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1. bring significant changes to sth/ sb: = dramatically alter sth = revolutionnize sth : thay đổi lớn, cách
mạng hóa
2. Đó là 1 thực tế không thể phủ nhận dc, hiển nhiên

It is an undeniable fact that

3. Có nhiều tranh cãi.... liệu .....
There remains some disagreement as to ....
There remains some disagreement as to whether S+V positive or negative
=> there remains some disagreement as to whether private higher education has been positive or negative
As to= about = relating to : về cái gì
4. Outweigh(v)
5. Twofold: gấp đôi
6. The risk of social isolation: nguy cơ cách ly/ tách biệt khỏi xã hội
7. Được lợi từ cái gì...
Benefit (v) greatly from sth: được lợi
8. The incredibly useful and powerful tools of communication: công cụ giao tiếp vô cùng quyền lực và
hữu ích
9. At sb’s fingertips: sẵn có, dễ tiếp cận
10. The flow of information
11. By

Phải thừa nhận
13. : tranh luận
The Internet stands as an indispensable component in today's era of information technology. However, it
also presents a double-edged sword, offering immense value while simultaneously revealing numerous
negative aspects. So, what are the benefits and drawbacks of the Internet? Let's delve into the
following article to find accurate insights.
1. Overview of the Internet
First and foremost, let's explore what the Internet entails. It serves as a global information system wherein
electronic devices of various entities such as businesses, companies, schools, individual users, etc., can
interact with each other through standardized network protocols. The Internet serves as a vast repository
of multi-industry information globally, facilitating convenient research and information retrieval.
Additionally, it plays a pivotal role in work, education, entertainment, socializing, and more. However, to
harness the Internet's full potential, understanding its be.nefits and drawbacks is imperative
2. TOP 5 Advantages of the Internet in Modern Life
Below are the significant benefits that this tool contributes to our lives.
2.1 Providing an Enormous Repository of Knowledge and Information
Today, the Internet is regarded as a vast 'encyclopedia,' containing diverse repositories of information and
knowledge. With just a click, you can gather and utilize countless resources in the field you're exploring,
catering to your learning and work activities. Moreover, it enables you to enhance your knowledge and
discover many new and interesting things.

All you need is a phone or computer with wifi connection, and you'll have access to all the information
you want to gather.
2.2 Convenient, Fast, and Entertaining Connectivity
The Internet makes communication and connection between people simpler than ever before. With the
assistance of this tool, individuals can connect with the world from the comfort of their homes -
something people in ancient times never dared to imagine.
2.3 Opening Doors to Work Opportunities and Earning Money Online
The development of the Internet has also led to the emergence of corresponding new professions. This
helps increase employment opportunities, professions in society, and the ability to earn money online
such as online sales, blogging, freelancing, TikToking, YouTubing, and more.
2.4 Diversifying and Simplifying Learning
Not only does the Internet provide another means for people to learn, search, and gather information
beyond books, but it also makes learning more diverse and enjoyable with online learning formats. This
shortens the time and distance in accessing knowledge and enhances human skills.
2.5 Making Online Shopping Easier
The explosion of online shopping is one of the inevitable outcomes as the Internet continues to develop
vigorously. Thanks to the Internet, we can buy 'anything and everything' right from home without needing
to step foot into a store.

One of the clearest benefits that the Internet brings is making shopping simple, enjoyable, and
unexpectedly convenient.
3. Listing 7 Unavoidable Drawbacks of the Internet
The benefits and drawbacks of the Internet always go hand in hand with its development. The benefits
that this medium brings to humanity are undeniable. However, there are also 'hidden corners' that we must
pay attention to and address.
3.1 Escalation of Online Violence
With the robust development of the Internet, the issue of violence is gradually shifting from direct
physical violence to mental violence online. The online environment inadvertently enables extremists to
'hide' and avoid direct confrontation. Thus, they easily utilize their words and writings to attack others.
3.2 Decline in Direct Connection and Interaction
The increase in indirect connections also implies a decrease in direct interaction. People are becoming
more accustomed to chatting and connecting through social media. It's most noticeable in face-to-face
meetings, where individuals focus solely on using their phones rather than conversing with each other.
However, communication, dialogue, and presentation are among the most crucial skills that humans need
to continually develop.

Being 'addicted' to the Internet leads you to live more in a virtual world and often glue your eyes to your
phone when meeting friends.
3.3 Prone to Mental Illnesses
One of the concerning drawbacks of the Internet is its contribution to the increase in mental illnesses.
This stems from the fact that most information on the Internet is uncontrolled, with much inaccurate
content that can affect users' mental well-being. Regular exposure to negative information over the long
term can lead to increased levels of depression, stress, delusions, anxiety disorders, and more.
3.4 Decrease in Creativity
Did you know that the benefits and drawbacks of the Internet go hand in hand when all you need is a
mouse click away for the information you need? This inadvertently makes people lazy in thinking,
brainstorming, and even 'slowly kills' creativity.
3.5 Prone to Personal Information Theft
Theft of information and disclosure of personal information are also highly visible drawbacks of the
Internet. The online space is too 'open,' making it difficult for people's privacy to be kept confidential.
Moreover, stolen personal information is the cause of many incidents such as scams on social media,
identity theft, cyber threats, extortion, and cyberbullying.

