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Table of Contents
Chapter Name Page No.

Word List -7 Article _________________________________________ 1

Word List -7 ________________________________________________ 2

Word List -8 Article _________________________________________ 6

Word List -8 ________________________________________________ 7

Word List -9 Article _________________________________________ 11

Word List -9________________________________________________ 12

Revision Test 3: WL 7, 8 & 9 _________________________________ 16

Word List -10 Article________________________________________ 18

Word List -10_______________________________________________ 19

Word List -11 Article________________________________________ 23

Word List -11 _______________________________________________ 24

Word List -12 Article ________________________________________ 28

Word List -12 _______________________________________________ 29

Revision Test 4: WL 10, 11 & 12 _______________________________ 33

Word List -13 Article________________________________________ 35

Word List -13_______________________________________________ 36

Word List -14 Article________________________________________ 40

Word List -14 _______________________________________________ 41

Word List -15 Article ________________________________________ 45

Word List -15 _______________________________________________ 46

Revision Test 5: WL 13, 14 & 15 _______________________________ 50

ANSWER KEY _____________________________________________ 52

Word List -7: Article
Bestial Pronunciation: bes-chuh l, bees-
The word is a derivative of the word beast
itself. A beast is any nonhuman animal,
especially a large, four-footed mammal.
There are human beasts as well, the ones
that are uncivilized, brutal in nature.
Living example of these would be serials
killers and rapists.

Bestial is just an extension of beast, an

adjective that takes over all the
properties of a beast.

Meanings of Bestial:
1. Of, pertaining to, or having the form of
a beast.
2. Without reason or intelligence; brutal;
inhuman: bestial treatment of prisoners.
3. Beastlike in gratifying one's sensual
desires; carnal; debased.

Master’s Tip to Learn Bestial:

Try to figure out from your memory every beast you have encountered. These could be lewd eve-teasers or strict
class teachers who made peaceful living in the classroom impossible.
Each of these beasts is bestial in nature.

Sentence Examples for Bestial:

1. The bestial treatment of prisoners is a pretty common sight and one that needs to undergo reform.
2. A bestial nature cloaked under the veil of generosity can be pretty damaging and can have consequences
beyond our grasp.
3. The bestial nature of serial killers is something that mostly arises of childhood traumas and complexes.

Penitent Pronunciation: pen-i-tuhnt

Mnemonic Aid to Learn Penitent:
Penitent equals to 'Person who Repents
Later', someone who is penitent is very
sorry about something wrong that they
have done and regret their action. That
means after committing the crime they
eventually develop a feeling of guilt and
they repent their actions. Hence, it has
been labeled as a person who repents

It is as simple as that!

Meaning of Penitent:
1. feelingor expressing sorrow for the sin

Sentence Examples for Penitent :

1. She just sat before them, penitent about her past.
2. The people who attacked the Church were penitent criminals.
3. She looked miserable as she sat penitently in her chair.

Quote: Character actors are becoming a thing of the past. They're just going by the wayside. They're just cutting through that caliber
of acting.

Word List -7
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Consensus The general opinion Despite so much of discussion on this issue, no
consensus has emerged on it.
Defraud Cheat Many plantation and chit fund companies have
defrauded the gullible investors of their hard-earned
Durable Long lasting The peace, if any, achieved through these ad-hoc
measures will not be durable in any case and will be
disrupted at the slightest provocation.
Engross Absorb The comedy show was so interesting with its witty
remarks that it kept me totally engrossed till the end.
Infectious Affecting others The infectious disease did not take long to spread
among other localities and soon the hospital was
facing a shortage of doctors and beds.
Opaque Slow to understand Such opacity of mind and a desire to enroll for the
Ability Classes! Are you crazy, apart from being dull?

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Affinity Similarity of structure Since Gainda was from his hometown, some kind of
affinity for him was natural on his part.
Anarchy Absence of any form of There was complete anarchy in the house with the
government or law, disorder members hurling microphones, tearing away the
copies of the bill and shouting slogans against the
Calibre Ability; distinction Raj proved himself to be a musician of high calibre
Dominion Rule During Akbar’s dominion in India, there prevailed
an unprecedented level of mutual religious
acceptance and understanding, partly attributable to
Akbar’s liberal policies.
Errant Straying, mischievous, offending, The errant son was brought back on line by the
lawless combined efforts of his family, friends and a baba
whom he respected a lot.
Finesse Skill The finesse with which the 5-year old girl performed
the Bharatnatyam dance left everybody spellbound.
Glean Gather Information has been gleaned from many different
sources and a lot of effort has gone into compiling it
in the form of a composite booklet.
Hustle To hurry To “safeguard” the visiting movie star from her fans,
her personal security guards hustled her into a hotel
room, where the fans could not trouble her.
Immaculate Flawless I Could not find even a single fault with her essay, it
was just immaculate.
Quote: The future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face.

Jeopardy Danger Why are you putting your job in jeopardy by openly
speaking against the management?
Nocturnal Done at night Several nocturnal animals like lizards, owls and
snakes cannot see well during the day, as their eyes
are designed for the dim lighting of nights.
Venom The poisonous fluid that certain Some snakes have venom dangerous enough to kill
animals secrete a man in few seconds.

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Ameliorate To make better or more tolerable To ameliorate the economic conditions of poor
ruralites, the department has come up with a new
food-work-programme, which assures at least 180
days of productive work to at least one member of
each household.
Appease To pacify, often by satisfying, The ruling party tried its best to appease the hurt
conciliate, calm, soothe sentiments of the Muslims, but the community’s
wounds were beyond any kind of attempt at soothing.
Asperity Harshness The asperity in her voice was an indicator of her
Bestial Coarse or savage The bestial treatment meted out to our PoWs by the
Pak government is in sharp contrast to the humane and
dignified way India has handled such issues in the
Cogent Appealing forcibly to the mind My opponent’s reasoning was so cogent and powerful
or reason, convincing that I could not help but agree with him on the
pertinent issues that he had raised.
Conscientious Honest Being a conscientious officer, he said a firm no to all
offers of bribes and underhand dealings by the
visitors, who wanted to influence his purchase
Disingenuous Not native, sophisticated Unlike his simple and innocent brother Bholu, Tolu is
quite disingenuous and smart and take you for a ride
Evanescence Vanishing As evanescent as drops of rain in the hot desert.
Forte A strong point. To succeed in life one should regularly upgrade his
Gaiety Cheerfulness Id was celebrated with traditional gaiety and
enthusiasm, despite the highly charged atmosphere in
the town.
Gallant Brave Shivaji’s acts of gallantry while fighting the Mughals
have earned him a permanent place in Indian
History’s Hall of Fame.
Imbibe Drink, absorb, assimilate Let my child imbibe the great musical traditions under
the guidance of a renowned Guru like you.
Quote: Anarchy is the only slight glimmer of hope.

Jocular Joking Such a jocular mood is not appropriate for a very
serious occasion like this funeral.
Listless Inattentive Listless mood
Mawkish Sickening or insipid The tea has a very mawkish taste to it.
Obliterate Erase Great names may be forgotten for a while, but they are
difficult to obliterate from the pages of our collective
human history.
Omnipotent All powerful The delusions of omnipotence, which Ravana suffered
and which made him think of himself as all-powerful,
ultimately proved to be his undoing.
Paradigm A model This miniature paradigm of the machine will help you
in understanding its working
Penitent Repentant A sociopathic criminal never feels penitent over his
wrongdoings, which sets him apart from other, normal
people, who do feel a sense of remorse sometime.
Portent Omen The dark skies can be a portent of the storm that is to
Retort A sharp answer To Dhania’s comment calling him “a leech-like man
sticking to his chair”, Bhajpayee retorted with “At
least, I stick to one thing and cleanse the system of
evils like you”.
Smug Complacent You people should not remain smug in the belief that
since the rival army has been driven out, they cannot
come again. On the contrary, we should be more
vigilant to prevent such happenings in future.

Quote: I don't use a pen. I write with a goose quill dipped in venom.

Home Task: Word List -7
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Anarchy:

2. Disingenuous:

3. Omnipotent:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Calibre:

2. Forte:

3. Obliterate:

4. Paradigm:

5. Portent:

Quote: I could've ended up in action films forever. But the comedy thing has been my forte.

Word List -8: Article
Grimace Pronunciation: grim-uh s, gri-meys
It is easy to have a grimace on. We often
have it. It is an expression where the facial
features are distorted and out of shape,
because we are under stress of some kind or
the other. Just like in this word poster above.

Meaning of Grimace:
1. A facial expression, often ugly or
contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain,
etc. (noun)
Master's Tip to Learn Grimace:


Grim means harsh, severe, bad or gloomy.

So when you have a grim face, it is meant to
be out of shape and show pain or any other
negative emotion. Hence, the GRIMACE

Sentence Examples for Grimace:

1. A grimace was the closest he could come to changing his facial expression, since his species wasn't exactly
geared for smiling, frowning, and other human-like actions. — Simon & Schuster, “Fire on High”
2. The prospect of having to work hard brings a grimace to the face.
3. The fact that he could not play with his friends because of his fracture brought a grimace to his face.

Irrational Pronunciation: ih-rash-uh-nl

‘Irrational’ is an adjective and it used for
someone who is incapable of logical thought
or reasoning. It was first used in 1470 and
has been derived from the Latin word

Meanings of Irrational:
1. Not endowed with reason.
2. Unsound, illogical, unreasonable, not
based on reality, nonsensical, foolish.
3. Affected by loss of usual or normal mental
clarity; incoherent, as from a shock.

Master’s Tip to Learn Irrational:

‘Irrational’ is pretty easy to remember as it
can be broken down into ‘Ir + rational’ which
would mean something that is not rational.

Sentence Examples for Irrational:

1. His father became more irrational as his fever got worse.
2. Some politicians become irrational in the way they spend and waste money.
3. Rajesh tends to be more irrational every day as a result of his demented condition.

Quote: People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.

