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Answer (Pg. 74) Answer (Pg.

1.Assessing the credibility of dissenting claims on 1."An Inconvenient Truth" (2006) and "An
climate change involves evaluating the quality of Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power" (2017) are
evidence, rigorous peer review, alignment with documentary films that highlight the efforts of
established knowledge, investigation of potential former US Vice President Al Gore to raise
conflicts of interest, reproducibility and awareness about climate change. They play a
transparency of findings, and considering the crucial role in public discourse and mobilizing
magnitude of disagreement among scientists, as it action at individual, community, and policy levels to
can challenge fundamental principles and impact tackle this pressing global issue.
the validity of the research.
2.(The comments are turn off). It was a strong and
passionate call for quick action to solve the climate
catastrophe. She skillfully communicated in her
Answer (Pg. 75)
speech the moral obligation and critical need of
2.Research shows that greenhouse gases like CO2, taking immediate action to lessen the effects of
methane, and N2O are significantly contributing to climate change.
global warming, resulting from the industrial
revolution's increase in CO2 concentrations and the
greenhouse effect, leading to an imbalance in Answer (Pg. 163)
Earth's energy budget.
1. "The Imitation Game" is a film about Alan Turing,
3.Yes, Some policymakers, including the US, may a brilliant mathematician, logician, and computer
adopt a cautious approach to climate change, scientist who broke the German Enigma code
awaiting conclusive evidence before implementing during World War II. Despite facing challenges like
significant changes. This is justified by uncertainties complexity, time pressure, and skepticism, Turing's
in climate models, potential economic impacts, and genius and determination led to breakthroughs.
political and ideological factors. The film also features flashbacks to Turing's
childhood and adolescence, highlighting his
4.The Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty, aims
struggles with social isolation, bullying, and
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote
renewable energy adoption. Proponents argue that
government intervention is necessary to address 2. John von Neumann, along with Turing,
market failures and provide clear signals for significantly contributed to information technology
businesses to invest in low-carbon technologies. by designing the von Neumann architecture, which
laid the foundation for modern computers. He
translated theoretical concepts into practical
computing systems, shaping the field for decades.
Answer (Pg 128) Answer (Pg. 106)
Corn Engineered with Jellyfish Genes (Stanford 1. Public awareness campaigns on plastic
University): Stanford University's study aimed to pollution's impact on marine ecosystems,
introduce jellyfish genes like GFP into corn plants including workshops and seminars, are
for easier gene expression and development crucial. Sustainable practices like reducing
tracking, while also exploring novel traits like pest single-use plastic consumption, promoting
resistance. reusable alternatives, and implementing
recycling programs are also encouraged.
Tobacco with Lettuce Genes (University of Hawaii):
Researchers are exploring the use of lettuce genes 2. One best practice within the Mamirauá
in tobacco plants to improve their nutritional Sustainable Development Reserve is the
content and potentially produce pharmaceutical implementation of community-based
compounds or industrial materials. conservation initiatives. These initiatives
involve local communities in the
Corn with Hepatitis Virus Genes: Researchers have
management and stewardship of natural
integrated hepatitis virus genes into corn plants,
resources, fostering a sense of ownership
potentially developing edible vaccines and
and responsibility for the protection of
immunotherapeutic products, while studying plant-
virus interactions and viral pathogenesis.
Rice, Corn, and Sugarcane Engineered with Human
Genes: The study suggests that introducing human Answer (Pg. 141)
genes into rice, corn, and sugarcane could
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment
potentially produce pharmaceutical proteins or
method that aids in conceiving a child by fertilizing
therapeutic compounds for medical purposes.
an egg with sperm outside the body. Embryos,
multicellular structures, are formed during early
development stages and cultured in the lab before
The modification of these organisms may be aimed
transfer. Stem cells, undifferentiated cells with self-
at exploring genetic engineering applications in
renewal and differentiation capabilities, are
agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology to
essential for development, tissue repair, and
improve crop traits, develop novel bioproducts, and
advance biological understanding.
Ireland's ruling on frozen embryos' life rights is a
complex legal, ethical, and moral issue. Excess
Answer (Pg. 92) embryos in research raise ethical concerns, with
some arguing it advances medical science and
Cats and dogs, both members of the Carnivora
cures, while others question their moral status.
order, diverged from a common ancestor over 55
Excess embryos can be donated for IVF treatment
million years ago. Despite their distinct
or embryo adoption.
morphological and behavioral characteristics, they
share common ancestry and belong to the broader
mammalian order Carnivora, despite their
Answer (Pg. 231)
evolutionary history and ecological niches.
Becoming a citizen scientist in your own community
is a rewarding way to contribute to scientific
research, raise awareness about environmental
issues, and promote community engagement.
Answer (Pg. 148) Answer (Pg. 190)
Both ISAAA (International Service for the 1."Pinoy Big Brother" is a popular reality TV show in
Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications) and the Philippines that involves gathering strangers
MASIPAG (Magsasaka at Siyentipiko para sa Pag- and confining them in a house, recording their
unlad ng Agrikultura or Farmers and Scientists for every move and broadcasting it to the public. This
the Development of Agriculture) are organizations concept is influenced by voting mechanisms, social
involved in agriculture, but they have different media campaigns, online discussions, and fan clubs.
focuses and perspectives, so comparing their
2.To avoid fake news, check the source, verify the
credibility can be complex and context-dependent.
author's credentials, evaluate the content, and be
The issue of BT corn intersects with various skeptical of articles lacking specific details or
provisions of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, without proper context. Avoid unfamiliar websites
including risk assessment and management, or sources with a history of false information.
transboundary movement and trade, socio-
3.One notable example of a successful social media
economic considerations, and public participation.
campaign for a good cause is the "Ice Bucket
Adhering to the principles and guidelines outlined
Challenge" that went viral in 2014 to raise
in the Protocol can help ensure the safe and
awareness and funds for amyotrophic lateral
responsible use of Bt corn technology while
sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
addressing concerns related to environmental
protection, human health, and socio-economic
Answer (Pg. 219)
1.Institutions should address science discrimination
Answer (Pg. 188) by implementing inclusive hiring practices,
supporting underrepresented groups, and fostering
Good Effect:
a culture of respect and belonging.
 Connectivity with others
2.Historical patriarchy in societies perpetuates male
 Information sharing
superiority and female inferiority, with cultural
 Community building
norms dictating roles and behaviors, with men
 Business information
often leading and women prioritizing caregiving
 Educational tool and domestic responsibilities.
 Expression and Creativiy
3.S&T innovations have improved education access
Bad Effects: for women, minorities, and the poor by overcoming
 Addiction barriers through online platforms, educational
 Cyberbullying apps, and distance learning technologies.
 Privacy concerns
 Fake news and Misinformation
 Comparison to the life of others
 Distractedness

