02 The Meaning of Interest Rates

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Money and Banking

The Meaning of Interest Rates

Interest Rates
• 接下來三個主題是關於利率
– The meaning of interest rates – 利率的觀念
– The behavior of interest rates – 利率的決定與變化
– The risk and term structure of interest rates – 各種

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Beggar Thy Neighbor
• Deuteronomy 23:18
– “You shall not charge interest on loans to your
brother, interest on money, interest on food,
interest on anything that is lent for interest.”
• Charging interest on loans, especially
compound interest, was prohibited since the
• Still prohibited in the Islamic world today.
– Islamic Banking
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The Interest Rate
• Why do lenders charge interest on loans?
– Compensation for inflation
– Compensation for the opportunity cost of waiting
to spend money
– Compensation for default risk

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The Interest Rate
• The importance of interest rate
– Most financial transactions involve payments in
the future
– The interest rate provides a link between the
financial present and the financial future

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• 假設你現在身上有1000塊,小華跟小明兩
– 小華:馬上還你1050塊
– 小明:馬上還你1060塊
• 這種立即完成的交易,借給誰比較好,很容易判斷。
• 但是金融交易的特點是包含「現在」跟
– 小華:5天後還你1050塊
– 小明:6天後還你1060塊
• 這時,怎麼判斷借給誰比較好?
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Future Value and Compound Interest
• Future value is the value on some future date
of an investment made today.
– 100 invested today at 5% interest gives 105 in a
year. So the future value of 100 today at 5%
interest is 105 one year from now.
– The 100 yields 5, which is why interest rate is also
called yield.

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Future Value and Compound Interest
• If the present value is 100 and the interest
rate is 5%, then the future value one year
from now is
$100 + $100(0.05) = $105
• In general
FV = PV + PV (i) = PV (1 + i)
– The higher the interest rate or the higher the
amount invested, the higher the future value.

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Future Value and Compound Interest
• What if you leave your 100 in the bank for two
years at 5% yearly interest rate?
100 + 100  (0.05) + 100  (0.05) + 5  (0.05)
= 100 + 5 + 5 + 0.25
= 110.25
= 100  (1 + 0.05)2

• In general
FVn = PV (1 + i)n
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Present Value and Discounting
• Present value: the value today of funds that
will be received in the future.
• Discounting: the process of finding the
present value of funds that will be received in
the future.
Compounding: PV (1 + i)n = FVn
Discounting: PV =
(1 + i)n

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Present Value and Discounting
• Important points about Discounting
– The further in the future a payment is to be
received, the smaller its present value.
– The higher the interest rate used to discount
future payments, the smaller the present value of
the payments.
– The present value of a series of future payment is
simply the sum of the discounted value of each
individual payment.

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Present Value of $100

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Present Value of a Series of Payments
• Suppose you will receive $50,000 immediately,
and $50,000 each year for four additional
years. The present value of this series of
payments, assuming a 10 percent interest rate,
$50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
$50,000 + + + +
(1+ 0.10) (1 + 0.10) (1 + 0.10) (1 + 0.10)4
2 3

= $208,493

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• 首先注意,所有你看到、聽到的利率,都
– 所以課本的例子,都是以年作單位,各種借款
– 但實際上,我也可以要求,一個月算一次利息,

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• 利率10%,借一年,一年複利一次
– 100 x (1 + 0.1) = 110
• 利率10%,借一年,半年複利一次
– 100 x (1 + (0.1/2))2 = 110.25
• 利率10%,借一年,一個月複利一次
– 100 x (1 + (0.1/12))12 = 110.47
• 利率10%,借一年,一天複利一次
– 100 x (1 + (0.1/365))365 = 110.52

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• 公式:借款 A,年利率 r ,借 n 年,每年複
利 m 次,最後要還

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Debt Instruments
• Basic types of debt instruments
– Simple loan
– Discount bond
– Fixed-payment loan
– Coupon bond

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Simple Loan
Simple loan A debt instrument in which the borrower receives from the lender an
amount called the principal and agrees to repay the lender the principal plus interest
on a specific date when the loan matures.

After one year, Nate’s would repay the principal plus interest: 10,000 + (10,000 ×
0.10), or 11,000.

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Fixed Payment Loan
Fixed-payment loan A debt instrument that requires the borrower to make regular
periodic payments of principal and interest to the lender.

For example, if you are repaying a 10,000 10-year student loan with a 9% interest rate,
your monthly payment is approximately 127. The time line of payments is:

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Discount Bond
Discount bond A debt instrument in which the borrower repays the amount of the
loan in a single payment at maturity but receives less than the face value of the bond

The lender receives interest of $10,000 - $9,091 = $909 for the year. Therefore, the
interest rate is $909/$9,091 = 0.10, or 10%.

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Coupon Bonds
• Coupon bond
– A debt instrument that requires multiple
payments of interest on a regular basis, and a
payment of the face value at maturity.