Word List -8
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Crux Main point The crux of the long-winding speech by the Chairman
was that unless the company does something
innovative and extraordinary, it would be difficult to
survive after the next 2 years.
Dispassionate Calm Do not be emotionally charged over this thing; jut try
to think dispassionately over it and you will realize
that you too had a role to play in this whole episode.
Encapsulate Condense The 2-month crash course is basically an encapsulated
form of the 1-year regular programme.
Ethical Moral The candidate was in a great ethical dilemma when he
heard the interviewer’s question: Who would you
choose to save in a crisis situation : your mother or
your wife?
Fluent To speak easily She, being a trained public speaker, is quite fluent
with words and sentences and you will hardly find her
struggling to choose the right expression to describe
her feelings.
Irrefutable Cannot be disproved The irrefutable statistical evidence proves beyond
doubt that most of the poverty elimination
programmes have been a big fraud.
Juncture Point of joining At this juncture, I cannot say anything for sure
because the matter is still under investigation by the
Lenient Not harsh In view of the personal hardships faced by him, the
Principal took a lenient view of his misconduct and let
him off with a simple warning.

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Enigma A riddle. The death of the doctor still remains an enigma.
Forthright With directness. Sherlock Holmes forthsight is appreciated by one &
Hypocrisy Extreme insincerity He accused newspapers of hypocrisy in their
treatment of the story.
Imbecile A very foolish person The timid and imbecile smile of the clerk showed
that he didn’t understand a word of what his superior
Infer Conclude On the basis of the information available till date, it
is not possible to infer that the Brahmins’ insistence
on rituals in ancient times was only due to monetary
Knead To press and work The flour is kneaded into dough and subsequently
Quote: Truth that is not undergirded by love makes the truth obnoxious and the possessor of it repulsive.

made into chapattis.
Liberate to free The task of liberating our dear motherland from the
clutches of the British empire took more than three
Meticulous Excessively careful, painstaking, This fragile material requires meticulous packing
scrupulous and handling in order to be transported safely to its
Myriad Countless Myriad animals such as fish, crab and shrimp live in
sea water.
Placate To appease, to pacify Earlier, it could have been possible to pacify him,
but if you ask me to placate him now, I would have
to decline your request.
Sinister Evil The Home Minister claimed that the government had
done everything possible to defeat the sinister
designs of the terrorist from across the border.
Workmanship The art or skill of a workman People thought he was a skilled worker though he
lacked workmanship in that area.

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Cozen To cheat The poor girl was cozened of her hard-earned money
by the smart salesman.
Forbearance Patience He cast aside his Christian forbearance and
forgiveness when it came to the survival of his family.
Frugal Thrifty Her frugal consumption habits enabled her to survive
on a paltry salary of Rs. 500/- a month.
Gregarious Seeking and enjoying the Such a gregarious person can be found only in the
company of others, sociable company of friends, never alone.
Grimace Show contempt Public utterances apart, his strong dislike for visiting a
slum was very clear from the grimace on his face as
soon as the topic was broached.
Gusto Keen enjoyment I don't have the gusto to go on a strenuous hike right
Hegemony Dominance The final key to Europe’s world hegemony was her
military superiority over other nations.
Hideous Horrible The hideous sight of mass killings was enough to
scare even the very hard-hearted among us.
Indispensable Absolutely necessary If we want to embrace capitalism, we have to allow
free competition in every area because the
requirement of free competition is an indispensable
part of the whole system of capitalism.
Quote: Sarcasm doesn't translate in print at all.

Irrational Not possessed of reasoning They behaved in such a bizarre and irrational manner.
powers or understanding.
Nadir Lowest point The nadir in the Congress fortune was registered when
the party gained only 3 seats in Punjab elections.
Obnoxious Offensive His obnoxious son is invariably at the heart of every
trouble in the household
Obstinacy Stubborn adherence to opinion, His obstinacy to not to move led to accident.
arising from conceit or the desire
to have one's own way
Odious Offensive Her odious remarks calling the PM a crazy, insane
man, sent the entire house in a tizzy, with many
members baying for her head.
Parsimonious Stingy He is extremely parsimonious with praise, even the
most wonderful of musical shows will get only a
"good" from him, given his seemingly high standards.
Pedagogy The art, science, or profession of Pedagogy is not just delivering certain facts and skills
teaching in the class, rather a teacher’s much more important
job is to create a love for the subject among students.
Rife Plentiful Bribery and corruption in the government services are
rife in our country.
Sarcasm A sneering remark The sarcastic cartoons making fun of today’s
politician seem to have hardly any impact on
politicians or their ways of working.
Unflappable Calm Anybody else in his place would have broken down
completely under the burden of so many sufferings,
but his unflappable attitude is simply amazing.
Voluble Having great fluency in She is such a voluble speaker that people appreciate
speaking her for this quality of hers.

Quote: We shall never resolve the enigma of the relation between the negative foundations of greatness and that greatness itself.

Home Task: Word List -8
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Forbearance:

2. Pedagogy:

3. Sinister:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Forthright:

2. Hypocrisy:

3. Grimace:

4. Hegemony:

5. Obstinacy:

Quote: Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.

Word List -9: Article
Astute Pronunciation: uh-stoot
Astute describes someone who is clever and
has good judgment. Someone good at
solving difficult puzzles is an example of
astute. It is an adjective and comes from
Latin astūtus (shrewd, sly, and cunning).

Meanings of Astute:
1. (Adj) of keen penetration or
discernment; sagacious
2. (Adj) clever; cunning; ingenious; shrewd

Master’s Tip to Learn Astute:

A great example andan easy way to learn

this is word is our “POLITICIAN”. They are
clever and use their judgment for every
wrong reason and some haveagood head on
their shoulders.

Sentence Examples for Astute:

1. An astute businessman is tough to handle.
2. An astute analysis of the situation is required.
3. An astute manipulation of facts is done by clever people.
4. An astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease.

Cessation Pronunciation: se-sey-shuhn

„In the monsoons, waiting for the rain to
cease/stop is like a wet dream. Cessation of
rain is almost impossible in hilly places like
Shimla and Cherapunji, isn‟t it? Well, this
noun speaks of the same stoppage. Its first
usage dates back to 15th century. It has
originated from Middle English cessacioun,
from Middle French cessation and from Latin
cessatio, all of which means delay.

Meanings of Cessation:
1) Stopping/suspension/discontinuance of
something (temporary or permanent)
2) Ceasing

Master’s Tip to Learn Cessation:

Cessation can be learnt easily by associating
it with one of the rhyming words, which is
Alsatian. Further, cessation and Alsatian can
be associated by putting the words as
„cessation of Alsatian‟. Also, cessation can be learnt easily while remembering the situation of a ceasefire during
the event of war that has been in news. Ceasefire, just like cessation means ending and in case of ceasefire it is
ending of war. Further, cessation is the noun for cease.

Sentence Examples for Cessation:

1) It was only with the help of medicines that the cessation of acrophobia occurred. (Noun)
2) Cessation of guffaws was not enough to stop everyone in the room from mocking Ram. (Noun)Check
3) Procrastination on her part will never cease. (Noun)
4) Her effort to look for her doppelganger has not ceased yet. (Verb)

Quote: Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity.

Word List -9
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Fallacy A belief or argument deceptive The fallacy of their assumptions regarding the success
in appearance or meaning of this project has landed them in the mess they are
facing now.
Foremost First The foremost requirement for a radio compere’s job is
a pleasant voice, coupled with the ability to modulate
it suitably according to situational demands.
Guise Appearance The ancient kings used to visit their kingdom in the
guise of a common man to learn about the problems
being faced by their subjects.
Neutralize To make ineffective, nullify The anti-poison given by the doctor to the patient was
meant to neutralize the effect of the snake-bite on the
Permanent Long lasting Such ad hoc measures will not lead to any lasting
peace in the valley, we must try to do something
which ensures permanent peace in the once-beautiful
"Home of Gods".
Prominent Widely known Subhash Bose and JL Nehru were two prominent
proponents of the concept of complete freedom when
the rest were talking of limited self-rule.
Remedy To right a wrong The announcement of an extraordinary budgetary
allocation for the North-East states was done with a
view to remedying the prevailing imbalance.
Fallacy A belief or argument deceptive The fallacy of their assumptions regarding the success
in appearance or meaning of this project has landed them in the mess they are
facing now.

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Ambiguity Unclear or doubtful in meaning The ambiguity in her statement itself was the reason
that every newspaper had interpreted it in a different
manner and had led to great confusion.
Amiable Agreeable The amiable anchorperson was successful in creating
a family-like atmosphere because of his friendly and
courteous manners.
Anguish Agony The anguish over the separation from her boyfriend
was only temporary; she forgot all the pain and
sorrow within a few months.
Astute Wise, shrewd The Ambanis, being astute businessmen, know how
to spot and make use of good business opportunities.
Calamity Disaster The Godhra killings are not only a big calamity for
all those concerned, but also are a blot on our so-
called secular face.
Cessation Stopping The cessation of the war between the PLO and Israel
has been brought about by the US pressure and not
because of any agreement between the warring
Commodious Roomy The auditorium is so commodious that you can
Quote: Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.

accommodate even 5000 people, while you expect a
total strength of just 2000 for the seminar.
Fortuitous Lucky A fortuitous meeting with a holy man in Hardwar
changed his life forever and he became a thoroughly
spiritual man.
Imminent About to happen, impending The fall of the company was imminent as such; the
new CEO was simply made a scapegoat to explain
away the failure.
Inevitable Certain to happen, ineluctable, The fall of the government was inevitable once it had
imminent, inescapable, lost majority in the House.
Intermittent Periodic Such intermittent displays of patriotism at times of
crises are what give us faith in the inherent goodness
of the Indians.
Menace To show an intent to harm The AIDS menace is hovering over the Asian and
African countries like a Damocle’s sword.
Pervasive Spread throughout The all-pervasive problem of slums in Indian metros
requires a thoughtful policy and sincere
implementation for its removal.
Stalwart Unyielding That the current public mood is strongly against the
BJP is proved by the electoral defeats of some of the
party stalwarts like SikandarBakht, LK Advani and
AB Vajapyee.
Stringent Strict The committee feels that it has not been able to find
a suitable candidate because the conditions
prescribed are too stringent and they feel that they
should be relaxed if we have to fill the post.

