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Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

Communication with
Wecon LX5V series

Phone: 86-591-8786886

Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

This document describes the communication between Wecon HMI PI3070ig and Wecon LX5V via
RS422 serial port, and introduces it in three parts:
Software Configurations of PLC
Software Configurations of HMI
Cable Wiring

I Software Configurations of PLC

1.1 PLC programmer software

Figure 1-1

1.2 New PLC project

Open Wecon PLC Editor2, create a new PLC project or open the project that has been created.
Create new project: [File]→[New]→[PLC Series(S)] LX5CPU→[PLC Model(T)] LX5V-N→[OK].

2 WECON technology Co., Ltd

Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

Figure 1-2

1.3 Viewing/Configuring Serial Port Parameters

PLC Default Parameters:[ Project manage]→[Parameter]→[PLC Parameter]→[Com1 Settings]
→[Whether to set]True
[Communication settings]: [Baud rate]115200, [Data bit]8, [Stop bit]1,[Parity]No verification,
[Protocol]Dedicated protocol;
[Protocol related]: [Station number]1
Note:The serial port parameters should be set depending on field requirements

Figure 1-3

3 WECON technology Co., Ltd

Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

1.4 Programming PLC project

Using Wecon PLC Editor2 to program a PLC project depending on the requirements.

Figure 1-4

1.5 PC and PLC connection

① [PLC]→[Transfer Settings]→[Communication Settings]: PC and PLC are connected by USB
cable,choose[USB Connection]→[Communication test]→The connection prompt appears→ [OK]→

Figure 1-5

4 WECON technology Co., Ltd

Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

1.6 Downloading PLC project

①[PLC]→[Write to PLC]→[Online operation]→[Param+program]→[Execute]→[OK]

Figure 1-6

5 WECON technology Co., Ltd

Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

II Software Configurations of HMI

2.1 PIStudio

Figure 2-1

2.2 New project

[Home]→[New]→[New project]→set the name,series and model of HMI→[Next]→[Screen style]

Figure 2-2

6 WECON technology Co., Ltd

Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

2.3 Communication configuration

① [project]→[communication]→set the protocol and com parameters
② Choose protocol:
select connection→[setting]→[communication device]:[communication]COM1, [serial port]RS422,
[Device type]WECON,[Protocol] WECON LX5V Series→[OK]→[OK].

Figure 2-3

③COM port setting:

[device No.]1→[setting] →[COM port setting]:[connection]RS422,[Baud rate]115200,[Stop bits]1,

Note: Serial port parameters and PLC parameters need to be set consistently, please set them
according to theactual situation.

Figure 2-4

7 WECON technology Co., Ltd

Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

2.4 Project making

①Using PIStudio to program a HMI project depending on the requirements.

Figure 2-5
②After programming,[Home]→[Compile],you can download the project into HMI when
compilation complete

Figure 2-6

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Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

2.5 Downloading project

[Home]→[Download]→[PC Port]→[PC to HMI]→[OK].

Figure 2-7

9 WECON technology Co., Ltd

Communication with Wecon LX5V series(Ethernet)

III Cable Wiring

3.1 Cable Wiring
The cable Wiring illustration is as follow:

Figure 3-1
Pin Definition Diagram:

Figure 3-2

10 WECON technology Co., Ltd

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