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Kerusso Bible Community Tacloban

August 21, 2023

Title: The Goodness of God (Sermon Series on the Attributes of God)

You are good and do good; teach me your statutes. Psalms 119:68

Message Introduction:

One of my occasional habits whenever I have the luxury of extra-money is buying small and cheap things
from Shopee. The reason why I don’t want to spend so much money is due to the fact that since it’s an
online store I can’t personally examine the product’s quality. I don’t want to invest on high priced items
because I don’t want to waste my time and money because ultimately my fear is that the product that
will arrive is not good.

One of the key reasons why people do not invest in certain products is because they have doubts about
its quality and goodness. On the other hand, whenever we are personally aware of a certain products
quality, we have no problem spending a certain amount on it.

I believe that this can be used as an analogy with our relationship with God, the more that we become
aware of his true goodness the greater our trust and willingness to worship and serve him becomes. On
the other hand, the lesser knowledge we have of his goodness the greater doubts we have and the
easier we dismiss him in our lives. What’s worse is when we have a very shallow idea of his goodness,
the easier we exchange him with other things.

So my prayer for this morning is that God would enlighten our minds today and help us see the true
meaning of his goodness and how its trustworthiness presents itself, not just as an optional thing but a
necessity in every area of our Christian lives.

I. God is Good

a. You are good
i. Here we see the Psalmist describes that God is good. The Hebrew word used for good is
“towb – which means pleasant (kaaya – aya), agreeable, good”.
ii. First of all, the proper understanding of God’s goodness must start with the truth that
God’s entire being is perfectly pleasing (kaaya – aya), the entirety of God’s character is
perfectly filled with beauty and delight. There are no malice or blemish that can be
found in his character. There are no grounds for any disappointment in God’s character.
iii. All the goodness that we see in his actions are the outflow of this reality, that God has a
perfectly pleasant character.
iv. God does good things because it is the only and natural thing that can come out of his
perfectly pleasant character.

b. Secondly, we need to understand that God alone is good and is the author and source of
all other goodness.
i. In Luke 18, Jesus told the rich ruler that only God is morally good and James writes, “17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of
lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17”
ii. God and his goodness is not just one among the many good things in this world, it is the
source of all good things in all creation. There is no good thing in your life that did not
came from the goodness of God.
iii. All good things are given and have its origin from God.
iv. The original world is good, original mankind is very good and we have the Good News
because all of these sprang forth from God.
v. Since our good God is above all and is the source of all good and perfect thing in this
universe, to say that God is good is also to acknowledge that he is the “highest good” or
simply put “he is the best” above all.
vi. If life, heaven, earth, nature, and our spouse’s goodness and beauty came from our good
God, then it is rightly so that we call God the “best among everything”.
Kerusso Bible Community Tacloban
August 21, 2023

vii. He is the best over all things that brings delight and pleasure among all our senses. He
outweighs all of the good things this world can offer to man.
viii. If man can gather all the things that are good and wonderful and compare it to the
goodness and pleasantness of God, it will be like putting a speck of dust side by side with
the Middle Eastern desert. Our inner and external God-given goodness will be drowned to
nothing if compared with the goodness of God.

c. Thirdly, God’s goodness is objectively holy and morally perfect.

i. Same as his other attributes, God’s goodness is consistent with holiness which means that
everything about his goodness pertains to things that are holy and righteous.
ii. His goodness is not inline and in approval with things that contradict his holy and righteous
iii. c for if this happens then his perfectly pleasant character would be tainted with sin and he
will no longer be good.
iv. Even though God may allow evil to happen in order for his good purposes to come to pass,
we must not confuse his goodness with sin.
v. This is important because oftentimes, when people have a deformed idea of God’s
goodness, they make his goodness as a license and excuse to sin.
vi. What they think in their mind is that “since God is good, he will never punish me or since
God is good he will surely understand”.
vii. But when you think that it is okay to sin because God is good the very first one who will
testify against your wickedness is God himself, for this very reason, God is good.
viii. We live in a time where many people possess a faulty understanding of God’s goodness and
like in Isaiah 5:20 we see people call evil good and good evil, who puts darkness for light
and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
ix. But unlike man, who can find delight in perverse and wicked things, God’s idea and
definition of goodness will always be straight and grounded in the truth found in his word.
He cannot and will never contradict his character to accommodate man’s twisted views and
desires about what is good. He will immutably maintain his standard of goodness.

