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Transportation Research Record 999 13

Chemical Composition of Asphalt as Related to

Asphalt Durability: State of the Art

ABSTRACT For the purposes of this review, a durable as-

phalt is defined as one that (a) possesses the phys-
ical properties necessary to produce the desired
The literature on asphalt chemical composi- initial product performance properties and (b) is
tion and asphalt durability has been re- resistant to change in physical properties during
viewed and interpreted relative to the cur- long-term in-service environmental aging. Although
rent state of the art. Two major chemical design and construction variables are major factors
factors affecting asphalt durability are the in pavement durability, more durable asphalts will
compatibility of the interacting components produce more durable pavements.
of asphalt and the resistance of the asphalt The importance of chemical composition to asphalt
to change from oxidative aging. Histori- durability, although not well understood, cannot be
cally, studies of the chemical components of disputed. Durability is determined by the physical
asphalt have been facilitated by separation properties of the asphalt, which in turn are deter-
of asphalt into component fractions, some- mined directly by chemical composition. An under-
times called generic fractions~ however, standing of the chemical factors affecting physical
these fractions are still complex mixtures properties is thus fundamental to an understanding
the composition of which can vary signifi- of the factors that control asphalt durability.
cantly among asphalts of different sources. The purpose of this paper is to examine the
The reaction of asphalt with atmospheric literature dealing with the chemical composition of
oxygen is a major factor leading to the asphalt and changes in composition during environ-
hardening and embrittlement of asphalt. The mental aging that affect durability-related prop-
hardening phenomenon is primarily a result erties. Both past and recent research important to
of the formation in asphalt of polar oxygen- the state of the art will be considered. Because of
containing functional groups that increase the extreme breadth of the subject and the volumi-
asphalt consistency through strong molecular nous literature related to durability, a complete
interaction forces. The identification and bibliography will not be attempted, but sufficient
characterization of the chemical functional references will be cited to allow the serious re-
types normally present in asphalt or formed searcher to find additional literature. The author's
on oxidative aging that influence molecular approach to the fundamental chemical factors affect-
interactions afford a fundamental approach ing asphalt properties and durability will also be
to relating asphalt composition with asphalt presented.
properties and thus the performance of both
asphalts and asphalt-aggregate mixtures. In
addition to the polar chemical functional PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS AFFECTING
groups formed on oxidation, asphalt prop- ASPHALT DURABILITY
erties can also be significantly altered by
molecular structuring, sometimes called To provide a background for the documented discus-
steric hardening. This potentially revers- sions that follow, the major composition-related
ible phenomenon, although highly elusive and factors affecting durability are briefly outlined.
difficult to quantify in asphalt pavement The most important aspect of a durable asphalt, as-
mixtures, may also be a major factor con- suming that it meets initial performance require-
tributing to pavement embrittlement. ments, is its resistance to change while in service.
The dominant physical change leading to reduced as-
phalt durability is a change in flow properties re-
lated to excessive stiffening or hardening of the
asphalt. Three fundamental composition-related fac-
Differences in the quality of asphalts from differ- tors govern the changes that could cause hardening
ent sources (different composition) and relation- of asphalts in pavements:
ships between composition and performance properties
have long been recognized, as shown by the many pub-
lications on the subject, a few of which are cited 1. Loss of the oily components of asphalt by
(l-13). Asphalts meeting the same specifications volatility or absorption by porous aggregates,
often produce pavements with widely differing per- 2. Changes in the chemical composition of as-
formance and serviceability. Admittedly such factors phalt molecules from reaction with atmospheric oxy-
as aggregate characteristics, design, construction gen, and
variables, and environment play major roles in de- 3. Molecular structuring that produces thixo-
termining pavement performance and often overshadow tropic effects (steric hardening).
the contribution to performance made by var iabil-
ities in asphalt cement quality. However, such stud- With current specifications and construction prac-
ies as the well-known Zaca-Wigmore Experimental Road tices, volatility loss is probably not a significant
Test (4,9), in which construction variables were contributor to pavement hardening. Reaction with
carefully- controlled and asphalt source was inten- atmospheric oxygen is probably the major and best
tionally varied, clearly demonstrate the importance understood cause. Molecular structuring, although
of asphalt chemical composition in pavement dura- elusive and difficult to quantify, may also be a
bility. significant contributor.
14 Transportation Research Record 999

Irreversible adsorption of polar asphalt compo- omatic ring systems has been estimated by correla-
nents by mineral aggregate surfaces, although not a tions based on carbon-hydrogen analyses and den-
factor that might be expected to harden asphalt, sities (~,17) and directly by nuclear magnetic
will produce compositional changes in the asphalt resonance (NMR) (18) • Concentrations of aromatic
that may also significantly affect asphalt prop- carbon determined by NMR typically run from 25 to 35
erties and aging characteristics. Finally, it is percent for petroleum asphalts. The aromatic carbon
recognized that environmental factors affecting the is incorporated in condensed aromatic ring systems
properties of the asphalt-aggregate bond, partic- containing from 1 to possibly 10 rings per aromatic
ularly water, can seriously affect the performance moiety (18). These ring systems may be associated
and durability of asphalt pavements i however, even with saturated naphthenic (cycloalkyl) ring systems,
though moisture-induced damage may be related to as- and both the aromatic and naphthenic ring systems
phalt composition and adsorption of asphalt compo- may have attachments composed of a variety of types
nents on aggregate surfaces, it is primarily an in- of normal or branched hydrocarbon side chains. By
terfacial phenomenon and beyond the scope of this NMR, carbon associated with naphthenic ring systems
paper. typically ranges from 15 to 30 percent (18). Normal
and branched chain hydrocarbons are present either
as individual molecules or as the previously men-
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ASPHALT tioned moieties associated with naphthenic or aro-
matic rings. The nonaromatic and nonnaphthenic car-
Elemental and Molecular Composition bon content of asphalt would typically range from 35
to 60 percent. It should be emphasized that examples
Before an attempt is made to discuss relationships outside these ranges may be found and the variety of
between chemical composition and asphalt properties possible combinations of molecular structures in an
affecting durability, the chemical composition of asphalt is astronomically large and may vary widely
asphalt will be reviewed. Asphalt is not composed of from one crude source to another. The hydrocarbon
a single chemical species but is rather a complex molecular structures are further complicated by the
mixture of organic molecules that vary widely in heteroatoms sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen, which are
composition from nonpolar saturated hydrocarbons to often present in sufficient combined amounts so
highly polar, highly condensed aromatic ring sys- that, on the average, one or more heteroatom(s) per
tems. Elemental analyses of several representative molecule may be present. These may be incorporated
petroleum asphalts are presented in Table 1. Al- within the ring or nonring components or in more
though asphalt molecules are composed predominantly discrete chemical functional groups attached to
of carbon and hydrogen, most molecules contain one these components.
or more of the so-called heteroatoms nitrogen, sul- The heteroatoms, particularly nitrogen and oxy-
fur, and oxygen together with trace amounts of gen, and the aromatic ring systems contribute con-
metals, principally vanadium and nickel. As seen in siderable polarity or polarizability to the mole-
Table 1, the heteroatoms, although a minor component
cules that rod uce the fl!!jo r association for~e~s'-------
--------ompareu~ro-t.he-hydrocarbon-mo±-e:ty , ca n vary---m---con -
affecting physical properties. This will be dis-
centration over a wide range depending on the source
cussed in more detail in a later section.
of the asphalt. Because the heteroatoms often impart
Because the number of molecules in asphalt with
functionality and polarity to the molecules, their
presence may make a disproportionately large contri- different chemical structures and reactivities is
bution to the differences in physical properties extremely large, chemists have not seriously con-
sidered attempts to separate and identify them. Con-
among asphalts from different sources.
siderable progress, however, has been made in the
study of asphalt composition by separation or char-
acterization of asphalt based on the reactivity or
TABLE 1 Elemental Analyses of Representative Petroleum
polarity or both of the various molecular types
Asphalts (14) present. The molecules in asphalt can be con-
veniently separated or grouped into classes of molec-
ular types or fractions based on their chemical
B-2959 B-3036 B-305 l B-3602 functionality. This separation and classification of
Element (Mexican) (Ark.-La.) (Boscan) (Calif.)
molecular types has been useful to provide simpler
Carbon(%) 83 .77 85.78 82.90 86.77
Hydrogen(%) 10.19
component fractions that permit further characteriza-
9.91 10.45 10.94
Nitrogen(%) 0.28 0.26 0.78 1.10 tion and has aided in determining how different
Sulfui (%) 5.2 5 3.41 5.43 0.99 molecular types affect the physical and chemical
Oxygenb (%) 0.77 0.36 0.29 0.20 properties of the whole asphalt.
Vanadium (ppm) 180 7 l,380 4
Nickel (ppm) 22 0.4 109 6
a From study by Welborn et al. (J 5) . Asphalt Composition as Defined by Fractionation
bBy difference,
A variety of procedures has been employed in at-
tempts to fractionate asphalt into less complex and
Elemental analyses are average values and reveal more homogeneous fractions. Some are simple (19) and
1 i ttle information about how the atoms are incor- others are more complex (20, 21) • Many are special-
porated in the molecules or what type of molecular ized and unique to a given-research endeavor in
structures are present. Molecular type and structure which they were used to prepare fractions for fur-
information is necessary for a fundamental under- ther characterization. Several, however, have found
standing of how composition affects physical prop- more general use to characterize and classify as-
erties and chemical reactivity. The molecular struc- phalts. These separation schemes can be classified
tures in asphalt will be discussed in more detail in into three general types based on the procedure used:
subsequent sections: however, an overview is impor- (a) partitioning with partial solvents <E-24), (b)
tant at this point. selective adsorption-desorption (!Q_,.!2_,~), and (c)
Because asphalt was undoubtedly produced from chemical precipitation (5,6). Gel permeation chroma-
living organic matter by maturation in the earth for tography (GPC) is also an important separation meth-
millions of years, the molecular structures of the od: however, because the method as normally used
compounds present are highly diverse. Carbon in ar- makes separations primarily on the basis of molec-
Petersen 15

