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Summary Statement
Paragraph in the
A brief summary of how you have career episode(s)
Competency Element
applied the element where the element is
I applied knowledge of engineering fundamentals

a) Quality analysis using Statistical quality

control technique to determine quality range CE3:
which includes mathematical calculations &
Six sigma calculations, use of taguchi method
PE1.1 Comprehensive, of analysis.
theory-based understanding b) Preparation of operation drawing, process
of the underpinning natural quality check sheets, grinding parameters,
and physical sciences and cycle time diagram.
the engineering c) Analysis of problems by breaking into
fundamentals applicable to components to identify the actual problem,
the engineering discipline through Genchi genbutsu (Japanese word) .
d) Preparation of the CAP UP network format
from the basics by confirming operation
drawings & process no.
e) Calculation of stress & strain in machining CE2:
process to find out the maximum capacity of
the machine element by using Torsional CE2:
stress equation.
PE1.2 Conceptual
understanding of the
a) Application of software skill like Auto
mathematics, numerical
cad & 3D modeling & basic computer CE3: 3.3.2
analysis, statistics and
knowledge & logical programming.
computer and information
sciences which underpin the
engineering discipline
a) Preparation of feasibility report to execution
of the Regrinding line demonstrates
knowledge in Tool regrinding and Project
management. CE3: to CE3:
b) Analysis, study and Identification of
manufacturing defect as the cause for
frequent breakage in the rolling tool.
c) Implementation of Global Safety measures
and ISO specification for the automation as
PE1.3 In-depth prescribed in Toyota safety standards.
understanding of specialist d) Application of ABC analysis and Pareto
bodies of knowledge within analysis to determine the priority of the tools
the engineering discipline in relation with cost benefit & economic
e) Task to prepare, gap anyalsis implement
CAP UP network system which would aid CE2:
robust machining line confirming the quality
of the products .

f) Safety & Risk assessment of an equipment CE2:

while changing over from old concept to new.

PE1.4 Discernment of a) Safety of the equipments had to be ensured

since many pneumatics had to be used in the
fixtures and sound knowledge of the handling CE3:
pneumatics helped to do changes in the
drawings, system and logic
b) Study and identification of the problems in
the logic circuits ladder diagram , cycle line
diagram on my earlier knowledge of cutting
knowledge development and tools & machine proveouts.
research directions within c) Complete check of simulated program path ,
the engineering discipline sequence and fine tuning for optimal
d) Establishment of quality control check points,
frequency and preparation of the work
instruction sheet and procedure.
e) Quality of the raw material & design CE1:
enhancement in source using Brinell’s &
Vicker’s equation.
a) Use of my engineering knowledge that I
gained in my undergraduate study and the
PE1.5 Knowledge of
experience that I later gained from my work, CE1,CE2,CE3
contextual factors impacting
to pursue and accomplish the objectives of
the engineering discipline all the engineering projects narrated in
a) I have learnt the basic structure of an CE2: 2.2.5
engineering industry and understood the
capabilities of workforce team during the
CAP UP network system program.
b) I have demonstrated the need and capability CE1:
of innovation during indigenous tool
PE1.6 Understanding of the c) I had ability understand the scope of the
scope, principles, norms, project and risks associated during the CE3: ,CE2:
accountabilities and bounds feasibility study of the Tool regrinding &
of contemporary engineering setting line.
practice in the specific d) I have applied my understanding towards the
discipline need for cost consideration & time CE3: ,
constraints throughout the Tool regrinding &
setting line installation project.
e) I have shown my understanding about the
business environment and importance during CE1: 1.2.1
the crisis period by using competitive cost