II. God’s Way is Good

a. and do good; Psalms 119:68

b. Next, the Psalmist declares that God “do good”. God’s goodness is not just a concept or a
good idea about him, it is also actively manifesting in all that he does. Since God is good and
pleasant in his character and nature, then all of his works are good as well.

c. First, we can see God’s goodness in Genesis, where originally, prior to sin and man’s
rebellion God’s creation are all good.
d. All the beautiful and good views in nature and animals that we have today are the result of
God’s goodness.
e. The arrangement of our stars, sun, and planets in such a way that life would flourish on
earth is the result of God’s goodness.
f. God giving Adam a woman in marriage so that he would not be alone sprang forth from his
g. God could have designed babies to be created with a simple touch, but God in his goodness
designed procreation (inside of marriage) to be pleasurable and good.
h. God could have designed eating to be performed by simply grazing in the plants, but in his
goodness designed our tongues and eating in such a way that we would experience
i. Everything we see in creation are done with abundant goodness from God. He was not
stingy (kuripot) when he decided to display and give good things to his creations. He
abundantly poured out his goodness.
Kerusso Bible Community Tacloban
August 21, 2023

j. The next thing about God’s goodness is the vastness of its scope
k. Psalms 145:9 writes, 9 The LORD is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.
l. Here we see the scope of God’s goodness extends not just to some but to all that he has
m. No created being in this world can say that God has withhold his goodness from him.

n. With regards to the animals

o. In Psalms 104: 10-14 we can see that God is the source and giver of the animal’s dwelling
place and food, even though they are seemingly insignificant and the thought of their
welfare and survival rarely cross our minds, God in his goodness consistently oversees and
upholds the animal kingdom.

p. With regards to humanity

q. With regard to us humans, whether it be unbelieving or believing, God also consistently
displays and extends his goodness.

i. To the unbelieving people (including us before conversion), God did not withhold his
common grace and goodness to them.
ii. God in his righteousness could easily struck all unbelievers down the moment they commit
sin, but in his goodness and to remind them of His presence he still allows them to live
“with food and gladness.” Acts 14:17 in God’s universe.
iii. Even though they are consistently living a life of ungratefulness and rebellion against God
and is using their God-given energy to disobey Him, he still allows them to receive life,
family, sustenance, fruitfulness and great earthly achievements.

iv. Sometimes there are those who question, why is God not destroying these unbeliever’s
evil and wickedness in the world.
v. However, when we understand the goodness of God we will have a deeper understanding
of why God is still not destroying the presence of wicked men in this world.
vi. (1) We would all perish because that would include all of us
vii. (2) Indeed there will be a final judgement but oftentimes, the reason that we doubt God’s
justice against evil and wickedness is because even though we have the right
understanding of his righteousness, we oftentimes liken God’s capacity to extend
goodness and mercy to ours, when in reality God’s goodness is infinitely greater.
viii. We forget that God’s goodness, patience and mercy is so wide and great, it can bear
infinitely more than what our patience and mercy can.
ix. According to Peter “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but
is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach
repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
x. God not destroying his enemies is not a manifestation of weakness but a rather a display
of his great goodness and patience to give time and lead his people to repentance.