ular size rather than type, its relationship to The saturate fraction, because it lacks polar
chemical composition is not well-defined. Therefore, chemical functional groups, is not adsorbed on the
it will not be discussed further in this review. Re- column and is first to emerge. (It is important to
lationships between GPC data and asphalt properties note that although the names of component fractions
and performance characteristics, however, have been were often intended to describe the predominant
suggested and the reader is referred to the litera- chemical types, component fractions are still com-
ture for more details on this separation technique plex mixtures and do not represent clear-cut com-
(26-1Q). pound-type separations.) The saturate fraction may
Schematic diagrams illustrating the three types contain saturated normal and branched-chain hydro-
of component fractionation schemes are shown in carbons, saturated cyclic hydrocarbons (sometimes
Figure 1. Partitioning with selective solvents called naphthenic hydrocarbons) , and possibly a
(scheme 1-A) has not been widely used. Although it small amount of mono-ring aromatic hydrocarbons;
avoids contact with reactive adsorbants and chemi- however, those molecules containing ring systems are
cals that might irreversibly adsorb or alter asphalt dominated by attached saturated hydrocarbon side
components, the fractions obtained are usually not chains. Sulfur is often found incorporated in mole-
as distinctively different as with the other separa- cules of the saturate fraction. Addition to the
tion types. In general, one sequentially treats the chromatographic column of a more polar aromatic
asphalt with increasingly polar solvents precipitat- solvent such as benzene (now usually replaced by
ing a series of fractions with decreasing polarity. toluene) , which competes for the polar sites on the
Selective adsorption-desorption chromatography adsorbants, displaces the more weakly adsorbed as-
has probably found the widest use as a research phalt molecules. These molecules usually contain
separation technique. This technique is typified by condensed nonaromatic and aromatic ring systems, and
scheme 1-B in Figure 1. The asphaltenes are sepa- in addition to sulfur, the heteoratoms oxygen and
rated first based on their insolubility in a non- nitrogen may also be part of the molecule. In scheme
polar paraffinic solvent. This removes the most 1-B, this fraction has been called the naphthene-
polar and least soluble asphalt components and gen- aromatic fraction.
erally facilitates further separation. The remaining Finally, a highly polar solvent such as an alco-
petrolene (maltene) fraction, which is dissolved in hol is added to the benzene to displace the most
the paraffinic solvent, is then adsorbed on a chro- strongly adsorbed and most polar components of the
matographic column and sequentially desorbed with petrolene fraction. The alcohol debonds these com-
solvents of increasing polarity. By proper selection ponents, which are held strongly to the adsorbant by
of the adsorbant and desorption solvents, a series highly polar functional groups, and the benzene pro-
of fractions with increasing polarity is obtained. vides solubility for these components as they elute
The fractions obtained will be described in some de- from the column. This fraction, called polar aroma-
tail to provide background for discussion in later tics, contains more highly condensed aromatic ring
sections of this paper. systems and functional groups containing hetero-

SCHEME 1-A. Partitioning with Partial Solvents SCHEME 1-B. Selective Adsorption-Desorption
(Schweyer and Traxler, Rel. 23) (Corbett, Rel. 10)


n-Butanol n-Heptone

Precipitate l. Evaporate butonol Precipitate PETROLENES

I 2. Dissolve in acetone , (MALTENESI
chill to -23 ° C
A dso rptio n-E lutio n
Precipitate Solution Chromatography
on alumina

SCHEME 1-C. Chemical Precipitation
(Rostler and Sternberg, Ref. 32) POLAR 1. Methanol -be ni o no
AROMATICS 2 . Trichloroelhylon e
ASPHALT (elute)


Precipitote Solution

BASES (85%)

H1 so.
1st ACIDAFFINS 1-- --''-'acv, i --I

2nd ACIDAFFINS l -- H • --1


FIGURE 1 Schematic diagrams illustrating three types of fractionation schemes used to separate asphalt into
component fractions.
16 Transportation Research Record 999

atoms. It should be noted here, and will be impor- Although any of the fractionation schemes dis-
tant l ater when durab il i t y and oxidation s uscepti- cussed separate asphalt into less complex and more
bility are discussed, th at all fractions con tain, to homogeneous fractions, the generic fractions ob-
a greater or lesser degree, cyclic and noncyclic tained are in themselves still complex mixtures and
saturated hydrocarbon fragments either as individual not well-defined chemical spec ies. In all the sepa-
molecules in the saturate fraction or as moieties ration methods, equilibria are involved. This may be
attached to the aromatic ring fragments in the more solid-liquid equilibria in the chromatographic sepa-
polar fractions. Sulfur is usually found in a large ration or liquid-liquid partitioning in the chemical
percentage of the individual asphalt molecules, but precipitation method. The same generic fraction can
in unoxidized asphalt, it is rather nonpolar and vary considerably in composition and properties from
thus is found distributed among all the component one aspha l t source t o a not he r ; howe ve r, the sep ara -
fractions. The so-called asphaltene fraction is tio n s a re o f t e n s uffi c i ent l y de fi n i tive to p r ovide
chemically similar to the more resinous or polar us e f u l i nforma t ion in studies rela t ing c hemica l
components of the petrolene fraction (31). Although composition with physical properties.
the . asphaltene fraction may contain small amount s of
occluded or insoluble saturate-type material, the
significant differentiating feature of this fraction
is the pre1;>0nde r a nce of molecu les with highly con- INTERACTIONS AMONG ASPHALT COMPONENT FRACTIONS AND
densed planar a nd polar izable aromatic ring systems RELATIONSHIPS WITH DURABILITY
together with a high concentration of polar, hetero-
atom-containing functional groups. Because of these As is shown from the results of component fractiona-
features, molecules of this fraction are strongly tion, a wide spectrum of molecular types is present
attracted to each other, associate strongly, and are in asphalt. The most nonpolar or oily fract i on, in
difficult to disperse even in polar solvents. the absence of the resinous components, is so unlike
The last fractionation scheme to be considered is the asphaltene fraction that the two fractions are
that of chemical precipitation (scheme 1-C in Figure not mutually solublei yet, these extremes in molec-
1). This scheme and its modifications are baccd on n ular types must ~OP.xis~ in neat asphalt as a micro-
fractionation procedure developed by Rostler and s copically homogeneous mixture. Thi s is made pos-
Sternberg ( 32) and later applied to asphalts ( 5, 6) • s i b le by the interaction of var ious components of
It may not be exactly c o r r ec t to call this fr ac- asphalt with each other to form a balanced or com-
t ionation procedure a separation scheme because it patible s ystem. I t i s t h is bala nce of c omponent s
is really a method of analysis. Some of the steps that g i v es a s pha l t its un i que viscoe l astic prop-
are destructive and the method does not require the erties tha t are so impor ta n t to i ts a pplic ation as a
recovery of the altered fractions for further analy - pavement binder . Lack of compatibility or balance ,
sis. After separation of the asphaltenes, the re- as so111etimes man ifeste d by compone n t phase separa-
maining components are sequentially separated into tion, l eads t o undesira ble properties . The r o l e o f
fractions based on their reactivity with sulfuric the various c omponent fractions in contribu ti ng to
acid of increasing acid strengths (decreasing degree asphalt compone n t compatibility, and thus du rab il-
of hydration). In practice, the sulfuric acid phase ity, will be considered next.
is added to a nonpolar hydrocarbon solution of the It has long been recognized that asphalts exhibit
components to be separated, thus forming a second properties that deviate from those of a true solu-
polar acid phase containing those components reac- tion. The colloidal nature of asphalt was first
tive with the sulfuric acid together with other com- recognized by Nellenstyn (33,34), who considered
ponents sufficiently polar or polar izable to parti- asphalt a dispersion of micelle;-in an oily medium.
tion toward the sulfuric acid phase. In the first The asphaltene fraction was early associated with
step, an 85 percent sulfuric acid solution is used the dispersed or mice lle phase (35). It was also
to remove the most polar components, including most recogni ?.ed that the i nability of the resinous com-
of the basic and nonbasic nitrogen compounds and ponents to keep these highly associated asphaltene
many of the oxygenated molecules. This fraction is components dispersed in the oily phase largely de-
called nitrogen bases. Because the nitrogen in as- termined the gel or non-Newtonian flow characteris-
phalt is usually associated with condensed aromatic tics of the asphalt (36,37). Rostler (5) described
ring systems, the so-called nitrogen base fraction the asphaltene fractioii"""" as the component of asphalt
is quite aromatic. Concentrated sulfuric acid (98 primarily responsible for asphalt viscosity and
percent) is used next to precipitate the first acid- colloidal behavior because of its limited solubility
affin fraction, which has been reported as contain- in the remaining components. He concluded that the
ing unsaturated hydrocarbons (5). The use of the asphaltenes are kept dispersed by the peptizing
term •unsaturated" is unfortunate because the term ability of the nitrogen bases. The peptized asphal-
is usually reserved for the designation of double tenes are in turn solvated by the resinous acidaff in
and triple carbon-carbon bonds in nonaromatic ring fractions and gelled by the pa ra f fins. Co rbett (38)
structures (olefinic and acetylenic types) , which described the effects on phys i cal propert i es of the
have not been found in significant amounts, if at four fractions separated by his procedure: the as-
all, in petroleum residues. The first acidaffin phaltenes function as solution thickeners; fluidity
fraction is quite aromatic and low in nitrogen con- is imparted by the saturate and naphthene aromatic
tent. The most likely reaction leading to separation fractions, which plasticize the solid polar aromatic
of this fraction is sulfonation or complex formation and asphaltene fractionsi the polar aromatic frac-
involving the aromatic ring systems. Sulfuric acid tion imparts ductility to the asphalti and the
containing 30 percent SO], which is a powerful saturates and naphthene-aromatics in combination
sulfonating and complexing agent, is used to precip- with asphaltenes produce complex flow properties in
itate those components with less reactive or polar- the asphalt. In summary, he concluded that "each
izable aromatic ring systems. Analysis of this frac- fraction or combination of fractions perform sepa-
tion, called second acidaffins, indicates that it is rate functions in respect to physical properties,
considerably less aromatic than the nitrogen bases and it is logical to assume that the overall phys-
or first acidaffins (5). The final remaining frac- ical properties of one asphalt are thus dependent
tion is called paraff:Gis. This fraction is the oily upon the combined effect of these fractions and the
component of asphalt and is composed primarily of proportions in which they are present.•
molecules embodying straight-chain, branched, and For purposes of comparison, the polar aromatic
cyclic alkanes. fraction from the Corbett separation (10, scheme 1-B
Petersen 17

