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Explanatory Outline: Internet Addiction

Thesis: We depend on the internet as a necessity, which is not like an addiction.

A. In the introduction, I will describe why I decided to write about this topic and why I think it is
controversial. I will start by explaining how I identify with this topic, and how the internet has
been involved in my daily life. Then, I will continue developing my thesis.

B. In this paragraph I will talk a bit about how the people in the past could survive without
internet not dependent on it. Then, I will write about all the many internet advances that I have
seen in the short span of my life. With this information I will make a comparison of the past with
modern life.

C. The objective of this paragraph is to make the readers analyze and question for themselves
what would happen in our day life if we had no internet. What would happen if in this globalized
world full of technology, the internet fail or cease to exist?

D. Within this paragraph I will list several examples of how the internet is part of my life and
how I make use of it. Also, I will describe what I have observed in the lives of other people; both
personally and also professionally. Similarly, I will describe how the internet is essential in the
world around us.

E. Supporting and to sustaining my examples and arguments of the preceding paragraphs; in this
paragraph I shall cite sources of information, data and examples. I will seek for statistics or
reliable information sources to explain more in depth how the internet can be used as an effective
tool, necessary progress, efficiency and effectiveness.

F. In this part of the essay I will address the opposition to my argument by discussing how the
internet is addictive. Most of all, I will give examples of people and situations where the internet
has become in an addiction, rather than a useful tool I think some people are addicted to a device
or gadget that works thanks to the Internet.

G. Finally, I will give my perspective on the issue and will support the idea that the internet is a
necessity in our lives. Although we depend on the internet in our lives, it is not an addiction.
Rather I believe the world in which we live, has dragged us into a dependency of this tool.

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