I-797 Approval Notice - Kiran Kumar Voruganti - Agiletrailblzaers - Ioe8698923399 07.08.2022 - 07.04.2025

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I-797A | NOTICE OF ACTION | 22°252:N595 S20 SMR vices 9025399 1129 PETITION FOR A NONIMMIGRANT WORKER. AGILETRAILBLAZERS LLC DBA CIRRUSLABS. Narr = eran 7122032 Vor? [VORUGANTL KIRAN KUMAR AGILETRAILBLAZERS LLC DBA CIRRUSLABS Notice Type: Approval Notice clo ZHANG, SIRUL Class: HIB: BBILLAW GROUP PC Valid from 07/08/2022 to 07/04/2025 PO BOX NO 1129 HERNDON VA 20172 The above patton al accompanying reqs for an ettenson of stay have heen approve. The tats ofthe nama antici in his tsifiation is yal as inicated on the 1-94 atuched below The beneficiaries) can work fr the paitioner pursuant otis approval noi, but only as dtd inthe Petition anal during the peiticn validity perio insite above, unless otherwise sured by thw, Changs in employer or ang may require you to Flea new Form 1-129, Petition fra Nonimingrane Work. The dates in he 198 staches below might no be or the same dates 3 the petition val dates ave eeause the 98 below may conan a race pio ‘of upto 10 days before aid upto 10 days afer the petition vl period forthe ellowing classifications CW-1, 1, E-2, £3, #-1B, H-2B, H3, LIA, 1B, O-1, 0-2, Pel, PS, P2,P2S,P-3, PAS, TN- Land TN=2 An 94 for H-2A nenmmigrans may conn a grace period of up to one week before an 30 days after the petition sagt period. However the beneficiary(is) may not wrk during such grace periods, ules otherwise authorized by Law “The dessin ogra grace period andthe length ofthe granted race pio discretionary, final a caot be contested on motion cr appeal. Pease conto the IRS with any questions about tx withholding. “Thopstioner shoul kee Ue upper potion ofthis neice The loser portion shou be given to the hemes ies. Thelenefcary\es) should hep the rig pat the 1-94 portion) with histo her ther Fors LO, Anival-Departure Reser The 1-94 potica should be given ty the US. Castes and Boner Proesion whem he she aves the Unite States The It pati for his or her records A person granted a extension of slay who leaves the US. and is rot isexempt ust ermaly cain anew vis before rtuming. The If pat can be ss when applying fr dhe pew vs, Wa visa sme required, he te she should resi it alone with anyother seguir documentation, whch applying for reentry base on this approval tie at a prt of entry or pe igh ispostion ston. The petitioner may als ile Form 1828, Appieston for Action onan Approved Application o Peto, to request at we wily a consulate, pot of enor pre-gh inspection offic ofthis approval The approval ofthis peti doesn guarantee that the beneficiary (es) willbe ound 0 he eligible fora vi. for admission to the United States raving boa and sceking r-almisson,o fra subsequent extension of stay, change of ats, or adjustment of sss. Tage $e aoa TTT The BACK Vou Wi be none Sepa SbOUCATY oer Gases you TT USCIS encourages you fo sign up Tora USCIS online account To Fearn more abputereaing an agsount and The Dene, go Yo HiipeT™ wwwaisisgovtteonline, erin Serie Center US. CITIZENSHIP & IMMIGRATION SVC 58 River Road Essex Joetion VT 08479-0001 USCIS Contact Centr: wwn.ascis gonicontactes Detach This Half for Personal Records Foraasooi0 a2 Receiptit 1058695923309 {Receipt Number 1058698925399 L944 313850910 42 1US Citizenship and Immigration Services NAME VORUGANTI, KIRAN KUMAR 1 CLASS 118, 1194 Departure Record VALID FROM 07/08/2022 UNTIL 07/1472 | Petitioner: AGILETRAILBLAZERS LLC DBA CIRRUSLABS arn UT Famiy Name PETITIONER ean ccoarit AGILETRAILBLAZERS LLC DBA CIRRUSLABS, t 11490 COMMERCE PARK DRIVE 400 i RESTON VA. 20191 Dateot Bir 02/28/1986 FORM 1-797 [REV. 08/01/16] ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR APPLICANT/PETITIONER If this is an approval notice for Form |-102, Application For initia Roplacement :94, save the upper portion ofthis -797A, Notice Cf Acton, for your records. If this is an approval notice for Form 1-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, the petitioner should keep the upper part of this -797. Please note that simply fling an application, petition o request, of having an approved petition does not give the person it was filed fox (also known as the beneficiary) permission to legally enter the United States. It zlso does not grant any legal immigration status. Include a copy of this notice if you ‘* Wite to USCIS or a US, Consulate about your case or ‘File