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Analysis Of User Experience on Jagoan Hosting

Website Using User Experience Questionnaire

Method (Case Study of PT Beon Intermedia)
1st Ardian Adi Satrio 2nd Helmy Hendra Himawan 3rd Zahra Fie Azizah
Information System Department Information System Department Information System Department
Bina Nusantara University Binus Online Learning University Binus Online Learning University
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

4th Riyan Leandros

Information System Department
BINUS Online Learning
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Abstract— In the digital era, the rapid development of of the websites owned by this company is
information technology is evident. One example of the is an information
transition from print media to digital media is in the form of platform regarding hosting service packages and website
websites and cloud computing. In conducting business requirements for both beginners and professionals. PT Beon
processes, digital media becomes an efficient and effective Intermedia has made several interface updates since the
system. It offers ease of access, customer mapping, and direct formation of the website, making it
product feedback from customers. Business players are easier for users to find hosting packages and consult with the
starting to move administration and business processes to
online desk they provide on the website
digital media. One company that provides digitalization
services and website consulting is PT Beon Intermedia, with its
Based on this, this research conducted research on the
website product, This research discussed UX of users on the website. Through the
the analysis of User Experience (UX) on the analysis conducted by this research, it is hoped to assist
website. User experience is a crucial aspect of applications website developers in creating a user-friendly platform that
because it directly impacts users. Since the inception of the meets users' needs. website in 2007, there has been no survey This research aims to provide valuable insights into the
conducted on user experience towards the UX from external user experience (UX) of the website,
companies. The method used is the User Experience benefiting both the researcher and PT Beon Intermedia. The
Questionnaire (UEQ), which is grouped into 6 categories of objectives include analyzing the website's UX, offering
assessment: attractiveness, clarity, stimulation, novelty, constructive feedback to PT Beon Intermedia for enhancing
efficiency, and accuracy. The number of respondents used as website quality and user interaction, and focusing on aspects
research samples is 100 people. The conclusion of the analysis such as usability, effectiveness, and alignment with user
using UEQ reveals that the website scores needs. Utilizing the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
above average in all 6 aspects: attractiveness scale (mean 1.48), method, data will be collected from users interacting with
clarity scale (mean 1.36), efficiency scale (mean 1.38), accuracy the website to evaluate their perceptions. The findings of
scale (mean 1.18), stimulation scale (mean 1.32), and novelty
this research are expected to generate practical
scale (mean 1.00). From this research, improvements in
appearance and optimization of existing features are needed,
recommendations for PT Beon Intermedia to develop
which are proposed in the form of mockups to enhance the user efficiently and effectively the website,
experience. while also serving as a reference for future research
endeavors related to UX on the platform.
Keywords— User Experience, Hosting, User Experience Based on the explanation above, this research adopted
Questionnaire (UEQ), Situs web the title "Analysis of User Experience on the Website Using the User Experience
I. INTRODUCTION Questionnaire (UEQ) Method."
The rapid development of technology has been felt
across various aspects of life. All activities become easier
when accompanied by the appropriate use of technology. In A. User Experience
daily activities, information technology can aid in business User Experience (UX) is a process focused on enhancing
processes, information retrieval, data processing, and other user satisfaction with websites or applications through
digital needs. Information provider platforms implement the usability and enjoyment provided during interactions
latest technology with the aim of high-quality standards between website visitors or application users and the product
through the digitization of various forms of information [2]. In general, UX is the user's experience during the
processing and delivery methods, as well as easy access for interaction process with an application or software to
all individuals in need of information and data processing provide convenience for the user [3]. Thus, this experience
[1]. can be seen from the ease of using the digital product and its
PT Beon Intermedia is a company operating in the field ability to maximize all aspects, ranging from features,
of technology, specifically providing hosting services. One


