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There are several different calendars used in Torkiv, but the most standard version is the Palitan
calendar which starts with the creation of the first man at year 0 A.O.

0 – First Year

1120 – Lyzabeth is founded

1209 – Janurie establishes the children of Oliver

2010 – Lyzabeth attempts to invade island of Franx

2017 – Kingdom of Franx is founded

2489 – Republic of Olivius is founded

2513 – Olivius is destroyed

3513 – Main Character is born

3529 – Game Begins


 Torkiv
o Main Continent of the game.
 Lyzabeth
 Northern mountainous nation.
o Wazdow
 Former capital of Lyzabeth, now a ruined ghost town
full of monsters.
o Great Bridge
o Frozen Lake Beth

 Franx
 Island nation.
o Towns
 Bayford
 Starting town.
 Levin
 Queenland
 The capital of Franx and where the king of Franx
resides. The only surviving functional monarchy
of the Olivian Republic.

 Doroth
 Lake Doroth
 Towns
o Vurdenburgh

 Sazatska
 Province of Berodia that was annexed by Olivius and gained
independence upon the collapse.
 Berodia
Formerly the Berodian Empire. Only the eastern border is accessible.

 Berudas
o Independent nation formerly colonized by the Kingdom of Jasmondi


The oldest kingdom on the east coast of Torkiv, Lyzabeth was formed from the northern
barbarian tribes moving southward out of the Silverstone mountains. As such, the land is quite rough
and mountainous. The northmost areas are covered in snow all year round, but even the southern
mountains are snowy towards their peaks. Winters are brutal in Lyzabeth, with many elderly and young
not making it to spring, especially in the early years. As such, Lyzabeth advanced a lot of food
preservation techniques, like pickling and heavily salting food. The most common foods in Lyzabeth are
root vegetables, namely radishes, salt-cured pork and corned beef. The cold climate informed the
extremely pragmatic and authoritarian monarchy. Invasion from the northern barbarians has caused
Lyzabeth to be very militaristic. Knighthood or other military ranks is highly valued among young men,
and is often the only way out of poverty for commoners. The Lyzabethan army is often willing to suffer
more losses than most armies, and win via battles of attrition rather than outsmarting opponents. This is
mainly why their attempts to conquer Franx have failed so frequently, as ships are not as plentiful as
men and aquatic battles require improvisation.


A large island nation off the edge of the eastern coast. Both Lyzabeth and Doroth
repeatedly attempted invading the island before Olivius was founded, but were always pushed back. The
island during the ancient times was composed of several feudal houses that were constantly at war. It
was only during the attempted Lyzabethan invasion of 2010 A.O. that the southern family of Roywood
united the warring states and established the Kingdom of Franx. Franx is known for its ingenuity and
improvisation, being able to adapt to new circumstances and avoid disaster. In addition to being an
isolated island,

God first created the heavens and resides there atop his heavenly throne. He is all knowing, all
powerful, and all good. God is capable of knowing the future, but chooses not to in order to preserve
the free will of his subjects.

God created angels to be his servants and carry out his will. The archangels, leaders of the
angels, were appointed to govern over ideas. When a conscious being thinks, they are invoking the will
of the archangels. The archangels create their own angels to extend their influence over reality.

The devil was an archangel of pride, who challenged god and was damned to hell. The demons
of hell are the angels created by the devil. Because God cannot see the future, the creation of evil that
came from the devil’s betrayal was completely unintended.

God created the first man, Oliver, and bestowed upon him the staff of all creation. The staff has
the ability to turn idea into reality, and with it Oliver followed God’s commands and painted the empty
terrain with life from his own imagination. Trees, birds, fish, cattle, insects, fungi, everything of all sorts
he made. When he was done, God created other humans for him to share the planet with, and adorned
him the title of the first sage.

The devil tried to tempt Oliver to turn the staff of all creation against god and take heaven’s
throne for himself, but failed. With this, God knew man was worthy of being his successors.

About a thousand years after Oliver’s passing, the people began to lose faith in God and instead
worshipped the archangels as though they were gods. God brings forth several calamities as
punishment, but the people remain stubborn. It is only when Janurie, the second sage, establishes the
religion of Palitism and the Children of Oliver.

Janurie leads the Children of Oliver from the northern mountains of Torkiv, through the
barbarian tribes, to the east coast. There, Palitism begins to spread.

There is a cult dedicated to Myridia called the Children of Mortus.


Long ago, the continent of Torkiv was in a state of despair. The kingdoms of Lyzabeth, Franx, and
Doroth had been engaged in never ending conflict for centuries. Thousands upon thousands
slaughtered, enslaved, tortured...

However, in the year 787 in the Lyzabethian calendar, the three great kingdoms of Torkiv
formed an alliance to combat the growing threat of the newly formed Berodian Empire. This alliance
would then transform into the Rebuplic of Olivius, named after the Holy figure of the religion of Palitism,
the first man, Oliver.

The republic reigned for over a century, conquering much of the known world.

In the year 102, Myridia Lyzabeth, second prince of Lyzabeth is born. 2 years later, his second
cousin, Ydral was born. They grow up to be like siblings, and are even predicted to be married, although
this never happens. They both share a desire to reform Olivius, mostly due from its slave trade and
imperialism, fearing that the union will collapse. Ydral has a growing interest in the occult, and dark arts
that she shares with Myridia as they plot to overtake the government. Myridia sees Ydral slowly
descending into obsession over creating an ideal utopian state and goes along with her to keep her in
check. Myridia and Ydral attempt their revolution peacefully, but are imprisoned. Publicly, it is stated
that it was all Myridia’s idea and he becomes the scapegoat. They are both held in the dungeon of
Lyzabeth’s capital, Wazdow, but before any torture can be done on Myridia, he escapes without Ydral to
his own regret. Ydral is then raped and tortured by the sadistic dungeonkeeper for the next 10 years to
the point where she barely resembles a human being. And that husk, now a vessel of infinite hatred,
hatred of her family, the state, and the world, made a deal with the devil in exchange for eternal life.
Down in her dark chamber, the first gate to hell opens, and monsters come pouring out.

Myridia, meanwhile, escapes to a remote are in Franx. He lives out the remainder of his days in
southern Franx before he is laid to rest in an ancient tomb.

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