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ANANCY: (Pretending) Aright! You eh hear the news and it
Anancy, the Spider doh look like you interested. I gone. Leh me go and tell
Compere Dog Compere Goat about the big fete it having.
Compere Agouti
Compere Crow DOG: (Interested) Wait nah. Compere Anancy. A.A!
ANANCY: You eh sounding like you want to hear 'bout it.

NARRATOR DOG: Who say that!

Once upon a time! Yeh, 'once upon a time’. Ah start off with ANANCY: The way you carrying on I say you eh want to
that because is so them story does start, especially them long hear.
time story. And this is a long tine story from long, long time,
although it have plenty now-a-days meaning and thing. So Ah DOG: All I say is leave meh woman out of this. I never say I
could also say like the Paul Keens fella "Tim Tim" and wait eh want to hear
for all-you to say 'basham' or 'papa welcome' or 'crick crack'
or whatever else it have for all you to say. So! Once upon a ANANCY: When you ready you so cantankerous man,
time it had a fella name Anancy. Now Anancy was a... a... Compere Dog, I doesn't want to let you in on nothing. Hm!
well he was all kind of thing. He was a spider, yeh; he was a
spider just like the kind in your bedroom in the night, DOG: (Threatening) Look if you know what good for you!
spinning web and ketching fly and nastying the place and
thing. Yeh, long before this Spiderman you does read 'bout in ANANCY: Aright, you eh have to get hot over it. After all
the comic book or you does see sometime on TV, long before man, after all. (Submitting) The news come early this morning.
that. You could call Anancy the first spider hero, a kind of Cow having a party down on Bird Island. And he invite
original spiderman. special guest and thing. So this eh no kind of rangotango
affair. Only for special chosen few.
And he was a kind of God too, from we forefathers time.
Anancy was a symbol for the God of the Ashanti people. So DOG: (Concerned) Special few? So what about...
he was a kind of spider man and a kind of spider God. Two
thing in one. Man and God. But more important he was a ANANCY: Listen nah man. The thing is Cow say you could
smart man, a real trickster, a con man outsmarting all the invite a friend. And Ah mean Ah get invited, special like, you
other animals in the forest and all the people in the village, know, special like.
even though they all bigger than he. Because you see,
although Anancy was real small, he was smart, talk 'bout DOG: They invite you, Anancy!
brains! Ha ya yai! And on top of that Anancy coulda turn
from spider into man, human being, anytime he want. So ANANCY: (Warming) Yes man. You eh listening to me o'
when Anancy on the move is real, real trouble, papa, real what?
trouble. You know how much young woman Anancy fool.
Hmm! Anancy use to outsmart everybody - man, woman, DOG: They invite you Anancy?
child, elephant, lion, tiger, goat and dog. Wait! Wait! What
going on! Is a play we come to do. Look Ah talking too much. ANANCY: (Enjoying) What happen, man. Like you record
Play, man, play! stick.

DOG: (vexed) They invite you. How they could invite you!
(Anancy approaches the sleeping Compere Dog)
ANANCY: (Showing off) But Ah just explain.
ANANCY: (Excited) Compere Dog! Compere Dog! You eh
DOG: Anancy wait! You and Compere Cow is friend?
hear the news!
ANANCY: No! Not really.
DOG: (Awaking) News! News! News? Compere Anancy.
Hmm! News?
DOG: You and he children is friend?
ANANCY: Big news man, Compere Dog. I surprised you eh
ANANCY: No but what you...
hear. Everybody in the village done hear. Is big thing Man, big
DOG: Wait! Wait! You and he Madam is friend?
DOG: (Still confused) Big thing! Big thing!
ANANCY: (Serious)Yes man. Compere Owl bring the story
DOG: And just so he ups 'bap' and invite you?
early this morning. A ‘proclamation’ he call it. Serious thing
man. Ha! Ha! Like this woman you pick up really have you
ANANCY: (Pretend hurt) So you feel I lying Compere Dog.
dotish for true. Ha! Ha!
You make me shame. You really make me shame.
DOG: (Threatening) Leave my woman out of this, Anancy!
DOG: (Disbelief) They invite you Anancy?
ANANCY: (Hurt) Aright! Aright! You eh have to get on so.
ANANCY: (Sternly) Look if you want I eh go finish tell you.
DOG: I ‘fraid you, yes Compere Anancy, I ‘fraid you!
DOG: (Bewildered) Ah mean I is a man do so much a thing for
Compere Cow and he invite Anancy.
ANANCY: Hmm! Look at you eh. I is yuh real boy, you doing
as if you eh know me, man.
ANANCY: Look I eh able with you, nah. Ah Ha! Agouti
coming. Ask Compere Agouti. Ask him if is not true. Ask
DOG: (Angry) Just leave meh woman out of this, Anancy!
him. You make me shame.