Answer (Pg. 111)

1.Our town does not have direct access to an
Answer (Pg. 242) Answer (Pg. 80)
1. Personal Project
a. Stewardship involves responsible resource To reduce energy consumption, one can turn off
management in a sustainable and ethical manner, lights and appliances when not in use, use energy-
while EPR assigns responsibility for post-consumer efficient appliances, and optimize heating and
products to producers, requiring them to manage cooling systems. Minimizing waste involves
the entire lifecycle of their products. recycling, composting organic materials, avoiding
single-use plastics and packaging, opting for
b. The Rocky Mountain Institute suggests that
reusable items, and buying products with minimal
businesses can enhance environmental
packaging. Supporting renewable energy sources
sustainability and profitability by adopting eco-
like solar and wind power can be achieved through
innovation and green design, leading to cost
investing in projects or advocating for policy
savings, operational efficiency improvements, and
changes. Education about reducing carbon
enhanced brand reputation.
emissions and climate change is essential, as raising
c. Biomimicry, a method utilizing nature's awareness and advocating for sustainable practices
principles, addresses human problems in fields like contributes to broader environmental efforts.
engineering, design, architecture, and materials
Group Project
science, but may be impractical or limited due to
complex biological systems. 1. Invest in early warning systems, build resilient
infrastructure, implement nature-based solutions,
d. The author suggests that Philippine
and promote community preparedness and
manufacturers could use biomimetic techniques to
resilience. Enhance meteorological infrastructure,
create sustainable materials, incorporating
satellite monitoring, and community-based warning
renewable resources, mimicking natural properties,
systems to provide timely alerts about impending
and focusing on biodegradability or recyclability,
weather events. Implement nature-based solutions
though real-time research is not feasible.
like restoring coastal ecosystems and green
e. Zero waste, eco-innovation, green design, infrastructure projects to manage stormwater
stewardship, EPR, and biomimicry are crucial steps runoff. Empower communities to prepare for and
for sustainability and environmental challenges. respond to disasters through training and social
Their success depends on various factors, but they cohesion.
can significantly improve environmental outcomes.