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Coupon Bonds
• Terminology of coupon bonds
– Face value(面額), or par value, is the amount
to be repaid by the bond issuer at maturity
– Coupon(息票) is the periodic fixed dollar
amount of interest paid by the issuer to the buyer
– Coupon rate(息票利率,或票面利率) is the
value of the coupon expressed as a percentage of
the face value of the bond
– Maturity(到期日) is the length of the time
before the bond expires

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Coupon Bond

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Coupon Bond

For example, if IBM issued a $1,000 30-year bond with a coupon rate of 10%, it would
pay $100 per year for 30 years and a final payment of $1,000 at the end of 30 years.
The timeline on the IBM coupon bond is:

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Bond Pricing
• 一張債券上,已經把未來付款的時間與金
– 所以債券又叫做「固定收益證券」(fixed-
income security)
• 那麼你現在願意用多少錢購買這張債券,

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Bond Pricing
• The price of a bond is the present value of its
future payments
– Present value of coupon bond = present value of
yearly coupon payments + present value of the
principal payment

 C C C  F
PCB =  + 2 + + n +
 1+ i (1+ i ) (1+ i )  (1+ i )n

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Bond Pricing
• The price of a bond and the interest rate are
inversely related: higher interest rate gives
lower bond price.
– 債券的價格等於未來付款的現值,利率越高,

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Bond Yield
• 但是,怎麼知道用來計算現值的利率該是

 C C C F
PCB =  + 2 + + n +
 1+ i (1+ i ) ( )  ( ) n
1+ i 1+ i

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Bond Yield
• 其實,債券的價格,跟蘋果的價格一樣,
• 對於一張債券所承諾的未來付款,如果很
– 賣的人多,價格下跌;賣的人少,價格上升。
• 所以價格是市場決定的,觀察到這個價格

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Bond Yield
• Yield to maturity (到期殖利率,或簡稱殖利
率):The interest rate that makes the present
value of the payments from an asset equal to
the asset’s price today.
• 讓債券(或任何資產)的未來付款的總現值等

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Yield To Maturity

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Yield To Maturity

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Yield To Maturity

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關於Fixed-Payment Loans
• 這127怎麼得到的?
For example, if you are repaying a 10,000 10-year student loan with a 9% interest rate,
your monthly payment is approximately 127. The time line of payments is:

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• 就是讓所有未來每一期的相同付款的總現
– 但是要注意這裡是每月付款一次。

x x x x x
10000 = + + + + +
0.09 0.09 2 0.09 3 0.09 4 0.09 120
(1 + ) (1 + ) (1 + ) (1 + ) (1 + )
12 12 12 12 12

• 解x,x = 127 是近似值,加起來是10025.6。

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Yields to Maturity on a 10%-Coupon-Rate Bond
Maturing in Ten Years (Face Value = $1,000)

• The price of a coupon bond and the yield to maturity

are negatively related
• When the coupon bond is priced at its face value, the
yield to maturity equals the coupon rate
• The yield to maturity is greater (less) than the
coupon rate when the bond price is below (above) its
face value
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Yield and Coupon Rate
• 假設有人跟你借錢,承諾說,明年會還你
• 你如果回答,100/1000 = 10%,這個答案是
– 為什麼不是真正的利率?因為到目前為止的資

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Yield and Coupon Rate
• 如果你是借他900元,那其實明年拿回來的
是200/900 = 22.2%。
– 根據殖利率的公式
1100 1100 1100 − 900 200
900 = 1+ i = i= = = 22.2%
1+i 900 900 900

– 所以在債券價格(你借給他的錢)低於債券面額

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Yield and Coupon Rate
• 如果你是借他1050元,則拿回來的1100元
50/1050 = 4.76%
– 根據殖利率公式
1100 1100 1100 − 1050 50
1050 = 1+ i = i= = = 4.76%
1+i 1050 1050 1050

– 所以在債券價格(你借給他的錢)高於債券面額

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Current Yield
• Current yield (當期殖利率) is the measure of
the proceeds the bondholder receives for
making a loan.
Coupon Payment
Current Yield =
Price Paid

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Special Bonds
• Discount bond (zero-coupon bond)
– Coupon rate = 0%
• Perpetuity (consol bond)
– A bond with no maturity date

P= + + + +
1 + ic (1 + ic ) (1 + ic ) (1 + ic )
2 3 4

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Special Bonds
• The yield of a consol bond is the same as its
current yield.
– Current yield was used as an approximation for yield to
maturity, and the approximation is exact when maturity
equals infinity.
P= + + + +
1 + ic (1 + ic )2 (1 + ic )3 (1 + ic )4
(1 + ic )P = C + + + + +
1 + ic (1 + ic ) (1 + ic ) (1 + ic )
2 3 4

