Copywriting Template

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If you are [your target customer] who [desired outcome] but can't [problem that stops them

from achieving desiring outcome], watch out. Hi, my name is [your name] and if you want
[desired outcome + benefit + pain point], pay close attention. Many [your target customers]
currently suffer from the idea that [a limiting belief your target customer has which is not a
fact]. This leads to [what having this limiting belief causes in their business]... And as a result,
most feel like [validate their internal response] But it doesn't have to be that way. If you want
[desired outcome + benefit], all you need is [your solution, but without mentioning that this is
what you offer yet]. Now I could go on for 50 minutes teasing you about [your solution] and
getting you all hyped up like everyone else in the [your industry], but I'd rather just be upfront
with you because I know you're busy, and I respect your time. If having [desired outcome +
benefit + pain point] is something that interests you, I'd like to introduce you to [your
signature solution] The [your signature solution] is a [what your signature solution is: a
system/program/process] that will: ● [Achieve their desired outcome]- [Get rid of pain point]
● **[Get rid of another pain point based on the benefit]**All of that done-for-you, so all you
have to do is [what they have to do] This means you'll never have to worry about [their biggest
problem] And you'll finally get to stop [thing that they hate doing] This is the same system our
client [client] used to generate [results a client of yours got after starting working with you].

Before they started working with us, [client X] was constantly getting [results they were getting
before working with you], while spending dozens of hours [doing things they hate] every week.
And the best thing is: You can start seeing results just like [client]'s within the next [timeline]
So again, if you're looking to get [desired outcome], understand this: The only thing stopping
you from getting [results] is not having [your solution]. And the [your solution] holds the key to
your success with [desired outcome]. So if you want me to personally implement this system in
your business during the next [timeframe], book a call with my team now by clicking here. I
look forward to speaking to you soon.

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