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Energy Policy 37 (2009) 2900–2906

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Renewable energy technology portfolio planning with scenario analysis:

A case study for Taiwan
Tser-Yieth Chen a,1, Oliver S. Yu b,2, George Jyh-yih Hsu c,d,, Fang-Ming Hsu e,3, Wei-Nown Sung f
Graduate Institute of International Business, National Taipei University, No. 151, University Road, Sanhsia, 23701, Taipei County, Taiwan, ROC
School of Business, National Dong Hwa University, President and CEO, The STARS Group, 495 South San Antonio Road, Los Altos, California, USA
Department of Management Information Systems, National Chung Hsing University, No. 250, Kuo Kuang Road. Taichung, 402, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Applied Economics, National Chung Hsing University, No. 250, Kuo Kuang Road. Taichung, 402, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Information Management, National Dong Hwa University, No. 1, Sec. 2, Da-Hsueh Rd. Shou-feng, Hualien, 97401, Taiwan, ROC
Department of International Business, National Dong Hwa University, No. 1, Sec. 2, Da-Hsueh Rd. Shou-feng, Hualien, 97401, Taiwan, ROC

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the results of a case study of applying a systematic and proven process of
Received 20 November 2008 technology portfolio planning with the use of scenario analysis to renewable energy developments in
Accepted 5 March 2009 Taiwan. The planning process starts with decision values of technology development based on a survey
Available online 21 April 2009
of society leaders. It then generates, based on expert opinions and literature search, a set of major
Keywords: technology alternatives, which in this study include: wind energy, photovoltaic, bio-energy, solar
Technology portfolio planning thermal power, ocean energy, and geothermal energy. Through a committee of technical experts with
Scenario analysis diversified professional backgrounds, the process in this study next constructs three scenarios (‘‘Season
Strategy planning process in the Sun’’, ‘‘More Desire than Energy’’, and ‘‘Castle in the Air’’) to encompass future uncertainties in the
relationships between the technology alternatives and the decision values. Finally, through a second
committee of professionals, the process assesses the importance and risks of these alternative
technologies and develops a general strategic plan for the renewable energy technology portfolio that is
responsive and robust for the future scenarios. The most important contributions of this paper are the
clear description of the systematic process of technology portfolio planning and scenario analysis, the
detailed demonstration of their application through a case study on the renewable energy development
in Taiwan, and the valuable results and insights gained from the application.
& 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction not only as a good global citizen, but also for its own energy
security considerations (Liu, 2002). Since there are many renew-
Global warming and fossil fuel depletion are two of the most able energy technologies available and the resources for technol-
important issues confronting mankind in the 21st century (IEA, ogy development are limited, the Taiwan government has been
2006; Chia, 1994). It has been well-recognized that an effective interested in a strategy for effective allocation of its limited
solution to these issues is to develop non-carbon-dioxide- resources (ITRI, 2007).
emitting and inexhaustible renewable energy resources, such as This paper presents the results of a case study sponsored by
photovoltaics, wind energy, bio-energy, geothermal, and solar the Taiwan government through the Industrial Technology
thermal, and others (Wang et al., 1997). Research Institute (ITRI) to explore such a strategy. The study
With about 98% of its energy needs dependent on foreign applies a systematic and proven process of technology portfolio
imports (Wu, 2005), Taiwan needs to develop renewable energy planning that focuses on the effective allocation of resources to a
portfolio, i.e., coordinated combination, of technologies to achieve
a set of decision values (Yu, 2006).
 Corresponding author at. Department of Management Information Systems, It should be noted that in terms of connection to global
National Chung Hsing University, No. 250, Kuo Kuang Road. Taichung, 402, Taiwan, environment economics, the study, although focusing on Taiwan,
ROC. Tel.: +886 4 22857798, +886 4 2284 0675; fax: +886 4 22857688. does have some specific implications as well as limitations. First,
E-mail addresses: (T.-Y. Chen), the technology portfolio planning methodology used in the study
(O.S. Yu), (G.J.-y. Hsu), (F.-M. Hsu), can be equally, effectively applied to studies by other countries (W.-N. Sung).
Tel.: +886 2 2673 6270; fax: +886 2 2673 6271.
facing the same issues of global warming and sustainable
Tel.: +1 650 922 5588; fax: +1 650 559 9421. development of renewable energy technologies,. Of course, the
Tel.: +886 3 863 3107. given backgrounds and conditions in Taiwan are generally quite

