Entrevista en Ingles

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5. You are the manager of a busy restaurant.

One of your clients didn't eat the food and been

fustrate. (Your cliente was fustrate upset. The food was terrible) How could you handle this

Possible answers: another dishe,

Topic 3: DISCUSS...

6. How do you define succes?

7. What is an example of a succesful person?

Possible answer: Elon Musk ...

8. How can you be successful in your current rol?

Possible answer: Improve my skills ......

Topic 4: Preparing for a job interview

9. Why are you interest in this rol?

Because ........ I would like earn money

10. What are your strenghts?

My strenghts are quiate, reciliante, patien, talkative, my knowledge, I know how to work in
groups. My habilis for do this..., this .. and this....

11. What are the trades (retos) of a suuccesful person in this role?

Work with different maritime people around the world

12. Could you please tell me more about yor academic and professional background?
(Cuentame de tu CV, donde has estudiado, pensamo que somos profesionales)

Apart of my studies in San Marcos I was studying ofimatica at UNI and others languages

13. How do you think you can help the organization to achieve its goals? (Que es lo que gana
contigo la empresa profesionalmente) "Vendernos"

Possible answer: My relationships, peole that I konw and with who can I count.

14. How can you possibly impact to the organization?

Anawer: I will increase your econmi

15. Dime como superas/ afrontas un obstaculo?

16. What motivate you to persue a carrier in maritime and port administration?

Topic 5: Compare holiday....

17. Can you tell me your traditions

18. What holidays are unique to Peru?

19. What is your favorite holiday?

Topic 6: Costume
- En algunos lugares el matrimonio ya está arreglado, ¿qué opinas?

- In some culture weding are pre arrege

- What is your fvorite holiday?

- What do you know about thanksgiven? That day is a huge day, an important date. All the
families are together.

Topic 9: Innovation

- Describe new kind of products.

Are particular traditions ...

Compary holidays

Are holidays are

What wedding or traditions do you find interesting? Depends on your region

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