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Unit 2 - Shopping around

1- Watch the following video and answer the questions.

a. How much time do teenagers typically spend shopping for clothes per week?

b. What is the average amount of money teenagers in the UK spend on clothes per month?

c. When are special offers and promotional events for clothes common in the UK?

d. Why is Camden Lock considered a young person's shopping paradise in North London?

2- Discussion

a. Do you prefer to buy unique things or follow current fashion trends when shopping for clothes?

b. What is more important to you when buying clothes: price, quality, or fashion status?

3 - Which summary suits best?

Teenagers in the UK spend very little money on
clothes and don't enjoy shopping at all. They prefer
to buy expensive, high-end fashion items rather
than affordable options. Some teenagers believe
that quantity is more important than quality when it
comes to buying clothes, and they prioritize price
over fashion trends.

Teenagers in the UK spend money on clothes and

enjoy shopping at special events and sales. Camden
Lock in North London is a popular shopping spot for
young people to buy unique clothes and accessories.
Some teenagers prefer to buy second-hand or
ethically produced clothes, focusing on fashion and
quality over quantity.

Young people in London discuss their love for

shopping and finding unique clothes. They talk
about the importance of ethical fashion and
buying clothes that are not produced in
sweatshops. The focus is on quality and
fashion, even if it means spending a little more

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