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CM1111 Inorganic Chemistry 1

AY 2014/2015 S1

Group Tutorial 1

Use the following constants for the questions below.

1V = 1 J C-1, e (the charge on the electron) = 1.602 x 10-19 C = 4.803204 x 10-10 esu; 1eV = 1.602 x
10-19 J; me = 9.10938 x 10-28 g; h = 6.6261 x 10-34 J s = 6.6261 x 10-27 erg s; c = 2.99792 x 108 m s-1

Question 1:

1. The energy levels of a hydrogen atom is given by the Bohr-de Broglie model (in cgs-esu unit).

Generally, for the hydrogenic atom (like He+, Li2+), the energy levels are given as

Where Z is the nucleus charge.

a) Calculate E1 for H, He+ and Li2+ in units of eV and J (to 4 significant figures).

For H:
E1=- [(-22)( 9.10938x10-28g) (4.803204 x 10-10 esu)4]/[(6.6261 x 10-27 erg s)2(12)] =
-2.17985x10-11 erg = - 2.180x10-18 J = -13.61 eV

For He+: Z=2

E1=22(E1H) = 4 (- 2.180x10-18 J) = -8.720 x10-18 J =- 54.43 eV

For Li2+: Z=3

E1=32(E1H) = 9 (- 2.18x10-18 J) = -19.62 x10-18 J =-122.5 eV

Note: All the constants in the En formulae above should be in cgs-esu unit.

b) For the ground state of H, He+ and Li2+, predict the ionization energy of H, the 2nd ionization
energy of He (it is the energy for the process, He+ - e  He2+ ) and the 3rd ionization energy
of Li (it is the energy for the process, Li2+ - eLi3+ ) in units of eV? (to 4 significant
CM1111 Inorganic Chemistry 1
AY 2014/2015 S1

The ionization energy of H atom, IE = E - E1 = 0- (-13.60) = 13.61 eV

The 2nd ionization process for He atom is He+ - e  He2+, the corresponding energy is the
2nd ionization energy. Therefore, IE2= E - E1 = 0 - (-54.43) = 54.43eV

The 3nd ionization process for Li atom is Li2+ - e  Li3+, the corresponding energy is the 3rd
ionization energy. Therefore, IE3= E - E1 = 0 - (-122.50) = 122.5 eV

c) An electron undergoes a transition from the n=3 to the n=2 orbit in the H atom. What will be
the wavelength (nm) of the radiation involved? Is the process an absorption or emission? (4
significant figures).

E1 = -2.180 x 10-18 J from part (a), and En = E1/n2, so E3 = (-2.180 x 10-18)/(32) = -2.422 x 10-
J, and E2 = (2.180 x 10-18)/(22) = -5.450 x 10-19 J.
ΔE=E3 – E2 = -2.422 x 10-19 – (-5.450 x 10-19) = 3.028 x 10-19 J.
We also know that ΔE = h, and c = , so ΔE = hc/, and  = hc/ΔE.
Thus  = (6.6261 x 10-34) (2.99792 x 108) / (3.028 x 10-19) = 656.0 nm.
It is an emission process.

Alternatively, we can also use Rydberg formula to calculate the wavelength.

n1=1,2,3…; n2=n1+1, n1+2, n1+3…; RH=109677.58 cm-1

Since n1=2 and n2=3 for the case in this question, 1/ = 109677.58 x [(1/4)-(1/9)] = 15232.997
cm-1 and  = 1/(15232.997 cm-1)= 6.565x10-5 cm =656.6 nm

Question 2:

Bohr radius ao (ao=0.5292 Å) is a characteristic distance in the atom. Compute the radius of the
Bohr orbit in angstroms and the corresponding energy in eV for a hydrogen atom in a highly excited
state with n=100. (4 significant figures)

CM1111 Inorganic Chemistry 1
AY 2014/2015 S1


Refer to Question 1, E1 = -13.61 eV; En = E1/n2

E100= - 13.61/10000= -1.361 x 10-3 eV
Since rn=n2a0, r100=1002x0.5292=5292Å

Alternatively, E100 can be calculated using the following formula

Since a0 is derived from the formula for rn (see below) which is given in cgs-esu unit

Thus, a0 should be given in cm when it is used to calculate En, i.e. ao=0.5292 Å=0.5292x10-8 cm.

Therefore, E100= -(4.803204 x 10-10)2/(2x0.5292x10-8x1002)=- 2.1798x10-15 erg =- 2.1798x10-22 J =

-2.1798x10-22 J /(1.602 x 10-19J eV-1)=-1.361 x 10-3 eV

Question 3:

a) Electric eye used to open doors automatically is based on the photoelectric effect. What is
the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron produced by a mercury vapor lamp, emitting
436-nm violet light, actuate an electric eye of work function 2.1eV. (to 2 significant figures).

K= h(-0), when >0
W=h0=2.1eV=2.1 x 1.602 x 10-19 J =3.364 x 10-19 J
λ=436nm= 4.36 x 10-7 m,
h=hc/ = (6.6261 x 10-34 J s)(2.99792x108 m s-1)/(4.36 x 10-7 m)
=4.556 x10-19 J
K=4.556 x10-19 J- 3.364 x 10-19 J = 1.192 x 10-19 J = 0.74 eV

b) A gas-phase atom will ionize when it is irradiated with light of sufficient high energy. This
phenomenon is called photoionization, being analogous to the photoelectric effect.
Therefore, the work function in Einstein’s photoelectric equation replaced by the atom’s
ionization energy (IE). When Na vapor is irradiated by Lyman-α (λ=121.568 nm), electrons

CM1111 Inorganic Chemistry 1
AY 2014/2015 S1

of kinetic energy 5.060 eV are produced. Find the ionization energy IE of Na in eV. (4
significant figures).


K=hv-IE, IE=hv-K= (hc/λ)-K= [(6.6261 x 10-34 J s)(2.9979 x 108 m s-1 )/121.586 x 10-9 m]/
(1.602x10-19)-5.060=10.20-5.060= 5.140eV.

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