design, and content that can assist users in achieving their Performance Cloud Service." This slogan signifies that
goals when interacting with the application. Some UX Jagoan Hosting consistently maintains the best prices that
objectives that should be understood include providing a align with the quality and performance of its services.
good and enjoyable experience for users, helping users
obtain information and objectives in the application, and III. RESEARCH METODOLOGY
increasing business profits through its products [4]. A. Organization Profile
Therefore, we understand the importance of using UX when
running a business in the digital world, as it can help
increase traffic and business profits, as well as provide ease,
good experiences, and enjoyment for users.
B. User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
The User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) is a method Figure 1. PT Beon Intermedia’s Logo [12]
used to measure 6 user experience scales, which are divided
into 26 items or questions. These 6 scales consist of PT Beon Intermedia was founded in 2007, featuring
attractiveness, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, branding logo as shown in figure 1. Jagoan Hosting, as its
perspicuity, and novelty aspects. Subsequently, data from flagship brand, is one of the providers of affordable hosting
the questionnaire will be processed using the UEQ analysis and domain services in Indonesia. In this regard, PT Beon
tool to determine the validity and reliability of the data used Intermedia focuses on helping the digitalization process of
[5]. SMEs or Small Medium Sized Enterprises in going online
The structure of UEQ is divided into Pragmatic Quality, with various products and services, including training to
Hedonic Quality, and Attractiveness. Pragmatic Quality help enhance their success in the digital journey.
refers to the usability aspect of an application. The Innovations have been made to create significant new
assessment aspects of Pragmatic Quality consist of offerings to aid SMEs in growing stronger, and these
Efficiency, Perspicuity, and Dependability [6]. On the other products are now considered the best in their respective
hand, Hedonic Quality focuses more on the enjoyment fields [12].
aspect of using the application. The assessment aspects of
Hedonic Quality include Stimulation and Novelty [7].
The assessment aspects in the User Experience
Questionnaire are as follows:
1. Attractiveness: How appealing the product is overall
according to the user's perception.
2. Perspicuity: How easily the product is used by the Figure 2. Jagoan Hosting’s Logo [13]
3. Efficiency: Can users complete a task without Jagoan Hosting, through the website,
is an information system technology created by PT Beon
unnecessary effort?
Intermedia to check domains and facilitate hosting processes
4. Dependability: Do users feel in control of the for website users, aiming to simplify business activities on a
interactions they perform? website basis. The logo in figure 2, symbolizes the letters J
5. Stimulation: Does the product engage and motivate and H, which are an abbreviation or nickname for the
users to use it? website. This website features domain
6. Novelty: Is the product design creative and able to and hosting checking, assistance, guides, and service issue
capture user interest? reporting. is designed to facilitate access
UEQ Data Analysis Tool Version 12 is a software program for businesses wishing to transform their processes into
designed to analyze questionnaire data based on the UEQ digital and to streamline customer interactions regarding the
model. UEQ itself is a model used to measure user services they use [13].
experience with a product or service [8].
Some features available in UEQ Data Analysis Tool B. Running System Analysis
Version 12 include descriptive analysis, factor analysis, GAMBAR DIAGRAM
correlation analysis, and reliability measurement. This Figure 3, shows the system analysis for the
program also offers various options for visualizing the website, which checks domains and
results of data analysis. hosting services for businesses undergoing digitalization.
Hosting involves web-based site and application storage,
C. Hosting while a domain is a unique name for a website's public IP
Hosting is the storage of websites [9]. Websites typically address. The site's business processes start with the need for
consist of numerous files, such as images, videos, text, and digital services like hosting, VPS KVM, business email, and
code, which need to be stored on a server computer [10]. web services. The website functions as a
Web hosting provides additional support, such as website landing page, supporting digital marketing for PT Beon
security, website backups, website performance, and Intermedia's hosting services and digital products.
accessibility of the website [11]. The business process of begins with
Website Jagoan Hosting, through its website visitors accessing the website and showing interest in the, is one of the leading hosting providers services offered. The dashboard provides information about
in Indonesia, catering to a large user base not only in products such as hosting, domain, VPS KVM, Email
Indonesia but also in Singapore. The superiority of this top- Business, add-ons, and Hostblend. The hosting and domain
tier hosting lies in its flexible, comprehensive, and high- menus offer comprehensive information and a free domain
quality area selection. Jagoan Hosting is also known for its check feature. The VPS KVM menu provides VPS services
commitment to offering minimal prices for maximum along with server migration education, while the Email
quality, as reflected in its slogan "Best Price per
Business menu offers email customization services for Hosting services, reflecting a specific focus on the website's
businesses. The add-ons menu includes licenses and offerings and user experience.
certificates that support the performance of hosting and
VPS. The Hostblend menu offers a complete package of a B. Data Processing
website portal platform and an online exam platform. Based on the research findings, there are several data
Each menu accessed by visitors provides detailed calculations or processing as follows: a. By using the UEQ
descriptions of the respective services. Orders and payments method, to obtain validity and reliability results from a
for selected services are directed to the link questionnaire, it can be assessed by using calculations on a, where users without an account can
scale of -3 to +3, which means when each item has two
enter their personal information directly on the invoice.
Completed orders can be checked via the direct link terms with opposite meanings. b. By using this UEQ For visitors who need further method, all answers with scales of 1-7 obtained from
assistance, there is a chat service available through respondents will be arranged and converted into values of -3
WhatsApp, which connects directly to's to +3, where -3 represents the most negative response, 0 is a
customer care. neutral response, and +3 becomes the most positive
C. Problem Analysis
C. Validity Testing
Referring to the running system process, there are
several challenges for users in carrying out activities. The Validity testing is conducted using Confidence Intervals
identified problems include: based on items and scales. This study utilizes a significance
1. site will freeze if access activity level of 0.05, corresponding to a confidence level of 95%