in Figure 1) might be considered to contain many of hardens the asphalt, has been recognized for more
the components found in the Rostler nitrogen base than 50 years, and the literature in this area is
fraction plus possibly part of the first acidaffin voluminous. Atmospheric oxidation is the major fac-
fraction. The Corbett naphthene aromatic fraction tor responsible for the irreversible hardening of
may be roughly compared with the Rostler second asphalts (~) and is the reason why pavement void
acidaffin fraction plus some components found also content (which allows access to atmospheric oxygen)
in the Rostler first acidaffin fraction. The satu- correlates so strongly w1th asphalt pavement hard-
rate and paraffin fractions from the two schemes ening (_!!!,~). Hardening from loss of volatile
might also be somewhat comparable. components, the physical factor that might affect
It has been widely recognized (6,7,12,39-43) that the correlation of hardening and void content, is
a proper balance of chemical componentS-iS-tleC;essary not considered a significant factor when asphalts
in a durable asphalt. Not only may too much or too meeting current specifications are used. The poten-
little of a given generic type as defined by the tially volatile components would be part of the
fractionation schemes be detrimental to the compati- saturate fraction; Corbett and Merz showed that the
bility of the system, but so also may variations in amount of this fraction remained virtually constant
chemical composition within the same generic type during 18 years of service in the well-known Michi-
classification be detrimental. For example, the gan Road Test (50). Thus, in dealing with asphalt
presence of waxes in the oily fraction, which tend durability a major factor that must be addressed is
to crystallize and cause phase separation, can be change that takes place in asphalt composition from
detrimental (39). Asphaltenes that are not properly oxidative aging.
dispersed, either because of their inherent solu- The change in the amounts of fractional compo-
bility properties or because of the solvent nents of asphalt generally seen on oxidative aging
properties or dispersing power of the resinous is a movement of components from the more nonpolar
components of the petrolenes, will have reduced to the more polar fractions. The saturates in the
compatibility with the oily fraction and thus reduce Corbett analysis (2.2_) and the paraffins in the
asphalt durability (5,42). Exudation of oil may oc- Rostler analysis (6) show the least change on oxida-
cur and undesirable gel characteristics thus be tion. There is uiually some loss of the Rostler
second acidaffins and a greater loss of the more
Rostler and coworkers (6,43,44) showed that the reactive first acidaffins and these losses are off-
balance of the component fractions, as indicated by set by a significant increase in the asphaltene
the ratio of the most reactive fractions (nitrogen fraction. Similarly, the Corbett naphthene aromatics
bases plus first acidaffins) to the least reactive and the polar aromatics decrease as asphaltenes
fractions (paraffins plus second acidaff ins) , was increase.
important to the resistance of pellets of asphalt King and Corbett (2!_) using thin films at 150°C
and Ottawa sand to abrasion loss in laboratory test- and Knotnerus (11) using dilute toluene solutions
ing. Although the Rostler fractionation scheme has showed that th;- saturate fraction is relatively
been used by many materials laboratories and cor- inert to reaction with oxygen as measured by oxygen
relations with field performance have been attempted uptake. The naphthene aromatic (King and Corbett)
(45,46), it has generally not been accepted as an and aromatic (Knotnerus) fractions showed slight and
accurate predictor of field performance. Lack of no reactivity, respectively. However, the Corbett
consideration of the asphaltene fraction, which polar aromatic fraction and the Knotnerus resin and
contributes so significantly to flow properties, in asphaltene fractions were highly reactive with oxy-
the Rostler durability parameter may be unfortunate gen. Corbett's asphaltene fraction showed inter-
and a serious omission. In field tests conducted in mediate reactivity. Direct measurement of the forma-
California (46), the Heithaus parameter (P) (state tion of oxygen-containing functional groups by
of peptization) , which is an attempt to measure the Petersen et al. (52) ranks the relative reactivity
internal compatibility of an asphalt by evaluating with atmospheric oxygen of the saturate, aromatic,
the peptizability of the asphaltenes and the dis- polar aromatic, and asphaltene fractions as
persing power of the petrolenes C1ll , was found to 1:7:32:40, respectively, for a Wilmington (Califor-
correlate better with pavement field hardening than nia) asphalt when the fractions were oxidized sepa-
the Rostler durability parameter. Using six asphalts rately at 130°C. However, evidence was found that in
of widely differing composition, Traxler (i2_) found neat asphalt, components of the more polar fractions
a correlation between his coefficient of dispersion may promote more oxidation of components of the less
(resins plus cyclics divided by asphaltenes plus polar fractions than when they are oxidized sepa-
saturates) and the rate of hardening during labora- rately.
tory oxidative aging. Better-dispersed asphalts The asphaltene fraction has been considered by
hardened more slowly. He further suggested that the some (5) to be chemically almost inert; however, the
degree of dispersion of the asphalt components is foregoing data indicate that asphaltenes are quite
inversely related to the complex (non-Newtonian) reactive with oxygen. This supports the author's
flow properties of the asphalt and is indicative of criticism made earlier that it may not have been
the asphalt's colloidal characteristics. justified to eliminate the asphaltene fraction from
the Rostler durability ratio. The apparent con-
tradiction regarding the chemical reactivity of
CHANGES IN CHEMICAL COMPOSITION ON AGING asphaltenes might be explained by the following
observations made by the author. Isolated asphal-
The discussion thus far has addressed chemical com- tenes are brittle solids and in this state at
positional factors that determine the physical prop- ambient temperatures are indeed quite unreactive
erties of asphalts. Without question, a durable with atmospheric oxygen, probably because their
asphalt must possess acceptable physical properties solid, highly structured state reduces molecular
to produce a pavement with initially acceptable mobility, which in turn reduces reactivity with
performance properties. The companion requirement of oxygen. However, when the asphaltenes are melted (as
a durable asphalt is that these initial properties in the 130 and l50°C oxidations) or in solution in
be resistant to change during environmental aging in solvents, their mobility is increased and thus so is
field service. However, asphalt composition changes their apparent reactivity. One might assume that if
with time when the asphalt is exposed as a thin film asphaltene components are well dispersed in neat
to atmospheric oxygen in the pavement. That asphalt asphalt, they might also be chemically quite active.
reacts with atmospheric oxygen, which stiffens or Their chemical structure, highly condensed ring
18 Transportation Research Record 999