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Admonish Warn, reprove The admonishment they got from the warden for
creating uproar in the hostel mess was enough to
“tighten” their loose screws.
Ambivalence Lack of clarity, ambiguity Such ambivalence of the party over an important
national issue is confusing; it must come out with a
clear-cut stand on the matter.
Anachronism Something or someone Someone justifying or promoting the cursed practice
misplaced in time of sati will be taking the society back to medieval
times and will certainly be an anachronism in these
modern, progressive times.
Aplomb Poise, composure The great aplomb with which Sonia Gandhi braved
the tragedy of her husband 's death belied her inner
Assiduous Diligent The assiduous hard work put in by the director is
obvious in each frame of the movie, it appears as if
there could be no better way of presenting it.
Catastrophe A great, often sudden calamity. The flood was a catastrophe.
Chaste Pure Such a chaste soul and such a wayward son! Destiny
has strange things in store for us.
Decrement Waste, decrease The decrement in the number of people purchasing

Quote: Only he who desires is amiable and not he who is satiated.

rations from the fair-price shops is not an indication
that people have suddenly become rich, rather it points
to unavailability of rations and loss of faith in the
Fervor Glowing ardor, intensity of The fervour with which Joshila has been participating
felling in all these activities strongly suggests that he is very
much in love with this new idea.
Fetter To bind The fetters of superstition and ignorance keep us
Indians from progressing further in today's
Grubby Dirty The beggar’s grubby clothes suggested that neither
had he changed nor had he had a bath.
Mettlesome Full of vigor and stamina, Such politically incorrect but economically sensible
spirited decisions require great courage and I hardly find
anybody mettlesome enough to take such risks.
Penchant Strong inclination, liking The Bollywood film-makers have great penchant for
including “ZindaJalaaDoonga”, “Kutte-Kamine, Teri
To….” “Tukde-TukdeKarKe.” type of front bencher-
targetted dialogues in their movies.
Pious Devout The government has been quite swift in declaring
Amritsar a holy city, but it remains to be seen if the
pious status of the city can be maintained, what with
paan-cigarette shops and liquor vends in the close
vicinity of the gurdwaras.
Pristine Characteristic of earlier times, The beauty of the once-pristine Himalayas has been
primitive unspoiled spoilt by the mountaineering teams, which leave
tonnes of garbage and other litter every time they trek.
Renegade Deserter The army has decided to take back all those renegade
soldiers who had deserted it in the wake of Operation
Blue Star.
Skeptic Doubter Such skeptics are always bound to doubt the truth of
even the most genuine schemes meant to help the poor
Sleazy Cheap Such magazines survive on carrying sleazy articles
and photos peeping into the private lives of film-stars.

Quote: Whatever ambivalence I felt about my own career, Frankie more than made up for it with his ambition and tenacity.

Home Task: Word List -9
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Ambivalence:

2. Anachronism:

3. Intermittent:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Ambiguity:

2. Calamity:

3. Foremost:

4. Fortuitous:

5. Inevitable:

Revision Test 3: Word List 7, 8 and 9
1. To bemoan such savagery as accursed, inhuman and ---------- does not even begin to describe it.

1. Bestial 2. Interlude 3. Grotesque 4. Thrust

2. It seems as though both extremes have-------- arguments arguing salubrious benefits.

1. Rapture 2. Fracas 3. Cogent 4. Gratify

3. The ruling family has taken some steps to --------the protesters.

1. Assign 2. Appease 3. Potential 4. Harbinger

4. Lawyers, of all people, should agree that law and order are preferable to --------.

1. Prescribe 2. Efficient 3. Fascinate 4. Anarchy

5. Sue came in looking very ––––––-, not knowing the perils that the examination paper was going to
present her.
1. acrimonious 2. spruced 3. snobbish 4. Smug

6. We shall try to reach an agreement, but the ––– are not good.

1. clauses 2. presages 3. evolutions 4. Portents

7. She evokes -------- only to undercut it with an ironic repudiation of its shallowness.

1. Gaiety 2. Uncanny 3. Forbidding 4. Effete

8. Thousands of jobs are in ––- because of the latest ruling of the Supreme Court.

1. conception 2. surveillance 3. jeopardy 4. Liability

9. Made of ------- plastic, this lamp provides long lasting, brilliant light and features the team logo and

1. Traverse 2. Homage 3. Aberrant 4. Durable

10. He was an ----------in the society of the learned men.

1. Converse 2. Impression 3. Aware 4. Imbecile

11. He was assigned the --------- task of cleaning horse stables.

1. Odious 2. Admonish 3. Decline 4. Beneficial

12. There certainly was somewhat of disdain and mockery in that captivating --------- .

1. Grimace 2. Profound 3. Stagger 4. Narrow

13. Nearly every big firm claims to be building a more caring and ---------- culture.

1. Hindrance 2. Fabrication 3. Shred 4. Ethical

14. At this point, the fact that finance workers are way overpaid is -----------.

1. Irrefutable 2. Evince 3. Revere 4. Vitiate

15. The beautiful woman tried to coax and -------- him out of his inheritance.

1. Cozen 2. Appearance 3. Elegant 4. Baffled

16. Hustle: He had to hustle enough money to support his large family.

1. raise quickly 2. steal 3. rake up 4. Expedite

Quote: The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing.

17. Ameliorate: Stricter control of air pollution ameliorated living conditions in Delhi.

1. made more tolerable 2. Aided 3. Worsened 4. did not affect

18. Engross: The artist was so engrossed in his painting that he did not notice the crowd gathered around

1. absorbed 2. gaudy 3. bold 4. Demanding

19. Imbibe: A student imbibes a great deal of information in school.

1. assimilates 2. drinks 3. sips on 4. Siphons

20. Obliterate: The heavy rain obliterated the footprints.

1. enhanced 2. Accentuated 3. Uncovered 4. Erased

21. Gallant: A ship with all its sails spread is a gallant sight.

1. brave 2. Fearsome 3. Chivalrous 4. Nautical

22. Immaculate: The newly washed shirts were immaculately clean.

1. more or less 2. Virgin 3. Flawlessly 4. Tinged

23. Frugal: He ate a frugal supper of bread and milk.

1. lavish 2. Thrifty 3. Hearty 4. Complete

24. Ethical: It is not considered ethical for a doctor to gossip about a patient.

1. psychological 2. Proper 3. Moral 4. Important

25. Guise: The spy went in the guise of a nurse and was not recognized by the enemy.

1. replacement 2. rehearsal 3. trial 4. Appearance

26. Pristine: The ancient paintings had kept their pristine freshness.

1. complex 2. not corrupted 3. antediluvian 4. Aesthetic

27. Menace: In dry weather forest fires are a great menace.

1. harm 2. blessing 3. hurdle 4. Precaution

28. Indispensable: Air is indispensable to life.

1. desirable 2. ordinal 3. cardinal 4. absolutely necessary

29. Gregarious: Sheep are gregarious, raccoons are not.

1. sociable 2. herbivorous 3. loners 4. Domesticated

30. Glean: I was able to glean some information from each book.

1. correct 2. wean 3. gather 4. refer

Word List -10: Article
Interject Pronunciation: in-ter-jekt
Did any teacher ever interject bad remarks
in your report card? Interject means to
insert between other things and that’s why
the reference to the teacher’s remarks in
the first sentence.

Meanings of Interject:
1. To insert between other elements
2. Obsolete-to come between.

Master’s Tip to Learn Interject:

We can remember interject as it sounds like
Inject and Injection is injected in our body.
Interjecting means to insert.

Sentence Examples for Interject:

1. Potter also began to interject and to snap
her fingers in frustration.
2. He tends to sit back quietly, waiting for
the right moment to interject.
3. It is a known fact that historians always interject their own personal biases and prejudices in their scholarly
4. Occasionally, an emcee will interject brief interludes of cabaret or comedy.

Jargon Pronunciation: jahr-guh n, -gon

We are subjected to all forms
of ‘JARGON’ in our everyday lives. Pick up
any new subject and you will face a barrage
of terms you have never heard before. This
specialized language of a group is referred
to as ‘jargon’. The image shown above
highlights the same concept.

Another use of the word ‘jargon’ is that it

is used to describe meaningless talk.
Keep in mind that jargon is a term used for
any language (whether in written or oral
form) that is hard to understand.

Meanings of Jargon:
1. Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless
talk. (noun)
2. A hybrid language or dialect; a pidgin.
3. The specialized or technical language of a
trade, profession, or similar group. See
Synonyms at dialect (noun)
4. Speech or writing having unusual or pretentious vocabulary convoluted phrasing, and vague meaning (noun)

Sentence Examples for Jargon:

1. While the jargon is all retro health and safety-education material, the culty fetishism is more J.G. Ballard than
CPR. — Boing Boing: September 18, 2005 - September 24, 2005 Archives
2. They may wrap their writing in jargon and statistical mumbo jumbo, but the ideas themselves are not that
hard to grasp (comparative advantage not withstanding!). — Lighthouses, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of
Economics and Liberty

Quote: Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution
everybody can understand.

Word List -10
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Argument An oral disagreement They were deeply involved in an argument about
Arrogance Pride Undue arrogance in his abilities and knowledge led to
Ravana’s fall from grace.
Artless Without guile, open and honest The artless villager was taken in by the city-bred
salesman’s smooth talk and agreed to put his money
in the venture without asking a question.
Banish To expel from He was banished to another country as whatever he
had done didn’t confine to the law.
Charisma Charm The superstar's charisma was irresistible; even the
elderly ladies found him attractive.
Confiscate Seize The army has seized substantial quantities of arms
and ammunition, apart from objectionable literature
from the arrested terrorists.
Deadlock Stalemate, point where no The talks between the NSCN and the government
progress is possible have reached a deadlock due to the uncompromising
stand taken by both the parties.
Decent Proper and kind There is such wretched poverty in some places that
people are not able to give even a decent cremation to
their dead.

