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8A: CROP PROTECTION/CARE MACHINERY stem is not injured by a short exposure to

intense heat.
Crop Protection
○ Mechanical control – the use of tools,
● caring for crops to protect the plants from any implements, and machines to reduce or
pests or disease infestations to get maximum eliminate weeds and insects such as in
yield. land preparation, cultivation, and weeding.
● process of providing plants with the conditions
that will make them free of weeds, pests, and Chemical Control
diseases. ● Importance of Chemical Control
● Weeds are plants that grow side by side with ○ Chemical control is important and
the main crops. They are considered significant to minimize if not totally
unwanted plants since they are a nuisance to eradicate crop diseases, insects, and
the growth of crops. weeds to avoid crop losses
● On the other hand, pests could either be ○ e.g. 104 million tons of grains were saved
plants, animals, or viruses that are detrimental in 2015 in China (Songchao,2015)
not only to crops but also to humans. ○ The controlled area was recorded to more
● In the phenological stages of a crop, the than 80 million mu in China in 2015 The
growing stage between planting and flowering world consumption of around 3.5 million
constitutes the longest stay of crops in the tons of pesticide was estimated for 2020.
field. This is also the most vulnerable period ○ There is a need for efficient, precise
for the crop to get diseases. application technology and machinery.
● Weeds compete with the crops for ● Status of Agricultural Plant Protection
○ available light Machinery
○ moisture
○ space
○ nutrients
○ if left uncontrolled pests and diseases can
multiply above the economic threshold
● Methods of Controlling Pests
○ Cultural control – this is the application
and management of pests by manipulating
○ The pesticide development trend:
the environment or implementing
✓ Pesticides are grouped according to
preventive practices such as using plants
the types of pests they can eradicate:
that are resistant to pests, proper timing of
■ Insecticides - insects
planting, and crop rotation.
■ Herbicides - plants
○ Ecological control – this involves the
■ Rodenticides - rodents (rats and mice)
changing of the crop and the pests’
■ Molluscicide - (Mollusk)
environment that favors the survival of the
■ Bactericides - bacteria
crop such as flooding to kill insects and
■ Fungicides - fungi
■ Larvicides - larvae
○ Biological control – this is the introduction
✓ Production amount decreases
of certain insects which feed on pests,
✓ Broad-spectrum:
application of chemosterilants to render
■ Sprayers - used to eliminate a variety
the male sterile, or planting of certain
of insects/ pests and diseases
plants whose odor drives pests away.
including those beneficial to the
○ Physiological control – this is the breeding
and planting of pest-resistant varieties.
■ Broad-spectrum pesticides. Eliminates
○ Chemical control – it involves the
pests and diseases including
application of chemicals to control weeds,
beneficial insects/plants aside from the
pests, and diseases.
target pests.
○ Flame control – the use of flame for the
✓ High efficiency
selective burning of weeds in crops whose
✓ Low toxicity &residual
○ The pesticide development trend: ○ Methods of Control
✓ improve the rate of pesticide utilization ■ Agricultural science and technology:
✓ high control effect Improving the cultivation and farming
✓ reduce the amount of chemicals that system, pests and diseases are
may contribute to pollution to the controlled through managing the
environment, food, and water. farmland by water conservation and
○ The machinery trend : farming techniques. Effective, safe,
✓ intelligent target sprayer, and economical, but often dependent
✓ electrostatic sprayer, on the time, location, and seasonal
✓ recycling sprayer, restrictions.
✓ wind assisted sprayer, ■ Biological control:
✓ aerial(UAV) plant protection. Beneficial microorganisms are used to
● Summary of Agricultural Plant Protection eliminate or suppress the occurrence
Machinery of pests and diseases. No pollution, no
○ Development of Agriculture harm to humans and animals, no
■ Primitive agriculture: simple farming effect on the plant. Effects the area
with rough stone, and clubs as the greatly influenced by environmental
tools, the initial stage of farming. conditions
■ Traditional agriculture: use of manual, ■ Physical control:
animal, hand tools, and iron tools, Use of temperature, ray, and other
using the history of inherited farming physical factors. Seeding & soil heat
methods, cultural practices, and treatment & radiation treatments.
technology. Low energy consumption Effective, but the operations are
and low pollution. usually complex. Good values for no
■ Modern agriculture: use of machinery, environmental pollution.
fertilizer, fuel, electricity, pesticides, ■ Chemical control:
and other industrial auxiliaries. Use of Use chemical pesticides to control
modern technology, management pests and diseases. Stable and rarely
theory, and operation methods for subject to geographical and seasonal
maximum production efficiency. restrictions. Mechanized spraying can
■ Ecological agriculture: based on be used to improve operational
ecology and natural laws, under the efficiency and the ability to cope with
premise of protecting and improving sudden change, and can be applied in
the ecological environment, using large areas of pests and diseases.
systematic engineering methods and Less pollution risk if used properly.
modern and advanced technologies Chemical control is still the main
○ Application of Technology Development method of crop protection commonly
■ Natural > Large capacity control > practiced worldwide. Applying
Sustainable control > Pollution-free chemical pesticides using machinery is
control to improve the efficiency and
○ Machinery Development effectiveness of spraying operations.
Advanced technology and machinery
could improve the control effect,
efficiency of application, and reduce
the residue and pollution

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