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.-Y. Chen et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 2900–2906 2901

different from those of other countries. Thus, it should be future possibilities. Scenario analysis can help decision-makers
recognized that the results of such studies for other countries face uncertainty by supplying them with various possibilities for
may also be different, which imposes a limitation on the future development (Schoemaker and Van der Heijden, 1992).
transferability of the results of this study. Nevertheless, because Regarding the scenario analysis, Schwartz (1996) stated that
the global environmental economics are all interconnected and the Royal Dutch Shell Corporation was the first to perform a ‘can
because Taiwan is a fast-follower to the advanced countries, and a use’ scenario analysis successfully by implementing the six-stage
successful economic development model to other developing scenario steps proposed by SRI (1996a). Shell succeeded in a
countries, the results from this study may serve as a useful highly competitive environment by planning for a scenario of
reference point to other countries in the world. potential embargo by the oil producing countries in the early
1970s, when its competitors were still forecasting by traditional
point-forecast methods and caught totally unprepared for such a
2. Literature review possibility that really occurred in 1993 and 1998. Since then,
Linneman and Klein (1983) and Malaska (1985) noted that over
In the last two decades, there have been many studies of 50% of the biggest European and US companies adopted scenario
technology strategy planning. For example, Porter (1985) recog- analysis to support their long-term planning. Subsequently,
nized that a technology strategy provides the decision-maker a through Yu’s leadership, SRI (1996b) also added scenario analysis
strategic plan for addressing the technology type, level, author- to its technology planning process. Examples of successful
izations, and other issues in relation to overall corporate strategy. application of scenario analysis include transmission and dis-
Maidique and Patch (1988) further recognized that technology tribution technology planning for Pacific Gas & Electric Company
strategy is a technology portfolio an enterprise develops to preparing for potential California earthquakes (SRI, 1996c), and
acquire an advantage in the market. In addition, the intension of Shell preparing to deal with high natural gas prices caused by the
strategy has been shown to include the following: collapse of the Soviet Union (Ringland, 1998).

(1) If the technology is a core capability that an enterprise intends

to possess as essential to the strategy of business, then the 3. The technology portfolio planning process
enterprise would tend to develop the technology by itself
(Prahalad and Hamel, 1990; Steensam, 1996).
The technology portfolio planning process (Yu, 2006) provides
(2) If the enterprise intends to reduce the risks of technology
a systematic and proven procedure for the strategic decision of
development, then it would often prefer buying the technol-
finding a coordinated set of resource allocations among available
ogy from markets or jointly developing the technology with
technologies (a technology portfolio) that best achieves the values
other enterprises (Shan et al., 1994; Brown and Eisenhardt,
of the organization. It consists of four key elements:
(3) If an enterprise positions its strategic posture as the leader in
the industry, and in addition, the enterprise is capable of (1) Identify decision values, which are the motivational forces for the
technology, then the enterprise tends to develop technology resource allocation decision: major methods for this element
with internal resources, (Shan et al., 1994; Steensam, 1996). include societal leader survey, analytic hierarchy process, and
utility analysis.
(2) Generate a set of technology alternatives: major methods for
Over the years, SRI International (SRI, formerly Stanford
this element include expert survey, brainstorming, and other
Research Institute) has also independently developed several
creative techniques.
technology strategy planning techniques, including scenario
(3) Forecast future relationships between alternatives and values:
analysis, factor analysis, and strategy maps (SRI, 1996a, b, c). Yu
major methods for this element include mathematical
(2006) formalized a systematic procedure for strategic resource
modeling, traditional forecasting techniques, and scenario
allocation decision-making, and integrated many of the techni-
ques from SRI and other sources into a technology portfolio
(4) Find the best alternative: in addition to the traditional
planning process that has been successfully tested and proven in
optimization techniques, such as linear programming a
many technology strategy studies for large business organizations
dynamic programming, major methods for this element
and government agencies around the world (Yu, 2006; Yu et al.,
include factor analysis, strategy map, and Pareto analysis.
1998; Chen, 2005).
The scenario analysis technique in the technology portfolio
planning process played a major role in the current case study and Because of the large uncertainty involved in forecasting the
will be further reviewed below. business environment and technical development of renewable
A scenario describes a set of plausible future events, and their energy, scenario analysis has been used extensively in the current
causes and consequences. Porter (1991) observed that scenarios case study and will be described in further details below.
are a plot development for a play script, or for a story outline or The technology portfolio planning process with scenario
content. Scenario analysis develops a set of structurally different analysis has seven steps as shown in Fig. 1: (1) specify the
scenarios to encompass the major uncertainties in the future decision value and focus, (2) identify key decision factors and
business environment (Wack, 1985a, b). Linneman and Klein major driving forces, (3) identify the axes of uncertainty, (4)
(1985) noted that a scenario analysis applies quantification or develop and select scenarios, (5) generate technology alternatives,
qualitative methods to help decision-makers prepare for the (6) assess the technology alternatives under different scenarios,
future. Huss and Honton (1987) stressed that scenario analysis and (7) develop a robust technology portfolio plan.
can be adopted to appraise risk, and to examine the gap between Over the last two decades, this process has been widely applied
expectations and reality. Furthermore, Schoemaker (1995) and by SRI International and the STARS Group and proven effective in
Ringland (1998) considered scenario analysis as a tool for strategic business corporations and government agencies in the US (e.g.,
thinking, which can be integrated into strategic planning. Scenario Tennessee Valley Authority, SRI, 1999), Japan (e.g., Mitsubishi
analysis thus involves neither forecasting nor prediction, but Electric Corporation, SRI, 1995), South Korea (e.g., LG Group, SRI,
instead is a form of exploration, which can be adopted to highlight 1997), Taiwan (e.g., Ministry of Economic Affairs, STARS, 2006)
2902 T.-Y. Chen et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 2900–2906