trust you at all.

(Enter Agouti, prim and proper)
AGOUTI: (From afar) What! What are you calling my name AGOUTI: What do you mean Compere Dog?
for Anancy?
DOG: He have something up he sleeve, man. Anancy is a
ANANCY: I telling Compere Dog here that it having a big dangerous fella when come to that.
party on Bird Island, fete for so, music like peas, food like
rain, woman, man, all kind of freeness. And Compere Dog ANANCY: (Pretend hurt) Look how I does get wrong
doh want to believe I get invited. Tell him 'Gouti, tell him! innocent, innocent eh! I leave whey I living...

AGOUTI: Yes, Compere Dog. It's true. Anancy told me so AGOUTI: Compere Anancy is right, you know Compere Dog.
this morning. Seal of approval, man. He invited you to the party. He could have invited anybody
else but he invited you. Appreciation and gratitude man.
ANANCY: (Vindicated) Tell him, Compere, tell him! Anancy act like a man of valour and consideration, a fine
fellow, Compere Dog.
AGOUTI: Special invite, formal invitation, for Mister Anancy,
mind you, RSVP and all that. DOG: (Shocked) Wait! Wait! What we talking ‘bout? The
party on Bird Island? Tell me Agouti. (Lost in thought) Down
DOG: I doh understand. What Anancy do to deserve this? the islands on the boat sailing peacefully down the channel to
the gentle sounds of the evening breeze. Is that party you
ANANCY: (Exulting) Anancy is Anancy, man. How you go talking
have fete without Anancy. And they even tell me I could invite 'bout?
whoever friend I want.
AGOUTI: Yes. I suppose so, Compere Dog.
AGOUTI: Well, who are you inviting Compere Anancy?
DOG: (Eyes closed) And when we reach down they, is free
ANANCY: Who you think! food
and plenty thing to drink?
AGOUTI: Compere Lion, nah!
AGOUTI: Yes, that’s it, Compere Dog.
ANANCY: (Dismissing) Compere Lion! You know I and
Compere Lion is friend! DOG: Eh! Tell me, Agouti. Dancing in the moonlight under
the stars. And I on meh toes with grace and charm.
AGOUTI: That's nothing, but if you invite him, you are his
friend from now on. You have no worries about him again. ANANCY: Yes! Yes! Party father Compere Dog.

ANANCY: (Strutting) Nah man. I could deal with Lion DOG: And music like you in heaven! Eh! Flute and drum,
anytime. saxophone and violin?

AGOUTI: What about Compere Elephant. He saved your life AGOUTI: Yes.
once. Or better yet Compere Tiger. Make friend with him.
He’s still vex with you for the time you embarrassed him in ANANCY: (Excited) And pan. Doh forget pan, Compere Dog.
front of Lady Jane and her daughters.
DOG: And the nicest set of woman in this village, eh, in the
ANANCY: Nah man, what kind a man you think I is. Dog, whole Island, like if God self send he own daughters to earth.
you is my best partner. How long I know you, eh, tell me. Eh! And you know how I like meh woman.
Tell me! Is long years man, long years.
ANANCY: All that Dog, party of the year.
DOG: (Understanding) So is me you invite, Anancy?
DOG: Hmm! And Anancy invite me.
ANANCY: Yes, man.
AGOUTI: (Surprised) Is Dog you invite, Anancy?
DOG: (Frustrated) You see, I doh trust you Anancy, I doh
ANANCY: (Bursting) A.A! trust you at all. If ... if ... if Ah had meh way, Ah end yuh life
here with one bite.
AGOUTI: To the party with all that bacchanal.
ANANCY: (Deflated) I is a bad lucky man, a real bad lucky
DOG: (In disbelief) He invite me! man.