The increasing cases of information theft, scams on social media are among the worrying drawbacks of
the Internet.
3.6 Cultivating a Desire for Attention
'Fantasizing power', 'like for like' are terms used by the Gen Z generation to describe a modern-day
'disease' - the desire for attention. The Internet leads many people to seek attention, praise, and
admiration. They use posts, images, and videos with sensational content to seek virtual 'likes' from others.
This habit increases competitiveness, envy, and even arrogance, leading to distorted thoughts and
3.7 Brain Exhaustion
In addition to using the Internet for studying and working, we also use it for entertainment and relaxation.
It's worth noting that although we use the Internet for entertainment, the habit of scrolling through social
media actually keeps our brains active without proper relaxation. When the brain becomes exhausted due
to lack of rest, it can lead to problems such as insomnia, distraction, loss of focus, thereby significantly
affecting the quality of work and study.
4. Tips for Healthy Internet Usage
To avoid getting caught in the 'shackles' of modern technology, you can apply the useful suggestions
● Limit social media time to only about 15 - 20 - 30 minutes, instead of frequent updates in idle moments.
● Turn off app notifications.
● Place your phone out of reach, the farther the better.
● Think twice before intending to share any information.
● Prioritize other forms of entertainment outside of real life such as sports, reading, cooking, watching
movies, or hanging out with friends and family.
With this information, you probably already know the benefits and drawbacks of the Internet for us.
It's best to become a wise and savvy user when using social media to avoid inconvenience!

The definition of advertisement

To understand what an advertisement is, we must first understand what advertising is. The definition of
advertising is an industry used to call the attention of the public to something, typically a product
or service.
The definition of advertisement is the means of communication in which a product, brand or
service is promoted to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement, and
sales. Advertisements (often shortened to ads or adverts) come in many forms, from copy to interactive
video, and have evolved to become a crucial feature of the app marketplace.
Why are advertisements important?
Advertisements are a guaranteed method of reaching an audience. By creating an engaging ad, and
spending enough to reach your target users, advertisements can have an immediate impact on business.
This effect could be seen in improved trade or boosted brand recognition, among many different metrics.
An advertising strategy typically includes a KPI to measure this impact.
What do in-app ads look like?
In-app advertising can take many forms, including text, banners, push notifications and pre or post-roll
video ads. Such video adverts are usually around 10-15 seconds long (though they can vary) and normally
showcase the product within that time. Increasingly, advertising is becoming interactive, providing more
engagement for users in the era of scrolling. One such example is the use of deep linking, a feature which
allows advertisers to send users directly to an install page in a single click. As CTV continues to gain
prominence in the advertising space we’re seeing creative, interactive methods emerge, including the use
of QR codes to direct users from their TVs to the source of the ad on mobile.
Which ad format should I use?
Choosing the right format can be a make-or-break decision in advertising. Let’s take a look at some of the
most common ad formats in mobile advertising and when they can be particularly effective.

Banner ads

With banner ads, the aim is to display an image and wait for users to view, click and convert –
making quality graphics and a compelling call to action (CTA) essential components.

Interstitial ads

Interstitial ads offer a full-screen experience. These can be used to avoid ‘banner blindness’, when
users become so accustomed to seeing banner ads that they no longer take notice. Interstitial ads
can also be expandable (known as expandable ads), which start out as regular banner ads before
taking up the whole screen.

Native ads

Native advertising is when ads are designed to match the environment in which they are placed.
For example, when you see a ‘sponsored’ tag attached to a YouTube video, this is native
advertising on that particular platform.

Video ads

As their name suggests, video ads are advertisements in video format. By their nature, video ads
are a popular advertising method because they can be highly engaging, offering great CTR (click
through rate).

Playable ads

By giving users access to interactive gameplay, playable ads let you try before you buy. This gives
users a limited look at an app, offering highlights that should push users to install. Because users
can gauge their interest before purchasing the app, playable ads can be used to reduce app
uninstall rates.

