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By Ernest Gary Gygax & Benoist Poire
Editor: Wayne Tripp
Art: Mark Allen
Layout: Troll Lord Games

Produced by the Chenault Brothers

Copyright (c) 2022 GP Adventures LLC. All rights reserved. The Marmoreal Tomb TM is trademark GP Adven-
tures LLC. All rights reserved. Text, art and maps are properties of GP Adventures LLC. All rights reserved. GP
Adventures is the imprint and property of Ernest Gary Gygax Jr. and Benoist Poire, All rights reserved.”




Frequency: Very rare
LIST OF NEW MONSTERS No. Encountered: 1d100 (10 x 1d100 for major lairs)
Excludes NPCs, unique creatures (avatar of Iyorthar) or Size: S
close variants (Purple gnolls). Move: 480 ft. flying
Armor Class: 0
Achaean Firebird Hit Dice: 1+1
Treasure Type: Special (see below)
Bundled Amber Mummy
Attacks: 1
Cadaverous Caterpillar Damage: 0 or 1d4 melting substance
Catfish Worm Special Attacks: Attacks as 4 HD
Chak-Ta (Bat-men, Gravespawn) Special Defences: Fire Resistance
Magic Resistance: Standard
Chaos Cicada
Lair Probability: 80%
Crimson Red Worm Intelligence: Animal
Cyclops, Elder Alignment: Neutral
Dragon, Celadon Level/XP: II/28 + 2/HP
Firebug Achaean firebirds are slender birds not unlike ibises
Giant Hellbender Salamander or egrets with crystalline feathers shining in shades of
Giant Millipede yellows, oranges, and reds. These birds have a furnace of
molten matter in their stomachs and develop a natural
Golem (Shard) fire resistance that incites them to nest near tremendous
Golem (Scroll) sources of heat.
Golem (Leather)
Achaean firebirds are attracted to metals and shining
Golem (Limestone)
surfaces. When such items enter their field of vision,
Graveworm, Dire Graveworm they try to grab onto them with their claws first, which
Green Men of Iyon inflict no damage individually, or 1 point with two birds
Hogre combined on a single target. A secured bird then uses
its elongated beak as a proboscis to inject the molten
Horla (Vampire Cloud)
substance in its stomach onto the metallic or shining
Horned Slug surface, melt it, and suck it back up into its belly. The
Korrigan bird then flies away and regurgitates the molten product
Mhole to build and tend to its nest. One to four (1d4) birds will
Muck-dwelling Bottom Feeder generally fight over a single target, though this number
can increase to 2d6 or more if close to the firebirds’ lair.
Obrachaeans - Skirmisher, Warrior, Assassin, and Herald
Obsidian Jelly A lair usually presents itself as a tunnel in the ground,
Octofish a vent in a volcano, or a chimney of some type with an
active source of intense heat at one end and an opening
Olmechean Pygmy
to the surface or a network of natural caves on the other.
Orchidean Drone (Fungus man) The closest nests to the surface will be made of poor and
Red Apes of Iyon relatively cheap metals, like tin, copper, and iron. The
Undead - Black Bones, Ashen Bones, Cremated Remains deeper into the lair, the more valuable the alloys used
Utukku (Puffer Fish men) to weave the nests. 1d10 GP value per nest for the first
hundred feet into the lair, then multiply such value by a
Utluz (Frog men) factor of 10 for every additional hundred feet, i.e. nests a
Yellow Men of Iyon hundred to two hundred feet deep will have a 1d10 x 10
GP value, made of electrum, silver perhaps, two to three
hundred feet deep will reveal 1d10 x 100 GP value nests


made of precious metals like gold, platinum, and beyond amber mummy for the amount of damage they inflict.
might be amazing natural works of art made of meteoric
or even magic metals. Disturbing the nests will draw out Cold spells are the bane of the amber mummy: They
the firebirds and cause them to defend their homes. The slow it 50% in addition to their normal effects and make
birds will ignore humanoids not wearing any reflective it vulnerable to blunt weapons for full damage. Worse
or metal surfaces at all, but if the nests are disturbed this yet, hitting it with fire immediately after it has been
will change and they will attack with their beaks and the target of a cold spell, during the same melee round
molten secretions. or the previous one, would make the fire deal damage
instead of healing the creature, as the amber cracks
AMBER MUMMY under the influence of the cold and the diseased flesh of
Frequency: Very rare the undead is briefly exposed. Magic weapons enchanted
No. Encountered: 1-4 with cold damage will hurt an amber mummy at +1 per
Size: M die of damage; those rare magic weapons enchanted
Move: 60 ft. with both cold and fire will inflict +2 points of damage
Armor Class: 3 per die rolled.
Hit Dice: 6+3
Attacks: 2+ Frequency: Uncommon
Damage: 1d12/1d12 No. Encountered: 2-6
Special Attacks: Fear, repeating hits, rotting disease Size: M
Special Defences: Only hit by +1 weapons Move: 60 ft.
Magic Resistance: as mummy Armor Class: 6
Lair Probability: 90% Hit Dice: 3+2 (5-26 HP)
Intelligence: Low Treasure Type: B
Alignment: Lawful Evil Attacks: 4 tentacles.
Level/XP: VII/2,000 + 13/HP Damage: 1-3 and paralysis per tentacle (x4)
Special Attacks: Surprise 1-5, Paralysis, Lay eggs.
Amber mummies usually appear as bundles of linen Special Defences: Camouflage, soft structure, no harm
drenched in solid amber and scented oils. These bundles from blunt weapons.
are receptacles of multiple bodies mingled together in the Magic Resistance: Standard.
afterlife. Most of the time, the remains contained within Lair Probability: 40%
a single bundle will be related, but this isn’t the only Intelligence: Semi.
possible reason, as their status as servants of the state or Alignment: Chaotic.
local public heroes may have joined them together in the Level/XP: III/120 + 3/HP
memory of the people and culture who led them to rest.
The Cadaverous Caterpillar appears as a white, bulbous,
Repeating hits: If one of the amber mummy’s attacks hit, worm-like creature with two sets of tiny black eyes and
another roll to hit is made for another d12 damage. If that four translucent, gooey tentacles spreading from the rim
hits as well, another roll to hit is made for the same, and of its sharp-toothed mouth.
so on. These extra attacks simulate extra arms within
the bundle reaching out to hit a target opportunistically The fat giant larva has a natural ability to blend into
when they become aware of its presence nearby. its surroundings. It seeks to paralyze its victims to use
them as hosts for its eggs in a dreadful reproduction
The bundled amber mummy is an absolute horror, a cycle. There, it will inject 2-8 eggs inside the stomach
mass of linen, oils, perfumes, and body parts all encased of the unfortunate carrier. These eggs will burst out
in a crust of amber. They are mummies in most respect, and kill their host in 5-10 days. Only a complex, six
meaning they cause rotting disease by touch, are only hit hours procedure involving 500 GP worth of medicine
by +1 weapons or better, and for only half damage, and per egg and culminating with the casting of Feign Death
trigger fear and revulsion in any creature. They have a and Cure Disease can get rid of them. The glands of the
mummy’s spell immunities and vulnerabilities as well. Cadaverous Caterpillar secreting its paralyzing slime at
Fire heals a bundled amber mummy, and cold will harm the base of each one of its tentacles can each be treated
it. Torches will heal the amber mummy for 1d3 HP; flasks alchemically to replace one dose of medicine during the
of oil will heal for 1d8 HP during the first round, twice procedure. The cost of the alchemical process is 200 GP
that amount on the second. Magical fires will heal the per gland (one per tentacle, four per caterpillar).


The Cadaverous Caterpillar can consume and combine If the pseudopods around the mouth hit, the d4 used for
minerals and metals with its flesh to regurgitate a jelly- damage also indicates the exact number of pseudopods
like substance that can act as a host replacement, albeit burrowing in the flesh of the victim for d4 damage each
with much greater losses of viable larvae (90% or more) on the next melee round, and until hit on the head to
during the gestation phase due to the lack of nutrients a release its prey (attack at -4 to hit for the prey itself).
body would otherwise provide.
The catfish worm is virtually invulnerable to blunt and
When camouflaged the caterpillar can surprise on 1-5. piercing weapons due to the very thick layer of fat covering
Because of its soft body structure, the caterpillar can its body. Its skin secretes an acid corrosive to metal which
drop from any height without suffering any concussion destroys such weapons in 1-3 rounds. Slashing weapons do
damage. Likewise, it is completely impervious to blunt half-damage and essentially pop some of the underlying
weapons. The caterpillar is an excellent climber, like layers of fat under the worm’s skin out to the open, like
most of its smaller cousins. popcorn bursting out on a hot stove. Keep track of the
number of cuts the worm sustains during a fight: it is the
Once the Cadaverous Caterpillar has laid eggs and maximum number of d6 fire damage the creature can
fattened itself to commensurate proportions, the take in a single melee round. The fat can be set on fire for
creature will make its way to a site where it can produce 1d6 damage by torch and similar mundane flames, taking
a large chrysalis and begin its metamorphosis. After full damage from fire spells and natural explosions from
2 to 8 weeks, the caterpillar will emerge as a CHAOS flaming oil and the like.
CICADA (q.v.).
Frequency: Rare Chak-Ta (Bat- Gravespawn
No. Encountered: Man)
Size: L Frequency: Rare Very Rare
Move: 90ft./240 ft. swimming
No. Encountered: 4-40 3-18
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 6 Size: M M

Treasure Type: I Move: 90 ft./120 ft flying 90 ft./120 ft flying

Attacks: 2 Armor Class: 6 4
Damage: 1d4/1d4 pseudopods around mouth, 5d4
tail slap. If hit by a pseudopod, the d4 of damage also Hit Dice: 2 4

indicates the number of pseudopods burrowing their Treasure Type: K, L, M per Mx3 per
individual, D individual, E
way into the flesh of the victims on the next melee round
for an additional 1d4 damage each. Attacks: 2 melee plus 1 bite 2 melee plus 1
if both hit bite if both hit,
Special Attacks: Surprise on a 1-4 in water, ability followed by blood
to spider climb cavern walls and drop on prey. drain
Special Defences: Poison immunity Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d8 1d4/1d4/1d10
Magic Resistance: Standard
Special Attacks: Surprise (flight) 1-3 Surprise (flight) 1-3
Lair Probability: 80% on d6 on d6, blood drain.
Intelligence: Low Special Defences: Nil Nil
Alignment: Neutral
Level/XP: VI/1,000 + 7/HP Magic Resistance: Standard Standard

A long, fast predator in the water able to climb walls Lair Probability: 60% 80%

and ceilings with its tiny vestigial limbs for up to three Intelligence: Low High
(3) melee rounds before needing to breathe underwater, Alignment: Lawful Evil Lawful Evil
the catfish worm has a distinctive, fish-like bearded face
Level/XP: II/28 + 2/HP IV/165 + 5/HP
with huge black eyes and four pseudopods surrounding
a small gaping maw. Its anguilliform body is dark grey- The Chak-Ta are humanoid bat-men. They are gaunt,
green, spotted black on the top and sides, and pale grey with flat faces, red eyes and no noses, big bat ears, grey
on the belly. The catfish worm is insulated from harm by skin and fur, and leathery wings. They can fly and glide
the Utukku’s quills, due to the thick layer of fat covering spreading their wings. While the normal variety can
its entire body. live in all sorts of dark and damp environments, the


Gravespawn are attracted by carrion and the stench of surroundings for 1-3 rounds, then making another saving
death and are often found around the lairs of the undead, throw every round until they succeed and can avert their
particularly liches and vampires. eyes. These wings are greatly sought after by the elves who
create elven cloaks of elvenkind out of them.
When attacking the Chak-Ta try to hit with both claws
at the top of their wings. If both hit, a bite immediately In addition to the fascination created by their wings, the
takes place, but while this is just a nasty bite from the Chaos cicada secretes hormones that induce lethargy on
plain bat-men, the Gravespawn starts to suck on the a failed saving throw versus poison, (-4 to hit, -2 AC and
victim’s blood vessels and arteries on the next round damage) and drowsiness on a success (-1 to hit, -1 AC).
resulting in a drain of 2d6 hit points and the loss of 1 STR These pheromones hit the nervous system of those who
cumulative per melee round after that. The Gravespawn smell them, making them ready for consumption. Their
does not drain levels and is not undead. The loss of corpses will not spoil and remain pristine for 2-5 weeks,
Strength incurred by the drain of a Gravespawn can be making them appropriate hosts for future cadaverous
regained at a rate of one point per full 8-hour period caterpillar offspring.
of rest. Some Gravespawn may occasionally be affected
by holy symbols, but more out of gullibility than true The cicada’s modes of attack include a grab routine
clerical power. Make a test of Charisma to see just how using two of its legs. If both legs hit, then the victim is
the Cleric projects while attempting to repel them. Not brought to the insect’s mouth and receives an additional,
all Gravespawn, especially those who are often in contact automatic 2-8 damage. This automatic damage will
with adventurers, are that naive, however. repeat itself the next round until the victim dies or hits
at -4 on the die to free itself from the cicada’s grasp. The
CHAOS CICADA wing flap is a general area attack that affects all targets
Frequency: Uncommon directly in front of the cicada in a cone 10 feet wide at the
No. Encountered: 1-3 base against the insect’s abdomen and 50 feet wide at its
Size: L end, 50 feet away from its body.
Move: 60 ft./240 ft. flying
Armor Class: 6 The Chaos cicada retains some of the natural resistance
Hit Dice: 4 of the cadaverous caterpillar against blunt weapons and
Treasure Type: B damage, taking only half damage from such sources.
Attacks: 1 or 2 It does have organs that can be hurt, however, which
Damage: 2-8 wing flap or 1-3/1-3 legs plus automatic bite makes it more vulnerable than its pre-chrysalis stage.
if both hit 2-8
Special Attacks: Bewilderment, Lethargy, Surprise 1-4 CRIMSON RED WORM
Special Defences: Blunt damage resistance, camouflage Frequency: Very rare
Magic Resistance: Standard No. Encountered: 1-6
Lair Probability: 30% Size: L
Intelligence: Low Move: 90 ft./120 ft. burrowing
Alignment: Chaotic Armor Class: 4
Level/XP: IV/200 + 6/HP Hit Dice: 9
Treasure Type: B, per types of remains nearby.
The Chaos cicada is a giant insect, with an abdomen the
Attacks: 1
size of a human being and a wing span of 20 to 25 feet from
Damage: 2d6 bite
tip to tip, wide open. When the wings of a Chaos cicadas
Special Attacks: bite causes 1d6 damage to armor, then
are laid to rest, they are translucent and absorb the lights
burrowing when AC value is 0. Spider climb walls and
and patterns around them, creating effective camouflage
ceilings, surprise 1-4.
for the insect in wait, with surprise 1-4 on a d6.
Special Defences: Nil.
When taking flight, the wings of a Chaos cicada become Magic Resistance: Standard.
brightly colored like the windows of temples made out of Lair Probability: 80%
stained glass, with many hues separated per section within Intelligence: Low.
the structure of the wing. Victims exposed to the bright Alignment: CE.
patterns of the cicada in flight must make a saving throw Level/XP: VII/2,000 + 10/HP
vs magic to avoid a bewilderment effect that would cause A crimson red worm is created through a parasitic infection
them to stare at the bright colors and forget all about their of dead tissue which results in the bloating of a corpse-


like balloon producing and retaining gases internally. for a human, but they are not gigantically proportioned,
Ultimately, the body is so bent out of shape it resembles unlike the most common cyclops kin, though they are
a long bloody worm covered with small appendages, a usually born with a formidable (18/00, +3 to hit, +6
new creature altogether with the deformed remnants damage on most melee weapons) strength as well.
of a face along the surface of its slimy skin, the vestigial
limbs of the person this was protruding haphazardly like Elder Cyclops are servants of the powers beyond the
deflated gloves and socks here and there, a new vermin Eurth. They are naturally cast either magic user or cleric
with its own sentience and appetites. spells at a level equal to their hit dice. The five (5) hit
dice elder cyclops specimen is the baseline and by far the
The crimson red worm can use its tiny appendages to most likely type to come in contact with an adventuring
climb walls and ceilings much like a centipede. When party. Greater, older, wiser cyclops do exist, but they
prey is bitten, the worm rips apart the victim’s armor, usually retire from the world, performing obscure tasks
reducing its AC value by 1d6. This damage only affects the and rituals for their masters that most mortals would
armor worn, with the armor destroyed if the defense it not understand (see the stone giants’ norns on top of the
provided is reduced to zero (0). When the armor is gone, Marmoreal Mount for an inspiration).
the red worm burrows inside the rib cage of the victim
on the next round and lays eggs inside it, a procedure DRAGON, CELADON
which is fatal in two weeks, reduces the STR and CON Frequency: Very Rare
of the victim by 1 point per week, no saving throw, and No. Encountered: 1-4
ultimately kills the host after two weeks (saving throw vs. Size: L (36 ft. long)
death after the second week, success means the victim Move: 90 ft./240 ft. flying/120 ft. melding through earth
survives for now but loses yet another point of STR and Armor Class: 2
CON; failure means the eggs hatch and the victim dies). Hit Dice: 8-10
Slow poison is completely ineffective. Neutralize poison Treasure Type: H, R, U
will stop the loss of points of STR and CON and must be Attacks: 3
followed by a heal or restoration spell to completely flush Damage: 1-4/1-4/4-24
the infection out. Special Attacks: Breath weapon, innate magic, possible
spell-casting, surprise 3-in-6
A crimson red worm can produce larvae the size of a Special Defences: Absorb spells, 1-in-3
fist, aside from carrion and corpses. These are culinary Magic Resistance: Special
delicacies, for those who can stomach the idea, well Lair Probability: 40%
worth their weight in gold, at 400 GP per specimen. Intelligence: Exceptional
Alignment: True Neutral
CYCLOPS, ELDER Level/XP: 8 HD: VII/1,400 + 12/HP
Frequency: Very rare 9 HD: VII/2,200 + 14/HP
No. Encountered: 1-6 10 HD: VII/3,400 + 16/HP
Size: M Chance Of: Speaking 50%, Magic Use 30%, Sleeping 30%
Move: 120 ft.
Armor Class: 2 Celadon dragons are usually found in mines and
Hit Dice: 5 underground regions exploited for their ores and magical
Treasure Type: properties. They are closely associated with alchemy and
Attacks: 1 melee at +3 to hit the application of dweomers on physical surfaces and are
Damage: 1d6+6 melee weapon therefore to be found sometimes in the context of such
Special Attacks: Exceptional strength arcane lairs, forges, and laboratories. Celadon dragons
Special Defences: Nil like to confuse their audience; they do not hesitate to
Magic Resistance: Standard answer with questions, speak in riddles, conceal with half-
Lair Probability: 60% truths, and use similar rhetorical stunts to simulate more
Intelligence: high to genius knowledge and mastery than they actually have. They are
Alignment: Chaotic Evil, very rarely Neutral sharp, playful, and manipulative, but not outright vicious.
Level/XP: V/500 + 6/HP The celadon dragon can attack in combat using either
Elder Cyclops are those cyclops who did not devolve into its claw, claw, bite routine, or one of its two breath
barbarism when the rule of the giants upon the Eurth weapons. One is a 20-foot radius shockwave sending
ended. Elder cyclops are usually very tall, well over 7 feet, plaques of marble skin flying all around the dragon


(blunt and sonic damage), and the other is a 50 ft. x 5 ft. GIANT HELLBENDER SALAMANDER
cone of molten pebbles and shards of granite beginning Frequency: Rare
at the dragon’s mouth traveling straight in the direction No. Encountered: 1-3
the head was facing at the time the dragon released it Size: L
(blunt and fire damage). A celadon dragon can meld with Move: 120 ft./120 ft. leap from water/240 ft. swimming
stone and passwall at will, as if moving and breathing Armor Class: 4
through water, indefinitely. It often uses this tactic to Hit Dice: 5
its advantage, disappearing through the walls of a cave Treasure Type: B
to reappear at the opportune moment and surprise the Attacks: 1 or 3 or 1
party with its breath weapon. Damage: 2d4 + Swallow whole; or 1d4/1d4/1d6 +
poison, arms, and tongue (20 ft. range) with sticky saliva
Because it is born out of mystical material known as otherwise; or tail swap D 2d4, 20 ft. range at a 60-degree
celadon marble, the celadon dragon can absorb spells 1-in- angle around the Salamander.
3. If absorbed, a spell heals the dragon for 3 points per spell Special Attacks: Leap, Swallow whole
level, or 1 point per 3 points of damage it was supposed to Special Defences: Heat burst
inflict, whichever is higher. A celadon dragon is particularly Magic Resistance: Standard
sensitive to cold damage, which it will not absorb, as well Lair Probability: 90%
as air (lightning) and water types of attacks. Cold attacks Intelligence: Low
targeted at exposed parts of the celadon dragon will, on a Alignment: TN
failed saving throw vs. magic, force the creature to exit rock Level/XP: IV/240 + 4/HP
formations it was melding with, and the dragon won’t be
able to meld with rock and stone for 1-3 melee rounds. The giant hellbender salamander is a magical reptile who
usually stays in the water unless it hunts for prey. When
A magic-using celadon dragon learns a 1st level spell for detects prey, it leaps 120 feet out of the water to reach a
each of the two ages of maturity, then a 2nd level spell specific target and swallow it whole on a 16-20 roll to hit. If
at the third and fourth stages, then a 3rd level spell at successful, the salamander then retreats into the water. If
each of the fifth and sixth stage, a 4th level spell at the not successful, it will still try to grab a victim with its paws
seventh, and a 5th level spell at the eighth. and tongue (paralyzed on a failed saving throw vs poison
and swallowed whole next melee round, or unglued if
FIREBUG successful). It will spend 1d4 rounds trying, perhaps also
Frequency: Uncommon swapping its tail around in a 20 ft. range and a 60-degree
No. Encountered: 3-36 angle to isolate a particular victim first, and then withdraw
Size: S back into the water. The salamander will start leaping all
Move: 30 ft./180 ft. flying over again once its targets’ guards are down.
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 1/2 If the salamander is wounded and reaches less than ten
Treasure Type: nil. (10) HP, yellow patches previously invisible on its rugged
Attacks: 1 brown skin will light up and exude extraordinary heat
Damage: 1d3 as a defense mechanism. The air will shimmer around
Special Attacks: Nil it and it might actually, briefly catch on fire. The heat
Special Defences: Nil inflicts 2d6 damage to anyone within 10 feet of the
Magic Resistance: Standard creature as the salamander attempts to retreat into the
Lair Probability: 40% water as fast as possible. It is only able to generate such a
Intelligence: Non burst once, for one round, when the creature’s hit points
Alignment: TN are reduced to a single digit.
Level/XP: I/5 + 1/hit point
Firebugs are plump insects the size of a watermelon Frequency: Rare
shining an orange amber color when flying around. No. Encountered: 1-4
They illuminate a 40-foot radius area like a torch and Size: L
can flare 1/day to increase that radius to 80 ft. for one Move: 240 ft. on all surfaces
melee round. Anyone standing within 20 feet of a firebug Armor Class:
flaring must make a saving throw versus paralyzation or Hit Dice: 4
become blind for 1d4 melee rounds. Treasure Type:


Attacks: 1 The Shard golem is the sometimes unintended creation

Damage: 0 (grabs an item) of a magic user of at least 13th level. Shard golems are
Special Attacks: Surprise, spider climb swirling fragments of a previously existing surface,
Special Defences: Half still alive mirror, ceramic, reanimated by the power of advanced
Magic Resistance: Standard dweomers, curses, or magical backlash. They often
Lair Probability: 90% protect private locations where potions and fragile
Intelligence: Non surfaces can be found, like a study, an alchemical
Alignment: TN workshop, an expensive collection of Frankhian wines,
Level/XP: III/85 + 4/HP and the like.
A giant millipede is a monstrous insect quick as lightning, Shard golems can be damaged by blunt weapons,
extremely agile, and able to climb almost all surfaces, mundane and magical, and spells and effects inflicting
hungry for fresh wood above all else. A giant millipede blunt damage, such as ice storm, force, and sonic-based
confronting a party will most likely hide on the ceiling, effects like magic missile and shockwave. Fire does not
and attack wooden shields from some unseen position. affect Shard Golems, and electricity inflicts half damage.
It will then want to attack and eat all wood derivatives: Other types of weapons do not affect them whatsoever.
scrolls, maps, weapons shafts, polearms, arrows, paper,
scrolls, even if kept inside secure tubes or backpacks, Important: Two (2) Type I Shard Golems can join
sword scabbards, and so on. together and form a new, Type II Shard Golem at full
HP; Likewise, two (2) Type II Shard Golems can join
A giant millipede zooms back and forth from hiding, together and form a new, Type III Shard Golem at full
stealing an item, moving about unseen, and striking HP. Once reduced to 0 HP, a Type III Shard Golem
from another position with renewed surprise. It will becomes two (2) Type II Shard Golems at full HP; Once
surprise on a 1-4 in its initial attack, and then further reduced to 0 HP, a Type II Shard Golem becomes two (2)
attacks will still have 1 chance in 6 to surprise the party Type I Shard Golems at full HP. Finally, when a Type I
if it is alert and ready. If reduced below 10 hit points, the Shard Golem is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed. This is
millipede is cut in half, and its lower part now attacks why, despite their low HP counts, these types of golems
the party on its own for #AT 1 D 2d4. can be a nightmare to fight.
Frequency: Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare
No. Encountered: 2-8 1-4 1
Size: M L L
Move: 80 ft. 80 ft. 80 ft.
Armor Class: 8 9 10
Hit Dice: 5 Hit Points 10 Hit Points 20 Hit Points
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil
Attacks: 2 3 4
Damage: 1d4/1d4 1d4/1d4/1d4 1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4
Special Attacks: (hits as 3 HD) (hits as 4 HD) (hits as 5 HD)
d4 slicing damage within d6 slicing damage within d8 slicing damage within
covered area (10’x10’) covered area (20’x20’) covered area (30’x30’)
Special Defences: See below See below See below
Magic Resistance: See below See below See below
Lair Probability: Nil Nil Nil
Intelligence: Non Non Non
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
Level/XP: III/120 IV/300 V/600


GOLEM, SCROLL Treasure Type: Nil

Frequency: Very Rare Attacks: 2
No. Encountered: 1 Damage: 1d6/1d6 leather slaps
Size: M Special Attacks: (hits as 7 HD), engulf
Move: 80 ft. Special Defences: See below
Armor Class: 9 Magic Resistance: See below
Hit Dice: 20 Hit Points Lair Probability: Nil
Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: Non
Attacks: 2 Alignment: Neutral
Damage: 1d8/1d8 paper cuts Level/XP: VII/1,650
Special Attacks: (hits as 5 HD), pre-inscribed or absorbed The leather golem is the creation of a magic user of at
spells least 13th level. It is usually meant to be the guardian of
Special Defences: See below a private chamber or areas where leather would be easily
Magic Resistance: See below found, such as workshops, stables, and the like.
Lair Probability: Nil
Intelligence: Non A leather golem covers a 10’x10’ space and can engulf
Alignment: Neutral a victim. It does so by moving into the space of an
Level/XP: V/500 opponent and succeeding with both hits of leather slaps.
The Scroll golem is the creation of a magic user of at least When slaps hits, the victim is held inside and smothered
12th level. It is usually meant as some sort of guardian, for 1d4 damage every melee round, with no saving throw.
within a scroll library or a study, and can be exposed, The only solution is to find a way out and fast.
inanimate and in plain sight, until intruders trigger its
Magical slashing weapons deal full damage on the
outside of the leather golem. Magical piercing and
A Scroll golem is only damaged by fire and magic slashing weapons (which have a point and cutting edge)
slashing magical weapons for full damage. Mundane are needed to escape a leather golem from the inside. A
slashing weapons inflict half damage. Blunt and piercing hit at -4 to hit on the inside, no penalty on the outside,
weapons have no effect. Cold spells slow it down 50%. dealing at least 6 points of damage, will be enough to
Water, acid, and lightning spells cause half damage, with slice a hole through the fabric of the golem to let the
each water spell having a 50% chance of destroying the victim squeeze through. Cold, sonic, and electricity spells
ink of a spell the golem is inscribed with (each acid spell do not affect the leather golem. Fire slows it down 50%
has a 30% chance to do the same). but makes it release its smothered victims automatically.
Acid inflicts full damage and salt only half. Water spells
Spells can be inscribed onto the golem at creation or can heal a leather golem for 3 Hit Points per spell level.
be absorbed by an active golem. For each spell cast at the
golem, there is a 2-in-6 chance the golem will absorb the GOLEM, LIMESTONE (GUARDIAN EFFIGY)
substance of the dweomer and heal itself at a rate of 3 Frequency: Very Rare
HP/spell level with it, with a 50% chance the spell will No. Encountered: 1
be inscribed onto the scroll and made available to cast Size: M
back on the next melee round and at any time thereafter. Move: 70 ft.
The spell will disappear from the surface of the scroll Armor Class: 8
golem once it is finally cast. Mind-affecting spells are Hit Dice: 30 Hit Points
automatically absorbed but not inscribed; they restore 4 Treasure Type: Nil
HP/spell level to the golem. Attacks: 2
Damage: 1d10/1d10
GOLEM, LEATHER Special Attacks: (hits as 6 HD)
Frequency: Very Rare Special Defences: See below
No. Encountered: 1 Magic Resistance: See below
Size: L Lair Probability: Nil
Move: 80 ft. Intelligence: Non
Armor Class: 8 Alignment: Neutral
Hit Dice: 30 Hit Points Level/XP: VI/1,200


The limestone golem is the creation of a magic user of round. The stream of decay has one of two effects: either
at least 13th level. Limestone golems are in many ways 1d4 damage per remains expended or animate 1 HD of
weaker versions of stone and clay golems. Guardian undead per remains expended (either skeletons for 1 HD
effigies are impervious to most physical means of harm or zombie for 2 HD).
They take half damage from mundane blunt weapons,
full damage from magical blunt weapons, and only half If two of the tentacles of a Graveworm hits prey, a bite
from other types of magical weapons. Limestone golems automatic follows and delivers 2d4 damage. If only one
are impervious to most forms of magic but vulnerable or none of the tentacles hit, there is no bite at all.*
to move eurth spells, which will shatter them. Other
Dire graveworms are just bigger, meaner versions of the
eurth-affecting spells, like stone shape, rock to mud, etc
original: they bite on two tentacle hits for 4d4 damage,
can damage them for 1d6 per spell level, and stone to flesh
can retain up to 3d6+6 humanoid remains within them.
makes a limestone golem completely vulnerable to all
They can use these undigested remains to fuel a 30-
forms of attack magical and otherwise.
foot long cone of decayed plasma worth 1d4 damage
per remains expelled in such a fashion, up to six. Or,
GRAVEWORM they can animate these remains right out of their guts,
Graveworm Dire generating skeletons and zombies out of the maximum
Graveworm of six remains expelled, one remain for 1 HD of animated
undead. Just like basic graveworms, the dire kind can be
Frequency: Rare Very rare
turned by a Cleric like a mummy, not because they are
No. Encountered: 2-8 1-4 undead, but because the pain caused to their digestion
Size: M L system becomes unbearable.
Move: 90 ft. all 90 ft. all
surfaces/120 ft. surfaces/120 ft. GREEN MEN OF IYON
swimming swimming Frequency: Very rare
Armor Class: 4 0 No. Encountered: 3-30
Size: M
Hit Dice: 2 6
Move: 120 ft.
Treasure Type: U Ux3 Armor Class: 5
Attacks: 3 plus bite* 3 plus bite* Hit Dice: 4+4
Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d4 and 1d4/1d4/1d4 and Treasure Type: K, L. R at lair.
2d4* 4d4* Attacks: 2 or 1 or 1 range
Damage: 1d8/1d6 long and short blades, 2d4 tusks, 1d12
Special Attacks: Surprise 1-3 on Surprise 1-3 on
d6, regurgitation d6, regurgitation beam rifle
Special Attacks: Four arms.
Special Defences: Nil Nil
Special Defences: Nil
Magic Resistance: Standard Standard Magic Resistance: Standard
Lair Probability: Nil Nil Lair Probability: 40%
Intelligence: Non Low Intelligence: Average
Alignment: TN
Alignment: TN NE
Level/XP: V/350 + 5/HP
Level/XP: II/65 + 2/HP IV/250 + 4/HP
Iyon is the main prismatic moon of the Eurth. Appearing
Graveworms are repulsive creatures looking like giant much like our own silver moon in the sky, it is a habitable
slugs with the gaping maw of a lamprey surrounded world leading to shades just like our world. The Red Shade
by tentacles reaching for prey. Graveworms are not of Iyon used to be a lush, technologically and magically
undead, but they can be turned like ghouls nonetheless. very advanced world, but it is now covered with sands
Their stomachs contain the remains of corpses slowly and dying. The Green Men of Iyon are primitive people
turning into undead inside them. A graveworm usually living in the ruins of that past. They have lean faces and
contains 2d4 such remains at any time, which then can bodies, two legs and four arms, and have eggs placed in
be used as a defense mechanism. A graveworm can use 1 hatcheries to produce their offspring. The Green Men’s
to 3 remains inside its belly to project a single stream of beam rifles work perfectly well on the Red Shade of Iyon,
bile and carrion 30-foot long and 5-foot wide in a melee but are ineffective and just will not fire on Eurth.


