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Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México

Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán

Mercadotecnia Electrónica
Horario: 07:00-08:00

Actividad: U5 - Act 2 - Documento Inbound Marketing

Guadalupe Elizabeth Soto Zavala 19170890

Alejandra Gallardo Zazueta 20170936

Rafael Melendrez Gracia 20170980

Manuel Eduardo Garcia Peralta 20170942

Resumen- Alejandra Gallardo Zazueta 20170936

The business intelligence system enables an organization to identify patterns in its business data and
establish crucial connections between different areas of the business, thereby enhancing the ability
to plan for a successful future. Investing in an effective business intelligence system is crucial because
it can improve efficiency, productivity, sales, and profitability.

Emerging BI models have the capability to address various business challenges, make marketing
initiatives more profitable, and enhance a brand's communication strategy. However, many
organizations still rely on guesswork, indicating a lack of complete business data to make informed
decisions. Business intelligence provides accurate data, real-time updates, and assists in forecasting,
eliminating the need for guesswork.

BI users can obtain quick answers to their business questions, saving valuable time. Additionally,
many businesses use BI to gain insights into their competitors' activities, referred to as Competitive

With the right BI system in place, management can monitor business processes, including financials,
production, human resources, and customer-generated information. Numerous business
intelligence tools in the market facilitate the conversion of this information into easily
understandable reports.

BI tools help organizations determine changing market conditions, identify trends, and provide
timely information that enables them to respond immediately to these changes and capitalize on
opportunities. These tools also assist in monitoring customers, including those who may have been
dissatisfied with the organization's products/services, providing valuable insights for tailoring
business strategies.
Resumen- Guadalupe Elizabeth Soto Zavala

A comprehensive business intelligence (BI) system plays a vital role in helping organizations retrieve,
analyze, transform, and report data. Stakeholders can gain actionable insights from business data,
identify opportunities and issues, and address key business questions. Anytime, anywhere access to
crucial business insights empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions confidently.
Implementing a flexible BI platform improves responsiveness, reduces IT workload and costs,
enhances business performance, and fosters better decision-making across the organization.

BI systems that provide auto-refresh reports and updated charts ensure consistent understanding
among stakeholders, improving communication and collaboration. This capability allows
stakeholders to track key trends and performance indicators rapidly and frequently, promoting
organizational effectiveness.

BI contributes significantly to increasing corporate reporting and overall business performance in

both the short and long terms. It facilitates collaborative decision-making across multiple
departments, enhancing effectiveness throughout the value stream. Utilizing BI at various
organizational levels increases visibility and enables decision-makers to make informed choices. A
strategic BI system, built through data warehouse automation, provides users with a holistic view of
the company, enabling more accurate reporting and analytics.

Despite the benefits, there are challenges and opportunities in the realm of BI. Technological
advancements in recent years have allowed businesses to access more accurate data about
customers and markets. Meaningful data enables organizations to intelligently manage business
areas, including customer insights, product information, pricing, competition, market changes, and
employee performance, ultimately supporting effective business transformation projects.
Resumen- Rafael Melendrez

Organizations often approach business intelligence (BI) initiatives primarily from a technical and
data-centric perspective, which may not clearly demonstrate value to the business. To optimize BI
strategy and expedite the adoption of new solutions, the establishment of a Business Intelligence
Competency Center (BICC) is recommended. This center, comprising highly skilled executives,
manages all aspects of an organization's BI strategy, projects, and systems.

To ensure the effectiveness of a BI platform, it's crucial to prevent poor-quality data from entering
the data warehouse or BI platform. Choosing a BI platform from a reputable independent vendor
may not always align perfectly with an organization's needs. Evaluating competitive offerings,
including third-party BI platforms, can potentially lower the total cost of ownership. To select the
right solution, businesses should evaluate their needs based on essential, desired, and unnecessary

Building a skilled workforce is essential for maximizing the benefits of a BI system. Organizations
should create talent management strategies to develop the necessary skills for success. BI projects
may require an expert touch, but there are two approaches: business user-led analytics,
independent of IT, and IT-managed self-service analytics.

Resumen Manuel García peralta

A business intelligence (BI) system empowers an organization to discern patterns in its business data
and establish crucial connections across various business areas, thereby enhancing the ability to plan
for a successful future. Investing in an effective BI system is essential for improving efficiency,
productivity, sales, and profitability. Emerging BI models can address diverse business challenges,
make marketing initiatives more profitable, and enhance brand communication strategies.

Despite these capabilities, many organizations still operate based on guesswork, indicating a lack of
comprehensive business data for making informed decisions. Business intelligence provides accurate
data, real-time updates, and forecasting, eliminating the need for guesswork. BI users gain quick
answers to their business queries, saving valuable time. Furthermore, BI is employed for gaining
insights into competitors' activities, known as Competitive Intelligence.

With the right BI system in place, management can monitor business processes, including financials,
production, human resources, and customer-generated information. Numerous BI tools available in
the market can transform this information into easily understandable reports. BI tools aid
organizations in identifying changing market conditions, recognizing trends, and offering timely
information for immediate responses to these changes to capitalize on opportunities.

BI tools also assist in monitoring customers, including those dissatisfied with an organization's
products/services. These insights enable companies to tailor their offerings and services to better
meet customer needs.

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