Table 1
(1) Specify (2) Identify key (3) Develop axes Discussion topics for the scenario analysis committee members.
decision values decision factors of uncertainty
and focus for and major
scenarios driving forces 1 What fields of renewable energy technology have a good chance to be
developed in Taiwan over the next ten years?
2 The Ministry of Economic Affairs is in charge of renewable energy
development. What are the key decision factors that the decision makers
(4) Develop and select scenarios should be concerned with while planning the development strategy for
renewable energy technology?
3 What are the external driving forces that affect the ministry of economic
affairs in making decisions?
(5) Generate (6) Assess (7) Develop a 4 What other issues should be considered for the study?

technology technology robust

alternatives alternatives technology
under different portfolio plan 5. Major results of the case study
5.1. Key decision factors, major driving forces, and scenario
Fig. 1. Technology portfolio planning process with scenario analysis. development

Based on the discussions of the members of the Scenario

Analysis Committee, the key decision factors were identified and
and Western Europe (e.g., Statoil in Norway, SRI, 1990; and Fiat grouped as follows:
Corporation in Italy, SRI, 1988).
Political factors: Taiwan government energy and industry
policies, related policies for the renewable energy industry,
4. Application of the process for the case study
and international environmental issues.
Technology factors: breakthroughs in renewable energy tech-
For the case study, the values for the resource allocation
nology and the criteria for technology assessment.
decision of the renewable energy technology portfolio were
Market factors: market demand of the renewable energy
derived from a survey of 65 society leaders in Taiwan. These
related industry, the development of domestic industry, and
society leaders include technology experts, business executives,
the requirements of the international market.
government officials, major educators, prominent artists, and
Natural resource factors: availability of renewable energy in
community leaders. The resulting values indicate a 50% weight
Taiwan and the supply costs of renewable energy.
on economic growth; a 25% weight on social equity, such as
Furthermore, major driving forces in the external business
reduction in the income gap and increase of the care of elderly and
environment have been identified and grouped as follows:
disadvantaged populations; and a 25% weight on the quality of
Policy driving forces: government industry policy and energy
life, including environmental quality and balance between work
and leisure. These values formed the basis for assessing the overall
Technology driving forces: position of renewable energy
importance of the technology alternatives.
technology and the developing cost of renewable energy.
A comprehensive list of alternative renewable energy technol-
International driving forces: international oil price, greenhouse
ogies were collected from technical experts from its research
gas reduction requirements, international eco-issues, the
groups as well as from a broad literature search (Chen et al, 2007).
politics of foreign countries, and the international demand
The list includes 22 technologies from six major fields of
for energy.
renewable energy: photovoltaics, wind energy, bio-energy, solar
heating, geothermal energy, and ocean energy.
A Scenario Analysis Committee consisting of 14 experts These major driving forces were then condensed into three axes
in technology, economics, business and other professional fields of uncertainty: the situation of global warming, the breakthrough
was formed to conduct scenario analysis on the future relation- in renewable energy technology, and the government’s renewable
ships between alternative technologies and the decision values. energy policy. Eight scenarios could be constructed from combin-
Through extensive discussions of a set of topics shown in Table 1, ing various extremes of the three axes of uncertainty as shown in
members of the committee identified key decision factors and Table 2. However, by eliminating those combinations that were
major driving forces in the future development of renewable not internally consistent and those that were similar to one
energy technologies. another, three plausible yet structurally different scenarios A, C
Based on these driving forces and the subsequent axes of and H were selected to provide an envelope encompassing major
uncertainty analysis, three future scenarios for the development future uncertainty in the external business environment.
of renewable energy in Taiwan were developed. Each selected scenario was then given a title with additional
A second Technology Assessment and Planning Committee details as follows.
consisting of another 14 technology and policy analysts was
formed to assess the alternative technologies and develop a 5.1.1. Scenario A: season in the sun
renewable energy technology portfolio plan. Scenario A represents an optimistic scenario for the renewable
It is important to point out that although the application energy industry in Taiwan. In this scenario, global temperature
focuses on Taiwan as a case study, the scope of the methodo- continues to climb. In order to prevent further global warming,
logy of the technology portfolio planning process universal the emission of carbon dioxide will be restrained in the future.
and the specific detailed steps are generic and systematic. Thus, Furthermore, renewable energy technology has made significant
it can be and has been applied to many other countries in progress, and the government will strongly support policies
the world. promoting the renewable energy industry.
T.-Y. Chen et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 2900–2906 2903