The Green Men have four arms: they can thus fight with Horlas, or vampire clouds, are born of the dreams and
long and short blades while firing a beam rifle at the same delusions of those evil and psychically strong enough
time, though they would do so with a -2 penalty to hit for to their basest instincts and desires a life of their own.
both routines. They could otherwise wield another two- They manifest as shimmering 15-foot wide clouds of
handed melee weapon for the same -2 penalty, or four scintillating colors. Vampiric clouds begin life with 4
melee weapons simultaneously, with a -4 penalty. HP. They do not have maximum HP and instead drain
energy from the people they can engulf. They inflict 2
HOGRE hit points damage per person engulfed per melee round
Frequency: Very rare automatically and gain 1 HP for each two they inflict.
No. Encountered: 4-40 For each 4 HP they consume, they can grow by 5 feet in
Size: L diameter, though they are not obligated to do so.
Move: 60 ft.
Armor Class: Horlas cannot be affected physically at all, unless by
Hit Dice: 3 wind, electricity, and holy water. Cloaks shook to create
Treasure Type: J, K, L. wind in its direction, opening the doors of the manse,
Attacks: 1 and similar actions will generally inflict 1d4 points
Damage: 1d8+3 or by weapon damage to the Horla. Holy Water will inflict 2d4 points
Special Attacks: Exceptional strength (+2 to hit, +3 damage) of damage per vial. Combinations or augmentations are
Special Defences: Nil possible, up to the referee. Any magical effect creating
Magic Resistance: Standard wind and/or electricity will instantly destroy the Horla,
Lair Probability: 30% such as gust of wind, shocking grasp, and likewise spells.
Intelligence: Low to Average Upon destruction, the Horla will explode in a 15-foot
Alignment: Neutral Evil diameter burst. Each victim within the cloud will incur
Level/XP: III/100 + 4/HP 2d6 points of damage. 1d4 points of splash damage will
Hogres are the offspring of ogres and hobgoblins. From be inflicted to the victims standing within 10 feet of the
the ogres, they get their exceptional strength and attitude. burst. Only a tiny wisp of light will remain, and zoom
From the hobgoblins, they get a sliver of intelligence and back to the creature that gave it birth, potentially waking
organization and a special taste for elaborate cruelty. it in the process.
Fundamentally, hogres are selfish, jealous aberrations
who envy the size of true ogres, and the militaristic HORNED SLUG
organization of hobgoblins, knowing full well they will Frequency: Uncommon
get neither of those things. No. Encountered: 2-20
Size: M
HORLA (VAMPIRE CLOUD) Move: 40 ft./240 ft. zoom
Frequency: Very rare Armor Class: 8
No. Encountered: 1 Hit Dice: 2
Size: L Treasure Type: Nil
Move: 20 ft. floating Attacks: 1 acid spit (40 ft. range), horns or charge (60-240
Armor Class: 10 ft. range)
Hit Dice: 4 (equivalent, special – see below) Damage: 2d4 spit, 2d4 horns, 2d4x2 charge.
Treasure Type: Nil Special Attacks: Zoom, charge.
Attacks: Engulf Special Defences: Half damage from blunt weapons,
Damage: 2 automatic hit points per person per melee vulnerable to salt.
round engulfed Magic Resistance: Standard
Special Attacks: See below Lair Probability: 60%
Special Defences: See below Intelligence: Non
Magic Resistance: Special Alignment: TN
Lair Probability: 60% Level/XP: 1 HD: I/20 + 1/HP
Intelligence: Non 2 HD: II/50 + 2/HP
Alignment: Lawful Evil 4 HD: III/150 + 4/HP
Level/XP: IV/200 + 5/HP (max HP it had during the Horned slugs are slugs with boney horns like a ram’s
encounter) covering their entire head. They usually spit acid at a


distance and try to push back enemies in close combat Armor Class: 5
with their horned heads. If they can take some distance Hit Dice: 16
and spit, and they have a clear line of 60 ft. or so to a Treasure Type: B, Qx5, X
target, then can slide on their spit, zoom and ram that Attacks: 3
target with their horns, as a charge. Damage: 1d10/1d10/2d10 claw, claw, bite
Special Attacks: Swallow whole, Psychic
The small version is just 1 HD, MV 30 ft./180 ft. zoom, Special Defences: See below
D 2d3 on the horns. The large version is 4 HD, MV 60 Magic Resistance: Standard
ft./300 ft. zoom, with D 4d4 on the horns. All horned Lair Probability: 30%
slugs take half damage from blunt weapons, but they Intelligence: High
are vulnerable to salt. Salted water and other saline Alignment: Neutral
solutions sprayed on a slug will inflict 2d4 damage plus Level/XP: IX/ 7,250 + 18/HP
1d3 splash to any other creature also vulnerable around
it, for instance. The referee should extrapolate other The Mhole is an intelligent, psychic creature not unlike
types of salt damage based on concentration and how a tardigrade the size of a house. A mhole uses the
much salt ends up coating a slug. memories it has digested from its victims as words in
telepathic “sentences” to communicate with lesser life
forms. It can also use five-senses-based illusions and
phantasmal forces as a means to represent situations,
Frequency: Rare
interact as an alter-ego with people, and speak in a plain
No. Encountered: 2-12
language most humanoids would understand.
Size: S (as halflings)
Move: 120 ft. If a Mhole hits with a bite by 4 or more above its
Armor Class: 6 target’s AC, it swallows it whole automatically. Inside
Hit Dice: 3 the stomach, living victims will suffer 2d4 acid damage
Treasure Type: O, P, Q. per melee round, with a save vs poison for half damage.
Attacks: 2 Additionally, the acid of the stomach will inflict -1 AC to
Damage: 1d6/1d6 nails suits of armor, -1 to unsheathed weapons’ damage, and
Special Attacks: Special do so permanently. Every three melee rounds, whoever
Special Defences: Dimension door through plant life, is still left alive in the stomach must make a save vs
fresh earth, and boulders poison or die.
Magic Resistance: 20%
Lair Probability: 20% Victims can try to climb back out of the stomach,
Intelligence: Average to Very requiring two successful strength or climbing checks to
Alignment: Neutral Evil do so or cut their way out by hitting AC 9 and inflicting a
Level/XP: III/200 + 4/HP total of 20 points of damage with their weapons.
The Korrigans are degenerates, vile and corrupt fey A Mhole can communicate psychically and read minds
roaming the forests and haunting the cairns and dolmens as ESP at will. It can conjure illusions and phantasmal
of the Lower Midlands. They despise humans and love forces to interact with foreign beings at will. It has
to trick them into giving up their lives and possessions limited powers of clairaudience, clairvoyance (3/day), and
in silly trials, daring quests, and bogus enigmas. The can even cryptically sense the future. If the referee has
Korrigans are vulnerable to iron and can teleport through access to psionic rules, consider the Mhole to be able to
plant life (as dimension door, at will, through bushes, tree use such abilities at a very advanced level reflective of its
trunks, swamp life, and the like), fresh, natural earth, and total hit dice.
boulders, including menhirs and dolmens. The buggers
can animate wood and stone through hysterical ritual MUCK-DWELLING BOTTOM FEEDER
dances (treat as animate object spell).
Frequency: Rare
No. Encountered: 2-16
Frequency: Very Rare Move: 50 ft./180 ft. swimming
No. Encountered: 1 Armor Class: 6
Size: L Hit Dice: 4
Move: 90 ft./150 ft. burrowing Treasure Type: Individuals M (x5), Lair Q, B, S


Attacks: 1 limbs, and help the Obrachaean swim and carry their
Damage: 2-20 weight on land.
Special Attacks: Surprise 1-5
Special Defences: 95% Concealment in water The skin of the Brethren of the Deep behaves like an
Magic Resistance: Standard octopus, changing colors and patterns with moods and
Lair Probability: 60% surroundings. This provides means of camouflage to the
Intelligence: Low, Average on a full tummy Skirmishers, the most populous among them, but also can
Alignment: Neutral Evil help other types create patterns and flashes they use to cast
Level/XP: IV/ 165 + 5/HP spells and summon other abilities depending on the type.
These slimy, amphibian-like humanoids represent a The Obrachaeans universally can liquefy and solidify
forgotten group in the general food chain and the cycle of the cartilage within them at will. This allows them to
evolution. These creatures can strike with great cunning harden some parts of their bodies, use their human parts
and resourcefulness, and in some instances, work en as though they possessed a skeleton and a spine, create
masse towards a common goal. The bottom feeders have weapons at their tentacles’ tips, stand upright when it
voracious appetites and tend to fend for themselves, suits them, or liquify other parts to press their heads
but their constant hunger, in addition to their general or entire body under a door or crack in a wall, or use
addiction to the blood vine of the Midlands, makes them passages too small for humanoids, for instance. When
cooperate to take down what they can together. their cartilage is completely liquefied – usually under
water, or to press their entire body through a tight fit
The “bottom feeder” aspect of the name becomes clear – they can fully benefit from their cephalopod lineage,
when the creature strikes. The bottom feeder zooms out in essence looking like particularly elongated octopuses
of the concealing water, muck, and slime to stealthily use with the now amorphous human arms dangling from
its razor-sharp jaw and bite off a huge section of another their upper bodies with the rest of their tentacles.
creature’s tail, as per fish, lobster or giant crayfish and
the like, which translates as the actual posterior of a The Obrachaeans do not have mouths. Instead, they
humanoid. Sometimes it even takes a minute or more for have beaks similar to their cephalopod relatives. If they
the victim to know that they have been partially eaten! grab prey with one of their tentacles, they can try to wrap
As the bottom feeders hunt, they are also being hunted, another one of their appendages around their prey on
since they are soft and delicious to most larger predators the next melee round (+4 to hit with their free tentacles)
of rivers, lakes, and seas. to bring it to their beak and bite it.

OBRACHAEANS (THE BRETHREN OF THE DEEP) When the Brethren strike and hit with a tentacle, they
can choose to forsake damage and grab prey instead.
The Brethren of the Deep are magical sentient creatures On the next round held prey will take some form of
not unlike octopods and gastropods, depending on the crushing/constriction damage, depending on the type,
type. They are natives from at least one of the shades of and can be brought to the beak for an automatic bite.
Iyuggoth, the eldritch moon of the Eurth. There, they
are known as the Ma-Daï, those who live in the oceans Targets hit by an Obrachaean tentacle are 25% (1-5
of darkness spreading from the rivers of pitch flowing on d20) likely to have both arms held, and as such are
at the feet of the cyclopean, terraced towers of the Mi- helpless. Most of the time (50%; 6-15 on d20) they will
Go. The two races have ignored one another over eons of have one limb held and can attack with a -4 penalty; the
research and contemplation, but they are known to have other 25% (16-20 on d20) of the time the victim with have
entered at least one major conflict against one another both arms free and will be able to attack despite being
that nearly destroyed the entire planet. held at -2 penalty. Hitting the tentacle (usually at the
same AC as the Obrachaean it belongs to) is sufficient
Most Brethren, or Obrachaeans, as the citizens of Iylium for the creature to release the target.
called them, have octopoid heads, looking like sacks or
bladders with large protruding eyes, rectangular pupils, All damage indicated for tentacle claws and cartilage
and two tube-like nostrils on each side of their faces. weapons is variable and interchangeable: A Skirmisher
Their abdomens and torso can look amorphous, or could for instance choose to fight with four dagger-
solid like a humanoid’s. They have two arms, but also like blades or four claws, or just grab four targets on a
six powerful webbed tentacles where their torsos and given round. It could also choose to form a long blade
legs should have been. These tentacles are used as extra for D 1-8 damage instead of a dagger-like protrusion,


but this versatility should be used parsimoniously by piercing flesh, and weapons (recreating one-handed
the referee. Assume that the damage codes given in each type weapons with one tentacle, or two-handed types by
entry indicate the instinctual weapons the Brethren joining two tentacles and ease their wielding together).
will generally use in combat. If the creature is cornered, Such cartilage weapons liquefy upon the creature’s
enraged, or especially determined, it could choose death, but the Obrachaeans can and sometimes do fight
different weapons to fight with. Creating the equivalent with real weapons that are not extensions of themselves.
of two-handed weapons is also possible, but requires
the use of two tentacles to mix cartilage and wield the OBRACHAEAN WARRIOR
formation efficiently. Frequency: Very Rare
No. Encountered: 1-10
OBRACHAEAN SKIRMISHER Size: Man-sized (can stand up to 8 feet tall)
Frequency: Very Rare Move: 60 ft. (land); 180 ft. (swimming)
No. Encountered: 20-200 Armor Class: 4
Size: Man-sized (can stand up to 6 feet tall) Hit Dice: 4+4 (8-40 HP)
Move: 60 ft. (land); 180 ft. (swimming) Attacks: 2 ranged or 4 melee
Armor Class: 5 Damage: 1-4/1-4 (projected cartilage dart), OR 1-4/1-4
Hit Dice: 2+2 (4-20 HP) (clawed front tentacles) and 1-4/1-4 (cartilage-formed
Attacks: 2 ranged or 4 melee daggers/example), OR 1-2 (constriction) forsaking
Damage: 1-3/1-3 (projected cartilage dart), OR 1-3/1-3 tentacle damage, then 2-12 (beak) on the subsequent
(clawed front tentacles) and 1-4/1-4 (cartilage-formed melee round (automatic, does not require secondary
daggers/example), OR 1-2 (constriction) forsaking attack), with D 1-6 chewing each round after that.
tentacle damage, then attack at +4 to hit with D 1-2 + Special Attacks: Constriction, Surprise 4-in-6
2-8 (beak) on the subsequent melee round, with D 1-4 Special Defences: Camouflage, Liquefaction
chewing each round after that. Magic Resistance: Standard
Special Attacks: Constriction, Surprise 4-in-6 Lair Probability: 60%
Special Defences: Camouflage, Liquefaction Intelligence: High
Magic Resistance: Standard Alignment: Lawful Evil
Lair Probability: 40% Level/XP: IV/250 + 5/HP
Intelligence: Average
Alignment: Lawful Evil The Obrachaean Warrior is the evolved version of the
Level/XP: II/95 + 3/HP Skirmisher. More rare, along with the other specialized
subtypes of the species, its mission is to protect
The Obrachaean Skirmisher is the weakest and, in some Obrachaean settlements, wealth, and important assets
respect, the most versatile type among the Brethren of the colony, such as the Adepts and Heralds among
of the Deep. It guards lairs and acts as a scout for the them, to say nothing of the Brood Mother.
Obrachaean colony.
The Obrachaean Warrior is very similar in appearance
The Obrachaean skirmisher’s skin color, texture, and to the Skirmisher. Same vague octopoid appearance,
pattern change with moods such as anger, envy, and same faculties of cartilage liquefaction and camouflage.
surprise, but they can be controlled, much like our own One key difference is its head, which looks both more
facial expressions, to be used as tools for them to blend humanoid and aggressive, and the location of the beak,
in their environment. If standing still against a texture which is right under and between its eyes, surrounded
allowing them to hide in such a fashion, there is an 80% by rows of small tentacles helping automatically grab a
chance the skirmisher will remain unnoticed. Since the creature it has bitten, staying in position while chewing.
skirmisher’s body temperature is affected as well to reflect Each hit on the Warrior has a 4-in-6 chance of causing
its surrounding environment, modes of vision based on it to let loose of a bitten victim and concentrate on the
heat (or lack thereof) will be useless to discern its hidden source of the attack, due to the creature’s very aggressive
presence. Obrachaean skirmishers have a 4-in-6 chance nature.
to surprise an unaware party when camouflaged.

Obrachaean skirmishers can project darts of cartilage OBRACHAEAN ASSASSIN

from their two front tentacles at a range of 15 feet. They Frequency: Very Rare
usually attack in melee using two of their tentacles, No. Encountered: 1-6
shaping cartilage at their tips like bone-white claws Size: Man-sized (can stand up to 6 feet tall)


Move: 80 ft. (land); 240 ft. (swimming) Once it teleports, the Obrachaean Assassin has to wait
Armor Class: 1 1-4 rounds before being about to teleport again. Its blue
Hit Dice: 4+4 (8-40 HP) rings gradually disappear as the blood flow comes back
Attacks: 1 ranged or 2 melee or 1 backstab and its capability recharges. They will flash brightly
Damage: 1-6 (projected cartilage dart, x2 if in position again when the Assassin teleports again.
for ranged backstab), or 1-3/1-3 (clawed front tentacles)
OR 1-4/1-4 (cartilage-formed daggers/example), OR (2- OBRACHAEAN HERALD
12)x2 grouped tentacles backstab, OR 1-2 (constriction) Frequency: Very Rare
forsaking tentacle damage, then attack at +4 to hit with No. Encountered: 1-2
D 1-2 + 2-8 (beak) on the subsequent melee round, with Size: Large (as a horse or bovine)
D 1-4 chewing each round after that. Move: 60 ft. (land); 180 ft. (swimming); 90 ft. (levitating)
Special Attacks: Constriction, Surprise 4-in-6, Teleport Armor Class: 4
(dimension door, 120 ft.) Hit Dice: 6+6 (12-54 HP)
Special Defences: Camouflage, Liquefaction Attacks: 1 blast or 2 melee
Magic Resistance: Standard Damage: 2-12 (cartilage blast, 40 ft. radius, save vs. magic
Lair Probability: 50% for half damage), OR 1-6/1-6 (cartilage-formed swords or
Intelligence: High spears/example) OR 1-4 (constriction) forsaking tentacle
Alignment: Lawful Evil damage, then attack at +4 to hit with D 1-4 + 2-8 (beak)
Level/XP: IV/290 + 5/HP on the subsequent melee round, with D 1-4 chewing
each round after that.
The Obrachaean Assassin is a specialized servant of Special Attacks: Constriction, Surprise 3-in-6 (if inactive
the Brood Mother. It usually serves other important and utterly still prior)
minions of the Deep and acts as a killer and individual Special Defences: Camouflage, Liquefaction, Levitation.
strike team when called upon. Magic Resistance: Standard
The Obrachaean Assassin is similar but leaner than a Lair Probability: 80%
Skirmisher. It too has a beak between its lower tentacles, Intelligence: Exceptional
and its head is oblong, with little fins on the sides, more Alignment: Lawful Evil
reminiscent of a squid than an octopus. The Assassin Level/XP: VI/850 + 8/HP
tends to use its multiple tentacles to strafe and move Where the Obrachaean Skirmisher could easily be
quickly around the battlefield. This means it does not mistaken for a large semi-humanoid octopus, the
benefit from the same multi-attack advantages as other Herald is quite different, resembling a multicolored,
Obrachaeans but makes it up in AC and movement. bioluminescent balloon, a sea hare the size of a cow
The creature otherwise has the same faculties to liquify floating in mid-air, with four tendrils protruding from
its cartilage and camouflage in its surroundings as a its amorphous face, and four tentacles dangling from the
skirmisher does. largest section of its body, just under its internal shell.

What makes the Assassin truly stand apart is its ability The Obrachaean Herald has the same innate faculty to
to teleport (as dimension door spell, 120 ft. range) in be able to liquefy and solidify its cartilage at will. Its skin,
clouds of ink and reappear to backstab specific targets like that of an octopus, can change patterns and colors
within sight. The blue rings covering the entirety of with moods and environments, but the bioluminescent
its skin, which might be invisible due to camouflage or lights it displays prevent it from hiding within its
different moods, will light up a bioluminescent azure surroundings unless it ceases all activity and stands or
color a brief moment before teleportation. The Assassin floats utterly still. The Herald’s internal shell or pouch
will then materialize behind or flank its victim group its can soften and harden, change sizes, and fill with a
tentacles in a powerful appendage, and backstab with collection of gases it controls to float off the ground.
it in a lightning strike. Note that a saving throw versus
paralyzation will allow a target within sight to notice the The Obrachaean Herald is a priest and healer amongst
flashing of the Assassin’s rings, and have a clue of what’s its kin. The ink of a Herald permeates the air, and reacts
about to happen, thus avoiding the +4 to hit a surprise to it much like normal ink would underwater. It floats,
would otherwise bestow on the attack. The backstab forms clouds and patterns, and hovers around it. The
ability can also be used on a cartilage dart projectile, Herald, being an inherently magical creature, can infuse
provided the Assassin is camouflaged or unnoticed. its ink with divine energies from the Deep, to soothe, heal
and aid other Obrachaeans in the vicinity. The Herald


can Cure Light Wounds, and Chant (which is a buzzing Obsidian Jellies can dissolve flesh and use it to spawn their
vibration of the Obrachaean’s shell) at will within a 60 ft. own undead. An Obsidian jelly can spawn 1-4 zombies in
radius. It can also Cure Disease, Neutralize Poison, and a melee round per victim previously consumed. It does
Cure Serious Wounds within the same radius twice (2) this by coalescing fluids with the production of obsidian
a day. Heralds being each extremely intelligent, unique shards serving as the bones of the zombies, giving them a
creatures able to uniquely commune with the power of frightful appearance of translucent, half-dissolved flesh
the Deep, some specimens have been known to develop wrapped around crystalline bones black as night.
other divine abilities (up to the equivalent of 6th level
spells once a week). Obrachaeans remaining within the Obsidian jellies are usually content having consumed
direct 60 ft. zone of influence of the Herald will benefit 2d4 victims. This allows them to produce 2d4 x d4
from a +4 modifier to saving throws against mental zombies if necessary. Consuming more carrion could
forms of attack involving the power of will (as per high cause the jelly to split into two new full-size specimens,
wisdom). The Herald is immune to such forms of attack, though gigantic jellies are said to exist as well.
due to the empathic link it shares with its servants and
the whole colony. OCTOFISH

Lastly, the Obrachaean Herald can eschew any activity Young Mature
in order to pulse and emit a blast of cartilage in all Frequency: Rare Rare
directions around it, in a 40 ft. radius. The blast inflicts No. Encountered: 2-12 2-8
damage to the Obrachaeans around the Herald as well,
but it is instantly healed since the Brethren immediately Size: M L
absorb the cartilage produced into their bodies. Move: 70 ft. 50 ft.
Armor Class: 8 6
Frequency: Very rare
No. Encountered: 1-4 Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Size: M Attacks: 8 8
Move: 30 ft. Damage: 1 (x8) 1-3 (x8)
Armor Class: 8
Special Attacks: Paralyzation, Paralyzation,
Hit Dice: 6 Bite 2-8 Bite 4-16
Treasure Type: Nil or per corpse consumed
Attacks: 1 flesh dissolution Special Defences: Camouflage, Camouflage,
Surprise 1-4 Surprise 1-4
Damage: 3d4/round of exposure
Special Attacks: Nil Magic Resistance: Standard Standard
Special Defences: See below Lair Probability: 80% 70%
Magic Resistance: Standard Intelligence: Low Low
Lair Probability: Nil
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
Intelligence: Non
Alignment: TN Level/XP: IV/ 250 + 5/HP VI/ 1,000 + 7/HP
Level/XP: VII/1,000 + 7/HP
The octofish is a creature born deep underground that
Obsidian jellies travel along walls and ceilings with looks like a starfish with eight prongs each ending
ease. Sages believe they are related to the ochre type but in black tentacles able to grab prey and bring it to its
corrupted over time by the negative energies of death. toothed mouth at the center of its mass. The young
Whether they are produced by the decay of corpses, may have bodies four feet across, from prong to prong,
the secretion of graveworms, or the evolution of manes minus the tentacles, while the more mature specimen
manifesting on the prime material plane is a subject of may be six feet in diameter or more. The octofish may
great debate among them. Just like ochre jellies, obsidian have originated in the mystical realm of the Labyrinth
jellies struck with lightning bolts are divided into one or stretching between the shades of the Eurth. They usually
more, smaller jellies inflicting half normal damage. Fire- inhabit one or several natural caves close to one another
based attacks have normal effects. Cold has no effect, but they can move into quickly and control together as a
a sonic attack will affect them for half damage. small colony.


The octofish hunts from the ceiling, letting itself Olmechean pygmies use the antlers on their backs to
drop onto its prey, attacking with its eight tentacles jump into a ball and strike their opponents like a spined
simultaneously. Each tentacle inflicts 1 point or 1-3 points cannonball (for D 2d3x2). They can also jump in melee
of damage depending on the maturity of the specimen combat and swirl in the air while so doing, but they
and secretes a special toxin. The victim must make an won’t have the momentum of a full jump/charge (D
immediate saving throw vs poison with a penalty of -1 2d3). The referees should play them like little acrobats
on the die per tentacle that hit to avoid being paralyzed jumping and buzzing around. In large groups, they can
for one full turn. If the victim is not paralyzed, he or she be extremely deadly, especially if some are suicidal and
can make an attack against the octofish at -1 per tentacle dip themselves into flaming oil, for instance.
that hit previously to break free from its grasp. If the
attempt fails, the octofish then attacks with +1 on the Olmechean pygmies are reputed for their changing
die per tentacle that previously hit, bringing the victim moods. They can be friendly one moment, and complete
to its mouth and biting on a success. The victim makes psychopaths eating an adventuring party for fun the next.
another saving throw each following round to avoid
paralyzation, and may attack again to break free if the
Frequency: Rare
saving throw succeeds. A failure means an automatic
No. Encountered: 5-50
bite. The procedure is repeated until the victim is
Size: S
paralyzed, frees itself, or dies.
Move: 90 ft.
The octofish is slow and relatively awkward in its movements. Armor Class: 6
Though its rugged skin is naturally dark blue, with tiny Hit Dice: 3
yellow eyes blipping in out of existence as they blink, it can Treasure Type:
alter its hue and pigmentation enough to mimick its rocky Attacks: 2
surroundings, with a 1-4 chance of surprise. Damage: 1d4/1d4 root tentacles.
Special Attacks: Clouds of pollen (see below)
Octofish do not like fire. They will try to keep away from Special Defences: Clouds of pollen (see below)
pyrotechnics, and characters can use up to their level wielding Magic Resistance: Standard
torches to repel octofish like a cleric would the undead. Lair Probability: 80%
Intelligence: Low to Average
OLMECHEAN PYGMY Alignment: Neutral
Frequency: Very rare Level/XP: III/75 + 4/HP
No. Encountered: 4-40
Size: S An orchidean drone is a plant. It looks like a spore sack
Move: 90 ft./180 ft. jump the size of a barrel, or human torso, moving along on
Armor Class: 5 tiny root-like tentacles and topped with a large, vivid
Hit Dice: 1 orchid-type flower, like a human’s head with a hat.
Treasure Type: K, L. Orchidean drones emit clouds of brightly colored pollen
Attacks: 1 which can be imbued with magic. The clouds have a
Damage: 1d4 spear, or 1d4 sling, or 2d3 antlers on the variety of effects and meanings to the drones, depending
back, on a jump (x2 on charge). on the maturity, mood, patterns, and colors of pollen
Special Attacks: Charge, jump. projected. This is the orchidean drones’ principal means
Special Defences: Nil of communication.
Magic Resistance: Standard Magical effects created by spore clouds can be very
Lair Probability: 30% varied and seem to be set on a particular colony, rather
Intelligence: Average than individuals. A colony for instance might produce
Alignment: Chaotic Evil magic-missiles with white pollen clouds, and another,
Level/XP: I/20 + 1/HP more mature colony could produce a combined lightning
Olmechean pygmies are incarnated, malevolent jungle bolt instead. Blue clouds could produce sleep, green
spirits about half the size of a halfling. They usually wear charm person, and so on. Assume a single Orchidean
furs and deer antlers on their back they align with their could produce a spell-like effect spontaneously as if it
spine. Chiefs and shamans usually wear oversized masks was a third-level magic user. To produce greater effects,
and headgear representing a range of mythical beasts, the drones must combine their clouds, reproducing the
and beings representing the elements of the jungle. capabilities of a magic user of third level, plus one level


per extra drone involved. Thus, producing a lightning with dark red fur from head to toe. The red apes are
bolt would require a total of three drones involved (3 the male counterparts of the harpies of Iyon, and
levels for starting drone, plus 2 drones = 5 level magic they consider the specimens of this plane to be just as
user), and an ice storm would require seven (3 levels for desirable to them. Following their instincts and rituals,
the starting drone, plus 6 drones = 9 level magic user). the red apes of Iyon catch their females in their nets and
fight one another in the hope to prove their virility and
RED APES OF IYON suitability for mating. This is why the red apes usually
Frequency: Very rare carry nets with them, which they will also occasionally
No. Encountered: 2-8 use in combat after a charge, leaping or on land, instead
Size: M of pummeling their victims with their fists.
Move: 120 ft./15o ft. leaping
Armor Class: 6 The red apes of Iyon are carnivorous, violent creatures
Hit Dice: 3 that only care about fulfilling the basest of instincts.
Treasure Type: Food, sex, violence, sleep. This is the daily routine of a
Attacks: 1 or 2 red ape, sometimes as separate activities, and sometimes
Damage: Leaping charge D 2d6 +3 (+3 to hit), or net D simultaneously performed. The red apes are cannibals
0 (immobilized), or 1d6+2/1d6+2 slamming fists on a and will eat the weak among them.
land charge (+2 to hit on both attacks), or 1d6/1d6 fists
in regular melee. While immune to the charm effect of the harpy’s songs,
Special Attacks: Leaping charge, pummeling (see above). the red apes adore them and are murderously aroused
Special Defences: Nil by them. The ear canals of the red apes include magic-
Magic Resistance: Standard resisting membranes purging sound-based dweomers,
Lair Probability: 30% including those of the harpies’ songs. These could be
Intelligence: Low to Average extracted and stuffed into a human or demi-human
Alignment: Chaotic Evil ear to protect an individual temporarily (1d6 days)
Level/XP: III/100 + 4/HP from sound-based magic effects before they dry up and
becomes useless. The vestigial wings of the red ape look
The red apes of Iyon have purple faceted eyes like those exactly like extra-large chicken wings and are delicious
of a fly, large, bat-like ears, and tiny vestigial bird wings to consume.
in their back. They look like huge, 7’ tall apes covered

Black Bones Ashen Bones Cremated Remains Manes
Frequency: Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare
No. Encountered: 2-12 1-6 1-6 Always in even numbers
Size: M M M M
Move: 120 ft. 120 ft. 120 ft. 30 ft.
Armor Class: 4 7 8 7
Hit Dice: 1 2 3 1
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Attacks: 1 1 2 3
Damage: 1d6+1 1d6+1 1d6/1d6 1d2/1d2/1d4
Special Attacks: Nil Post-morterm 1d4 residual fire damage on melee Wake the undead
possession hits, post-mortem explosion (D
2d4, 10 ft. radius)
Special Defences: Nil Nil Nil Can only be hit by +1
magic weapons or better,
holy water
Magic Resistance: Standard Standard Standard Standard
Lair Probability: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Intelligence: Non Non Non Semi
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Evil
Level/XP: I/25 + 1/HP II/40 + 2/HP II/50 + 2/HP II/40 + 2/HP


Black Bones: These are variant skeletons with bones private. They are protective of their people, especially
black as soot. their young, and will defend them to the death.

Ashen Bones: These skeletons, once reduced to 0 hit The Utukku, like certain species of pufferfish, mature using
points, become dust and try to enter the eyes, ears, and a form of sexual dimorphism: the fry have a hard shell
mouth of their slayer to possess the body for 2d4 melee that protects their limbs as they grow, and are not initially
rounds. Save vs. magic negates. Wearing a sealed helmet biologically male or female. When the Utukku’s shell
prevents the attempt. cracks off and the limbs become functional, hormones
are secreted within the body which then determines the
Cremated Remains: Similar to the Ashen Bones, once permanent sex of the young adult. The determination is
reduced to 0 hit points, cremated remains explode for D usually based on the situation of the community, what it
2d4 in a 10 ft. radius. A saving throw vs breath weapon needs to biologically survive and reproduce.
halves the damage.
The Utukku usually hunt crustacean life and fish to
Manes: These always appear in two, like globes of pitch-
eat, along with a diet of weeds and other natural plants
black goo flying in mid-air, a string of dark slime running
growing under or around the surface of rivers and
between the two manes and linking them together.
lakes. They attack their preys or enemies with their
The string vibrates and emits low notes, parts of a slow
rudimentary weapons, usually stone-tipped spears and
melody called the Pavan, the song for the Dead. Manes
the like, or project their quills to poison their victims.
can connect with any undead of any type through the
If the Utukku are cornered into a battle, they can grow
Pavan. Distance within a single dungeon or complex is
their heads suddenly to the size and shape of a balloon,
not an object. They can wake the undead and alert them
and project their quills in all directions simultaneously.
of a threat instantly. The damage Manes inflict is due to
Usually, the resulting commotion gives them the time
vestigial baby limbs trying to reach out and hurt those
to flee to safety. A burst of quills requires a saving throw
around them in a slap, slap, bite routine. Referees should
vs breath weapon: on a failed saving throw, the target
amp up the creep factor as much as the players allow.
takes 1d4 quills, each for D 1d4, and must make a saving
Superior versions of Manes can alter the Pavan and cast throw vs poison with an initial modifier of +2, and a
spells through it. These are deadly entities, the stuff of penalty of -1 per quill hitting the victim after the first.
nightmare, sages suggest. The poison of the Utukku induces lethargy, like a semi-
loss of consciousness where the victim cannot move but
UTUKKU (PUFFER-FISH MEN) is still fully aware of his surroundings. |
Frequency: Very rare
No. Encountered: 3-30 UTLUZ (FROG MEN)
Size: M Frequency: Uncommon
Move: 90 ft./12o ft. swimming No. Encountered: 1-100
Armor Class: 4 Size: M
Hit Dice: 2+1 Move: 60 ft./30 ft. jump/120 ft. swim
Treasure Type: L, M Armor Class: 5
Attacks: 1 melee or 1 range or 1 burst Hit Dice: 1
Damage: 1d6, by weapon, or 1d4+poison (quill), or burst Treasure Type: K, L
of quills Attacks: 3 or 1 weapon
Special Attacks: Quill projection Damage: 1d2/1d2/1d3 or 1d6 spear (2d6 on a leaping
Special Defences: Burst of quills charge)
Magic Resistance: Standard Special Attacks: Leap
Lair Probability: 80% Special Defences: Nil
Intelligence: Average Magic Resistance: Standard
Alignment: TN Lair Probability: 60%
Level/XP: III/100 + 3/HP Intelligence: Average
Alignment: TN
The Utukku fish-like humanoids with quills at their back
Level/XP: I/20 + 1/HP
and inflatable, spiked heads, like a pufferfish. They are
primitive, not particularly aggressive, and live along the The Utluz are one of the ancient people of the Eurth,
shores of the Duinnsmere. They like to stay away from whose knowledge and rituals go back since before the
other sentient beings and keep their communities very apparition of humans around the Duinnsmere. They are


however primitive in terms of technology and society to II. CHARACTERS

the extreme and are often enslaved by other races, most
The following presents several characters and situations
especially orcs and goblinoids, to do their bidding.
that might help bring more life to the area of the Viper
The Utluz are generally pacific and want to be left alone. Head Pass and the Erydean Vale around it. They can also
They lay eggs in great colonies at the bottom of the lake be used as templates for more personal expressions of
of the Duinnsmere. These eggs are fragile and enormous, the referee’s and the players’ creativity in the campaign.
like fist-sized blobs of caviar. These mean everything to These will most likely be used as NPCs, adventure
the Utluz, but everyone, including humans, finds their opportunities, aids, and foils against the player-
eggs to be nutritious, and they are often traditional foods characters, but they could also become integral parts of
among Pryton clans and Gaelish settlements. the players’ adventuring parties as recurring guides and
henchmen, or even as replacement characters during the
If kept wet and unscathed, Utluz eggs hatch after a few course of the game. Referees will notice that the stats
weeks. Every month is the equivalent of a year and a for such characters usually gravitate around the fourth
half of human growth for the Utluz. The tadpole phase level of experience: this choice is voluntary because it
usually lasts three months, replaced by the young Utluz. can be used as-is with parties in the process of exploring
The creatures reach full maturity around a year after Grunn Galeb, and can be modified with just a couple of
they hatched. Their life expectancy is about four years points up or down to fit other parties and circumstances.
from that point on. Referees should feel free to modify as needed.