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Basal Basic If you really want to assess the effectiveness of the
course, you must know your basal performance
before joining it and then compare it with your
performance, say, six months later.
Bask To enjoy a happy or very He went on basking in the glory of his first book.
comfortable situation
Congruent In agreement His views and mine on most issues are hardly
congruent; we always have some differences.
Debacle A rout The cricketing debacle, instead of dampening our
spirits, should make us sit up and analyze what went
wrong with us.
Figurative Not literal When the WHO says that India is sitting on a virtual
population bomb, it does not mean that India will be
blown up by this; the statement needs to be seen
Honorarium A payment The NGO being a non-profit organization, could not
afford to give him a decent salary; what all they
could give him was a small honorarium in
recognition of his services.

Quote: To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history but to articulate it.

Nascent Being born The nascent democracy is yet to witness it’s first-
ever assembly elections, only then will we come to
know if the experiment will succeed.
Ornate Heavily decorated The ornate chariot, complete with a golden canopy,
buntings and very expensive frills indicated that lots
of money had gone into readying it for the CM's
Perceive Recognize To us, ice is just ice, but to the Eskimos, it is much
more and consequently, they can perceive
differences among different types of ice, which we
cannot; obviously, it requires a lot of practice.
Plummet To plunge or drop straight down The demand for the paging service has plummeted
so much in view of the cell phones, which provide
better service at almost the same price, that many
paging companies are now on the brink of virtual
Prune to reduce by moving superfluous Since the hedges have grown a lot, the gardener will
matter now prune them, making them look more orderly
and beautiful.
Salient Prominent He only mentioned the salient benefits of the scheme
without getting into too much details.
Sanctify To make holy Just a visit by such a holy and revered person should
be enough to sanctify this place, corrupted by the
wrongdoings of these mischievous people.
Sanctimony Hypocrisy Politicians the world over are fond of being
sanctimonious in public pronouncements: doing A
and saying B.

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Articulate To speak distinctly and carefully The speaker articulated very clearly the difficulties
being faced by the villagers in respect of the
availability of drinking water.
Condone To pardon or overlook The Principal can, at his discretion, condone the
voluntarily, to treat as if trivial shortage of attendance, if he is convinced that the
student could not attend those classes because of
some unavoidable circumstances.
Confound Confuse, puzzle Remembering so much data was a big problem for
him, getting new statistics will further confound
him in the examination.
Conglomeration A mixture of things The gathering was an unlike conglomeration of
philosophers, sociologists and historians.
Conjecture A theory from incomplete Since he knew nothing of the question put by the
evidence teacher, he could only offer a conjecture as a reply.
Deadpan Without emotion It was very strange that he was breaking this
emotionally surcharged news to us in a deadpan
manner, as if it mattered little to him.

Quote: Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient
for tomorrow.
Dearth Smallness of quantity or There was no dearth of learned ladies who held
number, scarcity, paucity important social and political positions in ancient
India, the only regret being that they never gained
as much prominence as they should have.
Debase Cheapen The women's organization dubbed as "debasing" the
remark made by the minister calling the blunt-cut
women as "sirkati".
Debilitate To make weak The month-long sickness had debilitated him
considerably, making it quite difficult for him to
Debonair Genial The hostess’ debonair manners, in sharp contrast to
her husband’s almost rude disposition, served to
make the guests completely at home.
Interject Interrupt The member would have gone on with his long
speech but for the interjection in between by the
speaker asking him to cut his speech short in view
of the limited time available.
Jargon Technical language Since I do not understand medical jargon, please
explain this thing to me in simple language.
Levitate Float in air Some people believe that mediation and magic will
help them to levitate.
Mercurial Characterized by rapid and Badlu’s mercurial behaviour is just like the weather
unpredictable change in mood of Mumbai, one minute it rains and five minutes
later there is bright sunlight.
Mesmerize To hypnotize So mesmerized was she with Aamir Khan 's
performance in the movie that she decided to go to
Bombay to meet and congratulate him.
Penury Extreme poverty, destitution The extent of penury in Indian villages is obvious
when you look at the recent poverty figures, which
tell you that approximately 17.5% of them go to bed
without meal.
Retribution Deserved punishment Sharminder Singh's ongoing campaign against Kavi
Pidhu is believed to be an act of retribution for the
vicious media attack launched by the latter against
him when he was a reporter for The Bindu.
Salubrious Promoting health or well-being The salubrious climate of Dalhousie did much to
boost his declining health.

Quote: Nothing can confound a wise man more than laughter from a dunce.

Home Task: Word List -10
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Congruent:

2. Nascent:

3. Conglomeration:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Deadlock:

2. Mesmerize:

3. Plummet:

4. Salient:

5. Retribution:

Quote: The rising sun can dispel the darkness of night, but it cannot banish the blackness of malice, hatred, bigotry, and selfishness
from the hearts of humanity.

Word List -11: Article
Flout Pronunciation: flout
Most of us have often flouted rules, haven't we?
We have broken them with complete disdain
and in a certain way, felt a certain pride in those
Origin: Its first usage dates back to 1350-1400
and it has originated from Middle English word
'flouten', which means to play the flute.

Meanings of Flout:
1) To treat something e.g. rules or code of
conduct with scorn.
2) To show disrespect for something, in this
case it is usually followed by at.
3) A disdainful act. (Noun)

Master’s Tip to Learn Flout:

Flout can be learnt with the help of the word
sprout, as the two words rhyme. Bad habits
sprout when you flout a lot of rules. Use this
simple sentence to learn the word.
Sentence Examples for Flout:
1) You have no right to flout the law of the land. (Verb)
2) You have all the right to flout/mock/scorn at his foolishness. (Verb)
3) He is labelled as a flouter, as he is usually caught flouting the rules of his school. (Noun, Verb)
4) He floutingly insulted the spirit of his institution. (Adverb)
5) His flout (insulting remark) towards him hurt him. (Noun)
6) Tanvi called her friend a cur, which was nothing but a grave flout (insult). (Noun)

Jurisdiction Pronunciation: joor-is-dik-shuhn

There must have been instances in your life when
you went to a police station to file a complaint and
you were sent to some other police station to do
so. Well, when something like this happens it
means the former police station had no
jurisdiction over the area from which you wanted
to file a complaint. It is a noun and its first usage
dates back to 1250-1300.

Meanings of Jurisdiction:
1) The power to implement laws in an area or an
2) Authority/power
3) The extent of authority or power
4) Territory over which authority can be exercised

Master’s Tip to learn Jurisdiction:

Jurisdiction can be learnt by breaking the word
into two parts .i.e. juris and diction and then the
two words can be combined to mean jury’s diction
.i.e. speech of the jury.
Sentence Examples for Jurisdiction:
1) Judiciary has jurisdiction in all the government organisations. (Noun)
2) Judiciary does not have jurisdiction over tribal areas. (Noun)
3) The Mall does not fall under the jurisdiction of Lakkar Bazar police station. (Noun)
4) It was the jurisdictional authority of the judiciary that could implement all the laws in the state. (Adjective)
5) Jurisdictionally, this district does not fall under this police station. (Adverb)

Quote: Originality is nothing but judicious imitation. The most original writers borrowed one from another.

Word List -11
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Conventional Following accepted practice, A rebellious fellow, Primtrim always questioned the
customary conventional ways of his teachers’ thinking and
tended to make his own theories to explain the things.
Flout Reject, mock The rule regarding observing a dry day on the Gandhi
Jayanti was flouted by the liquor vends without the
slightest fear.
Fluctuate Oscillate The prices of gold fluctuate from day to day, so it is
not possible to give a fixed rate for this commodity.
Fragile Capable of being broken The fragile items should be packed properly before
Hallucination Delusion Very often, psychiatric patients with serious disorders
have hallucinations, e.g., if you tell them a lion is
there confronting them, they will really believe it and
start crying for help.
Judicious Sensible, wise, prudent Each solution to this problem has some commendable
features, let's make a judicious selection of these
features and arrive at a composite solution.
Jurisdiction Lawful power or right to It is not possible to oust the jurisdiction of the court in
exercise official authority. any way
Justification Defense, excuse. His justification for his actions didn't impress me.

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Derivative Unoriginal, obtained from another There is nothing original about Posho Ranjish’s
source philosophy, in fact, it is a derivative of Neitszche’s
ideas regarding human existence and its problems.
Descendant A person, plant, or animal that is The descendants of the Scindia Family still live in
descended from a particular the royal fort.
Detrimental Harmful Eating too many sweets and chocolates can prove
detrimental to the dental health of a child.
Enlighten To reveal "Will you please enlighten me on this topic in
details?" the young boy asked the teacher.
Enrage To infuriate Crowd was enraged due to poor traffic management.
Entice Allure The smart salesman tried to entice the reluctant
customer into buying the spurious-looking gold
chain by offering him a huge discount.
Florid Flushed or ruddy in appearance, Oh! The florid speech of a poet-prime minister
heavily embellished, flowery adorned with similes, couplets and long-forgotten
Haggle Bargain She considers it below her dignity to haggle over a
Quote: Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.

Rs. 10/- purchase with a shopkeeper and straightway
makes the payment.
Hamper To interfere with the operation of, The movement of all traffic on this road has been
to restrain, to disrupt hampered by the repair work going on for the past
two months.
Handy Easy, helpful A sound knowledge of calculations can prove to be
handy in your small business if you do not have a
calculator by your side.
Innocuous Harmless Wow! A child’s innocuous smile that betrays no
feelings of guile, malice or ill-will against anybody.
Insinuate Hint, imply, creep in Their years in parliament had sharpened their wits
and made them adept at insinuation.
Itinerary Plan of a trip His itinerary originally included trips to Varanasi,
Mathura and Allahabad, but due to the shortage of
time, he could go only to Mathura.
Juvenile Characteristic of youth The juvenile could not be put into the cage with the
adult chimps until it was strong enough to fend for

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Deride Ridicule, make fun of The side-splitting comedy show derides all sorts of
social rituals, exposing their illogicality and ends up
being great entertainment.
Desist Abstain Pallu's father advised him to desist from joining his
friends on the 7-day long trip if he wanted to
produce good results in the test.
Desolate Deserted Such a desolate place with few human beings and
animals around is just about the perfect setting for
someone who wants to meditate over some serious
Despondent Dejected 1. The air of despondency spread throughout the
town, when the news about the soldiers, who were
killed, broke.
2. The despondent appealed in the higher court for
Deterrent Something that, discourages, How far the death penalty can act as a deterrent to
hindrance prevent serious crimes is a matter of hot debate
among judges and other penal experts.
Enigmatic Mysterious, obscure, difficult to 1. His was an absolutely enigmatic personality, I
understand could hardly understand him despite living with him
for ten years.
2. Very few of his friends could manage to peep
into his enigmatic life, which was totally shrouded
in mystery.
Quote: Life is fragile. We're not guaranteed a tomorrow so give it everything you've got.