Answer (Pg. 225)

Harari's quote challenges traditional behavior
Harari argues that biological differences between norms by defining naturalness in biological terms.
genders are influenced by physical and He suggests that behavior possible within biological
physiological differences, but cultural and societal constraints is considered natural, prompting
norms dictate "natural" behavior for each gender. reflection on how scientific knowledge influences
He calls for challenging these structures to address societal attitudes.
gender inequality.
Answer (Pg. 81) Answer (Pg. 243)
2. a. Preparedness involves risk assessments, 2. a. Farmers' markets and CSA memberships can
emergency response plans, public education, and attract consumers with high-quality produce,
mitigation measures. Response involves evacuation, seasonal availability, and nutritional benefits.
rescue, and relief efforts. Recovery involves damage Community engagement and events foster a sense
assessments, rehabilitation programs, and financial of belonging, while affordability and accessibility,
assistance. Communication channels are flexible pricing, and Supplemental Nutrition
established for information dissemination. Assistance Program benefits promote inclusivity
and equity.
b. Yes there are.
b. The statement "small local businesses are
c. Yes, we can evacuate in our barangay.
wasteful and inefficient, so it's good that they get
d. Yes replaced by large corporations" is incorrect, as
small businesses may face challenges like limited
9. a. An ideal evacuation center should be designed
to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable
environment for evacuees during and after a 3. The Philippines is implementing community-
disaster or emergency event. based solid waste management programs to reduce
waste generation, promote recycling, and minimize
b. Barangay Balingasa Center. The strength is we
environmental pollution, including waste
have wide location and the weakness is it’s a bit
segregation, composting, and recycling, and
integrating farming systems.
13. Engaging in governance processes and
4. Technology and science have significantly
collaborating with local authorities can enhance
influenced peace and war in the 20th and 21st
city or town development, promote transparency,
centuries. Communication technologies have
and foster a more inclusive, vibrant community.
facilitated global connectivity but also led to
propaganda, surveillance, and cyber warfare.
Nuclear technology has led to international
Answer (Pg. 218)
agreements but poses catastrophic warfare
1. Yes, early education on scientific ethics fosters concerns.
ethical awareness, critical thinking, and
professional development. Integrating these topics
into science courses prepares students for careers Answer (Pg. 187)
in science and technology. Ethical decision-making
The demand for robotic maintenance technicians,
skills are developed through exploration of ethical
genetic counselors, cybersecurity specialists, and
issues and case studies.
sustainability managers is increasing due to the
2. Codes of ethics, like those proposed by Sir David increasing use of robots in various industries, the
King, the Young Scientists in the World Economic complexity of cyber threats, and the growing
Forum, and SETAC, emphasize integrity, honesty, concerns about climate change and environmental
and objectivity in scientific research. They require degradation. These professionals will be needed to
truthful reporting, disclosure of conflicts of interest, maintain, repair, and optimize robotic systems.
and rigorous analysis based on evidence.
Answer (Pg. 169) Answer (Pg. 208)
1. The debate on open software versus proprietary Reflect
licenses is influenced by philosophical, economic,
1. Molecular manufacturing enhances resource
and practical factors, with open-source software
efficiency, reduces waste, and minimizes
promoting collaboration, innovation, and
environmental impact, but requires careful
stewardship and transition to renewable energy
2 Aaron Swartz argued for open access to academic sources to minimize pollution and resource
research, citing the current system's inaccessibility depletion.
and high costs as hindering progress, innovation,
2. Work provides intrinsic motivation, recognition,
and education.
financial security, and opportunities for personal
3. The creator can demand the infringer cease growth, enabling individuals to pursue meaningful
using their work, claim authorship, and seek activities, pursue passions, and achieve personal
compensation for damages, and can also issue a and professional goals, while also ensuring a
public statement asserting their work's authorship. comfortable standard of living.
4. Fair use is a legal doctrine allowing limited use of Activities
copyrighted material without permission,
1. Nanosilica-based fertilizer that increases
determined by case-by-case factors such as
germination and growth rate of tomatoes; fruitect
purpose, nature, portion used, and impact on
coating technology which boosts shelf life of high
potential market value.
valued fruits such as mango and papaya; and
nanoencapsulated plant growth regulators which
enhances germination and root development of
Answer (Pg. 183)
coffee, banana, and cassava
1. Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics can address
2. If I were involved in nano science research, one
ethical considerations in programming robots,
invention I might explore is the development of a
ensuring safe and responsible behavior. However,
novel nanomaterial for water purification purposes.
implementing these laws in practice may pose
Specifically, I would focus on engineering
technical and ethical challenges, necessitating
nanoparticles capable of efficiently removing
ongoing research and development to refine and
contaminants from water sources, such as heavy
improve ethical principles in artificial intelligence
metals, organic pollutants, and pathogens.
and robotics.
Engineered nanomaterials in water purification can
2. The debate on robot rights is complex, involving
improve water quality and efficiency due to their
ethical, legal, and philosophical issues. Some argue
high surface area-to-volume ratio. This scalable,
advanced robots can achieve sentience, while
cost-effective technology is suitable for widespread
others believe dignity could prevent exploitation
implementation in developed and developing
and integrate them into society. Opponents argue
regions, but risks include environmental impact,
robots lack consciousness and moral worth,
health and safety risks, and regulatory compliance.
blurring the distinction between humans and

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