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Elec1710 - Week 7 - Microprocessor Systems

A computer/microprocessor is a digital circuit which moves and manipulates data in a way defined
by its programming

The program is a list of instructions which are performed in sequence

Main components

 Central processing unit (CPU)

o Fetches instructions from memory, decodes and executes
 Memory
 Input/output ports (keyboard/mouse etc)
 Data routing circuitry (busses/multiplexers etc)

Elements of a cpu

 ALU – arithmetic and logic unit

o Performs arithmetic and logic
o Takes 2 operands and an operation code as input, produces an arithmetic result as
an output
o Typically built from combinational logic
 Register array
o Registers store groups of bits in groups of flip flops
o Store temporary results during program execution
o Typically built from d flip flops
 Control Circuit
o Converts instruction opcodes into internal control signals
o These signals serve 2 broad functions
 Dictate the movement of data
 Select particular operations to be performed by the ALU
 Program counter
o Keeps track of addresses of the next instruction in memory
o PC is normally incremented by CPU control unit as successive instructions are
fetched from memory
 Control Unit Overview
o Just a really big state machine
 Tells the ALU what operation to do
 MUX’s which data to select
 Memory to read/write/enable
 Registers select read or write

Putting the pieces together

 Fetching
o The binary machine code is copied from program memory into the control circuit on
the first clock
 Decoding
o The control circuit converts the opcode into internal control signals
o On the next clock
 Executing


 A multiplexer MUX routes data from one of the data inputs D0 D1 D2 D3 to the output Y
 Select inputs S1 and S0 determine which data input is chosen, s1 is most significant bit

Tri state Buffer

 Tristate buffers can also be used instead of a multiplexer

Memory write operation

 Address is placed on the address bus

 Data is places on data bus
 A WRITE command is issued

Memory read operation

 Address is placed on the address bus

 A read command is issued
 Memory puts a copy of the data on the data bus, content of which is read into the data


 RAM = Random access memory

o All addresses can be selected in any order
o Also called read/write memory
o Volatile only stores data when power is applied
o SRAM = bits stored in a latch or flip flop
o DRAM bits stored as charge on a capacitor
 ROM = Read-only memory
o Data storage is permanent (or semi permanent)
o Non-volatile – retains stored data when power is turned off
o Ex. BIOS

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