AGOUTI: Wine, woman and song, fete till morning. DOG: After all the thing Anancy do me before. You think I
should trust he. Anancy make me look like a fool so much
ANANCY: Yes. time. You feel I should trust he, eh, you self Compere Agouti.

DOG: (Still in shock) And he invite me. (Enter Compere Crow)

CROW: You right Compere Dog. Anancy eh tell you the
AGOUTI: Best music in the land, Compere Gazelle on the whole truth.
saxophone, Compere sheep on the violin. (Doing a step or
two) Ra ti ray ti ray ti ray. ANANCY: Who say that?

DOG: And he invite me! CROW: Is me… Compere Crow.

ANANCY: What happen Dog, you eh want to go? ANANCY: Compere Crow! You calling me a liar?

DOG: (Advancing on Anancy) I doh trust you Anancy. I doh CROW: Yes. Anancy, you smart son of a good-for-nothing.

You eh tell Compere Dog and them that you eh really get for one.

ANANCY: Look man I have proof you know. I have for... SCENE 2
for... (Floundering) How you say it Compere Agouti?
(Compere Dog finishing the horns, Anancy excited. Agouti
AGOUTI: Formal invitation, special guest of honour. reserved)
ANANCY: How the horns going Compere Dog? Eh? Eh?
ANANCY: Yes, I have formal invitation and...and so on.
DOG: (Proudly) When I finish with this. Hmm! Cow
CROW: Doh bother with that. Tell them what Compere Cow wouldn't
really say. Tell them the party is only for animal with horn. know you from he own father.

AGOUTI: With what? ANANCY: I know I could depend on you. I know that man.

CROW: (Shouting) With horn! Only animal with horn getting DOG: (Holding up the horns) Yes, this is boss work. You eh
to go. If you think Ah lie, ask Compere Goat. Blaaaa! Ask see nothing like this for a long time.
Compere Bull. Mooooo!
ANANCY: I know that! When Dog put he mind to something,
DOG: That is true, Anancy? Eh? Eh? hmm! What you saying now, Agouti?

ANANCY: (Backing down) Well, Oh gosh Compere Dog. AGOUTI: I don't know. I must say that the horns are really
That is something Ah was meaning to talk to you about. Ah… pieces of art, works of sheer genius. I dare say that Compere
Ah know how you good with your hands so Ah say... well... Dog has really outdone himself this time. In these mere
we could organise some horn. Ah mean Dog that eh no projections one can see the result of a brilliant mind. It is the
problem for you. equal of a George Bailey, the envy of a Minshall, the
conquering spirit of a... a... a Leroy Clarke. A designers'
DOG: You see what Ah saying. I should end your life with one dream.
bite as if Ah biting a piece of bone, just so!
DOG: (Confused) What!
ANANCY: Compere Dog, man. Doh get so vex. Is you I was
studying. Ah know how you like your fete and when ANANCY: Doh bother with Agouti. That is he roundabout
Compere Cow say is only for people with horn, Ah say meh way of saying ‘it good’
partner Dog go have to miss out on that, so Ah say well...
DOG: Oh!
CROW: (Warning) Go ahead and follow Anancy and see if
all-you eh get in trouble AGOUTI: (ruefully) Yes. But I am afraid that I still do not
relish the idea of trying to deceive Compere Cow. You know
DOG: Trouble! If Anancy know what good for him… the type of temper he has. You remember what he did to
Compere Tiger once, fearless as he himself is.
ANANCY: Compere Dog, cool it nah man. Come Compere
Agouti, I sure you want to go to Bird Island too. I sure. ANANCY: Doh worry Compere. When that music start to
play you forget all 'bout Cow.
AGOUTI: Of course, Compere Anancy, but I am afraid that I
do not want any part of this proposed deception. It would AGOUTI: I do hope so. My reluctance is only overshadowed
certainly go against my honour and principles. by my love for good music.

