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102 CP
Internal only


Semester Two – November 2010

Time allowed: THREE (3) Hours

Answer ALL questions 1 – 8


Answer ANY TWO of questions 9 – 11

All questions are worth TEN (10) marks each

Total: 100 marks

Calculators are permitted

Show all your work neatly, demonstrate the appropriate methods, and get

the correct answers in order to get full marks.

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1002/160.102 CP
Internal only
Question 1. (2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 10 marks)

 1  1  2
   
Let u = − 2, v = 3, and w = 2t .
 3  1 4t 

(a) Find the lengths of u and v.

(b) Find the dot product u • v .

(c) Find the angle between u and v.

(d) Find a non-zero vector orthogonal to both u and v.

(e) Find the area of the parallelogram generated by u and v.

(f) Find the values of t if the volume of the parallelepiped generated by

u , v , and w is equal 10.

Question 2. (4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 10 marks)

 1 −3 1 2 6 1
− 3 9 −4 1 0 2
A=  .
 3 −9 4 −1 1 5
 
−1 3 − 1 − 2 − 6 − 1

(a) Find a basis for the row space of A .

(b) Find a basis for the column space of A .

(c) Find a basis for the null space of A .

(d) Find the rank of A .

(e) Find the nullity of A .

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1002/160.102 CP
Internal only
Question 3. (2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 10 marks)

 1 2  1 2 4
  0 − 3 5 
(a) Let A = − 3 4 , B =   and C =  2 1 0 .
1 0 − 2
 0 − 1 − 8 0 − 1

Compute the following (where possible, if it is not possible, explain why not).

(i) 2 A − 3B T .

(ii) AC .

(iii) CA .

(iv) B T B .

(b) If F and G are n × n matrices with det( F −1 ) = 10 and det(G ) = −3, calculate
det FG −1 . )

Question 4. (1 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 10 marks)

This question is about the linear system:

x1 + x2 − 2x 3 + 4x 4 + x5 = 10
− 2x 1 − 2x 2 + 5x 3 + 2x 5 = − 11
x1 + x2 − x3 + 3x 4 − x5 = 7

(a) Write down the augmented matrix for the linear system.

(b) Use Gauss-Jordan reduction to find a matrix that is in reduced row echelon
form equivalent to the matrix in part (a).

(c) Use your answer to part (b) to write down all solutions for the linear system.

(d) Check your answer to part (c) by substituting your solutions into the original
equations. (Check all three equations.)

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1002/160.102 CP
Internal only
Question 5. (8 + 2 = 10 marks)

Consider the circuit below:

(a) Find the currents I 1 , I 2 , I 3 .

(b) If we change the voltages supplied by the two batteries, but leave the resistors
alone, is it possible to create a circuit in which the currents are
I1 = 1 A (from e to f ) , and I 2 = I 3 = 0.5 A ?
If it is possible, find the new voltages of the batteries.
If it is not possible, explain why not.

Question 6. (8 + 1 + 1 = 10 marks)

(a) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix

0 0 − 2 
A = 1 2 1  .
1 0 3 

(b) Check that the sum of the eigenvalues is equal to the sum of the diagonal
elements of A.

(c) Find the determinant of matrix A .

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1002/160.102 CP
Internal only
Question 7. (5 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 10 marks)

1 − 2 3
A = 0 − 1 − 2 .

2 0 6

(a) Find adj( A) , the adjoint of A.

(b) Calculate the product A(adj( A)).

(c) Compute the determinant of A .

(d) Either: Find A −1 , the inverse of A ;

Or: Explain why A does not have an inverse.

Question 8. (2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 10 marks)

(a) Find parametric equations of the line l passing through the points
P1 (−1, 5, 3) and P2 (6, − 3, 1).

(b) Find parametric equations for the line of intersection of the planes
x + 2 y − 5z − 7 = 0 and 3x − 4 y + 6 z − 5 = 0 .

(c) Find an equation of the plane passing through the point (2, -5, 7) and
perpendicular to the vector n = (3, -2, 4).

(d) Find an equation of the plane passing through the points (1, 2, -1), (2, 3, 1), and
(-3, -1, 2).

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1002/160.102 CP
Internal only

Question 9. (10 marks)

Show that the transition matrix

 0 0.5 0 
T = 0.3 0 0.25

0.7 0.5 0.75

is regular and find its steady-state vector.

Question 10. (6 + 2 + 2 = 10 marks)

3 1
Let A =  .
 1 3

(a) Find the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors of A .

(b) Find an orthogonal matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that P −1 AP = D.

(c) Find a canonical quadratic form that is equivalent to the quadratic form
3 x 2 + 2 xy + 3 y 2 .

Question 11. (10 marks)

A retired couple have up to $ 300,000 they wish to invest in fixed-income securities.

Their broker recommends investing in two bonds: one AAA bond yielding 12%; the
other a B+ bond paying 15%. After some consideration, the couple decide to invest at
most $ 120,000 in the B+ -rated bond and at least $ 60,000 in AAA bond. They also
want the amount invested in the AAA bond to exceed or equal the amount invested in
the B+ bond. What should the broker recommend if the couple (quite naturally) want
to maximise their annual return on investment?

To get full marks, you must clearly state the meaning of any variables which you use,
give the objective function and the constraints, sketch the feasible region, calculate
the extreme points and find the amount invested in AAA bond and B+ bond that should
be invested to maximise their return on investment.


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