Frequency: Very rare PRISONERS AND RANSOMS: Characters being
No. Encountered: 5-50 overwhelmed and beaten in combat does not necessarily
Size: M mean this is the end for them. Intelligent humanoids
Move: 120 ft. in particular might see value in subduing interlopers
Armor Class: 4 instead of killing them outright. A referee might rule
Hit Dice: 1+1 that a character at or around 0 HP is not killed outright,
Treasure Type: L, M, S. and reveal to the player that his character is still alive.
Attacks: 1 Prisoners can be put to work to dig tunnels, serve their
Damage: 1d4+1 hooked sword, +2 to hit on first attack master’s needs, or work in a quarry. A few of them
Special Attacks: Nil might be valuable enough to become hostages to be
Special Defences: Nil sold as slaves to third parties, or back to the employers,
Magic Resistance: Standard communities, or factions that sent them to investigate
Lair Probability: 70% the Erydean Vale. It is up to the referee to decide which
Intelligence: Very side of the action makes for the most interesting game:
Alignment: Loyal the prisoner trying to escape or buying his way back
Level/XP: I/18 + 1/HP to the party, somehow, or the party trying to find and
The Yellow Men of Mars are much more human-like ransom the prisoner back from his captors.
and advanced than their Green counterparts. They
have bright lemon-yellow skin, and usually red to black Ransom amounts can vary greatly, depending on
hair and beard for men. The Yellow Men live in the the fame, level, and general situation of the hostages
cold regions of the Red Shade of Iyon, in domed cities concerned, from a few hundred gold pieces at low levels
protected from the harshness of the environment. (250 GP per level until level 4 might do it), to much higher
They usually wear thick protective furs and may carry prices for heroes and superheroes (at least 1,000 GP per
with them some technological devices like vision level at level 5-8, probably more, including lands, related
goggles, breathing masks, and the like, for their society quests for the most renown and powerful characters).
is still aligned with Law and has retained some of the Substituting prisoners, magic items, or favors is not out
technology of the Red Shade’s past, which they guard of the question, depending on what the captor wants.
with their lives.
The Marmoreal Tomb game module includes three
The Yellow Men fight with bucklers and hooked swords hostages situations which can be introduced sometime
which grant them an automatic +2 modifier to hit after the first contact of the PCs with their associated
whenever they attack a new target for the first time. locations, swapped for other NPCs if desired, or even


completely ignored if the referee is not interested in IYEROM VON BRENNEN (P4): SZ M; MV 120/90
them at all. The NPCs proposed here are all linked to ft. as human; AL LG, STR 17, INT 14, WIS 13, DEX
the Towers of Transcendence, as a means to put them 15, CON 17, CHA 17; HD 4; HP 32; AC 1; #AT 1 or 3
and their factions into play, and to connect thematic range; +2 to hit, D 1d8+2 Battle Axe, ; D 1d4+1 dagger;
components and locations of the setting together. The D 1d3/1d3/1d3 darts. Iyerom Von Brennen acts as a 4 HD
NPCs once freed might become recurring characters, character at all times, but only benefits from the abili-
henchmen of the party, or even replacement player- ties of Paladin of the same level when he assumes his
characters, as needed. heroic form. Carries: Twin crystal rings (one allows
Iyerom to assume his idealized Everknight form 3/day,
LUKHAN: The first of the hostages is located in the for a number of turns equal to his level, while the other
Lair of the Veneur at L1-17A. A werewolf, Lukhan was allows him to summon the frame of the Golden Gate 1/
sent in the Vale to investigate rumors of werewolves day against a wall surface or in mid-air, as a threshold
roaming the lands with no connection with the Lone active for a number of rounds equal to his level lead-
Tower. The Veneur is unlikely to hand Lukhan over to ing back to Caer Caedhn). His armor, axe, and shield
the party: he enjoys toying with his victim and wants are sized for a halfling or a child but magically resize
to keep the werewolf as his plaything. If freed, Lukhan appropriately when assuming his idealized Everknight
will try to accompany the party for a while. He could be form. +1 Battle Axe, banded mail, +1 shield bearing
played by a temporary player in the know. Regardless of the arms of Iyosephe, darts also able to act as daggers in
his association with the party, Lukhan will eventually close combat. Iyerom has a map of the tunnels linking
disappear when he has learned all he can from the PCs the different locations of the Pass around the Tomb (see
and report to the Lone Tower. This could mean more Diagram of Tunnel networks in this appendix). When
agents of Caer Solus will show up to take advantage of Iyerom realizes he failed in his mission and returns to
the chaos stirred by the party’s exploration of the Vale. Caer Caedhn, he might leave the map in the hands of
the party who managed to rescue him.
IYEROM VON BRENNEN: Iyerom is the long-lost
nephew of Segmar Von Brennen (see in this appendix, NEMIAH OF CAER CANIS: Nemiah is an envoy of
Special Wandering Characters), son of Iyedrik Von Caer Canis, who came here to investigate the growing
Brennen who leads an insurrection against his father bandit activity and chaos within the Erydean Vale. After
for the control of the Vale of Inil by the Palehorn, in investigating the isle at E-6 and the faces in the stone at
the southern part of the Bitter peaks. When he and his E-12, he fell prey to the nets of the Red Apes of Iyon and
mother fled the Vale, they found their way north, close has been kept as a prisoner since then in the underground
to Viper Head Pass, and were attacked by the gnolls who level of the tower, not far from the Portal to the Crypts at
haunt the area. While his mother died, Iyerom survived E-9. Nemiah can give information about the harpies and
after being rescued by the Everknights of Iyosephe and the movement of sentinels at the level of the waterfalls
going through the trials of the Tower Perilous. between the faces of the Kings of Aktum beyond.
After an uncertain amount of time, most certainly a NEMIAH (Anunekki, F4): SZ M; MV 180 ft.; AL LG,
few years had passed, Iyerom was asked by the Standing STR 12, INT 13, WIS 8, DEX 17, CON 18, CHA 16; HD
Stone to come to the Erydean Vale to retrieve another (2)+4; INIT +3; HP 54; AC 2; #AT 2; D Shortsword 1d6
child, but he failed, and got knocked out so hard he lost and D 1d4+2 Bite; Nemiah benefits from heightened
most of his memories, including both his identities as a smell and hearing, as most Anunekki do. He can com-
child and Everknight of Iyosephe. municate with others telepathically at will, and use tel-
ekinesis as a third-level magic user. Nemiah can switch
Iyerom is currently held hostage by the orcs of H-10. His
between human and canine forms 2/day: as a canine,
crystal rings and the rest of his equipment, including
Nemiah looks like a stocky mix of a corgy and a Pryton
armor and shield, are kept by the orcs – they know
sheepdog with a tricolor coat of blacks, browns, and
the rings are valuable somehow but do not know their
white. The hair of his humanoid form reflects the same,
function. If Iyerom retrieves his rings, he will start to
as a muscular gnome with brown eyes and a dark com-
remember slowly who he is, starting with the familial
plexion. Nemiah has a jumpy, paranoid nature adding
tragedy, until such a time, perhaps after a stressful
+1 to his INIT/Reaction time, but he also has traits of a
moment or shock, he realizes he can use the items to get
daredevil, willing to face opponents much bigger than
back to his former heroic self and the Citadel of Caer
himself. This allows him to add +1 to his dice rolls to hit
in melee combat. Carries: A +2 studded leather coat


that the Red Apes did not bother to rip off from his body. could be considered the opposite of that ailment since
If the referee chooses to include Nemiah in area E-9 as it is developed through virtue and service to the ideal of
a hostage, his shortsword will be found in the pile of the Tower of Companionship.
refuse within the tower, along with a tuning fork al-
lowing Nemiah to contact Caer Canis when needed. TOWERS OF TRANSCENDENCE
Striking the tuning fork against a hard surface opens a Referees will be familiar with the Outer and Inner
channel of clairaudience centered on the fork and alerts planes depicted in the original advanced game that
the Anunekki of Caer Canis of Nemiah’s request for an inspired this module. For the Hobby Shop Dungeon
extraction. They will plane shift on location shortly campaign, the material plane within that cosmological
thereafter (use Nemiah’s stats with slight modifications setup is constituted of an infinite number of layers, each
to simulate these Anunekki or build your own). connected by a mesh connected with the ethereal plane
the sages call “The Eidos”.
BUILDING THE ANUNEKKI: The Anunekki are pets
and opponents of the hunt who have been immortalized These are the shades of the Eurth, alternate timelines
in the Eidos by the people of Anu, and are now able and realities each drifting on top of one another, and
to project their presence and ideal selves from their each with their particularities, different lands, and
representations in small magical figurines. Those histories, all connected by many elements or similarities
figurines that are in the position of mortals can be used that repeat and decline themselves differently from the
to control the Anunekki spirit linked to it. It can be original Earth template. Some shades are very close to
treated well, or not, but woe to the owner who tortures the original Earth, almost duplicates of it but for one
such a noble memory, for the revenge of Caer Canis or two twists here and there, while other shades are
will come without mercy. The figurines of the servants so different, abstract, or magical as to be completely
of Caer Canis are stored within the Tower itself, which different worlds altogether. Some shades can be
means these Anunekki are free and independent. arbitrarily bundled together as the derivation of a single
main alternative to the original Earth. Thus we have
Roll stats for the character normally. Choose a base
the shades of Örth, which tend to be extremely chaotic,
canine breed, and allocate 1 to 3 HD (d8) depending
magical, and abstract in nature, or the shades of Eurth,
on the size and general bearing of the character. Add a
which are closer to the original, but based on more
bite and a movement rate: 1 HD (D 1d4, MV 150 ft.), 2
symbolic premises, for instance. Your game including the
HD (D 1d4+2, MV 180 ft.), 3 HD (D 2d4, MV 150 ft.). Add
Marmoreal Tomb is assumed to take place within your
class levels on top of this template. All Anunekki have
own shade of the Eurth, whether it’d be your homebrew
heightened smell and hearing, which allows to detect
setting or something else altogether.
the most subtle hints of the presence of a predator,
detect buried treasure, and pinpoint the position of The Towers of Power, or Transcendence, are archetypal
the invisible, among other things up to the referee and beacons within the Eidos. They serve as points of realignment
common sense, with a usual base chance of 1 on 1d6. and embodiment of some forces and ideas within this realm
Complement with a special breed or individual abilities, and interact with the prime material shades in different
if exceptional from an average canine. ways, depending on their makeup and nature.
At level 1, the Anunekki can speak through telepathy, CAER CAEDHN: The Tower Perilous stands by the river
despite his animal form. At level 2, the Anunekki Iyosephe, beyond a set of tall fortifications defended by a
develops a form of telekinesis as a supernatural ability he golden, impregnable Gate separating the premises of the
can perform at his character level to move a weight of refuge known as Caer Caedhn from the savage limbo of
50 GP per level (this means an Anunekki can use wands, the Eidos around it. Because the Tower was artificially
rods, staves, swing a sword, assuming he has the proper created as a refuge for children from the Eurth into the
class and ability to use such implements). At level 4, the ethereal void, all manners of nightmares, half-formed
Anunekki can switch between his animal form and a ideas, and corrupted dreams regularly lay siege to the
humanoid form of his choice a number of times per day fortifications, hoping to erase the structure from its
equal to half his level, rounded down. The humanoid supernatural surroundings. This is counting without the
form reflects the canine’s personality, and often shares strength and courage of the Everknights, who defend the
similarities with the canine form as well. At level 8, an Tower against every assault with success.
Anunekki can assume an intermediary, hybrid form that
is not unlike a lycanthrope, though it is not a disease and The Everknights of Iyosephe are all children who have


been rescued from the prime material plane. They faced CAER SOLUS, the Lone Tower, is the embodiment of
certain death, abuse, or slavery, and were rescued by the madness that seizes one’s heart when faced with total
the Everknights who came and allow them to escape. abandonment and loneliness. The beast inside eats at the
The Everknights of Iyosephe assume their idealized personality, and the individual reverts to a monster swayed
identities in the Tower and on the plane of the Eidos. by the vilest of instincts. Caer Solus spawns lycanthropes,
They appear as strong, adult knights of at least four wraiths, and nightmares. It appears simultaneously in
levels, usually as fighters, rangers, or paladins. Heroes of different locations on multiple shades of the Eurth, and
the refuge of Iyosephe, the Everknights revert to their sometimes within the same shade as well. The exact
child selves if they venture on the prime material plane number of duplicates of the Caer Solus is unknown.
without the help of magical trinkets to help them project
their eidetic true selves there. As time flows differently From the outside, Caer Solus looks like a slim, high
in the Eidos, years, decades might slip by in-between tower with disparate segments each bent at different
jumps to and from the Eidos. Everknights who would angles, stacked haphazardly, as if they had been built at
have reappeared as old men in the material plane still different, not necessarily consecutive eras of the world.
appear as the children they were when they disappeared Sharp prongs of black iron protrude from the angles
decades earlier as if they had not aged a day since their of the tower in all directions, each carrying a glowing
departure. This leads some sages to question whether lantern made of the same metal.
the Everknights are, in fact, immortal or eternal, but that
Iyonidas is the leader of the pack of Caer Solus. He is
seems to not be the case, judging by the catacombs open
an ally of the Silted King of Avlon, who rules the area
to the Everknights under the Tower Perilous.
known as the Wild, and a part of the secret cabal known
The Tower Perilous is a symbol of the dangers and as the Six-Fingered Hand by its elite members. On the
hardship only the pure of heart can go through to affirm move, Iyonidas will usually have a large pack of hounds,
their true identities as heroes and paragons of virtue. worgs, and werewolves along with him. Goblinoids
This may be the reason why the Everknights are children are sometimes subjugated by the servants of Iyonidas
who have gone through trials testing their mettle and to become the eyes, ears, and fists of the Lone Tower
abilities: they start out pure of heart and intent, while around the Bitter Peaks. Only those among the goblins
the trials allow them to control their emotions and reach who already are lycanthropes are allowed within the
for a higher, purer state of being within. Not all children Tower itself, right at the point between the Waking bay
going through the trials are successful or left unscathed. and the Worm Coast around Khrag An Mor.
Those who fail can remain within the limits of the
Tower, and help the Everknights as aids, messengers,
LE, HD 6+2; HP 42; AC 1; #AT 3; D 1d4/1d4/2d6 hands
pages, squires, cooks, and librarians.
x2 and horns, or D 4d6 on a charge; can only be hit by
The mission of the Order of Iyosephe is to keep the silver or +1 or better magic weapons. Iyonidas appears
Tower Perilous safe as a refuge and save the children of as a gigantic, lean lycanthrope with a shaggy grey coat,
the material planes who are elected to go through the the head of a ram, and curved black horns stretching
trials. The Seeing Stone, a strange obelisk apparently from both sides of his head. A wereram, he keeps his hu-
made of a single block of fractured, red jasper, stands at man form a secret, and the servants of Caer Solus have
the heart of the Citadel and guides the Everknights with never seen him as anything other than his hybrid self.
psychic visions pointing them to their daily tasks and Iyonidas has access to a variety of magic items from the
responsibilities for the Order. The Seeing Stone elects tower of Caer Solus. He usually wears a +2 ring of pro-
which children should be rescued from the material tection at a bare minimum, but would most likely also
plane to face the trials, and inspires the Everknights carry potions, ointments, and other forms of magical
to go on missions to retrieve them. The Seeing Stone consumables he could use to survive a severe drawback
can create portals to the shades of the Eurth whenever in combat. He also controls the figurines of the Battle-
convenient. It does not seem to be omniscient, however, count (see in this appendix, Special wandering charac-
since it does not always react to an Everknight in danger ters), which he will use with care.
beyond the confines of the Citadel. Though there seems CAER CANIS, the Tower of the Canids, is assumed to
to be an informal hierarchy between the Everknights be just one of the multiple echoes of the concept of
based on their seniority (levels) more than anything else, companionship in the Eidos. Caer Felis, the Citadel of
there doesn’t seem to be a formal leader among them, Cats and Thieves, is another one of these echoes. Unlike
besides the Seeing Stone itself. its feline mirror, the home of the Anunekki is devoted


to the powers of the Weal, and not only comes in aid to explain what happened and gets the party on the trail of
those animals who suffer in the hands of cruel human the two others. The second piece of the mirror created
beings but also to those human beings who would tend the Ozmi Palimpsest, a younger, more emotional part of
to the Canids and be worthy of the Tower’s help in Osmandius. This one will most likely be confronted by
return. Caer Canis has a physical location on Eurth, in the party at the Barricade, in area L1-35 of the dungeon.
the village at the base of the mount of the Black Abbey, The last fragment of the mirror spawned the Ozmi
in the Mourning Bay, but it can project ghosts of itself in Apocryphon, the younger, and more wicked of the three.
other locations, like an ethereal beacon its servants can
enter and exit to fulfill their designs in other places of The Ozmi Apocryphon looks like the other Ozmis, but
the Eurth. much younger. He looks like a dwarf with pale skin,
angular, bony features, intense, deep-set blue eyes, long
Caer Canis was erected in the Eidos in the memory of dark hair, and a beard. The Apocryphon escaped Grunn
Jasper de Gega, the canine patron of companionship, Galeb and fell into the hands of the Marauders of Ayoun
loyalty, and friendship around the Duinnsmere. Since at H-16, assuming the referee used them at this location.
these times immemorial, it has hosted many of the One night, he managed to cut his restraints and escape
Anunekki, most of which were saved from abandon or from the grasp of Aliaster Krell into the night of the
abusive relationships on Eurth. Like all the Towers of Erydean Vale, and he has been on the run ever since.
Transcendence, the space inside the tower appears much
larger than it does from the outside. There are several The referee will ultimately have to decide how and when
dozens of Anunekki of all breeds and classes calling the the Apocryphon will show up in the game. He could be
place home, all under the advice and tutelage of the the prisoner of a third party or have started to create
archmage Usbert de Trebus (MU 16, AL LG), a very tall, his own adventuring band for the purpose of, perhaps,
lean pine blond labrador magic user with flat ears and seizing control of the rest of the mirror, or he could be
large brown eyes. Usbert is a canine who will generally in hiding somewhere the party expects him least to be
appear in his hybrid form, with the face of a dog and a found. The Apocryphon could be a good hook to start
humanoid body wearing dark robes marked with the the PCs on the way to the Marmoreal Tomb. He could
golden runes of the arcane. He is has a jovial, welcoming be, for instance, perceived as an important mystery by
attitude, but becomes fierce if his people and Caer Canis the masters of Iyonidas of the Lone Tower and in the
itself are threatened in any way. process of being hunted down by the road where the
player characters on their way to the Lower Midlands
Caer Canis sometimes collaborates with the Everknights happen to show up and rescue him. This scenario proved
of Iyosephe and other factions of the Midlands, such as effective, and the mayhem the Apocryphon could create
the Order of the Gray, or the Golden Branch, either when in a village, especially if the PCs take possession of his
their goals are aligned with specific tasks undertaken by fragment of the mirror while he was unconscious and
other groups, or the forces of the Weal as a whole are in sold it along the way, could be enough to generate a
jeopardy. great number of problems and interactions for the party.
Ultimately the Apocryphon is just another tool to get the
THE OZMIS PCs on the way to the meat of the adventure. Referees
should make sure to use him to his fullest potential.
In the Forgettable Room of Grunn Galeb at L1-34,
the immensely powerful master of the Black Fang, OZMI APOCRYPHON: SZ; MV 90 ft.; AL CE, STR
Osmandius, used an ancient mirror to access different 15, INT15, WIS 6, DEX 18 (INIT +3), CON 17, CHA 14 ;
levels of consciousness and connect with the Chaos HD 4; HP 28; AC 2; #AT 1 melee or 2 range, +3 to hit;
stirring under the ruins of the dwarven settlement. D 1d6 Short Sword or D 1d6/1d6 Short bow. The Ozmi
His experiments ultimately backlashed, and the mirror Apocryphon has all the abilities of an assassin of fourth
exploded. As the surface of the black glass shattered, so level. He will cheat, pick-pocket, disguise and murder
did the mind and body of Osmandius himself. Besides his way through his goals. He has no shred of morali-
the tiny shards animated by the raw lifeforce of the ty left compared to the other Ozmis. Because the Ozmi
magic user as an angry golem present in the room to Apocryphon is the projection of a fragment of the Black
this day, the mirror formed three pieces large enough Mirror of Yllonnoc, if he is killed, he can be revived or
to project broken remnants of the mage. One created re-created by the fragment 1d6 hours after its demise, if
the Ozmi Incanabulum, an older, benevolent projection it wills it. Breaking the Mirror fragment also fragments
of Osmandius who will die when he gets the chance to the Ozmi: If broken into two pieces, the fragment will


spawn two Ozmis of diminutive size 1d6 hours after the site. This could provide an opportunity to a party of
death of the Apocryphon. If broken in four pieces, it will player-characters to drive a wedge between them and
instead spawn four lilliputian-sized 1d6 hours the death the Gaelish, particularly if they come in contact with the
of the Apocryphon. The hunt for all the fragments and elders and the Ostrakon not far from the village. Who
the tiny Ozmis could become a true nightmare for the knows what the Marauders would do if they were driven
party! The mirror fragment will not spawn any more out of their dig site, or worse, out of the Vale entirely?
Ozmis if reduced to tinier shards. Revenge would certainly be on Aliaster’s mind if that
were to happen.
The Apocryphon will want to hide his connection and
dependency upon the mirror fragment. He will be able The five Marauders of Ayoun are:
to feel and detect where the fragment is at all times, like
a bee to pollen, or a moth to a flame, and will want to MALEPHAGUS, THE SEXTON OF HUNGER (C5).
reappropriate what is part of him as soon as possible, SZ M; MV 90 ft.; AL NE, STR 12, INT 13, WIS 18, DEX
even if he has to steal or even murder his way to get it 16 (INIT +1), CON 12, CHA 12; HD 5; HP 22; AC 1; #AT
back. 1; D 1d6+2 (mace) or 0/swallow whole on a failed sav-
ing throw against poison upon a hit; Spells memorized
THE MARAUDERS OF AYOUN (5/5/2): (I) Cure light wounds x3, remove fear, detect
magic (II) Hold person x2, silence 15’ radius, slow poison
The Marauders of Ayoun formed a company of Neutral
x2, (III) Animate dead, cure disease. Carries: +2 Scale
and Evil adventurers roaming the Midlands in search of
mail, shield, +1 mace.
profit. This company is intended as a foil to the party of
the player characters the referee can deploy by default at Malephagus is the Prefect of Hunger, a zealot devotee
area H-16, the village ruins dating back to the old kingdom of Xarbathon the Devourer. An ominous figure, he is
of Deybrah. There, the Marauders may have enrolled the all clad in black, with a cloak over his armor and a hood
tribe of the Ada-Maku to help them search the area for covering pale grey eyes and ashen skin. The Prefect
treasure and other clues that would ultimately lead them of Hunger wears the lower half of a porcelain mask
to a big score. A later development, or an alternative to covering the entirety of his lips and jawline. It moves
this original set-up, could see the Marauders take on the slowly as he articulates words in a low, guttural tone
Isle of the Watchers at area E-6, then start to stir trouble of voice. Malephagus lost his jaw bone and the lower
with the inhabitants of the underground river tunnels half of his face to an explosion years ago and uses the
surrounding the Tomb. Or they could show an interest mask as a makeshift replacement to hide the gaping
in Grunn Galeb itself, either as direct competitors to the hole that should have been his mouth. How he is even
PCs while they explore the place, or afterward, once level able to talk is a subject of speculation. Once per day,
1 has been explored, and the question of what to do with the cleric can remove his mask to reveal a monstrous
the abandoned quarry becomes an issue in the game. appendage springing from the gaping hole of his throat.
This tentacle will grab a victim that could be the size of
The Marauders may have been sent here by the Beggar
a halfling, child, or smaller, and attempt to swallow it all.
King, some other patron or crime lord of the referee’s
The victim must be successful in a saving throw versus
choosing, or be on their own. If allied with the Beggar
poison or be temporarily paralyzed, swallowed, and
King, they can call on the aid of Besifalus at H-7 or the
digested by the Prefect.
Gnolls of the Amber Pyramid if needed. The company
involves some very unsavory NPCs, but they are led by a GAUTH THE GLUTTON. SZ; MV; AL CE, STR 18/00,
cunning, Neutral leader who inspires respect, or at least INT 5, WIS 8, DEX 10, CON 16, CHA 5 (INIT, Surprise);
restraint, in them all. This leader is Aliaster Krell, a cousin HD 5+1; HP 42; AC 4; #AT 1 at +4 to hit, 2 at +2/+1
of the dim-witted Runic Krell, owner of the Manor of to hit or 3 at +0/-1/-1 to hit; D 1d12+4 broken sword,
the same name, who constantly tries to sell the property D 1d4+3 bladed helmet, D 1d6+3 oversized gauntlet.
and always ends up with it back in his hands. Aliaster Broken Three-Hander +1, hauberk, bladed Iyathari
wants nothing to do with the rest of the family but could helmet – can be used for a headbutt for a penalty of -2
encourage a particularly gullible party in search of land on the attack, large plated glove acts as a shield – the
and titles to contact his cousin to take over the manor defensive bonus from the shield can be sacrificed for an
and lead to other adventures in the region. additional attack at -2 to hit.
The Marauders will not particularly treat the Ada-Maku Gauth is a large hunchback ogre wearing a long hauberk,
well if they use them as a workforce on the ruined village a bladed Iyathari helmet made of thick bronze over his


face, a large broken blade that could have belonged to a it. She is the perfect spy, especially if Aliaster is now
hill giant in one hand, with an oversized gauntlet of black serving the Beggar King, who could become an obstacle
steel covering the other. He is the partner of Malephagus, to the plans of Yggsmouth in the future.
who gifted him with a supposedly invisible companion,
“Magauth”. Gauth usually talks about himself in the Note that Iyeselda d’Ayltheia is the progenitor of both
third person and expresses the desires of Magauth the Grunhyld (the Lady of the Lake of the Withered Grove
same way. “Gauth and Magauth are both hungry for your at H-13), and Grimhyld, aka now “Magauth”, the lump
flesh, little man. They certainly hope you taste good!” growing on the back of Gauth, Eliya’s companion.
Iyeselda does not know of the survival of Grimhyld in that
Magauth is actually a tumor growing on the back of parasitic form, but Grimhyld is aware of the connection
Gauth, a bubble of puss containing the vestigial remains between her Mother and Eliya Argyropeia. This could
of a hag Malephagus grafted onto the poor ogre without be a link she would use as she becomes more conscious
his consent. Since then, the hag has been growing, slowly and in control of Gauth, especially when she becomes
driving the ogre mad, until such a time she will be able aware of the existence of the other hags in the Vale, and
to come back to life and take her vengeance against the how they are all related to her and the Lady of the Lake.
coven that betrayed her in her past existence. She is, in
fact, Grimhyld, sister of the “Lady of the Lake” Grunhyld Eliya is a beautiful life-like automaton made out of silver
at H-13. Bit by bit, the ogre will be able to manifest some metal. She wears leather armor and the gear of a thief and
of the spell-like abilities of a Green Hag, growing in is an excellent shot with a bow. If she gains experiences
power until Grimhyld takes over entirely. How far the and makes it beyond level 5, she will probably choose the
infection grows, and how much of an impact this change path of a thief acrobat, unless she dies before, in which
has on the dynamic of the game, is left up to the referee. case she could come back as Eliya Chrysopeia, a more
sinister version of herself.
Grimhyld is fundamentally resentful of having been left
to die and discarded by her family of witches and hags. Eliya’s hair is part of the sculpture and is permanently
She hates Yggsmouth now and would like nothing more tied into a loose bun at the base of her neck. Her
than to take revenge against the lot of them, destroy features are feminine and gracious, and her face shows
Arymanne and the mysterious ancient powers that hide a determination classic for representation of huntress
behind her mask. heroes and archetypes. Eliya slowly discovers life, what
it feels to feel rage, passion, abandonment, anger, all
ELIYA ARGYROPEIA, THE LIVING STATUE. SZ these different emotions which are a given to human
M; MV 120 ft.; AL TN, STR 17, INT 10, WIS 10, DEX 17 beings. She is curious and inquisitive, like a child, but
(+2 INIT, Surprise), CON 17, CHA 17; HD n/a, attacks precise and merciless in the heat of battle, or when she is
as a 4 HD creature; HP 30 hit points; AC 4; #AT 2 at executing a task for Aliaster.
+1 to hit, melee or 2 at +2 to hit, range ; D 1d8+1/1d8+1
silver fists, or 1d6/1d6 longbow; Eliya Argyropeia has all Eliya Chrysopeia: If Eliya is destroyed or disappears,
the abilities of a thief of fourth level, she can gain expe- the referee should determine whether Iyeselda and the
rience and reach new levels with specific alchemical rit- witches of Yggsmouth would see her return with the
uals and modifications. Carries: Leather armor, climb- Marauders or on a revenge path against her aggressor
ing gear, +2 longbow, and arrows. Eliya’s very body is as a good thing furthering their plans in the region. In
her weapon. She fights with fists and kicks (same dam- that case, a new version of her could be sent back with a
age) during melee combat. She takes only half damage smooth gold skin instead of her current silver. She would
from slicing weapons, but full damage from piercing restart at 8 HD no matter what, with 1d12 damage for each
and blunt weapons. fist and the abilities of a thief acrobat of the same level.
Eliya Argyropeia is the creation of the night hag and Eliya Chrysopeia can only be hit by +1 magic weapons or
sorceress Iyeselda d’Aytheia, the spawn of Arymanne better, and slashing weapons will do no damage to her
who pulls the strings of the covens in the region on at all, whether they are magical or otherwise. Electrical
behalf of Arymanne and the city of Yggsmouth, north damage will slow Eliya Chrysopeia, but fire damage will
of the Midlands. She has been entrusted to Aliaster in heal her as if hit by a cure critical wounds instead of doing
exchange for services rendered. Aliaster suspects but damage to her. Eliya Chrysopeia would be more awake
doesn’t know for sure that Elyia is a way for the hag to and “present” as a living construct than her predecessor.
keep tabs on them. He is of course right, as the hag can She would be driven, manipulative, and without pity
see what Eliya can see without her even knowing about whatsoever.


BELETIA KHAN, THE NECROMANCER (MU5): hat with a red feather, leather breeches, and a dark
SZ; MV; AL LE, STR 9, INT 18, WIS 10, DEX 16 (+1 traveling coat, especially when riding. Aliaster has an
INIT), CON 16, CHA 16; HD; HP 24; AC 2; #AT 3 darts uncanny way of making friends, getting out of confron-
or 1 flask of oil, +1 to hit; D 1d3/1d3/1d3, or D 2d6 plus tations by talking his way out of them, and mimicking
1d3 splash damage; Spells memorized (4/2/1): (I) Magic the voices and mannerisms of the people he met. He is
missile, charm person, sleep, Nester’s floating disc, (II) also fairly adept in the dramatic arts and knows how to
invisibility, ray of enfeeblement, (III) lightning bolt. Her put together convincing disguises. The referee is judge
obols of seeing allow her to see the invisible, detect as to the applications and results of such techniques.
the undead, speak with the dead 1/day, and cast nec-
romancy spells as though she were 4 levels higher than Once a man of honor and an aspiring knight, Aliaster
she is. Beletia wears the robes of the necromancer (AC Krell has now seen enough to know that the heart of
4), which allow her to appear as an undead to those al- men is feeble, changing, and hopelessly weak if exposed
ready suffering from the condition, and either repel or to fear and temptation. From desertion to seeking death
command the undead as a cleric of her level (does not on the battlefields of the Duinnsmere, Aliaster embarked
combine with the obols of seeing). She will often carry on a life of crime and tried to take advantage of as many
sacred flammable oils to moisturize corpses and move fools as he could. As a matter of common legend, the
them more easily, some salves of healing, and one or two “Baron Errant” lived more adventures than a man could
magic scrolls, usually inscribed with necromantic utility count as a swindler, petty thief, and womanizer, and
spells like detect magic, feign death, animate dead. he still has that “je ne sais quoi” that made him appear
rebellious, mocking in the face of imminent danger at
Beletia Khan is an elder woman, small, bent, wearing one time in his life, and charmed so many in the process,
dark grey priestly robes and a black shawl with threads there’s a weariness now to his mature self that is hard to
of gold over her head to match. What makes Beletia miss when the man is at rest.
stand out is her personality, focus, and the implements
she uses in her craft. Once a Gaelish elder of some Aliaster wants nothing to do with his family, their estate, and
reputation, Beletia gave up everything to pursue her love their legacy. He is a survivor, first and foremost. He could
of all things sunken in the past, embalmed, gathering have been a hero in another life, a man driven by virtue and
dust, rusting, and rotting in the dark underground. willing to forfeit his life to do what is right, but he would
have had to face different hardships in his life, and made
Beletia is in love with death. She longs for its cold different choices along the way. Such as it is, he is a cunning
embrace but wants to remain alive to be able to relish in leader, all the same, a man with fundamentally no allegiance
it. She will look at corpses for hours, open up animals to who wants to see him and his band of mercenaries succeed
study their entrails, and try to divine the future. Speak and settle for good. He will do anything to fulfill that goal,
with the dead and hear dialog no one else can hear. She and be able to finally retire with a roof over his head, and no
perpetually covers her eyes with a set of golden obols, strings attached, to anyone.
ancient coins of orichalcum. She says the obols allow her
to see the energies of decay, and she seems to be just as THE NAMELESS COMPANY
alert as any able individual.
The Nameless (or Lost) Company is the name of a
Beletia is the de facto expert when it comes to the dig small group of adventurers devoted to the cause of the
in the village ruins of H-16. She is a fine sage in her own Weal. They seek to gain fortune, prestige and generally
right and knows the history of the Duinnsmere and this do good by those they come in contact with, but they
area, in particular. are not the kind of people to just let others take on
their jobs, or push them by the wayside if there is
something to be gained in exploring the unknown or
T5). SZ M; MV 120 ft.; AL TN, STR 17, INT 16, WIS 12,
taking on missions for well-intended third parties.
DEX 18, CON 16, CHA 18; HD 5; HP 38; AC 4; #AT 2,
Iron rapier and main gauche (dagger), +4 to hit and +1
Depending on the particular situation in the game,
to hit, or 1 range (dagger) +3 to hit; D 1d3+8/1d4+1, or D
referees might introduce the Nameless Company as a
1d4; Aliaster was first a fighter, and then at some point
more diplomatic, good-aligned version of the Marauders
dual-classed as a thief. His rapier (a weapon with which
above. They could be initially digging through the ruins
he is double specialized) is an implement of law and
at H-16 or exploring around the Isle of the Watchers
therefore less random than usual weapons. He wears +2
at E-6. They could interrupt the party in the middle of
leather armor, a white linen shirt, a flamboyant, large


their exploration of Grunn Galeb, or save them from SISTER MAGDA PALEMA (C5, Prefect of the
the Hunting Party (see the same appendix, below). Shield): SZ M; MV 90 feet; AL LG STR 17, INT 12,
The Nameless Company could become friends, allies, WIS 16, DEX 10, CON 16, CHA 14; HD 5; HP 35; AC 2
replacement characters for the players to pick from, or (Chainmail +2, under her nun robes), #AT 1, Aspergil-
competitors for similar prizes if the referee is so willing. lium Mace, +3 total to hit; D 1d6+6 if the Mace’s head
is weighted, 1d6+4+ Holy water if it is filled with such.
The Nameless Company involves competent adventurers, Can reach out 15 ft to hit targets for D 1d6+3 with the
just like the Marauders. Though not mentioned, they weight and a chain attached to Magda’s wrist. After a
carry classic adventuring gear, including torches and hit, Magda can spend her movement action to pull back
lanterns, tents, bedrolls, grappling hooks, iron spikes, the mace to her hand. Spells usually memorized (5/5/1):
and rations, the works. The four initial members of the (I) Command, Cure Light Wounds x2, Remove Fear,
Nameless Company, which you can recognize in several Sanctuary, (II) Hold Person, Resist Fire, Slow Poison x2,
art pieces of this module, are: Speak with Animals, (III) Speak With Dead (exploring)
or Dispel Magic (Prepped for a fight). One of her un-
guents (see below) can Cure Disease.
STR 9, INT 17, WIS 15, DEX14, CON 16, CHA 12; HD
5; HP 20; AC 6; #AT 1; D 1-4 Dagger; Spells memorized The Aspergillium Mace is a +2 weapon with a smooth,
(4/2/1): (I) Magic Missile x2, Sleep, Burning Hands, (II) vaguely conical, or spherical hollow head constellated
Acid Arrow, Water Blast*, (III) Fireball. ring of feather with holes. The head of the aspergillium mace can be
falling, dagger, spellbooks, bracers of armor AC 6. filled with a weight adding +2 blunt damage to a hit, holy
water allowing three hits in a row spraying such on a
Bhalzam the Blue is the descendant of Zarak of the
hit in a 10 foot square around the initial target, or filled
same color, the mage who faced and destroyed Thalion
with incense and ambers which can produce flames and
the Tyrant when he tried to destroy the entire region
other effects on a hit (which Magda doesn’t own yet, but
of Peshtagau by the Duinnsmere, some centuries ago
could find in the Crypts later on). She is wearing magical
during the Great Eldritch War of Danthium versus
chainmail, carries with her a collection of potions and
Iyathar. The pressure of the parentage left Bhalzam
ointments which will help recovery and dissipate the
humble and very much aware of the great expectations
effect of lycanthropy, diseases, poison, and paralysis.
bestowed upon him. He usually keeps it to himself and
tries to behave in a dignified manner, respectful of his Sister Magda Palema is not your usual female cleric. She
past and parentage. This usually makes him the diplomat is stout, has the guts of a seasoned adventurer, a rugged
and peace-keeper among the companions. He is naive, sense of humor, and has a big heart filled with empathy
however, and always keeps a few of his spells ready for a for all other sentient beings. She is ruthless against evil,
good fight. practices tough love with her peers, and encourages
them to push their talents and capabilities to their limits.
She is also compassionate, patient when those qualities
TN, STR 17, INT 12, WIS 14, DEX 13, CON 19, CHA 12;
may be needed. Of the members of the Lost Company,
HD 5; HP ; AC 3; #AT 1; D 1d6+2 pick or 1-4 light cross-
she probably is the beating heart. She can do the talking
bow. +1 Military pick, boiled leather armor, crossbow,
and repair the damage occasionally done by Druinn’s
+3 small shield, potion of frost giant strength (+9
embarrassing comments, and can also stand next to
the Nameless Knight if Bhalzam the magic user needs
Druinn the dwarf is a seasoned adventurer hailing from to back up a threat with some well-needed brawn. She
the Anhurean Wall, the greatest range of mountains tends to the members of the group, coaches, and herds
south of the Duinnsmere. He left his community to them like she would her chicks back at the temple of the
escape the rigid, preordained life he was promised under Shieldmaiden. She is loyal and loves her crew to pieces.
the aegis of Law, and to forge his destiny in so doing. She will defend them to the death.
Years have not been especially kind to Druinn, however,
and he is somewhat bitter and cynical. This usually
AL LG, STR 18/88, INT 15, WIS 12, DEX 12, CON 15,
makes him the party-pooper among his companions, as
CHA 17; HD 5; HP 42; AC 1; #AT 3/2 (Runeblade) or 1
he tends to see situations in terms of glass is half empty
range; +3 to hit, D 1d8+5 or D 1d6 javelin. Protection
and shades of gray to prepare himself and those he cares
Helm that defends against detect alignment and ESP.
about for the worst. He sincerely worries for his friends,
Smooth shield +1, plate mail, javelins, Runeblade +1
however, and would defend them to the end if necessary.


