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Lieka Isabel P. Mero | MN-Picking 08


Data is raw information collected from observations to
When doing mathematics or research, we involve ourselves
form a decision or conclusion. There are different types of
with all kinds of raw information and numbers as a result from
data, but we will focus more on: discrete and continuous.
our endless observations regarding a subject matter. But
Discrete data refers to countable, indivisible, and
interpreting these data would prove difficult without proper
individualized figures in statistics. These data involve
visualization on their behavior or trends, thus we need a "visual numbers that are whole and concrete, and countable.
aid" to help us interpret and analyze these data. This is where Continuous data refers to unspecified and varying values
graphs and charts come in. Graphs and Charts in mathematics between two points of time interval. These data involve
are visual representations of data in an organized manner but numbers that are only measurable.
they have their own differences. Graphs are visual diagrams
used to depict relationships between 2 or more sets of data
over a period of time. However, Charts are visual diagrams that
serve more for an easier and comprehensible understanding of
data or data sets, which may not have any relationship.

For this task, I have chosen the pie chart. Pie charts are circle-visual representations of data that depict relationships of data as parts or
components of a whole, often divided into segments. These segments show the proportional contribution of each data; thus, its size is
determined on how large or significant the data is to the whole. These charts use categorical and discrete data. Categorical data refers to
data divided by groups; thus, it includes nominal and ordinal data.

·Simplicity and Straightforwardness ·Fails to reveal key assumptions, causes, effects, and patterns
·Visually pleasing and Easily Comprehensible, thus, ·Ineffective against continuous data; Inability to show behavior of
leads to more attention to audience data over time.
·Allows immediate analysis of data ·Ineffective against lots of different data
·Display relative proportions of data in a whole ·Can lead to inaccurate conclusions due to decisions are visual
impact-based rather than data analysis
·Difficult to illustrate data if manually drawn


1.Determine each categorical data 2. Select or highlight the data used for the pie chart.
2.Calculate the angle size of each sector (categorical data) using 3.Click Insert then proceed to clicking on the Pie Chart.
the formula:
Angle for the sector =
3.Draw a circle and mark the center, then proceed to draw a
4.Measure and draw the angle of each categorical data.
5.Add data labels.

However, creating pie charts through word processor and/or 4. Customize the Pie Chart to your liking (further add labels, change
spreadsheet applications are easier and faster than manually the colors, change the format, etc.).
drawing them.

Making a Pie chart through a spreadsheet application (Excel):

1.Input your data and their labels on separate rows or columns.

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