5.1.2. Scenario C: more desire than energy promote renewable energy industry actively, because it lacks the
In this scenario, the international community stresses the push from external driving forces. In general, there is little
gradual increase in environmental protection top balance the incentive for developing renewable energy industry in this
desired economic growth. Control of carbon dioxide still drives scenario.
the development of the renewable energy industry, but there is no
major technological breakthrough. As a result, the cost of renew-
able energy remains much higher than that of fossil energy. Even 5.2. Assessment of renewable energy technologies
though the Taiwan government still actively promotes renewable
energy, the development of the renewable energy industry will be After completion of the scenario analysis, the Technology
very slow. Assessment and Planning Committee then used the portfolio
analysis approach to assess the 22 candidate technologies from six
major fields of renewable energy: photovoltaics, wind energy, bio-
5.1.3. Scenario H: castle in the air energy, solar heating, geothermal energy, and ocean energy in two
For this scenario, timing is not right for developing renewable dimensions: importance (as a representation of the decision
energy industry. Specifically, the threat of global warming has values) and risk.
decreased and the international community will reduce the The importance of a technology was assessed on the basis of
requirement for environmental protection. Furthermore, renew- the following indicators: ‘‘market value in 2017’’, ‘‘compound
able energy technology does not have breakthrough, partly caused market growth rate from 2007 to 2017’’, ‘‘cost ratio to traditional
by a reduction in the funding for developing and promoting energy in 2017’’ and ‘‘percentage reduction in energy cost from
renewable energy technology. Moreover, the government does not 2007 to 2017’’. The first two indicators focus on the market value
of the technology, and the last two indicators focus on the cost
competitiveness of the technology. Measures for these indicators
Table 2 are summarized in Table 3.
Candidate scenarios. The risk of a technology from Taiwan’s perspective was
assessed on the basis of the following indicators: ‘‘technology
Scenarios Situation Breakthrough in Government First Second Final
position’’, ‘‘manufacture capability’’, ‘‘industrial supply chain’’,
of global renewable renewable round round scenarios
warming energy energy selecting selecting ‘‘market entry barriers’’, and ‘‘lead time for commercialization’’.
technology policy Here, the first three indicators focus on the risk in the
manufacturing, and the last two indicators focus on the risk in
A High High High O O O the markets. Measures for these indicators are summarized in
B High High Low X
C High Low High O O O
Table 4.
D High Low Low O It is important to note that these technology risk indicators are
E Low High High O specific to Taiwan and obtained from the discussions among 14
F Low High Low O O technology experts. They should not be used by other countries
G Low Low High X
without modifications, although the general contents may be
H Low Low Low O O O
useful as references to these other countries.

Table 3
Measures of technology importance indicators.

