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Sampling Technique

In determining the sample size for this study titled "Assessment and
Profiling of Agusan Del Sur Feed Milling Facilities," the researchers employed a
formula that accounts for various factors such as the population size, desired
level of confidence, and margin of error. One commonly used formula for
calculating sample size in a population survey is the Slovin’s formula:

Equation 1

n= 2
1+ N e

n = required sample size
N = total population size
e= margin of error

In order to calculate the population size, N, the researchers will first

assess the total number of feed milling facilities in Agusan Del Sur. After that,
they would state the 95% confidence level and the margin of error, e. The
sample procedure will start after these parameters are established.
When deciding on the ultimate sample size, the researchers will also take into
account logistical limitations and the availability of resources. It might not be
possible to assess every feed mill because of logistical, financial, and time
constraints. As a result, they try to find a middle ground between getting a
representative sample and taking practical factors into account.

Purposive sampling in conjunction with randomization will be the sample

technique used. While randomization—specifically, simple random sampling—
helps reduce bias and enhances the study's credibility, purposive sampling
guarantees that the facilities chosen are pertinent to the research goals. The
researchers' evaluation and profile of feed milling facilities in Agusan Del Sur
will yield trustworthy and generalizable results if they follow a methodical
approach to sample size calculation and sampling methodology.
Statistical Analysis
Descriptive and inferential statistics will be used in this study. The
researchers will use the mean and standard deviation for descriptive statistical
techniques. The average, or mean, is a central tendency metric that sheds light
on the typical value of a given feature of the feed milling facilities. The formula
is given by”

∑ Xi
Mean= i=1


Xi = each individual observation.

n = the total number of observations.

Furthermore, the standard deviation measures the dispersion or spread

of data points around the mean. It indicates the degree of variability within the
data set. The formula for calculating the sample standard deviation is:

Equation 2
s=√ ∑ ¿ ¿ ¿


X̄ = sample mean.

Xi =individual observation.

n = total number of observations.

Moreover, for Inferential Statistical Tool, the Chi-Square Test of

Independence will be employed. This inferential statistical tool can be used to
determine whether there is a significant association between two categorical
variables. For example, researchers might want to assess if there is a
relationship between the type of feed milling facility (e.g., small-scale, medium-
scale, large-scale) and the presence of certain operational practices (e.g., use of
automated machinery). The formula for the chi-square test statistic is:
Equation 3

Oi = observed frequency.
Ei = expected frequency under the null hypothesis.

The importance of the chi-square statistic, which has a chi-square

distribution, can be determined using statistical software or critical values from
the chi-square distribution table. Researchers can efficiently analyze the data
gathered from the evaluation and profiling of Agusan Del Sur feed milling
facilities by using these descriptive and inferential statistical tools. This will
allow them to acquire important insights into the traits and relationships
within the industry.

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