– dwarven runes are enchanting this dead magic sword The Hunting Party will work best with adventuring
whose original name was Asmadora. The Nameless parties involving at least six player characters, or parties
Knight wants to resurrect the spirit of Asmadora and including several characters beyond level 1. Triggering
make the sword truly intelligent and magical again. the event when the party is about to complete the
It could be that the blade belonged to his ancestors, or exploration of the entire first level of the dungeon could
knows something about them. The Knight himself is be a good way to ensure a relatively even match.
not sure. Perhaps something in Grunn Galeb will help
him find out? As the glaring first rays of the hated morning pierce through
the lovely fog-covered hamlet, the armored, twisted figure of
The Nameless Knight is not a pretender. He has no idea a bugbear breathes in the ambiance of the recently burned
who he is, or where he comes from. For some time, village even as the poor excuse for ale of the hillside farmers
he bore a name that was not his, but he does not even too quickly dissipates from his aroused senses.
remember that life. After being hunted down by villains
in the wilderness and tortured without ever being told The once headman of this village has long stopped twitching
why they took him, the monsters left him for dead in a on his stake. His screams and cries for help blended in so
ditch. The knight awoke without memories to his new softly with the howling of his wolves. . . such music they all
life, with no face and no name (the knight’s face has made throughout the night!
been burned and damage during his torture – note the
Without further ado, Almorrin Fudgrun sets forth to kick
charisma score assumes he is wearing his helmet at all
and brow-beat his contingent back into some sort of order.
times), and ultimately became a mercenary. His long-
Today, forty-one of his brothers of the Sixth Nation remain,
term goal is to discover his true identity. His short-term
each one of them mounted on worg. These bugbears are his
goal is to be able to eat, sleep somewhere dry if possible,
people, fellow warriors who have fought and killed for his
and take care of the companions in his care. The
Primal Lordship Krassus the Colossal.
Nameless Knight is a competent, charismatic leader. He
is not particularly talkative, but he gets along well with An assorted group of lower scum also obeys Almorrin’s
his people. The companions usually call him “sir”, except command, although their numbers change by the hour with
for Sister Magda who has taken to calling him “kid” for internal strife and desertion. Two hill giants, five ogres, and
some time. The knight doesn’t object. He knows this is a two gargoyles are His Lordship’s assistants sent to aid the
term of affection coming from her. bugbear control the horde of kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins,
and brigands who march with the worg raiders in the hope
THE HUNTING PARTY of some scraps or profit for themselves.
The Hunting Party presents an additional group of Only two weeks remain before Almorrin must return to
NPCs who can be inserted into the flow of play after the main body of the Primal Lord’s army to show he is still
the player characters start investigating Grunn Galeb. It worthy of command. The Bugbear peers at the horizon and
can function as an additional foil, a rival raiding party spots the cliff’s side. The commander wonders why this place
suddenly standing somewhere between the party and looks so familiar, but then suddenly remembers: this is here
the entrance it used to access the dwarven settlement, Almorrin was first blooded under the tutelage of Krassus
or it can become another trigger of interaction with – that small nest of dwarves with the strange marble and
the broader world beyond the Tomb, putting the the potent brew! The commander reflects, images of the
players in contact with the Vile Legion and the current slaughter coming back to his mind. This was the day he
whereabouts of Krassus the Cambion. found himself bound to the Stone Giant’s will, and came to
love it. Lord Krassus, he muses, is a being who understands
The event seeing the Hunting Party entering Grunn
what is truly important in life and will let nothing get in
Galeb should be triggered at the referee’s discretion,
the way. If only Almorrin possessed such power himself. . .
either when it makes the most sense and creates the
but the commander stops immediately as the thought comes
most appropriate tension for the exploration of the place
to his mind. It is not safe to entertain such ideas with his
and the excitement of the role-playing game in progress,
Primal Lordship not so far away.
or randomly, on a result of 6 on the periodic random
encounter roll, in effect replacing the second roll on the Almorrin’s lads are still drunk and tired after the sack of that
random encounter table, or as a result of 12 on a roll on human village last night, but two of his four brood mares’
the random encounter table otherwise. sons are part of this cavalry unit. The bugbear ponders,
wondering if he could take them on a hunting expedition


to the dwarven ruins. “Heck,” he muses, “we could still find The Mounts
trophies, loot, or gain a couple of stray wolves to add to the Every one out of eight mounts in Krassus’s cavalry is a
Master’s breeding herds.” worg. It is always mounted by a section leader. The other
Almorrin Fudgrun grabs his heavy composite bow, once seven are dire wolves and mounted by normal bugbears,
owned by one of the gnomic boar-riders of the Sandy with the bulk of the cavalry constituted of hobgoblins on
Hills down south, and rouses his offspring out of whatever wolves. Not all hobgoblins are wolf riders, however, and
entertainment they had until now. He bends them back this is something Krassus wants to be corrected, hence
to his will and, once he captured their full attention, leans the constant search for more wolves and new auxiliaries
forward and whispers: “Be very, very quiet, for we are to be trained and included within his forces’ ranks.
hunting dwarves today.” Almorrin and his sons are all mounting worgs when they
POSSIBLE REINFORCEMENTS: The three bugbears reach the Marmoreal Tomb.
are alone initially. If they are aware of resistance and WORG MOUNT (3): SZ M; MV 180 ft.; AC 4; HD 4+4;
make it back to their camp, they can show up with their HP 31, 23, 25, #AT 1, DMG 2-8 (Bite). Leather barding
cavalry, which includes seven bugbears mounted on dire (+2 AC).
wolves, six hobgoblins mounted on wolves per bugbear
(that is, 42 hobgoblins total), and one gargoyle. The hill
Following the Hunting Party’s Defeat
giants and ogres are likely to slowly march behind, one
of the gargoyles scouting for prey around them. As much as he slightly cares for his children, Almorrin
considers his own life sacrosanct. He will flee from
ALMORRIN FUDGRUN SKULL-SMASHER (Bug- combat if the situation looks dire and whistle for wolves
bear Group Commander, Guard Status): SZ M; MV to cover his escape. He will make it back to his bully
90 ft.; STR 18/70 (Permanent Strength spell +7), DEX boys’ camp one hour away and share the news of the
17, CON 15; INIT +2, Suprises 1-5; HD 5+1; HP 31; AC interlopers meddling with his hunting party. They might,
-2 (Natural 8, +1 Banded mail, +3 for DEX 17); #AT 2, depending on the potential danger versus reward factor,
+3/+3 to hit (normal arrows) or 2, +4/+4 to hit (+1 arrows) make their way back to the site of the confrontation
or 1 (magic hammer); DMG 5-11/5-11 normal arrows, or to solve the problem once and for all (see possible
6-12/6-12 magic arrows, or 6-9 (5-8)* magic hammer. reinforcements above), but woe to the unit commander
who loses some of Krassus’s assets in battle! The referee
Equipment: +1 Arrows x 3 (made by Hawksley de Nilbor, must determine whether if it would be worth it from
the Grim Wood’s master fletcher), Normal arrows x 14, Almorrin’s standpoint, bearing in mind that if things
+1 banded mail, large gnomic boar-rider composite bow went bad for him and his sons in the first place, he is
(must have 18 strength to bend, allows to add strength unlikely to risk Krassus’s troops in a losing gambit.
modifiers to attack and damage up to 18/00 Strength),
+1 magic hammer, potion of levitation, high-pitched
whistle (canine attractor, range 20’’ – referee, do not SPECIAL WANDERING CHARACTERS
forget about the wolves of area 17!). Jewelled headband This special section of NPCs is meant to serve two
(88 GP value), 50 GP base value gems x 8, 500 GP base purposes. One, it gives referees an alternate table of
value gem, 14 PP, 24 GP, 29 SN. NPCs and figures to roll on, either as a replacement for
special results on a wandering monster table, as an extra
GUBS AND FAYFD, ALMORRIN’S TWO SONS table for encounters in the wilderness, or a way to make
(Section leaders, veterans): SZ. M; MV 90 ft.; STR characters intervene in key situations, as required by the
17; 16 DEX; INIT +1; HD 4+1; HP 27, 21; AC 1 (Shields, game circumstances.
Banded Mails), #AT 1, +2 to hit (javelin), or 1, +1 to
hit (lance), or 1, +3 to hit (charge with lance); MELEE Second, it gives referees a sample of the more colorful
(GUBS) 1, +2 to hit (+1 morning star), (FAYFD) 1, +1 to characters that could come to the Vale and interact with
hit (halberd); DMG 2-7 javelin or 3-8 (3-13)* lance, or player characters, including humorous cameos, parodies,
2-7 (2-12)* x2 charge, or melee 3-9 (3-8)* magic (+1) people from other worlds, and shades of the Eurth. A
Morning Star, or 2-11(3-13)* halberd. campaign can use a mix of tones and genres. Usually,
variety helps the game remain fresh, non-repetitive, with
* Damage outcomes between brackets indicate ranges new surprises and new ideas popping up in the campaign
against opponents of a size larger than medium, for the regularly. Other times, referees will want to focus on one
referee’s convenience. particular vibe and keep it consistent. Nothing stops the


referee from screening the contents of this table, or build +1 AC 4); #AT 2 or 2; D +2 to hit, 1d6+2/ 1d6+2 claws
his own, to be consistent with such personal choices. or 1d4+2/ 1d4+2 cookie-shaped shuriken, Bite 1d6 and
This table should be able to inspire a few new ideas and Swallow Whole if both claws hit, at which point the vic-
provide a template to build one’s own. tim makes a save vs. poison or enters a state of lethargy
inside Oafy’s belly for a full turn. If not lethargic the vic-
SPECIAL NPCS AROUND THE TOMB (Choose or tim can fight against Oafy’s strength (18/75) to try and
Roll 2d8) escape through the Chaos Moppet’s mouth; Oafy’s fur
-2 Oafy the Chaos Moppet allows him to resist cold per the spell. His round eyes do
not have lids and subtract 2 from chances from being
-3 The Battlecount, Servant of the Lone Tower surprised, as well as conferring infravision and ultravi-
-4 Ernie the Barbarian sion. His fur and weight allow him to subtract 2 from
-5 “Mad” Jak Chirshill, the Swordsman out of Time every source of physical damage he takes, in addition
to his natural AC. The Chaos Moppet’s mouth acts as a
-6 The Heather Knight, Audrek
portable hole. Oafy has learned to pull his whole body
-7 Blake “Bake the Snake” Plissken into his mouth to blink (as a blink dog) to locations
-8 Laymech of Ssorg, Heron Knight of Poy as a defense mechanism. He’s been using this mode of
-9 Ivory Rains transportation lately since he cannot ride horses. He
might be able to swallow people before blinking. He has
- 10 Gyorg of Caer Canis a fascination for cookie-shaped items and pastry. He
- 11 Charles de Phaipps, the Lucky Knight keeps eating wagon wheels.
- 12 Segmar von Brennen, the Errant Knight
- 13 Sydd, the Piper at the Gates of Dawn plate and cutlery, rope, a few torches, a ladder, two
- 14 Helrich Ironhorn, Custodian of the Monolith random potions, one random magic item, about 500 GP,
- 15 He-Rau (Julius of Aethernia), Champion of 2d4 gems of 20 GP base value, 1d6 gems of 100 GP base
Castle Greystone value, and one gem of a 500 GP base value. Maybe a meal
or two Oafy decided to store instead of digest right away.
- 16 Bjork de Bork, Moppet of Zeal and Nourishment Note this doesn’t stop Oafy from storing baked goods and
recipes inside the folds of his fur, including the lost Koo
2 – OAFY, THE CHAOS MOPPET, is as mysterious to
Keedo recipe. Koo Keedo is a famous pastry chef of Örth
the referee as he is to the players of the game. A playful
who went insane and disappeared shortly after creating
bipedal, two-armed aberration with wide round eyes
the greatest homemade butter shortbread cookie in
and no lids, a big mouth, and purple fur all over its body,
the known shades of the Eurth. Anyone following the
Oafy presents himself as an adventurer speaking crudely,
recipe’s instructions has to save vs. magic or go insane.
with a rough, guttural voice. He is an innocent yet very
Not even Oafy dares to follow its instructions... yet.
enthusiastic addition to any adventuring party and
could either become a henchman, a regular NPC, or a On some very, very rare occasions, which do not include
PC assigned randomly or not in the campaign. mere wounds, beatings or humiliations, but would
include witnessing acts of insane savagery, or such
Oafy is Chaotic Neutral. His alignment expresses
injustices as could trigger a psychotic breakdown, Oafy
itself in his willingness and enthusiasm to experience
could transform into Awfy, the Eater of Worlds, and start
anything outside the ordinary, especially when it
a rampage under that form. Awfy is a large (Size L) mass
comes to exploring the unknown. Since he cannot
of purple fur with the two protruding eyes of the original
carry a backpack and wear conventional clothing, Oafy
Oafy, but his limbs disappear. As it rolls and slithers
stores his belongings in his mouth, which behaves like
around at a 90 feet movement rate, Awfy swallows
a portable hole except when he is eating cookies. Oafy
everything in its path, its mouth changing into a gaping
lives by the motto “eat first, ask questions later”, which
maw lined with sharp teeth able to shred stone and
can get him into a lot of trouble. His friends would do
swallow small buildings. The maw ceases to function as
well to keep anything they can’t part with away from his
a portable hole, inflicts 3d6 initial damage, and becomes
mouth, especially cookie-shaped belongings.
a sphere of annihilation instead.
Awfy the Eater of Worlds form can only be hit by +2
feet; AL CN; HD 4; HP 29 (-2 damage on each physical
weapons, has 8 HD, 58 hit points, 50% Magic Resistance
blow he takes); AC 4 (Purple Fur AC 6 and Scale Mail


and AC 4 modified by magical armor worn (AC 2 with only covers the right half of his body but is magically
scale mail +1). It will roll around until brought to the effective for the whole, and a demon shield +2 that
brink of destruction, at which point it will swallow itself, may induce fright onto the people struck with it (Save
blink, and disappear. Oafy will reappear later on having vs Magic or act at half strength for 1-6 turns). His Hun-
no memories of what happened during his time as Awfy. gry Battle-axe +1 has a blade shaped like a shark head,
which will chomp at a wound until torn off the injury.
3 – THE BATTLECOUNT is a malevolent individual, a His bat-winged helmet grants him infravision and goes
mercenary and leader of men who almost brought the along with an ominous red glow from within its orbits.
entire Duchy of Hernst to its knees in the centuries past.
After a very successful campaign against the forces of Poy, 4 – AERNST OF GAAX, more commonly known
the Battlecount thought to name himself the Archbaron around the Duinnsmere as Ernie the Barbarian, is
of Hartst. He was the first pretendant to the title after the consummate traveler, storyteller, and adventurer.
the fall of the Duke and his retinue. As the head of so Despite some logistical skills inherited from his
many barons in his conquest of the Duchy, the Dolorous forebears, Aernst refused the leadership of the Kingdom
Guard allowed him to enter the Hallowed Halls of the of Ournst when his father departed. Instead, he went
Iron Siege and sit on the throne to submit himself to the on what he called “the Wild Hunt” to commemorate his
judgment of fate. He was never seen again. memory and make sure that the heroism of the House
of Gaax would not perish from the world. His brother
The Battlecount has traveled many planes and lived Luuk, master of the armies of Ournst, refused the same,
many adventures in other worlds and shades of the to honor his father’s memory, turn down the perceptions
Eurth. He left all his fear behind and became a ruthless of despotism and empower the combined claim of their
mercenary of evil. In so doing, his fear crystalized into three sisters to the throne.
the Eidos, ripe for the taking. Iyonidas of the Lone
Tower studied the legend and created a series of magical Aernst went on many an adventure followed by his
figurines not unlike those of wondrous power, or the two trusted hounds, Kaye Cey and Korona. He was
Anunekki’s. The response of the lycanthropic powers the guardian of two of the Anunekki, the spirit of his
of Fear to the powers of loyalty and companionship, a companions recalled in the shades of the Eidos in the
figurine can animate a full-blown Battlecount in the service of Caer Canis (q.v.): His old friend Kaiser (F5),
service of the Lone Tower. Whether the player characters and his girl Rubeeka (C5), and can still contact them
end up meeting the real Battlecount that emerged from with a special whistle gifted to him by Usbert of Caer
the Wild, one of his figurine duplicates in the service of Canis. Ernie fights with high spirits and a huge stone-
Iyonidas, or both, is up to the referee. If defeated, a fake cold battle axe. He laughs at adversity, encourages his
Battlecount will revert to the form of a broken figurine, retinue, and adds +1 morale to any ally within earshot of
as if he was but a toy made out of clay all this time. How his tauntings and battle-cries.
many figurines Iyonidas possesses is unknown, though
it is doubtful there would be more than five or six. It is Ernie the Barbarian can be met and recruited by any non-
possible that the real Battlecount would want to enlist Evil, non-Chaotic party for a full share of treasure. He
the PCs’ help if he became aware of the existence of the is not fearful of magic or magic users, his father having
figurines, to either acquire them for himself or destroy been a potent dweomer worker himself, but will remain
them altogether. wary all the same, remembering his peculiar sense of
humor and having been the victim of ‘practical jokes’ as
THE BATTLECOUNT (F8): SZ M; MV 120 feet; a youngster.
STR 17, AL CE; HD 8; HP 58; AC -1 (Plate Mail +1 and
Demon Shield +2); #AT 2 (sword) or 1 (battleaxe); D ERNIE THE BARBARIAN (B4): SZ M; MV; AL, STR
1d8+2+1d6/ 1d8+2+1d6 (extra d6 damage is flames or 18/77, INT 14, WIS 12, DEX 16 (INIT +1), CON 17, CHA
cold on command) or 1d8+2 plus chomp 1d4 for each 14 ; HD 4; HP; AC 2; #AT 1 axe, +5 to hit; D; 1d8+7. Er-
subsequent round thereafter (rip off with a strength nie can hit creatures requiring +1 magic weapons with
test). The Battlecount generally carries the standard of any implement or his bare hands. He adds his level to
his current employer, along with those of the people he his saving throws vs poison, paralyzation, petrification,
recently defeated. These could be exchanged for favors polymorph, staves, rods, wands, and breath weapons.
if brought back to the right estates. His longsword He is an accomplished man of the wild, able to climb a
+1 can be activated to exude intense flames or cold on mountain, jump over chasms, and generally survive in
command. The Battlecount wears plate mail +1 that harsh conditions with ease. Ernie the Barbarian wears


furs in the Midlands. He carries some Bracers of Ar- ence to be noticed for the glory of battle. Treat them as
mor AC 6, wears a +1 Ring of Protection, and owns having the effect of a bless spell on the battlefield, albeit
a +1 Luck Stone (adds one pip to any roll beneficiary mundane, not magical, in nature.
to the character, whether this is to hit, damage, roll- 6 – THE HEATHER KNIGHT was once an alchemist for
ing for hit dice, for random magic items, any roll at all, the court of the Viscount of Poy. One day, while he was
whatever the die type). Ernie usually fights with a huge trying to develop a crop that would survive the harshest
+2 Battle Axe. Ernie adds +1 morale to any ally within of environments including the tough winters of the
earshot of his tauntings and battle-cries. He is assisted Midlands, he gave birth to an evil variety of monstrous
by his two war hounds of medium size, Kay Cey and plant, the monster molds, that would corrupt all those
Korona (treat both as ordinary war dogs). He also pos- who came in contact with them. With the help of
sesses a whistle which, if blown, will call upon the help friends among the orders of chivalry of the Viscountcy,
of his former companions, Kaiser and Rubeeka, who he managed to put an end to the threat altogether, but
are now Anunekki in the service of Caer Canis. Both not without sacrificing everything, including the life of
of them are large hounds, Fighter 5 and Cleric of Jasper his only son. To get rid of the corruption of the molds,
5, respectively. It will take some time for them to locate he experimented on himself and the animals of his
the whistle and generate a portal to the general area, household. One day, he catastrophically succeeded and
but they can be a source of reinforcement or rescue in changed himself into a hybrid of plant, wolf, and human
dire needs. together. He rampaged throughout his estate and killed
5 – MAD JAK CHIRSHILL was once an officer of the his son, but he had created the antidote to destroy the
British army on a shade of the Earth. An individual of influence of the pollen of the monster molds.
particular courage, honor, and decorum, he made it a Since those days, Audrek, the Heather Knight, has
habit to fight the battles of World War 2 armed with a become an agent of the Wreath at Gael Norath. As such,
Scottish broadsword and an English long bow. Shortly he serves the powers of neutrality in the great cosmic
after the war, Jak Chirshill became an agent of the secret conflict of the forces of Weal, Woe, Law, and Chaos.
service. When he found a bizarre ritual of Nazis trying to The Heather Knight will come in aid of those in dire
resurrect the Reich by connecting extra planar entities on situations, as well as those people who are trying to
a small island off the coast of Denmark, he had no choice protect nature, the animals, and the wild powers of the
but to sacrifice himself to shut down the portal open by Eurth. He will be the indomitable enemy of anyone who
the cultists. This selfless action projected him head first tries to destroy or subjugate the same for their designs.
through the multiverse, and he emerged on Eurth and
was found half-dead by the halflings of Gawstane at the THE HEATHER KNIGHT (R5): SZ M or L; MV 90
edge of the Wild. ft./150 ft.; AL TN, STR 16 (18/00), INT 16, WIS 14, DEX
15 (18), CON 14 (18), CHA 14 (INIT +3 non-human
MAD JAK CHIRSHILL (F4): SZ M; MV 120 ft.; AL LG, forms); HD 6; HP 36 (60); AC 4 (1/-2); #AT 1 sword or 2
STR 14, INT 16, WIS 16, DEX 18 (INIT +3), CON 14, longbow +1 to hit (human), or 1 bite +3 to hit (wolf), or 3
CHA 16; HD; HP; AC -2; #AT 3/2 Basket-hilted Scottish claw, claw, bite +3/+3/+3 to hit (full hybrid); D 1d8+1, or
Broadsword +1 to hit, or 3 English Longbow, +5 to hit; D 1d6/1d6, or 2d4+6, or 1d6+6/1d6+6/2d4+6; The Heather
1d8+2/1d8+2/(1d8+2) broadsword, or 1d6+3/1d6+3/1d6+3 Knights benefit from all the abilities of a ranger of his
longbow. Mad Jak was gifted a large shield with his new level. The Heather knight carries a sword, a longbow,
coat of arms by the halflings of Gawstane. This mag- and chainmail all enchanted via rune magic to meld
ic shield +2 is Gules (red), with three lions or (gold), with him as he changes shapes. The Heather knight can
but dormant (sleeping) instead of passant (as visible switch 3/day between the forms of a normal human, a
in the coat of arms of the Lionheart and his brother, wild wolf resembling a shrub, and a full-grown tree-
John Lackland). Jak usually wears his field uniform, cap wolf hybrid. The human form sees him use his basic
and all, on top of a chainmail shirt, sword at his side, stats, along with sword and bow. The wolf shrub allows
and bow at the ready (He is considered specialized in him to freeze and be mistaken for a plant for those not
both types of weapons). The blade of the sword is made investigating too closely, heightens his STR and DEX
of English steel and is treated as iron for the purpose scores to 18/00 and 18 respectively, replaces his weapons
of harming the fay. The English longbow, though not with a bite, shifts the AC to 1, and gives him a move-
magical, is treated as +1 for its fine craftsmanship. Last ment rate of 15o ft. The full-blown true wolf form adds
but not least, Mad Jak carries a set of bagpipes he plays 18 CON and the related HP to match it shifts the AC to
with a party on a charge, or whenever he wants his pres- -2, and replaces the bite with a full three attacks rou-


tine. Upon reaching level 8, the Heather Knight will to bring with him all the gear necessary for trekking
be able to animate trees as a treant in his full hybrid and climbing, thieves’ tools, iron spikes, everything a
form as well. The Heather Knight is extremely vulner- seasoned veteran would bring along.
able to weapons intended to put down trees (such as
axes), which deal double damage in both non-human 8 – LAYMECH OF SSORG is your typical Heron Knight
forms, and fire-based attacks, which are made at +4 to of Poy. A Pryton man, born and raised near Holmsford,
hit, with +1 to every die of damage inflicted. he survived the Un-death and lost most of his family in
the tragedy that took over the whole Viscountcy. Instead
7 – BLAKE PLISSKEN is a gnome fighter thief who can be of breaking his spirits, the tragedy stirred in him the
found dead at area L1-31 of Grunn Galeb and reanimated desire to serve the Viscountcy and the people as much
at the Twin Tankard. If the players miss the clues leading as he could. He enrolled within the ranks of the watch
to his revival, do not worry. You can always rule that at Thrisksbane and ultimately made it to the elite ranks
Neb from the Twin Tankard recovers the body himself of the squires of Lake Llieth. Laymech was accepted into
at some point and reanimates him. Neb could decide to the ranks of the Heron Knights by the young Viscountess
venture himself to the Marmoreal Tomb, of course. He Alhiandra Pengannon herself. Now, Laymech is the
could also hire another group of PCs for that task, or hire Heron Knight based in his birth place, Holmsford, south
NPCs off-camera while the player-characters are busy of the Bitter Peaks (see Wilderness expansion), and
somewhere else. he flies over the mountains with his giant friend and
companion, Alkabeth.
After his resurrection, Blake will be found lurking around
the Twin Tankard and the Lower Midlands. He has an LAYMECH, THE HERON KNIGHT (F5): SZ M;
intense dislike of all forms of impersonal authority and MV 90 ft.; AL LG, STR 18/26, INT 13, WIS 12, DEX 17
government control and wants to be left alone as much (INIT +2), CON 16, CHA 14; HD 5; HP 44; AC -3; #AT
as possible unless there is a job that pays well for him to 1 two-handed sword +2 to hit, or 3/2 lance +6 to hit; D
perform. He works intermittently as a treasure seeker, 1d10+3, or 1d8+8/(1d8+8) Lance – two attack routines
a bounty hunter, and a henchman/adventurer to those are only possible on a dive against two different targets
who can afford it. Wherever he goes, the party will find close together. Both Laymech and Alkabeth are consid-
people who know him ask him in wonderment “Blake, is ered specialized with Lance combat, and together they
that you? I thought you were dead!” Which may or may can combine their abilities into a single double-special-
not be answered with a quippy one-liner. ization. His two-handed sword is magical +1, stand-
ard issue for a Heron Knight, and marked with his coat
Plissken can be recruited by adventuring parties of of arms on the hilt. So is the +2 Lance he uses while
any allegiance, and assists for a full slice of treasure mounted on Alkabeth, the +1 Shield he uses along
acquired. Blake probably shouldn’t be judged by his size: with it. The +1 Plate he wears to perform his duties
consummate survivalist, escape artist, and mercenary/ as a Knight is an heirloom. Laymech is strapped to his
bounty hunter, he also has a knack for alchemy and mount while flying, and will not fall to his death if he is
baking. His cookies are particularly potent, and dismounted or unconscious.
dangerous for the consumer, from the fireball cookie
that goes “boom” as one would expect, or the death by ALKABETH, GIANT HERON: SZ L; MV 60 ft./480
chocolate cookie that induces a coma as deep as feigning ft. flying; AL NG; HD 4; HP; AC 7 (2 with barding); #AT
one’s true death. 3; D 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d8.

BLAKE “BAKE THE SNAKE” PLISSKEN (F/T – 4/5): Heron Knights rarely land in the wilderness. When they
SZ S; MV 120 ft.; AL TN, STR 16, INT 15, WIS 12, DEX do, perhaps to check on people they just helped survive
17 (+2 INIT), CON 16, CHA 15; HD 4 1/2; HP 34; AC from an ambush, it will be at a distance. The Knight
4; #AT 3/2 golden rods, +1 to hit or 2 shuriken-shaped will remain mounted and alert until he is sure there is
cookies; D 1d6+2/(1d6+2) or 1d4/1d4. Blake’s +1 golden no danger whatsoever. If unsure, the Knight will just
rods can resize to a pole of ten feet and remain extra depart after being satisfied with his inquiry. If a Heron
light. This means Blake can use the implements as poles Knight falls unconscious, his mount tries to evade any
or reach through allied ranks to hit opponents from a remaining danger, does a barrel maneuver to try to
secondary position. Blake is clad in black leather from get back her charge on the seat, if the Knight has been
head to toe and carries a turtle shell +1 the size of a dismounted, and flies back to the point of origin of the
large shield on his back. Once resurrected, Blake will duo. In this case, with Alkabeth, she would fly back to
slowly rebuild his equipment and arsenal. Expect him Holmsford along with Laymech on her back.


9– IVORY RAYNS is a ranger and archer in service of a gaunt figure with unkempt black hair and sharp white
the powers of the Gael Norath. She originally hails from stripes, pale skin, and droopy brown eyes. He is slightly
the Villenor and grew up with human parents, which bent over as he smells the air and stares suspiciously
made them suspicious of her nature, thinking she was a at the people he doesn’t know. Gyorg always seems to
changeling. She left the city after a childhood of menial be a heartbeat away from doing something completely
tasks and little love and ventured into the Golden Hills unexpected, but he is reliable, like clockwork, if everyone
to find the entrance to the secret kingdom of the fay, follows his instructions.
Mag Mell. She was disappointed when she was refused
entrance from the Living Dolmen wandering the wild GYORG OF CAER CANIS (MU6): SZ M; MV
areas of the Viscountcy. She ventured north to the 120ft./150 ft.; AL CG, STR 16, INT 18, WIS 8, DEX 16
Midlands and entered the service of the Hawksley of (+1 INIT), CON 14, CHA 14; HD 6; HP 18; AC 1; #AT
Nilbor, the leader of the Jolly Men by the Grim Wood. She 1, dagger, melee or range, or 1 bite, canine form; D1d4
currently serves as a liaison between her companions of dagger, or D 1d4+2 bite. Spells memorized (4/2/2): (I)
the forest and the Wreath of Gael Norath, far to the east. magic missile x2, sleep, enlarge, (II) Mirror image, stink-
She regularly travels back and forth carrying information ing cloud, (III) Fireball, lightning bolt. Bracers of ar-
and messages by the edge of the Erydean Vale and the mor AC 4, +1 ring of protection. Gyorg can converse
Grim Wood. telepathically, use telekinesis at will (300 GP weight),
and switch between human and canine forms 3/day.
Ivory is a quippy, smart girl who likes to know who she is
talking about. She might seem cold and unapproachable 11 – CHARLES DE PHAIPPS is a merc usually renting
at first, with her very pale, alabaster skin, her jet black his services through the Brethren of Aodhn (or whatever
hair, and ritual makeup, but she warms up to strangers hireling/henchmen organization the referee might have
after a while and starts sharing some of her advice and in his setting). A native of the Archbarony of Hartst, he
her sarcastic one-liners with those who appreciate such had a good childhood by the Perrenial Forest, away from
humor. More than anything, Ivory wants to belong. Right the ravages caused by the Un-death. This is perhaps what
now, the Jolly Men are as good a home as any, but she caused him to leave and start to search for fame and
could conceivably change for an adventuring party if she fortune on the coast and the Midlands. Charles is a man
can trust her companions and rely on them to survive in in a constant search for a worthy challenge. The only
the Midlands. Ivory Rayns has connections with the Jolly time he faced certain doom, his whole party died. He was
Men, the centaurs of Gael Norath, and the Brewmaster the only one to survive. The relief to be alive was soon
of Nester’s Folly (who once contended for the leadership replaced by a mix of post-traumatic stress and guilt which
of the Jolly Men and failed). push him to this day towards situations with danger,
as if he deserved it for having survived his first ordeal.
IVORY RAINS (R5): SZ M; MV 120 ft.; AL TN, STR 13,
INT 14, WIS 14, DEX 18 (INIT +3), CON 16, CHA 12; The Brethren of Aodhn consider him to be bad luck. He
HD 6; HP 42; AC 1; #AT 1 kukri or 3 bow, +7 to hit with is known as the Lucky Knight as an ironic reinforcement
mundane arrows; D 1d6+2/1d6+2/1d6+2 with mundane of his sinister reputation. What no one knows, not even
arrows, +2 damage if the arrow hits within 20 feet of Charles, is that he is marked by the Powers beyond the
Ivory; Ivory Rayns looks like she’s wearing tight leather Shades of the Eurth, a living mark of honor and courage
armor, but it conceals elven chain mail underneath it in the face of adversity who grants +1 to all rolls made
and a cloak of the elvenkind. She uses a silvered kukri, by characters who employ him. In other words, Charles
a +2 bone composite longbow, and some arrows of the is like a living luck stone, Moreover, he can deliberately
Hawksley of Nilbor (who also happens to be the best lend his assistance to a companion in need, and grant a
fletcher of the region), some magical (+1 and +2, as well +4 modifier to their action, whether that’d be an attack
as explosive for an extra 2d6 fire damage), and some in tandem with Charles, or a saving throw if he tends to
not, in combat. As an elf, Ivory Rains is sensible to Iron someone in need, etc. Charles is not aware of this power
(see Appendix B – additional rules). at all, and referees should keep it from player knowledge.

10 – GYORG OF CAER CANIS is an Anunekki, a black In search of a worthy challenge. The last time he
and white cross between a hound and a border collie. He adventured and found a challenge, he was the only one
is extremely protective and slightly paranoid, but he has to come back. He is technically part of the Brethren
a good heart and is extremely loyal to those who prove of Aodh, but his peers consider him a bad sign, like an
worthy of his trust. In human form, Gyorg appears like ill omen. His title is ironic, but what no one, not even


Charles, realizes, is that he is blessed by the Gods in THE BRENNEN TRAGEDY: The Vale of Inil, which
his own way, as a mark of honor and courage for those stands in a pass by the Palehorn mountain in the south
who keep him in their employ. (secretly add +1 to all of the Bitter Peaks, just north of the Frontier Keep
rolls of the character who can keep Charles happy in his with the Viscountcy, has been home to the family Von
employment for more than a week). Brennen for a few generations. The human barony was
created in an isolated pocket of land surrounded by the
CHARLES DE PHAIPPS, THE LUCKY KNIGHT Bitter Peaks, a Vale which, unbeknownst to the Brennen
(F4): SZ; MV; AL, STR 17, INT 14, WIS 14, DEX 12, family when they acquired it, used to be an exit point for
CON 18, CHA 14; HD 4; HP 56; AC 2; #AT 1 long- the forces of evil stirring under the Palehorn mountain,
sword, +2 to hit, or 1 range, javelin; D 1d8+2 longsword, in the depth of the dwarven citadel of Cwll. Though the
or 1d6 javelin. Charles owns his helmet, chainmail, and dwarves of Cwll have retreated from the world to keep
+2 shield with his coat of arms (azure, with eagle or a lid of ther horrors trying to exit the Labyrinth of the
upside down), a half-dozen javelins he keeps together underworld, evil still slowly influenced the minds of the
in a bundle, and a +1 longsword he’s picked up from a Vale of Inil.
corpse along the way.
It was Lareth Von Brennen, a man devoted to the matters
12 – SEGMAR VON BRENNEN is a Knight Errant of erudition and the arcane, who first tried to undo the
obsessed with finding the right opponent to joust in an seals of Inil. He quickly became a mad, sick necromancer
even match. He travels the Midlands with his squire and in so doing. His son, Leopald, had to kill his father with
modest retinue, who regularly set up his tent, lances, and his bare hands, and he became a transformed, bitter
mount near a crossroads or some other locations where man as a result. He tried to raise his children with great
adventurers are likely to show up. If Segmar recognizes discipline and iron will, but was so afraid they could fall
what looks like a fighter and rider among the player- to the same darkness his father had, he guarded himself
characters, he will challenge that specific individual to a against demonstrations of love for them, which in turn
joust, for the sake of honor and chivalry. Referees are free produced the very horrors he was afraid of. When Iyedrik,
to use the jousting rules in the original wargaming rules the oldest of Leopald’s two sons, listened to the dreams
of 1971 or use their dice-based replacement presented in of his sensitive sister Malbeth and showed interest in the
Appendix B. dark secret his father kept from them, it turned into an
all-out rebellion of the son against the father.
Segmar Von Brennen is the uncle of Iyerom Von
Brennen, the hostage of the orcs at H-10 (see above in Malbeth became mad, unable to separate reality from
the same appendix, Hostages). If he meets the player- visions over time, and is now imprisoned in the dungeons
characters accompanied by Iyerom, he will recognize his of Inil. Leopald is a brooding, bitter lord eaten from the
nephew and want to bring him back to the Vale of Inil, inside out by grief and self-hatred who unleashes his
by the Palehorn mountain in the southern Bitter Peaks. frustrations on the people he swore to protect. Iyedrik
Depending on their first interactions, Segmar may or is too self-righteous, too brash, and too consumed by
may not want to hire the party on their way for extra his anger to understand. Shortly after their feud began,
protection. If befriended, Segmar is a taciturn, brooding Emelda, Iyedrik’s wife and mother to the young Iyerom
fellow devoted to those he respects and cares about. Von Brennen, left the Vale with their son, horrified of
He often might come off the wrong way, and behave in what Iyedrik had become. Iyedrik is consumed by rage,
overbearing ways, but his willingness to say anything in blames his father for everything, and leads a portion of
the first place is a demonstration of the best of intents. the villagers to “take over the tyrant” from the troglodyte
habitats and networks of tunnels around the Vale of Inil.
His goal is to find out what fortunes Leopald kept from
LN, STR 18/52, INT 16, WIS 12, DEX 17, CON 14, CHA
his people, while not realizing this secret could very well
12 (INIT, Surprise); HD 5; HP42; AC 2; #AT 1 longsword
lead to his undoing and the destruction of all he loves.
+4 to hit, or 3/2 lance +4 to hit; D 1d8+5 longsword,
1d8+6/(1d8+6) Lance – two attacks are only possible if As for the second son of Leopald, he initially was gifted
two targets are available next to one another. Segmar is with a milder temperament, but this didn’t protect him
specialized in the use of the lance. Plate mail and shield, from the feud currently destroying his family. If he could
+2 magic longsword, and +2 lance. His mount, Gad- not abide the resentment his brother had for his father,
frey, is a beautiful brown stallion and a typical war- neither could he accept the torture of their treatment
horse of Pryton stock. as children, nor his sister’s imprisonment now as an