PE2.1 Application of a) Understanding the level of urgency by CE2: to
established engineering considering the constraints which will come
methods to complex across while capturing the data and
engineering problem solving quantified the assumptions and able to
generate simplified and reliable solution.
b) I had studied the drawings and visited the
supplier plant and prepared the root cause CE3:
analysis and I had prepared the
documentation with drawings and
specification of change in the tool and
prepared Engineering Change Request to the
designer with cost impact and quality
improvement proposal. CE1: 1.2.5
c) I had ability to do analysis related to the Tool
cost reduction activity in the original form. CE1: 1.3.3
d) I used my ability to investigate situations and
implemented resource utilization to increase
work efficiency during tool localization.
e) Detailed wear study has been made using
Taylor’s equation & Cutting forces & chip CE1:
thickness formulas to find out the merit’s &
Demerit’s of Tool change over.
a) I had demonstrated the need for interaction
and relationship with the organization,
suppliers, my supervisors, coworkers and
subordinates to solve the problems that arise
in the workplace in CE1, CE2, and CE3.
b) I had good knowledge in Safety standards I
took the responsibility of Implementation of
Global Safety measures and ISO specification CE3:
for the automation as prescribed in Toyota
safety standards
c) I had traveled with my team to the most of
the tool suppliers for understanding the
capability of supplying tools. This technique
of management by Physical evidence gave a
PE2.2 Fluent application of
lot of information and facts about the various
engineering techniques,
suppliers. Also it gave me a tremendous CE1:
tools and resources exposure by meeting different personalities
and concepts.
d) Review the detailed work plan for the
implementation of work schedule & prepare CE
for Risk management and alternative plans to
achieve targets
e) Progress review of machine building as per
committed schedule & programming training CE3:
so visited Gleason hurth Germany
f) Verification of tool quality through QFD , 7
QC Tools & Load pattern by using Hooke’s
g) Optimizing productivity cost & tool life by
using metal cutting application formulas.
PE2.3 Application of a) I had prepared in designing the line and CE3: 3.2.5
systematic engineering layout, and equipments by preparing
synthesis and design functional specifications using standards that
processes meet the user ( Tool room ) requirement
b) I gained immense knowledge on the CE2: 2.4.1
machining & tooling’s application & hands
on experience in the project co-ordination
and working in a cross functional team.
c) The task delegated to me was to setup a Tool CE3: 3.3.3
regrinding & Tool setting line assuring the
safety stipulated in Toyota standards, quality
requirement as per the product design,
Foolproof process for the organization and
overall cost of the project and time
d) By applying the ABC analysis and Pareto
analysis to determine the priority of the tools CE3: ,
in relation with cost benefit.
e) I have demonstrated the in-depth knowledge
of Tool regrinding & setting handling by
communicating the parameters, Program
creating (Tool path) & training on program
to concerned members using simple tool
drawings as I learnt in (Toyota motor
corporation) in Japan for 5 months.
I had overcome a very complex situation in
productivity enhancement of Transmission CE2: 2.3.5
machining line during R150 CAP UP
b) I had also ensured that the value innovation
and improvement is achieved by the quality CE1:
of materials and enhancement of design
along with source change so as to maximize
the benefit.
c) I had diligently followed all systems and
engineering during the execution of Tool
regrinding & setting line. CE3: to
d) During Tool localization I had used the
approach of breaking the problem into CE1:
elements and integrated their performance for
quality & economic outcome.
e) Prepared the root cause analysis and 5 Why
PE2.4 Application of analysis (used in Toyota) and proposed
systematic approaches to countermeasure such as geometry & feed
the conduct and rate change that would yield good results in
management of engineering tool wear.
projects f) In order to execute the plan in a timely
manner with quality consideration I wanted
to visualize the entire activity with minor
details so as to keep track of the large scale CE1:
change points and constantly assess the risk
and develop alternate method or
g) I had devised the strategy & procedure for CE1:
executing which I did by discussing with all
the stake holders in the company for tools
cost reduction proposals.
h) I had always ensured to get the feedback CE1:
related to the performance and review the
change point and communicate to all
i) Process planning & cost estimation to avoid CE2: ,CE2:
inventory cost & as well as to meet Just-in-
time for variant change over .
a) Throughout my career I had followed good CE1,CE2,CE3
ethics relevant to engineering and field of
b) During preparation of Tool regrinding &
setting line I had ensured to follow
PE3.1 Ethical conduct and legislation and statutory requirements such as
professional accountability obtaining certificate from Customs for CE3:
importing machines, Inspector of Industries /
safety for Layout etc
c) Preparation and Evaluation of the basic
specification of the Tool regrinding & setting
PE3.2 Effective oral and a) One of the official languages of our country CE1,CE2,CE3
written communication in is English and particularly used in Industry,
professional and lay domains high level of competency in written and
spoken English was demonstrated during
execution of the projects
b) During the entire part of the project I had
continuously improved my ability to CE2: 2.3.5
effectively communicate in Japanese
language to all the stake holders like
suppliers, machine and equipment
manufacturers, my colleagues and supervisor
using oral and written communications.
c) Understand and learn the functions of all the CE2:
equipments proposed to be used from
concerned engineers and equipment suppliers
d) The benefit of change was the message I had
communicated to the management, my
subordinates and other department members.
e) In all CE I had the ability to present the
complex problems in lay man terms which
were the key attributes for successful
completion of the projects. CE1,CE2,CE3