To learn more about the pros and cons for each format, take a look at how to choose the right ad format.
Ads and Adjust
Since advertising is a financial investment, you want to know that it’s working as intended. Ad tracking is
easy with Adjust; it’s as simple as integrating an SDK and creating an Adjust tracker URL. After that, our
dashboard will show you precisely how well your advertisements are performing and which channels and
campaigns are driving growth. We can also put you in sync with any of our hundreds of partners so you
can advertise to the best sources at a budget which is right for you.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising – Introduction
Advertising is a marketing strategy that aims to promote a specific product, cause, or service. The term
“advertising” comes from the Latin word “adventure,” which means to turn someone’s attention towards
something. A business, company, or organization tries to reach a large audience through advertising. Print
media, digital campaigns, and social media are used for advertising today. Though advertisement has its
advantages at the same time, it also has its disadvantages. This article aims to cover the advantages and
disadvantages of advertising.
Advantages of Advertising
With advertising, a business or an organization needs a new product. It is the best method for
communicating any information to old and new prospective customers. Here are the advantages of
1. Helps in Market Expansion
Through advertising, businesses can reach new markets and demographics, expanding their customer

Example: Airbnb’s ads show many different and interesting places to stay, attracting all kinds of
travelers, not just those who usually stay in hotels. This helped Airbnb reach more people and become
popular with a wider audience.
2. Leads to Increased Sales and Revenue
One of the primary goals of advertising is to drive sales and boost revenue for businesses. Effective
advertising campaigns can create awareness and generate interest, increasing sales.

Example: Coca-Cola successfully boosted its revenue with the “Share a Coke” campaign, which
featured common names on the bottles that personalized its products. This strategy increased sales and
promoted a unique and memorable engagement with consumers.
3. Provides Competitive Advantage
Effective advertising can differentiate a product or service from competitors, giving a company a
competitive edge.

Example: Samsung often uses an aggressive advertising strategy, directly comparing its products with its
competitors. This has helped position Samsung as a viable alternative to Apple in the smartphone market.
4. Builds Brand Awareness and Recognition
Advertising helps create and maintain brand awareness. Consistent exposure to a brand through various
channels increases the likelihood that consumers will remember and recognize the brand.
Example: Apple’s advertisements and product launches ensure the brand stays in people’s minds. Also,
its commitment to innovation and high-quality products has earned a special place in the hearts of
5. Empowers Consumers through Informative Advertising
Advertising provides a platform for businesses to educate consumers about their products or services.
Detailed information helps consumers make informed decisions.

Example: Pharmaceutical ads often include information about a medication’s benefits and potential side
effects. This helps people make smart decisions about their health.
6. Offers Innovative Promotion
Advertising encourages businesses to innovate and improve their products or services to stay competitive.
Companies often highlight new features or advancements in their advertising campaigns.

Example: Tech companies like Apple and Samsung showcase the latest technological innovations in their
product advertisements, pushing the boundaries of what consumers can expect from their devices.
7. Powerful for Social Welfare Campaigns
Advertising is a powerful tool for promoting social causes and public awareness campaigns. It can gather
support and resources for health, education, and environmental conservation issues.

Example: The “Truth” campaign, which targeted the prevention of tobacco use among youth,
successfully employed advertising tactics to communicate anti-smoking messages and support for a
healthier way of life.
8. Helps Differentiate Product in a Competitive Market
Advertising allows companies to highlight their products’ unique features and benefits, aiding product
differentiation in a competitive market.

Example: Car manufacturers frequently employ advertising strategies to highlight distinct features, such
as safety ratings, fuel efficiency, or cutting-edge technology, aiming to set their products apart from
competitors in the automotive industry.

Disadvantages of Advertising
As we have seen the advantages, now let us look at some of the disadvantages of advertising:
1. Impact on Sales is Uncertain
Advertising, despite its significant costs, does not guarantee sales. Various factors, including market
conditions, consumer preferences, and the competitive landscape, can influence an advertisement’s
effectiveness in driving actual purchases.

Example: The 2013 introduction of Google Glass shows that substantial advertising doesn’t guarantee
sales success. Despite a strong promotional effort, the product fell short due to privacy concerns, design
flaws, and a high price, underscoring the importance of aligning with consumer expectations for driving
2. Negative Publicity Risks
Advertising campaigns can backfire and lead to negative publicity, especially if the content is
controversial, offensive, or misinterpreted by the audience. Negative publicity can harm a brand’s
reputation and impact consumer perception.

Example: Critics slammed the Pepsi commercial featuring Kendall Jenner for trivializing the Black Lives
Matter movement by portraying a protest where Jenner diffused stress with a can of Pepsi. Critics argued
that it exploited serious social issues for commercial gain, leading to widespread public anger and
damaging the brand’s reputation.
3. Challenge of High Advertising Costs for Small Businesses
Advertising campaigns, especially on popular platforms or during prime time on television, can be
extremely expensive, making it challenging for small businesses to compete.
Example: Advertisers widely recognized Super Bowl commercials demanding millions of dollars for a
half-minute slot. This expense may not be feasible for many smaller companies.
4. Creates Monopoly Through Aggressive Advertising
In some cases, aggressive advertising by a dominant player in the market can create a monopoly, limiting
consumer choice and stifling competition.

Example: Microsoft’s aggressive advertising for Windows creates a market dominance that limits
alternatives. The widespread use of Windows can lead to a quasi-monopoly, restricting consumer choices
in the operating system market.
5. Communicates Misleading Information
Some advertisements may exaggerate or misrepresent product features, leading to consumer confusion
and dissatisfaction.