Indicators of technology importance High level Medium level Low level

Market value in 2017 (new Taiwan dollars) Over $50 billion $1050 billion Less than $10 billion
Compound market growth rate from 2007 to 2017 Over 20% 10–20% Less than 10%
Cost ratio to traditional energy in 2017 Less than 1.5 1.5–2.0 Larger than 2.0
Percentage cost reduction from 2007 to 2017 Larger than 10% 1–10% Less than 1%

Table 4
Measures of technology risk indicators.

Indicators of technology risk High level Medium level Low level

Position of technology Domestic renewable energy technology Taiwan does not have the ability to Taiwan does not have the ability to
reaches international caliber. develop renewable energy technology, develop renewable energy technology,
but the technology can be acquired from and it is not easy to acquire technology
foreign countries. from foreign countries.
Manufacture capability Industry can produce on a large scale, The quality of outputs meets Neither the capacity nor the quality of
and the quality of outputs meets international standards, but the capacity outputs is sufficient.
international standards. does not reach the economy of scale.
Industrial supply chain Industrial supply chain is well formed There is a gap in the industrial supply There is a gap in the industrial supply
from upstream to downstream. chain, but the raw materials and key chain, but the raw materials and key
components are easy to acquire. components are not easy to acquire.
Market entry barriers Products get international recognition Products get international recognition, Products cannot get international
and also successfully enter international but cannot enter international markets. regnition nor enter international
markets. markets
Lead time for Within 3 years In 3–5 years More than 5 years
2904 T.-Y. Chen et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 2900–2906

Based on these indicators and their respective measures, (S1) both enjoy high importance and low risk and are ideal for
the assessment results and the technology portfolio planning private business development.
implications for each scenario are summarized graphically in All other photovoltaic technologies except CdTe (P4), both on-
Figs. 2–4 and discussed below. shore and off-shore wind energy technologies (w1 and w2), and
all bio-energy except anaerobic ferment (B2), together with ocean
thermal energy technology (T4) have lower importance or higher
5.3. Technology portfolio planning implications for scenario A risks. They may merit government investment to reduce risk and
(season in the sun) increase importance.
The remaining technologies are currently not attractive to
For this scenario, the importance-risk assessment shown in Taiwan due to, for example, the low energy returns on input
Fig. 2 indicates that crystal Si (P1) and solar heating water boiler (EROI) of some bio-energy (Kao and Hsu, 2006) or high

P1 W1

P6 P3 P5 W2

B3 B1
P4 T3

B2 G1

W3 S2
G2 T2

Low Medium High


Fig. 2. Technology assessment for scenario A (season in the sun). Code names of renewable energy technologies W1: On-shore wind energy; W2: Off-shore wind energy;
W3: Small wind turbine; G1: Geothermal energy; G2: Incremental geothermal energy; P1: Crystal si; P2: film of a-Si; P3: film of CIGS; P4: film of CdTe; P5: Organic dye; P6:
Concentration photovoltaic; S1 ¼ Solar heating water boiler; S2 ¼ Solar heating air condition; S3 ¼ Solar heating energy; B1: Biomass energy; B2: Anaerobic ferment; B3:
Biodiesel; B4: Bioethanol; T1: Wave energy; T2: Tide energy; T3: Ocean current energy; T4: Ocean Thermal Energy.

S1 W1


P6 P3 W2


T4 P4 T3

B2 P5 G1

Lo T1
W3 S2
G2 T2

Low Medium High


Fig. 3. Technology assessment for scenario C (more desire than energy). Code names of renewable energy technologies W1: On-shore wind energy; W2: Off-shore wind
energy; W3: Small wind turbine; G1: Geothermal energy; G2: Incremental geothermal energy; P1: Crystal si; P2: film of a-Si; P3: film of CIGS; P4: film of CdTe; P5: Organic
dye; P6: Concentration photovoltaic; S1 ¼ Solar heating water boiler; S2 ¼ Solar heating air condition; S3 ¼ Solar heating energy; B1: Biomass energy; B2: Anaerobic
ferment; B3: Biodiesel; B4: Bioethanol; T1: Wave energy; T2: Tide energy; T3: Ocean current energy; T4: Ocean Thermal Energy.
T.-Y. Chen et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 2900–2906 2905

competing against oil and nuclear in importance and risk.

