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This paper was prepared to fulfill the assignment of an educational theory course

Lecturer: Oky Ristya Trisnawati , M.pd.

Arranged by:

Inayah (2211105)

Inayatul Maula (2211154)

Vaif Al Ikhwani (2211090)



We would like to express our gratitude to the presence of God Almighty,
for all His grace, guidance and gifts so that we can finish this paper well.
This paper was prepared as one of the final assignments in order to fulfill
the requirements for passing the educational theory course taught by
Mrs. Oky Ristya Trisnawati at Iainu Kebumen. We would like to express
our deepest gratitude to Mrs Oky Ristya Trisnawati who has provided
guidance, direction and support during the process of writing this paper.
Not to forget, we would also like to thank our colleagues who have
provided very valuable input and suggestions in preparing this paper.
This paper discusses social education theory, which we hope will provide
a deeper understanding of the paper. We realize that this paper is far
from perfect. Therefore, we really hope for constructive criticism and
suggestions for future improvements. Finally, I hope this paper is useful
for all of us.


FOREWORD................................................ ................................................................ ..........i TABLE OF

CONTENTS ..................................... ................................................................ ................................i CHAPTER

I ............... ................................................................ ................................................................ ............1

INTRODUCTION................................................. ................................................................ ............1

A. Background .............................................. ................................................................ .....1

B. Problem Formulation .............................................. ................................................2

C. Objectives of the discussion ................................................ ................................................2

CHAPTER II ................................................ ................................................................ ............................3

DISCUSSION................................................. ................................................................ ..............3

A. Definition of social education ............................................ ................................3

B. Goals of Social Education .................................................. ................................................5

C. Social Education Methods.................................................. .........................................6

D. Elements of social education ............................................ ................................8

CHAPTER III ................................................ ................................................................ .........................10

CLOSING ................................................. ................................................................ ...................10

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................ ................................................................ .......11


A. Background

Social education is an important branch of educational science

that emphasizes the importance of learning in a social and
humanitarian context. This concept has developed along with
dynamic changes in society and demands for the formation of
individuals who are not only intellectually intelligent, but also caring,
empathetic and able to interact positively with their social
environment. The development of social education theory is largely
influenced by social, political and economic changes that occur
throughout the world. The era of globalization, technological
developments, and social challenges such as poverty, inequality, and
discrimination, all strengthen the need for a more holistic and human
values-oriented educational approach. Thinking about social
education has crossed various disciplines, including psychology,
sociology, anthropology, and educational philosophy. Thinkers such
as John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, and Paulo Freire have made
major contributions to the development of social educational theory
and practice. They emphasize the importance of social experiences in
learning, building social awareness, and empowering individuals to
participate in positive social transformation.

Approaches in social education theory are very diverse,

ranging from formal education in schools to non-formal education
in communities or social organizations. However, the essence of all
these approaches is to prepare individuals to face the complexities
of modern society with a deep understanding of human values,
justice and solidarity.

Thus, understanding the theoretical background of social
education is important for anyone involved in the world of
education and community development. Through a deep
understanding of these concepts, we can create learning
environments that are supportive, inclusive, and oriented towards
positive social change.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is meant by social educational theory

