Executive Post Graduate Programme IN MANAGEMENT 2011 - 2012

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Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management 2011 -2012

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.


Manage in a range of (diverse) Social, Political and Economic Environment

Appreciate and understand the need to blend sound management principles with entrepreneurship and intuition to create and manage socially relevant organizations

Recognize and harness the potential of human resources and leverage them to create a competitive organization

Understand, develop and modify the well known tools and techniques of management to address issues relevant to managing growth in new and emerging markets with focus on accomplishing inclusive growth in the larger social context

Learn and appreciate the power of leadership, creativity and innovation in building globally competitive organization

Balance conflicting demands between wealth creation, being socially relevant and corporate citizenship

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

Library IIM Indore has one of the best Information Technology enabled libraries in India. The lib rary h as a ri ch c ollection of b ooks, p rint journals a nd e -journals. Educational v ideos f rom B BC, Har vard, I NSEAD, S tanford Business S chool a nd other leading institutions are part of the library collection. The electronic library makes a vailable, Prowess, Capex etc. The L ibrary h as a co llection o f over 1 5,000 bo oks i n ma nagement a nd r elated subjects. In addition, technical and reference books are also available in electronic form. The Library subscribes to 4 25 pr int journals (350 International a nd 7 5 Indian) relevant a nd us eful t o t he a cademic a nd r esearch ne eds o f t he a cademic community. Over 1000 e-journals are & Francis. a vailable in full-text through reputed publishers such as Blackwell, John Wiley, Sage, ACM, Elsevier, Kluwer, and Taylor on th e in stitute's n etwork, s tatistical d ata o n C Ds, encyclopaedias, C omputer B ased Trainings a nd E lectronic d atabases su ch as

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

Information Technology IIM In dore h as a w orld cl ass, state-of-the-art technology meet the tools information designed of to and the

computing needs


Institute. It has a fast and reliable network o f mo re t han 1 500 nodes. This Network connects the academic departments and hostel blocks through a fiber optic backbone. Hostel and Student Facilities The campus has seven hostel blocks, one FPM block and a Management Development Center for the residence of participants. Mess facilities are operational from 7.30 am to 9.30 pm and the night canteen caters to participants needs beyond the normal hours. There is an in-house dispensary, a post office counter, a store and an extension counter of the State Bank of Indore that make the campus self-sufficient. The state o f t he a rt g ymnasium and facilities f or c ricket, ta ble te nnis, badminton, ba sketball, volleyball and i ndoor ga mes provide f or a llr o u nd de ve lo p me n t of t he participants.

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

EXECUTIVE POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME IN MANAGEMENT (EPGP) Introduction The E xecutive Post G raduate Pr ogramme i n Ma nagement (EPGP) is an intensive o ne-year residential program exemplifying the academic rigor and progressive thinking at IIM Indore. Specially designed to enhance knowledge, skills and c apabilities e ssential f or ma naging a nd leading organizations, the programme combines skill-building with exploration of good management practices. The exposure to new perspectives, contemporary theories and approaches in management lends focus to leading in turbulent times. In addition to a comprehensive functional core module, the electives provide opportunities to specialize in Strategy, Leadership, and International Business. Eligibility The Candidate must have i) ii) iii) A Bachelors Degree or its equivalent in any discipline. A valid CAT /GMAT score * Minimum 5 years of managerial/ entrepreneurial/ professional experience

after graduation. * Scores obtained in CAT 2010 or GMAT between 1st Jan 2008 and 31st March 2011 only will be considered. An eligibility criterion is necessary condition. It may not ensure selection to the programme. The selection process is comprehensive and is based on the candidates ability to gain maximum advantage from the programme. The programme is open to all nationalities. Candidates from outside India, who have been selected for the programme need a Visa /permission from Government of India for residence in India covering the duration of the programme. The application processing fee is Rs. 3500/- for resident Indians and U.S.$110 for others. Please enclose a D/D for the application processing fee drawn in favour of IIM Indore payable at Indore along with the application.

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

Programme details The one year programme is residential and the participants will be provided accommodation. The E PGP i s s tructured t o pr epare e xecutives f or t ransformational l eadership positions. D uring the i ntense o ne-year p rogramme, th ey w ill w ork to wards developing a deeper understanding of various facets of management and hone their managerial skills. The programme is spread over five terms. The first two terms (with a number of core courses) f ocus o n l aying t he foundation f or t he specialization through a bu ndle o f e lectives offered in th e o ther te rms. A n international module provides an opportunity understanding to of develop the an


business environment and the ability to operate in a multicultural environment. Team Work and Leadership Strong emphasis is laid on

teamwork w hile s eeking s olutions. This helps i n de veloping l eadership qualities a nd the ability to w ork effectively in teams.

Creativity and Innovation The programme is designed to help participants realize their potential with emphasis on creativity and innovation.