adult. Sigmar Von Brennen chose to leave the Vale of Sidious is an unabashed iconoclast, a violent anarchist,
Inil behind and became a Knight Errant, searching for and psychopath. He would share the same statistics as
a cause worthy of his name, or a champion who would Sydd but act on the most destructive, malevolent, and
defeat him in a fair joust. selfish impulses instead, just for his pleasure, to see the
world burn.
a very particularly gifted magic user and musician who, 14 – HELRICH IRONHORN is a cleric devoted to the
early on in his childhood, found a way to free his spirit Frankhian patron of knowledge, history, and contracts,
from the boundaries of a single shade of the Eurth and Poul of Stormpeak. He has traveled the land extensively
was confronted with both the reality of the millions of in the name of his faith, uncovering ruins and discovering
spheres and the natural state of imprisonment our five their ancient purposes, unearthing secrets and artifacts
senses and single mundane existence secured us in. from the depth of the underworld, pleading with the
authorities of the Viscountcy to keep records and build
Incredibly bold, imaginative, and without boundaries, vaults to protect them.
Sydd devised first a set of pipes, then other, increasingly
magical types of instruments culminating with a set On an archaeological expedition near the Monolith, by
of mandolins powered by electrical grasps, that would the Wild, Helrich was caught flatfooted by a group of orcs.
allow him to travel the shades of the Eidos and the planes They toyed with him as their prisoner, fully intending to
beyond unfettered by the limitations usually associated finish him off before day’s end, but were interrupted by
with such dangerous outings. a patrol of Knights Immaculate. They attempted to kill
Helrich, nearly splitting his head in two with a battle-
He ended up encountering Eriop of the Flame and made axe. The orcs disbanded, and the Knights who arrived on
it to the Sanctuary of Varyen Sulhe in the Inner Kingdom the scene discovered Helrich was miraculously alive, but
of Vallachor. He came back an agent of the Golden in a critical condition, with the blade of the axe stuck
Branch. If informed of the existence of the Sphinx at between his eyes.
the Gates of Dawn in the Erydian Vale, Sydd will study
the phenomenon and will find the secret of the Sphinx, After several prayers and spells of healing, Helrich came
possibly opening the group to a new site of adventure back from his ordeal, but he was scarred for life, with the
and exploration in the vicinity of the Tomb. blade of the axe permanently stuck in his head. Since then,
he’s been known as the Ironhorn and has been pursuing
SYDD, THE PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN his mission for Poul and the Monolith. Restrained and
(MU6): SZ M; MV 120 ft.; AL CG, STR 9, INT 18, WIS reserved, Helrich can be a sight to behold. He will warm
14, DEX 18 (+3 INIT), CON 16, CHA 16 (INIT, Surprise); up when recounting some bit of forgotten knowledge to
HD 6; HP 28; AC 0; #AT 1; D 2d6 sound wave, or 3d4+3 whoever wants to hear it, or when he is on the trail of a
magic missiles, or D 2d6/1d3 splash flaming oil; Spell new discovery for the order. He is now investigating the
memorized (4/2/2): (I) Charm person, dancing lights, Erydean Vale, having heard of some rumors concerning
sleep x2, (II) web, mirror image, (III) lightning bolt, fly. the settlement of Grunn Galeb.
Sydd wears a robe of scintillating colors illuminat-
ing a 40’ area and transfixing the onlookers, making HELRICH IRONHORN, CUSTODIAN OF THE
it impossible to attack Sydd. Every round the bright, MONOLITH (C5): SZ M; MV; AL TN, STR 16, INT,
flowing colors are emitted adds a cumulative -1 penalty WIS 17, DEX 15, CON 15, CHA 10; HD 5; HP 32; AC
to hit Sydd, regardless of the results of the initial sav- 2; #AT 1 or 2 with headbutt; D 1d6+4 maul, or 1d6+4
ing throw, to a maximum of -5 to hit. Sydd wears a +2 and 1d8+2 headbutt. Spells memorized (5/5/2): (I) Bless,
ring of protection, bracers of armor AC 6, and plays command, cure light wounds x2, sanctuary, (II) Hold
a heavily modified mandolin with a votive gem acting person, resist fire, slow poison x2, speak with animals
like a horn of blasting with additional use of a chord (III) cure disease, dispel magic. Helrich wears a surcoat
which rips apart flesh for 2d6 damage at a 10 ft. range over a demi-plate, and a helmet fitted around the head
right in front of the instrument. Sydd also keeps a wand of the axe still embedded in his forehead. The blade
of magic missiles at the ready (18 charges remaining), protrudes right from the base of the nose upwards, like
and a scroll inscribed with detect magic, identify, and a rhino’s horn, with the cutting edge of the axe facing
invisibility. forward at whatever Helrich is looking at. In combat,
Helrich wields a +2 maul of impressive proportions,
Optionally, the referee may introduce the evil twin of and a shield bearing the arms of the Chained Mono-
the Piper at the Gates of Dawn. His polar opposite, Sydd lith. He has at least three salves of healing (as cure light


wounds potions) at any time on his person, and a scroll well. The power of Greystone must be called upon the
inscribed with remove fear, cure disease, slow poison x2. chosen individual for the transformation to be success-
ful. In the hands of anyone else but He-Rau, the blade
15 – HE-RAU, aka JULIUS OF AETHERNIA, the of Castle Greystone becomes a +2 longsword with no
scriptures-quoting Champion of Castle Greystone, additional powers or abilities.
emerged from the Wild with his War Cat during the
times of Un-death, as the same magical disease ravaged FLINCHER: Treat as a Sabre-Tooth Tiger – SZ L; MV
his native land of Aethernia. After a conflict that made 120 ft.; HD 7+2; HP 44; #AT 3 claw/claw/bite or 2 rear
him face his nemesis the Bonelord, he was cursed to claws; D 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d6, or D 2d4/2d4.
wander the shades of the Eurth to find his way home,
and ended up here, in the Lower Midlands by the 16 – BJORK DE BORK is a moppet, like Oafy above in
Duinnsmere. He-Rau usually presents himself as a dark- this list. Bjork de Bork is the consummate cook. He looks
skinned, mundane noble going by the name of Julius of like a parody of a chef, with the hat, the apron, the thick
Aethernia. He travels with a pet purple tiger going by mustache, and eyebrows hiding his eyes almost entirely.
the name of Flincher. It is only when he draws his magic For some reason, he seems to be surrounded by chicken
sword and calls upon the power of Castle Greystone that he treats alternatively as his companions, or as the
he transforms into He-Rau, the champion of his realm. subjects of his next meal. He seems to be able to generate
Despite the uncanny resemblance between the two, no these chicken companions at will, out of thin air.
one seems to have figured out that Julius is He-Rau, and
Bjork de Bork can perform acrobatics and recover from
vice versa, a fact which he uses to his advantage to help
fumbles with advantage. As a moppet, an archetypal echo
those in need whenever possible.
of a child’s stereotype, when Bjork dies he disappears and
Julius likes to observe people, their quirks, and the subtle leaves play, only to be regenerated from the planes after
variations between them. He is the type of man who a random period (usually 1d6 days). When he returns,
would remark, for instance: “You know how the Frankhs some of his memories may be affected. Bjork can
call a cheese sandwich in Nustria? They don’t call it understand most forms of sentient communications,
a ‘cheese sandwich.’ No, no. They call it a ‘royal with including some animals (chicken), with some bizarre
cheese’. It’s the little differences, you see?” He has a very exceptions, such as Nipponese dialects, which he does
introspective, philosophical side to him unless he becomes not understand at all. Truth be told, when he speaks the
He-Rau, in which case he will quote religious texts and common trade languages of the Duinnsmere, he is rarely
dark prophecies at the top of his lungs as he chops off understood by anyone, due to his constant mumbling
the heads of his opponents, by the power of Greystone. punctuated with “börk” and “mörk”.


He-Rau will rarely if ever join a party as a permanent
NOURISHMENT (F/MU 5/5): SZ M; MV 120ft.; AL
henchman. He prefers to be on his own and would make
CN, STR 17, INT 17, WIS 12, DEX 15, CON 17, CHA 16
a perfect solo side character.
(INIT, Surprise); HD 5; HP 32; AC 0; #AT 3 frying pan
JULIUS OF AETHERNIA (HE-RAU) (F6): SZ M; and 2 dancing knives, +5 to hit on the pan alone or +2 to
MV 120 ft.; AL LG, STR 16 (20), INT 14, WIS 14, DEX hit blunderbuss; D 1d6+6 plus 1d6/1d6, or 2d4+2 blun-
16 (INIT +1), CON 14 (18), CHA 14; HD 6; HP 48 (62); derbuss; Spell memorized (4/2/1): (I) affect normal fires,
AC 6 (2); #AT 3/2 +8 to hit, or thrown object, +3 to hit, magic missile, enlarge, jump, (II) invisibility, levitate,
or 1, +6 to hit sword beam; D 1d8+14/(1d8+14), or 3d6 (III) lightning bolt. Bjork de Bork wears a Chef’s Hat
thrown object or D 2d6 (1d3 splash) sword beam. The of Holding, a +4 Apron of Cleanliness (as chainmail,
Sword of Castle Greystone is the equivalent of a +4 and washes away stains after 1-4 melee rounds), +3 pan
longsword acting as a girdle of giant strength (stone) of doom (blunt, specialized), dancing set of Chef’s
and modifying He-Rau’s statistics previously noted knives, a cleaver of sharpness that is enchanted to
between parenthesis. It can also break spells as dispel cut cleanly through any density of dead bone or muscle,
magic of He-Rau’s level, and release an energy beam and a +2 magic blunderbuss, a gift of the patron Mur-
acting like a flask of flaming oil, with splash damage as lynd to the Moppet, who is his personal friend.



RANDOM GEM VALUES the value of the consumable gains yet another category.
Many gems throughout the module will be described The d12 is rolled again, and again until it ceases to result
as having a “base value”. When this occurs, the player in 11 or 12.
(or referee, though in play it has proven to be more fun The categories of values of consumables are 10; 20;
when the players do it) rolls a six-sided (d6) for each 40; 80; 120; 160; 200; 400; 800; 1,200; 1,600; 2,000;
gem, or group of gems, as decided by the referee, if large 4,000; 8,000; 12,000; 16,000 and 20,000 GP. Generic
groups of gems are concerned. A roll of 6 indicates the consumables will generally have a base value assigned
gem is of the next higher category than its base value: a to them depending on specific location, purpose, socio-
six-sider is immediately rolled again to see if the gem is economic level, etc. Base values are unlikely to be
even more valuable than first thought, and on again until determined completely randomly.
the roll stops resulting in 6.

Note: the initial base value of gems may not fit the JEWELRY VALUES
categories listed thereafter. When rolling for the actual Values of jewelry will be specific to the people or
value of a gem, just fit the base value at the right spot creatures they belong to. When the values of jewelry are
between the categories listed and apply effects from random, roll d20: (1-4) 3-18 x 100 GP, (5-15) 1-8 x 500 GP,
there. For instance, a 200 GP base value gem may exist (16-20) 1-6 x 1,000.
and would fit between the 100 GP and 500 GP categories
to roll the exact value of the gem later on.
The categories of values of gems are 10 (1-2); 50 (3-5); 100 All swords around the Duinnsmere are special, with
(6-15); 500 (16-18); 1,000 (19-20); 5,000; 10,000; 25,000; personalities, intelligence, ego, or some variation of the
50,000; 100,000; and 500,000 GP. The numbers in nature of conscience (such as votive swords borne out of
parentheses are the result of a roll of d20 when the base gems that enlighten their wearers and each has spirits and
value of the game is to be determined randomly. natures expressed in focus and apparitions, as opposed
to a separate “fixed” personality) that makes them each
Example: Sir Kleu of Liedner found three (3) gems of a
unique. Sages say this says something about the beginning
base 100 GP value during his exploration of the Tomb.
of times and the symbols that preceded the creation of
Safely back at the village of Crom Caemloch, he inspects
the great wheel, the alignments, and the gods themselves,
his price and rolls d6 for each of the gems acquired. He
and that the sword as an instrument of destiny is one
rolls: 3, 6, 6. He rolls again the two 6: 3, 6. Rolls again for
such powerful meme that was infused with power and
the last 6: obtains a 5. The first gem Kleu acquired is 100
significance long before the coming of Man.
GP in value. The second gem (one 6) is worth 500 GP,
and the last one (two 6s) is worth 1,000 GP! Swords that do not have personalities or have generic
modifiers either come from different shades of the Eurth
RANDOM CONSUMABLES VALUES and were not forged on this material plane, or were
Some items, many of them parts of creatures, plants, forged from the powers of Law, which will be expressed
and other consumables, either edible or prime material differently.
for equipment, also have a designated base value in this The base expression of a sword forged of the powers
module. When this happens, the player (or referee) can of Law expresses its base damage as two halves, one
determine randomly whether each specific consumable maximum, the other random. For instance, a sword
(by piece, or pound, etc.) has matured or grown in an with mundane damage of d8 forged by the powers
exceptional way granting it higher value or spoiled and of Law would become d4+4, a mundane short sword
lost some value after being picked up. Roll d12 for each of d6 would become d3+3, and the like. This makes
specific consumable. A roll of 1 indicates the value of the them significantly more effective on average than
consumable is not that good, and dropped one category mundane swords without altering their nature as
down, while a result of 11 or 12 on d12 means the value items. Other functions and powers can be attached
is excellent, and one category higher. A result of 11 or 12 to a sword of law, but their nature remains different
is immediately rolled again: if the result is 11 or 12 again, from actual magical swords with intelligence and ego.


Ratings of EGOs are the only essential departure from the If the Attack Roll hits AC 6, whether the opponent is
rules of the first edition game, as far as intelligent swords unhorsed or not, the lance breaks on 2-in-6, and the
are concerned. Base EGO ratings are calculated around opponent must follow with a saving throw versus Rod,
the same broad guidelines, but they express starting points Staff, and Wands. If the saving throw fails, the opponent
for the strength of the blade’s personalities, and the actual taking the blow takes 1d6 points of damage. If the saving
number to be used in a conflict can vary greatly, depending throw is a success, no damage at all. Note: If a knight
on how much the sword cares about this or that topic of does not joust with a suit of full plate, each hit does d6
conversation. The base rating indicated in the description damage, no saving throw.
of a particular blade expresses a personality neutral,
apathetic, or disinterested vis a vis any given subject. If The use of magical or blunt lances (bonuses modifying
the blade feels passionate about a specific issue, that base the Attack Roll in the former case, and no hit point
rating raises to be two or three points stronger than its damage on hits in the latter), magical armors (modifying
base rating. If some issue phases with the particular goal the target AC 6), and shields (modifying the Defense
or the core desires of the blade, then the functional EGO Roll) might be agreed to by the contestants. The use of
rating can be considered as much as five points higher, blunt weapons is usually reserved for playful jousts with
or even more if the fulfillment of its function and nature children and training with squires. As for magical items,
depend on it. they are usually put into play when the meaning of the
joust goes beyond the contest itself, eg. if it determines a
guilty party in a legal dispute, for instance, or if the joust
JOUSTING has a political meaning for the parties involved.
Ideally, some knights and other NPCs like Segmar
Von Brennen (Appendix A) will challenge the player- Victory conditions are agreed upon between opposing
characters to a bit of joust, from time to time. To tie parties before the joust begins. Being unhorsed for the
into the feel of the original game and its link with the first time, winning a set number of rides, or accumulating
wargaming rules devised by Gygax & Perren in 1971, it points based on the types of hits, lance breaks and
is advised to use the jousting rules from these pages. consequences of the hits are examples of methods and
variants to determine victors.
If the original wargaming rules of 1971 are not available,
do not fret, we have a dice-rolling variant explained here. ALIGNMENT LANGUAGES
JOUSTING is a form of a contest between mounted In the world of the original and advanced games, an
knights both armed with lance and shield. A joust is alignment isn’t just an indication of one’s personality
made of rides or passes during which each knight rides or aspirations. Magic is real. So are the Gods, and the
straight toward his or her opponent and attempts to Cosmic Powers above them. An alignment for a character
unhorse them. not only translates some role-playing tendencies but a
greater “alignment” with the cosmic forces in an eternal
During each ride, each knight rolls Two (2) d20s of game of which they are the pawns and the prize.
different colors: one die for the Attack Roll, determining
whether the opponent is hit or not, and one die for a Alignment languages reflect such allegiances to greater
Defense Roll (modified by Dexterity, even if wearing powers and factions in the world. You could think of the
plate armor in this case) to ensure the character remains Illuminati or the Knights Templar on our own Earth and
seated in their saddle. theorize on ways they could have found to talk to one
another and communicate messages to one another in
The Attack Roll must hit AC 6 to make contact and plain sight, without anyone else understanding what
create enough momentum to unhorse the opponent. they are saying.
If the Attack Roll does not hit AC 6, it misses the mark
entirely and the Defense Roll value of the opponent does The alignment languages of the Eurth reflect this and are
not matter. generally based on ancient and dead languages only the
scholars and sages are supposed to understand. But even
If the Attack Roll hits AC 6, the value of the roll is then if you speak the right ancient language, the people who
compared to the Defense Roll of the opponent. If the are aligned with it use some turns of phrases, idioms, and
Attack Roll is superior to the opponent’s Defense Roll, vocabulary that will confuse the uninitiated onlooker.
the opponent is unhorsed. If not, the opponent remains You can speak Vyridian all you want, if you are not of the
seated and ready for another ride. Chaotic Good alignment, you will know people are talking


Vyridian, but what they are actually saying to one another Nurduk was the native language of the Iyathari. With
will seem cryptic and nigh incomprehensible to you. time, it became tainted with dark speech, but some
dialects remained generally incomprehensible to the
Here are the alignment languages of the Duinnsmere: servants of the Abyss. This is one of those dialects that
is now used to communicate between those serving the
CN: Ancient Vyridian
cause of ultimate selfishness and Evil.
CG: Vyridian
Likewise, on the other side of the Great Eldritch War,
CE: Dark Speech
the formal or High Danthean dialect became a complex,
TN: Ancient Eskhali clockwork-like language used for the record of history,
NG: Proto-Gaelish scholarship, and the worship of the ancestors. Today, it
is still remembered by those who serve the cause of Law.
NE: Nurduk (Iyathari)
LN: Formal (High) Danthean Just as High Danthean was used in scholarship around
the empire at the time of its conflict against Iyathar,
LG: Aodhian the Aodhian language was developed from common
LE: High Sarnathi Frankhian and Pryton roots to address academic matters
by the light of minds independent from the ancestor
Modern Vyridian is the language of those aligning cults. When Danthium fell and the Frankhian Kingdom
themselves with the benevolent side of the forces of replaced it as the power around the Duinnsmere, this
change, entropy, and Chaos. This language is still spoken cemented the use of Aodhian in erudite matters, and as
today by the natives of the Maimed, Caer Avlach, and the formal mode of exchange between the servants of
the Kingdom of Ournst, on the northern coast of the Lawful and Good in the world.
Duinnsmere. It is derived from pre-human inhabitants
of the area, namely the ancient fay (especially the High Sarnathi, finally, is a language that is not of this
Elassendhi, or Sidhe) and the dragons of the dawn of world but originally spoken by those that slither and
time. Ancient Vyridian, on the other hand, is no longer plot in the shadow of the Obsidian Realms. A lesser
spoken in the land but is still used by those who align form of Sarnathi is still spoken in cursed Yggsmouth,
themselves to the purest, more ancient force of Chaos but high Sarnathi is a well-guarded secret to this day,
in the world. only available to the most devout of the servants of the
powers of Tyranny on Eurth.
The Dark Speech is an old tongue that was first uttered
on the Eurth by the sorcerers of Iyathar and enabled
them to speak directly with supernatural beings from
beyond the Abyss. It was then spoken for a while within There are many ways referees have implemented stat
the Ring of Tiriath, as the elven nation there crumbled checks within their games over the years, and we do not
from within under the assault of the ancient serpentine pretend to know better how they should manage their
horrors summoned by Tubaal Khan. It is still the secret tables. If you, referee, already have a preferred way to do
language of the servants of Chaos and Evil. it, by all means, keep using your method.

Ancient Eskhali is one of the very first human languages, (1) One way to do it is just to roll d20 under a certain
once spoken in prehistory when Orum Heb became statistic. Roll a d20 under strength to get the debris out
the first pre-human magic-user to walk the Eurth. The of the way, roll d20 under Dexterity to get a hold of the
civilization of Eskhalon has now completely disappeared, rope and free your hand. This is certainly a common and
but the dialect remains as a way to speak with Gaelish proven way to do it.
elders, centaurs, and the fay around the banner of True
Neutrality. (2) Another way is to assign a difficulty to a certain task,
ranked just like a stat itself. If a task is of a Difficulty of
Proto-Galish is a dialect directly related to Ancient 9 or 10, it is relatively taxing but usual. A difficulty of
Eskhali, but kept alive among those who serve the forces 5 indicates something relatively easy to accomplish. A
of the Weal, and want to oppose the corruption of Evil difficulty of 15 or higher indicates something particularly
at every turn. The broad Gaelish family of languages and hard to accomplish. Once you have your Difficulty
dialects is still very much alive around the Duinnsmere, number, you just compare it to the stat used to beat it,
as the Gaelish folk themselves attest. and translate it into a percentile of success for the one


facing the difficulty, with a stat equal to a difficulty rating decide to spend a Pivot Point to:
translating into a 50% chance of success, -/+ 5% chance
per point of difference between the two. - Rewind time and retry that critical damage roll that
could have ended the life of the big bad guy once and
A man with DEX 13 wants to climb a wall of DIFF 13? for all, or that saving throw that could have saved his
50% chance to succeed. Roll 1d100 equal or under that character from certain death.
number, and the character succeeds. An enchantress
with CHA 15 wants to talk her way out of a bad encounter - Get maximum result on a damage roll or something
at the local drinking hole, with the people worried and that affects the quality of success of an action already
worked up for a DIFF of 13? She has a 60% chance to succeeded in the game.
succeed. A halfling with a WIS of 8 tries to calm down
- In general to avoid certain death, reroll a saving throw,
a horse about to bolt, with a DIFF of 12? He has a 30%
and the like.
chance of success. And so on.
- To get a clue or divine intervention from the powers
Use one, or the other, or your own way in this matter.
beyond the Eurth, when the group becomes hopelessly
These options are just presented as examples.
stuck, or cannot choose between two equally attractive
paths of action.
Pivot Points are means to alter the characters during - To make circumstances or NPCs more compliant with
creation and affect their fate within the game later the desire and intent of the player and his character, in
on. This is a resource meant to be loose and subject to any given situation.
There are certainly many more possible uses for these
A player rolls 1d4+2 Pivot Points for his primary, and only points. The important thing to remember is that they
his primary, character in the game. This symbolizes the are few, only for primary player-characters, and gaining
main pawn of the powers beyond the Eurth through the Pivot Points in the game is next to impossible, meaning
player in the game. Then, the player can generate the it would require specific magic items, like the tomes
character as per the rules of the original advanced game. of lore of the advanced game, situations where the
At this stage, a Pivot Point can be used to: fates would bestow free cards on the player characters,
or otherwise performing incredible acts of heroism
- Add one point to a chosen characteristic (STR, INT, etc) or meddling with the Eidos, to be able to gain that of
influence over the flow of Fate. If that gives you ideas of a
- Add 10% to exceptional Strength
scenario, fantastic, that’s pretty much the intent here. If
- Benefit from a magic item heirloom at the beginning Pivot Points are a nuisance to your style of gaming, just
of the game ignore them entirely.

- Get an ability not usually available to his character type, EFFECTS OF IRON AND TRUE IRON
as an extraordinary boon Iron, on the Eurth, is the metal of Law. It is nocive,
actually lethal, to dragons, the fay, and their descendants,
- Reroll the random generation of a magic item or
most notably the elves and orcs around the Duinnsmere.
anything determined before the game
The closer your ancestry from dragons and the fay, the
- Add a title or some beneficial element of background to harsher your reaction to the power of iron. Yes, this
the character before play means your player characters too.

The referee can decide to be as loose or as strict as he Iron was once a secret guarded by the Valya, who
wants when allowing the spending Pivot Points. The changed their allegiance from the fay and Chaos to the
important thing is that it should be a result of what feels forces of Law in the ancient past, thus becoming the
right at the game table and not something written in Dwarves we know. Then, after observing and cultivating
stone from the pulpit of designers who do not know the a relationship with the sons of men, which they correctly
specifics of your gaming group and attitudes. identified as both the main pawns and prize of the
cosmic battle between the alignments, they offered the
In play, Pivot Points can be used to bend fate in the favor Secret of Steel a new nation they hoped would become a
of the player character. A player, for instance, could main power around the Duinnsmere, and thus was born


the Frankhian Kingdom out of the ashes of the Empire Orichalcum was an alloy in common usage in the Great
of Danthium. Eldritch War and the days before the historical records
of the Duinnsmere. It supports permanent magical
The goal of the dwarves was to turn the iron of men enhancements up to +3 and has an additional +2 bonus
against the fay, and so far it has been a real success. against creatures summoned from other planes of
Mundane forms of iron have been developed, and are existence. It can also retain spells in addition to common
propagating around the Duinnsmere. The life of the dweomers.
elves and their servants is becoming harder and harder
in connection with the world of mortal men, driving a Electrum is not generally used for weapons or tools but
wedge of suspicion between them. So far the plan has is used for minting. It is the poor man’s orichalcum.
played out exactly as the Elder Dwarves wanted it to.
Silver is a metal magically hardened and commonly used
Iron on the Eurth comes in three different forms: by the elves as a substitute for iron and steel. When the
module mentions a silvered sword or a silvered cutlass,
Mundane Iron and Steel (Ferrum), includes crafted iron this is generally what is meant by this appellation.
and alloys. This is the iron most commonly known and
circulated in the world. As a reminder, per the original advanced rules, a +3
armor bonus is usually assumed to derive from special
True and Meteoric Iron, mined and/or treated using meteorite iron steel. Likewise, +4 is assumed to be
Lawful rituals and alchemy. This variety is extremely mithral alloyed steel, and +5 is some adamantite alloyed
rare and usually crafted by experts, like the dwarves. steel. These rules are meant to be able to mesh with the
baseline of the advanced books in that regard.
True (Prismatic) Steel (Adamantite), worked with
Lawful rituals and alchemy. This is the true secret of The general qualifications as to the reaction to iron are
steel, the one jealously guarded by the dwarves and as follows:
the Frankhian kings. Weapons and armor made of
adamantine are legendary and usually come at a cost, Unaffected: Human, Gnome, Dwarf, Giant (Fire),
whether in the difficulty in acquiring them, or in the Goblinoids, Anunekki
burden in carrying them, and the legacy they represent.
Mildly affected: Half-Elf, Halfling, Half-Orc, Giant
There are still many folks around the Duinnsmere, (Cloud, Stone)
especially the Prytons, and Gaelish, who use brass and
other alternate alloys, not to mention the more primitive Seriously affected: Elf, Orc, Giant (Frost, Hill, Storm),
stones, slivers of wood and bone, to create tools and Dragon, Centaur
weapons of their own, considering iron as a luxury, a
Deadly/overwhelmingly affected: Fay, True Elves, True
commodity traded with the Frankhs on the markets of
Villenor, the Viscountcy or elsewhere altogether.
Fay creatures, for this classification, include Booka,
Not everyone is fond of the power Iron bestows to
Brownie, Dryad, Leprechaun, Nixie, Nymph, Pixie, Satyr,
the human race, particularly those people who see
Sirine, Sprite, and any other creature directly born of the
themselves in sync with the natural order of things, and
realm of Faery. This list is non-exhaustive and should be
do not want to see that order disturbed.
updated by the referee when and if needed.
Bronze and brass are still commonly used by non-
Frankhian societies around the Duinnsmere to forge
weapons, tools, and all sorts of instruments facilitating
their lives.


Mundane Iron and Steel True Iron True Prismatic Steel

(Ferrum) (Adamantite)
and Meteorite Iron
UNAFFECTED. Handle freely, no extra damage. Handle freely, no extra damage. Handle freely, no extra damage.

Human, Gnome, Giant (Fire),

Dwarf, Goblinoids, Anunekki
MILDLY AFFECTED. Handle freely, no extra damage. “1” are “2” on damage dice, “1-2” are “3” on damage dice,
saving throw vs. poison at +2 to saving throw to be able to
be able to handle. Damage has handle. Damage has to be healed
Half-Elf, Halfling, Half-Orc, to be healed magically. Save for magically. Save for additional
Giant (Stone, Cloud) additional 1-4 damage per day of 1-4 damage per day of injury
injury from embedded projectile after contact without healing.
(arrowhead etc). Per hour if embedded projectile
(arrowhead etc).
SERIOUSLY AFFECTED. “1” are “2” on damage dice, “1-2” are “3” on damage dice, “1-3” are “4” on damage dice,
saving throw at +2 vs. poison to saving throw vs. poison to be not able to handle. Damage has
be able to handle. Damage has able to handle. Damage has to to be healed magically. Save for
Elf, Orc, Giant (Frost, Hill, to be healed magically. Save for be healed magically. Save for additional 1-4 damage per hour
Storm), Dragon, Centaur additional 1-4 damage per day of additional 1-4 damage per day after injury or contact without
injury from embedded projectile after injury or contact without healing. Per turn, if embedded
(arrowhead etc). healing. Per hour if embedded projectile (arrowhead etc).
projectile (arrowhead etc).
OVERWHELMINGLY “1-2” are “3” on damage dice, “1-3” are “4” on damage dice, Max damage on damage dice.
saving throw vs. poison to be not able to handle. Damage has Damage has to be healed
AFFECTED. able to handle. Damage has to to be healed magically. Save for magically. Save vs poison for
be healed magically. Save for additional 1-4 damage per hour additional 1-4 damage per turn
Fay, True Elves, True Dragons additional 1-4 damage per day after injury or contact without of injury after contact without
after injury or contact without healing. Per turn, if embedded healing. Per round, if embedded
healing. Per hour if embedded projectile (arrowhead etc). projectile (arrowhead etc).
projectile (arrowhead etc).

TREASURE SHARES complaints started when irregular players with scrawny

characters following along for one session or two would
Usually, when a party adventures to and back from the
get full shares. This then transitioned to...
dungeon in a single session, there is a moment at the tail
end of the session when the treasure is split between the LEVEL ROLLS
participants of the game. The general stance of the rules
on this is that the exact means of separation of treasures A single item is chosen per player and character until
and agreements between player-characters should be everyone has an item. Everyone around the table gets
entirely up to them and the party, which it should be. a d% roll per character level and rolls them all to only
keep the best roll of them all for the final picking order.
Nonetheless, the authors have been asked quite a few Shares function differently and are counted separately
times how the splitting of treasure was done “back in the for coins, gems, and the like: All the party’s character
old days”. Here’s a summary. levels are added together. You get a number of shares
from this total equal to your character’s level. Multiclass
Roll d% at the end of the session. The player with a characters get a number of shares equal to their highest
higher roll gets first pick in the treasure (magic items or class’s level plus one share per additional class.
special, unusual items like very fine warhorses, valuable
items), then highest next, and on. Coins and gems are This explains how the separation of treasure worked in
not subject to this picking order and rather split equally. the early days of Lake Geneva campaigning. Referees
This method was used during the first few months of and adventuring parties should feel free to use these
gameplay in the original Lake Geneva campaign. The methods or design their own.


NEW SPELLS Saving Throw: None

Components: V, S, M (Two polished steel balls rolled
Nester’s Expert Appraisal
into one’s hand, like a ball bearing).
Nester’s Little Red Wagon
Description: The caster summons a little red cart with
Shockwave four 10’’ x 1.5’’ black and white wheels and a black handle
Improved Shockwave at the front that can become invisible with its contents at
will. The little red wagon follows the spellcaster within
Threon’s Elliptic Throw the range of the spell, but rolls not on this prime material
Vanx’s Mystical Mend plane alone, but on the surfaces of multiple shades of the
Yllonnoc’s Bleeding Bands Eurth simultaneously. This allows the little red wagon to
roll on sheer surfaces, on the ground, against walls and
Yllonnoc’s Dislocation ceilings, as if generating its own gravity plane. The little
Water blast red wagon is 2’’ by 4’’ in size, and can carry up to 1,000
GP in weight per level of the magic-user. It can also carry
two people (including the M.U.) embracing one another, if
given proper momentum by the magic-user (with one foot
NESTER’S EXPERT APPRAISAL in the cart and the other foot propelling it forward), for a
Level: MU 1 number of rounds equal to his or her level. The little red
Range: 0 wagon can also float in mid-air and cross holes and chasms
Duration: Instantaneous when thus physically propelled. If not attended to, the little
Area of Effect: One specific consumable item red wagon follows the magic-user at the edge of the range,
Casting Time: 1 melee round as if pulled by a non-existent string attached to its owner.
Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S, M (Ginger and ground coffee).
Description: Casting this spell allows the magic-user to Level: MU 2
appraise the value of a specific wine, spirit, or consumable Range: 10-foot radius.
before tasting or opening. It reveals all the nuances of Duration: Instantaneous
the maturing process, taste, and specific qualities of Area of Effect: Special
the consumable, whether its value is variable or fixed, Casting Time: 2 segments
per the description of the consumable. Additionally, Saving Throw: Save for half damage
the insight of the caster is so sharp it introduces an Components: V, S
appraisal that can detect the real qualities of those
Description: This spell creates a shockwave in the
specific consumables with values that would not be
form of a sphere initiated around the magic-user and
ordinarily variable. The magical appraisal reveals whether
spreading at lightning speed 10 feet all around the caster.
the specific non-variable consumable is worse (1-2 on d12,
It inflicts d4 damage, plus one d4 per two levels of the
one category down) or much better (8-12 on d12, same roll,
magic-user (i.e. 2d4 at level 3, 3d4 at level 5, 4d4 at level
one category up) than the average product. This essentially
7, etc). Saving throw for half damage and whether the
modifies the odds of the random consumable values in the
victims fall prone.
Introduction of this module). If a result of 8-12 is obtained,
the d12 is rolled again. If 9-12 is obtained, the value is yet
more valuable, another category up; the d12 is rolled again. SHOCKWAVE (IMPROVED)
If the result is 10-12 this time, the value goes yet another Level: MU 4
category up. Then each potential reroll goes up a category Range: 50-foot radius.
on 11-12, as normal. If the consumable is magical, none of Duration: Instantaneous
this applies: it must be identified, per the proper spell. Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: Save for half damage
Components: V, S, M (a griffin’s feather)
Level: MU 2
Range: 20 feet Description: This spell creates a shockwave in the
Duration: 5 turns + 1 turn/level form of a sphere initiated around the magic-user and
Area of Effect: Special spreading at lightning speed 50 feet all around the caster.
Casting Time: 1 segment It inflicts d4 damage, plus one d4 per two levels of the


magic-user (i.e. 2d4 at level 3, 3d4 at level 5, 4d4 at level The big difference with mending is that this spell will
7, etc). Additionally, the improved shockwave inflicts restore the dweomers lost by magical items, IF and only
extra damage the closer the target is from a hard surface if the mystical mend was part of the item creation in the
stopping the original push of the wave, inflicting 5d6 for first place. This means that when the object is created,
a 10 ft. projection, 4d6 for a 20 feet projection, 3d6 for the possibility of its repair via this spell must be included
a 30 ft., 2d6 for 40 ft., 1d6 for 50 ft. and no additional in the creation ritual. Otherwise, a magic item will not be
damage beyond, at a maximum range of the improved able to be repaired by such means. It is up to the referee
shockwave. Saving throw for half damage and whether to decide just how popular the spell is on his shade of the
the victims fall prone. Eurth and how common its casting for base, non-unique
magic items would be.
Level: MU 3, CL/D 3 Unique items and artifacts would rarely be the subject of
Range: 120 ft (long), 90 ft (medium), 60 ft. (short), 30 ft. such castings unless the item itself was extraordinarily
(point blank range) vulnerable in the first place (e.g. powerful items made
Duration: Instantaneous of fragile materials like glass, clay, wood would probably
Area of Effect: One thrower. benefit from such treatments), but these items would
Casting Time: 3 segments almost surely also retain some measure of autonomy and
Saving Throw: No magical power if broken, which would make their ultimate
Components: V, S, M (a boomerang) and absolute destruction that much harder to accomplish.
Description: This spell allows the throw of a melee WATER BLAST
weapon, which turns magical if not, for purposes to hit, Level: MU 2
in a half circular pattern that hits multiple targets and Range: 10 ft./level
ultimately returns to its thrower. The weapon hits one Duration: Instantaneous; one turn per magic-user level
target, plus one for every three levels of the magi-user Area of Effect: Primary target and splash 10’ around it
after the first, i.e. two targets at level 4, three targets at Casting Time: 2 segments
level 7, four targets at level 10, etc. Strength modifiers Saving Throw: None
only count if all targets are at point-blank range, between Components: V, S
6ft. and 30 ft. from the thrower. Magical and dexterity
modifiers apply, but the chance to hit gets a penalty of Description: Use of this spell creates a powerful jet of
-1 per target after the first. The weapon then finishes its water springing from the magic-user’s hand, inflicting
ellipse and returns to the thrower’s hands. (1d4+level) damage to a primary target, and (level)
splashing damage within 10 feet of the primary target.
VANX’S MYSTICAL MEND For every three levels of experience, the magic-user
Level: MU 2, CL/D 3, ILL 3 gains an additional die of damage, i.e. 2 dice at fourth
Range: 30 ft. plus 10 feet per level level, 3 dice at seventh level, 4 dice at tenth level, 5 dice
Duration: Instantaneous at thirteenth, etc. Half the damage rounded down
Area of Effect: One individual part of an item is non-lethal, due to the initial shock of the blast. A
Casting Time: 2 segments target dropped to 0 hit points will lose consciousness.
Saving Throw: No, unless the parts can individually resist If completely inactive (which isn’t possible if subject
Components: V, S, M (a nine-piece, 3 x 3 wooden puzzle) to attacks) and voluntarily skipping their action for
the round (which they cannot do if unconscious), the
Description: This spell is in many ways an improved target can make a saving throw versus magic to shake
version of the mending dweomer commonly known of off the effects, regain the HP lost due to the shock,
magic-users, in that it repairs items and makes the parts and get back to speed immediately. The HP lost due to
resulting from a break fit back and meld together to forge shock will be regained after one full turn per magic-
the whole anew. It will weld a broken ring, repair chain user level has passed, otherwise. Note that certain
links, smooth out gemstones, reform ceramics as if they targets like the undead, golems, and similar creatures are
had been freshly crafted. The smaller bits of a broken item impervious to non-lethal damage. The spell generates
like dust, pulverized material resulting from a break will about 1,000 cubic feet of water. Parchments, scrolls, and
fly and congregate together to form back the frame of the other items exposed to the air at the moment of the blast
item, while larger pieces will have to be held in place and and vulnerable to water may be destroyed, but the blast
the subject of individual castings of the spell to reconstitute is too powerful and too brief to penetrate protective gear
the entire original item and restore it to its former glory. and backpacks efficiently.