systems with alkyl attachments, also suggests a TABLE 4 Carbonyl Functional Groups Formed in
system sensitive to hydrocarbon-type oxidation. Wilmington Asphalt Fractions During Column
More recent studies (14, 52-57) have yielded con- Oxidation (52)
siderable information ~the specific chemical
changes that take place in asphalt on oxidative Concentration (mol · liter- 1 )
aging by reaction with atmospheric oxygen. The major
oxygen-containing functional groups formed on aging Carboxylic
are listed in Table 2 for four asphalts of different Fraction Ketone Anhydride Acid
crude sources and aged under identical conditions
Saturate 0.045 0 .010 Trace
(air, 130°C, thin film). The data (14) represent Aromatic 0.32 0.017 a
averages for the four asphalts aged on~our differ- Polar aromatic 1.48 0 .088
ent aggregates and are for the same asphalts shown Asphaltene 1.8 2 0.080 NDb
Whole asphalt 1.02 0.052 0.007
in Table 1. The level of oxidation has been judged
to be equivalent to that typically found in asphalts 3
Some held.I lost on alumina column during component fractionation.
after 5 years or more of pavement service (9) • That bNot dNcrmined.
the chemical functionality developed during- labora-
tory oxidation at l30°C is similar to that developed
during normal pavement aging at ambient temperatures
is supported by data given in Table 3 (59). Reasons hydrocarbon types in asphalt and the general chemis-
for the lower levels of oxidation in some pavement try of hydrocarbon oxidation. The major reaction
samples compared with laboratory oxidation are dis- pathway of hydrocarbon air oxidation is the forma-
cussed elsewhere (59), but they relate to the inac- t ion of carbonyl compounds via the hydroperoxide
cessibility of some of the asphalt in the pavement intermediate (53,54). The most sensitive hydrocarbon
to atmospheric oxygen. moiety expected to be present in asphalt is that
associated with the carbon atom adjacent to an aro-
matic ring system, commonly called a benzylic car-
TABLE 2 Chemical Functional Groups Formed in Aaphalts bon. The hydrogen attached to the carbon in this
During Oxidative Aging (14) position is relatively easy to displace, forming a
free radical on the carbon. Branching in the at-
Concentration (mol · liter-I) Average tached hydrocarbon chains also increases the sensi-
Carboxylic Hardening tivity of the asphalt to oxidation.
Asphalt Ketone Anhydride Acid' Sulfoxide Indexb A simplified, generalized scheme proposed by the
B-2959 0.50 0.014 0.008 0.30 38.0 author for the oxidation of the hydrocarbon moieties
B-3036 0.55 0.015 0.005 0.29 27.0 in asphalt is proposed in Figure 2, which shows
B-3051 0.58 0.020 0.009 0.29 132.0 ketones as the major functional group formed, con-
B-3602 0.77 0.043 0.005 0.18 30.0
sistent with the data in Tables 2 and 3. In the
Note: Column oxidation (58), 130°C, 24 hr, lS·micron film.
reaction scheme presented, the symbol R may repre-
aNaturally occurring acids have been subtracted from reported value.
bRatio of viscosity after oxidative aging lo viscosity before oxidative aging.
sent either a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group. The
reaction is initiated by the abstraction of a hydro-
gen atom attached to a benzylic carbon of an asphalt
molecule (I) to form a free radical (II). The free
TABLE 3 Comparison of Oxidation Products in Column-Oxidized
radical reacts with atmospheric oxygen to form a
and Pavement-Aged Samples peroxy radical (III). This in turn rapidly decom-
poses to form a ketone (IV) or, more likely, ab-
Concentration (mol · liter-I) stracts a hydrogen atom from the benzylic carbon of
Column Oxidized' Pavement Agedb another asphalt molecule (V) to form a hydroperoxide
Asphalt Ketone Anhydride Ketone Anhydride (VII) • The asphalt-free radical formed (VI) can
60 0.76 0.024 0.53 0.018 react with atmospheric oxygen to repeat the process.
25 0.70 0.025 0.53 0.022 The hydroperoxide is rather unstable and may decom-
30 0.64 0.027 0.64 0.038 pose to form either a ketone (VIII) or an alkoxy
61 0.67 0.022 0.44 0.020 radical (IX). The alkoxy radical may rapidly decom-
67 0.43 0.013 0.32 0.010
71 0.76 0.026 0.51 0.022 pose to form a ketone (X) • This mechanism is ad-
72 0.82 0.033 0.68 0.029 mittedly oversimplified and minor amounts of other
73 0.49 0.013 0.35 0.011 oxidation products not shown are undoubtedly formed.
74 0.72 0.027 0.43 0.017 However, it adequately accounts for the major hydro-
aThin film oxidation, I 30°C, 24 hr (58). carbon oxidation product, ketones. Ke tones as the
bRecovered From 11- to 13-year-old pavements (JS). major oxidation product in oxidized asphalt have
been positively verified (~. Smaller amounts of
anhydrides are formed (54) through what is believed
Data in Table 2 show that ketones and sulfoxides by the author to be analternate hydroperoxide de-
are the major oxidation products formed during oxi- composition route in certain asphalt molecules
dative aging; anhydrides and carboxylic acids are having stereospecific ring systems associated with
formed in smaller amounts. In some asphalts, the the oxidizable alkyl moieties. Under certain condi-
summed concentrations approach 1 mole per liter. If tions, the alkyl moiety may oxidize to the carbox-
a molecular weight of 1, 000 is assumed for an as- ylic acid; however, only small amounts of carboxylic
phalt molecule, on the average one functional group acids [and no measurable esters (54)] have been
is formed for each asphalt molecule. Of course, not found in laboratory- or pavement-aged asphalts. It
all molecules of asphalt have the same reactivity. appears that the oxidation reaction almost always
Data in Table 4 show that ketones are formed in the stops at the ketone stage.
highest concentrations in the asphaltene and polar Because the polar aromatics (or nitrogen bases
aromatic fractions; lesser amounts are formed in the and first acidaffins) and asphaltene fractions are
aromatic fraction, and considerably less in the known to contain the highest concentrations of aro-
saturate fraction. These data are consistent with matic ring systems, and thus benzylic carbons vi a
the earlier-cited oxygen uptake experiments (11,..?..!l. the alkyl moieties attached, they have the highest
The oxidation products formed are consistent and content of hydrocarbon types sensitive to air oxida-
in good agreement with what is known about the tion. It is then not surprising that the polar aro-
Petersen 19

~ rR


~C -R

0 0
I 11
-i:-R + ~-C-R --~C-R + ROH
~~ ~


0 0
· OH + ~C -R ~ C-R + R•
FIGURE 2 Suggested mechanism for the free·radical air oxidation of asphalt.

ma tics and asphaltenes (Table 4) showed the highest reactive. Thus, it is understandable that a correla-
ketone formation on oxidation. tion was found between the Rostler durability param-
The formation of sulfoxides, the second most eter (ratio of most reactive to least reactive com-
dominant oxidation product, has been shown to result ponents as recognized by Rostler) and abrasion loss
from oxidation of organic sulfides that are part of in the pellet abrasion test ( 5, 6), which test is
complex asphalt molecules ( 57) • These sulfides are sensitive to asphalt hardening- on oxidation. Al-
highly reactive. Sulfoxides are formed in asphalt at though the ratio may indicate the amounts of compo-
a much higher rate than ketones and their formation nents most reactive to oxygen (excluding the asphal-
often precedes significant ketone formation. This is tenes) relative to the amounts least reactive, it is
probably because sulfides are hydroperoxide scaven- not a precise measure of the compatibility of the
gers and are converted to sulfoxides by the scaven- sample, because the relative amounts of saturates
ger reaction. and second acidaffins and the relative amounts of
The significance of the polar oxygen-containing first acidaffins and nitrogen bases, whose sums make
functional groups to physical properties will be up the denominator and numerator of the ratio, are
discussed in detail in a later section of this not specified.
paper. However, their influence on the hardening of Also, as previously mentioned, the asphaltenes,
the asphalt is apparent from the aging indexes which have such a profound effect on asphalt com-
(ratio of viscosity after oxidation to viscosity patibility and viscosity, are not considered in the
before oxidation) of the asphalts in Table 2, which ratio. These problems are compounded by differences
range from 27 to 132. It is apparent that the rela- in composition that may occur among similar generic-
tive amount of hardening is not directly related to type fractions from different asphalts. Consider
the amount of oxidation when one asphalt source is again the large differences in the effects of simi-
compared with another. Note that the asphalts with lar amounts of oxidation products (from chemical
the smallest and greatest aging indexes (Table 2) reactivity) on the hardening rate of two different
both showed about the same chemical reactivity with asphalts, B 3036 and B 3051, shown in Table 2.
atmospheric oxygen. This is because all asphalts do Initial compatibility, rate of formation of oxida-
not show the same sensitivity to the oxidation pro- tion products, and response of the system to the
ducts formed. Asphalts from different sources have oxidation products produced are all interdependent
differing composition and thus their components variables and cannot be sufficiently defined by a
interact differently with the oxidation products single numerical value. The asphalt system is much
formed to increase viscosity. This varying sensitiv- too complex for this. It is the considered opinion
ity to oxidation products will be discussed later in of the author that although the Rostler parameter
more detail. should show a general correlation with pavement per-
At this point it is instructional to consider the formance, it is not sufficiently precise to be used
Rostler durability parameter with regard to the as an accurate predictor and if used must be con-
chemical information just presented. As previously sidered together with additional physiochemical data
stated, this parameter is the ratio of the quantity further defining the composition of the asphalt.
of nitrogen bases plus first acidaffins divided by
the quantity of second acidaffins plus paraffins.
The polar aromatic fraction, which should include MOLECULAR INTERACTIONS--A FUNDAMENTAL APPROACH TO
the Rostler nitrogen bases and a good part of the CHEMICAL FACTORS AFFECTING ASPHALT DURABILITY
first acidaffins, was shown to be the fraction most
chemically reactive with oxygen after asphaltene In this section of the paper a fundamental approach
separation. Also, the saturates and aromatics, which to asphalt chemical composition--physical property
should account for much of the Rostler paraffin and relationships--will be addressed. The approach draws
second acidaffin fractions, were shown to be least heavily on past chemical data and information from
20 Transportation Research Record 999