Enrapture To delight extravagantly or Her melodious voice enraptured the audience.
Enthrall Fascinate His foot-tapping songs kept the audience enthralled
for more than two hours.
Flippant Saucy Such a flippant attitude towards your parents should
shame you; after all you are there because of them
only, they need more respect and regard.
Halcyon Calm Ah! The halcyon days of childhood when I had no
worries, no tensions and absolutely no
responsibilities on my shoulders.
Hoard To gather and store away for the They've begun to hoard food and gasoline.
sake of accumulation
Ignominious Disgraceful KaviPiddu's ignominious exit from the high post
could have been avoided, had he chosen the more
graceful path of resigning on his own, after the
scandal became public.
Insatiable Greedy His appetite for money and power was insatiable, so
much so that any amount of it was just not enough.
Inscrutable Mysterious The inscrutable, reserved movie-star's ways could
knotty be understood even by close friends, who
often complained of his being too shrouded in
Insidious Crafty He was as poisonous as a cobra, and as insidious as
a fox.
Jovial Good humored His jovial nature led him to laugh off even very
serious downturns in life.
Jubilant Joyful The Zimbabwe team was in a jubilant mood after
their series victory over the Indians.
Jurisprudence Science of law Jurisprudence demands equal punishment for both
the culprit and his accomplice.

Quote: Some people are enraged, and some people are applauding. If there were a mission statement for graffiti, that would be it.

Home Task: Word List -11
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Halcyon:

2. Ignominious:

3. Inscrutable:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Enrapture:

2. Enthrall:

3. Insatiable:

4. Insidious:

5. Jovial:

Quote: People who overly take care of their health are like misers. They hoard up a treasure which they never enjoy.

Word List -12: Article
Aloof Pronunciation: uh-loof
Aloof means to remain at a distance which may
either be physically or emotionally. An aloof
person generally comes across as indifferent or
disinterested. It can be used as an adverb or an
adjective. The first usage of Aloof has been
traced back to 1608.

Meanings of Aloof:
1. To remain at a distance
2. Reserved or shy
3. Indifferent or disinterested
4. Not desiring to associate with others

Master’s Tip to Learn Aloof:

Aloof is pretty easy to learn as it can be related
to the word Alone. Usually the shy kids in school
and college remain indifferent from others and
come across as aloof from the rest of their

Sentence Examples for Aloof:

1. Most of the people he meets think he is polite; however he sometimes comes across as being aloof to some of
them. (Adjective)
2. Being the teacher’s pets, they always stood aloof from their class. (Adverb)
3. He has always remained aloof from rest of the children; as a result he does not have much of a social life.

Jurisdiction Pronunciation: laks

Mnemonic Aid to Learn Lax:
A simple conversion:


Now if you keep on re-laxing and not working,

you are meant to be slow and clumsy with your
work. In other words, you would be ‘lax’ with
the output.

Meaning of Lax:

1. Lacking in rigor, strictness, or firmness.

2. Not taut, firm, or compact; slack.
3. Loose and not easily retained or controlled.
Used of bowel movements.

Sentence Examples for Lax:

1. Such lax behavior was not expected by the teacher from the most serious student in the class.
2. She has always been lax when it comes to attending her lectures but extremely slick when comes to scoring in
her exams.

Quote: Water is the key to life, but in frozen form, it is a latent force. And when it vanishes, Earth becomes Mars.

Word List -12
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Deter To prevent or discourage from High customs duties are imposed with a view to
acting by use of fear or doubt deterring people from importing more foreign goods.
Incorporate Introduce something into a Apart from discussing the economic scenario in
larger whole combine , unite general, this issue also incorporates important data on
the performance of different companies.
Lapse small error He failed to realize that this small lapse on his part
might lead to bigger problems later on.
Legible Readable You must write your answers legibly in the answer
booklet so that they are easily readable.
Leisure Spare time Leisure reading can not only be relaxing but also one
of the most productive hobbies.
Mediocre Average The painting is neither too good nor too bad, it is just
Melodious pleasing to the ear Such a melodious voice is bound to please even the
most discerning of music critics.
Taint To soil The scam-tainted ministers will be denied any party
post or ministry in future, the P.M. asserted at the
press conference on the scam.

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Aloof Reserved Never the one to bare her feelings in the open,
Renuka mostly keeps aloof from the rest of the

Blatant Very showy or noisy The official, it was alleged, had made many
unjustified appointments in blatant violation of
selection norms.

Caricature A representation, especially The trial was a caricature of justice.

pictorial or literary, in which the
subject's distinctive features or
peculiarities are deliberately
exaggerated to produce a comic
or grotesque effect

Contaminate To pollute As per a news report, two bottles of the widely

popular Tangola drink were found to be
contaminated with mud and dead insects and were
sent to the FDA for analysis.

Deviate To turn aside Oh God! Grant us the power and the sagacity not to
deviate from our chosen paths, come what may.

Inanimate Lifeless The rather inanimate portrayal of a gusty girl,

without any freshness or novelty in approach, had
half the audience sleeping in their chairs.

Incapacitate Disable Depression is notorious for incapacitating its victim's

ability to function normally in a social environment.

Incompetent Lacking ability The incompetent successors of Bansi Khan, who

lacked both the ability and the will to work, caused
the downfall of his once-flourishing business.

Latent Present but undeveloped, dormant The latency of the tension between the two friends
was revealed when they moved the court over a
seemingly trivial issue.

Lax Not strict These college girls are able to cheat during the final
exams mainly because of lax vigilance by the
invigilation staff posted by the university.

Mayhem Violence Oh! The mayhem that resulted when the monkey-
man struck in Delhi.

Meddlesome Interfering. Her meddlesome attitude robbed her off the few
friends she has.

Mediate To settle a dispute I am not ready to mediate this time between the two
warring factions because I have already burnt my
fingers: the last time I got nothing but abuses from
both the sides.

Opportunist One who takes advantage of She was an opportunist, and thus never turned down
circumstances to gain his ends any chance to get ahead.

Parasite A free-loader By giving alms to beggars, many of us feel proud

that we have done our social duty, but in reality, we
are encouraging their parasitic habits.

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Affection Fond attachment He has great affection for his younger brother.
Apparition Ghost She had died a long time back; probably you have
seen her apparition, if you believe in them and if
they exist.
Incarcerate Imprison The judge had ordered his incarceration, but the jail
official pleaded helplessness as there was no room
left in the jail to accommodate the new prisoner.
Inception A start Ever since its inception in the early 1950s, the
Planning Commission has been busy making 5-year
plans for the optimal socio-economic development
of India and this continues even in these liberalized
Quote: Wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience, not the lessons of retirement and leisure. Great necessities call out great
Incinerate Burn up The hospital rules require that the medical waste
must be incinerated to prevent any spread of
Inclement Harsh The inclement jury, impervious to all his pleas for
mercy, slapped a fine of $ 10 million on him.
Incontrovertible Not debatable, true The Church was an incontrovertible institution
before Renaissance made its advent.
Juxtapose To place close together Juxtapose the administrations of Bush and Obama
to find the culprit of America's downfall.
Kindle Set on fire Regrettably, we need national crises like Kargil to
kindle our fire of patriotism, which should always
be burning in our hearts.
Lampoon Ridicule A cartoon, by definition, is meant to lampoon the
character concerned and if it does not, it is not a
cartoon at all.
Medley A mixture The concert has a harmonious medley of Indian and
western musical forms.
Opulence Affluence The opulence of the tycoon's lifestyle was
demonstrated by the solid gold cutlery on the large
dining room table.
Parley To confer The BSP members were seen parleying with both
the BJP and the Congress for hammering out an
acceptable formula for government formation in
Parochial Local The parochial-minded elements within the
community, who cannot think beyond the confines
of their own religious teachings, are a real threat to
communal harmony.
Tactile Sensed by touch Human tactile sense, dependent on the presence of
touch-sensitive cells in the skin, is probably the
least prominent of all human senses and has
attracted very little research.

Quote: Every uneducated person is a caricature of himself.

Home Task: Word List -12
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Inanimate:

2. Incontrovertible:

3. Opportunist:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Inclement:

2. Juxtapose:

3. Incinerate:

4. Parochial:

5. Tangible:

Quote: As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.

Revision Test 4: Word List 10, 11 and 12
1. Flout: You are foolish to flout such good advice.

1. Reject 2. Mock 3. Break 4. Regret

2. Desolate: After the fire, the forest land was in complete desolation.

1. Renewal 2. Ruin 3. Fancy 4. Verdant

3. Deride: They derided me for my fear of the dark.

1. Ridiculed 2. Understood 3. Accepted 4. Counseled

4. Innocuous: She took my innocuous remark as an insult.

1. Purposeful 2. Ostentatious 3. Pensive 4. Harmless

5. Enthrall: The captive people were enthralled by their conquerors.

1. Fascinated 2. Indebted 3. Flustered 4. Enslaved

6. Judicious: Judicious parents encourage their children to make their own decisions.

1. Strict 2. Wise 3. Disciplinarian 4. Liberal

7. Enigmatic: We could not understand their enigmatic answers to our questions.

1. Obscure 2. Lucid 3. Enlightening 4. Prolific

8. Debilitate: A hot, wet, tropical climate debilitates those who are not used to it.

1. Is healthy 2. Toughens 3. Diseases 4. makes weak

9. Condone: Good friends will condone each other's faults.

1. Magnify 2. Rectify 3. Pardon 4. Analyse

10. Arrogance: He was a talented actor, but his arrogance mde him unpopular.

1. Fees 2. Pride 3. Modesty 4. Misdemeanors

11. Enunciate: Radio and TV announcers must enunciate clearly.

1. Think 2. See 3. Articulate 4. Hear

12. Dearth: A dearth of food in Baghdad caused prices to go up.

1. Excess 2. Plethora 3. Rot 4. Paucity

13. Confiscate: The teacher confiscated several comic books.

1. Assigned 2. Seized 3. Prescribed 4. Proscribed

14. Elegance: The palace had elegant furnishings.

1. Dowdy 2. Modest 3. Ornate 4. restrained luxury

15. Debacle: The election was a great debacle for the party in power since most of its candidates lost.

1. Victory 2. Challenge 3. Period 4. Rout

16. Like the frog in the well, he is rather too –– in his outlook.

1. Global 2. Insular 3. Parochial 4. Trident

Quote: Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.