Example: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken action in cases involving weight-loss
products that made misleading claims, ensuring that advertisers deliver truthful information to
6. Leads to Overconsumption and Greediness
Excessive advertising can contribute to a culture of overconsumption and greediness, encouraging people
to buy more than they need.

Example: Aggressive advertising by fast fashion brands often promotes the latest trends, contributing to
a throwaway culture where consumers quickly discard clothing in favor of the next fashionable item.
7. Increase in Intrusiveness and Privacy Concerns
Advertisements often invade personal spaces, appearing on websites, social media, and emails, raising
privacy concerns.

Example: The issue of online tracking for targeted advertising has ignited discussions about
intrusiveness and privacy as users express concerns about monitoring their online activities for
advertising purposes.
8. Cultural and Social Impact
Advertisements can reinforce stereotypes or promote unrealistic body images, contributing to societal
pressures and expectations.

Example: Companies often edit pictures of models to make them look perfect in ads for beauty products.
This can make people feel they must look a certain way, which isn’t real. It especially affects young
people and can make them feel bad about their bodies.

Final Thoughts
Advertising is a great weapon to stay ahead of your competitors and also helps create monopolies over
products and services, but at the same time, there is no set of rules that can tell if an advertisement will
work or not. Thus, advertising is a risk companies and manufacturers must take to stay relevant in this
competitive market. Thus, there are advantages and disadvantages of advertising.
17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Fast Food
Apr 20, 2018 by Brandon Gaille
Today’s busy families often need a quick meal that can fit into their schedule away from home. That often
means stopping for a fast food option.
By definition, fast food is a mass-produced food item that can be prepared, and then served, very quickly.
It is often sold in quick-service restaurants where sit-down, takeout, and drive-thru options are available.
They are a cheap alternative to a home-cooked meal, though they also tend to have questionable
nutritional content contained within most menu items.
Sandwiches, burgers, fries, soft drinks, and milkshakes are common items found on fast food menus. For
around $6 per person, it is an easy way to fit a meal into a busy schedule for sure.
There are numerous advantages and disadvantages of fast food that must be considered, especially if fast
foods are a regular part of someone’s eating habits.
Biggest Advantages of Fast Food
1. It is possible to eat healthy at a quick-service restaurant.
There are several fast food menu items that are under 500 calories. You may need to look deeper into the
menu or take some condiments off during your order, but it can happen. The Shake Shack single burger,
for example, is just 360 calories. You can get a cheeseburger at In-N-Out, without spread, for 480
calories. At Wendy’s you can order a full-size Mediterranean Chicken Salad for 480 calories. Even an
Egg McMuffin at McDonald’s is 300 calories.
2. It saves time when a meal is required.
Even fast home cooking requires 15-30 minutes of time for the average family in preparation and
cooking. Then you have another 15-30 minutes of eating time. Visiting a fast food restaurant can cut
those time requirements in half. With fast food, you can also eat in the vehicle (though some jurisdictions
may not allow drivers to eat) or take the food to your next destination. Fast food makes it possible for
people to find time to eat together, even during busy days.
3. It makes food affordable for some families.
As of September 2017, there are several food items available on fast food menus that make eating at a
quick-service restaurant cheaper than buying groceries at a local supermarket. The Whopper Jr. at Burger
King, for example, is just $1.29 and contains 340 calories. At Checkers, you can order two spicy chicken
sandwiches for $3.00. Jack in the Box offers two tacos for $0.99 and a Junior Jack is $1.29. At Taco Bell,
a basic taco runs about $1 per taco. Ask for water instead of a soda and you’ve got a meal.
4. It supports local business owners.
Quick-service restaurants are often independently owned and operated franchises which are run by local
entrepreneurs. There are brand-owned restaurants within most fast food chains, including McDonald’s,
which owns and operates 18% of all their locations. Each location employs an average of 14 people with
a pay level that can range from minimum wage to upwards of $15 for some entry-level management
positions. Eating at these establishments is a way to support local jobs and businesses.
5. It lets you know what to expect from the food.
Let’s say you’re on vacation and want something to eat. You spot a Burger King. You know what to
expect from that menu, even if there are some local items that are there as well. You know that you can
get a Whopper and that it will be made in the same way as it is at the Burger King in your hometown.
That’s one of the biggest advantages that fast food restaurants offer. They eliminate the uncertainty of the
dining experience when you’re away from home.
6. It still puts eating choices in the hands of the consumers.
Since 2010, quick-service restaurants in the United States have been required to published nutritional
information about their menu items on the actual menu. When you order an Egg McMuffin at
McDonald’s, then you know for a fact that you’re getting 300 calories. That makes it easier to make
informed decisions about your daily eating habits. You can also do a quick web search on a smartphone to
find other nutritional facts about menu items, like it contains 18g of protein or 55% of your daily sodium
7. It offers choices.
Quick-service restaurants have evolved beyond burgers and fries. At Arby’s, you can order a variety of
traditional sandwiches, such as a Reuben. At Taco Bell, you can order rice bowls. If you visit Chick-Fil-
A, you’re encouraged to have some lemonade with your waffle-cut fries. You’ll still find brands that
compete over the biggest beef patties and the slices of bacon they can put onto a burger. You can also find
a lot more than that too.
8. It can meet current dietary requirements.
There are 8 primary food allergies that are of concern in the human population. Fast food restaurants are
like other establishments and publish allergen charts for their meals. That means people with specific
dietary requirements can still be able to enjoy a quick meal when needed.
Biggest Disadvantages of Fast Food
1. It isn’t easy to find healthy items that are fresh at fast food restaurants.