r. To his people
s. God desires to give good things in response to his children’s request
i. 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much
more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Matthew
ii. According to our Lord himself, if sinful and evil men like us desires and know how to give
good gifts to our children, how much more will God provide good things to his children
who ask him.
iii. Here we see that as Christians our prayers do not vanish into thin air, as children of God
we have the great privilege of being heard and taken care of a perfect heavenly Father.
iv. When we go to God in prayer we have the assurance that God is eager to give good things
to us.
v. We must cease from the idea that God is in the business of withholding good things to us,
for since God is good, every decision he make, may it be giving or not answering prayers is
always to give his children the highest good they need.
Kerusso Bible Community Tacloban
August 21, 2023

t. God forgives us of our sins

i. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
ii. Another display of God’s goodness that towards us is his enduring forgiveness. Here we
see through the writings of the Apostle John a promise that whenever we fall and sin
against God, if we genuinely repent and confess to him, he will forgive us and cleanse us
from all our wickedness.
iii. This display of God’s goodness should remind us that we have a God who is patient with
us. As Christians no matter how great our sin is, we will never be disowned nor driven
away from the presence of God.

iv. We will never be met with cross arms and condemning eyes, there will always be
forgiveness and cleansing when we genuinely come to God.
v. Which is why when you sin my beloved brother and sister, you can be sad, grieve, and
mourn about what you have done. Yet as you grieve, you must not doubt the goodness of
God, you must continually hold to his promise that if you genuinely come and confess to
him, you will never be driven away but instead like the prodigal son, you will be forgiven
and be washed from all your unrighteousness.

vi. This may sound like giving a license to sin, to an unbeliever yes, but to a new creation,
this will be like pinch in the heart that will cause him to see how God is good and kind to
him and drive him to love God more.
vii. God’s goodness will cause a true believer to ask himself, why should I do bad to the God
who is always good to me? Why should I betray God when he is always faithful to me?

u. God helps us in times of trouble

v. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear
though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah
Psalms 46:1-3
i. Here we see the Psalmist acknowledging God as their refuge and strength that helps in
times of trouble.
ii. His help is described as “a very present” indicating that this goodness from God is very
much attainable when trials and troubles come to pass. This help is the very foundation of
their courage even in the midst of catastrophic phenomena such as earthquakes and
iii. Brethren, are we aware of this? Do you know that every trouble and danger that you have
been saved from in your life sprang forth from the very present help of God? You are not
just a lucky person, you are alive today because God has been good to you.
iv. All your troubles in the past could have pushed you to insanity and unbelief, but still you
are here today because God helped you, he became your refuge when you have nowhere
to go, and he gave you strength when you are about to faint. May it be physically or
spiritually, God’s goodness and help brought you here and will carry you forever.

w. God’s goodness is not an assurance that everything in life will be good or that our pockets
will always be full of cash. There are times that God’s goodness will be in the form of
allowing an affliction to visit your life. There will be times that God will allow us to
experience struggles, lack and even death. But in all of these things may we always be
reminded that God is good all the time. As the saying goes, if we don’t see his hands, trust in
his heart and believe that whatever happens God in his goodness knows what is good and
best for us.
Kerusso Bible Community Tacloban
August 21, 2023

x. God’s goodness through Christ

i. Finally brothers and sisters, the ultimate display of God’s goodness is seen through the
person and work of our only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
ii. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one
would dare even to die— 8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood,
much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. Romans 5:7-9

iii. He is the ultimate evidence and manifestation of the goodness of God, for in Christ and his
work on the cross alone can we see the only one who is good dying for the ungodly.
iv. In the cross of Christ we see how even though God has all the reasons to judge, condemn,
and deny us, he still chose to give his ultimate grace and goodness to us.
v. In Christ and his work on the cross, miserable sinners found everlasting love, hell-bound
sinners are saved from the dangers of hell, and unworthy rebels obtain peace and
reconciliation with God.
vi. It is also in the work of Christ that we see infinite worth of God’s goodness, for rich and
middle class people give gifts from their surplus, but God in his giving is more than that
for in giving Christ for our salvation, He gave more than everything.
vii. The Gospel is God’s ultimate story of goodness for in the Gospel God in the person of Jesus
Christ gave himself.
viii. Now my question to you today is this, are these things a reality in your life, are you a
person who has tasted and seen in his life that the Lord is good, is it still true today?
ix. When I talked about his providence, help, forgiveness and grace in Christ, does it bring
sweetness and joy to your soul or does his goodness became a mere daily-reading and
hermeneutics to you because you have forgotten your first love?