17. In such business, if an agent is unskillful or from any cause --------- , he is immediately discharged.

1. Incompetent 2. Aplomb 3. Converge 4. Frolic

18. Government security, by comparison, is surprisingly ------- .

1. Reason 2. Arduous 3. Superb 4. Lax

19. Counties also have ranches or camps to --------juveniles for longer periods, usually an average of six

1. Cruise 2. Incarcerate 3. Delicate 4. Acerbic

20. They adore the portability, the-------- nature of the device, and the overall convenience.

1. Tactile 2. Imbroglio 3. Humble 4. Prediction

21. The exasperated gardener ran after the children creating -----------in the flower-beds.

1. Mayhem 2. Eliminate 3. Abate 4. Clamor

22. A treaty was reached by a 40-nation ---------- in Geneva.

1. Parley 2. Wanton 3. Bruise 4. Solitude

23. Staff meetings that were once ---------are now tense

1. Genteel 2. Journey 3. Deluxe 4. Jovial

24. The new ensemble was a/n ––- of three different bands.

1. Conglomeration 2. Assortment 3. Miscellany 4. Clatter

25. With a patrician demeanor that can convey both hauteur and-------- , she is the paragon of the city's
haute bourgeoisie.

1. Vulnerable 2. Charisma 3. Perplex 4. Lenient

26. No faith or culture should -------- the outrages against them.

1. Urge 2. Condone 3. Mystic 4. Pique

27. Without a doubt, this action demanded retaliation and ---------.

1. Precursory 2. Retribution 3. Eccentric 4. Cringe

28. Tell the truth, and so puzzle and--------- your adversaries.

1. Impression 2. Overawe 3. Confound 4. Recognition

29. Scammers began seizing on the ----------,marketing fake antivirus services.

1. Debacle 2. Campaign 3. Strange 4. Violent

30. With a little push, these plants could serve as hubs for a ------- hydrogen-distribution network.

1. Nascent 2. Accommodate 3. Sustain 4. Ramble

Word List -13: Article

Longevity Pronunciation: lon-jev-i-tee, lawn-

Mnemonic Aid to Learn Longevity:

Mnemonic aid to learn longevity:
Longevity can be learnt easily by
breaking it into two parts long + evity
and it can be written in this way to
mean that something has a long life
.e.g. long + evity of carpet.

Meaning of longevity:
1. Great duration/length/period of an
individual life or life of some things
2. Long period of service in an

Sentence Examples for Longevity:

1. Longevity of her beauty had always
surprised people around her.
2. Longevity of the carpet was ensured
with the usage of good quality threads.
3. His longevity in the office of clerk has
won the hearts of many.

Requisite Pronunciation: rek-wuh-zit

Mnemonic Aid to Learn Requisite:

REQUISITE is a relatively simple word

with easy application rules. To learn the
word it can be broken into the phrase
required at site that would come to
mean that something is required at the
site and hence is necessary for the
proper functioning of the same. Hence,
it would come to mean anything that is
necessary for a particular purpose.

Meanings of Requisite:
1. Required or necessary for a particular
purpose, position, etc.

Sentence Examples for Requisite:

1. A university degree has become a requisite for entry into many professions.
2. She lacks the requisite experience for the job.

Quote: A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.

Word List -13
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Divest Strip, deprive Mr. Irresponsible has been divested of all his powers
and responsibilities by the management keeping in
view his suspected involvement in financial bungling,
till further orders.
Knowledge Facts, information, awareness Knowledge cannot be gained only by reading books.
Intuition Instinctive knowledge or Intuition cannot be relied on.
Manifold Many The population of India has increased manifold after
independence and so have the educational facilities.
Manipulate To change for one's own profit The Congress alleged that it was only because the
Akali Dal had manipulated the counting process that
the Dal was able to win the elections in Punjab
Miser A covetous, grasping person, A miser called MakhichoosLal made a donation of
one who hoards money one lakh for the orphanage! Are you kidding with me?

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Credence Believability You need not attach any credence to what he says
because he is always spreading one of his false
Exhilarate To invigorate The exhilarating news of his topping the test after so
many attempts was enough to send us all into an
extremely joyous mood.
Gimmick A deceptive device Do not be misled by this discount sale ad, it’s just
another gimmick to push sales.
Intrinsic Inherent This coin may have 25 paise printed on it, but
believe me, the intrinsic value of this coin in terms of
metal and labour is much more than that.
Introspection Self analysis It is quite easy to find faults with others, but if we
introspect, we are likely to come up with many more
deficiencies in ourselves.
Introvert Withdrawn, turned inwards On her face, she appears to be quite an introvert, but
once you speak to her, all your myths will be busted,
she is as open, friendly and outgoing as any teenager
her age.
Invincible Not conquerable The myth of the invincibility of the USA has been
convincingly broken by the September 11
happenings when some Taliban workers managed to
hit the WTC and the Pentagon, leading to massive
damage and loss of life.

Quote: We lament the speed of our society and the lack of depth and the nature of disposable information.

Longevity Unusually prolonged life. Regular practice of yoga promotes longevity.
Malleable Capable of being shaped or The highly malleable nature of this new material is
formed, tractable, pliable the reason that it is the preferred choice for making
articles of complicated shapes.
Prestige Influence She earned great prestige for herself as an ideal
teacher while in college.
Repercussion Reaction The current riots will have far-reaching
repercussions for India in terms of decreased foreign
investment inflow, reduced international tourist
traffic and a general battering of its international
Requisite Necessary Because the B. Tech in Computer Science involves
lots of mathematical work, a sound knowledge of
mathematics is an essential requisite for getting
admission to the programme.

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Credulity Readiness to believe His credulity led others to make him the butt of
their concocted stories and rumours.
Credulous Tending to believe too readily, I am not so credulous as to be taken in by his smart
gullible talk, I know him too well to be taken in by what he
is saying.
Exhortation An encouraging speech The Principal's exhortation to their newly-admitted
students to work single-mindedly towards their goal
had a lasting impact on their minds.
Exonerate To free from blame The judge had no choice in the matter but to
exonerate him of the allegations leveled against him
as there was no evidence to support them.
Guileless Without deceit The charm of a baby’s all-welcoming, guileless
smile harboring no ill will.
Humane Kind The state government's act of waiving off the farm
loans in view of the floods has been welcomed as a
humane gesture by most farmers' unions.
Inundate Overwhelm, to cover with a While there were very few takers for fashion
flood designing a few years ago, fashion design institutes
are these days practically inundated with admission
applications, forcing them to conduct rigorous
entrance tests to select the best ones.
Inured Accustomed to accepting He, being inured to misfortunes, he does not get
something undesirable ruffled over trivia.
Lambaste Scold severely He is frequently lambasted by his boss for not
acting quickly.
Lament Grieve The media analyst laments the loss of innocence
and naturalness among children as a consequence of
over-exposure to electronic media.
Lithe Flexible Her extremely lithe body enabled her to perform
Quote: A woman knows by intuition, or instinct, what is best for herself.

almost impossible gymnastic feats with great ease.
Lofty Haughtily Experience shows that the lofty ideals like equal
distribution of wealth contained in our constitution
have not been realized till date.
Loquacious Talkative A loquacious talker as he was, Gaaldi could talk for
hours at a stretch.
Lucrative Highly profitable. Most of the people pursue MBA for the sole
purpose of pitching for lucrative salaries.
Malice Evil intent Despite the fact that almost 20 years have passed
since Sidhi was cheated by his cousin, the feeling of
malice still lingers on.
Malicious Spiteful The news story was full of malicious remarks
against the hospital administrator.
Pretense False appearance or action When the 1400/- flat tax scheme was announced,
intended to deceive, ostentation many shopkeepers felt that the government was
trying to identify people who can actually pay
income tax under the pretense of this scheme.
Raucous Loud and rowdy The raucous atmosphere in the Loksabha, with
members shouting and hurling slogans, left the
visiting team in doubt that the time had come to
impose strict discipline.
Reprimand To tell, off rebuke severely The reprimand these mischievous girls had got last
time from the principal over their wrongdoings has
done little to prevent them from indulging in their
stupid pranks again.
Reprisal Retaliation Yesterday’s firing by the Indian soldiers was a kind
of reprisal against the earlier Pak bombing on the
Indian troops.
Repulsive Offensive Eating non-vegetarian food is a far cry; he finds
even its mention quite repulsive.
Tatter Rag The beggar in tatters pleaded with her to give him
some woolens as his clothes were insufficient
protection against winter.

Quote: There is in general good reason to suppose that in several respects the gods could all benefit from instruction by us human
beings. We humans are - more humane.

Home Task: Word List -13
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Introvert:

2. Loquacious:

3. Malicious:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Exonerate:

2. Inundate:

3. Lithe:

4. Malice:

5. Repulsive:

Quote: The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important.

Word List -14: Article

Ominous Pronunciation: om-uh-nuhs

Mnemonic Aid to Learn Ominous:
A simple equation to learn the word:
Ominous: Bad omens!

We all know what omens are, right?

Omens are ‘a sign of something about to
happen’ and these are little things that we
take out from our everyday life.