2. What are the goals of social education

3. What are the methods of social education

4. What are the elements of social education

C. The purpose of the discussion

1. To find out what is meant by social education theory

2. To find out what the aims of social education are

3. To find out how social education methods work

4. To find out what the elements of social education are



A. Definition of social education

The definition of education according to the National Education

System Law no. 20 Years. 2003, education is a conscious and planned effort
to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students
actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-
control, personality, intelligence, noble morals, and the skills needed by
themselves, society, nation and state . Meanwhile, according to experts, their
opinions regarding the meaning of education are as follows:
According to Umar Tirtaraharjo and SL LA Sulo, education is
defined as a systematic and systemic activity directed at the formation of
students' personalities. M. Ngalim Purwanto defines education as all the
efforts of adults in their interactions with children to lead their physical
and spiritual development towards maturity. Purwanto further added that
education is leadership given deliberately by adults to children in their
growth (physical and spiritual). ) to be useful for oneself and for society.
Furthermore, according to Poerbakawatja and Harahap as quoted by
Muhibin Syah, education is a deliberate effort by adults to, by their
influence, raise the child to maturity which is always interpreted as being
able to give rise to moral responsibility for all his actions, the adult is the
child's parent. who, based on their duties and position, have an obligation
to educate, for example school teachers, priests or clerics in religious
circles, dorm heads and so on. According to Kingsley Price, as quoted by
Hery Noer Aly, education is a process where non-physical cultural wealth
is maintained or developed in raising children or teaching adults.

Education in the Islamic context refers to three elements, namely:al-
tarbiyah,al-ta l̀im, Andal-ta d̀ib. Of these three terms,al-tarbiyahwhich is
most popularly used in the practice of Islamic education. Whereasal-ta l̀im
, And al-ta d̀ibrarely used. Use of termsal-tarbiyahderived from the word
rabb. Even though this word has many meanings, the basic meaning
shows the meaning of growth, development, maintenance, regulation
and sustainability and existence. Indeed, the word tarbiyah is a verb“
rabba”is a general word, the word used is the word "teaching" in Arabicta
l̀im, with verbs“allama".Education and teaching in Arabic means“tarbiyah
wa ta l̀im”VerbRabba(educational), was already used during the time of
the Prophet Muhammad SAW. in nouns“rabba”This is also used for "God"
perhaps because God is the one who educates, nurtures, maintains, even
creates. Another word that means education is“addaba”sayta l̀imwith the
verb“allama"It was also used during the time of the Prophet.

As for the definition of social, according to the Dictionary of Sociology and Population,

is the relationship of an individual to others of the same kind or to a

number of individuals who form more or less organized groups, as well as
the tendencies and impulses in relation to others. From the opinions
above, it can be concluded that social education is a conscious effort by
an educator towards children to influence and direct social processes. A
broader definition of social education was given by Abdullah Nasih Ulwan.
He explained that social education is the education of children from
childhood so that they are accustomed to carrying out good social
etiquette and noble psychological foundations and are based on eternal
Islamic aqidah and deep feelings of faith so that in society they will
become accustomed to good social relations and etiquette. a balance of
mature reason and wise action.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

that what is meant by social education is an effort to influence people

carried out consciously, deliberately and systematically so that individuals
can get used to developing and practicing good and noble social attitudes
and behavior in the community environment in accordance with their rights
and obligations as members of society and as citizens.

B. Goals of Social Education

Education is an activity that is conscious of purpose. Thus, goals

are one of the important things in educational activities. According to the
SISDIKNAS RI Law of 2003, the aim of education is to develop the
potential of students so that humans have faith and are devoted to God
Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable,
creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens. .
In general, the aim of education can be said to be to bring students to
stand alone (independently) in their lives in the midst of society.
According to Jalaludin, because education has a social dimension, the aim
of education is directed at the formation of humans who have an
awareness of social obligations, rights and responsibilities, as well as a
tolerant attitude, so that harmonious relations between humans can run
harmoniously. Jalaludin further stated that in relation to community life,
the aim of education is directed at the formation of social humans who
have piety as the basis for attitudes and behavior. Meanwhile, the aims of
social education as explained by M. Ngalim Purwanto MP are:
1. Teaching children who only have rights, to become human beings who
know and realize their duties and obligations towards various groups in
2. Encourage children to obey and fulfill their obligations as members of
society and as citizens.
From the definition above, social education aims to enable individuals
to implement their rights and obligations in the life of society, nation and

C. Social Education Methods

Choosing the right learning (education) strategy is very important.