a) By applying the ABC analysis and Pareto CE1:

analysis to determine the priority of the tools
in relation with cost benefit. CE2:
b) I had suggested the cost effective reusage of
scrap drill shank and develop new tool. CE2:
c) Though I had mechanical background I had
developed my knowledge in electrical
background such as Ladder diagram ,Cycle
PE3.3 Creative innovative
line diagram logic checking.
and proactive demeanour CE1:
d) I was open to understand the new ideas as
like when I had personally visited suppliers
to understand the new developments in the
field during Tool localization activity.
e) I had also ensured that the value innovation CE1:
and improvement is achieved by the quality
of materials and design being enhanced along
with source change.
a) The data and specifications related to the CE1:
tools of local vendors using their catalogues
and details provided in the internet.
b) Checking and Approval of the production
operation drawing, process quality check CE3:
sheets, cycle time diagram.
c) Prepared the layout drawing for the Tool CE3:
regrinding & setting line and tool flow
system, equipments where changes were
necessary and prepared all these using the
Auto cad application.
d) I was well versed with the AutoCAD, As I
had up-to-date exposure over the software's
PE3.4 Professional use and like Pro-E, MS Excel, MS Officio, Siemens
management of information Program Logic Controller, Fanuc control
systems & servo systems using which I was
able to study the intricate portion of the
fixtures. CE2:
e) Preparation of reports to the management
regularly regarding the status of the project
activity and take their advice & feedback
apart from the monthly report.
f) Check the supplier tools, update changes to
the current drawings, parameters, CE1:
specifications and prepare the change point
management sheets.
a) Review the detailed work plan for the CE3:
implementation of work schedule & prepare
for Risk management and alternative plans to
achieve targets.
b) The way I had demonstrated the activity CE1:
endured confidence to the entire team and
also my superior had supported my approach.
c) I had pursued concept of grow together
during tool localization activity by CE1:
interacting and networking with various tool
PE3.5 Orderly management manufacturers and suppliers.
of self, and professional d) I had benchmarked our company Tool Cost
conduct with the industry standard by visiting various
suppliers factory and learned contemporary
developments through interaction during
Tool localization project.
e) Besides the technical knowledge CAP UP
project also gave a chance to learn certain
behavioral aspects of a professional engineer
in a foreign country through maintaining CE2: 2.4.6
professional relationship people connected
with project like Customers, Vendors, and

a) Communicate the ideas and consensus with CE2:

the concerned person in engineering
department in Japanese language
b) I had always used Hou-Ren-Sou (Reporting,
Explaining & Take Advice) technique for CE2:
effectively handling of issues in timely
PE3.6 Effective team manner and also mentored my team
membership and team throughout CE1 and CE3
leadership c) Cost reduction activity demonstrated my
responsibility to tackle crisis situation in a
responsible manner
d) I had demonstrated my leadership ability to
solve problems in CAP UP activity handling
understanding my role in a unique CE2: to

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