Fresh food items are increasing in popularity at quick-service restaurants. They are not, however, always
easy to find. You may need to ask for a custom order to be able to lower your calorie count as well, which
is not always successful. Healthy items are typically older as well, since they are not ordered as often. It
takes more effort to order healthy items than it does to order high-calorie, high fat content food items in
the fast food industry.
2. It offers a lower average quality of food than other eating establishments.
Many quick-service restaurants use frozen foods that are prepared off-site to increase the speed of order
delivery. Fruits and vegetables undergo long-term storage practices, which reduces the likelihood of
having locally-sourced items included with menu items. Most brands that feature QSR service use bulk
food production methods, so the quality of food is reduced to improve its storage capabilities.
3. It can be unhealthy to eat the healthy food options at some fast food restaurants.
There are some very unhealthy items that can be found on today’s fast food menus, even though they
sound like they are a healthy alternative. The Spicy Chicken Caesar Salad at Wendy’s, for example, offers
720 calories, 43 grams of fat, and 1,760mg of sodium. The Bacon Cheddar Ranch Chicken Salad at
Burger King has 720 calories, 50g of fat, and 1,960mg of sodium. Even the Fuji Apple Salad with
chicken, found at Panera Bread, has 570 calories and 34g of fat.
4. It isn’t always cheaper to eat fast food.
The average price of a fast food meal is around $7 per person, assuming a side and a drink is ordered for
each person. For a family of 4, that means, with tax, they’ll be spending $30 for that meal. Eating just one
fast food meal per day, over the course of a week, means $210 will be spent on that meal. Smart shopping
at a grocery store can be 75% less than the costs of an average fast food meal. Add in the potential
medical costs of constantly eating fast food and it may not always be cheaper, even if it is easier, to use
this option for when you’re on the go.
5. It offers menu items which contain unhealthy levels of fat, sugar, and salt.
If you visit Quiznos and order their meatball sub, then you’ll receive 3,580mg of sodium with your
sandwich. That’s 150% of your recommended daily intake. You’ll also consume 1,530 calories, 81g of
fat, and 28g of saturated fat with your sandwich. If you’re focused on healthy eating habits, this one
sandwich would be the only thing you could eat that day.
This is only one example. The Monster Thickburger at Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr. offers 95g of fat and 2,820mg
of sodium. The Ultimate Breakfast at Burger King offers 1,190 calories, 32g of sugar, and 2,460mg of
sodium. Even the Baconator at Wendy’s has 23g of saturated fat and 1,890mg of sodium.
6. It offers food products that offer addictive qualities.
Fast foods are created in a way that addictive attributes are part of the experience. People feel good when
they eat fast food items, which makes them want to eat more of them. If eaten for a long enough time
period, fast foods can even encourage dependence with some people. The dependence factor is increased
with the added sugars that come when a fast food meal is paired with a sweetened drink, like a soda. This
results in a cycle of need that creates higher risks of obesity and associated health conditions which come
from being overweight.
7. It is not always easy to know what is actually in the foods you eat.
QSR locations may be required to publish data on the calories that are in the food items, but they are not
always required to publish their ingredient list. You can ask for the ingredient list at the counter if you
wish, or look them up online, which is not as convenient as seeing the ingredient list with the menu item.
For Chicken McNuggets, did you know that there are 13 ingredients in just the chicken? And that there
are 20 additional ingredients in the batter and breading of the nuggets? Even their marketing materials say
that their Chicken McNuggets are “made with,” not “made of,” 100% USDA Grade A chicken meat.
8. It encourages the busy lifestyle.
If you look closely at the signs posted at many quick-service restaurants, you’ll notice that most of them
forbid lingering. Some may even require you to finish your meal in 30 minutes or less. They do this to
encourage more customer turnover, which increases their profit margins. It also means that they are
helping to propagate the busy lifestyles that encourage fast food consumption in the first place.
When you eat food quickly, it also encourages you to eat more than you should. It takes about 20 minutes
to complete the dining process in the first place, allowing the brain to register that you are actually full.
Eating too fast can lead to obesity. WebMD reports that eating more slowly results in feeling fuller
sooner, resulting in fewer calories being consumed, even for people who are overweight or obese.
9. It can increase a family’s medical costs.
In 2004, a study conducted by Kenneth Thorpe examined health care spending attributed to obesity in the
United States. Starting from 1987, Thorpe found that obesity prevalence, on its own, accounts for a 12%
increase in health spending per person. In a 15-year study of 3,000 adults, people who visit a fast food
establishment just twice per week gained about 10 pounds more than people who visited them fewer than
one time per week.
The biggest advantages and disadvantages of fast food involve cost, convenience, and a person’s future
health. Like anything, fast food should be enjoyed in moderation only. It may be necessary on a busy day,
though it shouldn’t become the normal go-to requirement for a meal. Eat slower, plan some meals in
advance, and look for ways to incorporate home meals into your busy routine. In doing so, it could
become easier to eat healthier on a regular basis.
The advantages and disadvantages of fast food are discussed in this article. Although fast food saves time
and effort cooking your own meals at home, keep in mind that excessive consumption of excessive food
can harm your health.
More than 13,000 McDonald's restaurants in the United States alone, and over 8000 KFC outlets in 80
countries and will continue to grow, reflecting only the popularity of fast food around the world. Fast
food and served are called 'fast food'. These types of foods perfectly become part of the lifestyle toward
the fast-paced lives of working individuals. However, those who oppose fast food highlight the ill effects
that have been inflicted on our health. Despite all the debates about the advantages and disadvantages of
fast food, the industry is still growing rapidly. Is fast food good or bad for health? Let's see ourselves in
this article!