This means how teachers can choose the most effective and efficient
learning activities to create a good learning experience, namely those that
can provide facilities for students to achieve learning goals. A learning
strategy is basically a plan to achieve a goal. Consisting of methods,
techniques and procedures that are able to guarantee that students will
actually be able to achieve the final goal of learning activities (education).
According to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, this social education method revolves around

the following things:

1. Cultivation of noble psychic basics

To instill psychological foundations in individuals and groups, Islam has
established very valuable directions, in order to achieve perfection of social
education, in terms of its meaning and objectives. The following are some of
the most important psychological basics that Islam prioritizes, including:

a. Piety
Taqwa is cleansing the heart from dirt and cleansing the body from sins,
whether sins of the hands, feet, genitals, mouth, eyes, nose and ears.
Taqwa is being alert and careful of any deviation. According to the
definition of the ulama, piety is that Allah does not see you in whatever
He commands you. According to some other scholars, piety is avoiding
the punishment of Allah SWT, either in secret or openly.

b. Brotherhood
Brotherhood is a spiritual bond that inherits deep feelings of affection,
love and sacrifice towards everyone who is bound by the agreements of
Islamic creed, faith and piety. This feeling of true brotherhood gives birth
to noble feelings in the Muslim soul to form positive attitudes, such as
helping each other, prioritizing others, compassion, and giving
forgiveness and

stay away from negative attitudes, such as staying away from everything that endangers

people in themselves, their property and honor.

c. Affection
Affection is a tenderness in the heart, a gentle feeling in the conscience,
and a sharpness of feeling that leads to gentle behavior towards other
people, participation in feeling pain, compassion for them and efforts to
wipe away tears of sadness and suffering. It is a feeling that tells believers
to run away from suffering, away from evil to become a source of
goodness, virtue and salvation for all mankind.

d. Putting other people down

This problem is a psychological feeling that prioritizes other people over

oneself in various good and beneficial personal interests. Prioritizing
other people is a noble temperament which, if intended to gain Allah's
approval, will become one of the psychological foundations based on
faith, sincerity of intention and self-purity.

e. Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a noble psychological feeling that includes a sense of
tolerance for surrendering rights, even if the person who is hostile is a
f. Courage
Courage is a psychological strength that is absorbed by the believer from the
faith in God who is believed to be the truth that he embraces, the immortality
that he believes in, the qadar that he surrenders himself to, the responsibility
that he realizes and the education that grows it.
2. Maintain the rights of others

The most important social rights that must be conveyed as an educational effort
to children so that they can implement them well are rights towards parents,
rights towards siblings, rights towards teachers, rights towards friends,

rights to big people. So that step by step children can respect their elders
and elders.
3. Implement social etiquette
The implementation of social etiquette in general is based on the
foundations of faith and piety, brotherhood, compassion, prioritizing
others and prioritizing others and good manners, so that social education
will achieve its highest goals.
4. Social supervision and criticism

One of the most important social bases in shaping behavior and

educating children's social life is accustoming children from childhood to
social supervision and criticism, coaching every individual they associate
with, follow or follow, and giving advice to every individual who seems to
be deviating or deviating. In short, getting children accustomed from the
time they are growing up to carry out the obligation to enjoin good and
prevent evil, which is one of the fundamental foundations of Islam in
maintaining public opinion, fighting damage and deviation and
maintaining the values, examples and morals of Muslims.

D. Elements of social education

The elements of social education are things that enable the implementation

of the educational process, these elements have a close relationship between one

element and the other elements. In the introductory book to education, several main

elements of education are explained, namely: the subject being guided (student), the

person guiding (educator), the interaction between students and educators

(educative interaction), the direction in which guidance is directed (educational

goals), the influence provided in guidance (educational materials), methods used in

guidance (tools and methods).