another application or petition with USCIS based on this decision, USCIS will notify you separately about any other application or Petition you have filed Inquiries: Hf you have questions about your application or petition, you may: * Go to https:llegov.uscis gov/casestatus to check your case status online, * Call the USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5289, * Telecommunications Device for the Deat (TDD) 1-800-767-1833. *Send us a letter and include a copy of this notice. * Schedule an appointment at local USCIS office using InfoPass at httpsi/infopass.uscis.gov, IK you fled Form -907, Request for Premium Processing Service, ‘and you have any questions about the decision or status of your application or petition, please follow the instructions for contacting the Premium Processing Unit printed on the receipt notice we mailed you. APPROVAL OF NONIMMIGRANT PETITION If we approved a nonimmigrant petition, it means that the beneficiary is eligible for the requested nonimmigrant classification, If this notice says that we are notifying a U.S. Consulate about the approval for the purpose.of issuing a visa, contact the appropriate U.S. Consulate directly if you or the beneficiary has questions about the process. For more information about USCIS processing after a petition is approved, ‘s9@ the instructions on the form you filed. FORM 1-94 ATTACHMENT You can find your replacement Form 194 (ArrivalDeparture Record) in the lower portion on the front side of this notice. Keep the right half of your replacement Form 1-94 with your ‘passport, along with a copy of your original I-94 if you have it. Koop the loft haif of your replacoment Form I-94 ina safe place \with your personal records. Submit a copy of your replacement Form 184 with any future application or petition, When you leave the United States, you must turn in the right half of your -94 kept in your pessport) to the officials at the airport, border of seaport. If you do not do so, it may delay your entry into the United States in the future. You may stay in the United States only until the date indicated on this form. IF you want to remain in the United States past this date, you will ‘eed further authorization from USCIS. It you are a student planning to reenter the United States within 30 days to return to the same school, review the “Instructions to Students” on Page 3 of Form -20 before surrendering your replacement 194, It you lose the right half of your replacement Form 1:94 (kept in Your passport, submit @ copy of the left half of the Form I-94 (that you keep with your personal records), along with a new Form |-102, to apaly for a new replacement I-94, Waming: If you accept employment without our authorization, you may be subject to ramoval or deportation, I-797A | NOTICE. OF ‘ACTION | SXYSEREENSA Ato inmorarion SeRvices TOENGSH029399 1129. PETITION FOR A NONIMMIGRANT WORKER ori0g 022 AGILETRAILBLAZERS LLC DBA CIRRUSLABS, o22020 por VORUGANTI, KIRAN KUMAR THIS NOTICE IS NOT A VISA AND MAY NOT BE USED IN PLACE OF A VISA, The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement and Faimess Ast exabished the Office ofthe National Ombutsman (ONO) atthe Smal Busines Administration, The ONO asi small businesses with Sues related 1 federal regulations 1f you area smal sine with a comment or compli about regulatory enforcement, you may conact the ONO at www sba.gow/ombudsman or phone 202-205-2417 or fax 202-481-5719, NOTICE: Although this application o petition has been approve, USCIS and the IS. Department of Heelan Security reserve the ret o verify this information before andor aftr making a decision on your case 0 we ean ensue ha you hve compli with applicable kaw, les, regulations, and other legal authorities, We may review public information and records, contact thes by mail, the ntemtor phone, conduc sit inspections of business an residences or use other methods of verification. We wll use the infomation obained 6 detennine whether yu at eligible forthe benef you sec. Ir we Find any derogatory information, we wl fellow the la in deteniing wheter to provide you (andthe legal representative listed on your Forms G-28, you submited one) an opportunity to addres hat infomation here we make 2 formal dessin on your cose o start procs, Fase sce sacl Tnermaion onthe Pack Vou wi be none sopamTey about any her cas you TRE FUSCTS encourages youto Sgn up Tora UNCTS online account, To earn more about erating an