(1 + ic )P − P = C
ic =
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• 櫃檯買賣中心債券市場資訊
– http://www.tpex.org.tw/web/bond/index.php?l=z
– 等殖交易系統

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Rate of Returns
• 報酬率的計算方式

毛報酬率 這筆投資結束時,所有拿回來的錢
Gross RoR 開始時為這筆投資所投入的錢

淨報酬率 毛報酬率 - 1
Net RoR Gross RoR

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Rate of Returns
The payments to the owner plus the change in value 注意:課本這
expressed as a fraction of the purchase price 裡算的是你的
P -P 投資期間為一
RET = + t+1 t 期的報酬率,
Pt Pt 就是 t 期時購
RET = return from holding the bond from time t to time t + 1 買,t+1 期就
Pt = price of bond at time t 賣掉。

Pt+1 = price of the bond at time t + 1

C = coupon payment
= current yield = ic
Pt+1 - Pt
= rate of capital gain = g

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Rate of Returns
• 在報酬率RET的公式中,Pt+1是未知數,就是
• 所以買一張債券的報酬率,和這張債券的
• 只有在投資期間等於債券到期日的情況下,
– The return equals the yield to maturity only if the
holding period equals the time to maturity

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Rate of Returns
• 如果你的投資期間是一期,而你買的債券
是下一期就到期,則Pt+1 = F,是個已知的數
C + Pt +1 − Pt C + F
RET = = −1
Pt Pt
C +F C +F C +F
Pt = 1+ i = i= −1
1+i Pt Pt

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Rate of Returns
• 但是如果你的投資期間是2期,那在t期購買
• 不一定會,因為報酬率會牽涉到你在(t+1)期
拿到的coupon payment,C,的「再投資」
– 如果這些利息的再投資可以賺取與殖利率相同

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Interest Rate Risk
• 根據報酬率的計算方式,如果Pt+1變動,則
報酬率也跟著改變。 Pt+1上升,報酬率上升,
• 但Pt+1下跌就表示(t+1)期的利率上升,也就
• 這個叫做投資債券的「利率風險」(interest
rate risk)
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Interest Rate Risk
• 1張5年期的債券,面額1000,票面利率10%,殖
100 100 100 100 100 + 1000
P = 1000 = + 2
+ 3
+ 4
1.1 (1.1) (1.1) (1.1) (1.1)5

• 假設你買了這張債券之後,利率馬上上升到11%,
100 100 100 100 100 + 1000
P = 963.04 = + 2
+ 3
+ 4
1.11 (1.11) (1.11) (1.11) (1.11)5
• 價格變動了 963.04 − 1000
= −0.03696 = −3.7%
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Interest Rate Risk
• 1張2年期的債券,面額1000,票面利率10%,殖
100 100 + 1000
P = 1000 = +
1.1 (1.1)2
• 如果利率馬上上升到11%,這張債券的價格變成
100 100 + 1000
P = 982.87 = +
1.11 (1.11)2
• 價格變動了
982.87 − 1000
= −0.017 = −1.7%

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Interest Rate Risk
• 所以當利率變動時
– 你持有的債券的價格會變化
– 債券的天期越長,價格變化的幅度越大
 C C C  F
P= + + + n 
1 + i (1 + i ) ( )  ( )
+ +
2 n
1 i 1 i

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Nominal and Real Interest Rates
• Nominal interest rate
– An interest rate that is not adjusted for changes in
purchasing power.
• Real interest rate
– An interest rate that is adjusted for changes in
purchasing poser.

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Nominal and Real Interest Rates
• Real interest rate
– Inflation causes the purchasing power of both the
interest income and the principal to decline.
– Because lenders and borrowers don’t know what the
actual real interest rate will be during the period of a
loan, they must estimate an expected real interest rate.
– The expected real interest rate, r, equals the nominal
interest rate, i, minus the expected rate of inflation, 𝜋 𝑒 .

r = i − πe

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Nominal and Real Interest Rates

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Nominal and Real Interest Rates

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解釋Table 3.3
• 假設現在你有100元,一個包子10元,你可以吃到
• 現在有人跟你借這100元1年,你應該跟他收多少
• 你預期物價在未來1年會上升10%,所以1個包子
• 在這個例子裡,nominal interest rate是10%,而
expected inflation rate是10%。而real interest rate為
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解釋Table 3.3
• 但是如果事實上,這1年間物價上升了20%,即實
際的inflation rate超過了expected inflation rate。
• 這時1個包子要價12元,你拿回來的110元,只能
– 這個借款的實質利率為負的10%
• 但是對borrower而言,當初跟你借到的錢可以吃

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解釋Table 3.3
• 但是如果,這1年間物價只上升了5%,即實際的
inflation rate低於expected inflation rate。
• 這時1個包子要價10.5元,你拿回來的110元,可
– 這個借款的實質利率是5%
• 相反地對borrower來說,去年借的錢吃到10個包

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