If cast underwater, water blast does the same amount Weapons and armor are likely to be unaffected since they
of damage within 10 feet immediately adjacent to the are probably maintained with oils and treated regularly.
magic-user, while he or she is propelled away from the
area in the opposite direction, and in a single melee YLLONNOC’S BLEEDING BANDS
round, at a distance equal to the range of the spell. If a Level: MU 5/ILL 3
hard surface is met within 30 feet of the point of origin, Range: 10 feet plus 10’/level
the magic-user receives half damage from the spell. Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One individual target
WATERFALL Casting Time: 3 segments
Level: MU 4 Saving Throw: Special
Range: Cone, 5 ft. long/level Components: V, S, M (a strip of bacon or beef jerky)
Duration: Instantaneous Description: This spell summons several raw, bleeding
Area of Effect: Special bands of magic that take hold of a single target and
Casting Time: 4 segments immobilize or squeeze it as long as the caster concentrates
Saving Throw: Save for half damage on the spell. If the target is merely immobilized by
Components: V, S, M (Vial of water) the spell, it can enter a context of a primary attribute
Description: This spell summons a violent, cone-shaped (Strength for fighters, Wisdom for Clerics, Intelligence
waterfall originating from the magic-user’s outstretched for MUs) versus the Intelligence of the caster to be able
body and blasting outwards in a cone 5 feet long per to make a saving throw against magic and break free from
level of the caster. The torrent causes one four-sided the spell. If however, the caster decides to squeeze with
die of damage per level of the caster in the area of effect. the spell, the bands will deal an initial 1-4 damage plus
The saving throw determines full or half damage, and another 1-4 for every two levels of the caster after the first
whether the victims within the cone can withstand the (i.e. 2d4 damage at level 3, 3d4 at level 5, 4d4 at level 7,
force of the flow, or are sent sliding and prone at the end etc.), but a contest of primary attribute versus Intelligence
of the cone of effect. Items held that are vulnerable to of the caster will immediately follow, and decide whether
water, such as incense, scrolls, parchments, spellbooks, the victim breaks free from the bands and breaks the spell
vials, and pottery could be destroyed in the process. altogether. If not, the bands continue to hold the victim
Flint and tinder, torches and lanterns, are now unusable. and the MU decides whether to hold or squeeze again.
Vulnerable items stored under a cape or at a belt have a
50% chance of being affected, and those stored in sacks YLLONNOC’S DISLOCATION
or backpacks 25%, if they are subjected to the spell only Level: MU 5/ILL 5
and do not bath into the residual waters if any. Range: 5 ft./level.
Duration: Special
This spell generates about 12,000 cubic feet of water, or Area of Effect: One individual, corporeal, living,
twelve (12) 10’ x 10’ x 10’ cubes of water in a dungeon humanoid target.
context. The initial waterfall breaks down some doors, Casting Time: 5 segments
damages furniture, weakens walls, and might otherwise Saving Throw: Neg.
alter the caster’s interior surroundings. Even stone Components: V, S, M (A human vertebra).
doors are rarely completely sealed and 100% waterproof.
The referee must pay attention to the surface available Description: This spell creates a series of illusory,
for the water to spread and splash initially, and then psychosomatic symptoms (saving throw vs magic
slowly drain away in interior spaces. Water is extremely negates) that make the victim believe he or she is
unpredictable: the caster of this spell must be aware the incapable of walking due to a slipped disk of the
side effects could present unforeseen challenges. vertebrae. The victim still has its spirits and wits but is
only capable to cast spells requiring no leg movement
Items soaking up water, such as leather, rope, clothes when resting perfectly. The duration depends on the
will be twice as heavy after being waterlogged. Shoes and number of total hit dice of the victim. 0-1 hit dice: 1d4+2
clothes will have to be dried. The initial victims of the weeks, 2-5 hit dice: 1d4+2 days, 6-8 hit dice: 1d4+2 turns,
fall might develop secondary conditions such as trench 8+ hit dice: 1d4+2 melee rounds. Remove Curse and other
feet (reducing movement by half or more), diseases, or spells such as Mind Blank might reset the mind and help
hypothermia in dungeon conditions. Provisions that the victim get rid of the psychosomatic belief.
are not iron rations will be spoiled within 24 hours.


The Handouts of the module are all available here in the a few pages for ease of reproduction. Just photocopy or scan
these handouts, print them, and share them with the party when appropriate.

Handout Intro Map


Handout Intro Map 2


Handout Intro Stonecutters Recto


Handout Intro Stonecutters verso


Handout E-5-Heresy


Handout E-6B-message


Handout E-6-Environs


Handout E-18-Tunnels


Handout H-10-tunnels


Handout L1-9-Stone-01


Handout L1-9-Stone-02


Handout L1-34-Mirror


Handout L1-34-Ozymandias


Handout L2-7-Pillar


Handout L2-15-Runes


Handout L2-Intro-Alphabet



These sheets are not meant to be replacements for the potion of animal control, scrolls x2 with slow poison
keys, but additional resources to quickly look up the x2, cure disease, and remove fear, augury, remove curse.
makeup of a specific area and help memorize the layout The Font is the real reward if centaurs are friended:
of the dungeon and its surrounding areas over time, healing water, regenerates limbs, cures from disease,
from different angles and perspectives. The GM Cheat restores character levels, heals blindness and deafness, etc.
Sheets are meant to be photocopied or printed aside
from the module and to be used in conjunction with it 7. ANCIENT FORT. Lair of Besifalus (Ettin C6 of
while running the game. Gaugamoth, STR 19, HD 10, HP 55, AC 3, D 2d8/2d8).
Memorized: Command, CLW x2, Prot. From Good,
MAP H – HEX OF THE VIPER HEAD PASS Remove Fear, Chant, Hold Person, Know Al., Snake
Charm, Spiritual Scimitar, Animate Dead, and Dispel
1. GOBLIN WOODS. Chimes. Band of Goblins 1d4+10. Magic. Writhin Bracers can both animate 3/day as
AC 6, HP 1-7. 3-18 SP. “Goblin King” Rules. HD 1, HP 7, magical snakes wielded as weapons: Python (AC 3, 49
AC6, D 1d8. Will have Electrum and perhaps 20 GP gems. HP) +2 to hit, D 1d6+2 plus constriction 4d10 on the
2. NIGHT LEGION. Petrified legionnaires, most of next melee round. Adder (AC 5, 20 HP) hits for save
them broken. 12 reanimate on 1 on d8 with full moon = vs poison or additional D2d6. Ring of mind shielding
werewolves. HD 4+3, AC 5, D2d4. Stone to flesh brings (blocks ESP, Know Alignment, and detect lies).
legionnaire back temporarily, until the full moon. Besifalus is in league with the Beggar King (crime lord on
the coast). Served by purple gnolls (HD 2, HP 10, AC 4, D
Huge three-headed werewolf petrified too. One 2d4 or spear 1d6) with leader HD 3, HP 16, and halberd +1
circlet on each head. HD 8+4, HP 48, AC 2, D for D 1d10+1. Bandit men and couriers in and out of the
1d8+3/1d8+3/2d6/2d6/2d6 (bites). Ebonite, Orichalcum, place all the time.
and Silver circlet each with their properties (q.v.), and
key to the temple of E-8. Treasure: Hidden in the lower level of the ruins of
the fort (connects with networks of tunnels under
3. COLLAPSED DUNGEON. Some rooms and corridors the hex). 12,000 GP, +2 Shield, (12) +1 arrows, (6) +2
are exposed to the elements. Check for wandering arrows, (2) potions of water breathing, (1) potion of hill
monsters or animals. The buried section connects to a giant strength, scroll with enlarge, darkness 15’ radius,
network of tunnels. explosive runes, and fireball. Another scroll with resist
fire, speak with animals, and remove curse.
4. CAVE DWELLINGS. Troglodyte habitat. Males (14)
Surprise 1-4, HD 2, HP 8, AC 5, D 1d3/1d3/1d4+1 or Javelin 8. HAUNTED FEN. The domain of the Swamp Hag
x2, +3 to hit, D 2d4/2d4. Females (6) HD 1+1. 6 x 30-60 GP Elisedd (Surprise 4 on d6 in a swamp, 5 on d6 in fog,
silver ingots. HD 5, HP 32, AC 4/0 in water, D 1d6+4/2d6 claw and
bite, or 1d6+4/1d6+4 plus grab for 2d6 automatic next
Leaders HD 4, HP 19/16/16/25. Weapons: stone pickaxe melee round. MR 50%, frightful appearance, spells
(D 1d8), stone hammer, (D 1d6+1), stone club (D 1d6), including fog cloud, ventriloquism, mirror image,
and obsidian sword (D 1d8). Each is worth 300 GP. and dimension door. Carries a wand of animate dead.
The Fen is patrolled by (10) dark elves on stilts. HD 2, HP
5. VIPER HEAD PASS. Roll for an encounter. 9, AC 4, D 1d6+1/1d6+1 stilts or barbed dart (D 1d3, plus D
6. FONT OF LIFE. Grove of trees guarded by (10) males, 1d3 per melee round until wound is covered or healed) or
(12) females Centaurs with (8) young (2HD). HD 4, HP 22, poison dart (D1 plus saving throw vs poison or suffer the
AC 5, D 1d6/1d6/1d8. Six (6) use longbows D 1d6/1d6. (6) effects of Slow spell).
others with shields AC 4 and lance 1d8/2d12. Each has 1d6 Two leaders HD 4, HP 21, 28, AC 3 (chainmail +1), D
pieces of jewelry worth 1,000 GP each. 1d6+2/1d6+2 stilts.
Arkepios is the leader. He is in contact with the Wreath of Each leader uses (2) Graveworms (Surprise 3 on d6, HD
Gael Norath (TN). 2, HP 9, 12, 14, 11, AC 4, D 1d4/1d4/1d4 plus bite 2d6;
Treasure: 4,000 GP, 8 gems of 100 GP, +2 leather bite is automatic if two tentacles hit first). Each worm
armor, a scarab of enraging enemies (21 charges), w/2-8 remains. Produce cone of carrion for D 1d4/


remains expelled, or animate as skeletons or zombies. the Green Hag. Trapped the Dryads of the grove inside
Treasure of the Fen: 3,000 GP, 3,000 EP, (6) gems worth cursed trees by a small lake at the heart of the Grove.
50 GP each, (2) gems worth 100 GP each, +2 scale mail, +1 Three (3) of the (6) Dryads have already died inside their
mace of Agrak Adhar. “ironwood maiden” prisons. The Hag now poses as “the
Lady of the Lake” and tries to lure adventurers to her
9. WEEPING CREEK. Check for a random encounter. domain, pretends to be the last dryad, and uses them on
“missions” to her advantage.
10. ORC LAIR (BLOOD TUSKS). True nest with an
average of (60) individual orcs (HD 1, HP 5, AC 6, D 1d8 Giant ticks, spiders, beetles, and lots of nasty critters in
or 1d6) around (1d6 EP carried). Possible to sneak in and the woods.
out of the muddy tunnels. (3) entrances scattered around.
Possible Hostage: Iyerom Von Brennen (Appendix A). Stirges, Shambling mounds, Korrigans as the corruption
Orc Leaders HD 2 HP 12 and 14 with Stygian daggers
filled with the Sow’s blood (save vs poison to avoid effects, Korrigans: HD 3, HP 15, AC 6, D 1d6/1d6 claws, MR
then another throw every melee round for 2d4 rounds to 20%. Able to teleport through natural earth, stone, and
avoid surrendering to basest instincts and frenzy). plant life. Can animate wood and stone through hys-
terical dances.
The Black Sow is a demon (HD 5, HP 31, AC 0, D
1d6+2/1d6+2/1d6+2/1d6+2 hooves. Hug for extra D Grunhyld: Surprises 5 on d6, 19 on d20 if invisible. HD
2d6 if two hooves hit a single target, plus saving throw 9, HP 45, AC -2, D 1d6+2/1d6+2, MR 35%, infravision, and
vs poison or D 1d6 and permanent -2 to mundane AC ultravision, Mimic ability, audible glammer, dancing
armor, acidic milk from the sow. A regular drink of the lights, invisibility, pass without trace, change self, speak
blood of the sow transforms humans into orcs. Body with monsters, water breathing, weakness, all at will.
parts valuable (q.v.) Treasure: 20, 000 GP, 800 PP, (20) gems of 50 GP each,
(6) Demonic Piglets: HD 2, HP 8, D 1d6+2 on a charge, D glass jar with the head of a dryad, potion of gaseous form,
1d4+1 bite afterward. Sword of the Lake. Grunhyld’s lair is a small chamber
only accessible below the lake’s waterline. It connects
Treasure spread out in the tunnels: 3,000 CP, 4,000 SP, with the network of tunnels around the Hex.
clay pots, some with the sow’s blood, potions of growth,
delusion, and levitation. (2) ointments of extra healing. 14. MARMOREAL TOMB. Dungeon itself.

Mud Pit: (20) gems of 50 GP each, (6) gems of 100 GP. 15. GIANT FORTIFICATIONS. Ruins of the fortifications
Belly of the Sow: (1) Star Ruby 1,000 GP, brooch of around the tomb were built by the giants of Aktum. 10
shielding, ring of free action. ft. wide hole in the middle of the ruins connects to the
Tomb and the network of tunnels around the Hex, but it
11. BONE HILL OF THE ADA-MAKU. Strange hill is obstructed by a Mhole, an alien, psychic tardigrade the
formation, as if made of giant polished hip bones all size of a house. The Mhole is fully mature, 16 HD, and
fused together. best not disturbed. It is dormant, but could gradually
awake and want the help of the PCs to retrieve the
Sages of the Ada-Maku led by the Ostrakon live Ohminid eggs of L2-24, the frozen Ohminid of L2-28A,
there are not interested in a fight (q.v. For stats) or M’khepot the young Mhole at area LC-9.
All wear masks and are TN, including the Ostrakon,
who has a secret: he is from the future, a lesser version 16. VILLAGE RUINS. Ruins dating back to the Kingdom
of Osmandius reborn from the Black Mirror of Yllonnoc of Deybrah, either investigated by the Marauders of
put back together there. The Ostrakon will want to use Ayoun, the Nameless Company (Appendix A), a group of
the PCs to put back the mirror together and/or come to the referee’s own choice, or no one at all.
control the ruins of Grunn Galeb.
17. SINKING MONOLITH. The Obelisk is surrounded
12. NORTHERN PEAKS. Check for a random encounter, by blood vines, and (6) muck-dwelling bottom feeders
or involve the Ogre Twins, Hogus and Pocus. HD 4+1; waiting to pounce on the unwary. Surprise 1-5, 95%
HP 17, 13; AC 5; D 1d10; 47 GP and 77 GP. concealment in the water, HD 4, HP 22, AC 6, D 2d10
bite. Blood sprayed in the water will attract 2d4 lampreys
13. WITHERED GROVE. The domain of Grunhyld, afterward.


18. SLITHERING BROOK. Roll for the possibility of an always aloof, never directly communicating with the
encounter. inhabitants of the area, just going about their business.

19. CAIRNS OF THE ADA-MAKU. Village of the Gaelish Norns: HD 12, STR 20, WIS 20, AL TN, AC 0, HP 102,
head-hunters. A headless stone giant sits in the middle Hurl Rock D 3d10, Sickle D 1d4+11, +5 to hit. They are
of their settlement. The Ada-Maku want the head of the both 12 HD stone giants and druids of the same lev-
giant to reanimate him. They preserve heads of enemies el (spells of one Norn: 8/8/5/7/3/2/1. There are 3 Norns,
in fluids, then try them on the body of the giants, with and that many spells are possible). They are immune to
no success. The head is located in the Crypts, area LC-22. most mind manipulations and effects.

Special heads can be traded with the Ada-Maku These figures are here to loom over the PCs’ shoulders,
for potions of growth, diminution, and later hill to make them worried from time to time, wonder what’s
and stone giant strength, for very rare specimens. going on with them, and feel like this place has a long
There are about (40) warriors in the village. history and secrets not everyone’s willing to share.
HD 2, HP 8, AC 8, D 1d6 spear, 1d4 stone knife. Only much later in the campaign will the PCs be able
4 elite fighters (3 HD), 4 sub-chiefs (4 HD), 3 wise- to interact with them, and when that happens, it should
women (3rd level clerics, 2/1, with healing spells usually be a huge deal, a surprise, and about something of real
memorized), and 2 elders (4th level druids, 4/2/2, one importance to the Priestesses of the Mount.
usually with detect magic, entangle, pass without trace,
shillelagh, barkskin, heat metal, call lightning and MAP E – ENVIRONS
neutralize poison, the other with animal friendship,
entangle, predict weather, speak with animals, cure light 1. OPEN FIELD. Check for the possibility of an encounter
wounds x2, call lightning and cure disease). here. The plain is muddy and difficult to tread. The peat
soil conceals artifacts from the battles of the past, which
Camulos is HD 5, AC 3, D 1d8 + 5, +4 to hit. He wears may be accidentally unearthed after combat or forced
a +2 gryphon-feathered, studded leather armor with movement in the area.
permanent feather fall effect and flight 2/day, +1 round
shield, wields a +2 battle axe, and the thunder spear of 2. MASS GRAVEYARD. Bones, boulders, discarded tools,
the Ada-Maku ((+1 weapon, +3 versus giants, inflicts not much to salvage here.
+1d6 lightning damage and zaps back into the hand of
3. CLIFF. On 1 in d8, individuals climbing this area will
its thrower as lightning once it hit a solid surface, to
attract the attention of a local flying creature. On d3: (1)
reform as the spear into the thrower’s hand). He has po-
a Harpy, (2) A Red Ape of Iyon, (3) A Giant Hawk.
tions of growth, diminution, and stone giant. strength.
Giant Hawk is HD 3, HP 15, +4 to hit, and 2d4/2d4
The valuables of the village are scattered about within
claw/claw for a grab, if taken the prey will be taken
the six main, large huts of the clan (see module entry).
back at the top of the Brown Hill at E-7. Attempts to be
20. MARHORN’S ABODE. The house of Marhorn the dropped can result in a 50 ft. drop for D 5d6.
Druid (D4) and his wife Sefania (R4). Sefania is often
4. LAITHEAN LAKE. Blossom windchime flowers
about patrolling the Erydean Vale, while Marhorn spends
vibrate in the breeze, provide +1 to saving throws against
most of his time at home. Marhorn has good relations
harpies. A full branch provides a +2 modifier, and if
with the Centaurs of the Font, and Sefania has contacts
shaken violently, +3 against the same. Trout, pike, and
with Emain Athras in the Grim Wood and the Emerald
other game fish in the waters. Lingering by the shore will
Mage there. They could be both convinced to join a party
attract a predator.
as henchmen for full shares of treasure.
5. FRANKHIAN FORT. Remains of a campfire and a little
21. GREAT CHIMES. The top of the Marmoreal
shrine with a stump to behead prisoners is dedicated to
Mound is hollow, like a tall natural arch, with several
Abelrik IV of the Frankhs in the western tower. Tower
blades of black glass, or obsidian forming together
walls feature graffiti with the barbed cross of the Knights
a huge natural chime visible from miles around.
The Norns, or three-stone giant druids and sages, reside
under this rock formation. They wear black robes and The corpse by the shrine lies on a broken sword. A pouch
headdresses, slowly moving from place to place in the contains some ash of the supplicant (heals disease when
Vale, or performing some ritual on the top of the mount, mixed with water, including lycanthropy).


Small recess near the shrine concealed by loose stone. A 6B. TOWER OF VISION. Lair of (8) Harpies. HD 3, HP
poison-needle trapped box contains an edict of the Knights 12, AC 7, D 1d3/1d3/1d6. Songs compel victims towards
(Handout), 40 GP, 40 PP, and 2 gems of 500 GP each. the harpies (save vs magic). At least half as many harpies
as there are PCs in the party will be present.
Giant Hellbender Salamander will leap from the Lake
to try and grab some lunch. Treasure of the harpies: 442 GP, 139 SP, 42 CP. Concealed
by refuse: Executioner’s Hood (Scare 2/day). With the
HD 5, HP 28, AC 4, D 2d4+ Swallow on a 16 to 20 to hit Executioner’s Sword from E-5, use hold person 1/day as
roll. D 1d4/1d4/1d6 paw, paw, sticky tongue with a save vs a level 8 MU.
poison on a hit. Paralyzed and swallowed whole on next
melee round on a fail, unglued on a successful roll. Tail Next lies a man barely alive. The last survivor among
swat D 2d4 with 20 ft. range in a 60-degree arc around the Knights of E-5. Kleon Reyns is his name. Equipment
the salamander. gone. Signet ring in his mouth shows Immaculate
insignia and his name. It also has a hidden compartment
Heat burst when under 10 HP for D 2d6 within 10 ft. with a small folded parchment inside (See Handout).
around the salamander.
7. RED CAVES, BROWN HILLS. Entrance to a tumulus
Giant leeches in the rubble in the water. 3d4 eggs
going way down into the ground, into a chamber with a
concealed (50 GP value each).
portal from the Red Shade of Iyon to this place. Could
Two more corpses in the water, with Knights Immaculate lead to Level 3 the Hearth of Chaos later in the campaign.
surcoats, a damaged set of full plate armor that could
On the first visit discover an unconscious Count Aorll of
be repaired, a shield, and a sword worth over 100 GP.
the Yellow Men of Iyon, next to (3) dead Green Men. See
Grognan’s Golden Spurs. The Executioner’s Sword, +1,
module of Aorll’s story. He will want to find his Silvered
+3 vs undead also lies in the water.
Sword of Law, which is in the possession of Lukhan at
6. ISLE OF THE WATCHERS. One tower at each side of area L1-17A.
this lightly forested island.
Whether they join forces with Count Aorll or not, the
Lair of (2) Owlbears in the middle of the island. HD portal will reopen some time when the PCs are not
5+2, HP 32, 34, AC 4, D 1d6/1d6/2d6, hug on 18+ on a around. This time, Tax Tarkhan and his Green Men will
roll to hit, with additional D 2d8. 30% chance to be in step through and start securing the area as their camp to
the lair each. If one is around, the other might show up hunt down the Count.
within the next turn (60%) with two (2) cubs. Cubs alive
8. IYATHARI TEMPLE RUINS. Could be just tunnels
worth 5,000 GP each.
leading to the shrine of Iyorthar, or a more complex
(3) Eggs concealed, worth 2,000 GP apiece. Giant pellets dungeon level, with encounters with Cadaverous
discarded about, one of which contains the body of Caterpillars and other critters.
Brom MadMofynn, a halfling. +1 leather armor. Trap
Ultimately the party will reach an area infested by
removal set (+10%), (6) doses of tobacco clearing fear
zombies, skeletons, and ghouls.
and confusion, very fine pipe (600 GP), Halfling mead
fudge adds +1 to natural HP recuperation when eaten (4 Skeletons: HD 1, HP 5, AC 7, D 1d6
doses, 24 GP each), and a map he started scribbling (see
handout). Zombies: HD 2, HP 9, AC 8, D 1d8

50% chance per turn on the island a group of vultures Ghouls: HD 2, HP 9, AC 6, D 1d3/1d3/1d6, saving throw
attacks the party. 2-6 vultures, each with D1d4/1d4 vs. paralyzation.
claws. They can keep clawing for 1d4 automatic per
melee round. And then, the heated corridor where (2) bundled amber
mummies are alert HD 6+3, HP 31, 38, AC 3, D 1d12/1d12,
6A. TOWER OF LAMENT. Refuge of a group of any attack that hits triggers another to-hit roll for D
Utluz posing as a giant snapping turtle with its shell 1d12 if successful, rolling again to hit for D 1d12 if again
and mummified head. Trying to keep intruders successful, until the reroll of an additional attack finally
away. They are weak and have little to no treasure. fails. Amber mummies affect people with a rotting
disease just like normal mummies. Heat heals them, 1d3


for torches, 1d8 for flasks of oil, etc. They are vulnerable inscribed with chant, snake charm and neutralize poison
to cold. See full stats. x2, the other with charm person, forget and invisibility.
Wand of Self-delusion (27 charges).
The corridor ends with a wizard-locked door. Undoing
the dweomer triggers a 30-foot cube of dispel magic 11. TOMB ENTRANCE. The original entrance to the
right in front of the door. Beyond lies the chamber of the Tomb of the giants of Aktum. Now the lair of a couple
Avatar of Iyorthar. of giant spiders. The male will drop on the PCs and
hope to scare them away. It will retreat to be with the
See entry for full important details, and how the circlets female at 50% of its hit points. If the PCs pursue the
of H-2 have to be used here. female joins in with a swarm of little spiders with her.
Giant Spiders HD 4+4, HP 21 male, 32 female, AC 4, D
Avatar of Iyorthar. HD 8+4, HP 53, AC 0, D 1d6/1d6
2d4 and poison, save or die, immediately for the male,
gorilla arms with 2d4 extra damage if both hit, plus
within a turn for the female. If the female is hit the swarm
2d4/2d4 crab pinchers severing limbs on a natural 20 to
jumps at the attacker for an automatic 2d6 damage, half
hit, plus 1d4/1d4 octopus limbs, grab if hit immediately
on a successful saving throw vs poison.
attacks with one of the tiny crustacean arms for
additional D 2d4 punch and save vs paralyzation to 12. FACES OF THE STONE KINGS. With Kobold
not lose consciousness, OR bite if octopus arms do not sentries. HD 1/2, HP 2, AC 7, D 1d4.
hit for D 2d6. Can also use cause wounds to one target
from its amber eye. Can cause fear, levitate, polymorph 13. UTLUZ BREEDING GROUNDS. (15) Utluz guard
self, mirror image, and telekinesis 4,000 GP in weight. their (12) precious eggs in the water, worth 20 GP each.
Summon demons Type I and II at 50%, Type IV at 40%, HD 1, HP 4, AC 5, D 1d2/1d2/1d3 or spear 1d6 (2d6 on a
and type VI at 30%, all of which are useless in this area. jump charge). 3d6 GP carried.
The avatar of Iyorthar is immune to all natural damage,
takes only half damage from silver and iron, and full 14. UTLUZ SENTRIES (5). Same stats. 2d8 GP carried.
damage from true iron, magical weapons, and other
15. TROGLODYTE SENTRIES (6). With a few
mud huts and kobold servants. HD 2, HP 8, AC 5,
Treasure: If the avatar is defeated, the party is rewarded D 1d3/1d3/1d4+1 or javelin (2) 2d4. Revulsion odor
with the Ebonite, Amber, and Moonstone Eyes of the (save vs poison or lose 1 STR cumulative per round
Avatar, the Crustacean Pinchers which can be retrieved for 1d6 rounds, loss lasts 10 rounds). 3d6 GP carried.
from the body. The circlets fuse and leave a Horn of the The leader is HD 3, HP 18, swings a femur tipped with a
Wolf behind. The golden pedestal on which the avatar horse’s skull D 1d6+2. Necklace worth 120 GP. (12) Kobold
stood is very heavy but hollow, and worth 3,000 GP. servants.

9. HAUNTED WATCHTOWER. The Lair of the (6) Red 16. FROG LAKE. Original breeding grounds of the
Apes of Iyon. HD 3, HP 12, AC 6, Leaping charge D 2d6 Utluz, now controlled by the Obrachaeans. The Gem
+3 (+3 to hit), or net D 0 (immobilized), or 1d6+2/1d6+2 Frog roams around the entire tunnel network here. This
slamming fists on a land charge (+2 to hit on both huge amphibian is entirely covered with gems as if made
attacks), or 1d6/1d6 fists in regular melee. of them. It teleports without error and becomes invisible
at will. Surprise 1-4 if it teleports in range. HD 8, HP 48,
Potential Hostage: Nemiah of Caer Canis (Appendix A). AC -6, D 1d4+1d6 on a crushing/cutting leap landing on
a single target. D 2d4 mouth. MR 55%, immune to mind-
Treasure: Magic-resisting ear membranes (protect affecting magic. +4 to hit with sticky tongue. AC 7 to
against sound-based magic for 1d6 days), vestigial attack the tongue to avoid being violently pulled back
wings worth 50 GP each. +1 Shield of the Ram. to the mouth for an automatic 8 damage the next melee
Portal to the Crypts at LC-24. round. Swallows whole on a natural 20.
10. COLLAPSED BRIDGE. The home of Thudd, the giant Hitting the frog triggers a 2-in-6 chance of breaking a
troll. Not very bright but enjoys riddles and tic-ta-toe. gem from its skin.
He challenges the group if they want to cross his bridge.
HD 6+6, HP 52, AC 4, D 1d4+4/1d4+4/2d6, regenerates. If the frog is slain, its killers can retrieve 1d12 gems of a
10 GP value, 1d8 gems of a 50 GP value, 1d6 gems of a 100
Thudd’s teddy bear contains (4) gems of 50 GP, (4) GP value, and 1d4 gems of a 500 GP value.
gems of 100 GP, (1) gem of 500 GP, and two scrolls. One


17. TOMB OF UR PA KRAAT. This area is way too complex to open flames. A group of Gravespawn Bat-Men lurks
and needs to be supported directly from the module, to at the bottom of the well, near the surface of the water
grasp all the details available. This is the resting place below – they will not be affected by the explosion.
of Ur Pa Kraat, now occupied by the Obrachaeans who
have come from Nester’s Folly via E-19, and where the Bat-Men: HD 2, HP 8, AC 6, D 1d4/1d4, plus bite 1d8
Amber Pyramidion can be recovered. if both hit.
Gravespawn: HD 4, HP 16, AC 4, D 1d4/1d4, plus blood
18. UNDERGROUND WATERFALL. The various drain 2d6 and temporary loss of 1 STR if both hit. The
inhabitants of the tunnels have regular skirmishes along victim regains 1 point of STR per 8 hours of rest.
this cave and waterfall. The fresh corpse of an explorer
can be found in the lower part of the cave, at the base of Treasure at the bottom of the water: +1 chainmail,
the waterfall crashing below, by the exit leading to area (2) daggers of ironwood, +1 tower shield, (2) +1 lucern
E-10. He was carrying samples, most of them long gone, hammers, and Temeraire, the intelligent LG sword.
but a plant survives with a glowing fruit worth 40 GP.
A piece of parchment identifies him as a servant of the 22. STILL WATERS. A catfish worm lurks here. HD 6, HP
Vellum Society (see module entry). He also has a partial 44, AC 4, D 1d4/1d4 pseudopods around the mouth, and
map of the river tunnels underground (see Handout). A D 5d4 tail swap. If hit by a pseudopod, the d4 of damage
bag of holding containing his spell book is still held tight also indicates the number of pseudopods burrowing
against his chest. their way into the flesh of the victims on the next melee
round for an additional 1d4 damage each. Immunity to
19. CRUSTACEAN WELL. This is the area where the blunt and piercing weapons, destroys metal weapons in
portal to and from Nester’s Folly can be open by the 1d3 rounds (corrosive acid secretion), slashing weapons
Conch of the Deep. It is guarded by an Obrachaean inflict half damage, and pop the skin of the catfish worm
Warrior and his pay crayfish. open, exposing its fat, and allowing it to be set on fire.
Giant Crayfish HD 4+4, HP 28, AC 2 D2d6/2d6, Sur- 23. UNDERGROUND CAVERN. The lair of the Utukku,
prise 1-3 on d6. Covered with a brass barding worth the Puffer fish men. 20 males. HD 2+1, HP 9 average, AC
2,000 GP. 4, D 1d4 and saving throw vs poison, or D 1d6, or burst
Obrachaean Warrior HD 4+4, HP 20, D 1d4/1d4 of quills in all directions, with saving throw vs breath
range or D 1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4 melee, or constriction weapons, 1d4 quill hits on a failure, each for 1d4 damage,
1d2, automatic bite 2d6 after a grab, plus 1d6 chewing plus saving throw vs poison with an initial modifier of
every melee round thereafter. Wears a spiral ring of +2, and a -1 penalty per quill hitting. Poison induces
earth-walking, which allows moving at 180 ft. on land. paralyzation, lethargy, a semi-loss of consciousness for
No effect on humans. 1d6 turns. Females (12) work the same as the male, but
with HD 1, HP 4, and AC 6. The young (12) are AC 2 on
20. INTRICATE STATUES. Green slime in this tunnel the top and back, 6 on the front, and HD 1 with 2-3 HP.
protects the presence of jade statues and a scene
representing five stone giants holding a sixth to the Treasure: meat of the Utukku if prepared correctly;
ground. The immobilized giant seems to be affected by chance of Black Pearls with the mussels at the bottom of
some type of demonic curse and wears the crown of a the water in this area.
king. This is a warning about Amal Khas, who is hidden
24. TOMB OF AMUN PAAL. This area has been taken
well beyond area E-21.
over by the Cochlean Beast and is connected to the
Green Slime HD 2, HP 8, AC 9, drips from the ceiling, Olmechean jungle. It involves a triangle of rivalries
attaches itself to living flesh, and turns a creature into between the forces of the Beast, its slugs and pygmies,
green slime in 1d4 melee rounds (no resurrection). It the troglodytes meant to fight it who came from the
eats at wood slowly (1-inch thickness/hour), but through portal to the Olmechean jungle, and the pirates of the
metal very quickly, wasting a shield in a single round, Brazen Buccaneer who are trapped in the middle and do
and destroying plate armor in three (3). not know how to get out. This is a very complex area
that requires the meat of the module to operate fully.
21. CHIROPTERAN WELL. The top of the cave is
swarming with bats and (10) of the Chak-Ta, the Bat- 25. DEAD MINOTAUR AND VINES. Vines with
Men. The walls are covered with highly inflammable amazing, beautiful orchid-like flowers cover the tail
guano that could explode D 8d6 when being exposed end of this tunnel. They are the psychic vines of Omdai.


Skeletal minotaur among the vines, and near it, a dagger The webbing of the spider is valuable as a waterproof
worth 300 GP and the Axe of the Ram. substance, for 30-180 GP’s worth.

The bargain: The vines telepathically propose a bargain Dead merman in the nest has an amphibious light
to the party: to bring humanoids to this tunnel so crossbow, (10) mundane bolts, and one +2 bolt in a spider
the vines can subjugate and study them, to better silk pouch hanging from his belt.
understand the threats they face around them. They will
propose to switch the party’s mind for the prisoners they 4. MAIN ENTRANCE. This main corridor is silent as a
bring back, so they can infiltrate the enemy in different tomb. Vents can be seen in the ceiling opening on the
bodies. This is a win-win for the vines, who only want floor of the upper corridors on each side. The slope
to take care of potential threats and be left alone. leads up to the guard posts of L1-6, with thick visible
webs hanging from the ceiling at the top of the corridor.
26. CAVE LOTUS. Flowers of gold lotus are growing in Bull’s eye lantern with no oil left in it lies on the floor
this case, with pollen that causes lethargy (-4 to hit, -2 AC directly underneath the hanging webs.
and damage, saving throw vs poison to negate and become
5. STIRGES. 3-10 in nest hanging over the well. A
drowsy instead). The lethargy can be dissipated with a
gelatinous cube lairs at the bottom of the well.
sharp hit or loud sound, but the drowsiness left (-1 to hit,
-1 AC) will last for 1-3 weeks unless cured by a neutralize Stirge: HD 1+1, HP 5, AC 8, D 1d3, plus 1d4 blood drain
poison spell. The flowers are valuable to an alchemist. per melee round once attached.
A constrictor snake and its young hide along the cave wall.
Constrictor snake: HD 6+1, HP 49, AC 3, D 1d4/1d10 Gelatinous cube: HD 4, HP 22, AC 8, D 2d4, save vs
bite, constriction (ongoing, per round). If the snake is paralyzation or anesthetized for 5d4 melee rounds.
slain, it will change into a Staff of the Serpent. Treasure: Cerulean League cloak used for the fabric of
Constrictor snake young (3): HD 4, HP 22, 19, 14, D the nest, worth 200 GP. At the bottom of the well, +1
1d4/1d6 bite, constriction (ongoing, per round). footman’s mace, plate mail, 144 GP, (7) gems of 10 GP
value, (3) of 50 GP, and (1) of 100 GP.
27. LUMINESCENT WATERFALL. 3d6 Luminescent
fruits available, each worth 40 GP, can be used as light 6. GUARD POST. These are empty, but for the Spider’s
sources for the next two days and remain edible for 1d4+2 nest, which is accessible through the machicolation hole
days. A group of 1d6 firebugs floats around. Beware of rot upstairs, over the main entrance corridor.
grubs, however (1 on 1d10 when examining a fruit). Huge Spider: Surprise 1-5, HD 2+2, HP 12, D 1d6+ save
Rot grubs: HP 1, D Nil, burrowing, death in 1d3 turns on vs poison at +1 on the roll or die.
a failed saving throw vs death. Can be cut out or burned Young Spiders (6): HD 1+1, HP 6, AC 8, D 1 + save vs
to save a life. poison at +2 on the roll or die.