Meanings of Ominous:
1. Portending evil or harm; foreboding;
threatening; inauspicious.
2. Having the significance of an omen.

Sentence Examples for Ominous:

1. Manchester United seem to be in ominous form and this does not bode well for their competitors.
2. We generally regard a cat crossing our way as an ominous sign of things to come.
3. The weather seems to have taken a turn today we seem to be surrounded by a blanket of ominous dark

Interrogate Pronunciation: in-ter-uh-geyt

The word Interrogate is a verb and is a
procedure where a person is asked a series of
questions to seek answers or information. It
originated around 1475-1485 and has been
derived from the Latin word interrogātus.

Meanings of Interrogate:
1. To pose a series of questions to.
2. To question someone thoroughly, often in
an aggressive or threatening manner.
3. To transmit a request to a computer
program, or device, for information.

Master’s Tip to Learn Interrogate:

The word interrogate can be remembered by
recalling all those fiction detective shows and
novels we may have gone through at some
points in our lives. In such works, the police
often interrogated a suspect in order to solve
a crime.

Sentence Examples for Interrogate:

1. The police interrogated him about the accident.
2. His computer interrogated the printer to determine the status of the printing job.
3. The military is much better equipped to interrogate prisoners.

Quote: If you have to lie, cheat, steal, obstruct and bully to get your point across, it must not be a point capable of surviving on its
own merits.

Word List -14
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Depreciation A lowering in value or an The depreciation in her property led her into financial
underrating in worth. troubles.
Evasive Elusive The superstar was quite evasive during the interview
and gave very unclear answers to most questions,
which indicated that he was not ready to part with the
details on his personal life.
Indifferent Having no interest or concern, This indifferent attitude on part of the government to
impartial the promotion of ancient arts has led to a virtual death
of such rare arts in India.
Interrogate To ask The police interrogated the arrested don to know more
about his links with other criminals.
Lethargic drowsy The reasons behind the lethargic pace of dispensing
justice by the courts in India are inadequate number of
judges, too many pending cases and outdated laws.
Obstruct To fill with impediments so as Tenants must not obstruct access to fire equipment.
to prevent passage, either
wholly or in part

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Crestfallen Dejected He looked very sad and crestfallen after losing the
ambitious project.
Eccentric Odd Kiran’s eccentric ideas at the meeting made
everybody wonder whether she was in her senses or
Extrapolate Conjecture, guess, surmise, We are supposed to work on the basis of the
extend data to derive conclusions information provided to us, we cannot extrapolate
Gullible Easily deceived or cheated The poor gullible fellow believed whatever the
mischievous boys told him and soon handed over all
his money to them in the belief that it would get
doubled within days.
Heyday At one's prime The Congress could not earn this kind of tremendous
popularity even during its heyday, talking of it now
does not stand up to logic.
Insubordinate Disobedient No officer worth his name would tolerate any kind of
insubordination from his juniors in respect of his
Irreconcilable Incompatible, implacable, Because of their irreconcilable differences over
hardline almost every issue, they remained sworn enemies
throughout their lives.

Quote: You have to risk failure to succeed. The important thing is not to make one single mistake that will jeopardize the future.

Jeopardise To put in danger The supervisor feared that he would jeopardize his
job by standing up for his workers
Luminous Shining, issuing light The luminous power of a bulb depends on many
factors including its wattage, current supply and
Lustrous Shining Lustrous and healthy hair is achieved by regular care
and good diet.
Macho A strong man The success of these racy romantic movies sans any
crime shows that the days of macho men, with their
biceps and hefty bodies, ruling the celluloid screen
seem to be over.
Notorious Well known for evil His notorious reputation in the area is the result of
his past track record full of thefts, murders and rapes.
Ominous Threatening 1. The ominously rising inflation this time is giving
sleepless nights to the Finance Minister, who must
now do something concrete to bring it down.
2. The ominous AIDS scenario requires all of us to
be extra vigilant in exercising safety norms.
Premise Assumption The BJP had supported the BSP on the premise that
it would allow it due share in the process of
governance, but contrary to all its beliefs, the BSP
acted otherwise.

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Demean To degrade It is really ridiculous that while the government
could hardly do anything about the demeaning
comment by Ashok Kavi calling Mahatma Gandhi a
“bastard bania” on a TV show, its scissor-happy
censor board finds even expressions like
“bhadwagiri” quite degrading to women.
Fulminate To explode The workers fulminated against the management's
overbearing attitude in the form of an indefinite
Holocaust Total destruction The holocaust which Hiroshima and Nagasaki
experienced as a result of the nuclear bomb is
virtually beyond words.
Jaded Tired Though he appeared to be quite jaded after the day's
hard work, he agreed to our proposal for a short
Lurid Sensational Sir Alfred Hitchcock is often considered a master in
presenting the lurid details of murder.
Machinate Devise an evil plan Shakuni, the Pandvas and the Kuarvas’ maternal
uncle, was always busy machinating, making
devious plans to make somebody fight against the
other for his personal benefits.
Quote: Our obligation is to give meaning to life and in doing so to overcome the passive, indifferent life.

Magnanimity Generosity Bill Gates’ act of donating $5 billion for helping the
underprivileged in their education will go down as
an act of extreme magnanimity of heart and spirit.
Malingerer One who feigns illness to escape A malingerer always has a cooked up story to
duty explain his absence from duty.
Morbid Death-like, diseased, unhealthy While fear is a normal human emotion, phobia is a
morbid fear of something, feel most psychologists.
Occult Existing but not immediately He practices occult sciences.
Ocular Of the eye Ocular transplants are being done at this hospital for
the benefit of those who are suffering from a
clouded cornea.
Officiate To umpire The Vice-Principal has been asked by the
management to officiate in view of the Principal's
Omniscient Knowing all things No human being can claim to be omniscient, after
all, there is a limit to one’s capacity to learn and
retain different things.
Presage Omen The early monsoons presages an early and
exceptionally chilly winter season.
Presumptuous Overstepping due bounds of Please do not be so presumptuous while dealing
courtesy, taking liberties with the Director, stay within your limits to avoid
any problems.
Pretentious Acting superior As any job consultant will tell you, the prime
concern at an interview should be: Do not be
pretentious to impress, just be your natural self.
Replenish Fill again The in-charge of the guest-house asked the servant
to replenish the empty bucket with hot water so that
the visitors could have a bath.
Reprehend To find fault Critics have the ability to both praise and reprehend.
Suppress Put down Despite his best efforts, he could not suppress his
desire to come out openly against the remarks of the
Treacherous Likely to betray trust, marked by He was stabbed in the back by one of his own
hidden dangers, perfidious snake-in-the-grass treacherous friends.

Quote: There's nothing worse than a bunch of jaded old farts, and that's a fact.

Home Task: Word List -14
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Extrapolate:

2. Malingerer:

3. Omniscient:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Fulminate:

2. Holocaust:

3. Machinate:

4. Pretentious:

5. Suppress:

Quote: Once conform, once do what others do because they do it, and a kind of lethargy steals over all the finer senses of the soul.

Word List -15: Article

Grindstone Pronunciation: grahynd-stohn

At some point of time, we have all

seen grindstones. And we have rubbed our
noses against it also(more so figuratively
rather than literally). Grindstones are
basically stones used for grinding :).

How do they look? Just like in the picture


Meanings of Grindstone:
1. A revolving stone disk used for grinding,
polishing, or sharpening tools.
2. A millstone.

Idiom based on Grindstone:

Keep / put one's nose to the
grindstone: This idiom means to work,
study, or practice hard and steadily or to
cause someone to do so: If I put my nose
to the grindstone, I'll finish the jobin as
soon as a week.

Sentence Examples for Grindstone:

1. There's a gaudy big grindstone down at the mill, and we'll smouch it, and carve the things on it, and file out
the pens and the saw on it, too. -Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Twain, Mark
2. That the impact of your army may be like a grindstone dashed against an egg--this is effected by the science
of weak points and strong. -The Art of War by Sun, Tzu

Vacillate Pronunciation: vas-uh-leyt

Mnemonic Aid to Learn Vacillate:
You have to agree with us when we say
that vacillate sounds like Oscillate and this
is what you need to remember in order to
learn the meaning of this word.

Meanings of Vacillate:
1. To waver in mind or opinion; be
indecisive or irresolute
2. to sway unsteadily; waver; totter;
3. to oscillate or fluctuate.

Sentence Examples for Vacillate:

1. His tendency to vacillate makes him a
poor leader.
2. Unable to decide on which restaurant to
enter, she vacillated for hours before
opting for Italian.
3. Pick a direction and go with it instead of
vacillating back & forth.

Quote: One cannot conceive anything so strange and so implausible that it has not already been said by one philosopher or another.

Word List -15
Level-1 Words in the list: Let’s get warmed up

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Concede Give in After about 3 days of game, Kasparov conceded to
Vishwanathan Anand's mighty, intelligent moves.
Escalate Increasing rapidly Since diesel is used in goods transportation vehicles, a
rise in its prices is bound to escalate the prices of all
essential commodities.
Esteem Respect Primarily because of his great experience, all his
colleagues held him in considerable esteem.
Magnificent Grand or majestic in The king lived in a magnificent palace
appearance, quality, or action.
Reconstruct To make over We cannot rely on hearsay, only an eyewitness to the
whole incident can reconstruct accurately the chain of
events leading upto this dangerous consequence.
Shelter Protection Undeterred by the rioting mobs, many do-gooders
gave shelter and food to the minority community
people, who were being targeted for attack by the
Similar Bearing resemblance to one The two women were strikingly similar in their
another or to something else appearance.
Tinge To color slightly Her otherwise chirpy voice was tinged with a sense of
deep sorrow and grief over the tragic accident in
which many of our colleagues had lost their lives.
Velocity Rapid motion The velocity of this bike varies all the time even
though the acceleration is uniform.