Advantages of Fast Food

The most obvious advantage of fast food is saving time. In today's fast-paced life, there is no better choice
than getting ready meals. No matter how many chefs praise the benefits of fresh food, on the hours when
coming home from work, when someone comes home tired and hungry, pizza or burgers can be a brilliant
idea for dinner. In addition to having to spend time in the kitchen, cooking meals also require someone to
travel to the supermarket to buy ingredients for the dish. Then before consumption, all ingredients require
the process of washing and peeling. All this makes fast food food more preferable than cooking your own
food for busy individuals.
In addition to time, cost savings provide fast food excellence over food prepared in the kitchen. If a
person lives alone, it is cheaper to buy food in the supermarket than at home. Also certain fast food such
as fries and burgers are quite cheap.

Losses from Fast Food

Usually, fast food is rich in soy, fat, sugar, oil, fried meat, salt, cheese, mayonnaise and clear calories. The
biggest disadvantage of fast food is the adverse effect on a person's health. This is the fact that fast food is
more unhealthy than home food, because it contains higher amounts of unwanted nutrients such as salt,
fat types and various additives (artificial chemicals). It may contain harmful bacteria as well. Fryers
destroy most of the essential nutrients from food. A very small amount of vegetables and fruits is usually
present in fast food. In addition, 'serving a larger portion' when most people do not have to add portions
has caused some health problems. We need a little salt to maintain the health of cells and tissues. Fast
food that is rich in salt, adversely affects the heart health and overall health of an individual. This type of
food is an important contributor to the problem of obesity in the American population. Obesity continues
to increase, and a direct link is mentioned to refer between fast food and obesity in children.
Given the lifestyle that we live at this time, excess fat and calories that we take from fast food is not used
completely. The result is that these foods accumulate in our body as fat deposits that cause complications
like heart disease and other related diseases of the liver. Obese people will come other disease problems
such as high blood pressure and joint disease. It is like a chain reaction triggered by fast food and
suspended by our unhealthy lifestyles. In fact, a recent study has shown that people living adjacent from
fast food restaurants are at a 13% higher risk of suffering a stroke compared to those who live a
considerable distance.