Based on the education above, the elements that must be present

in social education are:
1. Subjects being guided (students)

Students have the status of educational subjects. The modern view tends to say
this because students (regardless of age) are autonomous subjects or individuals
whose existence wants to be acknowledged. As a person who has unique and
autonomous characteristics, he wants to develop himself (educate himself)
continuously in order to solve the life problems he encounters throughout his
2. The person who guides (educator)
What is meant by educator is a person who is responsible for implementing
education targeting students. Students experience their education in three
environments, namely: the family environment, the school environment, and
the community environment. Therefore, those responsible for education are
parents, teachers and the community.
3. Educational interactions

Educational interaction is basically reciprocal communication between students

and educators that is directed towards educational goals. Optimally achieving
educational goals is achieved through an intensive communication process by
manipulating educational content, methods and tools.
4. Educational materials

In the school education system, material has been prepared in the curriculum
which will be presented as a means of achieving goals. This material includes
core material and local content. This material is national in nature and contains a
mission of national control and unity. Meanwhile, the mission of local content is
to develop cultural diversity in accordance with environmental conditions.

5. Educational tools and methods

Educational tools and methods are two sides of the same coin. Tools look at
the type while methods look at efficiency and effectiveness. Tools and
methods are defined as everything that is done or held deliberately to
achieve educational goals. Educational tools are divided into preventive and
curative ones.



Social education theory provides a solid foundation for our

understanding of how education can be a major force in forming
individuals who are empathetic, care about others, and are active in
fighting for positive social change. Through a deep understanding of the
complexity of social interactions, learning processes, and human values,
these theories have opened a window for us to develop a more holistic
and social justice-oriented approach to education. One of the main
conclusions of social education theory is that learning is not limited to
classrooms or formal educational institutions. Instead, learning occurs
wherever individuals interact with their social environment, be it at
school, at home, in the community, or even in cyberspace. Therefore,
social education emphasizes the importance of utilizing social
experiences as a valuable learning resource. In addition, social education
theory highlights the need to develop high social awareness in
individuals. This social awareness includes a deep understanding of social
problems, recognition of individual rights, and the ability to empathize
and act positively in helping others. By building strong social awareness,
social education can help form individuals who are not only intellectually
intelligent, but also morally and socially responsible. In a broader context,
social education theory teaches us the importance of education as an
instrument for sustainable social change. By preparing individuals to
participate in building a more just, inclusive and sustainable society,
social education is the key to creating a better future for all.


National Education System Law Republic of Indonesia Law no. 20 Years. 2003, Cet. 2 (Jakarta: Sinar
Graphics, 2009),

Umar Tirtarahardja and SLLa Sulo,Introduction to Education, Cet. 2(Jakarta: PT.

Rineka Cipta, 2005),

M. Ngalim Purwanto,Theoretical and Practical Educational Sciences, Cet. 18(Bandung:

Rosda, 2007),

Muhibbin Shah,Educational Psychology, Cet. 18(Bandung: PT Teen

Rosdakarya, 2013),

Hery Noer Aly,Islamic Education Science(Ciputat: Logos Discourse of Science, 1999), 3.

Moh. Roqib,Islamic Education: Development of Integrative Education in

School, Family and Community(Yogyakarta: LKis, 2009), 14
Zakiyah Daradjat, et al,Islamic Education Science(Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1996),

Abdullah Nashih Ulwan,Tarbiyatul Aulad Fi al-Islam(Saudi Arabia: Darus

Greetings, 1997), 273.

B. Suryosubroto,Several Aspects of the Basics of Education(Jakarta: Rineka

Copyright, 2010), 9.

16 Jalaluddin,Theology of Education, Cet. 2(Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2002),

M. Ngalim Purwanto,Theoretical and Practical Educational Sciences, Cet. 18(Bandung:
Rosda, 2007), 171. Abdullah Nashih Ulwan,Tarbiyatul Aulad Fi al-
Islam(Saudi Arabia: Darus Salam, 1997), 278.

Abdullah Nashih Ulwan,Tarbiyatul Aulad Fi al-Islam(Saudi Arabia: Darus

Greetings, 1997), 280


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