CROW: Tell them, Agouti. I know you would never let that DOG: Doh worry! You eh see Anancy eh worrying and he and
smart man fool you. You have brains you see you they. Cow is big enemy.

ANANCY: Hush nah, Crow. Why you doh mind your own ANANCY: Is not that me and Cow is enemy, you know but I
business. doh like how he move they. Who tell Cow throw fete for
animal with horn alone. Is bias he bias man, downright racial.
CROW: You see me, I gone, yes. I flying down to Bird Island If I have money and I throw a party, I invite everybody. You
with meh family. Ah bound to see when Anancy get all-you in think I inviting people with horn alone, or people with beak
trouble. Ha! Ha! Caw! Caw! (Flies off) alone, or with… with...whatever. Is racial Cow racial man. I
feel I is to start calling he 'Apartheid Cow' instead of
ANANCY: Come on Compere Agouti, I inviting you too. ‘Compere Cow’.
Compere Dog go make three set of horn and we going down
the Island and enjoy we self. DOG: Ha! Ha! You eh bet you good, nah. 'Apartheid Cow'.
You only vex because he eh really invite you. When the fox
AGOUTI: I don't know, Anancy. False deceptions always lead couldn’t get the grapes...
to tragedy.
ANANCY: Nah man. I really eh like how Cow move they.
ANANCY: Dog, wha’ you saying, eh? You going or you eh
going? AGOUTI: The trouble with you Anancy, is that the cancer of
deception and trickery, the disease of ‘conmanship’ has taken
DOG: Hmm! I like meh fete, yes. I willing to try a thing. a deep hold on you. You can't resist the opportunity to pull one
(Gathering himself) But I warning you, Anancy, if anything go over on Cow.
wrong. Hmm! Nothing better go wrong.
ANANCY: All you think is joke I making. Is a prestige thing,
ANANCY: Oh gosh, man. You know me. Next week Monday man. Cow forget we from the same ship, we on the same trip.
this time, everything over and we laughing at how we
outsmart Compere Cow and them. Come on 'Gouti, leh we go AGOUTI: Hmm! Anancy waxing philosophical, quoting big
and organise. All of we in this together. One for all and all writer and so on.

DOG: Forget Anancy. Come and try on this one. (Dog puts AGOUTI: Eh? Wedding? What wedd ... (Now catching on)
horn on Agouti’s head) Yes. (Mock admiration) You ever see Oh! Was a quiet thing. Only the close family.
Agouti with horn. If you stand up on your hind leg, they take
you for one of Compere Cow long lost pumpkin vine family. CROW: Well yes! Ah must tell Compere Duck later. When
she hear 'bout that she go be real surprised. Just yesterday we
AGOUTI: Who is that? saying that it look like Compere Agouti go never get married.
And now…Ah going and tell Duck now. Ah gone. (Moves
DOG: Yes man, Compere Buffalo or Compere Bison or one of off)
them. All you want now is a ‘lil more fur and you is Compere ANANCY: Aright! Fly safe. (Visible sighs of relief all round)
Buffalo in print. CROW: (Returning) Let me see the present, nah. Wha' it is?
DOG: Oh gosh Crow, you eh bet yuh fast nah.
ANANCY: (Carried away by the moment) Ah cyah wait! Ah
done start to practice meh goat voice already. (Snatching the CROW: Fast! How you could say I fast. I must find out. How
horns from Agouti’s head and imitating) Blaa! Blaa! Is me, it go look when I telling Compere Duck and them 'bout the
Compere Goat. Blaa! Blaa! Long time no see. How is the wedding and I cyah give them all the details.
madam and children? Blaa!
DOG: (Holding up horns upside down) Watch it good. What it
AGOUTI: We can't go as any of the other animals with horns. looking like?
Cow is sure to know that it is not his family. We can't go as
goat or ram or sheep or any of those. CROW: (Bemused) I eh know. Wait! Wait! Doh tell me. Is ...
is ... is ... a
DOG: And Anancy too small to be buffalo or even Compere
Rhinoceros. ANANCY: Is a surprise. That is what it is.