takes too long and the process stops if accessing from the questionnaire results. The remaining 5% is
several pages. considered invalid.
2. The live chat feature using a third party is not built- Mea Std. Confidenc Confidence
in on the website. Users cannot n Dev. e interval
interact with customer service in
real-time. Attraction 1.480 1.076 0.211 1.269 1.691
3. The login option on the website
Clarity 1.355 1.115 0.219 1.136 1.574
only uses email and password; there is no login
method using OTP (One-Time Password) or other Efficiency 1.383 1.130 0.221 1.161 1.604
Accuracy 1.178 0.990 0.194 0.983 1.372
D. Proposed Solutions
Stimulation 1.318 1.117 0.219 1.099 1.536
Based on the identification of the problems above, this
study will provide solutions in the form of interface Novelty 1.000 1.160 0.227 0.773 1.227
recommendations and system optimization suggestions on
the website to make the site more Table 4.1 displays confidence interval values above the
efficient and effective. Testing will be conducted by confidence level, indicating that this test is considered
collecting data through questionnaires distributed to VALID. The table shows that the estimation precision
prospective customers and existing customers. From these obtained from the Confidence Interval ranges from 0.773 to
conclusions, this research will make recommendations for 1.604, thus making the confidence interval values reliable.
improving user experience that can serve as a reference for
Jagoan Hosting in enhancing the quality of the D. Reliability Testing website. The reliability test in this study aims to determine
whether the questionnaire instrument can be trusted as a data
collection tool and capable of revealing true information.
A. Sampling This is done by examining the results of the Cronbach Alpha
Sampling for this research sample consists of 15,000 Coefficient. Based on each research variable, if it exceeds
followers of Jagoan Hosting's Instagram account, with a 0.6, it is considered to be sufficiently consistent.
margin of error of 10%. The sample size calculation using Alph
the Slovin formula is as follows: Scale
n= 2
( 1) Attraction 0,85
1+ N e
Clarity 0,68
Based on the Slovin formula, the final result is 𝑛=99.33, Efficiency 0,71
where N is the population size and e is the error limit with a
margin of error of 10%. Therefore, the number of Accuracy 0,47
respondents used in the survey rounded is 100. Stimulation 0,73
Data collection for the period of March 11 to March 16,
2024, showed that by May 16, 2023, 100 respondents had Novelty 0,68
completed the questionnaire. All respondents were users and Based on the reliability test results in Table 4.2, all
visitors of, indicating a targeted sample variables are considered reliable except for accuracy, which
from the website's user base. These respondents expressed has an alpha value of 0.47, below the threshold of 0.6 for
an interest in obtaining more information about Jagoan consistency. Consequently, questions related to accuracy
were removed from the study.
Is the flow of the Stimulation 1.32 Above average
website predictable? Novelty 1.00 Above average
Does the website Table I presents the results obtained from the UEQ (User
Q11 Experience Questionnaire) analysis tool, highlighting the
support my productivity activities?
assessment of various aspects of the
Accuracy Do I feel that entering personal data and website. The data indicate that the website has received
above-average ratings across all measured scales,
Q17 information on the
showcasing its overall positive user experience.
website is secure? 1. The attractiveness of the website, which evaluates its
Does the website meet visual appeal and design aesthetics, scored 1.48. This
Q19 high score indicates that users find the website
my expectations? visually appealing and pleasant to interact with.
Table 4.3 presents questions related to the accuracy 2. Clarity, which measures how easily users can
understand and navigate the website, received a mean
variable. In the study, questions Q19 and Q17 were removed
score of 1.36. This suggests that the website provides
due to their confusing and irrelevant assumptions. After
clear, comprehensible information, making it user-
their removal, a retest of reliability was conducted, resulting friendly.
in the following findings: 3. The efficiency scale, which assesses how quickly and
Alph effectively users can accomplish their goals on the
a website, garnered a score of 1.38. This indicates that
the website is perceived as efficient in its
Attraction 0,85 functionalities, allowing users to perform tasks
Clarity 0,68 without unnecessary delays.
4. Precision, or the accuracy and reliability of the
Efficiency 0,71 website's service delivery, scored 1.18. This score
Accuracy 0,66 reflects that the website performs its intended
functions accurately and reliably, meeting user
Stimulation 0,73 expectations.
5. The stimulation aspect, which evaluates how
Novelty 0,68
engaging and motivating the website is, received a
The second reliability test results in Table 4.4 show that score of 1.32. This suggests that users find the
all variables tested using the UEQ Data Analysis Tool V12 website engaging and stimulating, enhancing their
have a scale above 0.6. This suggests that responses to each overall experience.
item exhibit good consistency and are considered reliable. 6. The novelty aspect, which measures the innovation
and uniqueness of the website's features or offerings,
E. Results received a mean score of 1.00. This indicates that the
Data collection was conducted from March 11, 2024, to website is seen as innovative and unique, offering
March 16, 2024. The results of the questionnaire are as features that stand out to users.
The research results using the UEQ method on the F. Discuss Improvement website indicated that on average, users Based on the research findings and data analysis from
and visitors had ratings above average. The evaluation the questionnaire results and UEQ Analytic Tool, the
results using the UEQ Analysis Tool V12 serve as input and novelty variable had the lowest average score among the
help identify user constraints in using the website. other variables, with an average value of 1.00. This variable
reflects the level of creativity, innovation, and interest
among visitors in using the product or website. Based on
these research findings, the focus is on the novelty variable,
and recommendations are made for improvements to the website. The improvements focus on
refreshing the appearance to make it more attractive and
updating existing features. For example, on accuracy and
novelty scale, the live chat feature needs to be enhanced
Figure 3. Benchmark Results from UEQ Analysis Tool with a dedicated live chat without relying on third-party
applications. Speaking and consulting through live chat with
From figure 3, it can be observed that the customer care would be easier and enhance the positive user website received above-average scores experience. Additionally, visitors feel that the login method
in all UEQ variables. on the website needs to be updated by
adding an email verification feature. This feature adds a
SCALE RESULT sense of security and safety for customers who provide their
Mea personal data to be stored on the
Scale Penilaian
n website.
Attractiveness 1.48 Above average
Clarity 1.36 Above average
Efficiency 1.38 Above average
Precision 1.18 Above average
Figure 4. Landing Page Appearance After Repair Figure 8. VPS Page Appearance After Repair