28. GRUNN GALEB. See below. Access through L1-32. Treasure: Cocooned magic-user with spellbook, +1
dagger, a purse with 2d6 GP, 5d10 SP.

MAP L1 – GRUNN GALEB Further back, the remains of a dwarf merchant with a
1. MAIN GATE. With cinnamon-hued marble for the very delicate, easily damaged by fall and fire necklace
doors, and two huge granite statues outside, one on worth 2,200 GP undamaged, including a dozen pearls of
each side of the door frame. The ground is littered with 1oo GP value each. He has earrings in his possession each
boulders, helmets, used tools, etc. worth 20-120 GP.

2. DWARVEN BONES. All that is left of the dwarves’ last 7. MARBLE SANDTABLE. Where the dwarves played
stand is a huge mound of skeletal remains with a giant their wargames, with a copy of the game of Groin
boulder still crushing some bodies in place. Gygalux and Jef Peryen. An old 40-pound bobcat claims
the sandtable as his litter box. It will sit on the rafters
3. WATERFALL. A Giant Water Silk Spider has built a nearby until it spots a potential friend or an easy target.
bubble nest under the surface and drags those she can HD 1, HP 7, AC 5, D 1d2/1d2/1d2.
to their certain doom. HD 3, HP 15, AC 6, D 1d2 + save vs
poison or paralysis. 8. MARKET PLACE. A huge area where the dwarves use
to do commerce and socialize. Now all the clutter is piled


up on top of the access shaft to down below at L2-30. 11. LESSER APARTMENTS. Not much to be found there.
Treasure: Belenor’s Helmet wrapped in 50 GP worth of The referee may able some Rubble searches, but there
silk if washed. +1 turtle shell belonging to Blake Plissken. are also rob grubs hiding in swollen rotten doors, heaps
See module for details. Rubble search is also possible of trash, and broken beams throughout. Rot grubs: HP
here. 1, D Nil, burrowing, death in 1d3 turns on a failed saving
throw vs death. Can be cut out or burned to save a life.
Ogre: HD 4+1, HP 20, AC 4, D 3d6 sword (pommel is
a gem worth 500 GP), D 2d4+3 -1 to hit total with +1 12. TOMB OF GARN PATUUL. The Tomb of the last King
harpoon 40 ft. range with a rope attached to it. Can call of Aktum has been desecrated, and his bones discarded
for aid with a slug horn. in a corner of this room. Hidden compartment inside
the sarcophagus’s lid: Inside is a celadon marble syrinx
8A. BARBER. Services to both male and female dwarves.
(pan pipes) allowing communication with creatures of
8B. CORDWAINER. Rats’ nest. the elemental plane of earth. If kept for more than three
character levels it could serve as a ring of spell storing
Giant Rats (3-18): HD 1/2, HP 4, AC 7, D 1d3. containing the spells dig, passwall, stone shape, and
Needle-trapped case hidden in the refuse contains a move earth. It will also add 25% to reaction rolls with
scroll inscribed with command, protection from evil, creatures native to the elemental plane of earth.
find traps, and silence 15’ radius.
13. BALCONY. With drunken pot-bellied gnolls. HD 2,
8C POTTER. A few of the potteries there can be put back HP 8, AC 5, D 2d4 or javelin 1d6. Four barrels of dwarven
together and examined. See module entry for specific ale remain, and their worth depends greatly on the
details. identity of the buyer. 50 to 300 GP. The hat the gnolls
use to gamble has a hidden compartment with a scroll
9. LEADER’S APARTMENTS. Living quarters of Belenor’s inscribed with gust of wind, invisibility, and strength.
family, with a mural painting representing him with the
winged helmet. Examining the painting will trigger the 14. OLD WELL. Lair of the Kobolds. One of them has
apparition of his beautiful bearded wife, now a ghost a 100 GP ingot stashed in an oil jar. The Jade Bread
driven mad by grief. See module entry for the dialog. found near the jars can still be consumed, and bestows
Treasure: Painting hides a compartment with the stoneskin for 6 hours if consumed with the Stoneskin
Stone Book of the Cutter Dwarves. See Handouts. The Stout of the dwarves. The combination requires a saving
Stone Book contains a lot of information that would be throw vs poison to not roll under the table (see detail in
extremely valuable to dwarves. Referees should feel free module entry).
to use the book to add adventure opportunities to the
game as well. Fine Jade statue in the same compartment Dead Body at the bottom of the well, with around him:
is worth 500 GP. a bill of exchange for 500 GP, a note that says “ask Ektor
Hoerg, Twin Tankard” without explanation, and several
Grimoire with drawings of exciting young bearded pages of parchment that combine into some sort of
females. Could fetch 1d12 x 1d100 GP if sold to a dwarf construction plan and the remnants of a spellbook with
specialist. friends, jump, message, ventriloquism, mirror image,
and Nester’s little red wagon*. See module entry for
10. DRINKING HALL. Giant Millipede nesting in the more information on these elements.
ceiling. Surprise 1-4 on d6. HD 4, HP 22, AC 6, D 0 +
grabs a wooden object. The millipede zooms in and out, 14A. BAKERY’S FIREPLACE. One of the possible
trying to grab as many items as it can, with future attacks hiding places of Obmar Nojh. His lair is set up inside
surprising on a 1 on d6. If below 10 HP, the millipede is the chimney, protected by a makeshift swinging trap
cut in half, and its lower section now attacks the party hitting with 1d4 stakes for 1d4 damage each. Treasure:
on its own with D 2d4. A page of parchment with the recipe to cook Jade Bread,
Dwarven horn bow, (4) explosive arrows hitting for 3d6
Treasure on the rafters: glass jar with a scroll inside on contact, setting anything flammable aflame within
inscribed with CLW, sanctuary, spiritual hammer, and five feet, and (2) non-magical +2 armor-piercing arrows.
neutralize poison. A damaged pipe with a carved ivory A bamboo contraption that can be lit on fire and project
bowl still worth 77 GP, a half-eaten jewelry box 88 GP a projectile for 4d6 damage.
and two pairs of gold earrings 96 GP, a pearl necklace 169
GP, a wedding band 325 GP. 15. LATERAL CORRIDORS. This is where Obmar hides,


in the piles of refuse at the end of each corridor, or Wolves (15): HD 2+2, HP 10, AC 7, D 1d4+1.
sneaking around them, most of the time. See module for
exact schedule and roll to know where Obmar is located 17A. LAIR OF THE VENEUR. The Veneur stays here
at any given time. with his prisoner, Lukhan.

Obmar Nojh: Surprises on 1-5 on d6. He is HD 2, HP The Veneur (F4): HD 4, HP 32, AC 2, D 1d6+4/1d6+4,
24, D 1d4+1 throwing dagger at +4 to hit, or D 1d6+1, +6 to hit, point-blank range (between 6 ft. and 30 ft.), D
with a serrated short sword at +1 to hit. Don’t forget 1d6+3/1d6+3 +5 to hit, short-range, 1d6+1/1d6+12-7, +4
the heavy weaponry in his lair at L1-14A if Obmar is in to hit, medium, and long-range, composite long bow, D
danger and can make it there in time. 1d8+1, +1 to hit, a true iron battle axe. +1 studded leath-
er, bracers of archery, (2) potions of speed, (4) flame ar-
Each pile of refuse hides a shaft going down to level 2: rows, (4) frost arrows, irons spurs.

L1-15(1) – goes to L2-22 Lukhan will pretend to be a victim. He is a werewolf sent

by Iyonidas of the Lone Tower (Appendix A) to find the
L1-15(2) – goes to L2-15 Veneur. He stole Aorll’s Silvered Sword of Law, which is
left alone next to him (because of the silver), wrapped in
L1-15(3) – goes to L2-7
a blanket.
L1-15(4) – goes to L2-32
18. MUSHROOM CAVES. This cave features giant
Area L1-15(4) is the most tricky. Instead of a pile of refuse, mushrooms which can be cut down to eat its flesh,
it features a statue of Valya the mother of all dwarves fulfilling like meat, and use its skin like a type of leather,
whose head can be removed to reveal the statue was among other things. A bunch of cave geckos is hanging
originally representing the entity Zuun, the legacy of around them. They leave people alone if not disturbed.
Aktum. Removing the headpiece reveals the presence of
19. SMOKING LOUNGE. A space concealed behind a
a shark-toothed wooden mace that was used to keep it
secret door containing a hookah and a dead mercenary
in place. A piece of parchment lies on the top of the head
dating back to the time of the settlement’s invasion.
of Zuun inside and is visible once the mace is removed.
Smoking the hookah produces strong hallucinogenic
The parchment is poisonous and contains the scribbled
visions and lethargy. The mummified corpse holds a +1
recipe of the Stone-cutters’ own Stoneskin Stout worth
composite bow, a sheathed scimetar strapped to his back.
at least 1,000 GP to a master brewer. Pushing Zuun’s
Two mummified dwarven heads hang from his belt. His
head down triggers the sliding of the statue and the
quiver contains (14) regular arrows, (2) treatwood arrows
opening of the passage. A full-blown giant rats’ nest is
+1. Leather pouch contains 12 GP, 15 SP, and 36 CP.
located in the opening.
20. PRIVATE BUNKS. Headless bodies. One mattress
Giant Rats (5-50): HD 1/2, HP 4, AC 7, D 1d3.
contains a secret stash including a few gems of 50 GP,
16. WASHING AREA. Two lampreys lurk here. HD 1+1, jewelry, dried-up cosmetics, and perfumes, for a total
HP 5, AC 9, D 1d3 bite. value of 1,000 GP.

16A. ESCAPE TUNNEL. Maidens’ Tiara was left 21. MAIN QUARRY. Main lair of Grosh the Great and his
here during the escape of the dwarves from the goblins, who are busy at the bottom of the quarry. If the
settlement. Worth 1,600 GP. The trap door is party looks around the upper levels before striking, they
obfuscated by a bunch of green crystals. A message in could find some carts, tools, even some flaming oil, and
a box with a hammer next to the passage reads “break L1-22... enough to start a big fight with a bang.
in case of emergency”. Breaking the green crystals
Goblins (50): HD 1-1, HP 3, AC 6, D 1-6.
frees the trap door, but also wakes the ochre jellies
stored next to it. See module for a full explanation. Grosh the Great (Hobgoblin): HD 1+1, HP 9, AC 5, D
Ochre Jellies (2) HD 6, HP 32, 26, AC 8, D 3d4. Ochre 1-12 giant mace. On a natural 20, the mace has a 1-in-
jellies dissolve flesh and split when struck by lightning. 10 chance to break, but it can be wielded by a human
Cold and fire have normal effects on an ochre jelly. being of exceptional strength. If the mace breaks, or it is
carefully inspected by the party, a hidden compartment
17. GREATER APARTMENTS. Wolves roam this area,
within the head is revealed. It contains 1d10+2 gems
the pack of the Veneur.
of 50 GP value each, 1d8 gems of 100 GP value each,


and 1d4 gems of 500 GP value each. Ivory chess set and handle. When the command word is spoken, 2/day the
celadon marble board (57 GP value without the board, fishing rod will detect magic and reveal the auras of
420 GP with the board) is hidden under the cushions of magic items around it. A lure has been put together with
Grosh, along with a +2 seax. great care for a specific purpose. It is meant to catch the
Angler fish of L1-32.
22. QUARRY SUPPLIES. Half the supplies are still
useful. Includes (3) cases of (10) pots of flaming oil each, 28. FISHING BOAT. The skiff can be found here, with
raw hide used under slabs of marble, bees’ wax candles, an 11-foot pole, and (3) vials with cork stoppers, each
pulleys and harnesses, chisels and other tools, coils of containing (4) ounces of liquid. Each ounce of liquid
rope, some with oil spilled upon them. An open treasure consumed allows one to breathe underwater for an hour.
chest contains caramelized treats the foreman used to A note wrapped around a sandwich hard as rock reads
enjoy (can serve as bait for animals). Waving open flames “Need to find a way to distract the fish and use the rod
in this room could prove hazardous, and require some to get w/e that is off the bottom.” This is a clue to L1-32.
dexterity checks if not careful.
29. THERMAE. 1D4+1 Infant giant snapping turtles will
23. FOREMAN’S QUARTERS. The stash of the foreman be around in this area. They are helpless if turned on
can be found in a hidden compartment under a stone their backs, and die instantly if thrown into the warm
slab on the floor. It contains four letters of exchange water of the central pool.
valid at the Council of Coin of Villenor and worth 525
GP together, (3) gems of 100 GP each, (4) gems of 50 GP Infant giant snapping turtles: HD 2, HP 8, AC 0, D
each, 100 GP and 50 SP in Prytonic coinage, valid in the 1d6 bite, continuous 1d6 damage after the initial bite,
Viscountcy. until released.

The Horla roams the corridors. HD 4 HP 18 (current), 30. WELL OF NESTS. The heat rises sharply here. It
AC 10, D 2 drain of hit points per person per melee comes from the shaft going way down into the bowels
round within the 15-foot wide area the vampire cloud of the eurth. This chimney is home to the Achaean
covers. The Horla has no maximum hit points. It can- Firebird, who builds its nest from precious metals it
not be affected physically at all, unless by holy water, steals from the unwary. Any shine of metal will attract
wind, or electricity. A cloak shaken in its direction will a swarm of birds trying to pull the metal off the body
inflict 1d4 damage to the cloud. Holy water 2d4 per vial. or out of the hands of their owner. This makes any
A magical effect creating wind or electricity will imme- progression within this room wearing metal impossible.
diately destroy the Horla. When destroyed, the Horla See the module for more about this complex setup.
explodes in a 15-foot diameter burst. Each victim within Achaean Firebird (1,000+): HD 1+1 (attacks as 4 HD),
the cloud suffers 2d6 points of damage, with 1d4 points HP 6, D 0 or 1d4. Special: if the Achaean Firebird is
of damage to all those standing within 10 feet of the defending its nest or grabs an item that is carried, worn,
burst. Only a tiny wisp will remain, and zoom to the or otherwise in contact with flesh, the damage is inflicted
staircase to disappear. by the melting process initiated by the bird’s proboscis.
23A. WAY DOWN. By hitting a switch at the base of the 31. BREWERY. There are several interesting finds
staircase, it can revert and go down to level 2, instead of here: (6) bottles of Veuve Clequaux hidden behind the
up to the Foreman’s Quarters. It leads to L2-1. columns against the eastern wall. Worth 120 GP each.
Skeletal remains found in the cauldrons and in the largest
24. OXEN PENS. Nothing of interest there. vat the remains of a halfling who has not yet started to
25. DWARVEN DAY CARE. Searching the room decompose: this is the body of Blake “Bake the Snake”
thoroughly might lead to the find of an Amulet of Life Plissken. See the module area and Appendix A for more
Protection hidden in the pouch of a Teddy Bear. Becomes information.
a source of undead hauntings if the influence of Chaos 32. NATURAL CAVE. Something shines at the bottom,
grows within the area. but it is defended by a Lighthouse Anglerfish. HD 5, HP
26. FISHERMAN’S APARTMENT. Thoroughly searched 28, AC 6, D 4d4 toothy bite. This is Bretus’s Lament, the
and trashed, nothing remains here. Neutral Good Sword of legend.

27. FISHING SUPPLIES. A magical fishing rod can 33. PROSPECTING AREA. Nothing of interest here.
be found here with the command word carved on its


34. FORGETTABLE ROOM. This is where the Black When defeated, the scroll golem takes back its original
Mirror of Yllonnoc exploded, and where the party meets shape: some of the pages missing from the Incanabulum’s
the Ozmi Incanabulum, who will die after giving his spellbook. These pages contain the spells audible
speech to them. See module entry for the mystery of the glammer, color spray, hypnotism, detect magic, mirror
mirror. image, rope trick, invisibility 10’ radius, and Yllonnoc’s
This triggers the appearance of the Shard Golem
Type II. Hits as 4 HD, HP 10, AC 9, D 1d4/1d4/1d4. The Ozmi palimpsest will be found with his shard at the
The Shard Golem covers a 20’x20’ area. Opponents bottom of the well. It can now be reintegrated into the
within this area take an automatic 1d6 of slicing damage Mirror.
per melee round spent there. Shard golems can only be
damaged by blunt weapons mundane and magical, and MAP L2 – BURIAL VAULTS
spells and effects inflicting blunt damage, such as ice The Burial Vaults are a dynamic environment: NPCs
storm, force, and sonic-based effects like shockwave*. and monsters move, the Canon of Ashes of L2-3
Fire does not affect Shard Golems, and electricity inflicts wakes, starts to light the candles for the others, then
half damage. Other types of weapons do not affect them the Procession leading to the departure of the Queen
whatsoever. When a Shard Golem Type II reaches 0 HP, proceeds, etc. Much later, the Queen returns, with or
it splits into two Type I Golems at full HP. See Appendix without newcomers (Krassus and the Vile Legion) in
A for more information. the equation, and the influence of Chaos progresses in
between, leading to intrusions from the Crypts under,
Treasure: Parchment with Vanx’s mystical meld, a
attempts to stop the bleeding from the outside. This
mirror-image projector appearing as a disk of orichalcum
is true of all the cheat sheets presented here, but this
the size of a palm. Jade statues of the three monkeys are
is worth repeating here: these pages only present the
worth 200 GP each. One of the damaged spellbooks of
areas as they are at the onset of the game. They are not
Osmandius with the spells change self, detect invisibility,
the full module or the full picture. Just a different angle
phantasmal force, wall of fog, magic mouth, ventriloquism,
altogether for mnemonic purposes.
Yllonnoc’s bleeding bands* and hallucinatory terrain. A
cryptic piece of poetry (see Handout). 1. WAY UP. Leads back L1-23A
At the bottom of the well is an Obsidian Jelly that stays 2. JEWELLED SCEPTRE. The pit trap marked on the map
quiet if the party doesn’t disturb it. See module entry or is camouflaged by the illusion of a mosaic representing
Appendix A if they do. puppies chasing butterflies. The dwarven miner still at
the bottom with his pick, he has a bag between his legs
35. THE BARRICADE. Here the PCs a sort of dream or
containing (2) uncut gems worth 1,000 GP and (1) uncut
demi-plane that looks like the desert, and they confront
gem worth 5,000 GP. He would have to be pulled out and
the Ozmi Palimpsest, who instantly fires an arrow with
searched to find them.
a scroll attached to it at them. The scroll unfolds and
becomes a Scroll Golem they must dispatch. The big pile of gold in the round area is a mound of copper
pieces painted gold. A jeweled scepter sticks out of the top
Scroll Golem: Hits as 5 HD, HP 20, AC 9, 1d8/1d8 Paper
of the pile. If more than 10 pounds of pressure are applied
cuts. This Scroll golem is covered with inscriptions but
on the scepter, the whole ceiling above the entire area
none are spells. A scroll golem is only damaged by fire and
collapses. Outside the room, between the scepter and the
magic slashing weapons. Mundane slashing weapons
water pit, people can attempt to jump to avoid damage. If
inflict half damage. Blunt and piercing weapons have
not, they suffer 6d10 points of damage and make a saving
no effect. Cold spells slow a scroll golem down by 50%.
throw vs breath weapon for half damage, like everyone
Water, acid, and lightning spells cause half damage.
else in the area of the collapse. If they jump into the pit
Ozmi Palimpsest: HD 4, HP 4 remaining, D 1d6 they make the same saving throw, but for 3d10 points
Shortbow, +3 to hit. Carries (12) mundane arrows, (6) of damage and none if successful. Those between the
illusory arrows, and (4) sticks of incense of deep relaxa- water pit and the staircase make a saving throw vs breath
tion. Wears bracers of armor AC 6. weapon at +4, for 3d10 damage or none if successful.

Once the Scroll Golem is destroyed the Palimpsest will The Sceptre is just a lure, made of silver and solid gold,
jump inside the well to his death. with a fake magic aura, worth about 3,000 GP.


3. ALTAR OF ASHES. Many moving parts here. Check 4. SIDE CORRIDORS. Inhabited by cadaverous
the module for the whole setup of this area. Here are caterpillars, starting with two specimens: HD
the principal actors, assuming the Canon of the Ashes is 3+2, HP 11, 14, AC 6 D 1-3/1-3/1-3/1-3 tentacles, plus
awake and waiting for the party to make the first move. saving throw versus poison on a hit, or the victim is
paralyzed. The cadaverous caterpillar can blend in
Canon of the Ashes: HD 6, HP 34, AC 1, D 2d4+2 its surroundings, and either eats or lay eggs inside
mammoth bone mace (worth 50 GP), can break. Memo- its victims. 2d4 eggs kill the host after 1d6+4 days.
rizes CLW x2 (reversible at will), Protection from Good,
Darkness, Detect Good, Hold Person x 2, Silence 15’ ra- 5. LAST REFUGE AND STONE SLAB. Rats jump out of
dius, Snake charm, Resist fire, Dispel magic x2, Curse. the corpses in this room.
The Horla may resuscitate the Canon. See module for
details. Robes of the Cobra (base AC 4, +1 modifier on all Giant Rats: HD 1/2, HP 4, AC 7, D 1-3.
saving throws vs magic, -2 on saving throws vs charm
spells), (10) sticks of magical incense (add 1 to wisdom Stone Slab in the middle of the room leads down to LC-
for memorization), scroll with inscribed blindness, dis- 25, with the Kholdunic mummy stuck in the opening.
ease, animate dead, dispel magic, hold person, resist The dead eyes will become red, and he and his servants
fire, protection from good. Brass skeleton key allowing in the room will all animate.
the use of one-way doors at L2-33 and L2-36 back and
Skeletons of the Kholdun (6): HD 1, HP 4, AC 7, D 1d6
forth. Sacrificial knife +1 damage, +5% to tasks related
to sacrifices, such as summonings, when relevant. Bone Kholdunic Mummy: HD 6+3, HP 25, AC 3, D 1d12
piercing +1 AC and +2/10% to reaction rolls vs giants. grab, then 1d8+1, or 1d8+3 Horned Blade of Gur Khan.
Necklace representing Zuun standing on a Zenith and Causes rotting disease on touch, only hit by +1 weapons
Nadir rune made of an emerald set in a bigger amethyst or better, and for only half damage. Triggers fear and
(both gems worth 500 GP). Gem encrusted salmon pink revulsion and possess the same immunities and vulner-
belt (adds +2 CHA or +10% to the reaction of courtiers abilities as a mummy.
and people sensible to fashion), giant cobra tongue worth
500 GP, (20) gems worth 100 GP. Two random pieces of See the full module for the full stats of the True Neutral
jewelry with rough worth between 1,000 and 6,000 GP. Horned Blade of Gur Khan.

Guardian Grey Mastiff: INIT -1, HD 2+2, HP 13, AC 6. MAIN ENTRANCE HALL. See module for full
5, D 2d4. description.

Once the hostilities begin, 1d8 Black Bones will emerge 7. PILLAR. This pillar is hollow with a shaft leading up
from the altar leading to the crypts every melee round to L1-15(3), and down to LC-5. For the particulars of the
until the Canon is taken out, and the Caterpillars of L2-4 effigy of Zuun, and the mechanisms to open the pillar,
will join in after 3-6 melee rounds as well. see the module.

Black Bones (1d8/melee round): HD 1, HP 4, AC 4, 8. MAIN TOMB DOOR. The doors are wizard locked
D 1d6+1. and cursed. Two stone giants stand guard here, and
won’t be moving unless the party messes with the doors.
Goblin Choir (7): Choir of undead goblins singing unholy
chant, concealed by the curtains around the altar. Grants Stone Giant Guards: HD 9+3, HP 48, AC-3, D 3d6, or
+1 to hit for the forces of the Canon, and -1 to hit on their D1d8+8 huge spear, +3 to hit. Hurl rocks D 3d10. These
opponents. Each goblin can be killed in one blow. guards have each a set of boulders ready at their feet.
The orichalcum spear they carry can absorb a level 1
The cocoons hanging against the curtains around the spell cast at them unless the caster rolls 14 or higher on
altar belong to the cadaverous caterpillars. It is the d20 + spell casting level. If absorbed, the spell is con-
Canon’s way to keep control over them. The Stone tained within the blade of the spear and can be released
Chalice in the hands of the Canon can make people fall back at a chosen target. Only one spell can be contained
asleep for extraordinary amounts of time. The details are by the spear in such a way.
in the module, proper, but are unlikely to affect a direct
confrontation. Likewise with the Fungi growing around 9. STATUE OF ZUUN. The statue can be pushed to
the altar, which if ingested spawns random effects. See reveal a passage down to LC-2. See the module for the
the module for those. specifics of the puzzle.


10. STABLE BARRACKS. These two rooms (which can throw vs breath weapon for half damage. Dodge north
be Rubble searched) are stuffed with bodies and the towards the pillar at L2-15 allows a saving throw for
undead. Two lizardmen stand guard in front of them no damage, but with 3-in-6 chances of triggering the
and will release some of their occupants if they spot pit trap and falling in - roll d6: (1-5) number of stakes
intruders nearby. hitting each for d6 damage, (6) no hit at all. Lifting the
slab reveals a 7-foot wide manhole with a ladder leading
Lizardmen “motivators” (2): HD 2+1, HP 9, AC 3 down to LC-11.
shield, D 1d4+2, +1 to hit barbed dart, or D 1d4+2 barbed
whip of orichalcum if the target was not wounded the 15. PILLAR. This pillar is hollow with a shaft leading up
previous melee round, otherwise 1d4+4 with the same. to L1-15(2). For the particulars of the effigy of Zuun, and
Ogre Slave Zombie (1): HD 4+1, HP 17, D 1d12 wooden club. the mechanisms to open the pillar, see the module.

Zombies (1-6): HD 2, HP 9, AC 8, D 1d8 16. HONOR GUARD. There seems to be 20 to 30 Stone

Skeletons (2-8): HD 1, HP 5, AC 7, D 1d6 giants in this room, but most of them are clay fakes, with
the real stone giants standing immobile among them. If
11. QUEEN’S TRICERATOPS AND HOWDAH. The the giants are left alone, they will not move from their
Triceratops is waiting for the Queen with its conductor. position.

Stone Giant Conductor: HD 9+3, HP 48, AC-1, D 3d6, Stone Giants (7): HD 9+3, HP 44, 51, AC-1, D 3d6, or D
or D 2d4+7 Ivory baton with +2 to hit. Hurls rocks for 1d8+8 Huge spear with +3 to hit. Giant bow D 1d10. Hurls
3d10 damage. rocks for 3d10 damage.

Triceratops: HD 16, HP 88, AC 2 (head)/6 (body), D 17. ARMORY. The first time around the party will hear a
1d8/1d12/1d12. Trample for 2d12. commotion inside as if dishes fell. Then the doors swing
open, and a hill giant slave zombie tumbles outside with
12. THE KING’S WAR CHARIOT. The war chariot a huge square blade of iron in its hands, struggling with
pulled by two wooly rhinos is waiting along with its crew. a tiny goblin riding his back. “Serve me now creature”
yells the goblin as he stabs the ogre in the neck with a
Stone Giants (2): HD 9+3, HP 44, 51, AC-1, D 3d6, or black dagger over and over. The giant struggles, then
D 1d8+8 Huge spear with +3 to hit. Giant bow D 1d10. stops dead. “ah, much better”. Lecherous C. Krom now
Hurls rocks for 3d10 damage. has control of his ride.
Wooly Rhinoceros (2): HD 10, HP 54, 46, AC 5, D 2d6
horn. Trampling 2d4 per front foot hitting. Lecherous C. Krom: HD less than 1, HP 4, AC 1, D 1d4.
Serves the Canon of Ashes from L2-3. Wields the dagger
Chariot (as a single item): INIT -1, 54, and 46 HP to of Gur Khan. It can be used to control the undead when
stop, AC 5, charge D 4d6x2 at -4 to hit (tight spaces). it is plunged into its jugular. A successful roll to control
The referee could allow a save vs breath weapon for half undead using the wielder’s HD instead of an Evil Cleric’s
damage. Trample D 4d4. Those hit by a charge who achieves the result. Lecherous also has a brass skeleton
failed their saving throw are trampled. Meanwhile, the key which allows the use of the one-way doors at L2-33
giant that is not holding the reigns of the chariot can and L2-36 both ways.
either throw a boulder D 3d10 or impale with a spear at
+3 to hit and D 1d8+8. Hill Giant Slave Zombie: HD 6+1, HP 22, AC
5, D 2d8 fists or boulder, OR swing the sword of
13. RHINOCEROS HANDLER. Ogre Handler HD 4+1, the dead, D 2d4+7, +3 to hit. Protection from Evil/
HP 22, AC 4, D 1d12x2 charge. With rhinoceros horn and Good will keep this zombie at bay. Salt, fire, holy
hide on his head. D 1-8 “trample” (kicking), otherwise water will damage it. Can be turned as a mummy.
1d10 bare hands. See module for more on the Sword of the Dead.
Treasure: Mammoth hide worth 800 GP, Tusks (2) worth 18. THE KING’S MISTRESS. Two female stone giants
900 GP each. Two Pteroceros harnesses worth 500 GP a melded together into a single parody of itself. The
piece. Melded Mistress is half-mad.
14. STONE SLAB. The slab is heavily decorated (see Melded Mistress: HD 9+3, HP 32, AC -1, D 2d6/2d6
module) and trapped with a volley of D 4d4 amber dancing. Throw rocks for D 2d8/2d8.
shards, range 60 ft. Dodging east or west allows a saving


Land Urchin, the Pet: INIT -1, HD 3+3, HP 15, AC 2, shards, range 60 ft. Allow a saving throw vs breath
Projects 2d6 spines, D 1d2 per spine plus saving throw weapon for half damage. Lifting the slab reveals a 7-foot
vs. poison to avoid being paralyzed for 6 turns. Can re- wide manhole with a ladder leading down to LC-14.
lease a 10 ft. radius dark gas that will aid its escape,
if gravely wounded. First will look like a pouf cushion 24. THE QUEEN’S CHAMBER. If the Queen still
until the party tries to move it or sit on it. slumbers, she stands on the Dais. If not, she’s gone from
the level at this juncture, along with the procession. A
Treasure: In her apartments, (10) gems worth 50 GP, (5) hidden compartment in the steps of the dais contains
worth 100 GP, (1) worth 500 GP, and (1) worth 1,000 GP. the two Xorn pets of the Queen. The slab hiding the
Sculpture of a vase with roses and leaves all forged from compartment is trapped with acid for 4d4 damage
one solid piece of gold for 2,400 GP, a horn of bubbles, initially, save vs. magic for half damage, and 4 additional
(4) doses of dust of disappearance, a ball of quartz worth damage on each melee round, for three rounds thereafter
200 GP projecting tiny lights all around the room. (2 points if a save is successful). The pets will still be there,
whether the Queen leaves with the procession or not.
19. THE VALET AND THE JESTER. Procyon is tall
and lean, even for a stone giant. He is the valet of the Queen Emeneptra of Aktum: INIT -1, HD 9+3, HP
King of Aktum. He has stone-like skin covered with 58, AC -1, D 2d6. Queen Emeneptra’s forms are so vo-
lines of flowing mercury. Kufiss is the opposite, small luptuous (she looks like the stone-giant-sized Venus of
covered with runes all over his body, round like Queen Willendorf) that she can roll to crush her opponents – D
Emeneptra, wearing a flashy metallic-looking turban 4d10 in a straight line, saving throw vs breath weapon
around his head, with a golden ring hanging from for half damage. She absorbs and negates 2 points of
his nose. The two of them often argue and are not damage out of every hit against her. She carries rough
particularly eager to fight with a party of intruders. They jewelry including a shirt made of (240) gems of 50 GP
will try to get the party to help them get a sense of when value each. Emeneptra radiates natural, elemental
they are, what’s going on in the Tomb and outside, in pheromones irresistible to stone giants. Even humans
the world. Refer to the module and the specifics of both and demi-humans feel it for their partial connection to
NPCs. If the players want to fight and loot the room, so the Eurth – and must make a saving throw vs magic in
be it – the information is there. her presence or feel protective and amenable towards
the Queen of Aktum. Such individuals will try to leave
20. STONE STEPS. Two rows of shelves on each side of the Queen alone, give her space whenever possible. If she
the stairs, with 3-feet tall clay figures facing east. The set rolls towards them, they will not even try to avoid her.
on one side is blue, and the other is red. Each used to have
50 figures, but now, because some have been shattered Pebbley and Rosetta, Pet Xorns: INIT -1, HD 3+3,
or damaged over time, there are (26) still operational on HP 16, 18, AC 2, D 1d2/1d2/1d2 arms, 4d4 jaw. Both are
the red team, and (34) on the blue team. One matching miniature Xorns, poodle-sized, for a stone giant. Stone
bungle drum set sized for an infant giant or large to flesh and rock to mud raise their AC to 10.
human hangs on each side above each set of figures.
These are magical toy soldiers that can be controlled by Treasure (also in the compartment with the Xorns): (6)
the bungle drum, with specific beats and rhythms making Ohminid eggs that look like balls of granite. A variety
them march, kneel, salute, run, stab, kick and punch. Each of stones are kept for their beauty and treated to have a
soldier may be worth 50 GP individually, aside from the particular fragrance to them, (20) of them worth 120 GP
lot, but together with the surviving pieces of their set, each. (6) doses of dust of appearance. A bag of devouring.
they are worth 100 GP a piece as part of the lot. A vast shimmering piece of cloth that has been tailored
to vibrate and shift with movements worth 8,000 GP.
21 TOMB OF GARN PATUUL. Massive one-way door Alchemists could use the cloth to create a cloak of
leading to area L1-12. Cannot be opened from the other displacement for 4,000 GP. The perfumes mixed with
side. the acid are flammable. And open flame could trigger
an explosion for D 3d6, save vs breath weapon for half.
22. PILLAR. This pillar is hollow with a shaft leading up The Crown of the Queen is stored here only if the
to L1-15(1). For the particulars of the effigy of Zuun, and Queen is present. This is a single piece of celadon marble
the mechanisms to open the pillar, see the module. dweomered to function as a ring of giant influence,
worth 12,000 GP.
23. STONE SLAB. The slab is heavily decorated (see
module) and trapped with a volley of D 4d4 amber 25. THE QUEEN’S GUARD. Once the rooms of the


queen’s protectors, these areas are now stuffed with Treasure: gem grinder is worth 1,000 GP.
corpses, most of them half-alert and animated. A
couple of Graveworms achieved sentience thanks to the A slab on the floor leads to a ladder down to area LC-19.
corruption of Chaos and took over this area. Play them
28A. COLD CHAMBER. Frozen Ohminid (juvenile
smart: they will bait the party into ambushes, and the
Mhole) on a hook here. Bundle in a corner contains (3)
like. See module for the details.
+2 darts of true iron, (4) doses of ash of the supplicants,
Dire Graveworms (2): HD 6, HP 26, 33, AC 8, D D a frozen potion of ESP, a figurine of wondrous power
1d4/1d4/1d4 plus bite 4d4; bite is automatic if two tenta- representing Kaycee, a female border collie carved of
cles hit first). Each worm w/3d6+6 remains. Produce cone intertwined black and white onyx (HD 2-2). An iron door
of carrion for D 1d4/remains expelled, or animate as skel- in the middle of the southern wall leads to a strange ice
etons or zombies. (q.v.) Can be turned as mummies. cave. There is a White Pudding somewhere beyond, and
it is not friendly. HD 9, HP 48, AC 8, D 7d4 slam. Acid,
Ogre Slave Zombies: HD 4+1, HP 17, D 1d12 wooden club. cold, and poison do not affect a white pudding. Magic
Zombies: HD 2, HP 9, AC 8, D 1d8 missiles affect them normally. Lightning bolts and blows
Skeletons: HD 1, HP 5, AC 7, D 1d6 split them into more puddings of a smaller size. White
puddings don’t affect metal but can dissolve flesh and
Treasure: (2) Potions of Haste, (4) Javelins of piercing, vegetable matter in a single melee round.
and a mace of forgetfulness +2
28B. QUARTERS OF THE COOKS. Total mess of
26. THE QUEEN’S HAIR CARVER. Access to the Crypts tapestries, stuffed animals (which could possibly animate
via stone slab and ladder, down in the main corridor, via corruption from Chaos), body parts of humanoids
between areas LC-17 and LC-20 (see map). Seev Saveed kept here and there for snacks. One such bit is a hand
the Hill Giant Hair Carver will not want a fight. He will with a ring still on one of its fingers. A ring of warmth.
try to petition the party to get more green stuff, more Referees might allow a Rubble search too.
statues, and faces to study. See the module for all the
details and his stats, if the party chooses to fight him 29. THE QUEEN’S EUNUCH. This Half-cloud Giant
anyway. has been subjected to abuse all his life and projects the
same kind of negative feelings and behavior towards
27. THE QUEEN’S HANDMAIDEN. There are (6) others now. His pet lion is the only living being he trusts.
Handmaidens present here when the Queen is around. Try having the Eunuch either manipulate or appraise the
Only one (1) remains if the Queen has left the Burial adventuring party. He will not want to fight outright. If
Vaults. that fails, then look up his stats and his lion’s stats in the
Stone giant handmaiden: INIT -1, HD 9+3, HP 44,
AC -1, D 1d6/1d6 in melee, slab punch D2d4+8 at 120 Treasure: (4) Curtains worth 300 GP each, +2 Gong
ft. range, or mud web, or pebble magic missiles 1d4+1 shield, Thelessar carries a deep red ioun stone (+1 DEX).
x 3. Can create walls of 15 HP structural integrity, pass
walls, shape stone. The handmaiden left behind carries 30. PILLAR. This pillar is hollow with a shaft leading up
a gem of brightness (23 charges) and an incandescent to L1-8, and down to LC-16. For the particulars of the
blue ioun stone (+1 WIS). If she does not feel threatened, effigy of Zuun, and the mechanisms to open the pillar,
she might petition the party to be escorted to the top of see the module.
the Marmoreal Mound to meet the Norns there. 31. MAIN CORRIDOR. The main artery of the level. Any
28. THE QUEEN’S COOKS. Cooks are (6) Undead NPC or creature can essentially be encountered here.
Hogres HD 3, HP 16, 15, 14, 12, 10, 10, AC 5, D 1d10+3, Staring at the carvings for too long triggers (2) Type II
+2 to hit with cooking implements including cleavers, Shard Golems.
butcher’s hooks, frying pans, and the like. Type II Shard Golem: Hits as 4 HD, HP 10, AC 9, D
Chefs Barn Het and Mot Maw are Hogres, not un- 1d4/1d4/1d4. The Shard Golem covers a 20’x20’ area.
dead. INIT -1, HD 3, HP 17, 17, AC 1, D 1d10+5 with the Opponents within this area take an automatic 1d6 of
+2 meat spatula, and D 2d4+7 with +2 true iron meat slicing damage per melee round spent there. Shard
tweezers. Aprons and hats from the Chefs are worth golems can only be damaged by blunt weapons mundane
1,500 GP, each. and magical, and spells and effects inflicting blunt