component analyses but is based on more recent re- and breakdown of molecular structure via association
search that recognizes the fundamental chemical forces are extremely rapid. In liquids the average
factors that affect asphalt properties. Parts of lifetime of a given arrangement of molecule s, that
this section have been summarized previously (~) . is, a s tructur al un it , may be as short a s lo- 13
Because the physical properties of asphalt are con- sec a nd for water is estimated at lo- 11 sec .
trolled by the interactions of the molecules from To further illustrate the great influence of the
which it is composed, an understanding of these electronegative oxygen atom on physical properties,
interactions should provide the basis for under- consider replacing the oxygen in water with sulfur
standing its physical behavior and thus its dura- to yield hydrogen sulfide, H2S. Because sulfur is
bility. It is not necessary (and would be virtually less electronegative than oxygen, the strength of
impossible) to know the exact structure of each the hydrogen bond is greatly reduced. As a result,
molecule for a workable understanding. It should be hydrogen sulfide, even though a heavier molecule
sufficient to identify or characterize th various than water, is not a liquid but rather a gas at room
types of chemical or structural features of the temperature. Its boiling point is 162°C lower than
asphalt molecules and how these interact with each that of water. The effects of intermolecular forces,
other and their environment. as illustrated by the hydrogen bond, are basic to
Many molecules of different composition will have understanding the effects of chemical composition on
similar features, or functionality, that will pro- asphalt properties because the intermolecular forces
duce similar effects on physical properties. Func- are the primary determinants of physical properties.
tionality analysis has the advantage over component It should not be implied from the foregoing dis-
fractionation in that it can take into account the cussion that the hydrogen bond is the most important
multiple functionality of asphalt molecules. Many interaction force in asphalt. Many other reversible
asphalt molecules have several types of chemical interaction forces are important in a material so
functionality on the same molecule, often of diverse chemically complex. These include a variety of
types, which frustrate chemical fractionation pro- dipole and induced dipole interactions. For simplic-
cedures because whole molecules must be moved into a ity in discussing molecular interactions in this
given fraction. The molecular interaction approach paper, all molecular structural types in asphalt
taken here is primarily that of the author; however, that exhibit these forces are considered as chemical
many researchers, both past and present, have rec- functionality. These functionalities include, but
ognized the importance of chemical functionality on are not limited to, the more classical chemical
asphalt properties. functional groups.
Nonpolar hydrocarbon components in asphalt such
as those dominant in the saturate fraction exhibit
Fundamentals of Molecular Interactions and Effects of only weak interaction forces, which accounts for the
Molecular Interactions on Flow Properties rather fluid character of this fraction. On the
other hand, asphalt components containing highly
Because the chemical and physical properties of an condensed ring systems and chemical functional
asphalt are the sum total of the composition and groups containing oxygen and nitrogen atoms may be
interactions of its individual molecules, it is highly polar or polarizable and thus interact
instructive at this point to briefly review some strongly with each other. These strong interaction
fundamentals of molecular interactions. Molecules forces largely account for the fact that asphal-
attract one another and interact through a variety tenes, even though they may not be significantly
of secondary bonds or association forces. These different in molecular weight than the saturates
association forces are generally one to two orders (61), are high melting solids.
of magnitude weaker than the covalent chemical bond- ~To illustrate the potential applicability of
ing forces that hold the atoms together in the mole- molecular interaction theory and molecular structur-
cule. The association forces are significantly dif- ing to the physical properties of asphalt, it is
ferent from covalent bonding forces in that they helpful to examine the effects of the chemical func-
form bonds that are generally reversible and are tionality of a series of model compounds on the
usually in dynamic equilibrium. That is, they "make" physical properties of these compounds. A list of
and "break" under forces induced by such factors as selected model compounds together with their struc-
temperature and external stress, and thus they ture, boiling point, and melting point are shown in
largely determine the physical properties of the Table 5. These chemical functionalities also repre-
composite material. sent important types found in asphalt and thus the
To illustrate the principles involved, the reasoning developed may have direct application.
classic example of the hydrogen bonding of water First, consider the series of compounds n-heptane
molecules is considered. A simplified schematic of through benzoic acid. All were chosen from the same
this bonding is as follows: molecular weight range to minimize the effects of
this variable and are listed in order of increasing
polarity or increasing tendency of the molecules to
(',- <S+
interact, As previously mentioned, molecular inter-
0--------H H: 2H20 action forces must be overcome to allow vapor iza-
I \ \ I t ion; thus changes in boiling point reflect changes
H H 0 in the strength of the interaction forces between
molecules. Note the continuously increasing boiling
The electronegative oxygen atom reduces the electron point with increasing polarity. The introduction of
density of the hydrogen atom by attracting its elec- aromaticity in the molecule with toluene introduces
tron field, thus creating a dipole-dipole interac- mobile pi-electrons, which can be polarized, thus
tion involving the oxygen and hydrogen of two increasing its boiling point over methylcyclohexane.
different water molecules. Additional dipole inter- Introducing the ketone group with cyclohexanone adds
actions produce a three-dimensional network of as- a polar oxygen-containing functional group and sig-
sociated species. When water flows or is vaporized, nificantly increases the boiling point over methyl-
the hydrogen bonds are the major association forces cyclohexane. Phenol has both aromaticity and a polar
that must be overcome to allow the molecules to move OH group that can form strong hydrogen bonds; thus
with respect to one another and are the major forces it has an even higher boiling point. Finally, be-
controlling the properties of water. The formation nzoic acid possesses a carboxylic acid functional
Petersen 21

TABLE 5 Effects of Molecular Interact.ions and Molecular explain why asphalts that have quite different flow
Structuring on the Physical Properties of Model Compounds properties at low temperatures look more alike at
higher temperatures.
Boiling At lower temperatures, however, as the kinetic
Structure energy of the system is lowered, the asphalt mole-
Compound Point, °C Point, °C
cules tend to associate or agglomerate into immobi-
1 ized entities with a more or less ordered or struc-
n-Heptane ~ 98 .4 -90.5 tured spatial arrangement. Although this ordered
arrangement is influenced by polar functionality, it
is also greatly influenced (as was the melting point
Methycyclohexane @- cH 3 100.3 -126 .4 of pure compounds) by the geometry of the molecules.
Thus, at low temperatures the effects of differences
in chemical composition of asphalt play a more sig-
Toluene 110.6 -95 nificant role in determining the complex low-temper-
OcH 3 ature flow properties, for example, viscosity shear
and temperature susceptibility.
Data obtained on asphalt-based systems will now
Cyclohexanone @= o 156 .7 -45 (lrz.) be considered. To illustrate the effect of different
types of molecular interactions on viscosity, con-
sider data taken from an early paper by Griffen et
Phenol OoH 182 41 al. (12) and abstracted as follows (to convert to
visco~y in poise, multiply by 10):

Benzoic Acid Oc " o 249 122 Apparent

' OH
Molecular Viscosity
Fraction Weight (Pa•sec), 25°C
0 80 5.5 Saturate
Resin 500 100,000
Hex a hydro n op hthole ne
0iJ 205 liquid
Griffen separated asphalt into component fractions
and then determined molecular weight versus viscos-
Te!rahyd ronaphtha le ne ()i) 207 .2 -30 ity profiles on the fractions. The foregoing data are
taken for components of each fraction having the same
molecular weight of 500.
00"" 217.9 80 .2 The saturates had a viscosity of only 10 Pa•sec.
They do not contain polar chemical functionality and

CH 3 molecular interactions are weak. Molecular interac-
1- Methylnaphthalene 240 -22 t ions of increased intensity are exhibited by the
aromatic fraction the viscosity of which was 1,000
Pa•sec . Finally, the resins that contain polarizable
r o CH 3 condensed-ring systems and heteroatom functionality,
2 - Methylnaphthalene 245 35 .l and thus exhibit even more intense molecular interac-
tions, had a viscosity of 100,000 Pa•sec. Because
the molecular weights of each fraction were the same,
the differences in viscosity resulted primarily from
group that forms strong hydrogen-bonded dimers. Note differences in the type and strength of molecular in-
its extremely high boiling point.

teractions. The association forces among asphalt
Next consider the properties of the series hexa-
molecules give asphalt many of the properties of
hydronaphthalene through 2-methylnaphthalene in
Table 5. As expected, the boiling point increases in high-molecular-weight polymers.
a regular fashion with increasing aromaticity and
the introduction of the methyl group; however, the Major Chemi c al Fu nctional Group Types Affecting
melting point shows no such correspondence. Note Asphalt Prope r ties
also in Table 5 how introducing a methyl group on
benzene to form the higher-boiling toluene greatly As previously stat ed , a sphalt molecules con tain
reduced the melting point. The melting point, which hydrocarbon structu ral cons t itue n ts va r y ing from
reflects the interaction forces between molecules saturated , paraffinlike chains ta highly conde nsed
when in an ordered or structured configuration, is and pola rizabl e aromatic ring systems . From the
greatly influenced by the geometry of the molecule. previous discuss ion of model compounds , it is ap-
Interfering appendages on, or structural arrangements parent that the relati ve amou nts of the differen t
of, the molecules that do not allow them to fit to- structural or func tional moieties of each molecule
gether easily in the necessary geometric pattern for determine how molecules interact with each other.
effective interaction greatly reduce the melting Those molecules that are most alike are most com-
point. Thus, molecular shape dominates the low- patibl e a nd vice versa . In fact , as stated earlier,
temperature structuring properties. s ome asphalt components such as t he saturates and
It is instructive to consider the molecular in- asphaltene s are not mut ually soluble when separated
teraction effects just described with regard to the f rom the whole asphalt . It is the wide spectrum of
flow properties of asphalts. The rather predictable molecular types in asphalt all i nteract i ng toge t her
effect of polar functionality on boiling point can that gives asphalt its unique properties and makes
be related to the effects of polar functionality in it appear as a homogeneous material. However, on a
asphalt on its flow properties at higher tempera- molecular level, asphalt is undoubtedly heteroge-
tures in the Newtonian flow region. The polar inter- neous, and a delicate balance exists among strongly
actions between molecules dominate in influencing associated or agglomerated compo ne nts a nd dispersing
the flow behavior, and the effects of molecular or solubilizing components. It is this delicate
shape on geometry are minimized. This reasoning may balance, or the lack of it, that affects the perfor-
22 Transportation Research Record 999