x. And if there are people here who have not trusted yet in the goodness of God, I urge do
not wait another day, for tomorrow is not yours to decide, right at this moment repent
from your sins and admit that you are indeed a sinner and rebel against God.
xi. Repent from your self-righteousness, admit that you cannot save yourself. Admit that you
are not good enough and all your good works will reach nothing but label in your
gravestone (lapida).
xii. Believe that the only work that can save and open the gates of heaven for you is the
finished work of the Gospel found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Believe that your salvation is in Him alone.

III. God’s Ways Must Shape Us

a. There are two things that we can learn from this final point, God’s goodness must shape our
conviction and His ways must conform us to his goodness.
b. God’s goodness must shape our conviction
c. After expressing his knowledge of God’s goodness, he then proceeds by expressing his desire
to be under God’s guidance by saying “teach me your statutes” (ituro n’yo sa akin ang
inyong mga tuntunin).
d. Seeing that God is good and does what is good, his response is to be drawn nearer to God
and be taught of the ways of God.
e. After reflecting on God’s goodness, he is convinced that God’s ways is the best path for his
f. He is convinced that if his entire actions and being should be molded, it should be shaped by
the goodness of God’s ways and statutes.
g. He is convinced that if he is to believe and obey something the only good and best one is the
ways of God.
i. Do we have the same conviction in life? Do we have the same motivation that drives our
ii. Do you firmly believe that God is good therefore you need to obey him and entrust your
life in his ways?
Kerusso Bible Community Tacloban
August 21, 2023

iii. Do you believe that the only way for your life to be genuinely good and prosperous is
when it is aligned with the ways of our good and gracious God?

iv. Conviction, brethren is very important, because when a man is truly convinced and aware
of God’s goodness, he will no longer see his commandments as a burden but rather it will
become his great pursue and delight.
v. Most of the time we struggle submitting to God’s ways because we are ignorant of his
vi. Oftentimes we think that God is with us to make our lives boring and miserable, when in
reality God’s ways and desires will bring the highest good for us to the glory of his name.
vii. It must be our great resolve by God’s grace we will believe wholeheartedly that God in his
goodness will do us no harm and his ways are worthy to be trusted and obeyed.

h. His ways must conform us to his goodness

i. Finally, “teach me your statutes” is not just an expression from his conviction of God’s
goodness, it is also a display of his desire for conformity (pagalin-sunod) to God’s ways
and character.
i. The Psalmist having been convinced of God’s goodness wanted to know God’s ways so that
his life would be shaped by the goodness and ways of God.
ii. As Christians our journey doesn’t stop in knowing who God’s is, we must strive to conform
our ways to his ways as well.
iii. Since we serve a good God, by God’s grace his goodness must reflect in our lives too.
iv. How can we do this? By grace, we must seek both personally and as a church in prayer
and in word what are God’s statutes in the Scripture (Sola Scriptura).
v. We must consistently seek and be taught by the Bible what are God’s statutes (tuntunin)
 how to be a good spouse and a parent
 how to be a good child and student
 how to choose a good future partner
 how to give and contribute generously to the ministry
 how to behave and speak in a good manner
 how to serve God in a good manner
 how to love and forgive our brethren and enemies
 how to share the Good News

vi. We must be taught and apply how God’s goodness and ways is displayed and instructed in
the Bible. We must learn from it in such a way that we don’t just know it, we are actually
seen walking in it.
vii. Since we serve a good God, the world must see in us his goodness too, so that they
would give glory to our Father who is in heaven!

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