The greater the amount of food in a message at a fast food restaurant, the bigger the bill. Eating at fast
food outlets is economical for one person only. Going out to eat fast food together with the family once in
a while will not be a problem. However, frequent visits to fast food restaurants with large families can
also be a problem for your pockets, in addition to being unhealthy.
Fast food is a modern invention. The ready-made meals are served quickly and right in front of us like a
kind of blessing after a hard day's work. However, like everything, it has its own pros and cons. Citing a
few points about the advantages of fast food does not mean that I reject the shortcomings. It is a fact that
high amounts of fat and salt in fast food are raising concerns about adverse health effects. However, by
making some smart choices when choosing orders and also switching to an active lifestyle, we can
certainly minimize the disadvantages of fast food.
In many nations, like India, UK and Australia, school uniforms in public schools are seen as crucial for
teaching kids to obey the law and foster a sense of community. However, public schools in other nations,
such as the USA and Canada, hardly ever require students to wear uniforms.
School uniforms come in all sizes and create a sense of unity among students. But not all parents like the
idea of sending their children to school in a uniform. Many schools in the US today propagate the concept
of uniform for the students, but there are many private and public institutes in the country that feel
otherwise. It is believed that kids who wear a school uniform perform better in their school and have a
higher sense of safety. But there is no right answer to whether kids should wear a school uniform or not.
In this article, we have come some advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniform. These
should help you decide if you should buy a school uniform for your child or not!
What Is School Uniform?
School uniforms are clothing codes established by educational institutions. They are typical of the same
colour, even though they have options, such as skirts, pants, or shorts for girls or boys.
What Is The Purpose Of School Uniform?
As we previously noted, school uniforms sometimes enforce a uniform dress code for all pupils. Many
religious or private institutions use uniform policies to establish a sense of uniformity and order.
Particularly in religious schools, young children and teenagers can appear untidy or wear attire that could
be interpreted as provocative or unpleasant.
Pros of School Uniforms
Schools that support uniforms believe in promoting a safer learning environment by allowing students to
concentrate more on learning than what they will wear to school the following day. Let’s discuss the
advantages of school uniforms for children.
1. Help Create Uniformity
One of the many benefits of wearing school uniforms for children is that they create a sense of identity
and unity among school students. When children wear a similar uniform daily, they will have a similar
identity and they won’t compete over who wears expensive or fashionable clothes. Children who cannot
afford to wear expensive clothes won’t feel insecure if there is a uniform.
2. There is No Pressure to Decide What to Wear
Not having to decide what to wear on a daily basis in the morning can save a lot of time for children and
they can get ready soon. It will save a lot of time and energy.
3. Uniforms Help Break Class Barriers
When all the kids are dressed in the same clothes it is difficult to establish their economic background.
Uniforms create a sense of equality among kids, which makes them mingle with each other without
bothering about their economic and social status.
4. Uniforms Bring a Sense of Pride
Just one look at the uniform can sometimes help in establishing which school the child goes to. If a child
studies in a school that are well known and among top schools in a locality, then he/she will be proud that
he goes to that school and adorn the uniform. Wearing the school uniform will bring a sense of pride and
the child will respect the fact that he is getting the chance to study in one of the best educational
5. Children Focus More on Education
When there are fewer distractions and lesser concerns on the way one looks, a child can spend more time
doing schoolwork. Also, according to one of the studies it was established that students’ scores improved
after a uniform was introduced in the school.
6. Uniforms Are More Economical
Buying school uniforms for kids is more economical than buying an entire wardrobe for the season. Also,
the school uniforms are made from stronger and better fabric, which means they can stand repeated
washing and everyday wear and tear better than normal clothes. This also means that a few sets of
uniforms can be sufficient to sail effectively throughout the entire academic year.
7. They Help in Preventing Bullying
Apart from various other reasons, clothes are one of the major reasons for bullying in school. However,
wearing the same clothes or uniform helps in ensuring that there is no discrimination on the basis of
clothes or how a particular child dress up.
8. Uniforms Help in Reducing the Effort of Enforcing Dress Code Policies
Schools that do not have school uniforms for the students have to make dress code policies. This can
include various aspects such as deciding on the type or length of the skirt, the kind of shoes or footwear
appropriate for school, the kind of shorts or pants that boys should wear in schools, etc. This can be quite
tedious. But having a uniform for children can save time as all kids will wear a similar uniform and there
will be no need for a dress code policy.
9. They Ensure a Safer Environment
When students wear uniforms, it becomes easier for the teachers to find out who is an outsider and who
should not be on the school premises. It also discourages gang affiliations in school, which is usually
evident by the colour of the clothes.
10. Uniforms Help Keep a Tab on Children During Off-Campus Trips
When on a field or off-campus trips, it becomes easier for the teacher to keep a tab on the students when
they are dressed in their school uniforms. It also reduces the chances of students going missing because
anyone going away from the campus can be identified easily by the teacher or even by passersby.
11. Protection of a School’s Religious, Cultural or Social Identity
Protection of the social, cultural, or religious identity of a school religious, cultural, or social class
identities that deviate from the norm are typically absent from public schools.
On the other hand, a lot of private schools have specific affiliations, like:
 Affiliation with a religion.
 A wish to come across as more elite.
 Association with a certain cultural group (such as international schools).
Schools uniforms may serve as indicators of their guiding principles. Blazers with school crests may be
required to be worn to an elite school. Additionally, some religious institutions might have guidelines
about traditional or conservative attire. A united sense of the school’s identity may result from this.