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

Programme Delivery The programme is delivered using a mix of pedagogical tools like lecture, case studies, s imulations, r ole-plays, pr ojects, a nd c ourses o f i ndependent s tudies. Learning from the class discussions, analysis of a large number of case studies and projects carried out in various courses, the participants are prepared for business challenges they will meet at their workplace. Programme fee The programme fee is Rs. 18,00,000/- (Rupees Eighteen Lakhs only) for Indian Nationals (Indian passport holders) and US $45,000 (U.S.D forty five thousand only) f or F oreign N ationals ( Foreign p assport h olders). T he f ee is n onrefundable. The fee includes tuition, course material, access to library facilities, network /computer charges, lodging and board (at Indore) and academic input (International). For the International Module all expenses towards travel, v isa, passport, boarding, l odging e tc. a re to be bo rne by Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only). Applying for the programme The application form can be downloaded from the institute website www.iimidr.ac.in. a) b) c) Please use Black or Blue ballpoint pen for filling the form. Please use capital letters wherever it is mentioned, particularly for names and address. While filling in details of the academic records, fill in year wise marks /GPA obtained. In case space is not provided for filling in year wise details, give details of the total marks /marks obtained/ percentage /GPA etc for all the subjects for all the years. d) e) Affix a recent colour photograph in the space provided. The f ollowing s elf a ttested documents must be s ent a long w ith t he application form i) ii) Photocopy of CAT 2010 score card or GMAT Score card (obtained between 1st Jan 2008 and 31st March 2011) Photocopies of your 10th, secondary school leaving certificate, degree certificate, diploma certificates, post graduate the c andidates. T he tentative c ost t owards bo arding a nd l odging a t Pi ttsburg i s a pproximately

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

certificates, m arks cards an d o ther ce rtificates i n su pport o f your candidature as mentioned in your application form.

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

iii) iv) v) vi) Photocopies of certificate in support of your work experience /entrepreneurial experience /professional experience. Photocopies of your medical certificate. Photocopies of certificates in support of achievements if any. Photocopies of your passport if not a resident Indian. (In case this is not readily available, it should be produced at the time of interview). f) The completed application form with the enclosures and demand draft for the a pplication pr ocessing f ee s hould r each E PGP Admissions, I ndian Institute of Management Indore, Prabandh Shikhar, Rau Pithampur Road, Indore 453 331, (M.P.), India on or before 16th May 2011. Selection Process Interview: I nterview o f s hort lis ted c andidates w ill b e c onducted a t various locations depending on the number of candidates from that region. a) Please indicate the preference of the interview centre in the form. Write 1 against the centre which is your first choice and 2 against the centre which is your second choice and so on. Please note that the institute may change /drop any centre depending on the number of candidates from the area and you should indicate your order of preference for all the places indicated in the application form. b) Short-listing of candidates for interview will be done based on a number of criteria like CAT /GMAT score, Academic performance, work experience etc as decided by the admissions committee. Selection & registering for the programme: Candidates will be selected based on CAT /GMAT score, academic performance, achievements, performance in the interview, work experience etc as decided by the admissions committee. Selected c andidates a re r equired t o confirm t heir a cceptance a nd pay the programme fees as follows: a) Non-refundable amount o f R s. 100, 000/- (USD 5 000 f or in ternational participants) along with their letter of acceptance on receipt of our selection letter. Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

b) The balance of Rs. 17,00,000/- (USD 40,000 for international candidates) at the time of registration. The candidates will be required to register for the programme by the date specified in their selection letter. For the international module, the participant will require a valid passport. Placement The Institutes placement cell will provide assistance, help, and guidance for the placement of the EPGP participants.

In all matters related to EPGP, the decision of the committee for EPGP will be final.

For clarifications/enquiries contact: Officer Executive Education Indian Institute of Management Indore Prabandh Shikhar, Rau Pithampur Road, Indore 453 331, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA Phone: 91-731-2439672 Email: epgpoffice@iimidr.ac.in

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.


The n etwork you build dur ing t he y ear i s t he greatest value a ddition f rom a ma nagement programme. A business school like IIM, Indore has a great network of faculty, students and industry veterans across the sphere. With frequent ta lks from I ndustry l eaders c onducted a t c ampus, w e get a c hance t o me et t hem a nd learn f rom t heir
Saravanan Logu

experiences. M oreover t he pe ers I a m s tudying with are of immense potential, and in all likelihood will be industry leaders in the years to come.

One year. That says it all for me. After some years of w ork, i ts easy to g et c omfortable a nd lim it yourself by s elf-drawn bo undaries. T he o ne year MBA gives professionals like me a chance to dare and create oneself anew, without the opportunity cost associated with a two year MBA. Its one year to redefine yourself, expand your horizon and open
Shikhar Mohan

doors t o myriad n ew r oles an d careers. A nd IIM Indore was sp ecially at tractive - here was a o ne year p rogramme w ith a ll the r igor o f a tw o y ear MBA, b acked by a f aculty t hats be en k nown t o create some of the brightest minds in management. I recommend the One Year MBA at IIM Indore to everyone its one year that will change your life.

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

While pursuing medicine in rich academic rigor of PGI Rohtak, I r ealized th at I wanted to d o something more challenging, which would broaden my horizons. After my MBBS, I opted for a career in the Indian Army. T he contentment and selfsatisfaction w hich 5-years o f A rmy s ervice g ave me was unpa rallel to a ll th e a chievements in my
Maj (Dr) Pankaj Kumar








management experience of 8 years in Indian Army and c orporate s ectors, I f elt th e n eed f or f ormal education i n ma nagement. With t he r ight s et o f core-courses an d a m ajor ar ea o f co ncentration like F inance, s trategy a nd i nternational bus iness, which e nable e xecutives to ta ke o n bi gger a nd more c hallenging roles, the E PGP p rogram i s rightly e quipped with a ction-learning p rojects, industry i nterface a nd i nternational i mmersion module.

My e ducation a nd w ork e xperience i n t he developed e conomy o f U nites Sta tes h elped m e realize why a developing country like India will be in the spotlight for a foreseeable future. So, to be part of India's growth story and to help re-launch my career in India, I chose IIM Indore's one year, full time p rogram o ver o ther in ternational a nd
Vivek Edlabadkar

Indian s chools due to w ell r ecognized IIM b rand and small class size.

Driven by global ambition and powered by innovative leadership.

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