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Michael Asoro Jr.

From Dribbling to Dream-Chasing

Everyone wants to be someone in this world. We all have aspirations in life and each day is

an opportunity for us to fulfill such dreams. Like in basketball, or any kind of athlete across

different sports in which the ultimate goal behind the “grind” and tedious of hours of training

would be to win. In this write up, let me tell you my ambitions in life as a basketball player, a

family member, and as an individual being generally. I would also share how I am planning to

achieve such goals from short-term goals up to the long-term ones.

Just like the game of basketball, you have to keep the ball moving. How we live our lives in

this age is somewhat fast-paced. But regardless of how anxiety-inducing the game of life

may be, we have to maintain our calmness and serenity. I, for example, as a basketball

player who wishes to become a renowned player in the country is a step-by-step process.

Nothing is too easy in this life we’re living in. It requires me to enjoy the process of training

hard. The late Kobe Bryant (n.d.) once mentioned “Everything negative—pressure,

challenge— is all an opportunity for me to rise.” There’s no easy journey or path in achieving

this wild dream of mine. But what I always tell myself is that I have to maintain my

composure and consistency. Because, whether we accept it or not, we’re not always the

champions. There will be moments where I, personally, would face defeat but it’s a gateway

for me to do better in my game. And that, I would say, is a part of my short-term goal but

would eventually lead to a long one — to practice more and more and not tolerate any kind

mindset which would suggest to me to give it all up. On the other hand, what I appreciate the

most with the path that I have chosen is that the discipline behind hours of training and

practicing is something that I can also apply outside of the game.

In addition to this, the commitment also translates to how I deal with the people that I have in

life: my family and loved ones. Sure enough, I would strive hard to bring the people close to
my heart to that much awaited fulfillment of my dream on becoming one of the country’s

greatest basketball players. Admittingly, this wouldn’t happen without appreciating the people

around me. Isn’t it how the game of basketball is designed? Every player must communicate

and form camaraderie with their teammates. Whenever I watch the gameplays of my favorite

teams, both local and international, I can sense if there’s no connection between players.

Similarly, as human being, our dreams would not be fulfilled, if we forget to connect to the

important people around us. Learn from the best people. I always ask my coach and other

teammates to help me and aid me to become better and stronger each game. In times of

trouble, being surrounded with the knowledgeable people is a gateway towards excellence.

Humble yourself all the time. Know that there are people who are better than you, and let

them your guide in this life we’re living.

To wrap it up, dribbling through this course of life isn’t simple. It requires me to have a

mindset of going through the extensive and exhausting process all the time. But the real

game lies on how I am and who I am outside the game. This is something that I always keep

in mind. Basketball is a much-celebrated sport that’s why I want to excel in it. But kindness

to the people around and to yourself should also be treated like a game. You prepare for the

trials and you train hard on changing your nature so you can be the best version of yourself.

Because basketball games may end one game after the other, but who I am as an individual

outside the court would resonate in the lives of those who are dealing with me.

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