Level-2 Words in the list: Let’s take it up a notch

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Compliant Yielding, conforming to The new boss was not ready for any dissenting
requirement opinions from his subordinates and always wanted a
compliant submission to his dictates.
Conceive To think I cannot conceive of a more suitable time apart from
this one to begin our struggle when the government
is already in trouble on many fronts.
Concentric A common center An onion bulb consists of concentric layers of circle-
or ellipse like structures, fitted one above the other,
revealing themselves as you go on peeling them.
Magnate A person of rank or importance. The consulate officer commands respect being a
Majestic Lofty The snowclad Himalayas present a majestic sight,
not to be missed by any avid mountain -lover.
Ponder To think If you care to ponder over the issue for a while, you
will come to realize that the proposal has very far-
reaching implications.
Quote: A tragedy need not have blood and death; it's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness that is the pleasure of
Subside To sink to a lower level, to fall The angry tempers had subsided in the intervening
into a state of quite, abate period and now the two parties were ready to talk to
each other to thrash out a solution to their problem.
Wholesome Healthy 1. Most nutritionists do not consider fast-foods like
pizza and noodles to be wholesome, therefore, they
advise against them.
Complicity Partnership in wrong- doing Since Bhoot Nath, being PA to the MD, is quite
close to him, his complicity in the scandal cannot be
ruled out.
Conceit Think highly of oneself The conceited young man, arrogant because of his
father's official position, behaved in a very rude
manner with his college friends.
Conception An idea The conception of mental illness, as opposed to
physical disease, is quite recent and probably this
explains why people still do not treat mental patients
Conciliatory Reconciling, soothing The conciliatory tone of his speech is a pointer to the
fact that the party is now ready to compromise on
this issue.

Level-3 Words in the list: Time to be a master

Word Primary Meaning Usage Example

Erudite Very learned, scholarly The book, written in an erudite style, is specifically
meant for a person who intends to have a deep
knowledge of the subject.
Grindstone A flat circular stone, used for The grindstone called life transforms ordinary
sharpening tools mortals into respectable personalities.
Grisly Horrible The grisly scene of the mass killings sent a chill
down my spine.
Impassive Revealing no emotion, Face expressions are a very significant part of a
expressionless, stolid dance performance; with such an impassive face,
Sarla cannot expect to bag the Dancing Queen
Impede Hinder, block The high degree of friction in the bearings impeded
the movement of the newly developed vehicle; the
maximum speed that could be achieved was only 30
Insipid Without taste or savor, lacking The otherwise insipid election speech of Lalu was
in spirit, dull made a bit interesting with his witty anecdotes and
couplets in criticism of the opposition members.
Potent Powerful Potassium Cyanide is such a potent poison that
ingesting even a speck of it can lead to a person's
Pragmatic Practical, as opposed to Gappu is not just talking in air, in fact, what he says
idealistic is quite a pragmatic course of action in contrast to
the other impractical proposals.

Quote: Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise both will wither and
Precedent An earlier occurrence that may Since such a request to grant maternity leave to an
serve as an example or rule unmarried girl was received for the first time, there
was no precedent upon which the officer could rely
to deal with this peculiar case.
Precept Law Precepts may provide stringent penalties for such
crimes, but ultimately the common man is
concerned with their implementation in the real
Sheepish Shy Upon seeing the wads of notes tumbling out of the
bank locker and seeing no way to escape from the
situation, Gravy Piddu sheepishly admitted that he
had collected all the money through fraudulent
Subservient Submissive Since the new boss did not like sweet talk, he
intensely disliked this subservient attitude of his
personal secretary.
Timid Afraid The timid husband hid himself under the bed, and
when the wife asked “why are you hiding?”, he
replied sheepishly, “ My sweet will! It‟s my own
Tirade A long, angry, and often abusive The Leader of the Opposition began her tirade
speech against the Vajpayee government by leveling
allegations of kickbacks in the procurement of
substandard caskets by the Army for carrying the
dead soldiers.
Utopia Ideal land „Utopia‟, the perfect, ideal land has been the dream
of many ancient thinkers.
Vacillate To waver indecisively between Initially, he vacillated between the two equally
one course of action and another attractive courses of action, but upon serious
thought, decided to take the plunge in favour of the
Variegate Diversify The rich, variegated and highly sophisticated culture
of our nation is threatened by cheap politics of
various interest groups.
Witchcraft Black magic People accused the old lady of performing
witchcraft on small children.
Wither To shrivel from loss of moisture, 1. Most flowering plants have already withered due
to lose vitality or freshness to excessive shortage of water this season.
2. Her singing talent withered under the combined
onslaught of an indifferent husband, lack of stage
opportunities in town and domestic responsibilities.

Quote: Our life dreams the Utopia. Our death achieves the Ideal.

Home Task: Word List -15
Task 1: Identify the word roots/origin of the following words:

1. Grindstone:

2. Subservient:

3. Subside:

Task 2: List five synonyms each for the following words:

Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4 Synonym-5


Task 3: List a sentence each for the following words:

1. Compliant:

2. Esteem:

3. Pragmatic:

4. Witchcraft:

5. Wither:

Revision Test 5: Word List 13, 14 and 15
1. Malice: Lincoln asked the people to act with "malice towards none, charity towards all."

1. evil intent 2. pulchritude 3. pusillanimity 4. Dishonesty

2. Pretense: I make no pretense for talent for art.

1. false appearance 2. ignorance 3. inhibition 4. Inclination

3. Invincible: The Australian team seemed invincible in the world cup.

1. enfeebled 2. ironical 3. not conquerable 4. Unplayable

4. Humane: We believe in the humane treatment of prisoners.

1. kind 2. cruel 3. cannibalistic 4. Belligerent

5. Inundate: Heavy rains caused the river to inundate and flood the valley.

1. irrigate 2. move away 3. transpire 4. covered with

6. Reprimand: The captain was reprimanded and demoted.

1. promoted 2. trained 3. informed 4. Rebuked

7. Credulous: She was so credulous that the other children could easily fool her.

1. gullible 2. skeptical 3. through 4. Immature

8. Luminous: The suns and stars are luminous bodies.

1. heavenly 2. galactic 3. revolving 4. Shining

9. Crestfallen: Several students went home crestfallen because they had failed the examination.

1. dejected 2. elated 3. stultified 4. Pacified

10. Officiate: The rabbi officiated at the bar mitzvah.

1. umpired 2. empanelled 3. performed religious duties 4. Dazzled

11. Evasive: "I really haven't given it much thought" is an evasive answer.

1. honest 2. elusive 3. direct 4. Transient

12. Suppress: She suppressed a yawn.

1. infected 2. stole 3. initiated 4. put down

13. Reprehend: Cheating is a reprehensible act.

1. avoidable 2. punishable 3. reciprocating 4. deserving blame

14. Treacherous: The king was betrayed by his treacherous advisers.

1. perfidious 2. loyal 3. servile 4. Sincere

15. Credence: Don't give credence to that gossip.

1. impetus 2. believability 3. spread 4. Neglect

16. All dance forms require that the dancer be ---------and malleable.

1. Prominent 2. Lithe 3. Splendor 4. Indignant

Quote: You have to really understand how people speak, and you have to reconstruct it... Most pleasure in writing, you know, is in
17. Seldom has the drive to do good works been as alarmingly, offensively ------------.

1. Odyssey 2. Appreciation 3. Humble 4. Presumptuous

18. We failed to recognize that neither our people nor our leaders are ---------.

1. Omniscient 2. Prominence 3. Disdain 4. Handle

19. The first farmers were less healthy than the hunter-gatherers had been in their-------- .

1. Influence 2. Heyday 3. Credible 4. Entreat

20. He searched the man's ----------- face for some indication that he understood.

1. Deplete 2. Sorrow 3. Relentless 4. Impassive

21. Ketan Anand was taken into custody, as he was suspected of ––– in the murder of Priya Raghvansh.

1. seduction 2. machination 3. complicity 4. Conniving

22. At times, in short, his -------tone has been read as weakness.

1. Obliterate 2. Conciliatory 3. Rescind 4. Attention

23. The ideal --------is a place where most of us dream to live in, a perfect world where society and
economics go hand in hand.

1. Utopia 2. Frolic 3. Ruminant 4. Atone

24. Federal policy towards tribal governments has ------- between two extremes.

1. Vacillated 2. Prone 3. Somber 4. Contemptuous

25. It is too early to tell whether the protests will--------- into a full-blown political crisis.

1. Diffuse 2. Escalate 3. Ornament 4. Whisper

26. The meal that the chef prepared was-------, the tastes combined to leave me hunger less.

1. Insipid 2. Tumble 3. Attribute 4. Diligent

27. Let those with open and hence less readable minds, --------.

1. Appalling 2. Ponder 3. Ceremonious 4. Sublime

28. Our core service is utilizing our accountancy and business expertise to provide ---------, technically
correct and honest advice.

1. Reticent 2. Dolorous 3. Pragmatic 4. Askew

29. Cruise ship operator should prosper if hurricane and terrorism fears -------- .

1. Domain 2. Reveal 3. Subside 4. Endeavor

30. You see endless stories about how models, media and celebrities destroy women’s self -------.

1. Dominance 2. Submissive 3. Esteem 4. Invoke

Answer Key

RT 03 RT 04 RT 05
1. 1 1. 3 1. 1
2. 3 2. 2 2. 4
3. 2 3. 1 3. 3
4. 4 4. 4 4. 1
5. 4 5. 1 5. 4
6. 4 6. 2 6. 4
7. 1 7. 1 7. 1
8. 3 8. 4 8. 4
9. 4 9. 3 9. 1
10. 4 10. 2 10. 1
11. 1 11. 3 11. 2
12. 1 12. 4 12. 4
13. 4 13. 2 13. 2
14. 1 14. 4 14. 1
15. 1 15. 4 15. 2
16. 4 16. 3 16. 2
17. 1 17. 1 17. 4
18. 1 18. 4 18. 1
19. 1 19. 2 19. 2
20. 4 20. 1 20. 4
21. 1 21. 1 21. 4
22. 3 22. 1 22. 2
23. 3 23. 4 23. 1
24. 3 24. 1 24. 1
25. 4 25. 2 25. 2
26. 2 26. 2 26. 1
27. 3 27. 2 27. 2
28. 4 28. 3 28. 3
29. 1 29. 1 29. 3
30. 3 30. 1 30. 3


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