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Name : Fauzan

Class : IX - 1

Legenda Asal Usul Danau Nodi

Cerita legenda ini mengisahkan tentang sepasang suami istri yang bernama Jinum Etew dan

Yaritew yang tinggal di suatu tepi pantai bernama Pantai Muara Nuni. Untuk memenuhi

kebutuhan hidupnya sehari-hari, sepasang suami istri menangkap ikan di muara dan juga

berkebun yang telah tertanam berbagai umbi-umbian seperti, petatas, kasbi, keladi, dan


Pada suatu hari, sang istri merasa bosan dengan hasil mereka menangkap ikan dan berkebun.

Alhasil keesokan harinya, sepasang suami istri tersebut pergi berburu memasuki hutan di

Kepala Air Nuni dan langsung mendapatkan ulat nibong.

Tak lama setelahnya, mereka menemui seekor kanguru. Sang suami dengan berhati-hati

mengawasi kanguru tersebut lalu dengan sigap memanahnya sampai kanguru itu mati. Suami

istri ini merasa sangat senang dan langsung memutuskan untuk pulang.

Namun, di tengah perjalanan keluar hutan, Yaritew merasa lapar. Akhirnya, suami istri

tersebut memutuskan untuk berhenti dan mengeluarkan hasil buruan mereka untuk kemudian

dibakar. Mereka pun beristirahat di depan sebuah gua. Kemudian, sang suami segera

mengumpulkan kayu-kayu.
Ketika mereka hendak membakar kanguru hasil tangkapannya, mereka melihat ulat nibong

mengisap susu hewan itu. Sang istri pun melepaskan ulat nibong dari susu kanguru. Tetapi,

tiba-tiba air susu kanguru tersebut tersembur keluar.

Seketika itu juga, gelap gulita menyelimuti hutan. Hujan besar disertai petir-petir menyambar

tak kenal ampun, Yaritew merasa ketakutan dan menangis. Suami istri itu juga tidak bisa

melihat satu sama lainnya. Di tengah kegelapan itu, petir menggelegar dengan keras dan

membelah tanah. Hujan yang tak kalah lebat pun tak kunjung henti menyebabkan tempat

tersebut terendam air.

Dengan susah payah, mereka berusaha merangkak ke dalam gua. Tak berselang lama, hutan

tersebut tenggalam dan berubah menjadi danau. Masyarakat Suku Meyah menyebut danau itu

dengan nama Danau Nodi yang memiliki arti menangis. Sepasang suami istri tersebut telah

dikutuk oleh alam.

Name : Fauzan

Class : IX - 1

Legend of the Origin of Lake Nodi

This legendary story tells the story of a husband and wife named Jinum Etew and Yaritew

who live on a beach called Muara Nuni Beach. To fulfill their daily needs, a husband and

wife catch fish in the estuary and also garden where they have planted various tubers such as

petatas, kasbi, taro and bananas.

One day, the wife felt bored with their fishing and gardening. As a result, the next day, the

husband and wife went hunting into the forest at Head of Air Nuni and immediately found

nibong caterpillars.

Not long after, they encountered a kangaroo. The husband carefully watched the kangaroo

and then swiftly shot it until the kangaroo died. This husband and wife felt very happy and

immediately decided to go home.

However, on the way out of the forest, Yaritew felt hungry. Finally, the husband and wife

decided to stop and take out what they had hunted and then burn it. They also rested in front

of a cave. Then, the husband immediately gathered wood.

When they were about to burn the kangaroo they caught, they saw nibong caterpillars sucking

the animal's milk. The wife also released the nibong caterpillars from the kangaroo's

milk. However, suddenly the kangaroo's milk gushed out.

Instantly, pitch darkness enveloped the forest. Heavy rain accompanied by lightning struck

mercilessly, Yaritew felt scared and cried. The husband and wife also couldn't see each

other. In the midst of that darkness, lightning boomed violently and split the ground. The rain,

which was no less heavy, never stopped, causing the place to be submerged in water.

With great difficulty, they tried to crawl into the cave. Not long after, the forest sank and

turned into a lake. The Meyah tribe people call the lake Nodi Lake which means crying. This

husband and wife have been cursed by nature.

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