AGOUTI: Or Compere Elephant. He has horns or a type of DOG: Yes, is a surprise. You satisfied?
horn anyway.
CROW: (Believing) A surprise? Yeh. That really good. But
ANANCY: Doh bother with that. Whey you see Cow getting what it name?
old and grey, he eh have time to make no big check. Cow go
be just checking for horn. He eh go care if it big, small, thin, ANANCY: (Caught) Name? It eh have name man.
fat, as long as you have horn, you safe. You could say we
going to a horn party, old horn, straight horn, curl horn, CROW: A surprise without a name. But Ah find it looking
pointed horn, horn for so! And when we reach they is more like something Ah know. It resemble something. If Ah didn't
horn - flute, bugle, sax, trombone, even shoe horn. know Ah would say it resemble two horn. Ent Compere? The
only thing is nobody eh go make a horn for a present.
DOG: (Enjoying) And the way some of them high class (Stronger) Ent is a horn Compere, ent?
animal is, it might even have some hornaman too.
ANANCY: Nah man.
ANANCY: The amount of horn it go have down they, when CROW: Then wha' it is?
fete start and man start to jump, it go be like a Carnival band (All three reply together)
with standards and thing going across the Savannah. AGOUTI: A hat.
ANANCY: A clock.
DOG: Come Anancy, doh get carried away. Hand me that DOG: A rack.
piece of sandpaper let me finish polish this horn for you. CROW: Doh bother with all-you. Is horn. Is horn all-you
‘Cause next thing when you down on Bird Island making making. What all-you making horn for. Eh?
merry, somebody home by Madam Anancy and is horn for
you. Look Compere Crow coming. You know how she fast ANANCY: (Angrily) What people does make horn for? Not
and makocious. Change the subject. for decoration?

(Crow files in) CROW: (Convinced) All-you making horn to go the party on
ANANCY: How you going they Compere Crow? Bird Island?

CROW: I well and fine Comperes. I see like all-you... ALL THREE: No!

AGOUTI: And how is the family? CROW: Yes! If Compere Cow find out, he butting you
overboard one time. I well remember the time when Cow and
CROW: The family good man. I was just passing and Ah see Compere Duck had big fall out.
like all-you...
DOG: (Advancing) Look Crow, you come here to bring a
DOG: You check out the field down by Farmer Brown? One message or you come here to run your mouth!
set a’ ripe fig.
CROW: (Crestfallen) I only trying to warn all you.
CROW: Yeh man. Ah hear 'bout that. Ah passing they later.
So what all-you doing they? DOG: Crow, you talking too much. When these horns finish it
eh have no way Cow could find out. You ever hear 'bout
ANANCY: Nothing man. camouflage? That is what they does use in war. The enemy
cyah see you at all, till it too late.
CROW: So what it is Dog polishing they?
ANANCY: He playing he eh know. You could make out police
ANANCY: What! Oh that! That is a present for Compere from thief Carnival Day?
Agouti sister-in-law. Is she birthday next week, you know.
AGOUTI: (Contributing) When the horns are donned, foe will
CROW: You have sister-in-law, Agouti! But I didn't know become friend. When the mask face goes on, the masquerader
'bout the wedding. comes out and the mas’ start, man does be woman, child does