Account and THe Danes, a Wo MAPA www auscisgovle-onine, Vermont Service Center US. CITIZENSHIP & IMMIGRATION SVC 38 River Road Essex Jnetion VP 05479-0001, USCIS Contact Center: won.nscis.govcontactceaer DANFENTIQNALAX IGE BANK | INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1 RaveipHNTIONALLY LEFT BLANK | Receig Wyo ONALLY LEFT BLANK, 1-948 | US Citizenship and Immigration Services RAEN ONATI LEFT BLANK | INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CLAS: | 194 Departure Record vA AENWONSNEN LEFT BLANK | PetitidEENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK, Titans sane IN PHNMEPONMQNALLY LEFT BLANK 1 ‘TENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1 Trea) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK : INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FORM 1-797 [REV. 08/01/16] ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR APPLICANT/PETITIONER If this is an approval notice for Form I-102, Application For initia Replacement 1-94, save the upper portion ofthis 797A, Notice ‘of Action, for your records. I this is an approval notice for Form: 1-129, Petition for @ Nonimmigrant Worker, the petitioner should keep the upper part ofthis 797A. Please note that simply fing an appication, petition o request, of having an approved petition does not give the person it was filed for (also known as the beneficiary] permission to legally enter the United States. It also does not grant any legal immigration status Include a copy of this notice if you: ‘Write to USCIS or a U.S. Consulate about your case or ‘File another application or petition with USCIS based on this decision. USCIS will notify you separately about any other application or petition you have filed Inquiries lf you have questions about your application or petition, you may: * Go to hitos://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus to check your case status online, ‘Call the USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-975-5283, * Telecommunications Device forthe Deat (TDD) 1-800-767-1833. * Send us a letter and include a copy of this notice. * Schedule en appoint ent ata local USCIS office using InfoPass at https:finfopass.uscis. gov. If you fled Form 907, Request for Premium Processing Service, ‘and you have any questions about the decision or status of ‘your application or petition, please follow the instructions for contacting the Premium Processing Unit printed on the receipt notice we mailed you. APPROVAL OF NONIMMIGRANT PETITION Ii we approved a.nonimmigrant petition, it means that the beneficiary is ‘eligible ‘for’ the, requested ‘nonimmigrant Classification, If this notice says that we are notifying a U.S. Consulate about the approval for the puipise of issuing 2 visa, contact the appropriate U.S. Consulate directly if you or the beneficiary has questions about the process. For more information about USCIS processing after @ petition is approved, ‘see the instructions on the form you fied, FORM 1-94 ATTACHMENT You can find your replacement Form 1-94 (Arrival/Departure Record) in the lower portion on the front side of this notice. Keep the right half of your replacement Form 1-94 with your ‘passport, along with a copy of your original 94 if you have it. Keep the left half of your replacement Form I-94 in a safe place ‘with your personal records. Submit a copy of your replacement Form 1-84 with any future application or petition When you leave the United States, you must turn in the right half of your 94 {kept in your passport) to the officals at the aitport, border or seaport. If you do not do so, it may delay your ‘entry into the United States in the future. You may stay in the United States only until the date indicated on this form. If you ‘want to remain in the United States past this date, you will ‘need further authorization from USCIS. If you are a student planning to reenter the United States within 30 days to return to the same school, review the “Instructions to Students" on Page 3 of Form I-20 before surrendering your replacement 194, IF you lose the right haf of your replacement Form L-4 (kept in Your passport, submit ¢ copy of the leit half of the Form I-94 {that you keep with your personal records), along wth a new Form I-02, to apply for a new replacement I-94, Warming: If you accept employment without our authorization, you may be subject to removal or deportation,

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