11. Uniforms Work As the Right Kind of Sporting Outfits
Schools without a uniform requirement frequently have sports uniforms for physical education classes.
This is due to several factors, including both practicality and conformance. The team’s performance can
be aided by having everyone wear the same colours. In sports, a team uniform can be helpful in rapidly
identifying teammates to transfer the ball to or turn to for encouragement during a game’s frantic pace.
12. Uniforms Can Be Given to Younger Students as Hand-me-down Options
When a child outgrows a uniform, parents frequently offer it to other students as hand-me-down clothing
at schools where uniforms are required. As a result, it makes it easier for lower-income families to
provide their kids with free uniforms.
Many schools offer a hand-me-down bin in the front office where parents may drop off gently used
uniforms while other parents can discreetly show up and ask for free shirts and pants.
13. Enhances the School’s Reputation in the Neighbourhood
A school without a uniform, or even one with an old or plain uniform, may have a worse reputation in the
community than one with a cleaner uniform and well-dressed students.
14. Uniforms Save a Lot of Time in the Mornings for Parents
Parents often like uniforms in schools. Getting dressed in the morning is simpler if kids know exactly
what to wear. There are no discussions between parents and kids about what is appropriate to wear or
back-and-forth changing of clothes.
School Uniforms Cons
It is always better to speak with your doctor before taking a bath after giving birth since they may provide
individualised recommendations depending on your unique situation. There are certain disadvantages to
having school uniforms; here, we have listed a few:
1. Uniforms Restrict the Freedom of Expression
By not allowing kids to dress up in the way they wish to, most schools hamper with the individuality of a
child. The child is forced to dress up in a way that he may not be comfortable in.
2. They May Lead to Added Stress
Not all parents can afford many sets of uniforms, which means that parents have to wash and iron clothes
often. Washing their child’s clothes when they come home from school can be taxing and stressing for the
child and the parents.
3. They May Lead to Segregation
In an effort to enforce equality amongst students, sometimes certain uniform rules can create other kinds
of biases and inequalities such as girls may not be allowed to wear pants. They may be asked to wear
stockings. Similarly, wearing ties may be compulsory for boys, which they may not like.
4. They May Conflict With the Right to Free Education
Until or unless the government sponsors the cost of uniform for the underprivileged, the expenses on
school uniform will have to be taken care of by the students’ parents or family. This may not be in favour
of the idea of free education, where public schools are expected to provide education to underprivileged
kids at no cost.
5. Uniforms May Increase Outside Bullying
While students of a particular school who take pride in their school and their uniform may become an
object of bully for the kids from other schools who don’t have a uniform.
6. Uniforms May Cause Discomfort
Some kids may not be comfortable wearing a certain kind or type of garment that may include school
uniforms too. This can be due to the fabric, the fit, or the cut of the uniform. This may cause utter
discomfort to the child and may affect a child’s concentration and mood in the school.
7. They May Cause Resentment Among Students
Not all students like to wear school uniforms. They may not be happy with the idea of wearing same
clothes every day and may want to dress up. But having to wear a uniform daily can instil a sense of
resentment in a child. He may not like his school, teachers, and even parents.
8. They May Hamper a Child’s Decision Making Skills
By making children follow a set of rules and forcing a uniform on them, we take away their right to make
a choice and decide for themselves. Children should be given the opportunity to decide for themselves. If
you make rules and regulations for them and ask them to follow what you have decided for them, they
won’t be able to make decisions for themselves.
9. Uniforms May Appear Shabby or Ugly
Although this may appear like a relatively small issue, it is very severe. Children are being made to wear
clothes that they may find unattractive. Demanding someone to wear something they find unsightly seems
a little unjust.
10. Uniforms Need Parental Support
Conflicts between the school and the parents may result from uniforms. We can see that for the uniform
policy to be implemented, parents must collaborate. They must ensure that their child wears the uniform;
otherwise, the requirement would be nullified.
11. Issues With Gender Expression
We are discovering in the modern day that pushing gender standards on children in schools may violate
their right to gender expression. Some young women dislike wearing dresses. Additionally, there are
situations when this isn’t even a gender issue. It’s just the simple fact that some girls dislike wearing
Difference Between School Uniforms And Dress Code
Usually less stringent than uniform regulations, dress codes forbid items like vulgar or disruptive clothing
or anything that encourages violence, harassment, or unlawful conduct (including alcohol and drug use).
Some regulations are far more detailed, forbidding certain types of clothes and particular objects.
While there are variations in style, fabric, stitching, and other factors, dress regulations can create a sense
of homogeneity. However, the style, design, fabric, and colours of uniforms are all the same.
What Opinions Do Parents and Students Have About School Uniforms?
There are many schools that offer the students with the choice of wearing school uniform, until or unless
it hampers with the school’s discipline.
Here are some popular opinions of parents and students regarding wearing uniforms in school:
 Financial assistance or support should be given to parents who cannot afford to buy school uniforms for
their kids.
 School uniforms should be made more casual and practical, which means that the students should feel
comfortable and easy in such as a pair of jeans with a knitted t-shirt, etc.
 Uniforms should be made an important and integral part of the school safety arrangement or program.
 The rules regarding school uniforms should be in sync with the religious beliefs of the students or
accommodate the religious sentiments of various students.
 There should be a provision of coming up with a voluntary program regarding the school uniform if the
pressure is massive on the community front.
The above-mentioned are some of the pros and cons of wearing school uniforms. There will always be
talks or debates about whether children should wear school uniforms or not. As a parent, you should
weigh the pros and cons of school uniforms for kids before you decide whether to send your child to a
school in which wearing a uniform is mandatory.

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