mance properties of asphalts, Incompatibility and Effec ts o n Aspha l t Performance of Pol ar Functional
poor performance generally follow when one component Groupe Forme d on Oxidation
type unduly dominates at the expense of others.
As discussed previously, although asphalt mole- Asphalts vary considerably in their susceptibility
cules are composed primarily of hydrocarbon constit- to the effects of deteriorating oxidation. If during
uents, heteroatoms such as nitrogen, sulfur, and aging the concentration of polar functional groups
oxygen may also be present as part of the molecule, becomes sufficiently high to cause molecular im-
Heteroatom concentrations vary widely among as- mobilization through increased intermolecular inter-
phalts. In many asphalts heteroatom concentrations action forces, that is, the asphalt molecules or
are sufficient to average one or more heteroatoms micelles are not sufficiently mobile to flow past
for every asphalt molecule, Oxygen, nitrogen, and one another under the stress applied, fracturing or
some forms of sulfur may introduce high polarity cracking of the asphalt will result.
into the molecule, and although only a minor compo- Data in Figure 4 show a relationship between the
nent, they can exhibit a controlling influence on amount of strongly interacting polar groups formed
the molecular interactions that control asphalt flow in a series of asphalts during controlled laboratory
properties. Thus chemical functionality containing oxidative aging and the resistance to failure from
these atoms becomes a major consideration in under- cracking in roads in which these asphalts were used.
standing asphalt properties. The asphalts were from the California Zaca-Wigmore
Much work has been done by the author and co- Experimental Road Test mentioned previouely ( 4, 9) ,
workers in identifying polar, strongly associating in which construction variables were kept as -con-
functional groups in asphalts, either naturally stant as possible to evaluate the effect of asphalt
present or formed on oxidation, and in characteriz- composition (or source) on durability, In the
ing their association forces (9,14,52-56,59,62-69). laboratory studies (9), these asphalts were coated
Structural formulas of importairt'° chemical-func- as thin films on inert fluorocarbon particles and
tionality in asphalts are shown in Figure 3. Nitro- were aged in a gas chromatographic (GC) column at
gen, which occurs in concentrations of 0.2 to l 130°C for 24 hr by passing air through the column
percent, is present in several forms from the (59). ('T'hiR pror.P.ilnre oxidizes the asphalt an amount
equal to approximately 5 years or more in a road.)
Following oxidative aging, a polar test compound,

0 O, H
phenol, was passed through the GC column by using an
inert gas carrier, and its interaction with the
polar groups formed in the asphalt during oxidation

Polynuclear Phenolic (1) 2-Quinolone was determined from the phenol retention time. AS
aromatic (1) type (1) phenol passes through the column it is in equilibrium
with the asphalt: those asphalts having a greater
concentration of polar groups interact more strongly

0 with the phenol functionality, giving a larger phenol
0 - s- - •s- interaction coefficient.
As seen from Figure 4, an excellent correlation
was found between the asphalt polarity as measured
Pyrrolic (1) Pyridinic (1) Sulfide (1) Sulloxide (2)
by the phenol interaction coefficient and the ser-
vice performance rating after 51 months of road

-c ' O-H -c-
. service. Those asphalts that developed greater
amounts of strongly interacting polar groups during
aging failed sooner in the road. Figure 5 shows a
similar correlation developed on 20 roofing asphalts
Anhydride (2) Carboxylic Ketone (2) the weatherability of which was determined by re-
acid (1, 2) sistance to cracking when aged in a carbon arc
Weather-:-Ometer. Thus, strong evidence exists relat-
ing the development of polar functional groups in
llJ Nal uroll y o c c urr i ng
asphalts on aging with asphalt failure from embrit-
(2} Forme d o n oid dat ive ag i ng tlement and cracking.

FIGURE 3 Chemical functionality in asphalt

molecules normally present or formed on Effec ts o f Po la r Asp halt Componen ts o n Viscosity a nd
oxidative aging. Aging C h arac te ~istlcs

Data plotted in Figure 6 show the important influence

slightly acidic pyrrole types to the more basic, of polar constituents (in this case, asphaltenes) on
strongly interacting pyridine types (69). The nitro- asphalt viscosity. In the study cited <.!.!>,
gen types naturally occurring in asphalt are not asphalts (all meeting the same specifications) were
known to be significantly altered by oxidation. oxidatively aged in the laboratory both before and
Sulfur, in concentrations from about l to 5 percent, after a hydrated lime treatment (the lime with ad-
is present primarily as sulfides. Many of these sorbed asphalt components--about 4 percent of the
sulfides are readily oxidized to polar sulfoxides by asphalt--was separated from the asphalt during the
atmospheric oxygen during normal aging (57). Pheno- treatment) • The asphalts were aged by different meth-
lics are also usually present. Naturally occurring ods to achieve different levels of oxidation. Fol.low-
carboxylic acids and 2-quinolone-type functionality, ing aging, both asphaltene content and viscosity
although occurring in relatively small amounts in were determined at 25°C. Each data point in the
asphalts, are highly polar and associate strongly figure represents a separate level of oxidation.
(64). As discussed previously, asphalts are sus- Al though each asphalt had its own unique relation-
ceptible to oxidative aging by reaction with atmos- ship, a good correlation existed for each asphalt
pheric oxygen, which is a major factor contributing between asphalt viscosity and asphaltene content.
to age hardening and embrittlement. The major oxy- Several important points can be inferred from the
gen-containing functional groups formed on oxidative data in Figure 6. First, the asphaltene fractions of
aging are also included in Figure 3, the different asphalts are quite different from each
Petersen 23

:'!! 210



..c 190


~ 170

~ 150
·~u 130

Foiled 7 6 5 4
Surface Performance Roting Alter 51 Months
FIGURE4 Relationship between phenol interaction coefficient and pavement surface performance






~ 16

I .!


Accelerated Weathering Durability, days to failure

FIGURE 5 Relationship between phenol interaction coefficient and durability of 20 roofing

other in composition or the petrolene fractions have of four different aggregates. Note that except for
widely different solubility power for the asphal- asphalt B-3602, lime treatment reduced the hardening
tenes or both. This is a necessary condition in index of the asphalts by more than 50 percent. As-
order for asphalts with widely varying asphaltene phaltene formation on aging was also reduced by
contents to have the same viscosity. Second, asphal- about 50 percent (!!) • Functional group analyses,
tenes formed in asphalt on oxidative aging appear to however, showed that the oxidation reaction, as
have a predictable effect on viscosity increase.
measured by the formation of ketones, was reduced by
The data in Table 6 give the effect of the lime only ab0ut 10 percent by lime treatment. What was
treatment in reducing the hardening rate of the concluded was that lime removed carboxylic acids and
asphalts when subjected to a laboratory GC column other highly polar functionality that would have
oxidation procedure (14,59) during which the as- otherwise interacted with oxidation products to
phalts were supported as
thin films on the surface increase asphalt viscosity. Separate studies showed
24 Transportation R~s~arch Record nnn

ASPHALT 8-2959 0.

4 ASPHALT 8-3036
fl '
ASPHALT 8-3051 0 •
2 ASPHALT 8-3602 0 •

10 5 L-~L-~'--~"---~-'--~.'-~.J.-~--'---~-'-~--'---~-'-~-'-~--'-~-'-~-,'-~-'-~-'
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42

FIGURE 6 Relationship between viscosity at 25°C and asphaltene content of untreated and
lime-treated asphalts aged by different laboratory methods.

TABLE 6 Reduction of Hardening Rate o[ Asphalt by of molecular interactions through chemical modif ica-
Treatment with Hydrated Lime (14) tion or the addition of modifiers that can interact
with polar chemical functionality in the asphalt and
Hardening Index• alter its activity as suggested by the data on lime
addition. The ability of surface-active materials
Lime Reduction such as antistripping agents (often amines) to alter
Sample Untreated Treated (%) asphalt viscosity, often to an extent not expected
Asp haltb from simple additive effects, is familiar to many,
B-2959 37 17 54 Because antistripping agents have polar chemical
B-3036 27 10 63 functionality, they might be expected to affect the
B-3051 132 35 73 dispersibility of asphaltenelike components in as-
B-3602 29 18 39 phalt by associating with polar functionality and
Aggregate 0 thus altering association and micelle structure
Quartzite 57 22 61 within the asphalt. The ability of high-molecular-
Hol limestone 58 22 61 weight amines to interfere with molecular structure
Riverton limestone 36 13 63
Granite 75 22 70 buildup and subsequent viscosity increase in asphalt
cutbacks during storage was reported as early as
n ll"td o11ing index ==viscosity after oxidative aging divided by viscosity 1951 by Hoiberg (71).
bbe fo re oxidative aging. The effects of antistripping additives on alter-
Averaged for aggregates.
e Averaged for asphalts.
ing the flow properties and oxidative hardening rate
of asphalts have recently been reported (~) • It has
been suggested by J.N. Dybalski of Akzo Chemie
America that cationic asphalt additives augment the
that the introduction of carboxylic acid functional peptization of the asphal tene constituent in many
groups into asphalt molecules greatly increased asphalts and thus reduce the asphalt hardening rate
asphalt viscosity. as reported in a trade newsletter <lll· According to
The reduction of asphalt viscosity by inactivat- the report, of 82 asphalts tested, 81 percent were
ing polar functionality was demonstrated (1.Q.) by benefitted by the additives with a minimum of 15
adding 3 percent by weight hydrated lime to an as- percent and a maximum of 65 percent reduction in
phalt (B-3051), leaving the lime in the asphalt, and hardening rate during the rolling thin-film oven
measuring its viscosity versus time at 25°C. During test (ASTM D 2872-77) • The hardening rate of a re-
the initial 24-hr period after lime addition, asphalt cycled pavement mixture during laboratory aging was
viscosity steadily decreased in a regular fashion also reduced severalfold by a high float emulsifying
from about 5 x lo• Pa•sec (5 x 10 5 to 1.5 x 10 5 agent used to emulsify the recycling agent before
poise). This decrease was interpreted as the result recycling of the pavement mixture (74) •
of the adsorption of polar, strongly interacting
groups on the lime surface, thus removing these
viscosity-building components from the asphalt
matrix. In some asphalt-aggregate systems, such Compos ition and Compone nt Compatibility
phenomena might impart slow-setting or tenderness
characteristics to a pavement mixture. Previous reference was made to the need for a good
The flow properties and hardening rate of asphalt balance among asphalt components of differing polar-
might also be significantly altered by manipulation ity. Compatibility in asphalt deals with the mutual
Petersen 25

