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Wicked Article Creator 2.

1 2012

Welcome to WAC Help and documentation. WAC 2.1 is an extra-ordinary tool to help you
create articles for your websites and contextual backlinks. It was developed for the original
purpose of downloading articles and mixing content randomly from those articles. But it has
evolved and has become one of the most famous content building tools for the internet

The help and documentation has been divided into multiple sections to make it easier for
you to navigate and use the software.

1. Installation and Settings

2. Content Downloading & Auto-Build
3. Manually Building Articles
4. Cleaning Your Articles
5. Downloading More Content
6. Building Titles
7. Generate Author Box & Bio
8. Download Images & Videos
9. Preview your Article
10. HTML Articles With WAC Research
11. Future Upgrades
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Installation and Settings

After you have downloaded the software simply double click on the exe file to launch the
setup wizard and follow the instructions. It’s just a simple next-next procedure and is
very easy. Also remember that if you get any virus or malware attack report ignore it
because WAC is not a virus tool.

Note : Windows 7 users please do not install the software in C:\ or the drive where you
have your OS installed. Because you will get file access error which is because of
security permissions.

After you have installed the software launch wicked article creator and enter your login
information from the website. Click on login and then goto WAC Xtra tab and click on
settings :
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

1) Global settings : Here you change settings for the whole software. The first
option “remove lines” will get rid of small lines which cannot be spun very well.
This is important because you need sentences which can be spun on phrase
level. Put a value more than 40 because smaller than that can really hurt the
uniqueness of your articles.

2) Proxies : Here you can add your proxies from a text file. WAC only supports
private proxies for now. The text file should have proxies in this format :;username;password

Remember the semi-colon separating the IP address, username and the

password. Enter all proxies one per line and add them to your proxies section.

3) Auto-Build : This section is important for building articles from the downloaded
content. Here you decide the length of your articles. You can choose what kind of
phrase level spinning you want and then how many paragraphs, lines and
variations you want per article. If you want you can remove the original words
from the spun text and add %LINKS% tag in your articles.
The calculate button will tell you how many articles of your required length can be
build from the downloaded lines. Also you can choose to always build as many
articles as you want.

4) Relevancy : Here you can choose the words which you want or don’t want in your
content. If you want to get rid of lines which do not contain adult keywords etc.
then you can place them here.

The %LINKS% tag is useful if you want to add backlinks in your text and want it to
appear inside the text. What you do is add the tag in any paragraph you want and then
copy-paste the content in a notepad. Then you do a find-replace and replace each
%LINKS% tag by <a href=>your keyword</a>. This way
whenever you generate a unique version of your article, a backlink will appear in the
paragraph you choose and the position will be random always.

You can click on save to save your settings and then begin with the content creation.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Content Downloading & Auto-Build

Content downloading is easy with WAC. After you have saved your settings, goto WAC
Home tab.

1. Type your keyword – Make sure you type meaningful keywords. For eg : carpet
cleaning in texas will not return as much content as carpet cleaning. Although the
first keyword is very targeted. But here we focus on niche relevant content so
later keyword will do.
2. Select how many times you have worked with this keyword. There are 5 very
high PR sites which are used in main section. Although WAC supports over 25
websites, these 5 have their own search engines and hence can return upto
100,000 results per keyword. Unlike other directories where you get same 100
articles because they use google, here you can download unique content
everytime. So when you choose a different number in used box, you receive
different content each time.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

3. Hit download to begin downloading. First what happens is WAC will load URLs
related to your keyword and then each website will be processed to download
only the article content. After the content has been downloaded, it is split into
different lines and the small lines are removed (as per the settings) and the
whole content is randomized. This is done to make sure that your article is very
unique and copyscape cannot find any similar piece of text.
4. Auto-Build : When you click on this button, WAC will build a spun article based
on your settings. The working is simple to understand. You see, the content
which was downloaded was split into different lines. After this, WAC will randomly
choose lines and build your article.

Depending on how many articles you chose to build, the drop-down will have multiple
articles and all will be build from different lines.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Manually Building Articles

You can build an article for backlink purposes using auto-build but sometimes you need
the manual process to build highly spun articles. Here is how you do it :

1) Download some content for your keyword and make sure that the small lines
have been removed from the content.
2) Next click on auto spin from Article Spinner module. Remember that it takes a
while to spin the downloaded lines on auto mode. The level is decided from the
phrase-spinning settings of auto-build.
3) Next decide how many variations you want per line. Click on variations button
and enter the number. This is used to merge as many lines as you want in a
single line. So if you put 10, it means you want 10 random lines to be spun in a
spintax format.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Next you will notice that the lines are separated into a batch of 10 lines. Now follow
these steps :

1. Select each batch of these 10 lines and click on spin paras – This will add these
10 lines into a single spun line.
2. After you have done this with all the 10 lines, select 6-7 spun lines and click on
merge. This will add them into a paragraph. Then rinse and repeat and build your
article. Here is a demonstration :

Main content :







Variations :



Merged Paragraphs :

{line1|line2|line3…line10}. {line11|line12|line3…line20}.

The merged paragraph consists of 5-6 sets of lines where each line has 10 variations
and each variation has been spun on phrase level. If this is too difficult to digest then
please stick to auto-build. It does the same thing and it is completely hands-free.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Cleaning Your Articles

1) Duplicates : Clicking on this button will remove any duplicate line from the
downloaded content. You see although the article directories are manually
approved and there is no chance of duplicate content, chances are that some of
the lines of an article match with another line of other article. To get rid of this we
have provided with duplicates removal function.

2) Unwanted : This function is used if you want to remove lines having adult or
keywords which can ruin the niche of your content. Go to settings section and
relevancy tab and enter all the unwanted keywords like porn, Viagra, cialis etc.
one per line and click on Save. Then click on this button and it will remove all the
lines which have any single keyword from this.