look like big person, poor tail man does become king and they just waiting for a chance to explode. You wondering why
good, good woman does play jammette. I eh say 'and Anancy too'. Well that is the easiest part. Ah
sure you suspect by now that Anancy plan was to get to Bird
DOG: If they eh talk to you, you eh recognise your own Island and it wouldn't bother Compere Mister Spider one bit to
mother. sell out Dog and Agouti if that was the best way of covering
he tracks, of convincing Cow that he, Anancy, is a real
CROW: All-you you feel Cow go fall for that. When all-you genuine horn animal. Anyway, as the mark buss, as the old
reach on that boat, he inspecting all-you like if is people does say, Anancy and them make the horn, reach down
Independence Day parade. by the jetty whey the boat was to sail, reach on the boat and is
they the bacchanal really start. Nobody eh know how Cow
AGOUTI: No fear for that, Compere Crow. That's one hell of find out or when Cow find out but the next thing you know is
a thing, you know Crow. You won't believe that the woman man getting throw off and... Look before you think I
misbehaving in a vulgar fashion when the music play is the want to take over the story. Watch!
same next door neighbour who can't open her mouth to say
‘morning’. You can't tell who’s behind the mask, who’s SCENE 3
underneath the costume. You seeing dragon, bat, sailor, fancy
Indian and Pierrot Grenade. This time is policeman, teacher, (Agouti and Dog emerge, dripping wet)
politician, nurse, even priest.
AGOUTI: Ooh! Give me a hand Compere, ooh!
CROW: I play a mas’ once and what you saying is true. I stop
and talking to Compere Hen. We talk, talk, talk. You know is DOG: (More embarrassed than anything) When I get meh
only when I call she by name and tell she who it is, that she hand on Crow, she dead, dead, dead!
know is me.
AGOUTI: I'm so cold. I've never been so embarrassed in all
ALL THREE: You see, the same thing we saying. my life.

DOG: The only way for Cow to find out is if somebody tell DOG: Ah killing she dead. Ah doh care what she say. She
him. cyah say Ah didn't warn she.

CROW: Not me. AGOUTI: It was not the mere fact of being found out, but the
rather unceremonious way that Compere Cow dispatched us.
DOG: Better be 'not you', else! Made us walk the plank in front of everyone. Hmm! So
CROW: Oh gosh, Compere. You know I does mind people
business? DOG: Crow! Crow! Compere Crow! Whey you? Today, today
you dead.
DOG: Doh feel because you could fly you could get away.
Doh matter whey you go I coming for you, all in the sky and AGOUTI: Don't waste your breath Compere. Crow is
all. probably flying down to Bird Island this very moment.

AGOUTI: Yes. Something my grandmother always says, DOG: (Overflowing) She could fly in hell. She cyah get away.
‘When time to die, even the highest flying birds must return to
the ground’. AGOUTI: Ooh! I know I never should have taken part in this
CROW: What I go tell Compere Cow for? Is not my business. scheme of foolish deception. All I want is get out of this wet
clothes and...
DOG: If Cow done know when we reach the boat, and
anything happen, Ah coming for you one time. DOG: And when I ketch Cow he self. Hmm! Playing he
CROW: Watch me and see if somebody else eh tell. butting me, I know just the way to deal with he.
ANANCY: (Quickly) Who else go tell?
AGOUTI: How humiliating! (Crow flies in)
CROW: All-you playing stupid! Play all-you doh know who I
talking 'bout. CROW: Aye! Comperes. What all-you doing they? I say
all-you heading for the party all now. I flying down now. I just
ANANCY: Doh watch me! pass to see…

AGOUTI: Not me! DOG: Doh play you eh know what happen nah. Is me and you
ANANCY: I know is me you watching. You wouldn't say is
Compere Owl. He always they night and day, pretending he CROW: What happen? How all-you looking wet so. All-you
sleeping, seeing everything wha' going on. was ... (Dawning) Ohhh, Cow find out?

CROW: I have nothing else to say. (Flies off) DOG: And you tell him, with yuh fast self.

AGOUTI: Certainly you don't expect me to... CROW: Me? Not me at all. Since I leave all-you, me eh pass
no whey by Cow. I warn all-you. Now you want to blame me.
ANANCY: (Pleading) Not me, Compere, not me. Eh! And whey Anancy?

DOG: (Threatening) It better had be none of all-you. AGOUTI: Anancy?

NARRATOR: So you see what happen. Just so without rhyme DOG: Anancy?
or reason, without warning, though with a few words, Crow
sow the seeds of mistrust and confusion in the minds of Dog CROW: Hear them. (Mimicking) ‘Anancy’. As if they never
and Agouti. They watch each other, forget they long-standing hear 'bout he.
friend ship and a slow-affecting poison begin to take over they
minds. And although they go about their preparations as usual AGOUTI: Oh dear me. I hope the poor fellow was not injured

when he was kicked eh... fell overboard or worse, drowned.