However, again, they should be constantly monitored for future
High technological progress and improvement in importance.
P2 6. Conclusions

P3 B3 Based on the above results, this case study has derived the
following general conclusions regarding the renewable energy
technology portfolio planning for Taiwan in the 2007 to 2017 time
P4 S3 T3
B2 P5 T4 G1
Lo T1 (1) The principal uncertainties in future Taiwan’s renewable
W3 S2
G2 T2 energy development are the threat of global warming, the
breakthrough of renewable energy technology and the
Low Medium High government energy policy. To encompass these uncertainties,
Risk the case study has developed an optimistic scenario (season in
the sun) and two pessimistic scenarios (more desire than
Fig. 4. Technology assessment for scenario H (castle in the air). Code names of energy and castles in the air).
renewable energy technologies W1: On-shore wind energy; W2: Off-shore wind
(2) Based on these scenarios, a robust renewable energy technol-
energy; W3: Small wind turbine; G1: Geothermal energy; G2: Incremental
geothermal energy; P1: Crystal si; P2: film of a-Si; P3: film of CIGS; P4: film of
ogy portfolio plan appears to be as follows.
CdTe; P5:Organic dye; P6: Concentration photovoltaic; S1 ¼ Solar heating water (a) In all cases, Taiwan should promote private business
boiler; S2 ¼ Solar heating air condition; S3 ¼ Solar heating energy; B1: Biomass investment in the mature technology of solar heating
energy; B2: Anaerobic ferment; B3: Biodiesel; B4: Bioethanol; T1: Wave energy; water boiler.
T2: Tide energy; T3: Ocean current energy; T4: Ocean Thermal Energy.
(b) Dependent on the evolving development of future busi-
ness environment, Taiwan should either promote private
business investment or provide public investment or
development risks, for example, the limited availability of ocean develop international cooperation in crystal Si, film of a-
and geothermal energy in Taiwan. However, they still should be Si, film of CIGS, concentration photovoltaic, and possibly
constantly monitored in case of future increase in importance and organic dye technologies.
potential decrease in risk. (c) Taiwan should consider public investments to reduce the
risks of on- and off-shore wind energy and possibly
selected bio-energy and ocean thermal energy develop-
5.4. Technology portfolio planning implications for scenario C (more
desire than energy)
(d) Taiwan should continuously monitor other renewable
energy technologies for possible technological break-
For this scenario, the importance-risk assessment shown in throughs as well as potential increase in importance due
Fig. 3 indicates that technical difficulties have greatly thinned out to changes in the external business environment driven by
renewable energy technology developments. Only the mature global warming and international oil price.
technologies of solar heating water boiler and crystal Si still have
high importance and low risk and well positioned for private
business investments.
6.1. Limitations of the study
However, except for technically emerging CdTe and organic
dye, all other photovoltaic technology as well as on- and off-shore
There are two potential limitations of the case study results:
wind energy and ocean thermal, energy technology are still
worthy of consideration by government investment for risk
(1) The Scenario Analysis Committee and the Technology Assess-
reduction and importance improvement.
ment and Planning Committee consisted of different mem-
The increased demand for a balance between economic
bers. Although there is the advantage of independent view
development and energy protection in this scenario has greatly
points, there may also be the disadvantage of inconsistencies
increased the risk of bio-energy development, which directly
caused by different understanding of the scenarios and
competes against food requirement (Weng, 2007a, b). Technical
knowledge of the technology details.
challenges have also increased the risks of all remaining
(2) Scenarios are highly affected by changes in technologies and
the business environment (Chen, 2003). In particular, energy
technologies and business environment have experienced and
5.5. Technology portfolio planning in scenario H (castle in the air) will continue to encounter great changes due to the rapid
advances in information and material technologies as well as
For this scenario, the importance-risk assessment indicates the volatile political forces in the international energy scene
that due to the reduced threat of global warming and the lack of (e.g., international oil price was US$70 a barrel at the
technical breakthrough, only the mature solar heating water beginning of the study in 2007 and had risen to over
boiler, which has been developed since the 1980s, remains high- US$100 a barrel just a few months later). With very limited
importance and low-risk. resources, the case study has the disadvantage of not being
However, even with increased risks, the photovoltaic technol- able to be as comprehensive and timely in incorporating all
ogies with the exceptions of CdTe and organic dye still merit these uncertainties in the technology portfolio planning
government investment to reduce risk and improve importance. process.
All other remaining technologies are now not attractive as they (3) Finally, the case study is necessarily country-specific. The
are either dependent on US and European developments or indicators, scenarios, and planning results are applicable to
2906 T.-Y. Chen et al. / Energy Policy 37 (2009) 2900–2906

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