Appearance of the landing page after on figure 4 Figure 8 shows the appearance of the VPS page
improvement can be seen by adding a pop up for Register after making improvements. There is the addition of a pop-
and Login when accessing the site. up type live chat feature that is built in with the website.

Figure 5. Dashboard Page Appearance After Repair

Figure 9. Business Email Page Appearance After Repair
Figure 5 shows the appearance of the dashboard
page after improvement. There is the addition of a pop-up Figure 9 shows the appearance of business email
type live chat that is built in with the page after making improvements. There is the addition of a
website. pop-up type live chat feature that is built in with the website.

Figure 6. Hosting Page Appearance After Repair

Figure 10. Add On Page Appearance After Repair
Figure 6 shows the appearance of the hosting page
after making improvements. There is the addition of a pop- Figure 10 shows the appearance of the add on page
up type live chat feature that is built in with the after making improvements. There is the addition of a pop- website. up type live chat feature that is built in with the website.

Figure 7. Domain Page Appearance After Repair

Figure 11. Hostblend Page Appearance After Repair
Figure 7 shows the appearance of the domain page
after making improvements. There is the addition of a pop- Figure 11 shows the appearance of the Hostblend
up type live chat feature that is built in with the page after making improvements. There is the addition of a website. pop-up type live chat feature that is built in with the website.


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