damage, such as ice storm, force, and sonic-based effects command, protection from good, darkness, hold per-
like shockwave*. Fire does not affect Shard Golems, and son x2, silence 15’ radius, know alignment, and prayer.
electricity inflicts half damage. Other types of weapons Akmonides wears an amulet of Aktum granting +2
do not affect them whatsoever. When a Shard Golem AC, plus other powers described in the module entry.
Type II reaches 0 HP, it splits into two Type I Golems at Graveworms (2): Surprise 3 on d6, HD 2, HP 9, 12, 14,
full HP. See Appendix A for more information. 11, AC 4, D 1d4/1d4/1d4 plus bite 2d6; bite automatic
if two tentacles hit first). Each worm w/2-8 remains.
32. PILLAR. This pillar is infested by rats. It is hollow Produce cone of carrion for D 1d4/remains expelled, or
with a shaft leading up to L1-15(4). For the particulars animate as skeletons or zombies.
of the effigy of Zuun, and the mechanisms to open the
pillar, see the module. 3. BLACK OBELISK. This obelisk was once located
at LC-16. It has been moved here and slowly started
Giant Rats (5-50): HD 1/2, HP 4, AC 7, D 1d3. sinking into the ground. The magic of the obelisk is
what ultimately gave birth to the evil entity known as
33. STONE SPINNER ROOM. This room is essentially
the Hungry Masks of the Dead. See module entry for
a trap. Read the module description carefully before
more information, including their greater abilities
running it.
and the means to defeat them once and for all.
34. CELADON CURVE. This entry sets up the end of the Hungry Masks of the Dead: HD 11, HP 88, AC 5, D 6d4.
trials of Zuun. The details of the modules are necessary Striking the Hungry Masks of the Dead with electricity,
here as well. lightning bolt, and the like, divides them into one or
more smaller jellies inflicting half normal damage. They
35. THE CRYPTS. See below. can coalesce back together after 1d6 turns. Fire affects
the Masks normally, but cold does not affect them
36. STONE SPINNER ROOM. Same as L2-33. whatsoever. Sonic attacks affect them for half damage,
but they are otherwise impervious to acid and water.
MAP L3 – THE CRYPTS Like the visages they can manifest around this level of
the dungeon, the Masks are vulnerable to holy water for
1. CHAOS MEMBRANE. Thin “wall” separating the D 2d4 per vial and bless spells likewise inflict 2d6 damage
two corridors coming down from L2-3. This is perhaps to the entity, freeing that many souls trapped within it.
the first apparition of the faces of the Hungry Masks of Award a bonus 1,000 XP award if the idea makes it from
the Dead for the PCs. Dialog is suggested in the module using these types of attacks on the membrane of LC-1 or
entry. the walls to using such means on the Masks themselves.
2. CHAPEL OF THE ESSENCES OF AKTUM. PCs Treasure: Once the Masks have been defeated once and
must make a saving throw versus poison. They are for all, the Obelisk will shatter and reveal its contents:
lethargic (-4 to hit, -2 AC and damage) on a failure and (9) Urns containing the ashes of the dead worth 800 GP
drowsy (-1 to hit, -1 AC) on a success. A Chaos cicada unopened. They can be opened following the rules of
(q.v. Appendix A) is hanged its wings tied to the ceiling. the module, but their value falls to 400 GP a piece. (4)
The Elder Cyclops guardian of this Chapel tortures the funerary masks of celadon marble each representing one
cicada with his wooden paddle, to make it beat its wings of the kings of Aktum, each worth 1,200 GP. A clerical
and subject the party to another saving throw, vs magic, scroll inscribed with lower water, exorcism, neutralize
to avoid becoming bewildered and forget everything poison, flame strike and raise dead. (1) potion of stone
about their current situation and surroundings for 1d3 giant control. (2) potions of stone giant strength. +3
melee rounds. Arrow of Slaying vs snake-men, dragons, and reptiles.
Next melee round, Graveworms start spewing waves of Celadon turtle of Aktum figurine of wondrous power –
undead against the party. get stats in the module.

Then the Cyclops casts prayer. And then he grabs his The Black Fang of Yllonnoc: This wand has been
thurible to join in the melee. swallowed by the Masks of the Dead and was instrumental
in its transformation. It will be freed and left behind when
Akmonides Trell, Elder Cyclops, Chaplain of the the Masks are defeated. Legend has it that, combined with
Essences: HD 5, HP 26, AC 2, D 1d6+7+1d4 Acid, bat- the crystal of the ebon flame, it could form a single votive
tle Thurible. Clerical spells memorized (5/4/1): CLW x2, sword dedicated to the powers of Evil. The Black Fang is


an artifact of great power. Its abilities are many, most of 7. CATERPILLARS’ NEST. Bodies and eggs everywhere.
them hidden and mysterious, the perfect opportunity
for further research and adventure. Cadaverous Caterpillars (2-6): HD 3+2, HP 11, 14, AC
6 D 1-3/1-3/1-3/1-3 tentacles, plus saving throw versus
4. VERTICAL SHAFT. Leads up to area L2-7, and down poison on a hit, or the victim is paralyzed. The cadaver-
into the matter of Chaos. It is located on a little mole ous caterpillar can blend in its surroundings, and either
hill surrounded by dried weeds hiding the presence of eats or lay eggs inside its victims. 2d4 eggs kill the host
pink eggs the size of melons. These are giant shrimp after 1d6+4 days.
eggs, about (50) of them, each worth about 120 GP.
They are the prized possession of a Samurai from 8. CHAPEL OF THE MISTS OF AKTUM. Pyrameon
Shoko-Jumi who has been transformed by the energies is no longer a Chaplain, but now a Vitiate of Chaos. He
of Chaos into a hybrid of man and shrimp. Naguro will has shed his form as a Cyclops completely and become a
want to befriend the party if they accept him, so he wraith. It is completely dark. The ground of the chapel
can find a better, more secure place to keep his eggs. is covered with the skins of different humanoids sewn
Naguro Masasaki (F7): HD 7, HP 44, AC 2, D 1d6 x4 together by the forces of Chaos. This unnatural horror
lamprey heads AND 1d6+10 katana. Ranged 1d6+1/1d6+1, will animate as a leather golem and try to engulf the
+2 to hit with longbow and magic arrows. +2 Samurai intruders so the Vitiate can come and drain his victims’
suit of armor, Mother-of-Pearl Katana, (12) +1 arrows, levels.
and wears the ring of the silent lake – see module entry
Leather Golem: Hits as 7 HD, HP 30, AC 8, D 1d6/1d6
for information on this item.
leather slaps. Engulfs if both hits are successful. A victim
5. THE SILENT LAKE. A dead adventurer is buried on held inside the leather golem suffocates for 1d4 damage
the northeastern shore. He still holds a mandolin in his per melee round. Magical slashing weapons deal full
skeletal hand worth 1,200 GP. When the party comes too damage on the outside of the leather golem. Magical
close to the shore the entire subterranean lake will lift piercing and slashing weapons (which have a point and
itself up. It is a water elemental creating a wave which, if cutting edge) are needed to escape a leather golem from
not avoided, inflicts D 12d4, with save vs breath weapon the inside. A hit at -4 to hit on the inside, no penalty on
for half damage. Slaying the elemental is a way to deal the outside, dealing at least 6 points of damage will be
with this issue, but in fact, the mandolin is a clue: music enough to slice a hole through the fabric of the golem
can put the elemental to rest. A Moon shield +1 rests at to let the victim squeeze through. Cold, sonic, and
the bottom of the lake. Combined with the sun shield of electricity spells do not affect the leather golem. Fire
area H-11 via Vanx’s Mystical Meld, the Sun and Moon slows it down 50% but makes it release its smothered
shield becomes +3. victims automatically. Acid inflicts full damage and salt
only half. Water spells heal a leather golem for 3 Hit
Water Elemental: HD 12, HP 60, AC 2, D 5d6 if mani- Points per spell level.
fested on the lake, D 12d4 or 6d4 as a wave. Only affect-
ed by +2 magic weapons or better. Pyrameon Paal, Vitiate of the Mists: HD 5+3, HP 28,
AC 4, D 1d6 + energy drain, one level per hit. Wraiths
6. GOLDEN AQUARIUM. A seven-foot wide cylinder can only be hit by silver (half damage) or magic weap-
of thick translucent glass contains a golden liquid. A ons (full damage). Powerless in sunlight. Wears a Supe-
huge sapphire stays stationary inside, at the center rior Amulet of Aktum (+4 AC) which also functions as
of the cylinder. It is worth 10,000 GP. The inside an Amulet of life protection. See module for a full list
of the tube is occupied by a massive ochre jelly. It of abilities.
takes 20 points of damage to break the glass with
blunt weapons, double that amount by other means. 9. CORAL LAKE. This area is where the party meets the
Ochre Jelly: HD 6, HP 42, AC 8, D 3d4. Ochre jellies Mhole M’khepot, who may be a key ally in defeating the
dissolve flesh and split when struck by lightning. Masks of the Dead. It requires careful reading from the
Cold and fire have normal effects on an ochre jelly. referee and can’t be summarized on a cheat sheet.
Behind the cylinder and against the face of the rock are
concealed ebonite tools to carve rock and clay, as well 10. CLEANING CREW. Four-foot-tall pillar of granite
as bricks of green stuff that have never been used, and with three effigies made out of green stuff against the
a grimoire explaining how to cook celadon marble and circular wall of the chamber. The effigies look like
create the green stuff. How to cook it in an athanor, and stone giants in full combat gear, but with humanoid
create effigies in the process. proportions. These are some of the effigies animated by


the Chaplains of Ashes when they concentrate on their Twin Vitiated Shadows: HD 3+3, HP 11, 12, AC 7, D
amulets and break up fights between slaves and undead 1d4+ 1 STR, Chill Touch. Shadows can only be hit by
in their service. weapons +1 or better. Drained Strength regained 2d4
turns after being touched. When the shadow is inside
Statues of Green Stuff (3): HD 5, HP 20, AC 8, D the body of its host, it takes the same damage as its host
1d6/1d6. Creatures made out of green stuff take full does. Only when it is apart from its host can it benefit
damage from blunt weapons, and only half damage from the full protection of its insubstantiality.
from other types, unless magical. See module entry for
more information. 12. SALT CAVE. Constellated with salt crystals, this
area is hard to navigate and requires dexterity checks to
A dwarf lied petrified at the foot of the pillar, turned to avoid cuts. At the end of the tunnel on a natural alter
stone before his body somehow was move or sank into made of salt lies the White Fyre Opal, which drains
the mud. Inside the bag lies the head of a medusa on its water out of everything and creates salt formations
last stretch of unnatural life. It can still turn targets to around it. Characters with less than their max HP will
stone up to three times (save vs petrification or be turned take D 1d4 per melee round within 10 ft. of the Opal.
to stone in a 30 ft. radius looking at the head). Make sure It is served by Ren, the Salt-plated warrior. Ren is not
to read the module entry if someone has the idea to use intent on fighting. What he wants is to be reunited with
stone to flesh on the dwarf (Iyoga) and revive him. He his soul contained within an amulet of Aktum, to be able
wears a +2 leather armor, a necklace of adaptation is to finally lay and die. The amulet has the Vitiate of the
armed with a short bow and (6) +1 arrows, as well as a +2 Mists, at LC-8. From here, assuming the party doesn’t
club he calls “skull crusher.” fight Ren outright, referees are advised to look back at
the entry in the module.
going down into the chamber have turned completely 13. SHIMMERING LAKE. A large mostly flooded cavern
black. When the party enters the whole area is plunged with a lot of insect life under the waterline. This is
into a darkness 15’ radius spell. just the edge of the Leech Hive Mind who lairs in this
area, a semi-sentient conglomerate of worms, insects,
A funeral chant rises in the darkness as Argan casts maggots, flies, and leeches. The Hive Mind cannot be
prayer next, and a group of 2d4 zombies blitzes up the fought one on one by conventional means. It has to be
stairs to contain the party. destroyed by area spells. If hit by an area spell for 8 points
of damage or more, the entire portion of the creature
In round 2, Argan intends to cast a Silence 15’ radius affected by the area will be destroyed instantaneously.
leaving him and Kargan just out of the zone of effect. Likewise, flaming oil can destroy entire patches of the
They are both levitating above the alcoves, by the ceiling. Hive Mind. See the module for the exact proportions of
Kargan will cast lightning bolt for D 5d6 at the party. the creature, but the idea is to cover the entire area it
In round 3, they will both start to attack with their occupies in a very short amount of time with multiple
thuribles, hoping to hit and pull victims up in the air next area effects, magical and otherwise, to destroy it without
round to stab them, while at the same time their Vitiated leaving it the chance to regenerate and grow again.
shadows try to chill touch and drain the victims’ strength. Treasure: a body with greaves of stability. Another one
For more information on these tactics, see the module entry. deeper into the muck with a +1 breastplate, (2) scrolls in
Argan and Kargan Khas, Vitiates of the Blades: HD a metallic tube. One with dispel magic, Threon’s elliptic
5, HP 22, 24, AC 2, D 1d6+7, Battle thurible. If thurible throw*, cure critical wounds and heal, the other with
hits, D 1d4+7 with a +7 to hit on the next melee round, continual light, exorcise, detect lie and insect plague.
as the cyclops pulls the chain to project its victim in the This warrior-priest still carries the Ivory Rod of Smiting,
air and stab it with an iron dagger. An Elder Cyclops a legendary weapon. See module entry for its abilities.
can cast spells as a 5th level Magic-User or Cleric. Cleri- 14. CHAPEL OF THE GRAVES OF AKTUM. There is no
cal spells memorized by Argan (5/4/1): cure light wounds corruption of Chaos in this chamber. Brontes Patuul, the
x3, protection from good, darkness, hold person x2, si- Chaplain of the Graves and guardian of the memory of
lence 15’ radius, know alignment, prayer. Magic-User the last king Garn Patuul, will want to appraise the party
spells memorized by Kargan (4/2/1): Magic Missile x2, at first. If they are grave robbers he will fight them, if they
sleep, enlarge, shockwave, mirror image, lightning bolt. are instead concerned about the corruption of Chaos
Kargan owns a scroll containing the spells fly x2 (orig- and want to end it, he will ask to fight them in a friendly
inally fly x4). Both of them carry an amulet of Aktum. duel to test their mettle. Regardless of the outcome, at


some point during the fight Brontes will be attacked by a more information. See module description for more
mane and “seeded” with corruption, becoming a Vitiate information.
in front of the players’ eyes.
Treasure: A dozen bricks of green stuff that
Brontes Patuul, Chaplain of the Graves: HD 5, HP has never been used, similar to those at LC-6.
28, AC 2, D 1d4+10 Ghost Hammer of Aktum. Bron- If combat becomes too destructive with area spells and
tes memorizes magic-user spells (4/2/1): magic missile, the like, (2) guardian effigies might animate from the
enlarge, spider climb, feather fall, web, invisibility, and surface of the caskets in the alcove to break the fight out.
haste. He wears an amulet of Aktum and fights with the
Ghost Hammer of Aktum, a formidable weapon akin to Guardian Effigies (2): Hits as 6 HD, HP 30, AC 8, D
a Hammer of Thunderbolts. See the module entry for its 1d10/1d10 blunt stone fists. Guardian effigies take half
description. damage from mundane blunt weapons, full damage
from magical blunt weapons, and half damage from
15. LAIR OF THE CRIMSON WORM. A huge crimson other types of magical weapons, are impervious to most
worm lairs here, along with about (40) young worms forms of magic, but vulnerable to move earth spells,
that can easily be popped with an open flame. The which will shatter them. Other earth-affecting spells,
elves like to eat them as luxury. They are worth 400 like stone shape, rock to mud, etc. can damage them for
GP each, to them, but they are extremely fragile. A 1d6 per spell level, and stone to flesh makes a limestone
corpse in the area carries a wand of lightning with 10 golem completely vulnerable to all forms of attack in-
charges, an entomologist potion releasing a 20’x20’ cluding magic.
sleep spell when opened, with the cloud lingering for
1d4 turns, and an entomologist’s net +4 to catch insects, 17. LAIR OF SLUGS. The ground of this area is very
little frogs, birds, and small animals of that nature. treacherous, a mix of gravel, shards of bone, spit of slugs,
Crimson Red Worm: HD 9, HP 46, AC 4, D 2-12 bite. and mud. (6) small, (3) medium and (1) large horned slugs
When prey is bitten by the Crimson Red Worm, it rips are nesting in this area. The biggest threat however is the
apart the victim’s armor, reducing its AC value by 1-6. giant slug on the ceiling of the cave.
This secondary damage only affects the armor worn,
Horned Slugs: HD 2, HP 8, AC 8, D 2d4 acid spit with-
with the armor destroyed if the defense it provided is
in 40 ft. If a Horned slug has a clear path of 60 plus
reduced to zero (0). When the armor is gone, the red
feet in front of a space it has spitted on, it can slide and
worm burrows inside the rib cage of the victim on the
zoom up to 240 ft. to slam against a victim, horns first,
next round and lays eggs inside it, a procedure which
for D 2d4x2. A small version is 1 HD, MV 30 ft., 180 ft.
is fatal in two weeks, reduces the STR and CON of
zoom, D 2d3x2. The large version is 4 HD, MV 60 ft.,
the victim by 1 point per week, no saving throw, and
300 ft. zoom, D 4d4x2. Horned slugs take half damage
ultimately kills the host after two weeks (saving throw vs.
from blunt weapons and are vulnerable to salt: salted
death after the second week, success means the victim
water and saline solutions sprayed on a slug will inflict
survives for now but loses yet another point of STR and
D 2d4 with splash 10 feet around for 1d3 damage to oth-
CON; failure means the eggs hatch and the victim dies).
er creatures vulnerable to salt if any.
Slow poison is completely ineffective. Neutralize poison
will stop the loss of points of STR and CON and must Giant Slug: HD 12, HP 64, AC 8, D 1d12. Can spit at 60
be followed by a heal or restoration spell to completely ft. range with 50% of hitting a target, +10% with every
flush the infection out. 10 ft. closer to target, and -10% for every 10 ft. over 60.
The first spit is almost always a miss, with only a 10%
16. CRUCIBLE OF FAILURE. The shaft in this area is chance of hitting regardless of range. Then further spit
opened to the substance of Chaos below and reaches up attacks use those established probabilities. Giant slugs
to L2-30 above. After many conflicts, this area is mostly are unaffected by blunt weapons.
barren, with packed mud, bones here and there, and the
occasional corpse or pothole sticking out. A dozen life- Treasure: The corpse of a magic-user has been sealed in
sized statues of green stuff are stored here, and radiate the muck. He still carries (2) scrolls, one with shockwave*,
magic. Heat and open flames will animate 1d3 of them. ice storm, and stone to flesh x2. The other with blink,
Statues of Green Stuff (1d3): HD 5, HP 20, AC 8, D confusion, waterfall*, and cloudkill. His hands still wear
1d6/1d6. Creatures made out of green stuff take full a ring of protection +2 and a ring of free action.
damage from blunt weapons, and only half damage
from other types, unless magical. See module entry for 18. FUNGI MEN. (12) Orchidean drones tend to the
molds and vines growing on the north-western wall


of this cavern. They are under the protection of the When the cremated remains are reduced to 0 hit points
Vitiate of the Flame, who keeps the undead at bay. If a they explode for 2d4 damage in a 10-foot radius, saving
fight occurs here and more than half the drones die, the throw versus breath weapon for half damage.
rest will be willing to parley. See Appendix A for a full
description of the Orchidean drones. Steropes Kraat, Vitiate of the Flame: HD 5, HP 26,
AC 2, D 1d6+7+1d6 flaming, battle thurible. Thurible.
Orchidean Drones: HD 3, HP 12, AC 6, D 1d4/1d4 Targets must make a saving throw vs magic or be set on
root tentacles. Orchidean drones look like sporesacks fire for 1d6 damage per melee round until extinguished
the size of a human torso moving on tiny root-like (takes a melee round to stop the flames from propa-
tentacles topped with vivid flowers reminiscent of or- gating). Magic-User spells memorized (4/2/1): magic
chids the size of a human head. The drones emit clouds missile x2, hold person, mirror image, fireball. Steropes
of brightly colored pollen which can be imbued with wears an amulet of Aktum.
magic and have a variety of effects depending on the Vitiated Shadow of Flame: HD 3+3, HP 11, 12, AC 7,
maturity, mood, and color of the pollen projected. The D 1d4+ 1 STR, Chill Touch. Shadows can only be hit
drones of this area are fairly young, spreading quickly by weapons +1 or better. Drained Strength regained 2d4
through these parts, but they have accumulated enough turns after being touched. When the shadow is inside
energy to be able to produce effects such as magic mis- the body of its host, it takes the same damage as its host
sile (white vapor), charm person (green cloud), or sleep does. Only when it is apart from its host can it benefit
(blue) every melee round, ray of enfeeblement (indigo), from the full protection of its insubstantiality.
scare (red) or stinking cloud ( yellow) once every other
round, and slow (violet) or hold person (orange) every 20. LAIR OF THE OCTOFISH. (2) Mature octofish
three melee rounds. and their young nest in this area. Young octofish
Treasure: the bulbs of the drones are valuable to will drop from the ceiling on the characters in
alchemists (400 GP each). The molds and vines of the the front line. The mature specimens will stay
NW wall hide several corpses. If the drones make peace back and let their young feed, unless they become
with the party they will let them take their pick. (1) potion endangered, in which case the parents will push the
of climbing, (2) potions of extra healing, (1) potion of fire intruders back away from their nest, and not follow.
resistance, and a poison that feels and looks like a potion The Octofish do not like fire. They will try to keep away
of polymorph self. There is also a ring of invisibility and from pyrotechnics, and characters can use their own
some gauntlets of ogre power. level wielding torches to repel octofish like a cleric would
the undead.
steps leading down the chapel are black as night, the chapel Octofish, young (9): HD 4, HP 16, AC 8, D 1 point of
itself is well illuminated, with bright torches burning damage per tentacle hitting (x8). If at
between the urns and alcoves. Steropes, the Vitiate of
least one tentacle hits, the target must make an
the Flame, waits for the party at the bottom of the stairs.
immediate saving throw vs poison, with a -1 penalty on
As they approach, he will suddenly set himself on fire
the die per tentacle that just hit, or be paralyzed for one
and duplicate himself into several identical bodies, all of
full turn. If the victim succeeds and is not paralyzed, she
them aflame. (Steropes cast mirror image on himself, and
will have the opportunity to make one attack, with a -1
then calls on multiple cremated remains to join the fray.
penalty on the die per tentacle that previously hit, to
Determine how many doubles are created, then describe
escape the octofish’s grasp. If this fails, the octofish then
how Steropes duplicates again before their very eyes, the
attacks with a +1 modifier on the dice per tentacle that
new doubles running up the stairs to meet them). As the
hit previously; if the attack hits, the victim is brought
party faces the cremated remains they think are doubles
to the octofish’s mouth and bitten for 2-8 damage. The
of the Vitiate, Steropes will first cast magic missile,
victim makes another saving throw each following
then if he is still free from melee, he might cast hold
round to avoid paralyzation, and may attack again to
person on a magic-user or other particularly threatening
break free if the saving throw succeeds. A failure means
character. He will keep his last magic missile for a
an automatic bite. The procedure is repeated until the
wounded MU, and will not cast fireball until the very end.
victim is paralyzed, frees itself, or dies.
Cremated Remains: HD 3, HP 12, AC 8, D 1d6/1d6 hands
on fire, plus 1d4 residual damage on the next melee Octofish, mature (2): HD 6, HP 38, 32, AC 6, 1d3 per
round on a hit. Skeleton with vestigial organs that burst tentacle hitting (x8). The same procedures apply to the
on fire and make the whole undead burn of orange light.


mature specimen as described above, except the bite marble, the same as if a transmute rock to mud would
damage is 4-16 instead. have been cast on it (same effect). A melee round later
an eldritch centimanus emerges from the liquid. The
Treasure: the petrified body of a Mynch (green-skinned fountain can be stopped with a transmute mud to rock
little people with long ears) is half-buried in the mud. He spell, or by stabbing it with the magical khopesh. If the
wears bracers of defense AC 4, potions of diminution, fountain is left bubbling, it will spring more creatures
climbing, and ESP, as well as an iron flask. A scroll in a of Chaos, see module entry for more information.
sealed bone tube is inscribed with enlarge, protection Eldritch Centimanus: HD 6, HP 28, AC 4, D
from evil, fool’s gold, and invisibility 10’ radius. The 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6 fist. If one fist hits, roll another fist to
Mynch holds a short sword and a dagger in his hands. hit for D 1-6, and again if this second fist hits, and then
They are Bear and Taurc, magic blades fully described in again, until a fist attack fails. The eldritch centimanus is
the module, as well as the story of the Mynch and how a creature entirely made of arms and heads. It is deadly
he got there. unless it is kept at a reasonable distance. Legends say it
has fifty heads on the top and its back, with a hundred
21. EVER-COLLAPSING CHAMBER. The ceiling and
arms forming the rest of its mass. It is hard to ascertain,
stalactites of this cave collapse for 3d6 damage, saving
but for the fact that once the centimanus is in contact,
throw vs. breath weapon for half damage. Then, after all
it can be very deadly, very fast, especially to those who
living creatures leave the area, it resets 1d6 melee rounds
are not properly protected. Each attack to hit with a
later, ready to collapse again, unless people go through
fist simulates many more, softer slams in the interval.
this area by walking backward.
Treasure: The magic khopesh is the Watcher, an
22. GIANT STONE FACE. This area swarms with rats intelligent weapon described in the module’s entry.
and wererats. On a lonely island in the middle of the
24. POLISHED MARBLE CAVE. The entire western
underground lake likes a stone giant’s head. This is the
wall is polished like a mirror of pristine green marble.
head the Ada-Maku of H-19 have been searching for (and
Touching the surface reveals one can walk through, and
it weighs seven to 8 tons in its current condition). The
reach the underground level of the Tower at area E-9.
stench is horrible save vs poison, -2 on a hit and damage
The rats and wererats of LC-22 use this place to come
on a successful saving throw.
and go from the surface. They are now allied to the Red
Giant Rats (250+): HD 1/2, HP 4, AC 7, D 1d3. This Apes of Iyon, who have sent a few of their number here
entirely chaotic mass of rats will sometimes move like to keep the gate open.
a giant wave possessed by the hunger of an utterly im-
Red Apes of Iyon (7): HD 3, HP 12, AC 6, Leaping
moral and insatiable hive mind. It then becomes raven-
charge D 2d6 +3 (+3 to hit), or net D 0 (immobilized), or
ous, and unstoppable.
1d6+2/1d6+2 slamming fists on a land charge (+2 to hit
Wererats (12): HD 3+1, HP 13, AC 6, D 1d8. Only hit by on both attacks), or 1d6/1d6 fists in regular melee.
silver or +1 magical weapons and better. Victims losing
bitten over 50% of their max HP are infected with the 25. CATERPILLARS’ NEST. A scroll can be found in the
disease of lycanthropy. Consider there are four (4) wer- mess of eggs, corpses, and rubble. It is in a wooden tube
erats always present in this room, but never the same. and inscribed with knock, water blast*, fly, and improved
shockwave*. There are also (6) gems worth 100 GP and
Thrice-headed Green Rat: HD 5, HP 41, AC 4, D
(4) worth 500 GP.
1d4/1d4/1d8/1d8/1d8, claw, claw, bite x3. 15% chance
of infection with a serious disease with each bite of the Cadaverous Caterpillars (2-8): HD 3+2, HP 11, 14, AC
thrice-headed rat. 6 D 1-3/1-3/1-3/1-3 tentacles, plus saving throw versus
poison on a hit, or the victim is paralyzed. The cadaver-
23. PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN. Seven-foot wide well with
ous caterpillar can blend in its surroundings, and either
an impressive abstract sculpture of celadon marble on
eats or lay eggs inside its victims. 2d4 eggs kill the host
top of it, like fantastic fish, octopus, and other marine
after 1d6+4 days.
creatures all mix together and are trying to break free
from a single amorphous mass. A single black curved 26. CLEANING CREW AND FOUNTAIN CREATURES.
blade seems to have stabbed the sculpture to the guard. Creatures and humanoids made out of green stuff are
Pulling it out requires a bend bars/lift gate roll, but stored here, on the two opposite sides of this cave. Three
multiple characters can team up to make it happen. If are made to resemble stone giants in full gear and are
the blade is taken out of the sculpture, it turns into liquid located around an unlit lantern by the northern wall.


When the Chaplains want to break up fights or restore

order in the population of slaves and servants of Aktum,
they can just use their amulets to light lanterns like these
from a distance, and the heat will animate the statues of
green stuff to do their bidding.

Approaching these statues with torches and other heat

sources will animate them.

Statues of Green Stuff (3): HD 5, HP 20, AC 8, D

1d6/1d6. Creatures made out of green stuff take full
damage from blunt weapons, and only half damage
from other types, unless magical. See module entry for
more information.

The other group of green stuff on the other hand is kept

really cold for some reason. These statues look more
ancient, with representations of snake men, simian
pre-humans, and the like. Searching the area will show
the cold comes from the ground. Digging will reveal
the presence of an iron box, and inside (protected by a
needle trap), the party may find the Blue Fyre Opal, an
artifact described in the module’s entry.



This appendix introduces an unkeyed map for referees Areas 26-27: These two rooms are oddities, and
to place wherever they want in the campaign and do presuppose, much like the stairs at 37, that the level
with it as they will. Though entitled “Ancient Temple, is much older than its current inhabitants, and some
this map may be used in the module in several different sections of the original design have collapsed. Both of
places, or as a completely different location than the these sections would have to be detected, or scried in
ones described therein. some fashion, or revealed by NPCs and handouts, for
the player characters to know of their existence. Then
This map is provided as a template, to save some time, it’s a matter of looking at them by magical means to
and maybe improvise locations during the course of play. be able to teleport or dimension door into these areas.
Referees should feel free to only use a section of the map Whatever treasure lies there must be very rewarding. 26
or to add onto what is already being described, at will. has a secret room on top of being cut from the rest of the
Part of this campaign starter’s intent is to give a lot of dungeon, and 27 implies that the area is either partially
freedom to the referee and give tools to be used in a wide or entirely underwater. Make of this what you will.
variety of ways, and it seemed appropriate to include a
generic map in the appendices of the main module. Areas 28-37: These are meant to be more detaining
areas, with a huge staircase that collapsed to bring in
The numbered locations on this map are only provided the prisoners, the holding cells around and below in
for ease of reference and development in the campaign. area 33, the murder holes looking into this area from the
It does not mean that all these locations should have corridor leading to 32. The slanting passage at 36 might
something interesting or relevant to the game going on lead to the surface, and 35 to a mining operation below.
for the map to work. And when the prisoners are no longer useful, they can be
taken further east and used as fodder in the arena 11, or
SECTIONS OF THE MAP sacrificed in some ritual at 43.
Some sections of this map were built with a specific
Areas 38-50: This section has more of a magical bent
theme or idea in mind, which may be subverted at will by
to it. Areas 41 and 42 feel like succeeding antechambers
the referee’s design. We usually wouldn’t want to detail
ultimately leading to 43, which could be a shrine, a
our original concepts and stop your imagination from
sacrificial area, or some magical study. The passage down
doing what it does best. For the sake of structure and a
to 40 could lead to more sinister areas linked to whoever
starting point, it can be helpful here.
is the patron of this place. Area 50 could be a temple, a
Areas 1-11: Meant as one of the main entrances of the scrying area, the meeting place with the local oracle, or a
complex (entrance A) leading to areas that might have charlatan driving this place.
visitors and diplomats talking with the inhabitants of
Areas 51-62: This section, with multiple rooms labeled
the dungeon level. Areas 1 and 2 are vestibules and entry
with the same number, like 57, makes me think of
halls. Area 4 is a meeting room or dining room with a
dormitories and resting areas for the people controlling
long table. The rooms labeled 10 could be guest rooms.
this whole level. 60 seems to be a private shrine or
Area 11 in particular is intended as a sort of arena fed on
commemorating place, perhaps to the founder of a
both sides by the temple area (see below) and the living
group, or the place itself? The traps are few, which allows
quarters area on the other side. Visitors are watching
the people walking around to relax.
from the balconies on both sides, north and south, of
Areas 12-25: These are meant to be work areas for the These are marked by letters on the map. A, B, and C
inhabitants of the dungeon. Rooms are unique and are links to the surface, though the fact they are each
probably each with some designated purpose. An exit at going “up” does not mean they ultimately end at the
B makes back and forths to and from the surface a non- same level. Likewise, with D, E, and F. D and E might be
issue when needing supplies, help, and the like. Area 13 leading to the very same area, or just cross one another,
may be used to dispose of refuse or access lower areas. separated by a wall, and lead to completely different
levels underneath.


VERSATILE AND REUSABLE trapped wizard locked doors. Then we use this map
This map can absolutely be used within the same again at a later point in the campaign to simulate the
campaign for different locations without your players levels under the Ancient Fort of Besifalus at H-7. We
knowing better. From there you can rule that this is just a could just brush off the fact that the levels are the same,
fluke, and you retool the level to feel a little bit different, but what if they actually ARE that similar in the game
cut some parts, add your sub-level here and there. Or this world? Why? Did the cultists of Iyorthar copy their
dungeon level has somehow been built multiple times by designs from the ancient Dwarves, centuries apart? Or
different people over time, and the question of why that did one, or both places change, magically and otherwise,
is might become an interesting mystery to investigate, in over time? These are interesting questions that fit the
and of itself. theme of parallel dimensions, the shades of the Eurth,
and could be interesting to explore in the game.
Let’s say we use this map instead of the Temple of
Iyorthar at E-8, with area A/1 standing for the entrance, In any case, this map is here for referees to use and abuse.
49 being the corridor with the bundled amber mummies, Please make of it what you will. Thank you for supporting
and 50 the room with the avatar of Iyorthar behind the GP Adventures, this fantasy world, and product.







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OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does
not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Mate- rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
rial” means copyrighted material including derivative works and transla-
tions (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly in-
correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, dicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game
abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, trans- Content.
formed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease,
sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish up-
Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, dated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art distributed under any version of this License.
and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by
the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically ex- copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
cludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, for- permission from the Contributor to do so.
mats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual
or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, en- 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
chantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Con-
places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or super- tent due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You
natural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any oth- may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
er trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to com-
Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, ply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of be-
motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its prod- coming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination
ucts or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by of this License.
the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy,
edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
this agreement. enforceable.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that con- 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
tains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtract-
ed from this License except as described by the License itself. No other
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distribut-
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
ed using this License.
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid,
James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
OSRIC™ copyright 2006, Stuart Marshall, adapting material prepared by Mat-
thew J. Finch, based upon the System Reference Document, and inspired by the
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Li-
works of E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and many others.
cense, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open
The Marmoreal Tomb, 1st printing, Copyright 2021, Troll Lord Games,: Author
Game Content.
Ernest G. Gygax and Benenoist Poire.


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