3) Relevancy : This function is used if you want to keep only those lines which
contain your required keyword. Go to settings section and relevancy tab and
enter all the words which you want in the article. When you click on this button,
WAC will check whether each line has any of the keywords in them. If not then
they are deleted.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Downloading More Articles

As said earlier, WAC supports total of 25 websites (article directories) from which few
are used in WAC main section and few in auto-build tools. Here we have a different list
of 18 article directories which can be used to download content and use them with

Working with the scraper is real easy. Please make sure that you have setup few
proxies in settings tab because here we scrape google results for the website and their
articles. So making 18 requests can get your IP a temporary ban.

To download content simply enter the keyword and select the websites. Then select the
page number of google you want to scrape. Click on start and it will start scraping the
content. The content is added in the following manner : Serial number, title and content
with the word count.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

After you have downloaded the content you can either save all the articles to a directory
or select a few and save them in your hard disk. The articles are saved as Article1,
Article2 etc. and so on.

Save All Titles will save only the titles from all the downloaded articles in a single text
file. This comes handy when you want to create a spintax from all the downloaded
article titles.

Note : Remember that due to some errors the content scraper hangs when you select
all the websites. So till the matter is resolved, you can only select upto 3 websites at
once, and then download the articles.

The Add Selected button will add your selected articles to the WAC spinner wizard
where you can manually spin it and build articles using it.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Building Titles

A good spun article is one which has a good mixture of titles too. In WAC we have
provided two methods of building titles – first is scraping titles from articles and the other
one is WAC Title Builder.

1) Title Scraper : This is an important tool if you want to scrape titles from article
directories. Right now only ezine and goarticles are supported with 5 more
waiting to be added. The procedure is simple – Add your keyword and hit
downloaded. It will load the first batch of results and scrape only the titles.
Clicking on load more will load the next batch and scrape their titles. Every time
you click Load More you will get different set of titles scraped.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

2) Title Builder : This module has been developed with over 30,000 pre-loaded title
definitions. You can build unique combinations each time you build your titles.
How this works is – When you enter a keyword, WAC will determine which title
will be suitable to be added for the keyword and then generate some related
titles. Look at the following example :

There are over 30,000 definitions which can be used here and can easily generate
some titles for you. The best practice is to generate few titles from scraper and few from
Title Builder, paste them in title builder screen and then click on spintax button to create
a spintax from all those titles.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Generate Author Box & Bio

1) Author Box : This is a scraper which will scrape only the author section of a
paragraph. This is skipped from main content because it generally has links and
website information which you do not want in your main article. But if you are
having trouble with writing different sets of author information then you can
scrape few. This works like Title Scraper.

2) About Me / BIO : Again this tool relies on WAC database of BIO information
where we have preloaded tens of thousands of names, age, job, places and
various other details which can be used to fill about me section of various
softwares like Senuke and Xrumer. The working is quite straightforward – Simply
select all the details you want in your BIO and click on generate. You can
preview the output in the preview tab.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Download Images and Videos

A good article will always have some sort of rich media along with the content and with
WAC everything is possible.

1. Videos : Click on the Video Spin button and enter your keyword. The download
and load more button functions the same like everywhere else. Once the links
have been loaded click on Spin Embed if you want to embed these videos in an
article in senuke. This will generate a spintax fro the video sources. You can also
set the height and width of the videos to make sure that they are of your required
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

2. Images : The image spin works similar to video spin module. You can download
images based on your keyword and then spin the source of the images in a
spintax format. You can again set the height and width of the images in the

Please note that youtube is used to create spun videos and yahoo is used to create
spun images. More search engines and video portals will be added in upcoming
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Preview your Article

WAC has an inbuilt module to preview your articles in both plain text and HTML mode. If
you manually build an article without images and videos then you can preview your
article in text mode. Every time you click on spin a unique version is generated. The
same happens when you build an HTML article with images and videos. The preview of
an HTML article looks like this :
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

HTML Articles with WAC Research

WAC Research is a module which has been developed to make your articles building much
easier – especially your HTML Articles. The working of this tools is quite simple. It works on very
high quality sites only – Ezine and Associated. It again splits the content on lines but you can
see the number of words in each line.

To build an HTML article simply enter the keyword and then click download. After the content
has been downloaded it will be cleaned for unnecessary garbage and will be added in a data
box. Then click on HTML Article and you will be shown the following screen :

The first thing you need to do is prepare your sources for images and videos. Enter your
keyword and click download. Left section has all the images and right has all the videos. Next
goto Build Settings and enter the details as per your required article :

If you want a non-spun article then select “Without Spintax”. You can also choose the level of
spinning and the length of your article. When you are done click on Build. This will just build the
text content. Now assuming you have 4 paragraphs, keep the cursor at the end of second
paragraph and click on Insert Images. This will create a spintax of all the image sources and
add it there. The same goes for Insert Videos too. Just keep your mouse cursor after the
paragraph you want and click on Insert Videos and a spun format of all the video sources will be
added after that paragraph.

So you see you can easily add images and videos, in spun version, alongwith the spun textual
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

The other part of WAC Research i.e. Simple Article will build only spun/non-spun text content.
You can choose the same content length, links etc. but you cannot add images and videos. You
can directly copy the article to your clipboard or save it on your hard disk.
Wicked Article Creator 2.1 2012

Future Upgrades

As you can see the documentation ends here. This is because the rest of the tools are
being reconstructed from scratch. All the Magic Tools and export tools are being
rewritten and the documentation will be changed as per the release of these upgrades. I
apologize for any inconvenience and will make sure that you get the upgraded
documentation ASAP.

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