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To find the possible values of \( x + \sqrt{xy} + y \) for the system of equations


x^2 + \sqrt{xy} + y^2 = 168




x - \sqrt{xy} + y = 10,


we will start by solving the second equation for \(\sqrt{xy}\).

Rewrite the second equation:


\sqrt{xy} = x + y - 10.


Substitute this expression for \(\sqrt{xy}\) into the first equation:


x^2 + (x + y - 10) + y^2 = 168.


Simplify the equation:

x^2 + x + y - 10 + y^2 = 168,



x^2 + y^2 + x + y - 10 = 168,



x^2 + y^2 + x + y = 178.


Next, we will introduce \( a = x + y \) and \( b = xy \) to simplify our calculations.

The identity for squares sum gives us:


x^2 + y^2 = (x + y)^2 - 2xy = a^2 - 2b.


Substituting \( x^2 + y^2 \) into the simplified equation:


a^2 - 2b + a = 178.


This is our first equation. From the expression for \(\sqrt{xy}\), we also have:


\sqrt{xy} = a - 10.

Squaring both sides:


xy = (a - 10)^2.


This gives us the second equation \( b = (a - 10)^2 \).

Substitute \( b \) back into the first equation:


a^2 - 2(a - 10)^2 + a = 178,



a^2 - 2(a^2 - 20a + 100) + a = 178,



a^2 - 2a^2 + 40a - 200 + a = 178,



-a^2 + 41a - 200 = 178,


-a^2 + 41a - 378 = 0.


Multiply through by -1 to simplify:


a^2 - 41a + 378 = 0.


We solve this quadratic equation using the quadratic formula:


a = \frac{41 \pm \sqrt{41^2 - 4 \cdot 378}}{2},



a = \frac{41 \pm \sqrt{1681 - 1512}}{2},



a = \frac{41 \pm \sqrt{169}}{2},



a = \frac{41 \pm 13}{2}.


Thus, the two possible values of \( a \) are:


a = \frac{41 + 13}{2} = 27 \quad \text{and} \quad a = \frac{41 - 13}{2} = 14.


These are the possible values for \( x + y \).

To find \( x + \sqrt{xy} + y \):

For \( a = 27 \):


\sqrt{xy} = 27 - 10 = 17,



x + \sqrt{xy} + y = 27 + 17 = 44.


For \( a = 14 \):


\sqrt{xy} = 14 - 10 = 4,



x + \sqrt{xy} + y = 14 + 4 = 18.


Thus, the sum of all possible values of \( x + \sqrt{xy} + y \) is:


44 + 18 = 62.


Therefore, the final answer is:




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