HSC Module 7 Questions

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Syllabus NESA Questions

Extended Response Work

2015 HSC

- Should be writing about 12 lines
- Might be useful to include a diagram (not necessary)
1. Clearly state the components of Maxwell’s theories that Hertz would prove
2. Outline and explain Hertz’ experiment
3. Relate the results of Hertz’ experiment to Maxwell’s theory

Rough (mental) plan:

- Model of oscillating magnetic/electric field  brass ball experiment  a spark
across the balls generated a spark across the receiver  showed that an
electromagnetic wave was created through the oscillating fields

- Speed of light  standing waves production  c=fy  3x10^8, coincided with the
speed of EM radiation

Sindy’s Answer:
Hertz performed a series of experiments that were designed to demonstrate the existence
of electromagnetic waves, and that the speed of these waves was the speed of light, as
proposed by Maxwell.

Hertz’s experiment involved using a high voltage source to produce a spark between two
brass balls and a detector formed from a loop of wire with a small gap. Radio waves
produced by the spark were detected when a tiny spark was inducted across the gap in the
detector. This showed that an electromagnetic wave was created through the oscillating
electric and magnetic fields, and validated Maxwell’s model of electromagnetic waves.

Further, Hertz set up a standing wave between metal plates, using an interference pattern
to determine their wavelength. Using the predetermined voltage source and measuring the
wavelength, he used the wave equation v=fλ to determine the speed. The value obtained
was the speed of light, which validated Maxwell’s prediction of the speed being 3x10^8m.
coinciding with the speed of EM radiation and showing that light was a form of EM

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