CROW: Hush! If all-you did listen to me.
DOG: Doh bother with that. Anancy could swim. And to
besides if anything happen to him, it damn good. Thinking up DOG: Look, whey you see I vex here. Ah take it out on you.
this stupidness in the first place. If he dead, he dead.
AGOUTI: Look Compere Dog, the boat is nearly there.
CROW: (Crowing) Well yes. 'Anancy injured', ‘fall
overboard’, ‘dead'. All-you so stupid. Anancy on the boat, DOG: Aright. When Ah give the word we shouting together,
Ah bet you. Who you think must be tell Cow. All-you here hard for Cow to hear.
worrying and Anancy going down the Island happy as ever.
AGOUTI: O.K. But I don't know if we should attempt to get
DOG: (Outraged) What? Anancy in trouble.

AGOUTI: That can't be DOG: (Losing patience) Look! You helping or you not
CROW: If you feel I joking. Look! Climb up on that rock and
look. Your eyes good Agouti. Tell Dog. Tell Dog who is that AGOUTI: (Pause) O.K. What shall we say?
sit down in the back of the boat.
CROW: Oh, anything. Tell him that when he reach down on
AGOUTI: (Climbing up and looking) But it can't be. Bird Island to line up all the animal and check and see if they
have the real thing on they head
CROW: You let me down Compere, so long all-you know
Anancy. DOG: That too long. We want something short and quick.

DOG: Who it is? Is he? AGOUTI: Short! What about 'Compere Cow, would you
mind taking a closer look at the fellow at the back of the boat’.
AGOUTI: I am afraid it looks so.
DOG: No man. Something like 'Hold Anancy. Hold Anancy'.
CROW: What Ah tell all-you
AGOUTI: Yes. That's shorter. 'Hold Anancy'.
DOG: Hm! When I get meh hands on Anancy. He dead for
true this time. CROW: You fools. How Cow go know who is Anancy. You
make the horn so good, they could never recognise Anancy.
AGOUTI: I am afraid it must wait at least until he returns
from Bird Island AGOUTI: What do you suggest we say?

DOG: That is what you think. I going for him now. CROW: I suggest all-you go home and rest. Tell you family
Anancy fool all-you again.
AGOUTI: How! You don't dare attempt to go on board again
surely! In any event by the time you reach, the boat will be far DOG: Doh make joke!
AGOUTI: (In near panic) Oh my! Dog the boat is sailing
DOG: Who talking ‘bout going down! away. What do we do now?

AGOUTI: Well how else? DOG: (Desperate) Oh gosh. Shout!

CROW: Man it good for all-you. I did warn you. What sweet AGOUTI: What?
in goat mouth does sour in he...?
DOG: Anything! The boat almost out of range. Compere
DOG: Ent if Cow find out Anancy horn eh real, what he go Cow! Cow! Cow!
CROW: Yes. Tell him. It too late. You fool. The boat done
AGOUTI: Give him the same treatment, I suppose. gone.

DOG: Well, case! AGOUTI: 'Captain! Captain! There is a traitor on board.

Examine the horns'.
CROW: (Enjoying himself) Anancy too smart for all-you.
'Friend does lead you but they doh bring you back.’ DOG: Agouti, you fool, you let the boat get away. Is your
fault. (Dog chases Agouti. Crow flies off).
DOG: Look Crow, go from here!
NARRATOR: Well you know the rest of the story. You must
AGOUTI: But how are you going to make Cow aware...? be saying by now that this is not the way it supposed to end.
Well that is true. But with Anancy you never know. So since
DOG: Look, the boat must pass round the bay before it go we start off with 'Once upon a time. We go end off with ‘Crick
down the straight. Crack’.


DOG: If we shout out hard enough, Cow bound to hear we


CROW: (Rubbing it in) Ah warn all-you, but all-you feel I fast

and stupid. ‘A fool and his money are soon parted.’

DOG: Hush nah. Crow.


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