil / pencils).
10 We've got a little bacon and (a little / a few) eggs.

Point 2-2 명사의 복수형

다음 단어의 복수형을 쓰시오.
1 goose ________________ 11 ant ________________
2 foot ________________ 12 ball ________________
3 tooth ________________ 13 bus ________________
4 man ________________ 14 class ________________
5 woman ________________ 15 body ________________
6 mouse ________________ 16 candy ________________
7 child ________________ 17 company ________________
8 ox ________________ 18 boy ________________
9 dish ________________ 19 potato ________________
10 thief ________________ 20 bamboo ________________

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Bricks 중학 Grammar !

Chapter 02 명사와 관사 Worksheet

Class: Date:

Name: Score:

Point 2-3 셀 수 없는 명사

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1 She wants to drink (a / some) juice.
2 Please give him (a water / water).
3 He borrowed a (little / few) money from his friend.
4 He wanted to buy some (meat / meats) on the way home.
5 I bought too (much / many) meat.
6 I need (some/ a) sugar for my tea.
7 Do you like (a / some) bread?
8 We don't have enough (time/ times)
9 Can you lend me some (moneys/ money)?
10 Coffee (are/ is) my favorite.

Point 2-4 셀 수 없는 명사의 수량 표현

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1 She bought a ( ) of cake.
2 My father drank two ( ) of beer.
3 We need three ( ) of beef.
4 The boy spilled a ( ) of ink.
5 My wife ordered three ( ) of furniture.
6 They prepared four ( ) of soup.
7 She ate two ( ) of chocolate.
8 He can eat two ( ) of pizza.
9 A ( ) of advice is also important.
10 A ( ) of salt made the soup delicious.

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Bricks 중학 Grammar !

Chapter 02 명사와 관사 Worksheet

Class: Date:

Name: Score:

Point 2-5 명사의 소유격

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1 We should protect the (women's / women') rights.
2 She is listening to the (birds' / birds's ) songs.
3 I can't follow (Jobs / Jobs's) advice.
4 She needs her (father / father's) help.
5 Mary went to the (grandparents' / grandparents's) house.
6 He is worried about his (childs' / child's) health.
7 Mina goes to Seoul (Girls / Girls') Middle school.
8 He repaired (the chair's leg / the leg of the chair).
9 He didn't read (yesterday newspaper / yesterday's newspaper).
10 It is two (miles' distance / distance of miles) from here.

Point 2-6 관사
밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고치시오.
1 I saw a elephant in the cage.
2 The science is my favorite subject.
3 We met together once the month.
4 His daughter goes to the school every morning.
5 An eraser is on the desk. An eraser is mine.
6 He is a last man to finish it.
7 Mr. Kim can play piano well.
8 Mom kissed me on forehead.
9 The children were playing the baseball.
10 He arrived here by a bus.

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