solubility of a variety of components with widely chemical composition of the asphalt molecules. Sev-
differing solubility and solvent powers. Earlier eral factors account for its elusive nature and
workers in the field considered compatibility in resistance to quantification. First, in asphalts at
terms of the state of peptization of asphaltenes. ambient temperatures, structuring is a slow process
Heithaus (£) stated that asphaltenes are the most that may go on for days and even yearsi second, it
polar and aromatic components in asphalt and are is promoted by mineral aggregate surfaces (as in
present in asphalts as rather concentrated solutions pavement mixtures) in an environment where it is
( 10 to 40 percent). To obtain maximum solvency for difficult to measure its effects; and third, most
the polar, strongly associating species in asphalts, normal asphalt recovery methods using solvents or
the polarity of the solvent (maltenes, now prefer- heat or both destroy or reverse the structuring
ably called petrolenes) must be matched to the mate- process. Yet molecular structuring is largely re-
rials to be dispersed (asphaltenes). For example, sponsible for asphalt's unique physical properties.
more polar asphaltenes require petrolenes with Without it, pavement mixtures would not set to pro-
greater solvent power to effectively dissolve or duce a nontender pavement with the desired struc-
disperse them. tural integrity, and too much structuring can pro-
A number of studies have addressed the dispersi- duce pavements with poor low-temperature properties
bility of asphaltenes and methods to measure dis- and high shear susceptibility.
persibility and compatibility (7,42,75-77). Altgelt Although the phenomenon of structuring in asphalt
and Harle (76) clearly demonstrated-that selected is as yet little understood, it was recognized and
asphaltenes ""from different sources had different received considerable study by early investigators
effects on blend viscosity (different thickening (71,78-84) and is often called steric hardening
power) when added to the same petrolene fraction. (82) ~it has been related to the thixotropic flow
They further showed that petrolene fractions derived behavior commonly encountered in colloidal materials
from asphalts of different sources had different (79). The early literature is extremely revealing
solubility power for asphaltenes. To illustrate the and might well be read carefully by present-day
principles they developed, consider what happens technologists, because little work has been done to
when a highly polar asphaltene fraction having a build on or take advantage of the excellent past
strong tendency to self-associate is added to a studies.
petrolene fraction having relatively poor solvent Traxler and coworkers characterized molecular
power for the asphaltenes. Intermolecular agglomera- structuring (which they also called age hardening,
tion will result, producing large, interacting, not to be confused with age hardening caused by
viscosity-building networks. Conversely, when an oxidation) in a number of asphalts from a variety of
asphaltene fraction is added to a petrolene fraction sources and related it to the degree of complex flow
having relatively high solvent power for the asphal- (sensitivity of measured viscosity to shear rate)
tenes, molecular agglomerates are broken up or dis- (78-!!!). Their experiments were carried out on bulk
persed to form smaller associated species with less asphalt in the absence of significant oxidation.
interassociation; thus the viscosity-building effect Selected data in Figure 7 and in Table 7 document
of the asphaltenes is reduced. It must be concluded this nonoxidative age hardening.
that chemical composition becomes an important fac- In Figure 7, selected data on three paving as-
tor to be considered when asphalts (or crudes) are phalts show different hardening rates as a function
blended from different sources or when asphalt com- of asphalt source. Air-blown asphalts showed a
ponents are blended, The principles described help greater rate of structure hardening than unblown
explain why viscosities of asphalt mixtures or asphalts as illustrated by the air-blown Venezuelan
blends often show irregularities when compared with asphalt in Figure 7. Note also that for the air-
the viscosities of the original asphalts. blown asphalt, the log viscosity versus log time
It follows that asphalt compatibility can be plot was not linear as with the unblown asphalts but
improved or worsened by blending and that the ini- the rate of change increased with time. Traxler and
tial properties of blended asphalts are not neces- coworkers (78) devised an expression called the
sarily additive in determining blend properties. asphalt aging index to quantitatively measure re-
Compatibility considerations are also important with versible hardening from molecular structuring. This
regard to the aging characteristics of asphalt be- index is the slope of the log viscosity versus log
cause, as already described in detail, oxidative time plot. Asphalt aging indexes for eight unblown
aging greatly alters the polarity of asphalt mole- asphalts from different sources are shown as follows
cules and therefore their interactions. The discus- (~):
sion thus far implies that a better knowledge of the
chemical functionality responsible for the strong Asphalt Aging
interaction forces in asphalt, and the ability to Asphalt Index
manipulate these forces, has great practical value Californian 0.012
in altering the flow and thus the performance prop- Californian 0.018
erties of asphalt. Application of compatibility Trinidad 0.026
principles to pavement recycling in which a recy- Venezuelan 0.037
cling agent is added to restore useful properties Midcontinent 0.039
should also greatly benefit this rapidly emerging Mexican 0.051
practice. Venezuelan 0.063
Venezuelan 0.071

Importance of Molecular Structuring to the The structuring phenomenon was found reversible and
Flow Properties of Asphalt structured asphalt could be brought back to near its
initial viscosity by heating to a temperature above
Molecular structuring in asphalts is probably one of its softening point or by continued mechanical work-
the least understood physiochemical phenomena af- ing (80,84).
fecting physical properties. Unlike oxidative aging, Theseearly researchers found a correlation be-
which produces irreversible changes in asphalt com- tween the complex flow of asphalt (non-Newtonian
position, moiecular structuring is a reversible behavior or viscosity lowering with increasing shear
phenomenon that can produce large changes in the rates) and its tendency to exhibit molecular struc-
flow properties of asphalt without altering the turing. This is illustrated by data in Table 7,
26 Transportation Research Record 999




Californian I Ref. 78)
A. 5 .7

5 .6

5 .5 .. Trinidad (Ref. 78)



5 .2
1 10 100 1000
Time, hrs. (log scale)
FIGURE 7 Hardening of asphalts from reversible molecular structuring at 25°C.

TABLE 7 Correlation Between Reversible A problem in the determination and quantification

Molecular Structuring and Degree of Complex of structural hardening is that the structuring is
Flow (81) destroyed during the solvent recovery of asphalts
from aged pavements and therefore escapes detection
Asphalt during measurement of recovered asphalt properties.
Aging Com~lex Thus, the tendency for an asphalt to harden from
Asphalt Index• F low structuring, which may be a major contributor to
Pressure· still 0.017 l.O
loss of durability and pavement failure, is being
Air-blown Californian 0.023 0.95 virtually ignored in pavement performance considera-
Air-blown Midcontinent 0.073 0.85 tions by present-day pavement technologists. Brown
Air-blown Northeast Texas 0.183 0.50 ( 82, ~ , who studied reversible molecular structur-
ing (called by him "steric hardening"), in 1957,
a Slope of log-log plot of viscosity versus time in hours (nonoxi-
dative hardanlnt).
approximately two decades after the studies of
bSlope or lof.· lo~ plot of shearing stress versus shear rate (mea- Traxler and coworkers, noted that "this is not a new
sure of non-Newtonian flow). discovery, but has had relatively 1i ttle emphasis.•
In the last two decades, not much has changed in
this regard but the need is still there.
More recently, studies of molecular interactions
which compare the complex flow (a value of 1 indi- of asphalts and of asphalt-aggregate interactions
cates Newtonian flow) for a series of asphalts with have been conducted at higher temperatures (above
the asphalt aging index resulting from structural 130°C) by microcalorimetry (66,85,86). Reversible
hardening. Those asphalts that showed more rapid molecular interactions were showntobe present at
structuring possessed the greatest degree of non- temperatures as high as 250°C. Interactions at these
Newtonian flow behavior. high temperatures undoubtedly reflect the disasso-
The relationship between complex flow and struc- ciation-association of the more stable micellar
tural hardening has considerable potential signifi- bodies in asphalt (87). Aggregate surfaces have been
cance with regard to hardening of pavement mixtures. shown to promote molecular structuring and immobili-
It is known that as asphalts undergo oxidative zation of asphalt molecules in the vicinity of the
aging , their flow behavior becomes more complex or aggregate surface, which should have considerable
non-Newtonian. Recently, the author and coworkers, effect on bond properties and thus properties of
while studying oxidation (SB), found that two as- pavement mixtures (66,86,BB). A relationship between
phalts that had been previously oxidatively aged molecular structuring and the setting characteris-
increased s ignificantly in measured viscosity be- tics of pavements was proposed by Hveem and cowork-
cause of reversible molecular structuring after ers (~) and a cohesiograph test was proposed to
standing for 2 years; the increase was from 2. S x measure the setting property. A good correlation was
10' to 1.2 x 10 5 and 1.1 x 10 5 to 3.0 x 10 6 Pa•sec. found between the tendency for asphalts to form
The structural hardening was reversed on heating of "tender-mix" pavements and their lack of molecular
the samples. The original unoxidized asphalt showed structuring when in contact with the surface of a
almost no increase from structural hardening (3.B x standard Ottawa sand aggregate (_!!.§.). Thus the phenom-
10 2 to 4.2 x 10 2 Pa"sec) on standing for the same enon of molecular structuring is important not only
length of time. This strongly suggests that the oxi- to the bulk properties of asphalt but also to the
dation that takes place during the natural aging of asphalt-aggregate interaction. Both types of struc-
asphalts in pavements significantly increases the turing will affect the performance and durability of
rate of structural hardening and that oxidative and asphalts in pavements. The common practice of eval-
structural hardening may be synergistic. uating asphalt performance in the absence of the
Petersen 27

aggregate with which it is to be used leaves uneval- nations of asphalt components with varying chemical
uated important criteria for pavement performance. structures in individual asphalts may produce as-
phalts that will provide satisfactory service, it
seems unlikely to the author that satisfactory
SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING COMMENTS chemical composition specifications can be devised
for asphalts. Such specifications would likely ex-
Chemical composition is important in determining the clude from use many asphalts that would otherwise
physical properties and performance characteristics perform satisfactorily. Ideally, specifications
should define the performance properties desired.
of asphalts. The interactions of polar or polariz-
able chemical functionality, either naturally pres- Chemical information would be important in producing
asphalts that meet the performance criteria.
ent or formed on oxidative aging, play a major role
Composition information is useful in helping to
in determining asphalt viscosity and related complex
flow properties. understand asphalt--what makes it behave as it does
and what makes one asphalt behave differently from
Two major factors affecting asphalt durability
another. With given asphalt sources available, com-
are (a) the compatibility of the interacting compo- position information can be used to improve the
nents of asphalt and (b) the resistance to changes product through modification with additives, by
resulting from oxidative aging. Both factors are a blending, and so on, or to alter use design proce-
function of chemical composition, which can vary dures to accommodate specific properties. Composi-
widely from one asphalt source to another because of tion information can be used to match asphalt and
inherent differences in crude sources or from pro- aggregate, provide clues as to what modifications
cessing and blending.
are necessary to make an asphalt-aggregate system
Historically, the study of asphalt chemical com- more serviceable under a given environment, diagnose
position has been facilitated by the separation of failures, and provide information needed in taking
asphalt into component fractions based on the polar- corrective measures.
ity or adsorption character is tics or both of the ~s asphalts from new sources are utilized, and as
molecular components present. The component frac- processing and design procedures change, the use of
tions, sometimes called generic fractions, although more fundamental information, both chemical and
useful in classifying and characterizing asphalts
and to provide simplified mixtures for further physical, and particularly as related to long-term
study, are still complex mixtures the composition of performance and durability, should provide for prod-
uct improvement and reduce the number of early or
which is a function of asphalt source. The component
fractions are, however, sufficiently unique to unexpected failures of asphalt products.
It is hoped that this review will bring about a
identify their particular contribution to the com-
plex flow properties of asphalt. A proper balance of better understanding of the chemical compositional
component types is necessary for a durable asphalt. factors that control the properties of asphalt and
Because asphalt occurs as a film exposed to at- will assist in providing direction to both research
mospheric oxygen in pavements, it rapidly oxidizes and application leading to improved asphalt products
in service with the formation of polar, strongly with better performance and durability.
interacting, oxygen-containing chemical functional
groups that greatly increase viscosity and alter
complex flow properties. This hardening often leads RESEARCH NEEDS
to asphalt embrittlement and ultimately asphalt
pavement failure. Not only does the susceptibility In the opinion of the author, future research effort
to oxidation vary from one asphalt to the other, but on chemical factors that affect asphalt durability
the effect of the oxidation products formed on should include, as some of the most important, the
physical properties also varies widely with asphalt following interrelated areas.
source. The sensitivity of the asphalt to the chemi-
cal functionality produced on oxidation can be sig- 1. Development of techniques to measure and
nificantly reduced by removing or altering the polar evaluate the effects of molecular structuring (in
chemical functionality initially present that would both neat asphalt and on the presence of aggregates)
otherwise interact with the oxidation products to on the physical properties of pavements;
increase viscosity. 2. Determination of the relationships between
The identification and characterization of the molecular structuring and complex flow properties;
chemical functional types normally present in as- 3. Identification and characterization of the
phalt or formed on oxidative aging that influence chemical factors that cause and control molecular
molecular interactions afford a fundamental approach structuring, including the effects of oxidation;
to the chemical compositional factors that determine 4. Development and validation of methods that
physical properties, which in turn governs the per- will predict changes in physical properties of as-
formance properties of both asphalts and asphalt-ag- phalts in aged pavements because the properties of
gregate mixtures. aged asphalts, not initial properties, determine the
Asphalt physical properties are significantly properties affecting durability;
altered not only by the oxidative formation of polar 5. Relation of the complex flow properties of
chemical functional groups but by reversible molec- asphalt (especially at low temperatures) with
ular structuring (also called steric hardening). changes in chemical functionality resulting from
This latter phenomenon is a slow process that ap- oxidative aging and quantification of relationships
pears to proceed concurrently and synergistically between chemical functionality and changes in physi-
with oxidative aging during the lifetime of the cal and performance-related properties;
pavement and may be a major factor contributing to 6. Development of relationships between asphalt
asphalt pavement embrittlement in the later stages compatibility, composition, and changes in physical
of pavement service life. Limited data indicate that properties on oxidative aging; and
the complex flow properties of asphalt and the ten- 7. Examination of ways to improve asphalt compo-
dency of asphalt to structure are directly related. nent compatibility and durability by altering molec-
This suggests possibilities for ways to evaluate ular interactions by such means as chemical modifi-
this elusive property. cation, additives, component blending, and so on,
Because asphalt chemical composition can vary This area should be highly rewarding in upgrading
widely with asphalt source, and a variety of combi- the performance of otherwise less durable asphalts.
28 Transportation Research Record 999

ACKNOWLEDGMENT 15. J.Y. Welborn, F.R. Oglio, and J.A. Zenewitz. A

Study of Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cements.
The author is grateful to the FHWA, u.s. Department Proc., Association of Asphalt Paving Technol-
of Transportation, for partial financial support ogists, Vol. 35, 1966, pp. 19-60.
during the compilation of this review. 16. H.E. Schweyer and E.L. Chipley. Composition
Studies on Asphalt Cements: A Progress Report.
In Highway Research Record 178, HRB, National
Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1967, pp.
17. L.W. Corbett. Densimetric Method for Charac-
1. F. N. Hveem. Quality Tests for Asphalts--A Pro- terizing Asphalt. Analytical Chemistry, Vol.
gress Report. Proc., Association of Asphalt 36, 1967, pp. 1967-1971.
Paving Technologists, Vol. 15, 1943, pp. 111- 18. J.w. Ramsey, F.R. McDonald, and J.C. Petersen.
152. Structural Study of Asphalts by Nuclear Mag-
2. W.P. Van Oort. Durability of Asphalt. Indus- netic Resonance. Industrial and Engineering
trial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 48, 1956, Chemistry Product Research and Development,
pp. 1196-1201. Vol. 6, 1967, pp. 231-236.
3. P.C. Blokker and H. van Hoorn. Durability of 19. R.L. Hubbard and K.E. Stanfield. Determination
Bitumen in Theory and Practice. Proc., Fifth of Asphaltenes, Oils, and Resins in Asphalt.
World Petroleum Congress, Section VI, 1959, pp. Analytical Chemistry, vol. 20, 1948, pp. 460-
417-432. 465.
4. F.N. Hveem, E. Zube, and J. Skog. Progress 20. G. O'Donnell. Separating Asphalt into Its
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Test Project. In Special Technical Publication Vol. 23, 1951, pp. 11-20.
277, American """Society for Testing and Mate- 21. M. Bestougeff. Isomerism of Petroleum Constit-
rials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1959, pp. 1-45. uents. Proc., Third World Petroleum Congress,
5. F.S. Rostler and R.M. White. Influence of Section VI, The Ha~ue, Netherlands, 1951, pp.
Chemical Composition of Asphalts on Perfor- 11-20.
mance, Particularly Durability. In Special 22. A.J. Hoiberg and W.E. Garris, Jr. Analytical
Technical Publication 277, American Society for Fractionation of Asphalts. Analytical Edition,
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 1959, Industrial Engineering Chemistry, vol. 16,
pp. 64-08. 1944, pp. 294-302.
6. F.S. Rostler and R.M. White. composition and 23. H.E. Schweyer and R.N. Traxler. Separating
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85-100 Penetration Grade. Proc., Association of Gas Journal, Vol. 52, 1953 1 p. 133.
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7. S.H. Greenfeld and J.R. Wright. Four Methods World Petroleum Congress, Section V, New York,
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25. L.R. Kleinschmidt. Chromatographic Method for
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and Development, Vol. 5, 1966, pp. 153-161. Heavy Ends. Separation Science, Vol. 5, 1970,
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Experimental Test Road. Proc., Association of Chromatography Data on Asphalts Before and
Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 36, 1967, After Service in Pavements. Proc., Association
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Petersen 29

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30 Transportation Research Record 999

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